Theory During_Execution

section ‹During-execution security› 

theory During_Execution 
imports Bisim Language_Semantics begin

subsection ‹Basic setting›

locale PL_Indis = PL tval aval 
    tval :: "'test  'state  bool" and 
    aval :: "'atom  'state  'state"
    indis :: "'state rel" 
    equiv_indis: "equiv UNIV indis" 

context PL_Indis 

abbreviation indisAbbrev (infix  50)
where "s1  s2  (s1,s2)  indis"

definition indisE (infix ≈e 50) where 
"se1 ≈e se2  
 case (se1,se2) of 
   (Inl s1, Inl s2)  s1  s2
  |(Inr err1, Inr err2)  err1 = err2"

lemma refl_indis: "refl indis"
and trans_indis: "trans indis"
and sym_indis: "sym indis"
using equiv_indis unfolding equiv_def by auto

lemma indis_refl[intro]: "s  s"
using refl_indis unfolding refl_on_def by simp

lemma indis_trans: "s  s'; s'  s''  s  s''"
using trans_indis unfolding trans_def by blast

lemma indis_sym: "s  s'  s'  s"
using sym_indis unfolding sym_def by blast

subsection‹Compatibility and discreetness› 

definition compatTst where 
"compatTst tst  
  s t. s  t  tval tst s = tval tst t"

definition compatAtm where 
"compatAtm atm  
  s t. s  t  aval atm s  aval atm t"

(* ≈-preservation: *)
definition presAtm where 
"presAtm atm  
  s. s  aval atm s"

coinductive discr where 
" s c' s'. (c,s) →c (c',s')  s  s'  discr c'; 
   s s'. (c,s) →t s'  s  s' 
   discr c"

lemma presAtm_compatAtm[simp]:
assumes "presAtm atm"
shows "compatAtm atm"
using assms unfolding compatAtm_def
by (metis presAtm_def indis_sym indis_trans)

text‹Coinduction for discreetness:›

lemma discr_coind:
assumes *: "phi c" and 
**: " c s c' s'. phi c; (c,s) →c (c',s')  s  s'  (phi c'  discr c')" and 
***: " c s s'. phi c; (c,s) →t s'  s  s'"
shows "discr c"
using * apply - apply(erule discr.coinduct) using ** *** by auto

lemma discr_raw_coind:
assumes *: "phi c" and 
**: " c s c' s'. phi c; (c,s) →c (c',s')  s  s'  phi c'" and 
***: " c s s'. phi c; (c,s) →t s'  s  s'"
shows "discr c"
using * apply - apply(erule discr_coind) using ** *** by blast+

text‹Discreetness versus transition:›

lemma discr_transC:
assumes *: "discr c" and **: "(c,s) →c (c',s')"
shows "discr c'"
using * apply - apply(erule discr.cases) using ** by blast

lemma discr_MtransC:
assumes "discr c" and "(c,s) →*c (c',s')"
shows "discr c'"
  have "(c,s) →*c (c',s')  discr c  discr c'"
  apply(erule MtransC_induct2) using discr_transC by blast+
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

lemma discr_transC_indis:
assumes *: "discr c" and **: "(c,s) →c (c',s')"
shows "s  s'"
using * apply - apply(erule discr.cases) using ** by blast

lemma discr_MtransC_indis:
assumes "discr c" and "(c,s) →*c (c',s')"
shows "s  s'"
  have "(c,s) →*c (c',s')  discr c  s  s'"
  apply(erule MtransC_induct2)
  apply (metis indis_refl)
  by (metis discr.cases discr_MtransC indis_trans)
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

lemma discr_transT:
assumes *: "discr c" and **: "(c,s) →t s'"
shows "s  s'"
using * apply - apply(erule discr.cases) using ** by blast

lemma discr_MtransT:
assumes *: "discr c" and **: "(c,s) →*t s'"
shows "s  s'"
  obtain d' t' where 
  cs: "(c,s) →*c (d',t')" and d't': "(d',t') →t s'"
  using ** by(rule MtransT_invert2)
  hence "s  t'" using * discr_MtransC_indis by blast
  {have "discr d'" using cs * discr_MtransC by blast 
   hence "t'  s'" using d't' discr_transT by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis using indis_trans by blast

subsection‹Terminating-interctive discreetness›

coinductive discr0 where 
" s c' s'. mustT c s; (c,s) →c (c',s')  s  s'  discr0 c'; 
   s s'. mustT c s; (c,s) →t s'  s  s' 
   discr0 c" 

text‹Coinduction for 0-discreetness:›

lemma discr0_coind[consumes 1, case_names Cont Term, induct pred: discr0]:
assumes *: "phi c" and 
**: " c s c' s'. 
       mustT c s; phi c; (c,s) →c (c',s')  
       s  s'  (phi c'  discr0 c')" and 
***: " c s s'. mustT c s; phi c; (c,s) →t s'  s  s'"
shows "discr0 c"
using * apply - apply(erule discr0.coinduct) using ** *** by auto

lemma discr0_raw_coind[consumes 1, case_names Cont Term]:
assumes *: "phi c" and 
**: " c s c' s'. mustT c s; phi c; (c,s) →c (c',s')  s  s'  phi c'" and 
***: " c s s'. mustT c s; phi c; (c,s) →t s'  s  s'"
shows "discr0 c"
using * apply - apply(erule discr0_coind) using ** *** by blast+

text‹0-Discreetness versus transition:›

lemma discr0_transC:
assumes *: "discr0 c" and **: "mustT c s" "(c,s) →c (c',s')"
shows "discr0 c'"
using * apply - apply(erule discr0.cases) using ** by blast

lemma discr0_MtransC:
assumes "discr0 c" and "mustT c s" "(c,s) →*c (c',s')"
shows "discr0 c'"
  have "(c,s) →*c (c',s')  mustT c s  discr0 c  discr0 c'"
  apply(erule MtransC_induct2) using discr0_transC mustT_MtransC
  by blast+
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

lemma discr0_transC_indis:
assumes *: "discr0 c" and **: "mustT c s" "(c,s) →c (c',s')"
shows "s  s'"
using * apply - apply(erule discr0.cases) using ** by blast

lemma discr0_MtransC_indis:
assumes "discr0 c" and "mustT c s" "(c,s) →*c (c',s')"
shows "s  s'"
  have "(c,s) →*c (c',s')  mustT c s  discr0 c  s  s'"
  apply(erule MtransC_induct2)
  apply (metis indis_refl)
  by (metis discr0_MtransC discr0_transC_indis indis_trans mustT_MtransC)
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

lemma discr0_transT:
assumes *: "discr0 c" and **: "mustT c s" "(c,s) →t s'"
shows "s  s'"
using * apply - apply(erule discr0.cases) using ** by blast

lemma discr0_MtransT:
assumes *: "discr0 c" and ***: "mustT c s" and **: "(c,s) →*t s'"
shows "s  s'"
  obtain d' t' where 
  cs: "(c,s) →*c (d',t')" and d't': "(d',t') →t s'"
  using ** by(rule MtransT_invert2)
  hence "s  t'" using * discr0_MtransC_indis *** by blast
  {have "discr0 d'" using cs * discr0_MtransC *** by blast 
   hence "t'  s'"
   using *** by (metis mustT_MtransC cs d't' discr0_transT) 
  ultimately show ?thesis using indis_trans by blast

lemma discr_discr0[simp]: "discr c  discr0 c"
  by (induct rule: discr0_coind)
     (metis discr_transC discr_transC_indis discr_transT)+


coinductive siso where 
" s c' s'. (c,s) →c (c',s')  siso c'; 
   s t c' s'. s  t; (c,s) →c (c',s')   t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →c (c',t');
   s t s'. s  t; (c,s) →t s'   t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →t t' 
   siso c"

text‹Coinduction for self-isomorphism:›

lemma siso_coind:
assumes *: "phi c" and 
**: " c s c' s'. phi c; (c,s) →c (c',s')  phi c'  siso c'" and 
***: " c s t c' s'. phi c; s  t; (c,s) →c (c',s')   t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →c (c',t')" and 
****: " c s t s'. phi c; s  t; (c,s) →t s'   t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →t t'"
shows "siso c"
using * apply - apply(erule siso.coinduct) using ** *** **** by auto

lemma siso_raw_coind:
assumes *: "phi c" and 
**: " c s c' s'. phi c; (c,s) →c (c',s')  phi c'" and 
***: " c s t c' s'. phi c; s  t; (c,s) →c (c',s')   t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →c (c',t')" and 
****: " c s t s'. phi c; s  t; (c,s) →t s'   t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →t t'"
shows "siso c"
using * apply - apply(erule siso_coind) using ** *** **** by blast+

text‹Self-Isomorphism versus transition:›

lemma siso_transC:
assumes *: "siso c" and **: "(c,s) →c (c',s')"
shows "siso c'"
using * apply - apply(erule siso.cases) using ** by blast

lemma siso_MtransC:
assumes "siso c" and "(c,s) →*c (c',s')"
shows "siso c'"
  have "(c,s) →*c (c',s')  siso c  siso c'"
  apply(erule MtransC_induct2) using siso_transC by blast+
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

lemma siso_transC_indis:
assumes *: "siso c" and **: "(c,s) →c (c',s')" and ***: "s  t"
shows " t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →c (c',t')"
using * apply - apply(erule siso.cases) using ** *** by blast

lemma siso_transT:
assumes *: "siso c" and **: "(c,s) →t s'" and ***: "s  t"
shows " t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →t t'"
using * apply - apply(erule siso.cases) using ** *** by blast

subsection‹MustT-interactive self-isomorphism›  

coinductive siso0 where 
" s c' s'. mustT c s; (c,s) →c (c',s')  siso0 c'; 
   s t c' s'. 
    mustT c s; mustT c t; s  t; (c,s) →c (c',s')  
     t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →c (c',t');
   s t s'. 
    mustT c s; mustT c t; s  t; (c,s) →t s'  
     t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →t t' 
   siso0 c"

text‹Coinduction for self-isomorphism:›

lemma siso0_coind[consumes 1, case_names Indef Cont Term, induct pred: discr0]:
assumes *: "phi c" and 
**: " c s c' s'. phi c; mustT c s; (c,s) →c (c',s')  phi c'  siso0 c'" and 
***: " c s t c' s'. 
        phi c; mustT c s; mustT c t; s  t; (c,s) →c (c',s')  
         t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →c (c',t')" and 
****: " c s t s'. 
         mustT c s; mustT c t; phi c; s  t; (c,s) →t s'  
          t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →t t'"
shows "siso0 c"
using * apply - apply(erule siso0.coinduct) using ** *** **** by auto

lemma siso0_raw_coind[consumes 1, case_names Indef Cont Term]:
assumes *: "phi c" and 
**: " c s c' s'. phi c; mustT c s; (c,s) →c (c',s')  phi c'" and 
***: " c s t c' s'. 
        phi c; mustT c s; mustT c t; s  t; (c,s) →c (c',s')  
         t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →c (c',t')" and 
****: " c s t s'. 
         phi c; mustT c s; mustT c t; s  t; (c,s) →t s'  
          t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →t t'"
shows "siso0 c"
using * apply - apply(erule siso0_coind) using ** *** **** by blast+

text‹Self-Isomorphism versus transition:›

lemma siso0_transC:
assumes *: "siso0 c" and **: "mustT c s" "(c,s) →c (c',s')"
shows "siso0 c'"
using * apply - apply(erule siso0.cases) using ** by blast

lemma siso0_MtransC:
assumes "siso0 c" and "mustT c s" and "(c,s) →*c (c',s')"
shows "siso0 c'"
  have "(c,s) →*c (c',s')  mustT c s  siso0 c  siso0 c'"
  apply(erule MtransC_induct2) using siso0_transC mustT_MtransC siso0_transC
  by blast+
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

lemma siso0_transC_indis:
assumes *: "siso0 c" 
and **: "mustT c s" "mustT c t" "(c,s) →c (c',s')" 
and ***: "s  t"
shows " t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →c (c',t')"
using * apply - apply(erule siso0.cases) using ** *** by blast

lemma siso0_transT:
assumes *: "siso0 c" 
and **: "mustT c s" "mustT c t" "(c,s) →t s'" 
and ***: "s  t"
shows " t'. s'  t'  (c,t) →t t'"
using * apply - apply(erule siso0.cases) using ** *** by blast

subsection‹Notions of bisimilarity› 


(* Notations and conventions:
\\- ``<u>_<v>" means: ``match u by v", where u, v can be: 
C (one continuation step), MC (multiple continuation steps), 
ZOC (zero or one continuation steps), 
T (termination step), MT (multiple steps leading to termination).   *)

definition matchC_C where 
"matchC_C theta c d  
  s t c' s'. 
   s  t  (c,s) →c (c',s') 
   ( d' t'. (d,t) →c (d',t')  s'  t'  (c',d')  theta)"

definition matchC_ZOC where 
"matchC_ZOC theta c d  
  s t c' s'. 
   s  t  (c,s) →c (c',s') 
   (s'  t  (c',d)  theta)
   ( d' t'. (d,t) →c (d',t')  s'  t'  (c',d')  theta)"

definition matchC_ZO where 
"matchC_ZO theta c d  
  s t c' s'. 
   s  t  (c,s) →c (c',s') 
   (s'  t  (c',d)  theta)
   ( d' t'. (d,t) →c (d',t')  s'  t'  (c',d')  theta) 
   ( t'. (d,t) →t t'  s'  t'  discr c')"

definition matchT_T where 
"matchT_T c d  
  s t s'. 
   s  t  (c,s) →t s' 
   ( t'. (d,t) →t t'  s'  t')"

definition matchT_ZO where 
"matchT_ZO c d  
  s t s'. 
   s  t  (c,s) →t s' 
   (s'  t  discr d)
   ( d' t'. (d,t) →c (d',t')  s'  t'  discr d')
   ( t'. (d,t) →t t'  s'  t')"

(*  *)

definition matchC_MC where 
"matchC_MC theta c d  
  s t c' s'. 
   s  t  (c,s) →c (c',s') 
   ( d' t'. (d,t) →*c (d',t')  s'  t'  (c',d')  theta)"

definition matchC_TMC where 
"matchC_TMC theta c d  
  s t c' s'. 
   mustT c s  mustT d t  s  t  (c,s) →c (c',s') 
   ( d' t'. (d,t) →*c (d',t')  s'  t'  (c',d')  theta)"

definition matchC_M where 
"matchC_M theta c d  
  s t c' s'. 
   s  t  (c,s) →c (c',s') 
   ( d' t'. (d,t) →*c (d',t')  s'  t'  (c',d')  theta) 
   ( t'. (d,t) →*t t'  s'  t'  discr c')"

definition matchT_MT where 
"matchT_MT c d  
  s t s'. 
   s  t  (c,s) →t s' 
   ( t'. (d,t) →*t t'  s'  t')"

definition matchT_TMT where 
"matchT_TMT c d  
  s t s'. 
   mustT c s  mustT d t  s  t  (c,s) →t s' 
   ( t'. (d,t) →*t t'  s'  t')"

definition matchT_M where 
"matchT_M c d  
  s t s'. 
   s  t  (c,s) →t s' 
   ( d' t'. (d,t) →*c (d',t')  s'  t'  discr d')
   ( t'. (d,t) →*t t'  s'  t')"

lemmas match_defs = 
matchC_ZOC_def matchC_ZO_def
matchT_T_def matchT_ZO_def
matchC_MC_def matchC_M_def
matchT_MT_def matchT_M_def
matchC_TMC_def matchT_TMT_def

(* For convenience, indis-symmetric variations of the above definitions: *)

lemma matchC_C_def2: 
"matchC_C theta d c =
 ( s t d' t'. 
   s  t  (d,t) →c (d',t') 
   ( c' s'. (c,s) →c (c',s')  s'  t'  (d',c')  theta))"
unfolding matchC_C_def using indis_sym by blast

lemma matchC_ZOC_def2:  
"matchC_ZOC theta d c= 
 ( s t d' t'. 
   s  t  (d,t) →c (d',t') 
   (s  t'  (d',c)  theta)
   ( c' s'. (c,s) →c (c',s')  s'  t'  (d',c')  theta))"
unfolding matchC_ZOC_def using indis_sym by blast

lemma matchC_ZO_def2:
"matchC_ZO theta d c = 
 ( s t d' t'. 
   s  t  (d,t) →c (d',t') 
   (s  t'  (d',c)  theta)
   ( c' s'. (c,s) →c (c',s')  s'  t'  (d',c')  theta) 
   ( s'. (c,s) →t s'  s'  t'  discr d'))"
unfolding matchC_ZO_def using indis_sym by blast

lemma matchT_T_def2:
"matchT_T d c = 
 ( s t t'. 
   s  t  (d,t) →t t' 
   ( s'. (c,s) →t s'  s'  t'))"
unfolding matchT_T_def using indis_sym by blast

lemma matchT_ZO_def2:
"matchT_ZO d c = 
 ( s t t'. 
   s  t  (d,t) →t t' 
   (s  t'  discr c)
   ( c' s'. (c,s) →c (c',s')  s'  t'  discr c')
   ( s'. (c,s) →t s'  s'  t'))"    
unfolding matchT_ZO_def using indis_sym by blast

(*  *)

lemma matchC_MC_def2:  
"matchC_MC theta d c= 
 ( s t d' t'. 
   s  t  (d,t) →c (d',t') 
   ( c' s'. (c,s) →*c (c',s')  s'  t'  (d',c')  theta))"
unfolding matchC_MC_def using indis_sym by blast

lemma matchC_TMC_def2:  
"matchC_TMC theta d c= 
 ( s t d' t'. 
   mustT c s  mustT d t  s  t  (d,t) →c (d',t') 
   ( c' s'. (c,s) →*c (c',s')  s'  t'  (d',c')  theta))"
unfolding matchC_TMC_def using indis_sym by blast

lemma matchC_M_def2:
"matchC_M theta d c = 
 ( s t d' t'. 
   s  t  (d,t) →c (d',t') 
   ( c' s'. (c,s) →*c (c',s')  s'  t'  (d',c')  theta) 
   ( s'. (c,s) →*t s'  s'  t'  discr d'))"
unfolding matchC_M_def using indis_sym by blast

lemma matchT_MT_def2:
"matchT_MT d c = 
 ( s t t'. 
   s  t  (d,t) →t t' 
   ( s'. (c,s) →*t s'  s'  t'))"
unfolding matchT_MT_def using indis_sym by blast

lemma matchT_TMT_def2:
"matchT_TMT d c = 
 ( s t t'. 
   mustT c s  mustT d t  s  t  (d,t) →t t' 
   ( s'. (c,s) →*t s'  s'  t'))"
unfolding matchT_TMT_def using indis_sym by blast

lemma matchT_M_def2:
"matchT_M d c = 
 ( s t t'. 
   s  t  (d,t) →t t' 
   ( c' s'. (c,s) →*c (c',s')  s'  t'  discr c')
   ( s'. (c,s) →*t s'  s'  t'))"    
unfolding matchT_M_def using indis_sym by blast


(* Strong retract: *)
definition Sretr where 
"Sretr theta  
    matchC_C theta c d  
    matchT_T c d}"

(* Zero-one retract: *)
definition ZOretr where 
"ZOretr theta  
    matchC_ZO theta c d  
    matchT_ZO c d}"

(* Zero-one termination-sensitive retract: *)
definition ZOretrT where 
"ZOretrT theta  
    matchC_ZOC theta c d  
    matchT_T c d}"

(* Weak retract: *)
definition Wretr where 
"Wretr theta  
    matchC_M theta c d  
    matchT_M c d }"

(* Weak termination-sensitive retract: *)
definition WretrT where 
"WretrT theta  
    matchC_MC theta c d  
    matchT_MT c d}"

(* Weak terminating-interactive termination-sensitive retract: *)
definition RetrT where 
"RetrT theta  
    matchC_TMC theta c d  
    matchT_TMT c d}"

lemmas Retr_defs = 
ZOretr_def ZOretrT_def 
Wretr_def WretrT_def 

text‹The associated bisimilarity relations:›

definition Sbis where "Sbis  bis Sretr"
definition ZObis where "ZObis  bis ZOretr"
definition ZObisT where "ZObisT  bis ZOretrT"
definition Wbis where "Wbis  bis Wretr"
definition WbisT where "WbisT  bis WretrT"
definition BisT where "BisT  bis RetrT"

lemmas bis_defs = 
ZObis_def ZObisT_def 
Wbis_def WbisT_def 

abbreviation Sbis_abbrev (infix ≈s 55) where "c1 ≈s c2  (c1,c2)  Sbis"
abbreviation ZObis_abbrev (infix ≈01 55) where "c1 ≈01 c2  (c1,c2)  ZObis"
abbreviation ZObisT_abbrev (infix ≈01T 55) where "c1 ≈01T c2  (c1,c2)  ZObisT"
abbreviation Wbis_abbrev (infix ≈w 55) where "c1 ≈w c2  (c1,c2)  Wbis"
abbreviation WbisT_abbrev (infix ≈wT 55) where "c1 ≈wT c2  (c1,c2)  WbisT"
abbreviation BisT_abbrev (infix ≈T 55) where "c1 ≈T c2  (c1,c2)  BisT"

lemma mono_Retr:
"mono Sretr"
"mono ZOretr"  "mono ZOretrT"
"mono Wretr"  "mono WretrT"
"mono RetrT"
unfolding mono_def Retr_defs match_defs by blast+

(* Sbis: *)
lemma Sbis_prefix:
"Sbis  Sretr Sbis"
unfolding Sbis_def using mono_Retr bis_prefix by blast

lemma Sbis_sym: "sym Sbis"
unfolding Sbis_def using mono_Retr sym_bis by blast

lemma Sbis_Sym: "c ≈s d  d ≈s c"
using Sbis_sym unfolding sym_def by blast

lemma Sbis_converse:
"((c,d)  theta^-1  Sbis) = ((d,c)  theta  Sbis)"
by (metis Sbis_sym converseI converse_Un converse_converse sym_conv_converse_eq)

Sbis_matchC_C: " s t. c ≈s d  matchC_C Sbis c d"
Sbis_matchT_T: " c d. c ≈s d  matchT_T c d"
using Sbis_prefix unfolding Sretr_def by auto

lemmas Sbis_step = Sbis_matchC_C Sbis_matchT_T

Sbis_matchC_C_rev: " s t. s ≈s t  matchC_C Sbis t s"
Sbis_matchT_T_rev: " s t. s ≈s t  matchT_T t s"
using Sbis_step Sbis_sym unfolding sym_def by blast+

lemmas Sbis_step_rev = Sbis_matchC_C_rev Sbis_matchT_T_rev

lemma Sbis_coind:  
assumes "sym theta" and "theta  Sretr (theta  Sbis)"
shows "theta  Sbis"
using assms mono_Retr bis_coind 
unfolding Sbis_def by blast

lemma Sbis_raw_coind:  
assumes "sym theta" and "theta  Sretr theta"
shows "theta  Sbis"
using assms mono_Retr bis_raw_coind 
unfolding Sbis_def by blast

lemma Sbis_coind2:
assumes "theta  Sretr (theta  Sbis)" and 
"theta ^-1  Sretr ((theta ^-1)  Sbis)"
shows "theta  Sbis"
using assms mono_Retr bis_coind2 
unfolding Sbis_def by blast

lemma Sbis_raw_coind2:
assumes "theta  Sretr theta" and 
"theta ^-1  Sretr (theta ^-1)"
shows "theta  Sbis"
using assms mono_Retr bis_raw_coind2 
unfolding Sbis_def by blast

(* ZObis: *)
lemma ZObis_prefix:
"ZObis  ZOretr ZObis"
unfolding ZObis_def using mono_Retr bis_prefix by blast

lemma ZObis_sym: "sym ZObis"
unfolding ZObis_def using mono_Retr sym_bis by blast

lemma ZObis_converse:
"((c,d)  theta^-1  ZObis) = ((d,c)  theta  ZObis)"
by (metis ZObis_sym converseI converse_Un converse_converse sym_conv_converse_eq)

lemma ZObis_Sym: "s ≈01 t  t ≈01 s"
using ZObis_sym unfolding sym_def by blast

ZObis_matchC_ZO: " s t. s ≈01 t  matchC_ZO ZObis s t"
ZObis_matchT_ZO: " s t. s ≈01 t  matchT_ZO s t"
using ZObis_prefix unfolding ZOretr_def by auto

lemmas ZObis_step = ZObis_matchC_ZO ZObis_matchT_ZO 

ZObis_matchC_ZO_rev: " s t. s ≈01 t  matchC_ZO ZObis t s"
ZObis_matchT_ZO_rev: " s t. s ≈01 t  matchT_ZO t s"
using ZObis_step ZObis_sym unfolding sym_def by blast+

lemmas ZObis_step_rev = ZObis_matchC_ZO_rev ZObis_matchT_ZO_rev

lemma ZObis_coind:  
assumes "sym theta" and "theta  ZOretr (theta  ZObis)"
shows "theta  ZObis"
using assms mono_Retr bis_coind 
unfolding ZObis_def by blast

lemma ZObis_raw_coind:  
assumes "sym theta" and "theta  ZOretr theta"
shows "theta  ZObis"
using assms mono_Retr bis_raw_coind 
unfolding ZObis_def by blast

lemma ZObis_coind2:
assumes "theta  ZOretr (theta  ZObis)" and 
"theta ^-1  ZOretr ((theta ^-1)  ZObis)"
shows "theta  ZObis"
using assms mono_Retr bis_coind2 
unfolding ZObis_def by blast

lemma ZObis_raw_coind2:
assumes "theta  ZOretr theta" and 
"theta ^-1  ZOretr (theta ^-1)"
shows "theta  ZObis"
using assms mono_Retr bis_raw_coind2 
unfolding ZObis_def by blast

(* ZObisT: *)
lemma ZObisT_prefix:
"ZObisT  ZOretrT ZObisT"
unfolding ZObisT_def using mono_Retr bis_prefix by blast

lemma ZObisT_sym: "sym ZObisT"
unfolding ZObisT_def using mono_Retr sym_bis by blast

lemma ZObisT_Sym: "s ≈01T t  t ≈01T s"
using ZObisT_sym unfolding sym_def by blast

lemma ZObisT_converse:
"((c,d)  theta^-1  ZObisT) = ((d,c)  theta  ZObisT)"
by (metis ZObisT_sym converseI converse_Un converse_converse sym_conv_converse_eq)

ZObisT_matchC_ZOC: " s t. s ≈01T t  matchC_ZOC ZObisT s t"
ZObisT_matchT_T: " s t. s ≈01T t  matchT_T s t"
using ZObisT_prefix unfolding ZOretrT_def by auto

lemmas ZObisT_step = ZObisT_matchC_ZOC ZObisT_matchT_T

ZObisT_matchC_ZOC_rev: " s t. s ≈01T t  matchC_ZOC ZObisT t s"
ZObisT_matchT_T_rev: " s t. s ≈01T t  matchT_T t s"
using ZObisT_step ZObisT_sym unfolding sym_def by blast+

lemmas ZObisT_step_rev = ZObisT_matchC_ZOC_rev ZObisT_matchT_T_rev 

lemma ZObisT_coind:  
assumes "sym theta" and "theta  ZOretrT (theta  ZObisT)"
shows "theta  ZObisT"
using assms mono_Retr bis_coind 
unfolding ZObisT_def by blast

lemma ZObisT_raw_coind:  
assumes "sym theta" and "theta  ZOretrT theta"
shows "theta  ZObisT"
using assms mono_Retr bis_raw_coind 
unfolding ZObisT_def by blast

lemma ZObisT_coind2:
assumes "theta  ZOretrT (theta  ZObisT)" and 
"theta ^-1  ZOretrT ((theta ^-1)  ZObisT)"
shows "theta  ZObisT"
using assms mono_Retr bis_coind2 
unfolding ZObisT_def by blast

lemma ZObisT_raw_coind2:
assumes "theta  ZOretrT theta" and 
"theta ^-1  ZOretrT (theta ^-1)"
shows "theta  ZObisT"
using assms mono_Retr bis_raw_coind2 
unfolding ZObisT_def by blast

(* Wbis: *)
lemma Wbis_prefix:
"Wbis  Wretr Wbis"
unfolding Wbis_def using mono_Retr bis_prefix by blast

lemma Wbis_sym: "sym Wbis"
unfolding Wbis_def using mono_Retr sym_bis by blast

lemma Wbis_converse:
"((c,d)  theta^-1  Wbis) = ((d,c)  theta  Wbis)"
by (metis Wbis_sym converseI converse_Un converse_converse sym_conv_converse_eq)

lemma Wbis_Sym: "c ≈w d  d ≈w c"
using Wbis_sym unfolding sym_def by blast

Wbis_matchC_M: " c d. c ≈w d  matchC_M Wbis c d"
Wbis_matchT_M: " c d. c ≈w d  matchT_M c d"
using Wbis_prefix unfolding Wretr_def by auto

lemmas Wbis_step = Wbis_matchC_M Wbis_matchT_M 

Wbis_matchC_M_rev: " s t. s ≈w t  matchC_M Wbis t s"
Wbis_matchT_M_rev: " s t. s ≈w t  matchT_M t s"
using Wbis_step Wbis_sym unfolding sym_def by blast+

lemmas Wbis_step_rev = Wbis_matchC_M_rev Wbis_matchT_M_rev

lemma Wbis_coind:  
assumes "sym theta" and "theta  Wretr (theta  Wbis)"
shows "theta  Wbis"
using assms mono_Retr bis_coind 
unfolding Wbis_def by blast

lemma Wbis_raw_coind:  
assumes "sym theta" and "theta  Wretr theta"
shows "theta  Wbis"
using assms mono_Retr bis_raw_coind 
unfolding Wbis_def by blast

lemma Wbis_coind2:
assumes "theta  Wretr (theta  Wbis)" and 
"theta ^-1  Wretr ((theta ^-1)  Wbis)"
shows "theta  Wbis"
using assms mono_Retr bis_coind2 
unfolding Wbis_def by blast

lemma Wbis_raw_coind2:
assumes "theta  Wretr theta" and 
"theta ^-1  Wretr (theta ^-1)"
shows "theta  Wbis"
using assms mono_Retr bis_raw_coind2 
unfolding Wbis_def by blast

(* WbisT: *)
lemma WbisT_prefix:
"WbisT  WretrT WbisT"
unfolding WbisT_def using mono_Retr bis_prefix by blast

lemma WbisT_sym: "sym WbisT"
unfolding WbisT_def using mono_Retr sym_bis by blast

lemma WbisT_Sym: "c ≈wT d  d ≈wT c"
using WbisT_sym unfolding sym_def by blast

lemma WbisT_converse:
"((c,d)  theta^-1  WbisT) = ((d,c)  theta  WbisT)"
by (metis WbisT_sym converseI converse_Un converse_converse sym_conv_converse_eq)

WbisT_matchC_MC: " c d. c ≈wT d  matchC_MC WbisT c d"
WbisT_matchT_MT: " c d. c ≈wT d  matchT_MT c d"
using WbisT_prefix unfolding WretrT_def by auto

lemmas WbisT_step = WbisT_matchC_MC WbisT_matchT_MT

WbisT_matchC_MC_rev: " s t. s ≈wT t  matchC_MC WbisT t s"
WbisT_matchT_MT_rev: " s t. s ≈wT t  matchT_MT t s"
using WbisT_step WbisT_sym unfolding sym_def by blast+

lemmas WbisT_step_rev = WbisT_matchC_MC_rev WbisT_matchT_MT_rev 

lemma WbisT_coind:  
assumes "sym theta" and "theta  WretrT (theta  WbisT)"
shows "theta  WbisT"
using assms mono_Retr bis_coind 
unfolding WbisT_def by blast

lemma WbisT_raw_coind:  
assumes "sym theta" and "theta  WretrT theta"
shows "theta  WbisT"
using assms mono_Retr bis_raw_coind 
unfolding WbisT_def by blast

lemma WbisT_coind2:
assumes "theta  WretrT (theta  WbisT)" and 
"theta ^-1  WretrT ((theta ^-1)  WbisT)"
shows "theta  WbisT"
using assms mono_Retr bis_coind2 
unfolding WbisT_def by blast

lemma WbisT_raw_coind2:
assumes "theta  WretrT theta" and 
"theta ^-1  WretrT (theta ^-1)"
shows "theta  WbisT"
using assms mono_Retr bis_raw_coind2 
unfolding WbisT_def by blast

lemma WbisT_coinduct[consumes 1, case_names sym cont termi]:
  assumes φ: "φ c d"
  assumes S: "c d. φ c d  φ d c"
  assumes C: "c s d t c' s'.
     φ c d ; s  t ; (c, s) →c (c', s')   d' t'. (d, t) →*c (d', t')  s'  t'  (φ c' d'  c' ≈wT d')"
  assumes T: "c s d t s'.
     φ c d ; s  t ; (c, s) →t s'   t'. (d, t) →*t t'  s'  t'"
  shows "c ≈wT d"
proof -
  let  = "{(c, d). φ c d}"
  have "sym " by (auto intro!: symI S)
  have "  WretrT (  WbisT)"
    using C T by (auto simp: WretrT_def matchC_MC_def matchT_MT_def)
  ultimately have "  WbisT"
    using WbisT_coind by auto
  with φ show ?thesis
    by auto

(* BisT: *)
lemma BisT_prefix:
"BisT  RetrT BisT"
unfolding BisT_def using mono_Retr bis_prefix by blast

lemma BisT_sym: "sym BisT"
unfolding BisT_def using mono_Retr sym_bis by blast

lemma BisT_Sym: "c ≈T d  d ≈T c"
using BisT_sym unfolding sym_def by blast

lemma BisT_converse:
"((c,d)  theta^-1  BisT) = ((d,c)  theta  BisT)"
by (metis BisT_sym converseI converse_Un converse_converse sym_conv_converse_eq)

BisT_matchC_TMC: " c d. c ≈T d  matchC_TMC BisT c d"
BisT_matchT_TMT: " c d. c ≈T d  matchT_TMT c d"
using BisT_prefix unfolding RetrT_def by auto

lemmas BisT_step = BisT_matchC_TMC BisT_matchT_TMT

BisT_matchC_TMC_rev: " c d. c ≈T d  matchC_TMC BisT d c"
BisT_matchT_TMT_rev: " c d. c ≈T d  matchT_TMT d c"
using BisT_step BisT_sym unfolding sym_def by blast+

lemmas BisT_step_rev = BisT_matchC_TMC_rev BisT_matchT_TMT_rev 

lemma BisT_coind:  
assumes "sym theta" and "theta  RetrT (theta  BisT)"
shows "theta  BisT"
using assms mono_Retr bis_coind 
unfolding BisT_def by blast

lemma BisT_raw_coind:  
assumes "sym theta" and "theta  RetrT theta"
shows "theta  BisT"
using assms mono_Retr bis_raw_coind 
unfolding BisT_def by blast

lemma BisT_coind2:
assumes "theta  RetrT (theta  BisT)" and 
"theta ^-1  RetrT ((theta ^-1)  BisT)"
shows "theta  BisT"
using assms mono_Retr bis_coind2 
unfolding BisT_def by blast

lemma BisT_raw_coind2:
assumes "theta  RetrT theta" and 
"theta ^-1  RetrT (theta ^-1)"
shows "theta  BisT"
using assms mono_Retr bis_raw_coind2 
unfolding BisT_def by blast

text‹Inclusions between bisimilarities:›

lemma match_imp[simp]:
" theta c1 c2. matchC_C theta c1 c2  matchC_ZOC theta c1 c2"
(*  *)
" theta c1 c2. matchC_ZOC theta c1 c2  matchC_ZO theta c1 c2"
(*  *)
" theta c1 c2. matchC_ZOC theta c1 c2  matchC_MC theta c1 c2"
(*  *)
" theta c1 c2. matchC_ZO theta c1 c2  matchC_M theta c1 c2"
(*  *)
" theta c1 c2. matchC_MC theta c1 c2  matchC_M theta c1 c2"
(*  *)
(*  *)
" c1 c2. matchT_T c1 c2  matchT_ZO c1 c2"
(*  *)
" c1 c2. matchT_T c1 c2  matchT_MT c1 c2"
(*  *)
" c1 c2. matchT_ZO c1 c2  matchT_M c1 c2"
(*  *)
" c1 c2. matchT_MT c1 c2  matchT_M c1 c2"
(*  *)
" theta c1 c2. matchC_MC theta c1 c2  matchC_TMC theta c1 c2"
(*  *)
" theta c1 c2. matchT_MT c1 c2  matchT_TMT c1 c2"
unfolding match_defs apply(tactic mauto_no_simp_tac @{context})
apply fastforce apply fastforce
apply (metis MtransC_Refl transC_MtransC)
by force+

lemma Retr_incl:
"theta. Sretr theta  ZOretrT theta"
(*  *)
"theta. ZOretrT theta  ZOretr theta"
(*  *)
"theta. ZOretrT theta  WretrT theta"
(*  *)
"theta. ZOretr theta  Wretr theta"
(*  *)
"theta. WretrT theta  Wretr theta"
(*  *)
"theta. WretrT theta  RetrT theta"
unfolding Retr_defs by auto

lemma bis_incl:
"Sbis  ZObisT"
(*  *)
"ZObisT  ZObis"
(*  *)
"ZObisT  WbisT"
(*  *)
"ZObis  Wbis"
(*  *)
"WbisT  Wbis"
(*  *)
"WbisT  BisT"
unfolding bis_defs 
using Retr_incl mono_bis mono_Retr by blast+

lemma bis_imp[simp]:
" c1 c2. c1 ≈s c2  c1 ≈01T c2"
(*  *)
" c1 c2. c1 ≈01T c2  c1 ≈01 c2"
(*  *)
" c1 c2. c1 ≈01T c2  c1 ≈wT c2"
(*  *)
" c1 c2. c1 ≈01 c2  c1 ≈w c2"
(*  *)
" c1 c2. c1 ≈wT c2  c1 ≈w c2"
(*  *)
" c1 c2. c1 ≈wT c2  c1 ≈T c2"
using bis_incl rev_subsetD by auto

text‹Self-isomorphism implies strong bisimilarity:›

lemma siso_Sbis[simp]:
assumes "siso c"
shows "c ≈s c"
  let ?theta = "{(c,c) | c . siso c}"
  have "?theta  Sbis"
  proof(rule Sbis_raw_coind)
    show "sym ?theta" unfolding sym_def by blast
    show "?theta  Sretr ?theta"
    proof clarify
      fix c assume c: "siso c"
      show "(c, c)  Sretr ?theta"
      unfolding Sretr_def proof (clarify, intro conjI)
        show "matchC_C ?theta c c"
        unfolding matchC_C_def apply simp
        by (metis c siso_transC siso_transC_indis)
        show "matchT_T c c"
        unfolding matchT_T_def
        by (metis c siso_transT)           
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

text‹0-Self-isomorphism implies weak T 0-bisimilarity:›

lemma siso0_Sbis[simp]:
assumes "siso0 c"
shows "c ≈T c"
  let ?theta = "{(c,c) | c . siso0 c}"
  have "?theta  BisT"
  proof(rule BisT_raw_coind)
    show "sym ?theta" unfolding sym_def by blast
    show "?theta  RetrT ?theta"
    proof clarify
      fix c assume c: "siso0 c"
      show "(c, c)  RetrT ?theta"
      unfolding RetrT_def proof (clarify, intro conjI)
        show "matchC_TMC ?theta c c"
        unfolding matchC_TMC_def apply simp
        by (metis c siso0_transC siso0_transC_indis transC_MtransC)
        show "matchT_TMT c c"
        unfolding matchC_TMC_def
        by (metis c matchT_TMT_def siso0_transT transT_MtransT)
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

(* context PL_Indis *)
