Theory Lem_show_extra

chapter ‹Generated by Lem from show_extra.lem›.›

theory "Lem_show_extra" 



― ‹open import String Maybe Num Basic_classes Set Relation Show› 
― ‹import Set_extra String_extra›

definition instance_Show_Show_nat_dict  :: "(nat)Show_class "  where 
     " instance_Show_Show_nat_dict = ((|

  show_method = Lem_string_extra.stringFromNat |) )"

definition instance_Show_Show_Num_natural_dict  :: "(nat)Show_class "  where 
     " instance_Show_Show_Num_natural_dict = ((|

  show_method = Lem_string_extra.stringFromNatural |) )"

definition instance_Show_Show_Num_int_dict  :: "(int)Show_class "  where 
     " instance_Show_Show_Num_int_dict = ((|

  show_method = Lem_string_extra.stringFromInt |) )"

definition instance_Show_Show_Num_integer_dict  :: "(int)Show_class "  where 
     " instance_Show_Show_Num_integer_dict = ((|

  show_method = Lem_string_extra.stringFromInteger |) )"

definition stringFromSet  :: "('a  string) 'a set  string "  where 
     " stringFromSet showX xs = (
  (''{'') @ (Lem_show.stringFromListAux showX (list_of_set xs) @ (''}'')))"

― ‹ Abbreviates the representation if the relation is transitive. ›
definition stringFromRelation  :: "('a*'a  string)('a*'a)set  string "  where 
     " stringFromRelation showX rel = (
  if trans rel then
    (let pruned_rel = (LemExtraDefs.without_trans_edges rel) in
    if (( e  rel.  (e  pruned_rel))) then
      ― ‹ The relations are the same (there are no transitive edges),
         so we can just as well print the original one. ›
      stringFromSet showX rel
      (''trancl of '') @ stringFromSet showX pruned_rel)
    stringFromSet showX rel )"

definition instance_Show_Show_set_dict  :: " 'a Show_class ('a set)Show_class "  where 
     " instance_Show_Show_set_dict dict_Show_Show_a = ((|

  show_method = (λ xs. stringFromSet 
  (show_method   dict_Show_Show_a) xs)|) )"
