Theory HOL-Data_Structures.Braun_Tree
section ‹Braun Trees›
theory Braun_Tree
imports "HOL-Library.Tree_Real"
text ‹Braun Trees were studied by Braun and Rem~\<^cite>‹"BraunRem"›
and later Hoogerwoord~\<^cite>‹"Hoogerwoord"›.›
fun braun :: "'a tree ⇒ bool" where
"braun Leaf = True" |
"braun (Node l x r) = ((size l = size r ∨ size l = size r + 1) ∧ braun l ∧ braun r)"
lemma braun_Node':
"braun (Node l x r) = (size r ≤ size l ∧ size l ≤ size r + 1 ∧ braun l ∧ braun r)"
by auto
text ‹The shape of a Braun-tree is uniquely determined by its size:›
lemma braun_unique: "⟦ braun (t1::unit tree); braun t2; size t1 = size t2 ⟧ ⟹ t1 = t2"
proof (induction t1 arbitrary: t2)
case Leaf thus ?case by simp
case (Node l1 _ r1)
from Node.prems(3) have "t2 ≠ Leaf" by auto
then obtain l2 x2 r2 where [simp]: "t2 = Node l2 x2 r2" by (meson neq_Leaf_iff)
with Node.prems have "size l1 = size l2 ∧ size r1 = size r2" by auto
thus ?case using Node.prems(1,2) Node.IH by auto
text ‹Braun trees are almost complete:›
lemma acomplete_if_braun: "braun t ⟹ acomplete t"
proof(induction t)
case Leaf show ?case by (simp add: acomplete_def)
case (Node l x r) thus ?case using acomplete_Node_if_wbal2 by force
subsection ‹Numbering Nodes›
text ‹We show that a tree is a Braun tree iff a parity-based
numbering (‹braun_indices›) of nodes yields an interval of numbers.›
fun braun_indices :: "'a tree ⇒ nat set" where
"braun_indices Leaf = {}" |
"braun_indices (Node l _ r) = {1} ∪ (*) 2 ` braun_indices l ∪ Suc ` (*) 2 ` braun_indices r"
lemma braun_indices1: "0 ∉ braun_indices t"
by (induction t) auto
lemma finite_braun_indices: "finite(braun_indices t)"
by (induction t) auto
text "One direction:"
lemma braun_indices_if_braun: "braun t ⟹ braun_indices t = {1..size t}"
proof(induction t)
case Leaf thus ?case by simp
have *: "(*) 2 ` {a..b} ∪ Suc ` (*) 2 ` {a..b} = {2*a..2*b+1}" (is "?l = ?r") for a b
show "?l ⊆ ?r" by auto
have "∃x2∈{a..b}. x ∈ {Suc (2*x2), 2*x2}" if *: "x ∈ {2*a .. 2*b+1}" for x
proof -
have "x div 2 ∈ {a..b}" using * by auto
moreover have "x ∈ {2 * (x div 2), Suc(2 * (x div 2))}" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
thus "?r ⊆ ?l" by fastforce
case (Node l x r)
hence "size l = size r ∨ size l = size r + 1" (is "?A ∨ ?B") by auto
thus ?case
assume ?A
with Node show ?thesis by (auto simp: *)
assume ?B
with Node show ?thesis by (auto simp: * atLeastAtMostSuc_conv)
text "The other direction is more complicated. The following proof is due to Thomas Sewell."
lemma disj_evens_odds: "(*) 2 ` A ∩ Suc ` (*) 2 ` B = {}"
using double_not_eq_Suc_double by auto
lemma card_braun_indices: "card (braun_indices t) = size t"
proof (induction t)
case Leaf thus ?case by simp
case Node
thus ?case
by(auto simp: UNION_singleton_eq_range finite_braun_indices card_Un_disjoint
card_insert_if disj_evens_odds card_image inj_on_def braun_indices1)
lemma braun_indices_intvl_base_1:
assumes bi: "braun_indices t = {m..n}"
shows "{m..n} = {1..size t}"
proof (cases "t = Leaf")
case True then show ?thesis using bi by simp
case False
note eqs = eqset_imp_iff[OF bi]
from eqs[of 0] have 0: "0 < m"
by (simp add: braun_indices1)
from eqs[of 1] have 1: "m ≤ 1"
by (cases t; simp add: False)
from 0 1 have eq1: "m = 1" by simp
from card_braun_indices[of t] show ?thesis
by (simp add: bi eq1)
lemma even_of_intvl_intvl:
fixes S :: "nat set"
assumes "S = {m..n} ∩ {i. even i}"
shows "∃m' n'. S = (λi. i * 2) ` {m'..n'}"
apply (rule exI[where x="Suc m div 2"], rule exI[where x="n div 2"])
apply (fastforce simp add: assms mult.commute)
lemma odd_of_intvl_intvl:
fixes S :: "nat set"
assumes "S = {m..n} ∩ {i. odd i}"
shows "∃m' n'. S = Suc ` (λi. i * 2) ` {m'..n'}"
proof -
have step1: "∃m'. S = Suc ` ({m'..n - 1} ∩ {i. even i})"
apply (rule_tac x="if n = 0 then 1 else m - 1" in exI)
apply (auto simp: assms image_def elim!: oddE)
thus ?thesis
by (metis even_of_intvl_intvl)
lemma image_int_eq_image:
"(∀i ∈ S. f i ∈ T) ⟹ (f ` S) ∩ T = f ` S"
"(∀i ∈ S. f i ∉ T) ⟹ (f ` S) ∩ T = {}"
by auto
lemma braun_indices1_le:
"i ∈ braun_indices t ⟹ Suc 0 ≤ i"
using braun_indices1 not_less_eq_eq by blast
lemma braun_if_braun_indices: "braun_indices t = {1..size t} ⟹ braun t"
proof(induction t)
case Leaf
then show ?case by simp
case (Node l x r)
obtain t where t: "t = Node l x r" by simp
from Node.prems have eq: "{2 .. size t} = (λi. i * 2) ` braun_indices l ∪ Suc ` (λi. i * 2) ` braun_indices r"
(is "?R = ?S ∪ ?T")
apply clarsimp
apply (drule_tac f="λS. S ∩ {2..}" in arg_cong)
apply (simp add: t mult.commute Int_Un_distrib2 image_int_eq_image braun_indices1_le)
then have ST: "?S = ?R ∩ {i. even i}" "?T = ?R ∩ {i. odd i}"
by (simp_all add: Int_Un_distrib2 image_int_eq_image)
from ST have l: "braun_indices l = {1 .. size l}"
by (fastforce dest: braun_indices_intvl_base_1 dest!: even_of_intvl_intvl
simp: mult.commute inj_image_eq_iff[OF inj_onI])
from ST have r: "braun_indices r = {1 .. size r}"
by (fastforce dest: braun_indices_intvl_base_1 dest!: odd_of_intvl_intvl
simp: mult.commute inj_image_eq_iff[OF inj_onI])
note STa = ST[THEN eqset_imp_iff, THEN iffD2]
note STb = STa[of "size t"] STa[of "size t - 1"]
then have sizes: "size l = size r ∨ size l = size r + 1"
apply (clarsimp simp: t l r inj_image_mem_iff[OF inj_onI])
apply (cases "even (size l)"; cases "even (size r)"; clarsimp elim!: oddE; fastforce)
from l r sizes show ?case
by (clarsimp simp: Node.IH)
lemma braun_iff_braun_indices: "braun t ⟷ braun_indices t = {1..size t}"
using braun_if_braun_indices braun_indices_if_braun by blast