Theory Poincare_Distance

theory Poincare_Distance
  imports Poincare_Lines_Ideal_Points Hyperbolic_Functions

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
section ‹H-distance in the Poincar\'e model›
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)

text‹Informally, the \emph{h-distance} between the two h-points is defined as the absolute value of
the logarithm of the cross ratio between those two points and the two ideal points.›

abbreviation Re_cross_ratio where "Re_cross_ratio z u v w  Re (to_complex (cross_ratio z u v w))"

definition calc_poincare_distance :: "complex_homo  complex_homo  complex_homo  complex_homo  real" where
  [simp]: "calc_poincare_distance u i1 v i2 = abs (ln (Re_cross_ratio u i1 v i2))"

definition poincare_distance_pred :: "complex_homo  complex_homo  real  bool" where
  [simp]: "poincare_distance_pred u v d 
            (u = v  d = 0)  (u  v  ( i1 i2. ideal_points (poincare_line u v) = {i1, i2}  d = calc_poincare_distance u i1 v i2))"

definition poincare_distance :: "complex_homo  complex_homo  real" where
  "poincare_distance u v = (THE d. poincare_distance_pred u v d)"

text‹We shown that the described cross-ratio is always finite,
positive real number.›
lemma distance_cross_ratio_real_positive:
  assumes "u  unit_disc" and "v  unit_disc" and "u  v"
  shows " i1 i2. ideal_points (poincare_line u v) = {i1, i2}  
                  cross_ratio u i1 v i2  h  is_real (to_complex (cross_ratio u i1 v i2))  Re_cross_ratio u i1 v i2 > 0" (is "?P u v")
proof (rule wlog_positive_x_axis[OF assms])
  fix x
  assume *: "is_real x" "0 < Re x" "Re x < 1"
  hence "x  -1" "x  1"
    by auto
  hence **: "of_complex x  h" "of_complex x  0h" "of_complex x  of_complex (-1)" "of_complex 1  of_complex x"
        "of_complex x  circline_set x_axis"
    using *
    unfolding circline_set_x_axis
    by (auto simp add: of_complex_inj)

  have ***:  "0h  of_complex (-1)" "0h  of_complex 1"
    by (metis of_complex_zero_iff zero_neq_neg_one, simp)

  have ****: "- x - 1  0" "x - 1  0"
    using x  -1 x  1
    by (metis add.inverse_inverse eq_iff_diff_eq_0, simp)

  have "poincare_line 0h (of_complex x) = x_axis"
    using **
    by (simp add: poincare_line_0_real_is_x_axis)
  thus "?P 0h (of_complex x)"
    using * ** *** ****
    using cross_ratio_not_inf[of "0h" "of_complex 1" "of_complex (-1)" "of_complex x"]
    using cross_ratio_not_inf[of "0h" "of_complex (-1)" "of_complex 1" "of_complex x"]
    using cross_ratio_real[of 0 "-1" x 1] cross_ratio_real[of 0 1 x "-1"]
    apply (auto simp add: poincare_line_0_real_is_x_axis doubleton_eq_iff circline_set_x_axis)
    apply (subst cross_ratio, simp_all, subst Re_complex_div_gt_0, simp, subst mult_neg_neg, simp_all)+
  fix M u v
  let ?Mu = "moebius_pt M u" and ?Mv = "moebius_pt M v"
  assume *: "unit_disc_fix M" "u  unit_disc" "v  unit_disc" "u  v"
            "?P ?Mu ?Mv"
  show "?P u v"
  proof safe
    fix i1 i2
    let ?cr = "cross_ratio u i1 v i2"
    assume **: "ideal_points (poincare_line u v) = {i1, i2}"
    have "i1  u" "i1  v" "i2  u" "i2  v" "i1  i2"
      using ideal_points_different[OF *(2-3), of i1 i2] ** u  v
      by auto
    hence "0 < Re (to_complex ?cr)  is_real (to_complex ?cr)  ?cr  h"
      using * **
      apply (erule_tac x="moebius_pt M i1" in allE)
      apply (erule_tac x="moebius_pt M i2" in allE)
      apply (subst (asm) ideal_points_poincare_line_moebius[of M u v i1 i2], simp_all)
    thus "0 < Re (to_complex ?cr)" "is_real (to_complex ?cr)" "?cr = h  False"
      by simp_all

text‹Next we can show that for every different points from the unit disc there is exactly one number
that satisfies the h-distance predicate.›
lemma distance_unique:
  assumes "u  unit_disc" and "v  unit_disc"
  shows "∃! d. poincare_distance_pred u v d"
proof (cases "u = v")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    by auto
  case False
  obtain i1 i2 where *: "i1  i2" "ideal_points (poincare_line u v) = {i1, i2}"
    using obtain_ideal_points[OF is_poincare_line_poincare_line] u  v
    by blast
  let ?d = "calc_poincare_distance u i1 v i2"
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule ex1I)
    show "poincare_distance_pred u v ?d"
      using * u  v
    proof (simp del: calc_poincare_distance_def, safe)
      fix i1' i2'
      assume "{i1, i2} = {i1', i2'}"
      hence **: "(i1' = i1  i2' = i2)  (i1' = i2  i2' = i1)"
        using doubleton_eq_iff[of i1 i2 i1' i2']
        by blast
      have all_different: "u  i1" "u  i2" "v  i1" "v  i2" "u  i1'" "u  i2'" "v  i1'" "v  i2'" "i1  i2"
        using ideal_points_different[OF assms, of i1 i2] * ** u  v
        by auto

      show "calc_poincare_distance u i1 v i2 = calc_poincare_distance u i1' v i2'"
        let ?cr = "cross_ratio u i1 v i2"
        let ?cr' = "cross_ratio u i1' v i2'"

        have "Re (to_complex ?cr) > 0" "is_real (to_complex ?cr)"
             "Re (to_complex ?cr') > 0" "is_real (to_complex ?cr')"
          using False distance_cross_ratio_real_positive[OF assms(1-2)] * **
          by auto

        thus ?thesis
          using **
          using cross_ratio_not_zero cross_ratio_not_inf all_different
          by auto (subst cross_ratio_commute_24, subst reciprocal_real, simp_all add: ln_div)
    fix d
    assume "poincare_distance_pred u v d"
    thus "d = ?d"
      using * u  v
      by auto

lemma poincare_distance_satisfies_pred [simp]:
  assumes "u  unit_disc" and "v  unit_disc"
  shows "poincare_distance_pred u v (poincare_distance u v)"
    using distance_unique[OF assms] theI'[of "poincare_distance_pred u v"]
    unfolding poincare_distance_def
    by blast

lemma poincare_distance_I:
  assumes "u  unit_disc" and "v  unit_disc" and "u  v" and "ideal_points (poincare_line u v) = {i1, i2}"
  shows "poincare_distance u v = calc_poincare_distance u i1 v i2"
  using assms
  using poincare_distance_satisfies_pred[OF assms(1-2)]
  by simp

lemma poincare_distance_refl [simp]:
  assumes "u  unit_disc"
  shows "poincare_distance u u = 0"
  using assms
  using poincare_distance_satisfies_pred[OF assms assms]
  by simp

text‹Unit disc preserving Möbius transformations preserve h-distance. ›
lemma unit_disc_fix_preserve_poincare_distance [simp]:
  assumes "unit_disc_fix M" and "u  unit_disc" and "v  unit_disc"
  shows "poincare_distance (moebius_pt M u) (moebius_pt M v) = poincare_distance u v"
proof (cases "u = v")
  case True
  have "moebius_pt M u  unit_disc" "moebius_pt M v  unit_disc"
    using unit_disc_fix_iff[OF assms(1), symmetric] assms
    by blast+
  thus ?thesis
    using assms u = v
    by simp
  case False
  obtain i1 i2 where *: "ideal_points (poincare_line u v) = {i1, i2}"
    using u  v
    by (rule obtain_ideal_points[OF is_poincare_line_poincare_line[of u v]])
  let ?Mu = "moebius_pt M u" and ?Mv = "moebius_pt M v" and ?Mi1 = "moebius_pt M i1" and ?Mi2 = "moebius_pt M i2"

  have **: "?Mu  unit_disc" "?Mv  unit_disc"
    using assms
    using unit_disc_fix_iff
    by blast+

  have ***: "?Mu  ?Mv"   
    using u  v 
    by simp

  have "poincare_distance u v = calc_poincare_distance u i1 v i2"
    using poincare_distance_I[OF assms(2-3) u  v *]
    by auto
  have "unit_circle_fix M"
    using assms
    by simp
  hence ++: "ideal_points (poincare_line ?Mu ?Mv) = {?Mi1, ?Mi2}"
    using u  v assms *
    by simp
  have "poincare_distance ?Mu ?Mv = calc_poincare_distance ?Mu ?Mi1 ?Mv ?Mi2"
    by (rule poincare_distance_I[OF ** *** ++])
  have "calc_poincare_distance ?Mu ?Mi1 ?Mv ?Mi2 = calc_poincare_distance u i1 v i2"
    using ideal_points_different[OF assms(2-3) u  v *]
    unfolding calc_poincare_distance_def
    by (subst moebius_preserve_cross_ratio[symmetric], simp_all)
  show ?thesis
    by simp

text‹Knowing ideal points for x-axis, we can easily explicitly calculate distances.›
lemma poincare_distance_x_axis_x_axis:
  assumes "x  unit_disc" and "y  unit_disc" and "x  circline_set x_axis" and "y  circline_set x_axis"
  shows "poincare_distance x y =
            (let x' = to_complex x; y' = to_complex y
              in abs (ln (Re (((1 + x') * (1 - y')) / ((1 - x') * (1 + y'))))))"
  obtain x' y' where *: "x = of_complex x'" "y = of_complex y'"
    using inf_or_of_complex[of x] inf_or_of_complex[of y] x  unit_disc y  unit_disc
    by auto

  have "cmod x' < 1" "cmod y' < 1"
    using x  unit_disc y  unit_disc *
    by (metis unit_disc_iff_cmod_lt_1)+
  hence **: "x'  1" "x'  1" "y'  -1" "y'  1"
    by auto

  have "1 + y'  0"
    using **
    by (metis add.left_cancel add_neg_numeral_special(7))

  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "x = y")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using assms(1-2)
      using unit_disc_iff_cmod_lt_1[of "to_complex x"] * ** 1 + y'  0
      by auto
    case False
    hence "poincare_line x y = x_axis"
      using poincare_line_x_axis[OF assms]
      by simp
    hence "ideal_points (poincare_line x y) = {of_complex (-1), of_complex 1}"
      by simp
    hence "poincare_distance x y = calc_poincare_distance x (of_complex (-1)) y (of_complex 1)"
      using poincare_distance_I assms x  y
      by auto
    also have "... = abs (ln (Re (((x' + 1) * (y' - 1)) / ((x' - 1) * (y' + 1)))))"
      using * cmod x' < 1 cmod y' < 1
      by (simp, transfer, transfer, auto)
    show ?thesis
      using *
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.commute minus_diff_eq minus_divide_divide mult_minus_left mult_minus_right to_complex_of_complex)

lemma poincare_distance_zero_x_axis:
  assumes "x  unit_disc" and "x  circline_set x_axis"
  shows "poincare_distance 0h x = (let x' = to_complex x in abs (ln (Re ((1 - x') / (1 + x')))))"
  using assms
  using poincare_distance_x_axis_x_axis[of "0h" x]
  by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma poincare_distance_zero:
  assumes "x  unit_disc"
  shows "poincare_distance 0h x = (let x' = to_complex x in abs (ln (Re ((1 - cmod x') / (1 + cmod x')))))" (is "?P x")
proof (cases "x = 0h")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    by auto
  case False
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule wlog_rotation_to_positive_x_axis)
    show "x  unit_disc" "x  0h" by fact+
    fix φ u
    assume "u  unit_disc" "u  0h" "?P (moebius_pt (moebius_rotation φ) u)"
    thus "?P u"
      using unit_disc_fix_preserve_poincare_distance[of "moebius_rotation φ" "0h" u]
      by (cases "u = h") (simp_all add: Let_def)
    fix x
    assume "is_real x" "0 < Re x" "Re x < 1"
    thus "?P (of_complex x)"
      using poincare_distance_zero_x_axis[of "of_complex x"]
      by simp (auto simp add: circline_set_x_axis cmod_eq_Re complex_is_Real_iff)

lemma poincare_distance_zero_opposite [simp]:
  assumes "of_complex z  unit_disc"
  shows "poincare_distance 0h (of_complex (- z)) = poincare_distance 0h (of_complex z)"
  have *: "of_complex (-z)  unit_disc"
    using assms
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    using poincare_distance_zero[OF assms]
    using poincare_distance_zero[OF *]
    by simp

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
subsection‹Distance explicit formula›
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text‹Instead of the h-distance itself, very frequently its hyperbolic cosine is analyzed.›

abbreviation "cosh_dist u v  cosh (poincare_distance u v)"

lemma cosh_poincare_distance_cross_ratio_average:
  assumes "u  unit_disc" "v  unit_disc" "u  v" "ideal_points (poincare_line u v) = {i1, i2}"
  shows "cosh_dist u v =
           ((Re_cross_ratio u i1 v i2) + (Re_cross_ratio v i1 u i2)) / 2"
  let ?cr = "cross_ratio u i1 v i2"
  let ?crRe = "Re (to_complex ?cr)"
  have "?cr  h" "is_real (to_complex ?cr)" "?crRe > 0" 
    using distance_cross_ratio_real_positive[OF assms(1-3)] assms(4)
    by simp_all
  then obtain cr where *: "cross_ratio u i1 v i2 = of_complex cr" "cr  0" "is_real cr" "Re cr > 0"
    using inf_or_of_complex[of "cross_ratio u i1 v i2"]
    by (smt to_complex_of_complex zero_complex.simps(1))
  thus ?thesis
    using *
    using assms cross_ratio_commute_13[of v i1 u i2]
    unfolding poincare_distance_I[OF assms] calc_poincare_distance_def cosh_def
    by (cases "Re cr  1")
       (auto simp add: ln_div[of 0] exp_minus field_simps Re_divide power2_eq_square complex.expand)

definition poincare_distance_formula' :: "complex  complex  real" where
[simp]: "poincare_distance_formula' u v = 1 + 2 * ((cmod (u - v))2 / ((1 - (cmod u)2) * (1 - (cmod v)2)))"

text‹Next we show that the following formula expresses h-distance between any two h-points (note
that the ideal points do not figure anymore).›

definition poincare_distance_formula :: "complex  complex  real" where
  [simp]: "poincare_distance_formula u v = arcosh (poincare_distance_formula' u v)"

lemma blaschke_preserve_distance_formula [simp]:
  assumes "of_complex k  unit_disc" "u  unit_disc" "v  unit_disc"
  shows "poincare_distance_formula (to_complex (moebius_pt (blaschke k) u)) (to_complex (moebius_pt (blaschke k) v)) =
         poincare_distance_formula (to_complex u) (to_complex v)"
proof (cases "k = 0")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    by simp
  case False
  obtain u' v' where *: "u' = to_complex u" "v' = to_complex v"
    by auto

  have "cmod u' < 1" "cmod v' < 1" "cmod k < 1"
    using assms *
    using inf_or_of_complex[of u] inf_or_of_complex[of v]
    by auto

  obtain nu du nv dv d kk ddu ddv where
    **: "nu = u' - k" "du = 1 - cnj k *u'" "nv = v' - k" "dv = 1 - cnj k * v'"
        "d = u' - v'" "ddu = 1 - u'*cnj u'" "ddv = 1 - v'*cnj v'" "kk = 1 - k*cnj k"
    by auto

  have d: "nu*dv - nv*du = d*kk"                          
    by (subst **)+ (simp add: field_simps)
  have ddu: "du*cnj du - nu*cnj nu = ddu*kk"
    by (subst **)+ (simp add: field_simps)
  have ddv: "dv*cnj dv - nv*cnj nv = ddv*kk"
    by (subst **)+ (simp add: field_simps)

  have "du  0"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ ?thesis"
    hence "cmod (1 - cnj k * u') = 0"
      using du = 1 - cnj k * u'
      by auto
    hence "cmod (cnj k * u') = 1"
      by auto
    thus False
      using cmod k < 1 cmod u' < 1
      using mult_strict_mono[of "cmod k" 1 "cmod u'" 1]
      by (simp add: norm_mult)

  have "dv  0"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ ?thesis"
    hence "cmod (1 - cnj k * v') = 0"
      using dv = 1 - cnj k * v'
      by auto
    hence "cmod (cnj k * v') = 1"
      by auto
    thus False
      using cmod k < 1 cmod v' < 1
      using mult_strict_mono[of "cmod k" 1 "cmod v'" 1]
      by (simp add: norm_mult)

  have "kk  0" 
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ ?thesis"
    hence "cmod (1 - k * cnj k) = 0"
      using kk = 1 - k * cnj k
      by auto
    hence "cmod (k * cnj k) = 1"
      by auto
    thus False
      using cmod k < 1
      using mult_strict_mono[of "cmod k" 1 "cmod k" 1]
      using complex_mod_sqrt_Re_mult_cnj by auto

  note nz = du  0 dv  0 kk  0

  have "nu / du - nv / dv = (nu*dv - nv*du) / (du * dv)"              
    using nz
    by (simp add: field_simps)                               
  hence "(cmod (nu/du - nv/dv))2 = cmod ((d*kk) / (du*dv) * (cnj ((d*kk) / (du*dv))))" (is "?lhs = _")
    unfolding complex_mod_mult_cnj[symmetric]
    by (subst (asm) d) simp
  also have "... = cmod ((d*cnj d*kk*kk) / (du*cnj du*dv*cnj dv))"
    by (simp add: field_simps norm_mult norm_divide)
  finally have 1: "?lhs = cmod ((d*cnj d*kk*kk) / (du*cnj du*dv*cnj dv))" .                                                                           

  have "(1 - ((cmod nu) / (cmod du))2)*(1 - ((cmod nv) / (cmod dv))2) =
        (1 - cmod((nu * cnj nu) / (du * cnj du)))*(1 - cmod((nv * cnj nv) / (dv * cnj dv)))" (is "?rhs = _")
    by (metis norm_divide complex_mod_mult_cnj power_divide)
  also have "... = cmod(((du*cnj du - nu*cnj nu) / (du * cnj du)) * ((dv*cnj dv - nv*cnj nv) / (dv * cnj dv)))"
    have "u'  1 / cnj k" "v'  1 / cnj k"
      using cmod u' < 1 cmod v' < 1 cmod k < 1
      by (auto simp add: False norm_divide)
    have "cmod k  1"
      using cmod k < 1
      by linarith
    have "cmod (nu/du) < 1" "cmod (nv/dv) < 1"
      using **(1-4)
      using unit_disc_fix_discI[OF blaschke_unit_disc_fix[OF cmod k < 1] u  unit_disc] u' = to_complex u
      using unit_disc_fix_discI[OF blaschke_unit_disc_fix[OF cmod k < 1] v  unit_disc] v' = to_complex v
      using inf_or_of_complex[of u] u  unit_disc inf_or_of_complex[of v] v  unit_disc
      using moebius_pt_blaschke[of k u'] using moebius_pt_blaschke[of k v'] 
      by auto
    hence "(cmod (nu/du))2 < 1" "(cmod (nv/dv))2 < 1"
      by (simp_all add: cmod_def)
    hence "cmod (nu * cnj nu / (du * cnj du)) < 1"  "cmod (nv * cnj nv / (dv * cnj dv)) < 1"
      by (metis complex_mod_mult_cnj norm_divide power_divide)+
    have "is_real (nu * cnj nu / (du * cnj du))" "is_real (nv * cnj nv / (dv * cnj dv))"
      using eq_cnj_iff_real[of "nu * cnj nu / (du * cnj du)"]      
      using eq_cnj_iff_real[of "nv * cnj nv / (dv * cnj dv)"]      
      by (auto simp add: mult.commute)
    have "Re (nu * cnj nu / (du * cnj du))  0"  "Re (nv * cnj nv / (dv * cnj dv))  0"
      using du  0 dv  0
      unfolding complex_mult_cnj_cmod
      by simp_all
    have "1 - cmod (nu * cnj nu / (du * cnj du)) = cmod (1 - nu * cnj nu / (du * cnj du))"
         "1 - cmod (nv * cnj nv / (dv * cnj dv)) = cmod (1 - nv * cnj nv / (dv * cnj dv))"     
      by (simp_all add: cmod_def)
    thus ?thesis
      using nz
      by (simp add: diff_divide_distrib norm_mult)
  also have "... = cmod(((ddu * kk) / (du * cnj du)) * ((ddv * kk) / (dv * cnj dv)))"
    by (subst ddu, subst ddv, simp)
  also have "... = cmod((ddu*ddv*kk*kk) / (du*cnj du*dv*cnj dv))"
    by (simp add: field_simps)
  finally have 2: "?rhs = cmod((ddu*ddv*kk*kk) / (du*cnj du*dv*cnj dv))"

  have "?lhs / ?rhs =
       cmod ((d*cnj d*kk*kk) / (du*cnj du*dv*cnj dv)) / cmod((ddu*ddv*kk*kk) / (du*cnj du*dv*cnj dv))"
    by (subst 1, subst 2, simp)
  also have "... = cmod ((d*cnj d)/(ddu*ddv))"
    using nz by (simp add: norm_mult norm_divide)
  also have "... = (cmod d)2 / ((1 - (cmod u')2)*(1 - (cmod v')2))"
    have "(cmod u')2 < 1" "(cmod v')2 < 1"
      using cmod u' < 1 cmod v' < 1
      by (simp_all add: cmod_def)
    hence "cmod (1 - u' * cnj u') = 1 - (cmod u')2" "cmod (1 - v' * cnj v') = 1 - (cmod v')2"
      by (auto simp add: cmod_eq_Re cmod_power2 power2_eq_square[symmetric])
    thus ?thesis
      using nz
      by (simp add: "**"(6) "**"(7) norm_divide norm_mult power2_eq_square)
  have 3: "?lhs / ?rhs = (cmod d)2 / ((1 - (cmod u')2)*(1 - (cmod v')2))" .

  have "cmod k  1" "u'  1 / cnj k" "v'  1 / cnj k" "u  h" "v  h"
    using cmod k < 1 u  unit_disc v  unit_disc * k  0 ** kk  0 nz
    by auto
  thus ?thesis using assms
    using * ** 3
    using moebius_pt_blaschke[of k u']
    using moebius_pt_blaschke[of k v']
    by (simp add: norm_divide)

text ‹To prove the equivalence between the h-distance definition and the distance formula, we shall
employ the without loss of generality principle. Therefore, we must show that the distance formula
is preserved by h-isometries.›

text‹Rotation preserve @{term poincare_distance_formula}.›
lemma rotation_preserve_distance_formula [simp]:
  assumes "u  unit_disc" "v  unit_disc"
  shows "poincare_distance_formula (to_complex (moebius_pt (moebius_rotation φ) u)) (to_complex (moebius_pt (moebius_rotation φ) v)) =
         poincare_distance_formula (to_complex u) (to_complex v)"
  using assms
  using inf_or_of_complex[of u] inf_or_of_complex[of v]
  by (auto simp: norm_mult)

text‹Unit disc fixing Möbius preserve @{term poincare_distance_formula}.›
lemma unit_disc_fix_preserve_distance_formula [simp]:
  assumes "unit_disc_fix M" "u  unit_disc" "v  unit_disc"
  shows "poincare_distance_formula (to_complex (moebius_pt M u)) (to_complex (moebius_pt M v)) =
         poincare_distance_formula (to_complex u) (to_complex v)" (is "?P' u v M")
  have " u  unit_disc.  v  unit_disc. ?P' u v M" (is "?P M")
  proof (rule wlog_unit_disc_fix[OF assms(1)])
    fix k
    assume "cmod k < 1"
    hence "of_complex k  unit_disc"
      by simp
    thus  "?P (blaschke k)"
      using blaschke_preserve_distance_formula
      by simp
    fix φ
    show "?P (moebius_rotation φ)"
      using rotation_preserve_distance_formula
      by simp
    fix M1 M2
    assume *: "?P M1" and **: "?P M2"  and u11: "unit_disc_fix M1" "unit_disc_fix M2"
    thus "?P (M1 + M2)"
      by (auto simp del: poincare_distance_formula_def)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    by simp

text‹The equivalence between the two h-distance representations.›
lemma poincare_distance_formula:
  assumes "u  unit_disc" and "v  unit_disc"
  shows "poincare_distance u v = poincare_distance_formula (to_complex u) (to_complex v)" (is "?P u v")
proof (rule wlog_x_axis)
  fix x
  assume *: "is_real x" "0  Re x" "Re x < 1"
  show "?P  0h (of_complex x)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
    have "of_complex x  unit_disc" "of_complex x  circline_set x_axis" "cmod x < 1"
      using * cmod_eq_Re
      by (auto simp add: circline_set_x_axis)
    hence "?lhs = ¦ln (Re ((1 - x) / (1 + x)))¦"
      using poincare_distance_zero_x_axis[of "of_complex x"]
      by simp
    have "?rhs = ¦ln (Re ((1 - x) / (1 + x)))¦"
      let ?x = "1 + 2 * (cmod x)2 / (1 - (cmod x)2)"
      have "0  2 * (cmod x)2 / (1 - (cmod x)2)"
        by (smt cmod x < 1 divide_nonneg_nonneg norm_ge_zero power_le_one zero_le_power2)
      hence arcosh_real_gt: "1  ?x"
        by auto
      have "?rhs = arcosh ?x"
        by simp
      also have "... = ln ((1 + (cmod x)2) / (1 - (cmod x)2) + 2 * (cmod x) / (1 - (cmod x)2))"
        have "1 - (cmod x)2 > 0"
          using cmod x < 1
          by (smt norm_not_less_zero one_power2 power2_eq_imp_eq power_mono)
        hence 1: "?x = (1 + (cmod x)2) / (1 - (cmod x)2)"
          by (simp add: field_simps)
        have 2: "?x2 - 1 = (4 * (cmod x)2) / (1 - (cmod x)2)2"
          using 1 - (cmod x)2 > 0       
          apply (subst 1)
          unfolding power_divide
          by (subst divide_diff_eq_iff, simp, simp add: power2_eq_square field_simps)
        show ?thesis
          using 1 - (cmod x)2 > 0
          apply (subst arcosh_real_def[OF arcosh_real_gt])
          apply (subst 2)
          apply (subst 1)
          apply (subst real_sqrt_divide)
          apply (subst real_sqrt_mult)
          apply simp
      also have "... = ln (((1 + (cmod x))2) / (1 - (cmod x)2))"
        apply (subst add_divide_distrib[symmetric])
        apply (simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
      also have "... = ln ((1 + cmod x) / (1 - (cmod x)))"
        using cmod x < 1      
        using square_diff_square_factored[of 1 "cmod x"]
        by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
      also have "... = ¦ln (Re ((1 - x) / (1 + x)))¦"
        have *: "Re ((1 - x) / (1 + x))  1" "Re ((1 - x) / (1 + x)) > 0"
          using is_real x Re x  0 Re x < 1
          using complex_is_Real_iff
          by auto
        hence "¦ln (Re ((1 - x) / (1 + x)))¦ = - ln (Re ((1 - x) / (1 + x)))"
          by auto
        hence "¦ln (Re ((1 - x) / (1 + x)))¦ = ln (Re ((1 + x) / (1 - x)))"
          using ln_div[of 1 "Re ((1 - x)/(1 + x))"] * is_real x
          by (fastforce simp: complex_is_Real_iff)
        have "ln ((1 + cmod x) / (1 - cmod x)) = ln ((1 + Re x) / (1 - Re x))"
          using Re x  0 is_real x
          using cmod_eq_Re by auto
        have "(1 + Re x) / (1 - Re x) = Re ((1 + x) / (1 - x))"
          using is_real x Re x < 1
          by (smt Re_divide_real eq_iff_diff_eq_0 minus_complex.simps one_complex.simps plus_complex.simps)
        show ?thesis
          by simp
      show ?thesis
    show ?thesis
      by simp
  fix M u v
  assume *: "unit_disc_fix M"  "u  unit_disc" "v  unit_disc"
  assume "?P (moebius_pt M u) (moebius_pt M v)"
  thus "?P u v"
    using *(1-3)
    by (simp del: poincare_distance_formula_def)
  show "u  unit_disc" "v  unit_disc"
    by fact+

text‹Some additional properties proved easily using the distance formula.›

text @{term poincare_distance} is symmetric.›
lemma poincare_distance_sym:
  assumes "u  unit_disc" and "v  unit_disc"
  shows "poincare_distance u v = poincare_distance v u"
  using assms
  using poincare_distance_formula[OF assms(1) assms(2)]
  using poincare_distance_formula[OF assms(2) assms(1)]
  by (simp add: mult.commute norm_minus_commute)

lemma poincare_distance_formula'_ge_1:
  assumes "u  unit_disc" and "v  unit_disc"
  shows "1  poincare_distance_formula' (to_complex u) (to_complex v)"
  using unit_disc_cmod_square_lt_1[OF assms(1)] unit_disc_cmod_square_lt_1[OF assms(2)]
  by auto

text@{term poincare_distance} is non-negative.›
lemma poincare_distance_ge0:
  assumes "u  unit_disc" and "v  unit_disc"
  shows "poincare_distance u v  0"
  using poincare_distance_formula'_ge_1 assms by (simp add: poincare_distance_formula)

lemma cosh_dist:
  assumes "u  unit_disc" and "v  unit_disc"
  shows "cosh_dist u v = poincare_distance_formula' (to_complex u) (to_complex v)"
  using poincare_distance_formula[OF assms] poincare_distance_formula'_ge_1[OF assms]
  by simp

text@{term poincare_distance}  is zero only if the two points are equal.›
lemma poincare_distance_eq_0_iff:
  assumes "u  unit_disc" and "v  unit_disc"
  shows "poincare_distance u v = 0  u = v"
  using assms
  apply auto
  using poincare_distance_formula'_ge_1[OF assms]
  using unit_disc_cmod_square_lt_1[OF assms(1)] unit_disc_cmod_square_lt_1[OF assms(2)]
  apply (simp add: poincare_distance_formula)
  by (simp add: unit_disc_to_complex_inj)

text‹Conjugate preserve @{term poincare_distance_formula}.›
lemma conjugate_preserve_poincare_distance [simp]:
  assumes "u  unit_disc" and "v  unit_disc"
  shows "poincare_distance (conjugate u) (conjugate v) = poincare_distance u v"
  obtain u' v' where *: "u = of_complex u'" "v = of_complex v'"
    using assms inf_or_of_complex[of u] inf_or_of_complex[of v]
    by auto

  have **: "conjugate u  unit_disc" "conjugate v  unit_disc"
    using * assms
    by auto

  show ?thesis
    using *
    using poincare_distance_formula[OF assms]
    using poincare_distance_formula[OF **]
    by (metis complex_cnj_diff complex_mod_cnj conjugate_of_complex poincare_distance_def poincare_distance_formula'_def poincare_distance_formula_def to_complex_of_complex)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
subsection‹Existence and uniqueness of points with a given distance›
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)

lemma ex_x_axis_poincare_distance_negative':
  fixes d :: real
  assumes "d  0"
  shows "let z = (1 - exp d) / (1 + exp d)
          in is_real z  Re z  0  Re z > -1 
              of_complex z  unit_disc  of_complex z  circline_set x_axis 
              poincare_distance 0h (of_complex z) = d"
  have "exp d  1"
    using assms
    using one_le_exp_iff[of d, symmetric]
    by blast

  hence "1 + exp d  0"
    by linarith

  let ?z = "(1 - exp d) / (1 + exp d)"

  have "?z  0"
    using exp d  1
    by (simp add: divide_nonpos_nonneg)


  have "?z > -1"
    using exp_gt_zero[of d]
    by (smt divide_less_eq_1_neg nonzero_minus_divide_right)


  hence "abs ?z < 1"
    using ?z  0
    by simp
  hence "cmod ?z < 1"
    by (metis norm_of_real)
  hence "of_complex ?z  unit_disc"
    by simp

  have "of_complex ?z  circline_set x_axis"
    unfolding circline_set_x_axis
    by simp

  have "(1 - ?z) / (1 + ?z) = exp d"
    have "1 + ?z = 2 / (1 + exp d)"
      using 1 + exp d  0
      by (subst add_divide_eq_iff, auto)
    have "1 - ?z = 2 * exp d / (1 + exp d)"
      using 1 + exp d  0
      by (subst diff_divide_eq_iff, auto)
    show ?thesis
      using 1 + exp d  0
      by simp

  show ?thesis
    using poincare_distance_zero_x_axis[of "of_complex ?z"]
    using d  0 exp d  1
    by simp (simp add: cmod_eq_Re)

lemma ex_x_axis_poincare_distance_negative:
  assumes "d  0"
  shows " z. is_real z  Re z  0  Re z > -1 
              of_complex z  unit_disc  of_complex z  circline_set x_axis 
              poincare_distance 0h (of_complex z) = d" (is " z. ?P z")
  using ex_x_axis_poincare_distance_negative'[OF assms]
  unfolding Let_def
  by blast

text‹For each real number $d$ there is exactly one point on the positive x-axis such that h-distance
between 0 and that point is $d$.›
lemma unique_x_axis_poincare_distance_negative:
  assumes "d  0"
  shows "∃! z. is_real z  Re z  0  Re z > -1 
              poincare_distance 0h (of_complex z) = d" (is "∃! z. ?P z")
  let ?z = "(1 - exp d) / (1 + exp d)"

  have "?P ?z"
    using ex_x_axis_poincare_distance_negative'[OF assms]
    unfolding Let_def
    by blast


  have " z'. ?P z'  z' = ?z"
    let ?g = "λ x'. ¦ln (Re ((1 - x') / (1 + x')))¦"
    let ?A = "{x. is_real x  Re x > -1  Re x  0}"
    have "inj_on (poincare_distance 0h  of_complex) ?A"
    proof (rule comp_inj_on)
      show "inj_on of_complex ?A"
        using of_complex_inj
        unfolding inj_on_def
        by blast
      show "inj_on (poincare_distance 0h) (of_complex ` ?A)" (is "inj_on ?f (of_complex ` ?A)")
      proof (subst inj_on_cong)
        have *: "of_complex ` ?A =
                 {z. z  unit_disc  z  circline_set x_axis  Re (to_complex z)  0}" (is "_ = ?B")
          by (auto simp add: cmod_eq_Re circline_set_x_axis)

        fix x
        assume "x  of_complex ` ?A"
        hence "x  ?B"
          using *
          by simp
        thus "poincare_distance 0h x = (?g  to_complex) x"
          using poincare_distance_zero_x_axis
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        have *: "to_complex ` of_complex ` ?A = ?A"
          by (auto simp add: image_iff)

        show "inj_on (?g  to_complex) (of_complex ` ?A)"
        proof (rule comp_inj_on)
          show "inj_on to_complex (of_complex ` ?A)"
            unfolding inj_on_def
            by auto
          have "inj_on ?g ?A"
            unfolding inj_on_def
            fix x y
            assume hh: "is_real x" "is_real y" "- 1 < Re x" "Re x  0"
              "- 1 < Re y" "Re y  0" "¦ln (Re ((1 - x) / (1 + x)))¦ = ¦ln (Re ((1 - y) / (1 + y)))¦"

            have "is_real ((1 - x)/(1 + x))"
              using is_real x div_reals[of "1-x" "1+x"]
              by auto
            have "is_real ((1 - y)/(1 + y))"
              using is_real y div_reals[of "1-y" "1+y"]
              by auto

            have "Re (1 + x) > 0"
              using - 1 < Re x by auto
            hence "1 + x  0"
              by force
            have "Re (1 - x)  0"
              using Re x  0 by auto
            hence "Re ((1 - x)/(1 + x)) > 0"
              using Re_divide_real 0 < Re (1 + x) complex_eq_if_Re_eq hh(1) hh(4) by auto
            have "Re(1 - x)  Re ( 1 + x)"
              using hh by auto
            hence "Re ((1 - x)/(1 + x))  1"
              using Re (1 + x) > 0 is_real ((1 - x)/(1 + x))
              by (smt Re_divide_real arg_0_iff hh(1) le_divide_eq_1_pos one_complex.simps(2) plus_complex.simps(2))            

            have "Re (1 + y) > 0"
              using - 1 < Re y by auto
            hence "1 + y  0"
              by force
            have "Re (1 - y)  0"
              using Re y  0 by auto
            hence "Re ((1 - y)/(1 + y)) > 0"
              using Re_divide_real 0 < Re (1 + y) complex_eq_if_Re_eq hh by auto
            have "Re(1 - y)  Re ( 1 + y)"
              using hh by auto
            hence "Re ((1 - y)/(1 + y))  1"
              using Re (1 + y) > 0 is_real ((1 - y)/(1 + y))
              by (smt Re_divide_real arg_0_iff hh le_divide_eq_1_pos one_complex.simps(2) plus_complex.simps(2))

            have "ln (Re ((1 - x) / (1 + x))) = ln (Re ((1 - y) / (1 + y)))"
              using Re ((1 - y)/(1 + y))  1 Re ((1 - x)/(1 + x))  1 hh
              by auto
            hence "Re ((1 - x) / (1 + x)) = Re ((1 - y) / (1 + y))"
              using Re ((1 - y)/(1 + y)) > 0 Re ((1 - x)/(1 + x)) > 0
              by auto
            hence "(1 - x) / (1 + x) = (1 - y) / (1 + y)"
              using is_real ((1 - y)/(1 + y)) is_real ((1 - x)/(1 + x))
              using complex_eq_if_Re_eq by blast
            hence "(1 - x) * (1 + y) = (1 - y) * (1 + x)"
              using 1 + y  0 1 + x  0 
              by (simp add:field_simps)
            thus "x = y"
              by (simp add:field_simps)
          thus "inj_on ?g (to_complex ` of_complex ` ?A)"
            using *
            by simp
    thus ?thesis
      using ?P ?z
      unfolding inj_on_def
      by auto
  show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma ex_x_axis_poincare_distance_positive:
  assumes "d  0"
  shows " z. is_real z  Re z  0  Re z < 1 
              of_complex z  unit_disc  of_complex z  circline_set x_axis 
              poincare_distance 0h (of_complex z) = d" (is " z. is_real z  Re z  0  Re z < 1  ?P z")
  obtain z where *: "is_real z" "Re z  0" "Re z > -1" "?P z"
    using ex_x_axis_poincare_distance_negative[OF assms]
    by auto
  hence **: "of_complex z  unit_disc" "of_complex z  circline_set x_axis"
    by (auto simp add: cmod_eq_Re)
  have "is_real (-z)  Re (-z)  0  Re (-z) < 1  ?P (-z)"
    using * **
    by (simp add: circline_set_x_axis)
  thus ?thesis
    by blast

lemma unique_x_axis_poincare_distance_positive:
  assumes "d  0"
  shows "∃! z. is_real z  Re z  0  Re z < 1 
               poincare_distance 0h (of_complex z) = d" (is "∃! z. is_real z  Re z  0  Re z < 1  ?P z")
  obtain z where *: "is_real z" "Re z  0" "Re z > -1" "?P z"
    using unique_x_axis_poincare_distance_negative[OF assms]
    by auto
  hence **: "of_complex z  unit_disc" "of_complex z  circline_set x_axis"
    by (auto simp add: cmod_eq_Re circline_set_x_axis)
  show ?thesis
    show "is_real (-z)  Re (-z)  0  Re (-z) < 1  ?P (-z)"
      using * **
      by simp
    fix z'
    assume "is_real z'  Re z'  0  Re z' < 1  ?P z'"
    hence "is_real (-z')  Re (-z')  0  Re (-z') > -1  ?P (-z')"
      by (auto simp add: circline_set_x_axis cmod_eq_Re)
    hence "-z' = z"
      using unique_x_axis_poincare_distance_negative[OF assms] *
      by blast
    thus "z' = -z"
      by auto

text‹Equal distance implies that segments are isometric - this means that congruence could be
defined either by two segments having the same distance or by requiring existence of an isometry
that maps one segment to the other.›
lemma poincare_distance_eq_ex_moebius:
  assumes in_disc: "u  unit_disc" and "v  unit_disc" and "u'  unit_disc" and "v'  unit_disc"
  assumes "poincare_distance u v = poincare_distance u' v'"
  shows " M. unit_disc_fix M  moebius_pt M u = u'  moebius_pt M v = v'" (is "?P' u v u' v'")
proof (cases "u = v")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    using assms poincare_distance_eq_0_iff[of u' v']
    by (simp add: unit_disc_fix_transitive)
  case False
  have " u' v'. u  v  u'  unit_disc  v'  unit_disc  poincare_distance u v = poincare_distance u' v' 
                 ?P' u' v' u v" (is "?P u v")
  proof (rule wlog_positive_x_axis[where P="?P"])
    fix x
    assume "is_real x" "0 < Re x" "Re x < 1"
    hence "of_complex x  unit_disc" "of_complex x  circline_set x_axis"
      unfolding circline_set_x_axis
      by (auto simp add: cmod_eq_Re)

    show "?P 0h (of_complex x)"
    proof safe
      fix u' v'
      assume "0h  of_complex x" and in_disc: "u'  unit_disc" "v'  unit_disc" and
             "poincare_distance 0h (of_complex x) = poincare_distance u' v'"
      hence "u'  v'" "poincare_distance u' v' > 0"
        using poincare_distance_eq_0_iff[of "0h" "of_complex x"] of_complex x  unit_disc
        using poincare_distance_ge0[of "0h" "of_complex x"]
        by auto
      then obtain M where M: "unit_disc_fix M" "moebius_pt M u' = 0h" "moebius_pt M v'  positive_x_axis"
        using ex_unit_disc_fix_to_zero_positive_x_axis[of u' v'] in_disc
        by auto

      then obtain Mv' where Mv': "moebius_pt M v' = of_complex Mv'"
        using inf_or_of_complex[of "moebius_pt M v'"] in_disc unit_disc_fix_iff[of M]
        by (metis image_eqI inf_notin_unit_disc)

      have "moebius_pt M v'  unit_disc"
        using M(1) v'  unit_disc
        by auto

      have "Re Mv' > 0" "is_real Mv'" "Re Mv' < 1"
        using M Mv' of_complex_inj moebius_pt M v'  unit_disc
        unfolding positive_x_axis_def circline_set_x_axis
        using cmod_eq_Re
        by auto fastforce

      have "poincare_distance 0h (moebius_pt M v') = poincare_distance u' v'"
        using M(1)
        using in_disc
        by (subst M(2)[symmetric], simp)

      have "Mv' = x"
        using poincare_distance 0h (moebius_pt M v') = poincare_distance u' v' Mv'
        using poincare_distance 0h (of_complex x) = poincare_distance u' v'
        using unique_x_axis_poincare_distance_positive[of "poincare_distance u' v'"]
          poincare_distance u' v' > 0
        using Re Mv' > 0 Re Mv' < 1 is_real Mv'
        using is_real x Re x > 0 Re x < 1
        unfolding positive_x_axis_def
        by auto

      thus "?P' u' v' 0h (of_complex x)"
        using M Mv'
        by auto
    show "u  unit_disc" "v  unit_disc" "u  v"
      by fact+
    fix M u v
    let ?Mu = "moebius_pt M u" and ?Mv = "moebius_pt M v"
    assume 1: "unit_disc_fix M" "u  unit_disc" "v  unit_disc" "u  v"
    hence 2: "?Mu  ?Mv" "?Mu  unit_disc" "?Mv  unit_disc"
      by auto
    assume 3: "?P (moebius_pt M u) (moebius_pt M v)"
    show "?P u v"
    proof safe
      fix u' v'
      assume 4: "u'  unit_disc" "v'  unit_disc" "poincare_distance u v = poincare_distance u' v'"
      hence "poincare_distance ?Mu ?Mv = poincare_distance u v"
        using 1
        by simp
      then obtain M' where 5: "unit_disc_fix M'" "moebius_pt M' u' = ?Mu" "moebius_pt M' v' = ?Mv"
        using 2 3 4
        by auto
      let ?M = "(-M) + M'"
      have "unit_disc_fix ?M  moebius_pt ?M u' = u  moebius_pt ?M v' = v"
        using 5 unit_disc_fix M
        using unit_disc_fix_moebius_comp[of "-M" "M'"]
        using unit_disc_fix_moebius_inv[of M]
        by simp
      thus "M. unit_disc_fix M  moebius_pt M u' = u  moebius_pt M v' = v"
        by blast
  then obtain M where "unit_disc_fix M  moebius_pt M u' = u  moebius_pt M v' = v"
    using assms u  v
    by blast
  hence "unit_disc_fix (-M)  moebius_pt (-M) u = u'  moebius_pt (-M) v = v'"
    using unit_disc_fix_moebius_inv[of M]
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by blast

lemma unique_midpoint_x_axis:
  assumes x: "is_real x" "-1 < Re x" "Re x < 1" and
          y: "is_real y" "-1 < Re y" "Re y < 1" and
          "x  y"
  shows "∃! z. -1 < Re z  Re z < 1  is_real z  poincare_distance (of_complex z) (of_complex x) = poincare_distance (of_complex z) (of_complex y)" (is "∃! z. ?R z (of_complex x) (of_complex y)")
  let ?x = "of_complex x" and ?y = "of_complex y"
  let ?P = "λ x y. ∃! z. ?R z x y"
  have " x. -1 < Re x  Re x < 1  is_real x  of_complex x  ?y  ?P (of_complex x) ?y" (is "?Q (of_complex y)")
  proof (rule wlog_real_zero)
    show "?y  unit_disc"
      using y
      by (simp add: cmod_eq_Re)
    show "is_real (to_complex ?y)"
      using y
      by simp
    show "?Q 0h"
    proof (rule allI, rule impI, (erule conjE)+)
      fix x
      assume x: "-1 < Re x" "Re x < 1" "is_real x" 
      let ?x = "of_complex x"
      assume "?x  0h"
      hence "x  0"
        by auto
      hence "Re x  0"
        using x
        using complex_neq_0
        by auto

      have *: " a. -1 < a  a < 1  
                 (poincare_distance (of_complex (cor a)) ?x = poincare_distance (of_complex (cor a)) 0h 
                 (Re x) * a * a - 2 * a + Re x = 0)"
      proof (rule allI, rule impI)
        fix a :: real
        assume "-1 < a  a < 1"
        hence "of_complex (cor a)  unit_disc"
          by auto
        have "(a - Re x)2 / ((1 - a2) * (1 - (Re x)2)) = a2 / (1 - a2) 
              (Re x) * a * a - 2 * a + Re x = 0" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
          have "1 - a2  0"
            using -1 < a  a < 1
            by (metis cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel diff_eq_diff_less less_numeral_extra(4) power2_eq_1_iff right_minus_eq)
          hence "?lhs  (a - Re x)2 / (1 - (Re x)2) = a2"
            by (smt divide_cancel_right divide_divide_eq_left mult.commute)
          also have "...  (a - Re x)2 = a2 * (1 - (Re x)2)"
            have "1 - (Re x)2  0"
              using x
              by (smt power2_eq_1_iff)
            thus ?thesis
              by (simp add: divide_eq_eq)
          also have "...  a2 * (Re x)2 - 2*a*Re x + (Re x)2 = 0"
            by (simp add: power2_diff field_simps)
          also have "...  Re x * (a2 * Re x - 2 * a + Re x) = 0"
            by (simp add: power2_eq_square field_simps)
          also have "...  ?rhs"
            using Re x  0
            by (simp add: mult.commute mult.left_commute power2_eq_square)
          show ?thesis
        have "arcosh (1 + 2 * ((a - Re x)2 / ((1 - a2) * (1 - (Re x)2)))) = arcosh (1 + 2 * a2 / (1 - a2))  ?lhs"
          using -1 < a  a < 1 x mult_left_cancel[of "2::real" "(a - Re x)2 / ((1 - a2) * (1 - (Re x)2))" "a2 / (1 - a2)"]
          by (subst arcosh_eq_iff, simp_all add: square_le_1)
        show "poincare_distance (of_complex (cor a)) (of_complex x) = poincare_distance (of_complex (cor a)) 0h 
              (Re x) * a * a - 2 * a + Re x = 0"
          using x
          by (auto simp add: poincare_distance_formula cmod_eq_Re)

      show "?P ?x 0h"
        let ?a = "(1 - sqrt(1 - (Re x)2)) / (Re x)"        
        let ?b = "(1 + sqrt(1 - (Re x)2)) / (Re x)"

        have "is_real ?a"
          by simp                                                       
        have "1 - (Re x)2 > 0"
          using x
          by (smt power2_eq_1_iff square_le_1)
        have "¦?a¦ < 1"
        proof (cases "Re x > 0")
          case True
          have "(1 - Re x)2 < 1 - (Re x)2"
            using Re x > 0 x
            by (simp add: power2_eq_square field_simps)
          hence "1 - Re x < sqrt (1 - (Re x)2)"
            using real_less_rsqrt by fastforce
          thus ?thesis
            using 1 - (Re x)2 > 0 Re x > 0
            by simp
          case False
          hence "Re x < 0"
            using Re x  0
            by simp

          have "1 + Re x > 0"
            using Re x > -1           
            by simp
          hence "2*Re x + 2*Re x*Re x < 0"
            using Re x < 0
            by (metis comm_semiring_class.distrib mult.commute mult_2_right mult_less_0_iff one_add_one zero_less_double_add_iff_zero_less_single_add)
          hence "(1 + Re x)2 < 1 - (Re x)2"
            by (simp add: power2_eq_square field_simps)
          hence "1 + Re x < sqrt (1 - (Re x)2)"
            using 1 - (Re x)2 > 0
            using real_less_rsqrt by blast
          thus ?thesis
            using Re x < 0
            by (simp add: field_simps)
        hence "-1 < ?a" "?a < 1"
          by linarith+
        have "(Re x) * ?a * ?a - 2 * ?a + Re x = 0"
          using Re x  0 1 - (Re x)2 > 0
          by (simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
        show "-1 < Re (cor ?a)  Re (cor ?a) < 1  is_real ?a  poincare_distance (of_complex ?a) (of_complex x) = poincare_distance (of_complex ?a) 0h"
          using *
          by auto

        fix z
        assume **: "- 1 < Re z  Re z < 1  is_real z 
               poincare_distance (of_complex z) (of_complex x) = poincare_distance (of_complex z) 0h"
        hence "Re x * Re z * Re z - 2 * Re z + Re x = 0"
          using *[rule_format, of "Re z"] x
          by auto
        have "sqrt (4 - 4 * Re x * Re x) = 2 * sqrt(1 - Re x * Re x)"
          have "sqrt (4 - 4 * Re x * Re x) = sqrt(4 * (1 - Re x * Re x))"
            by simp
          thus ?thesis
            by (simp only: real_sqrt_mult, simp)
        have "(2 - 2 * sqrt (1 - Re x * Re x)) / (2 * Re x) = ?a"
          have "(2 - 2 * sqrt (1 - Re x * Re x)) / (2 * Re x) = 
               (2 * (1 - sqrt (1 - Re x * Re x))) / (2 * Re x)"
            by simp
          thus ?thesis
            by (subst (asm) mult_divide_mult_cancel_left) (auto simp add: power2_eq_square)
        have "(2 + 2 * sqrt (1 - Re x * Re x)) / (2 * Re x) = ?b"
          have "(2 + 2 * sqrt (1 - Re x * Re x)) / (2 * Re x) = 
               (2 * (1 + sqrt (1 - Re x * Re x))) / (2 * Re x)"
            by simp
          thus ?thesis
            by (subst (asm) mult_divide_mult_cancel_left) (auto simp add: power2_eq_square)
        have "Re z = ?a  Re z = ?b"
          using discriminant_nonneg[of "Re x" "-2" "Re x" "Re z"] discrim_def[of "Re x" "-2" "Re x"]
          using Re x  0 -1 < Re x Re x < 1 1 - (Re x)2 > 0
          by (auto simp add:power2_eq_square)    
        have "¦?b¦ > 1"
        proof (cases "Re x > 0")
          case True
          have "(Re x - 1)2 < 1 - (Re x)2"
            using Re x > 0 x
            by (simp add: power2_eq_square field_simps)
          hence "Re x - 1 < sqrt (1 - (Re x)2)"
            using real_less_rsqrt
            by simp
          thus ?thesis
            using 1 - (Re x)2 > 0 Re x > 0
            by simp
          case False
          hence "Re x < 0"
            using Re x  0
            by simp      
          have "1 + Re x > 0"
            using Re x > -1
            by simp
          hence "2*Re x + 2*Re x*Re x < 0"
            using Re x < 0
            by (metis comm_semiring_class.distrib mult.commute mult_2_right mult_less_0_iff one_add_one zero_less_double_add_iff_zero_less_single_add)
          hence "1 - (Re x)2 > (- 1 - (Re x))2"
            by (simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
          hence "sqrt (1 - (Re x)2) > -1 - Re x"
            using real_less_rsqrt
            by simp
          thus ?thesis
            using Re x < 0
            by (simp add: field_simps)
        hence "?b < -1  ?b > 1"
          by auto

        hence "Re z = ?a"
          using Re z = ?a  Re z = ?b **
          by auto
        thus "z = ?a"
          using ** complex_of_real_Re
          by fastforce
    fix a u
    let ?M = "moebius_pt (blaschke a)"
    let ?Mu = "?M u"
    assume "u  unit_disc" "is_real a" "cmod a < 1"
    assume *: "?Q ?Mu"
    show "?Q u"
    proof (rule allI, rule impI, (erule conjE)+)
      fix x                                    
      assume x: "-1 < Re x" "Re x < 1" "is_real x" "of_complex x  u"
      let ?Mx = "?M (of_complex x)"
      have "of_complex x  unit_disc"
        using x cmod_eq_Re
        by auto
      hence "?Mx  unit_disc"
        using is_real a cmod a < 1 blaschke_unit_disc_fix[of a]
        using unit_disc_fix_discI
        by blast
      hence "?Mx  h"
        by auto
      have "of_complex x  circline_set x_axis"
        using x
        by auto
      hence "?Mx  circline_set x_axis"
        using blaschke_real_preserve_x_axis[OF is_real a cmod a < 1, of "of_complex x"]
        by auto
      hence "-1 < Re (to_complex ?Mx)  Re (to_complex ?Mx) < 1  is_real (to_complex ?Mx)"
        using ?Mx  h ?Mx  unit_disc
        unfolding circline_set_x_axis
        by (auto simp add: cmod_eq_Re)
      have "?Mx  ?Mu"
        using of_complex x  u
        by simp
      have "?P ?Mx ?Mu"
        using *[rule_format, of "to_complex ?Mx"] ?Mx  h
        by simp
      then obtain Mz where
        "?R Mz ?Mx ?Mu"
        by blast
      have "of_complex Mz  unit_disc" "of_complex Mz  circline_set x_axis"
        using ?R Mz ?Mx ?Mu
        using cmod_eq_Re 
        by auto

      let ?Minv = "- (blaschke a)"
      let ?z = "moebius_pt ?Minv (of_complex Mz)"
      have "?z  unit_disc"
        using of_complex Mz  unit_disc cmod a < 1
        by auto
      have "?z  circline_set x_axis"
        using of_complex Mz  circline_set x_axis
        using blaschke_real_preserve_x_axis is_real a cmod a < 1
        by fastforce
      have z1: "-1 < Re (to_complex ?z)" "Re (to_complex ?z) < 1" "is_real (to_complex ?z)"
        using inf_or_of_complex[of "?z"]
        unfolding circline_set_x_axis
        by (auto simp add: cmod_eq_Re)
      have z2: "poincare_distance ?z (of_complex x) = poincare_distance ?z u"
        using ?R Mz ?Mx ?Mu cmod a < 1 ?z  unit_disc of_complex x  unit_disc u  unit_disc
        by (metis blaschke_preserve_distance_formula blaschke_unit_disc_fix moebius_pt_comp_inv_right poincare_distance_formula uminus_moebius_def unit_disc_fix_discI unit_disc_iff_cmod_lt_1)
      show "?P (of_complex x) u"
        show "?R (to_complex ?z) (of_complex x) u"
          using z1 z2 ?z  unit_disc inf_or_of_complex[of ?z]
          by auto
        fix z'
        assume "?R z' (of_complex x) u"
        hence "of_complex z'  unit_disc" "of_complex z'  circline_set x_axis"
          by (auto simp add: cmod_eq_Re)
        let ?Mz' = "?M (of_complex z')"
        have "?Mz'  unit_disc" "?Mz'  circline_set x_axis"
          using of_complex z'  unit_disc of_complex z'  circline_set x_axis cmod a < 1 is_real a
          using  blaschke_unit_disc_fix unit_disc_fix_discI
          using blaschke_real_preserve_x_axis circline_set_x_axis
          by blast+
        hence "-1 < Re (to_complex ?Mz')" "Re (to_complex ?Mz') < 1" "is_real (to_complex ?Mz')"
          unfolding circline_set_x_axis
          by (auto simp add: cmod_eq_Re)
        have "poincare_distance ?Mz' ?Mx = poincare_distance ?Mz' ?Mu"
          using ?R z' (of_complex x) u
          using cmod a < 1 of_complex x  unit_disc of_complex z'  unit_disc u  unit_disc
          by auto
        have "?R (to_complex ?Mz') ?Mx ?Mu"
          using ?Mz'  unit_disc inf_or_of_complex[of ?Mz']
          by auto
        hence "?Mz' = of_complex Mz"
          using ?P ?Mx ?Mu ?R Mz ?Mx ?Mu
          by (metis moebius_pt (blaschke a) (of_complex z')  unit_disc of_complex Mz  unit_disc to_complex_of_complex unit_disc_to_complex_inj)
        thus "z' = to_complex ?z"
          by (simp add: moebius_pt_invert)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    by (metis to_complex_of_complex)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
subsection‹Triangle inequality›
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)

lemma poincare_distance_formula_zero_sum:
  assumes "u  unit_disc" and "v  unit_disc"
  shows "poincare_distance u 0h + poincare_distance 0h v =
         (let u' = cmod (to_complex u); v' = cmod (to_complex v)
           in arcosh (((1 + u'2) * (1 + v'2) + 4 * u' * v') / ((1 - u'2) * (1 - v'2))))"
  obtain u' v' where uv: "u' = to_complex u" "v' = to_complex v"
    by auto
  have uv': "u = of_complex u'" "v = of_complex v'"
    using uv assms inf_or_of_complex[of u] inf_or_of_complex[of v]
    by auto

  let ?u' = "cmod u'" and ?v' = "cmod v'"

  have disc: "?u'2 < 1" "?v'2 < 1"
    using unit_disc_cmod_square_lt_1[OF u  unit_disc]
    using unit_disc_cmod_square_lt_1[OF v  unit_disc] uv
    by auto
  thm arcosh_add
  have "arcosh (1 + 2 * ?u'2 / (1 - ?u'2)) + arcosh (1 + 2 * ?v'2 / (1 - ?v'2)) =
        arcosh (((1 + ?u'2) * (1 + ?v'2) + 4 * ?u' * ?v') / ((1 - ?u'2) * (1 - ?v'2)))" (is "arcosh ?ll + arcosh ?rr = arcosh ?r")
  proof (subst arcosh_add)
    show "?ll  1"  "?rr  1"
      using disc
      by auto
    show "arcosh ((1 + 2 * ?u'2 / (1 - ?u'2)) * (1 + 2 * ?v'2 / (1 - ?v'2)) +
                  sqrt (((1 + 2 * ?u'2 / (1 - ?u'2))2 - 1) * ((1 + 2 * ?v'2 / (1 - ?v'2))2 - 1))) =
          arcosh ?r" (is "arcosh ?l = _")
      have "1 + 2 * ?u'2 / (1 - ?u'2) = (1 + ?u'2) / (1 - ?u'2)"
        using disc
        by (subst add_divide_eq_iff, simp_all)
      have "1 + 2 * ?v'2 / (1 - ?v'2) = (1 + ?v'2) / (1 - ?v'2)"
        using disc
        by (subst add_divide_eq_iff, simp_all)
      have "sqrt (((1 + 2 * ?u'2 / (1 - ?u'2))2 - 1) * ((1 + 2 * ?v'2 / (1 - ?v'2))2 - 1)) =
               (4  * ?u' * ?v') / ((1 - ?u'2) * (1 - ?v'2))" (is "sqrt ?s = ?t")
        have "?s = ?t2"
          using disc
          apply (subst add_divide_eq_iff, simp)+
          apply (subst power_divide)+
          apply simp
          apply (subst divide_diff_eq_iff, simp)+
          apply (simp add: power2_eq_square field_simps)
        thus ?thesis
          using disc
          by simp
      have "?l = ?r"
        using disc
        by simp (subst add_divide_distrib, simp)
      thus ?thesis
        by simp
  thus ?thesis
    using uv' assms
    using poincare_distance_formula
    by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma poincare_distance_triangle_inequality:
  assumes "u  unit_disc" and "v  unit_disc" and "w  unit_disc"
  shows "poincare_distance u v + poincare_distance v w  poincare_distance u w" (is "?P' u v w")
  have " w. w  unit_disc  ?P' u v w"  (is "?P v u")
  proof (rule wlog_x_axis[where P="?P"])
    fix x
    assume "is_real x" "0  Re x" "Re x < 1"
    hence "of_complex x  unit_disc"
      by (simp add: cmod_eq_Re)

    show "?P 0h (of_complex x)"
    proof safe
      fix w
      assume "w  unit_disc"
      then obtain w' where w: "w = of_complex w'"
        using inf_or_of_complex[of w]
        by auto

      let ?x = "cmod x" and ?w = "cmod w'" and ?xw = "cmod (x - w')"

      have disc: "?x2 < 1" "?w2 < 1"
        using unit_disc_cmod_square_lt_1[OF of_complex x  unit_disc]
        using unit_disc_cmod_square_lt_1[OF w  unit_disc] w
        by auto

      have "poincare_distance (of_complex x) 0h + poincare_distance 0h w =
           arcosh (((1 + ?x2) * (1 + ?w2) + 4 * ?x * ?w) / ((1 - ?x2) * (1 - ?w2)))" (is "_ = arcosh ?r1")
        using poincare_distance_formula_zero_sum[OF of_complex x  unit_disc w  unit_disc] w
        by (simp add: Let_def)
      have "poincare_distance (of_complex x) (of_complex w') =
            arcosh (((1 - ?x2) * (1 - ?w2) + 2 * ?xw2) / ((1 - ?x2) * (1 - ?w2)))" (is "_ = arcosh ?r2")
        using disc
        using poincare_distance_formula[OF of_complex x  unit_disc w  unit_disc] w
        by (subst add_divide_distrib) simp
      have *: "(1 - ?x2) * (1 - ?w2) + 2 * ?xw2  (1 + ?x2) * (1 + ?w2) + 4 * ?x * ?w"
        have "(cmod (x - w'))2  (cmod x + cmod w')2"
          using norm_triangle_ineq4[of x w']
          by (simp add: power_mono)
        thus ?thesis
          by (simp add: field_simps power2_sum)
      have "arcosh ?r1  arcosh ?r2"
      proof (subst arcosh_mono)
        show "?r1  1"
          using disc
          by (smt "*" le_divide_eq_1_pos mult_pos_pos zero_le_power2)
        show "?r2  1"
          using disc
          by simp
        show "?r1  ?r2"
          using disc
          using *
          by (subst divide_right_mono, simp_all)
      show "poincare_distance (of_complex x) w  poincare_distance (of_complex x) 0h + poincare_distance 0h w"
        using of_complex x  unit_disc w  unit_disc w
        using poincare_distance_formula
        by simp
    show "v  unit_disc" "u  unit_disc"
      by fact+
    fix M u v
    assume *: "unit_disc_fix M" "u  unit_disc" "v  unit_disc"
    assume **: "?P (moebius_pt M u) (moebius_pt M v)"
    show "?P u v"
    proof safe
      fix w
      assume "w  unit_disc"
      thus "?P' v u w"
        by (metis "*" "**" unit_disc_fix_discI unit_disc_fix_preserve_poincare_distance)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    by auto
