Theory Generated_Boolean_Algebra

theory Generated_Boolean_Algebra
  imports Main 

section‹Generated Boolean Algebras of Sets›

subsection‹Definitions and Basic Lemmas›
lemma equalityI':
  assumes "x. x  A  x  B"
  assumes "x. x  B  x  A"
  shows "A = B"
  using assms by blast

lemma equalityI'':
  assumes "x. A x  B x"
  assumes "x. B x  A x"
  shows "{x. A x} = {x. B x}"
  using assms by blast 

lemma SomeE:
  assumes "a = (SOME x. P x)"
  assumes "P c"
  shows "P a"
  using assms  by (meson verit_sko_ex)

lemma SomeE':
  assumes "a = (SOME x. P x)"
  assumes " x. P x"
  shows "P a"
  using assms  by (meson verit_sko_ex)

section‹Basic notions about boolean algebras over a set S›, generated by a set of generators B›

text‹Note that the generators B› need not be subsets of the set S›

inductive_set gen_boolean_algebra 
  for S and B  where
    universe: "S  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  | generator:  "A  B  A  S  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  | union:      " A  gen_boolean_algebra S B; C  gen_boolean_algebra S B  A  C  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  | complement: "A  gen_boolean_algebra S B  S - A  gen_boolean_algebra S B"

lemma gen_boolean_algebra_subset:
  shows "A  gen_boolean_algebra S B  A  S"
  apply(induction A rule: gen_boolean_algebra.induct)
  apply blast
  apply blast
  apply blast
  by blast

lemma gen_boolean_algebra_intersect:
  assumes "A  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  assumes "C  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  shows "A  C  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  have 0: "S - A  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
    using assms(1) gen_boolean_algebra.complement by blast
  have 1: "S - C  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
    using assms(2) gen_boolean_algebra.complement by blast
  have 2: "(S - A)  (S - C)  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
    using "0" "1" gen_boolean_algebra.union by blast
  have "S - (A  C)  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
    by (simp add: 2 Diff_Int)
  then have 3: "S - (S - (A  C))  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
    using gen_boolean_algebra.complement 
    by blast
  have "A  C  S"
    using assms(1) gen_boolean_algebra_subset
    by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    using 3 
    by (metis "0" Diff_partition Un_subset_iff assms(1) double_diff gen_boolean_algebra_subset)

lemma gen_boolean_algebra_diff:
  assumes "A  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  assumes "C  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  shows "A -  C  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  have "A - C = A  (S - C)"
    by (metis Int_Diff assms(1) gen_boolean_algebra_subset inf_absorb1)
  then show ?thesis 
    by (metis assms(1) assms(2) gen_boolean_algebra.complement gen_boolean_algebra_intersect)

lemma gen_boolean_algebra_diff_eq:
  assumes "A  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  assumes "C  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  shows "A -  C = A  (S - C)"
  by (metis Int_Diff assms(1) gen_boolean_algebra_subset inf_absorb1)

lemma gen_boolean_algebra_finite_union:
  assumes "a. a  A  a  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  assumes "finite A"
  shows "A  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  have "(a  A. a  gen_boolean_algebra S B)  A  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  apply(rule finite.induct[of A])
  apply (simp add: assms(2); fail)
   apply (metis DiffE Union_empty ex_in_conv  gen_boolean_algebra.simps)
  by (metis Union_insert gen_boolean_algebra.simps insert_iff)
  then show ?thesis using assms by blast 
lemma gen_boolean_algebra_finite_intersection:
  assumes "a. a  A  a  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  assumes "finite A"
  assumes "A  {}"
  shows "A  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  have "(a  A. a  gen_boolean_algebra S B)  A  {}  A  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  apply(rule finite.induct[of A])
  apply (simp add: assms(2))
    apply force
  using gen_boolean_algebra_intersect by auto
  then show ?thesis using assms by blast 

lemma gen_boolean_algebra_generators:
  assumes "b. b  B  b  S"
  assumes "b  B"
  shows "b  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  unfolding gen_boolean_algebra.simps[of b] using assms(1)[of b] assms(2)  by blast 

lemma gen_boolean_algebra_generator_subset:
  assumes "A  gen_boolean_algebra S As"
  assumes "As  Bs"
  shows "A  gen_boolean_algebra S Bs"
  apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of A S As])
  using assms(1) apply blast
  apply (simp add: gen_boolean_algebra.intros(1); fail)
  apply (meson Set.basic_monos(7) assms(2) gen_boolean_algebra.intros(2))
  using gen_boolean_algebra.intros(3) apply blast
  using gen_boolean_algebra.intros(4) by blast

lemma gen_boolean_algebra_generators_union:
  assumes "A  gen_boolean_algebra S As"
  assumes "C  gen_boolean_algebra S Cs"
  shows "A  C  gen_boolean_algebra S (As  Cs)"
  apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of C S Cs])
  using assms apply blast
apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.union)
      apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra_generator_subset[of _ _  As], rule assms, blast)
     apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.universe)
    apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.union)
      apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra_generator_subset[of _ _  As], rule assms, blast)
    apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.generator, blast)
    apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.union)
      apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra_generator_subset[of _ _  As], rule assms, blast)
    apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.union)
            apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra_generator_subset[of _ _  Cs], blast, blast)
            apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra_generator_subset[of _ _  Cs], blast, blast)
    apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.union)
      apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra_generator_subset[of _ _  As], rule assms, blast)
      apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra_generator_subset[of _ _  Cs])
   apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra_diff)
     apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.universe)
  apply blast
by blast 

lemma gen_boolean_algebra_finite_gen_wits:
  assumes "A  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  shows " Bs. finite Bs  Bs  B  A  gen_boolean_algebra S Bs"
proof(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of A S B])
  show " A  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
    using assms by blast 
  show "Bs. finite Bs  Bs  B  S  gen_boolean_algebra S Bs"
    using gen_boolean_algebra.universe[of S "{}"]
    by blast 
  show "A. A  B  Bs. finite Bs  Bs  B  A  S  gen_boolean_algebra S Bs"
  proof- fix A assume A: "A  B"
    have 0: "{A}  B"
      using A by blast 
    show "Bs. finite Bs  Bs  B  A  S  gen_boolean_algebra S Bs"
      using gen_boolean_algebra.generator[of A "{A}" S] 0 
      by (meson finite.emptyI finite.insertI singletonI)
  show "A C. A  gen_boolean_algebra S B 
           Bs. finite Bs  Bs  B  A  gen_boolean_algebra S Bs 
           C  gen_boolean_algebra S B 
           Bs. finite Bs  Bs  B  C  gen_boolean_algebra S Bs  Bs. finite Bs  Bs  B  A  C  gen_boolean_algebra S Bs"
  proof- fix A C 
    assume A: "A  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
           "Bs. finite Bs  Bs  B  A  gen_boolean_algebra S Bs"
           "C  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
           "Bs. finite Bs  Bs  B  C  gen_boolean_algebra S Bs"
    obtain As where As_def: "finite As  As  B  A  gen_boolean_algebra S As"
      using A by blast 
    obtain Cs where Cs_def: "finite Cs  Cs  B  C  gen_boolean_algebra S Cs"
      using A by blast 
    obtain Bs where Bs_def: "Bs = As  Cs"
      by blast 
    have Bs_sub: "Bs  B"
      unfolding Bs_def using As_def Cs_def by blast 
    have 0: " A  C  gen_boolean_algebra S Bs"
      unfolding Bs_def
      apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra_generators_union)
      using As_def apply blast
      using Cs_def by blast
    have 1: "finite Bs"
      unfolding Bs_def using As_def Cs_def by blast 
    show " Bs. finite Bs  Bs  B  A  C  gen_boolean_algebra S Bs"
      using Bs_sub 0 1 by blast 
  show "A. A  gen_boolean_algebra S B 
         Bs. finite Bs  Bs  B  A  gen_boolean_algebra S Bs  Bs. finite Bs  Bs  B  S - A  gen_boolean_algebra S Bs"
    using gen_boolean_algebra.complement by blast 

lemma gen_boolean_algebra_univ_mono:
  assumes "A   gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  shows "gen_boolean_algebra A B  gen_boolean_algebra S B "
proof(rule subsetI) fix x assume A: "x  gen_boolean_algebra A B"
  obtain a where a_def: "a = A"
    by blast 
  have 0: "a  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
    unfolding a_def using assms by blast 
  have 1: "a = A  S"
    using assms gen_boolean_algebra_subset unfolding a_def by blast 
  show "x  gen_boolean_algebra S B " 
    apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of x a B])
    using A a_def apply blast apply(rule 0)
    apply (metis 1 Int_left_commute assms gen_boolean_algebra.intros(2) gen_boolean_algebra_intersect)
     apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.union, blast, blast)
    apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra_diff)
     apply(rule 0)
    by blast 

  The boolean algebra generated by a collection of elements in another algebra is contained
  in the original algebra:
lemma gen_boolean_algebra_subalgebra:
  assumes "Xs  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  shows "gen_boolean_algebra S Xs  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
proof fix x assume A: "x  gen_boolean_algebra S Xs"
  show "x  gen_boolean_algebra S B "
    apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of x S Xs])
        apply (simp add: A; fail)
       apply (simp add: gen_boolean_algebra.universe; fail)
    using assms gen_boolean_algebra.universe gen_boolean_algebra_intersect apply blast
  apply (simp add: gen_boolean_algebra.union; fail)
  by (simp add: gen_boolean_algebra.complement)

lemma gen_boolean_algebra_idempotent:
  assumes "S =  Xs"
  shows "gen_boolean_algebra S (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs) = (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs)"
  apply(rule equalityI)
   apply(rule subsetI)
  apply (meson equalityD2 gen_boolean_algebra_subalgebra in_mono)
   apply(rule subsetI)
  by (metis gen_boolean_algebra.simps gen_boolean_algebra_subset inf.absorb1)

text‹We can always replace the set of generators Xs› with their intersections with the universe 
  set S›, and obtain the same algebra.›

lemma gen_boolean_algebra_restrict_generators: 
"gen_boolean_algebra S Xs =gen_boolean_algebra S ((∩) S ` Xs)"
proof(rule equalityI')
  fix x assume A: "x  gen_boolean_algebra S Xs"
  show "x  gen_boolean_algebra S ((∩) S ` Xs)"
    apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of x S Xs], rule A, rule gen_boolean_algebra.universe) 
    apply (metis gen_boolean_algebra.generator image_eqI inf.right_idem inf_commute)
     apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.union, blast, blast)
    by(rule gen_boolean_algebra_diff, rule gen_boolean_algebra.universe, blast)
  fix x assume A: "x  gen_boolean_algebra S ((∩) S ` Xs)"
  show "x  gen_boolean_algebra S Xs"
    apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of x S "(∩) S ` Xs"], rule A, rule gen_boolean_algebra.universe,
       rule gen_boolean_algebra_intersect )
    using gen_boolean_algebra.generator[of _ Xs S] 
       apply (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_commute image_iff)
      apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.universe)
     apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.union, blast, blast)
    by(rule gen_boolean_algebra_diff, rule gen_boolean_algebra.universe, blast)

text‹Adding a generator to a generated boolean algebra is redundant if the generator already
      lies in the algebra.›

lemma add_generators:
  assumes "A  gen_boolean_algebra S Xs"
  shows "gen_boolean_algebra S Xs = gen_boolean_algebra S (insert A Xs)"
proof(rule equalityI')
  fix x assume A: "x  gen_boolean_algebra S Xs"
  show "x  gen_boolean_algebra S (insert A Xs)"
    apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of x S Xs], rule A, rule gen_boolean_algebra.universe)
      apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.generator, blast)
     apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.union, blast,blast)
   by(rule gen_boolean_algebra_diff, rule gen_boolean_algebra.universe, blast)
  fix x assume A: "x  gen_boolean_algebra S (insert A Xs)"
  show "x  gen_boolean_algebra S Xs"
    apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of x S "insert A Xs"], rule A, rule gen_boolean_algebra.universe)
    using assms gen_boolean_algebra.generator[of _ Xs S]
    using gen_boolean_algebra.universe gen_boolean_algebra_intersect apply blast
     apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.union, blast, blast)
       by(rule gen_boolean_algebra_diff, rule gen_boolean_algebra.universe, blast)
subsection‹Turning a Family of Sets into a Family of Disjoint Sets›

  This section outlines the standard construction where sets $A_0, \dots, A_n$ are replaced by sets
  $A_0, A_1 - A_0, A_2 - (A_0 \cup A_1), ..., A_n - (\bigcup \limits_{i = 0}^{n-1} A_i)$ to obtain
  a disjoint family of the same cardinality.
fun rec_disjointify where
"rec_disjointify 0 f = {}"|
"rec_disjointify (Suc m) f = insert (f m -  (rec_disjointify m f)) (rec_disjointify m f)"

lemma card_of_rec_disjointify:
"card (rec_disjointify m f)  m"
  apply(induction m) unfolding rec_disjointify.simps 
   apply simp
  by (metis Suc_le_mono card.infinite card_insert_disjoint finite_insert insert_absorb le_SucI)

lemma rec_disjointify_finite:
"finite (rec_disjointify m f)"
  apply(induction m)
  unfolding rec_disjointify.simps by auto 

lemma rec_disjointify_in_gen_boolean_algebra:
  assumes "f ` {..<m}  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  shows  "rec_disjointify m f  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  have "k. k  m  rec_disjointify k f  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  proof- fix k  show "k  m  rec_disjointify k f  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
      apply(induction k) unfolding rec_disjointify.simps(1) using assms apply blast 
    proof fix k 
      assume IH: " k  m  rec_disjointify k f  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
                 "Suc k  m"
      then have 0: "rec_disjointify k f  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
        by (simp add: IH(2))
      have 1: "finite (rec_disjointify k f )"
        using rec_disjointify_finite by blast 
      have 2: "f k  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
        using IH(2) assms 
        by (simp add: image_subset_iff)        
      show "rec_disjointify (Suc k) f  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
        using 0 1 2 unfolding rec_disjointify.simps 
        by (simp add: gen_boolean_algebra_diff gen_boolean_algebra_finite_union subset_iff)
  thus ?thesis by blast 

lemma rec_disjointify_union:
" (rec_disjointify m f) = ( i  {..<m}. f i)"
  apply(induction m)
   apply simp unfolding rec_disjointify.simps insert_def
  apply(rule equalityI, rule subsetI) 
  apply (simp add: lessThan_Suc; fail)
  apply(rule subsetI) 
  by (simp add: lessThan_Suc)

definition enum_rec_disjointify where
"enum_rec_disjointify f m = f m -  (rec_disjointify m f)"

lemma rec_disjointify_as_enum_rec_disjointify_image:
"rec_disjointify m f = enum_rec_disjointify f  ` {..<m}"
  apply(induction m)
  unfolding rec_disjointify.simps 
   apply (simp; fail)
  unfolding enum_rec_disjointify_def
  using lessThan_Suc by auto

lemma enum_rec_disjointify_subset:
"enum_rec_disjointify f m  f m"
    unfolding enum_rec_disjointify_def
    by auto 

lemma enum_rec_disjointify_disjoint:
  assumes "k < m"
  shows "enum_rec_disjointify f m  enum_rec_disjointify f k = {}"
  have "enum_rec_disjointify f k   (rec_disjointify m f)"
    unfolding rec_disjointify_union 
    using assms enum_rec_disjointify_subset by fastforce
  thus ?thesis 
     unfolding enum_rec_disjointify_def
     by auto 

lemma enum_rec_disjointify_disjoint':
  assumes "k  m"
  shows "enum_rec_disjointify f m  enum_rec_disjointify f k = {}"
  apply(cases  "k < m") using enum_rec_disjointify_disjoint[of k m f]
   apply simp  
  using assms enum_rec_disjointify_disjoint[of m k f] by auto 

lemma rec_disjointify_is_disjoint:
  assumes "A  rec_disjointify m f"
  assumes "B   rec_disjointify m f"
  assumes "A  B"
  shows "A  B = {}"
  using  rec_disjointify_as_enum_rec_disjointify_image enum_rec_disjointify_disjoint' assms
  by (smt image_iff)

definition enumerates where
"enumerates A f  finite A  A = f ` {..< (card A)}  inj_on f {..< (card A)}"

lemma finite_imp_exists_enumeration:
  assumes "finite A"
  shows "f. enumerates A f"
  unfolding enumerates_def 
  using assms finite_imp_nat_seg_image_inj_on[of A]
  by (metis card_Collect_less_nat card_image lessThan_def)

lemma enumeratesE:
  assumes "enumerates A f"
  shows "finite A" "A = f ` {..< card A}" "inj_on f {..< card A}"
  using assms unfolding enumerates_def  apply blast 
  using assms unfolding enumerates_def  apply blast 
  using assms unfolding enumerates_def  by blast 

lemma rec_disjointify_finite_set:
  assumes "enumerates A f"
  shows " (rec_disjointify (card A) f) =  A"
  unfolding rec_disjointify_union[of "card A" f]
  using enumeratesE[of A f] assms by auto  

definition enumerate where 
"enumerate A = (SOME f. enumerates A f)"

lemma enumerate_enumerates:
  assumes "finite A"
  shows "enumerates A (enumerate A)"
  unfolding enumerate_def using finite_imp_exists_enumeration assms 
  by (simp add: finite_imp_exists_enumeration some_eq_ex)

lemma enumerateE: 
  assumes "finite A"
  assumes "a  A"
  shows " i < card A. a = (enumerate A) i"
  using  enumerate_enumerates[of A] enumeratesE[of A] assms by blast

definition disjointify where 
"disjointify As = rec_disjointify (card As) (enumerate As)"

lemma disjointify_is_disjoint:
  assumes "finite As"
  assumes "A  disjointify As"
  assumes "B  disjointify As"
  assumes "A   B"
  shows "A  B = {}"
  using assms rec_disjointify_is_disjoint[of A _ _ B] unfolding disjointify_def 
  by simp

lemma disjointify_union:
  assumes "finite As"
  shows " (disjointify As)  =  As"
  using assms 
  by (simp add: disjointify_def enumerate_enumerates rec_disjointify_finite_set)

lemma disjointify_gen_boolean_algebra:
  assumes "finite As"
  assumes "As  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  shows " disjointify As  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  using assms unfolding disjointify_def  
  by (metis enumerate_enumerates enumeratesE(2) rec_disjointify_in_gen_boolean_algebra)

lemma disjointify_finite:
  assumes "finite As"
  shows "finite (disjointify As)"
  using assms unfolding disjointify_def  
  by (simp add: rec_disjointify_finite)

lemma disjointify_card: 
  assumes "finite As"
  shows"card  (disjointify As)  card As"
  by (simp add: card_of_rec_disjointify disjointify_def)

lemma disjointify_subset:
  assumes "finite As"
  assumes "A  disjointify As"
  shows "B  As. A  B"
  using assms enum_rec_disjointify_subset enumerate_enumerates enumeratesE
  unfolding disjointify_def 
  by (smt image_iff rec_disjointify_as_enum_rec_disjointify_image)

subsection‹The Atoms Generated by Collections of Sets›

  We can also turn a family of sets into a disjoint family by taking the atoms of the boolean
  algebra generated by these sets. This will still yield a finite family if the initial family is
  finite, but in general will be much larger in size.

subsubsection‹Defining the Atoms of a Family of Sets›
  Here we intend that As› is a subset of the collection of sets Xs›. This function associate to each
  subset As ⊆ Xs› a set which is contained in each element of As›, and is disjoint from
  each element of Xs - As›. Note that in general this may yield the empty set, but we will
  ultimately be interested in the cases where the result is nonempty.›

definition subset_to_atom where
"subset_to_atom Xs As =  As -  (Xs - As)"

lemma subset_to_atom_memI:
  assumes "A. A  As  x  A"
  assumes "A. A  Xs  A  As  x  A"
  shows "x  subset_to_atom Xs As"
  using assms unfolding subset_to_atom_def 
  by blast 

lemma subset_to_atom_memE:
  assumes "x  subset_to_atom Xs As"
  shows "A. A  As  x  A"
        "A. A  Xs  A  As  x  A"
  using assms unfolding subset_to_atom_def by auto 

lemma subset_to_atom_closed: 
  assumes "As  {}"
  assumes "As  Xs"
  shows "subset_to_atom Xs As   Xs"
  have 0: " As   As "
    apply(rule subsetI)
    using assms(1) by blast
  show ?thesis 
  apply(rule subsetI)
  using assms 0 unfolding subset_to_atom_def 
  by (meson DiffD1 Union_mono subsetD)

lemma subset_to_atom_as_intersection:
  assumes "As  {}"
  assumes "As  Xs"
  assumes "S =  Xs"
  shows "subset_to_atom Xs As =  As  ( X  Xs - As. S - X)"
  unfolding assms subset_to_atom_def 
  apply(rule equalityI')
   apply(rule IntI, blast)
  apply(rule InterI) 
  using INT_I assms(1) assms(2) apply auto[1]
  apply(rule DiffI, blast)
  by blast

definition atoms_of where
"atoms_of Xs = (subset_to_atom Xs  ` ((Pow Xs) - {{}})) - {{}}"

lemma atoms_nonempty:
  assumes "A  atoms_of Xs"
  shows "A  {}"
  using assms unfolding atoms_of_def by blast 

lemma atoms_of_disjoint:
  assumes "A  atoms_of Xs"
  assumes "B  atoms_of Xs"
  assumes "A  B"
  shows "A  B = {}"
  obtain a where a_def: "a  Xs  A = subset_to_atom Xs a"
    using assms  unfolding atoms_of_def by blast 
  obtain b where b_def: "b  Xs  B = subset_to_atom Xs b"
    using assms  unfolding atoms_of_def by blast 
  have a_neq_b: "a  b"
    using assms   a_def b_def by blast 
  have  "A  B  {}"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  A  B"
    show "x  {}"
    proof(cases "a  b")
      case True
      then obtain c where c_def: "c  b - a"
        using a_neq_b by blast
      have c_in_Xs: "c  Xs"
        using c_def b_def by blast 
      have x_in_c: "x  c"
        using A  b_def c_def subset_to_atom_memE[of x Xs b c] by blast 
      have x_notin_c: "x  c"
        using A  a_def c_in_Xs c_def subset_to_atom_memE[of x Xs a c] by blast 
      then show ?thesis using x_in_c by blast 
      case False
      then obtain c where c_def: "c  a - b"
        using a_neq_b by blast
      have c_in_Xs: "c  Xs"
        using c_def a_def by blast 
      have x_in_c: "x  c"
        using A  a_def c_def subset_to_atom_memE[of x Xs a c] by blast 
      have x_notin_c: "x  c"
        using A  b_def c_in_Xs c_def subset_to_atom_memE[of x Xs b c] by blast 
      then show ?thesis using x_in_c by blast 
  thus "A  B = {}"
    by blast 

text ‹
  The atoms of a family of sets Xs› are minimal in the sense that they are either contained in or
  disjoint from each element of Xs›.
lemma atoms_are_minimal:
  assumes "A  atoms_of Xs"
  assumes "X  Xs"
  shows "X  A = {}  A  X"
proof(cases "X  A = {}")
  case True
  then show ?thesis by blast 
  case False
  obtain As where As_def: "As  Pow Xs - {{}}  A = subset_to_atom Xs As"
    using assms unfolding atoms_of_def by blast
  have A_simp: "A = subset_to_atom Xs As"
    using As_def by blast 
  then show ?thesis using assms  unfolding atoms_of_def subset_to_atom_def A_simp 
  using DiffD1 subset_eq by auto

subsubsection‹Atoms Induced by Types of Points›
  The set of sets in Xs› which contain some point x›. In the case where Xs› is some collection of 
  first order formulas, this is just the type of x› over these formulas.›
definition point_to_type where 
"point_to_type Xs x = {X  Xs. x  X}"

text ‹The type of a point x› induces the unique atom of Xs› which contains x›.›
lemma point_in_atom_of_type:
  assumes "x   Xs"
  shows "x  subset_to_atom Xs (point_to_type Xs x)"
  using assms unfolding subset_to_atom_def  point_to_type_def 
  by blast

lemma point_to_type_nonempty:
  assumes "x   Xs"
  shows "point_to_type Xs x {}"
  using assms unfolding point_to_type_def 
  by blast

lemma point_to_type_closed: 
 "point_to_type Xs x  Pow ( Xs)"
  unfolding point_to_type_def 
  by blast
lemma atoms_of_covers: 
  assumes "X =  Xs"
  shows " (atoms_of Xs) = X"
  show "  (atoms_of Xs)  X"
  proof fix x assume A: "x   (atoms_of Xs)"
    then obtain As where As_def: "As  Pow Xs - {{}}  x  subset_to_atom Xs As"
      unfolding atoms_of_def  by blast      
    have "subset_to_atom Xs As    Xs"
      using subset_to_atom_closed[of As Xs] As_def by blast 
    then show "x  X" unfolding assms  
      using As_def by blast
  show "X   (atoms_of Xs)" apply(rule subsetI)
    using point_to_type_nonempty point_in_atom_of_type point_to_type_closed
    unfolding  assms point_to_type_def atoms_of_def 
    by fastforce   

lemma atoms_of_covers': 
  shows " (atoms_of Xs) =  Xs"
  using atoms_of_covers[of " Xs"] by blast 

text ‹Every atom of a collection Xs› of sets is realized as the atom generated by the type of
   an element in that atom.›
lemma nonemtpy_atom_from_point_to_type:
  assumes "A  atoms_of Xs"
  assumes "a  A"
  shows "A = subset_to_atom Xs (point_to_type Xs a)"
  obtain As where As_def: "As  (Pow Xs) - {}  A = subset_to_atom Xs As"
    using assms unfolding atoms_of_def by blast 
  have A_simp: "A = subset_to_atom Xs As"
    using As_def by blast 
  have 0: "As = point_to_type Xs a"
    apply(rule  equalityI)
    apply(rule  subsetI)
    apply (smt As_def Diff_empty UnionI Union_Pow_eq assms point_in_atom_of_type subset_to_atom_memE(1) subset_to_atom_memE(2))    
    apply(rule subsetI) 
    using As_def assms subset_to_atom_memE(2) 
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq point_to_type_def)
  show ?thesis 
    using point_in_atom_of_type 0
          atoms_of_covers'[of Xs] assms  unfolding A_simp
    by auto

text ‹
  In light of the previous theorem, a point a and a collection of sets Xs› is enough to recover
  the the unique atom of Xs› which contains a›.
definition point_to_atom where
"point_to_atom Xs a = subset_to_atom Xs (point_to_type Xs a)"

lemma point_to_atom_closed: 
  assumes "x   Xs"
  shows "point_to_atom Xs x  atoms_of Xs"
  using assms unfolding atoms_of_def point_to_atom_def 
  by (metis (full_types) Union_iff atoms_of_covers atoms_of_def nonemtpy_atom_from_point_to_type)

text ‹All atoms of Xs› are the atom induced by some point in the union of Xs›.›
lemma atoms_induced_by_points:
"atoms_of Xs = point_to_atom Xs ` ( Xs)"
  apply(rule equalityI)
   apply(rule subsetI)
  using nonemtpy_atom_from_point_to_type atoms_nonempty atoms_of_covers'
  unfolding point_to_atom_def 
  apply (smt DiffE Pow_empty Pow_iff atoms_of_def image_iff subsetD subsetI subset_to_atom_closed)
     apply(rule subsetI)
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) imageE point_to_atom_closed point_to_atom_def)

subsubsection‹Atoms of Generated Boolean Algebras›

lemma atoms_of_gen_boolean_algebra:
  assumes "Xs  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  assumes "finite Xs"
  shows "atoms_of Xs  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  fix x assume A: "x  atoms_of Xs"
  then obtain As where As_def: "As  ((Pow Xs) - {{}})  x = subset_to_atom Xs As"
    unfolding atoms_of_def by blast 
  have x_simp: "x = subset_to_atom Xs As"
    using As_def by blast 
  have 0: "finite As"
    using As_def assms finite_subset by auto
  have 1: "As  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
    using As_def assms by blast
  have 2: " As  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
    using 0 1 assms 
    by (metis As_def DiffE gen_boolean_algebra_finite_intersection singletonI subset_eq)
  show "x  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
    using A 2 unfolding atoms_of_def subset_to_atom_def x_simp 
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) As_def DiffD1 Diff_partition Pow_iff Un_subset_iff assms(1) assms(2) finite_subset gen_boolean_algebra_diff gen_boolean_algebra_finite_union order_refl subsetD)

text ‹If the generators of a boolean algebra are contained in the universe, the atoms induced by 
  the generators alone are minimal elements of the entire algebra.›
lemma finite_algebra_atoms_are_minimal:
  assumes "finite Xs"
  assumes " Xs  S"
  assumes "A  atoms_of Xs"
  assumes "X  gen_boolean_algebra S Xs"
  shows "X  A = {}  A  X"
  apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of X S Xs])
  apply (simp add: assms(4); fail)
  apply (metis Union_upper assms(2) assms(3) atoms_of_covers dual_order.trans)
  using assms(2) assms(3) atoms_are_minimal apply fastforce
  apply blast
  using assms
  by (metis Diff_Int_distrib2 Diff_empty Diff_eq_empty_iff Sup_upper atoms_of_covers' equalityE inf.absorb_iff2 order_trans) 

lemma finite_set_imp_finite_atoms:
  assumes "finite Xs"
  shows "finite (atoms_of Xs)"
  using assms unfolding atoms_of_def 
  by blast

text ‹
  Every element in the boolean algebra generated by Xs› over S› is a (disjoint) union
  of atoms of generators:

lemma gen_boolean_algebra_elem_uni_of_atoms:
  assumes "finite Xs"
  assumes "S =  Xs"
  assumes "X  gen_boolean_algebra S Xs"
  shows "X =  {a  atoms_of Xs. a  X}"
  show "X   {a  atoms_of Xs. a  X}"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  X"
    then have "point_to_atom Xs x  atoms_of Xs"
      using assms by (meson gen_boolean_algebra_subset point_to_atom_closed subsetD)
    then show "x   {a  atoms_of Xs. a  X}"
      by (smt A IntI Union_iff assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) empty_iff finite_algebra_atoms_are_minimal gen_boolean_algebra.universe gen_boolean_algebra_subset mem_Collect_eq point_in_atom_of_type point_to_atom_def subsetD)
  show " {a  atoms_of Xs. a  X}  X"
    by blast 

text‹In fact, every generated boolean algebra is the power set of the atoms of its generators:›
lemma gen_boolean_algebra_generated_by_atoms:
  assumes "finite Xs"
  assumes "S =  Xs"
  shows "gen_boolean_algebra S Xs =  ` (Pow (atoms_of Xs))"
  show "gen_boolean_algebra S Xs   ` Pow (atoms_of Xs)"
    apply(rule subsetI)
    using gen_boolean_algebra_elem_uni_of_atoms[of Xs S] assms 
    by fastforce
  show " ` Pow (atoms_of Xs)  gen_boolean_algebra S Xs"
    apply(rule subsetI)
    using atoms_of_gen_boolean_algebra[of Xs S Xs]
          finite_subset[of _ "atoms_of Xs"] assms 
          finite_set_imp_finite_atoms[of Xs] 
          gen_boolean_algebra_finite_union[of _ S Xs] 
    by (smt Pow_iff Union_upper gen_boolean_algebra.intros(2) image_iff inf.absorb1 subsetD subsetI)

text‹Finitely generated boolean algebras are finite›
lemma fin_gens_imp_fin_algebra:
  assumes "finite Xs"
  assumes "S =  Xs"
  shows "finite (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs)"
  using finite_set_imp_finite_atoms[of Xs] assms gen_boolean_algebra_generated_by_atoms[of Xs S]
  by simp

lemma point_to_atom_equal:
  assumes "finite Xs"
  assumes "S =  Xs"
  assumes "x  S"
  shows "point_to_atom Xs x = point_to_atom (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs) x"
  show P0: "point_to_atom Xs x  point_to_atom (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs) x"
    have 0: "point_to_atom Xs x  point_to_atom (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs) x  {}"
      using assms 
      by (metis IntI UnionI empty_iff gen_boolean_algebra.universe point_in_atom_of_type point_to_atom_def)
    have 1: "point_to_atom (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs) x  gen_boolean_algebra S Xs"
      using assms fin_gens_imp_fin_algebra[of Xs S] 
      by (meson UnionI atoms_of_gen_boolean_algebra gen_boolean_algebra.simps point_to_atom_closed subset_eq subset_refl)
    then show ?thesis
      using 0 finite_algebra_atoms_are_minimal[of Xs S "point_to_atom Xs x" "point_to_atom (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs) x"]
            assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) atoms_induced_by_points by auto
  show "point_to_atom (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs) x  point_to_atom Xs x"
    have 0: "point_to_atom (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs) x  point_to_atom Xs x {}"
      using assms P0 point_in_atom_of_type point_to_atom_def by fastforce
    have 1: "point_to_atom (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs) x  (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs)"
      using assms gen_boolean_algebra_idempotent[of S Xs] atoms_of_gen_boolean_algebra 
      by (metis UnionI fin_gens_imp_fin_algebra gen_boolean_algebra.universe point_to_atom_closed subset_eq)
    have 2: " (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs)  S"
      using assms 
      by (simp add: Sup_le_iff gen_boolean_algebra_subset)
    hence 3: " (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs) = S"
      by (simp add: Union_upper gen_boolean_algebra.universe subset_antisym)
    have 4: "gen_boolean_algebra S (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs) = gen_boolean_algebra S Xs"
      using assms gen_boolean_algebra_idempotent[of S Xs] by blast 
    have 5: "point_to_atom Xs x  gen_boolean_algebra S (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs)"
      unfolding  4 using assms  
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Int_absorb1 Int_commute Union_upper atoms_of_gen_boolean_algebra gen_boolean_algebra.generator point_to_atom_closed subsetD subsetI)
    show ?thesis
      using 2 5 finite_algebra_atoms_are_minimal[of "gen_boolean_algebra S Xs" S "point_to_atom (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs) x" "point_to_atom Xs x"] 0 1 2
      unfolding 4  
      by (metis "3" Int_commute assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) fin_gens_imp_fin_algebra point_to_atom_closed)

text ‹
  When the set Xs› of generators covers the universe set S›, the atoms of Xs› in the above
  sense are the same as the atoms of the boolean algebra they generate over S›.

lemma atoms_of_sets_eq_atoms_of_algebra:
  assumes "finite Xs"
  assumes "S =  Xs"
  shows "atoms_of Xs = atoms_of (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs)"
  show "atoms_of Xs  atoms_of (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs)"
  proof fix A assume A: "A  atoms_of Xs"
    then obtain x where x_def: "x  S  A = point_to_atom Xs x"
      using assms 
      by (metis atoms_induced_by_points image_iff)
    have 0: "A = point_to_atom (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs) x"
      using assms point_to_atom_equal  x_def by fastforce
    show "A  atoms_of (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs)"
      unfolding 0 using assms A 
      by (metis (full_types) "0" UnionI gen_boolean_algebra.universe point_to_atom_closed x_def)
  show "atoms_of (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs)  atoms_of Xs"
  proof fix A  assume A: "A  atoms_of (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs)"
    then obtain x where x_def: "x  S  A  = point_to_atom (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs) x"
      by (metis atoms_induced_by_points cSup_eq_maximum gen_boolean_algebra.universe gen_boolean_algebra_subset image_iff)
    then show "A  atoms_of Xs" 
      using assms(1) assms(2) point_to_atom_closed point_to_atom_equal by fastforce

lemma atoms_closed:
  assumes "finite Xs"
  assumes "A  atoms_of (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs)"
  assumes "S =  Xs"
  shows "A  (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs)"
  have 1: "A =  {A}"
    by blast 
  have 2: "A  atoms_of Xs"
    using assms atoms_of_sets_eq_atoms_of_algebra 
    by blast
  show ?thesis 
  using gen_boolean_algebra_generated_by_atoms[of Xs S] 
        assms 1 2 unfolding Pow_def by blast 

lemma atoms_finite:
  assumes "finite Xs"
  shows "finite ((atoms_of (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs)))"
  have 0: "gen_boolean_algebra S Xs =gen_boolean_algebra S ((∩) S ` Xs)"
    using gen_boolean_algebra_restrict_generators by blast 
  have 1: "gen_boolean_algebra S Xs = gen_boolean_algebra S (insert S ((∩) S ` Xs))"
    unfolding 0 by(rule add_generators, rule gen_boolean_algebra.universe)
  obtain Ys where Ys_def: "Ys = (insert S ((∩) S ` Xs))"
    by blast 
  have Ys_finite: "finite Ys"
    unfolding Ys_def using assms by blast 
  have 2: " Ys = S"
    unfolding Ys_def 
    by blast 
  have 3: "atoms_of Ys = atoms_of (gen_boolean_algebra S Xs) "
    unfolding Ys_def 1 
    apply(rule atoms_of_sets_eq_atoms_of_algebra)
    using Ys_finite unfolding Ys_def apply blast
    by blast 
  have 4: "finite (atoms_of Ys)"
    by(rule finite_set_imp_finite_atoms, rule Ys_finite)
  show ?thesis using 4 unfolding 3 by blast

text ‹
  We can distinguish atoms of a set of generators Cs› by finding some element of Cs› which
  includes one and excludes the other.

lemma distinct_atoms:
  assumes "Cs  {}"
  assumes "a  atoms_of Cs"
  assumes "b  atoms_of Cs"
  assumes "a  b"
  shows "(B  Cs. b  B  a  B = {})  (A  Cs. a  A  b  A = {})"
  obtain x where x_def: "x   Cs  a = point_to_atom Cs x"
    by (metis assms(2) atoms_induced_by_points imageE)
  obtain y where y_def: "y   Cs  b = point_to_atom Cs y"
    by (metis assms(3) atoms_induced_by_points imageE)
  have 0: "point_to_atom Cs x  point_to_atom Cs y"
    using x_def y_def assms by simp 
  hence 1: "point_to_type Cs x  point_to_type Cs y"
    unfolding point_to_atom_def subset_to_atom_def by blast 
  then obtain B where B_def: "B  Cs  (B  point_to_type Cs x - point_to_type Cs y  B  point_to_type Cs y - point_to_type Cs x)"
    unfolding point_to_type_def by blast 
  have 2: "B  point_to_type Cs x - point_to_type Cs y  a  B"
    using x_def  point_to_atom_def subset_to_atom_memE(1) by fastforce    
  have 3: "B  point_to_type Cs y - point_to_type Cs y  b  B"
    using y_def by blast
  show ?thesis using B_def 2 3 
    by (smt Diff_iff disjoint_iff_not_equal point_to_atom_def subset_eq subset_to_atom_memE(1) subset_to_atom_memE(2) x_def y_def)

subsection‹Partitions of a Set›

definition disjoint :: "'a set set  bool" where
"disjoint Ss = ( A  Ss. B  Ss.  A B  A  B = {})"

lemma disjointE: 
  assumes "disjoint Ss"
  assumes "A  Ss"
  assumes "B  Ss"
  assumes "A B"
  shows "A  B = {}"
  by (meson assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) disjoint_def)

lemma disjointI: 
  assumes "A B. A  Ss  B  Ss  A  B  A  B = {}"
  shows "disjoint Ss"
  by (meson assms disjoint_def)

definition is_partition  :: "'a set set  'a set  bool" (infixl partitions 75) where
"S partitions A = (disjoint S   S = A)"

lemma is_partitionE: 
  assumes "S partitions A"
  shows "disjoint S"
        " S = A"
  using assms is_partition_def apply blast 
  using assms 
  by (simp add: is_partition_def)

lemma is_partitionI: 
  assumes "disjoint S"
  assumes " S = A"
  shows "S partitions A"
  using assms is_partition_def by blast 

text ‹
  If we start with a finite partition of a set A›, and each element in that partition has a
  finite partition with some property P›, then A› itself has a finite partition where each
  element has property P›.›

lemma iter_partition:
  assumes "As partitions A"
  assumes "finite As"
  assumes "a. a  As  Bs. finite Bs  Bs partitions a  (b  Bs. P b)"
  shows "Bs. finite Bs  Bs partitions A  (b  Bs. P b)"
  obtain F where F_def: "F = (λa. (SOME Bs.  finite Bs  Bs partitions a  (b  Bs. P b)))"
    by blast 
  have FE: "a. a  As  finite (F a)  (F a) partitions a  (b  (F a). P b)" 
  proof- fix a assume A: "a  As"
    show "finite (F a)  (F a) partitions a  (b  (F a). P b)"
      apply(rule SomeE'[of _ "λBs.  finite Bs  Bs partitions a  (b  Bs. P b)"])
      unfolding F_def apply blast
      using assms by (simp add: A)
  obtain Bs where Bs_def: "Bs = ( a  As. F a)"
    by blast 
  have 0: "finite Bs"
    unfolding Bs_def using FE assms by blast 
  have 1: "disjoint Bs"
  proof(rule disjointI)
    fix a b assume A: "a  Bs" "b  Bs" "a  b"
    obtain c where c_def: "c  As  a   F c"
      using Bs_def A by blast 
    obtain d where d_def: "d  As  b   F d"
      using Bs_def A by blast 
    have 0: "a  c"
      using c_def FE[of c] is_partitionE(2)[of "F c" c] by blast 
    have 1: "b  d"
      using d_def FE[of d] is_partitionE(2)[of "F d" d] by blast 
    show "a  b = {}"
    proof(cases "c = d")
      case True
      show ?thesis apply(rule disjointE[of "F c"])
        unfolding True using FE is_partitionE d_def apply blast
        using c_def unfolding True apply blast
        using d_def apply blast
        by(rule A)
      case False
      have "c  d = {}"
        apply(rule disjointE[of As])
        using assms is_partitionE apply blast
        using c_def apply blast
        using d_def apply blast
        using False by blast 
      then show ?thesis using 0 1 by blast  
  have 2: "(b  Bs. P b)"
    apply(rule )
    unfolding Bs_def using FE 
    by blast
  have FE': "a. a  As  ( (F a)) = a "
    apply(rule is_partitionE)
    using FE by blast 
  have 3: "Bs partitions A"
    apply(rule is_partitionI, rule 1)
apply(rule equalityI')
    unfolding Bs_def using assms is_partitionE(2)[of As A]
      FE' is_partitionE(2) apply blast
    fix x assume A: "x  A"
    then obtain a where a_def: "a  As  x  a"
      using assms is_partitionE by blast 
    then have "x  ( (F a))"
      using a_def FE' by blast 
    thus " x   ( (F ` As))"
      using a_def A by blast 
  show "Bs. finite Bs  Bs partitions A  (bBs. P b)"
    using 0 2 3 by blast 

subsection‹Intersections of Families of Sets›

definition pairwise_intersect where 
"pairwise_intersect As Bs = {c. a  As. b  Bs. c = a  b}"

lemma partition_intersection:
  assumes "As partitions A"
  assumes "Bs partitions B"
  shows "(pairwise_intersect As Bs) partitions (A  B)"
proof(rule is_partitionI, rule disjointI)
  fix a b assume a0: "a  pairwise_intersect As Bs" "b  pairwise_intersect As Bs" "a  b"
  obtain a1 b1 where def1: "a1  As  b1  Bs  a = a1  b1"
    using a0 unfolding pairwise_intersect_def by blast 
  obtain a2 b2 where def2: "a2  As  b2  Bs  b = a2  b2"
    using a0 unfolding pairwise_intersect_def by blast 
  have 0: "a  b = (a1  a2)  (b1  b2)"
    using def1 def2 by blast 
  show " a  b= {}"
  proof(cases "a1  a2")
    case True
    have T0: "a1  a2 = {}"
      apply(rule disjointE[of As a1 a2] )
      using def1 def2 assms(1) True is_partitionE(1)[of As A] apply blast
      using def1 apply blast using def2 apply blast by(rule True)
    thus ?thesis unfolding 0 by blast      
    case False
    then have F0: "b1  b2"
      using a0 def1 def2 by blast 
    have F1: "b1  b2 = {}"
      apply(rule disjointE[of Bs b1 b2])
      using def1 def2 assms(2) F0  is_partitionE(1)[of Bs B] apply blast
      using def1 apply blast using def2 apply blast by(rule F0)
    thus ?thesis unfolding 0 by blast      
  show " (pairwise_intersect As Bs) = A  B"
  proof(rule equalityI')
    fix x assume A: "x   (pairwise_intersect As Bs)"
    then obtain a b where def1: "a  As  b  Bs  x  a  b"
      unfolding pairwise_intersect_def by blast 
    have 0: "a  A"
      using def1 assms is_partitionE by blast 
    have 1: "b  B"
      using def1 assms is_partitionE by blast 
    show " x  A  B"
      using 0 1 def1 by blast 
    fix x assume A: "x  A  B"
    obtain a where a_def: "a  As  x  a"
      using A assms is_partitionE by blast 
    obtain b where b_def: "b  Bs  x  b"
      using A assms is_partitionE by blast 
    have 0: "x  a  b"
      using a_def b_def by blast 
    show "x   (pairwise_intersect As Bs)"
      using a_def b_def 0 unfolding pairwise_intersect_def 
      by blast 

lemma pairwise_intersect_finite: 
  assumes "finite As"
  assumes "finite Bs"
  shows "finite (pairwise_intersect As Bs)"
  have 0: "(pairwise_intersect As Bs) = ( a  As. (∩) a ` Bs)"
    unfolding pairwise_intersect_def
    apply(rule equalityI')
    unfolding mem_Collect_eq apply blast
    by blast
  have 1: "a. a  As  finite ((∩) a ` Bs)"
    using assms by blast 
  show ?thesis unfolding 0 using assms(1) 1 by blast 

definition family_intersect where
"family_intersect parts = atoms_of ( parts)"

lemma family_intersect_partitions:
  assumes "Ps. Ps  parts  Ps partitions A"
  assumes "Ps. Ps  parts  finite Ps"
  assumes "finite parts"
  assumes "parts  {}"
  shows "family_intersect parts partitions A"
proof(rule is_partitionI)
  show "disjoint (family_intersect parts)"
    apply(rule disjointI)
    unfolding family_intersect_def apply(rule atoms_of_disjoint)
    apply blast
    apply blast
    by blast 
  show "  (family_intersect parts) = A"
    have 0: " (family_intersect parts) =  ( parts)"
      unfolding family_intersect_def 
      apply(rule atoms_of_covers)
      by blast 
    have 1: "Ps. Ps  parts  Ps = A"
      by(rule is_partitionE, rule assms, blast)
    show ?thesis unfolding 0 
      using 1 assms by blast 

lemma family_intersect_memE: 
  assumes "Ps. Ps  parts  Ps partitions A"
  assumes "Ps. Ps  parts  finite Ps"
  assumes "finite parts"
  assumes "parts  {}"
  shows "Ps a. a  family_intersect parts  Ps  parts  P  Ps. a  P"
  fix Ps a assume A: "a  family_intersect parts" "Ps  parts"
  have 0: " Ps = A"
    apply(rule is_partitionE)
    using A assms by blast 
  have 1: " (family_intersect parts) = A"
    apply(rule is_partitionE)
    using family_intersect_partitions assms by blast 
  have 2: "a  {}"
    using A unfolding family_intersect_def  atoms_of_def by blast 
  obtain P where P_def: "P  Ps  a  P  {}"
    using 0 1 A 2 by blast 
  have P_in: "P  ( parts)"
    using P_def A by blast 
  have a_sub: "a  P"
    using atoms_are_minimal P_def A P_in unfolding family_intersect_def by blast 
  show "P  Ps. a  P"
    using a_sub P_def by blast 

lemma family_intersect_mem_inter: 
  assumes "Ps. Ps  (parts:: 'a set set set)  Ps partitions A"
  assumes "Ps. Ps  parts  finite Ps"
  assumes "finite parts"
  assumes "parts  {}"
  assumes "a  family_intersect parts"
  shows "f.  Ps  parts. f Ps  Ps  a = ( Ps  parts. f Ps)"
  obtain f where f_def: "f = (λPs:: 'a set set. (SOME P. P  Ps  a  P))"
    by blast 
  have f_eval: "Ps. Ps  parts  f Ps  Ps  a  (f Ps)"
    fix Ps assume A: "Ps  parts"
    obtain P where P_def: "P  Ps  a  P"
      using assms family_intersect_memE A by blast 
    show " f Ps  Ps  a  f Ps" 
      apply(rule SomeE[of "f Ps" _ P])
      unfolding f_def using A apply simp 
      by(rule P_def)
  have 0: "a  {}"
    using assms unfolding family_intersect_def 
    using atoms_nonempty by blast
  have 1: "a = ( Ps  parts. f Ps)"
  proof(rule equalityI)
    show 10: "a   (f ` parts)"
      using f_eval by blast 
    show " (f ` parts)  a"
      fix x assume A: "x   (f ` parts)"
      obtain b where b_def: "b = point_to_atom ( parts) x"
        by blast 
      have b_atom: "b  atoms_of ( parts)"
        unfolding b_def apply(rule point_to_atom_closed)
        using A f_eval assms by blast
      show x_in_a: "x  a"
      proof(rule ccontr)
        assume "x  a"
        then have "¬ b  a"
          using b_def unfolding point_to_atom_def  point_to_type_def  subset_to_atom_def by blast
        hence p0: "a  b"
          by blast 
        have p1: "b  a = {}"
          apply(rule atoms_of_disjoint[of _ "( parts)"] ) 
            apply(rule b_atom)
          using assms unfolding family_intersect_def apply blast
          using p0 by blast 
        have p2: " (B parts. b  B  a  B = {})  (A parts. a  A  b  A = {})"
          using distinct_atoms[of " parts" a b] assms 
          by (metis Sup_bot_conv(1) b_atom equalityI' f_eval family_intersect_def mem_simps(2) p0)
        show False 
        proof(cases "(B parts. b  B  a  B = {})")
          case True
          then obtain B where B_def: "B parts  b  B  a  B = {}"
            by blast 
          obtain Ps where Ps_def: "B  Ps  Ps  parts"
            using B_def by blast 
          have B_neq: "B  f Ps"
            using Ps_def B_def 10 0 by blast 
          have B_cap: "B  f Ps = {}"
            apply(rule disjointE[of Ps])
               apply(rule is_partitionE[of Ps A])
            using Ps_def assms apply blast
            using Ps_def apply blast
            using f_eval Ps_def apply blast
            by(rule B_neq)
          have b_cap: "b  f Ps = {}"
            using B_cap B_def by blast 
          have x_in_b: "x  b"
            using b_def unfolding point_to_atom_def point_to_type_def subset_to_atom_def 
            by blast  
          show False using x_in_b b_cap Ps_def A by blast 
          case False
          then obtain B where B_def: "B parts  a  B  b  B = {}"
            using p2 by blast 
          obtain Ps where Ps_def: "B  Ps  Ps  parts" 
            using B_def by blast 
          have F0: "B = f Ps"
          proof(rule ccontr)
            assume not: "B  f Ps"
            have F0: "B  f Ps = {}"
             apply(rule disjointE[of Ps])
               apply(rule is_partitionE[of Ps A])
            using Ps_def assms apply blast
            using Ps_def apply blast
            using f_eval Ps_def apply blast
            by(rule not)
            have a_sub: "a  f Ps"
              using 10 Ps_def by blast 
            show False using F0 B_def a_sub 0  by blast 
          have x_in_B: "x  B"
            unfolding F0 using A Ps_def by blast 
          have x_in_b: "x  b"
            using b_def unfolding point_to_atom_def point_to_type_def subset_to_atom_def 
            by blast  
          show False using x_in_b x_in_B B_def by blast 
  show ?thesis using f_eval 1 by blast 

text ‹
  If we take a finite family of partitions in a particular generated boolean algebra, where each
  partition itself is finite, then their induced partition is also in the algebra.›
lemma family_intersect_in_gen_boolean_algebra:
  assumes "A  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  assumes "Ps. Ps  parts  Ps partitions A"
  assumes "Ps. Ps  parts  finite Ps"
  assumes "Ps P. Ps  parts  P  Ps   P  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  assumes "finite parts"
  assumes "parts  {}"
  shows "P. P  family_intersect parts  P  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
  fix P assume A: "P  family_intersect parts"
  have 0: "P  atoms_of ( parts)"
    using A unfolding family_intersect_def by blast 
  have 1: "finite ( parts)"
    using assms by blast 
  have 2: " parts  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
    using assms  by blast 
  obtain Ps where Ps_def: "Ps  parts"
    using assms by blast 
  have 3: " ( parts) = A"
    apply(rule equalityI')
    using assms is_partitionE(2)[of _ A] apply blast 
    using assms is_partitionE(2)[of Ps A] Ps_def by blast 
  have 4: "atoms_of ( parts) = atoms_of (gen_boolean_algebra A ( parts))"
    apply(rule atoms_of_sets_eq_atoms_of_algebra[of " parts" A])
     apply(rule 1)
    unfolding 3 by blast 
  have 5: "atoms_of ( parts)   (gen_boolean_algebra A ( parts))"
    apply(rule atoms_of_gen_boolean_algebra)
    using 3 gen_boolean_algebra.generator[of _ " parts" A] 
     apply (meson Sup_upper gen_boolean_algebra_generators subsetI)
    by(rule 1)
  have 6: "A  S"
    using assms gen_boolean_algebra_subset by blast  
  have 7: "(gen_boolean_algebra A ( parts))  gen_boolean_algebra (S) ( parts)"
    apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra_univ_mono) 
    using 3 gen_boolean_algebra_finite_union[of " parts" "S" " parts"]
          gen_boolean_algebra.generator[of _ " parts" "S" ] 6 1 
    by (meson Sup_le_iff gen_boolean_algebra_generators)
  have 8: "gen_boolean_algebra (S) ( parts)  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
    apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra_subalgebra)
    using 2  by blast 
  show "P  gen_boolean_algebra S B"
    using 0 5 6 7 8 by blast 
