Theory Extension_Orders
section ‹Extension Orders›
theory Extension_Orders
imports Lambda_Free_Util Infinite_Chain "HOL-Cardinals.Wellorder_Extension"
text ‹
This theory defines locales for categorizing extension orders used for orders on
‹λ›-free higher-order terms and defines variants of the lexicographic and
multiset orders.
subsection ‹Locales›
locale ext =
fixes ext :: "('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool"
mono_strong: "(∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt y x ⟶ gt' y x) ⟹ ext gt ys xs ⟹ ext gt' ys xs" and
map: "finite A ⟹ ys ∈ lists A ⟹ xs ∈ lists A ⟹ (∀x ∈ A. ¬ gt (f x) (f x)) ⟹
(∀z ∈ A. ∀y ∈ A. ∀x ∈ A. gt (f z) (f y) ⟶ gt (f y) (f x) ⟶ gt (f z) (f x)) ⟹
(∀y ∈ A. ∀x ∈ A. gt y x ⟶ gt (f y) (f x)) ⟹ ext gt ys xs ⟹ ext gt (map f ys) (map f xs)"
lemma mono[mono]: "gt ≤ gt' ⟹ ext gt ≤ ext gt'"
using mono_strong by blast
locale ext_irrefl = ext +
assumes irrefl: "(∀x ∈ set xs. ¬ gt x x) ⟹ ¬ ext gt xs xs"
locale ext_trans = ext +
assumes trans: "zs ∈ lists A ⟹ ys ∈ lists A ⟹ xs ∈ lists A ⟹
(∀z ∈ A. ∀y ∈ A. ∀x ∈ A. gt z y ⟶ gt y x ⟶ gt z x) ⟹ ext gt zs ys ⟹ ext gt ys xs ⟹
ext gt zs xs"
locale ext_irrefl_before_trans = ext_irrefl +
assumes trans_from_irrefl: "finite A ⟹ zs ∈ lists A ⟹ ys ∈ lists A ⟹ xs ∈ lists A ⟹
(∀x ∈ A. ¬ gt x x) ⟹ (∀z ∈ A. ∀y ∈ A. ∀x ∈ A. gt z y ⟶ gt y x ⟶ gt z x) ⟹ ext gt zs ys ⟹
ext gt ys xs ⟹ ext gt zs xs"
locale ext_trans_before_irrefl = ext_trans +
assumes irrefl_from_trans: "(∀z ∈ set xs. ∀y ∈ set xs. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt z y ⟶ gt y x ⟶ gt z x) ⟹
(∀x ∈ set xs. ¬ gt x x) ⟹ ¬ ext gt xs xs"
locale ext_irrefl_trans_strong = ext_irrefl +
assumes trans_strong: "(∀z ∈ set zs. ∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt z y ⟶ gt y x ⟶ gt z x) ⟹
ext gt zs ys ⟹ ext gt ys xs ⟹ ext gt zs xs"
sublocale ext_irrefl_trans_strong < ext_irrefl_before_trans
by standard (erule irrefl, metis in_listsD trans_strong)
sublocale ext_irrefl_trans_strong < ext_trans
by standard (metis in_listsD trans_strong)
sublocale ext_irrefl_trans_strong < ext_trans_before_irrefl
by standard (rule irrefl)
locale ext_snoc = ext +
assumes snoc: "ext gt (xs @ [x]) xs"
locale ext_compat_cons = ext +
assumes compat_cons: "ext gt ys xs ⟹ ext gt (x # ys) (x # xs)"
lemma compat_append_left: "ext gt ys xs ⟹ ext gt (zs @ ys) (zs @ xs)"
by (induct zs) (auto intro: compat_cons)
locale ext_compat_snoc = ext +
assumes compat_snoc: "ext gt ys xs ⟹ ext gt (ys @ [x]) (xs @ [x])"
lemma compat_append_right: "ext gt ys xs ⟹ ext gt (ys @ zs) (xs @ zs)"
by (induct zs arbitrary: xs ys rule: rev_induct)
(auto intro: compat_snoc simp del: append_assoc simp: append_assoc[symmetric])
locale ext_compat_list = ext +
assumes compat_list: "y ≠ x ⟹ gt y x ⟹ ext gt (xs @ y # xs') (xs @ x # xs')"
locale ext_singleton = ext +
assumes singleton: "y ≠ x ⟹ ext gt [y] [x] ⟷ gt y x"
locale ext_compat_list_strong = ext_compat_cons + ext_compat_snoc + ext_singleton
lemma compat_list: "y ≠ x ⟹ gt y x ⟹ ext gt (xs @ y # xs') (xs @ x # xs')"
using compat_append_left[of gt "y # xs'" "x # xs'" xs]
compat_append_right[of gt, of "[y]" "[x]" xs'] singleton[of y x gt]
by fastforce
sublocale ext_compat_list_strong < ext_compat_list
by standard (fact compat_list)
locale ext_total = ext +
assumes total: "(∀y ∈ A. ∀x ∈ A. gt y x ∨ gt x y ∨ y = x) ⟹ ys ∈ lists A ⟹ xs ∈ lists A ⟹
ext gt ys xs ∨ ext gt xs ys ∨ ys = xs"
locale ext_wf = ext +
assumes wf: "wfP (λx y. gt y x) ⟹ wfP (λxs ys. ext gt ys xs)"
locale ext_hd_or_tl = ext +
assumes hd_or_tl: "(∀z y x. gt z y ⟶ gt y x ⟶ gt z x) ⟹ (∀y x. gt y x ∨ gt x y ∨ y = x) ⟹
length ys = length xs ⟹ ext gt (y # ys) (x # xs) ⟹ gt y x ∨ ext gt ys xs"
locale ext_wf_bounded = ext_irrefl_before_trans + ext_hd_or_tl
fixes gt :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool"
gt_irrefl: "⋀z. ¬ gt z z" and
gt_trans: "⋀z y x. gt z y ⟹ gt y x ⟹ gt z x" and
gt_total: "⋀y x. gt y x ∨ gt x y ∨ y = x" and
gt_wf: "wfP (λx y. gt y x)"
lemma irrefl_gt: "¬ ext gt xs xs"
using irrefl gt_irrefl by simp
lemma trans_gt: "ext gt zs ys ⟹ ext gt ys xs ⟹ ext gt zs xs"
by (rule trans_from_irrefl[of "set zs ∪ set ys ∪ set xs" zs ys xs gt])
(auto intro: gt_trans simp: gt_irrefl)
lemma hd_or_tl_gt: "length ys = length xs ⟹ ext gt (y # ys) (x # xs) ⟹ gt y x ∨ ext gt ys xs"
by (rule hd_or_tl) (auto intro: gt_trans simp: gt_total)
lemma wf_same_length_if_total: "wfP (λxs ys. length ys = n ∧ length xs = n ∧ ext gt ys xs)"
proof (induct n)
case 0
thus ?case
unfolding wfp_def wf_def using irrefl by auto
case (Suc n)
note ih = this(1)
define gt_hd where "⋀ys xs. gt_hd ys xs ⟷ gt (hd ys) (hd xs)"
define gt_tl where "⋀ys xs. gt_tl ys xs ⟷ ext gt (tl ys) (tl xs)"
have hd_tl: "gt_hd ys xs ∨ gt_tl ys xs"
if len_ys: "length ys = Suc n" and len_xs: "length xs = Suc n" and ys_gt_xs: "ext gt ys xs"
for n ys xs
using len_ys len_xs ys_gt_xs unfolding gt_hd_def gt_tl_def
by (cases xs; cases ys) (auto simp: hd_or_tl_gt)
show ?case
unfolding wfP_iff_no_inf_chain
proof (intro notI)
let ?gtsn = "λys xs. length ys = n ∧ length xs = n ∧ ext gt ys xs"
let ?gtsSn = "λys xs. length ys = Suc n ∧ length xs = Suc n ∧ ext gt ys xs"
let ?gttlSn = "λys xs. length ys = Suc n ∧ length xs = Suc n ∧ gt_tl ys xs"
assume "∃f. inf_chain ?gtsSn f"
then obtain xs where xs_bad: "bad ?gtsSn xs"
unfolding inf_chain_def bad_def by blast
let ?ff = "worst_chain ?gtsSn gt_hd"
have wf_hd: "wf {(xs, ys). gt_hd ys xs}"
unfolding gt_hd_def by (rule wfP_app[OF gt_wf, of hd, unfolded wfp_def])
have "inf_chain ?gtsSn ?ff"
by (rule worst_chain_bad[OF wf_hd xs_bad])
moreover have "¬ gt_hd (?ff i) (?ff (Suc i))" for i
by (rule worst_chain_not_gt[OF wf_hd xs_bad]) (blast intro: trans_gt)
ultimately have tl_bad: "inf_chain ?gttlSn ?ff"
unfolding inf_chain_def using hd_tl by blast
have "¬ inf_chain ?gtsn (tl ∘ ?ff)"
using wfP_iff_no_inf_chain[THEN iffD1, OF ih] by blast
hence tl_good: "¬ inf_chain ?gttlSn ?ff"
unfolding inf_chain_def gt_tl_def by force
show False
using tl_bad tl_good by sat
lemma wf_bounded_if_total: "wfP (λxs ys. length ys ≤ n ∧ length xs ≤ n ∧ ext gt ys xs)"
unfolding wfP_iff_no_inf_chain
proof (intro notI, induct n rule: less_induct)
case (less n)
note ih = this(1) and ex_bad = this(2)
let ?gtsle = "λys xs. length ys ≤ n ∧ length xs ≤ n ∧ ext gt ys xs"
obtain xs where xs_bad: "bad ?gtsle xs"
using ex_bad unfolding inf_chain_def bad_def by blast
let ?ff = "worst_chain ?gtsle (λys xs. length ys > length xs)"
note wf_len = wf_app[OF, of length, simplified]
have ff_bad: "inf_chain ?gtsle ?ff"
by (rule worst_chain_bad[OF wf_len xs_bad])
have ffi_bad: "⋀i. bad ?gtsle (?ff i)"
by (rule inf_chain_bad[OF ff_bad])
have len_le_n: "⋀i. length (?ff i) ≤ n"
using worst_chain_pred[OF wf_len xs_bad] by simp
have len_le_Suc: "⋀i. length (?ff i) ≤ length (?ff (Suc i))"
using worst_chain_not_gt[OF wf_len xs_bad] not_le_imp_less by (blast intro: trans_gt)
show False
proof (cases "∃k. length (?ff k) = n")
case False
hence len_lt_n: "⋀i. length (?ff i) < n"
using len_le_n by (blast intro: le_neq_implies_less)
hence nm1_le: "n - 1 < n"
by fastforce
let ?gtslt = "λys xs. length ys ≤ n - 1 ∧ length xs ≤ n - 1 ∧ ext gt ys xs"
have "inf_chain ?gtslt ?ff"
using ff_bad len_lt_n unfolding inf_chain_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Suc_diff_1 le_antisym nat_neq_iff not_less0 not_less_eq_eq)
thus False
using ih[OF nm1_le] by blast
case True
then obtain k where len_eq_n: "length (?ff k) = n"
by blast
let ?gtssl = "λys xs. length ys = n ∧ length xs = n ∧ ext gt ys xs"
have len_eq_n: "length (?ff (i + k)) = n" for i
by (induct i) (simp add: len_eq_n,
metis (lifting) len_le_n len_le_Suc add_Suc dual_order.antisym)
have "inf_chain ?gtsle (λi. ?ff (i + k))"
by (rule inf_chain_offset[OF ff_bad])
hence "inf_chain ?gtssl (λi. ?ff (i + k))"
unfolding inf_chain_def using len_eq_n by presburger
hence "¬ wfP (λxs ys. ?gtssl ys xs)"
using wfP_iff_no_inf_chain by blast
thus False
using wf_same_length_if_total[of n] by sat
fixes gt :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool"
gt_irrefl: "⋀z. ¬ gt z z" and
gt_wf: "wfP (λx y. gt y x)"
lemma wf_bounded: "wfP (λxs ys. length ys ≤ n ∧ length xs ≤ n ∧ ext gt ys xs)"
proof -
obtain Ge' where
gt_sub_Ge': "{(x, y). gt y x} ⊆ Ge'" and
Ge'_wo: "Well_order Ge'" and
Ge'_fld: "Field Ge' = UNIV"
using total_well_order_extension[OF gt_wf[unfolded wfp_def]] by blast
define gt' where "⋀y x. gt' y x ⟷ y ≠ x ∧ (x, y) ∈ Ge'"
have gt_imp_gt': "gt ≤ gt'"
by (auto simp: gt'_def gt_irrefl intro: gt_sub_Ge'[THEN subsetD])
have gt'_irrefl: "⋀z. ¬ gt' z z"
unfolding gt'_def by simp
have gt'_trans: "⋀z y x. gt' z y ⟹ gt' y x ⟹ gt' z x"
using Ge'_wo
unfolding gt'_def well_order_on_def linear_order_on_def partial_order_on_def preorder_on_def
trans_def antisym_def
by blast
have "wf {(x, y). (x, y) ∈ Ge' ∧ x ≠ y}"
by (rule Ge'_wo[unfolded well_order_on_def set_diff_eq
case_prod_eta[symmetric, of "λxy. xy ∈ Ge' ∧ xy ∉ Id"] pair_in_Id_conv, THEN conjunct2])
moreover have "⋀y x. (x, y) ∈ Ge' ∧ x ≠ y ⟷ y ≠ x ∧ (x, y) ∈ Ge'"
by auto
ultimately have gt'_wf: "wfP (λx y. gt' y x)"
unfolding wfp_def gt'_def by simp
have gt'_total: "⋀x y. gt' y x ∨ gt' x y ∨ y = x"
using Ge'_wo unfolding gt'_def well_order_on_def linear_order_on_def total_on_def Ge'_fld
by blast
have "wfP (λxs ys. length ys ≤ n ∧ length xs ≤ n ∧ ext gt' ys xs)"
using wf_bounded_if_total gt'_total gt'_irrefl gt'_trans gt'_wf by blast
thus ?thesis
by (rule wfp_subset) (auto intro: mono[OF gt_imp_gt', THEN predicate2D])
subsection ‹Lexicographic Extension›
inductive lexext :: "('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool" for gt where
lexext_Nil: "lexext gt (y # ys) []"
| lexext_Cons: "gt y x ⟹ lexext gt (y # ys) (x # xs)"
| lexext_Cons_eq: "lexext gt ys xs ⟹ lexext gt (x # ys) (x # xs)"
lemma lexext_simps[simp]:
"lexext gt ys [] ⟷ ys ≠ []"
"¬ lexext gt [] xs"
"lexext gt (y # ys) (x # xs) ⟷ gt y x ∨ x = y ∧ lexext gt ys xs"
show "lexext gt ys [] ⟹ (ys ≠ [])"
by (metis lexext.cases list.distinct(1))
show "ys ≠ [] ⟹ lexext gt ys []"
by (metis lexext_Nil list.exhaust)
show "¬ lexext gt [] xs"
using lexext.cases by auto
show "lexext gt (y # ys) (x # xs) = (gt y x ∨ x = y ∧ lexext gt ys xs)"
proof -
have fwdd: "lexext gt (y # ys) (x # xs) ⟶ gt y x ∨ x = y ∧ lexext gt ys xs"
assume "lexext gt (y # ys) (x # xs)"
thus "gt y x ∨ x = y ∧ lexext gt ys xs"
using lexext.cases by blast
have backd: "gt y x ∨ x = y ∧ lexext gt ys xs ⟶ lexext gt (y # ys) (x # xs)"
by (simp add: lexext_Cons lexext_Cons_eq)
show "lexext gt (y # ys) (x # xs) = (gt y x ∨ x = y ∧ lexext gt ys xs)"
using fwdd backd by blast
lemma lexext_mono_strong:
"∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt y x ⟶ gt' y x" and
"lexext gt ys xs"
shows "lexext gt' ys xs"
using assms by (induct ys xs rule: list_induct2') auto
lemma lexext_map_strong:
"(∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt y x ⟶ gt (f y) (f x)) ⟹ lexext gt ys xs ⟹
lexext gt (map f ys) (map f xs)"
by (induct ys xs rule: list_induct2') auto
lemma lexext_irrefl:
assumes "∀x ∈ set xs. ¬ gt x x"
shows "¬ lexext gt xs xs"
using assms by (induct xs) auto
lemma lexext_trans_strong:
"∀z ∈ set zs. ∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt z y ⟶ gt y x ⟶ gt z x" and
"lexext gt zs ys" and "lexext gt ys xs"
shows "lexext gt zs xs"
using assms
proof (induct zs arbitrary: ys xs)
case (Cons z zs)
note zs_trans = this(1)
show ?case
using Cons(2-4)
proof (induct ys arbitrary: xs rule: list.induct)
case (Cons y ys)
note ys_trans = this(1) and gt_trans = this(2) and zzs_gt_yys = this(3) and yys_gt_xs = this(4)
show ?case
proof (cases xs)
case xs: (Cons x xs)
thus ?thesis
proof (unfold xs)
note yys_gt_xxs = yys_gt_xs[unfolded xs]
note gt_trans = gt_trans[unfolded xs]
let ?case = "lexext gt (z # zs) (x # xs)"
assume "gt z y" and "gt y x"
hence ?case
using gt_trans by simp
assume "gt z y" and "x = y"
hence ?case
by simp
assume "y = z" and "gt y x"
hence ?case
by simp
y_eq_z: "y = z" and
zs_gt_ys: "lexext gt zs ys" and
x_eq_y: "x = y" and
ys_gt_xs: "lexext gt ys xs"
have "lexext gt zs xs"
by (rule zs_trans[OF _ zs_gt_ys ys_gt_xs]) (meson gt_trans[simplified])
hence ?case
by (simp add: x_eq_y y_eq_z)
ultimately show ?case
using zzs_gt_yys yys_gt_xxs by force
qed auto
qed auto
qed auto
lemma lexext_snoc: "lexext gt (xs @ [x]) xs"
by (induct xs) auto
lemmas lexext_compat_cons = lexext_Cons_eq
lemma lexext_compat_snoc_if_same_length:
assumes "length ys = length xs" and "lexext gt ys xs"
shows "lexext gt (ys @ [x]) (xs @ [x])"
using assms(2,1) by (induct rule: lexext.induct) auto
lemma lexext_compat_list: "gt y x ⟹ lexext gt (xs @ y # xs') (xs @ x # xs')"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma lexext_singleton: "lexext gt [y] [x] ⟷ gt y x"
by simp
lemma lexext_total: "(∀y ∈ B. ∀x ∈ A. gt y x ∨ gt x y ∨ y = x) ⟹ ys ∈ lists B ⟹ xs ∈ lists A ⟹
lexext gt ys xs ∨ lexext gt xs ys ∨ ys = xs"
by (induct ys xs rule: list_induct2') auto
lemma lexext_hd_or_tl: "lexext gt (y # ys) (x # xs) ⟹ gt y x ∨ lexext gt ys xs"
by auto
interpretation lexext: ext lexext
by standard (fact lexext_mono_strong, rule lexext_map_strong, metis in_listsD)
interpretation lexext: ext_irrefl_trans_strong lexext
by standard (fact lexext_irrefl, fact lexext_trans_strong)
interpretation lexext: ext_snoc lexext
by standard (fact lexext_snoc)
interpretation lexext: ext_compat_cons lexext
by standard (fact lexext_compat_cons)
interpretation lexext: ext_compat_list lexext
by standard (rule lexext_compat_list)
interpretation lexext: ext_singleton lexext
by standard (rule lexext_singleton)
interpretation lexext: ext_total lexext
by standard (fact lexext_total)
interpretation lexext: ext_hd_or_tl lexext
by standard (rule lexext_hd_or_tl)
interpretation lexext: ext_wf_bounded lexext
by standard
subsection ‹Reverse (Right-to-Left) Lexicographic Extension›
abbreviation lexext_rev :: "('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool" where
"lexext_rev gt ys xs ≡ lexext gt (rev ys) (rev xs)"
lemma lexext_rev_simps[simp]:
"lexext_rev gt ys [] ⟷ ys ≠ []"
"¬ lexext_rev gt [] xs"
"lexext_rev gt (ys @ [y]) (xs @ [x]) ⟷ gt y x ∨ x = y ∧ lexext_rev gt ys xs"
by simp+
lemma lexext_rev_cons_cons:
assumes "length ys = length xs"
shows "lexext_rev gt (y # ys) (x # xs) ⟷ lexext_rev gt ys xs ∨ ys = xs ∧ gt y x"
using assms
proof (induct arbitrary: y x rule: rev_induct2)
case Nil
thus ?case
by simp
case (snoc y' ys x' xs)
show ?case
using snoc(2) by auto
lemma lexext_rev_mono_strong:
"∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt y x ⟶ gt' y x" and
"lexext_rev gt ys xs"
shows "lexext_rev gt' ys xs"
using assms by (simp add: lexext_mono_strong)
lemma lexext_rev_map_strong:
"(∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt y x ⟶ gt (f y) (f x)) ⟹ lexext_rev gt ys xs ⟹
lexext_rev gt (map f ys) (map f xs)"
by (simp add: lexext_map_strong rev_map)
lemma lexext_rev_irrefl:
assumes "∀x ∈ set xs. ¬ gt x x"
shows "¬ lexext_rev gt xs xs"
using assms by (simp add: lexext_irrefl)
lemma lexext_rev_trans_strong:
"∀z ∈ set zs. ∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt z y ⟶ gt y x ⟶ gt z x" and
"lexext_rev gt zs ys" and "lexext_rev gt ys xs"
shows "lexext_rev gt zs xs"
using assms(1) lexext_trans_strong[OF _ assms(2,3), unfolded set_rev] by sat
lemma lexext_rev_compat_cons_if_same_length:
assumes "length ys = length xs" and "lexext_rev gt ys xs"
shows "lexext_rev gt (x # ys) (x # xs)"
using assms by (simp add: lexext_compat_snoc_if_same_length)
lemma lexext_rev_compat_snoc: "lexext_rev gt ys xs ⟹ lexext_rev gt (ys @ [x]) (xs @ [x])"
by (simp add: lexext_compat_cons)
lemma lexext_rev_compat_list: "gt y x ⟹ lexext_rev gt (xs @ y # xs') (xs @ x # xs')"
by (induct xs' rule: rev_induct) auto
lemma lexext_rev_singleton: "lexext_rev gt [y] [x] ⟷ gt y x"
by simp
lemma lexext_rev_total:
"(∀y ∈ B. ∀x ∈ A. gt y x ∨ gt x y ∨ y = x) ⟹ ys ∈ lists B ⟹ xs ∈ lists A ⟹
lexext_rev gt ys xs ∨ lexext_rev gt xs ys ∨ ys = xs"
by (rule lexext_total[of _ _ _ "rev ys" "rev xs", simplified])
lemma lexext_rev_hd_or_tl:
"length ys = length xs" and
"lexext_rev gt (y # ys) (x # xs)"
shows "gt y x ∨ lexext_rev gt ys xs"
using assms lexext_rev_cons_cons by fastforce
interpretation lexext_rev: ext lexext_rev
by standard (fact lexext_rev_mono_strong, rule lexext_rev_map_strong, metis in_listsD)
interpretation lexext_rev: ext_irrefl_trans_strong lexext_rev
by standard (fact lexext_rev_irrefl, fact lexext_rev_trans_strong)
interpretation lexext_rev: ext_compat_snoc lexext_rev
by standard (fact lexext_rev_compat_snoc)
interpretation lexext_rev: ext_compat_list lexext_rev
by standard (rule lexext_rev_compat_list)
interpretation lexext_rev: ext_singleton lexext_rev
by standard (rule lexext_rev_singleton)
interpretation lexext_rev: ext_total lexext_rev
by standard (fact lexext_rev_total)
interpretation lexext_rev: ext_hd_or_tl lexext_rev
by standard (rule lexext_rev_hd_or_tl)
interpretation lexext_rev: ext_wf_bounded lexext_rev
by standard
subsection ‹Generic Length Extension›
definition lenext :: "('a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool" where
"lenext gts ys xs ⟷ length ys > length xs ∨ length ys = length xs ∧ gts ys xs"
lenext_mono_strong: "(gts ys xs ⟹ gts' ys xs) ⟹ lenext gts ys xs ⟹ lenext gts' ys xs" and
lenext_map_strong: "(length ys = length xs ⟹ gts ys xs ⟹ gts (map f ys) (map f xs)) ⟹
lenext gts ys xs ⟹ lenext gts (map f ys) (map f xs)" and
lenext_irrefl: "¬ gts xs xs ⟹ ¬ lenext gts xs xs" and
lenext_trans: "(gts zs ys ⟹ gts ys xs ⟹ gts zs xs) ⟹ lenext gts zs ys ⟹ lenext gts ys xs ⟹
lenext gts zs xs" and
lenext_snoc: "lenext gts (xs @ [x]) xs" and
lenext_compat_cons: "(length ys = length xs ⟹ gts ys xs ⟹ gts (x # ys) (x # xs)) ⟹
lenext gts ys xs ⟹ lenext gts (x # ys) (x # xs)" and
lenext_compat_snoc: "(length ys = length xs ⟹ gts ys xs ⟹ gts (ys @ [x]) (xs @ [x])) ⟹
lenext gts ys xs ⟹ lenext gts (ys @ [x]) (xs @ [x])" and
lenext_compat_list: "gts (xs @ y # xs') (xs @ x # xs') ⟹
lenext gts (xs @ y # xs') (xs @ x # xs')" and
lenext_singleton: "lenext gts [y] [x] ⟷ gts [y] [x]" and
lenext_total: "(gts ys xs ∨ gts xs ys ∨ ys = xs) ⟹
lenext gts ys xs ∨ lenext gts xs ys ∨ ys = xs" and
lenext_hd_or_tl: "(length ys = length xs ⟹ gts (y # ys) (x # xs) ⟹ gt y x ∨ gts ys xs) ⟹
lenext gts (y # ys) (x # xs) ⟹ gt y x ∨ lenext gts ys xs"
unfolding lenext_def by auto
subsection ‹Length-Lexicographic Extension›
abbreviation len_lexext :: "('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool" where
"len_lexext gt ≡ lenext (lexext gt)"
lemma len_lexext_mono_strong:
"(∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt y x ⟶ gt' y x) ⟹ len_lexext gt ys xs ⟹ len_lexext gt' ys xs"
by (rule lenext_mono_strong[OF lexext_mono_strong])
lemma len_lexext_map_strong:
"(∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt y x ⟶ gt (f y) (f x)) ⟹ len_lexext gt ys xs ⟹
len_lexext gt (map f ys) (map f xs)"
by (rule lenext_map_strong) (metis lexext_map_strong)
lemma len_lexext_irrefl: "(∀x ∈ set xs. ¬ gt x x) ⟹ ¬ len_lexext gt xs xs"
by (rule lenext_irrefl[OF lexext_irrefl])
lemma len_lexext_trans_strong:
"(∀z ∈ set zs. ∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt z y ⟶ gt y x ⟶ gt z x) ⟹ len_lexext gt zs ys ⟹
len_lexext gt ys xs ⟹ len_lexext gt zs xs"
by (rule lenext_trans[OF lexext_trans_strong])
lemma len_lexext_snoc: "len_lexext gt (xs @ [x]) xs"
by (rule lenext_snoc)
lemma len_lexext_compat_cons: "len_lexext gt ys xs ⟹ len_lexext gt (x # ys) (x # xs)"
by (intro lenext_compat_cons lexext_compat_cons)
lemma len_lexext_compat_snoc: "len_lexext gt ys xs ⟹ len_lexext gt (ys @ [x]) (xs @ [x])"
by (intro lenext_compat_snoc lexext_compat_snoc_if_same_length)
lemma len_lexext_compat_list: "gt y x ⟹ len_lexext gt (xs @ y # xs') (xs @ x # xs')"
by (intro lenext_compat_list lexext_compat_list)
lemma len_lexext_singleton[simp]: "len_lexext gt [y] [x] ⟷ gt y x"
by (simp only: lenext_singleton lexext_singleton)
lemma len_lexext_total: "(∀y ∈ B. ∀x ∈ A. gt y x ∨ gt x y ∨ y = x) ⟹ ys ∈ lists B ⟹ xs ∈ lists A ⟹
len_lexext gt ys xs ∨ len_lexext gt xs ys ∨ ys = xs"
by (rule lenext_total[OF lexext_total])
lemma len_lexext_iff_lenlex: "len_lexext gt ys xs ⟷ (xs, ys) ∈ lenlex {(x, y). gt y x}"
proof -
assume "length xs = length ys"
hence "lexext gt ys xs ⟷ (xs, ys) ∈ lex {(x, y). gt y x}"
by (induct xs ys rule: list_induct2) auto
thus ?thesis
unfolding lenext_def lenlex_conv by auto
lemma len_lexext_wf: "wfP (λx y. gt y x) ⟹ wfP (λxs ys. len_lexext gt ys xs)"
unfolding wfp_def len_lexext_iff_lenlex by (simp add: wf_lenlex)
lemma len_lexext_hd_or_tl: "len_lexext gt (y # ys) (x # xs) ⟹ gt y x ∨ len_lexext gt ys xs"
using lenext_hd_or_tl lexext_hd_or_tl by metis
interpretation len_lexext: ext len_lexext
by standard (fact len_lexext_mono_strong, rule len_lexext_map_strong, metis in_listsD)
interpretation len_lexext: ext_irrefl_trans_strong len_lexext
by standard (fact len_lexext_irrefl, fact len_lexext_trans_strong)
interpretation len_lexext: ext_snoc len_lexext
by standard (fact len_lexext_snoc)
interpretation len_lexext: ext_compat_cons len_lexext
by standard (fact len_lexext_compat_cons)
interpretation len_lexext: ext_compat_snoc len_lexext
by standard (fact len_lexext_compat_snoc)
interpretation len_lexext: ext_compat_list len_lexext
by standard (rule len_lexext_compat_list)
interpretation len_lexext: ext_singleton len_lexext
by standard (rule len_lexext_singleton)
interpretation len_lexext: ext_total len_lexext
by standard (fact len_lexext_total)
interpretation len_lexext: ext_wf len_lexext
by standard (fact len_lexext_wf)
interpretation len_lexext: ext_hd_or_tl len_lexext
by standard (rule len_lexext_hd_or_tl)
interpretation len_lexext: ext_wf_bounded len_lexext
by standard
subsection ‹Reverse (Right-to-Left) Length-Lexicographic Extension›
abbreviation len_lexext_rev :: "('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool" where
"len_lexext_rev gt ≡ lenext (lexext_rev gt)"
lemma len_lexext_rev_mono_strong:
"(∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt y x ⟶ gt' y x) ⟹ len_lexext_rev gt ys xs ⟹ len_lexext_rev gt' ys xs"
by (rule lenext_mono_strong) (rule lexext_rev_mono_strong)
lemma len_lexext_rev_map_strong:
"(∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt y x ⟶ gt (f y) (f x)) ⟹ len_lexext_rev gt ys xs ⟹
len_lexext_rev gt (map f ys) (map f xs)"
by (rule lenext_map_strong) (rule lexext_rev_map_strong)
lemma len_lexext_rev_irrefl: "(∀x ∈ set xs. ¬ gt x x) ⟹ ¬ len_lexext_rev gt xs xs"
by (rule lenext_irrefl) (rule lexext_rev_irrefl)
lemma len_lexext_rev_trans_strong:
"(∀z ∈ set zs. ∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt z y ⟶ gt y x ⟶ gt z x) ⟹ len_lexext_rev gt zs ys ⟹
len_lexext_rev gt ys xs ⟹ len_lexext_rev gt zs xs"
by (rule lenext_trans) (rule lexext_rev_trans_strong)
lemma len_lexext_rev_snoc: "len_lexext_rev gt (xs @ [x]) xs"
by (rule lenext_snoc)
lemma len_lexext_rev_compat_cons: "len_lexext_rev gt ys xs ⟹ len_lexext_rev gt (x # ys) (x # xs)"
by (intro lenext_compat_cons lexext_rev_compat_cons_if_same_length)
lemma len_lexext_rev_compat_snoc: "len_lexext_rev gt ys xs ⟹ len_lexext_rev gt (ys @ [x]) (xs @ [x])"
by (intro lenext_compat_snoc lexext_rev_compat_snoc)
lemma len_lexext_rev_compat_list: "gt y x ⟹ len_lexext_rev gt (xs @ y # xs') (xs @ x # xs')"
by (intro lenext_compat_list lexext_rev_compat_list)
lemma len_lexext_rev_singleton[simp]: "len_lexext_rev gt [y] [x] ⟷ gt y x"
by (simp only: lenext_singleton lexext_rev_singleton)
lemma len_lexext_rev_total: "(∀y ∈ B. ∀x ∈ A. gt y x ∨ gt x y ∨ y = x) ⟹ ys ∈ lists B ⟹
xs ∈ lists A ⟹ len_lexext_rev gt ys xs ∨ len_lexext_rev gt xs ys ∨ ys = xs"
by (rule lenext_total[OF lexext_rev_total])
lemma len_lexext_rev_iff_len_lexext: "len_lexext_rev gt ys xs ⟷ len_lexext gt (rev ys) (rev xs)"
unfolding lenext_def by simp
lemma len_lexext_rev_wf: "wfP (λx y. gt y x) ⟹ wfP (λxs ys. len_lexext_rev gt ys xs)"
unfolding len_lexext_rev_iff_len_lexext
by (rule wfP_app[of "λxs ys. len_lexext gt ys xs" rev, simplified]) (rule len_lexext_wf)
lemma len_lexext_rev_hd_or_tl:
"len_lexext_rev gt (y # ys) (x # xs) ⟹ gt y x ∨ len_lexext_rev gt ys xs"
using lenext_hd_or_tl lexext_rev_hd_or_tl by metis
interpretation len_lexext_rev: ext len_lexext_rev
by standard (fact len_lexext_rev_mono_strong, rule len_lexext_rev_map_strong, metis in_listsD)
interpretation len_lexext_rev: ext_irrefl_trans_strong len_lexext_rev
by standard (fact len_lexext_rev_irrefl, fact len_lexext_rev_trans_strong)
interpretation len_lexext_rev: ext_snoc len_lexext_rev
by standard (fact len_lexext_rev_snoc)
interpretation len_lexext_rev: ext_compat_cons len_lexext_rev
by standard (fact len_lexext_rev_compat_cons)
interpretation len_lexext_rev: ext_compat_snoc len_lexext_rev
by standard (fact len_lexext_rev_compat_snoc)
interpretation len_lexext_rev: ext_compat_list len_lexext_rev
by standard (rule len_lexext_rev_compat_list)
interpretation len_lexext_rev: ext_singleton len_lexext_rev
by standard (rule len_lexext_rev_singleton)
interpretation len_lexext_rev: ext_total len_lexext_rev
by standard (fact len_lexext_rev_total)
interpretation len_lexext_rev: ext_wf len_lexext_rev
by standard (fact len_lexext_rev_wf)
interpretation len_lexext_rev: ext_hd_or_tl len_lexext_rev
by standard (rule len_lexext_rev_hd_or_tl)
interpretation len_lexext_rev: ext_wf_bounded len_lexext_rev
by standard
subsection ‹Dershowitz--Manna Multiset Extension›
definition msetext_dersh where
"msetext_dersh gt ys xs = (let N = mset ys; M = mset xs in
(∃Y X. Y ≠ {#} ∧ Y ⊆# N ∧ M = (N - Y) + X ∧ (∀x. x ∈# X ⟶ (∃y. y ∈# Y ∧ gt y x))))"
text ‹
The following proof is based on that of @{thm[source] less_multiset⇩D⇩M_imp_mult}.
lemma msetext_dersh_imp_mult_rel:
ys_a: "ys ∈ lists A" and xs_a: "xs ∈ lists A" and
ys_gt_xs: "msetext_dersh gt ys xs"
shows "(mset xs, mset ys) ∈ mult {(x, y). x ∈ A ∧ y ∈ A ∧ gt y x}"
proof -
obtain Y X where y_nemp: "Y ≠ {#}" and y_sub_ys: "Y ⊆# mset ys" and
xs_eq: "mset xs = mset ys - Y + X" and ex_y: "∀x. x ∈# X ⟶ (∃y. y ∈# Y ∧ gt y x)"
using ys_gt_xs[unfolded msetext_dersh_def Let_def] by blast
have ex_y': "∀x. x ∈# X ⟶ (∃y. y ∈# Y ∧ x ∈ A ∧ y ∈ A ∧ gt y x)"
using ex_y y_sub_ys xs_eq ys_a xs_a by (metis in_listsD mset_subset_eqD set_mset_mset union_iff)
hence "(mset ys - Y + X, mset ys - Y + Y) ∈ mult {(x, y). x ∈ A ∧ y ∈ A ∧ gt y x}"
using y_nemp y_sub_ys by (intro one_step_implies_mult) (auto simp: Bex_def trans_def)
thus ?thesis
using xs_eq y_sub_ys by (simp add: subset_mset.diff_add)
lemma msetext_dersh_imp_mult: "msetext_dersh gt ys xs ⟹ (mset xs, mset ys) ∈ mult {(x, y). gt y x}"
using msetext_dersh_imp_mult_rel[of _ UNIV] by auto
lemma mult_imp_msetext_dersh_rel:
ys_a: "set_mset (mset ys) ⊆ A" and xs_a: "set_mset (mset xs) ⊆ A" and
in_mult: "(mset xs, mset ys) ∈ mult {(x, y). x ∈ A ∧ y ∈ A ∧ gt y x}" and
trans: "∀z ∈ A. ∀y ∈ A. ∀x ∈ A. gt z y ⟶ gt y x ⟶ gt z x"
shows "msetext_dersh gt ys xs"
using in_mult ys_a xs_a unfolding mult_def msetext_dersh_def Let_def
proof induct
case (base Ys)
then obtain y M0 X where "Ys = M0 + {#y#}" and "mset xs = M0 + X" and "∀a. a ∈# X ⟶ gt y a"
unfolding mult1_def by auto
thus ?case
by (auto intro: exI[of _ "{#y#}"] exI[of _ X])
case (step Ys Zs)
note ys_zs_in_mult1 = this(2) and ih = this(3) and zs_a = this(4) and xs_a = this(5)
have Ys_a: "set_mset Ys ⊆ A"
using ys_zs_in_mult1 zs_a unfolding mult1_def by auto
obtain Y X where y_nemp: "Y ≠ {#}" and y_sub_ys: "Y ⊆# Ys" and xs_eq: "mset xs = Ys - Y + X" and
ex_y: "∀x. x ∈# X ⟶ (∃y. y ∈# Y ∧ gt y x)"
using ih[OF Ys_a xs_a] by blast
obtain z M0 Ya where zs_eq: "Zs = M0 + {#z#}" and ys_eq: "Ys = M0 + Ya" and
z_gt: "∀y. y ∈# Ya ⟶ y ∈ A ∧ z ∈ A ∧ gt z y"
using ys_zs_in_mult1[unfolded mult1_def] by auto
let ?Za = "Y - Ya + {#z#}"
let ?Xa = "X + Ya + (Y - Ya) - Y"
have xa_sub_x_ya: "set_mset ?Xa ⊆ set_mset (X + Ya)"
by (metis diff_subset_eq_self in_diffD subsetI subset_mset.diff_diff_right)
have x_a: "set_mset X ⊆ A"
using xs_a xs_eq by auto
have ya_a: "set_mset Ya ⊆ A"
by (simp add: subsetI z_gt)
have ex_y': "∃y. y ∈# Y - Ya + {#z#} ∧ gt y x" if x_in: "x ∈# X + Ya" for x
proof (cases "x ∈# X")
case True
then obtain y where y_in: "y ∈# Y" and y_gt_x: "gt y x"
using ex_y by blast
show ?thesis
proof (cases "y ∈# Ya")
case False
hence "y ∈# Y - Ya + {#z#}"
using y_in by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using y_gt_x by blast
case True
hence "y ∈ A" and "z ∈ A" and "gt z y"
using z_gt by blast+
hence "gt z x"
using trans y_gt_x x_a ya_a x_in by (meson subsetCE union_iff)
thus ?thesis
by auto
case False
hence "x ∈# Ya"
using x_in by auto
hence "x ∈ A" and "z ∈ A" and "gt z x"
using z_gt by blast+
thus ?thesis
by auto
show ?case
proof (rule exI[of _ ?Za], rule exI[of _ ?Xa], intro conjI)
show "Y - Ya + {#z#} ⊆# Zs"
using mset_subset_eq_mono_add subset_eq_diff_conv y_sub_ys ys_eq zs_eq by fastforce
show "mset xs = Zs - (Y - Ya + {#z#}) + (X + Ya + (Y - Ya) - Y)"
unfolding xs_eq ys_eq zs_eq by (auto simp: multiset_eq_iff)
show "∀x. x ∈# X + Ya + (Y - Ya) - Y ⟶ (∃y. y ∈# Y - Ya + {#z#} ∧ gt y x)"
using ex_y' xa_sub_x_ya by blast
qed auto
lemma msetext_dersh_mono_strong:
"(∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt y x ⟶ gt' y x) ⟹ msetext_dersh gt ys xs ⟹
msetext_dersh gt' ys xs"
unfolding msetext_dersh_def Let_def
by (metis mset_subset_eqD mset_subset_eq_add_right set_mset_mset)
lemma msetext_dersh_map_strong:
compat_f: "∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt y x ⟶ gt (f y) (f x)" and
ys_gt_xs: "msetext_dersh gt ys xs"
shows "msetext_dersh gt (map f ys) (map f xs)"
proof -
obtain Y X where
y_nemp: "Y ≠ {#}" and y_sub_ys: "Y ⊆# mset ys" and xs_eq: "mset xs = mset ys - Y + X" and
ex_y: "∀x. x ∈# X ⟶ (∃y. y ∈# Y ∧ gt y x)"
using ys_gt_xs[unfolded msetext_dersh_def Let_def mset_map] by blast
have x_sub_xs: "X ⊆# mset xs"
using xs_eq by simp
let ?fY = "image_mset f Y"
let ?fX = "image_mset f X"
show ?thesis
unfolding msetext_dersh_def Let_def mset_map
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "image_mset f (mset xs) = image_mset f (mset ys) - ?fY + ?fX"
using xs_eq[THEN arg_cong, of "image_mset f"] y_sub_ys by (metis image_mset_Diff image_mset_union)
obtain y where y: "∀x. x ∈# X ⟶ y x ∈# Y ∧ gt (y x) x"
using ex_y by moura
show "∀fx. fx ∈# ?fX ⟶ (∃fy. fy ∈# ?fY ∧ gt fy fx)"
proof (intro allI impI)
fix fx
assume "fx ∈# ?fX"
then obtain x where fx: "fx = f x" and x_in: "x ∈# X"
by auto
hence y_in: "y x ∈# Y" and y_gt: "gt (y x) x"
using y[rule_format, OF x_in] by blast+
hence "f (y x) ∈# ?fY ∧ gt (f (y x)) (f x)"
using compat_f y_sub_ys x_sub_xs x_in
by (metis image_eqI in_image_mset mset_subset_eqD set_mset_mset)
thus "∃fy. fy ∈# ?fY ∧ gt fy fx"
unfolding fx by auto
qed (auto simp: y_nemp y_sub_ys image_mset_subseteq_mono)
lemma msetext_dersh_trans:
zs_a: "zs ∈ lists A" and
ys_a: "ys ∈ lists A" and
xs_a: "xs ∈ lists A" and
trans: "∀z ∈ A. ∀y ∈ A. ∀x ∈ A. gt z y ⟶ gt y x ⟶ gt z x" and
zs_gt_ys: "msetext_dersh gt zs ys" and
ys_gt_xs: "msetext_dersh gt ys xs"
shows "msetext_dersh gt zs xs"
proof (rule mult_imp_msetext_dersh_rel[OF _ _ _ trans])
show "set_mset (mset zs) ⊆ A"
using zs_a by auto
show "set_mset (mset xs) ⊆ A"
using xs_a by auto
let ?Gt = "{(x, y). x ∈ A ∧ y ∈ A ∧ gt y x}"
have "(mset xs, mset ys) ∈ mult ?Gt"
by (rule msetext_dersh_imp_mult_rel[OF ys_a xs_a ys_gt_xs])
moreover have "(mset ys, mset zs) ∈ mult ?Gt"
by (rule msetext_dersh_imp_mult_rel[OF zs_a ys_a zs_gt_ys])
ultimately show "(mset xs, mset zs) ∈ mult ?Gt"
unfolding mult_def by simp
lemma msetext_dersh_irrefl_from_trans:
trans: "∀z ∈ set xs. ∀y ∈ set xs. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt z y ⟶ gt y x ⟶ gt z x" and
irrefl: "∀x ∈ set xs. ¬ gt x x"
shows "¬ msetext_dersh gt xs xs"
unfolding msetext_dersh_def Let_def
proof clarify
fix Y X
assume y_nemp: "Y ≠ {#}" and y_sub_xs: "Y ⊆# mset xs" and xs_eq: "mset xs = mset xs - Y + X" and
ex_y: "∀x. x ∈# X ⟶ (∃y. y ∈# Y ∧ gt y x)"
have x_eq_y: "X = Y"
using y_sub_xs xs_eq by (metis diff_union_cancelL subset_mset.diff_add)
let ?Gt = "{(y, x). y ∈# Y ∧ x ∈# Y ∧ gt y x}"
have "?Gt ⊆ set_mset Y × set_mset Y"
by auto
hence fin: "finite ?Gt"
by (auto dest!: infinite_super)
moreover have "irrefl ?Gt"
unfolding irrefl_def using irrefl y_sub_xs by (fastforce dest!: set_mset_mono)
moreover have "trans ?Gt"
unfolding trans_def using trans y_sub_xs by (fastforce dest!: set_mset_mono)
ultimately have acyc: "acyclic ?Gt"
by (rule finite_irrefl_trans_imp_wf[THEN wf_acyclic])
have fin_y: "finite (set_mset Y)"
using y_sub_xs by simp
hence cyc: "¬ acyclic ?Gt"
proof (rule finite_nonempty_ex_succ_imp_cyclic)
show "∀x ∈# Y. ∃y ∈# Y. (y, x) ∈ ?Gt"
using ex_y[unfolded x_eq_y] by auto
qed (auto simp: y_nemp)
show False
using acyc cyc by sat
lemma msetext_dersh_snoc: "msetext_dersh gt (xs @ [x]) xs"
unfolding msetext_dersh_def Let_def
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "mset xs = mset (xs @ [x]) - {#x#} + {#}"
by simp
qed auto
lemma msetext_dersh_compat_cons:
assumes ys_gt_xs: "msetext_dersh gt ys xs"
shows "msetext_dersh gt (x # ys) (x # xs)"
proof -
obtain Y X where
y_nemp: "Y ≠ {#}" and y_sub_ys: "Y ⊆# mset ys" and xs_eq: "mset xs = mset ys - Y + X" and
ex_y: "∀x. x ∈# X ⟶ (∃y. y ∈# Y ∧ gt y x)"
using ys_gt_xs[unfolded msetext_dersh_def Let_def mset_map] by blast
show ?thesis
unfolding msetext_dersh_def Let_def
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "Y ⊆# mset (x # ys)"
using y_sub_ys
by (metis add_mset_add_single mset.simps(2) mset_subset_eq_add_left
show "mset (x # xs) = mset (x # ys) - Y + X"
proof -
have "X + (mset ys - Y) = mset xs"
by (simp add: union_commute xs_eq)
hence "mset (x # xs) = X + (mset (x # ys) - Y)"
by (metis add_mset_add_single mset.simps(2) mset_subset_eq_multiset_union_diff_commute
union_mset_add_mset_right y_sub_ys)
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: union_commute)
qed (auto simp: y_nemp ex_y)
lemma msetext_dersh_compat_snoc: "msetext_dersh gt ys xs ⟹ msetext_dersh gt (ys @ [x]) (xs @ [x])"
using msetext_dersh_compat_cons[of gt ys xs x] unfolding msetext_dersh_def by simp
lemma msetext_dersh_compat_list:
assumes y_gt_x: "gt y x"
shows "msetext_dersh gt (xs @ y # xs') (xs @ x # xs')"
unfolding msetext_dersh_def Let_def
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "mset (xs @ x # xs') = mset (xs @ y # xs') - {#y#} + {#x#}"
by auto
qed (auto intro: y_gt_x)
lemma msetext_dersh_singleton: "msetext_dersh gt [y] [x] ⟷ gt y x"
unfolding msetext_dersh_def Let_def
by (auto dest: nonempty_subseteq_mset_eq_single simp: nonempty_subseteq_mset_iff_single)
lemma msetext_dersh_wf:
assumes wf_gt: "wfP (λx y. gt y x)"
shows "wfP (λxs ys. msetext_dersh gt ys xs)"
proof (rule wfp_subset, rule wfP_app[of "λxs ys. (xs, ys) ∈ mult {(x, y). gt y x}" mset])
show "wfP (λxs ys. (xs, ys) ∈ mult {(x, y). gt y x})"
using wf_gt unfolding wfp_def by (auto intro: wf_mult)
show "(λxs ys. msetext_dersh gt ys xs) ≤ (λx y. (mset x, mset y) ∈ mult {(x, y). gt y x})"
using msetext_dersh_imp_mult by blast
interpretation msetext_dersh: ext msetext_dersh
by standard (fact msetext_dersh_mono_strong, rule msetext_dersh_map_strong, metis in_listsD)
interpretation msetext_dersh: ext_trans_before_irrefl msetext_dersh
by standard (fact msetext_dersh_trans, fact msetext_dersh_irrefl_from_trans)
interpretation msetext_dersh: ext_snoc msetext_dersh
by standard (fact msetext_dersh_snoc)
interpretation msetext_dersh: ext_compat_cons msetext_dersh
by standard (fact msetext_dersh_compat_cons)
interpretation msetext_dersh: ext_compat_snoc msetext_dersh
by standard (fact msetext_dersh_compat_snoc)
interpretation msetext_dersh: ext_compat_list msetext_dersh
by standard (rule msetext_dersh_compat_list)
interpretation msetext_dersh: ext_singleton msetext_dersh
by standard (rule msetext_dersh_singleton)
interpretation msetext_dersh: ext_wf msetext_dersh
by standard (fact msetext_dersh_wf)
subsection ‹Huet--Oppen Multiset Extension›
definition msetext_huet where
"msetext_huet gt ys xs = (let N = mset ys; M = mset xs in
M ≠ N ∧ (∀x. count M x > count N x ⟶ (∃y. gt y x ∧ count N y > count M y)))"
lemma msetext_huet_imp_count_gt:
assumes ys_gt_xs: "msetext_huet gt ys xs"
shows "∃x. count (mset ys) x > count (mset xs) x"
proof -
obtain x where "count (mset ys) x ≠ count (mset xs) x"
using ys_gt_xs[unfolded msetext_huet_def Let_def] by (fastforce intro: multiset_eqI)
assume "count (mset ys) x < count (mset xs) x"
hence ?thesis
using ys_gt_xs[unfolded msetext_huet_def Let_def] by blast
assume "count (mset ys) x > count (mset xs) x"
hence ?thesis
by fast
ultimately show ?thesis
by fastforce
lemma msetext_huet_imp_dersh:
assumes huet: "msetext_huet gt ys xs"
shows "msetext_dersh gt ys xs"
proof (unfold msetext_dersh_def Let_def, intro exI conjI)
let ?X = "mset xs - mset ys"
let ?Y = "mset ys - mset xs"
show "?Y ≠ {#}"
by (metis msetext_huet_imp_count_gt[OF huet] empty_iff in_diff_count set_mset_empty)
show "?Y ⊆# mset ys"
by auto
show "mset xs = mset ys - ?Y + ?X"
by (rule multiset_eqI) simp
show "∀x. x ∈# ?X ⟶ (∃y. y ∈# ?Y ∧ gt y x)"
using huet[unfolded msetext_huet_def Let_def, THEN conjunct2] by (meson in_diff_count)
text ‹
The following proof is based on that of @{thm[source] mult_imp_less_multiset⇩H⇩O}.
lemma mult_imp_msetext_huet:
irrefl: "irreflp gt" and trans: "transp gt" and
in_mult: "(mset xs, mset ys) ∈ mult {(x, y). gt y x}"
shows "msetext_huet gt ys xs"
using in_mult unfolding mult_def msetext_huet_def Let_def
proof (induct rule: trancl_induct)
case (base Ys)
thus ?case
using irrefl unfolding irreflp_def msetext_huet_def Let_def mult1_def
by (auto 0 3 split: if_splits)
case (step Ys Zs)
have asym[unfolded antisym_def, simplified]: "antisymp gt"
by (rule irreflp_transp_imp_antisymP[OF irrefl trans])
from step(3) have "mset xs ≠ Ys" and
**: "⋀x. count Ys x < count (mset xs) x ⟹ (∃y. gt y x ∧ count (mset xs) y < count Ys y)"
by blast+
from step(2) obtain M0 a K where
*: "Zs = M0 + {#a#}" "Ys = M0 + K" "a ∉# K" "⋀b. b ∈# K ⟹ gt a b"
using irrefl unfolding mult1_def irreflp_def by force
have "mset xs ≠ Zs"
proof (cases "K = {#}")
case True
thus ?thesis
using ‹mset xs ≠ Ys› ** *(1,2) irrefl[unfolded irreflp_def]
by (metis One_nat_def add.comm_neutral count_single diff_union_cancelL lessI
minus_multiset.rep_eq not_add_less2 plus_multiset.rep_eq union_commute zero_less_diff)
case False
thus ?thesis
proof -
obtain aa :: "'a ⇒ 'a" where
f1: "∀a. ¬ count Ys a < count (mset xs) a ∨ gt (aa a) a ∧
count (mset xs) (aa a) < count Ys (aa a)"
using ** by moura
have f2: "K + M0 = Ys"
using *(2) union_ac(2) by blast
have f3: "⋀aa. count Zs aa = count M0 aa + count {#a#} aa"
by (simp add: *(1))
have f4: "⋀a. count Ys a = count K a + count M0 a"
using f2 by auto
have f5: "count K a = 0"
by (meson *(3) count_inI)
have "Zs - M0 = {#a#}"
using *(1) add_diff_cancel_left' by blast
then have f6: "count M0 a < count Zs a"
by (metis in_diff_count union_single_eq_member)
have "⋀m. count m a = 0 + count m a"
by simp
{ assume "aa a ≠ a"
then have "mset xs = Zs ∧ count Zs (aa a) < count K (aa a) + count M0 (aa a) ⟶
count K (aa a) + count M0 (aa a) < count Zs (aa a)"
using f5 f3 f2 f1 *(4) asym by (auto dest!: antisympD) }
ultimately show ?thesis
using f6 f5 f4 f1 by (metis less_imp_not_less)
assume "count Zs a ≤ count (mset xs) a"
with ‹a ∉# K› have "count Ys a < count (mset xs) a" unfolding *(1,2)
by (auto simp add: not_in_iff)
with ** obtain z where z: "gt z a" "count (mset xs) z < count Ys z"
by blast
with * have "count Ys z ≤ count Zs z"
using asym by (auto simp: intro: count_inI dest: antisympD)
with z have "∃z. gt z a ∧ count (mset xs) z < count Zs z" by auto
note count_a = this
fix y
assume count_y: "count Zs y < count (mset xs) y"
have "∃x. gt x y ∧ count (mset xs) x < count Zs x"
proof (cases "y = a")
case True
with count_y count_a show ?thesis by auto
case False
show ?thesis
proof (cases "y ∈# K")
case True
with *(4) have "gt a y" by simp
then show ?thesis
by (cases "count Zs a ≤ count (mset xs) a",
blast dest: count_a trans[unfolded transp_def, rule_format], auto dest: count_a)
case False
with ‹y ≠ a› have "count Zs y = count Ys y" unfolding *(1,2)
by (simp add: not_in_iff)
with count_y ** obtain z where z: "gt z y" "count (mset xs) z < count Ys z" by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases "z ∈# K")
case True
with *(4) have "gt a z" by simp
with z(1) show ?thesis
by (cases "count Zs a ≤ count (mset xs) a")
(blast dest: count_a not_le_imp_less trans[unfolded transp_def, rule_format])+
case False
with ‹a ∉# K› have "count Ys z ≤ count Zs z" unfolding *
by (auto simp add: not_in_iff)
with z show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?case
unfolding msetext_huet_def Let_def by blast
theorem msetext_huet_eq_dersh: "irreflp gt ⟹ transp gt ⟹ msetext_dersh gt = msetext_huet gt"
using msetext_huet_imp_dersh msetext_dersh_imp_mult mult_imp_msetext_huet by fast
lemma msetext_huet_mono_strong:
"(∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt y x ⟶ gt' y x) ⟹ msetext_huet gt ys xs ⟹ msetext_huet gt' ys xs"
unfolding msetext_huet_def
by (metis less_le_trans mem_Collect_eq not_le not_less0 set_mset_mset[unfolded set_mset_def])
lemma msetext_huet_map:
fin: "finite A" and
ys_a: "ys ∈ lists A" and xs_a: "xs ∈ lists A" and
irrefl_f: "∀x ∈ A. ¬ gt (f x) (f x)" and
trans_f: "∀z ∈ A. ∀y ∈ A. ∀x ∈ A. gt (f z) (f y) ⟶ gt (f y) (f x) ⟶ gt (f z) (f x)" and
compat_f: "∀y ∈ A. ∀x ∈ A. gt y x ⟶ gt (f y) (f x)" and
ys_gt_xs: "msetext_huet gt ys xs"
shows "msetext_huet gt (map f ys) (map f xs)" (is "msetext_huet _ ?fys ?fxs")
proof -
have irrefl: "∀x ∈ A. ¬ gt x x"
using irrefl_f compat_f by blast
ms_xs_ne_ys: "mset xs ≠ mset ys" and
ex_gt: "∀x. count (mset ys) x < count (mset xs) x ⟶
(∃y. gt y x ∧ count (mset xs) y < count (mset ys) y)"
using ys_gt_xs[unfolded msetext_huet_def Let_def] by blast+
have ex_y: "∃y. gt (f y) (f x) ∧ count (mset ?fxs) (f y) < count (mset (map f ys)) (f y)"
if cnt_x: "count (mset xs) x > count (mset ys) x" for x
proof -
have x_in_a: "x ∈ A"
using cnt_x xs_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
obtain y where y_gt_x: "gt y x" and cnt_y: "count (mset ys) y > count (mset xs) y"
using cnt_x ex_gt by blast
have y_in_a: "y ∈ A"
using cnt_y ys_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
have wf_gt_f: "wfP (λy x. y ∈ A ∧ x ∈ A ∧ gt (f y) (f x))"
by (rule finite_irreflp_transp_imp_wfp)
(auto elim: trans_f[rule_format] simp: fin irrefl_f Collect_case_prod_Sigma irreflp_def
obtain yy where
fyy_gt_fx: "gt (f yy) (f x)" and
cnt_yy: "count (mset ys) yy > count (mset xs) yy" and
max_yy: "∀y ∈ A. yy ∈ A ⟶ gt (f y) (f yy) ⟶ gt (f y) (f x) ⟶
count (mset xs) y ≥ count (mset ys) y"
using wfp_eq_minimal[THEN iffD1, OF wf_gt_f, rule_format,
of y "{y. gt (f y) (f x) ∧ count (mset xs) y < count (mset ys) y}", simplified]
y_gt_x cnt_y
by (metis compat_f not_less x_in_a y_in_a)
have yy_in_a: "yy ∈ A"
using cnt_yy ys_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
assume "count (mset ?fxs) (f yy) ≥ count (mset ?fys) (f yy)"
then obtain u where fu_eq_fyy: "f u = f yy" and cnt_u: "count (mset xs) u > count (mset ys) u"
using count_image_mset_le_imp_lt cnt_yy mset_map by (metis (mono_tags))
have u_in_a: "u ∈ A"
using cnt_u xs_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
obtain v where v_gt_u: "gt v u" and cnt_v: "count (mset ys) v > count (mset xs) v"
using cnt_u ex_gt by blast
have v_in_a: "v ∈ A"
using cnt_v ys_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
have fv_gt_fu: "gt (f v) (f u)"
using v_gt_u compat_f v_in_a u_in_a by blast
hence fv_gt_fyy: "gt (f v) (f yy)"
by (simp only: fu_eq_fyy)
have "gt (f v) (f x)"
using fv_gt_fyy fyy_gt_fx v_in_a yy_in_a x_in_a trans_f by blast
hence False
using max_yy[rule_format, of v] fv_gt_fyy v_in_a yy_in_a cnt_v by linarith
thus ?thesis
using fyy_gt_fx leI by blast
show ?thesis
unfolding msetext_huet_def Let_def
proof (intro conjI allI impI)
assume len_eq: "length xs = length ys"
obtain x where cnt_x: "count (mset xs) x > count (mset ys) x"
using len_eq ms_xs_ne_ys by (metis size_eq_ex_count_lt size_mset)
hence "mset ?fxs ≠ mset ?fys"
using ex_y by fastforce
thus "mset ?fxs ≠ mset (map f ys)"
by (metis length_map size_mset)
fix fx
assume cnt_fx: "count (mset ?fxs) fx > count (mset ?fys) fx"
then obtain x where fx: "fx = f x" and cnt_x: "count (mset xs) x > count (mset ys) x"
using count_image_mset_lt_imp_lt mset_map by (metis (mono_tags))
thus "∃fy. gt fy fx ∧ count (mset ?fxs) fy < count (mset (map f ys)) fy"
using ex_y[OF cnt_x] by blast
lemma msetext_huet_irrefl: "(∀x ∈ set xs. ¬ gt x x) ⟹ ¬ msetext_huet gt xs xs"
unfolding msetext_huet_def by simp
lemma msetext_huet_trans_from_irrefl:
fin: "finite A" and
zs_a: "zs ∈ lists A" and ys_a: "ys ∈ lists A" and xs_a: "xs ∈ lists A" and
irrefl: "∀x ∈ A. ¬ gt x x" and
trans: "∀z ∈ A. ∀y ∈ A. ∀x ∈ A. gt z y ⟶ gt y x ⟶ gt z x" and
zs_gt_ys: "msetext_huet gt zs ys" and
ys_gt_xs: "msetext_huet gt ys xs"
shows "msetext_huet gt zs xs"
proof -
have wf_gt: "wfP (λy x. y ∈ A ∧ x ∈ A ∧ gt y x)"
by (rule finite_irreflp_transp_imp_wfp)
(auto elim: trans[rule_format] simp: fin irrefl Collect_case_prod_Sigma irreflp_def
show ?thesis
unfolding msetext_huet_def Let_def
proof (intro conjI allI impI)
obtain x where cnt_x: "count (mset zs) x > count (mset ys) x"
using msetext_huet_imp_count_gt[OF zs_gt_ys] by blast
have x_in_a: "x ∈ A"
using cnt_x zs_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
obtain xx where
cnt_xx: "count (mset zs) xx > count (mset ys) xx" and
max_xx: "∀y ∈ A. xx ∈ A ⟶ gt y xx ⟶ count (mset ys) y ≥ count (mset zs) y"
using wfp_eq_minimal[THEN iffD1, OF wf_gt, rule_format,
of x "{y. count (mset ys) y < count (mset zs) y}", simplified]
by force
have xx_in_a: "xx ∈ A"
using cnt_xx zs_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
show "mset xs ≠ mset zs"
proof (cases "count (mset ys) xx ≥ count (mset xs) xx")
case True
thus ?thesis
using cnt_xx by fastforce
case False
hence "count (mset ys) xx < count (mset xs) xx"
by fastforce
then obtain z where z_gt_xx: "gt z xx" and cnt_z: "count (mset ys) z > count (mset xs) z"
using ys_gt_xs[unfolded msetext_huet_def Let_def] by blast
have z_in_a: "z ∈ A"
using cnt_z ys_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
have "count (mset zs) z ≤ count (mset ys) z"
using max_xx[rule_format, of z] z_in_a xx_in_a z_gt_xx by blast
assume "count (mset zs) z < count (mset ys) z"
then obtain u where u_gt_z: "gt u z" and cnt_u: "count (mset ys) u < count (mset zs) u"
using zs_gt_ys[unfolded msetext_huet_def Let_def] by blast
have u_in_a: "u ∈ A"
using cnt_u zs_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
have u_gt_xx: "gt u xx"
using trans u_in_a z_in_a xx_in_a u_gt_z z_gt_xx by blast
have False
using max_xx[rule_format, of u] u_in_a xx_in_a u_gt_xx cnt_u by fastforce
ultimately have "count (mset zs) z = count (mset ys) z"
by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using cnt_z by fastforce
fix x
assume cnt_x_xz: "count (mset zs) x < count (mset xs) x"
have x_in_a: "x ∈ A"
using cnt_x_xz xs_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
let ?case = "∃y. gt y x ∧ count (mset zs) y > count (mset xs) y"
assume cnt_x: "count (mset zs) x < count (mset ys) x"
then obtain y where y_gt_x: "gt y x" and cnt_y: "count (mset zs) y > count (mset ys) y"
using zs_gt_ys[unfolded msetext_huet_def Let_def] by blast
have y_in_a: "y ∈ A"
using cnt_y zs_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
obtain yy where
yy_gt_x: "gt yy x" and
cnt_yy: "count (mset zs) yy > count (mset ys) yy" and
max_yy: "∀y ∈ A. yy ∈ A ⟶ gt y yy ⟶ gt y x ⟶ count (mset ys) y ≥ count (mset zs) y"
using wfp_eq_minimal[THEN iffD1, OF wf_gt, rule_format,
of y "{y. gt y x ∧ count (mset ys) y < count (mset zs) y}", simplified]
y_gt_x cnt_y
by force
have yy_in_a: "yy ∈ A"
using cnt_yy zs_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
have ?case
proof (cases "count (mset ys) yy ≥ count (mset xs) yy")
case True
thus ?thesis
using yy_gt_x cnt_yy by fastforce
case False
hence "count (mset ys) yy < count (mset xs) yy"
by fastforce
then obtain z where z_gt_yy: "gt z yy" and cnt_z: "count (mset ys) z > count (mset xs) z"
using ys_gt_xs[unfolded msetext_huet_def Let_def] by blast
have z_in_a: "z ∈ A"
using cnt_z ys_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
have z_gt_x: "gt z x"
using trans z_in_a yy_in_a x_in_a z_gt_yy yy_gt_x by blast
have "count (mset zs) z ≤ count (mset ys) z"
using max_yy[rule_format, of z] z_in_a yy_in_a z_gt_yy z_gt_x by blast
assume "count (mset zs) z < count (mset ys) z"
then obtain u where u_gt_z: "gt u z" and cnt_u: "count (mset ys) u < count (mset zs) u"
using zs_gt_ys[unfolded msetext_huet_def Let_def] by blast
have u_in_a: "u ∈ A"
using cnt_u zs_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
have u_gt_yy: "gt u yy"
using trans u_in_a z_in_a yy_in_a u_gt_z z_gt_yy by blast
have u_gt_x: "gt u x"
using trans u_in_a z_in_a x_in_a u_gt_z z_gt_x by blast
have False
using max_yy[rule_format, of u] u_in_a yy_in_a u_gt_yy u_gt_x cnt_u by fastforce
ultimately have "count (mset zs) z = count (mset ys) z"
by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using z_gt_x cnt_z by fastforce
assume "count (mset zs) x ≥ count (mset ys) x"
hence "count (mset ys) x < count (mset xs) x"
using cnt_x_xz by fastforce
then obtain y where y_gt_x: "gt y x" and cnt_y: "count (mset ys) y > count (mset xs) y"
using ys_gt_xs[unfolded msetext_huet_def Let_def] by blast
have y_in_a: "y ∈ A"
using cnt_y ys_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
obtain yy where
yy_gt_x: "gt yy x" and
cnt_yy: "count (mset ys) yy > count (mset xs) yy" and
max_yy: "∀y ∈ A. yy ∈ A ⟶ gt y yy ⟶ gt y x ⟶ count (mset xs) y ≥ count (mset ys) y"
using wfp_eq_minimal[THEN iffD1, OF wf_gt, rule_format,
of y "{y. gt y x ∧ count (mset xs) y < count (mset ys) y}", simplified]
y_gt_x cnt_y
by force
have yy_in_a: "yy ∈ A"
using cnt_yy ys_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
have ?case
proof (cases "count (mset zs) yy ≥ count (mset ys) yy")
case True
thus ?thesis
using yy_gt_x cnt_yy by fastforce
case False
hence "count (mset zs) yy < count (mset ys) yy"
by fastforce
then obtain z where z_gt_yy: "gt z yy" and cnt_z: "count (mset zs) z > count (mset ys) z"
using zs_gt_ys[unfolded msetext_huet_def Let_def] by blast
have z_in_a: "z ∈ A"
using cnt_z zs_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
have z_gt_x: "gt z x"
using trans z_in_a yy_in_a x_in_a z_gt_yy yy_gt_x by blast
have "count (mset ys) z ≤ count (mset xs) z"
using max_yy[rule_format, of z] z_in_a yy_in_a z_gt_yy z_gt_x by blast
assume "count (mset ys) z < count (mset xs) z"
then obtain u where u_gt_z: "gt u z" and cnt_u: "count (mset xs) u < count (mset ys) u"
using ys_gt_xs[unfolded msetext_huet_def Let_def] by blast
have u_in_a: "u ∈ A"
using cnt_u ys_a dual_order.strict_trans2 by fastforce
have u_gt_yy: "gt u yy"
using trans u_in_a z_in_a yy_in_a u_gt_z z_gt_yy by blast
have u_gt_x: "gt u x"
using trans u_in_a z_in_a x_in_a u_gt_z z_gt_x by blast
have False
using max_yy[rule_format, of u] u_in_a yy_in_a u_gt_yy u_gt_x cnt_u by fastforce
ultimately have "count (mset ys) z = count (mset xs) z"
by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using z_gt_x cnt_z by fastforce
ultimately show "∃y. gt y x ∧ count (mset xs) y < count (mset zs) y"
by fastforce
lemma msetext_huet_snoc: "msetext_huet gt (xs @ [x]) xs"
unfolding msetext_huet_def Let_def by simp
lemma msetext_huet_compat_cons: "msetext_huet gt ys xs ⟹ msetext_huet gt (x # ys) (x # xs)"
unfolding msetext_huet_def Let_def by auto
lemma msetext_huet_compat_snoc: "msetext_huet gt ys xs ⟹ msetext_huet gt (ys @ [x]) (xs @ [x])"
unfolding msetext_huet_def Let_def by auto
lemma msetext_huet_compat_list: "y ≠ x ⟹ gt y x ⟹ msetext_huet gt (xs @ y # xs') (xs @ x # xs')"
unfolding msetext_huet_def Let_def by auto
lemma msetext_huet_singleton: "y ≠ x ⟹ msetext_huet gt [y] [x] ⟷ gt y x"
unfolding msetext_huet_def by simp
lemma msetext_huet_wf: "wfP (λx y. gt y x) ⟹ wfP (λxs ys. msetext_huet gt ys xs)"
by (erule wfp_subset[OF msetext_dersh_wf]) (auto intro: msetext_huet_imp_dersh)
lemma msetext_huet_hd_or_tl:
trans: "∀z y x. gt z y ⟶ gt y x ⟶ gt z x" and
total: "∀y x. gt y x ∨ gt x y ∨ y = x" and
len_eq: "length ys = length xs" and
yys_gt_xxs: "msetext_huet gt (y # ys) (x # xs)"
shows "gt y x ∨ msetext_huet gt ys xs"
proof -
let ?Y = "mset (y # ys)"
let ?X = "mset (x # xs)"
let ?Ya = "mset ys"
let ?Xa = "mset xs"
have Y_ne_X: "?Y ≠ ?X" and
ex_gt_Y: "⋀xa. count ?X xa > count ?Y xa ⟹ ∃ya. gt ya xa ∧ count ?Y ya > count ?X ya"
using yys_gt_xxs[unfolded msetext_huet_def Let_def] by auto
obtain yy where
yy: "⋀xa. count ?X xa > count ?Y xa ⟹ gt (yy xa) xa ∧ count ?Y (yy xa) > count ?X (yy xa)"
using ex_gt_Y by metis
have cnt_Y_pres: "count ?Ya xa > count ?Xa xa" if "count ?Y xa > count ?X xa" and "xa ≠ y" for xa
using that by (auto split: if_splits)
have cnt_X_pres: "count ?Xa xa > count ?Ya xa" if "count ?X xa > count ?Y xa" and "xa ≠ x" for xa
using that by (auto split: if_splits)
assume y_eq_x: "y = x"
have "?Xa ≠ ?Ya"
using y_eq_x Y_ne_X by simp
moreover have "⋀xa. count ?Xa xa > count ?Ya xa ⟹ ∃ya. gt ya xa ∧ count ?Ya ya > count ?Xa ya"
proof -
fix xa :: 'a
assume a1: "count (mset ys) xa < count (mset xs) xa"
from ex_gt_Y obtain aa :: "'a ⇒ 'a" where
f3: "∀a. ¬ count (mset (y # ys)) a < count (mset (x # xs)) a ∨ gt (aa a) a ∧
count (mset (x # xs)) (aa a) < count (mset (y # ys)) (aa a)"
by (metis (full_types))
then have f4: "⋀a. count (mset (x # xs)) (aa a) < count (mset (x # ys)) (aa a) ∨
¬ count (mset (x # ys)) a < count (mset (x # xs)) a"
using y_eq_x by meson
have "⋀a as aa. count (mset ((a::'a) # as)) aa = count (mset as) aa ∨ aa = a"
by fastforce
then have "xa = x ∨ count (mset (x # xs)) (aa xa) < count (mset (x # ys)) (aa xa)"
using f4 a1 by (metis (no_types))
then show "∃a. gt a xa ∧ count (mset xs) a < count (mset ys) a"
using f3 y_eq_x a1 by (metis (no_types) Suc_less_eq count_add_mset mset.simps(2))
ultimately have "msetext_huet gt ys xs"
unfolding msetext_huet_def Let_def by simp
assume x_gt_y: "gt x y" and y_ngt_x: "¬ gt y x"
hence y_ne_x: "y ≠ x"
by fast
obtain z where z_cnt: "count ?X z > count ?Y z"
using size_eq_ex_count_lt[of ?Y ?X] size_mset size_mset len_eq Y_ne_X by auto
have Xa_ne_Ya: "?Xa ≠ ?Ya"
proof (cases "z = x")
case True
hence "yy z ≠ y"
using y_ngt_x yy z_cnt by blast
hence "count ?Ya (yy z) > count ?Xa (yy z)"
using cnt_Y_pres yy z_cnt by blast
thus ?thesis
by auto
case False
hence "count ?Xa z > count ?Ya z"
using z_cnt cnt_X_pres by blast
thus ?thesis
by auto
have "∃ya. gt ya xa ∧ count ?Ya ya > count ?Xa ya"
if xa_cnta: "count ?Xa xa > count ?Ya xa" for xa
proof (cases "xa = y")
case xa_eq_y: True
assume "count ?Ya x > count ?Xa x"
moreover have "gt x xa"
unfolding xa_eq_y by (rule x_gt_y)
ultimately have ?thesis
by fast
assume "count ?Xa x ≥ count ?Ya x"
hence x_cnt: "count ?X x > count ?Y x"
by (simp add: y_ne_x)
hence yyx_gt_x: "gt (yy x) x" and yyx_cnt: "count ?Y (yy x) > count ?X (yy x)"
using yy by blast+
have yyx_ne_y: "yy x ≠ y"
using y_ngt_x yyx_gt_x by auto
have "gt (yy x) xa"
unfolding xa_eq_y using trans yyx_gt_x x_gt_y by blast
moreover have "count ?Ya (yy x) > count ?Xa (yy x)"
using cnt_Y_pres yyx_cnt yyx_ne_y by blast
ultimately have ?thesis
by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by fastforce
case False
hence xa_cnt: "count ?X xa > count ?Y xa"
using xa_cnta by fastforce
show ?thesis
proof (cases "yy xa = y ∧ count ?Ya y ≤ count ?Xa y")
case yyxa_ne_y_or: False
have yyxa_gt_xa: "gt (yy xa) xa" and yyxa_cnt: "count ?Y (yy xa) > count ?X (yy xa)"
using yy[OF xa_cnt] by blast+
have "count ?Ya (yy xa) > count ?Xa (yy xa)"
using cnt_Y_pres yyxa_cnt yyxa_ne_y_or by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using yyxa_gt_xa by blast
case True
note yyxa_eq_y = this[THEN conjunct1] and y_cnt = this[THEN conjunct2]
assume "count ?Ya x > count ?Xa x"
moreover have "gt x xa"
using trans x_gt_y xa_cnt yy yyxa_eq_y by blast
ultimately have ?thesis
by fast
assume "count ?Xa x ≥ count ?Ya x"
hence x_cnt: "count ?X x > count ?Y x"
by (simp add: y_ne_x)
hence yyx_gt_x: "gt (yy x) x" and yyx_cnt: "count ?Y (yy x) > count ?X (yy x)"
using yy by blast+
have yyx_ne_y: "yy x ≠ y"
using y_ngt_x yyx_gt_x by auto
have "gt (yy x) xa"
using trans x_gt_y xa_cnt yy yyx_gt_x yyxa_eq_y by blast
moreover have "count ?Ya (yy x) > count ?Xa (yy x)"
using cnt_Y_pres yyx_cnt yyx_ne_y by blast
ultimately have ?thesis
by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by fastforce
hence "msetext_huet gt ys xs"
unfolding msetext_huet_def Let_def using Xa_ne_Ya by fast
ultimately show ?thesis
using total by blast
interpretation msetext_huet: ext msetext_huet
by standard (fact msetext_huet_mono_strong, fact msetext_huet_map)
interpretation msetext_huet: ext_irrefl_before_trans msetext_huet
by standard (fact msetext_huet_irrefl, fact msetext_huet_trans_from_irrefl)
interpretation msetext_huet: ext_snoc msetext_huet
by standard (fact msetext_huet_snoc)
interpretation msetext_huet: ext_compat_cons msetext_huet
by standard (fact msetext_huet_compat_cons)
interpretation msetext_huet: ext_compat_snoc msetext_huet
by standard (fact msetext_huet_compat_snoc)
interpretation msetext_huet: ext_compat_list msetext_huet
by standard (fact msetext_huet_compat_list)
interpretation msetext_huet: ext_singleton msetext_huet
by standard (fact msetext_huet_singleton)
interpretation msetext_huet: ext_wf msetext_huet
by standard (fact msetext_huet_wf)
interpretation msetext_huet: ext_hd_or_tl msetext_huet
by standard (rule msetext_huet_hd_or_tl)
interpretation msetext_huet: ext_wf_bounded msetext_huet
by standard
subsection ‹Componentwise Extension›
definition cwiseext :: "('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool" where
"cwiseext gt ys xs ⟷ length ys = length xs
∧ (∀i < length ys. gt (ys ! i) (xs ! i) ∨ ys ! i = xs ! i)
∧ (∃i < length ys. gt (ys ! i) (xs ! i))"
lemma cwiseext_imp_len_lexext:
assumes cw: "cwiseext gt ys xs"
shows "len_lexext gt ys xs"
proof -
have len_eq: "length ys = length xs"
using cw[unfolded cwiseext_def] by sat
moreover have "lexext gt ys xs"
proof -
obtain j where
j_len: "j < length ys" and
j_gt: "gt (ys ! j) (xs ! j)"
using cw[unfolded cwiseext_def] by blast
then obtain j0 where
j0_len: "j0 < length ys" and
j0_gt: "gt (ys ! j0) (xs ! j0)" and
j0_min: "⋀i. i < j0 ⟹ ¬ gt (ys ! i) (xs ! i)"
using wf_eq_minimal[THEN iffD1, OF wf_less, rule_format, of _ "{i. gt (ys ! i) (xs ! i)}",
simplified, OF j_gt]
by (metis less_trans nat_neq_iff)
have j0_eq: "⋀i. i < j0 ⟹ ys ! i = xs ! i"
using cw[unfolded cwiseext_def] by (metis j0_len j0_min less_trans)
have "lexext gt (drop j0 ys) (drop j0 xs)"
using lexext_Cons[of gt _ _ "drop (Suc j0) ys" "drop (Suc j0) xs", OF j0_gt]
by (metis Cons_nth_drop_Suc j0_len len_eq)
thus ?thesis
using cw len_eq j0_len j0_min
proof (induct j0 arbitrary: ys xs)
case (Suc k)
note ih0 = this(1) and gts_dropSk = this(2) and cw = this(3) and len_eq = this(4) and
Sk_len = this(5) and Sk_min = this(6)
have Sk_eq: "⋀i. i < Suc k ⟹ ys ! i = xs ! i"
using cw[unfolded cwiseext_def] by (metis Sk_len Sk_min less_trans)
have k_len: "k < length ys"
using Sk_len by simp
have k_min: "⋀i. i < k ⟹ ¬ gt (ys ! i) (xs ! i)"
using Sk_min by simp
have k_eq: "⋀i. i < k ⟹ ys ! i = xs ! i"
using Sk_eq by simp
note ih = ih0[OF _ cw len_eq k_len k_min]
show ?case
proof (cases "k < length ys")
case k_lt_ys: True
note k_lt_xs = k_lt_ys[unfolded len_eq]
obtain x where x: "x = xs ! k"
by simp
hence y: "x = ys ! k"
using Sk_eq[of k] by simp
have dropk_xs: "drop k xs = x # drop (Suc k) xs"
using k_lt_xs x by (simp add: Cons_nth_drop_Suc)
have dropk_ys: "drop k ys = x # drop (Suc k) ys"
using k_lt_ys y by (simp add: Cons_nth_drop_Suc)
show ?thesis
by (rule ih, unfold dropk_xs dropk_ys, rule lexext_Cons_eq[OF gts_dropSk])
case False
hence "drop k xs = []" and "drop k ys = []"
using len_eq by simp_all
hence "lexext gt [] []"
using gts_dropSk by simp
hence "lexext gt (drop k ys) (drop k xs)"
by simp
thus ?thesis
by (rule ih)
qed simp
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding lenext_def by sat
lemma cwiseext_mono_strong:
"(∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt y x ⟶ gt' y x) ⟹ cwiseext gt ys xs ⟹ cwiseext gt' ys xs"
unfolding cwiseext_def by (induct, force, fast)
lemma cwiseext_map_strong:
"(∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt y x ⟶ gt (f y) (f x)) ⟹ cwiseext gt ys xs ⟹
cwiseext gt (map f ys) (map f xs)"
unfolding cwiseext_def by auto
lemma cwiseext_irrefl: "(∀x ∈ set xs. ¬ gt x x) ⟹ ¬ cwiseext gt xs xs"
unfolding cwiseext_def by (blast intro: nth_mem)
lemma cwiseext_trans_strong:
"∀z ∈ set zs. ∀y ∈ set ys. ∀x ∈ set xs. gt z y ⟶ gt y x ⟶ gt z x" and
"cwiseext gt zs ys" and "cwiseext gt ys xs"
shows "cwiseext gt zs xs"
using assms unfolding cwiseext_def by (metis (mono_tags) nth_mem)
lemma cwiseext_compat_cons: "cwiseext gt ys xs ⟹ cwiseext gt (x # ys) (x # xs)"
unfolding cwiseext_def
proof (elim conjE, intro conjI)
"length ys = length xs" and
"∀i < length ys. gt (ys ! i) (xs ! i) ∨ ys ! i = xs ! i"
thus "∀i < length (x # ys). gt ((x # ys) ! i) ((x # xs) ! i) ∨ (x # ys) ! i = (x # xs) ! i"
by (simp add: nth_Cons')
assume "∃i < length ys. gt (ys ! i) (xs ! i)"
thus "∃i < length (x # ys). gt ((x # ys) ! i) ((x # xs) ! i)"
by fastforce
qed auto
lemma cwiseext_compat_snoc: "cwiseext gt ys xs ⟹ cwiseext gt (ys @ [x]) (xs @ [x])"
unfolding cwiseext_def
proof (elim conjE, intro conjI)
"length ys = length xs" and
"∀i < length ys. gt (ys ! i) (xs ! i) ∨ ys ! i = xs ! i"
thus "∀i < length (ys @ [x]).
gt ((ys @ [x]) ! i) ((xs @ [x]) ! i) ∨ (ys @ [x]) ! i = (xs @ [x]) ! i"
by (simp add: nth_append)
"length ys = length xs" and
"∃i < length ys. gt (ys ! i) (xs ! i)"
thus "∃i < length (ys @ [x]). gt ((ys @ [x]) ! i) ((xs @ [x]) ! i)"
by (metis length_append_singleton less_Suc_eq nth_append)
qed auto
lemma cwiseext_compat_list:
assumes y_gt_x: "gt y x"
shows "cwiseext gt (xs @ y # xs') (xs @ x # xs')"
unfolding cwiseext_def
proof (intro conjI)
show "∀i < length (xs @ y # xs'). gt ((xs @ y # xs') ! i) ((xs @ x # xs') ! i)
∨ (xs @ y # xs') ! i = (xs @ x # xs') ! i"
using y_gt_x by (simp add: nth_Cons' nth_append)
show "∃i < length (xs @ y # xs'). gt ((xs @ y # xs') ! i) ((xs @ x # xs') ! i)"
using y_gt_x by (metis add_diff_cancel_right' append_is_Nil_conv diff_less length_append
length_greater_0_conv list.simps(3) nth_append_length)
qed auto
lemma cwiseext_singleton: "cwiseext gt [y] [x] ⟷ gt y x"
unfolding cwiseext_def by auto
lemma cwiseext_wf: "wfP (λx y. gt y x) ⟹ wfP (λxs ys. cwiseext gt ys xs)"
by (auto intro: cwiseext_imp_len_lexext wfp_subset[OF len_lexext_wf])
lemma cwiseext_hd_or_tl: "cwiseext gt (y # ys) (x # xs) ⟹ gt y x ∨ cwiseext gt ys xs"
unfolding cwiseext_def
proof (elim conjE, intro disj_imp[THEN iffD2, rule_format] conjI)
"∃i < length (y # ys). gt ((y # ys) ! i) ((x # xs) ! i)" and
"¬ gt y x"
thus "∃i < length ys. gt (ys ! i) (xs ! i)"
by (metis (no_types) One_nat_def diff_le_self diff_less dual_order.strict_trans2
length_Cons less_Suc_eq linorder_neqE_nat not_less0 nth_Cons')
qed auto
locale ext_cwiseext = ext_compat_list + ext_compat_cons
fixes gt :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool"
gt_irrefl: "¬ gt x x" and
trans_gt: "ext gt zs ys ⟹ ext gt ys xs ⟹ ext gt zs xs"
assumes ys_gtcw_xs: "cwiseext gt ys xs"
shows "ext gt ys xs"
proof -
have "length ys = length xs"
by (rule ys_gtcw_xs[unfolded cwiseext_def, THEN conjunct1])
thus ?thesis
using ys_gtcw_xs
proof (induct rule: list_induct2)
case Nil
thus ?case
unfolding cwiseext_def by simp
case (Cons y ys x xs)
note len_ys_eq_xs = this(1) and ih = this(2) and yys_gtcw_xxs = this(3)
have xys_gts_xxs: "ext gt (x # ys) (x # xs)" if ys_ne_xs: "ys ≠ xs"
proof -
have ys_gtcw_xs: "cwiseext gt ys xs"
using yys_gtcw_xxs unfolding cwiseext_def
proof (elim conjE, intro conjI)
"∀i < length (y # ys). gt ((y # ys) ! i) ((x # xs) ! i) ∨ (y # ys) ! i = (x # xs) ! i"
hence ge: "∀i < length ys. gt (ys ! i) (xs ! i) ∨ ys ! i = xs ! i"
by auto
thus "∃i < length ys. gt (ys ! i) (xs ! i)"
using ys_ne_xs len_ys_eq_xs nth_equalityI by blast
qed auto
hence "ext gt ys xs"
by (rule ih)
thus "ext gt (x # ys) (x # xs)"
by (rule compat_cons)
have "gt y x ∨ y = x"
using yys_gtcw_xxs unfolding cwiseext_def by fastforce
assume y_eq_x: "y = x"
have ?case
proof (cases "ys = xs")
case True
hence False
using y_eq_x gt_irrefl yys_gtcw_xxs unfolding cwiseext_def by presburger
thus ?thesis
by sat
case False
thus ?thesis
using y_eq_x xys_gts_xxs by simp
assume "y ≠ x" and "gt y x"
hence yys_gts_xys: "ext gt (y # ys) (x # ys)"
using compat_list[of _ _ gt "[]"] by simp
have ?case
proof (cases "ys = xs")
case ys_eq_xs: True
thus ?thesis
using yys_gts_xys by simp
case False
thus ?thesis
using yys_gts_xys xys_gts_xxs trans_gt by blast
ultimately show ?case
by sat
interpretation cwiseext: ext cwiseext
by standard (fact cwiseext_mono_strong, rule cwiseext_map_strong, metis in_listsD)
interpretation cwiseext: ext_irrefl_trans_strong cwiseext
by standard (fact cwiseext_irrefl, fact cwiseext_trans_strong)
interpretation cwiseext: ext_compat_cons cwiseext
by standard (fact cwiseext_compat_cons)
interpretation cwiseext: ext_compat_snoc cwiseext
by standard (fact cwiseext_compat_snoc)
interpretation cwiseext: ext_compat_list cwiseext
by standard (rule cwiseext_compat_list)
interpretation cwiseext: ext_singleton cwiseext
by standard (rule cwiseext_singleton)
interpretation cwiseext: ext_wf cwiseext
by standard (rule cwiseext_wf)
interpretation cwiseext: ext_hd_or_tl cwiseext
by standard (rule cwiseext_hd_or_tl)
interpretation cwiseext: ext_wf_bounded cwiseext
by standard