Theory Lem_set_extra

chapter ‹Generated by Lem from set_extra.lem›.›

theory "Lem_set_extra" 



― ‹****************************************************************************›
― ‹ A library for sets                                                         ›
― ‹
― ‹ It mainly follows the Haskell Set-library                                  ›
― ‹****************************************************************************›

― ‹ ========================================================================== ›
― ‹ Header                                                                     ›
― ‹ ========================================================================== ›

― ‹open import Bool Basic_classes Maybe Function Num List Sorting Set›

― ‹ ----------------------------›
― ‹ set choose (be careful !)   ›
― ‹ --------------------------- ›

― ‹val choose : forall 'a. SetType 'a => set 'a -> 'a›

― ‹ ------------------------ ›
― ‹ chooseAndSplit           ›
― ‹ ------------------------ ›
― ‹ The idea here is to provide a simple primitive that Lem code can use
 * to perform its own custom searches within the set -- likely using a
 * search criterion related to the element ordering, but not necessarily).
 * For example, sometimes we don't necessarily want to search for a specific
 * element, but want to search for elements greater than or less than some other.
 * Someties we'd like to use "split" but don't know a good value to "split" at.
 * This function lets the set implementation decide that value.
 * The contract of chooseAndSplit is simply to select an element nondeterministically
 * and return that element, together with the subsets of elements less than and
 * greater than it. In this way, we can recursively traverse the set with any
 * search criterion, and we avoid baking in the tree representation (although that
 * is the obvious choice).
― ‹val chooseAndSplit : forall 'a. SetType 'a, Ord 'a => set 'a -> maybe (set 'a * 'a * set 'a)›
definition chooseAndSplit  :: " 'a Ord_class  'a set ('a set*'a*'a set)option "  where 
     " chooseAndSplit dict_Basic_classes_Ord_a s = (
  if s = {} then
    (let element  = (set_choose s) in
    (let (lt, gt) = (Lem_set.split 
  dict_Basic_classes_Ord_a element s) in
      Some (lt, element, gt))))"

― ‹ ----------------------------›
― ‹ universal set               ›
― ‹ --------------------------- ›

― ‹val universal : forall 'a. SetType 'a => set 'a›

― ‹ ----------------------------›
― ‹ toList                      ›
― ‹ --------------------------- ›

― ‹val toList        : forall 'a. SetType 'a => set 'a -> list 'a›

― ‹ ----------------------------›
― ‹ toOrderedList               ›
― ‹ --------------------------- ›

― ‹ "toOrderedList" returns a sorted list. Therefore the result is (given a suitable order) deterministic.
   Therefore, it is much preferred to "toList". However, it still is only defined for finite sets. So, please
   use carefully and consider using set-operations instead of translating sets to lists, performing list manipulations
   and then transforming back to sets. ›

― ‹val toOrderedListBy : forall 'a. ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> set 'a -> list 'a›

― ‹val toOrderedList : forall 'a. SetType 'a, Ord 'a => set 'a -> list 'a›

― ‹ ----------------------- ›
― ‹ compare                 ›
― ‹ ----------------------- ›

― ‹val setCompareBy: forall 'a. ('a -> 'a -> ordering) -> set 'a -> set 'a -> ordering›
definition setCompareBy  :: "('a  'a  ordering) 'a set  'a set  ordering "  where 
     " setCompareBy cmp ss ts = (
  (let ss' = (ordered_list_of_set (λ x y .  cmp x y = LT) ss) in
  (let ts' = (ordered_list_of_set (λ x y .  cmp x y = LT) ts) in
    lexicographicCompareBy cmp ss' ts')))"

― ‹val setCompare : forall 'a. SetType 'a, Ord 'a => set 'a -> set 'a -> ordering›
definition setCompare  :: " 'a Ord_class  'a set  'a set  ordering "  where 
     " setCompare dict_Basic_classes_Ord_a = ( setCompareBy 
  (compare_method   dict_Basic_classes_Ord_a) )"

― ‹ ----------------------------›
― ‹ unbounded fixed point       ›
― ‹ --------------------------- ›

― ‹ Is NOT supported by the coq backend! ›
― ‹val leastFixedPointUnbounded : forall 'a. SetType 'a => (set 'a -> set 'a) -> set 'a -> set 'a›
― ‹let rec leastFixedPointUnbounded f x=
    let fx = f x in
   if fx subset x then x
   else leastFixedPointUnbounded f (fx union x)›