Theory Term
section "Terms"
Originally based on @{file "~~/src/Pure/term.ML"}.
Diverged substantially, but some influences are still visible.
Further influences from @{dir "~~/src/HOL/Proofs/Lambda/"}.›
theory Term
imports Main Core Preliminaries
text‹Collecting parts of typs/terms and more substitutions›
fun tvsT :: "typ ⇒ (variable × sort) set" where
"tvsT (Tv v S) = {(v,S)}"
| "tvsT (Ty _ Ts) = ⋃(set (map tvsT Ts))"
fun tvs :: "term ⇒ (variable × sort) set" where
"tvs (Ct _ T) = tvsT T"
| "tvs (Fv _ T) = tvsT T"
| "tvs (Bv _) = {}"
| "tvs (Abs T t) = tvsT T ∪ tvs t"
| "tvs (t $ u) = tvs t ∪ tvs u"
abbreviation "tvs_set S ≡ ⋃t∈S . tvs t"
lemma tvsT_tsubstT: "tvsT (tsubstT σ ρ) = ⋃ {tvsT (ρ a s) | a s. (a, s) ∈ tvsT σ}"
by (induction σ) fastforce+
lemma tsubstT_cong:
"(∀(v,S) ∈ tvsT σ. ρ1 v = ρ2 v) ⟹ tsubstT σ ρ1 = tsubstT σ ρ2"
by (induction σ) fastforce+
lemma tsubstT_ith: "i < length Ts ⟹ map (λT . tsubstT T ρ) Ts ! i = tsubstT (Ts ! i) ρ"
by simp
lemma tsubstT_fun_typ_dist: "tsubstT (T → T1) ρ = tsubstT T ρ → tsubstT T1 ρ"
by simp
fun subst :: "term ⇒ (variable ⇒ typ ⇒ term) ⇒ term" where
"subst (Ct s T) ρ = Ct s T"
| "subst (Fv v T) ρ = ρ v T"
| "subst (Bv i) _ = Bv i"
| "subst (Abs T t) ρ = Abs T (subst t ρ)"
| "subst (t $ u) ρ = subst t ρ $ subst u ρ"
definition "tinst t1 t2 ≡ ∃ρ. tsubst t2 ρ = t1"
definition "inst t1 t2 ≡ ∃ρ. subst t2 ρ = t1"
fun SortsT :: "typ ⇒ sort set" where
"SortsT (Tv _ S) = {S}"
| "SortsT (Ty _ Ts) = (⋃T∈set Ts . SortsT T)"
fun Sorts :: "term ⇒ sort set" where
"Sorts (Ct _ T) = SortsT T"
| "Sorts (Fv _ T) = SortsT T"
| "Sorts (Bv _) = {}"
| "Sorts (Abs T t) = SortsT T ∪ Sorts t"
| "Sorts (t $ u) = Sorts t ∪ Sorts u"
fun Types :: "term ⇒ typ set" where
"Types (Ct _ T) = {T}"
| "Types (Fv _ T) = {T}"
| "Types (Bv _) = {}"
| "Types (Abs T t) = insert T (Types t)"
| "Types (t $ u) = Types t ∪ Types u"
abbreviation "tvs_Set S ≡ ⋃s∈S . tvs s"
abbreviation "tvsT_Set S ≡ ⋃s∈S . tvsT s"
lemma finite_SortsT[simp]: "finite (SortsT T)"
by (induction T) auto
lemma finite_Sorts[simp]: "finite (Sorts t)"
by (induction t) auto
lemma finite_Types[simp]: "finite (Types t)"
by (induction t) auto
lemma finite_tvsT[simp]: "finite (tvsT T)"
by (induction T) auto
lemma no_tvsT_imp_tsubsT_unchanged: "tvsT T = {} ⟹ tsubstT T ρ = T"
by (induction T) (auto simp add: map_idI)
lemma finite_fv[simp]: "finite (fv t)"
by (induction t) auto
lemma finite_tvs[simp]: "finite (tvs t)"
by (induction t) auto
lemma finite_FV: "finite S ⟹ finite (FV S)"
by (induction S rule: finite_induct) auto
lemma finite_tvs_Set: "finite S ⟹ finite (tvs_Set S)"
by (induction S rule: finite_induct) auto
lemma finite_tvsT_Set: "finite S ⟹ finite (tvsT_Set S)"
by (induction S rule: finite_induct) auto
lemma no_tvs_imp_tsubst_unchanged: "tvs t = {} ⟹ tsubst t ρ = t"
by (induction t) (auto simp add: map_idI no_tvsT_imp_tsubsT_unchanged)
lemma no_fv_imp_subst_unchanged: "fv t = {} ⟹ subst t ρ = t"
by (induction t) (auto simp add: map_idI)
text‹Functional(also executable) version of @{term has_typ}›
fun typ_of1 :: "typ list ⇒ term ⇒ typ option" where
"typ_of1 _ ( Ct _ T) = Some T"
| "typ_of1 Ts (Bv i) = (if i < length Ts then Some (nth Ts i) else None)"
| "typ_of1 _ (Fv _ T) = Some T"
| "typ_of1 Ts (Abs T body) = Option.bind (typ_of1 (T#Ts) body) (λx. Some (T → x))"
| "typ_of1 Ts (t $ u) = Option.bind (typ_of1 Ts u) (λU. Option.bind (typ_of1 Ts t) (λT.
case T of
Ty fun [T1,T2] ⇒ if fun = STR ''fun'' then
if T1=U then Some T2 else None
else None
| _ ⇒ None
text‹For historic reasons a lot of proofs/definitions are still in terms of @{term typ_of1} instead of
@{term has_typ1}›
lemma has_typ1_weaken_Ts: "has_typ1 Ts t rT ⟹ has_typ1 (Ts@[T]) t rT"
proof (induction arbitrary: rule: has_typ1.induct)
case (2 i Ts)
hence "has_typ1 (Ts @ [T]) (Bv i) ((Ts@[T]) ! i)"
by (auto intro: has_typ1.intros(2))
then show ?case
by (simp add: "2.hyps" nth_append)
qed (auto intro: has_typ1.intros) thm less_Suc_eq nth_butlast
lemma has_typ1_imp_typ_of1: "has_typ1 Ts t ty ⟹ typ_of1 Ts t = Some ty"
by (induction rule: has_typ1.induct) auto
lemma typ_of1_imp_has_typ1: "typ_of1 Ts t = Some ty ⟹ has_typ1 Ts t ty"
proof (induction t arbitrary: Ts ty)
case (App t u)
from this obtain U where U: "typ_of1 Ts u = Some U" by fastforce
from this App obtain T where T: "typ_of1 Ts t = Some T" by fastforce
from U T App obtain T2 where "T = Ty STR ''fun'' [U, T2]"
by (auto simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv intro!: has_typ1.intros
split: if_splits typ.splits list.splits)
from this U T show ?case using App by (auto intro!: has_typ1.intros(5))
qed (auto simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv intro!: has_typ1.intros split: if_splits)
corollary has_typ1_iff_typ_of1[iff]: "has_typ1 Ts t ty ⟷ typ_of1 Ts t = Some ty"
using has_typ1_imp_typ_of1 typ_of1_imp_has_typ1 by blast
corollary has_typ_iff_typ_of[iff]: "has_typ t ty ⟷ typ_of t = Some ty"
by (force simp add: has_typ_def typ_of_def)
corollary typ_of_imp_has_typ: "typ_of t = Some ty ⟹ has_typ t ty"
by simp
lemma typ_of1_weaken_Ts: "typ_of1 Ts t = Some ty ⟹ typ_of1 (Ts@[T]) t = Some ty"
using has_typ1_weaken_Ts by simp
lemma typ_of1_weaken:
assumes "typ_of1 Ts t = Some T"
shows "typ_of1 (Ts@Ts') t = Some T"
using assms by (induction Ts t arbitrary: Ts' T rule: typ_of1.induct)
(auto split: if_splits simp add: nth_append bind_eq_Some_conv)
lemma has_typ1_tsubst:
"has_typ1 Ts t T ⟹ has_typ1 (map (λT. tsubstT T ρ) Ts) (tsubst t ρ) (tsubstT T ρ)"
proof (induction rule: has_typ1.induct)
case (2 i Ts)
then show ?case using tsubstT_ith by (metis has_typ1.intros(2) length_map tsubst.simps(3))
qed (auto simp add: tsubstT_fun_typ_dist intro: has_typ1.intros)
corollary has_typ1_unique:
assumes "has_typ1 τs t τ1" and "has_typ1 τs t τ2" shows "τ1 = τ2"
using assms
by (metis has_typ1_imp_typ_of1 option.inject)
hide_fact typ_of_def
lemma typ_of_def: "typ_of t ≡ typ_of1 [] t"
by (smt has_typ1_iff_typ_of1 has_typ_def has_typ_iff_typ_of not_None_eq)
text‹Loose bound variables›
fun loose_bvar :: "term ⇒ nat ⇒ bool" where
"loose_bvar (Bv i) k ⟷ i ≥ k"
| "loose_bvar (t $ u) k ⟷ loose_bvar t k ∨ loose_bvar u k"
| "loose_bvar (Abs _ t) k = loose_bvar t (k+1)"
| "loose_bvar _ _ = False"
fun loose_bvar1 :: "term ⇒ nat ⇒ bool" where
"loose_bvar1 (Bv i) k ⟷ i = k"
| "loose_bvar1 (t $ u) k ⟷ loose_bvar1 t k ∨ loose_bvar1 u k"
| "loose_bvar1 (Abs _ t) k = loose_bvar1 t (k+1)"
| "loose_bvar1 _ _ = False"
lemma loose_bvar1_imp_loose_bvar: "loose_bvar1 t n ⟹ loose_bvar t n"
by (induction t arbitrary: n) auto
lemma not_loose_bvar_imp_not_loose_bvar1: "¬ loose_bvar t n ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 t n"
by (induction t arbitrary: n) auto
lemma loose_bvar_iff_exist_loose_bvar1: "loose_bvar t lev ⟷ (∃lev'≥lev. loose_bvar1 t lev')"
by (induction t arbitrary: lev) (auto dest: Suc_le_D)
definition "is_open t ≡ loose_bvar t 0"
abbreviation "is_closed t ≡ ¬ is_open t"
definition "is_dependent t ≡ loose_bvar1 t 0"
lemma loose_bvar_Suc: "loose_bvar t (Suc k) ⟹ loose_bvar t k"
by (induction t arbitrary: k) auto
lemma loose_bvar_leq: "k≥p ⟹ loose_bvar t k ⟹ loose_bvar t p"
by (induction rule: inc_induct) (use loose_bvar_Suc in auto)
lemma has_typ1_imp_no_loose_bvar: "has_typ1 Ts t ty ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar t (length Ts)"
by (induction rule: has_typ1.induct) auto
corollary has_typ_imp_closed: "has_typ t ty ⟹ ¬ is_open t"
unfolding is_open_def has_typ_def using has_typ1_imp_no_loose_bvar by fastforce
corollary typ_of_imp_closed: "typ_of t = Some ty ⟹ ¬ is_open t"
by (simp add: has_typ_imp_closed)
fun exists_subterm :: "(term ⇒ bool) ⇒ term ⇒ bool" where
"exists_subterm P t ⟷ P t ∨ (case t of
(t $ u) ⇒ exists_subterm P t ∨ exists_subterm P u
| Abs ty body ⇒ exists_subterm P body
| _ ⇒ False)"
fun exists_subterm' :: "(term ⇒ bool) ⇒ term ⇒ bool" where
"exists_subterm' P (t $ u) ⟷ P (t $ u) ∨ exists_subterm' P t ∨ exists_subterm' P u"
| "exists_subterm' P (Abs ty body) ⟷ P (Abs ty body) ∨ exists_subterm' P body"
| "exists_subterm' P t ⟷ P t"
lemma exists_subterm_iff_exists_subterm': "exists_subterm P t ⟷ exists_subterm' P t"
by (induction t) auto
lemma "exists_subterm (λt. t=Fv idx T) t ⟷ (idx, T) ∈ fv t"
by (induction t) auto
abbreviation "occs t u ≡ exists_subterm (λs. t = s) u"
lemma occs_Fv_eq_elem_fv: "occs (Fv v S) t ⟷ (v, S) ∈ fv t"
by (induction t) auto
lemma bind_fv2_unchanged:
"¬loose_bvar tm lev ⟹ bind_fv2 v lev tm = tm ⟹ v ∉ fv tm"
by (induction v lev tm rule: bind_fv2.induct) auto
lemma bind_fv2_unchanged':
"¬loose_bvar tm lev ⟹ bind_fv2 v lev tm = tm ⟹ ¬ occs (case_prod Fv v) tm"
by (induction v lev tm rule: bind_fv2.induct) auto
lemma bind_fv2_changed:
"bind_fv2 v lev tm ≠ tm ⟹ v ∈ fv tm"
by (induction v lev tm rule: bind_fv2.induct) (auto split: if_splits)
lemma bind_fv2_changed':
"bind_fv2 v lev tm ≠ tm ⟹ occs (case_prod Fv v) tm"
by (induction v lev tm rule: bind_fv2.induct) (auto split: if_splits)
corollary bind_fv_changed: "bind_fv v tm ≠ tm ⟹ v ∈ fv tm"
unfolding is_open_def bind_fv_def using bind_fv2_changed by simp
corollary bind_fv_changed': "bind_fv v tm ≠ tm ⟹ occs (case_prod Fv v) tm"
unfolding is_open_def bind_fv_def using bind_fv2_changed' by simp
corollary bind_fv_unchanged: "(x,τ) ∉ fv t ⟹ bind_fv (x,τ) t = t"
using bind_fv_changed by auto
inductive_cases has_typ1_app_elim: "has_typ1 Ts (t $ u) R"
lemma has_typ1_arg_typ: "has_typ1 Ts (t $ u) R ⟹ has_typ1 Ts u U ⟹ has_typ1 Ts t (U → R)"
using has_typ1_app_elim
by (metis has_typ1_imp_typ_of1 option.inject typ_of1_imp_has_typ1)
lemma has_typ1_fun_typ: "has_typ1 Ts (t $ u) R ⟹ has_typ1 Ts t (U → R) ⟹ has_typ1 Ts u U"
by (cases rule: has_typ1_app_elim[of Ts t u R "has_typ1 Ts u U"]) (use has_typ1_unique in auto)
lemma typ_of1_arg_typ:
"typ_of1 Ts (t $ u) = Some R ⟹ typ_of1 Ts u = Some U ⟹ typ_of1 Ts t = Some (U → R)"
using has_typ1_iff_typ_of1 has_typ1_arg_typ by simp
corollary typ_of_arg: "typ_of (t$u) = Some R ⟹ typ_of u = Some T ⟹ typ_of t = Some (T → R)"
by (metis typ_of1_arg_typ typ_of_def)
lemma typ_of1_fun_typ:
"typ_of1 Ts (t $ u) = Some R ⟹ typ_of1 Ts t = Some (U → R) ⟹ typ_of1 Ts u = Some U"
using has_typ1_iff_typ_of1 has_typ1_fun_typ by blast
corollary typ_of_fun: "typ_of (t$u) = Some R ⟹ typ_of t = Some (U → R) ⟹ typ_of u = Some U"
by (metis typ_of1_fun_typ typ_of_def)
lemma typ_of_eta_expand: "typ_of f = Some (τ → τ') ⟹ typ_of (Abs τ (f $ Bv 0)) = Some (τ → τ')"
using typ_of1_weaken by (fastforce simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv typ_of_def)
lemma bind_fv2_preserves_type:
assumes "typ_of1 Ts t = Some ty"
shows "typ_of1 (Ts@[T]) (bind_fv2 (v, T) (length Ts) t) = Some ty"
using assms by (induction "(v, T)" "length Ts" t arbitrary: T Ts ty rule: bind_fv2.induct)
(force simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv nth_append split: if_splits)+
lemma typ_of_Abs_bind_fv:
assumes "typ_of A = Some ty"
shows "typ_of (Abs bT (bind_fv (v, bT) A)) = Some (bT → ty)"
using bind_fv2_preserves_type bind_fv_def assms typ_of_def by fastforce
corollary typ_of_Abs_fv:
assumes "typ_of A = Some ty"
shows "typ_of (Abs_fv v bT A) = Some (bT → ty)"
using assms typ_of_Abs_bind_fv typ_of_def by simp
lemma typ_of_mk_all:
assumes "typ_of A = Some propT"
shows "typ_of (mk_all x ty A) = Some propT"
using typ_of_Abs_bind_fv[OF assms, of ty] by (auto simp add: typ_of_def)
fun incr_bv :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ term ⇒ term" where
"incr_bv inc n (Bv i) = (if i ≥ n then Bv (i+inc) else Bv i)"
| "incr_bv inc n (Abs T body) = Abs T (incr_bv inc (n+1) body)"
| "incr_bv inc n (App f t) = App (incr_bv inc n f) (incr_bv inc n t)"
| "incr_bv _ _ u = u"
lemma lift_def: "lift t n = incr_bv 1 n t"
by (induction t n rule: lift.induct) auto
declare lift.simps[simp del]
declare lift_def[simp]
definition "incr_boundvars inc t = incr_bv inc 0 t"
fun decr :: "nat ⇒ term ⇒ term" where
"decr lev (Bv i) = (if i ≥ lev then Bv (i - 1) else Bv i)"
| "decr lev (Abs T t) = Abs T (decr (lev + 1) t)"
| "decr lev (t $ u) = (decr lev t $ decr lev u)"
| "decr _ t = t"
lemma incr_bv_0[simp]: "incr_bv 0 lev t = t"
by (induction t arbitrary: lev) auto
lemma loose_bvar_incr_bvar: "loose_bvar t lev ⟷ loose_bvar (incr_bv inc lev t) (lev+inc)"
by (induction t arbitrary: inc lev) force+
lemma no_loose_bvar_no_incr[simp]: "¬ loose_bvar t lev ⟹ incr_bv inc lev t = t"
by (induction t arbitrary: inc lev) auto
lemma is_close_no_incr_boundvars[simp]: "is_closed t ⟹ incr_boundvars inc t = t"
using no_loose_bvar_no_incr by (simp add: incr_boundvars_def is_open_def)
lemma fv_incr_bv [simp]: "fv (incr_bv inc lev t) = fv t"
by (induction inc lev t rule: incr_bv.induct) auto
lemma fv_incr_boundvars [simp]: "fv (incr_boundvars inc t) = fv t"
by (simp add: incr_boundvars_def)
lemma loose_bvar_decr: "¬ loose_bvar t k ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar (decr k t) k"
by (induction t k rule: loose_bvar.induct) auto
lemma loose_bvar_decr_unchanged[simp]: "¬ loose_bvar t k ⟹ decr k t = t"
by (induction t k rule: loose_bvar.induct) auto
lemma is_closed_decr_unchanged[simp]: "is_closed t ⟹ decr 0 t = t"
by (simp add: is_open_def)
fun subst_bv1 :: "term ⇒ nat ⇒ term ⇒ term" where
"subst_bv1 (Bv i) lev u = (if i < lev then Bv i
else if i = lev then (incr_boundvars lev u)
else (Bv (i - 1)))"
| "subst_bv1 (Abs T body) lev u = Abs T (subst_bv1 body (lev + 1) u)"
| "subst_bv1 (f $ t) lev u = subst_bv1 f lev u $ subst_bv1 t lev u"
| "subst_bv1 t _ _ = t"
lemma incr_bv_combine: "incr_bv m k (incr_bv n k s) = incr_bv (m+n) k s"
by (induction s arbitrary: k) auto
lemma substn_subst_n : "subst_bv1 t n s = subst_bv2 t n (incr_bv n 0 s)"
by (induct t arbitrary: n) (auto simp add: incr_boundvars_def incr_bv_combine)
theorem substn_subst_0: "subst_bv1 t 0 s = subst_bv2 t 0 s"
by (simp add: substn_subst_n)
corollary substn_subst_0': "subst_bv s t = subst_bv2 t 0 s"
using subst_bv_def substn_subst_0 by simp
lemma subst_bv2_eq [simp]: "subst_bv2 (Bv k) k u = u"
by (simp add:)
lemma subst_bv2_gt [simp]: "i < j ⟹ subst_bv2 (Bv j) i u = Bv (j - 1)"
by (simp add:)
lemma subst_bv2_subst_lt [simp]: "j < i ⟹ subst_bv2 (Bv j) i u = Bv j"
by (simp add:)
lemma lift_lift:
"i < k + 1 ⟹ lift (lift t i) (Suc k) = lift (lift t k) i"
by (induct t arbitrary: i k) auto
lemma lift_subst [simp]:
"j < i + 1 ⟹ lift (subst_bv2 t j s) i = subst_bv2 (lift t (i + 1)) j (lift s i)"
proof (induction t arbitrary: i j s)
case (Abs T t)
then show ?case
by (simp_all add: diff_Suc lift_lift split: nat.split)
(metis One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 lift_def lift_lift zero_less_Suc)
qed (simp_all add: diff_Suc lift_lift split: nat.split)
lemma lift_subst_bv2_subst_lt:
"i < j + 1 ⟹ lift (subst_bv2 t j s) i = subst_bv2 (lift t i) (j + 1) (lift s i)"
proof (induction t arbitrary: i j s)
case (Abs x1 t)
then show ?case
using lift_lift by force
qed (auto simp add: lift_lift)
lemma subst_bv2_lift [simp]:
"subst_bv2 (lift t k) k s = t"
by (induct t arbitrary: k s) simp_all
lemma subst_bv2_subst_bv2:
"i < j + 1 ⟹ subst_bv2 (subst_bv2 t (Suc j) (lift v i)) i (subst_bv2 u j v)
= subst_bv2 (subst_bv2 t i u) j v"
proof(induction t arbitrary: i j u v)
case (Abs s T t)
then show ?case
by (smt Suc_mono add.commute lift_lift lift_subst_bv2_subst_lt plus_1_eq_Suc subst_bv2.simps(2) zero_less_Suc)
qed (use subst_bv2_lift in ‹auto simp add: diff_Suc lift_lift [symmetric] lift_subst_bv2_subst_lt split: nat.split›)
hide_fact (open) subst_bv_def
lemma subst_bv_def: "subst_bv u t ≡ subst_bv1 t 0 u"
by (simp add: substn_subst_0' substn_subst_n)
fun subst_bvs1 :: "term ⇒ nat ⇒ term list ⇒ term" where
"subst_bvs1 (Bv n) lev args = (if n < lev
then Bv n
else if n - lev < length args
then incr_boundvars lev (nth args (n-lev))
else Bv (n - length args))"
| "subst_bvs1 (Abs T body) lev args = Abs T (subst_bvs1 body (lev+1) args)"
| "subst_bvs1 (f $ t) lev args = subst_bvs1 f lev args $ subst_bvs1 t lev args"
| "subst_bvs1 t _ _ = t"
definition "subst_bvs args t ≡ subst_bvs1 t 0 args"
lemma subst_bvs_App[simp]: "subst_bvs args (s$t) = subst_bvs args s $ subst_bvs args t"
by (auto simp add: subst_bvs_def)
lemma subst_bv1_special_case_subst_bvs1: "subst_bvs1 t lev [x] = subst_bv1 t lev x"
by (induction t lev "[x]" arbitrary: x rule: subst_bvs1.induct) auto
lemma no_loose_bvar_imp_no_subst_bv1: "¬loose_bvar t lev ⟹ subst_bv1 t lev u = t"
by (induction t arbitrary: lev) auto
lemma no_loose_bvar_imp_no_subst_bvs1: "¬loose_bvar t lev ⟹ subst_bvs1 t lev us = t"
by (induction t arbitrary: lev) auto
lemma subst_bvs1_step:
assumes "¬ loose_bvar t lev"
shows "subst_bvs1 t lev (args@[u]) = subst_bv1 (subst_bvs1 t lev args) lev u"
using assms by (induction t arbitrary: lev args u) auto
corollary closed_subst_bv_no_change: "is_closed t ⟹ subst_bv u t = t"
unfolding is_open_def subst_bv_def no_loose_bvar_imp_no_subst_bv1 by simp
lemma is_variable_imp_incr_bv_unchanged: "incr_bv inc lev (Fv v T) = (Fv v T)"
by simp
lemma is_variable_imp_incr_boundvars_unchganged: "incr_boundvars inc (Fv v T) = (Fv v T)"
using is_variable_imp_incr_bv_unchanged incr_boundvars_def by simp
lemma loose_bvar_subst_bv1:
"¬ loose_bvar (subst_bv1 t lev u) lev ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar t (Suc lev)"
by (induction t lev u rule: subst_bv1.induct) auto
lemma is_closed_subst_bv: "is_closed (subst_bv u t) ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar t 1"
by (simp add: is_open_def loose_bvar_subst_bv1 subst_bv_def)
lemma subst_bv1_bind_fv2:
assumes "¬ loose_bvar t lev"
shows "subst_bv1 (bind_fv2 (v, T) lev t) lev (Fv v T) = t"
using assms by (induction t arbitrary: lev) (use is_variable_imp_incr_boundvars_unchganged in auto)
corollary subst_bv_bind_fv:
assumes "is_closed t"
shows "subst_bv (Fv v T) (bind_fv (v, T) t) = t"
unfolding bind_fv_def subst_bv_def using assms subst_bv1_bind_fv2 is_open_def
by blast
fun betapply :: "term ⇒ term ⇒ term" (infixl ‹∙› 52) where
"betapply (Abs _ t) u = subst_bv u t"
| "betapply t u = t $ u"
lemma betapply_Abs_fv:
assumes "is_closed t"
shows "betapply (Abs_fv v T t) (Fv v T) = t"
using assms subst_bv_bind_fv by simp
lemma typ_of1_imp_no_loose_bvar: "typ_of1 Ts t = Some ty ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar t (length Ts)"
by (simp add: has_typ1_imp_no_loose_bvar)
lemma typ_of1_subst_bv:
assumes "typ_of1 (Ts@[uty]) f = Some fty"
and "typ_of u = Some uty"
shows "typ_of1 Ts (subst_bv1 f (length Ts) u) = Some fty"
using assms
proof (induction f "length Ts" u arbitrary: uty fty Ts rule: subst_bv1.induct)
case (1 i arg)
then show ?case
using no_loose_bvar_no_incr typ_of1_imp_no_loose_bvar typ_of1_weaken
by (force simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv incr_boundvars_def nth_append typ_of_def
split: if_splits)
case (2 a T body arg)
then show ?case
by (simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv typ_of_def) (smt append_Cons bind_eq_Some_conv length_Cons)
qed (auto simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv)
lemma typ_of1_split_App:
"typ_of1 Ts (t $ u) = Some ty ⟹ (∃uty . typ_of1 Ts t = Some (uty → ty) ∧ typ_of1 Ts u = Some uty)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) bind.bind_lzero the_default.elims typ_of1.simps(5) typ_of1_arg_typ)
corollary typ_of1_split_App_obtains:
assumes "typ_of1 Ts (t $ u) = Some ty"
obtains uty where "typ_of1 Ts t = Some (uty → ty)" "typ_of1 Ts u = Some uty"
using typ_of1_split_App assms by blast
lemma typ_of1_incr_bv:
assumes "typ_of1 Ts t = Some ty"
and "lev ≤ length Ts"
shows "typ_of1 (take lev Ts @ Ts' @ drop lev Ts) (incr_bv (length Ts') lev t) = Some ty"
using assms by (induction t arbitrary: ty Ts Ts' lev)
(fastforce simp add: nth_append bind_eq_Some_conv min_def split: if_splits)+
corollary typ_of1_incr_bv_lev0:
assumes "typ_of1 Ts t = Some ty"
shows "typ_of1 (Ts' @ Ts) (incr_bv (length Ts') 0 t) = Some ty"
using assms typ_of1_incr_bv[where lev=0] by simp
lemma typ_of1_subst_bv_gen:
assumes "typ_of1 (Ts'@[uty]@Ts) t = Some tty" and "typ_of1 Ts u = Some uty"
shows "typ_of1 (Ts' @ Ts) (subst_bv1 t (length Ts') u) = Some tty"
using assms
proof (induction t "length Ts'" u arbitrary: tty uty Ts Ts' rule: subst_bv1.induct)
case (2 a T body arg)
then show ?case
by (simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv) (metis append_Cons length_Cons)
qed (auto simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv nth_append incr_boundvars_def
typ_of1_incr_bv_lev0 split: if_splits)
lemma typ_of1_subst_bv_gen_depre:
assumes "typ_of1 (Ts'@Ts) f = Some (fty)"
and "typ_of1 (Ts) u = Some uty"
and "last Ts' = uty" and "Ts' ≠ []"
shows "typ_of1 (butlast Ts' @ Ts) (subst_bv1 f (length Ts'-1) u) = Some fty"
using assms
proof (induction f "length Ts'" u arbitrary: fty uty Ts Ts' rule: subst_bv1.induct)
case (1 i arg)
from 1 consider (LT) "(length Ts' - 1) < i" | (EQ) "(length Ts' - 1) = i" | (GT) "(length Ts' - 1) > i"
using linorder_neqE_nat by blast
then show ?case
by cases (metis "1.prems" append_assoc append_butlast_last_id length_butlast typ_of1_subst_bv_gen)+
case (2 a T body arg)
then show ?case
by (metis append.assoc append_butlast_last_id length_butlast typ_of1_subst_bv_gen)
case (3 f t arg)
then show ?case
by (auto simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv nth_append incr_boundvars_def subst_bv_def
split: if_splits)
qed auto
corollary typ_of1_subst_bv_gen':
assumes "typ_of1 (uty#Ts) t = Some tty"
and "typ_of1 Ts u = Some uty"
shows "typ_of1 Ts (subst_bv1 t 0 u) = Some tty"
using assms typ_of1_subst_bv_gen
by (metis append.left_neutral append_Cons list.size(3))
lemma typ_of_betapply:
assumes "typ_of1 Ts (Abs uty t) = Some (uty → tty)"
assumes "typ_of1 Ts u = Some uty"
shows "typ_of1 Ts ((Abs uty t) ∙ u) = Some tty"
using assms typ_of1_subst_bv_gen'
by (auto simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv subst_bv_def)
lemma no_Bv_Type_param_irrelevant_typ_of:
"¬exists_subterm (λx . case x of Bv _ ⇒ True | _ ⇒ False) t
⟹ typ_of1 Ts t = typ_of1 Ts' t"
by (induction t arbitrary: Ts Ts') (simp_all, metis+)
lemma :
"¬loose_bvar t (length Ts)
⟹ typ_of1 (Ts@rest) t = typ_of1 Ts t"
by (induction Ts t arbitrary: rest rule: typ_of1.induct) (fastforce simp add: nth_append)+
lemma typ_of_betaply:
assumes "typ_of t = Some (uty → tty)" "typ_of u = Some uty"
shows "typ_of (t ∙ u) = Some tty"
proof (cases t)
case (Abs T t)
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "is_open t")
case True
then show ?thesis
unfolding is_open_def using assms Abs typ_of1_subst_bv
apply (simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv subst_bv_def typ_of_def)
by (metis append_Nil list.size(3) typ_of_def)
case False
hence "typ_of1 [uty] t = Some tty" using assms(1)
by (auto simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv typ_of_def is_open_def Abs)
then show ?thesis
using assms False no_loose_bvar_imp_no_subst_bv1
apply (simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv typ_of_def is_open_def subst_bv_def Abs)
using no_Bv_Type_param_irrelevant_typ_of
using typ_of1_drop_extra_bounds
by (metis list.size(3) self_append_conv2)
qed (use assms in ‹simp_all add: typ_of_def›)
fun beta_reducible :: "term ⇒ bool" where
"beta_reducible (App (Abs _ _) _) = True"
| "beta_reducible (Abs _ t) = beta_reducible t"
| "beta_reducible (App t u) = (beta_reducible t ∨ beta_reducible u)"
| "beta_reducible _ = False"
fun eta_reducible :: "term ⇒ bool" where
"eta_reducible (Abs _ (t $ Bv 0)) = (¬ is_dependent t ∨ eta_reducible t)"
| "eta_reducible (Abs _ t) = eta_reducible t"
| "eta_reducible (App t u) = (eta_reducible t ∨ eta_reducible u)"
| "eta_reducible _ = False"
lemma "¬ loose_bvar t lev ⟹ decr lev t = t"
by (induction t arbitrary: lev) auto
lemma decr_incr_bv1: "decr lev (incr_bv 1 lev t) = t"
by (induction t arbitrary: lev) auto
fun depth :: "term ⇒ nat" where
"depth (Abs _ t) = depth t + 1"
| "depth (t $ u) = max (depth t) (depth u) +1"
| "depth t = 0"
lemma depth_decr: "depth (decr lev t) = depth t"
by (induction lev t rule: decr.induct) auto
lemma loose_bvar1_decr: "lev > 0 ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 t (Suc lev) ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 (decr lev t) lev"
by (induction lev t arbitrary: rule: decr.induct) auto
lemma loose_bvar1_decr':
"¬ loose_bvar1 t (Suc lev) ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 t lev ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 (decr lev t) lev"
by (induction lev t arbitrary: rule: decr.induct) auto
lemma eta_reducible_Abs1: "¬ eta_reducible (Abs T (t $ Bv 0)) ⟹ ¬ eta_reducible t" by simp
lemma eta_reducible_Abs2:
assumes "¬ (∃f. t=f $ Bv 0)" "¬ eta_reducible (Abs T t)"
shows "¬ eta_reducible t"
proof (cases t)
case (Abs T body)
then show ?thesis using assms(2) by (cases body) auto
case (App f u)
then show ?thesis using assms less_imp_Suc_add by (cases f; cases u) fastforce+
qed auto
lemma eta_reducible_Abs: "¬ eta_reducible (Abs T t) ⟹ ¬ eta_reducible t"
using eta_reducible_Abs1 eta_reducible_Abs2
by (metis eta_reducible.simps(11) eta_reducible.simps(14))
lemma loose_bvar1_decr'': "loose_bvar1 t lev ⟹ lev < lev'⟹ loose_bvar1 (decr lev' t) lev"
by (induction t arbitrary: lev lev') auto
lemma loose_bvar1_decr''': "loose_bvar1 t (Suc lev) ⟹ lev' ≤ lev ⟹ loose_bvar1 (decr lev' t) lev"
by (induction t arbitrary: lev lev') auto
lemma loose_bvar1_decr'''': "¬ loose_bvar1 t lev' ⟹ lev' ≤ lev ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 t (Suc lev)
⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 (decr lev' t) lev"
by (induction lev t arbitrary: lev' rule: decr.induct) auto
lemma not_eta_reducible_decr:
"¬ eta_reducible t ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 t lev ⟹ ¬ eta_reducible (decr lev t) "
proof (induction lev t arbitrary: rule: decr.induct)
case (2 lev T body)
hence "¬ eta_reducible body" using eta_reducible_Abs by blast
hence I: "¬ eta_reducible (decr (lev + 1) body)" using "2.IH"
using "2.prems"(2) by simp
then show ?case
proof(cases body)
case (App f u)
note app = this
then show ?thesis
proof (cases u)
case (Bv n)
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "n")
case 0
have "is_dependent f" "¬ eta_reducible f"
using "0" "2.prems"(1) App Bv eta_reducible.simps(1) by blast+
hence "loose_bvar1 f 0" by (simp add: is_dependent_def)
hence "loose_bvar1 (decr (Suc lev) f) 0" using loose_bvar1_decr'' by simp
then show ?thesis using I by (auto simp add: 0 Bv App is_dependent_def)
case (Suc nat)
then show ?thesis
using 2 App Bv
by (auto elim: eta_reducible.elims(2) simp add: Suc Bv App is_dependent_def)
case (Abs T t)
then show ?thesis
using I by (auto split: if_splits simp add: App is_dependent_def)
qed (use I in ‹auto split: if_splits simp add: App is_dependent_def›)
qed (auto split: if_splits simp add: is_dependent_def)
qed auto
function (sequential, domintros) eta_norm :: "term ⇒ term" where
"eta_norm (Abs T t) = (case eta_norm t of
f $ Bv 0 ⇒ (if is_dependent f then Abs T (f $ Bv 0) else decr 0 (eta_norm f))
| body ⇒ Abs T body)"
| "eta_norm (t $ u) = eta_norm t $ eta_norm u"
| "eta_norm t = t"
by pat_completeness auto
lemma eta_norm_reduces_depth: "eta_norm_dom t ⟹ depth (eta_norm t) <= depth t"
by (induction t rule: eta_norm.pinduct)
(use depth_decr in ‹fastforce simp add: eta_norm.psimps eta_norm.domintros is_dependent_def
split: term.splits nat.splits›)+
termination eta_norm
proof (relation "measure depth")
fix T body t u n
assume asms: "eta_norm body = t $ u" "u = Bv n" "n = 0" "¬ is_dependent t" "eta_norm_dom body"
have "depth t < depth (t $ Bv 0)" by auto
moreover have "depth (eta_norm body) ≤ depth body" using asms eta_norm_reduces_depth by blast
ultimately show "(t, Abs T body) ∈ measure depth" using asms by (auto simp add: eta_norm.psimps)
qed simp_all
lemma loose_bvar1_eta_norm: "loose_bvar1 t lev ⟹ loose_bvar1 (eta_norm t) lev"
by (induction t arbitrary: lev rule: eta_norm.induct)
(use loose_bvar1_decr''' in ‹(fastforce split: term.splits nat.splits)+›)
lemma loose_bvar1_eta_norm': "¬ loose_bvar1 t lev ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 (eta_norm t) lev"
proof (induction t arbitrary: lev rule: eta_norm.induct)
case (1 T body)
hence "¬ loose_bvar1 body (Suc lev)" by simp
hence I: "¬ loose_bvar1 (eta_norm body) (Suc lev)" using 1 by simp
then show ?case
proof (cases body)
case (Abs ty b)
show ?thesis
using I loose_bvar1_decr''''
by (auto split: term.splits nat.splits if_splits simp add: "1.IH"(2) is_dependent_def)
case (App T t)
then show ?thesis using 1 I loose_bvar1_decr''''
by (fastforce split: term.splits nat.splits if_splits simp add: is_dependent_def)
qed (auto split: term.splits nat.splits simp add: is_dependent_def)
qed (auto split: term.splits nat.splits simp add: is_dependent_def)
lemma not_eta_reducible_eta_norm: "¬ eta_reducible (eta_norm t)"
proof (induction t rule: eta_norm.induct)
case (1 T body)
then show ?case
proof (cases "eta_norm (body)")
case (Abs T t)
then show ?thesis using 1 by auto
case (App f u)
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "u = Bv 0")
case True
note u = this
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "is_dependent f")
case True
then show ?thesis
using 1 App u by (auto simp add: is_dependent_def split: term.splits nat.splits if_splits)
case False
have "¬ eta_reducible f" using 1 App u by simp
hence "¬ eta_reducible (eta_norm f)"
by (simp add: "1.IH"(2) App False u)
have "¬ loose_bvar1 f 0"
using False is_dependent_def by blast
hence "¬ loose_bvar1 (eta_norm f) 0"
using loose_bvar1_eta_norm' by blast
show ?thesis
using 1 App u False not_eta_reducible_decr loose_bvar1_eta_norm ‹¬ loose_bvar1 (eta_norm f) 0›
by (auto simp add: is_dependent_def split: term.splits nat.splits if_splits)
case False
then show ?thesis using 1 App by (auto simp add: is_dependent_def
split: term.splits nat.splits if_splits)
qed auto
qed auto
lemma not_eta_reducible_imp_eta_norm_no_change: "¬ eta_reducible t ⟹ eta_norm t = t"
by (induction t rule: eta_norm.induct) (auto simp add: eta_reducible_Abs is_dependent_def
split: term.splits nat.splits)
lemma eta_norm_collapse: "eta_norm (eta_norm t) = eta_norm t"
using not_eta_reducible_imp_eta_norm_no_change not_eta_reducible_eta_norm by blast
lemma typ_of1_decr: "typ_of1 (Ts@[T]@Ts') t = Some ty ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 t (length Ts)
⟹ typ_of1 (Ts@Ts') (decr (length Ts) t) = Some ty"
proof (induction t arbitrary: Ts T Ts' ty)
case (Abs bT t)
then show ?case
by (simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv) (metis append_Cons length_Cons)
qed (auto split: if_splits simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv nth_append)
lemma typ_of1_decr_gen: "typ_of1 (Ts@[T]@Ts') t = tyo ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 t (length Ts)
⟹ typ_of1 (Ts@Ts') (decr (length Ts) t) = tyo"
proof (induction t arbitrary: Ts T Ts' tyo)
case (Abs T t)
then show ?case
by (simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv) (metis append_Cons length_Cons)
case (App t1 t2)
then show ?case by simp
qed (auto split: if_splits simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv nth_append
split: option.splits)
lemma typ_of1_decr_gen': "typ_of1 (Ts@Ts') (decr (length Ts) t) = tyo⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 t (length Ts)
⟹ typ_of1 (Ts@[T]@Ts') t = tyo"
proof (induction t arbitrary: Ts T Ts' tyo)
case (Abs T t)
then show ?case
by (simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv) (metis append_Cons length_Cons)
qed (auto split: if_splits simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv nth_append
split: option.splits)
lemma typ_of1_eta_norm: "typ_of1 Ts t = Some ty ⟹ typ_of1 Ts (eta_norm t) = Some ty"
proof (induction Ts t arbitrary: ty rule: typ_of1.induct)
case (4 Ts T body)
then show ?case
proof(cases "eta_norm body")
case (App f u)
then show ?thesis
proof (cases u)
case (Bv n)
then show ?thesis
proof (cases n)
case 0
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "is_dependent f")
case True
hence "eta_norm (Abs T body) = Abs T (f $ Bv 0)"
by (auto simp add: App 0 "4.IH" Bv bind_eq_Some_conv is_dependent_def split: nat.splits)
then show ?thesis
using 4 by (force simp add: "0" Bv App is_dependent_def bind_eq_Some_conv split: if_splits)
case False
hence simp: "eta_norm (Abs T body) = decr 0 (eta_norm f)"
by (auto simp add: App 0 "4.IH" Bv bind_eq_Some_conv bind_eq_None_conv
is_dependent_def split: nat.splits)
obtain bT where bT: "typ_of1 (T # Ts) body = Some bT"
using "4.prems" by fastforce
hence "typ_of1 (T # Ts) (eta_norm body) = Some bT"
using "4.IH" by blast
moreover have "T → bT = ty"
using "4.prems" bT by auto
ultimately have "typ_of1 (T#Ts) f = Some ty"
by (metis "0" App Bv length_Cons nth_Cons_0 typ_of1.simps(2) typ_of1_arg_typ zero_less_Suc)
hence "typ_of1 Ts (decr 0 f) = Some ty"
by (metis False append_Cons append_Nil is_dependent_def list.size(3) typ_of1_decr)
hence "typ_of1 Ts (decr 0 (eta_norm f)) = Some ty"
by (metis App eta_reducible.simps(11) not_eta_reducible_eta_norm not_eta_reducible_imp_eta_norm_no_change)
then show ?thesis
by(auto simp add: App 0 Bv False)
case (Suc nat)
then show ?thesis
using 4 apply (simp add: App "4.IH" Bv bind_eq_Some_conv split: option.splits)
using option.sel by fastforce
qed (use 4 in ‹fastforce simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv nth_append split: if_splits›)+
qed (use 4 in ‹fastforce simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv nth_append split: if_splits›)+
case (5 Ts f u)
then show ?case
apply (clarsimp split: term.splits typ.splits if_splits nat.splits option.splits
simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv)
by blast
qed (auto split: term.splits typ.splits if_splits nat.splits option.splits
simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv)
corollary typ_of_eta_norm: "typ_of t = Some ty ⟹ typ_of (eta_norm t) = Some ty"
using typ_of1_eta_norm typ_of_def by simp
lemma typ_of_Abs_body_typ: "typ_of1 Ts (Abs T t) = Some ty ⟹ ∃rty. ty = (T → rty)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) bind_eq_Some_conv option.sel typ_of1.simps(4))
lemma typ_of_Abs_body_typ': "typ_of1 Ts (Abs T t) = Some ty
⟹ ∃rty. ty = (T → rty) ∧ typ_of1 (T#Ts) t = Some rty"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) bind_eq_Some_conv option.sel typ_of1.simps(4))
lemma typ_of_beta_redex_arg: "typ_of (Abs T s $ t) ≠ None ⟹ typ_of t = Some T"
by (metis list.inject not_Some_eq typ.inject(1) typ_of1_split_App typ_of_Abs_body_typ' typ_of_def)
lemma [partial_function_mono]: "option.mono_body
(λbeta_norm. map_option (Abs T) (beta_norm t))"
by (smt flat_ord_def fun_ord_def map_option_is_None monotone_def)
lemma [partial_function_mono]: "option.mono_body
case beta_norm x of None ⇒ None
| Some (Ct list typ) ⇒
map_option (($) (Ct list typ)) (beta_norm u)
| Some (Fv p typ) ⇒
map_option (($) (Fv p typ)) (beta_norm u)
| Some (Bv n) ⇒
map_option (($) (Bv n)) (beta_norm u)
| Some (Abs T body) ⇒
beta_norm (subst_bv u body)
| Some (term1 $ term2) ⇒
map_option (($) (term1 $ term2)) (beta_norm u))"
proof(standard, goal_cases)
case (1 a b)
then show ?case
proof(cases "a x"; cases "b x", simp_all add: flat_ord_def fun_ord_def, goal_cases)
case (1 a)
then show ?case
by (metis option.discI)
case (2 r s)
then show ?case
apply (cases r; cases s)
apply (simp_all add: flat_ord_def fun_ord_def)
apply (metis option.distinct option.inject option.sel term.distinct term.inject)+
partial_function (option) beta_norm :: "term ⇒ term option" where
"beta_norm t = (case t of
(Abs T body) ⇒ map_option (Abs T) (beta_norm body)
| (Abs T body $ u) ⇒ beta_norm (subst_bv u body)
| (f $ u) ⇒ (case beta_norm f of
Some (Abs T body) ⇒ beta_norm (subst_bv u body)
| Some f' ⇒ map_option (App f') (beta_norm u)
| None ⇒ None)
| t ⇒ Some t)"
simps_of_case beta_norm_simps[simp]: beta_norm.simps
declare beta_norm_simps[code]
lemma not_beta_reducible_imp_beta_norm_unchanged: "¬ beta_reducible t ⟹ beta_norm t = Some t"
proof (induction t)
case (App t u)
then show ?case by (cases t) auto
qed auto
lemma not_beta_reducible_decr: "¬ beta_reducible t ⟹ ¬ beta_reducible (decr n t)"
by (induction t arbitrary: n rule: beta_reducible.induct) auto
lemma "¬ beta_reducible t ⟹ eta_norm t = t' ⟹ ¬ beta_reducible t'"
proof (induction t arbitrary: t' rule: eta_norm.induct)
case (1 T body)
show ?case
proof(cases "eta_norm body")
case (Abs T' t)
then show ?thesis using 1 by fastforce
case (App f u)
note oApp = this
show ?thesis
proof(cases u)
case (Bv n)
show ?thesis
proof(cases n)
case 0
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "is_dependent f")
case True
then show ?thesis
using 1 oApp Bv 0 apply simp
using beta_reducible.simps(2) by blast
case False
obtain body' where body': "eta_norm body = body'" by simp
obtain f' where f': "eta_norm f = f'" by simp
moreover have t': "t' = decr 0 f'" using "1.prems"(2)[symmetric] oApp Bv 0 False f' by simp
moreover have "¬ beta_reducible t'"
have "¬ beta_reducible (f $ Bv 0)"
using "1.IH"(1) 1 oApp Bv 0 by simp
hence "¬ beta_reducible (decr 0 (f' $ Bv 0))"
by (metis eta_reducible.simps(11) f' not_beta_reducible_decr
not_eta_reducible_eta_norm not_eta_reducible_imp_eta_norm_no_change oApp)
hence "¬ beta_reducible (decr 0 f' $ Bv 0)" by simp
hence "¬ beta_reducible (decr 0 f')" by (auto elim: beta_reducible.elims)
thus ?thesis using t' by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
case (Suc nat)
then show ?thesis using 1 oApp Bv by auto
qed (use 1 oApp in auto)
qed (use 1 in auto)
case (2 f u)
hence "¬ beta_reducible f" "¬ beta_reducible u" by (blast elim!: beta_reducible.elims(3))+
moreover obtain f' u' where "eta_norm f = f'" "eta_norm u = u'" by simp_all
ultimately have "¬ beta_reducible f'" "¬ beta_reducible u'" using "2.IH" by simp_all
show ?case
proof(cases t')
case (App l r)
then show ?thesis
using "2.IH"(2) "2.prems"(2) ‹¬ beta_reducible u› ‹¬ beta_reducible f'› ‹eta_norm f = f'› "2"(3)
by (auto elim: beta_reducible.elims(3))
qed (use "2.prems"(2) in auto)
qed auto
fun is_variable :: "term ⇒ bool" where
"is_variable (Fv _ _) = True"
| "is_variable _ = False"
lemma fv_occs: "(x,τ) ∈ fv t ⟹ occs (Fv x τ) t"
by (induction t) auto
lemma fv_iff_occs: "(x,τ) ∈ fv t ⟷ occs (Fv x τ) t"
by (induction t) auto
fun strip_abs :: "term ⇒ typ list * term" where
"strip_abs (Abs T t) = (let (a', t') = strip_abs t in (T # a', t'))"
| "strip_abs t = ([], t)"
fun strip_abs_body :: "term ⇒ term" where
"strip_abs_body (Abs _ t) = strip_abs_body t"
| "strip_abs_body u = u"
fun strip_abs_vars :: "term ⇒ typ list" where
"strip_abs_vars (Abs T t) = T # strip_abs_vars t"
| "strip_abs_vars u = []"
fun strip_qnt_body :: "name ⇒ term ⇒ term" where
"strip_qnt_body qnt ((Ct c ty) $ (Abs _ t)) =
(if c=qnt then strip_qnt_body qnt t else (Ct c ty))"
| "strip_qnt_body _ t = t"
fun strip_qnt_vars :: "name ⇒ term ⇒ typ list" where
"strip_qnt_vars qnt (Ct c _ $ Abs T t)= (if c=qnt then T # strip_qnt_vars qnt t else [])"
| "strip_qnt_vars qnt t = []"
definition list_comb :: "term * term list ⇒ term" where "list_comb = case_prod (foldl ($))"
definition list_comb' :: "term ⇒ term list ⇒ term" where "list_comb' = foldl ($)"
lemma "list_comb (h,t) = list_comb' h t" by (simp add: list_comb_def list_comb'_def)
fun strip_comb_imp where
"strip_comb_imp (f$t, ts) = strip_comb_imp (f, t # ts)"
| "strip_comb_imp x = x"
definition strip_comb :: "term ⇒ term * term list" where
"strip_comb u = strip_comb_imp (u,[])"
fun head_of :: "term ⇒ term" where
"head_of (f$t) = head_of f"
| "head_of u = u"
lemma fst_strip_comb_imp_eq_head_of: "fst (strip_comb_imp (t,ts)) = head_of t"
by (induction "(t,ts)" arbitrary: t ts rule: strip_comb_imp.induct) simp_all
corollary "fst (strip_comb t) = head_of t"
using fst_strip_comb_imp_eq_head_of by (simp add: strip_comb_def)
fun is_app :: "term ⇒ bool" where
"is_app (_ $ _) = True"
| "is_app _ = False"
lemma not_is_app_imp_strip_com_imp_unchanged: "¬ is_app t ⟹ strip_comb_imp (t,ts) = (t,ts)"
by (cases t) simp_all
corollary not_is_app_imp_strip_com_unchanged: "¬ is_app t ⟹ strip_comb t = (t,[])"
unfolding strip_comb_def using not_is_app_imp_strip_com_imp_unchanged .
lemma list_comb_fuse: "list_comb (list_comb (t,ts), ss) = list_comb (t,ts@ss)"
unfolding list_comb_def by simp
fun add_size_term :: "term ⇒ int ⇒ int" where
"add_size_term (t $ u) n = add_size_term t (add_size_term u n)"
| "add_size_term (Abs _ t) n = add_size_term t (n + 1)"
| "add_size_term _ n = n + 1"
definition "size_of_term t = add_size_term t 0"
fun add_size_type :: "typ ⇒ int ⇒ int" where
"add_size_type (Ty _ tys) n = fold add_size_type tys (n + 1)"
| "add_size_type _ n = n + 1"
definition "size_of_type ty = add_size_type ty 0"
fun map_types :: "(typ ⇒ typ) ⇒ term ⇒ term" where
"map_types f (Ct a T) = Ct a (f T)"
| "map_types f (Fv v T) = Fv v (f T)"
| "map_types f (Bv i) = Bv i"
| "map_types f (Abs T t) = Abs (f T) (map_types f t)"
| "map_types f (t $ u) = map_types f t $ map_types f u"
fun map_atyps :: "(typ ⇒ typ) ⇒ typ ⇒ typ" where
"map_atyps f (Ty a Ts) = Ty a (map (map_atyps f) Ts)"
| "map_atyps f T = f T"
lemma "map_atyps id ty = ty"
by (induction rule: typ.induct) (simp_all add: map_idI)
fun map_aterms :: "(term ⇒ term) ⇒ term ⇒ term" where
"map_aterms f (t $ u) = map_aterms f t $ map_aterms f u"
| "map_aterms f (Abs T t) = Abs T (map_aterms f t)"
| "map_aterms f t = f t"
lemma "map_aterms id t = t"
by (induction rule: term.induct) simp_all
definition "map_type_tvar f = map_atyps (λx . case x of Tv iname s ⇒ f iname s | T ⇒ T)"
lemma map_types_id[simp]: "map_types id t = t"
by (induction t) simp_all
lemma map_types_id'[simp]: "map_types (λa . a) t = t"
using map_types_id by (simp add: id_def)
fun fold_atyps :: "(typ ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a) ⇒ typ ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" where
"fold_atyps f (Ty _ Ts) s = fold (fold_atyps f) Ts s"
| "fold_atyps f T s = f T s"
definition "fold_atyps_sorts f =
fold_atyps (λx . case x of Tv vn S ⇒ f (Tv vn S) S)"
fun fold_aterms :: "(term ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a) ⇒ term ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" where
"fold_aterms f (t $ u) s = fold_aterms f u (fold_aterms f t s)"
| "fold_aterms f (Abs _ t) s = fold_aterms f t s"
| "fold_aterms f a s = f a s"
fun fold_term_types :: "(term ⇒ typ ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a) ⇒ term ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" where
"fold_term_types f (Ct n T) s = f (Ct n T) T s"
| "fold_term_types f (Fv idn T) s = f (Fv idn T) T s"
| "fold_term_types f (Bv _) s = s"
| "fold_term_types f (Abs T b) s = fold_term_types f b (f (Abs T b) T s)"
| "fold_term_types f (t $ u) s = fold_term_types f u (fold_term_types f t s)"
definition "fold_types f = fold_term_types (λx . f)"
fun replace_types :: "term ⇒ typ list ⇒ term × typ list" where
"replace_types (Ct c _) (T # Ts) = (Ct c T, Ts)"
| "replace_types (Fv xi _) (T # Ts) = (Fv xi T, Ts)"
| "replace_types (Bv i) Ts = (Bv i, Ts)"
| "replace_types (Abs _ b) (T # Ts) =
(let (b', Ts') = replace_types b Ts
in (Abs T b', Ts'))"
| "replace_types (t $ u) Ts =
(t', Ts') = replace_types t Ts in
(let (u', Ts'') = replace_types u Ts
in (t' $ u', Ts'')))"
definition "add_tvar_namesT' = fold_atyps (λx l . case x of Tv xi _ => List.insert xi l | _ => l)"
definition "add_tvar_names' = fold_types add_tvar_namesT'"
definition "add_tvarsT' = fold_atyps (λx l . case x of Tv idn s => List.insert (idn,s) l | _ => l)"
definition "add_tvars' = fold_types add_tvarsT'"
definition "add_vars' = fold_aterms (λx l . case x of Fv idn s => List.insert (idn,s) l | _ => l)"
definition "add_var_names' = fold_aterms (λx l . case x of Fv xi _ => List.insert xi l | _ => l)"
definition "add_const_names' = fold_aterms (λx l . case x of Ct c _ => List.insert c l | _ => l)"
definition "add_consts' = fold_aterms (λx l . case x of Ct n s => List.insert (n,s) l | _ => l)"
definition "add_tvar_namesT = fold_atyps (λx . case x of Tv xi _ => insert xi | _ => id)"
definition "add_tvar_names = fold_types add_tvar_namesT"
definition "add_tvarsT = fold_atyps (λx . case x of Tv idn s => insert (idn,s) | _ => id)"
definition "add_tvars = fold_types add_tvarsT"
definition "add_var_names = fold_aterms (λx . case x of Fv xi _ => insert xi | _ => id)"
definition "add_vars = fold_aterms (λx . case x of Fv idn s => insert (idn,s) | _ => id)"
definition "add_const_names = fold_aterms (λx . case x of Ct c _ => insert c | _ => id)"
definition "add_consts = fold_aterms (λx . case x of Ct n s => insert (n,s) | _ => id)"
lemma add_tvarsT'_tvsT_pre[simp]: "set (add_tvarsT' T acc) = set acc ∪ tvsT T"
unfolding add_tvarsT'_def
proof (induction T arbitrary: acc)
case (Ty n Ts)
then show ?case by (induction Ts arbitrary: acc) auto
qed auto
lemma add_tvars'_tvs_pre[simp]: "set (add_tvars' t acc) = set acc ∪ tvs t"
by (induction t arbitrary: acc) (auto simp add: add_tvars'_def fold_types_def)
lemma "add_tvarsT T acc = acc ∪ tvsT T"
unfolding add_tvarsT_def
proof (induction T arbitrary: acc)
case (Ty n Ts)
then show ?case by (induction Ts arbitrary: acc) auto
qed auto
lemma add_vars'_fv_pre: "set (add_vars' t acc) = set acc ∪ fv t"
unfolding add_vars'_def by (induction t arbitrary: acc) auto
corollary add_vars'_fv: "set (add_vars' t []) = fv t"
using add_vars'_fv_pre by simp
fun strip_all_body :: "term ⇒ term" where
"strip_all_body (Ct all S $ Abs T t) = (if all= STR ''Pure.all'' ∧ S=(T→propT)→propT
then strip_all_body t else (Ct all S $ Abs T t))"
| "strip_all_body t = t"
fun strip_all_vars :: "term ⇒ typ list" where
"strip_all_vars (Ct all S $ Abs T t) = (if all= STR ''Pure.all'' ∧ S=(T→propT)→propT
then T # strip_all_vars t else [])"
| "strip_all_vars t = []"
fun strip_all_single_body :: "term ⇒ term" where
"strip_all_single_body (Ct all S $ Abs T t) = (if all= STR ''Pure.all'' ∧ S=(T→propT)→propT
then t else (Ct all S $ Abs T t))"
| "strip_all_single_body t = t"
fun strip_all_single_var :: "term ⇒ typ option" where
"strip_all_single_var (Ct all S $ Abs T t) = (if all= STR ''Pure.all'' ∧ S=(T→propT)→propT
then Some T else None)"
| "strip_all_single_var t = None"
fun strip_all_multiple_body :: "nat ⇒ term ⇒ term" where
"strip_all_multiple_body 0 t = t"
| "strip_all_multiple_body (Suc n) (Ct all S $ Abs T t) = (if all= STR ''Pure.all'' ∧ S=(T→propT)→propT
then strip_all_multiple_body n t else (Ct all S $ Abs T t))"
| "strip_all_multiple_body _ t = t"
fun strip_all_multiple_vars :: "nat ⇒ term ⇒ typ list" where
"strip_all_multiple_vars 0 _ = []"
| "strip_all_multiple_vars (Suc n) (Ct all S $ Abs T t) = (if all= STR ''Pure.all'' ∧ S=(T→propT)→propT
then T # strip_all_multiple_vars n t else [])"
| "strip_all_multiple_vars _ t = []"
lemma strip_all_vars_strip_all_multiple_vars:
"n≥length (strip_all_vars t) ⟹ strip_all_multiple_vars n t = strip_all_vars t"
by (induction n t rule: strip_all_multiple_vars.induct) auto
lemma "n≥length (strip_all_vars t) ⟹ strip_all_multiple_body n t = strip_all_body t"
by (induction n t rule: strip_all_multiple_vars.induct) (auto elim!: strip_all_vars.elims)
lemma length_strip_all_multiple_vars: "length (strip_all_multiple_vars n t) ≤ n"
by (induction n t rule: strip_all_multiple_vars.induct) auto
lemma prefix_strip_all_multiple_vars: "prefix (strip_all_multiple_vars n t) (strip_all_vars t)"
unfolding prefix_def by (induction n t rule: strip_all_multiple_vars.induct) auto
definition "mk_all_list l t = fold (λ(n,T) acc . mk_all n T acc) l t"
lemma mk_all_list_empty[simp]: "mk_all_list [] t = t" by (simp add: mk_all_list_def)
fun is_all :: "term ⇒ bool" where
"is_all (Ct all S $ Abs T t) = (all= STR ''Pure.all'' ∧ S=(T→propT)→propT)"
| "is_all _ = False"
lemma strip_all_single_var_is_all: "strip_all_single_var t ≠ None ⟷ is_all t"
apply (cases t) apply simp_all
subgoal for f u apply (cases f; cases u) by (auto elim: is_all.elims split: if_splits)
lemma "is_all t ⟹ hd (strip_all_vars t) = the (strip_all_single_var t)"
by (auto elim: is_all.elims)
lemma strip_all_body_single_simp[simp]: "strip_all_body (strip_all_single_body t) = strip_all_body t"
by (induction t rule: strip_all_body.induct) auto
lemma strip_all_body_single_simp'[simp]: "strip_all_single_body (strip_all_body t) = strip_all_body t"
by (induction t rule: strip_all_body.induct) auto
lemma strip_all_vars_step:
"strip_all_single_var t = Some T ⟹ T # strip_all_vars (strip_all_single_body t) = strip_all_vars t"
by (induction t arbitrary: T rule: strip_all_vars.induct) (auto split: if_splits)
lemma is_all_iff_strip_all_vars_not_empty: "is_all t ⟷ strip_all_vars t ≠ []"
apply (cases t) apply simp_all
subgoal for f u apply (cases f; cases u) by (auto elim: strip_all_vars.elims is_all.elims split: if_splits)
lemma strip_all_vars_bind_fv:
"strip_all_vars (bind_fv2 v lev t) = (strip_all_vars t)"
by (induction t arbitrary: lev rule: strip_all_vars.induct) auto
lemma strip_all_vars_mk_all[simp]: "strip_all_vars (mk_all s ty t) = ty # strip_all_vars t"
using bind_fv_def strip_all_vars_bind_fv typ_of_def by auto
lemma strip_all_vars_mk_all_list:
"¬is_all t ⟹ strip_all_vars (mk_all_list l t) = rev (map snd l)"
proof (induction l rule: rev_induct)
case Nil
then show ?case using is_all_iff_strip_all_vars_not_empty by simp
case (snoc v vs)
hence I: "strip_all_vars (mk_all_list vs t) = rev (map snd vs)" by simp
obtain s ty where v: "v = (s,ty)" by fastforce
have "strip_all_vars (mk_all_list (vs @ [v]) t)
= strip_all_vars (mk_all s ty (mk_all_list vs t))"
by (auto simp add: mk_all_list_def v)
also have "… = ty # strip_all_vars (mk_all_list vs t)"
using strip_all_vars_mk_all[of ty s "mk_all_list vs t"] by blast
also have "… = ty # rev (map snd vs)"
by (simp add: I)
also have "… = rev (map snd (vs @ [v]))"
using v by simp
finally show ?case .
lemma subst_bv_no_loose_unchanged:
assumes "⋀x . x ≥ lev ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 t x"
assumes "is_variable v"
shows "(subst_bv1 t lev v) = t"
using assms proof (induction t arbitrary: lev)
case (Bv x)
then show ?case
using loose_bvar_iff_exist_loose_bvar1 no_loose_bvar_imp_no_subst_bv1 by presburger
case (Abs T t)
then show ?case
using loose_bvar_iff_exist_loose_bvar1 no_loose_bvar_imp_no_subst_bv1 by presburger
qed auto
lemma bind_fv2_no_occs_unchanged:
assumes "¬ occs (case_prod Fv v) t"
shows "(bind_fv2 v lev t) = t"
using assms by (induction t arbitrary: lev) auto
lemma bind_fv2_subst_bv1_cancel:
assumes "⋀x . x > lev ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 t x"
assumes "¬ occs (case_prod Fv v) t"
shows "bind_fv2 v lev (subst_bv1 t lev (case_prod Fv v)) = t"
using assms proof (induction t arbitrary: lev)
case (Bv x)
then show ?case
using linorder_neqE_nat
by (auto split: prod.splits simp add: is_variable_imp_incr_boundvars_unchganged)
case (Abs T t)
hence "bind_fv2 v (lev+1) (subst_bv1 t (lev+1) (case_prod Fv v)) = t"
by (auto elim: Suc_lessE)
then show ?case by simp
case (App t1 t2)
then show ?case
proof(cases "loose_bvar1 t1 lev")
case True
hence I1: "bind_fv2 v lev (subst_bv1 t1 lev (case_prod Fv v)) = t1" using App by auto
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "loose_bvar1 t2 lev")
case True
hence "bind_fv2 v lev (subst_bv1 t2 lev (case_prod Fv v)) = t2" using App by auto
then show ?thesis using I1 App.prems is_variable.elims(2) by auto
case False
hence "bind_fv2 v lev (subst_bv1 t2 lev (case_prod Fv v)) = t2"
have "subst_bv1 t2 lev (case_prod Fv v) = t2" using subst_bv_no_loose_unchanged
using App.prems(1-2) False assms le_neq_implies_less loose_bvar1.simps(2)
by (metis loose_bvar_iff_exist_loose_bvar1 no_loose_bvar_imp_no_subst_bv1)
moreover have "bind_fv2 v lev t2 = t2"
using App.prems(2) bind_fv2_no_occs_unchanged
using App.prems(2) bind_fv2_changed' exists_subterm'.simps(1)
exists_subterm_iff_exists_subterm' by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
then show ?thesis using I1 App.prems is_variable.elims(2) by auto
case False
hence I1: "bind_fv2 v lev (subst_bv1 t1 lev (case_prod Fv v)) = t1"
have "subst_bv1 t1 lev (case_prod Fv v) = t1" using subst_bv_no_loose_unchanged
using App.prems(1-2) False le_neq_implies_less loose_bvar1.simps(2)
by (metis loose_bvar_iff_exist_loose_bvar1 no_loose_bvar_imp_no_subst_bv1)
moreover have "bind_fv2 v lev t1 = t1"
using App.prems(2) bind_fv2_no_occs_unchanged by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "loose_bvar1 t2 lev")
case True
hence "bind_fv2 v lev (subst_bv1 t2 lev (case_prod Fv v)) = t2" using App by auto
then show ?thesis using I1 App.prems is_variable.elims(2) by auto
case False
hence "bind_fv2 v lev (subst_bv1 t2 lev (case_prod Fv v)) = t2"
have "subst_bv1 t2 lev (case_prod Fv v) = t2" using subst_bv_no_loose_unchanged
using App.prems(1-2) False assms le_neq_implies_less loose_bvar1.simps(2)
by (metis loose_bvar_iff_exist_loose_bvar1 no_loose_bvar_imp_no_subst_bv1)
moreover have "bind_fv2 v lev t2 = t2"
using App.prems(2) bind_fv2_no_occs_unchanged by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
then show ?thesis using I1 App.prems is_variable.elims(2) by auto
qed auto
lemma bind_fv_subst_bv_cancel:
assumes "⋀x . x > 0 ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 t x"
assumes "¬ occs (case_prod Fv v) t"
shows "bind_fv v (subst_bv (case_prod Fv v) t) = t"
using bind_fv2_subst_bv1_cancel bind_fv_def assms subst_bv_def by auto
lemma not_loose_bvar_imp_not_loose_bvar1_all_greater: "¬ loose_bvar t lev ⟹ x>lev ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 t x"
by (simp add: loose_bvar_iff_exist_loose_bvar1)
lemma mk_all'_subst_bv_strip_all_single_body_cancel:
assumes "strip_all_single_var t = Some T"
assumes "is_closed t"
assumes "(name, T) ∉ fv t"
shows "mk_all name T (subst_bv (Fv name T) (strip_all_single_body t) ) = t"
from assms(1) obtain t' where t': "(Ct STR ''Pure.all'' ((T → propT) → propT) $ Abs T t') = t"
by (auto elim!: strip_all_single_var.elims
simp add: bind_eq_Some_conv typ_of_def split: if_splits option.splits if_splits)
hence s: "strip_all_single_body t = t'" by auto
have "⋀x. x > 0 ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 t x"
using assms(2) is_open_def loose_bvar_iff_exist_loose_bvar1 by blast
have "0 < x ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar1 t' x" for x
using assms(2) by (auto simp add: is_open_def t'[symmetric] loose_bvar_iff_exist_loose_bvar1 gr0_conv_Suc)
have "occs t' t" by (simp add: t'[symmetric])
have "bind_fv (name, T) (subst_bv (Fv name T) (strip_all_single_body t)) =
(strip_all_single_body t)"
using assms(2-3) bind_fv_subst_bv_cancel gr0_conv_Suc
by (force simp add: s is_open_def t'[symmetric]
loose_bvar_iff_exist_loose_bvar1 fv_iff_occs intro!: bind_fv_subst_bv_cancel)
then show ?thesis using assms by (auto simp add: s typ_of_def t')
lemma not_is_all_imp_strip_all_body_unchanged: "¬ is_all t ⟹ strip_all_body t = t"
by (auto elim!: is_all.elims split: if_splits)
lemma no_loose_bvar_imp_no_subst_bvs: "is_closed t ⟹ subst_bvs [] t = t"
using no_loose_bvar_imp_no_subst_bvs1 subst_bvs_def is_open_def by simp
lemma "is_closed (Abs T t) ⟹ ¬ loose_bvar t 1" unfolding is_open_def by simp
lemma bind_fv2_Fv_fv[simp]: "fv (bind_fv2 (x, τ) lev t) = fv t - {(x,τ)}"
by (induction "(x, τ)" lev t rule: bind_fv2.induct) (auto split: if_splits term.splits)
corollary mk_all_fv_unchanged: "fv (mk_all x τ B) = fv B - {(x,τ)}"
using bind_fv2_Fv_fv bind_fv_def by auto
lemma mk_all_list_fv_unchanged: "fv (mk_all_list l B) = fv B - set l"
proof (induction l arbitrary: B rule: rev_induct)
case Nil
then show ?case by simp
case (snoc x xs)
have s: "mk_all_list (xs@[x]) B = case_prod mk_all x (mk_all_list xs B)"
by (simp add: mk_all_list_def)
show ?case
by (simp only: s "snoc.IH" mk_all_fv_unchanged split: prod.splits) auto
abbreviation "forall_intro_vars t Hs ≡ mk_all_list
(diff_list (add_vars' t []) (fold (add_vars') Hs [])) t"