Theory Diff_PiE

(*  Title:       Diff_PiE
    Author:      Richard Schmoetten <>, 2024
    Maintainer:  Richard Schmoetten <>

theory Diff_PiE

lemma PiE_iff: "f  AEB  (aA. f a  B)  (a. aA  f a = undefined)" by auto
lemma "f x = None  x  dom f" by (simp add: domIff)
lemma "f  DEC  f x = undefined  xD" oops
lemma "f  DEC  xD  f x  C" oops
lemma "f  DEC  f x  C  xD" by auto

section ‹Automorphisms using the function set›

locale automorphism_PiE = c_manifold begin

definition automorphism_PiE :: "('a'a)  bool"
  where "automorphism_PiE f  (f'carrierEcarrier. c_automorphism k charts f f')  fcarrierEcarrier"

lemma automorphism_PiED [dest]:
  assumes "automorphism_PiE f"
  shows "f'carrierEcarrier. c_automorphism k charts f f'"
    and "fcarrierEcarrier" and "bij_betw f carrier carrier"
  using assms diffeomorphism.is_bij_betw[of k charts charts f] by (auto simp: automorphism_PiE_def c_automorphism_def)

lemma automorphism_PiED2:
  assumes "automorphism_PiE f"
  obtains f' where "f'carrierEcarrier" "c_automorphism k charts f f'" "bij_betw f carrier carrier"
  using automorphism_PiED[OF assms] by blast

lemma automorphism_PiEI [intro]:
  assumes "f'carrierEcarrier. c_automorphism k charts f f'"
    and "fcarrierEcarrier" and "bij_betw f carrier carrier"
  shows "automorphism_PiE f"
  using assms by (auto simp: automorphism_PiE_def)

lemma automorphism_PiE_partial_id: "automorphism_PiE (restrict id carrier)"
  apply (intro automorphism_PiEI exI c_automorphism.intro)
  apply (smt (verit, best) c_automorphism.automorphism_cong' c_automorphism.c_automorphism_cong c_automorphism.intro id_apply id_diffeomorphism restrict_PiE_iff restrict_apply')
  by auto

lemma automorphism_PiE_openin:
  assumes "automorphism_PiE f" "openin (top_of_set carrier) S"
  shows "openin (top_of_set carrier) (f ` S)"
  using assms diffeomorphism.is_homeomorphism homeomorphism_imp_open_map
  unfolding automorphism_PiE_def c_automorphism_def
  by metis

lemma automorphism_surj_inj:
  assumes "automorphism_PiE f"
  shows "f ` carrier = carrier" "inj_on f carrier"
  using automorphism_PiED[OF assms] by (meson bij_betw_imp_surj_on bij_betw_imp_inj_on)+

lemma the_inverse_aut_PiE:
  fixes f g
  defines f' [simp]: "f'  λy::'a. if ycarrier then g y else undefined"
  assumes f: "fcarrierEcarrier" "bij_betw f carrier carrier" and g: "gcarrierEcarrier" "c_automorphism k charts f g"
  shows "automorphism_PiE f'"
    and "x. x  carrier  (f' ((f x))) = x"
    and "x. x  carrier  (f ((f' x))) = x"
proof -

  have diff_f': "diff k charts charts f'"
    using c_automorphism.inverse_automorphism g diff.diff_cong
    unfolding c_automorphism_def diffeomorphism_def f'
    by fastforce

  text ‹Finding an inverse diffeomorphism is the main part of this proof.›
  have diffeo_f': "diffeomorphism k charts charts f' f"
    apply (intro diffeomorphism.intro diffeomorphism_axioms.intro conjI)
    subgoal using diff_f' .
    subgoal using assms unfolding automorphism_PiE_def c_automorphism_def diffeomorphism_def by simp
    subgoal by (simp, metis c_automorphism.axioms(1) diffeomorphism.f'_inv g(2))
    subgoal using c_automorphism.in_dest diffeomorphism.f_inv g by (simp add: c_automorphism_def, blast)

  show "automorphism_PiE f'"
    apply (intro automorphism_PiEI exI[of _ f])
    using c_automorphism.intro diffeo_f' f(1) apply blast
    using c_automorphism.in_dest c_automorphism.intro diffeo_f' apply fastforce
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) bij_betwE bij_betwI' diff.defined diff_f' diffeo_f' diffeomorphism.f'_inv diffeomorphism.f_inv f(2) image_eqI subsetD)

  { fix x assume "x  carrier"
    show "f' (f x) = x"
      using x  carrier diffeo_f' diffeomorphism.f'_inv by blast
    show "f (f' x) = x"
      using x  carrier diffeo_f' diffeomorphism.f_inv by blast }

lemma obtain_inverse_aut_PiE:
  assumes "automorphism_PiE f"
  obtains f' where "automorphism_PiE f'"
    and "x. x  carrier  (f' ((f x))) = x"
    and "x. x  carrier  (f ((f' x))) = x"
  using the_inverse_aut_PiE automorphism_PiED[OF assms] by blast

abbreviation Diff_comp_PiE (infixl c 80)
  where "Diff_comp_PiE  compose carrier"

lemma aut_comp_simps [simp]: "(g c f) x = g (f x)"
    "automorphism_PiE g  zcarrier. z = (g c f) x"
  if "x  carrier" "automorphism_PiE f" for x
  subgoal by (simp add: compose_eq that(1))
  subgoal by (metis (no_types, lifting) automorphism_surj_inj(1) image_eqI surj_compose that)

lemma aut_to [simp]: "f x  carrier" if "automorphism_PiE f" "x  carrier"
  using automorphism_surj_inj(1) that by auto

lemma automorphism_PiE_ran: "{f x | x. x  carrier} = carrier" if aut_f: "automorphism_PiE f"
proof -
  have "y. x = f y  y  carrier" if "x  carrier" for x
    using aut_to obtain_inverse_aut_PiE that aut_f by metis
  thus ?thesis by (auto simp: that)

lemma aut_comp:
  assumes "automorphism_PiE f" "automorphism_PiE g"
  shows "automorphism_PiE (g c f)"
proof (intro automorphism_PiEI)

  obtain f' where f': "c_automorphism k charts (λx. f x) f'" and f: "fcarrierEcarrier" "bij_betw f carrier carrier"
    using automorphism_PiED[OF assms(1)] by blast
  obtain g' where g': "c_automorphism k charts (λx. g x) g'" and g: "gcarrierEcarrier" "bij_betw g carrier carrier"
    using automorphism_PiED[OF assms(2)] by blast

  have aut_comp: "c_automorphism k charts (λx. g (f x)) (f'  g')"
    using c_automorphism.automorphism_compose[OF f' g'] c_automorphism.c_automorphism_cong
    by fastforce
  have aut_compc: "c_automorphism k charts (g c f) (f' c g')"
  proof -
    have "diff k charts charts (λxcarrier. g (f x))" "diff k charts charts (λxcarrier. f' (g' x))"
      using aut_comp[unfolded compose_def c_automorphism_def diffeomorphism_def] diff.diff_cong
      unfolding restrict_def by fastforce+
    moreover have "diffeomorphism_axioms charts charts (λxcarrier. g (f x)) (λxcarrier. f' (g' x))"
      fix x assume x: "xcarrier"
      have "f' (g' (g (f x))) = x"
        using aut_comp x c_automorphism.axioms diffeomorphism.f_inv by fastforce
      moreover have "f' (g' x)  carrier  g (f (f' (g' x))) = x"
        using aut_comp x c_automorphism.axioms diffeomorphism.f'_inv by fastforce
      moreover have "f' (g' x)  carrier  undefined = x"
        using x c_automorphism.in_dest c_automorphism.inverse_automorphism f' g' by meson
      ultimately show "(λzcarrier. f' (g' z)) ((λzcarrier. g (f z)) x) = x"
        and "(λzcarrier. g (f z)) ((λzcarrier. f' (g' z)) x) = x"
        by (metis assms aut_to restrict_apply)+
    ultimately show ?thesis
      unfolding compose_def c_automorphism_def diffeomorphism_def by simp
  show "f'carrier E carrier. c_automorphism k charts (g c f) f'"
    apply (intro bexI[of _ "f' c g'"] PiE_I)
    using aut_compc c_automorphism.in_dest c_automorphism.inverse_automorphism
    by (simp, blast, simp add: compose_def)
  show "g c f  carrier E carrier"
    by (simp add: assms compose_def extensional_funcset_def)
  show "bij_betw (g c f) carrier carrier"
    using automorphism_PiED(3) assms by (auto intro: bij_betw_compose)

definition "Diff_PiE  {f. automorphism_PiE f}"

lemma Diff_PiED [dest]: "f  Diff_PiE  automorphism_PiE f" by (simp add: Diff_PiE_def)
lemma Diff_PiEI [intro]: "automorphism_PiE f  f  Diff_PiE" by (simp add: Diff_PiE_def)

abbreviation (*input*) "Diff_id_PiE  λxcarrier. x"

lemma Diff_grp: "grp_on Diff_PiE (∘c) Diff_id_PiE"
proof (unfold_locales)

  show assoc: "Diff_comp_PiE (Diff_comp_PiE a b) c = Diff_comp_PiE a (Diff_comp_PiE b c)"
    if asms: "a  Diff_PiE" "b  Diff_PiE" "c  Diff_PiE" for a b c
    unfolding compose_def using Diff_PiED that(3) by auto

  show id_comp: "Diff_comp_PiE Diff_id_PiE a = a  Diff_comp_PiE a Diff_id_PiE = a" if "a  Diff_PiE" for a
    using Id_compose compose_Id automorphism_PiED Diff_PiED that by (metis extensional_funcset_def Int_iff eq_id_iff)

  show id_mem: "Diff_id_PiE  Diff_PiE"
    using automorphism_PiE_partial_id by (metis Diff_PiEI eq_id_iff)

  { fix x y assume x: "xDiff_PiE" and y: "yDiff_PiE"
    show "Diff_comp_PiE x y  Diff_PiE"
      using aut_comp Diff_PiED x y by auto }

  show "xDiff_PiE. yDiff_PiE. x c y = Diff_id_PiE  y c x = Diff_id_PiE"
    fix f assume f: "fDiff_PiE"
    then obtain f' where f': "f'Diff_PiE" "x  carrier. (f' ((f x))) = x" "x  carrier. (f ((f' x))) = x"
        using obtain_inverse_aut_PiE[OF Diff_PiED[OF f]] Diff_PiEI by metis
    then show "yDiff_PiE. f c y = Diff_id_PiE  y c f = Diff_id_PiE"
      apply (intro bexI[OF _ f'(1)]) unfolding compose_def id_def restrict_def by meson

