Theory Representation
theory Representation
imports Stone_Relation_Algebras.Matrix_Relation_Algebras
section ‹Representation of Stone Relation Algebras›
text ‹
We show that Stone relation algebras can be represented by matrices if we assume a point axiom.
The matrix indices and entries and the point axiom are based on the concepts of ideals and ideal-points.
We start with general results about sets and finite suprema.
lemma finite_ne_subset_induct' [consumes 3, case_names singleton insert]:
assumes "finite F"
and "F ≠ {}"
and "F ⊆ S"
and singleton: "⋀x . x ∈ S ⟹ P {x}"
and insert: "⋀x F . finite F ⟹ F ≠ {} ⟹ F ⊆ S ⟹ x ∈ S ⟹ x ∉ F ⟹ P F ⟹ P (insert x F)"
shows "P F"
using assms(1-3)
apply (induct rule: finite_ne_induct)
apply (simp add: singleton)
by (simp add: insert)
context order_bot
abbreviation atom :: "'a ⇒ bool"
where "atom x ≡ x ≠ bot ∧ (∀y . y ≠ bot ∧ y ≤ x ⟶ y = x)"
context semilattice_sup
lemma nested_sup_fin:
assumes "finite X"
and "X ≠ {}"
and "finite Y"
and "Y ≠ {}"
shows "Sup_fin { Sup_fin { f x y | x . x ∈ X } | y . y ∈ Y } = Sup_fin { f x y | x y . x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y }"
proof (rule order.antisym)
have 1: "finite { f x y | x y . x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y }"
proof -
have "finite (X × Y)"
by (simp add: assms(1,3))
hence "finite { f (fst z) (snd z) | z . z ∈ X × Y }"
by (metis (mono_tags) Collect_mem_eq finite_image_set)
thus ?thesis
by auto
show "Sup_fin { Sup_fin { f x y | x . x ∈ X } | y . y ∈ Y } ≤ Sup_fin { f x y | x y . x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y }"
apply (rule Sup_fin.boundedI)
subgoal by (simp add: assms(3))
subgoal using assms(4) by blast
subgoal for a
proof -
assume "a ∈ { Sup_fin { f x y | x . x ∈ X } | y . y ∈ Y }"
from this obtain y where 2: "y ∈ Y ∧ a = Sup_fin { f x y | x . x ∈ X }"
by auto
have "Sup_fin { f x y | x . x ∈ X } ≤ Sup_fin { f x y | x y . x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y }"
apply (rule Sup_fin.boundedI)
subgoal by (simp add: assms(1))
subgoal using assms(2) by blast
subgoal using Sup_fin.coboundedI 1 2 by blast
thus ?thesis
using 2 by simp
show "Sup_fin { f x y | x y . x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y } ≤ Sup_fin { Sup_fin { f x y | x . x ∈ X } | y . y ∈ Y }"
apply (rule Sup_fin.boundedI)
subgoal using 1 by simp
subgoal using assms(2,4) by blast
subgoal for a
proof -
assume "a ∈ { f x y | x y . x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y }"
from this obtain x y where 3: "x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y ∧ a = f x y"
by auto
have "a ≤ Sup_fin { f x y | x . x ∈ X }"
apply (rule Sup_fin.coboundedI)
apply (simp add: assms(1))
using 3 by blast
also have "... ≤ Sup_fin { Sup_fin { f x y | x . x ∈ X } | y . y ∈ Y }"
apply (rule Sup_fin.coboundedI)
apply (simp add: assms(3))
using 3 by blast
finally show "a ≤ Sup_fin { Sup_fin { f x y | x . x ∈ X } | y . y ∈ Y }"
context bounded_semilattice_sup_bot
lemma one_point_sup_fin:
assumes "finite X"
and "y ∈ X"
shows "Sup_fin { (if x = y then f x else bot) | x . x ∈ X } = f y"
proof (rule order.antisym)
show "Sup_fin { (if x = y then f x else bot) | x . x ∈ X } ≤ f y"
apply (rule Sup_fin.boundedI)
apply (simp add: assms(1))
using assms(2) apply blast
by auto
show "f y ≤ Sup_fin { (if x = y then f x else bot) | x . x ∈ X }"
apply (rule Sup_fin.coboundedI)
using assms by auto
subsection ‹Ideals and Ideal-Points›
text ‹
We study ideals in Stone relation algebras, which are elements that are both a vector and a covector.
We include general results about Stone relation algebras.
context times_top
abbreviation ideal :: "'a ⇒ bool" where "ideal x ≡ vector x ∧ covector x"
context bounded_non_associative_left_semiring
lemma ideal_fixpoint:
"ideal x ⟷ top * x * top = x"
by (metis order.antisym top_left_mult_increasing top_right_mult_increasing)
lemma ideal_top_closed:
"ideal top"
by simp
context bounded_idempotent_left_semiring
lemma ideal_mult_closed:
"ideal x ⟹ ideal y ⟹ ideal (x * y)"
by (metis mult_assoc)
context bounded_idempotent_left_zero_semiring
lemma ideal_sup_closed:
"ideal x ⟹ ideal y ⟹ ideal (x ⊔ y)"
by (simp add: covector_sup_closed vector_sup_closed)
context idempotent_semiring
lemma sup_fin_sum:
fixes f :: "'b::finite ⇒ 'a"
shows "Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ UNIV } = (⨆⇩x f x)"
proof (rule order.antisym)
show "Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ UNIV } ≤ (⨆⇩x f x)"
apply (rule Sup_fin.boundedI)
apply (metis (mono_tags) finite finite_image_set)
apply blast
using ub_sum by auto
show "(⨆⇩x f x) ≤ Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ UNIV }"
apply (rule lub_sum, rule allI)
apply (rule Sup_fin.coboundedI)
apply (metis (mono_tags) finite finite_image_set)
by auto
context stone_relation_algebra
lemma dedekind_univalent:
assumes "univalent y"
shows "x * y ⊓ z = (x ⊓ z * y⇧T) * y"
proof (rule order.antisym)
show "x * y ⊓ z ≤ (x ⊓ z * y⇧T) * y"
by (simp add: dedekind_2)
have "(x ⊓ z * y⇧T) * y ≤ x * y ⊓ z * y⇧T * y"
using comp_left_subdist_inf by auto
also have "... ≤ x * y ⊓ z"
by (metis assms comp_associative comp_inf.mult_right_isotone comp_right_one mult_right_isotone)
finally show "(x ⊓ z * y⇧T) * y ≤ x * y ⊓ z"
lemma dedekind_injective:
assumes "injective x"
shows "x * y ⊓ z = x * (y ⊓ x⇧T * z)"
proof (rule order.antisym)
show "x * y ⊓ z ≤ x * (y ⊓ x⇧T * z)"
by (simp add: dedekind_1)
have "x * (y ⊓ x⇧T * z) ≤ x * y ⊓ x * x⇧T * z"
using comp_associative comp_right_subdist_inf by auto
also have "... ≤ x * y ⊓ z"
by (metis assms coreflexive_comp_top_inf inf.boundedE inf.boundedI inf.cobounded2 inf_le1)
finally show "x * (y ⊓ x⇧T * z) ≤ x * y ⊓ z"
lemma domain_vector_conv:
"1 ⊓ x * top = 1 ⊓ x * x⇧T"
by (metis comp_right_one dedekind_eq ex231a inf.sup_monoid.add_commute inf_top.right_neutral total_conv_surjective vector_conv_covector vector_top_closed)
lemma domain_vector_covector:
"1 ⊓ x * top = 1 ⊓ top * x⇧T"
by (metis conv_dist_comp one_inf_conv symmetric_top_closed)
lemma domain_covector_conv:
"1 ⊓ top * x⇧T = 1 ⊓ x * x⇧T"
using domain_vector_conv domain_vector_covector by auto
lemma ideal_bot_closed:
"ideal bot"
by simp
lemma ideal_inf_closed:
"ideal x ⟹ ideal y ⟹ ideal (x ⊓ y)"
by (simp add: covector_comp_inf vector_inf_comp)
lemma ideal_conv_closed:
"ideal x ⟹ ideal (x⇧T)"
using covector_conv_vector vector_conv_covector by blast
lemma ideal_complement_closed:
"ideal x ⟹ ideal (-x)"
by (simp add: covector_complement_closed vector_complement_closed)
lemma ideal_conv_id:
"ideal x ⟹ x = x⇧T"
by (metis covector_comp_inf_1 inf.sup_monoid.add_commute inf_top.right_neutral mult_left_one vector_inf_comp)
lemma ideal_mult_inf:
"ideal x ⟹ ideal y ⟹ x * y = x ⊓ y"
by (metis inf_top_right vector_inf_comp)
lemma ideal_mult_import:
"ideal x ⟹ y * z ⊓ x = (y ⊓ x) * (z ⊓ x)"
using covector_comp_inf inf.sup_monoid.add_commute vector_inf_comp by auto
lemma point_meet_one:
"point x ⟹ x * x⇧T = x ⊓ 1"
by (metis domain_vector_conv inf.absorb2 inf.sup_monoid.add_commute)
lemma below_point_eq_domain:
"point x ⟹ y ≤ x ⟹ y = x * x⇧T * y"
by (metis inf.absorb2 vector_export_comp_unit point_meet_one)
lemma covector_mult_vector_ideal:
"vector x ⟹ vector z ⟹ ideal (x⇧T * y * z)"
by (metis comp_associative vector_conv_covector)
abbreviation ideal_point :: "'a ⇒ bool" where "ideal_point x ≡ point x ∧ (∀y z . point y ∧ ideal z ∧ z ≠ bot ∧ y * z ≤ x ⟶ y ≤ x)"
lemma different_ideal_points_disjoint:
assumes "ideal_point p"
and "ideal_point q"
and "p ≠ q"
shows "p ⊓ q = bot"
proof (rule ccontr)
let ?r = "p⇧T * (p ⊓ q)"
assume 1: "p ⊓ q ≠ bot"
have 2: "p ⊓ q = p * ?r"
by (metis assms(1) comp_associative inf.left_idem vector_export_comp_unit point_meet_one)
have "ideal ?r"
by (meson assms(1,2) covector_mult_closed vector_conv_covector vector_inf_closed vector_mult_closed)
hence "p ≤ q"
using 1 2 by (metis assms(1,2) inf_le2 semiring.mult_not_zero)
thus "False"
by (metis assms dual_order.eq_iff epm_3)
lemma points_disjoint_iff:
assumes "vector x"
shows "x ⊓ y = bot ⟷ x⇧T * y = bot"
by (metis assms inf_top_right schroeder_1)
lemma different_ideal_points_disjoint_2:
assumes "ideal_point p"
and "ideal_point q"
and "p ≠ q"
shows "p⇧T * q = bot"
using assms different_ideal_points_disjoint points_disjoint_iff by blast
lemma mult_right_dist_sup_fin:
assumes "finite X"
and "X ≠ {}"
shows "Sup_fin { f x | x::'b . x ∈ X } * y = Sup_fin { f x * y | x . x ∈ X }"
proof (rule finite_ne_induct[where F="X"])
show "finite X"
using assms(1) by simp
show "X ≠ {}"
using assms(2) by simp
show "⋀z . Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ {z} } * y = Sup_fin { f x * y | x . x ∈ {z} }"
by auto
fix z F
assume 1: "finite F" "F ≠ {}" "z ∉ F" "Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F } * y = Sup_fin { f x * y | x . x ∈ F }"
have "{ f x | x . x ∈ insert z F } = insert (f z) { f x | x . x ∈ F }"
by auto
hence "Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ insert z F } * y = (f z ⊔ Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F }) * y"
using Sup_fin.insert 1 by auto
also have "... = f z * y ⊔ Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F } * y"
using mult_right_dist_sup by blast
also have "... = f z * y ⊔ Sup_fin { f x * y | x . x ∈ F }"
using 1 by simp
also have "... = Sup_fin (insert (f z * y) { f x * y | x . x ∈ F })"
using 1 by auto
also have "... = Sup_fin { f x * y | x . x ∈ insert z F }"
by (rule arg_cong[where f = "Sup_fin"], auto)
finally show "Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ insert z F } * y = Sup_fin { f x * y | x . x ∈ insert z F }"
lemma mult_left_dist_sup_fin:
assumes "finite X"
and "X ≠ {}"
shows "y * Sup_fin { f x | x::'b . x ∈ X } = Sup_fin { y * f x | x . x ∈ X }"
proof (rule finite_ne_induct[where F="X"])
show "finite X"
using assms(1) by simp
show "X ≠ {}"
using assms(2) by simp
show "⋀z . y * Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ {z} } = Sup_fin { y * f x | x . x ∈ {z} }"
by auto
fix z F
assume 1: "finite F" "F ≠ {}" "z ∉ F" "y * Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F } = Sup_fin { y * f x | x . x ∈ F }"
have "{ f x | x . x ∈ insert z F } = insert (f z) { f x | x . x ∈ F }"
by auto
hence "y * Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ insert z F } = y * (f z ⊔ Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F })"
using Sup_fin.insert 1 by auto
also have "... = y * f z ⊔ y * Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F }"
using mult_left_dist_sup by blast
also have "... = y * f z ⊔ Sup_fin { y * f x | x . x ∈ F }"
using 1 by simp
also have "... = Sup_fin (insert (y * f z) { y * f x | x . x ∈ F })"
using 1 by auto
also have "... = Sup_fin { y * f x | x . x ∈ insert z F }"
by (rule arg_cong[where f = "Sup_fin"], auto)
finally show "y * Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ insert z F } = Sup_fin { y * f x | x . x ∈ insert z F }"
lemma inf_left_dist_sup_fin:
assumes "finite X"
and "X ≠ {}"
shows "y ⊓ Sup_fin { f x | x::'b . x ∈ X } = Sup_fin { y ⊓ f x | x . x ∈ X }"
proof (rule finite_ne_induct[where F="X"])
show "finite X"
using assms(1) by simp
show "X ≠ {}"
using assms(2) by simp
show "⋀z . y ⊓ Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ {z} } = Sup_fin { y ⊓ f x | x . x ∈ {z} }"
by auto
fix z F
assume 1: "finite F" "F ≠ {}" "z ∉ F" "y ⊓ Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F } = Sup_fin { y ⊓ f x | x . x ∈ F }"
have "{ f x | x . x ∈ insert z F } = insert (f z) { f x | x . x ∈ F }"
by auto
hence "y ⊓ Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ insert z F } = y ⊓ (f z ⊔ Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F })"
using Sup_fin.insert 1 by auto
also have "... = (y ⊓ f z) ⊔ (y ⊓ Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F })"
using inf_sup_distrib1 by auto
also have "... = (y ⊓ f z) ⊔ Sup_fin { y ⊓ f x | x . x ∈ F }"
using 1 by simp
also have "... = Sup_fin (insert (y ⊓ f z) { y ⊓ f x | x . x ∈ F })"
using 1 by auto
also have "... = Sup_fin { y ⊓ f x | x . x ∈ insert z F }"
by (rule arg_cong[where f = "Sup_fin"], auto)
finally show "y ⊓ Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ insert z F } = Sup_fin { y ⊓ f x | x . x ∈ insert z F }"
lemma top_one_sup_fin_iff:
assumes "finite P"
and "P ≠ {}"
and "∀p∈P . point p"
shows "top = Sup_fin P ⟷ 1 = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T | p . p ∈ P }"
assume "top = Sup_fin P"
hence "1 = 1 ⊓ Sup_fin P"
using inf_top_right by auto
also have "... = Sup_fin { 1 ⊓ p | p . p ∈ P }"
using inf_Sup1_distrib assms(1,2) by simp
also have "... = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T | p . p ∈ P }"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) point_meet_one assms(3) inf.sup_monoid.add_commute)
finally show "1 = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T | p . p ∈ P }"
assume "1 = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T | p . p ∈ P }"
hence "top = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T | p . p ∈ P } * top"
using total_one_closed by auto
also have "... = Sup_fin { 1 ⊓ p | p . p ∈ P } * top"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) point_meet_one assms(3) inf.sup_monoid.add_commute)
also have "... = Sup_fin { (1 ⊓ p) * top | p . p ∈ P }"
using mult_right_dist_sup_fin assms(1,2) by auto
also have "... = Sup_fin { p | p . p ∈ P }"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms(3) inf.sup_monoid.add_commute inf_top.right_neutral vector_inf_one_comp)
finally show "top = Sup_fin P"
by simp
abbreviation ideals :: "'a set" where "ideals ≡ { x . ideal x }"
abbreviation ideal_points :: "'a set" where "ideal_points ≡ { x . ideal_point x }"
lemma surjective_vector_top:
"surjective x ⟹ vector x ⟹ x⇧T * x = top"
by (metis domain_vector_conv covector_inf_comp_3 ex231a inf.sup_monoid.add_commute inf_top.left_neutral vector_export_comp_unit)
lemma point_mult_top:
"point x ⟹ x⇧T * x = top"
using surjective_vector_top by blast
lemma point_below_equal:
"point p ⟹ point q ⟹ p ≤ q ⟹ p = q"
by (metis below_point_eq_domain comp_associative)
lemma ideal_point_without_ideal:
"ideal_point p ⟷ (point p ∧ (∀q . point q ⟶ q ≤ p ∨ q ≤ -p))"
assume 1: "ideal_point p"
have "∀q . point q ⟶ q ≤ p ∨ q ≤ -p"
proof (rule allI, rule impI)
fix q
assume 2: "point q"
hence 3: "ideal (q⇧T * p)"
using 1 by (metis comp_associative vector_conv_covector)
have "q * (q⇧T * p) ≤ p"
using 2 shunt_mapping surjective_conv_total by force
hence "q⇧T * p = bot ∨ q ≤ p"
using 1 2 3 by blast
thus "q ≤ p ∨ q ≤ -p"
using 2 by (metis bot_least schroeder_3_p)
thus "point p ∧ (∀q . point q ⟶ q ≤ p ∨ q ≤ -p)"
using 1 by blast
assume 4: "point p ∧ (∀q . point q ⟶ q ≤ p ∨ q ≤ -p)"
have "∀y z . point y ∧ ideal z ∧ z ≠ bot ∧ y * z ≤ p ⟶ y ≤ p"
proof (intro allI, rule impI)
fix y z
assume 5: "point y ∧ ideal z ∧ z ≠ bot ∧ y * z ≤ p"
show "y ≤ p"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ y ≤ p"
hence "y ≤ -p"
using 4 5 by blast
hence "y⇧T * p = bot"
using 5 points_disjoint_iff pseudo_complement by blast
thus False
using 5 bot_unique shunt_mapping surjective_conv_total by force
thus "ideal_point p"
using 4 by blast
lemma ideal_point_without_ideal_2:
"ideal_point p ⟷ (point p ∧ (∀q . point q ⟶ q = p ∨ q ≤ -p))"
by (smt (verit) ideal_point_without_ideal point_below_equal comp_associative mult_semi_associative)
lemma ideal_point_without_ideal_3:
"ideal_point p ⟷ (point p ∧ (∀q . point q ∧ q ≠ p ⟶ q ≤ -p))"
using ideal_point_without_ideal_2 by force
subsection ‹Point Axiom›
text ‹
The following class captures the point axiom for Stone relation algebras.
class stone_relation_algebra_pa = stone_relation_algebra +
assumes finite_ideal_points: "finite ideal_points"
assumes ne_ideal_points: "ideal_points ≠ {}"
assumes top_sup_ideal_points: "top = Sup_fin ideal_points"
lemma one_sup_ideal_points:
"1 = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T | p . ideal_point p }"
proof -
have "1 = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T | p . p ∈ ideal_points }"
using top_one_sup_fin_iff finite_ideal_points ne_ideal_points top_sup_ideal_points by blast
also have "... = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T | p . ideal_point p }"
by simp
finally show ?thesis
lemma ideal_point_rep_1:
"x = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T * x * q * q⇧T | p q . ideal_point p ∧ ideal_point q }"
proof -
let ?p = "{ p * p⇧T | p . p ∈ ideal_points }"
have "x = Sup_fin ?p * (x * Sup_fin ?p)"
using one_sup_ideal_points by auto
also have "... = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T * (x * Sup_fin ?p) | p . p ∈ ideal_points }"
apply (rule mult_right_dist_sup_fin)
using finite_ideal_points ne_ideal_points by simp_all
also have "... = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T * x * Sup_fin ?p | p . p ∈ ideal_points }"
using mult_assoc by simp
also have "... = Sup_fin { Sup_fin { p * p⇧T * x * q * q⇧T | q . q ∈ ideal_points } | p . p ∈ ideal_points }"
proof -
have "⋀p . p * p⇧T * x * Sup_fin ?p = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T * x * (q * q⇧T) | q . q ∈ ideal_points }"
apply (rule mult_left_dist_sup_fin)
using finite_ideal_points ne_ideal_points by simp_all
thus ?thesis
using mult_assoc by simp
also have "... = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T * x * q * q⇧T | q p . q ∈ ideal_points ∧ p ∈ ideal_points }"
apply (rule nested_sup_fin)
using finite_ideal_points ne_ideal_points by simp_all
also have "... = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T * x * q * q⇧T | p q . p ∈ ideal_points ∧ q ∈ ideal_points }"
by meson
also have "... = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T * x * q * q⇧T | p q . ideal_point p ∧ ideal_point q }"
by auto
finally show ?thesis
lemma atom_below_ideal_point:
assumes "atom a"
shows "∃p . ideal_point p ∧ a ≤ p"
proof -
have "a = a ⊓ Sup_fin { p | p . p ∈ ideal_points }"
using top_sup_ideal_points by auto
also have "... = Sup_fin { a ⊓ p | p . p ∈ ideal_points }"
apply (rule inf_left_dist_sup_fin)
using finite_ideal_points apply blast
using ne_ideal_points by blast
finally have 1: "Sup_fin { a ⊓ p | p . p ∈ ideal_points } ≠ bot"
using assms by auto
have "∃p∈ideal_points . a ⊓ p ≠ bot"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (∃p∈ideal_points . a ⊓ p ≠ bot)"
hence "∀p∈ideal_points . a ⊓ p = bot"
by auto
hence "{ a ⊓ p | p . p ∈ ideal_points } = { bot | p . p ∈ ideal_points }"
by auto
hence "Sup_fin { a ⊓ p | p . p ∈ ideal_points } = Sup_fin { bot | p . p ∈ ideal_points }"
by simp
also have "... ≤ bot"
apply (rule Sup_fin.boundedI)
apply (simp add: finite_ideal_points)
using ne_ideal_points apply simp
by blast
finally show "False"
using 1 le_bot by blast
from this obtain p where "p ∈ ideal_points ∧ a ⊓ p ≠ bot"
by auto
hence "ideal_point p ∧ a ≤ p"
using assms inf.absorb_iff1 inf_le1 by blast
thus ?thesis
by auto
lemma point_ideal_point_1:
assumes "point a"
shows "ideal_point a"
proof (cases "a = bot")
case True
thus ?thesis
using assms by fastforce
case False
have "a = a ⊓ Sup_fin { p | p . p ∈ ideal_points }"
using top_sup_ideal_points by auto
also have "... = Sup_fin { a ⊓ p | p . p ∈ ideal_points }"
apply (rule inf_left_dist_sup_fin)
using finite_ideal_points apply blast
using ne_ideal_points by blast
finally have 1: "Sup_fin { a ⊓ p | p . p ∈ ideal_points } ≠ bot"
using False by auto
have "∃p∈ideal_points . a ⊓ p ≠ bot"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (∃p∈ideal_points . a ⊓ p ≠ bot)"
hence "∀p∈ideal_points . a ⊓ p = bot"
by auto
hence "{ a ⊓ p | p . p ∈ ideal_points } = { bot | p . p ∈ ideal_points }"
by auto
hence "Sup_fin { a ⊓ p | p . p ∈ ideal_points } = Sup_fin { bot | p . p ∈ ideal_points }"
by simp
also have "... ≤ bot"
apply (rule Sup_fin.boundedI)
apply (simp add: finite_ideal_points)
using ne_ideal_points apply simp
by blast
finally show "False"
using 1 le_bot by blast
from this obtain p where 2: "p ∈ ideal_points ∧ a ⊓ p ≠ bot"
by auto
hence "a ≤ p ∨ a ≤ -p"
using assms ideal_point_without_ideal by auto
hence "a ≤ p"
using 2 pseudo_complement by blast
thus ?thesis
using 2 assms point_below_equal by blast
lemma point_ideal_point:
"point x ⟷ ideal_point x"
using point_ideal_point_1 by blast
subsection ‹Ideals, Ideal-Points and Matrices as Types›
text ‹
Stone relation algebras will be represented by matrices with ideal-points as entries and ideals as indices.
To define the type of such matrices, we first derive types for the set of ideals and ideal-points.
typedef (overloaded) 'a ideal = "ideals::'a::stone_relation_algebra_pa set"
using surjective_top_closed by blast
setup_lifting type_definition_ideal
instantiation ideal :: (stone_relation_algebra_pa) stone_algebra
lift_definition uminus_ideal :: "'a ideal ⇒ 'a ideal" is uminus
using ideal_complement_closed by blast
lift_definition inf_ideal :: "'a ideal ⇒ 'a ideal ⇒ 'a ideal" is inf
by (simp add: ideal_inf_closed)
lift_definition sup_ideal :: "'a ideal ⇒ 'a ideal ⇒ 'a ideal" is sup
by (simp add: ideal_sup_closed)
lift_definition bot_ideal :: "'a ideal" is bot
by (simp add: ideal_bot_closed)
lift_definition top_ideal :: "'a ideal" is top
by simp
lift_definition less_eq_ideal :: "'a ideal ⇒ 'a ideal ⇒ bool" is less_eq .
lift_definition less_ideal :: "'a ideal ⇒ 'a ideal ⇒ bool" is less .
apply intro_classes
subgoal apply transfer by (simp add: less_le_not_le)
subgoal apply transfer by simp
subgoal apply transfer by simp
subgoal apply transfer by simp
subgoal apply transfer by simp
subgoal apply transfer by simp
subgoal apply transfer by simp
subgoal apply transfer by simp
subgoal apply transfer by simp
subgoal apply transfer by simp
subgoal apply transfer by simp
subgoal apply transfer by simp
subgoal apply transfer by (simp add: sup_inf_distrib1)
subgoal apply transfer by (simp add: pseudo_complement)
subgoal apply transfer by simp
instantiation ideal :: (stone_relation_algebra_pa) stone_relation_algebra
lift_definition conv_ideal :: "'a ideal ⇒ 'a ideal" is id
by simp
lift_definition times_ideal :: "'a ideal ⇒ 'a ideal ⇒ 'a ideal" is inf
by (simp add: ideal_inf_closed)
lift_definition one_ideal :: "'a ideal" is top
by simp
apply intro_classes
apply (metis comp_inf.comp_associative inf_ideal_def times_ideal_def)
apply (metis inf_commute inf_ideal_def inf_sup_distrib1 times_ideal_def)
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) comp_inf.mult_left_zero inf_ideal_def times_ideal_def)
apply (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) comp_inf.mult_1_left inf_ideal_def one_ideal.abs_eq times_ideal_def top_ideal.abs_eq)
using Rep_ideal_inject conv_ideal.rep_eq apply fastforce
apply (metis (mono_tags) Rep_ideal_inverse conv_ideal.rep_eq)
apply (metis (mono_tags) Rep_ideal_inverse conv_ideal.rep_eq inf_commute inf_ideal_def times_ideal_def)
apply (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) Rep_ideal_inverse conv_ideal.rep_eq inf_ideal_def le_inf_iff order_refl times_ideal_def)
apply (metis inf_ideal_def p_dist_inf p_dist_sup times_ideal_def)
by (metis (mono_tags) one_ideal.abs_eq regular_closed_top top_ideal_def)
typedef (overloaded) 'a ideal_point = "ideal_points::'a::stone_relation_algebra_pa set"
using ne_ideal_points by blast
instantiation ideal_point :: (stone_relation_algebra_pa) finite
have "Abs_ideal_point ` ideal_points = UNIV"
using type_definition.Abs_image type_definition_ideal_point by blast
thus "finite (UNIV::'a ideal_point set)"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) finite_ideal_points finite_imageI)
type_synonym 'a ideal_matrix = "('a ideal_point,'a ideal) square"
interpretation ideal_matrix_stone_relation_algebra: stone_relation_algebra where sup = sup_matrix and inf = inf_matrix and less_eq = less_eq_matrix and less = less_matrix and bot = "bot_matrix::'a::stone_relation_algebra_pa ideal_matrix" and top = top_matrix and uminus = uminus_matrix and one = one_matrix and times = times_matrix and conv = conv_matrix
by (rule matrix_stone_relation_algebra.stone_relation_algebra_axioms)
lemma ideal_point_rep_2:
assumes "x = Sup_fin { Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p q . True }"
shows "f r s = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point r)⇧T * x * (Rep_ideal_point s))"
proof -
let ?r = "Rep_ideal_point r"
let ?s = "Rep_ideal_point s"
have "?r⇧T * x * ?s = ?r⇧T * Sup_fin { Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p q . True } * ?s"
using assms by simp
also have "... = ?r⇧T * Sup_fin { Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p q . p ∈ UNIV ∧ q ∈ UNIV } * ?s"
by simp
also have "... = ?r⇧T * Sup_fin { Sup_fin { Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p . p ∈ UNIV } | q . q ∈ UNIV } * ?s"
proof -
have "Sup_fin { Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p q . p ∈ UNIV ∧ q ∈ UNIV } = Sup_fin { Sup_fin { Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p . p ∈ UNIV } | q . q ∈ UNIV }"
by (rule nested_sup_fin[symmetric], simp_all)
thus ?thesis
by simp
also have "... = Sup_fin { Sup_fin { ?r⇧T * Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p . p ∈ UNIV } | q . q ∈ UNIV } * ?s"
proof -
have 1: "?r⇧T * Sup_fin { Sup_fin { Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p . p ∈ UNIV } | q . q ∈ UNIV } = Sup_fin { ?r⇧T * Sup_fin { Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p . p ∈ UNIV } | q . q ∈ UNIV }"
by (rule mult_left_dist_sup_fin, simp_all)
have 2: "⋀q . ?r⇧T * Sup_fin { Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p . p ∈ UNIV } = Sup_fin { ?r⇧T * (Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T) | p . p ∈ UNIV }"
by (rule mult_left_dist_sup_fin, simp_all)
have "⋀p q . ?r⇧T * (Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T) = ?r⇧T * Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T"
by (simp add: mult.assoc)
thus ?thesis
using 1 2 by simp
also have "... = Sup_fin { Sup_fin { ?r⇧T * Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * ?s | p . p ∈ UNIV } | q . q ∈ UNIV }"
proof -
have 3: "Sup_fin { Sup_fin { ?r⇧T * Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p . p ∈ UNIV } | q . q ∈ UNIV } * ?s = Sup_fin { Sup_fin { ?r⇧T * Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p . p ∈ UNIV } * ?s | q . q ∈ UNIV }"
by (rule mult_right_dist_sup_fin, simp_all)
have "⋀q . Sup_fin { ?r⇧T * Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p . p ∈ UNIV } * ?s = Sup_fin { ?r⇧T * Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * ?s | p . p ∈ UNIV }"
by (rule mult_right_dist_sup_fin, simp_all)
thus ?thesis
using 3 by simp
also have "... = Sup_fin { Sup_fin { if p = r then ?r⇧T * Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * ?s else bot | p . p ∈ UNIV } | q . q ∈ UNIV }"
proof -
have "⋀p . ?r⇧T * Rep_ideal_point p = (if p = r then ?r⇧T * Rep_ideal_point p else bot)"
proof -
fix p
show "?r⇧T * Rep_ideal_point p = (if p = r then ?r⇧T * Rep_ideal_point p else bot)"
proof (cases "p = r")
case True
thus ?thesis
by auto
case False
have "?r⇧T * Rep_ideal_point p = bot"
apply (rule different_ideal_points_disjoint_2)
using Rep_ideal_point apply blast
using Rep_ideal_point apply blast
using False by (simp add: Rep_ideal_point_inject)
thus ?thesis
using False by simp
hence "⋀p q . ?r⇧T * Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * ?s = (if p = r then ?r⇧T * Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f p q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * ?s else bot)"
by (metis semiring.mult_zero_left)
thus ?thesis
by simp
also have "... = Sup_fin { ?r⇧T * ?r * Rep_ideal (f r q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * ?s | q . q ∈ UNIV }"
by (subst one_point_sup_fin, simp_all)
also have "... = Sup_fin { if q = s then ?r⇧T * ?r * Rep_ideal (f r q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * ?s else bot | q . q ∈ UNIV }"
proof -
have "⋀q . (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * ?s = (if q = s then (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * ?s else bot)"
proof -
fix q
show "(Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * ?s = (if q = s then (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * ?s else bot)"
proof (cases "q = s")
case True
thus ?thesis
by auto
case False
have "(Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * ?s = bot"
apply (rule different_ideal_points_disjoint_2)
using Rep_ideal_point apply blast
using Rep_ideal_point apply blast
using False by (simp add: Rep_ideal_point_inject)
thus ?thesis
using False by simp
hence "⋀q . ?r⇧T * ?r * Rep_ideal (f r q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * ?s = (if q = s then ?r⇧T * ?r * Rep_ideal (f r q) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * ?s else bot)"
by (metis comp_associative mult_right_zero)
thus ?thesis
by simp
also have "... = ?r⇧T * ?r * Rep_ideal (f r s) * ?s⇧T * ?s"
by (subst one_point_sup_fin, simp_all)
also have "... = top * Rep_ideal (f r s) * top"
proof -
have "?r⇧T * ?r = top ∧ ?s⇧T * ?s = top"
using point_mult_top Rep_ideal_point by blast
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: mult.assoc)
also have "... = Rep_ideal (f r s)"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Rep_ideal mem_Collect_eq)
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: Rep_ideal_inverse)
subsection ‹Isomorphism›
text ‹
The following two functions comprise the isomorphism between Stone relation algebras and matrices.
We prove that they are inverses of each other and that the first one is a homomorphism.
definition sra_to_mat :: "'a::stone_relation_algebra_pa ⇒ 'a ideal_matrix"
where "sra_to_mat x ≡ λ(p,q) . Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q)"
definition mat_to_sra :: "'a::stone_relation_algebra_pa ideal_matrix ⇒ 'a"
where "mat_to_sra f ≡ Sup_fin { Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (f (p,q)) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p q . True }"
lemma sra_mat_sra:
"mat_to_sra (sra_to_mat x) = x"
proof -
have "mat_to_sra (sra_to_mat x) = Sup_fin { Rep_ideal_point p * Rep_ideal (Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q)) * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p q . True }"
by (unfold sra_to_mat_def mat_to_sra_def, simp)
also have "... = Sup_fin { Rep_ideal_point p * (Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p q . True }"
proof -
have "⋀p q . ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q)"
using Rep_ideal_point covector_mult_vector_ideal by force
hence "⋀p q . Rep_ideal (Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q)) = (Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q"
using Abs_ideal_inverse by blast
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: mult.assoc)
also have "... = Sup_fin { p * p⇧T * x * q * q⇧T | p q . ideal_point p ∧ ideal_point q }"
proof -
have "{ Rep_ideal_point p * (Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p q . True } = { p * p⇧T * x * q * q⇧T | p q . ideal_point p ∧ ideal_point q }"
proof (rule set_eqI)
fix z
show "z ∈ { Rep_ideal_point p * (Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p q . True } ⟷ z ∈ { p * p⇧T * x * q * q⇧T | p q . ideal_point p ∧ ideal_point q }"
assume "z ∈ { Rep_ideal_point p * (Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p q . True }"
from this obtain p q where "z = Rep_ideal_point p * (Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T"
by auto
thus "z ∈ { p * p⇧T * x * q * q⇧T | p q . ideal_point p ∧ ideal_point q }"
using Rep_ideal_point by blast
assume "z ∈ { p * p⇧T * x * q * q⇧T | p q . ideal_point p ∧ ideal_point q }"
from this obtain p q where 1: "ideal_point p ∧ ideal_point q ∧ z = p * p⇧T * x * q * q⇧T"
by auto
hence "Rep_ideal_point (Abs_ideal_point p) = p ∧ Rep_ideal_point (Abs_ideal_point q) = q"
using Abs_ideal_point_inverse by auto
thus "z ∈ { Rep_ideal_point p * (Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q * (Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T | p q . True }"
using 1 by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq)
thus ?thesis
by simp
also have "... = x"
by (rule ideal_point_rep_1[symmetric])
finally show ?thesis
lemma mat_sra_mat:
"sra_to_mat (mat_to_sra f) = f"
by (unfold sra_to_mat_def mat_to_sra_def, simp add: ideal_point_rep_2[symmetric])
lemma sra_to_mat_sup_homomorphism:
"sra_to_mat (x ⊔ y) = sra_to_mat x ⊔ sra_to_mat y"
proof (rule ext,unfold split_paired_all)
fix p q
have "sra_to_mat (x ⊔ y) (p,q) = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * (x ⊔ y) * Rep_ideal_point q)"
by (unfold sra_to_mat_def, simp)
also have "... = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q ⊔ (Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * y * Rep_ideal_point q)"
by (simp add: comp_right_dist_sup idempotent_left_zero_semiring_class.semiring.distrib_left)
also have "... = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q) ⊔ Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * y * Rep_ideal_point q)"
proof (rule sup_ideal.abs_eq[symmetric])
have 1: "⋀x . ideal_point (Rep_ideal_point x::'a)"
using Rep_ideal_point by blast
hence 2: "covector ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T)"
using vector_conv_covector by blast
thus "eq_onp ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q) ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q)"
using 1 by (simp add: comp_associative covector_mult_closed eq_onp_same_args)
show "eq_onp ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * y * Rep_ideal_point q) ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * y * Rep_ideal_point q)"
using 1 2 by (simp add: comp_associative covector_mult_closed eq_onp_same_args)
also have "... = sra_to_mat x (p,q) ⊔ sra_to_mat y (p,q)"
by (unfold sra_to_mat_def, simp)
finally show "sra_to_mat (x ⊔ y) (p,q) = (sra_to_mat x ⊔ sra_to_mat y) (p,q)"
by simp
lemma sra_to_mat_inf_homomorphism:
"sra_to_mat (x ⊓ y) = sra_to_mat x ⊓ sra_to_mat y"
proof (rule ext,unfold split_paired_all)
fix p q
have "sra_to_mat (x ⊓ y) (p,q) = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * (x ⊓ y) * Rep_ideal_point q)"
by (unfold sra_to_mat_def, simp)
also have "... = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q ⊓ (Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * y * Rep_ideal_point q)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Rep_ideal_point conv_involutive injective_comp_right_dist_inf mem_Collect_eq univalent_comp_left_dist_inf)
also have "... = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q) ⊓ Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * y * Rep_ideal_point q)"
proof (rule inf_ideal.abs_eq[symmetric])
have 1: "⋀x . ideal_point (Rep_ideal_point x::'a)"
using Rep_ideal_point by blast
hence 2: "covector ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T)"
using vector_conv_covector by blast
thus "eq_onp ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q) ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q)"
using 1 by (simp add: comp_associative covector_mult_closed eq_onp_same_args)
show "eq_onp ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * y * Rep_ideal_point q) ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * y * Rep_ideal_point q)"
using 1 2 by (simp add: comp_associative covector_mult_closed eq_onp_same_args)
also have "... = sra_to_mat x (p,q) ⊓ sra_to_mat y (p,q)"
by (unfold sra_to_mat_def, simp)
finally show "sra_to_mat (x ⊓ y) (p,q) = (sra_to_mat x ⊓ sra_to_mat y) (p,q)"
by simp
lemma sra_to_mat_conv_homomorphism:
"sra_to_mat (x⇧T) = (sra_to_mat x)⇧t"
proof (rule ext,unfold split_paired_all)
fix p q
have "sra_to_mat (x⇧T) (p,q) = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * (x⇧T) * Rep_ideal_point q)"
by (unfold sra_to_mat_def, simp)
also have "... = Abs_ideal (((Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T)"
by (simp add: conv_dist_comp mult.assoc)
also have "... = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point p)"
proof -
have "ideal_point (Rep_ideal_point p) ∧ ideal_point (Rep_ideal_point q)"
using Rep_ideal_point by blast
thus ?thesis
by (metis (full_types) covector_mult_vector_ideal ideal_conv_id)
also have "... = (Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point q)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point p))⇧T"
by (metis Rep_ideal_inject conv_ideal.rep_eq)
also have "... = (sra_to_mat x (q,p))⇧T"
by (unfold sra_to_mat_def, simp)
finally show "sra_to_mat (x⇧T) (p,q) = ((sra_to_mat x)⇧t) (p,q)"
by (simp add: conv_matrix_def)
lemma sra_to_mat_complement_homomorphism:
"sra_to_mat (-x) = -(sra_to_mat x)"
proof (rule ext,unfold split_paired_all)
fix p q
have "sra_to_mat (-x) (p,q) = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * -x * Rep_ideal_point q)"
by (unfold sra_to_mat_def, simp)
also have "... = Abs_ideal (-((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q))"
proof -
have 1: "(Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * -x = -((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x)"
using Rep_ideal_point comp_mapping_complement surjective_conv_total by force
have "-((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x) * Rep_ideal_point q = -((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q)"
using Rep_ideal_point comp_bijective_complement by blast
thus ?thesis
using 1 by simp
also have "... = -Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q)"
proof (rule uminus_ideal.abs_eq[symmetric])
have 1: "⋀x . ideal_point (Rep_ideal_point x::'a)"
using Rep_ideal_point by blast
hence "covector ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T)"
using vector_conv_covector by blast
thus "eq_onp ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q) ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point q)"
using 1 by (simp add: comp_associative covector_mult_closed eq_onp_same_args)
also have "... = -sra_to_mat x (p,q)"
by (unfold sra_to_mat_def, simp)
finally show "sra_to_mat (-x) (p,q) = (-sra_to_mat x) (p,q)"
by simp
lemma sra_to_mat_bot_homomorphism:
"sra_to_mat bot = bot"
proof (rule ext,unfold split_paired_all)
fix p q :: "'a ideal_point"
have "sra_to_mat bot (p,q) = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * bot * Rep_ideal_point q)"
by (unfold sra_to_mat_def, simp)
also have "... = bot"
by (simp add: bot_ideal.abs_eq)
finally show "sra_to_mat bot (p,q) = bot (p,q)"
by simp
lemma sra_to_mat_top_homomorphism:
"sra_to_mat top = top"
proof (rule ext,unfold split_paired_all)
fix p q :: "'a ideal_point"
have "sra_to_mat top (p,q) = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * top * Rep_ideal_point q)"
by (unfold sra_to_mat_def, simp)
also have "... = top"
proof -
have "⋀x . ideal_point (Rep_ideal_point x::'a)"
using Rep_ideal_point by blast
thus ?thesis
by (metis (full_types) conv_dist_comp symmetric_top_closed top_ideal.abs_eq)
finally show "sra_to_mat top (p,q) = top (p,q)"
by simp
lemma sra_to_mat_one_homomorphism:
"sra_to_mat 1 = one_matrix"
proof (rule ext,unfold split_paired_all)
fix p q :: "'a ideal_point"
have "sra_to_mat 1 (p,q) = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * Rep_ideal_point q)"
by (unfold sra_to_mat_def, simp)
also have "... = one_matrix (p,q)"
proof (cases "p = q")
case True
hence "(Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * Rep_ideal_point q = top"
using Rep_ideal_point point_mult_top by auto
hence "Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * Rep_ideal_point q) = Abs_ideal top"
by simp
also have "... = one_matrix (p,q)"
by (unfold one_matrix_def, simp add: True one_ideal_def)
finally show ?thesis
case False
have "(Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * Rep_ideal_point q = bot"
apply (rule different_ideal_points_disjoint_2)
using Rep_ideal_point apply blast
using Rep_ideal_point apply blast
by (simp add: False Rep_ideal_point_inject)
also have "... = one_matrix (p,q)"
by (unfold one_matrix_def, simp add: False)
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: False bot_ideal_def one_matrix_def)
finally show "sra_to_mat 1 (p,q) = one_matrix (p,q)"
by simp
lemma Abs_ideal_dist_sup_fin:
assumes "finite X"
and "X ≠ {}"
and "∀x∈X . ideal (f x)"
shows "Abs_ideal (Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ X }) = Sup_fin { Abs_ideal (f x) | x . x ∈ X }"
proof (rule finite_ne_subset_induct'[where F="X"])
show "finite X"
using assms(1) by simp
show "X ≠ {}"
using assms(2) by simp
show "X ⊆ X"
by simp
fix y
assume 1: "y ∈ X"
thus "Abs_ideal (Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ {y} }) = Sup_fin { Abs_ideal (f x) | x . x ∈ {y} }"
by auto
fix F
assume 2: "finite F" "F ≠ {}" "F ⊆ X" "y ∉ F" "Abs_ideal (Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F }) = Sup_fin { Abs_ideal (f x) | x . x ∈ F }"
have "Abs_ideal (Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ insert y F }) = Abs_ideal (f y ⊔ Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F })"
proof -
have "Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ insert y F } = f y ⊔ Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F }"
apply (subst Sup_fin.insert[symmetric])
using 2 apply simp
using 2 apply simp
by (auto intro: arg_cong[where f="Sup_fin"])
thus ?thesis
by simp
also have "... = Abs_ideal (f y) ⊔ Abs_ideal (Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F })"
proof (rule sup_ideal.abs_eq[symmetric])
show "eq_onp ideal (f y) (f y)"
using 1 by (simp add: assms(3) eq_onp_same_args)
have "top * Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F } = Sup_fin { top * f x | x . x ∈ F }"
using 2 mult_left_dist_sup_fin by fastforce
hence "top * Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F } * top = Sup_fin { top * f x | x . x ∈ F } * top"
by simp
also have "... = Sup_fin { top * f x * top | x . x ∈ F }"
using 2 mult_right_dist_sup_fin by force
also have "... = Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F }"
using 2 by (metis assms(3) subset_iff)
finally have "top * Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F } * top = Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F }"
hence "ideal (Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F })"
using ideal_fixpoint by blast
thus "eq_onp ideal (Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F }) (Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ F })"
by (simp add: eq_onp_def)
also have "... = Abs_ideal (f y) ⊔ Sup_fin { Abs_ideal (f x) | x . x ∈ F }"
using 2 by simp
also have "... = Sup_fin { Abs_ideal (f x) | x . x ∈ insert y F }"
apply (subst Sup_fin.insert[symmetric])
using 2 apply simp
using 2 apply simp
by (auto intro: arg_cong[where f="Sup_fin"])
finally show "Abs_ideal (Sup_fin { f x | x . x ∈ insert y F }) = Sup_fin { Abs_ideal (f x) | x . x ∈ insert y F }"
lemma sra_to_mat_mult_homomorphism:
"sra_to_mat (x * y) = sra_to_mat x ⊙ sra_to_mat y"
proof (rule ext,unfold split_paired_all)
fix p q
have "sra_to_mat (x * y) (p,q) = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * (x * y) * Rep_ideal_point q)"
by (unfold sra_to_mat_def, simp)
also have "... = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * 1 * y * Rep_ideal_point q)"
by (simp add: mult.assoc)
also have "... = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Sup_fin { r * r⇧T | r . ideal_point r } * y * Rep_ideal_point q)"
by (unfold one_sup_ideal_points[symmetric], simp)
also have "... = Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Sup_fin { Rep_ideal_point r * (Rep_ideal_point r)⇧T | r . r ∈ UNIV } * y * Rep_ideal_point q)"
proof -
have "{ r * r⇧T | r::'a . ideal_point r } = { Rep_ideal_point r * (Rep_ideal_point r)⇧T | r . r ∈ UNIV }"
proof (rule set_eqI)
fix x
show "x ∈ { r * r⇧T | r::'a . ideal_point r } ⟷ x ∈ { Rep_ideal_point r * (Rep_ideal_point r)⇧T | r . r ∈ UNIV }"
assume "x ∈ { r * r⇧T | r::'a . ideal_point r }"
from this obtain r where 1: "ideal_point r ∧ x = r * r⇧T"
by auto
hence "Rep_ideal_point (Abs_ideal_point r) = r"
using Abs_ideal_point_inverse by auto
thus "x ∈ { Rep_ideal_point r * (Rep_ideal_point r)⇧T | r . r ∈ UNIV }"
using 1 by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) UNIV_I mem_Collect_eq)
assume "x ∈ { Rep_ideal_point r * (Rep_ideal_point r)⇧T | r . r ∈ UNIV }"
from this obtain r where "x = Rep_ideal_point r * (Rep_ideal_point r)⇧T"
by auto
thus "x ∈ { r * r⇧T | r::'a . ideal_point r }"
using Rep_ideal_point by blast
thus ?thesis
by simp
also have "... = Abs_ideal (Sup_fin { (Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point r * (Rep_ideal_point r)⇧T | r . r ∈ UNIV } * (y * Rep_ideal_point q))"
by (subst mult_left_dist_sup_fin, simp_all add: mult.assoc)
also have "... = Abs_ideal (Sup_fin { (Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point r * (Rep_ideal_point r)⇧T * y * Rep_ideal_point q | r . r ∈ UNIV })"
by (subst mult_right_dist_sup_fin, simp_all add: mult.assoc)
also have "... = Sup_fin { Abs_ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point r * (Rep_ideal_point r)⇧T * y * Rep_ideal_point q) | r . r ∈ UNIV }"
proof -
have 1: "⋀r . ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point r * (Rep_ideal_point r)⇧T * y * Rep_ideal_point q)"
proof -
fix r :: "'a ideal_point"
have "⋀x . ideal_point (Rep_ideal_point x::'a)"
using Rep_ideal_point by blast
thus "ideal ((Rep_ideal_point p)⇧T * x * Rep_ideal_point r * (Rep_ideal_point r)⇧T * y * Rep_ideal_point q)"
by (simp add: covector_mult_closed vector_conv_covector vector_mult_closed)