Theory List_Dtree
theory List_Dtree
imports Complex_Main "Graph_Additions" "Dtree"
section ‹Dtrees of Lists›
subsection ‹Functions›
abbreviation remove_child :: "'a ⇒ (('a,'b) dtree × 'b) fset ⇒ (('a,'b) dtree × 'b) fset" where
"remove_child x xs ≡ ffilter (λ(t,e). root t ≠ x) xs"
abbreviation child2 ::
"'a ⇒ (('a,'b) dtree × 'b) fset ⇒ (('a,'b) dtree × 'b) fset ⇒ (('a,'b) dtree × 'b) fset" where
"child2 x zs xs ≡ ffold (λ(t,_) b. case t of Node r ys ⇒ if r = x then ys |∪| b else b) zs xs"
text ‹Combine children sets to a single set and append element to list.›
fun combine :: "'a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ ('a list,'b) dtree ⇒ ('a list,'b) dtree" where
"combine x y (Node r xs) = (if x=r ∧ (∃t. t ∈ fst ` fset xs ∧ root t = y)
then Node (r@y) (child2 y (remove_child y xs) xs)
else Node r ((λ(t,e). (combine x y t,e)) |`| xs))"
text ‹Basic @{term wf_dverts} property is not strong enough to be preserved in combine operation.›
fun dlverts :: "('a list,'b) dtree ⇒ 'a set" where
"dlverts (Node r xs) = set r ∪ (⋃x∈fset xs. dlverts (fst x))"
abbreviation disjoint_dlverts :: "(('a list, 'b) dtree × 'b) fset ⇒ bool" where
"disjoint_dlverts xs ≡
(∀(x,e1) ∈ fset xs. ∀(y,e2) ∈ fset xs. dlverts x ∩ dlverts y = {} ∨ (x,e1)=(y,e2))"
fun wf_dlverts :: "('a list,'b) dtree ⇒ bool" where
"wf_dlverts (Node r xs) =
(r ≠ [] ∧ (∀(x,e1) ∈ fset xs. set r ∩ dlverts x = {} ∧ wf_dlverts x) ∧ disjoint_dlverts xs)"
definition wf_dlverts' :: "('a list,'b) dtree ⇒ bool" where
"wf_dlverts' t ⟷
wf_dverts t ∧ [] ∉ dverts t ∧ (∀v1∈dverts t. ∀v2∈dverts t. set v1 ∩ set v2 = {} ∨ v1=v2)"
fun wf_list_lverts :: "('a list×'b) list ⇒ bool" where
"wf_list_lverts [] = True"
| "wf_list_lverts ((v,e)#xs) =
(v ≠ [] ∧ (∀v2 ∈ fst ` set xs. set v ∩ set v2 = {}) ∧ wf_list_lverts xs)"
subsection ‹List Dtrees as Well-Formed Dtrees›
lemma list_in_verts_if_lverts: "x ∈ dlverts t ⟹ (∃v ∈ dverts t. x ∈ set v)"
by(induction t) fastforce
lemma list_in_verts_iff_lverts: "x ∈ dlverts t ⟷ (∃v ∈ dverts t. x ∈ set v)"
by(induction t) fastforce
lemma lverts_if_in_verts: "⟦v ∈ dverts t; x ∈ set v⟧ ⟹ x ∈ dlverts t"
by(induction t) fastforce
lemma nempty_inter_notin_dverts: "⟦v ≠ []; set v ∩ dlverts t = {}⟧ ⟹ v ∉ dverts t"
using lverts_if_in_verts disjoint_iff_not_equal equals0I set_empty by metis
lemma empty_notin_wf_dlverts: "wf_dlverts t ⟹ [] ∉ dverts t"
by(induction t) auto
lemma wf_dlverts'_rec: "⟦wf_dlverts' (Node r xs); t1 ∈ fst ` fset xs⟧ ⟹ wf_dlverts' t1"
unfolding wf_dlverts'_def using wf_dverts_rec[of r xs t1] dverts_child_subseteq[of t1 xs] by blast
lemma wf_dlverts'_suc: "⟦wf_dlverts' t; t1 ∈ fst ` fset (sucs t)⟧ ⟹ wf_dlverts' t1"
using wf_dlverts'_rec[of "root t" "sucs t"] by simp
lemma wf_dlverts_suc: "⟦wf_dlverts t; t1 ∈ fst ` fset (sucs t)⟧ ⟹ wf_dlverts t1"
using wf_dlverts.simps[of "root t" "sucs t"] by auto
lemma wf_dlverts_subtree: "⟦wf_dlverts t; is_subtree t1 t⟧ ⟹ wf_dlverts t1"
by (induction t) auto
lemma dlverts_eq_dverts_union: "dlverts t = ⋃ (set ` dverts t)"
by (induction t) fastforce
lemma dlverts_eq_dverts_union': "dlverts t = (⋃x∈ dverts t. set x)"
using dlverts_eq_dverts_union by simp
lemma dverts_nempty: "dverts t ≠ {}"
using dtree.set(1)[of "root t" "sucs t"] by simp
lemma dlverts_nempty_aux: "[] ∉ dverts t ⟹ dlverts t ≠ {}"
using dverts_nempty dlverts_eq_dverts_union[of t] by fastforce
lemma dlverts_nempty_if_wf: "wf_dlverts t ⟹ dlverts t ≠ {}"
using dlverts_nempty_aux empty_notin_wf_dlverts by blast
lemma nempty_root_in_lverts: "root t ≠ [] ⟹ hd (root t) ∈ dlverts t"
using dtree.set_sel(1) list_in_verts_iff_lverts by fastforce
lemma roothd_in_lverts_if_wf: "wf_dlverts t ⟹ hd (root t) ∈ dlverts t"
using wf_dlverts.simps[of "root t" "sucs t"] nempty_root_in_lverts by auto
lemma hd_in_lverts_if_wf: "⟦wf_dlverts t; v ∈ dverts t⟧ ⟹ hd v ∈ dlverts t"
using empty_notin_wf_dlverts hd_in_set[of v] lverts_if_in_verts by fast
lemma dlverts_notin_root_sucs:
"⟦wf_dlverts t; t1 ∈ fst ` fset (sucs t); x ∈ dlverts t1⟧ ⟹ x ∉ set (root t)"
using wf_dlverts.simps[of "root t" "sucs t"] by fastforce
lemma dverts_inter_empty_if_verts_inter:
assumes "dlverts x ∩ dlverts y = {}" and "wf_dlverts x"
shows "dverts x ∩ dverts y = {}"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume asm: "dverts x ∩ dverts y ≠ {}"
then obtain r where r_def: "r ∈ dverts x" "r ∈ dverts y" by blast
then have "r ≠ []" using assms(2) by(auto simp: empty_notin_wf_dlverts)
then obtain v where v_def: "v ∈ set r" by fastforce
then show False using r_def assms(1) lverts_if_in_verts by (metis IntI all_not_in_conv)
lemma disjoint_dlverts_if_wf: "wf_dlverts t ⟹ disjoint_dlverts (sucs t)"
using wf_dlverts.simps[of "root t" "sucs t"] by simp
lemma disjoint_dlverts_subset:
assumes "xs |⊆| ys" and "disjoint_dlverts ys"
shows "disjoint_dlverts xs"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ disjoint_dlverts xs"
then obtain x e1 y e2 where x_def: "(x,e1) ∈ fset xs" "(y,e2) ∈ fset xs"
"dlverts x ∩ dlverts y ≠ {} ∧ (x,e1)≠(y,e2)"
by blast
have "(x,e1) ∈ fset ys" "(y,e2) ∈ fset ys" using x_def(1,2) assms(1) less_eq_fset.rep_eq by fast+
then show False using assms(2) x_def(3) by fast
lemma root_empty_inter_subset:
assumes "xs |⊆| ys" and "∀(x,e1) ∈ fset ys. set r ∩ dlverts x = {}"
shows "∀(x,e1) ∈ fset xs. set r ∩ dlverts x = {}"
using assms less_eq_fset.rep_eq by force
lemma wf_dlverts_sub:
assumes "xs |⊆| ys" and "wf_dlverts (Node r ys)"
shows "wf_dlverts (Node r xs)"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume asm: "¬wf_dlverts (Node r xs)"
have "disjoint_dlverts xs" using assms(2) disjoint_dlverts_subset[OF assms(1)] by simp
moreover have "r ≠ []" using assms(2) by simp
moreover have "(∀(x,e1) ∈ fset xs. set r ∩ dlverts x = {})"
using assms(2) root_empty_inter_subset[OF assms(1)] by fastforce
ultimately obtain x e where x_def: "(x,e) ∈ fset xs" "¬wf_dlverts x" using asm by auto
then have "(x,e) ∈ fset ys" using assms(1) fin_mono by metis
then show False using assms(2) x_def(2) by fastforce
lemma wf_dlverts_sucs: "⟦wf_dlverts t; x ∈ fset (sucs t)⟧ ⟹ wf_dlverts (Node (root t) {|x|})"
using wf_dlverts_sub[of "{|x|}" "sucs t" "root t"] by (simp add: less_eq_fset.rep_eq)
lemma wf_dverts_if_wf_dlverts: "wf_dlverts t ⟹ wf_dverts t"
proof(induction t)
case (Node r xs)
then have "∀(x,e) ∈ fset xs. wf_dverts x" by auto
moreover have "∀(x,e) ∈ fset xs. r ∉ dverts x"
using nempty_inter_notin_dverts Node.prems by fastforce
ultimately show ?case
using Node.prems dverts_inter_empty_if_verts_inter wf_dverts_iff_dverts'
by (smt (verit, del_insts) wf_dlverts.simps wf_dverts'.simps case_prodD case_prodI2)
lemma notin_dlverts_child_if_wf_in_root:
"⟦wf_dlverts (Node r xs); x ∈ set r; t ∈ fst ` fset xs⟧ ⟹ x ∉ dlverts t"
by fastforce
lemma notin_dlverts_suc_if_wf_in_root:
"⟦wf_dlverts t1; x ∈ set (root t1); t2 ∈ fst ` fset (sucs t1)⟧ ⟹ x ∉ dlverts t2"
using notin_dlverts_child_if_wf_in_root[of "root t1" "sucs t1"] by simp
lemma root_if_same_lvert_wf:
"⟦wf_dlverts (Node r xs); x ∈ set r; v ∈ dverts (Node r xs); x ∈ set v⟧ ⟹ v = r"
by (fastforce simp: lverts_if_in_verts dverts_child_if_not_root notin_dlverts_child_if_wf_in_root)
lemma dverts_same_if_set_wf:
"⟦wf_dlverts t; v1 ∈ dverts t; v2 ∈ dverts t; x ∈ set v1; x ∈ set v2⟧ ⟹ v1 = v2"
proof(induction t)
case (Node r xs)
then show ?case
proof(cases "x ∈ set r")
case True
then show ?thesis using Node.prems(2,3,4,5) root_if_same_lvert_wf[OF Node.prems(1)] by blast
case False
then obtain t2 e2 where t2_def: "(t2,e2) ∈ fset xs" "x ∈ dlverts t2"
using Node.prems(2,4) lverts_if_in_verts by fastforce
then have "∀(t3,e3)∈fset xs. (t3,e3) = (t2,e2) ∨ x ∉ dlverts t3"
using Node.prems(1) by fastforce
then have "v1 ∈ dverts t2 ∧ v2 ∈ dverts t2"
using Node.prems(2-5) lverts_if_in_verts False by force
then show ?thesis using Node.IH t2_def(1) Node.prems(1,4,5) by auto
lemma dtree_from_list_empty_inter_iff:
"(∀v ∈ fst ` set ((v, e) # xs). set r ∩ set v = {})
⟷ (∀(x,e1) ∈ fset {|(dtree_from_list v xs,e)|}. set r ∩ dlverts x = {})" (is "?P ⟷ ?Q")
assume asm: "?P"
have "dverts (dtree_from_list v xs) = fst ` set ((v,e)#xs)"
by(simp add: dtree_from_list_eq_dverts)
then show ?Q using list_in_verts_if_lverts asm by fastforce
assume asm: "?Q"
have "dverts (dtree_from_list v xs) = fst ` set ((v,e)#xs)"
by(simp add: dtree_from_list_eq_dverts)
moreover have "(dtree_from_list v xs,e) ∈ fset {|(dtree_from_list v xs, e)|}" by simp
ultimately show "?P" using asm lverts_if_in_verts by fast
lemma wf_dlverts_iff_wf_list_lverts:
"(∀v ∈ fst ` set xs. set r ∩ set v = {}) ∧ r ≠ [] ∧ wf_list_lverts xs
⟷ wf_dlverts (dtree_from_list r xs)"
proof(induction xs arbitrary: r rule: wf_list_lverts.induct)
case (2 v e xs)
then show ?case using dtree_from_list_empty_inter_iff[of v e] by auto
qed (simp)
lemma vert_disjoint_if_not_root:
assumes "wf_dlverts t"
and "v ∈ dverts t - {root t}"
shows "set (root t) ∩ set v = {}"
proof -
obtain t1 e1 where t1_def: "(t1,e1) ∈ fset (sucs t)" "v ∈ dverts t1"
using assms(2) dtree.set_cases(1) by force
then show ?thesis using assms(1) wf_dlverts.simps[of "root t"] lverts_if_in_verts by fastforce
lemma vert_disjoint_if_to_list:
"⟦wf_dlverts (Node r {|(t1,e1)|}); v ∈ fst ` set (dtree_to_list t1)⟧
⟹ set (root t1) ∩ set v = {}"
using vert_disjoint_if_not_root dtree_to_list_sub_dverts wf_dverts_if_wf_dlverts by fastforce
lemma wf_list_lverts_if_wf_dlverts: "wf_dlverts t ⟹ wf_list_lverts (dtree_to_list t)"
proof(induction t)
case (Node r xs)
then show ?case
proof(cases "∀x. xs ≠ {|x|}")
case True
then show ?thesis using dtree_to_list.simps(2) by simp
case False
then obtain t1 e1 where t1_def: "xs = {|(t1,e1)|}" by auto
then have "wf_dlverts t1" using Node.prems by simp
then have "root t1 ≠ []" using wf_dlverts.simps[of "root t1" "sucs t1"] by simp
then show ?thesis using Node vert_disjoint_if_to_list t1_def by fastforce
lemma child_in_dlverts: "(t1,e) ∈ fset xs ⟹ dlverts t1 ⊆ dlverts (Node r xs)"
by force
lemma suc_in_dlverts: "(t1,e) ∈ fset (sucs t2) ⟹ dlverts t1 ⊆ dlverts t2"
using child_in_dlverts[of t1 e "sucs t2" "root t2"] by auto
lemma suc_in_dlverts': "t1 ∈ fst ` fset (sucs t2) ⟹ dlverts t1 ⊆ dlverts t2"
using suc_in_dlverts by fastforce
lemma subtree_in_dlverts: "is_subtree t1 t2 ⟹ dlverts t1 ⊆ dlverts t2"
by(induction t2) fastforce
lemma subtree_root_if_dlverts: "x ∈ dlverts t ⟹ ∃r xs. is_subtree (Node r xs) t ∧ x ∈ set r"
using subtree_root_if_dverts list_in_verts_if_lverts by fast
lemma x_not_root_strict_subtree:
assumes "x ∈ dlverts t" and "x ∉ set (root t)"
shows "∃r xs t1. is_subtree (Node r xs) t ∧ t1 ∈ fst ` fset xs ∧ x ∈ set (root t1)"
proof -
obtain r xs where r_def: "is_subtree (Node r xs) t" "x ∈ set r"
using subtree_root_if_dlverts[OF assms(1)] by fast
then have sub: "strict_subtree (Node r xs) t" using assms(2) strict_subtree_def by fastforce
then show ?thesis using assms(2) subtree_child_if_strict_subtree[OF sub] r_def(2) by force
lemma dverts_disj_if_wf_dlverts:
"⟦wf_dlverts t; v1 ∈ dverts t; v2 ∈ dverts t; v1 ≠ v2⟧ ⟹ set v1 ∩ set v2 = {}"
using dverts_same_if_set_wf by fast
thm empty_notin_wf_dlverts
lemma wf_dlverts'_if_dlverts: "wf_dlverts t ⟹ wf_dlverts' t"
using wf_dlverts'_def empty_notin_wf_dlverts dverts_disj_if_wf_dlverts wf_dverts_if_wf_dlverts
by blast
lemma disjoint_dlverts_if_wf'_aux:
assumes "wf_dlverts' (Node r xs)"
and "(t1,e1) ∈ fset xs"
and "(t2,e2) ∈ fset xs"
and "(t1,e1) ≠ (t2,e2)"
shows "dlverts t1 ∩ dlverts t2 = {}"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "dlverts t1 ∩ dlverts t2 ≠ {}"
then obtain x y where x_def: "x ∈ dverts t1" "y ∈ dverts t2" "set x ∩ set y ≠ {}"
using dlverts_eq_dverts_union[of t1] dlverts_eq_dverts_union[of t2] by auto
then have "x ∈ dverts (Node r xs)" "y ∈ dverts (Node r xs)"
using dverts_child_subseteq assms(2,3) by auto
moreover have "x ≠ y"
using assms(1) disjoint_dverts_if_wf_aux[rotated, OF assms(2-4)] x_def(1,2)
unfolding wf_dlverts'_def by blast
ultimately show False using assms(1) x_def(3) unfolding wf_dlverts'_def by blast
lemma disjoint_dlverts_if_wf': "wf_dlverts' (Node r xs) ⟹ disjoint_dlverts xs"
using disjoint_dlverts_if_wf'_aux by fast
lemma root_nempty_if_wf': "wf_dlverts' (Node r xs) ⟹ r ≠ []"
unfolding wf_dlverts'_def by fastforce
lemma disjoint_root_if_wf'_aux:
assumes "wf_dlverts' (Node r xs)"
and "(t1,e1) ∈ fset xs"
shows "set r ∩ dlverts t1 = {}"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "set r ∩ dlverts t1 ≠ {}"
then obtain x where x_def: "x ∈ dverts t1" "set x ∩ set r ≠ {}"
using dlverts_eq_dverts_union by fast
then have "x ∈ dverts (Node r xs)" using dverts_child_subseteq assms(2) by auto
moreover have "r ∈ dverts (Node r xs)" by simp
moreover have "x ≠ r"
using assms x_def(1) root_not_child_if_wf_dverts unfolding wf_dlverts'_def by fast
ultimately show False using assms(1) x_def(2) unfolding wf_dlverts'_def by blast
lemma disjoint_root_if_wf':
"wf_dlverts' (Node r xs) ⟹ ∀(t1,e1) ∈ fset xs. set r ∩ dlverts t1 = {}"
using disjoint_root_if_wf'_aux by fast
lemma wf_dlverts_if_dlverts': "wf_dlverts' t ⟹ wf_dlverts t"
proof(induction t)
case (Node r xs)
then have "∀(t1,e1) ∈ fset xs. set r ∩ dlverts t1 = {}"
using disjoint_root_if_wf' by blast
moreover have "r ≠ [] ∧ disjoint_dlverts xs"
using disjoint_dlverts_if_wf' Node.prems root_nempty_if_wf' by fast
moreover have "∀(t1,e1) ∈ fset xs. wf_dlverts t1"
using Node wf_dlverts'_rec by fastforce
ultimately show ?case by auto
lemma wf_dlverts_iff_dlverts': "wf_dlverts t ⟷ wf_dlverts' t"
using wf_dlverts_if_dlverts' wf_dlverts'_if_dlverts by blast
locale list_dtree =
fixes t :: "('a list,'b) dtree"
assumes wf_arcs: "wf_darcs t"
and wf_lverts: "wf_dlverts t"
sublocale list_dtree ⊆ wf_dtree
using wf_arcs wf_lverts wf_dverts_if_wf_dlverts by(unfold_locales) auto
theorem list_dtree_iff_wf_list:
"wf_list_arcs xs ∧ (∀v ∈ fst ` set xs. set r ∩ set v = {}) ∧ r ≠ [] ∧ wf_list_lverts xs
⟷ list_dtree (dtree_from_list r xs)"
using wf_darcs_iff_wf_list_arcs wf_dlverts_iff_wf_list_lverts list_dtree_def by metis
lemma list_dtree_subset:
assumes "xs |⊆| ys" and "list_dtree (Node r ys)"
shows "list_dtree (Node r xs)"
using wf_dlverts_sub[OF assms(1)] wf_darcs_sub[OF assms(1)] assms(2)
by (unfold_locales) (fast dest: list_dtree.wf_lverts list_dtree.wf_arcs)+
context fin_list_directed_tree
lemma dlverts_disjoint:
assumes "r ∈ verts T" and "(Node r xs) = to_dtree_aux r"
and "(x,e1) ∈ fset xs" and "(y,e2) ∈ fset xs" and "(x,e1)≠(y,e2)"
shows "dlverts x ∩ dlverts y = {}"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "dlverts x ∩ dlverts y ≠ {}"
then obtain v where v_def[simp]: "v ∈ dlverts x" "v ∈ dlverts y" by blast
obtain x1 where x1_def: "v ∈ set x1" "x1 ∈ dverts x" using list_in_verts_if_lverts by force
obtain y1 where y1_def: "v ∈ set y1" "y1 ∈ dverts y" using list_in_verts_if_lverts by force
have 0: "y = to_dtree_aux (Dtree.root y)" using to_dtree_aux_self assms(2,4) by blast
have "r →⇘T⇙ Dtree.root y"
using assms(2,4) dominated_if_child by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) fst_conv image_iff)
then have 1: "Dtree.root y ∈ verts T" using adj_in_verts(2) by simp
have "r →⇘T⇙ Dtree.root x"
using assms(2,3) dominated_if_child by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) fst_conv image_iff)
then have "Dtree.root x ∈ verts T" using adj_in_verts(2) by simp
moreover have "x = to_dtree_aux (Dtree.root x)" using to_dtree_aux_self assms(2,3) by blast
ultimately have "Dtree.root x →⇧*⇘T⇙ x1" using to_dtree_aux_dverts_reachable x1_def(2) by blast
moreover have "Dtree.root y →⇧*⇘T⇙ y1" using 0 1 to_dtree_aux_dverts_reachable y1_def(2) by blast
ultimately have "x1 = y1" using disjoint_verts reachable_in_verts(2) x1_def(1) y1_def(1) by auto
then show False using dverts_disjoint[OF assms(2-5)] x1_def(2) y1_def(2) by blast
lemma wf_dlverts_to_dtree_aux: "⟦r ∈ verts T; t = to_dtree_aux r⟧ ⟹ wf_dlverts t"
proof(induction t arbitrary: r rule: darcs_mset.induct)
case (1 r' xs)
then have "r = r'" by simp
have "∀(x,e) ∈ fset xs. wf_dlverts x ∧ set r ∩ dlverts x = {}"
proof (standard, standard, standard)
fix xp x e
assume asm: "xp ∈ fset xs" "xp = (x,e)"
then have 0: "x = to_dtree_aux (Dtree.root x)" using to_dtree_aux_self "1.prems"(2) by simp
have 2: "r →⇘T⇙ Dtree.root x" using asm "1.prems" ‹r = r'›
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) dominated_if_child fst_conv image_iff)
then have 3: "Dtree.root x ∈ verts T" using adj_in_verts(2) by simp
then show "wf_dlverts x" using "1.IH" asm 0 by blast
have "r ∉ dverts x"
assume "r ∈ dverts x"
then have "Dtree.root x →⇧*⇘T⇙ r" using 0 3 to_dtree_aux_dverts_reachable by blast
then have "r →⇧+⇘T⇙ r" using 2 by auto
then show False using reachable1_not_reverse by blast
then show "set r ∩ dlverts x = {}"
using 0 "1.prems"(1) 3 disjoint_iff_not_equal disjoint_verts list_in_verts_if_lverts
by (metis reachable_in_verts(2) to_dtree_aux_dverts_reachable)
moreover have "disjoint_dlverts xs" using dlverts_disjoint "1.prems" by fastforce
ultimately show ?case using ‹r = r'› by (auto simp add: "1.prems"(1) nempty_verts)
lemma wf_dlverts_to_dtree: "wf_dlverts to_dtree"
using to_dtree_def wf_dlverts_to_dtree_aux root_in_T by blast
theorem list_dtree_to_dtree: "list_dtree to_dtree"
using list_dtree_def wf_dlverts_to_dtree wf_darcs_to_dtree by blast
context list_dtree
lemma list_dtree_rec: "⟦Node r xs = t; (x,e) ∈ fset xs⟧ ⟹ list_dtree x"
using wf_arcs wf_lverts by(unfold_locales) auto
lemma list_dtree_rec_suc: "(x,e) ∈ fset (sucs t) ⟹ list_dtree x"
using list_dtree_rec[of "root t"] by force
lemma list_dtree_sub: "is_subtree x t ⟹ list_dtree x"
using list_dtree_axioms proof(induction t rule: darcs_mset.induct)
case (1 r xs)
then interpret list_dtree "Node r xs" by blast
show ?case
proof(cases "x = Node r xs")
case True
then show ?thesis by (simp add: "1.prems")
case False
then show ?thesis using "1.IH" list_dtree_rec "1.prems"(1) by auto
theorem from_dtree_fin_list_dir: "fin_list_directed_tree (root t) (from_dtree dt dh t)"
unfolding fin_list_directed_tree_def fin_list_directed_tree_axioms_def
by (auto simp: from_dtree_fin_directed empty_notin_wf_dlverts[OF wf_lverts]
intro: wf_lverts dverts_same_if_set_wf)
subsection ‹Combining Preserves Well-Formedness›
lemma remove_child_sub: "remove_child x xs |⊆| xs"
by auto
lemma child2_commute_aux:
assumes "f = (λ(t,_) b. case t of Node r ys ⇒ if r = a then ys |∪| b else b)"
shows "(f y ∘ f x) z = (f x ∘ f y) z"
proof -
obtain r1 ys1 e1 where y_def: "y = (Node r1 ys1, e1)" by (metis dtree.exhaust eq_snd_iff)
obtain r2 ys2 e2 where "x = (Node r2 ys2, e2)" by (metis dtree.exhaust eq_snd_iff)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: assms funion_left_commute y_def)
lemma child2_commute:
"comp_fun_commute (λ(t,_) b. case t of Node r ys ⇒ if r = x then ys |∪| b else b)"
using comp_fun_commute_def child2_commute_aux by fastforce
interpretation Comm:
comp_fun_commute "λ(t,_) b. case t of Node r ys ⇒ if r = x then ys |∪| b else b"
by (rule child2_commute)
lemma input_in_child2:
"zs |⊆| child2 x zs ys"
proof(induction ys)
case empty
then show ?case using Comm.ffold_empty by simp
case (insert y ys)
then obtain r xs e where r_def: "(Node r xs,e) = y" by (metis dtree.exhaust surj_pair)
let ?f = "(λ(t,_) b. case t of Node r ys ⇒ if r = x then ys |∪| b else b)"
show ?case
proof(cases "r=x")
case True
then have "ffold ?f zs (finsert y ys) = xs |∪| (ffold ?f zs ys)"
using r_def insert.hyps by force
then show ?thesis using insert.IH by blast
case False
then have "ffold ?f zs (finsert y ys) = (ffold ?f zs ys)" using r_def insert.hyps by force
then show ?thesis using insert.IH by blast
lemma child2_subset_if_input1:
"zs' |⊆| zs ⟹ child2 x zs' ys |⊆| child2 x zs ys"
proof(induction ys)
case (insert y ys)
obtain r xs e where r_def: "(Node r xs, e) = y" by (metis dtree.exhaust surj_pair)
let ?f = "(λ(t,_) b. case t of Node r ys ⇒ if r = x then ys |∪| b else b)"
show ?case
proof(cases "r=x")
case True
then have "ffold ?f zs (finsert y ys) = xs |∪| (ffold ?f zs ys)"
using r_def insert.hyps by force
moreover have "ffold ?f zs' (finsert y ys) = xs |∪| (ffold ?f zs' ys)"
using r_def insert.hyps True by force
ultimately show ?thesis using insert by blast
case False
then have "ffold ?f zs (finsert y ys) = (ffold ?f zs ys)" using r_def insert.hyps by force
moreover have "ffold ?f zs' (finsert y ys) = (ffold ?f zs' ys)"
using r_def insert.hyps False by force
ultimately show ?thesis using insert by blast
qed (simp)
lemma child2_subset_if_input2:
"ys' |⊆| ys ⟹ child2 x xs ys' |⊆| child2 x xs ys"
proof(induction "fcard ys" arbitrary: ys)
case (Suc n)
show ?case
proof(cases "ys' = ys")
case False
then obtain z where z_def: "z |∈| ys ∧ z |∉| ys'" using Suc.prems by blast
then obtain zs where zs_def: "finsert z zs = ys ∧ z |∉| zs" by blast
then have "ys' |⊆| zs ∧ fcard zs = n"
using Suc.prems(1) Suc.hyps(2) z_def fcard_finsert_disjoint by fastforce
then have 0: "child2 x xs ys' |⊆| child2 x xs zs" using Suc.hyps(1) by blast
obtain r rs e where r_def: "(Node r rs, e) = z" by (metis dtree.exhaust surj_pair)
then show ?thesis using 0 zs_def by force
qed (simp)
qed (simp)
lemma darcs_split: "darcs (Node r (xs|∪|ys)) = darcs (Node r xs) ∪ darcs (Node r ys)"
by simp
lemma darcs_sub_if_children_sub: "xs |⊆| ys ⟹ darcs (Node r xs) ⊆ darcs (Node v ys)"
proof(induction "fcard ys" arbitrary: ys)
case (Suc n)
then show ?case
proof(cases "ys = xs")
case False
then obtain z where z_def: "z |∈| ys ∧ z |∉| xs" using Suc.prems by blast
then obtain zs where zs_def: "finsert z zs = ys ∧ z |∉| zs" by blast
then have "xs |⊆| zs ∧ fcard zs = n"
using Suc.prems(1) Suc.hyps(2) z_def fcard_finsert_disjoint by fastforce
then have "darcs (Node r xs) ⊆ darcs (Node v zs)" using Suc.hyps(1) by blast
then show ?thesis using zs_def darcs_split[of v "{|z|}" zs] by auto
qed (simp)
qed (simp)
lemma darc_in_child2_snd_if_nin_fst:
"e ∈ darcs (Node x (child2 a xs ys)) ⟹ e ∉ darcs (Node v ys) ⟹ e ∈ darcs (Node r xs)"
proof(induction "ys")
case (insert y ys)
obtain r rs e1 where r_def: "(Node r rs, e1) = y" by (metis dtree.exhaust surj_pair)
then have e_not_rs: "e ∉ darcs (Node x rs)" using insert.prems(2) by fastforce
show ?case
proof(cases "r = a")
case True
then have "darcs (Node x (child2 a xs (finsert y ys)))
= darcs (Node x (rs |∪| (child2 a xs ys)))"
using r_def insert.hyps(1) by force
moreover have "… = darcs (Node x rs) ∪ darcs (Node x (child2 a xs ys))" by simp
ultimately have "e ∈ darcs (Node x (child2 a xs ys))" using insert.prems(1) e_not_rs by blast
then show ?thesis using insert.IH insert.prems(2) by simp
case False
then have "darcs (Node x (child2 a xs (finsert y ys))) = darcs (Node x (child2 a xs ys))"
using r_def insert.hyps(1) by force
then show ?thesis using insert.IH insert.prems by simp
qed (simp)
lemma darc_in_child2_fst_if_nin_snd:
"e ∈ darcs (Node x (child2 a xs ys)) ⟹ e ∉ darcs (Node v xs) ⟹ e ∈ darcs (Node r ys)"
using darc_in_child2_snd_if_nin_fst by fast
lemma darcs_child2_sub: "darcs (Node x (child2 y xs ys)) ⊆ darcs (Node r xs) ∪ darcs (Node r' ys)"
using darc_in_child2_snd_if_nin_fst by fast
lemma darcs_combine_sub_orig: "darcs (combine x y t1) ⊆ darcs t1"
proof(induction t1)
case ind: (Node r xs)
show ?case
proof(cases "x=r ∧ (∃t. t ∈ fst ` fset xs ∧ root t = y)")
case True
then have "darcs (combine x y (Node r xs))
= darcs (Node (x@y) (child2 y (remove_child y xs) xs))" by simp
also have "… ⊆ darcs (Node x (child2 y xs xs))"
using darcs_sub_if_children_sub[of "child2 y (remove_child y xs) xs" "child2 y xs xs"]
child2_subset_if_input1[of "remove_child y xs" xs] remove_child_sub by fast
finally show ?thesis using darcs_child2_sub by fast
case False
then have "darcs (combine x y (Node r xs))
= darcs (Node r ((λ(t,e). (combine x y t,e)) |`| xs))"
by auto
also have "… ⊆ (⋃(t,e)∈fset xs. ⋃ (darcs ` {t}) ∪ {e})"
using ind.IH wf_dtree_rec by fastforce
finally show ?thesis by force
lemma child2_in_child:
"⟦b ∈ fset (child2 a ys xs); b |∉| ys⟧ ⟹ ∃rs e. (Node a rs, e) ∈ fset xs ∧ b |∈| rs"
proof(induction xs)
case (insert x xs)
obtain r rs e1 where r_def: "(Node r rs, e1) = x" by (metis dtree.exhaust surj_pair)
show ?case
proof(cases "r = a")
case ra: True
then have 0: "child2 a ys (finsert x xs) = rs |∪| (child2 a ys xs)"
using r_def insert.hyps(1) by force
show ?thesis
proof(cases "b |∈| rs")
case True
then show ?thesis using r_def ra by auto
case False
then have "b ∈ fset (child2 a ys xs)" using insert.prems(1) 0 by force
then show ?thesis using insert.IH insert.prems(2) by auto
case False
then show ?thesis using insert r_def by force
qed simp
lemma child_in_darcs: "(y,e2) ∈ fset xs ⟹ darcs y ∪ {e2} ⊆ darcs (Node r xs)"
by force
lemma disjoint_darcs_child2:
assumes "wf_darcs (Node r xs)"
shows "disjoint_darcs (child2 a (remove_child a xs) xs)" (is "disjoint_darcs ?P")
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ disjoint_darcs ?P"
then obtain x e1 y e2 where asm: "(x,e1) ∈ fset ?P" "(y,e2) ∈ fset ?P" "(e1 ∈ darcs x ∨
((darcs x ∪ {e1}) ∩ (darcs y ∪ {e2}) ≠ {} ∧ (x,e1)≠(y,e2)))" by blast
note wf_darcs_iff_darcs'[simp]
consider "(x,e1) ∈ fset (remove_child a xs)" "e1 ∈ darcs x"
| "(x,e1) ∈ fset (remove_child a xs)" "e1 ∉ darcs x" "(y,e2) ∈ fset (remove_child a xs)"
| "(x,e1) ∈ fset (remove_child a xs)" "e1 ∉ darcs x" "(y,e2) |∉| (remove_child a xs)"
| "(x,e1) |∉| (remove_child a xs)" "e1 ∈ darcs x"
| "(x,e1) |∉| (remove_child a xs)" "e1 ∉ darcs x" "(y,e2) ∈ fset (remove_child a xs)"
| "(x,e1) |∉| (remove_child a xs)" "e1 ∉ darcs x" "(y,e2) |∉| (remove_child a xs)"
by auto
then show False
case 1
then show ?thesis using assms by auto
case 2
then show ?thesis using assms asm(3) by fastforce
case 3
then have x_xs: "(x,e1) ∈ fset xs" by simp
obtain rs2 re2 where r2_def: "(Node a rs2, re2) ∈ fset xs" "(y,e2) |∈| rs2"
using child2_in_child asm(2) 3(3) by fast
then have "darcs y ∪ {e2} ⊆ darcs (Node a rs2)" using child_in_darcs by fast
then have "(darcs x ∪ {e1}) ∩ (darcs (Node a rs2) ∪ {re2}) ≠ {}" using 3(2) asm(3) by blast
moreover have "(x,e1)≠(Node a rs2, re2)" using 3(1) by force
ultimately have "¬ disjoint_darcs xs" using r2_def(1) x_xs by fast
then show ?thesis using assms by simp
case 4
then obtain rs1 re1 where r1_def: "(Node a rs1, re1) ∈ fset xs" "(x,e1) |∈| rs1"
using child2_in_child asm(1) by fast
then have "¬disjoint_darcs rs1" using 4(2) by fast
then show ?thesis using assms r1_def(1) by fastforce
case 5
then obtain rs1 re1 where r1_def: "(Node a rs1, re1) ∈ fset xs" "(x,e1) |∈| rs1"
using child2_in_child asm(1) by fast
have 1: "(darcs (Node a rs1) ∪ {re1}) ∩ (darcs y ∪ {e2}) ≠ {}"
using r1_def(2) asm(3) 5(2) child_in_darcs by fast
have y_xs: "(y,e2) ∈ fset xs" using 5(3) by simp
then have "(Node a rs1, re1)≠(y,e2)" using 5(3) by force
then have "¬ disjoint_darcs xs" using r1_def(1) y_xs 1 by fast
then show ?thesis using assms by simp
case 6
then obtain rs1 re1 where r1_def: "(Node a rs1, re1) ∈ fset xs" "(x,e1) |∈| rs1"
using child2_in_child asm(1) by fast
then have 1: "(darcs (Node a rs1) ∪ {re1}) ∩ (darcs y ∪ {e2}) ≠ {}"
using asm(3) 6(2) child_in_darcs by fast
obtain rs2 re2 where r2_def: "(Node a rs2, re2) ∈ fset xs" "(y,e2) |∈| rs2"
using child2_in_child asm(2) 6(3) by fast
then have "darcs y ∪ {e2} ⊆ darcs (Node a rs2)" using child_in_darcs by fast
then have 1: "(darcs (Node a rs1) ∪ {re1}) ∩ (darcs (Node a rs2) ∪ {re2}) ≠ {}"
using 1 asm(3) 6(2) child_in_darcs by blast
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "(Node a rs1, re1) = (Node a rs2, re2)")
case True
then have "(x,e1) ∈ fset rs1 ∧ (y,e2) ∈ fset rs1"
using r1_def(2) r2_def(2) by fast
then show ?thesis using assms r1_def asm(3) 6(2) by fastforce
case False
then have "¬ disjoint_darcs xs" using r1_def(1) r2_def(1) 1 by fast
then show ?thesis using assms by simp
lemma wf_darcs_child2:
assumes "wf_darcs (Node r xs)" and "(x,e) ∈ fset (child2 a (remove_child a xs) xs)"
shows "wf_darcs x"
proof(cases "(x,e) |∈| remove_child a xs")
case True
then show ?thesis using assms(1) by (fastforce simp: wf_darcs_iff_darcs')
case False
then obtain r rs e1 where "(Node r rs, e1) ∈ fset xs ∧ (x,e) |∈| rs ∧ r = a"
using child2_in_child assms(2) by fast
then show ?thesis using assms by (fastforce simp: wf_darcs_iff_darcs')
lemma disjoint_darcs_combine:
assumes "Node r xs = t"
shows "disjoint_darcs ((λ(t,e). (combine x y t,e)) |`| xs)"
proof -
have "disjoint_darcs xs" using wf_arcs assms by (fastforce simp: wf_darcs_iff_darcs')
then show ?thesis
using disjoint_darcs_img[of xs "combine x y"] by (simp add: darcs_combine_sub_orig)
lemma wf_darcs_combine: "wf_darcs (combine x y t)"
using list_dtree_axioms proof(induction t)
case ind: (Node r xs)
then interpret list_dtree "Node r xs" using ind.prems by blast
show ?case
proof(cases "x=r ∧ (∃t. t ∈ fst ` fset xs ∧ root t = y)")
case True
have "disjoint_darcs (child2 y (remove_child y xs) xs)"
using disjoint_darcs_child2[OF wf_arcs] by simp
moreover have "∀(x,e) ∈ fset (child2 y (remove_child y xs) xs). wf_darcs x"
using wf_darcs_child2 wf_arcs by fast
ultimately show ?thesis using True by (simp add: wf_darcs_iff_darcs')
case False
have "disjoint_darcs ((λ(t,e). (combine x y t, e)) |`| xs)"
using disjoint_darcs_combine ind.prems by simp
moreover have "∀(x,e) ∈ fset xs. list_dtree x" using list_dtree_rec by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using False ind.IH ind.prems by (auto simp: wf_darcs_iff_darcs')
lemma v_in_dlverts_if_in_comb: "v ∈ dlverts (combine x y t) ⟹ v ∈ dlverts t"
using list_dtree_axioms proof(induction t)
case ind: (Node r xs)
then interpret list_dtree "Node r xs" using ind.prems by blast
show ?case
proof(cases "x=r ∧ (∃t. t ∈ fst ` fset xs ∧ root t = y)")
case x_and_y: True
show ?thesis
proof(cases "v ∈ set x ∪ set y")
case True
then show ?thesis using x_and_y dtree.set_sel(1) lverts_if_in_verts by fastforce
case False
then obtain t e where t_def: "(t,e) ∈ fset (child2 y (remove_child y xs) xs)" "v ∈ dlverts t"
using x_and_y ind.prems by auto
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "(t,e) |∈| (remove_child y xs)")
case True
then have "(t,e) ∈ fset (remove_child y xs)" by fast
then show ?thesis using t_def(2) by force
case False
then obtain r1 rs1 re1 where r1_def: "(Node r1 rs1, re1) ∈ fset xs" "(t,e) |∈| rs1"
using child2_in_child t_def(1) by fast
have "is_subtree t (Node r1 rs1)" using subtree_if_child r1_def(2)
by (metis image_iff prod.sel(1))
moreover have "is_subtree (Node r1 rs1) (Node r xs)"
using subtree_if_child r1_def(1) by fastforce
ultimately have "is_subtree t (Node r xs)" using subtree_trans by blast
then show ?thesis using t_def(2) subtree_in_dlverts by blast
case rec: False
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "v ∈ set r")
case False
then have "∃(t,e) ∈ fset xs. v ∈ dlverts (combine x y t)"
using ind.prems list_dtree_rec rec by force
then show ?thesis using ind.IH list_dtree_rec by fastforce
qed (simp)
lemma ex_subtree_if_in_lverts: "v ∈ dlverts t1 ⟹ ∃t2. is_subtree t2 t1 ∧ v ∈ set (root t2)"
apply(induction t1)
apply simp
by fastforce
lemma child'_in_child2:
assumes "(Node y rs1,e1) ∈ fset xs" and "(t2,e2) ∈ fset rs1"
shows "(t2,e2) ∈ fset (child2 y ys xs)"
using assms proof(induction xs)
case (insert x xs)
obtain r rs re where r_def: "(Node r rs, re) = x" by (metis dtree.exhaust surj_pair)
show ?case
proof(cases "r = y")
case ry: True
then have 0: "child2 y ys (finsert x xs) = rs |∪| (child2 y ys xs)"
using r_def insert.hyps(1) by force
then show ?thesis using insert by fastforce
case False
then show ?thesis using insert r_def by force
qed (simp)
lemma v_in_comb_if_in_dlverts: "v ∈ dlverts t ⟹ v ∈ dlverts (combine x y t)"
using list_dtree_axioms proof(induction t)
case ind: (Node r xs)
then interpret list_dtree "Node r xs" using ind.prems by blast
show ?case
proof(cases "x=r ∧ (∃t. t ∈ fst ` fset xs ∧ root t = y)")
case x_and_y: True
then have 0: "combine x y (Node r xs) = Node (x@y) (child2 y (remove_child y xs) xs)" by simp
show ?thesis
proof(cases "v ∈ set x ∪ set y")
case True
then show ?thesis using x_and_y dtree.set_sel(1) lverts_if_in_verts by fastforce
case False
obtain t where t_def: "is_subtree t (Node r xs)" "v ∈ set (root t)"
using ex_subtree_if_in_lverts ind.prems by fast
then have "Node r xs ≠ t" using False x_and_y by fastforce
then obtain t1 e1 where t1_def: "is_subtree t t1" "(t1,e1) ∈ fset xs"
using t_def(1) by force
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "root t1 = y")
case True
then have "t1 ≠ t" using False t_def(2) by blast
then obtain rs1 where rs1_def: "t1 = Node y rs1" using True dtree.exhaust_sel by blast
then obtain t2 e2 where t2_def: "is_subtree t t2" "(t2,e2) ∈ fset rs1"
using ‹t1≠t› t1_def(1) by auto
have "(t2,e2) ∈ fset (child2 y (remove_child y xs) xs)"
using t2_def(2) rs1_def t1_def(2) child'_in_child2 by fast
then have "is_subtree t2 (combine x y (Node r xs))" using subtree_if_child 0
using self_subtree by fastforce
then have "is_subtree t (combine x y (Node r xs))" using subtree_trans t2_def(1) by blast
then show ?thesis
using t_def(2) t2_def(1) subtree_in_dlverts dtree.set_sel(1) lverts_if_in_verts by fast
case False
then have "(t1,e1) ∈ fset (remove_child y xs)" using t1_def(2) by simp
then have "(t1,e1) ∈ fset (child2 y (remove_child y xs) xs)"
using less_eq_fset.rep_eq input_in_child2 by fast
then have "is_subtree t (combine x y (Node r xs))"
using 0 subtree_if_child subtree_trans t1_def(1) by auto
then show ?thesis
using t_def(2) subtree_in_dlverts dtree.set_sel(1) lverts_if_in_verts by fast
case rec: False
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "v ∈ set r")
case False
then obtain t e where t_def: "(t,e) ∈ fset xs" "v ∈ dlverts t" using ind.prems by auto
then have "v ∈ dlverts (combine x y t)" using ind.IH list_dtree_rec by auto
then show ?thesis using rec t_def(1) by force
qed (simp)
lemma dlverts_comb_id[simp]: "dlverts (combine x y t) = dlverts t"
using v_in_comb_if_in_dlverts v_in_dlverts_if_in_comb by blast
lemma wf_dlverts_comb_aux:
assumes "∀(t,e) ∈ fset xs. dlverts (combine x y t) = dlverts t"
and "∀(t1,e1) ∈ fset xs. ∀(t2,e2) ∈ fset xs. dlverts t1 ∩ dlverts t2 = {} ∨ (t1,e1)=(t2,e2)"
and "(t1,e1) ∈ fset ((λ(t,e). (combine x y t, e)) |`| xs)"
and "(t2,e2) ∈ fset ((λ(t,e). (combine x y t, e)) |`| xs)"
shows "dlverts t1 ∩ dlverts t2 = {} ∨ (t1,e1)=(t2,e2)"
proof -
obtain t1' where t1_def: "combine x y t1' = t1" "(t1',e1) ∈ fset xs" using assms(3) by auto
obtain t2' where t2_def: "combine x y t2' = t2" "(t2',e2) ∈ fset xs" using assms(4) by auto
show ?thesis
proof(cases "dlverts t1' ∩ dlverts t2' = {}")
case True
then show ?thesis using assms(1) t1_def t2_def by blast
case False
then show ?thesis using assms(2) t1_def t2_def by fast
lemma wf_dlverts_child2:
assumes "(t1,e) ∈ fset (child2 y (remove_child y xs) xs)"
and "∀(t,e) ∈ fset xs. wf_dlverts t"
shows "wf_dlverts t1"
proof(cases "(t1,e) |∈| (remove_child y xs)")
case True
then show ?thesis using assms(2) by fastforce
case False
then obtain rs re where r_def: "(Node y rs, re) ∈ fset xs" "(t1,e)|∈| rs"
using child2_in_child assms(1) by fast
then show ?thesis using assms(2) by fastforce
lemma wf_dlverts_child2_aux1:
assumes "(t1,e1) ∈ fset (child2 y (remove_child y xs) xs)"
and "∃t. t ∈ fst ` fset xs ∧ root t = y"
and "wf_dlverts (Node r xs)"
shows "set (r@y) ∩ dlverts t1 = {}"
proof(cases "(t1,e1) |∈| (remove_child y xs)")
case True
then have t1_def: "root t1 ≠ y" "(t1,e1) ∈ fset xs" by fastforce+
obtain t et where t_def: "(t,et) ∈ fset xs" "root t = y" using assms(2) by force
have "∀y'∈ set y. y' ∉ dlverts t1"
fix y'
assume "y' ∈ set y"
then have asm: "y' ∈ dlverts t" using t_def(2) dtree.set_sel(1) lverts_if_in_verts by fastforce
have "dlverts t1 ∩ dlverts t = {}" using assms(3) t1_def t_def by fastforce
then show "y' ∉ dlverts t1" using asm by blast
then show ?thesis using assms(3) t1_def(2) by auto
case False
then obtain rs1 re1 where r_def: "(Node y rs1, re1) ∈ fset xs" "(t1,e1)|∈| rs1"
using child2_in_child assms(1) by fast
have "∀y'∈ set y. y' ∉ dlverts t1" using assms(3) r_def by fastforce
then show ?thesis using assms(3) r_def by fastforce
lemma wf_dlverts_child2_aux2:
assumes "∀(t1,e1) ∈ fset xs. ∀(t2,e2) ∈ fset xs. dlverts t1 ∩ dlverts t2 = {} ∨ (t1,e1)=(t2,e2)"
and "∀(t,e) ∈ fset xs. wf_dlverts t"
and "(t1,e1) ∈ fset (child2 y (remove_child y xs) xs)"
and "(t2,e2) ∈ fset (child2 y (remove_child y xs) xs)"
and "(t1,e1)≠(t2,e2)"
shows "dlverts t1 ∩ dlverts t2 = {}"
proof(cases "(t1,e1) |∈| (remove_child y xs)")
case t1_r: True
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "(t2,e2) |∈| (remove_child y xs)")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) t1_r assms(1,5) Int_iff case_prodD filter_fset)
case False
then obtain rs2 re2 where r_def: "(Node y rs2, re2) ∈ fset xs" "(t2,e2)|∈| rs2"
using child2_in_child assms(4) by fast
then show ?thesis
using t1_r assms(1) ffmember_filter inf_assoc inf_bot_right inf_commute
by (smt (verit) dtree.sel(1) semilattice_inf_class.inf.absorb_iff2 case_prodD child_in_dlverts)
case False
then obtain rs1 re1 where r1_def: "(Node y rs1, re1) ∈ fset xs" "(t1,e1)|∈| rs1"
using child2_in_child assms(3) by fast
show ?thesis
proof(cases "(t2,e2) |∈| (remove_child y xs)")
case True
then show ?thesis
using r1_def assms(1) ffmember_filter inf_assoc inf_bot_right inf_commute
by (smt (verit) dtree.sel(1) semilattice_inf_class.inf.absorb_iff2 case_prodD child_in_dlverts)
case False
then obtain rs2 re2 where r2_def: "(Node y rs2, re2) ∈ fset xs" "(t2,e2) |∈| rs2"
using child2_in_child assms(4) by fast
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "rs1=rs2")
case True
have "∀(t1,e1) ∈ fset rs1. ∀(t2,e2) ∈ fset rs1.
dlverts t1 ∩ dlverts t2 = {} ∨ (t1,e1)=(t2,e2)"
using r1_def(1) assms(2) by fastforce
then show ?thesis
using r1_def(2) r2_def(2) assms(5) True
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) case_prodD)
case False
then have "dlverts (Node y rs1) ∩ dlverts (Node y rs2) = {}"
using assms(1) r1_def(1) r2_def(1) by fast
then show ?thesis
using r1_def(2) r2_def(2) child_in_dlverts
by (metis inf_mono)
lemma wf_dlverts_combine: "wf_dlverts (combine x y t)"
using list_dtree_axioms proof(induction t)
case ind: (Node r xs)
then interpret list_dtree "Node r xs" using ind.prems by blast
show ?case
proof(cases "x=r ∧ (∃t. t ∈ fst ` fset xs ∧ root t = y)")
case True
let ?xs = "child2 y (remove_child y xs) xs"
have "∀(t1,e1) ∈ fset xs. ∀(t2,e2) ∈ fset xs.
dlverts t1 ∩ dlverts t2 = {} ∨ (t1,e1)=(t2,e2)" using wf_lverts by fastforce
moreover have "∀(t1,e1) ∈ fset xs. wf_dlverts t1" using wf_lverts by fastforce
ultimately have "∀(t1,e1) ∈ fset ?xs. ∀(t2,e2) ∈ fset ?xs.
dlverts t1 ∩ dlverts t2 = {} ∨ (t1,e1)=(t2,e2)"
using wf_dlverts_child2_aux2[of xs] by blast
moreover have "∀(x,e) ∈ fset ?xs. wf_dlverts x" using wf_dlverts_child2 wf_lverts by fastforce
moreover have "(x@y) ≠ []" using True wf_lverts by simp
moreover have "∀(t1,e1) ∈ fset ?xs. set (x@y) ∩ dlverts t1 = {}"
using wf_dlverts_child2_aux1 wf_lverts True by fast
ultimately have "wf_dlverts (Node (x@y) ?xs)" by fastforce
moreover have "combine x y (Node r xs) = Node (x@y) ?xs" using True by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by argo
case False
let ?xs = "(λ(t,e). (combine x y t, e)) |`| xs"
have 0: "∀(t,e) ∈ fset xs. dlverts (combine x y t) = dlverts t"
using list_dtree.dlverts_comb_id list_dtree_rec by fast
have 1: "∀(t,e) ∈ fset ?xs. wf_dlverts t" using ind.IH list_dtree_rec by auto
have 2: "∀(t,e) ∈ fset ?xs. set r ∩ dlverts t = {}" using 0 wf_lverts by fastforce
have "∀(t1,e1) ∈ fset xs. ∀(t2,e2) ∈ fset xs.
dlverts t1 ∩ dlverts t2 = {} ∨ (t1,e1)=(t2,e2)" using wf_lverts by fastforce
then have 3: "∀(t1,e1) ∈ fset ?xs. ∀(t2,e2) ∈ fset ?xs.
dlverts t1 ∩ dlverts t2 = {} ∨ (t1,e1)=(t2,e2)"
using 0 wf_dlverts_comb_aux[of xs] by blast
have 4: "combine x y (Node r xs) = Node r ?xs" using False by auto
have "r ≠ []" using wf_lverts by simp
then show ?thesis using 1 2 3 4 by fastforce
theorem list_dtree_comb: "list_dtree (combine x y t)"
by(unfold_locales) (auto simp: wf_darcs_combine wf_dlverts_combine)