Theory Launchbury

theory Launchbury
imports Terms Substitution

subsubsection ‹The natural semantics›

text ‹This is the semantics as in cite"launchbury", with two differences:
\item Explicit freshness requirements for bound variables in the application and the Let rule.
\item An additional parameter that stores variables that have to be avoided, but do not occur
in the judgement otherwise, follwing cite"sestoft".

  reds :: "heap  exp  var list  heap  exp  bool"
  (‹_ : _ ⇓⇘_ _ : _› [50,50,50,50] 50)
    "Γ : (Lam [x]. e) ⇓⇘LΓ : (Lam [x]. e)" 
 | Application: "
    atom y  (Γ,e,x,L,Δ,Θ,z) ;
    Γ : e ⇓⇘LΔ : (Lam [y]. e');
    Δ : e'[y ::= x] ⇓⇘LΘ : z
    Γ : App e x ⇓⇘LΘ : z" 
 | Variable: "
    map_of Γ x = Some e; delete x Γ : e ⇓⇘x#LΔ : z
    Γ : Var x ⇓⇘L(x, z) # Δ : z"
 | Let: "
    atom ` domA Δ ♯* (Γ, L);
    Δ @ Γ : body ⇓⇘LΘ : z
    Γ : Let Δ body ⇓⇘LΘ : z"
 | Bool:
    "Γ : Bool b ⇓⇘LΓ : Bool b"
 | IfThenElse: "
    Γ : scrut ⇓⇘LΔ : (Bool b);
    Δ : (if b then e1 else e2) ⇓⇘LΘ : z
    Γ : (scrut ? e1 : e2) ⇓⇘LΘ : z"

equivariance reds

nominal_inductive reds
  avoids Application: "y"
  by (auto simp add: fresh_star_def fresh_Pair)

subsubsection ‹Example evaluations›

lemma eval_test:
  "[] : (Let [(x, Lam [y]. Var y)] (Var x)) ⇓⇘[][(x, Lam [y]. Var y)] : (Lam [y]. Var y)"
apply(auto intro!: Lambda Application Variable Let
 simp add: fresh_Pair fresh_Cons fresh_Nil fresh_star_def)

lemma eval_test2:
  "y  x  n  y  n  x [] : (Let [(x, Lam [y]. Var y)] (App (Var x) x)) ⇓⇘[][(x, Lam [y]. Var y)] : (Lam [y]. Var y)"
  by (auto intro!: Lambda Application Variable Let simp add: fresh_Pair fresh_at_base fresh_Cons fresh_Nil fresh_star_def pure_fresh)

subsubsection ‹Better introduction rules›

text ‹
This variant do not require freshness.

lemma reds_ApplicationI:
  assumes "Γ : e ⇓⇘LΔ : Lam [y]. e'"
  assumes "Δ : e'[y::=x] ⇓⇘LΘ : z"
  shows "Γ : App e x ⇓⇘LΘ : z"
  obtain y' :: var where "atom y'  (Γ, e, x, L, Δ, Θ, z, e')" by (rule obtain_fresh)

  have a: "Lam [y']. ((y'  y)  e') = Lam [y]. e'"
    using atom y'  _
    by (auto simp add: Abs1_eq_iff fresh_Pair fresh_at_base)

  have b: "((y'  y)  e')[y'::=x] = e'[y::=x]"
  proof(cases "x = y")
    case True
    have "atom y'  e'" using atom y'  _ by simp
    thus ?thesis
      by (simp add: True subst_swap_same  subst_subst_back)
    case False
    hence "atom y  x" by simp

    have [simp]: "(y'  y)  x = x" using atom y  _  atom y'  _
        by (simp add: flip_fresh_fresh fresh_Pair fresh_at_base)

    have "((y'  y)  e')[y'::=x] = (y'  y)  (e'[y::=x])" by simp
    also have " = e'[y::=x]"
      using atom y  _  atom y'  _
      by (simp add: flip_fresh_fresh fresh_Pair fresh_at_base subst_pres_fresh)
    show ?thesis.
  have "atom y'  (Γ, e, x, L, Δ, Θ, z)" using  atom y'  _ by (simp add: fresh_Pair)
  from this assms[folded a b]
  show ?thesis ..

lemma reds_SmartLet: "
    atom ` domA Δ ♯* (Γ, L);
    Δ @ Γ : body ⇓⇘LΘ : z
    Γ : SmartLet Δ body ⇓⇘LΘ : z"
unfolding SmartLet_def
by (auto intro: reds.Let)

text ‹
A single rule for values
lemma reds_isValI:
  "isVal z  Γ : z ⇓⇘LΓ : z"
by (cases z rule:isVal.cases) (auto intro: reds.intros)

subsubsection ‹Properties of the semantics›

text ‹
Heap entries are never removed.

lemma reds_doesnt_forget:
  "Γ : e ⇓⇘LΔ : z  domA Γ  domA Δ"
by(induct rule: reds.induct) auto

text ‹
Live variables are not added to the heap.

lemma reds_avoids_live':
 assumes "Γ : e ⇓⇘LΔ : z"
 shows "(domA Δ - domA Γ)  set L = {}"
using assms
by(induct rule:reds.induct)
  (auto dest: map_of_domAD fresh_distinct_list simp add: fresh_star_Pair)

lemma reds_avoids_live:
  " Γ : e ⇓⇘LΔ : z;
   x  set L;
   x  domA Γ
    x  domA Δ"
using reds_avoids_live' by blast

text ‹
Fresh variables either stay fresh or are added to the heap.

lemma reds_fresh:"  Γ : e ⇓⇘LΔ : z;
   atom (x::var)  (Γ, e)
    atom x  (Δ, z)  x  (domA Δ - set L)"
proof(induct rule: reds.induct)
case (Lambda Γ x e) thus ?case by auto
case (Application y Γ e x' L Δ Θ z e')
  hence "atom x  (Δ, Lam [y]. e')  x  domA Δ - set (x' # L)" by (auto simp add: fresh_Pair)

  thus ?case
    assume  "atom x  (Δ, Lam [y]. e')"
    hence "atom x  e'[y ::= x']"
      using Application.prems
      by (auto intro: subst_pres_fresh simp add: fresh_Pair)
    thus ?thesis using Application.hyps(5) atom x  (Δ, Lam [y]. e') by auto
    assume "x  domA Δ - set (x' # L)"
    thus ?thesis using reds_doesnt_forget[OF Application.hyps(4)] by auto

case(Variable Γ v e L Δ z)
  have "atom x  Γ" and "atom x  v" using Variable.prems(1) by (auto simp add: fresh_Pair)
  from fresh_delete[OF this(1)]
  have "atom x  delete v Γ".
  have "v  domA Γ" using Variable.hyps(1) by (metis domA_from_set map_of_SomeD)
  from fresh_map_of[OF this  atom x  Γ]
  have "atom x  the (map_of Γ v)".
  hence "atom x  e" using map_of Γ v = Some e by simp
  have "atom x  (Δ, z)  x  domA Δ - set (v # L)"  using Variable.hyps(3) by (auto simp add: fresh_Pair)
  thus ?case using atom x  v by (auto simp add: fresh_Pair fresh_Cons fresh_at_base)

case (Bool Γ b L)
  thus ?case by auto

case (IfThenElse Γ scrut L Δ b e1 e2 Θ z)
  from atom x  (Γ, scrut ? e1 : e2)
  have "atom x  (Γ, scrut)" and "atom x  (e1, e2)" by (auto simp add: fresh_Pair)
  from IfThenElse.hyps(2)[OF this(1)]
  show ?case
    assume "atom x  (Δ, Bool b)" with atom x  (e1, e2)
    have "atom x  (Δ, if b then e1 else e2)" by auto
    from IfThenElse.hyps(4)[OF this]
    show ?thesis.
    assume "x  domA Δ - set L"
    with reds_doesnt_forget[OF Δ : (if b then e1 else e2) ⇓⇘LΘ : z]
    show ?thesis by auto

case (Let Δ Γ L body Θ z)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "x  domA Δ")
    case False
      hence "atom x  Δ" using Let.prems by(auto simp add: fresh_Pair)      
      show ?thesis
        apply(rule Let.hyps(3))
        using Let.prems atom x  Δ False
        by (auto simp add: fresh_Pair fresh_append)
    case True
      hence "x  set L"
        using Let(1)
        by (metis fresh_PairD(2) fresh_star_def image_eqI set_not_fresh)
      with True
      show ?thesis
      using reds_doesnt_forget[OF Let.hyps(2)] by auto

lemma reds_fresh_fv: " Γ : e ⇓⇘LΔ : z;
   x  fv (Δ, z)  (x  domA Δ   x  set L)
    x  fv (Γ, e)"
using reds_fresh
unfolding fv_def fresh_def
by blast

lemma new_free_vars_on_heap:
  assumes "Γ : e ⇓⇘LΔ : z"
  shows "fv (Δ, z) - domA Δ  fv (Γ, e) - domA Γ"
using reds_fresh_fv[OF assms(1)] reds_doesnt_forget[OF assms(1)] by auto

lemma reds_pres_closed:
  assumes "Γ : e ⇓⇘LΔ : z"
  and     "fv (Γ, e)  set L  domA Γ"
  shows   "fv (Δ, z)  set L  domA Δ"
using new_free_vars_on_heap[OF assms(1)] assms(2) by auto

text ‹
Reducing the set of variables to avoid is always possible.

lemma reds_smaller_L: " Γ : e ⇓⇘LΔ : z;
   set L'  set L
    Γ : e ⇓⇘L'Δ : z"
proof(nominal_induct avoiding : L' rule: reds.strong_induct)
case (Lambda Γ x e L L')
  show ?case
    by (rule reds.Lambda)
case (Application y Γ e xa L Δ Θ z e' L')
  from Application.hyps(10)[OF Application.prems] Application.hyps(12)[OF Application.prems]
  show ?case
    by (rule reds_ApplicationI)
case (Variable Γ xa e L Δ z L')
  have "set (xa # L')  set (xa # L)"
    using Variable.prems by auto
  thus ?case
    by (rule reds.Variable[OF Variable(1) Variable.hyps(3)])
case (Bool b)
  show ?case..
case (IfThenElse Γ scrut L Δ b e1 e2 Θ z L')
  thus ?case by (metis  reds.IfThenElse)
case (Let Δ Γ  L body Θ z L')
  have "atom ` domA Δ ♯* (Γ, L')"
    using Let(1-3) Let.prems
    by (auto simp add: fresh_star_Pair  fresh_star_set_subset)
  thus ?case
    by (rule reds.Let[OF _ Let.hyps(4)[OF Let.prems]])

text ‹Things are evaluated to a lambda expression, and the variable can be freely chose.›

lemma result_evaluated:
  "Γ : e ⇓⇘LΔ : z  isVal z"
by (induct Γ e L Δ z rule:reds.induct) (auto dest: reds_doesnt_forget)

lemma result_evaluated_fresh:
  assumes "Γ : e ⇓⇘LΔ : z"
  obtains y e'
  where "z = (Lam [y]. e')" and "atom y  (c::'a::fs)" | b where "z = Bool b"
  from assms
  have "isVal z" by (rule result_evaluated)
  hence "( y e'. z = Lam [y]. e'  atom y  c)  ( b. z = Bool b)"
    by (nominal_induct z avoiding: c rule:exp_strong_induct) auto
  thus thesis using that by blast
