Theory Paraconsistency_Validity_Infinite

(* Anders Schlichtkrull, DTU Compute, Denmark *)

theory Paraconsistency_Validity_Infinite imports Paraconsistency
    "Truth" = ""
    "Falsity" = ""
    "Neg'" = "¬"
    "Con'" = ""
    "Eql" = ""
    "Eql'" = ""
    "Dis'" = ""
    "Imp" = ""
    "Imp'" = ""
    "Box" = ""
    "Neg" = ""
    "Con" = ""
    "Dis" = ""
    "Cla" = "Δ"
    "Nab" = ""
    "CON" = "[]"
    "DIS" = "[]"
    "NAB" = "[]"
    "ExiEql" = "[=]"

The details about the definitions, lemmas and theorems are described in an article in the
Post-proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES 2018).

section ‹Notation›

notation Pro (_ [39] 39)
notation Truth ()
notation Neg' (¬ _› [40] 40)
notation Con' (infixr  35)
notation Eql (infixr  25)
notation Eql' (infixr  25)
notation Falsity ()
notation Dis' (infixr  30) 
notation Imp (infixr  25) 
notation Imp' (infixr  25)
notation Box ( _› [40] 40) 
notation Neg ( _› [40] 40)
notation Con (infixr  35) 
notation Dis (infixr  30)
notation Cla (Δ _› [40] 40) 
notation Nab ( _› [40] 40)
abbreviation DetTrue :: tv () where "  Det True"
abbreviation DetFalse :: tv () where "  Det False"
notation Indet (_ [39] 39)

Strategy: We define a formula that is valid in the sets {0..<1}, {0..<2}, ..., {0..<n-1} but is
not valid in the set {0..<n}

section ‹Injections From Sets to Sets›

We define the notion of an injection from a set X to a set Y 

definition inj_from_to :: "('a  'b)  'a set  'b set  bool" where
  "inj_from_to f X Y  inj_on f X  f ` X  Y"

lemma bij_betw_inj_from_to: "bij_betw f X Y  inj_from_to f X Y"
  unfolding bij_betw_def inj_from_to_def by simp

Special lemma for finite cardinality only

lemma inj_from_to_if_card:
  assumes "card X  card Y"
  assumes "finite X"
  shows "f. inj_from_to f X Y"
  unfolding inj_from_to_def
  by (metis assms card_image card_le_inj card_subset_eq obtain_subset_with_card_n order_refl)

section ‹Extension of Paraconsistency Theory›

The Paraconsistency theory is extended with abbreviation is_det› and a number of lemmas that are 
or generalizations of previous lemmas

abbreviation is_det :: "tv  bool" where "is_det tv  ¬ is_indet tv"

theorem valid_iff_valid_in:
  assumes "card U  card (props p)"
  shows "valid p  valid_in U p"
  using assms valid_in_valid valid_valid_in by blast

Generalization of change_tv_injection›

lemma change_tv_injection_on:
  assumes "inj_on f U"
  shows "inj_on (change_tv f) (domain U)"
  fix x y
  assume "x  domain U" "y  domain U" "change_tv f x = change_tv f y"
  then show "x = y"
    unfolding domain_def using assms inj_onD by (cases x; cases y) auto

Similar to change_tv_injection_on›

lemma change_tv_injection_from_to:
  assumes "inj_from_to f U W"
  shows "inj_from_to (change_tv f) (domain U) (domain W)"
  unfolding inj_from_to_def
  show "inj_on (change_tv f) (domain U)"
    using assms change_tv_injection_on unfolding inj_from_to_def by blast
  show "change_tv f ` domain U  domain W"
    fix x
    assume "x  change_tv f ` domain U"
    then show "x  domain W"
      unfolding domain_def image_def
      using assms inj_from_to_def[of f U W]
      by (cases x) auto

Similar to eval_change_inj_on›

lemma change_tv_surj_on:
  assumes "f ` U = W"
  shows "(change_tv f) ` (domain U) = (domain W)"
  show "change_tv f ` domain U  domain W"
    fix x
    assume "x  change_tv f ` domain U"
    then show "x  domain W"
      fix x'
      assume "x = change_tv f x'" "x'  domain U"
      then show "x  domain W"
        unfolding domain_def using assms by fastforce
  show "domain W  change_tv f ` domain U"
    fix x
    assume "x  domain W"
    then show "x  change_tv f ` domain U"
      unfolding domain_def using assms image_iff by fastforce

Similar to eval_change_inj_on›

lemma change_tv_bij_betw:
  assumes "bij_betw f U W"
  shows "bij_betw (change_tv f) (domain U) (domain W)"
  using assms change_tv_injection_on change_tv_surj_on unfolding bij_betw_def by simp

Generalization of eval_change›

lemma eval_change_inj_on:
  assumes "inj_on f U"
  assumes "range i  domain U"
  shows "eval (change_int f i) p = change_tv f (eval i p)"
proof (induct p)
  fix p
  assume "eval (change_int f i) p = change_tv f (eval i p)"
  then have "eval_neg (eval (change_int f i) p) = eval_neg (change_tv f (eval i p))"
    by simp
  then have "eval_neg (eval (change_int f i) p) = change_tv f (eval_neg (eval i p))"
    by (cases "eval i p") (simp_all add: case_bool_if)
  then show "eval (change_int f i) (¬ p) = change_tv f (eval i (¬ p))"
    by simp
  fix p1 p2
  assume ih1: "eval (change_int f i) p1 = change_tv f (eval i p1)"
  assume ih2: "eval (change_int f i) p2 = change_tv f (eval i p2)"
  show "eval (change_int f i) (p1  p2) = change_tv f (eval i (p1  p2))"
    using assms ih1 ih2 change_tv.simps(1) change_tv_injection_on eval.simps(2) eval.simps(4)
      inj_onD ranges by metis
  fix p1 p2
  assume ih1: "eval (change_int f i) p1 = change_tv f (eval i p1)"
  assume ih2: "eval (change_int f i) p2 = change_tv f (eval i p2)"
  have "Det (eval (change_int f i) p1 = eval (change_int f i) p2) =
      Det (change_tv f (eval i p1) = change_tv f (eval i p2))"
    using ih1 ih2 by simp
  also have "... = Det ((eval i p1) = (eval i p2))"
  proof -
    have "inj_on (change_tv f) (domain U)"
      using assms(1) change_tv_injection_on by simp
    then show ?thesis
      using assms(2) ranges by (simp add: inj_on_eq_iff)
  also have "... = change_tv f (Det (eval i p1 = eval i p2))"
    by simp
  finally show "eval (change_int f i) (p1  p2) = change_tv f (eval i (p1  p2))"
    by simp
  fix p1 p2
  assume ih1: "eval (change_int f i) p1 = change_tv f (eval i p1)"
  assume ih2: "eval (change_int f i) p2 = change_tv f (eval i p2)"
  show "eval (change_int f i) (p1  p2) = change_tv f (eval i (p1  p2))"
    using assms ih1 ih2 inj_on_eq_iff change_tv.simps(1) change_tv_injection_on eval_equality
      eval_negation ranges by smt
qed (simp_all add: change_int_def)

section ‹Logics of Equal Cardinality Are Equal›

We prove that validity in a set depends only on the cardinality of the set

lemma inj_from_to_valid_in:
  assumes "inj_from_to f W U"
  assumes "valid_in U p"
  shows "valid_in W p"
  unfolding valid_in_def proof (rule, rule)
  fix i :: "char list  tv"
  assume a: "range i  domain W"
  from assms have valid_p: "i. range i  domain U  eval i p = "
    unfolding valid_in_def by simp
  have "range (change_int f i)  domain U"
    fix x
    assume "x  range (change_int f i)"
    then obtain xa where xa: "change_int f i xa = x"
      by blast
    have "inj_from_to (change_tv f) (domain W) (domain U)"
      using change_tv_injection_from_to assms by simp
    then have "(change_tv f) (i xa)  domain U"
      using a by (metis inj_from_to_def image_eqI range_eqI subsetCE)
    then show "x  domain U"
      using xa change_int_def by simp
  then have "eval (change_int f i) p = "
    using valid_p by simp
  then have "eval (change_int f i) p = "
    by simp
  then have "change_tv f (eval i p) = "
    using a assms(1) eval_change_inj_on unfolding inj_from_to_def by metis
  then show "eval i p = "
    using change_tv.elims tv.distinct(1) by fast

  assumes "inj_from_to f U W"
  assumes "inj_from_to g W U"
  shows "valid_in U p  valid_in W p"
  using assms inj_from_to_valid_in by fast

lemma bij_betw_valid_in:
  assumes "bij_betw f U W"
  shows "valid_in U p  valid_in W p"
  using assms inj_from_to_valid_in bij_betw_inv bij_betw_inj_from_to by metis

theorem eql_finite_eql_card_valid_in:
  assumes "finite U  finite W"
  assumes "card U = card W"
  shows "valid_in U p  valid_in W p"
proof (cases "finite U")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    using assms bij_betw_iff_card bij_betw_valid_in by metis
  case False
  then have "(f :: nat  nat. bij_betw f U UNIV)  (g :: nat  nat. bij_betw g W UNIV)"
    using assms Schroeder_Bernstein infinite_iff_countable_subset inj_Suc top_greatest by metis
  with bij_betw_valid_in show ?thesis
    by metis

  assumes "U  {}"
  assumes "W  {}"
  assumes "card U = card W"
  shows "valid_in U p  valid_in W p"
  using assms eql_finite_eql_card_valid_in card_gt_0_iff by metis

theorem finite_eql_card_valid_in:
  assumes "finite U"
  assumes "finite W"
  assumes "card U = card W"
  shows "valid_in U p  valid_in W p"
  using eql_finite_eql_card_valid_in by (simp add: assms)

theorem infinite_valid_in:
  assumes "infinite U"
  assumes "infinite W"
  shows "valid_in U p  valid_in W p"
  using eql_finite_eql_card_valid_in by (simp add: assms)

section ‹Conversions Between Nats and Strings›

definition nat_of_digit :: "char  nat" where
  "nat_of_digit c =
   (if c = (CHR ''1'') then 1 else if c = (CHR ''2'') then 2 else if c = (CHR ''3'') then 3 else
    if c = (CHR ''4'') then 4 else if c = (CHR ''5'') then 5 else if c = (CHR ''6'') then 6 else
    if c = (CHR ''7'') then 7 else if c = (CHR ''8'') then 8 else if c = (CHR ''9'') then 9 else 0)"

proposition "range nat_of_digit = {0..<10}"
  show "range nat_of_digit  {0..<10}"
    unfolding nat_of_digit_def by auto
  show "{0..<10}  range nat_of_digit"
    fix x :: nat
    assume a: "x  {0..<10}"
    show "x  range nat_of_digit"
    proof (cases "x = 0")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        unfolding nat_of_digit_def by auto
      case False
      with a show ?thesis
        unfolding nat_of_digit_def by auto

lemma nat_of_digit_of_nat[simp]: "n < 10  nat_of_digit (digit_of_nat n) = n"
  unfolding digit_of_nat_def nat_of_digit_def
  by simp presburger

function nat_of_string :: "string  nat"
    "nat_of_string n = (if length n  1 then nat_of_digit (last n) else
      (nat_of_string (butlast n)) * 10 + (nat_of_digit (last n)))"
  by simp_all
  by (relation "measure length") simp_all

lemma nat_of_string_step:
  "nat_of_string (string_of_nat (m div 10)) * 10 + m mod 10 = nat_of_string (string_of_nat m)"
  by simp

lemma nat_of_string_of_nat: "nat_of_string (string_of_nat n) = n"
proof (induct rule: string_of_nat.induct)
  case (1 m)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases "m < 10")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
    case False
    then have "nat_of_string (string_of_nat (m div 10)) = m div 10"
      using 1 by simp
    then have "nat_of_string (string_of_nat (m div 10)) * 10 = (m div 10) * 10"
      by simp
    then have "nat_of_string (string_of_nat (m div 10)) * 10 + (m mod 10) =
        (m div 10) * 10 + (m mod 10)"
      by simp
    also have "... = m"
      by simp
    finally show ?thesis
      using nat_of_string_step by simp

lemma "inj string_of_nat"
  using inj_on_inverseI nat_of_string_of_nat by metis

section ‹Derived Formula Constructors›

definition PRO :: "id list  fm list" where
  "PRO ids  map Pro ids"

definition Pro_nat :: "nat  fm" (_1 [40] 40) where
  "n1  string_of_nat n"

definition PRO_nat :: "nat list  fm list" (_123 [40] 40) where
  "ns123  map Pro_nat ns"

definition CON :: "fm list  fm" ([] _› [40] 40) where
  "[] ps  foldr Con ps "

definition DIS :: "fm list  fm" ([] _› [40] 40) where
  "[] ps  foldr Dis ps "

definition NAB :: "fm list  fm" ([] _› [40] 40) where
  "[] ps  [] (map Nab ps)"

definition off_diagonal_product :: "'a set  'a set  ('a × 'a) set" where
  "off_diagonal_product xs ys  {(x,y). (x,y)  (xs × ys)  x  y }"

definition List_off_diagonal_product :: "'a list  'a list  ('a × 'a) list" where
  "List_off_diagonal_product xs ys  filter (λ(x,y). not_equal x y) (List.product xs ys)"

definition ExiEql :: "fm list  fm" ([=] _› [40] 40) where
  "[=] ps  [] (map (λ(x,y). x  y) (List_off_diagonal_product ps ps))"

lemma cla_false_Imp:
  assumes "eval i a = "
  assumes "eval i b = "
  shows "eval i (a  b) = "
  using assms by simp

lemma eval_CON:
  "eval i ([] ps) = Det (p  set ps. eval i p = )"
  unfolding CON_def
  by (induct ps) simp_all

lemma eval_DIS:
  "eval i ([] ps) = Det (p  set ps. eval i p = )"
  unfolding DIS_def
proof (induct ps)
  case Nil
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case Cons
  with eval.simps eval_negation foldr.simps list.set_intros o_apply set_ConsD show ?case by smt

lemma eval_Nab: "eval i ( p) = Det (is_indet (eval i p))"
proof (induct p)
  case (Pro x)
  then show ?case
    using string_tv.cases tv.simps(5) tv.simps(6) eval_negation
      eval.simps(2) eval.simps(4) eval.simps(5) by smt
  case (Neg' p)
  then show ?case
    using eval_negation by fastforce
  case (Eql' p1 p2)
  then show ?case
    using string_tv.cases tv.simps(5) tv.simps(6) eval_negation
      eval.simps(2) eval.simps(4) eval.simps(5) by smt
qed auto

lemma eval_NAB:
  "eval i ([] ps) = Det (p  set ps. is_indet (eval i p))"
proof (cases "pset ps. is_indet (eval i p)")
  case True
  then have "eval i ([] ps) = "
    unfolding NAB_def using eval_CON by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
    using True by simp
  case False
  then have "¬ (pset ps. eval i ( p) = )"
    using eval_Nab by simp
  then have "¬ (pset (map Nab ps). eval i p = )"
    by simp
  then have "eval i ([] ps) = "
    unfolding NAB_def using eval_CON[of i "(map Nab ps)"] by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using False by simp

lemma eval_ExiEql:
  "eval i ([=] ps) =
    Det ((p1, p2)(off_diagonal_product (set ps) (set ps)). eval i p1 = eval i p2)"
  using eval_DIS[of i "(map (λ(x, y). x  y) (List_off_diagonal_product ps ps))"]
  unfolding off_diagonal_product_def ExiEql_def List_off_diagonal_product_def
  by auto

section ‹Pigeon Hole Formula›

definition pigeonhole_fm :: "nat  fm" where
  "pigeonhole_fm n  [] [0..<n]123  [=] [0..<n]123"

definition interp_of_id :: "nat  id  tv" where
  "interp_of_id maxi i  if (nat_of_string i) < maxi then nat_of_string i  else "

lemma interp_of_id_pigeonhole_fm_False: "eval (interp_of_id n) (pigeonhole_fm n) = "
proof -
  have all_indet: "p  set ([0..<n]123). is_indet (eval (interp_of_id n) p)"
    fix p
    assume a: "p  set ([0..<n]123)"
    show "is_indet (eval (interp_of_id n) p)"
    proof -
      from a have "p  Pro_nat ` {..<n}"
        unfolding PRO_nat_def using atLeast_upt set_map by metis
      then have "m<n. p = (m1)"
        unfolding Pro_nat_def by fast
      then show ?thesis                
        unfolding interp_of_id_def Pro_nat_def using nat_of_string_of_nat by fastforce
  then have "eval (interp_of_id n) ([] ([0..<n]123)) = "
    using eval_NAB by simp
  have "a b. a  set (map (λn. n1) [0..<n]) 
         b  set (map (λn. n1) [0..<n])  a  b 
         eval (interp_of_id n) a = eval (interp_of_id n) b  False"
    using all_indet in_set_conv_nth length_map nat_of_string_of_nat nth_map tv.inject tv.simps(5)
    unfolding interp_of_id_def PRO_def PRO_nat_def Pro_nat_def
    by smt
  then have "(p1, p2)off_diagonal_product (set ([0..<n]123)) (set ([0..<n]123)).
               eval (interp_of_id n) p1  eval (interp_of_id n) p2"
    unfolding off_diagonal_product_def PRO_nat_def Pro_nat_def by blast
  then have "¬ ((p1, p2)off_diagonal_product (set ([0..<n]123)) (set ([0..<n]123)).
              eval (interp_of_id n) p1 = eval (interp_of_id n) p2)"
    by blast
  then have "eval (interp_of_id n) ([=] ([0..<n]123)) = "
    using eval_ExiEql[of "interp_of_id n" "[0..<n]123"] by simp
  show ?thesis
    unfolding pigeonhole_fm_def using cla_false_Imp[of "interp_of_id n"] by blast

lemma range_interp_of_id: "range (interp_of_id n)  domain {0..<n}"
  unfolding interp_of_id_def domain_def by (simp add: image_subset_iff)

theorem not_valid_in_n_pigeonhole_fm: "¬ (valid_in {0..<n} (pigeonhole_fm n))"
  unfolding valid_in_def using interp_of_id_pigeonhole_fm_False[of n] range_interp_of_id[of n]
  by fastforce

theorem not_valid_pigeonhole_fm: "¬ (valid (pigeonhole_fm n))"
  unfolding valid_def using interp_of_id_pigeonhole_fm_False[of n]
  by fastforce

lemma cla_imp_I:
  assumes "is_det (eval i a)"
  assumes "is_det (eval i b)"
  assumes "eval i a =   eval i b = "
  shows "eval i (a  b) = "
proof -
  have "is_det tv = (case tv of Det _  True | _  False)" for tv
    by (metis (full_types) tv.exhaust tv.simps(5) tv.simps(6))
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (metis (full_types) eval.simps(4) eval.simps(5) tv.exhaust tv.simps(6))

lemma is_det_NAB: "is_det (eval i ([] ps))"
  unfolding eval_NAB by auto

lemma is_det_ExiEql: "is_det (eval i ([=] ps))"
  using eval_ExiEql by auto

lemma pigeonhole_nat:
  assumes "finite n"
  assumes "finite m"
  assumes "card n > card m"
  assumes "f ` n  m"
  shows "xn. yn. x  y  f x = f y"
  using assms not_le inj_on_iff_card_le unfolding inj_on_def
  by metis

lemma pigeonhole_nat_set:
  assumes "f ` {0..<n}  {0..<m}"
  assumes "m < (n :: nat)"
  shows "j1{0..<n}. j2{0..<n}. j1  j2  f j1 = f j2"
  using assms pigeonhole_nat[of "({0..<n})" "{0..<m}" f]
  by simp

lemma inj_Pro_nat: "(p11) = (p21)  p1 = p2"
  unfolding Pro_nat_def using fm.inject(1) nat_of_string_of_nat
  by metis

lemma eval_true_in_lt_n_pigeonhole_fm:
  assumes "m < n"
  assumes "range i  domain {0..<m}"
  shows "eval i (pigeonhole_fm n) = "
proof -
    assume "eval i ([] ([0..<n]123)) = "
    then have "p  set ([0..<n]123). is_indet (eval i p)"
      using eval_NAB by auto
    then have *: "j<n. is_indet (eval i (j1))"
      unfolding PRO_nat_def by auto
    have **: "j<n. k<m. eval i (j1) = (k)"
    proof -
      have "j<n. is_indet (eval i (j1))  j < n  k<m. eval i (j1) = (k)" for j
      proof (rule_tac x="get_indet (i (string_of_nat j))" in exI)
        show "j<n. is_indet (eval i (j1))  j < n  get_indet (i (string_of_nat j)) < m 
               eval i (j1) = (get_indet (i (string_of_nat j)))"
        proof (induct "i (string_of_nat j)")
          case (Det x)
          then show ?case
            unfolding Pro_nat_def using eval.simps(1) tv.simps(5) by metis
          case (Indet x)
          then show ?case
          proof (subgoal_tac "x<m")
            show "(x) = i (string_of_nat j)  j<n. is_indet (eval i (j1))  j < n 
                   x < m  get_indet (i (string_of_nat j)) < m 
                   eval i (j1) = (get_indet (i (string_of_nat j)))"
              unfolding Pro_nat_def using eval.simps(1) tv.simps(6) by metis
            show "(x) = i (string_of_nat j)  j<n. is_indet (eval i (j1))  j < n  x < m"
              using assms(2) atLeast0LessThan unfolding domain_def by fast
      then show ?thesis
        using * by simp
    then have "j<n. k<m. get_indet (eval i (j1)) = k"
      by fastforce
    then have "(λj. get_indet (eval i (j1))) ` {0..<n}  {0..<m}"
      by fastforce
    then have "j1  {0..<n}. j2  {0..<n}. j1  j2  get_indet (eval i (j11)) =
                get_indet (eval i (j21))"
      using assms(1) pigeonhole_nat_set by simp
    then have "j1 < n. j2 < n. j1  j2  get_indet (eval i (j11)) =
                get_indet (eval i (j21))"
      using atLeastLessThan_iff by blast
    then have "j1 < n. j2 < n. j1  j2  eval i (j11) = eval i (j21)"
      using ** tv.simps(6) by metis
    then have "(p1, p2)off_diagonal_product (set ([0..<n]123)) (set ([0..<n]123)).
                 eval i p1 = eval i p2"
    proof (rule_tac P="λj1. j1<n  (j2<n. j1  j2  eval i (j11) =
                        eval i (j21))" in exE)
      show "j1<n. j2<n. j1  j2  eval i (j11) = eval i (j21) 
              x<n. j2<n. x  j2  eval i (x1) = eval i (j21)"
        by simp
      show "j1<n. j2<n. j1  j2  eval i (j11) = eval i (j21) 
              j1 < n  (j2<n. j1  j2  eval i (j11) = eval i (j21)) 
              (p1, p2)off_diagonal_product (set ([0..<n]123)) (set ([0..<n]123)).
              eval i p1 = eval i p2" for j1
      proof (rule_tac P="λj2. j2<n  j1  j2  eval i (j11) = eval i (j21)" in exE)
        show "j1<n. j2<n. j1  j2  eval i (j11) = eval i (j21) 
                j1 < n  (j2<n. j1  j2  eval i (j11) = eval i (j21)) 
                x<n. j1  x  eval i (j11) = eval i (x1)"
          by simp
        show "j1<n. j2<n. j1  j2  eval i (j11) = eval i (j21) 
                j1 < n  (j2<n. j1  j2  eval i (j11) = eval i (j21)) 
                j2 < n  j1  j2  eval i (j11) = eval i (j21) 
                (p1, p2)off_diagonal_product (set ([0..<n]123)) (set ([0..<n]123)).
                eval i p1 = eval i p2" for j2
          unfolding off_diagonal_product_def PRO_nat_def using inj_Pro_nat
          by (rule_tac x="(j11, j21)" in bexI) auto
    then have "eval i ([=] ([0..<n]123)) = "
      using eval_ExiEql by simp
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding pigeonhole_fm_def using cla_imp_I is_det_ExiEql is_det_NAB by simp

theorem valid_in_lt_n_pigeonhole_fm:
  assumes "m<n"
  shows "valid_in {0..<m} (pigeonhole_fm n)"
  using assms
  unfolding valid_in_def
  using interp_of_id_pigeonhole_fm_False[of n]
  using range_interp_of_id[of n]
  using eval_true_in_lt_n_pigeonhole_fm
  by simp

theorem not_valid_in_pigeonhole_fm_card:
  assumes "finite U"
  shows "¬ valid_in U (pigeonhole_fm (card U))"
  using assms ex_bij_betw_nat_finite not_valid_in_n_pigeonhole_fm bij_betw_valid_in by metis

theorem not_valid_in_pigeonhole_fm_lt_card:
  assumes "finite (U::nat set)"
  assumes "inj_from_to f U W"
  shows "¬ valid_in W (pigeonhole_fm (card U))"
proof -
  have "¬ valid_in U (pigeonhole_fm (card U))"
    using not_valid_in_pigeonhole_fm_card assms by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using assms inj_from_to_valid_in by metis

theorem valid_in_pigeonhole_fm_n_gt_card:
  assumes "finite U"
  assumes "card U < n"
  shows "valid_in U (pigeonhole_fm n)"
  using assms ex_bij_betw_finite_nat bij_betw_valid_in valid_in_lt_n_pigeonhole_fm by metis

section ‹Validity Is the Intersection of the Finite Logics›

lemma "valid p  (U. finite U  valid_in U p)"
  assume "valid p"
  then show "U. finite U  valid_in U p"
    using transfer by blast
  assume "U. finite U  valid_in U p"
  then have "valid_in {1..card (props p)} p"
    by simp
  then show "valid p"
    using reduce by simp

section ‹Logics of Different Cardinalities Are Different›

lemma finite_card_lt_valid_in_not_valid_in:
  assumes "finite U"
  assumes "card U < card W"
  shows "valid_in U  valid_in W"
proof -
  have finite_W: "finite W"
    using assms(2) card.infinite by fastforce
  have "valid_in U (pigeonhole_fm (card W))"
    using valid_in_pigeonhole_fm_n_gt_card assms by simp
  have "¬ valid_in W (pigeonhole_fm (card W))"
    using not_valid_in_pigeonhole_fm_card assms finite_W by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by fastforce

lemma valid_in_UNIV_p_valid: "valid_in UNIV p = valid p"
  using universal_domain valid_def valid_in_def by simp

theorem infinite_valid_in_valid:
  assumes "infinite U"
  shows "valid_in U p  valid p"
  using assms infinite_valid_in[of U UNIV p] valid_in_UNIV_p_valid by simp

lemma finite_not_finite_valid_in_not_valid_in:
  assumes "finite U  finite W"
  shows "valid_in U  valid_in W"
proof -
    fix U W :: "nat set"
    assume inf: "infinite U"
    assume fin: "finite W"
    then have valid_in_W_pigeonhole_fm: "valid_in W (pigeonhole_fm (Suc (card W)))"
      using valid_in_pigeonhole_fm_n_gt_card[of W] by simp
    have "¬ valid (pigeonhole_fm (Suc (card W)))"
      using not_valid_pigeonhole_fm by simp
    then have "¬ valid_in U (pigeonhole_fm (Suc (card W)))"
      using inf fin infinite_valid_in_valid by simp
    then have "valid_in U  valid_in W"
      using valid_in_W_pigeonhole_fm by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
    using assms by metis

lemma card_not_card_valid_in_not_valid_in:
  assumes "card U  card W"
  shows "valid_in U  valid_in W"
  using assms
proof -
    fix U W :: "nat set"
    assume a: "card U < card W"
    then have "finite W"
      using card.infinite gr_implies_not0 by blast
    then have valid_in_W_pigeonhole_fm: "valid_in W (pigeonhole_fm (Suc (card W)))"
      using valid_in_pigeonhole_fm_n_gt_card[of W] by simp
    have "valid_in U  valid_in W"
    proof (cases "finite U")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        using a finite_card_lt_valid_in_not_valid_in by simp
      case False
      have "¬ valid (pigeonhole_fm (Suc (card W)))"
        using not_valid_pigeonhole_fm by simp
      then have "¬ valid_in U (pigeonhole_fm (Suc (card W)))"
        using False infinite_valid_in_valid by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using valid_in_W_pigeonhole_fm by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
    using assms neqE by metis

section ‹Finite Logics Are Different from Infinite Logics›

theorem extend: "valid  valid_in U" if "finite U"
  using that not_valid_pigeonhole_fm valid_in_pigeonhole_fm_n_gt_card by fastforce

corollary "¬ (n. p. valid p  valid_in {0..n} p)"
  using extend by fast

corollary "n. p. ¬ (valid p  valid_in {0..n} p)"
  using extend by fast

corollary "¬ (p. valid p  valid_in {0..n} p)"
  using extend by fast

corollary "valid  valid_in {0..n}"
  using extend by simp

proposition "valid = valid_in {0..}"
  unfolding valid_def valid_in_def
  using universal_domain
  by simp

corollary "valid = valid_in {n..}"
  using infinite_valid_in[of UNIV "{n..}"] universal_domain
  unfolding valid_def valid_in_def
  by (simp add: infinite_Ici)

corollary "¬ (n m. p. valid p  valid_in {m..n} p)"
  using extend by fast

end ― ‹Paraconsistency_Validity_Infinite› file›