Theory Lib

 * Copyright 2014, NICTA
 * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
 * the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
 * See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.

   Miscellaneous library definitions and lemmas.

chapter "Library"

theory Lib
imports Main

(* FIXME: eliminate *)
lemma hd_map_simp:
  "b  []  hd (map a b) = a (hd b)"
  by (rule hd_map)

lemma tl_map_simp:
  "tl (map a b) = map a (tl b)"
  by (induct b,auto)

(* FIXME: could be added to Set.thy *)
lemma Collect_eq:
  "{x. P x} = {x. Q x}  (x. P x = Q x)"
  by (rule iffI) auto

(* FIXME: move next to HOL.iff_allI *)
lemma iff_impI: "P  Q = R  (P  Q) = (P  R)" by blast

  fun_app :: "('a  'b)  'a  'b" (infixr $ 10) where
  "f $ x  f x"

declare fun_app_def [iff]

lemma fun_app_cong[fundef_cong]:
  " f x = f' x'   (f $ x) = (f' $ x')"
  by simp

lemma fun_app_apply_cong[fundef_cong]:
  "f x y = f' x' y'  (f $ x) y = (f' $ x') y'"
  by simp

lemma if_apply_cong[fundef_cong]:
  " P = P'; x = x'; P'  f x' = f' x'; ¬ P'  g x' = g' x' 
      (if P then f else g) x = (if P' then f' else g') x'"
  by simp

lemma case_prod_apply_cong[fundef_cong]:
  " f (fst p) (snd p) s = f' (fst p') (snd p') s'   case_prod f p s = case_prod f' p' s'"
  by (simp add: split_def)

  pred_conj :: "('a  bool)  ('a  bool)  ('a  bool)" (infixl and 35)
  "pred_conj P Q  λx. P x  Q x"

  pred_disj :: "('a  bool)  ('a  bool)  ('a  bool)" (infixl or 30)
  "pred_disj P Q  λx. P x  Q x"

  pred_neg :: "('a  bool)  ('a  bool)" (not _› [40] 40)
  "pred_neg P  λx. ¬ P x"

definition "K  λx y. x"

  zipWith :: "('a  'b  'c)  'a list  'b list  'c list" where
  "zipWith f xs ys  map (case_prod f) (zip xs ys)"

  delete :: "'a  'a list  'a list"
  "delete y [] = []"
| "delete y (x#xs) = (if y=x then xs else x # delete y xs)"

  find :: "('a  bool)  'a list  'a option"
  "find f [] = None"
| "find f (x # xs) = (if f x then Some x else find f xs)"

 "swp f  λx y. f y x"

primrec (nonexhaustive)
  theRight :: "'a + 'b  'b" where
  "theRight (Inr x) = x"

primrec (nonexhaustive)
  theLeft :: "'a + 'b  'a" where
  "theLeft (Inl x) = x"

 "isLeft x  (y. x = Inl y)"

 "isRight x  (y. x = Inr y)"

 "const x  λy. x"

lemma tranclD2:
  "(x, y)  R+  z. (x, z)  R*  (z, y)  R"
  by (erule tranclE) auto

lemma linorder_min_same1 [simp]:
  "(min y x = y) = (y  (x::'a::linorder))"
  by (auto simp: min_def linorder_not_less)

lemma linorder_min_same2 [simp]:
  "(min x y = y) = (y  (x::'a::linorder))"
  by (auto simp: min_def linorder_not_le)

text ‹A combinator for pairing up well-formed relations.
        The divisor function splits the population in halves,
        with the True half greater than the False half, and
        the supplied relations control the order within the halves.›

  wf_sum :: "('a  bool)  ('a × 'a) set  ('a × 'a) set  ('a × 'a) set"
  "wf_sum divisor r r' 
     ({(x, y). ¬ divisor x  ¬ divisor y}  r')
     {(x, y). ¬ divisor x  divisor y}
    ({(x, y). divisor x  divisor y}  r)"

lemma wf_sum_wf:
  " wf r; wf r'   wf (wf_sum divisor r r')"
  apply (simp add: wf_sum_def)
  apply (rule wf_Un)+
      apply (erule wf_Int2)
     apply (rule wf_subset
             [where r="measure (λx. If (divisor x) 1 0)"])
      apply simp
     apply clarsimp
    apply blast
   apply (erule wf_Int2)
  apply blast

 "option_map == map_option"

lemmas option_map_def = map_option_case

lemma False_implies_equals [simp]:
  "((False  P)  PROP Q)  PROP Q"
  apply (rule equal_intr_rule)
   apply (erule meta_mp)
   apply simp
  apply simp

lemma split_paired_Ball:
  "(x  A. P x) = (x y. (x,y)  A  P (x,y))"
  by auto

lemma split_paired_Bex:
  "(x  A. P x) = (x y. (x,y)  A  P (x,y))"
  by auto
