Theory Monomorphic_Monad

(*  Title:      Monomorphic_Monad.thy
    Author:     Andreas Lochbihler, ETH Zurich *)

theory Monomorphic_Monad imports

section ‹Preliminaries›

lemma (in comp_fun_idem) fold_set_union:
  " finite A; finite B   Finite_Set.fold f x (A  B) = Finite_Set.fold f (Finite_Set.fold f x A) B"
by(induction A arbitrary: x rule: finite_induct)(simp_all add: fold_insert_idem2 del: fold_insert_idem)

lemma (in comp_fun_idem) ffold_set_union: "ffold f x (A |∪| B) = ffold f (ffold f x A) B"
including fset.lifting by(transfer fixing: f)(rule fold_set_union)

lemma relcompp_top_top [simp]: "top OO top = top"
by(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)

attribute_setup locale_witness = Scan.succeed Locale.witness_add

named_theorems monad_unfold "Defining equations for overloaded monad operations"

context includes lifting_syntax begin

inductive rel_itself :: "'a itself  'b itself  bool"
where "rel_itself TYPE(_) TYPE(_)"

lemma type_parametric [transfer_rule]: "rel_itself TYPE('a) TYPE('b)"
by(simp add: rel_itself.simps)
lemma plus_multiset_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(rel_mset A ===> rel_mset A ===> rel_mset A) (+) (+)"
  apply(rule rel_funI)+
  subgoal premises prems using prems by induction(auto intro: rel_mset_Plus)

lemma Mempty_parametric [transfer_rule]: "rel_mset A {#} {#}"
  by(fact rel_mset_Zero)

lemma fold_mset_parametric:
  assumes 12: "(A ===> B ===> B) f1 f2"
  and "comp_fun_commute f1" "comp_fun_commute f2"
  shows "(B ===> rel_mset A ===> B) (fold_mset f1) (fold_mset f2)"
proof(rule rel_funI)+
  interpret f1: comp_fun_commute f1 by fact
  interpret f2: comp_fun_commute f2 by fact

  show "B (fold_mset f1 z1 X) (fold_mset f2 z2 Y)" 
    if "rel_mset A X Y" "B z1 z2" for z1 z2 X Y
    using that(1) by(induction RA X Y)(simp_all add: that(2) 12[THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])

lemma rel_fset_induct [consumes 1, case_names empty step, induct pred: rel_fset]:
  assumes XY: "rel_fset A X Y"
    and empty: "P {||} {||}"
    and step: "X Y x y.  rel_fset A X Y; P X Y; A x y; x |∉| X  y |∉| Y   P (finsert x X) (finsert y Y)"
  shows "P X Y"
proof -
  from XY obtain Z where X: "X = fst |`| Z" and Y: "Y = snd |`| Z" and Z: "fBall Z (λ(x, y). A x y)"
    unfolding fset.in_rel by auto
  from Z show ?thesis unfolding X Y
  proof(induction Z)
    case (insert xy Z)
    obtain x y where [simp]: "xy = (x, y)" by(cases xy)
    show ?case using insert
      apply(cases "x |∈| fst |`| Z  y |∈| snd |`| Z")
       apply(simp add: finsert_absorb)
      apply(auto intro!: step simp add: fset.in_rel; blast)
  qed(simp add: assms)

lemma ffold_parametric:
  assumes 12: "(A ===> B ===> B) f1 f2"
  and "comp_fun_idem f1" "comp_fun_idem f2"
  shows "(B ===> rel_fset A ===> B) (ffold f1) (ffold f2)"
proof(rule rel_funI)+
  interpret f1: comp_fun_idem f1 by fact
  interpret f2: comp_fun_idem f2 by fact

  show "B (ffold f1 z1 X) (ffold f2 z2 Y)" 
    if "rel_fset A X Y" "B z1 z2" for z1 z2 X Y
    using that(1) by(induction)(simp_all add: that(2) 12[THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])


lemma rel_set_Grp: "rel_set (BNF_Def.Grp A f) = BNF_Def.Grp {X. X  A} (image f)"
  by(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff Grp_def rel_set_def)

context includes cset.lifting begin

lemma cUNION_assoc: "cUNION (cUNION A f) g = cUNION A (λx. cUNION (f x) g)"
  by transfer auto

lemma cUnion_cempty [simp]: "cUnion cempty = cempty"
  by transfer simp

lemma cUNION_cempty [simp]: "cUNION cempty f = cempty"
  by simp

lemma cUnion_cinsert: "cUnion (cinsert x A) = cUn x (cUnion A)"
  by transfer simp

lemma cUNION_cinsert: "cUNION (cinsert x A) f = cUn (f x) (cUNION A f)"
  by (simp add: cUnion_cinsert)

lemma cUnion_csingle [simp]: "cUnion (csingle x) = x"
  by (simp add: cUnion_cinsert)

lemma cUNION_csingle [simp]: "cUNION (csingle x) f = f x"
  by simp

lemma cUNION_csingle2 [simp]: "cUNION A csingle = A"
  by (fact cUN_csingleton)

lemma cUNION_cUn: "cUNION (cUn A B) f = cUn (cUNION A f) (cUNION B f)"
  by simp

lemma cUNION_parametric [transfer_rule]: includes lifting_syntax shows
  "(rel_cset A ===> (A ===> rel_cset B) ===> rel_cset B) cUNION cUNION"
  unfolding rel_fun_def by transfer(blast intro: rel_set_UNION)


locale three =
  fixes tytok :: "'a itself"
  assumes ex_three: "x y z :: 'a. x  y  x  z  y  z"

definition threes :: "'a × 'a × 'a" where
  "threes = (SOME (x, y, z). x  y  x  z  y  z)"
definition three1 :: 'a (1) where "1 = fst threes"
definition three2 :: 'a (2) where "2 = fst (snd threes)"
definition three3 :: 'a (3) where "3 = snd (snd (threes))"

lemma three_neq_aux: "1  2" "1  3" "2  3"
proof -
  have "1  2  1  3  2  3"
    unfolding three1_def three2_def three3_def threes_def split_def
    by(rule someI_ex)(use ex_three in auto)
  then show "1  2" "1  3" "2  3" by simp_all

lemmas three_neq [simp] = three_neq_aux three_neq_aux[symmetric]

inductive rel_12_23 :: "'a  'a  bool" where
  "rel_12_23 1 2"
| "rel_12_23 2 3"

lemma bi_unique_rel_12_23 [simp, transfer_rule]: "bi_unique rel_12_23"
  by(auto simp add: bi_unique_def rel_12_23.simps)

inductive rel_12_21 :: "'a  'a  bool" where
  "rel_12_21 1 2"
| "rel_12_21 2 1"

lemma bi_unique_rel_12_21 [simp, transfer_rule]: "bi_unique rel_12_21"
  by(auto simp add: bi_unique_def rel_12_21.simps)


lemma bernoulli_pmf_0: "bernoulli_pmf 0 = return_pmf False"
  by(rule pmf_eqI)(simp split: split_indicator)

lemma bernoulli_pmf_1: "bernoulli_pmf 1 = return_pmf True"
  by(rule pmf_eqI)(simp split: split_indicator)

lemma bernoulli_Not: "map_pmf Not (bernoulli_pmf r) = bernoulli_pmf (1 - r)"
  apply(rule pmf_eqI)
  apply(rewrite in "pmf _  = _" not_not[symmetric])
  apply(subst pmf_map_inj')
  apply(simp_all add: inj_on_def bernoulli_pmf.rep_eq min_def max_def)

lemma pmf_eqI_avoid: "p = q" if "i. i  x  pmf p i = pmf q i"
proof(rule pmf_eqI)
  show "pmf p i = pmf q i" for i
  proof(cases "i = x")
    case [simp]: True
    have "pmf p i = measure_pmf.prob p {i}" by(simp add: measure_pmf_single)
    also have " = 1 - measure_pmf.prob p (UNIV - {i})"
      by(subst measure_pmf.prob_compl[unfolded space_measure_pmf]) simp_all
    also have "measure_pmf.prob p (UNIV - {i}) = measure_pmf.prob q (UNIV - {i})"
      unfolding integral_pmf[symmetric] by(rule Bochner_Integration.integral_cong)(auto intro: that)
    also have "1 -  = measure_pmf.prob q {i}"
      by(subst measure_pmf.prob_compl[unfolded space_measure_pmf]) simp_all
    also have " = pmf q i" by(simp add: measure_pmf_single)
    finally show ?thesis .
    case False
    then show ?thesis by(rule that)

section ‹Locales for monomorphic monads›

subsection ‹Plain monad›

type_synonym ('a, 'm) bind = "'m  ('a  'm)  'm"
type_synonym ('a, 'm) return = "'a  'm"

locale monad_base =
  fixes return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"

primrec sequence :: "'m list  ('a list  'm)  'm"
  "sequence [] f = f []"
| "sequence (x # xs) f = bind x (λa. sequence xs (f  (#) a))"

definition lift :: "('a  'a)  'm  'm"
where "lift f x = bind x (λx. return (f x))"


  monad_base.sequence.simps [code]
  monad_base.lift_def [code]

context includes lifting_syntax begin

lemma sequence_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((M ===> (A ===> M) ===> M) ===> list_all2 M ===> (list_all2 A ===> M) ===> M) monad_base.sequence monad_base.sequence"
unfolding monad_base.sequence_def[abs_def] by transfer_prover

lemma lift_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((A ===> M) ===> (M ===> (A ===> M) ===> M) ===> (A ===> A) ===> M ===> M) monad_base.lift monad_base.lift"
unfolding monad_base.lift_def by transfer_prover


locale monad = monad_base return bind
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  assumes bind_assoc: "(x :: 'm) f g. bind (bind x f) g = bind x (λy. bind (f y) g)" 
  and return_bind: "x f. bind (return x) f = f x"
  and bind_return: "x. bind x return = x"

lemma bind_lift [simp]: "bind (lift f x) g = bind x (g  f)"
by(simp add: lift_def bind_assoc return_bind o_def)

lemma lift_bind [simp]: "lift f (bind m g) = bind m (λx. lift f (g x))"
by(simp add: lift_def bind_assoc)


subsection ‹State›

type_synonym ('s, 'm) get = "('s  'm)  'm"
type_synonym ('s, 'm) put = "'s  'm  'm"

locale monad_state_base = monad_base return bind
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  fixes get :: "('s, 'm) get"
  and put :: "('s, 'm) put"

definition update :: "('s  's)  'm  'm"
where "update f m = get (λs. put (f s) m)"


declare monad_state_base.update_def [code]

lemma update_parametric [transfer_rule]: includes lifting_syntax shows  
  "(((S ===> M) ===> M) ===> (S ===> M ===> M) ===> (S ===> S) ===> M ===> M)
   monad_state_base.update monad_state_base.update"
unfolding monad_state_base.update_def by transfer_prover

locale monad_state = monad_state_base return bind get put + monad return bind 
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and get :: "('s, 'm) get"
  and put :: "('s, 'm) put"
  assumes put_get: "f. put s (get f) = put s (f s)"
  and get_get: "f. get (λs. get (f s)) = get (λs. f s s)"
  and put_put: "put s (put s' m) = put s' m"
  and get_put: "get (λs. put s m) = m"
  and get_const: "m. get (λ_. m) = m"
  and bind_get: "f g. bind (get f) g = get (λs. bind (f s) g)"
  and bind_put: "f. bind (put s m) f = put s (bind m f)"

lemma put_update: "put s (update f m) = put (f s) m"
by(simp add: update_def put_get put_put)

lemma update_put: "update f (put s m) = put s m"
by(simp add: update_def put_put get_const)

lemma bind_update: "bind (update f m) g = update f (bind m g)"
by(simp add: update_def bind_get bind_put)

lemma update_get: "update f (get g) = get (update f  g  f)"
by(simp add: update_def put_get get_get o_def) 
lemma update_const: "update (λ_. s) m = put s m"
by(simp add: update_def get_const)

lemma update_update: "update f (update g m) = update (g  f) m"
by(simp add: update_def put_get put_put)

lemma update_id: "update id m = m"
by(simp add: update_def get_put)


subsection ‹Failure›

type_synonym 'm fail = "'m"

locale monad_fail_base = monad_base return bind
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  fixes fail :: "'m fail"

definition assert :: "('a  bool)  'm  'm"
where "assert P m = bind m (λx. if P x then return x else fail)"


declare monad_fail_base.assert_def [code]

lemma assert_parametric [transfer_rule]: includes lifting_syntax shows
  "((A ===> M) ===> (M ===> (A ===> M) ===> M) ===> M ===> (A ===> (=)) ===> M ===> M)
   monad_fail_base.assert monad_fail_base.assert"
unfolding monad_fail_base.assert_def by transfer_prover

locale monad_fail = monad_fail_base return bind fail + monad return bind
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and fail :: "'m fail"
  assumes fail_bind: "f. bind fail f = fail"

lemma assert_fail: "assert P fail = fail"
by(simp add: assert_def fail_bind)


subsection ‹Exception›

type_synonym 'm catch = "'m  'm  'm"

locale monad_catch_base = monad_fail_base return bind fail
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and fail :: "'m fail"
  fixes catch :: "'m catch"

locale monad_catch = monad_catch_base return bind fail catch + monad_fail return bind fail
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and fail :: "'m fail"
  and catch :: "'m catch"
  assumes catch_return: "catch (return x) m = return x"
  and catch_fail: "catch fail m = m"
  and catch_fail2: "catch m fail = m"
  and catch_assoc: "catch (catch m m') m'' = catch m (catch m' m'')"

locale monad_catch_state = monad_catch return bind fail catch + monad_state return bind get put
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and fail :: "'m fail"
  and catch :: "'m catch"
  and get :: "('s, 'm) get"
  and put :: "('s, 'm) put"
  assumes catch_get: "catch (get f) m = get (λs. catch (f s) m)"
  and catch_put: "catch (put s m) m' = put s (catch m m')"

lemma catch_update: "catch (update f m) m' = update f (catch m m')"
by(simp add: update_def catch_get catch_put)


subsection ‹Reader›

text ‹As ask takes a continuation, we have to restate the monad laws for ask›

type_synonym ('r, 'm) ask = "('r  'm)  'm"

locale monad_reader_base = monad_base return bind
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  fixes ask :: "('r, 'm) ask"

locale monad_reader = monad_reader_base return bind ask + monad return bind
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and ask :: "('r, 'm) ask"
  assumes ask_ask: "f. ask (λr. ask (f r)) = ask (λr. f r r)"
  and ask_const: "ask (λ_. m) = m"
  and bind_ask: "f g. bind (ask f) g = ask (λr. bind (f r) g)"
  and bind_ask2: "f. bind m (λx. ask (f x)) = ask (λr. bind m (λx. f x r))"

lemma ask_bind: "ask (λr. bind (f r) (g r)) = bind (ask f) (λx. ask (λr. g r x))"
by(simp add: bind_ask bind_ask2 ask_ask)


locale monad_reader_state =
  monad_reader return bind ask +
  monad_state return bind get put
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and ask :: "('r, 'm) ask"
  and get :: "('s, 'm) get"
  and put :: "('s, 'm) put"
  assumes ask_get: "f. ask (λr. get (f r)) = get (λs. ask (λr. f r s))"
  and put_ask: "f. put s (ask f) = ask (λr. put s (f r))"

subsection ‹Probability›

type_synonym ('p, 'm) sample = "'p pmf  ('p  'm)  'm"

locale monad_prob_base = monad_base return bind
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  fixes sample :: "('p, 'm) sample"

locale monad_prob = monad return bind + monad_prob_base return bind sample
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and sample :: "('p, 'm) sample"
  assumes sample_const: "p m. sample p (λ_. m) = m"
  and sample_return_pmf: "x f. sample (return_pmf x) f = f x"
  and sample_bind_pmf: "p f g. sample (bind_pmf p f) g = sample p (λx. sample (f x) g)"
  and sample_commute: "p q f. sample p (λx. sample q (f x)) = sample q (λy. sample p (λx. f x y))"
  ― ‹We'd like to state that we can combine independent samples rather than just commute them, but that's not possible with a monomorphic sampling operation›
  and bind_sample1: "p f g. bind (sample p f) g = sample p (λx. bind (f x) g)"
  and bind_sample2: "m f p. bind m (λy. sample p (f y)) = sample p (λx. bind m (λy. f y x))"
  and sample_parametric: "R. bi_unique R  rel_fun (rel_pmf R) (rel_fun (rel_fun R (=)) (=)) sample sample"

lemma sample_cong: "(x. x  set_pmf p  f x = g x)  sample p f = sample q g" if "p = q"
  by(rule sample_parametric[where R="eq_onp (λx. x  set_pmf p)", THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])
    (simp_all add: bi_unique_def eq_onp_def rel_fun_def pmf.rel_refl_strong that)


text ‹We can implement binary probabilistic choice using @{term sample} provided that the sample space
  contains at least three elements.›

locale monad_prob3 = monad_prob return bind sample + three "TYPE('p)"
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and sample :: "('p, 'm) sample"

definition pchoose :: "real  'm  'm  'm" where
  "pchoose r m m' = sample (map_pmf (λb. if b then 1 else 2) (bernoulli_pmf r)) (λx. if x = 1 then m else m')"

abbreviation pchoose_syntax :: "'m  real  'm  'm" (‹_  _  _› [100, 0, 100] 99) where
  "m  r  m'  pchoose r m m'"

lemma pchoose_0: "m  0  m' = m'"
  by(simp add: pchoose_def bernoulli_pmf_0 sample_return_pmf)

lemma pchoose_1: "m  1  m' = m"
  by(simp add: pchoose_def bernoulli_pmf_1 sample_return_pmf)

lemma pchoose_idemp: "m  r  m = m"
  by(simp add: pchoose_def sample_const)

lemma pchoose_bind1: "bind (m  r  m') f = bind m f  r  bind m' f"
  by(simp add: pchoose_def bind_sample1 if_distrib[where f="λm. bind m _"])

lemma pchoose_bind2: "bind m (λx. f x  p  g x) = bind m f  p  bind m g"
  by(auto simp add: pchoose_def bind_sample2 intro!: arg_cong2[where f=sample])

lemma pchoose_commute: "m  1 - r  m' = m'  r  m"
  apply(simp add: pchoose_def bernoulli_Not[symmetric] pmf.map_comp o_def)
  apply(rule sample_parametric[where R=rel_12_21, THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])
  subgoal by(simp)
  subgoal by(rule pmf.map_transfer[where Rb="(=)", THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])
            (simp_all add: rel_fun_def rel_12_21.simps pmf.rel_eq)
  subgoal by(simp add: rel_fun_def rel_12_21.simps)

lemma pchoose_assoc: "m  p  (m'  q  m'') = (m  r  m')  s  m''" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  if "min 1 (max 0 p) = min 1 (max 0 r) * min 1 (max 0 s)"
  and "1 - min 1 (max 0 s) = (1 - min 1 (max 0 p)) * (1 - min 1 (max 0 q))"
proof -
  let ?f = "(λx. if x = 1 then m else if x = 2 then m' else m'')"
  let ?p = "bind_pmf (map_pmf (λb. if b then 1 else 2) (bernoulli_pmf p))
     (λx. if x = 1 then return_pmf 1 else map_pmf (λb. if b then 2 else 3) (bernoulli_pmf q))"
  let ?q = "bind_pmf (map_pmf (λb. if b then 1 else 2) (bernoulli_pmf s))
     (λx. if x = 1 then map_pmf (λb. if b then 1 else 2) (bernoulli_pmf r) else return_pmf 3)"

  have [simp]: "{x. ¬ x} = {False}" "{x. x} = {True}" by auto

  have "?lhs = sample ?p ?f"
    by(auto simp add: pchoose_def sample_bind_pmf if_distrib[where f="λx. sample x _"] sample_return_pmf rel_fun_def rel_12_23.simps pmf.rel_eq cong: if_cong intro!: sample_cong[OF refl] sample_parametric[where R="rel_12_23", THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD] pmf.map_transfer[where Rb="(=)", THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])
  also have "?p = ?q"
  proof(rule pmf_eqI_avoid)
    fix i :: "'p"
    assume "i  2"
    then consider (one) "i = 1" | (three) "i = 3" | (other) "i  1" "i  2" "i  3" by metis
    then show "pmf ?p i = pmf ?q i"
    proof cases
      case [simp]: one
      have "pmf ?p i = measure_pmf.expectation (map_pmf (λb. if b then 1 else 2) (bernoulli_pmf p)) (indicator {1})"
        unfolding pmf_bind
        by(rule arg_cong2[where f=measure_pmf.expectation, OF refl])(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff pmf_eq_0_set_pmf)
      also have " = min 1 (max 0 p)" 
        by(simp add: vimage_def)(simp add: measure_pmf_single bernoulli_pmf.rep_eq)
      also have " = min 1 (max 0 s) * min 1 (max 0 r)" using that(1) by simp
      also have " = measure_pmf.expectation (bernoulli_pmf s)
            (λx. indicator {True} x * pmf (map_pmf (λb. if b then 1 else 2) (bernoulli_pmf r)) 1)"
        by(simp add: pmf_map vimage_def measure_pmf_single)(simp add:  bernoulli_pmf.rep_eq)
      also have " = pmf ?q i"
        unfolding pmf_bind integral_map_pmf
        by(rule arg_cong2[where f=measure_pmf.expectation, OF refl])(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff pmf_eq_0_set_pmf)
      finally show ?thesis .
      case [simp]: three
      have "pmf ?p i = measure_pmf.expectation (bernoulli_pmf p)
            (λx. indicator {False} x * pmf (map_pmf (λb. if b then 2 else 3) (bernoulli_pmf q)) 3)"
        unfolding pmf_bind integral_map_pmf
        by(rule arg_cong2[where f=measure_pmf.expectation, OF refl])(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff pmf_eq_0_set_pmf)
      also have " = (1 - min 1 (max 0 p)) * (1 - min 1 (max 0 q))" 
        by(simp add: pmf_map vimage_def measure_pmf_single)(simp add:  bernoulli_pmf.rep_eq)
      also have " = 1 - min 1 (max 0 s)" using that(2) by simp
      also have " = measure_pmf.expectation (map_pmf (λb. if b then 1 else 2) (bernoulli_pmf s)) (indicator {2})"
        by(simp add: vimage_def)(simp add: measure_pmf_single bernoulli_pmf.rep_eq)
      also have " = pmf ?q i"
        unfolding pmf_bind
        by(rule Bochner_Integration.integral_cong_AE)(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff pmf_eq_0_set_pmf AE_measure_pmf_iff)
      finally show ?thesis .
      case other
      then have "pmf ?p i = 0" "pmf ?q i = 0" by(auto simp add: pmf_eq_0_set_pmf)
      then show ?thesis by simp
  also have "sample ?q ?f = ?rhs"
    by(auto simp add: pchoose_def sample_bind_pmf if_distrib[where f="λx. sample x _"] sample_return_pmf cong: if_cong intro!: sample_cong[OF refl])
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma pchoose_assoc': "m  p  (m'  q  m'') = (m  r  m')  s  m''"
  if "p = r * s" and "1 - s = (1 - p) * (1 - q)"
  and "0  p" "p  1" "0  q" "q  1" "0  r" "r  1" "0  s" "s  1"
  by(rule pchoose_assoc; use that in simp add: min_def max_def)


locale monad_state_prob = monad_state return bind get put + monad_prob return bind sample
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and get :: "('s, 'm) get"
  and put :: "('s, 'm) put"
  and sample :: "('p, 'm) sample"
  assumes sample_get: "sample p (λx. get (f x)) = get (λs. sample p (λx. f x s))"

lemma sample_put: "sample p (λx. put s (m x)) = put s (sample p m)"
proof -
  fix UU
  have "sample p (λx. put s (m x)) = sample p (λx. bind (put s (return UU)) (λ_. m x))"
    by(simp add: bind_put return_bind)
  also have " = bind (put s (return UU)) (λ_. sample p m)"
    by(simp add: bind_sample2)
  also have " = put s (sample p m)"
    by(simp add: bind_put return_bind)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma sample_update: "sample p (λx. update f (m x)) = update f (sample p m)"
by(simp add: update_def sample_get sample_put)


subsection ‹Nondeterministic choice›

subsubsection ‹Binary choice›

type_synonym 'm alt = "'m  'm  'm"

locale monad_alt_base = monad_base return bind
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  fixes alt :: "'m alt"

locale monad_alt = monad return bind + monad_alt_base return bind alt
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and alt :: "'m alt"
  + ― ‹Laws taken from Gibbons, Hinze: Just do it›
  assumes alt_assoc: "alt (alt m1 m2) m3 = alt m1 (alt m2 m3)"
  and bind_alt1: "bind (alt m m') f = alt (bind m f) (bind m' f)"

locale monad_fail_alt = monad_fail return bind fail + monad_alt return bind alt
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and fail :: "'m fail"
  and alt :: "'m alt"
  assumes alt_fail1: "alt fail m = m"
  and alt_fail2: "alt m fail = m"

lemma assert_alt: "assert P (alt m m') = alt (assert P m) (assert P m')"
by(simp add: assert_def bind_alt1)


locale monad_state_alt = monad_state return bind get put + monad_alt return bind alt
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and get :: "('s, 'm) get"
  and put :: "('s, 'm) put"
  and alt :: "'m alt"
  assumes alt_get: "alt (get f) (get g) = get (λx. alt (f x) (g x))"
  and alt_put: "alt (put s m) (put s m') = put s (alt m m')"
  ― ‹Unlike for @{term sample}, we must require both @{text alt_get} and @{text alt_put} because
  we do not require that @{term bind} right-distributes over @{term alt}.›

lemma alt_update: "alt (update f m) (update f m') = update f (alt m m')"
by(simp add: update_def alt_get alt_put)


subsubsection ‹Countable choice›

type_synonym ('c, 'm) altc = "'c cset  ('c  'm)  'm"

locale monad_altc_base = monad_base return bind
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  fixes altc :: "('c, 'm) altc"

definition fail :: "'m fail" where "fail = altc cempty (λ_. undefined)"


declare monad_altc_base.fail_def [code]

locale monad_altc = monad return bind + monad_altc_base return bind altc
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and altc :: "('c, 'm) altc"
  assumes bind_altc1: "C g f. bind (altc C g) f = altc C (λc. bind (g c) f)"
  and altc_single: "x f. altc (csingle x) f = f x"
  and altc_cUNION: "C f g. altc (cUNION C f) g = altc C (λx. altc (f x) g)"
  ― ‹We do not assume @{text altc_const} like for @{text sample} because the choice set might be empty›
  and altc_parametric: "R. bi_unique R  rel_fun (rel_cset R) (rel_fun (rel_fun R (=)) (=)) altc altc"

lemma altc_cong: "cBall C (λx. f x = g x)  altc C f = altc C g"
  apply(rule altc_parametric[where R="eq_onp (λx. cin x C)", THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])
  subgoal by(simp add: bi_unique_def eq_onp_def)
  subgoal by(simp add: cset.rel_eq_onp eq_onp_same_args pred_cset_def cin_def)
  subgoal by(simp add: rel_fun_def eq_onp_def cBall_def cin_def)

lemma monad_fail [locale_witness]: "monad_fail return bind fail"
  show "bind fail f = fail" for f
    by(simp add: fail_def bind_altc1 cong: altc_cong)


text ‹We can implement alt› via altc› only if we know that there are sufficiently
  many elements in the choice type @{typ 'c}. For the associativity law, we need at least
  three elements.›

locale monad_altc3 = monad_altc return bind altc + three "TYPE('c)"
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and altc :: "('c, 'm) altc"

definition alt :: "'m alt"
where "alt m1 m2 = altc (cinsert 1 (csingle 2)) (λc. if c = 1 then m1 else m2)"

lemma monad_alt: "monad_alt return bind alt"
  show "bind (alt m m') f = alt (bind m f) (bind m' f)" for m m' f
    by(simp add: alt_def bind_altc1 if_distrib[where f="λm. bind m _"])

  fix m1 m2 m3 :: 'm
  let ?C = "cUNION (cinsert 1 (csingle 2)) (λc. if c = 1 then cinsert 1 (csingle 2) else csingle 3)"
  let ?D = "cUNION (cinsert 1 (csingle 2)) (λc. if c = 1 then csingle 1 else cinsert 2 (csingle 3))"
  let ?f = "λc. if c = 1 then m1 else if c = 2 then m2 else m3"
  have "alt (alt m1 m2) m3 = altc ?C ?f"
    by (simp only: altc_cUNION) (auto simp add: alt_def altc_single intro!: altc_cong)
  also have "?C = ?D" including cset.lifting by transfer(auto simp add: insert_commute)
  also have "altc ?D ?f = alt m1 (alt m2 m3)"
    apply (simp only: altc_cUNION)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: alt_def altc_single intro!: altc_cong)
    apply (rule altc_parametric [where R="conversep rel_12_23", THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])
    subgoal by simp
    subgoal including cset.lifting by transfer
      (simp add: rel_set_def rel_12_23.simps)
    subgoal by (simp add: rel_fun_def rel_12_23.simps)
  finally show "alt (alt m1 m2) m3 = alt m1 (alt m2 m3)" .


locale monad_state_altc =
  monad_state return bind get put +
  monad_altc return bind altc
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and get :: "('s, 'm) get"
  and put :: "('s, 'm) put"
  and altc :: "('c, 'm) altc"
  assumes altc_get: "C f. altc C (λc. get (f c)) = get (λs. altc C (λc. f c s))"
  and altc_put: "C f. altc C (λc. put s (f c)) = put s (altc C f)"

subsection ‹Writer monad›

type_synonym ('w, 'm) tell = "'w  'm  'm"

locale monad_writer_base = monad_base return bind
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  fixes tell :: "('w, 'm) tell"

locale monad_writer = monad_writer_base return bind tell + monad return bind
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and tell :: "('w, 'm) tell"
  assumes bind_tell: "w m f. bind (tell w m) f = tell w (bind m f)"

subsection ‹Resumption monad›

type_synonym ('o, 'i, 'm) pause = "'o  ('i  'm)  'm"

locale monad_resumption_base = monad_base return bind
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  fixes pause :: "('o, 'i, 'm) pause"

locale monad_resumption = monad_resumption_base return bind pause + monad return bind 
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  and pause :: "('o, 'i, 'm) pause"
  assumes bind_pause: "bind (pause out c) f = pause out (λi. bind (c i) f)"

subsection ‹Commutative monad›

locale monad_commute = monad return bind 
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  assumes bind_commute: "bind m (λx. bind m' (f x)) = bind m' (λy. bind m (λx. f x y))"

subsection ‹Discardable monad›

locale monad_discard = monad return bind
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  assumes bind_const: "bind m (λ_. m') = m'"

subsection ‹Duplicable monad›

locale monad_duplicate = monad return bind
  for return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"
  assumes bind_duplicate: "bind m (λx. bind m (f x)) = bind m (λx. f x x)"

section ‹Monad implementations›

subsection ‹Identity monad›

text ‹We need a type constructor such that we can overload the monad operations›

datatype 'a id = return_id ("extract": 'a)

lemmas return_id_parametric = id.ctr_transfer

lemma rel_id_unfold: 
  "rel_id A (return_id x) m'  (x'. m' = return_id x'  A x x')"
  "rel_id A m (return_id x')  (x. m = return_id x  A x x')"
  subgoal by(cases m'; simp)
  subgoal by(cases m; simp)

lemma rel_id_expand: "M (extract m) (extract m')  rel_id M m m'"
  by(cases m; cases m'; simp)

subsubsection ‹Plain monad›

primrec bind_id :: "('a, 'a id) bind"
where "bind_id (return_id x) f = f x"

lemma extract_bind [simp]: "extract (bind_id x f) = extract (f (extract x))"
by(cases x) simp

lemma bind_id_parametric [transfer_rule]: includes lifting_syntax shows
  "(rel_id A ===> (A ===> rel_id A) ===> rel_id A) bind_id bind_id"
unfolding bind_id_def by transfer_prover

lemma monad_id [locale_witness]: "monad return_id bind_id"
  show "bind_id (bind_id x f) g = bind_id x (λx. bind_id (f x) g)" 
    for x :: "'a id" and f :: "'a  'a id" and g :: "'a  'a id"
    by(rule id.expand) simp
  show "bind_id (return_id x) f = f x" for f :: "'a  'a id" and x
    by(rule id.expand) simp
  show "bind_id x return_id = x" for x :: "'a id"
    by(rule id.expand) simp

lemma monad_commute_id [locale_witness]: "monad_commute return_id bind_id"
  show "bind_id m (λx. bind_id m' (f x)) = bind_id m' (λy. bind_id m (λx. f x y))" for m m' :: "'a id" and f
    by(rule id.expand) simp

lemma monad_discard_id [locale_witness]: "monad_discard return_id bind_id"
  show "bind_id m (λ_. m') = m'" for m m' :: "'a id" by(rule id.expand) simp

lemma monad_duplicate_id [locale_witness]: "monad_duplicate return_id bind_id"
  show "bind_id m (λx. bind_id m (f x)) = bind_id m (λx. f x x)" for m :: "'a id" and f
    by(rule id.expand) simp

subsection ‹Probability monad›

text ‹We don't know of a sensible probability monad transformer, so we define the plain probability monad.›

type_synonym 'a prob = "'a pmf"

lemma monad_prob [locale_witness]: "monad return_pmf bind_pmf"
by unfold_locales(simp_all add: bind_assoc_pmf bind_return_pmf bind_return_pmf')

lemma monad_prob_prob [locale_witness]: "monad_prob return_pmf bind_pmf bind_pmf"
  including lifting_syntax
  show "bind_pmf p (λ_. m) = m" for p :: "'b pmf" and m :: "'a prob"
    by(rule bind_pmf_const)
  show "bind_pmf (return_pmf x) f = f x" for f :: "'b  'a prob" and x by(rule bind_return_pmf)
  show "bind_pmf (bind_pmf p f) g = bind_pmf p (λx. bind_pmf (f x) g)"
    for p :: "'b pmf" and f :: "'b  'b pmf" and g :: "'b  'a prob"
    by(rule bind_assoc_pmf)
  show "bind_pmf p (λx. bind_pmf q (f x)) = bind_pmf q (λy. bind_pmf p (λx. f x y))"
    for p q :: "'b pmf" and f :: "'b  'b  'a prob" by(rule bind_commute_pmf)
  show "bind_pmf (bind_pmf p f) g = bind_pmf p (λx. bind_pmf (f x) g)"
    for p :: "'b pmf" and f :: "'b  'a prob" and g :: "'a  'a prob"
    by(simp add: bind_assoc_pmf)
  show "bind_pmf m (λy. bind_pmf p (f y)) = bind_pmf p (λx. bind_pmf m (λy. f y x))"
    for m :: "'a prob" and p :: "'b pmf" and f :: "'a  'b  'a prob"
    by(rule bind_commute_pmf)
  show "(rel_pmf R ===> (R ===> (=)) ===> (=)) bind_pmf bind_pmf" for R :: "'b  'b  bool" 
    by transfer_prover

lemma monad_commute_prob [locale_witness]: "monad_commute return_pmf bind_pmf"
  show "bind_pmf m (λx. bind_pmf m' (f x)) = bind_pmf m' (λy. bind_pmf m (λx. f x y))"
    for m m' :: "'a prob" and f :: "'a  'a  'a prob"
    by(rule bind_commute_pmf)

lemma monad_discard_prob [locale_witness]: "monad_discard return_pmf bind_pmf"
  show "bind_pmf m (λ_. m') = m'" for m m' :: "'a pmf" by(simp)

subsection ‹Resumption›

text ‹
  We cannot define a resumption monad transformer because the codatatype recursion would have to
  go through a type variable. If we plug in something like unbounded non-determinism, then the
  HOL type does not exist.

codatatype ('o, 'i, 'a) resumption = is_Done: Done (result: 'a) | Pause ("output": 'o) (resume: "'i  ('o, 'i, 'a) resumption")

subsubsection ‹Plain monad›

definition return_resumption :: "'a  ('o, 'i, 'a) resumption"
where "return_resumption = Done"

primcorec bind_resumption :: "('o, 'i, 'a) resumption  ('a  ('o, 'i, 'a) resumption)  ('o, 'i, 'a) resumption"
where "bind_resumption m f = (if is_Done m then f (result m) else Pause (output m) (λi. bind_resumption (resume m i) f))"

definition pause_resumption :: "'o  ('i  ('o, 'i, 'a) resumption)  ('o, 'i, 'a) resumption"
where "pause_resumption = Pause"

lemma is_Done_return_resumption [simp]: "is_Done (return_resumption x)"
by(simp add: return_resumption_def)

lemma result_return_resumption [simp]: "result (return_resumption x) = x"
by(simp add: return_resumption_def)

lemma monad_resumption [locale_witness]: "monad return_resumption bind_resumption"
  show "bind_resumption (bind_resumption x f) g = bind_resumption x (λy. bind_resumption (f y) g)"
    for x :: "('o, 'i, 'a) resumption" and f g
    by(coinduction arbitrary: x f g rule: resumption.coinduct_strong) auto
  show "bind_resumption (return_resumption x) f = f x" for x and f :: "'a  ('o, 'i, 'a) resumption"
    by(rule resumption.expand)(simp_all add: return_resumption_def)
  show "bind_resumption x return_resumption = x" for x :: "('o, 'i, 'a) resumption"
    by(coinduction arbitrary: x rule: resumption.coinduct_strong) auto

lemma monad_resumption_resumption [locale_witness]:
  "monad_resumption return_resumption bind_resumption pause_resumption"
  show "bind_resumption (pause_resumption out c) f = pause_resumption out (λi. bind_resumption (c i) f)"
    for out c and f :: "'a  ('o, 'i, 'a) resumption"
    by(rule resumption.expand)(simp_all add: pause_resumption_def)

subsection ‹Failure and exception monad transformer›

text ‹
  The phantom type variable @{typ 'a} is needed to avoid hidden polymorphism when overloading the
  monad operations for the failure monad transformer.

datatype (plugins del: transfer) (phantom_optionT: 'a, set_optionT: 'm) optionT =
  OptionT (run_option: 'm)
  for rel: rel_optionT' 
      map: map_optionT'

text ‹
  We define our own relator and mapper such that the phantom variable does not need any relation.

lemma phantom_optionT [simp]: "phantom_optionT x = {}"
by(cases x) simp

context includes lifting_syntax begin

lemma rel_optionT'_phantom: "rel_optionT' A = rel_optionT' top"
by(auto 4 4 intro: optionT.rel_mono antisym optionT.rel_mono_strong)

lemma map_optionT'_phantom: "map_optionT' f = map_optionT' undefined"
by(auto 4 4 intro: optionT.map_cong)

definition map_optionT :: "('m  'm')  ('a, 'm) optionT  ('b, 'm') optionT"
where "map_optionT = map_optionT' undefined"

definition rel_optionT :: "('m  'm'  bool)  ('a, 'm) optionT  ('b, 'm') optionT  bool"
where "rel_optionT = rel_optionT' top"

lemma rel_optionTE:
  assumes "rel_optionT M m m'"
  obtains x y where "m = OptionT x" "m' = OptionT y" "M x y"
using assms by(cases m; cases m'; simp add: rel_optionT_def)

lemma rel_optionT_simps [simp]: "rel_optionT M (OptionT m) (OptionT m')  M m m'"
by(simp add: rel_optionT_def)

lemma rel_optionT_eq [relator_eq]: "rel_optionT (=) = (=)"
by(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff rel_optionT_def intro: optionT.rel_refl_strong elim: optionT.rel_cases)

lemma rel_optionT_mono [relator_mono]: "rel_optionT A  rel_optionT B" if "A  B"
by(simp add: rel_optionT_def optionT.rel_mono that)

lemma rel_optionT_distr [relator_distr]: "rel_optionT A OO rel_optionT B = rel_optionT (A OO B)"
by(simp add: rel_optionT_def optionT.rel_compp[symmetric])

lemma rel_optionT_Grp: "rel_optionT (BNF_Def.Grp A f) = BNF_Def.Grp {x. set_optionT x  A} (map_optionT f)"
by(simp add: rel_optionT_def rel_optionT'_phantom[of "BNF_Def.Grp UNIV undefined", symmetric] optionT.rel_Grp map_optionT_def)

lemma OptionT_parametric [transfer_rule]: "(M ===> rel_optionT M) OptionT OptionT"
by(simp add: rel_fun_def rel_optionT_def)

lemma run_option_parametric [transfer_rule]: "(rel_optionT M ===> M) run_option run_option"
by(auto simp add: rel_fun_def rel_optionT_def elim: optionT.rel_cases)

lemma case_optionT_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((M ===> X) ===> rel_optionT M ===> X) case_optionT case_optionT"
by(auto simp add: rel_fun_def rel_optionT_def split: optionT.split)

lemma rec_optionT_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((M ===> X) ===> rel_optionT M ===> X) rec_optionT rec_optionT"
by(auto simp add: rel_fun_def elim: rel_optionTE)


subsubsection ‹Plain monad, failure, and exceptions›

  fixes return :: "('a option, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a option, 'm) bind"

definition return_option :: "('a, ('a, 'm) optionT) return"
where "return_option x = OptionT (return (Some x))"

primrec bind_option :: "('a, ('a, 'm) optionT) bind"
where [code_unfold, monad_unfold]:
  "bind_option (OptionT x) f = 
   OptionT (bind x (λx. case x of None  return (None :: 'a option) | Some y  run_option (f y)))"

definition fail_option :: "('a, 'm) optionT fail"
where [code_unfold, monad_unfold]: "fail_option = OptionT (return None)"

definition catch_option :: "('a, 'm) optionT catch"
where "catch_option m h = OptionT (bind (run_option m) (λx. if x = None then run_option h else return x))"

lemma run_bind_option:
  "run_option (bind_option x f) = bind (run_option x) (λx. case x of None  return None | Some y  run_option (f y))"
by(cases x) simp

lemma run_return_option [simp]: "run_option (return_option x) = return (Some x)"
by(simp add: return_option_def)

lemma run_fail_option [simp]: "run_option fail_option = return None"
by(simp add: fail_option_def)

lemma run_catch_option [simp]: 
  "run_option (catch_option m1 m2) = bind (run_option m1) (λx. if x = None then run_option m2 else return x)"
by(simp add: catch_option_def)

  assumes monad: "monad return bind"

interpretation monad return bind by(rule monad)

lemma monad_optionT [locale_witness]: "monad return_option bind_option" (is "monad ?return ?bind")
  show "?bind (?bind x f) g = ?bind x (λx. ?bind (f x) g)"  for x f g
    by(rule optionT.expand)(auto simp add: bind_assoc run_bind_option return_bind intro!: arg_cong2[where f=bind] split: option.split)
  show "?bind (?return x) f = f x" for f x
    by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: run_bind_option return_bind return_option_def)
  show "?bind x ?return = x" for x
    by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: run_bind_option option.case_distrib[symmetric] case_option_id bind_return cong del: option.case_cong)

lemma monad_fail_optionT [locale_witness]:
  "monad_fail return_option bind_option fail_option"
  show "bind_option fail_option f = fail_option" for f
    by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: run_bind_option return_bind)

lemma monad_catch_optionT [locale_witness]:
  "monad_catch return_option bind_option fail_option catch_option"
  show "catch_option (return_option x) m = return_option x" for x m
    by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: return_bind)
  show "catch_option fail_option m = m" for m
    by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: return_bind)
  show "catch_option m fail_option = m" for m
    by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: bind_return if_distrib[where f="return", symmetric] cong del: if_weak_cong)
   show "catch_option (catch_option m m') m'' = catch_option m (catch_option m' m'')" for m m' m''
    by(rule optionT.expand)(auto simp add: bind_assoc fun_eq_iff return_bind intro!: arg_cong2[where f=bind])


subsubsection ‹Reader›

  fixes ask :: "('r, 'm) ask"

definition ask_option :: "('r, ('a, 'm) optionT) ask" 
where [code_unfold, monad_unfold]: "ask_option f = OptionT (ask (λr. run_option (f r)))"

lemma run_ask_option [simp]: "run_option (ask_option f) = ask (λr. run_option (f r))"
by(simp add: ask_option_def)

lemma monad_reader_optionT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_reader return bind ask"
  shows "monad_reader return_option bind_option ask_option"
proof -
  interpret monad_reader return bind ask by(fact assms)
  show ?thesis
    show "ask_option (λr. ask_option (f r)) = ask_option (λr. f r r)" for f
      by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: ask_ask)
    show "ask_option (λ_. x) = x" for x
      by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: ask_const)
    show "bind_option (ask_option f) g = ask_option (λr. bind_option (f r) g)" for f g
      by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: bind_ask run_bind_option)
    show "bind_option m (λx. ask_option (f x)) = ask_option (λr. bind_option m (λx. f x r))" for m f
      by(rule optionT.expand)(auto simp add: bind_ask2[symmetric] run_bind_option ask_const del: ext intro!: arg_cong2[where f=bind] ext split: option.split)


subsubsection ‹State›

  fixes get :: "('s, 'm) get"
  and put :: "('s, 'm) put"

definition get_option :: "('s, ('a, 'm) optionT) get"
where "get_option f = OptionT (get (λs. run_option (f s)))"

primrec put_option :: "('s, ('a, 'm) optionT) put"
where "put_option s (OptionT m) = OptionT (put s m)"

lemma run_get_option [simp]:
  "run_option (get_option f) = get (λs. run_option (f s))"
by(simp add: get_option_def)

lemma run_put_option [simp]:
  "run_option (put_option s m) = put s (run_option m)"
by(cases m)(simp)

  assumes state: "monad_state return bind get put"

interpretation monad_state return bind get put by(fact state)

lemma monad_state_optionT [locale_witness]:
  "monad_state return_option bind_option get_option put_option"
  show "put_option s (get_option f) = put_option s (f s)" for s f
    by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: put_get)
  show "get_option (λs. get_option (f s)) = get_option (λs. f s s)" for f
    by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: get_get)
  show "put_option s (put_option s' m) = put_option s' m" for s s' m
    by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: put_put)
  show "get_option (λs. put_option s m) = m" for m
    by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: get_put)
  show "get_option (λ_. m) = m" for m
    by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: get_const)
  show "bind_option (get_option f) g = get_option (λs. bind_option (f s) g)" for f g
    by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: bind_get run_bind_option)
  show "bind_option (put_option s m) f = put_option s (bind_option m f)" for s m f
    by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: bind_put run_bind_option)

lemma monad_catch_state_optionT [locale_witness]:
  "monad_catch_state return_option bind_option fail_option catch_option get_option put_option"
  show "catch_option (get_option f) m = get_option (λs. catch_option (f s) m)" for f m
    by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: bind_get)
  show "catch_option (put_option s m) m' = put_option s (catch_option m m')" for s m m'
    by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: bind_put)


subsubsection ‹Probability›

definition altc_sample_option :: "('x  ('b  'm)  'm)  'x  ('b  ('a, 'm) optionT)  ('a, 'm) optionT"
  where "altc_sample_option altc_sample p f = OptionT (altc_sample p (λx. run_option (f x)))"

lemma run_altc_sample_option [simp]: "run_option (altc_sample_option altc_sample p f) = altc_sample p (λx. run_option (f x))"
by(simp add: altc_sample_option_def)

  fixes sample :: "('p, 'm) sample"

abbreviation sample_option :: "('p, ('a, 'm) optionT) sample"
where "sample_option  altc_sample_option sample"

lemma monad_prob_optionT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_prob return bind sample"
  shows "monad_prob return_option bind_option sample_option"
proof -
  interpret monad_prob return bind sample by(fact assms)
  note sample_parametric[transfer_rule]
  show ?thesis including lifting_syntax
    show "sample_option p (λ_. x) = x" for p x
      by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: sample_const)
    show "sample_option (return_pmf x) f = f x" for f x
      by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: sample_return_pmf)
    show "sample_option (bind_pmf p f) g = sample_option p (λx. sample_option (f x) g)" for p f g
      by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: sample_bind_pmf)
    show "sample_option p (λx. sample_option q (f x)) = sample_option q (λy. sample_option p (λx. f x y))" for p q f
      by(rule optionT.expand)(auto intro!: sample_commute)
    show "bind_option (sample_option p f) g = sample_option p (λx. bind_option (f x) g)" for p f g
      by(rule optionT.expand)(auto simp add: bind_sample1 run_bind_option)
    show "bind_option m (λy. sample_option p (f y)) = sample_option p (λx. bind_option m (λy. f y x))" for m p f
      by(rule optionT.expand)(auto simp add: bind_sample2[symmetric] run_bind_option sample_const del: ext intro!: arg_cong2[where f=bind] ext split: option.split)
    show  "(rel_pmf R ===> (R ===> (=)) ===> (=)) sample_option sample_option" 
      if [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique R" for R
      unfolding altc_sample_option_def by transfer_prover

lemma monad_state_prob_optionT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_state_prob return bind get put sample"
  shows "monad_state_prob return_option bind_option get_option put_option sample_option"
proof -
  interpret monad_state_prob return bind get put sample by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "sample_option p (λx. get_option (f x)) = get_option (λs. sample_option p (λx. f x s))" for p f
      by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: sample_get)


subsubsection ‹Writer›

  fixes tell :: "('w, 'm) tell"

definition tell_option :: "('w, ('a, 'm) optionT) tell" 
where "tell_option w m = OptionT (tell w (run_option m))"

lemma run_tell_option [simp]: "run_option (tell_option w m) = tell w (run_option m)"
by(simp add: tell_option_def)

lemma monad_writer_optionT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_writer return bind tell"
  shows "monad_writer return_option bind_option tell_option"
proof -
  interpret monad_writer return bind tell by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "bind_option (tell_option w m) f = tell_option w (bind_option m f)" for w m f
      by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: run_bind_option bind_tell)


subsubsection ‹Binary Non-determinism›

  fixes alt :: "'m alt"

definition alt_option :: "('a, 'm) optionT alt"
where "alt_option m1 m2 = OptionT (alt (run_option m1) (run_option m2))"

lemma run_alt_option [simp]: "run_option (alt_option m1 m2) = alt (run_option m1) (run_option m2)"
by(simp add: alt_option_def)

lemma monad_alt_optionT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_alt return bind alt"
  shows "monad_alt return_option bind_option alt_option"
proof -
  interpret monad_alt return bind alt by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "alt_option (alt_option m1 m2) m3 = alt_option m1 (alt_option m2 m3)" for m1 m2 m3
      by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: alt_assoc)
    show "bind_option (alt_option m m') f = alt_option (bind_option m f) (bind_option m' f)" for m m' f
      by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: bind_alt1 run_bind_option)

text ‹
  The @{term fail} of @{typ "(_, _) optionT"} does not combine with @{term "alt"} of the inner monad
  because @{typ "(_, _) optionT"} injects failures with @{term "return None"} into the inner monad.

lemma monad_state_alt_optionT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_state_alt return bind get put alt"
  shows "monad_state_alt return_option bind_option get_option put_option alt_option"
proof -
  interpret monad_state_alt return bind get put alt by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "alt_option (get_option f) (get_option g) = get_option (λx. alt_option (f x) (g x))"
      for f g by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: alt_get)
    show "alt_option (put_option s m) (put_option s m') = put_option s (alt_option m m')"
      for s m m' by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: alt_put)


subsubsection ‹Countable Non-determinism›

  fixes altc :: "('c, 'm) altc"

abbreviation altc_option :: "('c, ('a, 'm) optionT) altc"
where "altc_option  altc_sample_option altc"

lemma monad_altc_optionT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_altc return bind altc"
  shows "monad_altc return_option bind_option altc_option"
proof -
  interpret monad_altc return bind altc by fact
  note altc_parametric[transfer_rule]
  show ?thesis including lifting_syntax
    show "bind_option (altc_option C g) f = altc_option C (λc. bind_option (g c) f)" for C g f
      by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: run_bind_option bind_altc1 o_def)
    show "altc_option (csingle x) f = f x" for x f
      by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: bind_altc1 altc_single)
    show "altc_option (cUNION C f) g = altc_option C (λx. altc_option (f x) g)" for C f g
      by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: bind_altc1 altc_cUNION o_def)
    show "(rel_cset R ===> (R ===> (=)) ===> (=)) altc_option altc_option"
      if [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique R" for R
      unfolding altc_sample_option_def by transfer_prover

lemma monad_altc3_optionT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_altc3 return bind altc"
  shows "monad_altc3 return_option bind_option altc_option"
proof -
  interpret monad_altc3 return bind altc by fact
  show ?thesis ..

lemma monad_state_altc_optionT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_state_altc return bind get put altc"
  shows "monad_state_altc return_option bind_option get_option put_option altc_option"
proof -
  interpret monad_state_altc return bind get put altc by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "altc_option C (λc. get_option (f c)) = get_option (λs. altc_option C (λc. f c s))"
      for C f by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: o_def altc_get)
    show "altc_option C (λc. put_option s (f c)) = put_option s (altc_option C f)"
      for C s f by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: o_def altc_put)



subsubsection ‹Resumption›

  fixes pause :: "('o, 'i, 'm) pause"

definition pause_option :: "('o, 'i, ('a, 'm) optionT) pause"
where "pause_option out c = OptionT (pause out (λi. run_option (c i)))"

lemma run_pause_option [simp]: "run_option (pause_option out c) = pause out (λi. run_option (c i))"
by(simp add: pause_option_def)

lemma monad_resumption_optionT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_resumption return bind pause"
  shows "monad_resumption return_option bind_option pause_option"
proof -
  interpret monad_resumption return bind pause by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "bind_option (pause_option out c) f = pause_option out (λi. bind_option (c i) f)" for out c f
      by(rule optionT.expand)(simp add: bind_pause run_bind_option)


subsubsection ‹Commutativity›

lemma monad_commute_optionT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_commute return bind"
  and "monad_discard return bind"
  shows "monad_commute return_option bind_option"
proof -
  interpret monad_commute return bind by fact
  interpret monad_discard return bind by fact
  show ?thesis
    fix m m' f
    have "run_option (bind_option m (λx. bind_option m' (f x))) = 
      bind (run_option m) (λx. bind (run_option m') (λy. case (x, y) of (Some x', Some y')  run_option (f x' y') | _  return None))"
      by(auto simp add: run_bind_option bind_const cong del: option.case_cong del: ext intro!: arg_cong2[where f=bind] ext split: option.split)
    also have " = bind (run_option m') (λy. bind (run_option m) (λx. case (x, y) of (Some x', Some y')  run_option (f x' y') | _  return None))"
      by(rule bind_commute)
    also have " = run_option (bind_option m' (λy. bind_option m (λx. f x y)))"
      by(auto simp add: run_bind_option bind_const case_option_collapse cong del: option.case_cong del: ext intro!: arg_cong2[where f=bind] ext split: option.split)
    finally show "bind_option m (λx. bind_option m' (f x)) = bind_option m' (λy. bind_option m (λx. f x y))"
      by(rule optionT.expand)

subsubsection ‹Duplicability›

lemma monad_duplicate_optionT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_duplicate return bind"
    and "monad_discard return bind"
  shows "monad_duplicate return_option bind_option"
proof -
  interpret monad_duplicate return bind by fact
  interpret monad_discard return bind by fact
  show ?thesis
    fix m f
    have "run_option (bind_option m (λx. bind_option m (f x))) =
          bind (run_option m) (λx. bind (run_option m) (λy. case x of None  return None | Some x'  (case y of None  return None | Some y'  run_option (f x' y'))))"
      by(auto intro!: arg_cong2[where f=bind] simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_const run_bind_option split: option.split)
    also have " = run_option (bind_option m (λx. f x x))"
      by(simp add: bind_duplicate run_bind_option cong: option.case_cong)
    finally show "bind_option m (λx. bind_option m (f x)) = bind_option m (λx. f x x)"
      by(rule optionT.expand)


subsubsection ‹Parametricity›

context includes lifting_syntax begin

lemma return_option_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((rel_option A ===> M) ===> A ===> rel_optionT M) return_option return_option"
unfolding return_option_def by transfer_prover

lemma bind_option_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((rel_option A ===> M) ===> (M ===> (rel_option A ===> M) ===> M)
   ===> rel_optionT M ===> (A ===> rel_optionT M) ===> rel_optionT M)
   bind_option bind_option"
unfolding bind_option_def by transfer_prover

lemma fail_option_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((rel_option A ===> M) ===> rel_optionT M) fail_option fail_option"
unfolding fail_option_def by transfer_prover

lemma catch_option_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((rel_option A ===> M) ===> (M ===> (rel_option A ===> M) ===> M)
   ===> rel_optionT M ===> rel_optionT M ===> rel_optionT M)
  catch_option catch_option"
  unfolding catch_option_def Option.is_none_def[symmetric] by transfer_prover

lemma ask_option_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(((R ===> M) ===> M) ===> (R ===> rel_optionT M) ===> rel_optionT M) ask_option ask_option"
unfolding ask_option_def by transfer_prover

lemma get_option_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(((S ===> M) ===> M) ===> (S ===> rel_optionT M) ===> rel_optionT M) get_option get_option"
unfolding get_option_def by transfer_prover

lemma put_option_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((S ===> M ===> M) ===> S ===> rel_optionT M ===> rel_optionT M) put_option put_option"
unfolding put_option_def by transfer_prover

lemma altc_sample_option_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((A ===> (P ===> M) ===> M) ===> A ===> (P ===> rel_optionT M) ===> rel_optionT M)
   altc_sample_option altc_sample_option"
unfolding altc_sample_option_def by transfer_prover

lemma alt_option_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((M ===> M ===> M) ===> rel_optionT M ===> rel_optionT M ===> rel_optionT M) alt_option alt_option"
unfolding alt_option_def by transfer_prover

lemma tell_option_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((W ===> M ===> M) ===> W ===> rel_optionT M ===> rel_optionT M) tell_option tell_option"
unfolding tell_option_def by transfer_prover

lemma pause_option_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((Out ===> (In ===> M) ===> M) ===> Out ===> (In ===> rel_optionT M) ===> rel_optionT M)
   pause_option pause_option"
unfolding pause_option_def by transfer_prover


subsection ‹Reader monad transformer›

datatype ('r, 'm) envT = EnvT (run_env: "'r  'm")

context includes lifting_syntax begin 

definition rel_envT :: "('r  'r'  bool)  ('m  'm'  bool)  ('r, 'm) envT  ('r', 'm') envT  bool"
where "rel_envT R M = BNF_Def.vimage2p run_env run_env (R ===> M)"

lemma rel_envTI [intro!]: "(R ===> M) f g  rel_envT R M (EnvT f) (EnvT g)"
by(simp add: rel_envT_def BNF_Def.vimage2p_def)

lemma rel_envT_simps: "rel_envT R M (EnvT f) (EnvT g)  (R ===> M) f g"
by(simp add: rel_envT_def BNF_Def.vimage2p_def)

lemma rel_envTE [cases pred]:
  assumes "rel_envT R M m m'"
  obtains f g where "m = EnvT f" "m' = EnvT g" "(R ===> M) f g"
using assms by(cases m; cases m'; auto  simp add: rel_envT_simps)

lemma rel_envT_eq [relator_eq]: "rel_envT (=) (=) = (=)"
by(auto simp add: rel_envT_def rel_fun_eq BNF_Def.vimage2p_def fun_eq_iff intro: envT.expand)

lemma rel_envT_mono [relator_mono]: " R  R'; M  M'   rel_envT R' M  rel_envT R M'"
by(simp add: rel_envT_def predicate2I vimage2p_mono fun_mono)

lemma EnvT_parametric [transfer_rule]: "((R ===> M) ===> rel_envT R M) EnvT EnvT"
by(simp add: rel_funI rel_envT_simps)

lemma run_env_parametric [transfer_rule]: "(rel_envT R M ===> R ===> M) run_env run_env"
by(auto elim!: rel_envTE)

lemma rec_envT_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(((R ===> M) ===> X) ===> rel_envT R M ===> X) rec_envT rec_envT"
by(auto 4 4 elim!: rel_envTE dest: rel_funD)

lemma case_envT_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(((R ===> M) ===> X) ===> rel_envT R M ===> X) case_envT case_envT"
by(auto 4 4 elim!: rel_envTE dest: rel_funD)


subsubsection ‹Plain monad and ask›

  fixes return :: "('a, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a, 'm) bind"

definition return_env :: "('a, ('r, 'm) envT) return"
where "return_env x = EnvT (λ_. return x)"

primrec bind_env :: "('a, ('r, 'm) envT) bind"
where "bind_env (EnvT x) f = EnvT (λr. bind (x r) (λy. run_env (f y) r))"

definition ask_env :: "('r, ('r, 'm) envT) ask"
where "ask_env f = EnvT (λr. run_env (f r) r)"

lemma run_bind_env [simp]: "run_env (bind_env x f) r = bind (run_env x r) (λy. run_env (f y) r)"
by(cases x) simp

lemma run_return_env [simp]: "run_env (return_env x) r = return x"
by(simp add: return_env_def)

lemma run_ask_env [simp]: "run_env (ask_env f) r = run_env (f r) r"
by(simp add: ask_env_def)

  assumes monad: "monad return bind"

interpretation monad return "bind :: ('a, 'm) bind" by(fact monad)

lemma monad_envT [locale_witness]: "monad return_env bind_env"
  show "bind_env (bind_env x f) g = bind_env x (λx. bind_env (f x) g)" 
    for x :: "('r, 'm) envT" and f :: "'a  ('r, 'm) envT" and g :: "'a  ('r, 'm) envT"
    by(rule envT.expand)(auto simp add: bind_assoc return_bind)
  show "bind_env (return_env x) f = f x" for f :: "'a  ('r, 'm) envT" and x
    by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: return_bind return_env_def)
  show "bind_env x (return_env :: ('a, ('r, 'm) envT) return) = x" for x :: "('r, 'm) envT"
    by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: bind_return fun_eq_iff)

lemma monad_reader_envT [locale_witness]:
  "monad_reader return_env bind_env ask_env"
  show "ask_env (λr. ask_env (f r)) = ask_env (λr. f r r)" for f :: "'r  'r  ('r, 'm) envT"
    by(rule envT.expand)(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
  show "ask_env (λ_. x) = x" for x :: "('r, 'm) envT"
    by(rule envT.expand)(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
  show "bind_env (ask_env f) g = ask_env (λr. bind_env (f r) g)" for f :: "'r  ('r, 'm) envT" and g
    by(rule envT.expand)(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
  show "bind_env m (λx. ask_env (f x)) = ask_env (λr. bind_env m (λx. f x r))" for m :: "('r, 'm) envT" and f
    by(rule envT.expand)(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)


subsubsection ‹Failure›

  fixes fail :: "'m fail"

definition fail_env :: "('r, 'm) envT fail"
where "fail_env = EnvT (λr. fail)"

lemma run_fail_env [simp]: "run_env fail_env r = fail"
by(simp add: fail_env_def)

lemma monad_fail_envT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_fail return bind fail"
  shows "monad_fail return_env bind_env fail_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_fail return bind fail by(fact assms)
  have "bind_env fail_env f = fail_env" for f :: "'a  ('r, 'm) envT"
    by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff fail_bind)
  then show ?thesis by unfold_locales

  fixes catch :: "'m catch"

definition catch_env :: "('r, 'm) envT catch"
where "catch_env m1 m2 = EnvT (λr. catch (run_env m1 r) (run_env m2 r))"

lemma run_catch_env [simp]: "run_env (catch_env m1 m2) r = catch (run_env m1 r) (run_env m2 r)"
by(simp add: catch_env_def)

lemma monad_catch_envT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_catch return bind fail catch"
  shows "monad_catch return_env bind_env fail_env catch_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_catch return bind fail catch by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "catch_env (return_env x) m = return_env x" for x and m :: "('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff catch_return)
    show "catch_env fail_env m = m" for m :: "('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff catch_fail)
    show "catch_env m fail_env = m" for m :: "('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff catch_fail2)
    show "catch_env (catch_env m m') m'' = catch_env m (catch_env m' m'')"
      for m m' m'' :: "('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff catch_assoc)


subsubsection ‹State›

  fixes get :: "('s, 'm) get"
  and put :: "('s, 'm) put"

definition get_env :: "('s, ('r, 'm) envT) get"
where "get_env f = EnvT (λr. get (λs. run_env (f s) r))"

definition put_env :: "('s, ('r, 'm) envT) put"
where "put_env s m = EnvT (λr. put s (run_env m r))"

lemma run_get_env [simp]: "run_env (get_env f) r = get (λs. run_env (f s) r)"
by(simp add: get_env_def)

lemma run_put_env [simp]: "run_env (put_env s m) r = put s (run_env m r)"
by(simp add: put_env_def)

lemma monad_state_envT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_state return bind get put"
  shows "monad_state return_env bind_env get_env put_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_state return bind get put by(fact assms)
  show ?thesis
    show "put_env s (get_env f) = put_env s (f s)" for s :: 's and f :: "'s  ('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff put_get)
    show "get_env (λs. get_env (f s)) = get_env (λs. f s s)" for f :: "'s  's  ('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff get_get)
    show "put_env s (put_env s' m) = put_env s' m" for s s' :: 's and m :: "('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff put_put)
    show "get_env (λs. put_env s m) = m" for m :: "('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff get_put)
    show "get_env (λ_. m) = m" for m :: "('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff get_const)
    show "bind_env (get_env f) g = get_env (λs. bind_env (f s) g)" for f :: "'s  ('r, 'm) envT" and g
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_get)
    show "bind_env (put_env s m) f = put_env s (bind_env m f)" for s and m :: "('r, 'm) envT" and f
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_put)    

subsubsection ‹Probability›

  fixes sample :: "('p, 'm) sample"

definition sample_env :: "('p, ('r, 'm) envT) sample"
where "sample_env p f = EnvT (λr. sample p (λx. run_env (f x) r))"

lemma run_sample_env [simp]: "run_env (sample_env p f) r = sample p (λx. run_env (f x) r)"
by(simp add: sample_env_def)

lemma monad_prob_envT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_prob return bind sample"
  shows "monad_prob return_env bind_env sample_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_prob return bind sample by(fact assms)
  note sample_parametric[transfer_rule]
  show ?thesis including lifting_syntax
    show "sample_env p (λ_. x) = x" for p :: "'p pmf" and x :: "('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff sample_const)
    show "sample_env (return_pmf x) f = f x" for f :: "'p  ('r, 'm) envT" and x
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff sample_return_pmf)
    show "sample_env (bind_pmf p f) g = sample_env p (λx. sample_env (f x) g)" for f and g :: "'p  ('r, 'm) envT" and p
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff sample_bind_pmf)
    show "sample_env p (λx. sample_env q (f x)) = sample_env q (λy. sample_env p (λx. f x y))"
      for p q :: "'p pmf" and f :: "'p  'p  ('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff intro: sample_commute)
    show "bind_env (sample_env p f) g = sample_env p (λx. bind_env (f x) g)"
      for p and f :: "'p  ('r, 'm) envT" and g
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_sample1)
    show "bind_env m (λy. sample_env p (f y)) = sample_env p (λx. bind_env m (λy. f y x))"
      for m p and f :: "'a  'p  ('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_sample2)
    show "(rel_pmf R ===> (R ===> (=)) ===> (=)) sample_env sample_env"
      if [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique R" for R unfolding sample_env_def by transfer_prover

lemma monad_state_prob_envT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_state_prob return bind get put sample"
  shows "monad_state_prob return_env bind_env get_env put_env sample_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_state_prob return bind get put sample by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "sample_env p (λx. get_env (f x)) = get_env (λs. sample_env p (λx. f x s))"
      for p and f :: "'p  's  ('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff sample_get)


subsubsection ‹Binary Non-determinism›

  fixes alt :: "'m alt"

definition alt_env :: "('r, 'm) envT alt"
where "alt_env m1 m2 = EnvT (λr. alt (run_env m1 r) (run_env m2 r))"

lemma run_alt_env [simp]: "run_env (alt_env m1 m2) r = alt (run_env m1 r) (run_env m2 r)"
by(simp add: alt_env_def)

lemma monad_alt_envT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_alt return bind alt"
  shows "monad_alt return_env bind_env alt_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_alt return bind alt by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "alt_env (alt_env m1 m2) m3 = alt_env m1 (alt_env m2 m3)" for m1 m2 m3 :: "('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff alt_assoc)
    show "bind_env (alt_env m m') f = alt_env (bind_env m f) (bind_env m' f)" for m m' :: "('r, 'm) envT" and f
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_alt1)

lemma monad_fail_alt_envT [locale_witness]:
  fixes fail
  assumes "monad_fail_alt return bind fail alt"
  shows "monad_fail_alt return_env bind_env (fail_env fail) alt_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_fail_alt return bind fail alt by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "alt_env (fail_env fail) m = m" for m :: "('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: alt_fail1 fun_eq_iff)
    show "alt_env m (fail_env fail) = m" for m :: "('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: alt_fail2 fun_eq_iff)

lemma monad_state_alt_envT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_state_alt return bind get put alt"
  shows "monad_state_alt return_env bind_env get_env put_env alt_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_state_alt return bind get put alt by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "alt_env (get_env f) (get_env g) = get_env (λx. alt_env (f x) (g x))"
      for f g :: "'s  ('b, 'm) envT" by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff alt_get)
    show "alt_env (put_env s m) (put_env s m') = put_env s (alt_env m m')"
      for s and m m' :: "('b, 'm) envT" by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff alt_put)


subsubsection ‹Countable Non-determinism›

  fixes altc :: "('c, 'm) altc"

definition altc_env :: "('c, ('r, 'm) envT) altc"
where "altc_env C f = EnvT (λr. altc C (λc. run_env (f c) r))"

lemma run_altc_env [simp]: "run_env (altc_env C f) r = altc C (λc. run_env (f c) r)"
by(simp add: altc_env_def)

lemma monad_altc_envT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_altc return bind altc"
  shows "monad_altc return_env bind_env altc_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_altc return bind altc by fact
  note altc_parametric[transfer_rule]
  show ?thesis including lifting_syntax
    show "bind_env (altc_env C g) f = altc_env C (λc. bind_env (g c) f)" for C g and f :: "'a  ('b, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_altc1)
    show "altc_env (csingle x) f = f x" for x and f :: "'c  ('b, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff altc_single)
    show "altc_env (cUNION C f) g = altc_env C (λx. altc_env (f x) g)" for C f and g :: "'c  ('b, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff altc_cUNION)
    show "(rel_cset R ===> (R ===> (=)) ===> (=)) altc_env altc_env" if [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique R" for R
      unfolding altc_env_def by transfer_prover

lemma monad_altc3_envT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_altc3 return bind altc"
  shows "monad_altc3 return_env bind_env altc_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_altc3 return bind altc by fact
  show ?thesis ..

lemma monad_state_altc_envT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_state_altc return bind get put altc"
  shows "monad_state_altc return_env bind_env get_env put_env altc_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_state_altc return bind get put altc by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "altc_env C (λc. get_env (f c)) = get_env (λs. altc_env C (λc. f c s))"
      for C and f :: "'c  's  ('b, 'm) envT" by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff altc_get)
    show "altc_env C (λc. put_env s (f c)) = put_env s (altc_env C f)"
      for C s and f :: "'c  ('b, 'm) envT" by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff altc_put)



subsubsection ‹Resumption›

  fixes pause :: "('o, 'i, 'm) pause"

definition pause_env :: "('o, 'i, ('r, 'm) envT) pause"
where "pause_env out c = EnvT (λr. pause out (λi. run_env (c i) r))"

lemma run_pause_env [simp]:
  "run_env (pause_env out c) r = pause out (λi. run_env (c i) r)"
by(simp add: pause_env_def)

lemma monad_resumption_envT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_resumption return bind pause"
  shows "monad_resumption return_env bind_env pause_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_resumption return bind pause by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "bind_env (pause_env out c) f = pause_env out (λi. bind_env (c i) f)" for out f and c :: "'i  ('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_pause)


subsubsection ‹Writer›

  fixes tell :: "('w, 'm) tell"

definition tell_env :: "('w, ('r, 'm) envT) tell"
where "tell_env w m = EnvT (λr. tell w (run_env m r))"

lemma run_tell_env [simp]: "run_env (tell_env w m) r = tell w (run_env m r)"
by(simp add: tell_env_def)

lemma monad_writer_envT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_writer return bind tell"
  shows "monad_writer return_env bind_env tell_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_writer return bind tell by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "bind_env (tell_env w m) f = tell_env w (bind_env m f)" for w and m :: "('r, 'm) envT" and f
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: bind_tell fun_eq_iff)


subsubsection ‹Commutativity›

lemma monad_commute_envT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_commute return bind"
  shows "monad_commute return_env bind_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_commute return bind by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "bind_env m (λx. bind_env m' (f x)) = bind_env m' (λy. bind_env m (λx. f x y))"
      for f and m m' :: "('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff intro: bind_commute)

subsubsection ‹Discardability›

lemma monad_discard_envT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_discard return bind"
  shows "monad_discard return_env bind_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_discard return bind by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "bind_env m (λ_. m') = m'" for m m' :: "('r, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_const)

subsubsection ‹Duplicability›

lemma monad_duplicate_envT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_duplicate return bind"
  shows "monad_duplicate return_env bind_env"
proof -
  interpret monad_duplicate return bind by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "bind_env m (λx. bind_env m (f x)) = bind_env m (λx. f x x)" for m :: "('b, 'm) envT" and f
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_duplicate)


subsubsection ‹Parametricity›

context includes lifting_syntax begin

lemma return_env_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((A ===> M) ===> A ===> rel_envT R M) return_env return_env"
unfolding return_env_def by transfer_prover

lemma bind_env_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((M ===> (A ===> M) ===> M) ===> rel_envT R M ===> (A ===> rel_envT R M) ===> rel_envT R M)
   bind_env bind_env"
unfolding bind_env_def by transfer_prover

lemma ask_env_parametric [transfer_rule]: "((R ===> rel_envT R M) ===> rel_envT R M) ask_env ask_env"
unfolding ask_env_def by transfer_prover

lemma fail_env_parametric [transfer_rule]: "(M ===> rel_envT R M) fail_env fail_env"
unfolding fail_env_def by transfer_prover

lemma catch_env_parametric [transfer_rule]: 
  "((M ===> M ===> M) ===> rel_envT R M ===> rel_envT R M ===> rel_envT R M) catch_env catch_env"
unfolding catch_env_def by transfer_prover

lemma get_env_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(((S ===> M) ===> M) ===> (S ===> rel_envT R M) ===> rel_envT R M) get_env get_env"
unfolding get_env_def by transfer_prover

lemma put_env_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((S ===> M ===> M) ===> S ===> rel_envT R M ===> rel_envT R M) put_env put_env"
unfolding put_env_def by transfer_prover

lemma sample_env_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((rel_pmf P ===> (P ===> M) ===> M) ===> rel_pmf P ===> (P ===> rel_envT R M) ===> rel_envT R M)
  sample_env sample_env"
unfolding sample_env_def by transfer_prover

lemma alt_env_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((M ===> M ===> M) ===> rel_envT R M ===> rel_envT R M ===> rel_envT R M) alt_env alt_env"
unfolding alt_env_def by transfer_prover

lemma altc_env_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((rel_cset C ===> (C ===> M) ===> M) ===> rel_cset C ===> (C ===> rel_envT R M) ===> rel_envT R M) 
   altc_env altc_env"
unfolding altc_env_def by transfer_prover

lemma pause_env_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((Out ===> (In ===> M) ===> M) ===> Out ===> (In ===> rel_envT R M) ===> rel_envT R M)
   pause_env pause_env"
unfolding pause_env_def by transfer_prover

lemma tell_env_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((W ===> M ===> M) ===> W ===> rel_envT R M ===> rel_envT R M) tell_env tell_env"
unfolding tell_env_def by transfer_prover


subsection ‹Unbounded non-determinism›

abbreviation (input) return_set :: "('a, 'a set) return" where "return_set x  {x}"
abbreviation (input) bind_set :: "('a, 'a set) bind" where "bind_set  λA f.  (f ` A)"
abbreviation (input) fail_set :: "'a set fail" where "fail_set  {}"
abbreviation (input) alt_set :: "'a set alt" where "alt_set  (∪)"
abbreviation (input) altc_set :: "('c, 'a set) altc" where "altc_set C  λf.  (f ` rcset C)"

lemma monad_set [locale_witness]: "monad return_set bind_set"
by unfold_locales auto

lemma monad_fail_set [locale_witness]: "monad_fail return_set bind_set fail_set"
by unfold_locales auto

lemma monad_lift_set [simp]: "monad_base.lift return_set bind_set  = image"
by(auto simp add: monad_base.lift_def o_def fun_eq_iff)

lemma monad_alt_set [locale_witness]: "monad_alt return_set bind_set alt_set"
by unfold_locales auto

lemma monad_altc_set [locale_witness]: "monad_altc return_set bind_set altc_set"
  including cset.lifting and lifting_syntax
  show "(rel_cset R ===> (R ===> (=)) ===> (=)) (λC f.  (f ` rcset C)) (λC f.  (f ` rcset C))" for R
    by transfer_prover
qed(transfer; auto; fail)+

lemma monad_altc3_set [locale_witness]:
  "monad_altc3 return_set bind_set (altc_set :: ('c, 'a set) altc)"
  if [locale_witness]: "three TYPE('c)"

subsection ‹Non-determinism transformer›

datatype (plugins del: transfer) (phantom_nondetT: 'a, set_nondetT: 'm) nondetT = NondetT (run_nondet: 'm)
  for map: map_nondetT'
      rel: rel_nondetT'

text ‹
  We define our own relator and mapper such that the phantom variable does not need any relation.

lemma phantom_nondetT [simp]: "phantom_nondetT x = {}"
by(cases x) simp

context includes lifting_syntax begin

lemma rel_nondetT'_phantom: "rel_nondetT' A = rel_nondetT' top"
by(auto 4 4 intro: nondetT.rel_mono antisym nondetT.rel_mono_strong)

lemma map_nondetT'_phantom: "map_nondetT' f = map_nondetT' undefined"
by(auto 4 4 intro: nondetT.map_cong)

definition map_nondetT :: "('m  'm')  ('a, 'm) nondetT  ('b, 'm') nondetT"
where "map_nondetT = map_nondetT' undefined"

definition rel_nondetT :: "('m  'm'  bool)  ('a, 'm) nondetT  ('b, 'm') nondetT  bool"
where "rel_nondetT = rel_nondetT' top"

lemma rel_nondetTE:
  assumes "rel_nondetT M m m'"
  obtains x y where "m = NondetT x" "m' = NondetT y" "M x y"
using assms by(cases m; cases m'; simp add: rel_nondetT_def)

lemma rel_nondetT_simps [simp]: "rel_nondetT M (NondetT m) (NondetT m')  M m m'"
by(simp add: rel_nondetT_def)

lemma rel_nondetT_unfold: 
  "m m'. rel_nondetT M (NondetT m) m'  (m''. m' = NondetT m''  M m m'')"
  "m m'. rel_nondetT M m (NondetT m')  (m''. m = NondetT m''  M m'' m')"
  subgoal for m m' by(cases m'; simp)
  subgoal for m m' by(cases m; simp)

lemma rel_nondetT_expand: "M (run_nondet m) (run_nondet m')  rel_nondetT M m m'"
  by(cases m; cases m'; simp)

lemma rel_nondetT_eq [relator_eq]: "rel_nondetT (=) = (=)"
by(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff rel_nondetT_def intro: nondetT.rel_refl_strong elim: nondetT.rel_cases)

lemma rel_nondetT_mono [relator_mono]: "rel_nondetT A  rel_nondetT B" if "A  B"
by(simp add: rel_nondetT_def nondetT.rel_mono that)

lemma rel_nondetT_distr [relator_distr]: "rel_nondetT A OO rel_nondetT B = rel_nondetT (A OO B)"
by(simp add: rel_nondetT_def nondetT.rel_compp[symmetric])

lemma rel_nondetT_Grp: "rel_nondetT (BNF_Def.Grp A f) = BNF_Def.Grp {x. set_nondetT x  A} (map_nondetT f)"
by(simp add: rel_nondetT_def rel_nondetT'_phantom[of "BNF_Def.Grp UNIV undefined", symmetric] nondetT.rel_Grp map_nondetT_def)

lemma NondetT_parametric [transfer_rule]: "(M ===> rel_nondetT M) NondetT NondetT"
by(simp add: rel_fun_def rel_nondetT_def)

lemma run_nondet_parametric [transfer_rule]: "(rel_nondetT M ===> M) run_nondet run_nondet"
by(auto simp add: rel_fun_def rel_nondetT_def elim: nondetT.rel_cases)

lemma case_nondetT_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((M ===> X) ===> rel_nondetT M ===> X) case_nondetT case_nondetT"
by(auto simp add: rel_fun_def rel_nondetT_def split: nondetT.split)

lemma rec_nondetT_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((M ===> X) ===> rel_nondetT M ===> X) rec_nondetT rec_nondetT"
by(auto simp add: rel_fun_def elim: rel_nondetTE)


subsubsection ‹Generic implementation›

type_synonym ('a, 'm, 's) merge = "'s  ('a  'm)  'm"

locale nondetM_base = monad_base return bind
  for return :: "('s, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('s, 'm) bind"
  and merge :: "('a, 'm, 's) merge"
  and empty :: "'s"
  and single :: "'a  's"
  and union :: "'s  's  's"  (infixl  65)

definition return_nondet :: "('a, ('a, 'm) nondetT) return"
where "return_nondet x = NondetT (return (single x))"

definition bind_nondet :: "('a, ('a, 'm) nondetT) bind"
where "bind_nondet m f = NondetT (bind (run_nondet m) (λA. merge A (run_nondet  f)))"

definition fail_nondet :: "('a, 'm) nondetT fail"
where "fail_nondet = NondetT (return empty)"

definition alt_nondet :: "('a, 'm) nondetT alt"
where "alt_nondet m1 m2 = NondetT (bind (run_nondet m1) (λA. bind (run_nondet m2) (λB. return (A  B))))"

definition get_nondet :: "('state, 'm) get  ('state, ('a, 'm) nondetT) get"
where "get_nondet get f = NondetT (get (λs. run_nondet (f s)))" for get

definition put_nondet :: "('state, 'm) put  ('state, ('a, 'm) nondetT) put"
where "put_nondet put s m = NondetT (put s (run_nondet m))" for put

definition ask_nondet :: "('r, 'm) ask  ('r, ('a, 'm) nondetT) ask"
where "ask_nondet ask f = NondetT (ask (λr. run_nondet (f r)))"

text ‹
  The canonical lift of sampling into @{typ "(_, _) nondetT"} does not satisfy @{const monad_prob},
  because sampling does not distribute over bind backwards. Intuitively, if we sample first,
  then the same sample is used in all non-deterministic choices. But if we sample later,
  each non-deterministic choice may sample a different value.

lemma run_return_nondet [simp]: "run_nondet (return_nondet x) = return (single x)"
by(simp add: return_nondet_def)

lemma run_bind_nondet [simp]:
  "run_nondet (bind_nondet m f) = bind (run_nondet m) (λA. merge A (run_nondet  f))"
by(simp add: bind_nondet_def)

lemma run_fail_nondet [simp]: "run_nondet fail_nondet = return empty"
by(simp add: fail_nondet_def)

lemma run_alt_nondet [simp]:
  "run_nondet (alt_nondet m1 m2) = bind (run_nondet m1) (λA. bind (run_nondet m2) (λB. return (A  B)))"
by(simp add: alt_nondet_def)

lemma run_get_nondet [simp]: "run_nondet (get_nondet get f) = get (λs. run_nondet (f s))" for get
by(simp add: get_nondet_def)

lemma run_put_nondet [simp]: "run_nondet (put_nondet put s m) = put s (run_nondet m)" for put
by(simp add: put_nondet_def)

lemma run_ask_nondet [simp]: "run_nondet (ask_nondet ask f) = ask (λr. run_nondet (f r))" for ask
by(simp add: ask_nondet_def)


lemma bind_nondet_cong [cong]:
  "nondetM_base.bind_nondet bind merge = nondetM_base.bind_nondet bind merge" for bind merge ..

lemmas [code] = 

locale nondetM = nondetM_base return bind merge empty single union
  monad_commute return bind
  for return :: "('s, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('s, 'm) bind"
  and merge :: "('a, 'm, 's) merge"
  and empty :: "'s"
  and single :: "'a  's"
  and union :: "'s  's  's" (infixl  65)
  assumes bind_merge_merge:
    "y f g. bind (merge y f) (λA. merge A g) = merge y (λx. bind (f x) (λA. merge A g))"
  and merge_empty: "f. merge empty f = return empty"
  and merge_single: "x f. merge (single x) f = f x"
  and merge_single2: "A. merge A (λx. return (single x)) = return A"
  and merge_union: "A B f. merge (A  B) f = bind (merge A f) (λA'. bind (merge B f) (λB'. return (A'  B')))"
  and union_assoc: "A B C. (A  B)  C = A  (B  C)"
  and empty_union: "A. empty  A = A"
  and union_empty: "A. A  empty = A"

lemma monad_nondetT [locale_witness]: "monad return_nondet bind_nondet"
  show "bind_nondet (bind_nondet x f) g = bind_nondet x (λy. bind_nondet (f y) g)" for x f g
    by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: bind_assoc bind_merge_merge o_def)
  show "bind_nondet (return_nondet x) f = f x" for x f
    by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: return_bind merge_single)
  show "bind_nondet x return_nondet = x" for x
    by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: bind_return o_def merge_single2)

lemma monad_fail_nondetT [locale_witness]: "monad_fail return_nondet bind_nondet fail_nondet"
  show "bind_nondet fail_nondet f = fail_nondet" for f
    by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: return_bind merge_empty)

lemma monad_alt_nondetT [locale_witness]: "monad_alt return_nondet bind_nondet alt_nondet"
  show "alt_nondet (alt_nondet m1 m2) m3 = alt_nondet m1 (alt_nondet m2 m3)" for m1 m2 m3
    by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: bind_assoc return_bind union_assoc)
  show "bind_nondet (alt_nondet m m') f = alt_nondet (bind_nondet m f) (bind_nondet m' f)" for m m' f
    apply(rule nondetT.expand)
    apply(simp add: bind_assoc return_bind)
    apply(subst (2) bind_commute)
    apply(simp add: merge_union)

lemma monad_fail_alt_nondetT [locale_witness]:
  "monad_fail_alt return_nondet bind_nondet fail_nondet alt_nondet"
  show "alt_nondet fail_nondet m = m" for  m
    by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: return_bind bind_return empty_union)
  show "alt_nondet m fail_nondet = m" for m
    by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: return_bind bind_return union_empty)

lemma monad_state_nondetT [locale_witness]:
  ― ‹It's not really sensible to assume a commutative state monad, but let's prove it anyway ...›
  fixes get put
  assumes "monad_state return bind get put"
  shows "monad_state return_nondet bind_nondet (get_nondet get) (put_nondet put)"
proof -
  interpret monad_state return bind get put by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "put_nondet put s (get_nondet get f) = put_nondet put s (f s)" for s f
      by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: put_get)
    show "get_nondet get (λs. get_nondet get (f s)) = get_nondet get (λs. f s s)" for f
      by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: get_get)
    show "put_nondet put s (put_nondet put s' m) = put_nondet put s' m" for s s' m
      by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: put_put)
    show "get_nondet get (λs. put_nondet put s m) = m" for m
      by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: get_put)
    show "get_nondet get (λ_. m) = m" for m
      by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: get_const)
    show "bind_nondet (get_nondet get f) g = get_nondet get (λs. bind_nondet (f s) g)" for f g
      by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: bind_get)
    show "bind_nondet (put_nondet put s m) f = put_nondet put s (bind_nondet m f)" for s m f
      by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: bind_put)

lemma monad_state_alt_nondetT [locale_witness]:
  fixes get put
  assumes "monad_state return bind get put"
  shows "monad_state_alt return_nondet bind_nondet (get_nondet get) (put_nondet put) alt_nondet"
proof -
  interpret monad_state return bind get put by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "alt_nondet (get_nondet get f) (get_nondet get g) = get_nondet get (λx. alt_nondet (f x) (g x))"
      for f g
      apply(rule nondetT.expand; simp)
      apply(subst bind_get)
      apply(subst (1 2) bind_commute)
      apply(simp add: bind_get get_get)
    show "alt_nondet (put_nondet put s m) (put_nondet put s m') = put_nondet put s (alt_nondet m m')"
      for s m m'
      apply(rule nondetT.expand; simp)
      apply(subst bind_put)
      apply(subst (1 2) bind_commute)
      apply(simp add: bind_put put_put)


lemmas nondetM_lemmas =

locale nondetM_ask = nondetM return bind merge empty single union
  for return :: "('s, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('s, 'm) bind"
  and ask :: "('r, 'm) ask"
  and merge :: "('a, 'm, 's) merge"
  and empty :: "'s"
  and single :: "'a  's"
  and union :: "'s  's  's" (infixl  65)
  assumes monad_reader: "monad_reader return bind ask"
  assumes merge_ask:
    "A (f :: 'a  'r  ('a, 'm) nondetT). merge A (λx. ask (λr. run_nondet (f x r))) =
     ask (λr. merge A (λx. run_nondet (f x r)))"

interpretation monad_reader return bind ask by(fact monad_reader)

lemma monad_reader_nondetT: "monad_reader return_nondet bind_nondet (ask_nondet ask)"
  show "ask_nondet ask (λr. ask_nondet ask (f r)) = ask_nondet ask (λr. f r r)" for f
    by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: ask_ask)
  show "ask_nondet ask (λ_. m) = m" for m
    by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: ask_const)
  show "bind_nondet (ask_nondet ask f) g = ask_nondet ask (λr. bind_nondet (f r) g)" for f g
    by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: bind_ask)
  show "bind_nondet m (λx. ask_nondet ask (f x)) = ask_nondet ask (λr. bind_nondet m (λx. f x r))" for f m
    by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: bind_ask2[symmetric] o_def merge_ask)


lemmas nondetM_ask_lemmas =

subsubsection ‹Parametricity›

context includes lifting_syntax begin

lemma return_nondet_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((S ===> M) ===> (A ===> S) ===> A ===> rel_nondetT M)
   nondetM_base.return_nondet nondetM_base.return_nondet"
  unfolding nondetM_base.return_nondet_def by transfer_prover

lemma bind_nondet_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((M ===> (S ===> M) ===> M) ===> (S ===> (A ===> M) ===> M) ===> 
    rel_nondetT M ===> (A ===> rel_nondetT M) ===> rel_nondetT M)
   nondetM_base.bind_nondet nondetM_base.bind_nondet"
  unfolding nondetM_base.bind_nondet_def by transfer_prover

lemma fail_nondet_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((S ===> M) ===> S ===> rel_nondetT M) nondetM_base.fail_nondet nondetM_base.fail_nondet"
  unfolding nondetM_base.fail_nondet_def by transfer_prover

lemma alt_nondet_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((S ===> M) ===> (M ===> (S ===> M) ===> M) ===> (S ===> S ===> S) ===>
    rel_nondetT M ===> rel_nondetT M ===> rel_nondetT M)
   nondetM_base.alt_nondet nondetM_base.alt_nondet"
  unfolding nondetM_base.alt_nondet_def by transfer_prover

lemma get_nondet_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(((S ===> M) ===> M) ===> (S ===> rel_nondetT M) ===> rel_nondetT M)
   nondetM_base.get_nondet nondetM_base.get_nondet"
  unfolding nondetM_base.get_nondet_def by transfer_prover

lemma put_nondet_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((S ===> M ===> M) ===> S ===> rel_nondetT M ===> rel_nondetT M) 
   nondetM_base.put_nondet nondetM_base.put_nondet"
  unfolding nondetM_base.put_nondet_def by transfer_prover

lemma ask_nondet_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(((R ===> M) ===> M) ===> (R ===> rel_nondetT M) ===> rel_nondetT M)
   nondetM_base.ask_nondet nondetM_base.ask_nondet"
  unfolding nondetM_base.ask_nondet_def by transfer_prover


subsubsection ‹Implementation using lists›

  fixes return :: "('a list, 'm) return"
    and bind :: "('a list, 'm) bind"
    and lunionM lUnionM 
  defines "lunionM m1 m2  bind m1 (λA. bind m2 (λB. return (A @ B)))"
    and "lUnionM ms  foldr lunionM ms (return [])"

definition lmerge :: "'a list  ('a  'm)  'm" where
  "lmerge A f = lUnionM (map f A)"

  assumes "monad_commute return bind"

interpretation monad_commute return bind by fact
interpretation nondetM_base return bind lmerge "[]" "λx. [x]" "(@)" .

lemma lUnionM_empty [simp]: "lUnionM [] = return []" by(simp add: lUnionM_def)
lemma lUnionM_Cons [simp]: "lUnionM (x # M) = lunionM x (lUnionM M)" for x M
  by(simp add: lUnionM_def)
lemma lunionM_return_empty1 [simp]: "lunionM (return []) x = x" for x
  by(simp add: lunionM_def return_bind bind_return)
lemma lunionM_return_empty2 [simp]: "lunionM x (return []) = x" for x
  by(simp add: lunionM_def return_bind bind_return)
lemma lunionM_return_return [simp]: "lunionM (return A) (return B) = return (A @ B)" for A B
  by(simp add: lunionM_def return_bind)
lemma lunionM_assoc: "lunionM (lunionM x y) z = lunionM x (lunionM y z)" for x y z
  by(simp add: lunionM_def bind_assoc return_bind)
lemma lunionM_lUnionM1: "lunionM (lUnionM A) x = foldr lunionM A x" for A x
  by(induction A arbitrary: x)(simp_all add: lunionM_assoc)
lemma lUnionM_append [simp]: "lUnionM (A @ B) = lunionM (lUnionM A) (lUnionM B)" for A B
  by(subst lunionM_lUnionM1)(simp add: lUnionM_def)
lemma lUnionM_return [simp]: "lUnionM (map (λx. return [x]) A) = return A" for A
  by(induction A) simp_all
lemma bind_lunionM: "bind (lunionM m m') f = lunionM (bind m f) (bind m' f)"
  if "A B. f (A @ B) = bind (f A) (λx. bind (f B) (λy. return (x @ y)))" for m m' f
  apply(simp add: bind_assoc return_bind lunionM_def that)
  apply(subst (2) bind_commute)
  apply simp

lemma list_nondetM: "nondetM return bind lmerge [] (λx. [x]) (@)"
  show "bind (lmerge y f) (λA. lmerge A g) = lmerge y (λx. bind (f x) (λA. lmerge A g))" for y f g
    apply(induction y)
    apply(simp_all add: lmerge_def return_bind)
    apply(subst bind_lunionM; simp add: lunionM_def o_def)
  show "lmerge [] f = return []" for f by(simp add: lmerge_def)
  show "lmerge [x] f = f x" for x f by(simp add: lmerge_def)
  show "lmerge A (λx. return [x]) = return A" for A by(simp add: lmerge_def)
  show "lmerge (A @ B) f = bind (lmerge A f) (λA'. bind (lmerge B f) (λB'. return (A' @ B')))"
    for f A B by(simp add: lmerge_def lunionM_def)
qed simp_all

lemma list_nondetM_ask:
  notes list_nondetM[locale_witness]
  assumes [locale_witness]: "monad_reader return bind ask"
  shows "nondetM_ask return bind ask lmerge [] (λx. [x]) (@)"
  interpret monad_reader return bind ask by fact
  show "lmerge A (λx. ask (λr. run_nondet (f x r))) = ask (λr. lmerge A (λx. run_nondet (f x r)))"
    for A and f :: "'a  'b  ('a, 'm) nondetT" unfolding lmerge_def
    by(induction A)(simp_all add: ask_const lunionM_def bind_ask bind_ask2 ask_ask)

lemmas list_nondetMs [locale_witness] =
  nondetM_lemmas[OF list_nondetM]
  nondetM_ask_lemmas[OF list_nondetM_ask]



lemma lmerge_parametric [transfer_rule]: includes lifting_syntax shows
  "((list_all2 A ===> M) ===> (M ===> (list_all2 A ===> M) ===> M)
    ===> list_all2 A ===> (A ===> M) ===> M)
   lmerge lmerge"
  unfolding lmerge_def by transfer_prover

subsubsection ‹Implementation using multisets›

  fixes return :: "('a multiset, 'm) return"
    and bind :: "('a multiset, 'm) bind"
    and munionM mUnionM
  defines "munionM m1 m2  bind m1 (λA. bind m2 (λB. return (A + B)))"
    and "mUnionM  fold_mset munionM (return {#})"

definition mmerge :: "'a multiset  ('a  'm)  'm"
where "mmerge A f = mUnionM (image_mset f A)"

  assumes "monad_commute return bind"

interpretation monad_commute return bind by fact
interpretation nondetM_base return bind mmerge "{#}" "λx. {#x#}" "(+)" .

lemma munionM_comp_fun_commute: "comp_fun_commute munionM"
  apply(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_assoc return_bind munionM_def)
  apply(subst bind_commute)
  apply(simp add: union_ac)

interpretation comp_fun_commute munionM by(rule munionM_comp_fun_commute)

lemma mUnionM_empty [simp]: "mUnionM {#} = return {#}" by(simp add: mUnionM_def)
lemma mUnionM_add_mset [simp]: "mUnionM (add_mset x M) = munionM x (mUnionM M)" for x M
  by(simp add: mUnionM_def)
lemma munionM_return_empty1 [simp]: "munionM (return {#}) x = x" for x
  by(simp add: munionM_def return_bind bind_return)
lemma munionM_return_empty2 [simp]: "munionM x (return {#}) = x" for x
  by(simp add: munionM_def return_bind bind_return)
lemma munionM_return_return [simp]: "munionM (return A) (return B) = return (A + B)" for A B
  by(simp add: munionM_def return_bind)
lemma munionM_assoc: "munionM (munionM x y) z = munionM x (munionM y z)" for x y z
  by(simp add: munionM_def bind_assoc return_bind add.assoc)
lemma munionM_commute: "munionM x y = munionM y x" for x y
  unfolding munionM_def by(subst bind_commute)(simp add: add.commute)
lemma munionM_mUnionM1: "munionM (mUnionM A) x = fold_mset munionM x A" for A x
  by(induction A arbitrary: x)(simp_all add: munionM_assoc)
lemma munionM_mUnionM2: "munionM x (mUnionM A) = fold_mset munionM x A" for x A
  by(subst munionM_commute)(rule munionM_mUnionM1)
lemma mUnionM_add [simp]: "mUnionM (A + B) = munionM (mUnionM A) (mUnionM B)" for A B
  by(subst munionM_mUnionM2)(simp add: mUnionM_def)
lemma mUnionM_return [simp]: "mUnionM (image_mset (λx. return {#x#}) A) = return A" for A
  by(induction A) simp_all
lemma bind_munionM: "bind (munionM m m') f = munionM (bind m f) (bind m' f)"
  if "A B. f (A + B) = bind (f A) (λx. bind (f B) (λy. return (x + y)))" for m m' f
  apply(simp add: bind_assoc return_bind munionM_def that)
  apply(subst (2) bind_commute)
  apply simp

lemma mset_nondetM: "nondetM return bind mmerge {#} (λx. {#x#}) (+)"
  show "bind (mmerge y f) (λA. mmerge A g) = mmerge y (λx. bind (f x) (λA. mmerge A g))" for y f g
    apply(induction y)
    apply(simp_all add: return_bind mmerge_def)
    apply(subst bind_munionM; simp add: munionM_def o_def)
  show "mmerge {#} f = return {#}" for f by(simp add: mmerge_def)
  show "mmerge {#x#} f = f x" for x f by(simp add: mmerge_def)
  show "mmerge A (λx. return {#x#}) = return A" for A by(simp add: mmerge_def)
  show "mmerge (A + B) f = bind (mmerge A f) (λA'. bind (mmerge B f) (λB'. return (A' + B')))"
    for f A B by(simp add: mmerge_def munionM_def)
qed simp_all

lemma mset_nondetM_ask:
  notes mset_nondetM[locale_witness]
  assumes [locale_witness]: "monad_reader return bind ask"
  shows "nondetM_ask return bind ask mmerge {#} (λx. {#x#}) (+)"
  interpret monad_reader return bind ask by fact
  show "mmerge A (λx. ask (λr. run_nondet (f x r))) = ask (λr. mmerge A (λx. run_nondet (f x r)))"
    for A and f :: "'a  'b  ('a, 'm) nondetT" unfolding mmerge_def
    by(induction A)(simp_all add: ask_const munionM_def bind_ask bind_ask2 ask_ask)

lemmas mset_nondetMs [locale_witness] =
  nondetM_lemmas[OF mset_nondetM]
  nondetM_ask_lemmas[OF mset_nondetM_ask]



lemma mmerge_parametric:
  includes lifting_syntax
  assumes return [transfer_rule]: "(rel_mset A ===> M) return1 return2"
    and bind [transfer_rule]: "(M ===> (rel_mset A ===> M) ===> M) bind1 bind2"
    and comm1: "monad_commute return1 bind1"
    and comm2: "monad_commute return2 bind2"
  shows "(rel_mset A ===> (A ===> M) ===> M) (mmerge return1 bind1) (mmerge return2 bind2)"
  unfolding mmerge_def
  apply(rule rel_funI)+
  apply(drule (1) multiset.map_transfer[THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])
  apply(rule fold_mset_parametric[OF _ munionM_comp_fun_commute[OF comm1] munionM_comp_fun_commute[OF comm2], THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, rotated -1], assumption)
  subgoal premises [transfer_rule] by transfer_prover
  subgoal premises by transfer_prover

subsubsection ‹Implementation using finite sets›

  fixes return :: "('a fset, 'm) return"
    and bind :: "('a fset, 'm) bind"
    and funionM fUnionM
  defines "funionM m1 m2  bind m1 (λA. bind m2 (λB. return (A |∪| B)))"
    and "fUnionM  ffold funionM (return {||})"

definition fmerge :: "'a fset  ('a  'm)  'm"
where "fmerge A f = fUnionM (fimage f A)"

  assumes "monad_commute return bind"
  and "monad_duplicate return bind"

interpretation monad_commute return bind by fact
interpretation monad_duplicate return bind by fact
interpretation nondetM_base return bind fmerge "{||}" "λx. {|x|}" "(|∪|)" .

lemma funionM_comp_fun_commute: "comp_fun_commute funionM"
  apply(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_assoc return_bind funionM_def)
  apply(subst bind_commute)
  apply(simp add: funion_ac)

interpretation comp_fun_commute funionM by(rule funionM_comp_fun_commute)

lemma funionM_comp_fun_idem: "comp_fun_idem funionM"
  by(unfold_locales)(simp add: fun_eq_iff funionM_def bind_assoc bind_duplicate return_bind)

interpretation comp_fun_idem funionM by(rule funionM_comp_fun_idem)

lemma fUnionM_empty [simp]: "fUnionM {||} = return {||}" by(simp add: fUnionM_def)
lemma fUnionM_finset [simp]: "fUnionM (finsert x M) = funionM x (fUnionM M)" for x M
  by(simp add: fUnionM_def)
lemma funionM_return_empty1 [simp]: "funionM (return {||}) x = x" for x
  by(simp add: funionM_def return_bind bind_return)
lemma funionM_return_empty2 [simp]: "funionM x (return {||}) = x" for x
  by(simp add: funionM_def return_bind bind_return)
lemma funionM_return_return [simp]: "funionM (return A) (return B) = return (A |∪| B)" for A B
  by(simp add: funionM_def return_bind)
lemma funionM_assoc: "funionM (funionM x y) z = funionM x (funionM y z)" for x y z
  by(simp add: funionM_def bind_assoc return_bind funion_assoc)
lemma funionM_commute: "funionM x y = funionM y x" for x y
  unfolding funionM_def by(subst bind_commute)(simp add: funion_commute)
lemma funionM_fUnionM1: "funionM (fUnionM A) x = ffold funionM x A" for A x
  by(induction A arbitrary: x)(simp_all add: funionM_assoc)
lemma funionM_fUnionM2: "funionM x (fUnionM A) = ffold funionM x A" for x A
  by(subst funionM_commute)(rule funionM_fUnionM1)
lemma fUnionM_funion [simp]: "fUnionM (A |∪| B) = funionM (fUnionM A) (fUnionM B)" for A B
  by(subst funionM_fUnionM2)(simp add: fUnionM_def ffold_set_union)
lemma fUnionM_return [simp]: "fUnionM (fimage (λx. return {|x|}) A) = return A" for A
  by(induction A) simp_all
lemma bind_funionM: "bind (funionM m m') f = funionM (bind m f) (bind m' f)"
  if "A B. f (A |∪| B) = bind (f A) (λx. bind (f B) (λy. return (x |∪| y)))" for m m' f
  apply(simp add: bind_assoc return_bind funionM_def that)
  apply(subst (2) bind_commute)
  apply simp
lemma fUnionM_return_fempty [simp]: "fUnionM (fimage (λx. return {||}) A) = return {||}" for A
  by(induction A) simp_all
lemma funionM_bind: "funionM (bind m f) (bind m g) = bind m (λx. funionM (f x) (g x))" for m f g
  unfolding funionM_def bind_assoc by(subst bind_commute)(simp add: bind_duplicate)
lemma fUnionM_funionM:
 "fUnionM ((λy. funionM (f y) (g y)) |`| A) = funionM (fUnionM (f |`| A)) (fUnionM (g |`| A))" for f g A
  by(induction A)(simp_all add: funionM_assoc funionM_commute fun_left_comm)

lemma fset_nondetM: "nondetM return bind fmerge {||} (λx. {|x|}) (|∪|)"
  show "bind (fmerge y f) (λA. fmerge A g) = fmerge y (λx. bind (f x) (λA. fmerge A g))" for y f g
    apply(induction y)
    apply(simp_all add: return_bind fmerge_def)
    apply(subst bind_funionM; simp add: funionM_def o_def fimage_funion)

  show "fmerge {||} f = return {||}" for f by(simp add: fmerge_def)
  show "fmerge {|x|} f = f x" for x f by(simp add: fmerge_def)
  show "fmerge A (λx. return {|x|}) = return A" for A by(simp add: fmerge_def)
  show "fmerge (A |∪| B) f = bind (fmerge A f) (λA'. bind (fmerge B f) (λB'. return (A' |∪| B')))"
    for f A B by(simp add: fmerge_def funionM_def fimage_funion)
qed auto

lemma fset_nondetM_ask:
  notes fset_nondetM[locale_witness]
  assumes [locale_witness]: "monad_reader return bind ask"
  shows "nondetM_ask return bind ask fmerge {||} (λx. {|x|}) (|∪|)"
  interpret monad_reader return bind ask by fact
  show "fmerge A (λx. ask (λr. run_nondet (f x r))) = ask (λr. fmerge A (λx. run_nondet (f x r)))"
    for A and f :: "'a  'b  ('a, 'm) nondetT" unfolding fmerge_def
    by(induction A)(simp_all add: ask_const funionM_def bind_ask bind_ask2 ask_ask)

lemmas fset_nondetMs [locale_witness] =
  nondetM_lemmas[OF fset_nondetM]
  nondetM_ask_lemmas[OF fset_nondetM_ask]

  assumes "monad_discard return bind"

interpretation monad_discard return bind by fact

lemma fmerge_bind:
  "fmerge A (λx. bind m' (λA'. fmerge A' (f x))) = bind m' (λA'. fmerge A (λx. fmerge A' (f x)))"
  by(induction A)(simp_all add: fmerge_def bind_const funionM_bind)

lemma fmerge_commute: "fmerge A (λx. fmerge B (f x)) = fmerge B (λy. fmerge A (λx. f x y))"
  by(induction A)(simp_all add: fmerge_def fUnionM_funionM)

lemma monad_commute_nondetT_fset [locale_witness]:
  "monad_commute return_nondet bind_nondet"
  show "bind_nondet m (λx. bind_nondet m' (f x)) = bind_nondet m' (λy. bind_nondet m (λx. f x y))" for m m' f
    apply(rule nondetT.expand)
    apply(simp add: o_def)
    apply(subst fmerge_bind)
    apply(subst bind_commute)
    apply(subst fmerge_commute)
    apply(subst fmerge_bind[symmetric])
    apply(rule refl)




lemma fmerge_parametric:
  includes lifting_syntax
  assumes return [transfer_rule]: "(rel_fset A ===> M) return1 return2"
    and bind [transfer_rule]: "(M ===> (rel_fset A ===> M) ===> M) bind1 bind2"
    and comm1: "monad_commute return1 bind1" "monad_duplicate return1 bind1"
    and comm2: "monad_commute return2 bind2" "monad_duplicate return2 bind2"
  shows "(rel_fset A ===> (A ===> M) ===> M) (fmerge return1 bind1) (fmerge return2 bind2)"
  unfolding fmerge_def
  apply(rule rel_funI)+
  apply(drule (1) fset.map_transfer[THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])
  apply(rule ffold_parametric[OF _ funionM_comp_fun_idem[OF comm1] funionM_comp_fun_idem[OF comm2], THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, rotated -1], assumption)
  subgoal premises [transfer_rule] by transfer_prover
  subgoal premises by transfer_prover

subsubsection ‹Implementation using countable sets›

text ‹For non-finite choices, we cannot generically construct the merge operation. So we formalize
  in a locale what can be proven generically and then prove instances of the locale for concrete
  locale implementations.

  We need two separate merge parameters because we must merge effects over choices (type @{typ 'c})
  and effects over the non-deterministic results (type @{typ 'a}) of computations.

locale cset_nondetM_base =
  nondetM_base return bind merge cempty csingle cUn
  for return :: "('a cset, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a cset, 'm) bind"
  and merge :: "('a, 'm, 'a cset) merge"
  and mergec :: "('c, 'm, 'c cset) merge"

definition altc_nondet :: "('c, ('a, 'm) nondetT) altc" where
  "altc_nondet A f = NondetT (mergec A (run_nondet  f))"

lemma run_altc_nondet [simp]: "run_nondet (altc_nondet A f) = mergec A (run_nondet  f)"
  by(simp add: altc_nondet_def)


locale cset_nondetM =
  cset_nondetM_base return bind merge mergec
  monad_commute return bind
  monad_duplicate return bind
  for return :: "('a cset, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a cset, 'm) bind"
  and merge :: "('a, 'm, 'a cset) merge"
  and mergec :: "('c, 'm, 'c cset) merge"
  assumes bind_merge_merge:
    "y f g. bind (merge y f) (λA. merge A g) = merge y (λx. bind (f x) (λA. merge A g))"
  and merge_empty: "f. merge cempty f = return cempty"
  and merge_single: "x f. merge (csingle x) f = f x"
  and merge_single2: "A. merge A (λx. return (csingle x)) = return A"
  and merge_union: "A B f. merge (cUn A B) f = bind (merge A f) (λA'. bind (merge B f) (λB'. return (cUn A' B')))"
  and bind_mergec_merge:
    "y f g. bind (mergec y f) (λA. merge A g) = mergec y (λx. bind (f x) (λA. merge A g))"
  and mergec_single: "x f. mergec (csingle x) f = f x"
  and mergec_UNION: "C f g. mergec (cUNION C f) g = mergec C (λx. mergec (f x) g)"
  and mergec_parametric [transfer_rule]:
    "R. bi_unique R  rel_fun (rel_cset R) (rel_fun (rel_fun R (=)) (=)) mergec mergec"

interpretation nondetM return bind merge cempty csingle cUn
  by(unfold_locales; (rule bind_merge_merge merge_empty merge_single merge_single2 merge_union | simp add: cUn_assoc)?)

sublocale nondet: monad_altc return_nondet bind_nondet altc_nondet
  including lifting_syntax
  show "bind_nondet (altc_nondet C g) f = altc_nondet C (λc. bind_nondet (g c) f)" for C g f
    by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: bind_mergec_merge o_def)
  show "altc_nondet (csingle x) f = f x" for x f
    by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: mergec_single)
  show "altc_nondet (cUNION C f) g = altc_nondet C (λx. altc_nondet (f x) g)" for C f g
    by(rule nondetT.expand)(simp add: o_def mergec_UNION)
  show "(rel_cset R ===> (R ===> (=)) ===> (=)) altc_nondet altc_nondet" 
    if [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique R" for R
    unfolding altc_nondet_def by(transfer_prover)


locale cset_nondetM3 =
  cset_nondetM return bind merge mergec
  three "TYPE('c)"
  for return :: "('a cset, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a cset, 'm) bind"
  and merge :: "('a, 'm, 'a cset) merge"
  and mergec :: "('c, 'm, 'c cset) merge"

interpretation nondet: monad_altc3 return_nondet bind_nondet altc_nondet ..


paragraph ‹Identity monad›

definition merge_id :: "('c, 'a cset id, 'c cset) merge" where
  "merge_id A f = return_id (cUNION A (extract  f))"

lemma extract_merge_id [simp]: "extract (merge_id A f) = cUNION A (extract  f)"
  by(simp add: merge_id_def)

lemma merge_id_parametric [transfer_rule]: includes lifting_syntax shows
  "(rel_cset A ===> (A ===> rel_id (rel_cset A)) ===> rel_id (rel_cset A)) merge_id merge_id"
  unfolding merge_id_def by transfer_prover

lemma cset_nondetM_id [locale_witness]: "cset_nondetM return_id bind_id merge_id merge_id"
  including lifting_syntax
  show "bind_id (merge_id y f) (λA. merge_id A g) = merge_id y (λx. bind_id (f x) (λA. merge_id A g))"
    for y and f :: "'c  'd cset id" and g by(rule id.expand)(simp add: o_def cUNION_assoc)
  then show "bind_id (merge_id y f) (λA. merge_id A g) = merge_id y (λx. bind_id (f x) (λA. merge_id A g))"
    for y and f :: "'c  'd cset id" and g by this
  show "merge_id cempty f = return_id cempty" for f :: "'a  'a cset id" by(rule id.expand) simp
  show "merge_id (csingle x) f = f x" for x and f :: "'c  'a cset id" by(rule id.expand) simp
  then show "merge_id (csingle x) f = f x" for x and f :: "'c  'a cset id" by this
  show "merge_id A (λx. return_id (csingle x)) = return_id A" for A :: "'a cset"
    by(rule id.expand)(simp add: o_def)
  show "merge_id (cUn A B) f = bind_id (merge_id A f) (λA'. bind_id (merge_id B f) (λB'. return_id (cUn A' B')))"
    for A B and f :: "'a  'a cset id" by(rule id.expand)(simp add: cUNION_cUn)   
  show "merge_id (cUNION C f) g = merge_id C (λx. merge_id (f x) g)"
    for C and f :: "'b  'b cset" and g :: "'b  'a cset id"
    by(rule id.expand)(simp add: o_def cUNION_assoc)
  show "(rel_cset R ===> (R ===> (=)) ===> (=)) merge_id merge_id"
    if "bi_unique R" for R :: "'b  'b  bool"
    unfolding merge_id_def by transfer_prover

paragraph ‹Reader monad transformer›

definition merge_env :: "('c, 'm, 'c cset) merge  ('c, ('r, 'm) envT, 'c cset) merge" where 
  "merge_env merge A f = EnvT (λr. merge A (λa. run_env (f a) r))" for merge

lemma run_merge_env [simp]: "run_env (merge_env merge A f) r = merge A (λa. run_env (f a) r)" for merge
  by(simp add: merge_env_def)

lemma merge_env_parametric [transfer_rule]: includes lifting_syntax shows
  "((rel_cset C ===> (C ===> M) ===> M) ===> rel_cset C ===> (C ===> rel_envT R M) ===> rel_envT R M)
   merge_env merge_env"
  unfolding merge_env_def by transfer_prover

lemma cset_nondetM_envT [locale_witness]: 
  fixes return :: "('a cset, 'm) return" 
    and bind :: "('a cset, 'm) bind"
    and merge :: "('a, 'm, 'a cset) merge"
    and mergec :: "('c, 'm, 'c cset) merge"
  assumes "cset_nondetM return bind merge mergec"
  shows "cset_nondetM (return_env return) (bind_env bind) (merge_env merge) (merge_env mergec)"
proof -
  interpret cset_nondetM return bind merge by fact
  show ?thesis including lifting_syntax
    show "bind_env bind (merge_env merge y f) (λA. merge_env merge A g) =
      merge_env merge y (λx. bind_env bind (f x) (λA. merge_env merge A g))"
      for y and f :: "'a  ('b, 'm) envT" and g
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff cUNION_assoc bind_merge_merge)
    show "merge_env merge cempty f = return_env return cempty" for f :: "'a  ('b, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff merge_empty)
    show "merge_env merge (csingle x) f = f x" for f :: "'a  ('b, 'm) envT" and x
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff merge_single)
    show "merge_env merge A (λx. return_env return (csingle x)) = return_env return A" for A
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff merge_single2)
    show "merge_env merge (cUn A B) f =
      bind_env bind (merge_env merge A f) (λA'. bind_env bind (merge_env merge B f) (λB'. return_env return (cUn A' B')))"
      for A B and f :: "'a  ('b, 'm) envT" by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff merge_union)
    show "bind_env bind (merge_env mergec y f) (λA. merge_env merge A g) =
      merge_env mergec y (λx. bind_env bind (f x) (λA. merge_env merge A g))"
      for y and f :: "'c  ('b, 'm) envT" and g
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff cUNION_assoc bind_mergec_merge)
    show "merge_env mergec (csingle x) f = f x" for f :: "'c  ('b, 'm) envT" and x
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff mergec_single)
    show "merge_env mergec (cUNION C f) g = merge_env mergec C (λx. merge_env mergec (f x) g)"
      for C f and g :: "'c  ('b, 'm) envT"
      by(rule envT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff mergec_UNION)
    show "(rel_cset R ===> (R ===> (=)) ===> (=)) (merge_env mergec) (merge_env mergec)" 
      if [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique R" for R
      unfolding merge_env_def by transfer_prover

(* paragraph ‹Exception monad transformer›

text ‹Failure in the non-determinism transformer is absorbed by choice. So there is no way to handle 
  failures. In contrast, in this combination, we choose that failures abort all choices.›

  fixes return :: "('a cset option, 'm) return"
    and bind :: "('a cset option, 'm) bind"
    and merge :: "('a option, 'm, 'a option cset) merge"

definition merge_option :: "('a, ('a cset, 'm) optionT, 'a cset) merge" where
  "merge_option A f = 
  OptionT (merge (cimage Some A) (λx. case x of None ⇒ return None
                                      | Some x' ⇒ run_option (f x')))"
lemma run_merge_optionT [simp]:
  "run_option (merge_option A f) = 
  merge (cimage Some A) (λx. case x of None ⇒ return None | Some x' ⇒ run_option (f x'))"
  by(simp add: merge_option_def)

definition return_optionT_cset :: "('a option cset, 'm) return" where
  "return_optionT_cset A = (if cin None A then return None else return (Some (cimage the A)))"

definition bind_optionT_cset :: "('a option cset, 'm) bind" where
  "bind_optionT_cset m f = 
   bind m (λx. case x of None ⇒ return None | Some A ⇒ f (cimage Some A))"

(* lemma
  assumes "monad return_optionT_cset bind_optionT_cset"
  shows "monad return bind"
proof -
  interpret monad return_optionT_cset bind_optionT_cset by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "bind (return x) f = f x" for x f
      using return_bind[of "case x of None ⇒ csingle None | Some A ⇒ cimage Some A" ff]
      apply(simp add: bind_optionT_cset_def return_optionT_cset_def split: option.split_asm)
    subgoal for m f g
      using bind_assoc[of m "λA. if cin None A then return None else f (Some (cimage the A))" "λA. if cin None A then return None else g (Some (cimage the A))"]
      apply(simp add: bind_optionT_cset_def)
      apply(subst (asm) if_distrib[where f="λm. bind m _"])

lemma cset_nondetM_optionT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_commute return bind"
    and "monad_discard return bind"
    and "monad_duplicate return bind"
    and "cset_nondetM return_optionT_cset bind_optionT_cset merge"
  shows "cset_nondetM (return_option return) (bind_option return bind) merge_option"
proof -
  interpret monad_commute return bind by fact
  interpret monad_discard return bind by fact
  interpret monad_duplicate return bind by fact
  interpret *: cset_nondetM return_optionT_cset bind_optionT_cset merge by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "bind_option return bind (merge_option y f)
        (λA. merge_option A g) =
       merge_option y
        (λx. bind_option return bind (f x) (λA. merge_option A g))" for y f g
      apply(rule optionT.expand)
      apply(simp add: run_bind_option cong del: option.case_cong) *)

subsection ‹State transformer›

datatype ('s, 'm) stateT = StateT (run_state: "'s  'm")
  for rel: rel_stateT'

text ‹
  We define a more general relator for @{typ "(_, _) stateT"} than the one generated
  by the datatype package such that we can also show parametricity in the state.

context includes lifting_syntax begin

definition rel_stateT :: "('s  's'  bool)  ('m  'm'  bool)  ('s, 'm) stateT  ('s', 'm') stateT  bool"
where "rel_stateT S M m m'  (S ===> M) (run_state m) (run_state m')"

lemma rel_stateT_eq [relator_eq]: "rel_stateT (=) (=) = (=)"
by(auto simp add: rel_stateT_def fun_eq_iff rel_fun_eq intro: stateT.expand)

lemma rel_stateT_mono [relator_mono]: " S'  S; M  M'   rel_stateT S M  rel_stateT S' M'"
by(rule predicate2I)(simp add: rel_stateT_def fun_mono[THEN predicate2D]) 

lemma StateT_parametric [transfer_rule]: "((S ===> M) ===> rel_stateT S M) StateT StateT"
by(auto simp add: rel_stateT_def)

lemma run_state_parametric [transfer_rule]: "(rel_stateT S M ===> S ===> M) run_state run_state"
by(auto simp add: rel_stateT_def)

lemma case_stateT_parametric [transfer_rule]: 
  "(((S ===> M) ===> A) ===> rel_stateT S M ===> A) case_stateT case_stateT"
by(auto 4 3 split: stateT.split simp add: rel_stateT_def del: rel_funI intro!: rel_funI dest: rel_funD)

lemma rec_stateT_parametric [transfer_rule]: 
  "(((S ===> M) ===> A) ===> rel_stateT S M ===> A) rec_stateT rec_stateT"
apply(rule rel_funI)+
subgoal for … m m' by(cases m; cases m')(auto 4 3 simp add: rel_stateT_def del: rel_funI intro!: rel_funI dest: rel_funD)

lemma rel_stateT_Grp: "rel_stateT (=) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f) = BNF_Def.Grp UNIV (map_stateT f)"
by(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff Grp_def rel_stateT_def rel_fun_def stateT.map_sel intro: stateT.expand)


subsubsection ‹Plain monad, get, and put›

  fixes return :: "('a × 's, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a × 's, 'm) bind"

primrec bind_state :: "('a, ('s, 'm) stateT) bind"
where "bind_state (StateT x) f = StateT (λs. bind (x s) (λ(a, s'). run_state (f a) s'))"

definition return_state :: "('a, ('s, 'm) stateT) return"
where "return_state x = StateT (λs. return (x, s))"

definition get_state :: "('s, ('s, 'm) stateT) get"
where "get_state f = StateT (λs. run_state (f s) s)"

primrec put_state :: "('s, ('s, 'm) stateT) put"
where "put_state s (StateT f) = StateT (λ_. f s)"

lemma run_put_state [simp]: "run_state (put_state s m) s' = run_state m s"
by(cases m) simp

lemma run_get_state [simp]: "run_state (get_state f) s = run_state (f s) s"
by(simp add: get_state_def)

lemma run_bind_state [simp]:
  "run_state (bind_state x f) s = bind (run_state x s) (λ(a, s'). run_state (f a) s')"
by(cases x)(simp)

lemma run_return_state [simp]:
  "run_state (return_state x) s = return (x, s)"
by(simp add: return_state_def)

  assumes monad: "monad return bind"

interpretation monad return bind by(fact monad)

lemma monad_stateT [locale_witness]: "monad return_state bind_state" (is "monad ?return ?bind")
  show "?bind (?bind x f) g = ?bind x (λx. ?bind (f x) g)" for x and f g :: "'a  ('s, 'm) stateT"
    by(rule stateT.expand ext)+(simp add: bind_assoc split_def)
  show "?bind (?return x) f = f x" for f :: "'a  ('s, 'm) stateT" and x
    by(rule stateT.expand ext)+(simp add: return_bind)
  show "?bind x ?return = x" for x
    by(rule stateT.expand ext)+(simp add: bind_return)

lemma monad_state_stateT [locale_witness]:
  "monad_state return_state bind_state get_state put_state"
  show "put_state s (get_state f) = put_state s (f s)" for f :: "'s  ('s, 'm) stateT" and s :: "'s"
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: get_state_def fun_eq_iff)
  show "get_state (λs. get_state (f s)) = get_state (λs. f s s)" for f :: "'s  's  ('s, 'm) stateT"
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)
  show "put_state s (put_state s' m) = put_state s' m" for s s' :: 's and m :: "('s, 'm) stateT"
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)
  show "get_state (λs :: 's. put_state s m) = m" for m :: "('s, 'm) stateT"
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)  
  show "get_state (λ_. m) = m" for m :: "('s, 'm) stateT"
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)
  show "bind_state (get_state f) g = get_state (λs. bind_state (f s) g)" for f g
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)
  show "bind_state (put_state s m) f = put_state s (bind_state m f)" for s :: 's and m f
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)


text ‹
  We cannot define a generic lifting operation for state like in Haskell.
  If we separate the monad type variable from the element type variable, then
  lift› should have type 'a 'm => (('a × 's) 'm) stateT›, but this means
  that the type of results must change, which does not work for monomorphic monads.

  Instead, we must lift all operations individually. lift_definition› does not work
  because the monad transformer type is typically larger than the base type, but
  lift_definition› only works if the lifted type is no bigger.

subsubsection ‹Failure›

  fixes fail :: "'m fail"

definition fail_state :: "('s, 'm) stateT fail"
where "fail_state = StateT (λs. fail)"

lemma run_fail_state [simp]: "run_state fail_state s = fail"
by(simp add: fail_state_def)

lemma monad_fail_stateT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_fail return bind fail"
  shows "monad_fail return_state bind_state fail_state" (is "monad_fail ?return ?bind ?fail")
proof -
  interpret monad_fail return bind fail by(fact assms)
  have "?bind ?fail f = ?fail" for f by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff fail_bind)
  then show ?thesis by unfold_locales

notepad begin
  text catch› cannot be lifted through the state monad according to @{term monad_catch_state}
   because there is now way to communicate the state updates to the handler.
  fix catch :: "'m catch"
  assume "monad_catch return bind fail catch"
  then interpret monad_catch return bind fail catch .

  define catch_state :: "('s, 'm) stateT catch" where
    "catch_state m1 m2 = StateT (λs. catch (run_state m1 s) (run_state m2 s))" for m1 m2
  have "monad_catch return_state bind_state fail_state catch_state"
    by(unfold_locales; rule stateT.expand; simp add: fun_eq_iff catch_state_def catch_return catch_fail catch_fail2 catch_assoc)


subsubsection ‹Reader›

  fixes ask :: "('r, 'm) ask"

definition ask_state :: "('r, ('s, 'm) stateT) ask"
where "ask_state f = StateT (λs. ask (λr. run_state (f r) s))"

lemma run_ask_state [simp]:
  "run_state (ask_state f) s = ask (λr. run_state (f r) s)"
by(simp add: ask_state_def)

lemma monad_reader_stateT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_reader return bind ask"
  shows "monad_reader return_state bind_state ask_state"
proof -
  interpret monad_reader return bind ask by(fact assms)
  show ?thesis
    show "ask_state (λr. ask_state (f r)) = ask_state (λr. f r r)" for f :: "'r  'r  ('s, 'm) stateT"
      by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff ask_ask)
    show "ask_state (λ_. x) = x" for x
      by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff ask_const)
    show "bind_state (ask_state f) g = ask_state (λr. bind_state (f r) g)" for f g
      by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_ask)
    show "bind_state m (λx. ask_state (f x)) = ask_state (λr. bind_state m (λx. f x r))" for m f
      by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_ask2 split_def)

lemma monad_reader_state_stateT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_reader return bind ask"
  shows "monad_reader_state return_state bind_state ask_state get_state put_state"
proof -
  interpret monad_reader return bind ask by(fact assms)
  show ?thesis
    show "ask_state (λr. get_state (f r)) = get_state (λs. ask_state (λr. f r s))" for f
      by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)
    show "put_state m (ask_state f) = ask_state (λr. put_state m (f r))" for m f
      by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)


subsubsection ‹Probability›

definition altc_sample_state :: "('x  ('b  'm)  'm)  'x  ('b  ('s, 'm) stateT)  ('s, 'm) stateT"
where "altc_sample_state altc_sample p f = StateT (λs. altc_sample p (λx. run_state (f x) s))"

lemma run_altc_sample_state [simp]:
  "run_state (altc_sample_state altc_sample p f) s = altc_sample p (λx. run_state (f x) s)"
by(simp add: altc_sample_state_def)

  fixes sample :: "('p, 'm) sample"

abbreviation sample_state :: "('p, ('s, 'm) stateT) sample" where
  "sample_state  altc_sample_state sample"

  assumes "monad_prob return bind sample"

interpretation monad_prob return bind sample by(fact)

lemma monad_prob_stateT [locale_witness]: "monad_prob return_state bind_state sample_state"
  including lifting_syntax
  note sample_parametric[transfer_rule]
  show "sample_state p (λ_. x) = x" for p x
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff sample_const)
  show "sample_state (return_pmf x) f = f x" for f x
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff sample_return_pmf)
  show "sample_state (bind_pmf p f) g = sample_state p (λx. sample_state (f x) g)" for p f g
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff sample_bind_pmf)
  show "sample_state p (λx. sample_state q (f x)) = sample_state q (λy. sample_state p (λx. f x y))" for p q f
    by(rule stateT.expand)(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff intro: sample_commute)
  show "bind_state (sample_state p f) g = sample_state p (λx. bind_state (f x) g)" for p f g
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_sample1)
  show "bind_state m (λy. sample_state p (f y)) = sample_state p (λx. bind_state m (λy. f y x))" for m p f
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_sample2 split_def)
  show "(rel_pmf R ===> (R ===> (=)) ===> (=)) sample_state sample_state"
    if [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique R" for R unfolding altc_sample_state_def by transfer_prover

lemma monad_state_prob_stateT [locale_witness]:
  "monad_state_prob return_state bind_state get_state put_state sample_state"
  show "sample_state p (λx. get_state (f x)) = get_state (λs. sample_state p (λx. f x s))" for p f
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)



subsubsection ‹Writer›

  fixes tell :: "('w, 'm) tell"

definition tell_state :: "('w, ('s, 'm) stateT) tell"
where "tell_state w m = StateT (λs. tell w (run_state m s))"

lemma run_tell_state [simp]: "run_state (tell_state w m) s = tell w (run_state m s)"
by(simp add: tell_state_def)

lemma monad_writer_stateT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_writer return bind tell"
  shows "monad_writer return_state bind_state tell_state"
proof -
  interpret monad_writer return bind tell by(fact assms)
  show ?thesis
    show "bind_state (tell_state w m) f = tell_state w (bind_state m f)" for w m f
      by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: bind_tell fun_eq_iff)


subsubsection ‹Binary Non-determinism›

  fixes alt :: "'m alt"

definition alt_state :: "('s, 'm) stateT alt"
where "alt_state m1 m2 = StateT (λs. alt (run_state m1 s) (run_state m2 s))"

lemma run_alt_state [simp]: "run_state (alt_state m1 m2) s = alt (run_state m1 s) (run_state m2 s)"
by(simp add: alt_state_def)

context assumes "monad_alt return bind alt" begin

interpretation monad_alt return bind alt by fact

lemma monad_alt_stateT [locale_witness]: "monad_alt return_state bind_state alt_state"
  show "alt_state (alt_state m1 m2) m3 = alt_state m1 (alt_state m2 m3)" for m1 m2 m3
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: alt_assoc fun_eq_iff)
  show "bind_state (alt_state m m') f = alt_state (bind_state m f) (bind_state m' f)" for m m' f
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: bind_alt1 fun_eq_iff)

lemma monad_state_alt_stateT [locale_witness]:
  "monad_state_alt return_state bind_state get_state put_state alt_state"
  show "alt_state (get_state f) (get_state g) = get_state (λx. alt_state (f x) (g x))"
    for f g by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)
  show "alt_state (put_state s m) (put_state s m') = put_state s (alt_state m m')"
    for s m m' by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)


lemma monad_fail_alt_stateT [locale_witness]:
  fixes fail
  assumes "monad_fail_alt return bind fail alt"
  shows "monad_fail_alt return_state bind_state (fail_state fail) alt_state"
proof -
  interpret monad_fail_alt return bind fail alt by fact
  show ?thesis
    show  "alt_state (fail_state fail) m = m" for m
      by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff alt_fail1)
    show "alt_state m (fail_state fail) = m" for m
      by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff alt_fail2)


subsubsection ‹Countable Non-determinism›

  fixes altc :: "('c, 'm) altc"

abbreviation altc_state :: "('c, ('s, 'm) stateT) altc"
where "altc_state  altc_sample_state altc"

  includes lifting_syntax
  assumes "monad_altc return bind altc" 

interpretation monad_altc return bind altc by fact

lemma monad_altc_stateT [locale_witness]: "monad_altc return_state bind_state altc_state"
  note altc_parametric[transfer_rule]
  show "bind_state (altc_state C g) f = altc_state C (λc. bind_state (g c) f)" for C g f
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_altc1)
  show "altc_state (csingle x) f = f x" for x f
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff altc_single)
  show "altc_state (cUNION C f) g = altc_state C (λx. altc_state (f x) g)" for C f g
    by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff altc_cUNION)
  show "(rel_cset R ===> (R ===> (=)) ===> (=)) altc_state altc_state" if [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique R" for R
    unfolding altc_sample_state_def by transfer_prover

lemma monad_state_altc_stateT [locale_witness]:
  "monad_state_altc return_state bind_state get_state put_state altc_state"
  show "altc_state C (λc. get_state (f c)) = get_state (λs. altc_state C (λc. f c s))"
    for C and f :: "'c  's  ('s, 'm) stateT" by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)
  show "altc_state C (λc. put_state s (f c)) = put_state s (altc_state C f)"
    for C s and f :: "'c  ('s, 'm) stateT" by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)


lemma monad_altc3_stateT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_altc3 return bind altc"
  shows "monad_altc3 return_state bind_state altc_state"
proof -
  interpret monad_altc3 return bind altc by fact
  show ?thesis ..


subsubsection ‹Resumption›

  fixes pause :: "('o, 'i, 'm) pause"

definition pause_state :: "('o, 'i, ('s, 'm) stateT) pause"
where "pause_state out c = StateT (λs. pause out (λi. run_state (c i) s))"

lemma run_pause_state [simp]:
  "run_state (pause_state out c) s = pause out (λi. run_state (c i) s)"
by(simp add: pause_state_def)

lemma monad_resumption_stateT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_resumption return bind pause"
  shows "monad_resumption return_state bind_state pause_state"
proof -
  interpret monad_resumption return bind pause by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "bind_state (pause_state out c) f = pause_state out (λi. bind_state (c i) f)" for out c f
      by(rule stateT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff bind_pause)



subsubsection ‹Parametricity›

context includes lifting_syntax begin

lemma return_state_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((rel_prod A S ===> M) ===> A ===> rel_stateT S M) return_state return_state"
unfolding return_state_def by transfer_prover

lemma bind_state_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((M ===> (rel_prod A S ===> M) ===> M) ===> rel_stateT S M ===> (A ===> rel_stateT S M) ===> rel_stateT S M)
   bind_state bind_state"
unfolding bind_state_def by transfer_prover

lemma get_state_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((S ===> rel_stateT S M) ===> rel_stateT S M) get_state get_state"
unfolding get_state_def by transfer_prover

lemma put_state_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(S ===> rel_stateT S M ===> rel_stateT S M) put_state put_state"
unfolding put_state_def by transfer_prover

lemma fail_state_parametric [transfer_rule]: "(M ===> rel_stateT S M) fail_state fail_state"
unfolding fail_state_def by transfer_prover

lemma ask_state_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(((R ===> M) ===> M) ===> (R ===> rel_stateT S M) ===> rel_stateT S M) ask_state ask_state"
unfolding ask_state_def by transfer_prover

lemma altc_sample_state_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((X ===> (P ===> M) ===> M) ===> X ===> (P ===> rel_stateT S M) ===> rel_stateT S M)
   altc_sample_state altc_sample_state"
unfolding altc_sample_state_def by transfer_prover

lemma tell_state_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((W ===> M ===> M) ===> W ===> rel_stateT S M ===> rel_stateT S M)
   tell_state tell_state"
unfolding tell_state_def by transfer_prover

lemma alt_state_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((M ===> M ===> M) ===> rel_stateT S M ===> rel_stateT S M ===> rel_stateT S M)
   alt_state alt_state"
unfolding alt_state_def by transfer_prover

lemma pause_state_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((Out ===> (In ===> M) ===> M) ===> Out ===> (In ===> rel_stateT S M) ===> rel_stateT S M)
   pause_state pause_state"
unfolding pause_state_def by transfer_prover


subsection ‹Writer monad transformer›

text ‹
  We implement a simple writer monad which collects all the output in a list. It would also have
  been possible to use a monoid instead. The phantom type variables @{typ 'a} and @{typ 'w} are needed to
  avoid hidden polymorphism when overloading the monad operations for the writer monad

datatype ('w, 'a, 'm) writerT = WriterT (run_writer: 'm)

  fixes return :: "('a × 'w list, 'm) return"
  and bind :: "('a × 'w list, 'm) bind"

definition return_writer :: "('a, ('w, 'a, 'm) writerT) return"
where "return_writer x = WriterT (return (x, []))"

definition bind_writer :: "('a, ('w, 'a, 'm) writerT) bind"
where "bind_writer m f = WriterT (bind (run_writer m) (λ(a, ws). bind (run_writer (f a)) (λ(b, ws'). return (b, ws @ ws'))))"

definition tell_writer :: "('w, ('w, 'a, 'm) writerT) tell"
where "tell_writer w m = WriterT (bind (run_writer m) (λ(a, ws). return (a, w # ws)))"

lemma run_return_writer [simp]: "run_writer (return_writer x) = return (x, [])"
by(simp add: return_writer_def)

lemma run_bind_writer [simp]:
  "run_writer (bind_writer m f) = bind (run_writer m) (λ(a, ws). bind (run_writer (f a)) (λ(b, ws'). return (b, ws @ ws')))"
by(simp add: bind_writer_def)

lemma run_tell_writer [simp]:
  "run_writer (tell_writer w m) = bind (run_writer m) (λ(a, ws). return (a, w # ws))"
by(simp add: tell_writer_def)

  assumes "monad return bind"

interpretation monad return bind by fact

lemma monad_writerT [locale_witness]: "monad return_writer bind_writer"
  show "bind_writer (bind_writer x f) g = bind_writer x (λy. bind_writer (f y) g)" for x f g
    by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: bind_assoc split_def return_bind)
  show "bind_writer (return_writer x) f = f x" for  x f
    by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: bind_return return_bind)
  show "bind_writer x return_writer = x" for x
    by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: bind_return return_bind)

lemma monad_writer_writerT [locale_witness]: "monad_writer return_writer bind_writer tell_writer"
  show "bind_writer (tell_writer w m) f = tell_writer w (bind_writer m f)" for w m f
    by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: bind_assoc split_def return_bind)


subsubsection ‹Failure›

  fixes fail :: "'m fail"

definition fail_writer :: "('w, 'a, 'm) writerT fail"
where "fail_writer = WriterT fail"

lemma run_fail_writer [simp]: "run_writer fail_writer = fail"
by(simp add: fail_writer_def)

lemma monad_fail_writerT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_fail return bind fail"
  shows "monad_fail return_writer bind_writer fail_writer"
proof -
  interpret monad_fail return bind fail by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "bind_writer fail_writer f = fail_writer" for f
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: fail_bind)

text ‹
  Just like for the state monad, we cannot lift @{term catch} because the output before the failure would be lost.

subsubsection ‹State›

  fixes get :: "('s, 'm) get"
  and put :: "('s, 'm) put"

definition get_writer :: "('s, ('w, 'a, 'm) writerT) get"
where "get_writer f = WriterT (get (λs. run_writer (f s)))"

definition put_writer :: "('s, ('w, 'a, 'm) writerT) put"
where "put_writer s m = WriterT (put s (run_writer m))"

lemma run_get_writer [simp]: "run_writer (get_writer f) = get (λs. run_writer (f s))"
by(simp add: get_writer_def)

lemma run_put_writer [simp]: "run_writer (put_writer s m) = put s (run_writer m)"
by(simp add: put_writer_def)

lemma monad_state_writerT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_state return bind get put"
  shows "monad_state return_writer bind_writer get_writer put_writer"
proof -
  interpret monad_state return bind get put by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "put_writer s (get_writer f) = put_writer s (f s)" for s f
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: put_get)
    show "get_writer (λs. get_writer (f s)) = get_writer (λs. f s s)" for f
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: get_get)
    show "put_writer s (put_writer s' m) = put_writer s' m" for s s' m
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: put_put)
    show "get_writer (λs. put_writer s m) = m" for m
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: get_put)
    show "get_writer (λ_. m) = m" for m
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: get_const)
    show "bind_writer (get_writer f) g = get_writer (λs. bind_writer (f s) g)" for f g
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: bind_get)
    show "bind_writer (put_writer s m) f = put_writer s (bind_writer m f)" for s m f
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: bind_put)

subsubsection  ‹Probability›

definition altc_sample_writer :: "('x  ('b  'm)  'm)  'x  ('b  ('w, 'a, 'm) writerT)  ('w, 'a, 'm) writerT"
where "altc_sample_writer altc_sample p f = WriterT (altc_sample p (λp. run_writer (f p)))"

lemma run_altc_sample_writer [simp]:
  "run_writer (altc_sample_writer altc_sample p f) = altc_sample p (λp. run_writer (f p))"
by(simp add: altc_sample_writer_def)

  fixes sample :: "('p, 'm) sample"

abbreviation sample_writer :: "('p, ('w, 'a, 'm) writerT) sample"
where "sample_writer  altc_sample_writer sample"

lemma monad_prob_writerT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_prob return bind sample"
  shows "monad_prob return_writer bind_writer sample_writer"
proof -
  interpret monad_prob return bind sample by fact
  note sample_parametric[transfer_rule]
  show ?thesis including lifting_syntax
    show "sample_writer p (λ_. m) = m" for p m
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: sample_const)
    show "sample_writer (return_pmf x) f = f x" for x f
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: sample_return_pmf)
    show "sample_writer (p  f) g = sample_writer p (λx. sample_writer (f x) g)" for p f g
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: sample_bind_pmf)
    show "sample_writer p (λx. sample_writer q (f x)) = sample_writer q (λy. sample_writer p (λx. f x y))"
      for p q f by(rule writerT.expand)(auto intro: sample_commute)
    show "bind_writer (sample_writer p f) g = sample_writer p (λx. bind_writer (f x) g)" for p f g
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: bind_sample1)
    show "bind_writer m (λy. sample_writer p (f y)) = sample_writer p (λx. bind_writer m (λy. f y x))"
      for m p f by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: bind_sample2[symmetric] bind_sample1 split_def)
    show "(rel_pmf R ===> (R ===> (=)) ===> (=)) sample_writer sample_writer"
      if [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique R" for R unfolding altc_sample_writer_def by transfer_prover

lemma monad_state_prob_writerT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_state_prob return bind get put sample"
  shows "monad_state_prob return_writer bind_writer get_writer put_writer sample_writer"
proof -
  interpret monad_state_prob return bind get put sample by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "sample_writer p (λx. get_writer (f x)) = get_writer (λs. sample_writer p (λx. f x s))" for p f
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: sample_get)


subsubsection ‹Reader›

  fixes ask :: "('r, 'm) ask"

definition ask_writer :: "('r, ('w, 'a, 'm) writerT) ask"
where "ask_writer f = WriterT (ask (λr. run_writer (f r)))"

lemma run_ask_writer [simp]: "run_writer (ask_writer f) = ask (λr. run_writer (f r))"
by(simp add: ask_writer_def)

lemma monad_reader_writerT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_reader return bind ask"
  shows "monad_reader return_writer bind_writer ask_writer"
proof -
  interpret monad_reader return bind ask by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "ask_writer (λr. ask_writer (f r)) = ask_writer (λr. f r r)" for f
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: ask_ask)
    show "ask_writer (λ_. m) = m" for m
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: ask_const)
    show "bind_writer (ask_writer f) g = ask_writer (λr. bind_writer (f r) g)" for f g
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: bind_ask)
    show "bind_writer m (λx. ask_writer (f x)) = ask_writer (λr. bind_writer m (λx. f x r))"
      for m f by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: split_def bind_ask2[symmetric] bind_ask)

lemma monad_reader_state_writerT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_reader_state return bind ask get put"
  shows "monad_reader_state return_writer bind_writer ask_writer get_writer put_writer"
proof -
  interpret monad_reader_state return bind ask get put by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "ask_writer (λr. get_writer (f r)) = get_writer (λs. ask_writer (λr. f r s))"
      for f by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: ask_get)
    show "put_writer s (ask_writer f) = ask_writer (λr. put_writer s (f r))" for s f
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: put_ask)


subsubsection ‹Resumption›

  fixes pause :: "('o, 'i, 'm) pause"

definition pause_writer :: "('o, 'i, ('w, 'a, 'm) writerT) pause"
where "pause_writer out c = WriterT (pause out (λinput. run_writer (c input)))"

lemma run_pause_writer [simp]:
  "run_writer (pause_writer out c) = pause out (λinput. run_writer (c input))"
by(simp add: pause_writer_def)

lemma monad_resumption_writerT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_resumption return bind pause"
  shows "monad_resumption return_writer bind_writer pause_writer"
proof -
  interpret monad_resumption return bind pause by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "bind_writer (pause_writer out c) f = pause_writer out (λi. bind_writer (c i) f)" for out c f
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: bind_pause)


subsubsection ‹Binary Non-determinism›

  fixes alt :: "'m alt"

definition alt_writer :: "('w, 'a, 'm) writerT alt"
where "alt_writer m m' = WriterT (alt (run_writer m) (run_writer m'))"

lemma run_alt_writer [simp]: "run_writer (alt_writer m m') = alt (run_writer m) (run_writer m')"
by(simp add: alt_writer_def)

lemma monad_alt_writerT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_alt return bind alt"
  shows "monad_alt return_writer bind_writer alt_writer"
proof -
  interpret monad_alt return bind alt by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "alt_writer (alt_writer m1 m2) m3 = alt_writer m1 (alt_writer m2 m3)" 
      for m1 m2 m3 by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: alt_assoc)
    show "bind_writer (alt_writer m m') f = alt_writer (bind_writer m f) (bind_writer m' f)"
      for m m' f by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: bind_alt1)

lemma monad_fail_alt_writerT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_fail_alt return bind fail alt"
  shows "monad_fail_alt return_writer bind_writer fail_writer alt_writer"
proof -
  interpret monad_fail_alt return bind fail alt by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "alt_writer fail_writer m = m" for m
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: alt_fail1)
    show "alt_writer m fail_writer = m" for m
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: alt_fail2)

lemma monad_state_alt_writerT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_state_alt return bind get put alt"
  shows "monad_state_alt return_writer bind_writer get_writer put_writer alt_writer"
proof -
  interpret monad_state_alt return bind get put alt by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "alt_writer (get_writer f) (get_writer g) = get_writer (λx. alt_writer (f x) (g x))"
      for f g by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: alt_get)
    show "alt_writer (put_writer s m) (put_writer s m') = put_writer s (alt_writer m m')"
      for s m m' by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: alt_put)


subsubsection ‹Countable Non-determinism›

  fixes altc :: "('c, 'm) altc"

abbreviation altc_writer :: "('c, ('w, 'a, 'm) writerT) altc"
where "altc_writer  altc_sample_writer altc"

lemma monad_altc_writerT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_altc return bind altc"
  shows "monad_altc return_writer bind_writer altc_writer"
proof -
  interpret monad_altc return bind altc by fact
  note altc_parametric[transfer_rule]
  show ?thesis including lifting_syntax
    show "bind_writer (altc_writer C g) f = altc_writer C (λc. bind_writer (g c) f)" for C g f
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: bind_altc1 o_def)
    show "altc_writer (csingle x) f = f x" for x f
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: altc_single)
    show "altc_writer (cUNION C f) g = altc_writer C (λx. altc_writer (f x) g)" for C f g
      by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: altc_cUNION o_def)
    show "(rel_cset R ===> (R ===> (=)) ===> (=)) altc_writer altc_writer"
      if [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique R" for R unfolding altc_sample_writer_def by transfer_prover

lemma monad_altc3_writerT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_altc3 return bind altc"
  shows "monad_altc3 return_writer bind_writer altc_writer"
proof -
  interpret monad_altc3 return bind altc by fact
  show ?thesis ..

lemma monad_state_altc_writerT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_state_altc return bind get put altc"
  shows "monad_state_altc return_writer bind_writer get_writer put_writer altc_writer"
proof -
  interpret monad_state_altc return bind get put altc by fact
  show ?thesis
    show "altc_writer C (λc. get_writer (f c)) = get_writer (λs. altc_writer C (λc. f c s))"
      for C and f :: "'c  's  ('w, 'a, 'm) writerT" by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: o_def altc_get)
    show "altc_writer C (λc. put_writer s (f c)) = put_writer s (altc_writer C f)"
      for C s and f :: "'c  ('w, 'a, 'm) writerT" by(rule writerT.expand)(simp add: o_def altc_put)





subsubsection ‹Parametricity›

context includes lifting_syntax begin

lemma return_writer_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((rel_prod A (list_all2 W) ===> M) ===> A ===> rel_writerT W A M) return_writer return_writer"
unfolding return_writer_def by transfer_prover

lemma bind_writer_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((rel_prod A (list_all2 W) ===> M) ===> (M ===> (rel_prod A (list_all2 W) ===> M) ===> M)
   ===> rel_writerT W A M ===> (A ===> rel_writerT W A M) ===> rel_writerT W A M)
   bind_writer bind_writer"
unfolding bind_writer_def by transfer_prover

lemma tell_writer_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((rel_prod A (list_all2 W) ===> M) ===> (M ===> (rel_prod A (list_all2 W) ===> M) ===> M)
   ===> W ===> rel_writerT W A M ===> rel_writerT W A M)
   tell_writer tell_writer"
unfolding tell_writer_def by transfer_prover

lemma ask_writer_parametric [transfer_rule]: 
  "(((R ===> M) ===> M) ===> (R ===> rel_writerT W A M) ===> rel_writerT W A M) ask_writer ask_writer"
unfolding ask_writer_def by transfer_prover

lemma fail_writer_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(M ===> rel_writerT W A M) fail_writer fail_writer"
unfolding fail_writer_def by transfer_prover

lemma get_writer_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(((S ===> M) ===> M) ===> (S ===> rel_writerT W A M) ===> rel_writerT W A M) get_writer get_writer"
unfolding get_writer_def by transfer_prover

lemma put_writer_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((S ===> M ===> M) ===> S ===> rel_writerT W A M ===> rel_writerT W A M) put_writer put_writer"
unfolding put_writer_def by transfer_prover

lemma altc_sample_writer_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((X ===> (P ===> M) ===> M) ===> X ===> (P ===> rel_writerT W A M) ===> rel_writerT W A M)
  altc_sample_writer altc_sample_writer"
unfolding altc_sample_writer_def by transfer_prover

lemma alt_writer_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((M ===> M ===> M) ===> rel_writerT W A M ===> rel_writerT W A M ===> rel_writerT W A M)
   alt_writer alt_writer"
unfolding alt_writer_def by transfer_prover

lemma pause_writer_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((Out ===> (In ===> M) ===> M) ===> Out ===> (In ===> rel_writerT W A M) ===> rel_writerT W A M)
   pause_writer pause_writer"
unfolding pause_writer_def by transfer_prover


subsection ‹Continuation monad transformer›

datatype ('a, 'm) contT = ContT (run_cont: "('a  'm)  'm")

subsubsection ‹CallCC›

type_synonym ('a, 'm) callcc = "(('a  'm)  'm)  'm"

definition callcc_cont :: "('a, ('a, 'm) contT) callcc"
where "callcc_cont f = ContT (λk. run_cont (f (λx. ContT (λ_. k x))) k)"

lemma run_callcc_cont [simp]: "run_cont (callcc_cont f) k = run_cont (f (λx. ContT (λ_. k x))) k"
by(simp add: callcc_cont_def)

subsubsection ‹Plain monad›

definition return_cont :: "('a, ('a, 'm) contT) return"
where "return_cont x = ContT (λk. k x)"

definition bind_cont :: "('a, ('a, 'm) contT) bind"
where "bind_cont m f = ContT (λk. run_cont m (λx. run_cont (f x) k))"

lemma run_return_cont [simp]: "run_cont (return_cont x) k = k x"
by(simp add: return_cont_def)

lemma run_bind_cont [simp]: "run_cont (bind_cont m f) k = run_cont m (λx. run_cont (f x) k)"
by(simp add: bind_cont_def)

lemma monad_contT [locale_witness]: "monad return_cont bind_cont" (is "monad ?return ?bind")
  show "?bind (?bind x f) g = ?bind x (λx. ?bind (f x) g)" for x f g
    by(rule contT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)
  show "?bind (?return x) f = f x" for f x
    by(rule contT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)
  show "?bind x ?return = x" for x
    by(rule contT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)

subsubsection ‹Failure›

  fixes fail :: "'m fail"

definition fail_cont :: "('a, 'm) contT fail"
where "fail_cont = ContT (λ_. fail)"

lemma run_fail_cont [simp]: "run_cont fail_cont k = fail"
by(simp add: fail_cont_def)

lemma monad_fail_contT [locale_witness]: "monad_fail return_cont bind_cont fail_cont"
  show "bind_cont fail_cont f = fail_cont" for f :: "'a  ('a, 'm) contT"
    by(rule contT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)


subsubsection ‹State›

  fixes get :: "('s, 'm) get"
  and put :: "('s, 'm) put"

definition get_cont :: "('s, ('a, 'm) contT) get"
where "get_cont f = ContT (λk. get (λs. run_cont (f s) k))"

definition put_cont :: "('s, ('a, 'm) contT) put"
where "put_cont s m = ContT (λk. put s (run_cont m k))"

lemma run_get_cont [simp]: "run_cont (get_cont f) k = get (λs. run_cont (f s) k)"
by(simp add: get_cont_def)

lemma run_put_cont [simp]: "run_cont (put_cont s m) k = put s (run_cont m k)"
by(simp add: put_cont_def)

lemma monad_state_contT [locale_witness]:
  assumes "monad_state return' bind' get put" ― ‹We don't need the plain monad operations for lifting.›
  shows "monad_state return_cont bind_cont get_cont (put_cont :: ('s, ('a, 'm) contT) put)"
  (is "monad_state ?return ?bind ?get ?put")
proof -
  interpret monad_state return' bind' get put by(fact assms)
  show ?thesis
    show "put_cont s (get_cont f) = put_cont s (f s)" for s :: 's and f :: "'s  ('a, 'm) contT"
      by(rule contT.expand)(simp add: put_get fun_eq_iff)
    show "get_cont (λs. get_cont (f s)) = get_cont (λs. f s s)" for f :: "'s  's  ('a, 'm) contT"
      by(rule contT.expand)(simp add: get_get fun_eq_iff)
    show "put_cont s (put_cont s' m) = put_cont s' m" for s s' and m :: "('a, 'm) contT"
      by(rule contT.expand)(simp add: put_put fun_eq_iff)
    show "get_cont (λs. put_cont s m) = m" for m :: "('a, 'm) contT"
      by(rule contT.expand)(simp add: get_put fun_eq_iff)
    show "get_cont (λ_. m) = m" for m :: "('a, 'm) contT"
      by(rule contT.expand)(simp add: get_const fun_eq_iff)
    show "bind_cont (get_cont f) g = get_cont (λs. bind_cont (f s) g)"
      for f :: "'s  ('a, 'm) contT" and g 
      by(rule contT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)
    show "bind_cont (put_cont s m) f = put_cont s (bind_cont m f)" for s and m :: "('a, 'm) contT" and f
      by(rule contT.expand)(simp add: fun_eq_iff)


section ‹Locales for monad homomorphisms›

locale monad_hom = m1: monad return1 bind1 +
  m2: monad return2 bind2
  for return1 :: "('a, 'm1) return"
  and bind1 :: "('a, 'm1) bind"
  and return2 :: "('a, 'm2) return"
  and bind2 :: "('a, 'm2) bind"
  and h :: "'m1  'm2"
  assumes hom_return: "x. h (return1 x) = return2 x"
  and hom_bind: "x f. h (bind1 x f) = bind2 (h x) (h  f)"

lemma hom_lift [simp]: "h (m1.lift f m) = m2.lift f (h m)"
by(simp add: m1.lift_def m2.lift_def hom_bind hom_return o_def)


locale monad_state_hom = m1: monad_state return1 bind1 get1 put1 + 
  m2: monad_state return2 bind2 get2 put2 +
  monad_hom return1 bind1 return2 bind2 h
  for return1 :: "('a, 'm1) return"
  and bind1 :: "('a, 'm1) bind"
  and get1 :: "('s, 'm1) get"
  and put1 :: "('s, 'm1) put"
  and return2 :: "('a, 'm2) return"
  and bind2 :: "('a, 'm2) bind"
  and get2 :: "('s, 'm2) get"
  and put2 :: "('s, 'm2) put"
  and h :: "'m1  'm2"
  assumes hom_get [simp]: "h (get1 f) = get2 (h  f)"
  and hom_put [simp]: "h (put1 s m) = put2 s (h m)"

locale monad_fail_hom = m1: monad_fail return1 bind1 fail1 + 
  m2: monad_fail return2 bind2 fail2 +
  monad_hom return1 bind1 return2 bind2 h
  for return1 :: "('a, 'm1) return"
  and bind1 :: "('a, 'm1) bind"
  and fail1 :: "'m1 fail"
  and return2 :: "('a, 'm2) return"
  and bind2 :: "('a, 'm2) bind"
  and fail2 :: "'m2 fail"
  and h :: "'m1  'm2"
  assumes hom_fail [simp]: "h fail1 = fail2"

locale monad_catch_hom = m1: monad_catch return1 bind1 fail1 catch1 +
  m2: monad_catch return2 bind2 fail2 catch2 +
  monad_fail_hom return1 bind1 fail1 return2 bind2 fail2 h
  for return1 :: "('a, 'm1) return"
  and bind1 :: "('a, 'm1) bind"
  and fail1 :: "'m1 fail"
  and catch1 :: "'m1 catch"
  and return2 :: "('a, 'm2) return"
  and bind2 :: "('a, 'm2) bind"
  and fail2 :: "'m2 fail"
  and catch2 :: "'m2 catch"
  and h :: "'m1  'm2"
  assumes hom_catch [simp]: "h (catch1 m1 m2) = catch2 (h m1) (h m2)"

locale monad_reader_hom = m1: monad_reader return1 bind1 ask1 +
  m2: monad_reader return2 bind2 ask2 +
  monad_hom return1 bind1 return2 bind2 h
  for return1 :: "('a, 'm1) return"
  and bind1 :: "('a, 'm1) bind"
  and ask1 :: "('r, 'm1) ask"
  and return2 :: "('a, 'm2) return"
  and bind2 :: "('a, 'm2) bind"
  and ask2 :: "('r, 'm2) ask"
  and h :: "'m1  'm2"
  assumes hom_ask [simp]: "h (ask1 f) = ask2 (h  f)"

locale monad_prob_hom = m1: monad_prob return1 bind1 sample1 +
  m2: monad_prob return2 bind2 sample2 +
  monad_hom return1 bind1 return2 bind2 h
  for return1 :: "('a, 'm1) return"
  and bind1 :: "('a, 'm1) bind"
  and sample1 :: "('p, 'm1) sample"
  and return2 :: "('a, 'm2) return"
  and bind2 :: "('a, 'm2) bind"
  and sample2 :: "('p, 'm2) sample"
  and h :: "'m1  'm2"
  assumes hom_sample [simp]: "h (sample1 p f) = sample2 p (h  f)"

locale monad_alt_hom = m1: monad_alt return1 bind1 alt1 +
  m2: monad_alt return2 bind2 alt2 +
  monad_hom return1 bind1 return2 bind2 h
  for return1 :: "('a, 'm1) return"
  and bind1 :: "('a, 'm1) bind"
  and alt1 :: "'m1 alt"
  and return2 :: "('a, 'm2) return"
  and bind2 :: "('a, 'm2) bind"
  and alt2 :: "'m2 alt"
  and h :: "'m1  'm2"
  assumes hom_alt [simp]: "h (alt1 m m') = alt2 (h m) (h m')"

locale monad_altc_hom = m1: monad_altc return1 bind1 altc1 +
  m2: monad_altc return2 bind2 altc2 +
  monad_hom return1 bind1 return2 bind2 h
  for return1 :: "('a, 'm1) return"
  and bind1 :: "('a, 'm1) bind"
  and altc1 :: "('c, 'm1) altc"
  and return2 :: "('a, 'm2) return"
  and bind2 :: "('a, 'm2) bind"
  and altc2 :: "('c, 'm2) altc"
  and h :: "'m1  'm2"
  assumes hom_altc [simp]: "h (altc1 C f) = altc2 C (h  f)"

locale monad_writer_hom = m1: monad_writer return1 bind1 tell1 +
  m2: monad_writer return2 bind2 tell2 +
  monad_hom return1 bind1 return2 bind2 h
  for return1 :: "('a, 'm1) return"
  and bind1 :: "('a, 'm1) bind"
  and tell1 :: "('w, 'm1) tell"
  and return2 :: "('a, 'm2) return"
  and bind2 :: "('a, 'm2) bind"
  and tell2 :: "('w, 'm2) tell"
  and h :: "'m1  'm2"
  assumes hom_tell [simp]: "h (tell1 w m) = tell2 w (h m)"

locale monad_resumption_hom = m1: monad_resumption return1 bind1 pause1 +
  m2: monad_resumption return2 bind2 pause2 +
  monad_hom return1 bind1 return2 bind2 h
  for return1 :: "('a, 'm1) return"
  and bind1 :: "('a, 'm1) bind"
  and pause1 :: "('o, 'i, 'm1) pause"
  and return2 :: "('a, 'm2) return"
  and bind2 :: "('a, 'm2) bind"
  and pause2 :: "('o, 'i, 'm2) pause"
  and h :: "'m1  'm2"
  assumes hom_pause [simp]: "h (pause1 out c) = pause2 out (h  c)"

section ‹Switching between monads›

text ‹Homomorphisms are functional relations between monads. In general, it is more
  convenient to use arbitrary relations as embeddings because arbitrary relations allow us to
  change the type of values in a monad. As different monad transformers change the value type in 
  different ways, the embeddings must also support such changes in values. ›

context includes lifting_syntax begin

subsection ‹Embedding Identity into Probability›

named_theorems cr_id_prob_transfer

definition prob_of_id :: "'a id  'a prob" where
  "prob_of_id m = return_pmf (extract m)"

lemma monad_id_prob_hom [locale_witness]:
  "monad_hom return_id bind_id return_pmf bind_pmf prob_of_id"
  show "prob_of_id (return_id x) = return_pmf x" for x :: 'a
    by(simp add: prob_of_id_def)
  show "prob_of_id (bind_id x f) = prob_of_id x  prob_of_id  f" for x :: "'a id" and f
    by(simp add: prob_of_id_def bind_return_pmf)

inductive cr_id_prob :: "('a  'b  bool)  'a id  'b prob  bool" for A
where "A x y  cr_id_prob A (return_id x) (return_pmf y)"

inductive_simps cr_id_prob_simps [simp]: "cr_id_prob A (return_id x) (return_pmf y)"

lemma cr_id_prob_return [cr_id_prob_transfer]: "(A ===> cr_id_prob A) return_id return_pmf"
by(simp add: rel_fun_def)

lemma cr_id_prob_bind [cr_id_prob_transfer]: 
  "(cr_id_prob A ===> (A ===> cr_id_prob B) ===> cr_id_prob B) bind_id bind_pmf"
by(auto simp add: rel_fun_def bind_return_pmf elim!: cr_id_prob.cases)

lemma cr_id_prob_Grp: "cr_id_prob (BNF_Def.Grp A f) = BNF_Def.Grp {x. set_id x  A} (return_pmf  f  extract)"
apply(auto simp add: Grp_def fun_eq_iff simp add: cr_id_prob.simps intro: id.expand)
subgoal for x by(cases x) auto

subsection ‹State and Reader›

text ‹When no state updates are needed, the operation @{term get} can be replaced by @{term ask}.›

named_theorems cr_envT_stateT_transfer

definition cr_prod1 :: "'c  ('a  'b  bool)  'a  'b × 'c  bool"
where "cr_prod1 c' A = (λa (b, c). A a b  c' = c)"

lemma cr_prod1_simps [simp]: "cr_prod1 c' A a (b, c)  A a b  c' = c"
by(simp add: cr_prod1_def)

lemma cr_prod1I: "A a b  cr_prod1 c' A a (b, c')" by simp

lemma cr_prod1_Pair_transfer [cr_envT_stateT_transfer]: "(A ===> eq_onp ((=) c) ===> cr_prod1 c A) (λa _. a) Pair"
by(auto simp add: rel_fun_def eq_onp_def)

lemma cr_prod1_fst_transfer [cr_envT_stateT_transfer]: "(cr_prod1 c A ===> A) (λa. a) fst"
by(auto simp add: rel_fun_def)

lemma cr_prod1_case_prod_transfer [cr_envT_stateT_transfer]:
  "((A ===> eq_onp ((=) c) ===> C) ===> cr_prod1 c A ===> C) (λf a. f a c) case_prod"
by(simp add: rel_fun_def eq_onp_def)

lemma cr_prod1_Grp: "cr_prod1 c (BNF_Def.Grp A f) = BNF_Def.Grp A (λb. (f b, c))"
by(auto simp add: Grp_def fun_eq_iff)

definition cr_envT_stateT :: "'s  ('m1  'm2  bool)  ('s, 'm1) envT  ('s, 'm2) stateT  bool"
where "cr_envT_stateT s M m1 m2 = (eq_onp ((=) s) ===> M) (run_env m1) (run_state m2)"

lemma cr_envT_stateT_simps [simp]:
  "cr_envT_stateT s M (EnvT f) (StateT g)  M (f s) (g s)"
by(simp add: cr_envT_stateT_def rel_fun_def eq_onp_def)

lemma cr_envT_stateTE:
  assumes "cr_envT_stateT s M m1 m2"
  obtains f g where "m1 = EnvT f" "m2 = StateT g" "(eq_onp ((=) s) ===> M) f g"
using assms by(cases m1; cases m2; auto simp add: eq_onp_def)

lemma cr_envT_stateTD: "cr_envT_stateT s M m1 m2  M (run_env m1 s) (run_state m2 s)"
by(auto elim!: cr_envT_stateTE dest: rel_funD simp add: eq_onp_def)

lemma cr_envT_stateT_run [cr_envT_stateT_transfer]:
  "(cr_envT_stateT s M ===> eq_onp ((=) s) ===> M) run_env run_state"
by(rule rel_funI)(auto elim!: cr_envT_stateTE)

lemma cr_envT_stateT_StateT_EnvT [cr_envT_stateT_transfer]:
  "((eq_onp ((=) s) ===> M) ===> cr_envT_stateT s M) EnvT StateT"
by(auto 4 3 dest: rel_funD simp add: eq_onp_def)

lemma cr_envT_stateT_rec [cr_envT_stateT_transfer]:
  "(((eq_onp ((=) s) ===> M) ===> C) ===> cr_envT_stateT s M ===> C) rec_envT rec_stateT"
by(auto simp add: rel_fun_def elim!: cr_envT_stateTE)

lemma cr_envT_stateT_return [cr_envT_stateT_transfer]:
  notes [transfer_rule] = cr_envT_stateT_transfer shows
  "((cr_prod1 s A ===> M) ===> A ===> cr_envT_stateT s M) return_env return_state"
unfolding return_env_def return_state_def by transfer_prover

lemma cr_envT_stateT_bind [cr_envT_stateT_transfer]:
  "((M ===> (cr_prod1 s A ===> M) ===> M) ===> cr_envT_stateT s M ===> (A ===> cr_envT_stateT s M) ===> cr_envT_stateT s M)
   bind_env bind_state"
apply(rule rel_funI)+
apply(erule cr_envT_stateTE)
apply(clarsimp simp add: split_def)
apply(drule rel_funD)
 apply(erule rel_funD)
 apply(simp add: eq_onp_def)
apply(erule rel_funD)
apply(rule rel_funI)
apply clarsimp
apply(rule cr_envT_stateT_run[THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, where B=M])
apply(erule (1) rel_funD)
apply(simp add: eq_onp_def)

lemma cr_envT_stateT_ask_get [cr_envT_stateT_transfer]:
  "((eq_onp ((=) s) ===> cr_envT_stateT s M) ===> cr_envT_stateT s M) ask_env get_state"
unfolding ask_env_def get_state_def
apply(rule rel_funI)+
apply simp
apply(rule cr_envT_stateT_run[THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])
 apply(erule rel_funD)
 apply(simp_all add: eq_onp_def)

lemma cr_envT_stateT_fail [cr_envT_stateT_transfer]:
  notes [transfer_rule] = cr_envT_stateT_transfer shows
  "(M ===> cr_envT_stateT s M) fail_env fail_state"
unfolding fail_env_def fail_state_def by transfer_prover

subsection @{typ "_ spmf"} and @{typ "(_, _ prob) optionT"}

text ‹
  This section defines the mapping between the @{typ "_ spmf"} monad and the monad obtained by
  composing transforming @{typ "_ prob"} with @{typ "(_, _) optionT"}.

definition cr_spmf_prob_optionT :: "('a  'b  bool)  ('a, 'a option prob) optionT  'b spmf  bool"
where "cr_spmf_prob_optionT A p q  rel_spmf A (run_option p) q"

lemma cr_spmf_prob_optionTI: "rel_spmf A (run_option p) q  cr_spmf_prob_optionT A p q"
by(simp add: cr_spmf_prob_optionT_def)

lemma cr_spmf_prob_optionTD: "cr_spmf_prob_optionT A p q  rel_spmf A (run_option p) q"
by(simp add: cr_spmf_prob_optionT_def)

lemma cr_spmf_prob_optionT_return_transfer:
   ― ‹Cannot be used as a transfer rule in @{method transfer_prover} because @{term return_spmf} is not a constant.›
  "(A ===> cr_spmf_prob_optionT A) (return_option return_pmf) return_spmf"
by(simp add: rel_fun_def cr_spmf_prob_optionTI)

lemma cr_spmf_prob_optionT_bind_transfer:
  "(cr_spmf_prob_optionT A ===> (A ===> cr_spmf_prob_optionT A) ===> cr_spmf_prob_optionT A)
   (bind_option return_pmf bind_pmf) bind_spmf"
by(rule rel_funI cr_spmf_prob_optionTI)+
  (auto 4 4 simp add: run_bind_option bind_spmf_def dest!: cr_spmf_prob_optionTD dest: rel_funD intro: rel_pmf_bindI split: option.split)

lemma cr_spmf_prob_optionT_fail_transfer:
  "cr_spmf_prob_optionT A (fail_option return_pmf) (return_pmf None)"
by(rule cr_spmf_prob_optionTI) simp

abbreviation (input) spmf_of_prob_optionT :: "('a, 'a option prob) optionT  'a spmf" 
where "spmf_of_prob_optionT  run_option"

abbreviation (input) prob_optionT_of_spmf :: "'a spmf  ('a, 'a option prob) optionT"
where "prob_optionT_of_spmf  OptionT"

lemma spmf_of_prob_optionT_transfer: "(cr_spmf_prob_optionT A ===> rel_spmf A) spmf_of_prob_optionT (λx. x)"
by(auto simp add: rel_fun_def dest: cr_spmf_prob_optionTD)

lemma prob_optionT_of_spmf_transfer: "(rel_spmf A ===> cr_spmf_prob_optionT A) prob_optionT_of_spmf (λx. x)"
by(auto simp add: rel_fun_def intro: cr_spmf_prob_optionTI)

subsection ‹Probabilities and countable non-determinism›

named_theorems cr_prob_ndi_transfer

context includes cset.lifting begin

interpretation cset_nondetM return_id bind_id merge_id merge_id ..

lift_definition cset_pmf :: "'a pmf  'a cset" is set_pmf by simp

inductive cr_pmf_cset :: "'a pmf  'a cset  bool" for p where
  "cr_pmf_cset p (cset_pmf p)"

lemma cr_pmf_cset_Grp: "cr_pmf_cset = BNF_Def.Grp UNIV cset_pmf"
  by(simp add: fun_eq_iff cr_pmf_cset.simps Grp_def)

lemma cr_pmf_cset_return_pmf [cr_prob_ndi_transfer]:
  "((=) ===> cr_pmf_cset) return_pmf csingle"
  by(simp add: cr_pmf_cset.simps rel_fun_def)(transfer; simp)

inductive cr_prob_ndi :: "('a  'b  bool)  'a prob  ('b, 'b cset id) nondetT  bool" 
  for A p B where
  "cr_prob_ndi A p B" if "rel_set A (set_pmf p) (rcset (extract (run_nondet B)))"

lemma cr_prob_ndi_Grp: "cr_prob_ndi (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV f) = BNF_Def.Grp UNIV (NondetT  return_id  cimage f  cset_pmf)"
  by(simp add: fun_eq_iff cr_prob_ndi.simps rel_set_Grp)
    (auto simp add: Grp_def cimage.rep_eq cset_pmf.rep_eq cin.rep_eq intro!: nondetT.expand id.expand)

lemma cr_ndi_prob_return [cr_prob_ndi_transfer]:
  "(A ===> cr_prob_ndi A) return_pmf return_nondet"
  by(simp add: rel_fun_def cr_prob_ndi.simps)(transfer; simp add: rel_set_def)

lemma cr_ndi_prob_bind [cr_prob_ndi_transfer]:
  "(cr_prob_ndi A ===> (A ===> cr_prob_ndi A) ===> cr_prob_ndi A) bind_pmf bind_nondet"
  apply (clarsimp simp add: cr_prob_ndi.simps cUnion.rep_eq cimage.rep_eq intro!: rel_funI)
  apply(rule Union_transfer[THEN rel_funD])
  apply(rule image_transfer[THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])
   apply(rule rel_funI)
   apply(drule (1) rel_funD)
   apply(erule cr_prob_ndi.cases)
   apply assumption+

lemma cr_ndi_prob_sample [cr_prob_ndi_transfer]:
  "(cr_pmf_cset ===> ((=) ===> cr_prob_ndi A) ===> cr_prob_ndi A) bind_pmf altc_nondet"
  apply(clarsimp intro!: rel_funI simp add: cr_pmf_cset.simps cr_prob_ndi.simps cUnion.rep_eq cimage.rep_eq cset_pmf.rep_eq)
  apply(rule Union_transfer[THEN rel_funD])
  apply(rule image_transfer[THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])                                  
   apply(rule rel_funI)
   apply(drule (1) rel_funD)
   apply(erule cr_prob_ndi.cases)
   apply assumption
  apply(simp add: rel_set_eq)


