Theory Transition_Functions

    Author:   Benedikt Seidl
    License:  BSD

section ‹Transition Functions for Deterministic Automata›

theory Transition_Functions

text ‹
  This theory defines three functions based on the ``after''-function
  which we use as transition functions for deterministic automata.

locale transition_functions =
  af_congruent + GF_advice_congruent

subsection ‹After Functions with Resets for @{term "GF(μLTL)"} and @{term "FG(νLTL)"}

definition af_letterF :: "'a ltln  'a ltln  'a set  'a ltln"
  "af_letterF φ ψ ν = (if ψ  truen then Fn φ else af_letter ψ ν)"

definition af_letterG :: "'a ltln  'a ltln  'a set  'a ltln"
  "af_letterG φ ψ ν = (if ψ  falsen then Gn φ else af_letter ψ ν)"

abbreviation afF :: "'a ltln  'a ltln  'a set list  'a ltln"
  "afF φ ψ w  foldl (af_letterF φ) ψ w"

abbreviation afG :: "'a ltln  'a ltln  'a set list  'a ltln"
  "afG φ ψ w  foldl (af_letterG φ) ψ w"

lemma afF_step:
  "afF φ ψ w  truen  afF φ ψ (w @ [ν]) = Fn φ"
  by (induction w rule: rev_induct) (auto simp: af_letterF_def)

lemma afG_step:
  "afG φ ψ w  falsen  afG φ ψ (w @ [ν]) = Gn φ"
  by (induction w rule: rev_induct) (auto simp: af_letterG_def)

lemma afF_segments:
  "afF φ ψ w = Fn φ  afF φ ψ (w @ w') = afF φ (Fn φ) w'"
  by simp

lemma afG_segments:
  "afG φ ψ w = Gn φ  afG φ ψ (w @ w') = afG φ (Gn φ) w'"
  by simp

lemma af_not_true_implies_af_equals_afF:
  "(xs ys. w = xs @ ys  ¬ af ψ xs  truen)  afF φ ψ w = af ψ w"
proof (induction w rule: rev_induct)
  case (snoc x xs)

  then have "afF φ ψ xs = af ψ xs"
    by simp


  have "¬ af ψ xs  truen"
    using snoc.prems by blast

  ultimately show ?case
    by (metis af_letterF_def foldl_Cons foldl_Nil foldl_append)
qed simp

lemma af_not_false_implies_af_equals_afG:
  "(xs ys. w = xs @ ys  ¬ af ψ xs  falsen)  afG φ ψ w = af ψ w"
proof (induction w rule: rev_induct)
  case (snoc x xs)

  then have "afG φ ψ xs = af ψ xs"
    by simp


  have "¬ af ψ xs  falsen"
    using snoc.prems by blast

  ultimately show ?case
    by (metis af_letterG_def foldl_Cons foldl_Nil foldl_append)
qed simp

lemma afF_not_true_implies_af_equals_afF:
  "(xs ys. w = xs @ ys  ¬ afF φ ψ xs  truen)  afF φ ψ w = af ψ w"
proof (induction w rule: rev_induct)
  case (snoc x xs)

  then have "afF φ ψ xs = af ψ xs"
    by simp


  have "¬ afF φ ψ xs  truen"
    using snoc.prems by blast

  ultimately show ?case
    by (metis af_letterF_def foldl_Cons foldl_Nil foldl_append)
qed simp

lemma afG_not_false_implies_af_equals_afG:
  "(xs ys. w = xs @ ys  ¬ afG φ ψ xs  falsen)  afG φ ψ w = af ψ w"
proof (induction w rule: rev_induct)
  case (snoc x xs)

  then have "afG φ ψ xs = af ψ xs"
    by simp


  have "¬ afG φ ψ xs  falsen"
    using snoc.prems by blast

  ultimately show ?case
    by (metis af_letterG_def foldl_Cons foldl_Nil foldl_append)
qed simp

lemma afF_true_implies_af_true:
  "afF φ ψ w  truen  af ψ w  truen"
  by (metis af_append_true af_not_true_implies_af_equals_afF)

lemma afG_false_implies_af_false:
  "afG φ ψ w  falsen  af ψ w  falsen"
  by (metis af_append_false af_not_false_implies_af_equals_afG)

lemma af_equiv_true_afF_prefix_true:
  "af ψ w  truen  xs ys. w = xs @ ys  afF φ ψ xs  truen"
proof (induction w rule: rev_induct)
  case (snoc a w)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases "af ψ w  truen")
    case False

    then have "xs ys. w = xs @ ys  ¬ af ψ xs  truen"
      using af_append_true by blast

    then have "afF φ ψ w = af ψ w"
      using af_not_true_implies_af_equals_afF by auto

    then have "afF φ ψ (w @ [a]) = af ψ (w @ [a])"
      by (simp add: False af_letterF_def)

    then show ?thesis
      by (metis append_Nil2 snoc.prems)
  qed (insert snoc, force)
qed (simp add: const_implies_eq)

lemma af_equiv_false_afG_prefix_false:
  "af ψ w  falsen  xs ys. w = xs @ ys  afG φ ψ xs  falsen"
proof (induction w rule: rev_induct)
  case (snoc a w)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases "af ψ w  falsen")
    case False

    then have "xs ys. w = xs @ ys  ¬ af ψ xs  falsen"
      using af_append_false by blast

    then have "afG φ ψ w = af ψ w"
      using af_not_false_implies_af_equals_afG by auto

    then have "afG φ ψ (w @ [a]) = af ψ (w @ [a])"
      by (simp add: False af_letterG_def)

    then show ?thesis
      by (metis append_Nil2 snoc.prems)
  qed (insert snoc, force)
qed (simp add: const_implies_eq)

lemma append_take_drop:
  "w = xs @ ys  xs = take (length xs) w  ys = drop (length xs) w"
  by (metis append_eq_conv_conj)

lemma subsequence_split:
  "(w [i  j]) = xs @ ys  xs = (w [i  i + length xs])"
  by (simp add: append_take_drop) (metis add_diff_cancel_left' subsequence_length subsequence_prefix_suffix)

lemma subsequence_append_general:
  "i  k  k  j  (w [i  j]) = (w [i  k]) @ (w [k  j])"
  by (metis le_Suc_ex map_append subsequence_def upt_add_eq_append)

lemma afF_semantics_rtl:
    "i. j>i. afF φ (Fn φ) (w [0  j])  truen"
    "i. j. af (Fn φ) (w [i  j]) L truen"
  fix i
  from assms obtain j where "j > i" and "afF φ (Fn φ) (w [0  j])  truen"
    by blast
  then have X: "afF φ (Fn φ) (w [0  Suc j]) = Fn φ"
    using afF_step by auto

  obtain k where "k > j" and "afF φ (Fn φ) (w [0  k])  truen"
    using assms using Suc_le_eq by blast
  then have "afF φ (Fn φ) (w [Suc j  k])  truen"
    using afF_segments[OF X] by (metis le_Suc_ex le_simps(3) subsequence_append)
  then have "af (Fn φ) (w [Suc j  k])  truen"
    using afF_true_implies_af_true by blast
  then show "k. af (Fn φ) (w [i  k]) L truen"
    by (metis (full_types) af_F_prefix_lang_equiv_true eq_implies_lang subsequence_append_general Suc_le_eq i < j j < k less_SucI order.order_iff_strict)

lemma afF_semantics_ltr:
    "i. j. af (Fn φ) (w [i  j])  truen"
    "i. j>i. afF φ (Fn φ) (w [0  j])  truen"
proof (rule ccontr)
  define resets where "resets = {i. afF φ (Fn φ) (w [0  i])  truen}"
  define m where "m = (if resets = {} then 0 else Suc (Max resets))"

  assume "¬ (i. j>i. afF φ (Fn φ) (w [0  j])  truen)"

  then have "finite resets"
    using infinite_nat_iff_unbounded resets_def by force
  then have "resets  {}  afF φ (Fn φ) (w [0  Max resets])  truen"
    unfolding resets_def using Max_in by blast
  then have m_reset: "afF φ (Fn φ) (w [0  m]) = Fn φ"
    unfolding m_def using afF_step by auto

    fix i
    assume "i  m"

    with m_reset have "¬ afF φ (Fn φ) (w [0  i])  truen"
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Max_ge_iff Suc_n_not_le_n finite resets empty_Collect_eq m_def mem_Collect_eq resets_def)
    with m_reset have "¬ afF φ  (Fn φ)(w [m  i])  truen"
      by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) m  i afF_segments bot_nat_def le0 subsequence_append_general)

  then have "j. afF φ (Fn φ) (w [m  j])  truen"
    by (metis le_cases subseq_to_smaller)
  then have "j. af (Fn φ) (w [m  j])  truen"
    by (metis af_equiv_true_afF_prefix_true subsequence_split)
  then show False
    using assms by blast

lemma afG_semantics_rtl:
    "i. j>i. ¬ afG φ (Gn φ) (w [0  j])  falsen"
    "i. j. ¬ af (Gn φ) (w [i  j])  falsen"
  define resets where "resets = {i. afG φ (Gn φ) (w [0  i])  falsen}"
  define m where "m = (if resets = {} then 0 else Suc (Max resets))"

  from assms have "finite resets"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) infinite_nat_iff_unbounded mem_Collect_eq resets_def)
  then have "resets  {}  afG φ (Gn φ) (w [0  Max resets])  falsen"
    unfolding resets_def using Max_in by blast
  then have m_reset: "afG φ (Gn φ) (w [0  m]) = Gn φ"
    unfolding m_def using afG_step by auto

    fix i
    assume "i  m"

    with m_reset have "¬ afG φ (Gn φ) (w [0  i])  falsen"
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Max_ge_iff Suc_n_not_le_n finite resets empty_Collect_eq m_def mem_Collect_eq resets_def)
    with m_reset have "¬ afG φ (Gn φ) (w [m  i])  falsen"
      by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) m  i afG_segments bot_nat_def le0 subsequence_append_general)

  then have "j. ¬ afG φ (Gn φ) (w [m  j])  falsen"
    by (metis le_cases subseq_to_smaller)
  then show "j. ¬ af (Gn φ) (w [m  j])  falsen"
    by (metis af_equiv_false_afG_prefix_false subsequence_split)

lemma afG_semantics_ltr:
    "i. j. ¬ af (Gn φ) (w [i  j]) L falsen"
    "i. j>i. ¬ afG φ (Gn φ) (w [0  j])  falsen"
proof (rule ccontr, auto)
  assume 1: "i. j>i. afG φ (Gn φ) (w [0  j])  falsen"

    fix i
    obtain j where "j > i" and "afG φ (Gn φ) (w [0  j])  falsen"
      using 1 by blast
    then have X: "afG φ (Gn φ) (w [0  Suc j]) = Gn φ"
      using afG_step by auto

    obtain k where "k > j" and "afG φ (Gn φ) (w [0  k])  falsen"
      using 1 using Suc_le_eq by blast
    then have "afG φ (Gn φ) (w [Suc j  k])  falsen"
      using afG_segments[OF X] by (metis le_Suc_ex le_simps(3) subsequence_append)
    then have "af (Gn φ) (w [Suc j  k])  falsen"
      using afG_false_implies_af_false by fastforce
    then have "af (Gn φ) (w [Suc j  k]) L falsen"
      using eq_implies_lang by fastforce
    then have "af (Gn φ) (w [i  k]) L falsen"
      by (metis (full_types) af_G_prefix_lang_equiv_false subsequence_append_general Suc_le_eq i < j j < k less_SucI order.order_iff_strict)
    then have "j. af (Gn φ) (w [i  j]) L falsen"
      by fast

  then show False
    using assms by blast

subsection ‹After Function using GF-advice›

definition af_letterν :: "'a ltln set  'a ltln × 'a ltln  'a set  'a ltln × 'a ltln"
  "af_letterν X p ν = (if snd p  falsen
    then (af_letter (fst p) ν, (normalise (af_letter (fst p) ν))[X]ν)
    else (af_letter (fst p) ν, af_letter (snd p) ν))"

abbreviation afν :: "'a ltln set  'a ltln × 'a ltln  'a set list  'a ltln × 'a ltln"
  "afν X p w  foldl (af_letterν X) p w"

lemma af_letterν_fst[simp]:
  "fst (af_letterν X p ν) = af_letter (fst p) ν"
  by (simp add: af_letterν_def)

lemma af_letterν_snd[simp]:
  "snd p  falsen  snd (af_letterν X p ν) = (normalise (af_letter (fst p) ν))[X]ν"
  "¬ (snd p)  falsen  snd (af_letterν X p ν) = af_letter (snd p) ν"
  by (simp_all add: af_letterν_def)

lemma afν_fst:
  "fst (afν X p w) = af (fst p) w"
  by (induction w rule: rev_induct) simp+

lemma afν_snd:
  "¬ af (snd p) w  falsen  snd (afν X p w) = af (snd p) w"
  by (induction w rule: rev_induct) (simp_all, metis af_letterν_snd(2) af_letter.simps(2) af_letter_congruent)

lemma afν_snd':
  "i. ¬ snd (afν X p (take i w))  falsen  snd (afν X p w) = af (snd p) w"
  by (induction w rule: rev_induct) (simp_all, metis af_letterν_snd(2) diff_is_0_eq foldl_Nil le_cases take_all take_eq_Nil)

lemma afν_step:
  "snd (afν X (ξ, ζ) w)  falsen  snd (afν X (ξ, ζ) (w @ [ν])) = (normalise (af ξ (w @ [ν])))[X]ν"
  by (simp add: afν_fst)

lemma afν_segments:
  "afν X (ξ, ζ) w = (af ξ w, (af ξ w)[X]ν)  afν X (ξ, ζ) (w @ w') = afν X (af ξ w, (af ξ w)[X]ν) w'"
  by (induction w' rule: rev_induct) fastforce+

lemma afν_semantics_ltr:
    "i. suffix i w n (af φ (prefix i w))[X]ν"
    "m. km. ¬ snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix (Suc k) w))  falsen"
  define resets where "resets = {i. snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix i w))  falsen}"
  define m where "m = (if resets = {} then 0 else Suc (Max resets))"

  from assms obtain i where 1: "suffix i w n (af φ (prefix i w))[X]ν"
    by blast

    fix j
    assume "i  j" and "j  resets"

    let  = "af φ (prefix (Suc j) w)"

    from 1 have "n. suffix n (suffix i w) n (normalise (af φ (prefix i w @ prefix n (suffix i w))))[X]ν"
      using normalise_monotonic by (simp add: GF_advice_af)

    then have "suffix (Suc j) w n (normalise (af φ (prefix (Suc j) w)))[X]ν"
      by (metis (no_types) i  j add.right_neutral le_SucI le_Suc_ex subsequence_append subsequence_shift suffix_suffix)

    then have "k>j. ¬ af ((normalise (af φ (prefix (Suc j) w)))[X]ν) (w [Suc j  k])  falsen"
      by (metis ltl_implies_satisfiable_prefix subsequence_prefix_suffix)

    then have "k>j. ¬ snd (afν X (, (normalise )[X]ν) (w [Suc j  k]))  falsen"
      by (metis afν_snd snd_eqD)


      have "fst (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix (Suc j) w)) = "
        by (simp add: afν_fst)


      have "snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix j w))  falsen"
        using j  resets resets_def by blast

      ultimately have "afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix (Suc j) w) = (, (normalise )[X]ν)"
        by (metis (no_types) afν_step prod.collapse subseq_to_Suc zero_le)

    ultimately have "k>j. ¬ snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) ((w [0  Suc j]) @ (w [Suc j  k])))  falsen"
      by (simp add: afν_segments)

    then have "k>j. ¬ snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix k w))  falsen"
      by (metis Suc_leI le0 subsequence_append_general)

    then have "k  resets. k  j"
      using j  resets resets_def le_less_linear by blast

  then have "finite resets"
    by (meson finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le infinite_nat_iff_unbounded_le)

  then have "resets  {}  snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix (Max resets) w))  falsen"
    using Max_in resets_def by blast

  then have "km. ¬ snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix k w))  falsen"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Max_ge Suc_n_not_le_n finite resets empty_Collect_eq m_def mem_Collect_eq order.trans resets_def)

  then show "km. ¬ snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix (Suc k) w))  falsen"
    using le_SucI by blast

lemma afν_semantics_rtl:
    "n. kn. ¬ snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix (Suc k) w))  falsen"
    "i. suffix i w n af φ (prefix i w)[X]ν"
proof -
  define resets where "resets = {i. snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix i w))  falsen}"
  define m where "m = (if resets = {} then 0 else Suc (Max resets))"

  from assms obtain n where "kn. ¬ snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix (Suc k) w))  falsen"
    by blast

  then have "k>n. ¬ snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix k w))  falsen"
    by (metis le_SucE lessE less_imp_le_nat)

  then have "finite resets"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) infinite_nat_iff_unbounded mem_Collect_eq resets_def)

  then have "im. ¬ snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix i w))  falsen"
    unfolding resets_def m_def using Max_ge not_less_eq_eq by auto

  then have "i. ¬ snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) ((w [0  m]) @ (w [m  i])))  falsen"
    by (metis le0 nat_le_linear subseq_to_smaller subsequence_append_general)


  let  = "af φ (prefix m w)"

  have "resets  {}  snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix (Max resets) w))  falsen"
    using Max_in finite resets resets_def by blast

  then have prefix_φ': "snd (afν X (φ, (normalise φ)[X]ν) (prefix m w)) = (normalise )[X]ν"
    by (auto simp: GF_advice_congruent m_def afν_fst)

  ultimately have "i. ¬ snd (afν X (, (normalise )[X]ν) (w [m  i]))  falsen"
    by (metis afν_fst foldl_append fst_conv prod.collapse)

  then have "i. ¬ af ((normalise )[X]ν) (w [m  i])  falsen"
    by (metis prefix_φ' afν_fst afν_snd' fst_conv prod.collapse subsequence_take)

  then have "suffix m w n (normalise (af φ (prefix m w)))[X]ν"
    by (metis GF_advice_νLTL(1) satisfiable_prefix_implies_νLTL add.right_neutral subsequence_shift)

  from this[THEN normalise_eventually_equivalent]
    show "i. suffix i w n af φ (prefix i w)[X]ν"
    by (metis add.commute af_subsequence_append le_add1 le_add_same_cancel1 prefix_suffix_subsequence suffix_suffix)


subsection ‹Reachability Bounds›

text ‹
  We show that the reach of each after-function is bounded by the atomic
  propositions of the input formula.

locale transition_functions_size = transition_functions +
    normalise_nested_propos: "nested_prop_atoms φ  nested_prop_atoms (normalise φ)"

lemma af_letterF_nested_prop_atoms:
  "nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (Fn φ)  nested_prop_atoms (af_letterF φ ψ ν)  nested_prop_atoms (Fn φ)"
  by (induction ψ) (auto simp: af_letterF_def, insert af_letter_nested_prop_atoms, blast+)

lemma afF_nested_prop_atoms:
  "nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (Fn φ)  nested_prop_atoms (afF φ ψ w)  nested_prop_atoms (Fn φ)"
  by (induction w rule: rev_induct) (insert af_letterF_nested_prop_atoms, auto)

lemma af_letterF_range:
  "nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (Fn φ)  range (af_letterF φ ψ)  {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (Fn φ)}"
  using af_letterF_nested_prop_atoms by blast

lemma afF_range:
  "nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (Fn φ)  range (afF φ ψ)  {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (Fn φ)}"
  using afF_nested_prop_atoms by blast

lemma af_letterG_nested_prop_atoms:
  "nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (Gn φ)  nested_prop_atoms (af_letterG φ ψ ν)  nested_prop_atoms (Gn φ)"
  by (induction ψ) (auto simp: af_letterG_def, insert af_letter_nested_prop_atoms, blast+)

lemma afG_nested_prop_atoms:
  "nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (Gn φ)  nested_prop_atoms (afG φ ψ w)  nested_prop_atoms (Gn φ)"
  by (induction w rule: rev_induct) (insert af_letterG_nested_prop_atoms, auto)

lemma af_letterG_range:
  "nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (Gn φ)  range (af_letterG φ ψ)  {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (Gn φ)}"
  using af_letterG_nested_prop_atoms by blast

lemma afG_range:
  "nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (Gn φ)  range (afG φ ψ)  {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (Gn φ)}"
  using afG_nested_prop_atoms by blast

lemma af_letterν_snd_nested_prop_atoms_helper:
  "snd p  falsen  nested_prop_atoms (snd (af_letterν X p ν))  nested_prop_atomsν (fst p) X"
  "¬ snd p  falsen  nested_prop_atoms (snd (af_letterν X p ν))  nested_prop_atoms (snd p)"
  by (simp_all add: af_letter_nested_prop_atoms nested_prop_atomsν_def)
     (metis GF_advice_nested_prop_atomsν af_letter_nested_prop_atoms nested_prop_atomsν_subset dual_order.trans nested_prop_atomsν_def normalise_nested_propos)

lemma af_letterν_fst_nested_prop_atoms:
  "nested_prop_atoms (fst (af_letterν X p ν))  nested_prop_atoms (fst p)"
  by (simp add: af_letter_nested_prop_atoms)

lemma af_letterν_snd_nested_prop_atoms:
  "nested_prop_atoms (snd (af_letterν X p ν))  (nested_prop_atomsν (fst p) X)  (nested_prop_atoms (snd p))"
  using af_letterν_snd_nested_prop_atoms_helper by blast

lemma af_letterν_fst_range:
  "range (fst  af_letterν X p)  {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (fst p)}"
  using af_letterν_fst_nested_prop_atoms by force

lemma af_letterν_snd_range:
  "range (snd  af_letterν X p)  {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  (nested_prop_atomsν (fst p) X)  nested_prop_atoms (snd p)}"
  using af_letterν_snd_nested_prop_atoms by force

lemma af_letterν_range:
  "range (af_letterν X p)  {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (fst p)} × {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  (nested_prop_atomsν (fst p) X)  nested_prop_atoms (snd p)}"
proof -
  have "range (af_letterν X p)  range (fst  af_letterν X p) × range (snd  af_letterν X p)"
    by (simp add: image_subset_iff mem_Times_iff)

  also have "  {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (fst p)} × {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  (nested_prop_atomsν (fst p) X)  nested_prop_atoms (snd p)}"
    using af_letterν_fst_range af_letterν_snd_range by blast

  finally show ?thesis .

lemma afν_fst_nested_prop_atoms:
  "nested_prop_atoms (fst (afν X p w))  nested_prop_atoms (fst p)"
  by (induction w rule: rev_induct) (auto, insert af_letter_nested_prop_atoms, blast)

lemma af_letter_nested_prop_atomsν:
  "nested_prop_atomsν (af_letter φ ν) X  nested_prop_atomsν φ X"
  by (induction φ) (simp_all add: nested_prop_atomsν_def, blast+)

lemma afν_fst_nested_prop_atomsν:
  "nested_prop_atomsν (fst (afν X p w)) X  nested_prop_atomsν (fst p) X"
  by (induction w rule: rev_induct) (auto, insert af_letter_nested_prop_atomsν, blast)

lemma afν_fst_range:
  "range (fst  afν X p)  {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (fst p)}"
  using afν_fst_nested_prop_atoms by fastforce

lemma afν_snd_nested_prop_atoms:
  "nested_prop_atoms (snd (afν X p w))  (nested_prop_atomsν (fst p) X)  (nested_prop_atoms (snd p))"
proof (induction w arbitrary: p rule: rev_induct)
  case (snoc x xs)

  let ?p = "afν X p xs"

  have "nested_prop_atoms (snd (afν X p (xs @ [x])))  (nested_prop_atomsν (fst ?p) X)  (nested_prop_atoms (snd ?p))"
    by (simp add: af_letterν_snd_nested_prop_atoms)

  then show ?case
    using snoc afν_fst_nested_prop_atomsν by blast
qed (simp add: nested_prop_atomsν_def)

lemma afν_snd_range:
  "range (snd  afν X p)  {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  (nested_prop_atomsν (fst p) X)  nested_prop_atoms (snd p)}"
  using afν_snd_nested_prop_atoms by fastforce

lemma afν_range:
  "range (afν X p)  {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (fst p)} × {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  (nested_prop_atomsν (fst p) X)  nested_prop_atoms (snd p)}"
proof -
  have "range (afν X p)  range (fst  afν X p) × range (snd  afν X p)"
    by (simp add: image_subset_iff mem_Times_iff)

  also have "  {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  nested_prop_atoms (fst p)} × {ψ. nested_prop_atoms ψ  (nested_prop_atomsν (fst p) X)  nested_prop_atoms (snd p)}"
    using afν_fst_range afν_snd_range by blast

  finally show ?thesis .

