Theory Shortest_Path_Tree
theory Shortest_Path_Tree
imports "Graph_Theory.Graph_Theory" "Graph_Definitions" "Graph_Theory_Batteries" "Misc"
text ‹
This theory defines the notion of a partial shortest path tree in the locale @{text psp_tree}.
A partial shortest path tree contains the s nearest notes with respect to some weight function.
Since, at the time of writing, the definition of @{const forest} only guarantees acyclicity
and the definition of @{const tree} is also incorrect by extension, we develop our own definition
of a directed tree in the locale @{text directed_tree}.
section ‹Directed tree›
text ‹
The following locale defines the notion of a rooted directed tree. The tree property is
established by asserting a unique walk from the root to each vertex. Note that we need
@{const pre_digraph.awalk} and not @{const pre_digraph.apath} here since we want to have only one
incoming arc for each vertex. In the locale all the usual properties of trees are established, e.g.
non-existence of @{const pre_digraph.cycle}, absence of loops with @{locale loopfree_digraph} and
multi-arcs with @{locale nomulti_digraph}.
We also prove the admissibility of an induction rule for finite trees which constructs any tree
inductively by starting with a single node (the root) and consecutively adding leaves.
Finally we define the depth of a tree.
locale directed_tree =
wf_digraph T for T +
root :: 'a
root_in_T: "root ∈ verts T" and
unique_awalk: "v ∈ verts T ⟹ ∃!p. awalk root p v"
subsection ‹General properties of trees›
lemma reachable_from_root: "v ∈ verts T ⟹ root →⇧*⇘T⇙ v"
using unique_awalk reachable_awalkI by blast
lemma non_empty: "verts T ≠ {}"
using root_in_T by blast
theorem cycle_free: "∄c. cycle c"
assume "∃c. cycle c"
then obtain c where c: "cycle c" by blast
from unique_awalk[of "awhd root c", OF awhd_in_verts[OF root_in_T, of c]]
obtain p where p: "awalk root p (awhd root c)"
using c[unfolded cycle_conv] unfolding awalk_conv by auto
from c p awalk_appendI have "awalk root (p@c) (awhd root c)"
by (metis awalkE' cycle_def awalk_verts_ne_eq)
with unique_awalk p c show "False"
using awalk_last_in_verts unfolding cycle_def by blast
sublocale loopfree: loopfree_digraph T
proof(standard, rule ccontr)
fix e assume arc: "e ∈ arcs T" and loop: "¬ tail T e ≠ head T e"
then have "cycle [e]"
unfolding cycle_conv
using arc_implies_awalk by force
with cycle_free show "False" by blast
sublocale nomulti: nomulti_digraph T
proof(standard, rule ccontr, goal_cases)
case (1 e1 e2)
let ?u = "tail T e1" and ?v = "head T e1"
from unique_awalk obtain p where "awalk root p ?u"
using 1 tail_in_verts by blast
with 1 have "awalk root (p@[e1]) ?v" and "awalk root (p@[e2]) ?v"
unfolding arc_to_ends_def
using arc_implies_awalk by (fastforce)+
with unique_awalk show "False"
using ‹e1 ≠ e2› by blast
lemma connected': "⟦ u ∈ verts T; v ∈ verts T ⟧ ⟹ u →⇧*⇘mk_symmetric T⇙ v"
proof -
let ?T' = "mk_symmetric T"
fix u v assume "u ∈ verts T" and "v ∈ verts T"
then have "∃up. awalk root up u" and "∃vp. awalk root vp v"
using unique_awalk by blast+
then obtain up vp where up: "awalk root up u" and vp: "awalk root vp v" by blast
then have "u →⇧*⇘mk_symmetric T⇙ root" and "root →⇧*⇘mk_symmetric T⇙ v"
by (meson reachable_awalkI reachable_mk_symmetricI
symmetric_mk_symmetric symmetric_reachable)+
then show "u →⇧*⇘mk_symmetric T⇙ v"
by (meson wellformed_mk_symmetric wf_digraph.reachable_trans wf_digraph_wp_iff)
theorem connected: "connected T"
unfolding connected_def strongly_connected_def
using connected' root_in_T by auto
lemma unique_awalk_All: "∃p. awalk u p v ⟹ ∃!p. awalk u p v"
proof(rule ccontr, goal_cases)
case 1
then have "∃p q. awalk u p v ∧ awalk u q v ∧ p ≠ q"
by blast
then obtain p q where
p: "awalk u p v" and q: "awalk u q v" and "p ≠ q" by blast
from unique_awalk obtain w where w: "awalk root w u"
using ‹awalk u p v› by blast
then have "awalk root (w@p) v" and "awalk root (w@q) v" and "(w@p) ≠ (w@q)"
using ‹awalk u p v› ‹awalk u q v› ‹p ≠ q› awalk_appendI by auto
with unique_awalk show ?case by blast
lemma unique_arc:
shows "u →⇘T⇙ v ⟹ ∃!e ∈ arcs T. tail T e = u ∧ head T e = v"
and "(∄e. e ∈ arcs T ∧ tail T e = u ∧ head T e = v) ⟹ ¬ u →⇘T⇙ v"
using unique_awalk_All nomulti.no_multi_arcs unfolding arc_to_ends_def
by auto
lemma unique_arc_set:
fixes u v
defines "A ≡ {e ∈ arcs T. tail T e = u ∧ head T e = v}"
shows "A = {} ∨ (∃e. A = {e})"
proof(cases "u →⇘T⇙ v")
case True
note unique_arc(1)[OF True]
then show ?thesis unfolding A_def by blast
case False
then have "∄e. e ∈ arcs T ∧ tail T e = u ∧ head T e = v"
using in_arcs_imp_in_arcs_ends arcs_ends_def by blast
then show ?thesis unfolding A_def by auto
lemma sp_eq_awalk_cost: "awalk a p b ⟹ awalk_cost w p = μ w a b"
proof -
assume "awalk a p b"
with unique_awalk_All have "{p. awalk a p b} = {p}"
by blast
then show ?thesis unfolding μ_def
by (metis cInf_singleton image_empty image_insert)
lemma sp_cost_finite: "awalk a p b ⟹ μ w a b > -∞ ∧ μ w a b < ∞"
using sp_eq_awalk_cost[symmetric] by simp
theorem sp_append:
"⟦ awalk a p b; awalk b q c ⟧ ⟹ μ w a c = μ w a b + μ w b c"
proof -
assume p: "awalk a p b" and q: "awalk b q c"
then have p_q: "awalk a (p@q) c" by auto
then have "awalk_cost w (p@q) = awalk_cost w p + awalk_cost w q"
using awalk_cost_append by blast
with p q p_q show ?thesis using sp_eq_awalk_cost
by (metis plus_ereal.simps(1))
text ‹Convenience lemma which reformulates @{thm sp_append} to use reachability as assumptions.›
lemma sp_append2: "⟦ v1 →⇧*⇘T⇙ v2; v2 →⇧*⇘T⇙ v3 ⟧
⟹ μ w v1 v3 = μ w v1 v2 + μ w v2 v3"
using reachable_awalk sp_append by auto
theorem connected_minimal: "e ∈ arcs T ⟹ ¬ (tail T e) →⇧*⇘(del_arc e)⇙ (head T e)"
let ?T' = "del_arc e" and ?u = "tail T e" and ?v = "head T e"
assume "e ∈ arcs T" and "?u →⇧*⇘?T'⇙ ?v"
note e = this
then have T'_wf: "wf_digraph ?T'" by blast
from e have "awalk ?u [e] ?v"
by (simp add: arc_implies_awalk)
note wf_digraph.reachable_awalk[OF T'_wf, of ?u ?v]
with e obtain p where p: "pre_digraph.awalk ?T' ?u p ?v" by blast
from e have "e ∉ arcs ?T'" by simp
with e p have "e ∉ set p" by (meson T'_wf subsetCE wf_digraph.awalkE')
with p have "[e] ≠ p" and "awalk ?u p ?v"
by (auto simp: subgraph_awalk_imp_awalk subgraph_del_arc)
ultimately show False using unique_awalk_All by blast
lemma All_arcs_in_path: "e ∈ arcs T ⟹ ∃p u v. awalk u p v ∧ e ∈ set p"
by (meson arc_implies_awalk list.set_intros(1))
subsection ‹An induction rule for finite trees›
text ‹
In this section we develop an induction rule for finite trees. Since this induction rule works by
inductively adding trees we first need to define the notion of a leaf and prove numerous facts
about them.
definition (in pre_digraph) leaf :: "'a ⇒ bool" where
"leaf v ≡ v ∈ verts G ∧ out_arcs G v = {}"
lemma in_degree_root_zero: "in_degree T root = 0"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "in_degree T root ≠ 0"
then obtain e u where e: "tail T e = u" "head T e = root" "u ∈ verts T" "e ∈ arcs T"
by (metis tail_in_verts all_not_in_conv card.empty in_degree_def in_in_arcs_conv)
with unique_awalk obtain p where p: "awalk root p u" by blast
with e have "awalk root (p@[e]) root"
using awalk_appendI arc_implies_awalk by auto
have "awalk root [] root" by (simp add: awalk_Nil_iff root_in_T)
ultimately show "False" using unique_awalk by blast
lemma leaf_out_degree_zero: "leaf v ⟹ out_degree T v = 0"
unfolding leaf_def out_degree_def by auto
lemma two_in_arcs_contr:
assumes "e1 ∈ arcs T" "e2 ∈ arcs T" and "e1 ≠ e2" and "head T e1 = head T e2"
shows "False"
proof -
from unique_awalk assms obtain p1 p2
where "awalk root p1 (tail T e1)" and "awalk root p2 (tail T e2)"
by (meson tail_in_verts in_in_arcs_conv)
with assms have "awalk root (p1@[e1]) (head T e1)" and "awalk root (p2@[e2]) (head T e1)"
unfolding in_arcs_def
using arc_implies_awalk by force+
with unique_awalk ‹e1 ≠ e2› show "False" by blast
lemma in_arcs_finite: "v ∈ verts T ⟹ finite (in_arcs T v)"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ finite (in_arcs T v)"
then obtain e1 e2
where e1_e2: "e1 ∈ in_arcs T v" "e2 ∈ in_arcs T v" "e1 ≠ e2"
by (metis finite.emptyI finite_insert finite_subset insertI1 subsetI)
with two_in_arcs_contr show "False" unfolding in_arcs_def by auto
lemma not_root_imp_in_deg_one: "⟦ v ∈ verts T; v ≠ root ⟧ ⟹ in_degree T v = 1"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "v ≠ root" and "v ∈ verts T" and "in_degree T v ≠ 1"
then have "in_degree T v ≠ 0"
proof -
from unique_awalk ‹v ∈ verts T› obtain p where "awalk root p v" by blast
with ‹v ≠ root› have "root →⇧+⇘T⇙ v" using reachable_awalkI by blast
then have "∃u. u →⇘T⇙ v" by (meson tranclD2)
then show ?thesis
using in_arcs_finite[OF ‹v ∈ verts T›] unfolding in_degree_def
using card_eq_0_iff by fastforce
have "¬ in_degree T v ≥ 2"
assume in_deg_ge_2: "in_degree T v ≥ 2"
have "∃e1 e2. e1 ∈ in_arcs T v ∧ e2 ∈ in_arcs T v ∧ e1 ≠ e2"
proof(cases "in_arcs T v = {}")
case True
then show ?thesis using in_deg_ge_2[unfolded in_degree_def] by simp
case False
then obtain e1 where "e1 ∈ in_arcs T v" by blast
then have "card (in_arcs T v) = 1" if "∀e2 ∈ in_arcs T v. e1 = e2"
using that by(auto simp: card_Suc_eq[where ?A="(in_arcs T v)"])
then show ?thesis
using in_deg_ge_2[unfolded in_degree_def] ‹e1 ∈ in_arcs T v› by force
with two_in_arcs_contr show "False" unfolding in_arcs_def by auto
ultimately show "False" using ‹in_degree T v ≠ 1› by linarith
lemma in_deg_one_imp_not_root: "⟦ v ∈ verts T; in_degree T v = 1 ⟧ ⟹ v ≠ root"
using in_degree_root_zero by auto
corollary in_deg_one_iff: "v ∈ verts T ⟹ v ≠ root ⟷ in_degree T v = 1"
using not_root_imp_in_deg_one in_deg_one_imp_not_root by blast
lemma ex_in_arc: "⟦ v ≠ root; v ∈ verts T ⟧ ⟹ ∃e. in_arcs T v = {e}"
using not_root_imp_in_deg_one unfolding in_degree_def
by (auto simp: card_Suc_eq)
lemma ex_leaf: "finite (verts T) ⟹ ∃v ∈ verts T. leaf v"
proof(rule ccontr, simp)
assume verts_fin: "finite (verts T)" and no_leaves: "∀x∈verts T. ¬ leaf x"
then have "∀x ∈ verts T. ∃e. e ∈ out_arcs T x"
unfolding leaf_def by (simp add: out_arcs_def)
then have "∀x ∈ verts T. ∃x' e. awalk x [e] x'"
unfolding out_arcs_def using arc_implies_awalk by force
then have extend: "∃p v'. awalk u (ps@[p]) v'" if "awalk u ps v" for u ps v
using that by force
have "∃u p v. awalk u p v ∧ length p = n" for n
proof(induction n)
case 0
from root_in_T have "awalk root [] root"
by (simp add: awalk_Nil_iff)
then show ?case by blast
case (Suc n)
then obtain u p v where "awalk u p v" and "length p = n" by blast
from extend[OF this(1)] obtain e v' where "awalk u (p@[e]) v'" and "length (p@[e]) = Suc n"
using length_append_singleton ‹length p = n› by auto
then show ?case by blast
with awalk_not_distinct[OF verts_fin] have "∃p. cycle p"
using awalk_cyc_decompE' closed_w_imp_cycle by (metis order_refl)
with cycle_free show False by blast
lemma verts_finite_imp_arcs_finite: "finite (verts T) ⟹ finite (arcs T)"
proof -
assume "finite (verts T)"
then have "finite (verts T × verts T)" by simp
let ?a = "λ(u,v). {e ∈ arcs T. tail T e = u ∧ head T e = v}"
let ?A = "⋃{?a e |e. e ∈ verts T × verts T}"
have "arcs T ⊆ ?A"
fix e assume e: "e ∈ arcs T"
then have "tail T e ∈ verts T" and "head T e ∈ verts T"
using wellformed by auto
with e show "e ∈ ?A" by blast
have "finite (?a (u,v))" for u v
using unique_arc_set[of u v] finite.simps by auto
with finite_Union[OF ‹finite (verts T × verts T)›] have "finite ?A"
by blast
ultimately show "finite (arcs T)" using finite_subset by blast
lemma root_leaf_iff: "leaf root ⟷ verts T = {root}"
from root_in_T show "verts T = {root} ⟹ leaf root"
using leaf_def ex_leaf by auto
show "leaf root ⟹ (verts T = {root})"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "leaf root" and "verts T ≠ {root}"
with non_empty obtain u where u: "u ∈ verts T" "u ≠root"
by blast
with unique_awalk obtain p where p: "awalk root p u" by blast
with ‹u ≠ root› obtain e where e: "e = hd p" "tail T e = root"
by (metis awalkE' awalk_ends pre_digraph.cas_simp)
with u p have "e ∈ out_arcs T root" unfolding out_arcs_def
by (simp, metis awalkE awalk_ends hd_in_set subset_iff)
with ‹leaf root› show "False"
unfolding leaf_def out_degree_def by auto
lemma leaf_not_mem_awalk:
"⟦ leaf x; awalk u p v; v ≠ x ⟧ ⟹ x ∉ set (awalk_verts u p)"
proof(induction p arbitrary: u)
case Nil
then have "u = v" unfolding awalk_conv by simp
with Nil show ?case by auto
case (Cons a p)
then have "x ∉ set (awalk_verts (head T a) p)" by (simp add: awalk_Cons_iff)
from Cons.prems have "tail T a ≠ x"
unfolding leaf_def out_arcs_def by auto
ultimately show ?case by simp
lemma tree_del_vert:
assumes "v ≠ root" and "leaf v"
shows "directed_tree (del_vert v) root"
from ‹v ≠ root› show "root ∈ verts (del_vert v)" using verts_del_vert root_in_T by auto
have "u∈verts (del_vert v) ⟹ ∃!p. pre_digraph.awalk (del_vert v) root p u" for u
proof -
assume "u ∈ verts (del_vert v)"
then have "u ∈ verts T" "u ≠ v" by (simp_all add: verts_del_vert)
then obtain p where p: "awalk root p u" "∀p'. awalk root p' u ⟶ p = p'"
using unique_awalk[OF ‹u ∈ verts T›] by auto
then have "v ∉ set (awalk_verts root p)"
using leaf_not_mem_awalk[OF ‹leaf v› _ ‹u ≠ v›] by blast
with p have
"pre_digraph.awalk (del_vert v) root p u"
"∀p'. pre_digraph.awalk (del_vert v) root p' u ⟶ p = p'"
using awalk_del_vert subgraph_awalk_imp_awalk subgraph_del_vert by blast+
then show ?thesis by blast
then show "⋀va. va ∈ verts (del_vert v)
⟹ ∃!p. pre_digraph.awalk (del_vert v) root p va" by blast
qed (meson wf_digraph_del_vert wf_digraph_def)+
lemma arcs_del_leaf:
assumes e: "e ∈ arcs T" "head T e = v" and v: "leaf v"
shows "arcs (del_vert v) = arcs T - {e}"
proof -
from v have "out_arcs T v = {}"
unfolding pre_digraph.leaf_def by simp
from e v have "v ≠ root"
using loopfree.no_loops root_leaf_iff by fastforce
from ex_in_arc[OF this] v have "in_arcs T v = {e}"
unfolding pre_digraph.leaf_def using e e two_in_arcs_contr by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding out_arcs_def in_arcs_def
using arcs_del_vert2 by auto
lemma finite_directed_tree_induct[consumes 1, case_names single_vert add_leaf]:
assumes "finite (verts T)"
assumes base: "⋀t h root. P ⦇ verts = {root}, arcs = {}, tail = t, head = h ⦈"
and add_leaf: "⋀T' V A t h u root a v. ⟦T' = ⦇ verts = V, arcs = A, tail = t, head = h ⦈; finite (verts T');
directed_tree T' root; P T'; u ∈ V; v ∉ V; a ∉ A⟧
⟹ P ⦇ verts = V ∪ {v}, arcs = A ∪ {a}, tail = t(a := u), head = h(a := v) ⦈"
shows "P T"
using assms(1) directed_tree_axioms
proof(induction "card (verts T)" arbitrary: T root)
case 0
then have "verts T = {}" using card_eq_0_iff by simp
with directed_tree.non_empty[OF ‹directed_tree T root›] show ?case by blast
case (Suc n)
then interpret tree_T: directed_tree T root by simp
show ?case
proof(cases "n = 0")
case True
with ‹Suc n = card (verts T)› have "card (verts T) = 1" by simp
from mem_card1_singleton[OF tree_T.root_in_T this] have "verts T = {root}" .
then have "arcs T = {}"
using tree_T.loopfree.no_loops tree_T.tail_in_verts by fastforce
with ‹verts T = {root}› have "T = ⦇ verts = {root}, arcs = {}, tail = tail T, head = head T ⦈"
by simp
with base[of root "tail T" "head T"] show ?thesis by simp
case False
from Suc.prems(1) have "finite (verts T)"
using finite_insert by simp
from tree_T.ex_leaf[OF this]
obtain v where v: "tree_T.leaf v" by blast
with False have "v ≠ root"
using tree_T.root_leaf_iff Suc.hyps(2) by fastforce
note v = ‹tree_T.leaf v› ‹v ≠ root›
let ?T' = "tree_T.del_vert v"
have T': "?T' = ⦇ verts = verts ?T', arcs = arcs ?T', tail = tail ?T', head = head ?T' ⦈"
by simp
note tree_T.tree_del_vert[OF v(2,1)]
have "finite (verts ?T')"
by (simp add: tree_T.verts_del_vert ‹finite (verts T)›)
from ‹finite (verts ?T')› Suc.hyps(2) Suc.prems(1) have "card (verts ?T') = n"
using tree_T.verts_del_vert v(1)[unfolded tree_T.leaf_def] by auto
from tree_T.ex_in_arc[OF v(2)]
obtain e where e: "in_arcs T v = {e}" "tail T e ∈ verts T"
using v(1)[unfolded tree_T.leaf_def] by force
then have "tail T e ∈ verts ?T'"
unfolding in_arcs_def using tree_T.arcs_del_vert[of v]
using tree_T.loopfree.no_loops tree_T.verts_del_vert[of v]
using v(1)[unfolded tree_T.leaf_def] by fastforce
from Suc.hyps(1) have "P ?T'" using calculation by blast
note tree_T.verts_del_vert[of v]
from e have "head T e = v" unfolding in_arcs_def by blast
then have "e ∉ arcs ?T'" unfolding tree_T.arcs_del_vert by simp
ultimately have "P ⦇ verts = verts ?T' ∪ {v}, arcs = arcs ?T' ∪ {e},
tail = (tail ?T')(e := (tail T e)), head = (head ?T')(e := v) ⦈"
using add_leaf[OF T'] by blast
have "T = ⦇ verts = verts ?T' ∪ {v}, arcs = arcs ?T' ∪ {e},
tail = (tail ?T')(e := (tail T e)), head = (head ?T')(e := v) ⦈"
proof -
have "verts T = verts ?T' ∪ {v}"
using v(1)[unfolded tree_T.leaf_def] tree_T.verts_del_vert[of v] by fastforce
have "arcs ?T' = arcs T - out_arcs T v - in_arcs T v"
using tree_T.arcs_del_vert2 by fastforce
with e v(1)[unfolded pre_digraph.leaf_def] have "arcs T = arcs ?T' ∪ {e}" by auto
have "tail T = (tail ?T')(e := (tail T e))"
by (simp add: tree_T.tail_del_vert)
from e[unfolded in_arcs_def] have "head T = (head ?T')(e := v)"
using tree_T.head_del_vert ‹head T e = v› by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
text ‹A simple consequence of the induction rule is that a tree with n vertices has n-1 arcs.›
lemma Suc_card_arcs_eq_card_verts:
assumes "finite (verts T)"
shows "Suc (card (arcs T)) = card (verts T)"
using assms
proof(induction rule: finite_directed_tree_induct)
case (single_vert)
then show ?case by simp
case (add_leaf)
then show ?case
using directed_tree.verts_finite_imp_arcs_finite
by fastforce
subsection ‹Depth of a tree›
definition depth where "depth w ≡ Sup {μ w root v|v. v ∈ verts T}"
fixes w :: "'b weight_fun"
assumes "∀e ∈ arcs T. w e ≥ 0"
lemma sp_from_root_le: "u →⇧*⇘T⇙ v ⟹ μ w root v ≥ μ w u v"
proof -
assume "u →⇧*⇘T⇙ v"
have "μ w root u ≥ 0"
using ‹∀e∈arcs T. 0 ≤ w e› sp_non_neg_if_w_non_neg by simp
have "root →⇧*⇘T⇙ u"
using ‹u →⇧*⇘T⇙ v› reachable_from_root reachable_in_verts(1) by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using ‹u →⇧*⇘T⇙ v› sp_append2 ereal_le_add_self2 by auto
lemma depth_lowerB: "v ∈ verts T ⟹ depth w ≥ μ w root v"
proof -
assume "v ∈ verts T"
then have "μ w root v ∈ {μ w root v|v. v ∈ verts T}" by auto
then show "depth w ≥ μ w root v"
unfolding depth_def by (simp add: Sup_upper)
lemma depth_upperB: "∀v ∈ verts T. μ w root v ≤ d ⟹ depth w ≤ d"
proof -
assume "∀v ∈ verts T. μ w root v ≤ d"
then have "∀x ∈ {μ w root v |v. v ∈ verts T}. x ≤ d"
by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding depth_def using Sup_least by fast
text ‹
This relation between depth of a tree and its diameter is later used to establish the
correctness of the diameter estimate.
lemma depth_eq_fin_dia: "fin_digraph T ⟹ depth w = fin_diameter w"
proof -
assume "fin_digraph T"
have "∀v ∈ verts T. μ w root v < ∞"
using μ_reach_conv reachable_from_root by blast
then have "{μ w root v|v. v ∈ verts T} ⊆ fin_sp_costs w"
unfolding fin_sp_costs_def using root_in_T by blast
then have "depth w ≤ fin_diameter w"
unfolding depth_def fin_diameter_def by (simp add: Sup_subset_mono)
have "¬ depth w < fin_diameter w"
assume "depth w < fin_diameter w"
obtain u v where "μ w u v = fin_diameter w" "u ∈ verts T" "v ∈ verts T"
using fin_digraph.ex_sp_eq_fin_dia[OF ‹fin_digraph T› non_empty] by blast
then have "u →⇧*⇘T⇙ v"
by (metis μ_reach_conv fin_digraph.fin_diameter_finite[OF ‹fin_digraph T›])
then have "μ w u v ≤ μ w root v" using sp_from_root_le by blast
also have "… ≤ depth w" using depth_lowerB[OF ‹v ∈ verts T›] by simp
finally have "fin_diameter w ≤ depth w"
using ‹μ w u v = fin_diameter w› by simp
with ‹depth w < fin_diameter w› show False by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
section ‹Subgraph locale›
locale subgraph =
G: wf_digraph G for T G +
sub_G: "subgraph T G"
sublocale wf_digraph T
using sub_G unfolding subgraph_def by blast
lemma awalk_sub_imp_awalk:
"awalk a p b ⟹ G.awalk a p b"
using G.subgraph_awalk_imp_awalk sub_G by force
section ‹Partial shortest path three›
locale psp_tree =
directed_tree T source + subgraph T G for G T w source n +
source_in_G: "source ∈ verts G" and
partial: "G.n_nearest_verts w source n (verts T)" and
sp: "u ∈ verts T ⟹ μ w source u = G.μ w source u"
text ‹
Here we formalize the notion of a partial shortest path tree. This is a shortest path tree where
only the @{term n} nearest nodes in the graph @{term G} are explored.
Consequently, a partial shortest path tree is a subtree of the complete shortest path tree.
We can obtain the complete shortest path tree by choosing n to be larger than the cardinality
of the graph @{term G}.
sublocale fin_digraph T
show "finite (verts T)" using G.nnvs_finite[OF partial] .
from verts_finite_imp_arcs_finite[OF this] show "finite (arcs T)" .
lemma card_verts_le: "card (verts T) ≤ Suc n"
using G.nnvs_card_le_n partial by auto
lemma reachable_subs: "{x. r →⇧*⇘T⇙ x} ⊆ {x. r →⇧*⇘G⇙ x}"
by (simp add: Collect_mono G.reachable_mono sub_G)
text ‹The following lemma proves that we explore all nodes if we set @{term n} large enough.›
lemma sp_tree:
assumes "fin_digraph G"
assumes card_reachable: "Suc n ≥ card {x. source →⇧*⇘G⇙ x}"
shows "verts T = {x. source →⇧*⇘G⇙ x}"
using fin_digraph.nnvs_imp_all_reachable_Suc[OF ‹fin_digraph G› partial card_reachable] .
corollary sp_tree2:
assumes "fin_digraph G"
assumes "Suc n ≥ card (verts G)"
shows "verts T = {x. source →⇧*⇘G⇙ x}"
proof -
have "{x. source →⇧*⇘G⇙ x} ⊆ verts G"
using source_in_G G.reachable_in_verts(2) by blast
then have "Suc n ≥ card {x. source →⇧*⇘G⇙ x}"
using ‹Suc n ≥ card (verts G)› fin_digraph.finite_verts[OF ‹fin_digraph G›]
by (meson card_mono dual_order.trans)
from sp_tree[OF ‹fin_digraph G› this] show ?thesis .
lemma strongly_con_imp_card_verts_eq:
assumes "fin_digraph G"
assumes "strongly_connected G"
assumes card_verts: "Suc n ≤ card (verts G)"
shows "card (verts T) = Suc n"
proof -
have verts_G: "verts G = {x. source →⇧*⇘G⇙ x}"
using G.strongly_con_imp_reachable_eq_verts
[OF source_in_G ‹strongly_connected G›, symmetric] .
with card_verts have "Suc n ≤ card {x. source →⇧*⇘G⇙ x}" by simp
from fin_digraph.nnvs_imp_reachable[OF ‹fin_digraph G› partial this]
show ?thesis by blast
lemma depth_fin_dia_lB:
assumes "∀e ∈ arcs G. w e ≥ 0"
shows "depth w ≤ G.fin_diameter w"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ depth w ≤ G.fin_diameter w"
then have "depth w > G.fin_diameter w"
by auto
then have "∃v ∈ verts T. μ w source v > G.fin_diameter w"
unfolding depth_def by (auto simp: less_Sup_iff)
then obtain v where v: "v ∈ verts T" "v ∈ verts G" "μ w source v > G.fin_diameter w"
using sub_G by blast
have "μ w source v < ∞"
using reachable_from_root μ_reach_conv v(1) by blast
ultimately show "False"
using source_in_G G.fin_dia_lowerB[OF source_in_G ‹v ∈ verts G›] sp v
by (simp add: leD)