Theory LazyList_Filtermap

section ‹Filtermap for Lazy Lists›

theory LazyList_Filtermap
  imports LazyList_Operations List_Filtermap

text ‹ This theory defines the filtermap operator for lazy lists, proves its basic properties, 
and proves a coinductive criterion for the euqlity of two filtermapped lazy lsits. ›

subsection ‹Lazy lists filtermap›

definition lfiltermap ::
"('trans  bool)  ('trans  'a)  'trans llist  'a llist"
"lfiltermap pred func tr  lmap func (lfilter pred tr)"

lemmas lfiltermap_lmap_lfilter = lfiltermap_def

lemma lfiltermap_lappend: "lfinite tr  lfiltermap pred func (lappend tr tr1) = 
  lappend (lfiltermap pred func tr) (lfiltermap pred func tr1)"
unfolding lfiltermap_def by (simp add: lmap_lappend_distrib)

lemma lfiltermap_LNil_never: "lfiltermap pred func tr = [[]]  lnever pred tr"
by (simp add: lfilter_empty_conv lfiltermap_lmap_lfilter llist.pred_set)

lemma llength_lfiltermap: "llength (lfiltermap pred func tr)  llength tr"
by (simp add: lfiltermap_lmap_lfilter llength_lfilter_ile)

lemma lfiltermap_llist_all[simp]: "lfinite tr  lfiltermap pred func tr = lmap func tr  llist_all pred tr"
apply (induction "list_of tr" arbitrary: tr)
  subgoal using llist_of_list_of   
    by (metis lfiltermap_LNil_never llist.pred_inject(1) llist.simps(12) llist_of.simps(1) llist_of_list_of) 
  subgoal for a x tr apply(cases tr, auto)  
    apply (metis iless_Suc_eq length_list_of lfilter_LCons lfiltermap_lmap_lfilter 
    lfinite_LConsI linorder_not_less llength_LCons llength_lfiltermap llength_lmap)
    apply (metis Suc_ile_eq eSuc_enat length_list_of lfilter_LCons lfiltermap_lmap_lfilter linorder_not_less 
      llength_LCons llength_lfiltermap llength_lmap llist.sel(3) ltl_lmap)
    by (simp add: lfiltermap_lmap_lfilter) .

lemma lfilter_LNil_lnever: "[[]] = lfilter pred xs  lnever pred xs"
by (metis lfiltermap_LNil_never lfiltermap_lmap_lfilter llist.simps(12))

lemma lnever_LNil_lfilter: "lnever pred xs  [[]] = lfilter pred xs"
by (metis lfilter_empty_conv llist.pred_set)

lemma lfilter_LNil_lnever': "lfilter pred xs = [[]]  lnever pred xs"
by (metis lfiltermap_LNil_never lfiltermap_lmap_lfilter llist.simps(12))

lemma lnever_LNil_lfilter': "lnever pred xs  lfilter pred xs = [[]]"
by (metis lfilter_empty_conv llist.pred_set)

lemma lfiltermap_LCons2_eq:
     "lfiltermap pred func [[x, x']] = lfiltermap pred func [[y, y']]
   lfiltermap pred func (x $ x' $ zs) = lfiltermap pred func (y $ y' $ zs)"
by (metis lappend_code(1) lappend_code(2) lfiltermap_lappend lfinite_LCons lfinite_LNil)

lemma lfiltermap_LCons_cong:
   "lfiltermap pred func xs = lfiltermap pred func ys
 lfiltermap pred func (x $ xs) = lfiltermap pred func (x $ ys)"
by (simp add: lfiltermap_lmap_lfilter)

lemma lfiltermap_LCons_eq:
   "lfiltermap pred func xs = lfiltermap pred func ys
 pred x  pred y
 pred x  func x = func y
 lfiltermap pred func (x $ xs) = lfiltermap pred func (y $ ys)"
by (simp add: lfiltermap_lmap_lfilter)

lemma set_lfiltermap:
"lset (lfiltermap pred func xs)  {func x | x . x  lset xs  pred x}"
unfolding lfiltermap_def by auto

lemma lfinite_lfiltermap_filtermap: 
"lfinite xs  lfiltermap pred func xs = llist_of (filtermap pred func (list_of xs))" 
by (induct rule: lfinite.induct, auto simp: lfiltermap_lmap_lfilter) 

lemma lfiltermap_llist_of_filtermap: 
"lfiltermap pred func(llist_of xs) = llist_of (filtermap pred func xs)"
by (simp add: lfinite_lfiltermap_filtermap)

lemma filtermap_butlast: "xs  [] 
    ¬ pred (last xs) 
    filtermap pred func xs = filtermap pred func (butlast xs)"
by (metis append_butlast_last_id not_holds_filtermap_RCons)

lemma filtermap_butlast': 
"xs  []  pred (last xs)  
 filtermap pred func xs = filtermap pred func (butlast xs) @ [func (last xs)]"
by (metis append_butlast_last_id holds_filtermap_RCons)

lemma lfinite_lfiltermap_butlast: "xs  [[]]  (lfinite xs  ¬ pred (llast xs))  
lfiltermap pred func xs = lfiltermap pred func (lbutlast xs)"
unfolding lbutlast_def 
by (metis (full_types) filtermap_butlast lfiltermap_llist_of_filtermap llast_last_llist_of 
llist_of.simps(1) llist_of_list_of)  

lemma last_filtermap: "xs  []  pred (last xs)  
  filtermap pred func xs  []  last (filtermap pred func xs) = func (last xs)"
by (metis holds_filtermap_RCons snoc_eq_iff_butlast)

(* *)

lemma filtermap_ltakeUntil[simp]: 
"xlset xs. pred x  filtermap pred func (ltakeUntil pred xs) = [func (last (ltakeUntil pred xs))]"
unfolding filtermap_def  
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Cons_eq_map_conv append_butlast_last_id append_self_conv2 filter.simps(1) 
filter_eq_Cons_iff ltakeUntil_ex_butlast ltakeUntil_last ltakeUntil_not_Nil map_append)

lemma last_ltakeUntil_filtermap[simp]: 
"xlset xs. pred x  func (last (ltakeUntil pred xs)) = lhd (lfiltermap pred func xs)"
unfolding lfiltermap_lmap_lfilter  
by simp (metis (no_types, lifting) ldropWhile_cong lfinite_LConsI lfinite_LNil lfinite_lappend 
lfinite_ltakeWhile llast_lappend_LCons llast_llist_of llast_singleton llist_of_list_of ltakeUntil_def)

lemma lfiltermap_lmap_filtermap_lsplit:
assumes "lfiltermap pred func xs = lfiltermap pred func ys"
shows "lmap (filtermap pred func) (lsplit pred xs) = lmap (filtermap pred func) (lsplit pred ys)"
using assms apply(coinduction arbitrary: xs ys) 
by simp (smt (verit, best) LCons_lfilter_ldropUntil lfiltermap_lmap_lfilter 
  llist.map_disc_iff lnull_lfilter ltl_lmap ltl_simps(2) not_lnull_conv)

lemma lfiltermap_lfinite_lsplit:
assumes "lfiltermap pred func xs = lfiltermap pred func ys"
shows "lfinite (lsplit pred xs)  lfinite (lsplit pred ys)" 
by (metis assms lfiltermap_lmap_filtermap_lsplit llength_eq_infty_conv_lfinite llength_lmap)

lemma lfiltermap_lsplitRemainder[simp]: "lfiltermap pred func (lsplitRemainder pred xs) = [[]]"
by (metis lfiltermap_LNil_never llist.pred_set lset_lsplitRemainder)

lemma lfiltermap_lconcat_lsplit: 
"lfiltermap pred func xs = 
 lfiltermap pred func (lconcat (lmap llist_of (lsplit pred xs)))"
apply(subst lsplit_lsplitRemainder[of xs pred])
apply(cases "lfinite (lconcat (lmap llist_of (lsplit pred xs)))")
  subgoal apply(subst lfiltermap_lappend) by auto
  subgoal apply(subst lappend_inf) by auto .

lemma lfilter_lconcat_lfinite': "(i. i < llength yss  lfinite (lnth yss i)) 
 lfilter pred (lconcat yss) = lconcat (lmap (lfilter pred) yss)" 
by (metis in_lset_conv_lnth lfilter_lconcat_lfinite)

lemma lfilter_lconcat_llist_of: 
"lfilter pred (lconcat (lmap llist_of yss)) = lconcat (lmap (lfilter pred) (lmap llist_of yss))" 
apply(rule lfilter_lconcat_lfinite) by auto

lemma lfiltermap_lconcat_lmap_llist_of: 
"lfiltermap pred func (lconcat (lmap llist_of yss)) = 
 lconcat (lmap (llist_of o filtermap pred func) yss)" 
unfolding lfiltermap_def lfilter_lconcat_llist_of 
unfolding lmap_lconcat filtermap_def 
by simp (smt (verit, best) in_lset_conv_lnth lfilter_llist_of 
 llength_lmap llist.map_comp llist.map_cong lmap_llist_of lnth_lmap)

lemma filtermap_noteq_imp_lsplit:
assumes len: "llength (lsplit pred xs) = llength (lsplit pred xs')"
and l: "lfiltermap pred func xs  lfiltermap pred func xs'"
shows "i0<llength (lsplit pred xs). 
   filtermap pred func (lnth (lsplit pred xs) i0)  
   filtermap pred func (lnth (lsplit pred xs') i0)"
  define yss where yss: "yss  lsplit pred xs" 
  define yss' where yss': "yss'  lsplit pred xs'" 
  define u where u: "u = lmap (llist_of o filtermap pred func) yss"
  define u' where u': "u' = lmap (llist_of o filtermap pred func) yss'"
  have "lfiltermap pred func (lconcat (lmap llist_of yss))  
        lfiltermap pred func (lconcat (lmap llist_of yss'))" 
  using l[unfolded lfiltermap_lconcat_lsplit[of pred func xs]
                   lfiltermap_lconcat_lsplit[of pred func xs']]
  unfolding yss yss' .
  hence "lconcat u  lconcat u'" 
  unfolding lfiltermap_lconcat_lmap_llist_of u u' .
  hence "u  u'" by auto
  moreover have "llength u = llength u'"  
    by (simp add: u u' len yss yss')
  ultimately obtain i0 where 0: "i0 < llength u" "lnth u i0  lnth u' i0" 
  by (metis llist.rel_eq llist_all2_all_lnthI)

  show ?thesis unfolding yss[symmetric] yss'[symmetric] apply(rule exI[of _ i0])
  using 0 len unfolding u u'  
  by simp (metis lnth_lmap yss yss')

subsection ‹Coinductive criterion for filtermap equality›

text ‹We work in a locale that fixes two function-predicate pairs, 
for performing two instances of filtermap. We will give criteria for 
when the two filtermap applications to two lazy lists are equal. ›

locale TwoFuncPred = 
fixes pred :: "'a  bool" and pred' :: "'a'  bool" 
and func :: "'a  'b" and func' :: "'a'  'b"

lemma LCons_eq_lmap_lfilter: 
assumes "LCons b bss = lmap func (lfilter pred as)" 
shows "as1 a ass. 
   as = lappend (llist_of as1) (LCons a ass)  
   never pred as1  pred a  func a = b  
   bss = lmap func (lfilter pred ass)"
  obtain a ass' where 1: "lfilter pred as = LCons a ass'" "b = func a" "bss = lmap func ass'"
  using assms by (metis lmap_eq_LCons_conv)
  obtain us vs where 2: "as = lappend us (a $ vs)" "lfinite us"
  "ulset us. ¬ pred u" "pred a" "ass' = lfilter pred vs"
  using lfilter_eq_LConsD[OF 1(1)] by auto
  show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ "list_of us"]) apply(rule exI[of _ a]) apply(rule exI[of _ "vs"]) 
  using 1 2  
  by simp (metis Ball_set set_list_of) 

lemma LCons_eq_lmap_lfilter': 
assumes "LCons b bss = lmap func' (lfilter pred' as)" 
shows "as1 a ass. 
   as = lappend (llist_of as1) (LCons a ass)  
   never pred' as1  pred' a  func' a = b  
   bss = lmap func' (lfilter pred' ass)"
  obtain a ass' where 1: "lfilter pred' as = LCons a ass'" "b = func' a" "bss = lmap func' ass'"
  using assms by (metis lmap_eq_LCons_conv)
  obtain us vs where 2: "as = lappend us (a $ vs)" "lfinite us"
  "ulset us. ¬ pred' u" "pred' a" "ass' = lfilter pred' vs"
  using lfilter_eq_LConsD[OF 1(1)] by auto
  show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ "list_of us"]) apply(rule exI[of _ a]) apply(rule exI[of _ "vs"]) 
  using 1 2  
  by simp (metis Ball_set set_list_of) 

lemma lmap_lfilter_lappend_lnever: 
assumes P: "P lxs lxs'"
and lappend: 
"lxs lxs'. P lxs lxs'  
   lmap func (lfilter pred lxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')   
   (ys llxs ys' llxs'.        
       ys  []  ys'  []  
       map func (filter pred ys) = map func' (filter pred' ys')  
       lxs = lappend (llist_of ys) llxs  lxs' = lappend (llist_of ys') llxs'  
       P llxs llxs')" 
shows "lnever pred lxs = lnever pred' lxs'"
proof safe
  assume ln: "lnever pred lxs"
  show "lnever pred' lxs'"
  unfolding llist_all_lnth using P ln apply (intro allI impI)
  subgoal for i proof(induct i arbitrary: lxs lxs' rule: less_induct)
    case (less i lxs lxs')
    show ?case using lappend[OF less(2)] proof(elim disjE exE conjE)
      fix ys llxs ys' llxs'
      assume yss': "ys  []" "ys'  []" "map func (filter pred ys) = map func' (filter pred' ys')"
      and lxs: "lxs = lappend (llist_of ys) llxs" and lxs': "lxs' = lappend (llist_of ys') llxs'" 
      and P: "P llxs llxs'" 
      have lnys: "never pred ys" and lnllxs: "lnever pred llxs" using `lnever pred lxs` unfolding lxs 
        by (auto simp add: list_all_iff llist.pred_set) 
      hence lnys': "never pred' ys'" using yss'(2)  
        by (metis Nil_is_map_conv never_Nil_filter yss'(3))
      show "¬ pred' (lnth lxs' i)" 
      proof(cases "i < length ys'")
        case True note i = True
        hence 0: "lnth lxs' i = ys' ! i" unfolding lxs lxs'  
          by (auto simp: lnth_lappend_llist_of)
        show ?thesis using lnys' i unfolding 0 
          by (simp add: list_all_length)
        case False note i = False
        then obtain j where i: "i = length ys' + j" 
        using le_Suc_ex not_le_imp_less by blast
        hence j: "j < llength llxs'" using `i < llength lxs'` unfolding lxs' 
        using enat_add_mono by fastforce 
        hence 0: "lnth lxs' i = lnth llxs' j" unfolding lxs lxs'  
        unfolding i  by (auto simp: lnth_lappend_llist_of)
        show ?thesis unfolding 0 apply(rule less(1)[rule_format, OF _ P])
        using j P yss' less.prems lnllxs unfolding i by auto 
    qed(metis less.prems(2) less.prems(3) llist_all_lnth lmap_eq_LNil lnever_LNil_lfilter')
  qed .
  assume ln': "lnever pred' lxs'"
  show "lnever pred lxs"
  unfolding llist_all_lnth using P ln' apply (intro allI impI)
  subgoal for i proof(induct i arbitrary: lxs lxs' rule: less_induct)
    case (less i lxs lxs')
    show ?case using lappend[OF less(2)] proof(elim disjE exE conjE)
      fix ys llxs ys' llxs'
      assume yss': "ys  []" "ys'  []" "map func (filter pred ys) = map func' (filter pred' ys')"
      and lxs: "lxs = lappend (llist_of ys) llxs" and lxs': "lxs' = lappend (llist_of ys') llxs'" 
      and P: "P llxs llxs'" 
      have lnys': "never pred' ys'" and lnllxs: "lnever pred' llxs'" using `lnever pred' lxs'` unfolding lxs' 
        by (auto simp add: list_all_iff llist.pred_set) 
      hence lnys: "never pred ys" using yss'(2)  
        by (metis Nil_is_map_conv never_Nil_filter yss'(3))
      show "¬ pred (lnth lxs i)" 
      proof(cases "i < length ys")
        case True note i = True
        hence 0: "lnth lxs i = ys ! i" unfolding lxs lxs'  
          by (auto simp: lnth_lappend_llist_of)
        show ?thesis using lnys i unfolding 0  
          by (simp add: list_all_length)
        case False note i = False
        then obtain j where i: "i = length ys + j" 
        using le_Suc_ex not_le_imp_less by blast
        hence j: "j < llength llxs" using `i < llength lxs` unfolding lxs
        using enat_add_mono by fastforce 
        hence 0: "lnth lxs i = lnth llxs j" unfolding lxs lxs'  
        unfolding i  by (auto simp: lnth_lappend_llist_of)
        show ?thesis unfolding 0 apply(rule less(1)[rule_format, OF _ P])
        using j P yss' less.prems lnllxs unfolding i by auto 
    qed(metis less.prems(2) less.prems(3) llist_all_lnth lmap_eq_LNil lnever_LNil_lfilter')
  qed .

(* Key lemma: From the weaker assumption ys ≠ [] ∧ ys' ≠ [], 
move to the stronger one "map func (filter pred ys) ≠ []" 
(and also "map func (filter pred ys') ≠ []" since the two are assumed equal). 
lemma lmap_lfilter_lappend_makeStronger: 
assumes lappend: 
"lxs lxs'. P lxs lxs'  
   lmap func (lfilter pred lxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')   
   (ys llxs ys' llxs'.        
       ys  []  ys'  []  
       map func (filter pred ys) = map func' (filter pred' ys')  
       lxs = lappend (llist_of ys) llxs  lxs' = lappend (llist_of ys') llxs'  
       P llxs llxs')" 
and P: "P lxs lxs'" 
shows "lmap func (lfilter pred lxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')   
   (ys llxs ys' llxs'.        
       map func (filter pred ys)  []  
       map func (filter pred ys) = map func' (filter pred' ys')  
       lxs = lappend (llist_of ys) llxs  lxs' = lappend (llist_of ys') llxs'  
       P llxs llxs')"
using P proof(induct "firstHolds pred lxs" arbitrary: lxs lxs' rule: less_induct)
  case (less lxs lxs')
  show ?case using lappend[OF less(2)] proof(elim disjE allE conjE exE)
    fix ys llxs ys' llxs'
    assume yss': "ys  []" "ys'  []" "map func (filter pred ys) = map func' (filter pred' ys')"
    and lxs: "lxs = lappend (llist_of ys) llxs" and lxs': "lxs' = lappend (llist_of ys') llxs'"
    and P: "P llxs llxs'"
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases "lnever pred lxs")
      case True note ln = True
      hence ln': "lnever pred' lxs'" 
      using lappend less.prems lmap_lfilter_lappend_lnever by blast
      show ?thesis apply(rule disjI1)
      using ln ln' by (simp add: lnever_LNil_lfilter')
      case False note ln = False
      hence ln': "¬ lnever pred' lxs'" 
      using lappend less.prems lmap_lfilter_lappend_lnever by blast
      have "¬ never pred ys  (never pred ys  ¬ lnever pred llxs)" using ln unfolding lxs
      unfolding llist_all_lappend_llist_of by simp
      thus ?thesis proof(elim disjE conjE)
        assume ys: "¬ never pred ys"
        show ?thesis apply(rule disjI2)
        apply(rule exI[of _ ys]) apply(rule exI[of _ llxs]) apply(rule exI[of _ ys']) apply(rule exI[of _ llxs'])
        using yss' lxs lxs' P ys by (auto simp:  never_Nil_filter)
        assume ys: "never pred ys" and llxs: "¬ lnever pred llxs"
        hence ys': "never pred' ys'" and llxs': "¬ lnever pred' llxs'"      
        apply (metis Nil_is_map_conv never_Nil_filter yss'(3)) 
        using P lappend llxs lmap_lfilter_lappend_lnever by blast

        have firstHolds: "firstHolds pred llxs < firstHolds pred lxs"
        unfolding lxs firstHolds_append[OF llxs ys] using yss' by simp 
        show ?thesis proof(cases "lmap func (lfilter pred llxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' llxs')")
          case True
          hence "lmap func (lfilter pred lxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')"
          unfolding lxs lxs' using ys ys' 
          by (simp add: lmap_lappend_distrib yss'(3))
          thus ?thesis by simp
          case False
          then obtain yys lllxs yys' lllxs' where yyss': "map func (filter pred yys)  []" 
          "map func (filter pred yys) = map func' (filter pred' yys')"
          and llxs: "llxs = lappend (llist_of yys) lllxs" and llxs': "llxs' = lappend (llist_of yys') lllxs'" 
          and "P lllxs lllxs'" using less(1)[OF firstHolds P] by blast
          show ?thesis apply(rule disjI2) 
          apply(rule exI[of _ "ys @ yys"]) apply(rule exI[of _ lllxs])
          apply(rule exI[of _ "ys' @ yys'"]) apply(rule exI[of _ lllxs'])
          apply(intro conjI)
            subgoal using yyss'(1) by simp
            subgoal apply simp unfolding yss'(3) yyss'(2) ..
            subgoal unfolding lxs llxs lappend_assoc lappend_llist_of_llist_of[symmetric] ..
            subgoal unfolding lxs' llxs' lappend_assoc lappend_llist_of_llist_of[symmetric] .. 
            subgoal by fact .   
  qed simp

(* The "raw" version of the criterion ensures coinductive progress via "ys ≠ [] ∧ ys' ≠ []". *)

proposition lmap_lfilter_lappend_coind: 
assumes P: "P lxs lxs'"
and lappend: 
"lxs lxs'. P lxs lxs'  
   lmap func (lfilter pred lxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')   
   (ys llxs ys' llxs'.        
       ys  []  ys'  []   
       map func (filter pred ys) = map func' (filter pred' ys')  
       lxs = lappend (llist_of ys) llxs  lxs' = lappend (llist_of ys') llxs'  
       P llxs llxs')" 
shows "lmap func (lfilter pred lxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')"
  have lappend: 
  "lxs lxs'. P lxs lxs'  
   lmap func (lfilter pred lxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')   
   (ys llxs ys' llxs'.               
       map func (filter pred ys)  []  
       map func (filter pred ys) = map func' (filter pred' ys')  
       lxs = lappend (llist_of ys) llxs  lxs' = lappend (llist_of ys') llxs'  
       P llxs llxs')" 
  using lmap_lfilter_lappend_makeStronger[OF lappend] by auto
  show ?thesis apply(rule llist_lappend_coind[where P = "λas as'. 
    lxs lxs'. as = lmap func (lfilter pred lxs)  
               as' = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')  
               P lxs lxs'"])
    subgoal using P by auto
    subgoal for lxs lxs' using lappend  
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) lfilter_lappend_llist_of list.map_disc_iff lmap_lappend_distrib lmap_llist_of) .

(* The criterion can be enhanced by plugging in descent via a well-founded relation 
as an alternative to "ys ≠ [] ∧ ys' ≠ []". *)

proposition lmap_lfilter_lappend_coind_wf: 
assumes W: "wf W" and P: "P w lxs lxs'"
and lappend: 
"w lxs lxs'. P w lxs lxs'  
   lmap func (lfilter pred lxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')   
   (v ys llxs ys' llxs'.        
       (ys  []  ys'  []  (v,w)  W)   
       map func (filter pred ys) = map func' (filter pred' ys')  
       lxs = lappend (llist_of ys) llxs  lxs' = lappend (llist_of ys') llxs'  
       P v llxs llxs')" 
shows "lmap func (lfilter pred lxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')"
  define Q where "Q  λ llxs llxs'. w. P w llxs llxs'"
  have Q: "Q lxs lxs'" using P unfolding Q_def by auto
  {fix lxs lxs' assume "Q lxs lxs'"
   then obtain w where "P w lxs lxs'" using Q_def by auto
   hence "lmap func (lfilter pred lxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')   
     (ys llxs ys' llxs'.        
       ys  []  ys'  []   
       map func (filter pred ys) = map func' (filter pred' ys')  
       lxs = lappend (llist_of ys) llxs  lxs' = lappend (llist_of ys') llxs'  
       Q llxs llxs')" 
   proof(induct w arbitrary: lxs lxs' rule: wf_induct_rule[OF W])
     case (1 w lxs lxs')
     show ?case using lappend[OF 1(2)] apply(elim disjE)
       subgoal by simp
       subgoal proof(elim exE disjE conjE)
         fix v ys llxs ys' llxs' assume vw: "(v, w)  W"
         and yss': "map func (filter pred ys) = map func' (filter pred' ys')"
         and lxs: "lxs = lappend (llist_of ys) llxs"
         and lxs': "lxs' = lappend (llist_of ys') llxs'"
         and P: "P v llxs llxs'"
         show ?thesis
         proof(cases "lmap func (lfilter pred lxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')")
           case True
           thus ?thesis by simp
           case False
           hence "lmap func (lfilter pred llxs)  lmap func' (lfilter pred' llxs')"
           using yss' unfolding lxs lxs' by (auto simp: lmap_lappend_distrib)
           then obtain yys lllxs yys' lllxs' where yyss': "yys  []" "yys'  []"
           "map func (filter pred yys) = map func' (filter pred' yys')"
           and llxs: "llxs = lappend (llist_of yys) lllxs"
           and llxs': "llxs' = lappend (llist_of yys') lllxs'"
           and "Q lllxs lllxs'"using 1(1)[OF vw P] by auto
           show ?thesis apply(rule disjI2)
           apply(rule exI[of _ "ys @ yys"]) apply(rule exI[of _ lllxs])
           apply(rule exI[of _ "ys' @ yys'"]) apply(rule exI[of _ lllxs'])
           apply(intro conjI)
            subgoal using yyss'(1) by simp
            subgoal using yyss'(2) by simp
            subgoal apply simp unfolding yss' yyss' ..
            subgoal unfolding lxs llxs lappend_assoc lappend_llist_of_llist_of[symmetric] ..
            subgoal unfolding lxs' llxs' lappend_assoc lappend_llist_of_llist_of[symmetric] .. 
            subgoal by fact . 
     qed (unfold Q_def,blast) .
  } note lappend = this
  show ?thesis apply(rule lmap_lfilter_lappend_coind[of Q, OF Q lappend]) by auto

(* And finally a version with well-founded descent separated for ys and ys': *)

proposition lmap_lfilter_lappend_coind_wf2: 
assumes W1: "wf (W1::'a1 rel)" and W2: "wf (W2::'a2 rel)" 
and P: "P w1 w2 lxs lxs'"
and lappend: 
"w1 w2 lxs lxs'. P w1 w2 lxs lxs'  
   lmap func (lfilter pred lxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')   
   (v1 v2 ys llxs ys' llxs'.        
       ((v1,w1)  W1  ys  [])  ((v2,w2)  W2  ys'  [])   
       map func (filter pred ys) = map func' (filter pred' ys')  
       lxs = lappend (llist_of ys) llxs  lxs' = lappend (llist_of ys') llxs'  
       P v1 v2 llxs llxs')" 
shows "lmap func (lfilter pred lxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')"
  {fix w1 w2  lxs lxs' assume "P w1 w2 lxs lxs'" 
   hence "lmap func (lfilter pred lxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')   
     (v1 v2 ys llxs ys' llxs'.        
       ys  []  (ys'  []  (v2,w2)  trancl W2)   
       map func (filter pred ys) = map func' (filter pred' ys')  
       lxs = lappend (llist_of ys) llxs  lxs' = lappend (llist_of ys') llxs'  
       P v1 v2 llxs llxs')" 
   proof(induct w1 arbitrary: w2 lxs lxs' rule: wf_induct_rule[OF W1])
     case (1 w1 w2 lxs lxs')
     show ?case using lappend[OF 1(2)] apply(elim disjE)
       subgoal by simp 
       subgoal proof(elim exE conjE)
         fix v1 v2 ys llxs ys' llxs' assume vw1: "(v1, w1)  W1  ys  []"
         and vw2: "(v2, w2)  W2  ys'  []"
         and yss': "map func (filter pred ys) = map func' (filter pred' ys')"
         and lxs: "lxs = lappend (llist_of ys) llxs"
         and lxs': "lxs' = lappend (llist_of ys') llxs'"
         and P: "P v1 v2 llxs llxs'"
         show ?thesis 
         proof(cases "ys  []")
           case True
           thus ?thesis using vw2 yss' lxs lxs' P by blast
           case False note ys = False         
           hence vw1: "(v1, w1)  W1" using vw1 by auto
           show ?thesis
           proof(cases "lmap func (lfilter pred lxs) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' lxs')")
             case True
             thus ?thesis by simp
             case False
             hence "lmap func (lfilter pred llxs)  lmap func' (lfilter pred' llxs')"
             using yss' unfolding lxs lxs' by (auto simp: lmap_lappend_distrib)
             then obtain v1 vv2 yys lllxs yys' lllxs' where yyss': "yys  []" "yys'  []  (vv2,v2)  trancl W2"
             "map func (filter pred yys) = map func' (filter pred' yys')"
             and llxs: "llxs = lappend (llist_of yys) lllxs"
             and llxs': "llxs' = lappend (llist_of yys') lllxs'"
             and "P v1 vv2 lllxs lllxs'"using 1(1)[OF vw1 P] by blast
             show ?thesis apply(rule disjI2)
             apply(rule exI[of _ v1]) apply(rule exI[of _ vv2])
             apply(rule exI[of _ "ys @ yys"]) apply(rule exI[of _ lllxs])
             apply(rule exI[of _ "ys' @ yys'"]) apply(rule exI[of _ lllxs'])
             apply(intro conjI)
               subgoal using yyss'(1) by simp
               subgoal using yyss'(2) vw2 by auto
               subgoal apply simp unfolding yss' yyss' ..
               subgoal unfolding lxs llxs lappend_assoc lappend_llist_of_llist_of[symmetric] ..
               subgoal unfolding lxs' llxs' lappend_assoc lappend_llist_of_llist_of[symmetric] .. 
               subgoal by fact . 
     qed . 
  } note lappend = this
  (* *)
  define Q where "Q  λ w2 llxs llxs'. w1. P w1 w2 llxs llxs'" 
  have W2p: "wf (W2+)"  
    using W2 wf_trancl by blast
  have Q: "Q w2 lxs lxs'" using P unfolding Q_def by auto
  show ?thesis apply(rule lmap_lfilter_lappend_coind_wf[OF W2p, of Q, OF Q])
  using lappend unfolding Q_def by meson

subsection ‹ A concrete instantiation of the criterion›

(* It uses the standard order on extended-naturals. 
``sameFM'' stands for "same filtermap (value)". 

coinductive sameFM :: "enat  enat  'a llist  'a' llist  bool" where
"sameFM wL wR [[]] [[]]"
"(pred a  pred' a')  (pred a  func a = func' a')  sameFM wL wR [[a]] [[a']]"
"(xs  []  vL < wL)  (xs'  []  vR < wR)  
 map func (filter pred xs) = map func' (filter pred' xs')  
 sameFM vL vR as as'
  sameFM wL wR (lappend (llist_of xs) as) (lappend (llist_of xs') as')"
"lmap func (lfilter pred as) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' as')  
 sameFM wL wR as as'"

proposition sameFM_lmap_lfilter: 
assumes "sameFM wL wR as as'"
shows "lmap func (lfilter pred as) = lmap func' (lfilter pred' as')"
apply(rule lmap_lfilter_lappend_coind_wf2[OF wf wf, of sameFM wL wR])
  subgoal using assms by simp
  subgoal apply (erule sameFM.cases)
  by simp_all blast .

end (* context TwoFuncPred *)
