Theory Init_Normalization
section "Initial Normalization of the Input"
theory Init_Normalization
imports Pi_Regular_Exp "HOL-Library.Simps_Case_Conv"
fun toplevel_inters where
"toplevel_inters (Inter r s) = toplevel_inters r ∪ toplevel_inters s"
| "toplevel_inters r = {r}"
lemma toplevel_inters_nonempty[simp]:
"toplevel_inters r ≠ {}"
by (induct r) auto
lemma toplevel_inters_finite[simp]:
"finite (toplevel_inters r)"
by (induct r) auto
context alphabet
lemma toplevel_inters_wf:
"wf n s = (∀r∈toplevel_inters s. wf n r)"
by (induct s) auto
context project
lemma toplevel_inters_lang:
"r ∈ toplevel_inters s ⟹ lang n s ⊆ lang n r"
by (induct s) auto
lemma toplevel_inters_lang_INT:
"lang n s = (⋂r∈toplevel_inters s. lang n r)"
by (induct s) auto
lemma toplevel_inters_in_lang:
"w ∈ lang n s = (∀r∈toplevel_inters s. w ∈ lang n r)"
by (induct s) auto
lemma lang_flatten_INTERSECT_finite[simp]:
"finite X ⟹ w ∈ lang n (flatten INTERSECT X) =
(if X = {} then w ∈ lists (Σ n) else (∀r ∈ X. w ∈ lang n r))"
unfolding lang_INTERSECT by auto
fun merge_distinct where
"merge_distinct [] xs = xs"
| "merge_distinct xs [] = xs"
| "merge_distinct (a # xs) (b # ys) =
(if a = b then merge_distinct xs (b # ys)
else if a < b then a # merge_distinct xs (b # ys)
else b # merge_distinct (a # xs) ys)"
lemma set_merge_distinct[simp]: "set (merge_distinct xs ys) = set xs ∪ set ys"
by (induct xs ys rule: merge_distinct.induct) auto
lemma sorted_merge_distinct[simp]: "⟦sorted xs; sorted ys⟧ ⟹ sorted (merge_distinct xs ys)"
by (induct xs ys rule: merge_distinct.induct) (auto)
lemma distinct_merge_distinct[simp]: "⟦sorted xs; distinct xs; sorted ys; distinct ys⟧ ⟹
distinct (merge_distinct xs ys)"
by (induct xs ys rule: merge_distinct.induct) (auto)
lemma sorted_list_of_set_merge_distinct[simp]: "⟦sorted xs; distinct xs; sorted ys; distinct ys⟧ ⟹
merge_distinct xs ys = sorted_list_of_set (set xs ∪ set ys)"
by (auto intro: sorted_distinct_set_unique)
fun zip_with_option where
"zip_with_option f (Some a) (Some b) = Some (f a b)"
| "zip_with_option _ _ _ = None"
lemma zip_with_option_eq_Some[simp]:
"zip_with_option f x y = Some z ⟷ (∃a b. z = f a b ∧ x = Some a ∧ y = Some b)"
by (induct f x y rule: zip_with_option.induct) auto
fun Pluss where
"Pluss (Plus r s) = zip_with_option merge_distinct (Pluss r) (Pluss s)"
| "Pluss Zero = Some []"
| "Pluss Full = None"
| "Pluss r = Some [r]"
lemma Pluss_None[symmetric]: "Pluss r = None ⟷ Full ∈ toplevel_summands r"
by (induct r) auto
lemma Pluss_Some: "Pluss r = Some xs ⟷
(Full ∉ set xs ∧ xs = sorted_list_of_set (toplevel_summands r - {Zero}))"
proof (induct r arbitrary: xs)
case (Plus r s)
show ?case
proof safe
assume "Pluss (Plus r s) = Some xs"
then obtain a b where *: "Pluss r = Some a" "Pluss s = Some b" "xs = merge_distinct a b" by auto
with Plus(1)[of a] Plus(2)[of b]
show "xs = sorted_list_of_set (toplevel_summands (Plus r s) - {Zero})" by (simp add: Un_Diff)
assume "Full ∈ set xs" with Plus(1)[of a] Plus(2)[of b] * show False by (simp add: Pluss_None)
assume "Full ∉ set (sorted_list_of_set (toplevel_summands (Plus r s) - {Zero}))"
with Plus(1)[of "sorted_list_of_set (toplevel_summands r - {Zero})"]
Plus(2)[of "sorted_list_of_set (toplevel_summands s - {Zero})"]
show "Pluss (Plus r s) = Some (sorted_list_of_set (toplevel_summands (Plus r s) - {Zero}))"
by (simp add: Un_Diff)
qed force+
fun Inters where
"Inters (Inter r s) = zip_with_option merge_distinct (Inters r) (Inters s)"
| "Inters Zero = None"
| "Inters Full = Some []"
| "Inters r = Some [r]"
lemma Inters_None[symmetric]: "Inters r = None ⟷ Zero ∈ toplevel_inters r"
by (induct r) auto
lemma Inters_Some: "Inters r = Some xs ⟷
(Zero ∉ set xs ∧ xs = sorted_list_of_set (toplevel_inters r - {Full}))"
proof (induct r arbitrary: xs)
case (Inter r s)
show ?case
proof safe
assume "Inters (Inter r s) = Some xs"
then obtain a b where *: "Inters r = Some a" "Inters s = Some b" "xs = merge_distinct a b" by auto
with Inter(1)[of a] Inter(2)[of b]
show "xs = sorted_list_of_set (toplevel_inters (Inter r s) - {Full})" by (simp add: Un_Diff)
assume "Zero ∈ set xs" with Inter(1)[of a] Inter(2)[of b] * show False by (simp add: Inters_None)
assume "Zero ∉ set (sorted_list_of_set (toplevel_inters (Inter r s) - {Full}))"
with Inter(1)[of "sorted_list_of_set (toplevel_inters r - {Full})"]
Inter(2)[of "sorted_list_of_set (toplevel_inters s - {Full})"]
show "Inters (Inter r s) = Some (sorted_list_of_set (toplevel_inters (Inter r s) - {Full}))"
by (simp add: Un_Diff)
qed force+
definition inPlus where
"inPlus r s = (case Pluss (Plus r s) of None ⇒ Full | Some rs ⇒ PLUS rs)"
lemma inPlus_alt: "inPlus r s = (let X = toplevel_summands (Plus r s) - {Zero} in
flatten PLUS (if Full ∈ X then {Full} else X))"
proof (cases "Pluss r" "Pluss s" rule: option.exhaust[case_product option.exhaust])
case Some_Some then show ?thesis by (simp add: inPlus_def Pluss_None) (simp add: Pluss_Some Un_Diff)
qed (simp_all add: inPlus_def Pluss_None)