Theory Missing_Dvd_Int_Poly

    Authors:    Jose Divasón
                Sebastiaan Joosten
                René Thiemann
                Akihisa Yamada
    License:    BSD

section ‹Executable dvdm operation›

text ‹This theory contains some results about division of integer polynomials which are not part of 

  Essentially, we give an executable implementation of division modulo m.

theory Missing_Dvd_Int_Poly
  Berlekamp_Zassenhaus.Hensel_Lifting (* for thm pdivmod_monic, should be moved *)
  Subresultants.Subresultant (* for abbreviation pdivmod *)

(*In mathematics, this lemma also works if q = 0 since degree 0 = -∞, but in Isabelle degree 0 = 0.*)
lemma degree_div_mod_smult:
  fixes g::"int poly"
  assumes g: "degree g < j"
  and r: "degree r < d"
  and u: "degree u = d"
  and g1: "g = q * u + smult m r" 
  and q: "q  0" and m_not0: "m  0"
shows "degree q < j - d"
proof -
  have u_not0: "u0" using u r by auto
  have d_uq: "d  degree (u*q)" using u degree_mult_right_le[OF q] by auto
  have j: "j > degree (q* u + smult m r)" using g1 g by auto
  have "degree (smult m r) < d" using degree_smult_eq m_not0 r by auto
  also have "...  degree (u*q)" using d_uq by auto
  finally have deg_mr_uq: "degree (smult m r) < degree (q*u)"
    by (simp add: mult.commute)
  have j2: "degree (q* u + smult m r) = degree (q*u)"
    by (rule degree_add_eq_left[OF deg_mr_uq])
  also have "... = degree q + degree u" 
    by (rule degree_mult_eq[OF q u_not0])
  finally have "degree q = degree g - degree u" using g1 by auto
  thus ?thesis 
    using j j2 degree (q * u) = degree q + degree u u 
    by linarith

subsection ‹Uniqueness of division algorithm for polynomials›

lemma uniqueness_algorithm_division_poly:
  fixes f::"'a::{comm_ring,semiring_1_no_zero_divisors} poly"
  assumes f1: "f = g * q1 + r1"
      and f2: "f = g * q2 + r2"
      and g: "g  0"
      and r1: "r1 = 0  degree r1 < degree g"
      and r2: "r2 = 0  degree r2 < degree g"
    shows "q1 = q2  r1 = r2"
proof -
  have "0 =  g * q1 + r1 - (g * q2 + r2)" using f1 f2 by auto
  also have "... = g * (q1 - q2) + r1 - r2"
    by (simp add: right_diff_distrib)
  finally have eq: "g * (q1 - q2) = r2 - r1" by auto
  have q_eq: "q1 = q2" 
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume q1_not_q2: "q1  q2" 
    hence nz: "g * (q1 - q2)  0" using g by auto
    hence "degree (g * (q1 - q2))  degree g"      
      by (simp add: degree_mult_right_le)
    moreover have "degree (r2 - r1) < degree g"
      using eq nz degree_diff_less r1 r2 by auto
    ultimately show False using eq by auto
  moreover have "r1 = r2" using eq q_eq by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma pdivmod_eq_pdivmod_monic:
  assumes g: "monic g"
  shows "pdivmod f g = pdivmod_monic f g"
proof -
  obtain q r where qr: "pdivmod f g = (q,r)" by simp
  obtain Q R where QR: "pdivmod_monic f g = (Q,R)" by (meson surj_pair)
  have g0: "g  0" using g by auto
  have f1: "f = g * q + r"
    by (metis Pair_inject mult_div_mod_eq qr)
  have r: "r=0  degree r < degree g"
    by (metis Pair_inject assms degree_mod_less leading_coeff_0_iff qr zero_neq_one)
  have f2: "f = g * Q + R"    
    by (simp add: QR assms pdivmod_monic(1))
  have R: "R=0  degree R < degree g" 
    by (rule pdivmod_monic[OF g QR])  
  have "q=Q  r=R" by (rule uniqueness_algorithm_division_poly[OF f1 f2 g0 r R])
  thus ?thesis using qr QR by auto

context poly_mod

definition "pdivmod2 f g = (if Mp g = 0 then (0, f)
 else let ilc = inverse_p m ((lead_coeff (Mp g))); 
      h = Polynomial.smult ilc (Mp g); (q, r) = pseudo_divmod (Mp f) (Mp h) 
      in (Polynomial.smult ilc q, r))"

context poly_mod_prime_type

lemma dvdm_iff_pdivmod0:
  assumes f: "(F :: 'a mod_ring poly) = of_int_poly f"
  and g: "(G :: 'a mod_ring poly) = of_int_poly g"
  shows "g dvdm f = (snd (pdivmod F G) = 0)"
proof -  
  have [transfer_rule]: "MP_Rel f F" unfolding MP_Rel_def
    by (simp add: Mp_f_representative f)  
  have [transfer_rule]: "MP_Rel g G" unfolding MP_Rel_def
    by (simp add: Mp_f_representative g)  
  have "(snd (pdivmod F G) = 0) = (G dvd F)"
    unfolding dvd_eq_mod_eq_0 by auto
  from this [untransferred] show ?thesis by simp

lemma of_int_poly_Mp_0[simp]: "(of_int_poly (Mp a) = (0:: 'a mod_ring poly)) = (Mp a = 0)"
  by (auto, metis Mp_f_representative map_poly_0 poly_mod.Mp_Mp)

lemma uniqueness_algorithm_division_of_int_poly:
  assumes g0: "Mp g  0"
  and f: "(F :: 'a mod_ring poly) = of_int_poly f"
  and g: "(G :: 'a mod_ring poly) = of_int_poly g"
  and F: "F = G * Q + R"
  and R: "R = 0  degree R < degree G"
  and Mp_f: "Mp f = Mp g * q + r"
  and r: "r = 0  degree r < degree (Mp g)"
shows "Q = of_int_poly q  R = of_int_poly r"
proof (rule uniqueness_algorithm_division_poly[OF F _ _ R])
  have f': "Mp f = to_int_poly F" unfolding f 
    by (simp add: Mp_f_representative)
  have g': "Mp g = to_int_poly G" unfolding g
    by (simp add: Mp_f_representative)
  have f'': "of_int_poly (Mp f) = F"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Dp_Mp_eq Mp_f_representative 
        Mp_smult_m_0 add_cancel_left_right f map_poly_zero of_int_hom.map_poly_hom_add 
        to_int_mod_ring_hom.hom_zero to_int_mod_ring_hom.injectivity)
  have g'': "of_int_poly (Mp g) = G"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Dp_Mp_eq Mp_f_representative 
        Mp_smult_m_0 add_cancel_left_right g map_poly_zero of_int_hom.map_poly_hom_add 
        to_int_mod_ring_hom.hom_zero to_int_mod_ring_hom.injectivity)
  have "F = of_int_poly (Mp g * q + r)" using Mp_f  f'' by auto
  also have "... = G * of_int_poly q + of_int_poly r"
    by (simp add: g'' of_int_poly_hom.hom_add of_int_poly_hom.hom_mult)
  finally show "F = G * of_int_poly q + of_int_poly r" .    
  show "of_int_poly r = 0  degree (of_int_poly r::'a mod_ring poly) < degree G"
  proof (cases "r = 0")
    case True
    hence "of_int_poly r = 0" by auto
    then show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    have "degree (of_int_poly r::'a mod_ring poly)  degree (r)" 
    by (simp add: degree_map_poly_le)
    also have "... < degree (Mp g)" using r False by auto
    also have "... = degree G" by (simp add: g')    
    finally show ?thesis by auto
  show "G  0" using g0 unfolding g''[symmetric] by simp    

corollary uniqueness_algorithm_division_to_int_poly:
  assumes g0: "Mp g  0"
  and f: "(F :: 'a mod_ring poly) = of_int_poly f"
  and g: "(G :: 'a mod_ring poly) = of_int_poly g"
  and F: "F = G * Q + R"
  and R: "R = 0  degree R < degree G"
  and Mp_f: "Mp f = Mp g * q + r"
  and r: "r = 0  degree r < degree (Mp g)"
  shows "Mp q = to_int_poly Q  Mp r = to_int_poly R"
  using uniqueness_algorithm_division_of_int_poly[OF assms]
  by (auto simp add: Mp_f_representative)

lemma uniqueness_algorithm_division_Mp_Rel: 
  assumes monic_Mpg: "monic (Mp g)"
    and f: "(F :: 'a mod_ring poly) = of_int_poly f"
  and g: "(G :: 'a mod_ring poly) = of_int_poly g"
  and qr: "pseudo_divmod (Mp f) (Mp g) = (q,r)"
  and QR: "pseudo_divmod F G = (Q,R)"
shows "MP_Rel q Q  MP_Rel r R "
proof (unfold MP_Rel_def, rule uniqueness_algorithm_division_to_int_poly[OF _ f g])
  show f_gq_r: "Mp f = Mp g * q + r" 
    by (rule pdivmod_monic(1)[OF monic_Mpg], simp add: pdivmod_monic_pseudo_divmod qr monic_Mpg)
  have monic_G: "monic G" using monic_Mpg
    using Mp_f_representative g by auto
  show "F = G * Q + R" 
    by (rule pdivmod_monic(1)[OF monic_G], simp add: pdivmod_monic_pseudo_divmod QR monic_G)
  show "Mp g  0" using monic_Mpg by auto
  show "R = 0  degree R < degree G"
    by (rule pdivmod_monic(2)[OF monic_G], 
        auto simp add: pdivmod_monic_pseudo_divmod monic_G intro: QR)
  show "r = 0  degree r < degree (Mp g)"
    by (rule pdivmod_monic(2)[OF monic_Mpg], 
        auto simp add: pdivmod_monic_pseudo_divmod monic_Mpg intro: qr)

definition "MP_Rel_Pair A B  (let (a,b) = A; (c,d) = B in MP_Rel a c  MP_Rel b d)"

lemma pdivmod2_rel[transfer_rule]: 
  "(MP_Rel ===> MP_Rel ===> MP_Rel_Pair) (pdivmod2) (pdivmod)"
proof (auto simp add: rel_fun_def MP_Rel_Pair_def)
  interpret pm: prime_field m 
    using m unfolding prime_field_def mod_ring_locale_def by auto
  have p: "prime_field TYPE('a) m" 
    using m unfolding prime_field_def mod_ring_locale_def by auto
  fix f F g G a b 
  assume 1[transfer_rule]: "MP_Rel f F" 
     and 2[transfer_rule]: "MP_Rel g G" 
     and 3: "pdivmod2 f g = (a, b)"
  have "MP_Rel a (F div G)  MP_Rel b (F mod G)"
  proof (cases "Mp g  0")
    case True note Mp_g = True    
    have G: "G  0" using Mp_g 2 unfolding MP_Rel_def by auto
    have gG[transfer_rule]: "pm.mod_ring_rel (lead_coeff (Mp g)) (lead_coeff G)" 
      using 2 
      unfolding pm.mod_ring_rel_def MP_Rel_def
      by auto  
    have [transfer_rule]: "(pm.mod_ring_rel ===> pm.mod_ring_rel) (inverse_p m) inverse"
      by (rule prime_field.mod_ring_inverse[OF p])
    hence rel_inverse_p[transfer_rule]: 
      "pm.mod_ring_rel (inverse_p m ((lead_coeff (Mp g)))) (inverse (lead_coeff G))" 
      using gG unfolding rel_fun_def by auto
    let ?h= "(Polynomial.smult (inverse_p m (lead_coeff (Mp g))) g)"
    define h where h: "h = Polynomial.smult (inverse_p m (lead_coeff (Mp g))) (Mp g)"
    define H where H: "H = Polynomial.smult (inverse (lead_coeff G)) G"
    have hH': "MP_Rel ?h H" unfolding MP_Rel_def unfolding H 
      by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) "2" MP_Rel_def M_to_int_mod_ring Mp_f_representative 
         rel_inverse_p functional_relation left_total_MP_Rel of_int_hom.map_poly_hom_smult 
         pm.mod_ring_rel_def right_unique_MP_Rel to_int_mod_ring_hom.injectivity to_int_mod_ring_of_int_M)
     have "Mp (Polynomial.smult (inverse_p m (lead_coeff (Mp g))) g) 
      = Mp (Polynomial.smult (inverse_p m (lead_coeff (Mp g))) (Mp g))" by simp
    hence hH: "MP_Rel h H" using hH' h unfolding MP_Rel_def by auto   
    obtain q x where pseudo_fh: "pseudo_divmod (Mp f) (Mp h) = (q, x)" by (meson surj_pair)  
    hence lc_G: "(lead_coeff G)  0" using G by auto
    have a: "a = Polynomial.smult (inverse_p m ((lead_coeff (Mp g)))) q" 
      using 3 pseudo_fh Mp_g 
      unfolding pdivmod2_def Let_def h by auto
    have b: "b = x" using 3 pseudo_fh Mp_g 
      unfolding pdivmod2_def Let_def h by auto  
    have Mp_Rel_FH: "MP_Rel q (F div H)  MP_Rel x (F mod H)"
    proof (rule uniqueness_algorithm_division_Mp_Rel)
      show "monic (Mp h)" 
      proof -        
        have aux: "(inverse_p m (lead_coeff (Mp g))) = to_int_mod_ring (inverse (lead_coeff G))"
          using rel_inverse_p unfolding pm.mod_ring_rel_def by auto
        hence "M (inverse_p m (M (poly.coeff g (degree (Mp g))))) 
          = to_int_mod_ring (inverse (lead_coeff G))"
          by (simp add: M_to_int_mod_ring Mp_coeff)  
        thus ?thesis unfolding h unfolding Mp_coeff by auto
          (metis (no_types, lifting) "2" H MP_Rel_def Mp_coeff aux degree_smult_eq gG hH' 
          inverse_zero_imp_zero lc_G left_inverse pm.mod_ring_rel_def to_int_mod_ring_hom.degree_map_poly_hom
          to_int_mod_ring_hom.hom_one to_int_mod_ring_times)
      hence monic_H: "monic H" using hH H lc_G by auto
      show f: "F = of_int_poly f" 
        using 1 unfolding MP_Rel_def
        by (simp add: Mp_f_representative poly_eq_iff)
      have "pdivmod F H = pdivmod_monic F H" 
        by (rule pdivmod_eq_pdivmod_monic[OF monic_H])
      also have "... = pseudo_divmod F H" 
        by (rule pdivmod_monic_pseudo_divmod[OF monic_H])
      finally show "pseudo_divmod F H = (F div H, F mod H)" by simp
      show "H = of_int_poly h"
        by (meson MP_Rel_def Mp_f_representative hH right_unique_MP_Rel right_unique_def)
      show "pseudo_divmod (Mp f) (Mp h) = (q, x)" by (rule pseudo_fh)
    hence Mp_Rel_F_div_H: "MP_Rel q (F div H)" and Mp_Rel_F_mod_H: "MP_Rel x (F mod H)" by auto  
    have "F div H = Polynomial.smult (lead_coeff G) (F div G)" 
      by (simp add: H div_smult_right)
    hence F_div_G: "(F div G) = Polynomial.smult (inverse (lead_coeff G)) (F div H)"
      using lc_G by auto
    have "MP_Rel a (F div G)" 
    proof -
      have "of_int_poly (Polynomial.smult (inverse_p m ((lead_coeff (Mp g)))) q) 
        = smult (inverse (lead_coeff G)) (F div H)" 
        by (metis (mono_tags) MP_Rel_def M_to_int_mod_ring Mp_Rel_F_div_H Mp_f_representative 
            of_int_hom.map_poly_hom_smult pm.mod_ring_rel_def rel_inverse_p right_unique_MP_Rel 
            right_unique_def to_int_mod_ring_hom.injectivity to_int_mod_ring_of_int_M)
      thus ?thesis 
      using Mp_Rel_F_div_H
      unfolding MP_Rel_def a F_div_G Mp_f_representative by auto
    moreover have "MP_Rel b (F mod G)" 
      using Mp_Rel_F_mod_H b H inverse_zero_imp_zero lc_G    
      by (metis mod_smult_right)
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    assume Mp_g_0: "¬ Mp g  0"
    hence "pdivmod2 f g = (0, f)" unfolding pdivmod2_def by auto
    hence a: "a = 0" and b: "b = f" using 3 by auto
    have G0: "G = 0" using Mp_g_0 2 unfolding MP_Rel_def by auto
    have "MP_Rel a (F div G)" unfolding MP_Rel_def G0 a by auto
    moreover have "MP_Rel b (F mod G)" using 1 unfolding MP_Rel_def G0 a b by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis by simp
  thus "MP_Rel a (F div G)" and "MP_Rel b (F mod G)" by auto

subsection ‹Executable division operation modulo $m$ for polynomials›

lemma dvdm_iff_Mp_pdivmod2:
  shows "g dvdm f = (Mp (snd (pdivmod2 f g)) = 0)"  
proof -  
  let ?F="(of_int_poly f)::'a mod_ring poly"
  let ?G="(of_int_poly g)::'a mod_ring poly"
  have a[transfer_rule]: "MP_Rel f ?F"
    by (simp add: MP_Rel_def Mp_f_representative)
  have b[transfer_rule]: "MP_Rel g ?G" 
    by (simp add: MP_Rel_def Mp_f_representative)
  have "MP_Rel_Pair (pdivmod2 f g) (pdivmod ?F ?G)" 
    using pdivmod2_rel unfolding rel_fun_def using a b by auto
  hence "MP_Rel (snd (pdivmod2 f g)) (snd (pdivmod ?F ?G))" 
    unfolding MP_Rel_Pair_def by auto
  hence "(Mp (snd (pdivmod2 f g)) = 0) = (snd (pdivmod ?F ?G) = 0)" 
    unfolding MP_Rel_def by auto
  thus ?thesis using dvdm_iff_pdivmod0 by auto

lemmas (in poly_mod_prime) dvdm_pdivmod = poly_mod_prime_type.dvdm_iff_Mp_pdivmod2
  [unfolded poly_mod_type_simps, internalize_sort "'a :: prime_card", OF type_to_set, 
   unfolded remove_duplicate_premise, cancel_type_definition, OF non_empty]

lemma (in poly_mod) dvdm_code:
   "g dvdm f = (if prime m then Mp (snd (pdivmod2 f g)) = 0 
    else Code.abort (STR ''dvdm error: m is not a prime number'') (λ _. g dvdm f))"
  using poly_mod_prime.dvdm_pdivmod[unfolded poly_mod_prime_def]
  by auto

declare poly_mod.pdivmod2_def[code]
declare poly_mod.dvdm_code[code]
