Theory NonDetMonad

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   Nondeterministic state and error monads with failure in Isabelle.

chapter "Nondeterministic State Monad with Failure"

theory NonDetMonad
imports "../Lib"

text ‹

  State monads are used extensively in the seL4 specification. They are
  defined below.

section "The Monad"

text ‹
  The basic type of the nondeterministic state monad with failure is
  very similar to the normal state monad. Instead of a pair consisting
  of result and new state, we return a set of these pairs coupled with
  a failure flag. Each element in the set is a potential result of the
  computation. The flag is @{const True} if there is an execution path
  in the computation that may have failed. Conversely, if the flag is
  @{const False}, none of the computations resulting in the returned
  set can have failed.› 
type_synonym ('s,'a) nondet_monad = "'s  ('a × 's) set × bool"

text ‹
  The definition of fundamental monad functions return› and
  bind›. The monad function return x› does not change 
  the  state, does not fail, and returns x›.
  return :: "'a  ('s,'a) nondet_monad" where
  "return a  λs. ({(a,s)},False)"

text ‹
  The monad function bind f g›, also written f >>= g›,
  is the execution of @{term f} followed by the execution of g›.
  The function g› takes the result value \emph{and} the result
  state of f› as parameter. The definition says that the result of
  the combined operation is the union of the set of sets that is created
  by g› applied to the result sets of f›. The combined
  operation may have failed, if f› may have failed or g› may
  have failed on any of the results of f›.
  bind :: "('s, 'a) nondet_monad  ('a  ('s, 'b) nondet_monad)  
           ('s, 'b) nondet_monad" (infixl >>= 60)
  "bind f g  λs. ((fst ` case_prod g ` fst (f s)),
                   True  snd ` case_prod g ` fst (f s)  snd (f s))"

text ‹
  Sometimes it is convenient to write bind› in reverse order.
  bind_rev :: "('c  ('a, 'b) nondet_monad)  ('a, 'c) nondet_monad  
               ('a, 'b) nondet_monad" (infixl =<< 60) where 
  "g =<< f  f >>= g"

text ‹
  The basic accessor functions of the state monad. get› returns
  the current state as result, does not fail, and does not change the state.
  put s› returns nothing (@{typ unit}), changes the current state
  to s› and does not fail.
  get :: "('s,'s) nondet_monad" where
  "get  λs. ({(s,s)}, False)"

  put :: "'s  ('s, unit) nondet_monad" where
  "put s  λ_. ({((),s)}, False)"

subsection "Nondeterminism"

text ‹
  Basic nondeterministic functions. select A› chooses an element 
  of the set A›, does not change the state, and does not fail
  (even if the set is empty). f ⊓ g› executes f› or
  executes g›. It retuns the union of results of f› and
  g›, and may have failed if either may have failed.  
  select :: "'a set  ('s,'a) nondet_monad" where
  "select A  λs. (A × {s}, False)"

  alternative :: "('s,'a) nondet_monad  ('s,'a) nondet_monad  
                  ('s,'a) nondet_monad" 
  (infixl  20)
  "f  g  λs. (fst (f s)  fst (g s), snd (f s)  snd (g s))"

text ‹A variant of select› that takes a pair. The first component
  is a set as in normal select›, the second component indicates
  whether the execution failed. This is useful to lift monads between
  different state spaces.
  select_f :: "'a set × bool   ('s,'a) nondet_monad" where
  "select_f S  λs. (fst S × {s}, snd S)"

text select_state› takes a relationship between
  states, and outputs nondeterministically a state
  related to the input state.›

  state_select :: "('s × 's) set  ('s, unit) nondet_monad"
  "state_select r  λs. ((λx. ((), x)) ` {s'. (s, s')  r}, ¬ (s'. (s, s')  r))"

subsection "Failure"

text ‹The monad function that always fails. Returns an empty set of
results and sets the failure flag.›
  fail :: "('s, 'a) nondet_monad" where
 "fail  λs. ({}, True)"

text ‹Assertions: fail if the property P› is not true›
  assert :: "bool  ('a, unit) nondet_monad" where
 "assert P  if P then return () else fail"

text ‹Fail if the value is @{const None}, 
  return result v› for @{term "Some v"}
  assert_opt :: "'a option  ('b, 'a) nondet_monad" where
 "assert_opt v  case v of None  fail | Some v  return v"

text ‹An assertion that also can introspect the current state.›

  state_assert :: "('s  bool)  ('s, unit) nondet_monad"
  "state_assert P  get >>= (λs. assert (P s))"

subsection "Generic functions on top of the state monad"

text ‹Apply a function to the current state and return the result
without changing the state.›
  gets :: "('s  'a)  ('s, 'a) nondet_monad" where
 "gets f  get >>= (λs. return (f s))"

text ‹Modify the current state using the function passed in.›
  modify :: "('s  's)  ('s, unit) nondet_monad" where
 "modify f  get >>= (λs. put (f s))"

lemma simpler_gets_def: "gets f = (λs. ({(f s, s)}, False))"
  apply (simp add: gets_def return_def bind_def get_def)

lemma simpler_modify_def:
  "modify f = (λs. ({((), f s)}, False))"
  by (simp add: modify_def bind_def get_def put_def)

text ‹Execute the given monad when the condition is true, 
  return ()› otherwise.›
  "when" :: "bool  ('s, unit) nondet_monad  
           ('s, unit) nondet_monad" where 
  "when P m  if P then m else return ()"

text ‹Execute the given monad unless the condition is true, 
  return ()› otherwise.›
  unless :: "bool  ('s, unit) nondet_monad  
            ('s, unit) nondet_monad" where
  "unless P m  when (¬P) m"

text ‹
  Perform a test on the current state, performing the left monad if
  the result is true or the right monad if the result is false.
  condition :: "('s  bool)  ('s, 'r) nondet_monad  ('s, 'r) nondet_monad  ('s, 'r) nondet_monad"
  "condition P L R  λs. if (P s) then (L s) else (R s)"

notation (output)
  condition  ((condition (_)//  (_)//  (_)) [1000,1000,1000] 1000)

text ‹
Apply an option valued function to the current state, fail 
if it returns @{const None}, return v› if it returns 
@{term "Some v"}.  
  gets_the :: "('s  'a option)  ('s, 'a) nondet_monad" where
 "gets_the f  gets f >>= assert_opt"

subsection ‹The Monad Laws›

text ‹A more expanded definition of bind›
lemma bind_def':
  "(f >>= g) 
       λs. ({(r'', s''). (r', s')  fst (f s). (r'', s'')  fst (g r' s') },
                     snd (f s)  ((r', s')  fst (f s). snd (g r' s')))"
  apply (rule eq_reflection)
  apply (auto simp add: bind_def split_def Let_def)

text ‹Each monad satisfies at least the following three laws.›

text @{term return} is absorbed at the left of a @{term bind}, 
  applying the return value directly:› 
lemma return_bind [simp]: "(return x >>= f) = f x"
  by (simp add: return_def bind_def)

text @{term return} is absorbed on the right of a @{term bind} 
lemma bind_return [simp]: "(m >>= return) = m"
  apply (rule ext)
  apply (simp add: bind_def return_def split_def)
text @{term bind} is associative›
lemma bind_assoc: 
  fixes m :: "('a,'b) nondet_monad"
  fixes f :: "'b  ('a,'c) nondet_monad"
  fixes g :: "'c  ('a,'d) nondet_monad"
  shows "(m >>= f) >>= g  =  m >>= (λx. f x >>= g)"
  apply (unfold bind_def Let_def split_def)
  apply (rule ext)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (auto intro: rev_image_eqI)

section ‹Adding Exceptions›

text ‹
  The type @{typ "('s,'a) nondet_monad"} gives us nondeterminism and
  failure. We now extend this monad with exceptional return values
  that abort normal execution, but can be handled explicitly.
  We use the sum type to indicate exceptions. 

  In @{typ "('s, 'e + 'a) nondet_monad"}, @{typ "'s"} is the state,
  @{typ 'e} is an exception, and @{typ 'a} is a normal return value.

  This new type itself forms a monad again. Since type classes in 
  Isabelle are not powerful enough to express the class of monads,
  we provide new names for the @{term return} and @{term bind} functions
  in this monad. We call them returnOk› (for normal return values)
  and bindE› (for composition). We also define throwError›
  to return an exceptional value.
  returnOk :: "'a  ('s, 'e + 'a) nondet_monad" where
  "returnOk  return o Inr"

  throwError :: "'e  ('s, 'e + 'a) nondet_monad" where
  "throwError  return o Inl"

text ‹
  Lifting a function over the exception type: if the input is an
  exception, return that exception; otherwise continue execution.
  lift :: "('a  ('s, 'e + 'b) nondet_monad)  
           'e +'a  ('s, 'e + 'b) nondet_monad"
  "lift f v  case v of Inl e  throwError e
                      | Inr v'  f v'"

text ‹
  The definition of @{term bind} in the exception monad (new
  name bindE›): the same as normal @{term bind}, but 
  the right-hand side is skipped if the left-hand side
  produced an exception.
  bindE :: "('s, 'e + 'a) nondet_monad  
            ('a  ('s, 'e + 'b) nondet_monad)  
            ('s, 'e + 'b) nondet_monad"  (infixl >>=E 60)
  "bindE f g  bind f (lift g)"

text ‹
  Lifting a normal nondeterministic monad into the 
  exception monad is achieved by always returning its
  result as normal result and never throwing an exception.
  liftE :: "('s,'a) nondet_monad  ('s, 'e+'a) nondet_monad"
  "liftE f  f >>= (λr. return (Inr r))"

text ‹
  Since the underlying type and return› function changed, 
  we need new definitions for when and unless:
  whenE :: "bool  ('s, 'e + unit) nondet_monad  
            ('s, 'e + unit) nondet_monad" 
  "whenE P f  if P then f else returnOk ()"

  unlessE :: "bool  ('s, 'e + unit) nondet_monad  
            ('s, 'e + unit) nondet_monad" 
  "unlessE P f  if P then returnOk () else f"

text ‹
  Throwing an exception when the parameter is @{term None}, otherwise
  returning @{term "v"} for @{term "Some v"}.
  throw_opt :: "'e  'a option  ('s, 'e + 'a) nondet_monad" where
  "throw_opt ex x  
  case x of None  throwError ex | Some v  returnOk v"

text ‹
  Failure in the exception monad is redefined in the same way
  as @{const whenE} and @{const unlessE}, with @{term returnOk}
  instead of @{term return}.
  assertE :: "bool  ('a, 'e + unit) nondet_monad" where
 "assertE P  if P then returnOk () else fail"

subsection "Monad Laws for the Exception Monad"

text ‹More direct definition of @{const liftE}:›
lemma liftE_def2:
  "liftE f = (λs. ((λ(v,s'). (Inr v, s')) ` fst (f s), snd (f s)))"
  by (auto simp: liftE_def return_def split_def bind_def)

text ‹Left @{const returnOk} absorbtion over @{term bindE}:›
lemma returnOk_bindE [simp]: "(returnOk x >>=E f) = f x"
  apply (simp only: bindE_def return_def returnOk_def)
  apply (clarsimp simp: lift_def)

lemma lift_return [simp]:
  "lift (return  Inr) = return"
  by (rule ext)
     (simp add: lift_def throwError_def split: sum.splits)

text ‹Right @{const returnOk} absorbtion over @{term bindE}:›
lemma bindE_returnOk [simp]: "(m >>=E returnOk) = m"
  by (simp add: bindE_def returnOk_def)

text ‹Associativity of @{const bindE}:›
lemma bindE_assoc:
  "(m >>=E f) >>=E g = m >>=E (λx. f x >>=E g)"
  apply (simp add: bindE_def bind_assoc)
  apply (rule arg_cong [where f="λx. m >>= x"])
  apply (rule ext)
  apply (case_tac x, simp_all add: lift_def throwError_def)

text @{const returnOk} could also be defined via @{const liftE}:›
lemma returnOk_liftE:
  "returnOk x = liftE (return x)"
  by (simp add: liftE_def returnOk_def)

text ‹Execution after throwing an exception is skipped:›
lemma throwError_bindE [simp]:
  "(throwError E >>=E f) = throwError E"
  by (simp add: bindE_def bind_def throwError_def lift_def return_def)

section "Syntax"

text ‹This section defines traditional Haskell-like do-syntax 
  for the state monad in Isabelle.›

subsection "Syntax for the Nondeterministic State Monad"

text ‹We use K_bind› to syntactically indicate the 
  case where the return argument of the left side of a @{term bind}
  is ignored›
  K_bind_def [iff]: "K_bind  λx y. x"

  dobinds and dobind and nobind

syntax (ASCII)
  "_dobind"    :: "[pttrn, 'a] => dobind"             ((_ <-/ _) 10)
  "_dobind"    :: "[pttrn, 'a] => dobind"             ((_ / _) 10)
  ""           :: "dobind => dobinds"                 (‹_›)
  "_nobind"    :: "'a => dobind"                      (‹_›)
  "_dobinds"   :: "[dobind, dobinds] => dobinds"      ((_);//(_))

  "_do"        :: "[dobinds, 'a] => 'a"               ((do ((_);//(_))//od) 100)
  "_do" == bind
  "_do (_dobinds b bs) e"  == "_do b (_do bs e)"
  "_do (_nobind b) e"      == "b >>= (CONST K_bind e)"
  "do x <- a; e od"        == "a >>= (λx. e)"  

text ‹Syntax examples:›
lemma "do x  return 1; 
          return (2::nat); 
          return x 
       od = 
       return 1 >>= 
       (λx. return (2::nat) >>= 
            K_bind (return x))" 
  by (rule refl)

lemma "do x  return 1; 
          return 2; 
          return x 
       od = return 1" 
  by simp

subsection "Syntax for the Exception Monad"

text ‹
  Since the exception monad is a different type, we
  need to syntactically distinguish it in the syntax.
  We use doE›/odE› for this, but can re-use
  most of the productions from do›/od›

  "_doE" :: "[dobinds, 'a] => 'a"  ((doE ((_);//(_))//odE) 100)

  "_doE" == bindE

  "_doE (_dobinds b bs) e"  == "_doE b (_doE bs e)"
  "_doE (_nobind b) e"      == "b >>=E (CONST K_bind e)"
  "doE x <- a; e odE"       == "a >>=E (λx. e)"

text ‹Syntax examples:›
lemma "doE x  returnOk 1; 
           returnOk (2::nat); 
           returnOk x 
       odE =
       returnOk 1 >>=E 
       (λx. returnOk (2::nat) >>=E 
            K_bind (returnOk x))"
  by (rule refl)

lemma "doE x  returnOk 1; 
           returnOk 2; 
           returnOk x 
       odE = returnOk 1" 
  by simp

section "Library of Monadic Functions and Combinators"

text ‹Lifting a normal function into the monad type:›
  liftM :: "('a  'b)  ('s,'a) nondet_monad  ('s, 'b) nondet_monad"
  "liftM f m  do x  m; return (f x) od"

text ‹The same for the exception monad:›
  liftME :: "('a  'b)  ('s,'e+'a) nondet_monad  ('s,'e+'b) nondet_monad"
  "liftME f m  doE x  m; returnOk (f x) odE"

text ‹
  Run a sequence of monads from left to right, ignoring return values.›
  sequence_x :: "('s, 'a) nondet_monad list  ('s, unit) nondet_monad" 
  "sequence_x xs  foldr (λx y. x >>= (λ_. y)) xs (return ())"

text ‹
  Map a monadic function over a list by applying it to each element
  of the list from left to right, ignoring return values.
  mapM_x :: "('a  ('s,'b) nondet_monad)  'a list  ('s, unit) nondet_monad"
  "mapM_x f xs  sequence_x (map f xs)"

text ‹
  Map a monadic function with two parameters over two lists,
  going through both lists simultaneously, left to right, ignoring
  return values.
  zipWithM_x :: "('a  'b  ('s,'c) nondet_monad)  
                 'a list  'b list  ('s, unit) nondet_monad"
  "zipWithM_x f xs ys  sequence_x (zipWith f xs ys)"

text ‹The same three functions as above, but returning a list of
return values instead of unit›
  sequence :: "('s, 'a) nondet_monad list  ('s, 'a list) nondet_monad" 
  "sequence xs  let mcons = (λp q. p >>= (λx. q >>= (λy. return (x#y))))
                 in foldr mcons xs (return [])"

  mapM :: "('a  ('s,'b) nondet_monad)  'a list  ('s, 'b list) nondet_monad"
  "mapM f xs  sequence (map f xs)"

  zipWithM :: "('a  'b  ('s,'c) nondet_monad)  
                 'a list  'b list  ('s, 'c list) nondet_monad"
  "zipWithM f xs ys  sequence (zipWith f xs ys)"

  foldM :: "('b  'a  ('s, 'a) nondet_monad)  'b list  'a  ('s, 'a) nondet_monad" 
  "foldM m xs a  foldr (λp q. q >>= m p) xs (return a) "

text ‹The sequence and map functions above for the exception monad,
with and without lists of return value›
  sequenceE_x :: "('s, 'e+'a) nondet_monad list  ('s, 'e+unit) nondet_monad" 
  "sequenceE_x xs  foldr (λx y. doE _ <- x; y odE) xs (returnOk ())"

  mapME_x :: "('a  ('s,'e+'b) nondet_monad)  'a list  
              ('s,'e+unit) nondet_monad"
  "mapME_x f xs  sequenceE_x (map f xs)"

  sequenceE :: "('s, 'e+'a) nondet_monad list  ('s, 'e+'a list) nondet_monad" 
  "sequenceE xs  let mcons = (λp q. p >>=E (λx. q >>=E (λy. returnOk (x#y))))
                 in foldr mcons xs (returnOk [])"

  mapME :: "('a  ('s,'e+'b) nondet_monad)  'a list  
              ('s,'e+'b list) nondet_monad"
  "mapME f xs  sequenceE (map f xs)"

text ‹Filtering a list using a monadic function as predicate:›
  filterM :: "('a  ('s, bool) nondet_monad)  'a list  ('s, 'a list) nondet_monad"
  "filterM P []       = return []"
| "filterM P (x # xs) = do
     b  <- P x;
     ys <- filterM P xs; 
     return (if b then (x # ys) else ys)

section "Catching and Handling Exceptions"

text ‹
  Turning an exception monad into a normal state monad
  by catching and handling any potential exceptions:
  catch :: "('s, 'e + 'a) nondet_monad 
            ('e  ('s, 'a) nondet_monad) 
            ('s, 'a) nondet_monad" (infix <catch> 10)
  "f <catch> handler 
     do x  f;
        case x of
          Inr b  return b
        | Inl e  handler e

text ‹
  Handling exceptions, but staying in the exception monad.
  The handler may throw a type of exceptions different from
  the left side.
  handleE' :: "('s, 'e1 + 'a) nondet_monad 
               ('e1  ('s, 'e2 + 'a) nondet_monad) 
               ('s, 'e2 + 'a) nondet_monad" (infix <handle2> 10)
  "f <handle2> handler 
      v  f;
      case v of
        Inl e  handler e
      | Inr v'  return (Inr v')

text ‹
  A type restriction of the above that is used more commonly in
  practice: the exception handle (potentially) throws exception
  of the same type as the left-hand side.
  handleE :: "('s, 'x + 'a) nondet_monad  
              ('x  ('s, 'x + 'a) nondet_monad)  
              ('s, 'x + 'a) nondet_monad" (infix <handle> 10)
  "handleE  handleE'"

text ‹
  Handling exceptions, and additionally providing a continuation
  if the left-hand side throws no exception:
  handle_elseE :: "('s, 'e + 'a) nondet_monad 
                   ('e  ('s, 'ee + 'b) nondet_monad) 
                   ('a  ('s, 'ee + 'b) nondet_monad) 
                   ('s, 'ee + 'b) nondet_monad"
  (‹_ <handle> _ <else> _› 10)
  "f <handle> handler <else> continue 
   do v  f;
   case v of Inl e   handler e
           | Inr v'  continue v'

subsection "Loops"

text ‹
  Loops are handled using the following inductive predicate;
  non-termination is represented using the failure flag of the

  whileLoop_results :: "('r  's  bool)  ('r  ('s, 'r) nondet_monad)  ((('r × 's) option) × (('r × 's) option)) set"
  for C B
    " ¬ C r s   (Some (r, s), Some (r, s))  whileLoop_results C B"
  | " C r s; snd (B r s)   (Some (r, s), None)  whileLoop_results C B"
  | " C r s; (r', s')  fst (B r s); (Some (r', s'), z)  whileLoop_results C B  
        (Some (r, s), z)  whileLoop_results C B"

inductive_cases whileLoop_results_cases_valid: "(Some x, Some y)  whileLoop_results C B"
inductive_cases whileLoop_results_cases_fail: "(Some x, None)  whileLoop_results C B"
inductive_simps whileLoop_results_simps: "(Some x, y)  whileLoop_results C B"
inductive_simps whileLoop_results_simps_valid: "(Some x, Some y)  whileLoop_results C B"
inductive_simps whileLoop_results_simps_start_fail [simp]: "(None, x)  whileLoop_results C B"

  whileLoop_terminates :: "('r  's  bool)  ('r  ('s, 'r) nondet_monad)  'r  's  bool"
  for C B
    "¬ C r s  whileLoop_terminates C B r s"
  | " C r s; (r', s')  fst (B r s). whileLoop_terminates C B r' s' 
         whileLoop_terminates C B r s"

inductive_cases whileLoop_terminates_cases: "whileLoop_terminates C B r s"
inductive_simps whileLoop_terminates_simps: "whileLoop_terminates C B r s"

  "whileLoop C B  (λr s.
     ({(r',s'). (Some (r, s), Some (r', s'))  whileLoop_results C B},
        (Some (r, s), None)  whileLoop_results C B  (¬ whileLoop_terminates C B r s)))"

notation (output)
  whileLoop  ((whileLoop (_)//  (_)) [1000, 1000] 1000)

  whileLoopE :: "('r  's  bool)  ('r  ('s, 'e + 'r) nondet_monad)
       'r  's  (('e + 'r) × 's) set × bool"
  "whileLoopE C body 
      λr. whileLoop (λr s. (case r of Inr v  C v s | _  False)) (lift body) (Inr r)"

notation (output)
  whileLoopE  ((whileLoopE (_)//  (_)) [1000, 1000] 1000)

section "Hoare Logic"

subsection "Validity"

text ‹This section defines a Hoare logic for partial correctness for
  the nondeterministic state monad as well as the exception monad.
  The logic talks only about the behaviour part of the monad and ignores
  the failure flag.

  The logic is defined semantically. Rules work directly on the
  validity predicate.

  In the nondeterministic state monad, validity is a triple of precondition,
  monad, and postcondition. The precondition is a function from state to 
  bool (a state predicate), the postcondition is a function from return value
  to state to bool. A triple is valid if for all states that satisfy the
  precondition, all result values and result states that are returned by
  the monad satisfy the postcondition. Note that if the computation returns
  the empty set, the triple is trivially valid. This means @{term "assert P"} 
  does not require us to prove that @{term P} holds, but rather allows us
  to assume @{term P}! Proving non-failure is done via separate predicate and
  calculus (see below).
  valid :: "('s  bool)  ('s,'a) nondet_monad  ('a  's  bool)  bool" 
  (_/ _ /_)
  "P f Q  s. P s  ((r,s')  fst (f s). Q r s')"

text ‹
  Validity for the exception monad is similar and build on the standard 
  validity above. Instead of one postcondition, we have two: one for
  normal and one for exceptional results.
  validE :: "('s  bool)  ('s, 'a + 'b) nondet_monad  
             ('b  's  bool)  
             ('a  's  bool)  bool" 
(_/ _ /(_⦄,/ _))
  "P f Q⦄,E  P f  λv s. case v of Inr r  Q r s | Inl e  E e s "

text ‹
  The following two instantiations are convenient to separate reasoning
  for exceptional and normal case.
  validE_R :: "('s  bool)  ('s, 'e + 'a) nondet_monad  
               ('a  's  bool)  bool"
   (_/ _ /_⦄, -)
 "P f Q⦄,-  validE P f Q (λx y. True)"

  validE_E :: "('s  bool)   ('s, 'e + 'a) nondet_monad  
               ('e  's  bool)  bool"
   (_/ _ /-, _)
 "P f -,Q  validE P f (λx y. True) Q"

text ‹Abbreviations for trivial preconditions:›
  top :: "'a  bool" ()
  "  λ_. True"

  bottom :: "'a  bool" ()
  "  λ_. False"

text ‹Abbreviations for trivial postconditions (taking two arguments):›
  toptop :: "'a  'b  bool" (⊤⊤)
 "⊤⊤  λ_ _. True"

  botbot :: "'a  'b  bool" (⊥⊥)
 "⊥⊥  λ_ _. False"

text ‹
  Lifting ∧› and ∨› over two arguments. 
  Lifting ∧› and ∨› over one argument is already
  defined (written and› and or›).
  bipred_conj :: "('a  'b  bool)  ('a  'b  bool)  ('a  'b  bool)" 
  (infixl And 96)
  "bipred_conj P Q  λx y. P x y  Q x y"

  bipred_disj :: "('a  'b  bool)  ('a  'b  bool)  ('a  'b  bool)" 
  (infixl Or 91)
  "bipred_disj P Q  λx y. P x y  Q x y"

subsection "Determinism"

text ‹A monad of type nondet_monad› is deterministic iff it
returns exactly one state and result and does not fail› 
  det :: "('a,'s) nondet_monad  bool"
  "det f  s. r. f s = ({r},False)" 

text ‹A deterministic nondet_monad› can be turned
  into a normal state monad:›
  the_run_state :: "('s,'a) nondet_monad  's  'a × 's"
  "the_run_state M  λs. THE s'. fst (M s) = {s'}"

subsection "Non-Failure"

text ‹
  With the failure flag, we can formulate non-failure separately
  from validity. A monad m› does not fail under precondition
  P›, if for no start state in that precondition it sets
  the failure flag.
  no_fail :: "('s  bool)  ('s,'a) nondet_monad  bool"
  "no_fail P m  s. P s  ¬ (snd (m s))"

text ‹
  It is often desired to prove non-failure and a Hoare triple
  simultaneously, as the reasoning is often similar. The following
  definitions allow such reasoning to take place.

  validNF ::"('s  bool)  ('s,'a) nondet_monad  ('a  's  bool)  bool"
      (_/ _ /_⦄!)
  "validNF P f Q  valid P f Q  no_fail P f"

  validE_NF :: "('s  bool)  ('s, 'a + 'b) nondet_monad 
             ('b  's  bool) 
             ('a  's  bool)  bool"
  (_/ _ /(_⦄,/ _⦄!))
  "validE_NF P f Q E  validE P f Q E  no_fail P f"

lemma validE_NF_alt_def:
  " P  B  Q ⦄, E ⦄! =  P  B  λv s. case v of Inl e  E e s | Inr r  Q r s ⦄!"
  by (clarsimp simp: validE_NF_def validE_def validNF_def)

text ‹
  Usually, well-formed monads constructed from the primitives
  above will have the following property: if they return an
  empty set of results, they will have the failure flag set.
  empty_fail :: "('s,'a) nondet_monad  bool" 
  "empty_fail m  s. fst (m s) = {}  snd (m s)"

text ‹
  Useful in forcing otherwise unknown executions to have
  the @{const empty_fail} property.
  mk_ef :: "'a set × bool  'a set × bool"
  "mk_ef S  (fst S, fst S = {}  snd S)"

section "Basic exception reasoning"

text ‹
  The following predicates no_throw› and no_return› allow
  reasoning that functions in the exception monad either do
  no throw an exception or never return normally.

definition "no_throw P A   P  A  λ_ _. True ⦄, λ_ _. False "

definition "no_return P A   P  A λ_ _. False⦄,λ_ _. True "
