Theory Difference_Bound_Matrices.DBM_Normalization

section ‹Extrapolation of DBMs›

theory DBM_Normalization

text ‹NB: The journal paper on extrapolations based on lower and upper bounds
citeBehrmannBLP06 provides slightly incorrect definitions that would always set
(lower) bounds of the form M 0 i› to ∞›.
To fix this, we use two invariants that can also be found in TChecker's DBM library, for instance:
   Lower bounds are always nonnegative, i.e.\ ∀i ≤ n. M 0 i ≤ 0›
   (see extra_lup_lower_bounds›).
   Entries to the diagonal is always normalized to Le 0›, Lt 0› or ∞›. This makes it again
    obvious that the set of normalized DBMs is finite.

lemmas dbm_less_simps[simp] = dbm_lt_code_simps[folded DBM.less]

lemma dbm_less_eq_simps[simp]:
  "Le a  Le b  a  b"
  "Le a  Lt b  a < b"
  "Lt a  Le b  a  b"
  "Lt a  Lt b  a  b"
  unfolding less_eq dbm_le_def by auto

lemma Le_less_Lt[simp]: "Le x < Lt x  False"
  using leD by blast

subsection ‹Classical extrapolation›

text ‹This is the implementation of the classical extrapolation operator (ExtraM).›

fun norm_upper :: "('t::linorder) DBMEntry  't  't DBMEntry"
  "norm_upper e t = (if Le t  e then  else e)"

fun norm_lower :: "('t::linorder) DBMEntry  't  't DBMEntry"
  "norm_lower e t = (if e  Lt t then Lt t else e)"

  "norm_diag e = (if e  Le 0 then Lt 0 else if e = Le 0 then e else )"

text ‹
  Note that literature pretends that 𝟬› would have a bound of negative infinity in k›
  and thus defines normalization uniformly. The easiest way to get around this seems to explicate
  this in the definition as below.
definition norm :: "('t :: linordered_ab_group_add) DBM  (nat  't)  nat  't DBM"
  "norm M k n  λi j.
    let ub = if i > 0 then k i   else 0 in
    let lb = if j > 0 then - k j else 0 in
    if i  n  j  n then
      if i  j then norm_lower (norm_upper (M i j) ub) lb else norm_diag (M i j)
    else M i j

subsection ‹Extrapolations based on lower and upper bounds›

text ‹This is the implementation of the LU-bounds based extrapolation operation (Extra_{LU}›).›
definition extra_lu ::
  "('t :: linordered_ab_group_add) DBM  (nat  't)  (nat  't)  nat  't DBM"
  "extra_lu M l u n  λi j.
    let ub = if i > 0 then l i   else 0 in
    let lb = if j > 0 then - u j else 0 in
    if i  n  j  n then
      if i  j then norm_lower (norm_upper (M i j) ub) lb else norm_diag (M i j)
    else M i j

lemma norm_is_extra:
  "norm M k n = extra_lu M k k n"
  unfolding norm_def extra_lu_def ..

text ‹This is the implementation of the LU-bounds based extrapolation operation (Extra_{LU}^+›).›
definition extra_lup ::
  "('t :: linordered_ab_group_add) DBM  (nat  't)  (nat  't)  nat  't DBM"
  "extra_lup M l u n  λi j.
    let ub = if i > 0 then Lt (l i) else Le 0;
        lb = if j > 0 then Lt (- u j) else Lt 0
    if i  n  j  n then
      if i  j then
        if ub  M i j then 
        else if i > 0  M 0 i  Lt (- l i) then 
        else if i > 0  M 0 j  lb then 
        else if i = 0  M 0 j  lb then Lt (- u j)
        else M i j
      else norm_diag (M i j)
    else M i j

method csimp = (clarsimp simp: extra_lup_def Let_def DBM.less[symmetric] not_less any_le_inf neutral)

method solve = csimp?; safe?; (csimp | meson Lt_le_LeI le_less le_less_trans less_asym'); fail

⌦‹lemma extrapolations_diag_preservation:
  "extra_lu M L U n i i = M i i" "extra_lup M L U n i i = M i i" "norm M k n i i = M i i"
  unfolding extra_lu_def extra_lup_def norm_def Let_def by auto›

  assumes "i  n. i > 0  M 0 i  0" "i  n. U i  0"
    extra_lu_lower_bounds:  "i  n. i > 0  extra_lu M L U n 0 i  0" and
    norm_lower_bounds:      "i  n. i > 0  norm M U n 0 i  0" and
    extra_lup_lower_bounds: "i  n. i > 0  extra_lup M L U n 0 i  0"
  using assms unfolding extra_lu_def norm_def by - (csimp; force)+

lemma extra_lu_le_extra_lup:
  assumes canonical: "canonical M n"
      and canonical_lower_bounds: "i  n. i > 0  M 0 i  0"
  shows "extra_lu M l u n i j  extra_lup M l u n i j"
proof -
  have "M 0 j  M i j" if "i  n" "j  n" "i > 0"
  proof -
    have "M 0 i  0"
      using canonical_lower_bounds i  n i > 0 by simp
    then have "M 0 i + M i j  M i j"
      by (simp add: add_decreasing)
    also have "M 0 j  M 0 i + M i j"
      using canonical that by auto
    finally (xtrans) show ?thesis .
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding extra_lu_def Let_def by (cases "i  n"; cases "j  n") (simp; safe?; solve)+

lemma extra_lu_subs_extra_lup:
  assumes canonical: "canonical M n" and canonical_lower_bounds: "i  n. i > 0  M 0 i  0"
    shows "[extra_lu M L U n]⇘v,n [extra_lup M L U n]⇘v,n⇙"
  using assms
  by (auto intro: extra_lu_le_extra_lup simp: DBM.less_eq[symmetric] elim!: DBM_le_subset[rotated])

subsection ‹Extrapolations are widening operators›

lemma extra_lu_mono:
  assumes "c. v c > 0" "u  [M]⇘v,n⇙"
  shows "u  [extra_lu M L U n]⇘v,n⇙" (is "u  [?M2]⇘v,n⇙")
proof -
  note A = assms
  note M1 = A(2)[unfolded DBM_zone_repr_def DBM_val_bounded_def]
  show ?thesis
    unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def DBM_val_bounded_def
  proof safe
    show "Le 0  ?M2 0 0"
      using A unfolding extra_lu_def DBM_zone_repr_def DBM_val_bounded_def dbm_le_def norm_diag_def
      by auto
    fix c assume "v c  n"
    with M1 have M1: "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (M 0 (v c))" by auto
    from v c  n A have *:
      "?M2 0 (v c) = norm_lower (norm_upper (M 0 (v c)) 0) (- U (v c))"
    unfolding extra_lu_def by auto
    show "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (?M2 0 (v c))"
    proof (cases "M 0 (v c)  Lt (- U (v c))")
      case True
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "Le 0  M 0 (v c)")
        case True with * show ?thesis by auto
        case False 
        with * True have "?M2 0 (v c) = Lt (- U (v c))" by auto
        moreover from True dbm_entry_val_mono2[OF M1] have
          "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (Lt (- U (v c)))"
        by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "Le 0  M 0 (v c)")
        case True with * show ?thesis by auto
        case F: False
        with M1 * False show ?thesis by auto
    fix c assume "v c  n"
    with M1 have M1: "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (M (v c) 0)" by auto
    from v c  n A have *:
      "?M2 (v c) 0 = norm_lower (norm_upper (M (v c) 0) (L (v c))) 0"
    unfolding extra_lu_def by auto
    show "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (?M2 (v c) 0)"
    proof (cases "Le (L (v c))  M (v c) 0")
      case True
      with A(1,2) v c  n have "?M2 (v c) 0 = " unfolding extra_lu_def by auto
      then show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "M (v c) 0  Lt 0")
        case True with False * dbm_entry_val_mono3[OF M1] show ?thesis by auto
        case F: False
        with M1 * False show ?thesis by auto
    fix c1 c2 assume "v c1  n" "v c2  n"
    with M1 have M1: "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (M (v c1) (v c2))" by auto
    show "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (?M2 (v c1) (v c2))"
    proof (cases "v c1 = v c2")
      case True
      with M1 show ?thesis
        by (auto simp: extra_lu_def norm_diag_def dbm_entry_val.simps dbm_lt.simps)
           (meson diff_less_0_iff_less le_less_trans less_le_trans)+
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "Le (L (v c1))  M (v c1) (v c2)")
        case True
        with A(1,2) v c1  n v c2  n v c1  v c2 have "?M2 (v c1) (v c2) = "
          unfolding extra_lu_def by auto
        then show ?thesis by auto
        case False
        with A(1,2) v c1  n v c2  n v c1  v c2 have *:
          "?M2 (v c1) (v c2) = norm_lower (M (v c1) (v c2)) (- U (v c2))"
          unfolding extra_lu_def by auto
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "M (v c1) (v c2)  Lt (- U (v c2))")
          case True
          with dbm_entry_val_mono1[OF M1] have
            "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (Lt (- U (v c2)))"
            by auto
          then have "u c1 - u c2 < - U (v c2)" by auto
          with * True show ?thesis by auto
          case False with M1 * show ?thesis by auto

lemma norm_mono:
  assumes "c. v c > 0" "u  [M]⇘v,n⇙"
  shows "u  [norm M k n]⇘v,n⇙"
  using assms unfolding norm_is_extra by (rule extra_lu_mono)

subsection ‹Finiteness of extrapolations›

abbreviation "dbm_default M n  ( i > n.  j. M i j = 0)  ( j > n.  i. M i j = 0)"

lemma norm_default_preservation:
  "dbm_default M n  dbm_default (norm M k n) n"
  by (simp add: norm_def norm_diag_def DBM.neutral dbm_lt.simps)

lemma extra_lu_default_preservation:
  "dbm_default M n  dbm_default (extra_lu M L U n) n"
  by (simp add: extra_lu_def norm_diag_def DBM.neutral dbm_lt.simps)

instance int :: linordered_cancel_ab_monoid_add by (standard; simp)

lemmas finite_subset_rev[intro?] = finite_subset[rotated]
lemmas [intro?] = finite_subset

lemma extra_lu_finite:
  fixes L U :: "nat  nat"
  shows "finite {extra_lu M L U n | M. dbm_default M n}"
proof -
  let ?u = "Max {L i | i. i  n}" let ?l = "- Max {U i | i. i  n}"
  let ?S = "(Le ` {d :: int. ?l  d  d  ?u})  (Lt ` {d :: int. ?l  d  d  ?u})  {Le 0, Lt 0, }"
  from finite_set_of_finite_funs2[of "{0..n}" "{0..n}" ?S] have fin:
    "finite {f. x y. (x  {0..n}  y  {0..n}  f x y  ?S)
                 (x  {0..n}  f x y = 0)  (y  {0..n}  f x y = 0)}" (is "finite ?R")
    by auto
  { fix M :: "int DBM" assume A: "dbm_default M n"
    let ?M = "extra_lu M L U n"
    from extra_lu_default_preservation[OF A] have A: "dbm_default ?M n" .
    { fix i j assume "i  {0..n}" "j  {0..n}"
      then have B: "i  n" "j  n"
        by auto
      have "?M i j  ?S"
      proof (cases "?M i j  {Le 0, Lt 0, }")
        case True then show ?thesis
          by auto
        case F: False
        note not_inf = this
        have "?l  get_const (?M i j)  get_const (?M i j)  ?u"
        proof (cases "i = 0")
          case True
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases "j = 0")
            case True
            with i = 0 A F show ?thesis
              unfolding extra_lu_def by (auto simp: neutral norm_diag_def)
            case False
            with i = 0 B not_inf have "?M i j  Le 0" "Lt (-int (U j))  ?M i j"
              unfolding extra_lu_def by (auto simp: Let_def less[symmetric] intro: any_le_inf)
            with not_inf have "get_const (?M i j)  0" "-U j  get_const (?M i j)"
              by (cases "?M i j"; auto)+
            moreover from j  n have "- U j  ?l"
              by (auto intro: Max_ge)
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by auto
          case False
          then have "i > 0" by simp
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases "j = 0")
            case True
            with i > 0 A(1) B not_inf have "Lt 0  ?M i j" "?M i j  Le (int (L i))"
              unfolding extra_lu_def by (auto simp: Let_def less[symmetric] intro: any_le_inf)
            with not_inf have "0  get_const (?M i j)" "get_const (?M i j)  L i"
              by (cases "?M i j"; auto)+
            moreover from i  n have "L i  ?u"
              by (auto intro: Max_ge)
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by auto
            case False
            with i > 0 A(1) B not_inf F have
              "Lt (-int (U j))  ?M i j" "?M i j  Le (int (L i))"
              unfolding extra_lu_def
              by (auto simp: Let_def less[symmetric] neutral norm_diag_def
                    intro: any_le_inf split: if_split_asm)
            with not_inf have "- U j  get_const (?M i j)" "get_const (?M i j)  L i"
              by (cases "?M i j"; auto)+
            moreover from i  n j  n have "?l  - U j" "L i  ?u"
              by (auto intro: Max_ge)
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by auto
        then show ?thesis by (cases "?M i j"; auto elim: Ints_cases)
    } moreover
    { fix i j assume "i  {0..n}"
      with A have "?M i j = 0" by auto
    } moreover
    { fix i j assume "j  {0..n}"
      with A have "?M i j = 0" by auto
    } moreover note the = calculation
  } then have "{extra_lu M L U n | M. dbm_default M n}  ?R"
      by blast
  with fin show ?thesis ..

lemma normalized_integral_dbms_finite:
  "finite {norm M (k :: nat  nat) n | M. dbm_default M n}"
  unfolding norm_is_extra by (rule extra_lu_finite)
