Theory Matrix_For_Marginals
section ‹Matrices for given marginals›
text ‹This theory derives from the finite max-flow min-cut theorem the existence of
matrices with given marginals based on a proof by Georg Kellerer \<^cite>‹"Kellerer1961MA"›.›
theory Matrix_For_Marginals
imports MFMC_Misc "HOL-Library.Diagonal_Subsequence" MFMC_Finite
lemma bounded_matrix_for_marginals_finite:
fixes f g :: "nat ⇒ real"
and n :: nat
and R :: "(nat × nat) set"
assumes eq_sum: "sum f {..n} = sum g {..n}"
and le: "⋀X. X ⊆ {..n} ⟹ sum f X ≤ sum g (R `` X)"
and f_nonneg: "⋀x. 0 ≤ f x"
and g_nonneg: "⋀y. 0 ≤ g y"
and R: "R ⊆ {..n} × {..n}"
obtains h :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ real"
where "⋀x y. ⟦ x ≤ n; y ≤ n ⟧ ⟹ 0 ≤ h x y"
and "⋀x y. ⟦ 0 < h x y; x ≤ n; y ≤ n ⟧ ⟹ (x, y) ∈ R"
and "⋀x. x ≤ n ⟹ f x = sum (h x) {..n}"
and "⋀y. y ≤ n ⟹ g y = sum (λx. h x y) {..n}"
proof(cases "∃x≤n. f x > 0")
case False
hence f: "f x = 0" if "x ≤ n" for x using f_nonneg[of x] that by(auto simp add: not_less)
hence "sum g {..n} = 0" using eq_sum by simp
hence "g y = 0" if "y ≤ n" for y using g_nonneg that by(simp add: sum_nonneg_eq_0_iff)
with f show thesis by(auto intro!: that[of "λ_ _. 0"])
case True
then obtain x0 where x0: "x0 ≤ n" "f x0 > 0" by blast
define R' where "R' = R ∩ {x. f x > 0} × {y. g y > 0}"
have [simp]: "finite (R `` A)" for A
proof -
have "R `` A ⊆ {..n}" using R by auto
thus ?thesis by(rule finite_subset) auto
have R': "R' ⊆ {..n} × {..n}" using R by(auto simp add: R'_def)
have R'': "R' `` A ⊆ {..n}" for A using R by(auto simp add: R'_def)
have [simp]: "finite (R' `` A)" for A using R''[of A]
by(rule finite_subset) auto
have hop: "∃y0≤n. (x0, y0) ∈ R ∧ g y0 > 0" if x0: "x0 ≤ n" "f x0 > 0" for x0
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ ?thesis"
then have "g y0 = 0" if "(x0, y0) ∈ R" "y0 ≤ n" for y0 using g_nonneg[of y0] that by auto
moreover from R have "R `` {x0} ⊆ {..n}" by auto
ultimately have "sum g (R `` {x0}) = 0"
using g_nonneg by(auto intro!: sum_nonneg_eq_0_iff[THEN iffD2])
moreover have "{x0} ⊆ {..n}" using x0 by auto
from le[OF this] x0 have "R `` {x0} ≠ {}" "sum g (R `` {x0}) > 0" by auto
ultimately show False by simp
then obtain y0 where y0: "y0 ≤ n" "(x0, y0) ∈ R'" "g y0 > 0" using x0 by(auto simp add: R'_def)
define LARGE where "LARGE = sum f {..n} + 1"
have "1 ≤ LARGE" using f_nonneg by(simp add: LARGE_def sum_nonneg)
hence [simp]: "LARGE ≠ 0" "0 ≠ LARGE" "0 < LARGE" "0 ≤ LARGE" by simp_all
define s where "s = 2 * n + 2"
define t where "t = 2 * n + 3"
define c where "c = (λ(x, y).
if x = s ∧ y ≤ n then f y
else if x ≤ n ∧ n < y ∧ y ≤ 2 * n + 1 ∧ (x, y - n - 1) ∈ R' then LARGE
else if n < x ∧ x ≤ 2 * n + 1 ∧ y = t then g (x - n - 1)
else 0)"
have st [simp]: "¬ s ≤ n" "¬ s ≤ Suc (2 * n)" "s ≠ t" "t ≠ s" "¬ t ≤ n" "¬ t ≤ Suc (2 * n)"
by(simp_all add: s_def t_def)
have c_simps: "c (x, y) =
(if x = s ∧ y ≤ n then f y
else if x ≤ n ∧ n < y ∧ y ≤ 2 * n + 1 ∧ (x, y - n - 1) ∈ R' then LARGE
else if n < x ∧ x ≤ 2 * n + 1 ∧ y = t then g (x - n - 1)
else 0)"
for x y by(simp add: c_def)
have cs [simp]: "c (s, y) = (if y ≤ n then f y else 0)"
and ct [simp]: "c (x, t) = (if n < x ∧ x ≤ 2 * n + 1 then g (x - n - 1) else 0)"
for x y by(auto simp add: c_simps)
interpret Graph c .
note [simp del] = zero_cap_simp
interpret Network c s t
have "(s, x0) ∈ E" using x0 by(simp add: E_def)
thus "s ∈ V" by(auto simp add: V_def)
have "(y0 + n + 1, t) ∈ E" using y0 by(simp add: E_def)
thus "t ∈ V" by(auto simp add: V_def)
show "s ≠ t" by simp
show "∀u v. 0 ≤ c (u, v)" by(simp add: c_simps f_nonneg g_nonneg max_def)
show "∀u. (u, s) ∉ E" by(simp add: E_def c_simps)
show "∀u. (t, u) ∉ E" by(simp add: E_def c_simps)
show "∀u v. (u, v) ∈ E ⟶ (v, u) ∉ E" by(simp add: E_def c_simps)
have "isPath s [(s, x0), (x0, y0 + n + 1), (y0 + n + 1, t)] t"
using x0 y0 by(auto simp add: E_def c_simps)
hence st: "connected s t" by(auto simp add: connected_def simp del: isPath.simps)
show "∀v∈V. connected s v ∧ connected v t"
proof(intro strip)
fix v
assume v: "v ∈ V"
hence "v ≤ 2 * n + 3" by(auto simp add: V_def E_def c_simps t_def s_def split: if_split_asm)
then consider (left) "v ≤ n" | (right) "n < v" "v ≤ 2 * n + 1" | (s) "v = s" | (t) "v = t"
by(fastforce simp add: s_def t_def)
then show "connected s v ∧ connected v t"
proof cases
case left
have sv: "(s, v) ∈ E" using v left
by(fastforce simp add: E_def V_def c_simps max_def R'_def split: if_split_asm)
hence "connected s v" by(auto simp add: connected_def intro!: exI[where x="[(s, v)]"])
moreover from sv left f_nonneg[of v] have "f v > 0" by(simp add: E_def)
from hop[OF left this] obtain v' where "(v, v') ∈ R" "v' ≤ n" "g v' > 0" by auto
hence "isPath v [(v, v' + n + 1), (v' + n + 1, t)] t" using left ‹f v > 0›
by(auto simp add: E_def c_simps R'_def)
hence "connected v t" by(auto simp add: connected_def simp del: isPath.simps)
ultimately show ?thesis ..
case right
hence vt: "(v, t) ∈ E" using v by(auto simp add: V_def E_def c_simps max_def R'_def split: if_split_asm)
hence "connected v t" by(auto simp add: connected_def intro!: exI[where x="[(v, t)]"])
have *: "g (v - n - 1) > 0" using vt g_nonneg[of "v - n - 1"] right by(simp add: E_def )
have "∃v'≤n. (v', v - n - 1) ∈ R ∧ f v' > 0"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ ?thesis"
hence zero: "⟦ v' ≤ n; (v', v - n - 1) ∈ R ⟧ ⟹ f v' = 0" for v' using f_nonneg[of v'] by auto
have "sum f {..n} = sum f {x. x ≤ n ∧ x ∉ R^-1 `` {v - n - 1}}"
by(rule sum.mono_neutral_cong_right)(auto dest: zero)
also have "… ≤ sum g (R `` {x. x ≤ n ∧ x ∉ R^-1 `` {v - n - 1}})" by(rule le) auto
also have "… ≤ sum g ({..n} - {v - n - 1})"
by(rule sum_mono2)(use R in ‹auto simp add: g_nonneg›)
also have "… = sum g {..n} - g (v - n - 1)" using right by(subst sum_diff) auto
also have "… < sum g {..n}" using * by simp
also have "… = sum f {..n}" by(simp add: eq_sum)
finally show False by simp
then obtain v' where "v' ≤ n" "(v', v - n - 1) ∈ R" "f v' > 0" by auto
with right * have "isPath s [(s, v'), (v', v)] v" by(auto simp add: E_def c_simps R'_def)
hence "connected s v" by(auto simp add: connected_def simp del: isPath.simps)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
qed(simp_all add: st)
have "reachableNodes s ⊆ V" using ‹s ∈ V› by(rule reachable_ss_V)
also have "V ⊆ {..2 * n + 3}"
by(clarsimp simp add: V_def E_def)(simp_all add: c_simps s_def t_def split: if_split_asm)
finally show "finite (reachableNodes s)" by(rule finite_subset) simp
interpret h: NFlow c s t max_flow by(rule max_flow)
let ?h = "λx y. max_flow (x, y + n + 1)"
from max_flow(2)[THEN h.fofu_II_III] obtain C where C: "NCut c s t C"
and eq: "h.val = NCut.cap c C" by blast
interpret C: NCut c s t C using C .
have "sum c (outgoing s) = sum (λ(_, x). f x) (Pair s ` {..n})"
by(rule sum.mono_neutral_cong_left)(auto simp add: outgoing_def E_def)
also have "… = sum f {..n}" by(subst sum.reindex)(auto simp add: inj_on_def)
finally have out: "sum c (outgoing s) = sum f {..n}" .
have no_leaving: "(λy. y + n + 1) ` (R' `` (C ∩ {..n})) ⊆ C"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ ?thesis"
then obtain x y where *: "(x, y) ∈ R'" "x ≤ n" "x ∈ C" "y + n + 1 ∉ C" by auto
then have xy: "(x, y + n + 1) ∈ E" "y ≤ n" "c (x, y + n + 1) = LARGE"
using R by(auto simp add: E_def c_simps R'_def)
have "h.val ≤ sum f {..n}" using h.val_bounded(2) out by simp
also have "… < sum c {(x, y + n + 1)}" using xy * by(simp add: LARGE_def)
also have "… ≤ C.cap" using * xy unfolding C.cap_def
by(intro sum_mono2[OF finite_outgoing'])(auto simp add: outgoing'_def cap_non_negative)
also have "… = h.val" by(simp add: eq)
finally show False by simp
have "C.cap ≤ sum f {..n}" using out h.val_bounded(2) eq by simp
then have cap: "C.cap = sum f {..n}"
proof(rule antisym)
let ?L = "{x. x ≤ n ∧ x ∈ C ∧ f x > 0}"
let ?R = "(λy. y + n + 1) ` (R' `` ?L)"
have "sum f {..n} = sum f ?L + sum f ({..n} - ?L)" by(subst sum_diff) auto
also have "sum f ?L ≤ sum g (R `` ?L)" by(rule le) auto
also have "… = sum g (R' `` ?L)" using g_nonneg
by(intro sum.mono_neutral_cong_right)(auto 4 3 simp add: R'_def Image_iff intro: antisym)
also have "… = sum c ((λy. (y + n + 1, t)) ` (R' `` ?L))" using R
by(subst sum.reindex)(auto intro!: sum.cong simp add: inj_on_def R'_def)
also have "sum f ({..n} - ?L) = sum c (Pair s ` ({..n} - ?L))" by(simp add: sum.reindex inj_on_def)
also have "sum c ((λy. (y + n + 1, t)) ` (R' `` ?L)) + … =
sum c (((λy. (y + n + 1, t)) ` (R' `` ?L)) ∪ (Pair s ` ({..n} - ?L)))"
by(subst sum.union_disjoint) auto
also have "… ≤ sum c (((λy. (y + n + 1, t)) ` (R' `` ?L)) ∪ (Pair s ` ({..n} - ?L)) ∪ {(x, t) | x. x ∈ C ∧ n < x ∧ x ≤ 2 * n + 1})"
by(rule sum_mono2)(auto simp add: g_nonneg)
also have "(((λy. (y + n + 1, t)) ` (R' `` ?L)) ∪ (Pair s ` ({..n} - ?L)) ∪ {(x, t) | x. x ∈ C ∧ n < x ∧ x ≤ 2 * n + 1}) = (Pair s ` ({..n} - ?L)) ∪ {(x, t) | x. x ∈ C ∧ n < x ∧ x ≤ 2 * n + 1}"
using no_leaving R' by(fastforce simp add: Image_iff intro: rev_image_eqI)
also have "sum c … = sum c (outgoing' C)" using C.s_in_cut C.t_ni_cut f_nonneg no_leaving
apply(intro sum.mono_neutral_cong_right)
apply(auto simp add: outgoing'_def E_def intro: le_neq_trans)
apply(fastforce simp add: c_simps Image_iff intro: rev_image_eqI split: if_split_asm)+
also have "… = C.cap" by(simp add: C.cap_def)
finally show "sum f {..n} ≤ …" by simp
show thesis
show "0 ≤ ?h x y" for x y by(rule h.f_non_negative)
show "(x, y) ∈ R" if "0 < ?h x y" "x ≤ n" "y ≤ n" for x y
using h.capacity_const[rule_format, of "(x, y + n + 1)"] that
by(simp add: c_simps R'_def split: if_split_asm)
have sum_h: "sum (?h x) {..n} = max_flow (s, x)" if "x ≤ n" for x
proof -
have "sum (?h x) {..n} = sum max_flow (Pair x ` ((+) (n + 1)) ` {..n})"
by(simp add: sum.reindex add.commute inj_on_def)
also have "… = sum max_flow (outgoing x)" using that
apply(intro sum.mono_neutral_cong_right)
apply(auto simp add: outgoing_def E_def)
subgoal for y by(auto 4 3 simp add: c_simps max_def split: if_split_asm intro: rev_image_eqI[where x="y - n - 1"])
also have "… = sum max_flow (incoming x)" using that by(subst h.conservation) auto
also have "… = sum max_flow {(s, x)}" using that
by(intro sum.mono_neutral_cong_left; auto simp add: incoming_def E_def; simp add: c_simps split: if_split_asm)
finally show ?thesis by simp
hence le: "sum (?h x) {..n} ≤ f x" if "x ≤ n" for x
using sum_h[OF that] h.capacity_const[rule_format, of "(s, x)"] that by simp
moreover have "f x ≤ sum (?h x) {..n}" if "x ≤ n" for x
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ ?thesis"
hence "sum (?h x) {..n} < f x" by simp
hence "sum (λx. (sum (?h x) {..n})) {..n} < sum f {..n}"
using le that by(intro sum_strict_mono_ex1) auto
also have "sum (λx. (sum (?h x) {..n})) {..n} = sum max_flow (Pair s ` {..n})"
using sum_h by(simp add: sum.reindex inj_on_def)
also have "… = sum max_flow (outgoing s)"
by(rule sum.mono_neutral_right)(auto simp add: outgoing_def E_def)
also have "… = sum f {..n}" using eq cap by(simp add: h.val_alt)
finally show False by simp
ultimately show "f x = sum (?h x) {..n}" if "x ≤ n" for x using that by(auto intro: antisym)
have sum_h': "sum (λx. ?h x y) {..n} = max_flow (y + n + 1, t)" if "y ≤ n" for y
proof -
have "sum (λx. ?h x y) {..n} = sum max_flow ((λx. (x, y + n + 1)) ` {..n})"
by(simp add: sum.reindex inj_on_def)
also have "… = sum max_flow (incoming (y + n + 1))" using that
apply(intro sum.mono_neutral_cong_right)
apply(auto simp add: incoming_def E_def)
apply(auto simp add: c_simps t_def split: if_split_asm)
also have "… = sum max_flow (outgoing (y + n + 1))"
using that by(subst h.conservation)(auto simp add: s_def t_def)
also have "… = sum max_flow {(y + n + 1, t)}" using that
by(intro sum.mono_neutral_cong_left; auto simp add: outgoing_def E_def; simp add: s_def c_simps split: if_split_asm)
finally show ?thesis by simp
hence le': "sum (λx. ?h x y) {..n} ≤ g y" if "y ≤ n" for y
using sum_h'[OF that] h.capacity_const[rule_format, of "(y + n + 1, t)"] that by simp
moreover have "g y ≤ sum (λx. ?h x y) {..n}" if "y ≤ n" for y
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ ?thesis"
hence "sum (λx. ?h x y) {..n} < g y" by simp
hence "sum (λy. (sum (λx. ?h x y) {..n})) {..n} < sum g {..n}"
using le' that by(intro sum_strict_mono_ex1) auto
also have "sum (λy. (sum (λx. ?h x y) {..n})) {..n} = sum max_flow ((λy. (y + n + 1, t)) ` {..n})"
using sum_h' by(simp add: sum.reindex inj_on_def)
also have "… = sum max_flow (incoming t)"
apply(rule sum.mono_neutral_right)
apply simp
apply(auto simp add: incoming_def E_def cong: rev_conj_cong)
subgoal for u by(auto intro: rev_image_eqI[where x="u - n - 1"])
also have "… = sum max_flow (outgoing s)" by(rule h.inflow_t_outflow_s)
also have "… = sum f {..n}" using eq cap by(simp add: h.val_alt)
finally show False using eq_sum by simp
ultimately show "g y = sum (λx. ?h x y) {..n}" if "y ≤ n" for y using that by(auto intro: antisym)
lemma convergent_bounded_family_nat:
fixes f :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ real"
assumes bounded: "⋀x. bounded (range (λn. f n x))"
obtains k where "strict_mono k" "⋀x. convergent (λn. f (k n) x)"
proof -
interpret subseqs "λx k. convergent (λn. f (k n) x)"
fix x and s :: "nat ⇒ nat"
have "bounded (range (λn. f (s n) x))" using bounded by(rule bounded_subset) auto
from bounded_imp_convergent_subsequence[OF this]
show "∃r. strict_mono r ∧ convergent (λn. f ((s ∘ r) n) x)"
by(auto simp add: o_def convergent_def)
{ fix k
have "convergent (λn. f ((diagseq ∘ (+) (Suc k)) n) k)"
by(rule diagseq_holds)(auto dest: convergent_subseq_convergent simp add: o_def)
hence "convergent (λn. f (diagseq n) k)" unfolding o_def
by(subst (asm) add.commute)(simp only: convergent_ignore_initial_segment[where f="λx. f (diagseq x) k"])
} with subseq_diagseq show ?thesis ..
lemma convergent_bounded_family:
fixes f :: "nat ⇒ 'a ⇒ real"
assumes bounded: "⋀x. x ∈ A ⟹ bounded (range (λn. f n x))"
and A: "countable A"
obtains k where "strict_mono k" "⋀x. x ∈ A ⟹ convergent (λn. f (k n) x)"
proof(cases "A = {}")
case False
define f' where "f' n x = f n (from_nat_into A x)" for n x
have "bounded (range (λn. f' n x))" for x
unfolding f'_def using from_nat_into[OF False] by(rule bounded)
then obtain k where k: "strict_mono k"
and conv: "convergent (λn. f' (k n) x)" for x
by(rule convergent_bounded_family_nat) iprover
have "convergent (λn. f (k n) x)" if "x ∈ A" for x
using conv[of "to_nat_on A x"] A that by(simp add: f'_def)
with k show thesis ..
case True
with strict_mono_id show thesis by(blast intro!: that)
abbreviation zero_on :: "('a ⇒ 'b :: zero) ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b"
where "zero_on f ≡ override_on f (λ_. 0)"
lemma zero_on_le [simp]: fixes f :: "'a ⇒ 'b :: {preorder, zero}" shows
"zero_on f X x ≤ f x ⟷ (x ∈ X ⟶ 0 ≤ f x)"
by(auto simp add: override_on_def)
lemma zero_on_nonneg: fixes f :: "'a ⇒ 'b :: {preorder, zero}" shows
"0 ≤ zero_on f X x ⟷ (x ∉ X ⟶ 0 ≤ f x)"
by(auto simp add: override_on_def)
lemma sums_zero_on:
fixes f :: "nat ⇒ 'a::real_normed_vector"
assumes f: "f sums s"
and X: "finite X"
shows "zero_on f X sums (s - sum f X)"
proof -
have "(λx. if x ∈ X then f x else 0) sums sum (λx. f x) X" using X by(rule sums_If_finite_set)
from sums_diff[OF f this] show ?thesis
by(simp add: sum_negf override_on_def if_distrib cong del: if_weak_cong)
fixes f :: "nat ⇒ 'a::real_normed_vector"
assumes f: "summable f"
and X: "finite X"
shows summable_zero_on [simp]: "summable (zero_on f X)" (is ?thesis1)
and suminf_zero_on: "suminf (zero_on f X) = suminf f - sum f X" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
from f obtain s where "f sums s" unfolding summable_def ..
with sums_zero_on[OF this X] show ?thesis1 ?thesis2
by(auto simp add: summable_def sums_unique[symmetric])
lemma summable_zero_on_nonneg:
fixes f :: "nat ⇒ 'a :: {ordered_comm_monoid_add,linorder_topology,conditionally_complete_linorder}"
assumes f: "summable f"
and nonneg: "⋀x. 0 ≤ f x"
shows "summable (zero_on f X)"
proof(rule summableI_nonneg_bounded)
fix n
have "sum (zero_on f X) {..<n} ≤ sum f {..<n}" by(rule sum_mono)(simp add: nonneg)
also have "… ≤ suminf f" using f by(rule sum_le_suminf)(auto simp add: nonneg)
finally show "sum (zero_on f X) {..<n} ≤ suminf f" .
qed(simp add: zero_on_nonneg nonneg)
lemma zero_on_ennreal [simp]: "zero_on (λx. ennreal (f x)) A = (λx. ennreal (zero_on f A x))"
by(simp add: override_on_def fun_eq_iff)
lemma sum_lessThan_conv_atMost_nat:
fixes f :: "nat ⇒ 'b :: ab_group_add"
shows "sum f {..<n} = sum f {..n} - f n"
by (metis Groups.add_ac(2) add_diff_cancel_left' lessThan_Suc_atMost sum.lessThan_Suc)
lemma Collect_disjoint_atLeast:
"Collect P ∩ {x..} = {} ⟷ (∀y≥x. ¬ P y)"
by(auto simp add: atLeast_def)
lemma bounded_matrix_for_marginals_nat:
fixes f g :: "nat ⇒ real"
and R :: "(nat × nat) set"
and s :: real
assumes sum_f: "f sums s" and sum_g: "g sums s"
and f_nonneg: "⋀x. 0 ≤ f x" and g_nonneg: "⋀y. 0 ≤ g y"
and f_le_g: "⋀X. suminf (zero_on f (- X)) ≤ suminf (zero_on g (- R `` X))"
obtains h :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ real"
where "⋀x y. 0 ≤ h x y"
and "⋀x y. 0 < h x y ⟹ (x, y) ∈ R"
and "⋀x. h x sums f x"
and "⋀y. (λx. h x y) sums g y"
proof -
have summ_f: "summable f" and summ_g: "summable g" and sum_fg: "suminf f = suminf g"
using sum_f sum_g by(auto simp add: summable_def sums_unique[symmetric])
have summ_zf: "summable (zero_on f A)" for A
using summ_f f_nonneg by(rule summable_zero_on_nonneg)
have summ_zg: "summable (zero_on g A)" for A
using summ_g g_nonneg by(rule summable_zero_on_nonneg)
define f' :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ real"
where "f' n x = (if x ≤ n then f x else if x = Suc n then ∑ k. f (k + (n + 1)) else 0)" for n x
define g' :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ real"
where "g' n y = (if y ≤ n then g y else if y = Suc n then ∑ k. g (k + (n + 1)) else 0)" for n y
define R' :: "nat ⇒ (nat × nat) set"
where "R' n =
R ∩ {..n} × {..n} ∪
{(n + 1, y) | y. ∃x'>n. (x', y) ∈ R ∧ y ≤ n} ∪
{(x, n + 1) | x. ∃y'>n. (x, y') ∈ R ∧ x ≤ n} ∪
(if ∃x>n. ∃y>n. (x, y) ∈ R then {(n + 1, n + 1)} else {})"
for n
have R'_simps [simplified, simp]:
"⟦ x ≤ n; y ≤ n ⟧ ⟹ (x, y) ∈ R' n ⟷ (x, y) ∈ R"
"y ≤ n ⟹ (n + 1, y) ∈ R' n ⟷ (∃x'>n. (x', y) ∈ R)"
"x ≤ n ⟹ (x, n + 1) ∈ R' n ⟷ (∃y'>n. (x, y') ∈ R)"
"(n + 1, n + 1) ∈ R' n ⟷ (∃x'>n. ∃y'>n. (x', y') ∈ R)"
"x > n + 1 ∨ y > n + 1 ⟹ (x, y) ∉ R' n"
for x y n by(auto simp add: R'_def)
have R'_cases: thesis if "(x, y) ∈ R' n"
and "⟦ x ≤ n; y ≤ n; (x, y) ∈ R ⟧ ⟹ thesis"
and "⋀x'. ⟦ x = n + 1; y ≤ n; n < x'; (x', y) ∈ R ⟧ ⟹ thesis"
and "⋀y'. ⟦ x ≤ n; y = n + 1; n < y'; (x, y') ∈ R ⟧ ⟹ thesis"
and "⋀x' y'. ⟦ x = n + 1; y = n + 1; n < x'; n < y'; (x', y') ∈ R ⟧ ⟹ thesis"
for thesis x y n using that by(auto simp add: R'_def split: if_split_asm)
have R'_intros:
"⟦ (x, y) ∈ R; x ≤ n; y ≤ n ⟧ ⟹ (x, y) ∈ R' n"
"⟦ (x', y) ∈ R; n < x'; y ≤ n ⟧ ⟹ (n + 1, y) ∈ R' n"
"⟦ (x, y') ∈ R; x ≤ n; n < y' ⟧ ⟹ (x, n + 1) ∈ R' n"
"⟦ (x', y') ∈ R; n < x'; n < y' ⟧ ⟹ (n + 1, n + 1) ∈ R' n"
for n x y x' y' by(auto)
have Image_R':
"R' n `` X = (R `` (X ∩ {..n})) ∩ {..n} ∪
(if n + 1 ∈ X then (R `` {n+1..}) ∩ {..n} else {}) ∪
(if (R `` (X ∩ {..n})) ∩ {n+1..} = {} then {} else {n + 1}) ∪
(if n + 1 ∈ X ∧ (R `` {n+1..}) ∩ {n+1..} ≠ {} then {n + 1} else {})" for n X
apply(simp add: Image_def)
apply(safe elim!: R'_cases; auto simp add: Collect_disjoint_atLeast intro: R'_intros simp add: Suc_le_eq dest: Suc_le_lessD)
apply(metis R'_simps(4) R'_intros(3) Suc_eq_plus1)+
{ fix n
have "sum (f' n) {..n + 1} = sum (g' n) {..n + 1}" using sum_fg
unfolding f'_def g'_def suminf_minus_initial_segment[OF summ_f] suminf_minus_initial_segment[OF summ_g]
by(simp)(metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) add.commute add.left_inverse atLeast0AtMost atLeast0LessThan atLeastLessThanSuc_atLeastAtMost minus_add_distrib sum.lessThan_Suc uminus_add_conv_diff)
moreover have "sum (f' n) X ≤ sum (g' n) (R' n `` X)" if "X ⊆ {..n + 1}" for X
proof -
from that have [simp]: "finite X" by(rule finite_subset) simp
define X' where "X' ≡ if n + 1 ∈ X then X ∪ {n+1..} else X"
define Y' where "Y' ≡ if R `` X' ∩ {n+1..} = {} then R `` X' else R `` X' ∪ {n+1..}"
have "sum (f' n) X = sum (f' n) (X - {n + 1}) + (if n + 1 ∈ X then f' n (n + 1) else 0)"
by(simp add: sum.remove)
also have "sum (f' n) (X - {n + 1}) = sum f (X - {n + 1})" using that
by(intro sum.cong)(auto simp add: f'_def)
also have "… + (if n + 1 ∈ X then f' n (n + 1) else 0) = suminf (zero_on f (- X'))"
proof(cases "n + 1 ∈ X")
case True
with sum_f that show ?thesis
apply(simp add: summable_def X'_def f'_def suminf_zero_on[OF sums_summable] del: One_nat_def)
apply(subst suminf_minus_initial_segment[OF summ_f])
apply(simp add: algebra_simps)
apply(subst sum.union_disjoint[symmetric])
apply(auto simp add: sum_lessThan_conv_atMost_nat intro!: sum.cong)
case False
with sum_f show ?thesis
by(simp add: X'_def suminf_finite[where N=X])
also have "… ≤ suminf (zero_on g (- R `` X'))" by(rule f_le_g)
also have "… ≤ suminf (zero_on g (- Y'))"
by(rule suminf_le[OF _ summ_zg summ_zg])(clarsimp simp add: override_on_def g_nonneg Y'_def summ_zg)
also have "… = suminf (λk. zero_on g (- Y') (k + (n + 1))) + sum (zero_on g (- Y')) {..n}"
by(subst suminf_split_initial_segment[OF summ_zg, of _ "n + 1"])(simp add: sum_lessThan_conv_atMost_nat)
also have "sum (zero_on g (- Y')) {..n} = sum g (Y' ∩ {..n})"
by(rule sum.mono_neutral_cong_right)(auto simp add: override_on_def)
also have "… = sum (g' n) (Y' ∩ {..n})"
by(rule sum.cong)(auto simp add: g'_def)
also have "suminf (λk. zero_on g (- Y') (k + (n + 1))) ≤ (if R `` X' ∩ {n+1..} = {} then 0 else g' n (n + 1))"
apply(clarsimp simp add: Y'_def g'_def simp del: One_nat_def)
apply(subst suminf_eq_zero_iff[THEN iffD2])
apply(auto simp del: One_nat_def simp add: summable_iff_shift summ_zg zero_on_nonneg g_nonneg)
apply(auto simp add: override_on_def)
also have "… + sum (g' n) (Y' ∩ {..n}) = sum (g' n) (R' n `` X)"
using that by(fastforce simp add: Image_R' Y'_def X'_def atMost_Suc intro: sum.cong[OF _ refl])
finally show ?thesis by simp
moreover have "⋀x. 0 ≤ f' n x" "⋀y. 0 ≤ g' n y"
by(auto simp add: f'_def g'_def f_nonneg g_nonneg summable_iff_shift summ_f summ_g intro!: suminf_nonneg simp del: One_nat_def)
moreover have "R' n ⊆ {..n+1} × {..n+1}"
by(auto elim!: R'_cases)
ultimately obtain h
where "⋀x y. ⟦ x ≤ n + 1; y ≤ n + 1⟧ ⟹ 0 ≤ h x y"
and "⋀x y. ⟦ 0 < h x y; x ≤ n + 1; y ≤ n + 1⟧ ⟹ (x, y) ∈ R' n"
and "⋀x. x ≤ n + 1 ⟹ f' n x = sum (h x) {..n + 1}"
and "⋀y. y ≤ n + 1 ⟹ g' n y = sum (λx. h x y) {..n + 1}"
by(rule bounded_matrix_for_marginals_finite) blast+
hence "∃h. (∀x y. x ≤ n + 1 ⟶ y ≤ n + 1 ⟶ 0 ≤ h x y) ∧
(∀x y. 0 < h x y ⟶ x ≤ n + 1 ⟶ y ≤ n + 1 ⟶ (x, y) ∈ R' n) ∧
(∀x. x ≤ n + 1 ⟶ f' n x = sum (h x) {..n + 1}) ∧
(∀y. y ≤ n + 1 ⟶ g' n y = sum (λx. h x y) {..n + 1})" by blast }
hence "∃h. ∀n. (∀x y. x ≤ n + 1 ⟶ y ≤ n + 1 ⟶ 0 ≤ h n x y) ∧
(∀x y. 0 < h n x y ⟶ x ≤ n + 1 ⟶ y ≤ n + 1 ⟶ (x, y) ∈ R' n) ∧
(∀x. x ≤ n + 1 ⟶ f' n x = sum (h n x) {..n + 1}) ∧
(∀y. y ≤ n + 1 ⟶ g' n y = sum (λx. h n x y) {..n + 1})"
by(subst choice_iff[symmetric]) blast
then obtain h where h_nonneg: "⋀n x y. ⟦ x ≤ n + 1; y ≤ n + 1⟧ ⟹ 0 ≤ h n x y"
and h_R: "⋀n x y. ⟦ 0 < h n x y; x ≤ n + 1; y ≤ n + 1⟧ ⟹ (x, y) ∈ R' n"
and h_f: "⋀n x. x ≤ n + 1 ⟹ f' n x = sum (h n x) {..n + 1}"
and h_g: "⋀n y. y ≤ n + 1 ⟹ g' n y = sum (λx. h n x y) {..n + 1}"
apply(rule exE)
subgoal for h by(erule meta_allE[of _ h]) blast
define h' :: "nat ⇒ nat × nat ⇒ real"
where "h' n = (λ(x, y). if x ≤ n ∧ y ≤ n then h n x y else 0)" for n
have h'_nonneg: "h' n xy ≥ 0" for n xy by(simp add: h'_def h_nonneg split: prod.split)
have "h' n xy ≤ s" for n xy
proof(cases xy)
case [simp]: (Pair x y)
consider (le) "x ≤ n" "y ≤ n" | (beyond) "x > n ∨ y > n" by fastforce
then show ?thesis
proof cases
case le
have "h' n xy = h n x y" by(simp add: h'_def le)
also have "… ≤ h n x y + sum (h n x) {..<y} + sum (h n x) {y<..n + 1}"
using h_nonneg le by(auto intro!: sum_nonneg add_nonneg_nonneg)
also have "… = sum (h n x) {..y} + sum (h n x) {y<..n + 1}"
by(simp add: sum_lessThan_conv_atMost_nat)
also have "… = sum (h n x) {..n+1}" using le
by(subst sum.union_disjoint[symmetric])(auto simp del: One_nat_def intro!: sum.cong)
also have "… = f' n x" using le by(simp add: h_f)
also have "… = f x" using le by(simp add: f'_def)
also have "… = suminf (zero_on f (- {x}))"
by(subst suminf_finite[where N="{x}"]) simp_all
also have "… ≤ suminf f"
by(rule suminf_le)(auto simp add: f_nonneg summ_zf summ_f)
also have "… = s" using sum_f by(simp add: sums_unique[symmetric])
finally show ?thesis .
case beyond
then have "h' n xy = 0" by(auto simp add: h'_def)
also have "0 ≤ s" using summ_f by(simp add: sums_unique[OF sum_f] suminf_nonneg f_nonneg)
finally show ?thesis .
then have "bounded (range (λn. h' n x))" for x unfolding bounded_def
by(intro exI[of _ 0] exI[of _ s]; simp add: h'_nonneg)
from convergent_bounded_family[OF this, of UNIV "%x. x"] obtain k
where k: "strict_mono k" and conv: "⋀xy. convergent (λn. h' (k n) xy)" by auto
define H :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ real"
where "H x y = lim (λn. h' (k n) (x, y))" for x y
have H: "(λn. h' (k n) (x, y)) ⇢ H x y" for x y
unfolding H_def using conv[of "(x, y)"] by(simp add: convergent_LIMSEQ_iff)
show thesis
proof(rule that)
show H_nonneg: "0 ≤ H x y" for x y using H[of x y] by(rule LIMSEQ_le_const)(simp add: h'_nonneg)
show "(x, y) ∈ R" if "0 < H x y" for x y
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "(x, y) ∉ R"
hence "h' n (x, y) = 0" for n using h_nonneg[of x n y] h_R[of n x y]
by(fastforce simp add: h'_def)
hence "H x y = 0" using H[of x y] by(simp add: LIMSEQ_const_iff)
with that show False by simp
show "H x sums f x" for x unfolding sums_iff
have sum_H: "sum (H x) {..<m} ≤ f x" for m
proof -
have "sum (λy. h' (k n) (x, y)) {..<m} ≤ f x" for n
proof(cases "x ≤ k n")
case True
from k have "n ≤ k n" by(rule seq_suble)
have "sum (λy. h' (k n) (x, y)) {..<m} = sum (λy. h' (k n) (x, y)) {..<min m (k n + 1)}"
by(rule sum.mono_neutral_right)(auto simp add: h'_def min_def)
also have "… ≤ sum (λy. h (k n) x y) {..k n + 1}" using True
by(intro sum_le_included[where i="id"])(auto simp add: h'_def h_nonneg)
also have "… = f' (k n) x" using h_f True by simp
also have "… = f x" using True by(simp add: f'_def)
finally show ?thesis .
qed(simp add: f_nonneg h'_def)
then show ?thesis by -((rule LIMSEQ_le_const2 tendsto_sum H)+, simp)
with H_nonneg show summ_H: "summable (H x)" by(rule summableI_nonneg_bounded)
hence "suminf (H x) ≤ f x" using sum_H by(rule suminf_le_const)
have "(λm. sum (H x) {..<m} + suminf (λn. g (n + m))) ⇢ suminf (H x) + 0"
by(rule tendsto_intros summable_LIMSEQ summ_H suminf_exist_split2 summ_g)+
hence "f x ≤ suminf (H x) + 0"
proof(rule LIMSEQ_le_const)
have "f x ≤ sum (H x) {..<m} + suminf (λn. g (n + m))" for m
proof -
have "(λn. sum (λy. h' (k n) (x, y)) {..<m} + suminf (λi. g (i + m))) ⇢ sum (H x) {..<m} + suminf (λi. g (i + m))"
by(rule tendsto_intros H)+
moreover have "∃N. ∀n≥N. f x ≤ sum (λy. h' (k n) (x, y)) {..<m} + suminf (λi. g (i + m))"
proof(intro exI strip)
fix n
assume "max x m ≤ n"
with seq_suble[OF k, of n] have x: "x ≤ k n" and m: "m ≤ k n" by auto
have "f x = f' (k n) x" using x by(simp add: f'_def)
also have "… = sum (h (k n) x) {..k n + 1}" using x by(simp add: h_f)
also have "… = sum (h (k n) x) {..<m} + sum (h (k n) x) {m..k n + 1}"
using x m by(subst sum.union_disjoint[symmetric])(auto intro!: sum.cong simp del: One_nat_def)
also have "sum (h (k n) x) {..<m} = sum (λy. h' (k n) (x, y)) {..<m}"
using x m by(auto simp add: h'_def)
also have "sum (h (k n) x) {m..k n + 1} = sum (λy. sum (λx. h (k n) x y) {x}) {m..k n + 1}" by simp
also have "… ≤ sum (λy. sum (λx. h (k n) x y) {..k n + 1}) {m..k n + 1}" using x
by(intro sum_mono sum_mono2)(auto simp add: h_nonneg)
also have "… = sum (g' (k n)) {m..k n + 1}" by(simp add: h_g del: One_nat_def)
also have "… = sum g {m..k n} + suminf (λi. g (i + (k n + 1)))" using m by(simp add: g'_def)
also have "… = suminf (λi. g (i + m))" using m
apply(subst (2) suminf_split_initial_segment[where k="k n + 1 - m"])
apply(simp_all add: summable_iff_shift summ_g)
apply(rule sum.reindex_cong[OF _ _ refl])
apply(simp_all add: Suc_diff_le lessThan_Suc_atMost)
apply(safe; clarsimp)
subgoal for x by(rule image_eqI[where x="x - m"]) auto
subgoal by auto
finally show "f x ≤ sum (λy. h' (k n) (x, y)) {..<m} + …" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by(rule LIMSEQ_le_const)
thus "∃N. ∀n≥N. f x ≤ sum (H x) {..<n} + (∑i. g (i + n))" by auto
ultimately show "suminf (H x) = f x" by simp
show "(λx. H x y) sums g y" for y unfolding sums_iff
have sum_H: "sum (λx. H x y) {..<m} ≤ g y" for m
proof -
have "sum (λx. h' (k n) (x, y)) {..<m} ≤ g y" for n
proof(cases "y ≤ k n")
case True
from k have "n ≤ k n" by(rule seq_suble)
have "sum (λx. h' (k n) (x, y)) {..<m} = sum (λx. h' (k n) (x, y)) {..<min m (k n + 1)}"
by(rule sum.mono_neutral_right)(auto simp add: h'_def min_def)
also have "… ≤ sum (λx. h (k n) x y) {..k n + 1}" using True
by(intro sum_le_included[where i="id"])(auto simp add: h'_def h_nonneg)
also have "… = g' (k n) y" using h_g True by simp
also have "… = g y" using True by(simp add: g'_def)
finally show ?thesis .
qed(simp add: g_nonneg h'_def)
then show ?thesis by -((rule LIMSEQ_le_const2 tendsto_sum H)+, simp)
with H_nonneg show summ_H: "summable (λx. H x y)" by(rule summableI_nonneg_bounded)
hence "suminf (λx. H x y) ≤ g y" using sum_H by(rule suminf_le_const)
have "(λm. sum (λx. H x y) {..<m} + suminf (λn. f (n + m))) ⇢ suminf (λx. H x y) + 0"
by(rule tendsto_intros summable_LIMSEQ summ_H suminf_exist_split2 summ_f)+
hence "g y ≤ suminf (λx. H x y) + 0"
proof(rule LIMSEQ_le_const)
have "g y ≤ sum (λx. H x y) {..<m} + suminf (λn. f (n + m))" for m
proof -
have "(λn. sum (λx. h' (k n) (x, y)) {..<m} + suminf (λi. f (i + m))) ⇢ sum (λx. H x y) {..<m} + suminf (λi. f (i + m))"
by(rule tendsto_intros H)+
moreover have "∃N. ∀n≥N. g y ≤ sum (λx. h' (k n) (x, y)) {..<m} + suminf (λi. f (i + m))"
proof(intro exI strip)
fix n
assume "max y m ≤ n"
with seq_suble[OF k, of n] have y: "y ≤ k n" and m: "m ≤ k n" by auto
have "g y = g' (k n) y" using y by(simp add: g'_def)
also have "… = sum (λx. h (k n) x y) {..k n + 1}" using y by(simp add: h_g)
also have "… = sum (λx. h (k n) x y) {..<m} + sum (λx. h (k n) x y) {m..k n + 1}"
using y m by(subst sum.union_disjoint[symmetric])(auto intro!: sum.cong simp del: One_nat_def)
also have "sum (λx. h (k n) x y) {..<m} = sum (λx. h' (k n) (x, y)) {..<m}"
using y m by(auto simp add: h'_def)
also have "sum (λx. h (k n) x y) {m..k n + 1} = sum (λx. sum (λy. h (k n) x y) {y}) {m..k n + 1}" by simp
also have "… ≤ sum (λx. sum (λy. h (k n) x y) {..k n + 1}) {m..k n + 1}" using y
by(intro sum_mono sum_mono2)(auto simp add: h_nonneg)
also have "… = sum (f' (k n)) {m..k n + 1}" by(simp add: h_f del: One_nat_def)
also have "… = sum f {m..k n} + suminf (λi. f (i + (k n + 1)))" using m by(simp add: f'_def)
also have "… = suminf (λi. f (i + m))" using m
apply(subst (2) suminf_split_initial_segment[where k="k n + 1 - m"])
apply(simp_all add: summable_iff_shift summ_f)
apply(rule sum.reindex_cong[OF _ _ refl])
apply(simp_all add: Suc_diff_le lessThan_Suc_atMost)
apply(safe; clarsimp)
subgoal for x by(rule image_eqI[where x="x - m"]) auto
subgoal by auto
finally show "g y ≤ sum (λx. h' (k n) (x, y)) {..<m} + …" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by(rule LIMSEQ_le_const)
thus "∃N. ∀n≥N. g y ≤ sum (λx. H x y) {..<n} + (∑i. f (i + n))" by auto
ultimately show "suminf (λx. H x y) = g y" by simp
lemma bounded_matrix_for_marginals_ennreal:
assumes sum_eq: "(∑⇧+ x∈A. f x) = (∑⇧+ y∈B. g y)"
and finite: "(∑⇧+ x∈B. g x) ≠ ⊤"
and le: "⋀X. X ⊆ A ⟹ (∑⇧+ x∈X. f x) ≤ (∑⇧+ y∈R `` X. g y)"
and countable [simp]: "countable A" "countable B"
and R: "R ⊆ A × B"
obtains h where "⋀x y. 0 < h x y ⟹ (x, y) ∈ R"
and "⋀x y. h x y ≠ ⊤"
and "⋀x. x ∈ A ⟹ (∑⇧+ y∈B. h x y) = f x"
and "⋀y. y ∈ B ⟹ (∑⇧+ x∈A. h x y) = g y"
proof -
have fin_g [simp]: "g y ≠ ⊤" if "y ∈ B" for y using finite
by(rule neq_top_trans)(rule nn_integral_ge_point[OF that])
have fin_f [simp]: "f x ≠ ⊤" if "x ∈ A" for x using finite unfolding sum_eq[symmetric]
by(rule neq_top_trans)(rule nn_integral_ge_point[OF that])
define f' where "f' x = (if x ∈ to_nat_on A ` A then enn2real (f (from_nat_into A x)) else 0)" for x
define g' where "g' y = (if y ∈ to_nat_on B ` B then enn2real (g (from_nat_into B y)) else 0)" for y
define s where "s = enn2real (∑⇧+ x∈B. g x)"
define R' where "R' = map_prod (to_nat_on A) (to_nat_on B) ` R"
have f'_nonneg: "f' x ≥ 0" for x by(simp add: f'_def)
have g'_nonneg: "g' y ≥ 0" for y by(simp add: g'_def)
have "(∑⇧+ x. f' x) = (∑⇧+ x∈to_nat_on A ` A. f' x)"
by(auto simp add: nn_integral_count_space_indicator f'_def intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ x∈A. f x)"
by(subst nn_integral_count_space_reindex)(auto simp add: inj_on_to_nat_on f'_def ennreal_enn2real_if intro!: nn_integral_cong)
finally have sum_f': "(∑⇧+ x. f' x) = (∑⇧+ x∈A. f x)" .
have "(∑⇧+ y. g' y) = (∑⇧+ y∈to_nat_on B ` B. g' y)"
by(auto simp add: nn_integral_count_space_indicator g'_def intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y∈B. g y)"
by(subst nn_integral_count_space_reindex)(auto simp add: inj_on_to_nat_on g'_def ennreal_enn2real_if intro!: nn_integral_cong)
finally have sum_g': "(∑⇧+ y. g' y) = (∑⇧+ y∈B. g y)" .
have summ_f': "summable f'"
proof(rule summableI_nonneg_bounded)
show "sum f' {..<n} ≤ enn2real (∑⇧+ x. f' x)" for n
proof -
have "sum f' {..<n} = enn2real (∑⇧+ x∈{..<n}. f' x)"
by(simp add: nn_integral_count_space_finite f'_nonneg sum_nonneg)
also have "enn2real (∑⇧+ x∈{..<n}. f' x) ≤ enn2real (∑⇧+ x. f' x)" using finite sum_eq[symmetric]
by(auto simp add: nn_integral_count_space_indicator sum_f'[symmetric] less_top intro!: nn_integral_mono enn2real_mono split: split_indicator)
finally show ?thesis .
qed(rule f'_nonneg)
have suminf_f': "suminf f' = enn2real (∑⇧+ y. f' y)"
by(simp add: nn_integral_count_space_nat suminf_ennreal2[OF f'_nonneg summ_f'] suminf_nonneg[OF summ_f'] f'_nonneg)
with summ_f' sum_f' sum_eq have sums_f: "f' sums s" by(simp add: s_def sums_iff)
have summ_g': "summable g'"
proof(rule summableI_nonneg_bounded)
show "sum g' {..<n} ≤ enn2real (∑⇧+ y. g' y)" for n
proof -
have "sum g' {..<n} = enn2real (∑⇧+ y∈{..<n}. g' y)"
by(simp add: nn_integral_count_space_finite g'_nonneg sum_nonneg)
also have "enn2real (∑⇧+ y∈{..<n}. g' y) ≤ enn2real (∑⇧+ y. g' y)" using finite
by(auto simp add: nn_integral_count_space_indicator sum_g'[symmetric] less_top intro!: nn_integral_mono enn2real_mono split: split_indicator)
finally show ?thesis .
qed(rule g'_nonneg)
have suminf_g': "suminf g' = enn2real (∑⇧+ y. g' y)"
by(simp add: nn_integral_count_space_nat suminf_ennreal2[OF g'_nonneg summ_g'] suminf_nonneg[OF summ_g'] g'_nonneg)
with summ_g' sum_g' have sums_g: "g' sums s" by(simp add: s_def sums_iff)
moreover note f'_nonneg g'_nonneg
moreover have "suminf (zero_on f' (- X)) ≤ suminf (zero_on g' (- R' `` X))" for X
proof -
define X' where "X' = from_nat_into A ` (X ∩ to_nat_on A ` A)"
have X': "to_nat_on A ` X' = X ∩ (to_nat_on A ` A)"
by(auto 4 3 simp add: X'_def intro: rev_image_eqI)
have "ennreal (suminf (zero_on f' (- X))) = suminf (zero_on (λx. ennreal (f' x)) (- X))"
by(simp add: suminf_ennreal2 zero_on_nonneg f'_nonneg summable_zero_on_nonneg summ_f')
also have "… = (∑⇧+ x∈X. f' x)"
by(auto simp add: nn_integral_count_space_nat[symmetric] nn_integral_count_space_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ x∈to_nat_on A ` X'. f' x)" using X'
by(auto simp add: nn_integral_count_space_indicator f'_def intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ x ∈ X'. f x)"
by(subst nn_integral_count_space_reindex)(auto simp add: X'_def inj_on_def f'_def ennreal_enn2real_if intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "… ≤ (∑⇧+ y ∈ R `` X'. g y)" by(rule le)(auto simp add: X'_def)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y ∈ to_nat_on B ` (R `` X'). g' y)" using R fin_g
by(subst nn_integral_count_space_reindex)(auto 4 3 simp add: X'_def inj_on_def g'_def ennreal_enn2real_if simp del: fin_g intro!: nn_integral_cong from_nat_into dest: to_nat_on_inj[THEN iffD1, rotated -1])
also have "to_nat_on B ` (R `` X') = R' `` X" using R
by(auto 4 4 simp add: X'_def R'_def Image_iff intro: rev_image_eqI rev_bexI intro!: imageI)
also have "(∑⇧+ y∈…. g' y) = suminf (zero_on (λy. ennreal (g' y)) (- …))"
by(auto simp add: nn_integral_count_space_nat[symmetric] nn_integral_count_space_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator)
also have "… = ennreal (suminf (zero_on g' (- R' `` X)))"
by(simp add: suminf_ennreal2 zero_on_nonneg g'_nonneg summable_zero_on_nonneg summ_g')
finally show ?thesis
by(simp add: suminf_nonneg summable_zero_on_nonneg[OF summ_g' g'_nonneg] zero_on_nonneg g'_nonneg)
ultimately obtain h' where h'_nonneg: "⋀x y. 0 ≤ h' x y"
and dom_h': "⋀x y. 0 < h' x y ⟹ (x, y) ∈ R'"
and h'_f: "⋀x. h' x sums f' x"
and h'_g: "⋀y. (λx. h' x y) sums g' y"
by(rule bounded_matrix_for_marginals_nat) blast
define h where "h x y = ennreal (if x ∈ A ∧ y ∈ B then h' (to_nat_on A x) (to_nat_on B y) else 0)" for x y
show ?thesis
show "(x, y) ∈ R" if "0 < h x y" for x y
using that dom_h'[of "to_nat_on A x" "to_nat_on B y"] R
by(auto simp add: h_def R'_def dest: to_nat_on_inj[THEN iffD1, rotated -1] split: if_split_asm)
show "h x y ≠ ⊤" for x y by(simp add: h_def)
fix x
assume x: "x ∈ A"
have "(∑⇧+ y∈B. h x y) = (∑⇧+ y∈to_nat_on B ` B. h' (to_nat_on A x) y)"
by(subst nn_integral_count_space_reindex)(auto simp add: inj_on_to_nat_on h_def x intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y. h' (to_nat_on A x) y)" using dom_h'[of "to_nat_on A x"] h'_nonneg R
by(fastforce intro!: nn_integral_cong intro: rev_image_eqI simp add: nn_integral_count_space_indicator R'_def less_le split: split_indicator)
also have "… = ennreal (suminf (h' (to_nat_on A x)))"
by(simp add: nn_integral_count_space_nat suminf_ennreal_eq[OF _ h'_f] h'_nonneg)
also have "… = ennreal (f' (to_nat_on A x))" using h'_f[of "to_nat_on A x"] by(simp add: sums_iff)
also have "… = f x" using x by(simp add: f'_def ennreal_enn2real_if)
finally show "(∑⇧+ y∈B. h x y) = f x" .
fix y
assume y: "y ∈ B"
have "(∑⇧+ x∈A. h x y) = (∑⇧+ x∈to_nat_on A ` A. h' x (to_nat_on B y))"
by(subst nn_integral_count_space_reindex)(auto simp add: inj_on_to_nat_on h_def y intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ x. h' x (to_nat_on B y))" using dom_h'[of _ "to_nat_on B y"] h'_nonneg R
by(fastforce intro!: nn_integral_cong intro: rev_image_eqI simp add: nn_integral_count_space_indicator R'_def less_le split: split_indicator)
also have "… = ennreal (suminf (λx. h' x (to_nat_on B y)))"
by(simp add: nn_integral_count_space_nat suminf_ennreal_eq[OF _ h'_g] h'_nonneg)
also have "… = ennreal (g' (to_nat_on B y))" using h'_g[of "to_nat_on B y"] by(simp add: sums_iff)
also have "… = g y" using y by(simp add: g'_def ennreal_enn2real_if)
finally show "(∑⇧+ x∈A. h x y) = g y" .