Theory WorldLine

   Mike Stannett, April 2020
   Updated: Jan 2023

section ‹ WorldLine ›

text ‹This theory defines worldlines.›

theory WorldLine
  imports WorldView Functions

class WorldLine = WorldView + Functions

abbreviation wline :: "Body  Body  'a Point set"
  where "wline m k  { p . m sees k at p }"

(* Lemmas *)
lemma lemWorldLineUnderWVT: 
  shows "applyToSet (wvtFunc m k) (wline m b)   wline k b"
  by auto

lemma lemFiniteLineVelocityUnique:
  assumes "(u  lineVelocity l)  (v  lineVelocity l)"
and       "lineSlopeFinite l"
  shows   "u = v"
proof - 
  have " d1  drtn l . u = velocityJoining origin d1" using assms by simp
  then obtain d1 
    where d1: "d1  drtn l  u = velocityJoining origin d1" by blast

  have " d2  drtn l . v = velocityJoining origin d2" using assms by simp
  then obtain d2 
    where d2:  "d2  drtn l  v = velocityJoining origin d2" by blast

  hence "(d1  drtn l)  (d2  drtn l)" using d1 d2 by auto

  then obtain a where a: "(a  0)  (d2 = (a  d1))" 
    using lemDrtn[of "d1" "d2" "l"] by blast

(* TODO: Show that the slopes are finite *)
  have slopes: "(tval d1  0)  (tval d2  0) 
                   (slopeFinite origin d1)  (slopeFinite origin d2)"
  proof -
    obtain x y where xy: "(x  y)  (onLine x l)  (onLine y l)  (slopeFinite x y)"
      using assms(2) by blast
    hence "slopeFinite x y" by blast
    hence tvalnz: "tval y - tval x  0" by simp

    define yx where "yx = (yx)"
    hence "(x  y)  (onLine x l)  (onLine y l)  (yx = (y  x))" using xy by simp
    hence " x y . (x  y)  (onLine x l)  (onLine y l)  (yx = (y  x))" by blast
    hence "(y  x)  drtn l" using yx_def by auto
    then obtain b where b: "(b  0)  (d2 = (b  (yx)))" 
      using d2 lemDrtn[of "yx" "d2" "l"] by blast

    hence tval2: "tval d2  tval origin" using tvalnz b by simp
    hence tval1: "tval d1  tval origin" using a by auto
    hence finite: "(slopeFinite origin d1)  (slopeFinite origin d2)" 
      using tval2 by auto
    have "tval origin = 0" by simp
    thus ?thesis using tval1 tval2 finite by blast

  have t1nz: "tval d1  0" using slopes by auto
  have anz: "a  0" using a by blast
  hence equ: "1/(tval d1) = (1/(a*tval d1))*a" by simp

  hence "sloper origin d1 = (((1/(a*tval d1))*a)  d1)" using slopes by auto
  also have "... =  ((1/(tval d2))  d2)" 
    using lemScaleAssoc[of "1/(a*tval d1)" "a" "d1"] a by auto
  finally have equalslopers: "sloper origin d1 = sloper origin d2" using slopes by auto

  thus ?thesis using d1 d2 by auto

end (* of class WorldLine *)

end (* of theory WorldLine *)