Theory Consistency
text‹We follow the proofs by Melvin Fitting~\<^cite>‹"fitting1990first"›.›
theory Consistency
imports Sema
definition "Hintikka S ≡ (
⊥ ∉ S
∧ (∀k. Atom k ∈ S ⟶ ❙¬ (Atom k) ∈ S ⟶ False)
∧ (∀F G. F ❙∧ G ∈ S ⟶ F ∈ S ∧ G ∈ S)
∧ (∀F G. F ❙∨ G ∈ S ⟶ F ∈ S ∨ G ∈ S)
∧ (∀F G. F ❙→ G ∈ S ⟶ ❙¬F ∈ S ∨ G ∈ S)
∧ (∀F. ❙¬ (❙¬F) ∈ S ⟶ F ∈ S)
∧ (∀F G. ❙¬(F ❙∧ G) ∈ S ⟶ ❙¬ F ∈ S ∨ ❙¬ G ∈ S)
∧ (∀F G. ❙¬(F ❙∨ G) ∈ S ⟶ ❙¬ F ∈ S ∧ ❙¬ G ∈ S)
∧ (∀F G. ❙¬(F ❙→ G) ∈ S ⟶ F ∈ S ∧ ❙¬ G ∈ S)
lemma "Hintikka {Atom 0 ❙∧ ((❙¬ (Atom 1)) ❙→ Atom 2), ((❙¬ (Atom 1)) ❙→ Atom 2), Atom 0, ❙¬(❙¬ (Atom 1)), Atom 1}"
unfolding Hintikka_def by simp
theorem Hintikkas_lemma:
assumes H: "Hintikka S"
shows "sat S"
proof -
from H[unfolded Hintikka_def]
have H': "⊥ ∉ S"
"Atom k ∈ S ⟹ ❙¬ (Atom k) ∈ S ⟹ False"
"F ❙∧ G ∈ S ⟹ F ∈ S ∧ G ∈ S"
"F ❙∨ G ∈ S ⟹ F ∈ S ∨ G ∈ S"
"F ❙→ G ∈ S ⟹ ❙¬F ∈ S ∨ G ∈ S"
"❙¬ (❙¬ F) ∈ S ⟹ F ∈ S"
"❙¬ (F ❙∧ G) ∈ S ⟹ ❙¬ F ∈ S ∨ ❙¬ G ∈ S"
"❙¬ (F ❙∨ G) ∈ S ⟹ ❙¬ F ∈ S ∧ ❙¬ G ∈ S"
"❙¬ (F ❙→ G) ∈ S ⟹ F ∈ S ∧ ❙¬ G ∈ S"
for k F G by blast+
let ?M = "λk. Atom k ∈ S"
have "(F ∈ S ⟶ (?M ⊨ F)) ∧ (❙¬ F ∈ S ⟶ (¬(?M ⊨ F)))" for F
by(induction F) (auto simp: H'(1) dest!: H'(2-))
thus ?thesis unfolding sat_def by blast
definition "pcp C ≡ (∀S ∈ C.
⊥ ∉ S
∧ (∀k. Atom k ∈ S ⟶ ❙¬ (Atom k) ∈ S ⟶ False)
∧ (∀F G. F ❙∧ G ∈ S ⟶ F ▹ G ▹ S ∈ C)
∧ (∀F G. F ❙∨ G ∈ S ⟶ F ▹ S ∈ C ∨ G ▹ S ∈ C)
∧ (∀F G. F ❙→ G ∈ S ⟶ ❙¬F ▹ S ∈ C ∨ G ▹ S ∈ C)
∧ (∀F. ❙¬ (❙¬F) ∈ S ⟶ F ▹ S ∈ C)
∧ (∀F G. ❙¬(F ❙∧ G) ∈ S ⟶ ❙¬ F ▹ S ∈ C ∨ ❙¬ G ▹ S ∈ C)
∧ (∀F G. ❙¬(F ❙∨ G) ∈ S ⟶ ❙¬ F ▹ ❙¬ G ▹ S ∈ C)
∧ (∀F G. ❙¬(F ❙→ G) ∈ S ⟶ F ▹ ❙¬ G ▹ S ∈ C)
lemma "pcp {}" "pcp {{}}" "pcp {{Atom 0}}" by (simp add: pcp_def)+
lemma "pcp {{(❙¬ (Atom 1)) ❙→ Atom 2},
{((❙¬ (Atom 1)) ❙→ Atom 2), ❙¬(❙¬ (Atom 1))},
{((❙¬ (Atom 1)) ❙→ Atom 2), ❙¬(❙¬ (Atom 1)), Atom 1}}" by (auto simp add: pcp_def)
text‹Fitting uses uniform notation~\<^cite>‹"smullyan1963unifying"› for the definition of @{const pcp}.
We try to mimic this, more to see whether it works than because it is ultimately necessary.›
inductive Con :: "'a formula => 'a formula => 'a formula => bool" where
"Con (And F G) F G" |
"Con (Not (Or F G)) (Not F) (Not G)" |
"Con (Not (Imp F G)) F (Not G)" |
"Con (Not (Not F)) F F"
inductive Dis :: "'a formula => 'a formula => 'a formula => bool" where
"Dis (Or F G) F G" |
"Dis (Imp F G) (Not F) G" |
"Dis (Not (And F G)) (Not F) (Not G)" |
"Dis (Not (Not F)) F F"
lemma "Con (Not (Not F)) F F" "Dis (Not (Not F)) F F" by(intro Con.intros Dis.intros)+
lemma con_dis_simps:
"Con a1 a2 a3 = (a1 = a2 ❙∧ a3 ∨ (∃F G. a1 = ❙¬ (F ❙∨ G) ∧ a2 = ❙¬ F ∧ a3 = ❙¬ G) ∨ (∃G. a1 = ❙¬ (a2 ❙→ G) ∧ a3 = ❙¬ G) ∨ a1 = ❙¬ (❙¬ a2) ∧ a3 = a2)"
"Dis a1 a2 a3 = (a1 = a2 ❙∨ a3 ∨ (∃F G. a1 = F ❙→ G ∧ a2 = ❙¬ F ∧ a3 = G) ∨ (∃F G. a1 = ❙¬ (F ❙∧ G) ∧ a2 = ❙¬ F ∧ a3 = ❙¬ G) ∨ a1 = ❙¬ (❙¬ a2) ∧ a3 = a2)"
by(simp_all add: Con.simps Dis.simps)
lemma Hintikka_alt: "Hintikka S = (
⊥ ∉ S
∧ (∀k. Atom k ∈ S ⟶ ❙¬ (Atom k) ∈ S ⟶ False)
∧ (∀F G H. Con F G H ⟶ F ∈ S ⟶ G ∈ S ∧ H ∈ S)
∧ (∀F G H. Dis F G H ⟶ F ∈ S ⟶ G ∈ S ∨ H ∈ S)
apply(simp add: Hintikka_def con_dis_simps)
apply(rule iffI)
subgoal by blast
subgoal by safe metis+
lemma pcp_alt: "pcp C = (∀S ∈ C.
⊥ ∉ S
∧ (∀k. Atom k ∈ S ⟶ ❙¬ (Atom k) ∈ S ⟶ False)
∧ (∀F G H. Con F G H ⟶ F ∈ S ⟶ G ▹ H ▹ S ∈ C)
∧ (∀F G H. Dis F G H ⟶ F ∈ S ⟶ G ▹ S ∈ C ∨ H ▹ S ∈ C)
apply(simp add: pcp_def con_dis_simps)
apply(rule iffI; unfold Ball_def; elim all_forward)
by (auto simp add: insert_absorb split: formula.splits)
definition "subset_closed C ≡ (∀S ∈ C. ∀s⊆S. s ∈ C)"
definition "finite_character C ≡ (∀S. S ∈ C ⟷ (∀s ⊆ S. finite s ⟶ s ∈ C))"
lemma ex1: "pcp C ⟹ ∃C'. C ⊆ C' ∧ pcp C' ∧ subset_closed C'"
proof(intro exI[of _ "{s . ∃S ∈ C. s ⊆ S}"] conjI)
let ?E = "{s. ∃S∈C. s ⊆ S}"
show "C ⊆ ?E" by blast
show "subset_closed ?E" unfolding subset_closed_def by blast
assume C: ‹pcp C›
show "pcp ?E" using C unfolding pcp_alt
by (intro ballI conjI; simp; meson insertI1 rev_subsetD subset_insertI subset_insertI2)
lemma sallI: "(⋀s. s ⊆ S ⟹ P s) ⟹ ∀s ⊆ S. P s" by simp
lemma ex2:
assumes fc: "finite_character C"
shows "subset_closed C"
unfolding subset_closed_def
proof (intro ballI sallI)
fix s S
assume e: ‹S ∈ C› and s: ‹s ⊆ S›
hence *: "t ⊆ s ⟹ t ⊆ S" for t by simp
from fc have "t ⊆ S ⟹ finite t ⟹ t ∈ C" for t unfolding finite_character_def using e by blast
hence "t ⊆ s ⟹ finite t ⟹ t ∈ C" for t using * by simp
with fc show ‹s ∈ C› unfolding finite_character_def by blast
assumes C: "pcp C"
assumes S: "subset_closed C"
shows ex3: "∃C'. C ⊆ C' ∧ pcp C' ∧ finite_character C'"
proof(intro exI[of _ "C ∪ {S. ∀s ⊆ S. finite s ⟶ s ∈ C}"] conjI)
let ?E = " {S. ∀s ⊆ S. finite s ⟶ s ∈ C}"
show "C ⊆ C ∪ ?E" by blast
from S show "finite_character (C ∪ ?E)" unfolding finite_character_def subset_closed_def by blast
note C'' = C[unfolded pcp_alt, THEN bspec]
have CON: "G ▹ H ▹ S ∈ C ∪ {S. ∀s⊆S. finite s ⟶ s ∈ C}" if si: "⋀s. ⟦s⊆S; finite s⟧ ⟹ s ∈ C" and
un: "Con F G H" and el: " F ∈ S" for F G H S proof -
have k: "∀s ⊆ S. finite s ⟶ F ∈ s ⟶ G ▹ H ▹ s ∈ C"
using si un C'' by simp
have "G ▹ H ▹ S ∈ ?E"
unfolding mem_Collect_eq Un_iff proof safe
fix s
assume "s ⊆ G ▹ H ▹ S" and f: "finite s"
hence "F ▹ (s - {G,H}) ⊆ S" using el by blast
with k f have "G ▹ H ▹ F ▹ (s - {G,H}) ∈ C" by simp
hence "F ▹ G ▹ H ▹ s ∈ C" using insert_absorb by fastforce
thus "s ∈ C" using S unfolding subset_closed_def by fast
thus "G ▹ H ▹ S ∈ C ∪ ?E" by simp
have DIS: "G ▹ S ∈ C ∪ {S. ∀s⊆S. finite s ⟶ s ∈ C} ∨ H ▹ S ∈ C ∪ {S. ∀s⊆S. finite s ⟶ s ∈ C}"
if si: "⋀s. s⊆S ⟹ finite s ⟹ s ∈ C" and un: "Dis F G H" and el: "F ∈ S"
for F G H S proof -
have l: "∃I∈{G, H}. I ▹ s1 ∈ C ∧ I ▹ s2 ∈ C"
if "s1 ⊆ S" "finite s1" "F ∈ s1"
"s2 ⊆ S" "finite s2" "F ∈ s2" for s1 s2
proof -
let ?s = "s1 ∪ s2"
have "?s ⊆ S" "finite ?s" using that by simp_all
with si have "?s ∈ C" by simp
moreover have "F ∈ ?s" using that by simp
ultimately have "∃I∈{G,H}. I ▹ ?s ∈ C"
using C'' un by simp
thus "∃I∈{G,H}. I ▹ s1 ∈ C ∧ I ▹ s2 ∈ C"
by (meson S[unfolded subset_closed_def, THEN bspec] insert_mono sup.cobounded2 sup_ge1)
have m: "⟦s1 ⊆ S; finite s1; F ∈ s1; G ▹ s1 ∉ C; s2 ⊆ S; finite s2; F ∈ s2; H ▹ s2 ∉ C⟧ ⟹ False" for s1 s2
using l by blast
have "False" if "s1 ⊆ S" "finite s1" "G ▹ s1 ∉ C" "s2 ⊆ S" "finite s2" "H ▹ s2 ∉ C" for s1 s2
proof -
have *: "F ▹ s1 ⊆ S" "finite (F ▹ s1)" "F ∈ F ▹ s1" if "s1 ⊆ S" "finite s1" for s1
using that el by simp_all
have "G ▹ F ▹ s1 ∉ C" "H ▹ F ▹ s2 ∉ C"
by (meson S insert_mono subset_closed_def subset_insertI that(3,6))+
from m[OF *[OF that(1-2)] this(1) *[OF that(4-5)] this(2)]
show False .
hence "G ▹ S ∈ ?E ∨ H ▹ S ∈ ?E"
unfolding mem_Collect_eq Un_iff
by (metis (no_types, lifting) finite_Diff insert_Diff si subset_insert_iff)
thus "G ▹ S ∈ C ∪ ?E ∨ H ▹ S ∈ C ∪ ?E" by blast
have CON': "⋀f2 g2 h2 F2 G2 S2. ⟦⋀s. ⟦s ∈ C; h2 F2 G2 ∈ s⟧ ⟹ f2 F2 ▹ s ∈ C ∨ g2 G2 ▹ s ∈ C;
∀s⊆S2. finite s ⟶ s ∈ C; h2 F2 G2 ∈ S2; False⟧
⟹ f2 F2 ▹ S2 ∈ C ∪ {S. ∀s⊆S. finite s ⟶ s ∈ C} ∨ g2 G2 ▹ S2 ∈ C ∪ {S. ∀s⊆S. finite s ⟶ s ∈ C}"
by fast
show "pcp (C ∪ ?E)" unfolding pcp_alt
apply(intro ballI conjI; elim UnE; (unfold mem_Collect_eq)?)
subgoal using C'' by blast
subgoal using C'' by blast
subgoal using C'' by (simp;fail)
subgoal by (meson C'' empty_subsetI finite.emptyI finite_insert insert_subset subset_insertI)
subgoal using C'' by simp
subgoal using CON by simp
subgoal using C'' by blast
subgoal using DIS by simp
primrec pcp_seq where
"pcp_seq C S 0 = S" |
"pcp_seq C S (Suc n) = (
let Sn = pcp_seq C S n; Sn1 = from_nat n ▹ Sn in
if Sn1 ∈ C then Sn1 else Sn
lemma pcp_seq_in: "pcp C ⟹ S ∈ C ⟹ pcp_seq C S n ∈ C"
proof(induction n)
case (Suc n)
hence "pcp_seq C S n ∈ C" by simp
thus ?case by(simp add: Let_def)
qed simp
lemma pcp_seq_mono: "n ≤ m ⟹ pcp_seq C S n ⊆ pcp_seq C S m"
proof(induction m)
case (Suc m)
thus ?case by(cases "n = Suc m"; simp add: Let_def; blast)
qed simp
lemma pcp_seq_UN: "⋃{pcp_seq C S n|n. n ≤ m} = pcp_seq C S m"
proof(induction m)
case (Suc m)
have "{f n |n. n ≤ Suc m} = f (Suc m) ▹ {f n |n. n ≤ m}" for f using le_Suc_eq by auto
hence "{pcp_seq C S n |n. n ≤ Suc m} = pcp_seq C S (Suc m) ▹ {pcp_seq C S n |n. n ≤ m}" .
hence "⋃{pcp_seq C S n |n. n ≤ Suc m} = ⋃{pcp_seq C S n |n. n ≤ m} ∪ pcp_seq C S (Suc m)" by auto
thus ?case using Suc pcp_seq_mono by blast
qed simp
lemma wont_get_added: "(F :: ('a :: countable) formula) ∉ pcp_seq C S (Suc (to_nat F)) ⟹ F ∉ pcp_seq C S (Suc (to_nat F) + n)"
text‹We don't necessarily have @{term "n = to_nat (from_nat n)"}, so this doesn't hold.›
definition "pcp_lim C S ≡ ⋃{pcp_seq C S n|n. True}"
lemma pcp_seq_sub: "pcp_seq C S n ⊆ pcp_lim C S"
unfolding pcp_lim_def by(induction n; blast)
lemma pcp_lim_inserted_at_ex: "x ∈ pcp_lim C S ⟹ ∃k. x ∈ pcp_seq C S k"
unfolding pcp_lim_def by blast
lemma pcp_lim_in:
assumes c: "pcp C"
and el: "S ∈ C"
and sc: "subset_closed C"
and fc: "finite_character C"
shows "pcp_lim C S ∈ C" (is "?cl ∈ C")
proof -
from pcp_seq_in[OF c el, THEN allI] have "∀n. pcp_seq C S n ∈ C" .
hence "∀m. ⋃{pcp_seq C S n|n. n ≤ m} ∈ C" unfolding pcp_seq_UN .
have "∀s ⊆ ?cl. finite s ⟶ s ∈ C"
proof safe
fix s :: "'a formula set"
have "pcp_seq C S (Suc (Max (to_nat ` s))) ⊆ pcp_lim C S" using pcp_seq_sub by blast
assume ‹finite s› ‹s ⊆ pcp_lim C S›
hence "∃k. s ⊆ pcp_seq C S k"
proof(induction s rule: finite_induct)
case (insert x s)
then obtain k1 where "s ⊆ pcp_seq C S k1" by blast
moreover obtain k2 where "x ∈ pcp_seq C S k2"
by (meson pcp_lim_inserted_at_ex insert.prems insert_subset)
ultimately have "x ▹ s ⊆ pcp_seq C S (max k1 k2)"
by (meson pcp_seq_mono dual_order.trans insert_subset max.bounded_iff order_refl subsetCE)
thus ?case by blast
qed simp
with pcp_seq_in[OF c el] sc
show "s ∈ C" unfolding subset_closed_def by blast
thus "?cl ∈ C" using fc unfolding finite_character_def by blast
lemma cl_max:
assumes c: "pcp C"
assumes sc: "subset_closed C"
assumes el: "K ∈ C"
assumes su: "pcp_lim C S ⊆ K"
shows "pcp_lim C S = K" (is ?e)
proof (rule ccontr)
assume ‹¬?e›
with su have "pcp_lim C S ⊂ K" by simp
then obtain F where e: "F ∈ K" and ne: "F ∉ pcp_lim C S" by blast
from ne have "F ∉ pcp_seq C S (Suc (to_nat F))" using pcp_seq_sub by fast
hence 1: "F ▹ pcp_seq C S (to_nat F) ∉ C" by (simp add: Let_def split: if_splits)
have "F ▹ pcp_seq C S (to_nat F) ⊆ K" using pcp_seq_sub e su by blast
hence "F ▹ pcp_seq C S (to_nat F) ∈ C" using sc unfolding subset_closed_def using el by blast
with 1 show False ..
lemma cl_max':
assumes c: "pcp C"
assumes sc: "subset_closed C"
shows "F ▹ pcp_lim C S ∈ C ⟹ F ∈ pcp_lim C S"
"F ▹ G ▹ pcp_lim C S ∈ C ⟹ F ∈ pcp_lim C S ∧ G ∈ pcp_lim C S"
using cl_max[OF assms] by blast+
lemma pcp_lim_Hintikka:
assumes c: "pcp C"
assumes sc: "subset_closed C"
assumes fc: "finite_character C"
assumes el: "S ∈ C"
shows "Hintikka (pcp_lim C S)"
proof -
let ?cl = "pcp_lim C S"
have "?cl ∈ C" using pcp_lim_in[OF c el sc fc] .
from c[unfolded pcp_alt, THEN bspec, OF this]
have d: "⊥ ∉ ?cl"
"Atom k ∈ ?cl ⟹ ❙¬ (Atom k) ∈ ?cl ⟹ False"
"Con F G H ⟹ F ∈ ?cl ⟹ G ▹ H ▹ ?cl ∈ C"
"Dis F G H ⟹ F ∈ ?cl ⟹ G ▹ ?cl ∈ C ∨ H ▹ ?cl ∈ C"
for k F G H by blast+
"Con F G H ⟹ F ∈ ?cl ⟹ G ∈ ?cl ∧ H ∈ ?cl"
"Dis F G H ⟹ F ∈ ?cl ⟹ G ∈ ?cl ∨ H ∈ ?cl"
for F G H
by(auto dest: d(3-) cl_max'[OF c sc])
with d(1,2) show ?thesis unfolding Hintikka_alt by fast
theorem pcp_sat:
fixes S :: "'a :: countable formula set"
assumes c: "pcp C"
assumes el: "S ∈ C"
shows "sat S"
proof -
note [[show_types]]
from c obtain Ce where "C ⊆ Ce" "pcp Ce" "subset_closed Ce" "finite_character Ce" using ex1[where 'a='a] ex2[where 'a='a] ex3[where 'a='a]
by (meson dual_order.trans ex2)
have "S ∈ Ce" using ‹C ⊆ Ce› el ..
with pcp_lim_Hintikka ‹pcp Ce› ‹subset_closed Ce› ‹finite_character Ce›
have "Hintikka (pcp_lim Ce S)" .
with Hintikkas_lemma have "sat (pcp_lim Ce S)" .
moreover have "S ⊆ pcp_lim Ce S" using pcp_seq.simps(1) pcp_seq_sub by fast
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding sat_def by fast