Theory TheoremD10
theory TheoremD10
imports TheoremD9 Ladder
context LocalLexing begin
lemma 𝒫_wellformed: "p ∈ 𝒫 k u ⟹ wellformed_tokens p"
using 𝒫_are_admissible admissible_wellformed_tokens by blast
lemma 𝒳_token_length: "t ∈ 𝒳 k ⟹ k + length (chars_of_token t) ≤ length Doc"
by (metis le_diff_conv2 𝒳_is_prefix add.commute chars_of_token_def empty_𝒳
empty_iff is_prefix_length le_neq_implies_less length_drop linear)
lemma mono_Scan: "mono (Scan T k)"
by (simp add: Scan_regular regular_implies_mono)
lemma π_apply_setmonotone: "x ∈ I ⟹ x ∈ π k T I"
using Complete_subset_π LocalLexing.Complete_def LocalLexing_axioms by blast
lemma Scan_apply_setmonotone: "x ∈ I ⟹ x ∈ Scan T k I"
by (simp add: Scan_def)
lemma leftderives_padfront:
assumes "leftderives α β"
assumes "is_word u"
shows "leftderives (u@α) (u@β)"
using LeftDerivation_append_prefix LeftDerivation_implies_leftderives assms(1) assms(2)
leftderives_implies_LeftDerivation by blast
lemma leftderives_padback:
assumes "leftderives α β"
assumes "is_sentence u"
shows "leftderives (α@u) (β@u)"
using LeftDerivation_append_suffix LeftDerivation_implies_leftderives assms(1) assms(2)
leftderives_implies_LeftDerivation by blast
lemma leftderives_pad:
assumes α_β: "leftderives α β"
assumes is_word: "is_word u"
assumes is_sentence: "is_sentence v"
shows "leftderives (u@α@v) (u@β@v)"
by (simp add: α_β is_sentence is_word leftderives_padback leftderives_padfront)
lemma leftderives_rule:
assumes "(N, w) ∈ ℜ"
shows "leftderives [N] w"
by (metis append_Nil append_Nil2 assms is_sentence_def is_word_terminals leftderives1_def
leftderives1_implies_leftderives list.pred_inject(1) terminals_empty wellformed_tokens_empty_path)
lemma leftderives_rule_step:
assumes ld: "leftderives a (u@[N]@v)"
assumes rule: "(N, w) ∈ ℜ"
assumes is_word: "is_word u"
assumes is_sentence: "is_sentence v"
shows "leftderives a (u@w@v)"
proof -
have N_w: "leftderives [N] w" using rule leftderives_rule by blast
then have "leftderives (u@[N]@v) (u@w@v)" using leftderives_pad is_word is_sentence by blast
then show "leftderives a (u@w@v)" using leftderives_trans ld by blast
lemma leftderives_trans_step:
assumes ld: "leftderives a (u@b@v)"
assumes rule: "leftderives b c"
assumes is_word: "is_word u"
assumes is_sentence: "is_sentence v"
shows "leftderives a (u@c@v)"
proof -
have "leftderives (u@b@v) (u@c@v)" using leftderives_pad ld rule is_word is_sentence by blast
then show ?thesis using leftderives_trans ld by blast
lemma charslength_of_prefix:
assumes "is_prefix a b"
shows "charslength a ≤ charslength b"
by (simp add: assms is_prefix_chars is_prefix_length)
lemma item_rhs_simp[simp]: "item_rhs (Item (N, α) d i j) = α"
by (simp add: item_rhs_def)
definition Prefixes :: "'a list ⇒ 'a list set"
"Prefixes p = { q . is_prefix q p }"
lemma 𝔓_wellformed: "p ∈ 𝔓 ⟹ wellformed_tokens p"
by (simp add: 𝔓_are_admissible admissible_wellformed_tokens)
lemma Prefixes_reflexive[simp]: "p ∈ Prefixes p"
by (simp add: Prefixes_def is_prefix_def)
lemma Prefixes_is_prefix: "q ∈ Prefixes p = is_prefix q p"
by (simp add: Prefixes_def)
lemma prefixes_are_paths': "p ∈ 𝔓 ⟹ is_prefix q p ⟹ q ∈ 𝔓"
using 𝒫.simps(3) 𝔓_def prefixes_are_paths by blast
lemma thmD10_ladder:
"p ∈ 𝔓 ⟹
charslength p = k ⟹
X ∈ T ⟹
T ⊆ 𝒳 k ⟹
(N, α@β) ∈ ℜ ⟹
r ≤ length p ⟹
leftderives [𝔖] ((terminals (take r p))@[N]@γ) ⟹
LeftDerivationLadder α D L (terminals ((drop r p)@[X])) ⟹
ladder_last_j L = length (drop r p) ⟹
k' = k + length (chars_of_token X) ⟹
x = Item (N, α@β) (length α) (charslength (take r p)) k' ⟹
I = items_le k' (π k' {} (Scan T k (Gen (Prefixes p))))
⟹ x ∈ I"
proof (induct "length L" arbitrary: N α β r γ D L x rule: less_induct)
case less
have item_origin_x_def: "item_origin x = (charslength (take r p))"
by (simp add: less.prems(11))
then have x_k: "item_origin x ≤ k"
using charslength.simps is_prefix_chars is_prefix_length is_prefix_take less.prems(2) by force
have item_end_x_def: "item_end x = k'" by (simp add: less.prems(11))
have item_dot_x_def: "item_dot x = length α" by (simp add: less.prems(11))
have k'_upperbound: "k' ≤ length Doc"
using 𝒳_token_length less.prems(10) less.prems(3) less.prems(4) by blast
note item_def = less.prems(11)
note k' = less.prems(10)
note rule_dom = less.prems(5)
note p_charslength = less.prems(2)
note p_dom = less.prems(1)
note r = less.prems(6)
note leftderives_start = less.prems(7)
note X_dom = less.prems(3)
have wellformed_x: "wellformed_item x"
apply (auto simp add: wellformed_item_def item_def rule_dom p_charslength)
apply (subst k')
apply (subst charslength.simps[symmetric])
apply (subst p_charslength[symmetric])
using item_origin_x_def p_charslength x_k apply linarith
apply (rule k'_upperbound)
have leftderives_α: "leftderives α (terminals ((drop r p)@[X]))"
using LeftDerivationLadder_def LeftDerivation_implies_leftderives less.prems(8) by blast
have is_sentence_drop_pX: "is_sentence (drop r (terminals p) @ [terminal_of_token X])"
by (metis derives_is_sentence is_sentence_concat leftderives_α leftderives_implies_derives
rule_α_type rule_dom terminals_append terminals_drop terminals_singleton)
have snd_item_rule_x: "snd (item_rule x) = α@β" by (simp add: item_def)
from less have "is_ladder D L" using LeftDerivationLadder_def by blast
then have "length L ≠ 0" by (simp add: is_ladder_not_empty)
then have "length L = 1 ∨ length L > 1" by arith
then show ?case
proof (induct rule: disjCases2)
case 1
have "∃ i. LeftDerivationFix α i D (length (drop r p)) (terminals ((drop r p)@[X]))"
using "1.hyps" LeftDerivationLadder_L_0 less.prems(8) less.prems(9) by fastforce
then obtain i where LDF:
"LeftDerivationFix α i D (length (drop r p)) (terminals ((drop r p)@[X]))" by blast
from LeftDerivationFix_splits_at_derives[OF this] obtain U a1 a2 b1 b2 where decompose:
"splits_at α i a1 U a2 ∧ splits_at (terminals (drop r p @ [X]))
(length (drop r p)) b1 U b2 ∧ derives a1 b1 ∧ derives a2 b2" by blast
then have b1: "b1 = terminals (drop r p)"
by (simp add: append_eq_conv_conj splits_at_def)
with decompose have U: "U = fst X"
by (metis length_terminals nth_append_length splits_at_def terminal_of_token_def
terminals_append terminals_singleton)
from decompose b1 U have b2: "b2 = []"
by (simp add: splits_at_combine splits_at_def)
have D: "LeftDerivation α D (terminals ((drop r p)@[X]))"
using LDF LeftDerivationLadder_def less.prems(8) by blast
let ?y = "Item (item_rule x) (length a1) (item_origin x) k"
have wellformed_y: "wellformed_item ?y"
using wellformed_x
apply (auto simp add: wellformed_item_def x_k)
using k' k'_upperbound apply arith
apply (simp add: item_rhs_def snd_item_rule_x)
using decompose splits_at_def
by (simp add: is_prefix_length trans_le_add1)
have y_nonterminal: "item_nonterminal ?y = N"
by (simp add: item_def item_nonterminal_def)
have item_α_y: "item_α ?y = a1"
by (metis append_assoc append_eq_conv_conj append_take_drop_id decompose item.sel(1)
item.sel(2) item_α_def item_rhs_def snd_item_rule_x splits_at_def)
have pvalid_y: "pvalid p ?y"
apply (auto simp add: pvalid_def)
using p_dom 𝔓_wellformed apply blast
using wellformed_y apply auto[1]
apply (rule_tac x=r in exI)
apply (auto simp add: r)
using p_charslength apply simp
using item_def apply simp
apply (rule_tac x=γ in exI)
using y_nonterminal apply simp
using is_derivation_def leftderives_start apply auto[1]
apply (simp add: item_α_y)
using b1 decompose by auto
let ?z = "inc_item ?y k'"
have item_rhs_y: "item_rhs ?y = α@β"
by (simp add: item_def item_rhs_def)
have split_α: "α = a1@[U]@a2" using decompose splits_at_combine by blast
have next_symbol_y: "next_symbol ?y = Some(fst X)"
by (auto simp add: next_symbol_def is_complete_def item_rhs_y split_α U)
have z_in_Scan_y: "?z ∈ Scan T k {?y}"
apply (simp add: Scan_def)
apply (rule disjI2)
apply (rule_tac x="?y" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="fst X" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="snd X" in exI)
apply (auto simp add: bin_def X_dom)
using k' chars_of_token_def apply simp
using next_symbol_y apply simp
from pvalid_y have "?y ∈ Gen(Prefixes p)"
apply (simp add: Gen_def)
apply (rule_tac x=p in exI)
by (auto simp add: paths_le_def p_dom)
then have "Scan T k {?y} ⊆ Scan T k (Gen(Prefixes p))"
apply (rule_tac monoD[OF mono_Scan])
apply blast
with z_in_Scan_y have z_in_Scan_Gen: "?z ∈ Scan T k (Gen(Prefixes p))"
using rev_subsetD by blast
have wellformed_z: "wellformed_item ?z"
using k' k'_upperbound next_symbol_y wellformed_inc_item wellformed_y by auto
have item_β_z: "item_β ?z = a2@β"
apply (simp add: item_β_def)
apply (simp add: item_rhs_y split_α)
have item_end_z: "item_end ?z = k'" by simp
have x_via_z: "x = inc_dot (length a2) ?z"
by (simp add: inc_dot_def less.prems(11) split_α)
have x_in_z: "x ∈ π k' {} {?z}"
apply (subst x_via_z)
apply (rule_tac thmD6[OF wellformed_z item_β_z item_end_z])
using decompose b2 by blast
have "π k' {} {?z} ⊆ π k' {} (Scan T k (Gen(Prefixes p)))"
apply (rule_tac monoD[OF mono_π])
using z_in_Scan_Gen using empty_subsetI insert_subset by blast
then have x_in_Scan_Gen: "x ∈ π k' {} (Scan T k (Gen(Prefixes p)))"
using x_in_z by blast
have "item_end x = k'" by (simp add: item_end_x_def)
with x_in_Scan_Gen show ?case
using items_le_def less.prems(12) mem_Collect_eq nat_le_linear by blast
case 2
obtain i where i: "i = ladder_i L 0" by blast
obtain i' where i': "i' = ladder_j L 0" by blast
obtain α' where α': "α' = ladder_γ α D L 0" by blast
obtain n where n: "n = ladder_n L 0" by blast
have ldfix: "LeftDerivationFix α i (take n D) i' α'"
using LeftDerivationLadder_def α' i i' n less.prems(8) by blast
have α'_alt: "α' = ladder_α α D L 1" using 2 by (simp add: α' ladder_α_def)
have i'_alt: "i' = ladder_i L 1" using 2 by (simp add: i' ladder_i_def)
obtain e where e: "e = D ! n" by blast
obtain ix where ix: "ix = ladder_ix L 1" by blast
obtain m where m: "m = ladder_n L 1" by blast
obtain E where E: "E = drop (Suc n) (take m D)" by blast
have ldintro: "LeftDerivationIntro α' i' (snd e) ix E (ladder_j L 1) (ladder_γ α D L 1)"
by (metis "2.hyps" LeftDerivationIntrosAt_def LeftDerivationIntros_def
LeftDerivationLadder_def One_nat_def α'_alt E diff_Suc_1 e i'_alt ix leI
less.prems(8) m n not_less_eq zero_less_one)
have is_nonterminal_α'_at_i': "is_nonterminal (α' ! i')"
using LeftDerivationIntro_implies_nonterminal ldintro by blast
then have is_nonterminal_α_at_i: "is_nonterminal (α ! i)"
using LeftDerivationFix_def ldfix by auto
then have "∃ A a1 a2 a1'. splits_at α i a1 A a2 ∧ splits_at α' i' a1' A a2 ∧
LeftDerivation a1 (take n D) a1'"
using LeftDerivationFix_splits_at_nonterminal ldfix by auto
then obtain A a1 a2 a1' where A: "splits_at α i a1 A a2 ∧ splits_at α' i' a1' A a2 ∧
LeftDerivation a1 (take n D) a1'" by blast
have A_def: "A = α' ! i'" using A splits_at_def by blast
have is_nonterminal_A: "is_nonterminal A" using A_def is_nonterminal_α'_at_i' by blast
have "∃ rule. e = (i', rule)"
by (metis e "2.hyps" LeftDerivationIntrosAt_def LeftDerivationIntros_def
LeftDerivationLadder_def One_nat_def Suc_leI diff_Suc_1 i'_alt less.prems(8)
n prod.collapse zero_less_one)
then obtain rule where rule: "e = (i', rule)" by blast
obtain w where w: "w = snd rule" by blast
obtain α'' where α'': "α'' = a1' @ w @ a2" by blast
have α'_α'': "LeftDerives1 α' i' rule α''"
by (metis A w LeftDerivationFix_is_sentence LeftDerivationIntro_def
LeftDerivationIntro_examine_rule LeftDerives1_def α'' ldfix ldintro prod.collapse
rule snd_conv splits_at_implies_Derives1)
then have is_word_a1': "is_word a1'" using LeftDerives1_splits_at_is_word A by blast
have A_eq_fst_rule: "A = fst rule"
using A LeftDerivationIntro_examine_rule ldintro rule by fastforce
have ix_bound: "ix < length w" using ix w rule ldintro LeftDerivationIntro_def snd_conv
by auto
then have "∃ w1 W w2. splits_at w ix w1 W w2" using splits_at_def by blast
then obtain w1 W w2 where W: "splits_at w ix w1 W w2" by blast
have a1'_w_a2: "a1'@w@a2 = ladder_stepdown_α_0 α D L"
using ladder_stepdown_α_0_altdef "2.hyps" A α'_alt e i'_alt less.prems(8) n rule
snd_conv w by force
from LeftDerivationLadder_stepdown[OF less.prems(8) 2] obtain L' where L':
"LeftDerivationLadder (a1'@(w@a2)) (drop (ladder_stepdown_diff L) D) L'
(terminals (drop r p @ [X])) ∧
length L' = length L - 1 ∧
ladder_i L' 0 = ladder_i L 1 + ladder_ix L 1 ∧ ladder_last_j L' = ladder_last_j L"
using a1'_w_a2 by auto
have ladder_i_L'_0: "ladder_i L' 0 = i' + ix" using L' i'_alt ix by auto
have ladder_last_j_L': "ladder_last_j L' = length (drop r p)" using L' less.prems by auto
from L' have this1: "LeftDerivationLadder (a1'@(w@a2)) (drop (ladder_stepdown_diff L) D) L'
(terminals (drop r p @ [X]))" by blast
have this2: "length a1' ≤ ladder_i L' 0" using A ladder_i_L'_0 splits_at_def by auto
from LeftDerivationLadder_cut_prefix[OF this1 is_word_a1' this2]
obtain D' L'' γ' where L'':
"terminals (drop r p @ [X]) = a1' @ γ' ∧
LeftDerivationLadder (w @ a2) D' L'' γ' ∧
D' = derivation_shift (drop (ladder_stepdown_diff L) D) (length a1') 0 ∧
length L'' = length L' ∧
ladder_i L'' 0 + length a1' = ladder_i L' 0 ∧
ladder_last_j L'' + length a1' = ladder_last_j L'" by blast
have length_a1'_bound: "length a1' ≤ length (drop r p)" using L'' ladder_last_j_L'
by linarith
then have is_prefix_a1'_drop_r_p: "is_prefix a1' (terminals (drop r p))"
proof -
have f1: "∀ss ssa ssb. ¬ is_prefix (ss::symbol list) (ssa @ ssb) ∨ is_prefix ss ssa ∨ (∃ssc. ssc ≠ [] ∧ is_prefix ssc ssb ∧ ss = ssa @ ssc)"
by (simp add: is_prefix_of_append)
have f2: "⋀ss ssa. is_prefix ((ss::symbol list) @ ssa) ss ∨ ¬ is_prefix ssa []"
by (metis (no_types) append_Nil2 is_prefix_cancel)
have f3: "⋀ss. is_prefix ss [] ∨ ¬ is_prefix (terminals (drop r p) @ ss) a1'"
by (metis (no_types) drop_eq_Nil is_prefix_append length_a1'_bound length_terminals)
have "is_prefix a1' (a1' @ γ') ∧ is_prefix a1' a1'"
by (metis (no_types) append_Nil2 is_prefix_cancel is_prefix_empty)
then show ?thesis
using f3 f2 f1 by (metis L'' terminals_append)
obtain r' where r': "r' = r + i'" by blast
have length_a1'_eq_i': "length a1' = i'"
using A less_or_eq_imp_le min.absorb2 splits_at_def by auto
have a1'_r': "r ≤ r' ∧ r' ≤ length p ∧
terminals (drop r p) = a1' @ (terminals (drop r' p))"
using is_prefix_a1'_drop_r_p r'
proof -
have "∃ q. terminals (drop r p) = a1' @ q"
using is_prefix_a1'_drop_r_p by (metis is_prefix_unsplit)
then obtain q where q: "terminals (drop r p) = a1' @ q" by blast
have "q = drop i' (terminals (drop r p))"
using length_a1'_eq_i' q by (simp add: append_eq_conv_conj)
then have "q = terminals (drop i' (drop r p))" by simp
then have "q = terminals (drop r' p)" by (simp add: r' add.commute)
with q show ?thesis
using add.commute diff_add_inverse le_Suc_ex le_add1 le_diff_conv length_a1'_bound
length_a1'_eq_i' length_drop r r' by auto
have ladder_i_L'': "ladder_i L'' 0 = ix" using L'' ladder_i_L'_0 length_a1'_eq_i'
add.commute add_left_cancel by linarith
have L''_ladder: "LeftDerivationLadder (w @ a2) D' L'' γ'" using L'' by blast
have "ladder_i L'' 0 < length w" using ladder_i_L'' ix_bound by blast
from LeftDerivationLadder_cut_appendix[OF L''_ladder this]
obtain E' F' γ1' γ2' L''' where L''':
"D' = E' @ F' ∧
γ' = γ1' @ γ2' ∧
LeftDerivationLadder w E' L''' γ1' ∧
derivation_ge F' (length γ1') ∧
LeftDerivation a2 (derivation_shift F' (length γ1') 0) γ2' ∧
length L''' = length L'' ∧ ladder_i L''' 0 = ladder_i L'' 0 ∧
ladder_last_j L''' = ladder_last_j L''"
by blast
obtain z where z: "z = Item (A, w) (length w) (charslength (take r' p)) k'" by blast
have z1: "length L''' < length L" using "2.hyps" L' L'' L''' by linarith
have z2: "p ∈ 𝔓" by (simp add: p_dom)
have z3: "charslength p = k" using p_charslength by auto
have z4: "X ∈ T" by (simp add: X_dom)
have z5: "T ⊆ 𝒳 k" by (simp add: less.prems(4))
have "rule ∈ ℜ"
using Derives1_rule LeftDerives1_implies_Derives1 α'_α'' by blast
then have z6: "(A, w @ []) ∈ ℜ" using w A_eq_fst_rule by auto
have z7: "r' ≤ length p" using a1'_r' by linarith
have "leftderives [𝔖] ((terminals (take r p))@[N]@γ)"
using leftderives_start by blast
then have "leftderives [𝔖] ((terminals (take r p))@(α@β)@γ)"
by (metis 𝔓_wellformed is_derivation_def is_derivation_is_sentence is_sentence_concat
is_word_terminals_take leftderives_implies_derives leftderives_rule_step p_dom rule_dom)
then have "leftderives [𝔖] ((terminals (take r p))@a1@([A]@a2@β)@γ)"
using A splits_at_combine append_assoc by fastforce
then have z8_helper: "leftderives [𝔖] ((terminals (take r p))@a1'@([A]@a2@β)@γ)"
by (meson A LeftDerivation_implies_leftderives 𝔓_wellformed is_derivation_def
is_derivation_is_sentence is_sentence_concat is_word_terminals_take
leftderives_implies_derives leftderives_trans_step p_dom)
have join_terminals: "(terminals (take r p))@a1' = terminals (take r' p)"
by (metis is_prefix_a1'_drop_r_p length_a1'_eq_i' r' take_add take_prefix
terminals_drop terminals_take)
from z8_helper join_terminals have z8:
"leftderives [𝔖] (terminals (take r' p) @ [A] @ a2 @ β @ γ)"
by (metis append_assoc)
have γ'_altdef: "γ' = terminals (drop r' p @ [X])"
using L'' a1'_r' by auto
have "ladder_last_j L''' + length a1' = length (drop r p)"
using L'' L''' ladder_last_j_L' by linarith
then have ladder_last_j_L'''_γ': "ladder_last_j L''' = length γ' - 1"
by (simp add: γ'_altdef length_a1'_eq_i' r')
then have "length γ' - 1 < length γ1'"
using L''' ladder_last_j_bound by fastforce
then have "length γ1' + length γ2' - 1 < length γ1'"
using L''' by simp
then have "length γ2' = 0" by arith
then have γ2': "γ2' = []" by simp
then have γ1': "γ1' = terminals (drop r' p @ [X])" using γ'_altdef L''' by auto
then have z9: "LeftDerivationLadder w E' L''' (terminals (drop r' p @ [X]))"
using L''' by blast
have z10: "ladder_last_j L''' = length (drop r' p)"
using γ'_altdef ladder_last_j_L'''_γ' by auto
note z11 = k'
have z12: "z = Item (A, w @ []) (length w) (charslength (take r' p)) k'"
using z by simp
note z13 = less.prems(12)
note induct = less.hyps(1)[of L''' A w "[]" r' "a2@β@γ" E' z]
note z_in_I = induct[OF z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 z7 z8 z9 z10 z11 z12 z13]
have a2_derives_empty: "derives a2 []" using L''' γ2'
using LeftDerivation_implies_leftderives leftderives_implies_derives by blast
obtain x1 where x1: "x1 = Item (N, α@β) (length a1)
(charslength (take r p)) (charslength (take r' p))" by blast
obtain q where q: "q = take r' p" by blast
then have is_prefix_q_p: "is_prefix q p" by simp
then have q_in_Prefixes: "q ∈ Prefixes p" using Prefixes_is_prefix by blast
then have wellformed_q: "wellformed_tokens q"
using p_dom is_prefix_q_p prefixes_are_paths' 𝔓_wellformed by blast
have item_rule_x1: "item_rule x1 = (N, α@β)"
using x1 by simp
have is_prefix_r_r': "is_prefix (take r p) (take r' p)"
by (metis append_eq_conv_conj is_prefix_take r' take_add)
then have charslength_le_r_r': "charslength (take r p) ≤ charslength (take r' p)"
using charslength_of_prefix by blast
have "is_prefix (take r' p) p" by auto
then have charslength_r'_p: "charslength (take r' p) ≤ charslength p"
using charslength_of_prefix by blast
have "charslength p ≤ length Doc"
using less.prems(1) add_leE k' k'_upperbound z3 by blast
with charslength_r'_p have charslength_r'_Doc:
"charslength (take r' p) ≤ length Doc" by arith
have α_decompose: "α = a1 @ [A] @ a2" using A splits_at_combine by blast
have wellformed_x1: "wellformed_item x1"
apply (auto simp add: wellformed_item_def)
using item_rule_x1 less.prems apply auto[1]
using charslength_le_r_r' x1 apply auto[1]
using charslength_r'_Doc x1 apply auto[1]
using x1 α_decompose by simp
have item_nonterminal_x1: "item_nonterminal x1 = N"
by (simp add: x1 item_nonterminal_def)
have r_q_p: "take r (terminals q) = terminals (take r p)"
by (metis q is_prefix_r_r' length_take min.absorb2 r take_prefix terminals_take)
have item_α_x1: "item_α x1 = a1" by (simp add: α_decompose item_α_def x1)
have a1': "a1' = drop r (terminals q)"
by (metis append_eq_conv_conj join_terminals length_take length_terminals min.absorb2 q r)
have pvalid_q_x1: "pvalid q x1"
apply (simp add: pvalid_def wellformed_q wellformed_x1 item_nonterminal_x1)
apply (rule_tac x=r in exI)
apply auto
apply (simp add: a1'_r' min.absorb2 q)
apply (simp add: q x1)
apply (simp add: q x1 r')
using r_q_p less.prems(7) append_Cons is_leftderivation_def
leftderivation_implies_derivation apply fastforce
apply (simp add: item_α_x1)
using a1' A LeftDerivation_implies_leftderives leftderives_implies_derives by blast
have item_end_x1_le_k': "item_end x1 ≤ k'"
using charslength_r'_p
apply (simp add: x1)
using less.prems by auto
have x1_in_I: "x1 ∈ I"
apply (subst less.prems(12))
apply (auto simp add: items_le_def item_end_x1_le_k')
apply (rule π_apply_setmonotone)
apply (rule Scan_apply_setmonotone)
apply (simp add: Gen_def)
apply (rule_tac x=q in exI)
by (simp add: pvalid_q_x1 paths_le_def q_in_Prefixes)
obtain x2 where x2: "x2 = inc_item x1 k'" by blast
have x1_in_bin: "x1 ∈ bin I (item_origin z)"
using bin_def x1 x1_in_I z12 by auto
have x2_in_Complete: "x2 ∈ Complete k' I"
apply (simp add: Complete_def)
apply (rule disjI2)
apply (rule_tac x=x1 in exI)
apply (simp add: x2)
apply (rule_tac x=z in exI)
apply auto
using x1_in_bin apply blast
using bin_def z12 z_in_I apply auto[1]
apply (simp add: is_complete_def z12)
by (simp add: α_decompose is_complete_def item_nonterminal_def next_symbol_def x1 z12)
have wf_I': "wellformed_items (π k' {} (Scan T k (Gen (Prefixes p))))"
by (simp add: wellformed_items_Gen wellformed_items_Scan wellformed_items_π z5)
from items_le_Complete[OF this] x2_in_Complete
have x2_in_I: "x2 ∈ I" by (metis Complete_π_fix z13)
have "wellformed_items I"
using wf_I' items_le_is_filter wellformed_items_def z13 by auto
with x2_in_I have wellformed_x2: "wellformed_item x2"
by (simp add: wellformed_items_def)
have item_dot_x2: "item_dot x2 = Suc (length a1)"
by (simp add: x2 x1)
have item_β_x2: "item_β x2 = a2 @ β"
apply (simp add: item_β_def item_dot_x2)
apply (simp add: item_rhs_def x2 x1 α_decompose)
have item_end_x2: "item_end x2 = k'" by (simp add: x2)
note inc_dot_x2_by_a2 = thmD6[OF wellformed_x2 item_β_x2 item_end_x2 a2_derives_empty]
have "x = inc_dot (length a2) x2"
by (simp add: α_decompose inc_dot_def less.prems(11) x1 x2)
with inc_dot_x2_by_a2 have "x ∈ π k' {} {x2}" by auto
then have "x ∈ π k' {} I" using x2_in_I
by (meson contra_subsetD empty_subsetI insert_subset monoD mono_π)
then show "x ∈ I"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) π_subset_elem_trans dual_order.refl item_end_x_def
items_le_def items_le_is_filter mem_Collect_eq z13)
theorem thmD10:
assumes p_dom: "p ∈ 𝔓"
assumes p_charslength: "charslength p = k"
assumes X_dom: "X ∈ T"
assumes T_dom: "T ⊆ 𝒳 k"
assumes rule_dom: "(N, α@β) ∈ ℜ"
assumes r: "r ≤ length p"
assumes leftderives_start: "leftderives [𝔖] ((terminals (take r p))@[N]@γ)"
assumes leftderives_α: "leftderives α (terminals ((drop r p)@[X]))"
assumes k': "k' = k + length (chars_of_token X)"
assumes item_def: "x = Item (N, α@β) (length α) (charslength (take r p)) k'"
assumes I: "I = items_le k' (π k' {} (Scan T k (Gen (Prefixes p))))"
shows "x ∈ I"
proof -
have "∃ D. LeftDerivation α D (terminals ((drop r p)@[X]))"
using leftderives_α leftderives_implies_LeftDerivation by blast
then obtain D where D: "LeftDerivation α D (terminals ((drop r p)@[X]))" by blast
have is_sentence: "is_sentence (terminals (drop r p @ [X]))"
using derives_is_sentence is_sentence_concat leftderives_α leftderives_implies_derives
rule_α_type rule_dom by blast
have "∃ L. LeftDerivationLadder α D L (terminals ((drop r p)@[X])) ∧
ladder_last_j L = length (drop r p)"
apply (rule LeftDerivationLadder_exists)
apply (rule D)
apply (rule is_sentence)
by auto
then obtain L where L: "LeftDerivationLadder α D L (terminals ((drop r p)@[X]))" and
L_ladder_last_j: "ladder_last_j L = length (drop r p)" by blast
from thmD10_ladder[OF assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) assms(5) assms(6) assms(7)
L L_ladder_last_j k' item_def I]
show ?thesis .