Theory Language_Semantics

section ‹The programming language and its semantics› 

theory Language_Semantics imports Interface begin

subsection ‹Syntax and operational semantics›

datatype ('test,'atom) com = 
  Atm 'atom | 
  Seq "('test,'atom) com" "('test,'atom) com" 
    (‹_ ;; _›  [60, 61] 60) |
  If 'test "('test,'atom) com" "('test,'atom) com" 
    ((if _/ then _/ else _)  [0, 0, 61] 61) |
  While 'test "('test,'atom) com" 
    ((while _/ do _)  [0, 61] 61) |
  Par "('test,'atom) com" "('test,'atom) com" 
    (‹_ | _›  [60, 61] 60)
locale PL = 
  tval :: "'test  'state  bool" and 
  aval :: "'atom  'state  'state"

(* *****************************************)
context PL

text‹Conventions and notations:
-- suffixes: ``C" for ``Continuation", ``T" for ``termination"
-- prefix: ``M" for multistep
-- tst, tst' are tests
-- atm, atm' are atoms (atomic commands)
-- s, s', t, t' are states
-- c, c', d, d' are commands
-- cf, cf' are configurations, i.e., pairs command-state›

inductive transT :: 
"(('test,'atom)com * 'state)  'state  bool"
(infix →t 55)
"(Atm atm, s) →t aval atm s"
| WhileFalse[simp]:  
"~ tval tst s  (While tst c, s) →t s"

lemmas trans_Atm = Atm  
lemmas trans_WhileFalse = WhileFalse

(* The RT-closure of →c is inlined since later versions of →c may refer to it. *)
inductive transC :: 
"(('test,'atom)com * 'state)  (('test,'atom)com * 'state)  bool"
(infix →c 55)
and MtransC :: 
"(('test,'atom)com * 'state)  (('test,'atom)com * 'state)  bool"
(infix →*c 55)
"(c1, s) →c (c1', s')  (c1 ;; c2, s) →c (c1' ;; c2, s')" 
| SeqT[simp]:
"(c1, s) →t s'  (c1 ;; c2, s) →c (c2, s')" 
| IfTrue[simp]:  
"tval tst s  (If tst c1 c2, s) →c (c1, s)"
| IfFalse[simp]:  
"~ tval tst s  (If tst c1 c2,s) →c (c2, s)"
| WhileTrue[simp]:  
"tval tst s  (While tst c, s) →c (c ;; (While tst c), s)"
(*  *)
| ParCL[simp]:
"(c1, s) →c (c1', s')  (Par c1 c2, s) →c (Par c1' c2, s')" 
| ParCR[simp]:
"(c2, s) →c (c2', s')  (Par c1 c2, s) →c (Par c1 c2', s')" 
| ParTL[simp]:
"(c1, s) →t s'  (Par c1 c2, s) →c (c2, s')" 
| ParTR[simp]:
"(c2, s) →t s'  (Par c1 c2, s) →c (c1, s')" 
| Refl:
"(c,s) →*c (c,s)"
| Step:
"(c,s) →*c (c',s'); (c',s') →c (c'',s'')  (c,s) →*c (c'',s'')"

lemmas trans_SeqC = SeqC lemmas trans_SeqT = SeqT 
lemmas trans_IfTrue = IfTrue lemmas trans_IfFalse = IfFalse
lemmas trans_WhileTrue = WhileTrue 
lemmas trans_ParCL = ParCL  lemmas trans_ParCR = ParCR
lemmas trans_ParTL = ParTL  lemmas trans_ParTR = ParTR
lemmas trans_Refl = Refl  lemmas trans_Step = Step

lemma MtransC_Refl[simp]: "cf →*c cf"
using trans_Refl by(cases cf, simp)

lemmas transC_induct = transC_MtransC.inducts(1)
   where ?P2.0 = "λ c s c' s'. True"]
lemmas MtransC_induct_temp = transC_MtransC.inducts(2)[split_format(complete)]

inductive MtransT :: 
"(('test,'atom)com * 'state)  'state  bool"
(infix →*t 55)
"cf →*c cf'; cf' →t s''  cf →*t s''"

lemma MtransC_rtranclp_transC:
"MtransC = transC ^**"
  {fix c s c' s'
   have "(c,s) →*c (c',s')  transC ^** (c,s) (c',s')"
   apply(rule MtransC_induct_temp[of _ _ c s c' s' "λc s c' s'. True"]) by auto
  {fix c s c' s'
   have "transC ^** (c,s) (c',s')  (c,s) →*c (c',s')"
   apply(erule rtranclp.induct) using trans_Step by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
  apply - apply(rule ext, rule ext) by auto

lemma transC_MtransC[simp]:
assumes "cf →c cf'"
shows "cf →*c cf'"
using assms unfolding MtransC_rtranclp_transC by blast

lemma MtransC_Trans:
assumes "cf →*c cf'" and "cf' →*c cf''"
shows "cf →*c cf''"
using assms rtranclp_trans[of transC cf cf' cf''] 
unfolding MtransC_rtranclp_transC by blast

lemma MtransC_StepC:
assumes *: "cf →*c cf'" and **: "cf' →c cf''"
shows "cf →*c cf''"
  have "cf' →*c cf''" using ** by simp
  thus ?thesis using * MtransC_Trans by blast

lemma MtransC_induct[consumes 1, case_names Refl Trans]:
assumes "cf →*c cf'"
and "cf. phi cf cf"
" cf cf' cf''. 
   cf →*c cf'; phi cf cf'; cf' →c cf''
    phi cf cf''"
shows "phi cf cf'"
using assms unfolding MtransC_rtranclp_transC 
using rtranclp.induct[of transC cf cf'] by blast

lemma MtransC_induct2[consumes 1, case_names Refl Trans, induct pred: MtransC]:
assumes "(c,s) →*c (c',s')"
and "c s. phi c s c s"
" c s c' s' c'' s''. 
   (c,s) →*c (c',s'); phi c s c' s'; (c',s') →c (c'',s'')
    phi c s c'' s''"
shows "phi c s c' s'"
using assms 
MtransC_induct[of "(c,s)" "(c',s')" "λ(c,s) (c',s'). phi c s c' s'"] by blast

lemma transT_MtransT[simp]:
assumes "cf →t s'"
shows "cf →*t s'"
by (metis PL.MtransC_Refl PL.MtransT.intros assms)

lemma MtransC_MtransT:
assumes "cf →*c cf'" and "cf' →*t cf''"
shows "cf →*t cf''"
by (metis MtransT.cases PL.MtransC_Trans PL.MtransT.intros assms)

lemma transC_MtransT[simp]:
assumes "cf →c cf'" and "cf' →*t s''"
shows "cf →*t s''"
by (metis PL.MtransC_MtransT assms(1) assms(2) transC_MtransC)

text‹Inversion rules, nchotomies and such:›

lemma Atm_transC_simp[simp]:
"~ (Atm atm, s) →c cf"
apply clarify apply(erule transC.cases) by auto

lemma Atm_transC_invert[elim!]:
assumes "(Atm atm, s) →c cf"
shows phi
using assms by simp

lemma Atm_transT_invert[elim!]:
assumes "(Atm atm, s) →t s'"
and "s' = aval atm s  phi"
shows phi
using assms apply - apply(erule transT.cases) by auto

lemma Seq_transC_invert[elim!]:
assumes "(c1 ;; c2, s) →c (c', s')"
and " c1'. (c1, s) →c (c1',s'); c' = c1' ;; c2  phi"
and "(c1, s) →t s'; c' = c2  phi"
shows phi
using assms apply - apply(erule transC.cases) by auto

lemma Seq_transT_invert[simp]:
"~ (c1 ;; c2, s) →t s'"
apply clarify apply(erule transT.cases) by auto

lemma If_transC_invert[elim!]:
assumes "(If tst c1 c2, s) →c (c', s')"
and "tval tst s; c' = c1; s' = s  phi"
and "~ tval tst s; c' = c2; s' = s  phi"
shows phi
using assms apply - apply(erule transC.cases) by auto

lemma If_transT_simp[simp]:
"~ (If b c1 c2, s) →t s'"
apply clarify apply(erule transT.cases) by auto

lemma If_transT_invert[elim!]:
assumes "(If b c1 c2, s) →t s'"
shows phi
using assms by simp

lemma While_transC_invert[elim]:
assumes "(While tst c1, s) →c (c', s')"
and "tval tst s; c' = c1 ;; (While tst c1); s' = s  phi"
shows phi
using assms apply - apply(erule transC.cases) by auto

lemma While_transT_invert[elim!]:
assumes "(While tst c1, s) →t s'"
and "~ tval tst s; s' = s  phi"
shows phi
using assms apply - apply(erule transT.cases) by blast+

lemma Par_transC_invert[elim!]:
assumes "(Par c1 c2, s) →c (c', s')"
and " c1'. (c1, s) →c (c1',s'); c' = Par c1' c2  phi"
and "(c1, s) →t s'; c' = c2  phi"
and " c2'. (c2, s) →c (c2',s'); c' = Par c1 c2'  phi"
and "(c2, s) →t s'; c' = c1  phi"
shows phi
using assms apply - apply(erule transC.cases) by auto

lemma Par_transT_simp[simp]:
"~ (Par c1 c2, s) →t s'"
apply clarify apply(erule transT.cases) by auto

lemma Par_transT_invert[elim!]:
assumes "(Par c1 c2, s) →t s'"
shows phi
using assms by simp

lemma trans_nchotomy:
"( c' s'. (c,s) →c (c',s'))  
 ( s'. (c,s) →t s')"
  let ?phiC = "λc.  c' s'. (c,s) →c (c',s')"
  let ?phiT = "λc.  s'. (c,s) →t s'"
  let ?phi = "λc. ?phiC c  ?phiT c"
  show "?phi c"
  apply(induct c)
  by(metis Atm, metis SeqC SeqT, metis IfFalse IfTrue, 
  metis WhileFalse WhileTrue, 
  metis ParCL ParCR ParTL ParTR)

corollary trans_invert:
" c' s'. (c,s) →c (c',s')  phi"
and " s'. (c,s) →t s'  phi" 
shows phi
using assms trans_nchotomy by blast

lemma not_transC_transT:
"cf →c cf'; cf →t s'  phi"
apply(erule transC.cases) by auto

lemmas MtransT_invert = MtransT.cases

lemma MtransT_invert2:
assumes "(c, s) →*t s''"
and " c' s'. (c,s) →*c (c',s'); (c', s') →t s''  phi"
shows phi
using assms apply - apply(erule MtransT.cases) by auto

lemma Seq_MtransC_invert[elim!]:
assumes "(c1 ;; c2, s) →*c (d', t')"
and " c1'. (c1, s) →*c (c1',t'); d' = c1' ;; c2  phi"
and " s'. (c1, s) →*t s'; (c2, s') →*c (d',t')  phi"
shows phi
  {fix c
   have "(c,s) →*c (d',t')  
    c1 c2. 
     c = c1 ;; c2   
     ( c1'. (c1, s) →*c (c1',t')  d' = c1' ;; c2)  
     ( s'. (c1, s) →*t s'  (c2, s') →*c (d',t'))"
   apply(erule MtransC_induct2) proof(tactic mauto_no_simp_tac @{context})
     fix c s d' t' d'' t'' c1 c2
     assume (*  "(c, s) →*c (d', t')" and *)
     "c1 c2. c = c1 ;; c2  
        (c1'. (c1, s) →*c (c1', t')  d' = c1' ;; c2)  
        (s'. (c1, s) →*t s'  (c2, s') →*c (d', t'))"
     and 1: "(d', t') →c (d'', t'')" and "c = c1 ;; c2"
     hence IH: 
     "(c1'. (c1, s) →*c (c1', t')  d' = c1' ;; c2)  
      (s'. (c1, s) →*t s'  (c2, s') →*c (d', t'))" by simp 
     show "(c1''. (c1, s) →*c (c1'', t'')  d'' = c1'' ;; c2)  
           (s''. (c1, s) →*t s''  (c2, s'') →*c (d'', t''))"
       {fix c1' assume 2: "(c1, s) →*c (c1', t')" and d': "d' = c1' ;; c2"
        have ?thesis
        using 1 unfolding d' apply - proof(erule Seq_transC_invert)
          fix c1'' assume "(c1', t') →c (c1'', t'')" and d'': "d'' = c1'' ;; c2"
          hence "(c1, s) →*c (c1'', t'')" using 2 MtransC_StepC by blast
          thus ?thesis using d'' by blast
          assume "(c1', t') →t t''" and d'': "d'' = c2"
          hence "(c1, s) →*t t''" using 2 MtransT.StepT by blast
          thus ?thesis unfolding d'' by auto
       {fix s' assume 2: "(c1, s) →*t s'" and "(c2, s') →*c (d', t')"
        hence "(c2, s') →*c (d'', t'')" using 1 MtransC_StepC by blast
        hence ?thesis using 2 by blast
       ultimately show ?thesis using IH by blast
   qed (metis PL.MtransC_Refl)
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

lemma Seq_MtransT_invert[elim!]:
assumes *: "(c1 ;; c2, s) →*t s''"
and **: " s'. (c1, s) →*t s'; (c2, s') →*t s''  phi"
shows phi
  obtain d' t' where 1: "(c1 ;; c2, s) →*c (d',t')" and 2: "(d',t') →t s''"
  using * apply - apply(erule MtransT_invert2) by auto
  show ?thesis 
  using 1 apply - proof(erule Seq_MtransC_invert) 
    fix c1' assume "d' = c1' ;; c2"
    hence False using 2 by simp
    thus ?thesis by simp
    fix s' assume 3: "(c1, s) →*t s'" and "(c2, s') →*c (d', t')"
    hence "(c2, s') →*t s''" using 2 MtransT.StepT by blast
    thus ?thesis using 3 ** by blast

text‹Direct rules for the multi-step relations›

lemma Seq_MtransC[simp]:
assumes "(c1, s) →*c (c1', s')"
shows "(c1 ;; c2, s) →*c (c1' ;; c2, s')"
using assms apply - apply(erule MtransC_induct2) 
apply simp by (metis MtransC_StepC SeqC)

lemma Seq_MtransT_MtransC[simp]:
assumes "(c1, s) →*t s'"
shows "(c1 ;; c2, s) →*c (c2, s')"
using assms apply - apply(erule MtransT_invert)
by (metis MtransC_StepC MtransT_invert2 PL.SeqT PL.Seq_MtransC assms) 

lemma ParCL_MtransC[simp]:
assumes "(c1, s) →*c (c1', s')"
shows "(Par c1 c2, s) →*c (Par c1' c2, s')"
using assms apply - apply(erule MtransC_induct2) 
apply simp by (metis MtransC_StepC ParCL)

lemma ParCR_MtransC[simp]:
assumes "(c2, s) →*c (c2', s')"
shows "(Par c1 c2, s) →*c (Par c1 c2', s')"
using assms apply - apply(erule MtransC_induct2) 
apply simp by (metis MtransC_StepC ParCR)

lemma ParTL_MtransC[simp]:
assumes "(c1, s) →*t s'"
shows "(Par c1 c2, s) →*c (c2, s')"
using assms apply - apply(erule MtransT_invert)
by (metis MtransC_StepC MtransT_invert2 PL.ParTL ParCL_MtransC assms) 

lemma ParTR_MtransC[simp]:
assumes "(c2, s) →*t s'"
shows "(Par c1 c2, s) →*c (c1, s')"
using assms apply - apply(erule MtransT_invert)
by (metis MtransC_StepC MtransT_invert2 PL.ParTR ParCR_MtransC assms)


(* Commands not containing "while": *)
fun noWhile where 
 "noWhile (Atm atm) = True"
|"noWhile (c1 ;; c2) = (noWhile c1  noWhile c2)"
|"noWhile (If b c1 c2) = (noWhile c1  noWhile c2)"
|"noWhile (While b c) = False"
|"noWhile (Par c1 c2) = (noWhile c1  noWhile c2)"

(* Sequential commands: *)
fun seq where 
 "seq (Atm atm) = True"
|"seq (c1 ;; c2) = (seq c1  seq c2)"
|"seq (If b c1 c2) = (seq c1  seq c2)"
|"seq (While b c) = seq c"
|"seq (Par c1 c2) = False"

lemma noWhile_transC:
assumes "noWhile c" and "(c,s) →c (c',s')"
shows "noWhile c'"
  have "(c,s) →c (c',s')  noWhile c  noWhile c'"
  by(erule transC_induct, auto)
  thus ?thesis using assms by simp

lemma seq_transC:
assumes "seq c" and "(c,s) →c (c',s')"
shows "seq c'"
  have "(c,s) →c (c',s')  seq c  seq c'"
  by(erule transC_induct, auto)
  thus ?thesis using assms by simp

abbreviation wfP_on where 
"wfP_on phi A  wfP (λa b. a  A  b  A  phi a b)"

(* The number of steps -- makes sense only for the noWhile sublanguage: *)
fun numSt where 
 "numSt (Atm atm) = Suc 0"
|"numSt (c1 ;; c2) = numSt c1 + numSt c2"
|"numSt (If b c1 c2) = 1 + max (numSt c1) (numSt c2)"
|"numSt (Par c1 c2) = numSt c1 + numSt c2"

lemma numSt_gt_0[simp]:
"noWhile c  numSt c > 0"
by(induct c, auto)

lemma numSt_transC:
assumes "noWhile c" and "(c,s) →c (c',s')"
shows "numSt c' < numSt c"
using assms apply - apply(induct c arbitrary: c') by auto
corollary wfP_tranC_noWhile:
"wfP (λ (c',s') (c,s). noWhile c  (c,s) →c (c',s'))"
  let ?K = "{((c',s'),(c,s)). noWhile c  (c,s) →c (c',s')}"
  have "?K  inv_image {(m,n). m < n} (λ(c,s). numSt c)" by(auto simp add: numSt_transC)
  hence "wf ?K" using wf_less wf_subset[of _ ?K] by blast
  thus ?thesis unfolding wfp_def
  by (metis CollectD Collect_mem_eq Compl_eq Compl_iff double_complement)

lemma noWhile_MtransT:
assumes "noWhile c"
shows " s'. (c,s) →*t s'"
  have "noWhile c  ( s.  s'. (c,s) →*t s')"
  apply(rule measure_induct[of numSt]) proof clarify
    fix c :: "('test,'atom) com" and s 
    assume IH: "c'. numSt c' < numSt c  noWhile c'  
                     (s'. s''. (c', s') →*t s'')" and c: "noWhile c"
    show "s''. (c, s) →*t s''"
    proof(rule trans_invert[of c s])
      fix c' s' assume cs: "(c, s) →c (c', s')"
      hence "numSt c' < numSt c" and "noWhile c'" 
      using numSt_transC noWhile_transC c by blast+
      then obtain s'' where "(c', s') →*t s''" using IH by blast
      hence "(c, s) →*t s''" using cs by simp
      thus ?thesis by blast
      fix s' assume "(c, s) →t s'"
      hence "(c, s) →*t s'" by simp
      thus ?thesis by blast 
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

(* Configurations that may diverge: *)

coinductive mayDiverge where 
"(c,s) →c (c',s')  mayDiverge c' s' 
   mayDiverge c s"

text‹Coinduction for may-diverge :›

lemma mayDiverge_coind[consumes 1, case_names Hyp, induct pred: mayDiverge]:
assumes *: "phi c s" and 
**: " c s. phi c s  
             c' s'. (c,s) →c (c',s')  (phi c' s'  mayDiverge c' s')" 
shows "mayDiverge c s"
using * apply(elim mayDiverge.coinduct) using ** by auto 

lemma mayDiverge_raw_coind[consumes 1, case_names Hyp]:
assumes *: "phi c s" and 
**: " c s. phi c s  
             c' s'. (c,s) →c (c',s')  phi c' s'" 
shows "mayDiverge c s"
using * apply induct using ** by blast

text‹May-diverge versus transition:›

lemma mayDiverge_transC:
assumes "mayDiverge c s"
shows " c' s'. (c,s) →c (c',s')  mayDiverge c' s'"
using assms by (elim mayDiverge.cases) blast

lemma transC_mayDiverge:
assumes "(c,s) →c (c',s')" and "mayDiverge c' s'"
shows "mayDiverge c s"
using assms by (metis mayDiverge.intro)

lemma mayDiverge_not_transT:
assumes "mayDiverge c s"
shows "¬ (c,s) →t s'"
by (metis assms mayDiverge_transC not_transC_transT)

lemma MtransC_mayDiverge:
assumes "(c,s) →*c (c',s')" and "mayDiverge c' s'"
shows "mayDiverge c s"
using assms transC_mayDiverge by (induct) auto

lemma not_MtransT_mayDiverge: 
assumes " s'. ¬ (c,s) →*t s'"
shows "mayDiverge c s"
  have " s'. ¬ (c,s) →*t s'  ?thesis"
  proof (induct rule: mayDiverge_raw_coind)
    case (Hyp c s)
    hence " s''. ¬ (c, s) →t s''" by (metis transT_MtransT) 
    then obtain c' s' where 1: "(c,s) →c (c',s')" by (metis trans_invert) 
    hence " s''. ¬ (c', s') →*t s''" using Hyp 1 by (metis transC_MtransT)
    thus ?case using 1 by blast
  thus ?thesis using assms by simp

lemma not_mayDiverge_Atm[simp]:
"¬ mayDiverge (Atm atm) s"
by (metis Atm_transC_invert mayDiverge.simps) 

lemma mayDiverge_Seq_L:
assumes "mayDiverge c1 s" 
shows "mayDiverge (c1 ;; c2) s"
 {fix c
  assume " c1 c2. c = c1 ;; c2  mayDiverge c1 s"
  hence "mayDiverge c s"
  proof (induct rule: mayDiverge_raw_coind)
    case (Hyp c s)
    then obtain c1 c2 where c: "c = c1 ;; c2" 
    and "mayDiverge c1 s" by blast
    then obtain c1' s' where "(c1,s) →c (c1',s')" 
    and "mayDiverge c1' s'" by (metis mayDiverge_transC)
    thus ?case using c SeqC by metis
 thus ?thesis using assms by auto

lemma mayDiverge_Seq_R:
assumes c1: "(c1, s) →*t s'" and c2: "mayDiverge c2 s'"
shows "mayDiverge (c1 ;; c2) s"
  have "(c1 ;; c2, s) →*c (c2, s')"
  using c1 by (metis Seq_MtransT_MtransC)
  thus ?thesis by (metis MtransC_mayDiverge c2) 

lemma mayDiverge_If_L: 
assumes "tval tst s" and "mayDiverge c1 s"
shows "mayDiverge (If tst c1 c2) s"
using assms IfTrue transC_mayDiverge by metis

lemma mayDiverge_If_R: 
assumes "¬ tval tst s" and "mayDiverge c2 s"
shows "mayDiverge (If tst c1 c2) s"
using assms IfFalse transC_mayDiverge by metis

lemma mayDiverge_If: 
assumes "mayDiverge c1 s" and "mayDiverge c2 s"
shows "mayDiverge (If tst c1 c2) s"
using assms mayDiverge_If_L mayDiverge_If_R 
by (cases "tval tst s") auto

lemma mayDiverge_Par_L: 
assumes "mayDiverge c1 s"
shows "mayDiverge (Par c1 c2) s"
 {fix c
  assume " c1 c2. c = Par c1 c2  mayDiverge c1 s"
  hence "mayDiverge c s"
  proof (induct rule: mayDiverge_raw_coind)
    case (Hyp c s)
    then obtain c1 c2 where c: "c = Par c1 c2" 
    and "mayDiverge c1 s" by blast
    then obtain c1' s' where "(c1,s) →c (c1',s')" 
    and "mayDiverge c1' s'" by (metis mayDiverge_transC)
    thus ?case using c ParCL by metis
 thus ?thesis using assms by auto

lemma mayDiverge_Par_R: 
assumes "mayDiverge c2 s"
shows "mayDiverge (Par c1 c2) s"
 {fix c
  assume " c1 c2. c = Par c1 c2  mayDiverge c2 s"
  hence "mayDiverge c s"
  proof (induct rule: mayDiverge_raw_coind)
    case (Hyp c s)
    then obtain c1 c2 where c: "c = Par c1 c2" 
    and "mayDiverge c2 s" by blast
    then obtain c2' s' where "(c2,s) →c (c2',s')" 
    and "mayDiverge c2' s'" by (metis mayDiverge_transC)
    thus ?case using c ParCR by metis
 thus ?thesis using assms by auto

(* Configurations that must terminate: *)
definition mustT where 
"mustT c s  ¬ mayDiverge c s"

lemma mustT_transC:
assumes "mustT c s" and "(c,s) →c (c',s')"
shows "mustT c' s'"
using assms intro unfolding mustT_def by blast

lemma transT_not_mustT:
assumes "(c,s) →t s'"
shows "mustT c s"
by (metis assms mayDiverge_not_transT mustT_def)

lemma mustT_MtransC:
assumes "mustT c s" and "(c,s) →*c (c',s')"
shows "mustT c' s'"
  have "(c,s) →*c (c',s')  mustT c s  mustT c' s'"
  apply(erule MtransC_induct2) using mustT_transC by blast+
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

lemma mustT_MtransT:
assumes "mustT c s"
shows " s'. (c,s) →*t s'"
using assms not_MtransT_mayDiverge unfolding mustT_def by blast

lemma mustT_Atm[simp]:
"mustT (Atm atm) s"
by (metis not_mayDiverge_Atm mustT_def)

lemma mustT_Seq_L:
assumes "mustT (c1 ;; c2) s"
shows "mustT c1 s"
by (metis PL.mayDiverge_Seq_L assms mustT_def) 

lemma mustT_Seq_R:
assumes "mustT (c1 ;; c2) s" and "(c1, s) →*t s'" 
shows "mustT c2 s'"
by (metis Seq_MtransT_MtransC mustT_MtransC assms)

lemma mustT_If_L: 
assumes "tval tst s" and "mustT (If tst c1 c2) s" 
shows "mustT c1 s"
by (metis assms trans_IfTrue  mustT_transC)

lemma mustT_If_R: 
assumes "¬ tval tst s" and "mustT (If tst c1 c2) s" 
shows "mustT c2 s"
by (metis assms trans_IfFalse  mustT_transC)

lemma mustT_If: 
assumes "mustT (If tst c1 c2) s"
shows "mustT c1 s  mustT c2 s"
by (metis assms mustT_If_L mustT_If_R)

lemma mustT_Par_L: 
assumes "mustT (Par c1 c2) s"
shows "mustT c1 s"
by (metis assms mayDiverge_Par_L mustT_def)

lemma mustT_Par_R: 
assumes "mustT (Par c1 c2) s"
shows "mustT c2 s"
by (metis assms mayDiverge_Par_R mustT_def)
(* Semantically deterministic commands: *)
definition determOn where
"determOn phi r  
  a b b'. phi a  r a b  r a b'  b = b'"

lemma determOn_seq_transT:
"determOn (λ(c,s). seq c) transT"
  {fix c s s1' s2'
   have "seq c  (c,s) →t s1'  (c,s) →t s2'  s1' = s2'"
   apply(induct c arbitrary: s1' s2') by auto
  thus ?thesis unfolding determOn_def by fastforce

end (* context PL *)
