Theory Prelim
theory Prelim
imports Main
section ‹Auxiliary Lemmas›
lemma Cons_eq_upt_conv: "x # xs = [m ..< n] ⟷ m < n ∧ x = m ∧ xs = [Suc m ..< n]"
by (induct n arbitrary: xs) (force simp: Cons_eq_append_conv)+
lemma map_setE[elim_format]: "map f xs = ys ⟹ y ∈ set ys ⟹ ∃x∈set xs. f x = y"
by (induct xs arbitrary: ys) auto
lemma set_Cons_eq: "set_Cons X XS = (⋃xs∈XS. (λx. x # xs) ` X)"
by (auto simp: set_Cons_def)
lemma set_Cons_empty_iff: "set_Cons X XS = {} ⟷ (X = {} ∨ XS = {})"
by (auto simp: set_Cons_eq)
lemma infinite_set_ConsI:
"XS ≠ {} ⟹ infinite X ⟹ infinite (set_Cons X XS)"
"X ≠ {} ⟹ infinite XS ⟹ infinite (set_Cons X XS)"
proof(unfold set_Cons_eq)
assume "infinite X" and "XS ≠ {}"
then obtain xs where "xs ∈ XS"
by blast
hence "inj (λx. x # xs)"
by (clarsimp simp: inj_on_def)
hence "infinite ((λx. x # xs) ` X)"
using ‹infinite X› finite_imageD inj_on_def
by blast
moreover have "((λx. x # xs) ` X) ⊆ (⋃xs∈XS. (λx. x # xs) ` X)"
using ‹xs ∈ XS› by auto
ultimately show "infinite (⋃xs∈XS. (λx. x # xs) ` X)"
by (simp add: infinite_super)
assume "infinite XS" and "X ≠ {}"
then show "infinite (⋃xs∈XS. (λx. x # xs) ` X)"
by (elim contrapos_nn finite_surj[of _ _ tl]) (auto simp: image_iff)
primrec fst_pos :: "'a list ⇒ 'a ⇒ nat option"
where "fst_pos [] x = None"
| "fst_pos (y#ys) x = (if x = y then Some 0 else
(case fst_pos ys x of None ⇒ None | Some n ⇒ Some (Suc n)))"
lemma fst_pos_None_iff: "fst_pos xs x = None ⟷ x ∉ set xs"
by (induct xs arbitrary: x; force split: option.splits)
lemma nth_fst_pos: "x ∈ set xs ⟹ xs ! (the (fst_pos xs x)) = x"
by (induct xs arbitrary: x; fastforce simp: fst_pos_None_iff split: option.splits)
primrec positions :: "'a list ⇒ 'a ⇒ nat list"
where "positions [] x = []"
| "positions (y#ys) x = (λns. if x = y then 0 # ns else ns) (map Suc (positions ys x))"
lemma eq_positions_iff: "length xs = length ys
⟹ positions xs x = positions ys y ⟷ (∀n< length xs. xs ! n = x ⟷ ys ! n = y)"
by (induct xs ys arbitrary: x y rule: list_induct2) (use less_Suc_eq_0_disj in auto)
lemma positions_eq_nil_iff: "positions xs x = [] ⟷ x ∉ set xs"
by (induct xs) simp_all
lemma positions_nth: "n ∈ set (positions xs x) ⟹ xs ! n = x"
by (induct xs arbitrary: n x)
(auto simp: positions_eq_nil_iff[symmetric] split: if_splits)
lemma set_positions_eq: "set (positions xs x) = {n. xs ! n = x ∧ n < length xs}"
by (induct xs arbitrary: x)
(use less_Suc_eq_0_disj in ‹auto simp: positions_eq_nil_iff[symmetric] image_iff split: if_splits›)
lemma positions_length: "n ∈ set (positions xs x) ⟹ n < length xs"
by (induct xs arbitrary: n x)
(auto simp: positions_eq_nil_iff[symmetric] split: if_splits)
lemma positions_nth_cong:
"m ∈ set (positions xs x) ⟹ n ∈ set (positions xs x) ⟹ xs ! n = xs ! m"
using positions_nth[of _ xs x] by simp
lemma fst_pos_in_positions: "x ∈ set xs ⟹ the (fst_pos xs x) ∈ set (positions xs x)"
by (induct xs arbitrary: x, simp)
(fastforce simp: hd_map fst_pos_None_iff split: option.splits)
lemma hd_positions_eq_fst_pos: "x ∈ set xs ⟹ hd (positions xs x) = the (fst_pos xs x)"
by (induct xs arbitrary: x)
(auto simp: hd_map fst_pos_None_iff positions_eq_nil_iff split: option.splits)
lemma sorted_positions: "sorted (positions xs x)"
by (induct xs arbitrary: x) (auto simp add: sorted_iff_nth_Suc nth_Cons' gr0_conv_Suc)
lemma Min_sorted_list: "sorted xs ⟹ xs ≠ [] ⟹ Min (set xs) = hd xs"
by (induct xs)
(auto simp: Min_insert2)
lemma Min_positions: "x ∈ set xs ⟹ Min (set (positions xs x)) = the (fst_pos xs x)"
by (auto simp: Min_sorted_list[OF sorted_positions]
positions_eq_nil_iff hd_positions_eq_fst_pos)
lemma subset_positions_map_fst: "set (positions tXs tX) ⊆ set (positions (map fst tXs) (fst tX))"
by (induct tXs arbitrary: tX)
(auto simp: subset_eq)
lemma subset_positions_map_snd: "set (positions tXs tX) ⊆ set (positions (map snd tXs) (snd tX))"
by (induct tXs arbitrary: tX)
(auto simp: subset_eq)
lemma Max_eqI: "finite A ⟹ A ≠ {} ⟹ (⋀a. a ∈ A ⟹ a ≤ b) ⟹ ∃a∈A. b ≤ a ⟹ Max A = b"
by (rule antisym[OF Max.boundedI Max_ge_iff[THEN iffD2]]; clarsimp)
lemma Max_Suc: "X ≠ {} ⟹ finite X ⟹ Max (Suc ` X) = Suc (Max X)"
using Max_ge Max_in
by (intro Max_eqI) blast+
lemma Max_insert0: "X ≠ {} ⟹ finite X ⟹ Max (insert (0::nat) X) = Max X"
using Max_ge Max_in
by (intro Max_eqI) blast+
lemma positions_Cons_notin_tail: "x ∉ set xs ⟹ positions (x # xs) x = [0::nat]"
by (cases xs) (auto simp: positions_eq_nil_iff)
lemma Max_set_positions_Cons_hd:
"x ∉ set xs ⟹ Max (set (positions (x # xs) x)) = 0"
by (subst positions_Cons_notin_tail) simp_all
lemma Max_set_positions_Cons_tl:
"y ∈ set xs ⟹ Max (set (positions (x # xs) y)) = Suc (Max (set (positions xs y)))"
by (auto simp: Max_Suc positions_eq_nil_iff)
lemma max_aux: "finite X ⟹ Suc j ∈ X ⟹ Max (insert (Suc j) (X - {j})) = Max (insert j X)"
by (smt (verit) max.orderI Max.insert_remove Max_ge Max_insert empty_iff insert_Diff_single
insert_absorb insert_iff max_def not_less_eq_eq)
lemma ball_swap: "(∀x ∈ A. ∀y ∈ B. P x y) = (∀y ∈ B. ∀x ∈ A. P x y)"
by auto
lemma ball_triv_nonempty: "A ≠ {} ⟹ (∀x ∈ A. P) = P"
by auto
lemma ball_if_distrib: "(∀x ∈ B. if p then f x else g x) ⟷ (if p then (∀x ∈ B. f x) else (∀x ∈ B. g x))"
by simp