Theory TheoremD12
theory TheoremD12
imports TheoremD11
context LocalLexing begin
lemma charslength_appendix_is_empty:
"charslength (p@ts) = charslength p ⟹ (⋀ t. t ∈ set ts ⟹ chars_of_token t = [])"
proof (induct ts)
case Nil then show ?case by auto
case (Cons s ts)
have "charslength (p @ s # ts) = charslength (p @ ts) + length (chars_of_token s)"
by simp
then have "charslength (p @ s # ts) = charslength p + charslength ts + length (chars_of_token s)"
by simp
with Cons.prems(1) have "charslength ts + length (chars_of_token s) = 0" by arith
then show ?case using Cons.prems(2) charslength_0 by auto
lemma empty_tokens_have_charslength_0:
"(⋀ t. t ∈ set ts ⟹ chars_of_token t = []) ⟹ charslength ts = 0"
proof (induct ts)
case Nil then show ?case by simp
case (Cons t ts)
then show ?case by auto
lemma π_idempotent': "π k {} (π k T I) = π k T I"
apply (simp add: π_no_tokens)
by (simp add: Complete_π_fix Predict_π_fix fix_is_fix_of_limit)
theorem thmD12:
assumes induct: "items_le k (𝒥 k u) = Gen (paths_le k (𝒫 k u))"
assumes induct_tokens: "𝒯 k u = 𝒵 k u"
shows "items_le k (𝒥 k (Suc u)) ⊇ Gen (paths_le k (𝒫 k (Suc u)))"
proof -
fix x :: item
assume x_dom: "x ∈ Gen (paths_le k (𝒫 k (Suc u)))"
have "∃ q. pvalid q x ∧ q ∈ 𝒫 k (Suc u) ∧ charslength q ≤ k"
proof -
have "⋀i I n. i ∈ I ∨ i ∉ items_le n I"
by (meson items_le_is_filter subsetCE)
then show ?thesis
by (metis Gen_implies_pvalid x_dom items_le_fix_D items_le_idempotent items_le_paths_le
then obtain q where q: "pvalid q x ∧ q ∈ 𝒫 k (Suc u) ∧ charslength q ≤ k" by blast
have "q ∈ 𝒫 k u ∨ q ∉ 𝒫 k u" by blast
then have "x ∈ items_le k (𝒥 k (Suc u))"
proof (induct rule: disjCases2)
case 1
with q have "x ∈ Gen (paths_le k (𝒫 k u))"
apply (auto simp add: Gen_def)
apply (rule_tac x=q in exI)
by (simp add: paths_le_def)
with induct have "x ∈ items_le k (𝒥 k u)" by simp
then show ?case
using LocalLexing.items_le_def LocalLexing_axioms 𝒥_subset_Suc_u by fastforce
case 2
have q_is_limit: "q ∈ limit (Append (𝒴 (𝒵 k u) (𝒫 k u) k) k) (𝒫 k u)" using q by auto
from limit_Append_path_nonelem_split[OF q_is_limit 2] obtain p ts where p_ts:
"q = p @ ts ∧
p ∈ 𝒫 k u ∧
charslength p = k ∧
admissible (p @ ts) ∧
(∀t∈set ts. t ∈ 𝒴 (𝒵 k u) (𝒫 k u) k) ∧ (∀t∈set (butlast ts). chars_of_token t = [])"
by blast
then have ts_nonempty: "ts ≠ []" using 2 using self_append_conv by auto
obtain T where T: "T = 𝒴 (𝒵 k u) (𝒫 k u) k" by blast
obtain J where J: "J = π k T (Gen (paths_le k (𝒫 k u)))" by blast
from q p_ts have chars_of_token_is_empty: "⋀ t. t∈set ts ⟹ chars_of_token t = []"
using charslength_appendix_is_empty chars_append charslength.simps le_add1 le_imp_less_Suc
le_neq_implies_less length_append not_less_eq by auto
fix sss :: "token list"
have "is_prefix sss ts ⟹ pvalid (p @ sss) x ⟹ x ∈ J"
proof (induct "length sss" arbitrary: sss x rule: less_induct)
case less
have "sss = [] ∨ sss ≠ []" by blast
then show ?case
proof (induct rule: disjCases2)
case 1
with less have pvalid_p_x: "pvalid p x" by auto
have charslength_p: "charslength p ≤ k" using p_ts by blast
with p_ts have "p ∈ paths_le k (𝒫 k u)"
by (simp add: paths_le_def)
with pvalid_p_x have "x ∈ Gen (paths_le k (𝒫 k u))"
using Gen_def mem_Collect_eq by blast
then have "x ∈ π k T (Gen (paths_le k (𝒫 k u)))" using π_apply_setmonotone
by blast
then show "x ∈ J" using pvalid_item_end q J LocalLexing.items_le_def
LocalLexing_axioms charslength_p mem_Collect_eq pvalid_p_x by auto
case 2
then have "∃ a ss. sss = ss@[a]" using rev_exhaust by blast
then obtain a ss where snoc: "sss = ss@[a]" by blast
obtain p' where p': "p' = p @ ss" by auto
then have "pvalid_left (p'@[a]) x" using snoc less pvalid_left by simp
from iffD1[OF pvalid_left_def this] obtain r ω where pvalid:
"wellformed_tokens (p' @ [a]) ∧
wellformed_item x ∧
r ≤ length (p' @ [a]) ∧
charslength (p' @ [a]) = item_end x ∧
charslength (take r (p' @ [a])) = item_origin x ∧
is_leftderivation (terminals (take r (p' @ [a])) @ [item_nonterminal x] @ ω) ∧
leftderives (item_α x) (terminals (drop r (p' @ [a])))" by blast
obtain q' where q': "q' = p'@[a]" by blast
have is_prefix_ss_ts: "is_prefix ss ts" using snoc less
by (simp add: is_prefix_append)
then have "is_prefix (p@ss) q" using p' snoc p_ts by simp
then have "is_prefix p' q" using p' by simp
then have h1: "p' ∈ 𝔓" using q 𝔓_covers_𝒫 prefixes_are_paths' subsetCE by blast
have charslength_ss: "charslength ss = 0"
apply (rule empty_tokens_have_charslength_0)
by (metis is_prefix_ss_ts append_is_Nil_conv chars_append chars_of_token_is_empty
charslength.simps charslength_0 is_prefix_def length_greater_0_conv list.size(3))
then have h2: "charslength p' = k" using p' p_ts by auto
have a_in_ts: "a ∈ set ts"
by (metis in_set_dropD is_prefix_append is_prefix_cons list.set_intros(1)
snoc less(2))
then have h3: "a ∈ T" using T p_ts by blast
have h4: "T ⊆ 𝒳 k"
using LocalLexing.𝒵.simps(2) LocalLexing_axioms T 𝒵_subset_𝒳 by blast
note h5 = q'
obtain N where N: "N = item_nonterminal x" by blast
obtain α where α: "α = item_α x" by blast
obtain β where β: "β = item_β x" by blast
have item_rule_x: "item_rule x = (N, α @ β)"
using N α β item_nonterminal_def item_rhs_def item_rhs_split by auto
have "wellformed_item x" using pvalid by blast
then have h6: "(N, α@β) ∈ ℜ" using item_rule_x
by (simp add: wellformed_item_def)
have h7: "r ≤ length q'" using pvalid q' by blast
have h8: "leftderives [𝔖] (terminals (take r q') @ [N] @ ω)"
using N is_leftderivation_def pvalid q' by blast
have h9: "leftderives α (terminals (drop r q'))" using α pvalid q' by blast
have h10: "k = k + length (chars_of_token a)"
by (simp add: a_in_ts chars_of_token_is_empty)
have h11: "x = Item (N, α @ β) (length α) (charslength (take r q')) k"
by (metis α charslength_ss a_in_ts append_Nil2 chars.simps(2) chars_append
chars_of_token_is_empty charslength.simps h2 item.collapse item_dot_is_α_length
item_rule_x length_greater_0_conv list.size(3) pvalid q')
have x_dom: "x ∈ items_le k (π k {} (Scan T k (Gen (Prefixes p'))))"
using thmD11[OF h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8 h9 h10 h11] by auto
fix y :: item
fix toks :: "token list"
assume pvalid_toks_y: "pvalid toks y"
assume is_prefix_toks_p': "is_prefix toks p'"
then have charslength_toks: "charslength toks ≤ k"
using charslength_of_prefix h2 by blast
then have item_end_y: "item_end y ≤ k" using pvalid_item_end pvalid_toks_y
by auto
have "is_prefix toks p ∨ (∃ ss'. is_prefix ss' ss ∧ toks = p@ss')"
using is_prefix_of_append is_prefix_toks_p' p' by auto
then have "y ∈ J"
proof (induct rule: disjCases2)
case 1
then have "toks ∈ 𝒫 k u" using p_ts prefixes_are_paths by blast
with charslength_toks have "toks ∈ paths_le k (𝒫 k u)"
by (simp add: paths_le_def)
then have "y ∈ Gen (paths_le k (𝒫 k u))" using pvalid_toks_y
Gen_def mem_Collect_eq by blast
then have "y ∈ π k T (Gen (paths_le k (𝒫 k u)))" using π_apply_setmonotone
by blast
then show "y ∈ J" by (simp add: J items_le_def item_end_y)
case 2
then obtain ss' where ss': "is_prefix ss' ss ∧ toks = p@ss'" by blast
then have l1: "length ss' < length sss"
using append_eq_conv_conj append_self_conv is_prefix_length length_append
less_le_trans nat_neq_iff not_Cons_self2 not_add_less1 snoc by fastforce
have l2: "is_prefix ss' ts" using ss' is_prefix_ss_ts
by (metis append_dropped_prefix is_prefix_append)
have l3: "pvalid (p @ ss') y" using ss' pvalid_toks_y by simp
show ?case using less.hyps[OF l1 l2 l3] by blast
then have "Gen (Prefixes p') ⊆ J"
by (meson Gen_implies_pvalid Prefixes_is_prefix subsetI)
with x_dom have r0: "x ∈ items_le k (π k {} (Scan T k J))"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) LocalLexing.items_le_def LocalLexing_axioms
mem_Collect_eq mono_Scan mono_π mono_subset_elem subsetI)
then have x_in_π: "x ∈ π k {} (Scan T k J)"
using LocalLexing.items_le_is_filter LocalLexing_axioms subsetCE by blast
have r1: "Scan T k J = J"
by (simp add: J Scan_π_fix)
have r2: "π k {} J = J" using π_idempotent' using J by blast
from x_in_π r1 r2 show "x ∈ J" by auto
note th = this
have x_in_J: "x ∈ J"
apply (rule th[of ts])
apply (simp add: is_prefix_eq_proper_prefix)
using p_ts q by blast
have 𝒯_eq_𝒵: "𝒯 k (Suc u) = 𝒵 k (Suc u)"
using induct induct_tokens 𝒯_equals_𝒵_induct_step by blast
have T_alt: "T = 𝒯 k (Suc u)" using 𝒯_eq_𝒵 T by simp
have "J = π k T (items_le k (𝒥 k u))" using induct J by simp
then have "J ⊆ π k T (𝒥 k u)" by (simp add: items_le_is_filter monoD mono_π)
with T_alt have "J ⊆ 𝒥 k (Suc u)" using 𝒥.simps(2) by blast
with x_in_J have "x ∈ 𝒥 k (Suc u)" by blast
then show ?case
using LocalLexing.items_le_def LocalLexing_axioms pvalid_item_end q by auto
then show ?thesis by auto