Theory Resolution_Compl_Consistency
theory Resolution_Compl_Consistency
imports Resolution Consistency CNF_Formulas CNF_Formulas_Sema
lemma OrI2': "(¬P ⟹ Q) ⟹ P ∨ Q" by auto
lemma atomD: "Atom k ∈ S ⟹ {Pos k} ∈ ⋃(cnf ` S)" "Not (Atom k) ∈ S ⟹ {Neg k} ∈ ⋃(cnf ` S)" by force+
lemma pcp_disj:
"⟦F ❙∨ G ∈ Γ; (∀xa. (xa = F ∨ xa ∈ Γ) ⟶ is_cnf xa) ⟶ (cnf F ∪ (⋃x∈Γ. cnf x) ⊢ □); (∀xa. (xa = G ∨ xa ∈ Γ) ⟶ is_cnf xa) ⟶ (cnf G ∪ (⋃x∈Γ. cnf x) ⊢ □); ∀x∈Γ. is_cnf x⟧
⟹ (⋃x∈Γ. cnf x) ⊢ □"
proof goal_cases
case 1
from 1(1,4) have "is_cnf (F ❙∨ G)" by blast
hence db: "is_disj F" "is_lit_plus F" "is_disj G" by(cases F; simp)+
hence "is_cnf F ∧ is_cnf G" by(cases F; cases G; simp)
with 1 have IH: "(⋃(cnf ` (F ▹ Γ))) ⊢ □" "(⋃(cnf ` (G ▹ Γ))) ⊢ □" by simp_all
let ?Γ = "(⋃(cnf ` Γ))"
from IH have IH_readable: "cnf F ∪ ?Γ ⊢ □" "cnf G ∪ ?Γ ⊢ □" by auto
show ?case proof(cases "cnf F = {} ∨ cnf G = {}")
case True
hence "cnf (F ❙∨ G) = {}" by auto
thus ?thesis using True IH by auto
case False
then obtain S T where ST: "cnf F = {S}" "cnf G = {T}"
using cnf_disj_ex db(1,3) by metis
hence R: "cnf (F ❙∨ G) = { S ∪ T }" by simp
have "⟦S▹?Γ ⊢ □; T▹?Γ ⊢ □⟧ ⟹ S ∪ T▹ ?Γ ⊢ □" proof -
assume s: "S▹?Γ ⊢ □" and t: "T▹?Γ ⊢ □"
hence s_w: "S ▹ S ∪ T ▹ ?Γ ⊢ □" using Resolution_weaken by (metis insert_commute insert_is_Un)
note Resolution_taint_assumptions[of "{T}" ?Γ "□" S] t
then obtain R where R: "S ∪ T ▹ ?Γ ⊢ R" "R⊆S" by (auto simp: Un_commute)
have literal_subset_sandwich: "R = □ ∨ R = S" if "is_lit_plus F" "cnf F = {S}" "R ⊆ S"
using that by(cases F rule: is_lit_plus.cases; simp) blast+
show ?thesis using literal_subset_sandwich[OF db(2) ST(1) R(2)] proof
assume "R = □" thus ?thesis using R(1) by blast
from Resolution_unnecessary[where T="{_}", simplified] R(1)
have "(R ▹ S ∪ T ▹ ?Γ ⊢ □) = (S ∪ T ▹ ?Γ ⊢ □)" .
moreover assume "R = S"
ultimately show ?thesis using s_w by simp
thus ?thesis using IH ST R 1(1) by (metis UN_insert insert_absorb insert_is_Un)
lemma R_consistent: "pcp {Γ|Γ. ¬((∀γ ∈ Γ. is_cnf γ) ⟶ ((⋃(cnf ` Γ)) ⊢ □))}"
unfolding pcp_def
unfolding Ball_def
unfolding mem_Collect_eq
apply(intro allI impI)
apply(erule contrapos_pp)
apply(unfold not_ex de_Morgan_conj de_Morgan_disj not_not not_all not_imp disj_not1)
apply(intro impI allI)
apply(elim disjE exE conjE; intro OrI2')
apply(unfold not_ex de_Morgan_conj de_Morgan_disj not_not not_all not_imp disj_not1 Ball_def[symmetric])
apply safe
apply (metis Ass Pow_bottom Pow_empty UN_I cnf.simps(3))
apply (metis Diff_insert_absorb Resolution.simps insert_absorb singletonI sup_bot.right_neutral atomD)
apply (simp; metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) UN_insert cnf.simps(5) insert_absorb is_cnf.simps(1) sup_assoc)
apply (auto intro: pcp_disj)
theorem Resolution_complete:
fixes F :: "'a :: countable formula"
shows "⊨ F ⟹ cnf (nnf (❙¬F)) ⊢ □"
proof(erule contrapos_pp)
assume c: "¬ (cnf (nnf (❙¬ F)) ⊢ □)"
have "{cnf_form_of (nnf (❙¬F))} ∈ {Γ |Γ. ¬ ((∀γ∈Γ. is_cnf γ) ⟶ ⋃ (cnf ` Γ) ⊢ □)}"
by(simp add: cnf_cnf[OF is_nnf_nnf] c cnf_form_of_is[OF is_nnf_nnf])
from pcp_sat[OF R_consistent this] have "sat {cnf_form_of (nnf (❙¬ F))}" .
thus "¬ ⊨ F" by(simp add: sat_def cnf_form_semantics[OF is_nnf_nnf] nnf_semantics)