Theory OpSem

(*  Title:      OpSem.thy
    Author:     Peter Gammie

section ‹Logical relations for computational adequacy›

theory OpSem


Show Sangiorgi's divergence results. Convergence should be simply the
big-step semantics.



We relate the denotational semantics for PCF of \S\ref{sec:densem} to
a \emph{big-step} (or \emph{natural}) operational semantics. This
follows citet"DBLP:conf/mfps/Pitts93".


subsection‹Direct semantics using de Bruijn notation›



In contrast to \S\ref{sec:directsem} we must be more careful in our
treatment of α›-equivalent terms, as we would like our
operational semantics to identify of all these. To that end we adopt
de Bruijn notation, adapting the work of
citet"DBLP:journals/jar/Nipkow01", and show that it is suitably
equivalent to our original syntactic story.


datatype db =
    DBVar var
  | DBApp db db
  | DBAbsN db
  | DBAbsV db
  | DBDiverge
  | DBFix db
  | DBtt
  | DBff
  | DBCond db db db
  | DBNum nat
  | DBSucc db
  | DBPred db
  | DBIsZero db


Nipkow et al's substitution operation is defined for arbitrary open
terms. In our case we only substitute closed terms into terms where
only the variable @{term "0"} may be free, and while we could develop
a simpler account, we retain the traditional one.


  lift :: "db  nat  db"
  "lift (DBVar i) k = DBVar (if i < k then i else (i + 1))"
| "lift (DBAbsN s) k = DBAbsN (lift s (k + 1))"
| "lift (DBAbsV s) k = DBAbsV (lift s (k + 1))"
| "lift (DBApp s t) k = DBApp (lift s k) (lift t k)"
| "lift (DBFix e) k = DBFix (lift e (k + 1))"
| "lift (DBCond c t e) k = DBCond (lift c k) (lift t k) (lift e k)"
| "lift (DBSucc e) k = DBSucc (lift e k)"
| "lift (DBPred e) k = DBPred (lift e k)"
| "lift (DBIsZero e) k = DBIsZero (lift e k)"
| "lift x k = x"

  subst :: "db  db  var  db"  (‹_<_'/_> [300, 0, 0] 300)
  subst_Var: "(DBVar i)<s/k> =
      (if k < i then DBVar (i - 1) else if i = k then s else DBVar i)"
| subst_AbsN: "(DBAbsN t)<s/k> = DBAbsN (t<lift s 0 / k+1>)"
| subst_AbsV: "(DBAbsV t)<s/k> = DBAbsV (t<lift s 0 / k+1>)"
| subst_App: "(DBApp t u)<s/k> = DBApp (t<s/k>) (u<s/k>)"
| "(DBFix e)<s/k> = DBFix (e<lift s 0 / k+1>)"
| "(DBCond c t e)<s/k> = DBCond (c<s/k>) (t<s/k>) (e<s/k>)"
| "(DBSucc e)<s/k> = DBSucc (e<s/k>)"
| "(DBPred e)<s/k> = DBPred (e<s/k>)"
| "(DBIsZero e)<s/k> = DBIsZero (e<s/k>)"
| subst_Consts: "x<s/k> = x"

declare subst_Var [simp del]

lemma subst_eq: "(DBVar k)<u/k> = u"
  by (simp add: subst_Var)

lemma subst_gt: "i < j  (DBVar j)<u/i> = DBVar (j - 1)"
  by (simp add: subst_Var)

lemma subst_lt: "j < i  (DBVar j)<u/i> = DBVar j"
  by (simp add: subst_Var)

lemma lift_lift:
    "i < k + 1  lift (lift t i) (Suc k) = lift (lift t k) i"
  by (induct t arbitrary: i k) auto

lemma lift_subst:
    "j < i + 1  lift (t<s/j>) i = (lift t (i + 1))<lift s i / j>"
  by (induct t arbitrary: i j s)
     (simp_all add: diff_Suc subst_Var lift_lift split: nat.split)

lemma lift_subst_lt:
    "i < j + 1  lift (t<s/j>) i = (lift t i)<lift s i / j + 1>"
  by (induct t arbitrary: i j s) (auto simp: subst_Var lift_lift)

lemma subst_lift:
    "(lift t k)<s/k> = t"
  by (induct t arbitrary: k s) (simp_all add: subst_eq subst_gt subst_lt)

lemmas subst_simps [simp] =

lemma subst_subst:
    "i < j + 1  t<lift v i/Suc j><u<v/j>/i> = t<u/i><v/j>"
  by (induct t arbitrary: i j u v)
     (simp_all add: diff_Suc subst_Var lift_lift [symmetric] lift_subst_lt
             split: nat.split)


We elide the standard lemmas about these operations.

A variable is free in a de Bruijn term in the standard way.


  freedb :: "db  var  bool"
  "freedb (DBVar j) k = (j = k)"
| "freedb (DBAbsN s) k = freedb s (k + 1)"
| "freedb (DBAbsV s) k = freedb s (k + 1)"
| "freedb (DBApp s t) k = (freedb s k  freedb t k)"
| "freedb (DBFix e) k = freedb e (Suc k)"
| "freedb (DBCond c t e) k = (freedb c k  freedb t k  freedb e k)"
| "freedb (DBSucc e) k = freedb e k"
| "freedb (DBPred e) k = freedb e k "
| "freedb (DBIsZero e) k = freedb e k"
| "freedb _ _ = False"

lemma subst_not_free [simp]: "¬ freedb s i  s<t/i> = s<u/i>"
  by (induct s arbitrary: i t u) (simp_all add: subst_Var)

lemma free_lift [simp]:
  "freedb (lift t k) i  (i < k  freedb t i  k < i  freedb t (i - 1))"
  by (induct t arbitrary: i k) (auto cong: conj_cong)

lemma free_subst [simp]:
  "freedb (s<t/k>) i  (freedb s k  freedb t i  freedb s (if i < k then i else i + 1))"
by (induct s arbitrary: i k t) (auto simp:  subst_Var split: nat.split)

theorem lift_subst_dummy:
  "¬ freedb s i  lift (s<dummy/i>) i = s"
by (induct s arbitrary: i dummy) (simp_all add: not_less_eq if_not_P)

lemma closed_lift:
  "v. freedb e v  v < k  lift e k = e"
by (induct e arbitrary: k) (simp; metis less_Suc_eq_0_disj nat.exhaust)+

lemma closed_subst:
  assumes "v. freedb e v  v < k"
  shows "e<s/k> = e"
using assms
proof(induct e arbitrary: s k)
  case (DBAbsN e) then show ?case by simp (metis lessE not_less_eq)
  case (DBAbsV e) then show ?case by simp (metis lessE not_less_eq)
  case (DBFix e) then show ?case by simp (metis lessE not_less_eq)
qed simp_all

text‹Programs are closed expressions.›

definition closed :: "db  bool" where
  "closed e  i. ¬ freedb e i"

lemma closed_inv:
  "closed (DBApp f x)  closed f  closed x"
  "closed DBDiverge"
  "closed DBtt"
  "closed DBff"
  "closed (DBCond c t e)  closed c  closed t  closed e"
  "closed (DBNum n)"
  "closed (DBSucc e)  closed e"
  "closed (DBPred e)  closed e"
  "closed (DBIsZero e)  closed e"
  unfolding closed_def by auto

lemma closed_binders:
  "closed (DBAbsN e)  (i. freedb e i  i = 0)"
  "closed (DBAbsV e)  (i. freedb e i  i = 0)"
  "closed (DBFix e)  (i. freedb e i  i = 0)"
  unfolding closed_def
  apply auto
  apply (case_tac i, auto)+

lemmas closed_invs [iff] =


The direct denotational semantics is almost identical to that given in
\S\ref{sec:densem}, apart from this change in the representation of


definition env_empty_db :: "'a Env" where
  "env_empty_db  "

definition env_ext_db :: "'a  'a Env  'a Env" where
  "env_ext_db  Λ x ρ v. (case v of 0  x | Suc v'  ρv')"

lemma env_ext_same_db: "env_ext_dbxρ0 = x"
  by (simp add: env_ext_db_def)

lemma env_ext_neq_db: "env_ext_dbxρ(Suc v) = ρv"
  by (simp add: env_ext_db_def)

lemmas env_ext_db_simps [simp] =

  evalDdb :: "db  ValD Env  ValD"
  "evalDdb (DBVar i) = (Λ ρ. ρi)"
| "evalDdb (DBApp f x) = (Λ ρ. appF(evalDdb fρ)(evalDdb xρ))"
| "evalDdb (DBAbsN e) = (Λ ρ. ValF(Λ x. evalDdb e(env_ext_dbxρ)))"
| "evalDdb (DBAbsV e) = (Λ ρ. ValF(strictify(Λ x. evalDdb e(env_ext_dbxρ))))"
| "evalDdb (DBDiverge) = (Λ ρ. )"
| "evalDdb (DBFix e) = (Λ ρ. μ x. evalDdb e(env_ext_dbxρ))"
| "evalDdb (DBtt) = (Λ ρ. ValTT)"
| "evalDdb (DBff) = (Λ ρ. ValFF)"
| "evalDdb (DBCond c t e) = (Λ ρ. cond(evalDdb cρ)(evalDdb tρ)(evalDdb eρ))"
| "evalDdb (DBNum n) = (Λ ρ. ValNn)"
| "evalDdb (DBSucc e) = (Λ ρ. succ(evalDdb eρ))"
| "evalDdb (DBPred e) = (Λ ρ. pred(evalDdb eρ))"
| "evalDdb (DBIsZero e) = (Λ ρ. isZero(evalDdb eρ))"

(* This proof is trivial but Isabelle doesn't seem keen enough to
apply the induction hypothesises in the obvious ways. *)
lemma evalDdb_env_cong:
  assumes "v. freedb e v  ρv = ρ'v"
  shows "evalDdb eρ = evalDdb eρ'"
using assms
proof(induct e arbitrary: ρ ρ')
  case (DBApp e1 e2 ρ ρ')
  from DBApp.hyps[where ρ=ρ and ρ'=ρ'] DBApp.prems show ?case by simp
  case (DBAbsN e ρ ρ')
  { fix x
    from DBAbsN.hyps[where ρ="env_ext_dbxρ" and ρ'="env_ext_dbxρ'"] DBAbsN.prems
    have "evalDdb e(env_ext_dbxρ) = evalDdb e(env_ext_dbxρ')"
      by (simp add: env_ext_db_def split: nat.splits) }
  then show ?case by simp
  case (DBAbsV e ρ ρ')
  { fix x
    from DBAbsV.hyps[where ρ="env_ext_dbxρ" and ρ'="env_ext_dbxρ'"] DBAbsV.prems
    have "evalDdb e(env_ext_dbxρ) = evalDdb e(env_ext_dbxρ')"
      by (simp add: env_ext_db_def split: nat.splits) }
  then show ?case by simp
  case (DBFix e ρ ρ') then show ?case
    by simp (rule parallel_fix_ind, simp_all add: env_ext_db_def split: nat.splits)
  case (DBCond i t e ρ ρ')
  from DBCond.hyps[where ρ=ρ and ρ'=ρ'] DBCond.prems show ?case by simp
  case (DBSucc e ρ ρ')
  from DBSucc.hyps[where ρ=ρ and ρ'=ρ'] DBSucc.prems show ?case by simp
  case (DBPred e ρ ρ')
  from DBPred.hyps[where ρ=ρ and ρ'=ρ'] DBPred.prems show ?case by simp
  case (DBIsZero e ρ ρ')
  from DBIsZero.hyps[where ρ=ρ and ρ'=ρ'] DBIsZero.prems show ?case by simp
qed (auto simp: cfun_eq_iff)

lemma evalDdb_env_closed:
  assumes "closed e"
  shows "evalDdb eρ = evalDdb eρ'"
by (rule evalDdb_env_cong) (simp add: assms[unfolded closed_def])


We show that our direct semantics using de Bruijn notation coincides
with the evaluator of \S\ref{sec:directsem} by translating between the
syntaxes and showing that the evaluators yield identical results.

Firstly we show how to translate an expression using names into a
nameless term. The following function finds the first mention of a
variable in a list of variables.


primrec index :: "var list  var  nat  nat" where
  "index [] v n = n"
| "index (h # t) v n = (if v = h then n else index t v (Suc n))"

  transdb :: "expr  var list  db"
  "transdb (Var i) Γ = DBVar (index Γ i 0)"
| "transdb (App t1 t2) Γ = DBApp (transdb t1 Γ) (transdb t2 Γ)"
| "transdb (AbsN v t) Γ = DBAbsN (transdb t (v # Γ))"
| "transdb (AbsV v t) Γ = DBAbsV (transdb t (v # Γ))"
| "transdb (Diverge) Γ = DBDiverge"
| "transdb (Fix v e) Γ = DBFix (transdb e (v # Γ))"
| "transdb (tt) Γ = DBtt"
| "transdb (ff) Γ = DBff"
| "transdb (Cond c t e) Γ = DBCond (transdb c Γ) (transdb t Γ) (transdb e Γ)"
| "transdb (Num n) Γ = (DBNum n)"
| "transdb (Succ e) Γ = DBSucc (transdb e Γ)"
| "transdb (Pred e) Γ = DBPred (transdb e Γ)"
| "transdb (IsZero e) Γ = DBIsZero (transdb e Γ)"


This semantics corresponds with the direct semantics for named

text‹The free variables of an expression using names.›

  free :: "expr  var list"
  "free (Var v) = [v]"
| "free (App f x) = free f @ free x"
| "free (AbsN v e) = removeAll v (free e)"
| "free (AbsV v e) = removeAll v (free e)"
| "free (Fix v e) = removeAll v (free e)"
| "free (Cond c t e) = free c @ free t @ free e"
| "free (Succ e) = free e"
| "free (Pred e) = free e"
| "free (IsZero e) = free e"
| "free _ = []"

lemma index_Suc:
  "index Γ v (Suc i) = Suc (index Γ v i)"
  by (induct Γ arbitrary: i) simp_all

lemma evalD_evalDdb_open:
  assumes "set (free e)  set Γ"
  assumes "v  set Γ. ρ'(index Γ v 0) = ρv"
  shows "eρ = evalDdb (transdb e Γ)ρ'"
using assms
proof(induct e arbitrary: Γ ρ ρ')
  case AbsN then show ?case
    apply (clarsimp simp: cfun_eq_iff)
    apply (subst AbsN.hyps)
    apply (auto simp: cfun_eq_iff env_ext_db_def index_Suc)
  case AbsV then show ?case
    apply (clarsimp simp: cfun_eq_iff)
    apply (case_tac "x=")
     apply simp
    apply simp
    apply (subst AbsV.hyps)
    apply (auto simp: cfun_eq_iff env_ext_db_def index_Suc)
  case Fix then show ?case
    apply (clarsimp simp: cfun_eq_iff)
    apply (rule parallel_fix_ind)
      apply simp
     apply simp
    apply simp
    apply (subst Fix.hyps)
    apply (auto simp: cfun_eq_iff env_ext_db_def index_Suc)
qed auto

lemma evalD_evalDdb:
  assumes "free e = []"
  shows "eρ = evalDdb (transdb e [])ρ"
  using assms by (simp add: evalD_evalDdb_open)


Conversely, all de Bruijn expressions have named equivalents.


  transdb_inv :: "db  (var  var)  var  var  expr"
  "transdb_inv (DBVar i) Γ c k = Var (Γ i)"
| "transdb_inv (DBApp t1 t2) Γ c k = App (transdb_inv t1 Γ c k) (transdb_inv t2 Γ c k)"
| "transdb_inv (DBAbsN e) Γ c k = AbsN (c + k) (transdb_inv e (case_nat (c + k) Γ) c (k + 1))"
| "transdb_inv (DBAbsV e) Γ c k = AbsV (c + k) (transdb_inv e (case_nat (c + k) Γ) c (k + 1))"
| "transdb_inv (DBDiverge) Γ c k = Diverge"
| "transdb_inv (DBFix e) Γ c k = Fix (c + k) (transdb_inv e (case_nat (c + k) Γ) c (k + 1))"
| "transdb_inv (DBtt) Γ c k = tt"
| "transdb_inv (DBff) Γ c k = ff"
| "transdb_inv (DBCond i t e) Γ c k =
                     Cond (transdb_inv i Γ c k) (transdb_inv t Γ c k) (transdb_inv e Γ c k)"
| "transdb_inv (DBNum n) Γ c k = (Num n)"
| "transdb_inv (DBSucc e) Γ c k = Succ (transdb_inv e Γ c k)"
| "transdb_inv (DBPred e) Γ c k = Pred (transdb_inv e Γ c k)"
| "transdb_inv (DBIsZero e) Γ c k = IsZero (transdb_inv e Γ c k)"

(* FIXME These proofs are ghastly. Is there a better way to do this? *)

lemma transdb_inv_open:
  assumes "v. freedb e v  v < c + k"
  assumes "v. freedb e v  Γ v = (if k  v then v - k else c + k - v - 1)"
  assumes "v. freedb e v  (if k  v then index Γ' (v - k) 0 = v else index Γ' (c + k - v - 1) 0 = v)"
  shows "transdb (transdb_inv e Γ c k) Γ' = e"
using assms
proof(induct e arbitrary: Γ Γ' k)
  case DBVar then show ?case by (simp split: if_splits)
  case (DBApp e1 e2 Γ Γ') then show ?case
    apply -
    apply (drule_tac x=k in meta_spec)+
    apply (drule_tac x=Γ in meta_spec, drule_tac x=Γ' in meta_spec)+
    apply auto
  case (DBAbsN e Γ Γ' k) show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (rule DBAbsN.hyps)

    using DBAbsN
    apply clarsimp
    apply (case_tac v)
     apply simp
    apply simp

    using DBAbsN
    apply (clarsimp split: nat.split)

    using DBAbsN
    apply clarsimp
    apply (case_tac v)
    apply (auto simp: index_Suc)
  case (DBAbsV e Γ Γ' k) show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (rule DBAbsV.hyps)

    using DBAbsV
    apply clarsimp
    apply (case_tac v)
     apply simp
    apply simp

    using DBAbsV
    apply (clarsimp split: nat.split)

    using DBAbsV
    apply clarsimp
    apply (case_tac v)
    apply (auto simp: index_Suc)
  case (DBFix e Γ Γ' k) show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (rule DBFix.hyps)

    using DBFix
    apply clarsimp
    apply (case_tac v)
     apply simp
    apply simp

    using DBFix
    apply (clarsimp split: nat.split)

    using DBFix
    apply clarsimp
    apply (case_tac v)
    apply (auto simp: index_Suc)
  case (DBCond i t e Γ Γ' k) then show ?case
    apply -
    apply (drule_tac x=k in meta_spec)+
    apply (drule_tac x=Γ in meta_spec, drule_tac x=Γ' in meta_spec)+
    apply auto
qed simp_all


lemma transdb_inv:
  assumes "closed e"
  shows "transdb (transdb_inv e Γ c k) Γ' = e"
  using transdb_inv_open assms
  unfolding closed_def by simp

lemma closed_transdb_inv_aux:
  assumes "v. freedb e v  v < k"
  assumes "v. freedb e v  Γ v = k - v - 1"
  shows "i  set (free (transdb_inv e Γ 0 k))  (i < k  freedb e (k - i - 1))"
using assms
proof(induct e arbitrary: Γ k)
  case (DBAbsN e Γ k) then show ?case
    apply -
    apply (drule_tac x="Suc k" in meta_spec)
    apply (drule_tac x="case_nat k Γ" in meta_spec)
    apply simp
    apply (subgoal_tac "v. freedb e v  v < Suc k")
     apply (subgoal_tac "v. freedb e v  case_nat k Γ v = k - v")
      apply rule
       apply (subgoal_tac "Suc (k - Suc i) = k - i")
        apply simp
       apply auto[1]
      apply (subgoal_tac "Suc (k - Suc i) = k - i")
       apply auto[1]
      apply auto[1]
     apply (auto split: nat.splits)[1]
    apply clarsimp
    apply (case_tac v)
     apply simp
    apply simp
  case (DBAbsV e Γ k) then show ?case
    apply -
    apply (drule_tac x="Suc k" in meta_spec)
    apply (drule_tac x="case_nat k Γ" in meta_spec)
    apply simp
    apply (subgoal_tac "v. freedb e v  v < Suc k")
     apply (subgoal_tac "v. freedb e v  case_nat k Γ v = k - v")
      apply rule
       apply (subgoal_tac "Suc (k - Suc i) = k - i")
        apply simp
       apply auto[1]
      apply (subgoal_tac "Suc (k - Suc i) = k - i")
       apply auto[1]
      apply auto[1]
     apply (auto split: nat.splits)[1]
    apply clarsimp
    apply (case_tac v)
     apply simp
    apply simp
  case (DBFix e Γ k) then show ?case
    apply -
    apply (drule_tac x="Suc k" in meta_spec)
    apply (drule_tac x="case_nat k Γ" in meta_spec)
    apply simp
    apply (subgoal_tac "v. freedb e v  v < Suc k")
     apply (subgoal_tac "v. freedb e v  case_nat k Γ v = k - v")
      apply rule
       apply (subgoal_tac "Suc (k - Suc i) = k - i")
        apply simp
       apply auto[1]
      apply (subgoal_tac "Suc (k - Suc i) = k - i")
       apply auto[1]
      apply auto[1]
     apply (auto split: nat.splits)[1]
    apply clarsimp
    apply (case_tac v)
     apply simp
    apply simp
qed auto

lemma closed_transdb_inv:
  assumes "closed e"
  shows "free (transdb_inv e Γ 0 0) = []"
  using assms closed_transdb_inv_aux[where e=e and k=0 and Γ=Γ]
  unfolding closed_def by fastforce


subsection‹Operational Semantics›

text ‹

The evaluation relation (big-step, or natural operational
semantics). This is similar to citet‹\S6.2› in "Gunter:1992",
citet"DBLP:conf/mfps/Pitts93" and citet‹Chapter~11› in "Winskel:1993".

We firstly define the \emph{values} that expressions can evaluate to:
these are either constants or closed abstractions.


  val :: "db  bool"
  v_Num[intro]: "val (DBNum n)"
| v_FF[intro]:  "val DBff"
| v_TT[intro]:  "val DBtt"
| v_AbsN[intro]: "val (DBAbsN e)"
| v_AbsV[intro]: "val (DBAbsV e)"

  evalOP :: "db  db  bool" (‹_  _› [50,50] 50)
  evalOP_AppN[intro]:  " P  DBAbsN M; M<Q/0>  V   DBApp P Q  V" (* Non-strict application *)
| evalOP_AppV[intro]:  " P  DBAbsV M; Q  q; M<q/0>  V   DBApp P Q  V" (* Strict application *)
| evalOP_AbsN[intro]:  "val (DBAbsN e)  DBAbsN e  DBAbsN e"
| evalOP_AbsV[intro]:  "val (DBAbsV e)  DBAbsV e  DBAbsV e"
| evalOP_Fix[intro]: "P<DBFix P/0>  V  DBFix P  V" (* Non-strict fix *)
| evalOP_tt[intro]:  "DBtt  DBtt"
| evalOP_ff[intro]:  "DBff  DBff"
| evalOP_CondTT[intro]: " C  DBtt; T  V   DBCond C T E  V"
| evalOP_CondFF[intro]: " C  DBff; E  V   DBCond C T E   V"
| evalOP_Num[intro]:  "DBNum n  DBNum n"
| evalOP_Succ[intro]: "P  DBNum n  DBSucc P  DBNum (Suc n)"
| evalOP_Pred[intro]: "P  DBNum (Suc n)  DBPred P  DBNum n"
| evalOP_IsZeroTT[intro]: " E  DBNum 0   DBIsZero E  DBtt"
| evalOP_IsZeroFF[intro]: " E  DBNum n; 0 < n   DBIsZero E  DBff"


It is straightforward to show that this relation is deterministic and
sound with respect to the denotational semantics.


inductive_cases evalOP_inv [elim]:
  "DBApp P Q  v"
  "DBAbsN e  v"
  "DBAbsV e  v"
  "DBFix P  v"
  "DBtt  v"
  "DBff  v"
  "DBCond C T E  v"
  "DBNum n  v"
  "DBSucc E  v"
  "DBPred E  v"
  "DBIsZero E  v"

lemma eval_val:
  assumes "val t"
  shows "t  t"
using assms by induct blast+

lemma eval_to [iff]:
  assumes "t  t'"
  shows "val t'"
using assms by induct blast+

lemma evalOP_deterministic:
  assumes "P  V"
  assumes "P  V'"
  shows "V = V'"
using assms
proof(induct arbitrary: V' rule: evalOP.induct)
  case evalOP_AppV then show ?case by (metis db.distinct(47) db.inject(4) evalOP_inv(1))
qed blast+

lemma evalOP_closed:
  assumes "P  V"
  assumes "closed P"
  shows "closed V"
using assms
apply induct
apply auto
using closed_def apply force+

text‹The denotational semantics respects substitution.›

lemma evalDdb_lift [simp]:
  "evalDdb (lift s k)ρ = evalDdb s(Λ i. if i < k then ρi else ρ(Suc i))"
proof(induct s arbitrary: k ρ)
  case DBAbsN then show ?case
    apply (clarsimp simp: cfun_eq_iff env_ext_db_def)
    apply (rule cfun_arg_cong)
    apply (auto split: nat.split simp: cfun_eq_iff)
  case DBAbsV then show ?case
    apply (clarsimp simp: cfun_eq_iff env_ext_db_def)
    apply (case_tac "x=")
     apply simp
    apply (intro cfun_cong)
    apply (auto split: nat.split simp: cfun_eq_iff cong: cfun_cong)
    apply (intro cfun_cong) (* FIXME weird *)
    apply (auto split: nat.split simp: cfun_eq_iff cong: cfun_cong)
  case (DBFix s k ρ) then show ?case
    apply (clarsimp simp: cfun_eq_iff env_ext_db_def)
    apply (rule parallel_fix_ind)
      apply simp
     apply simp
    apply simp
    apply (rule cfun_arg_cong)
    apply (auto split: nat.split simp: cfun_eq_iff)
qed simp_all

lemma evalDdb_subst:
  "evalDdb (e<s/x>)ρ = evalDdb e(Λ i. if x < i then ρ(i - 1) else if i = x then evalDdb sρ else ρi)"
proof(induct e arbitrary: s x ρ)
  case (DBFix e s x ρ) then show ?case
    apply (simp only: evalDdb.simps subst.simps)
    apply (rule parallel_fix_ind)
    apply (auto simp: cfun_eq_iff eta_cfun env_ext_db_def split: nat.split intro!: cfun_cong)
qed (auto simp: cfun_eq_iff eta_cfun env_ext_db_def split: nat.split intro!: cfun_cong)

lemma evalDdb_subst_env_ext_db:
  "evalDdb (e<s/0>)ρ = evalDdb e(env_ext_db(evalDdb sρ)ρ)"
by (auto simp: evalDdb_subst env_ext_db_def cfun_eq_iff split: nat.split intro!: cfun_arg_cong)

lemma eval_val_not_bot:
  assumes "P  V"
  shows "evalDdb Vρ  "
by (rule val.induct[OF eval_to[OF assms]], simp_all)

theorem evalOP_sound:
  assumes "P  V"
  shows "evalDdb Pρ = evalDdb Vρ"
using assms
proof(induct arbitrary: ρ)
  case evalOP_AppN then show ?case
    by (simp add: evalOP_AppN(4)[symmetric] evalDdb_subst_env_ext_db)
  case (evalOP_AppV P M Q q V ρ) then show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (subst evalOP_AppV(4)[symmetric])
    apply (simp add: eval_val_not_bot strictify_cancel evalDdb_subst_env_ext_db)
  case (evalOP_Fix P V ρ)
  have "evalDdb Vρ = evalDdb (P<DBFix P/0>)ρ"
    using evalOP_Fix by simp
  also have "... = evalDdb P(Λ i. if 0 < i then ρ(i - 1) else if i = 0 then (μ x. evalDdb P(env_ext_dbxρ)) else ρi)"
    apply (simp add: evalDdb_subst)
    apply (rule cfun_arg_cong)
    apply (simp add: cfun_eq_iff)
  also have "... = evalDdb (DBFix P)ρ"
    apply simp
    apply (subst (2) fix_eq)
    apply (simp add: env_ext_db_def)
    apply (rule cfun_arg_cong)
    apply (auto simp: cfun_eq_iff env_ext_db_def split: nat.split)
  finally show ?case by simp
qed (simp_all add: cond_def isZero_def pred_def succ_def)


We can use soundness to conclude that POR is not definable
operationally either. We rely on @{thm [source] "transdb_inv"} to map
our de Bruijn term into the syntactic universe of
\S\ref{sec:directsem} and appeal to the results of
\S\ref{sec:por}. This takes some effort as @{typ "ValD"} contains
irrelevant junk that makes it hard to draw obvious conclusions; we use
DBCond› to restrict the arguments to the putative witness.


  "isPORdb e  closed e
     DBApp (DBApp e DBtt) DBDiverge  DBtt
     DBApp (DBApp e DBDiverge) DBtt  DBtt
     DBApp (DBApp e DBff) DBff  DBff"

lemma ValD_strict:
  " fab = ValTT; fxy = ValFF   f = "
using monofun_cfun[OF monofun_cfun_arg[where f=f and x="" and y=x], where x="" and y=y, simplified]
      monofun_cfun[OF monofun_cfun_arg[where f=f and x="" and y=a], where x="" and y=b, simplified]
by (cases "f") simp_all

lemma ValD_ValTT:
  " fValTT = ValTT; fValTT = ValTT   fValTTValTT = ValTT"
using monofun_cfun[OF monofun_cfun_arg[where f=f and x=""], where x="ValTT" and y="ValTT"]
by (cases "fValTTValTT") simp_all

lemma POR_is_not_operationally_definable: "¬isPORdb e"
proof(rule notI)
  assume P: "isPORdb e"
  let ?porV = "ValF(Λ x. ValF(Λ y. x por y))"
  from P have "closed e
      evalDdb (DBApp (DBApp e DBtt) DBDiverge)ρ = ValTT
      evalDdb (DBApp (DBApp e DBDiverge) DBtt)ρ = ValTT
      evalDdb (DBApp (DBApp e DBff) DBff)ρ = ValFF" for ρ
    unfolding isPORdb_def by (force dest!: evalOP_sound[where ρ=ρ])
  then have F: "closed e
       transdb_inv (DBApp (DBApp e DBtt) DBDiverge) id 0 0ρ = ValTT
       transdb_inv (DBApp (DBApp e DBDiverge) DBtt) id 0 0ρ = ValTT
       transdb_inv (DBApp (DBApp e DBff) DBff) id 0 0ρ = ValFF" for ρ
    (* id is arbitrary here *)
    by (simp add: evalD_evalDdb transdb_inv closed_transdb_inv)
  from F have G: "appF(appF(transdb_inv e id 0 0ρ)) = " for ρ
    by (auto intro: ValD_strict[where f="Λ x y. appF(appF(transdb_inv e id 0 0ρ)x)y", simplified])
  from F have H: "appF(appF(transdb_inv e id 0 0ρ)ValTT)ValTT = ValTT" for ρ
    using ValD_ValTT[where f="Λ x y. appF(appF(transdb_inv e id 0 0ρ)x)y"] by simp
  let ?f = "AbsN 0 (AbsN 1 (App (App (transdb_inv e id 0 0)
                                     (Cond (Var 0) (Var 0) (Cond (Var 1) (Var 1) (Var 1))) )
                                     (Cond (Var 1) (Var 1) (Cond (Var 0) (Var 0) (Var 0))) ))"
  from F G H have "?fenv_empty = ?porV"
    apply (clarsimp simp: cfun_eq_iff cond_def)
    apply (case_tac x, simp_all)
     apply (case_tac xa, simp_all)+
  with POR_sat have "definable ?porV  appFLv ?porV [POR_arg1_rel, POR_arg2_rel] = POR_result_rel"
    unfolding definable_def by blast
  with POR_is_not_definable show False by blast

subsection‹Computational Adequacy›



The lemma @{thm [source] "evalOP_sound"} tells us that the operational
semantics preserves the denotational semantics. We might also hope
that the two are somehow equivalent, but due to the junk in the
domain-theoretic model (see \S\ref{sec:pcfdefinability}) we cannot
expect this to be entirely straightforward. Here we show that the
denotational semantics is \emph{computationally adequate}, which means
that it can be used to soundly reason about contextual equivalence.

We follow citet"DBLP:conf/mfps/Pitts93" and "PittsAM:relpod" by defining a
suitable logical relation between our @{typ "ValD"} domain and the set
of programs (closed terms). These are termed "formal approximation
relations" by Plotkin. The machinery of \S\ref{sec:synlr} requires us
to define a unique bottom element, which in this case is @{term "{} ×
{ P . closed P}"}. To that end we define the type of programs.


typedef Prog = "{ P. closed P }"
  morphisms unProg mkProg by fastforce

  ca_lf_rep :: "(ValD, Prog) synlf_rep"
  "ca_lf_rep  λ(rm, rp).
     ({} × UNIV)
      { (d, P) |d P.
        (n. d = ValNn  unProg P  DBNum n)
       (d = ValTT  unProg P  DBtt)
       (d = ValFF  unProg P  DBff)
       (f M. d = ValFf  unProg P  DBAbsN M
               ((x, X)  unsynlr (undual rm). (fx, mkProg (M<unProg X/0>))  unsynlr rp))
       (f M. d = ValFf  unProg P  DBAbsV M  f = 
               ((x, X)  unsynlr (undual rm). V. unProg X  V
                      (fx, mkProg (M<V/0>))  unsynlr rp)) }"

abbreviation ca_lr :: "(ValD, Prog) synlf" where
  "ca_lr  λr. mksynlr (ca_lf_rep r)"


Intuitively we relate domain-theoretic values to all programs that
converge to the corresponding syntatic values. If a program has a
non-@{term ""} denotation then we can use this relation to conclude
something about the value it (operationally) converges to.


lemmas Prog_simps [iff] =

lemma bot_ca_lf_rep [intro, simp]:
  "(, P)  ca_lf_rep r"
  unfolding ca_lf_rep_def by (simp add: split_def)

lemma synlr_cal_lr_rep [intro, simp]:
  "ca_lf_rep r  synlr"
  unfolding ca_lf_rep_def
  by rule (auto intro!: adm_conj adm_disj adm_below_monic_exists
                  simp: split_def
                  dest: evalOP_deterministic)

lemma mono_ca_lr:
  "mono ca_lr"
  fix x y :: "(ValD, Prog) synlr dual × (ValD, Prog) synlr"
  obtain x1 x2 y1 y2 where [simp]: "x = (x1, x2)" "y = (y1, y2)"
    by (cases x, cases y)
  assume "x  y"
  then have "ca_lf_rep (x1, x2)  ca_lf_rep (y1, y2)"
    by (simp add: ca_lf_rep_def unsynlr_leq [symmetric] dual_less_eq_iff split_def)
  then show "ca_lr x  ca_lr y"
    by simp

lemma min_inv_ca_lr:
  assumes "e = "
  assumes "eRSS e R' S'"
  shows "eRSS (ValD_copy_rece) (dual (ca_lr (dual S', undual R'))) (ca_lr (R', S'))"
  apply simp
  unfolding ca_lf_rep_def using assms
  apply simp
  apply (rule ballI)
  apply (simp add: split_def)
  apply (elim disjE)
  apply fastforce
  apply fastforce
  apply fastforce
  apply fastforce

  (* FIXME fastforce gets lost ?? AbsN *)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule_tac x=M in exI)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (frule (1) bspec)
  apply simp
  apply (frule (1) bspec) back
  apply simp
  apply (frule (1) bspec) back
  apply simp

  (* FIXME fastforce gets lost ?? AbsV *)
  apply (intro disjI2)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule_tac x=M in exI)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (frule (1) bspec)
  apply simp
  apply (frule (1) bspec) back
  apply simp
  apply (frule (1) bspec) back
  apply bestsimp


interpretation ca: DomSolSyn ca_lr ValD_copy_rec
  apply standard
     apply (rule mono_ca_lr)
    apply (rule ValD_copy_ID)
   apply simp
  apply (erule (1) min_inv_ca_lr)

definition ca_lr_syn :: "ValD  db  bool" (‹_  _› [80,80] 80) where
  "d  P  (d, P)  { (x, unProg Y) |x Y. (x, Y)  unsynlr }"

lemma adm_ca_lr [intro, simp]:
  "closed P  adm (λx. x  P)"
  unfolding ca_lr_syn_def
  by (auto simp: unProg_inject)

lemma closed_ca_lr [intro]:
  "d  P  closed P"
  apply (subst (asm) ca_lr_syn_def)
  apply (subst (asm) ca.delta_sol)
  apply simp
  apply (clarsimp simp: ca_lf_rep_def)
  apply (case_tac Y)
  apply simp

lemma ca_lrI [intro, simp]:
  "closed P    P"
  " P  DBtt; closed P   ValTT  P"
  " P  DBff; closed P   ValFF  P"
  " P  DBNum n; closed P   ValNn  P"
  apply (simp_all add: ca_lr_syn_def)
  apply (simp add: exI[where x="mkProg P"])
  apply ((subst ca.delta_sol, simp, subst ca_lf_rep_def, simp add: exI[where x="mkProg P"])+)

lemma ca_lr_DBAbsNI:
  " P  DBAbsN M; closed P; x X. x  X  fx  M<X/0>   ValFf  P"
  apply (simp add: ca_lr_syn_def)
  apply (subst ca.delta_sol)
  apply simp
  apply (rule exI[where x="mkProg P"])
  apply (subst ca_lf_rep_def)
  apply simp
  apply (rule disjI1)
  apply (rule exI[where x=M])
  apply force

lemma ca_lr_DBAbsVI:
  " P  DBAbsV M; closed P; f = ; x X V.  x  X; X  V   fx  M<V/0>   ValFf  P"
  apply (simp add: ca_lr_syn_def)
  apply (subst ca.delta_sol)
  apply simp
  apply (rule exI[where x="mkProg P"])
  apply (subst ca_lf_rep_def)
  apply simp
  apply force

lemma ca_lrE:
  " d  P;
      d = ; closed P   Q;
      d = ValTT; closed P; P  DBtt   Q;
      d = ValFF; closed P; P  DBff   Q;
     n.  d = ValNn; closed P; P  DBNum n   Q;
     f M.  d = ValFf; closed P; P  DBAbsN M; x X. x  X  fx  M<X/0>   Q;
     f M.  d = ValFf; f = ; closed P; P  DBAbsV M; x X V.  x  X; X  V   fx  M<V/0>   Q
  apply (frule closed_ca_lr)
  apply (simp add: ca_lr_syn_def)
  apply (subst (asm) ca.delta_sol)
  apply simp
  apply (subst (asm) ca_lf_rep_def)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (case_tac Y)
  apply (elim disjE)
  apply auto

  apply (drule_tac x=f in meta_spec)
  apply (drule_tac x=M in meta_spec)
  apply simp
  apply (subgoal_tac "(x X. Y. X = unProg Y  (x, Y)  unsynlr ( ca_lr)  Y. M<X/0> = unProg Y  (fx, Y)  unsynlr ( ca_lr))")
   apply blast
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule_tac x="mkProg (M<unProg Y/0>)" in exI)
  apply auto[1]
  apply (subst mkProg_inverse)
   apply simp
  apply (frule (1) evalOP_closed)
  apply (subst (asm) closed_binders)
  apply (auto simp: closed_def
             split: nat.splits)[2]
  apply (case_tac Y)
  apply (auto simp: closed_def)[1]

  apply (drule_tac x=f in meta_spec) back
  apply (drule_tac x=M in meta_spec)
  apply simp
  apply (subgoal_tac "(x X V. Y. X = unProg Y  (x, Y)  unsynlr ( ca_lr); X  V
                       Y. M<V/0> = unProg Y  (fx, Y)  unsynlr ( ca_lr))")
   apply blast
  apply clarsimp
  apply (drule (1) bspec)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule_tac x="mkProg (M<V/0>)" in exI)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (subst mkProg_inverse)
   apply simp
  apply simp
  apply (drule (1) evalOP_closed)
  using closed_def closed_invs(11) evalOP_closed unProg by force


To establish this result we need a ``closing substitution'' operation.
It seems easier to define it directly in this simple-minded way than
reusing the standard substitution operation.

This is quite similar to a context-plugging (non-capturing)
substitution operation, where the ``holes'' are free variables, and
indeed we use it as such below.


  closing_subst :: "db  (var  db)  var  db"
  "closing_subst (DBVar i) Γ k = (if k  i then Γ (i - k) else DBVar i)"
| "closing_subst (DBApp t u) Γ k = DBApp (closing_subst t Γ k) (closing_subst u Γ k)"
| "closing_subst (DBAbsN t) Γ k = DBAbsN (closing_subst t Γ (k + 1))"
| "closing_subst (DBAbsV t) Γ k = DBAbsV (closing_subst t Γ (k + 1))"
| "closing_subst (DBFix e) Γ k = DBFix (closing_subst e Γ (k + 1))"
| "closing_subst (DBCond c t e) Γ k =
            DBCond (closing_subst c Γ k) (closing_subst t Γ k) (closing_subst e Γ k)"
| "closing_subst (DBSucc e) Γ k = DBSucc (closing_subst e Γ k)"
| "closing_subst (DBPred e) Γ k = DBPred (closing_subst e Γ k)"
| "closing_subst (DBIsZero e) Γ k = DBIsZero (closing_subst e Γ k)"
| "closing_subst x Γ k = x"


We can show it has the expected properties when all terms in @{term
"Γ"} are closed.


lemma freedb_closing_subst [iff]:
  assumes "v. freedb e v  k  v  closed (Γ (v - k))"
  shows "freedb (closing_subst e Γ k) i  (freedb e i  i < k)"
  using assms
  apply (induct e arbitrary: i k)
  using Suc_le_D
  apply (auto simp: closed_def not_less_eq diff_Suc split: nat.split)
    apply (subgoal_tac "v. freedb e v  Suc k  v  (j. ¬ freedb (Γ (v - Suc k)) j)"; use Suc_le_D in force)+

lemma closed_closing_subst [intro, simp]:
  assumes "v. freedb e v  closed (Γ v)"
  shows "closed (closing_subst e Γ 0)"
using assms freedb_closing_subst[where e=e and k=0]
unfolding closed_def by fastforce

lemma subst_closing_subst:
  assumes "v. freedb e v  k < v  closed (Γ (v - Suc k))"
  assumes "closed X"
  shows "(closing_subst e Γ (Suc k))<X/k> = closing_subst e (case_nat X Γ) k"
using assms
proof(induct e arbitrary: k)
  case DBVar then show ?case
    unfolding closed_def
    by (clarsimp simp: Suc_le_eq closed_subst) (metis Suc_diff_Suc old.nat.simps(5))
  case DBAbsN then show ?case
    by clarsimp (metis Suc_less_eq2 closed_def closed_lift diff_Suc_Suc)
  case DBAbsV then show ?case
    by clarsimp (metis Suc_less_eq2 closed_def closed_lift diff_Suc_Suc)
  case DBFix then show ?case
    by clarsimp (metis Suc_less_eq2 closed_def closed_lift diff_Suc_Suc)
qed (auto simp: not_less_eq split: nat.split)

lemma closing_subst_closed [intro, simp]:
  assumes "v. freedb e v  v < k"
  shows "closing_subst e Γ k = e"
  using assms
  apply (induct e arbitrary: k)
  apply (auto simp: closed_def)
  apply (metis gr_implies_not0 nat.exhaust not_less_eq)+

lemma closing_subst_evalDdb_cong:
  assumes "v. closed (Γ v)  closed (Γ' v)"
  assumes "v. evalDdb (Γ v)env_empty_db = evalDdb (Γ' v)env_empty_db"
  shows "evalDdb (closing_subst e Γ k)ρ = evalDdb (closing_subst e Γ' k)ρ"
proof(induct e arbitrary: k ρ)
  case DBVar with assms show ?case
    by (simp; subst (1 2) evalDdb_env_closed[where ρ'=env_empty_db]; simp)
qed auto


The key lemma is shown by induction over @{term "e"} for arbitrary
environments (@{term "Γ"} and @{term "ρ"}):


lemma ca_open:
  assumes "v. freedb e v  ρv  Γ v  closed (Γ v)"
  shows "evalDdb eρ  closing_subst e Γ 0"
using assms
proof(induct e arbitrary: Γ ρ)
  case (DBApp e1 e2 Γ ρ)
  from DBApp.prems DBApp.hyps[of ρ Γ] show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (erule ca_lrE)
     apply simp_all

    apply (drule_tac x="evalDdb e2ρ" in meta_spec)
    apply (drule_tac x="closing_subst e2 Γ 0" in meta_spec)
    apply simp
    apply (erule ca_lrE) back
     apply (auto intro: ca_lr_DBAbsNI ca_lr_DBAbsVI)[6]

    apply (case_tac "evalDdb e2ρ = ")
     apply simp
    apply (subgoal_tac "V. closing_subst e2 Γ 0  V")
     apply clarsimp
     apply (drule_tac x="evalDdb e2ρ" in meta_spec)
      apply (drule_tac x="closing_subst e2 Γ 0" in meta_spec)
      apply (drule_tac x="V" in meta_spec)
      apply simp
      apply (erule ca_lrE) back
       apply (auto intro: ca_lr_DBAbsNI ca_lr_DBAbsVI)[6]
    apply (erule ca_lrE)
    apply auto
  case (DBAbsN e Γ ρ)
  from DBAbsN.prems show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (rule ca_lr_DBAbsNI)
      apply (rule eval_val)
      apply (rule v_AbsN)
      apply (clarsimp simp: closed_def split: nat.split)
     apply clarsimp
    apply (subst subst_closing_subst)
      apply simp
     apply blast
    apply (cut_tac ρ="env_ext_dbxρ" and Γ="case_nat X Γ" in DBAbsN.hyps)
     apply (subgoal_tac "v. freedb e v  env_ext_dbxρv  case_nat X Γ v  closed (case_nat X Γ v)")
      apply blast
     apply (auto simp: env_ext_db_def split: nat.splits)
  case (DBAbsV e Γ ρ)
  from DBAbsV.prems show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (rule ca_lr_DBAbsVI)
       apply (rule eval_val)
       apply (rule v_AbsV)
      apply (clarsimp simp: closed_def split: nat.split)
     apply clarsimp
    apply (frule closed_ca_lr)
    apply (frule (1) evalOP_closed)
    apply (case_tac "x=")
     apply simp
      apply (rule ca_lrI)
     apply (subst subst_closing_subst)
       apply simp
      apply simp
     apply (simp add: nat.split_sels(1))
    apply simp
    apply (subst subst_closing_subst)
      apply simp
     apply blast
    apply (cut_tac ρ="env_ext_dbxρ" and Γ="case_nat V Γ" in DBAbsV.hyps)
     apply (subgoal_tac "v. freedb e v  env_ext_dbxρv  case_nat V Γ v  closed (case_nat V Γ v)")
      apply blast
     apply (auto simp: env_ext_db_def split: nat.splits)
    apply (erule ca_lrE)
         apply ((blast dest: evalOP_deterministic)+)[4]
     apply clarsimp
     apply (subgoal_tac "V = DBAbsN M")
      apply clarsimp
      apply (rule ca_lr_DBAbsNI)
      apply (rule eval_val)
      apply (auto dest: evalOP_deterministic)[4]
    apply (subgoal_tac "V = DBAbsV M")
     apply clarsimp
     apply (rule ca_lr_DBAbsVI)
     apply (auto dest: evalOP_deterministic)
  case (DBFix e Γ ρ) then show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (rule fix_ind)
      apply simp_all
    apply (drule_tac x="env_ext_dbxρ" in meta_spec)
    apply (drule_tac x="case_nat (closing_subst (DBFix e) Γ 0) Γ" in meta_spec)
    apply (subgoal_tac "v. freedb e v  env_ext_dbxρv  case_nat (closing_subst (DBFix e) Γ 0) Γ v  closed (case_nat (closing_subst (DBFix e) Γ 0) Γ v)")
     apply clarsimp
     apply (erule ca_lrE) back
      apply auto[1]

      apply simp
      apply (rule ca_lrI)
       apply (auto simp: subst_closing_subst)[2]

      apply simp
      apply (rule ca_lrI)
       apply (auto simp: subst_closing_subst)[2]

      apply simp
      apply (rule ca_lrI)
       apply (auto simp: subst_closing_subst)[2]

      apply simp
      apply (rule ca_lr_DBAbsNI)
       apply (auto simp: subst_closing_subst)[3]

      apply simp
      apply (rule ca_lr_DBAbsVI)
       apply (auto simp: subst_closing_subst)[3]
       apply force

      apply (clarsimp simp: env_ext_db_def split: nat.split)
  case (DBCond c t e Γ ρ) then show ?case
    apply (simp add: cond_def)
    apply (drule_tac x=ρ in meta_spec, drule_tac x=Γ in meta_spec)+
    apply simp
    apply (erule ca_lrE, auto intro: ca_lr_DBAbsNI ca_lr_DBAbsVI)+
  case (DBSucc e Γ ρ) then show ?case
    apply (simp add: succ_def)
    apply (drule_tac x=ρ in meta_spec, drule_tac x=Γ in meta_spec)
    apply simp
    apply (erule ca_lrE, auto intro: ca_lr_DBAbsNI ca_lr_DBAbsVI)+
  case (DBPred e Γ ρ) then show ?case
    apply (simp add: pred_def)
    apply (drule_tac x=ρ in meta_spec, drule_tac x=Γ in meta_spec)
    apply simp
    apply (erule ca_lrE, auto intro: ca_lr_DBAbsNI ca_lr_DBAbsVI split: nat.split)+
  case (DBIsZero e Γ ρ) then show ?case
    apply (simp add: isZero_def)
    apply (drule_tac x=ρ in meta_spec, drule_tac x=Γ in meta_spec)
    apply simp
    apply (erule ca_lrE, auto intro: ca_lr_DBAbsNI ca_lr_DBAbsVI)+
qed auto


lemma ca_closed:
  assumes "closed e"
  shows "evalDdb eenv_empty_db  e"
  using ca_open[where e=e and ρ=env_empty_db] assms
  by (simp add: closed_def)

theorem ca:
  assumes nb: "evalDdb eenv_empty_db  "
  assumes "closed e"
  shows "V. e  V"
  using ca_closed[OF closed e] nb
  by (auto elim!: ca_lrE)


This last result justifies reasoning about contextual equivalence
using the denotational semantics, as we now show.


subsubsection‹Contextual Equivalence›


As we are using an un(i)typed language, we take a context @{term "C"}
to be an arbitrary term, where the free variables are the
``holes''. We substitute a closed expression @{term "e"} uniformly for
all of the free variables in @{term "C"}. If open, the term @{term
"e"} can be closed using enough @{term "AbsN"}s. This seems to be a
standard trick now, see e.g. citet"DBLP:conf/popl/KoutavasW06". If we
didn't have CBN (only CBV) then it might be worth showing that this is
an adequate treatment.


definition ctxt_sub :: "db  db  db" ((_<_>) [300, 0] 300) where
  "C<e>  closing_subst C (λ_. e) 0"

lemma ctxt_sub_closed [iff]:
  "closed e  closed (C<e>)"
  unfolding ctxt_sub_def by simp

lemma ctxt_sub_cong:
  assumes "closed e1"
  assumes "closed e2"
  assumes "evalDdb e1env_empty_db = evalDdb e2env_empty_db"
  shows "evalDdb (C<e1>)env_empty_db = evalDdb (C<e2>)env_empty_db"
  unfolding ctxt_sub_def using assms by (auto intro: closing_subst_evalDdb_cong)


Following citet"PittsAM:relpod" we define a relation between values
that ``have the same form''. This is weak at functional values. We
don't distinguish between strict and non-strict abstractions.


  have_the_same_form :: "db  db  bool" (‹_  _› [50,50] 50)
  "DBAbsN e  DBAbsN e'"
| "DBAbsN e  DBAbsV e'"
| "DBAbsV e  DBAbsN e'"
| "DBAbsV e  DBAbsV e'"
| "DBFix e  DBFix e'"
| "DBtt  DBtt"
| "DBff  DBff"
| "DBNum n  DBNum n"

declare have_the_same_form.intros [intro, simp]

lemma have_the_same_form_sound:
  assumes D: "evalDdb v1ρ = evalDdb v2ρ"
  assumes "val v1"
  assumes "val v2"
  shows "v1  v2"
  using val v1 D
  apply (induct rule: val.induct)
  apply simp_all
  using val v2
  apply (induct rule: val.induct)
  apply simp_all
  using val v2
  apply (induct rule: val.induct)
  apply simp_all
  using val v2
  apply (induct rule: val.induct)
  apply simp_all
  using val v2
  apply (induct rule: val.induct)
  apply simp_all
  using val v2
  apply (induct rule: val.induct)
  apply simp_all

(* FIXME could also show compatability, i.e. that the
contextually_equivalent relation is compatible with the language. *)


A program @{term "e2"} \emph{refines} the program @{term "e1"} if it
converges in context at least as often. This is a preorder on


  refines :: "db  db  bool" (‹_  _› [50,50] 50)
  "e1  e2  C. V1. C<e1>  V1  (V2. C<e2>  V2  V1  V2)"


Contextually-equivalent programs refine each other.


  contextually_equivalent :: "db  db  bool" (‹_  _›)
  "e1  e2  e1  e2  e2  e1"

lemma refinesI:
  "(C V1. C<e1>  V1  (V2. C<e2>  V2  V1  V2))
      e1  e2"
  unfolding refines_def by blast

lemma computational_adequacy_refines:
  assumes "closed e1"
  assumes "closed e2"
  assumes e: "evalDdb e1env_empty_db = evalDdb e2env_empty_db"
  shows "e1  e2"
proof(rule refinesI)
  fix C V1 assume V1: "C<e1>  V1"
  from assms have D: "evalDdb (C<e2>)env_empty_db = evalDdb (C<e1>)env_empty_db"
    by (metis ctxt_sub_cong)
  from D closed e2 obtain V2 where V2: "C<e2>  V2"
    using evalOP_sound[OF V1] ca[where e="C<e2>"] eval_val_not_bot[OF V1]
    by auto
  from D V1 V2 have V1V2: "evalDdb V1env_empty_db = evalDdb V2env_empty_db"
    by (simp add: evalOP_sound)
  from V1 V2 V1V2
  show "V2. C<e2>  V2  V1  V2"
    by (auto simp: have_the_same_form_sound)


Our ultimate theorem states that if two programs have the same
denotation then they are contextually equivalent.


theorem computational_adequacy:
  assumes 1: "closed e1"
  assumes 2: "closed e2"
  assumes D: "evalDdb e1env_empty_db = evalDdb e2env_empty_db"
  shows "e1  e2"
  using assms
  unfolding contextually_equivalent_def
  by (simp add: computational_adequacy_refines)


This gives us a sound but incomplete method for demonstrating
contextual equivalence. We expect this result is useful for showing
contextual equivalence for \emph{typed} programs as well, but leave it
to future work to demonstrate this.

See citet‹\S6.2› in "Gunter:1992" for further discussion of computational
adequacy at higher types.

The reader may wonder why we did not use Nominal syntax to define our
operational semantics, following
citet"DBLP:journals/entcs/UrbanN09". The reason is that Nominal2 does
not support the definition of continuous functions over Nominal
syntax, which is required by the evaluators of \S\ref{sec:directsem}
and \S\ref{sec:directsem_db}. As observed above, in the setting of
traditional programming language semantics one can get by with a much
simpler notion of substitution than is needed for investigations into
λ›-calculi. Clearly this does not hold of languages that
reduce ``under binders''.

The ``fast and loose reasoning is morally correct'' work of
citet"DBLP:conf/popl/DanielssonHJG06" can be seen as a kind of
adequacy result.

citet"DBLP:conf/tphol/BentonKV09" demonstrate a similar computational
adequacy result in Coq. However their system is only geared up for
this kind of metatheory, and not reasoning about particular programs;
its term language is combinatory.

citet"DBLP:conf/ppdp/BentonKBH07" and "DBLP:conf/ppdp/BentonKBH09" have
shown that it is difficult to scale this domain-theoretic approach up
to richer languages, such as those with dynamic allocation of mutable
references, especially if these references can contain (arbitrary)
functional values.


