Theory KoenigsbergBridge

Author:Wenda Li

theory KoenigsbergBridge imports MoreGraph

section‹Definition of Eulerian trails and circuits›

definition (in valid_unMultigraph) is_Eulerian_trail:: "'v('v,'w) path'v bool" where
  "is_Eulerian_trail v ps v' is_trail v ps v'  edges (rem_unPath ps G) = {}"

definition (in valid_unMultigraph) is_Eulerian_circuit:: "'v  ('v,'w) path  'v  bool" where
  "is_Eulerian_circuit v ps v' (v=v')  (is_Eulerian_trail v ps v')"

section‹Necessary conditions for Eulerian trails and circuits›

lemma (in valid_unMultigraph) euclerian_rev:
  "is_Eulerian_trail v' (rev_path ps) v=is_Eulerian_trail v ps v' "
proof -
  have "is_trail v' (rev_path ps) v=is_trail v ps v'"
    by (metis is_trail_rev)
  moreover have "edges (rem_unPath (rev_path ps) G)=edges (rem_unPath ps G)"
    by (metis rem_unPath_graph)
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding is_Eulerian_trail_def by auto

(*Necessary conditions for Eulerian circuits*)
theorem (in valid_unMultigraph) euclerian_cycle_ex:
  assumes "is_Eulerian_circuit v ps v'" "finite V" "finite E"
  shows "vV. even (degree v G)"
proof -
  obtain v ps v' where cycle:"is_Eulerian_circuit v ps v'" using assms by auto
  hence "edges (rem_unPath ps G) = {}"
    unfolding is_Eulerian_circuit_def is_Eulerian_trail_def
    by simp
  moreover have "nodes (rem_unPath ps G)=nodes G" by auto
  ultimately have "rem_unPath ps G = G edges:={}" by auto
  hence "num_of_odd_nodes (rem_unPath ps G) = 0" by (metis assms(2) odd_nodes_no_edge)
  moreover have "v=v'"
    by (metis is_Eulerian_circuit v ps v' is_Eulerian_circuit_def)
  hence "num_of_odd_nodes (rem_unPath ps G)=num_of_odd_nodes G"
    by (metis assms(2) assms(3) cycle is_Eulerian_circuit_def
        is_Eulerian_trail_def rem_UnPath_cycle)
  ultimately have "num_of_odd_nodes G=0" by auto
  moreover have "finite(odd_nodes_set G)"
    using finite V unfolding odd_nodes_set_def by auto
  ultimately have "odd_nodes_set G = {}" unfolding num_of_odd_nodes_def by auto
  thus ?thesis unfolding odd_nodes_set_def by auto

(*Necessary conditions for Eulerian trails*)
theorem (in valid_unMultigraph) euclerian_path_ex:
  assumes "is_Eulerian_trail v ps v'" "finite V" "finite E"
  shows "(vV. even (degree v G))  (num_of_odd_nodes G =2)"
proof -
  obtain v ps v' where path:"is_Eulerian_trail v ps v'" using assms by auto
  hence "edges (rem_unPath ps G) = {}"
    unfolding  is_Eulerian_trail_def
    by simp
  moreover have "nodes (rem_unPath ps G)=nodes G" by auto
  ultimately have "rem_unPath ps G = G edges:={}" by auto
  hence odd_nodes: "num_of_odd_nodes (rem_unPath ps G) = 0"
    by (metis assms(2) odd_nodes_no_edge)
  have "vv'  ?thesis"
    proof (cases "even(degree v' G)")
      case True
      assume "vv'"
      have "is_trail v ps v'" by (metis is_Eulerian_trail_def path)
      hence "num_of_odd_nodes (rem_unPath ps G) = num_of_odd_nodes G
          + (if even (degree v G) then 2 else 0)"
        using rem_UnPath_even True finite V finite E vv' by auto
      hence "num_of_odd_nodes G + (if even (degree v G) then 2 else 0)=0"
        using odd_nodes by auto
      hence "num_of_odd_nodes G = 0" by auto
      moreover have "finite(odd_nodes_set G)"
        using finite V unfolding odd_nodes_set_def by auto
      ultimately have "odd_nodes_set G = {}" unfolding num_of_odd_nodes_def by auto
      thus ?thesis unfolding odd_nodes_set_def by auto
      case False
      assume "vv'"
      have "is_trail v ps v'" by (metis is_Eulerian_trail_def path)
      hence "num_of_odd_nodes (rem_unPath ps G) = num_of_odd_nodes G
          + (if odd (degree v G) then -2 else 0)"
        using rem_UnPath_odd False finite V finite E vv' by auto
      hence odd_nodes_if: "num_of_odd_nodes G + (if odd (degree v G) then -2 else 0)=0"
        using odd_nodes by auto
      have "odd (degree v G)  ?thesis"
        proof -
          assume "odd (degree v G)"
          hence "num_of_odd_nodes G = 2" using odd_nodes_if by auto
          thus ?thesis by simp
      moreover have "even(degree v G)  ?thesis"
        proof -
          assume "even (degree v G)"
          hence "num_of_odd_nodes G = 0" using odd_nodes_if by auto
          moreover have "finite(odd_nodes_set G)"
            using finite V unfolding odd_nodes_set_def by auto
          ultimately have "odd_nodes_set G = {}" unfolding num_of_odd_nodes_def by auto
          thus ?thesis unfolding odd_nodes_set_def by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  moreover have "v=v' ?thesis"
    by (metis assms(2) assms(3) euclerian_cycle_ex is_Eulerian_circuit_def path)
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

section‹Specific case of the Konigsberg Bridge Problem›

(*to denote the four landmasses*)
datatype kon_node = a | b | c | d

(*to denote the seven bridges*)
datatype kon_bridge = ab1 | ab2 | ac1 | ac2 | ad1 | bd1 | cd1

definition kon_graph :: "(kon_node,kon_bridge) graph" where
              edges={(a,ab1,b), (b,ab1,a),
                     (a,ab2,b), (b,ab2,a),
                     (a,ac1,c), (c,ac1,a),
                     (a,ac2,c), (c,ac2,a),
                     (a,ad1,d), (d,ad1,a),
                     (b,bd1,d), (d,bd1,b),
                     (c,cd1,d), (d,cd1,c)} "

instantiation kon_node :: enum
definition [simp]:  "enum_class.enum =[a,b,c,d]"
definition  [simp]: "enum_class.enum_all P  P a  P b  P c  P d"
definition   [simp]:"enum_class.enum_ex P  P a  P b  P c  P d"
instance proof qed (auto,(case_tac x,auto)+)

instantiation kon_bridge :: enum
definition [simp]:"enum_class.enum =[ab1,ab2,ac1,ac2,ad1,cd1,bd1]"
definition  [simp]:"enum_class.enum_all P  P ab1  P ab2  P ac1  P ac2  P ad1   P bd1
     P cd1"
definition   [simp]:"enum_class.enum_ex P   P ab1  P ab2  P ac1  P ac2  P ad1   P bd1
     P cd1"
instance proof qed (auto,(case_tac x,auto)+)

interpretation   kon_graph: valid_unMultigraph kon_graph
proof (unfold_locales)
  show "fst ` edges kon_graph  nodes kon_graph" by eval
  show "snd ` snd ` edges kon_graph  nodes kon_graph"  by eval
  have " v w u'. ((v, w, u')  edges kon_graph) = ((u', w, v)  edges kon_graph)"
    by eval
  thus "v w u'. ((v, w, u')  edges kon_graph) = ((u', w, v)  edges kon_graph)" by simp
  have "v w. (v, w, v)  edges kon_graph"  by eval
  thus "v w. (v, w, v)  edges kon_graph" by simp

(*The specific case of the Konigsberg Bridge Problem does not have a solution*)
theorem "¬kon_graph.is_Eulerian_trail v1 p v2"
  assume "kon_graph.is_Eulerian_trail  v1 p v2"
  moreover have "finite (nodes kon_graph)" by (metis finite_code)
  moreover have "finite (edges kon_graph)" by (metis finite_code)
  ultimately have contra:
    "(vnodes kon_graph. even (degree v kon_graph)) (num_of_odd_nodes kon_graph =2)"
    by (metis kon_graph.euclerian_path_ex)
  have "odd(degree a kon_graph)" by eval
  moreover have "odd(degree b kon_graph)" by eval
  moreover have "odd(degree c kon_graph)" by eval
  moreover have "odd(degree d kon_graph)" by eval
  ultimately have "¬(num_of_odd_nodes kon_graph =2)" by eval
  moreover have "¬(vnodes kon_graph. even (degree v kon_graph))" by eval
  ultimately show False using contra by auto

section‹Sufficient conditions for Eulerian trails and circuits›

lemma (in valid_unMultigraph) eulerian_cons:
    "valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail (del_unEdge v0 w v1 G) v1 ps v2"
    "(v0,w,v1) E"
  shows "is_Eulerian_trail v0 ((v0,w,v1)#ps) v2"
proof -
  have valid:"valid_unMultigraph (del_unEdge v0 w v1 G)"
    using  valid_unMultigraph_axioms by auto
  hence distinct:"valid_unMultigraph.is_trail (del_unEdge v0 w v1 G) v1 ps v2"
    using assms unfolding valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def[OF valid]
    by auto
  hence "set ps  edges (del_unEdge v0 w v1 G)"
    using valid_unMultigraph.path_in_edges[OF valid] by auto
  moreover have "(v0,w,v1)edges (del_unEdge v0 w v1 G)"
    unfolding del_unEdge_def by auto
  moreover have "(v1,w,v0)edges (del_unEdge v0 w v1 G)"
    unfolding del_unEdge_def by auto
  ultimately have "(v0,w,v1)set ps" "(v1,w,v0)set ps"  by auto
  moreover have "is_trail v1 ps v2"
    using distinct_path_intro[OF distinct] .
  ultimately have "is_trail v0 ((v0,w,v1)#ps) v2"
    using (v0,w,v1) E by auto
  moreover have "edges (rem_unPath ps (del_unEdge v0 w v1 G)) ={}"
    using assms unfolding valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def[OF valid]
    by auto
  hence "edges (rem_unPath ((v0,w,v1)#ps) G)={}"
    by (metis rem_unPath.simps(2))
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding is_Eulerian_trail_def by auto

lemma (in valid_unMultigraph) eulerian_cons':
    "valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail (del_unEdge v2 w v3 G) v1 ps v2"
    "(v2,w,v3) E"
  shows "is_Eulerian_trail v1 (ps@[(v2,w,v3)]) v3"
proof -
  have valid:"valid_unMultigraph (del_unEdge v3 w v2 G)"
    using valid_unMultigraph_axioms del_unEdge_valid by auto
  have "del_unEdge v2 w v3 G=del_unEdge v3 w v2 G"
    by (metis delete_edge_sym)
  hence "valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail (del_unEdge v3 w v2 G) v2
        (rev_path ps) v1" using assms valid_unMultigraph.euclerian_rev[OF valid]
    by auto
  hence "is_Eulerian_trail v3 ((v3,w,v2)#(rev_path ps)) v1"
    using eulerian_cons by (metis assms(2) corres)
  hence "is_Eulerian_trail v1 (rev_path((v3,w,v2)#(rev_path ps))) v3"
    using euclerian_rev by auto
  moreover have "rev_path((v3,w,v2)#(rev_path ps)) = rev_path(rev_path ps)@[(v2,w,v3)]"
    unfolding rev_path_def by auto
  hence "rev_path((v3,w,v2)#(rev_path ps))=ps@[(v2,w,v3)]" by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma eulerian_split:
  assumes "nodes G1  nodes G2 = {}" "edges G1  edges G2={}"
    "valid_unMultigraph G1" "valid_unMultigraph G2"
    "valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail  G1 v1 ps1 v1'"
    "valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail  G2 v2 ps2 v2'"
  shows "valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail nodes=nodes G1  nodes G2,
          edges=edges G1  edges G2  {(v1',w,v2),(v2,w,v1')} v1 (ps1@(v1',w,v2)#ps2) v2'"
proof -
  have "valid_graph G1" using valid_unMultigraph G1 valid_unMultigraph_def by auto
  have "valid_graph G2" using valid_unMultigraph G2 valid_unMultigraph_def by auto
  obtain G where G:"G=nodes=nodes G1  nodes G2, edges=edges G1  edges G2
    by metis
  have "v1'nodes G1"
    by (metis (full_types) valid_graph G1 assms(3) assms(5) valid_graph.is_path_memb
        valid_unMultigraph.is_trail_intro valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def)
  moreover have "v2nodes G2"
    by (metis (full_types) valid_graph G2 assms(4) assms(6) valid_graph.is_path_memb
        valid_unMultigraph.is_trail_intro valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def)
  moreover have ba  nodes G1 if (aa, ab, ba)  edges G1
    for aa ab ba
    using that
    by (meson valid_graph G1 valid_graph.E_validD(2)) 
  ultimately have "valid_unMultigraph nodes=nodes G1  nodes G2, edges=edges G1  edges G2 
      valid_unMultigraph.corres[OF valid_unMultigraph G1]
      valid_unMultigraph.no_id[OF valid_unMultigraph G1]
      valid_unMultigraph.corres[OF valid_unMultigraph G2]
      valid_unMultigraph.no_id[OF valid_unMultigraph G2]
      valid_graph.E_validD[OF valid_graph G1]
      valid_graph.E_validD[OF valid_graph G2]
      nodes G1  nodes G2 = {}
    by unfold_locales auto
  hence valid: "valid_unMultigraph G" using G by auto
  hence valid':"valid_graph G" using valid_unMultigraph_def by auto
  moreover have "valid_unMultigraph.is_trail G v1 (ps1@((v1',w,v2)#ps2)) v2'"
    proof -
      have ps1_G:"valid_unMultigraph.is_trail G v1 ps1 v1'"
        proof -
          have "valid_unMultigraph.is_trail G1 v1 ps1 v1'" using assms
            by (metis valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def)
          moreover have "edges G1  edges G" by (metis G UnI1 Un_assoc select_convs(2) subrelI)
          moreover have "nodes G1  nodes G" by (metis G inf_sup_absorb le_iff_inf select_convs(1))
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using distinct_path_subset[of G1 G,OF valid_unMultigraph G1 valid] by auto
      have ps2_G:"valid_unMultigraph.is_trail G v2 ps2 v2'"
        proof -
          have "valid_unMultigraph.is_trail G2 v2 ps2 v2'" using assms
            by (metis valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def)
          moreover have "edges G2  edges G" by (metis G inf_sup_ord(3) le_supE select_convs(2))
          moreover have "nodes G2  nodes G" by (metis G inf_sup_ord(4) select_convs(1))
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using distinct_path_subset[of G2 G,OF valid_unMultigraph G2 valid] by auto
      have "valid_graph.is_path G v1 (ps1@((v1',w,v2)#ps2)) v2'"
        proof -
          have "valid_graph.is_path  G v1 ps1 v1'"
            by (metis ps1_G valid valid_unMultigraph.is_trail_intro)
          moreover have "valid_graph.is_path G v2 ps2 v2'"
            by (metis ps2_G valid valid_unMultigraph.is_trail_intro)
          moreover have "(v1',w,v2)  edges G"
            using G by auto
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using valid_graph.is_path_split'[OF valid',of v1 ps1 v1' w v2 ps2 v2'] by auto
      moreover have "distinct (ps1@((v1',w,v2)#ps2))"
        proof -
          have "distinct ps1" by (metis ps1_G valid valid_unMultigraph.is_trail_path)
          moreover have "distinct ps2"
            by (metis ps2_G valid valid_unMultigraph.is_trail_path)
          moreover have "set ps1  set ps2 = {}"
            proof -
              have "set ps1 edges G1"
                by (metis assms(3) assms(5) valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def
              moreover have "set ps2  edges G2"
                by (metis assms(4) assms(6) valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def
              ultimately show ?thesis using edges G1  edges G2={} by auto
          moreover have "(v1',w,v2)edges G1"
            using v2  nodes G2 valid_graph G1
            by (metis Int_iff  all_not_in_conv assms(1) valid_graph.E_validD(2))
          hence "(v1',w,v2)set ps1"
            by (metis (full_types) assms(3) assms(5) subsetD valid_unMultigraph.path_in_edges
                valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def )
          moreover have "(v1',w,v2)edges G2"
            using v1'  nodes G1 valid_graph G2
            by (metis  assms(1) disjoint_iff_not_equal valid_graph.E_validD(1))
          hence  "(v1',w,v2)set ps2"
            by (metis (full_types)  assms(4) assms(6) in_mono valid_unMultigraph.path_in_edges
                valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def )
          ultimately show ?thesis using distinct_append by auto
      moreover have "set (ps1@((v1',w,v2)#ps2))  set (rev_path (ps1@((v1',w,v2)#ps2))) = {}"
        proof -
          have "set ps1  set (rev_path ps1) = {}"
            by (metis ps1_G valid valid_unMultigraph.is_trail_path)
          moreover have "set (rev_path ps2)  edges G2"
            by (metis assms(4) assms(6) valid_unMultigraph.is_trail_rev
                valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def valid_unMultigraph.path_in_edges)
          hence "set ps1  set (rev_path ps2) = {}"
            using assms
              valid_unMultigraph.path_in_edges[OF valid_unMultigraph G1, of v1 ps1 v1']
              valid_unMultigraph.path_in_edges[OF valid_unMultigraph G2, of v2 ps2 v2']
            unfolding valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def[OF valid_unMultigraph G1]
              valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def[OF valid_unMultigraph G2]
            by auto
          moreover have "set ps2  set (rev_path ps2) = {}"
            by (metis ps2_G valid valid_unMultigraph.is_trail_path)
          moreover have "set (rev_path ps1) edges G1"
            by (metis assms(3) assms(5) valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def
                valid_unMultigraph.path_in_edges valid_unMultigraph.euclerian_rev)
          hence "set ps2  set (rev_path ps1) = {}"
            by (metis calculation(2) distinct_append distinct_rev_path ps1_G ps2_G rev_path_append
              rev_path_double valid valid_unMultigraph.is_trail_path)
          moreover have "(v2,w,v1')set (ps1@((v1',w,v2)#ps2))"
            proof -
              have "(v2,w,v1')edges G1"
                using v2  nodes G2 valid_graph G1
                by (metis Int_iff  all_not_in_conv assms(1) valid_graph.E_validD(1))
              hence "(v2,w,v1')set ps1"
                by (metis assms(3) assms(5) split_list valid_unMultigraph.is_trail_split'
              moreover have "(v2,w,v1')edges G2"
                using v1'  nodes G1 valid_graph G2
                by (metis IntI assms(1) empty_iff valid_graph.E_validD(2))
              hence "(v2,w,v1')set ps2"
                by (metis (full_types) assms(4) assms(6) in_mono  valid_unMultigraph.path_in_edges
              moreover have "(v2,w,v1')(v1',w,v2)"
                using v1'  nodes G1 v2  nodes G2
                by (metis IntI Pair_inject  assms(1) assms(5) bex_empty)
              ultimately show ?thesis by auto
          ultimately show ?thesis using rev_path_append by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis using valid_unMultigraph.is_trail_path[OF valid]
        by auto
  moreover have "edges (rem_unPath (ps1@((v1',w,v2)#ps2)) G)= {}"
    proof -
      have "edges (rem_unPath (ps1@((v1',w,v2)#ps2)) G)=edges G -
           (set (ps1@((v1',w,v2)#ps2))  set (rev_path (ps1@((v1',w,v2)#ps2))))"
        by (metis rem_unPath_edges)
      also have "...=edges G - (set ps1  set ps2  set (rev_path ps1)  set (rev_path ps2)
                  {(v1',w,v2),(v2,w,v1')})" using rev_path_append by auto
      finally have "edges (rem_unPath (ps1@((v1',w,v2)#ps2)) G) = edges G - (set ps1 
                    set ps2  set (rev_path ps1)  set (rev_path ps2)  {(v1',w,v2),(v2,w,v1')})" .
      moreover have "edges (rem_unPath ps1 G1)={}"
        by (metis assms(3) assms(5) valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def)
      hence "edges G1 - (set ps1  set (rev_path ps1))={}"
        by (metis rem_unPath_edges)
      moreover have "edges (rem_unPath ps2 G2)={}"
        by (metis assms(4) assms(6) valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def)
      hence "edges G2 - (set ps2  set (rev_path ps2))={}"
        by (metis rem_unPath_edges)
      ultimately show ?thesis using G by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by (metis G valid valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail_def)

lemma (in valid_unMultigraph) eulerian_sufficient:
  assumes "finite V" "finite E" "connected" "V{}"
  shows "num_of_odd_nodes G = 2 
      (vV.v' odd(degree v G)odd(degree v' G)(vv')is_Eulerian_trail v ps v')"
      and "num_of_odd_nodes G=0  ( is_Eulerian_circuit v ps v)"
    using finite E finite V valid_unMultigraph_axioms  V{} connected
proof (induct "card E" arbitrary: G rule: less_induct)
  case less
  assume "finite (edges G)" and "finite (nodes G)" and "valid_unMultigraph G" and "nodes G{}"
      and "valid_unMultigraph.connected G" and "num_of_odd_nodes G = 2"
  have "valid_graph G" using valid_unMultigraph G valid_unMultigraph_def by auto
  obtain n1 n2 where
      n1: "n1nodes G" "odd(degree n1 G)"
      and n2: "n2nodes G" "odd(degree n2 G)"
      and "n1n2" unfolding num_of_odd_nodes_def odd_nodes_set_def
    proof -
      have "S. card S=2  (n1 n2. n1Sn2Sn1n2)"
        by (metis card_eq_0_iff equals0I even_card' even_numeral zero_neq_numeral)
      then obtain t1 t2
          where "t1{v  nodes G. odd (degree v G)}" "t2{v  nodes G. odd (degree v G)}" "t1t2"
        using num_of_odd_nodes G = 2 unfolding num_of_odd_nodes_def odd_nodes_set_def
        by force
      thus ?thesis by (metis (lifting) that mem_Collect_eq)
  have even_except_two:"n. nnodes G nn1  nn2  even(degree n G)"
    proof (rule ccontr)
      fix n assume "n  nodes G"  "n  n1" "n  n2" "odd (degree n G)"
      have "n odd_nodes_set G"
        by (metis (mono_tags) n  nodes G odd (degree n G) mem_Collect_eq odd_nodes_set_def)
      moreover have "n1  odd_nodes_set G"
        by (metis (mono_tags) mem_Collect_eq n1(1) n1(2) odd_nodes_set_def)
      moreover have "n2  odd_nodes_set G"
        using n2(1) n2(2) unfolding odd_nodes_set_def by auto
      ultimately have "{n,n1,n2} odd_nodes_set G" by auto
      moreover have "card{n,n1,n2} 3" using n1n2 nn1 nn2 by auto
      moreover have "finite (odd_nodes_set G)"
        using finite (nodes G) unfolding odd_nodes_set_def by auto
      ultimately have "card (odd_nodes_set G)  3"
        using card_mono[of "odd_nodes_set G" "{n, n1, n2}"] by auto
      thus False using num_of_odd_nodes G = 2 unfolding num_of_odd_nodes_def by auto
  have "{e  edges G. fst e = n1}{}"
    using n1
    by (metis (full_types) degree_def empty_iff finite.emptyI odd_card)
  then obtain v' w where "(n1,w,v')edges G" by auto
  have "v'=n2  (vnodes G. v'nodes odd (degree v G)  odd (degree v' G)   v  v'
       valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail G v ps v')"
    proof (cases "valid_unMultigraph.connected (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)")
      assume "v'=n2"
      assume conneted':"valid_unMultigraph.connected (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)"
      moreover have "num_of_odd_nodes (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G) = 0"
        using (n1, w, v')  edges G finite (edges G) finite (nodes G)  v' = n2
          num_of_odd_nodes G = 2 valid_unMultigraph G del_UnEdge_odd_odd n1(2) n2(2)
        by force
      moreover have "finite (edges (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G))"
        using finite (edges G) by auto
      moreover have "finite (nodes (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G))"
        using finite (nodes G) by auto
      moreover have "edges G - {(n1,w,n2),(n2,w,n1)}  edges G"
        using Diff_iff Diff_subset (n1, w, v')  edges G v' = n2
        by fast
      hence "card (edges (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)) < card (edges G)"
        using finite (edges G) psubset_card_mono[of "edges G" "edges G - {(n1,w,n2),(n2,w,n1)}"]
        unfolding del_unEdge_def by auto
      moreover have "valid_unMultigraph (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)"
        using valid_unMultigraph G del_unEdge_valid by auto
      moreover have "nodes (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)  {}"
        by (metis (full_types) del_UnEdge_node empty_iff n1(1))
      ultimately have "vnodes (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G). ps. valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_circuit
          (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G) v ps v"
        using less.hyps[of "del_unEdge n1 w n2 G"] by auto
      thus ?thesis using eulerian_cons
        by (metis (n1, w, v')  edges G n1  n2 v' = n2  valid_unMultigraph G
          valid_unMultigraph (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G) del_UnEdge_node n1(1) n1(2) n2(1) n2(2)
          valid_unMultigraph.eulerian_cons valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_circuit_def)
      assume "v'=n2"
      assume not_conneted:"¬valid_unMultigraph.connected (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)"
      have valid0:"valid_unMultigraph (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)"
        using valid_unMultigraph G del_unEdge_valid by auto
      hence valid0':"valid_graph (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)"
        using valid_unMultigraph_def by auto
      have all_even:"nnodes (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G). even(degree n (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G))"
        proof -
          have "even (degree n1 (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G))"
            using (n1, w, v')  edges G finite (edges G) v' = n2 valid_unMultigraph G n1
            by (auto simp add: valid_unMultigraph.corres)
          moreover have "even (degree n2 (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G))"
            using  (n1, w, v')  edges G finite (edges G) v' = n2 valid_unMultigraph G n2
            by (auto simp add: valid_unMultigraph.corres)
          moreover have  "n. n  nodes (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)  n  n1  n  n2 
              even (degree n (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G))"
            using valid_unMultigraph.degree_frame[OF valid_unMultigraph G,
              of _ n1 n2 w] even_except_two
            by (metis (no_types) finite (edges G) del_unEdge_def empty_iff insert_iff
          ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      have "(n1,w,n2)edges G" by (metis (n1, w, v')  edges G v' = n2)
      hence "(n2,w,n1)edges G" by (metis valid_unMultigraph G valid_unMultigraph.corres)
      obtain G1 G2 where
          G1_nodes: "nodes G1={n. ps. valid_graph.is_path (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G) n ps n1}"
          and G1_edges: "edges G1={(n,e,n'). (n,e,n')edges (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)
             nnodes G1  n'nodes G1}"
          and G2_nodes:"nodes G2={n. ps. valid_graph.is_path (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G) n ps n2}"
          and G2_edges:"edges G2={(n,e,n'). (n,e,n')edges (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)  nnodes G2
             n'nodes G2}"
          and G1_G2_edges_union:"edges G1  edges G2 = edges (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)"
          and "edges G1  edges G2={}"
          and G1_G2_nodes_union:"nodes G1  nodes G2=nodes (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)"
          and "nodes G1  nodes G2={}"
          and "valid_unMultigraph G1"
          and "valid_unMultigraph G2"
          and "valid_unMultigraph.connected G1"
          and "valid_unMultigraph.connected G2"
        using valid_unMultigraph.connectivity_split[OF valid_unMultigraph G
          valid_unMultigraph.connected G ¬ valid_unMultigraph.connected (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)
          (n1, w, n2)  edges G ] .
      have "edges (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)  edges G"
        unfolding del_unEdge_def using (n1, w, n2)edges G (n2, w, n1)edges G by auto
      hence "card (edges G1) < card (edges G)" using G1_G2_edges_union
        by (metis (full_types) finite (edges G) inf_sup_absorb less_infI2 psubset_card_mono)
      moreover have "finite (edges G1)"
        using G1_G2_edges_union finite (edges G)
        by (metis edges (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)  edges G finite_Un less_imp_le rev_finite_subset)
      moreover have "nodes G1  nodes (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)"
        by (metis G1_G2_nodes_union Un_upper1)
      hence "finite (nodes G1)"
        using  finite (nodes G) del_UnEdge_node rev_finite_subset  by auto
      moreover have "n1  nodes G1"
        proof -
          have "n1nodes (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)" using n1nodes G by auto
          hence "valid_graph.is_path (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G) n1 [] n1"
            using valid0' by (metis valid_graph.is_path_simps(1))
          thus ?thesis using G1_nodes by auto
      hence "nodes G1  {}" by auto
      moreover have "num_of_odd_nodes G1 = 0"
        proof -
          have "valid_graph G2" using valid_unMultigraph G2 valid_unMultigraph_def by auto
          hence "nnodes G1. degree n G1 = degree n (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)"
          using sub_graph_degree_frame[of G2 G1 "(del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)"]
            by (metis G1_G2_edges_union nodes G1  nodes G2 = {})
          hence "nnodes G1. even(degree n G1)" using all_even
            by (metis G1_G2_nodes_union Un_iff)
          thus ?thesis
            unfolding num_of_odd_nodes_def odd_nodes_set_def
            by (metis (lifting) Collect_empty_eq card_eq_0_iff)
      ultimately have "vnodes G1. ps. valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_circuit G1 v ps v"
        using less.hyps[of G1] valid_unMultigraph G1 valid_unMultigraph.connected G1
        by auto
      then obtain ps1 where ps1:"valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail G1 n1 ps1 n1"
        using n1nodes G1
        by (metis (full_types) valid_unMultigraph G1 valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_circuit_def)
      have "card (edges G2) < card (edges G)"
        using G1_G2_edges_union edges (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)  edges G
        by (metis (full_types) finite (edges G) inf_sup_ord(4) le_less_trans psubset_card_mono)
      moreover have "finite (edges G2)"
        using G1_G2_edges_union finite (edges G)
        by (metis edges (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)  edges G finite_Un less_imp_le rev_finite_subset)
      moreover have "nodes G2  nodes (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)"
        by (metis G1_G2_nodes_union Un_upper2)
      hence "finite (nodes G2)"
        using  finite (nodes G)  del_UnEdge_node rev_finite_subset by auto
      moreover have "n2  nodes G2"
        proof -
          have "n2nodes (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)"
            using n2nodes G by auto
          hence "valid_graph.is_path (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G) n2 [] n2"
            using valid0' by (metis valid_graph.is_path_simps(1))
          thus ?thesis using G2_nodes by auto
      hence "nodes G2  {}" by auto
      moreover have "num_of_odd_nodes G2 = 0"
        proof -
          have "valid_graph G1" using valid_unMultigraph G1 valid_unMultigraph_def by auto
          hence "nnodes G2. degree n G2 = degree n (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)"
            using sub_graph_degree_frame[of G1 G2 "(del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)"]
            by (metis G1_G2_edges_union nodes G1  nodes G2 = {} inf_commute sup_commute)
          hence "nnodes G2. even(degree n G2)" using all_even
            by (metis G1_G2_nodes_union Un_iff)
          thus ?thesis
            unfolding num_of_odd_nodes_def odd_nodes_set_def
            by (metis (lifting) Collect_empty_eq card_eq_0_iff)
      ultimately have "vnodes G2. ps. valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_circuit G2 v ps v"
        using less.hyps[of G2] valid_unMultigraph G2 valid_unMultigraph.connected G2
        by auto
      then obtain ps2 where ps2:"valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail G2 n2 ps2 n2"
        using n2nodes G2
        by (metis (full_types) valid_unMultigraph G2 valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_circuit_def)
      have "nodes = nodes G1  nodes G2, edges = edges G1  edges G2  {(n1, w, n2),
          (n2, w, n1)}=G"
        proof -
          have "edges (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)  {(n1, w, n2),(n2, w, n1)} =edges G"
            using (n1,w,n2)edges G (n2,w,n1)edges G
            unfolding del_unEdge_def by auto
          moreover have   "nodes (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)=nodes G"
            unfolding del_unEdge_def by auto
          ultimately have "nodes = nodes (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G), edges =
              edges (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)  {(n1, w, n2), (n2, w, n1)}=G"
            by auto
          moreover have "nodes = nodes G1  nodes G2, edges = edges G1  edges G2 
              {(n1, w, n2),(n2, w, n1)}=nodes = nodes (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G),edges
              = edges (del_unEdge n1 w n2 G)  {(n1, w, n2), (n2, w, n1)}"
            by (metis G1_G2_edges_union G1_G2_nodes_union)
          ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      moreover have "valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail nodes = nodes G1  nodes G2,
          edges = edges G1  edges G2  {(n1, w, n2), (n2, w, n1)} n1 (ps1 @ (n1, w, n2) # ps2) n2"
        using eulerian_split[of G1 G2 n1 ps1 n1 n2 ps2 n2 w]
        by (metis edges G1  edges G2 = {} nodes G1  nodes G2 = {} valid_unMultigraph G1
          valid_unMultigraph G2 ps1 ps2)
      ultimately show ?thesis by (metis n1  n2 n1(1) n1(2) n2(1) n2(2))
  moreover have "v'n2  (vnodes G. v'nodes odd (degree v G)  odd (degree v' G)
       v  v'  valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail G v ps v')"
    proof (cases "valid_unMultigraph.connected (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)")
      case True
      assume "v'  n2"
      assume connected':"valid_unMultigraph.connected (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)"
      have "n1  nodes (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)" by (metis del_UnEdge_node n1(1))
      hence even_n1:"even(degree n1 (del_unEdge n1 w v' G))"
        using valid_unMultigraph.del_UnEdge_even[OF valid_unMultigraph G (n1, w, v')  edges G
          finite (edges G)] odd (degree n1 G)
        unfolding odd_nodes_set_def by auto
      moreover have odd_n2:"odd(degree n2 (del_unEdge n1 w v' G))"
        using valid_unMultigraph.degree_frame[OF valid_unMultigraph G finite (edges G),
          of n2 n1 v' w] n1  n2 v'  n2
        by (metis empty_iff insert_iff n2(2))
      moreover have "even (degree v' G)"
        using even_except_two[of v']
        by (metis (full_types) (n1, w, v')  edges G v'  n2 valid_graph G
          valid_unMultigraph G valid_graph.E_validD(2) valid_unMultigraph.no_id)
      hence odd_v':"odd(degree v' (del_unEdge n1 w v' G))"
        using valid_unMultigraph.del_UnEdge_even'[OF valid_unMultigraph G (n1, w, v')  edges G
          finite (edges G)]
        unfolding odd_nodes_set_def by auto
      ultimately have two_odds:"num_of_odd_nodes (del_unEdge n1 w v' G) = 2"
        by (metis (lifting) v'  n2 valid_graph G valid_unMultigraph G
          (n1, w, v')  edges G finite (edges G) finite (nodes G) num_of_odd_nodes G = 2
          del_UnEdge_odd_even even_except_two n1(2) valid_graph.E_validD(2))
      moreover have valid0:"valid_unMultigraph (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)"
        using del_unEdge_valid valid_unMultigraph G by auto
      moreover have " edges G - {(n1, w, v'), (v', w, n1)}  edges G"
        using (n1,w,v')edges G by auto
      hence "card (edges (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)) < card (edges G)"
        using finite (edges G) unfolding del_unEdge_def
        by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) psubset_card_mono select_convs(2))
      moreover have "finite (edges (del_unEdge n1 w v' G))"
        unfolding del_unEdge_def
        by (metis (full_types) finite (edges G) finite_Diff select_convs(2))
      moreover have "finite (nodes (del_unEdge n1 w v' G))"
        unfolding del_unEdge_def by (metis finite (nodes G) select_convs(1))
      moreover have "nodes (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)  {}"
        by (metis (full_types) del_UnEdge_node empty_iff n1(1))
      ultimately obtain s t ps where
          s: "snodes (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)" "odd (degree s (del_unEdge n1 w v' G))"
          and t:"tnodes (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)" "odd (degree t (del_unEdge n1 w v' G))"
          and "s  t"
          and s_ps_t: "valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail (del_unEdge n1 w v' G) s ps t"
        using   connected' less.hyps[of "(del_unEdge n1 w v' G)"] by auto
      hence "(s=n2t=v')(s=v't=n2)"
        using odd_n2 odd_v' two_odds finite (edges G)valid_unMultigraph G
        by (metis (mono_tags) del_UnEdge_node empty_iff even_except_two even_n1 insert_iff
      moreover have "s=n2t=v'?thesis"
        by (metis (n1, w, v')  edges G n1  n2 valid_unMultigraph G n1(1) n1(2) n2(1) n2(2)
          s_ps_t valid0 valid_unMultigraph.euclerian_rev valid_unMultigraph.eulerian_cons)
      moreover have "s=v't=n2?thesis"
        by (metis (n1, w, v')  edges G n1  n2 valid_unMultigraph G n1(1) n1(2) n2(1) n2(2)
          s_ps_t valid_unMultigraph.eulerian_cons)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      assume "v'n2"
      assume not_conneted:"¬valid_unMultigraph.connected (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)"
      have "(v',w,n1)edges G" using (n1,w,v')edges G
        by (metis valid_unMultigraph G  valid_unMultigraph.corres)
      have valid0:"valid_unMultigraph (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)"
        using valid_unMultigraph G del_unEdge_valid by auto
      hence valid0':"valid_graph (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)"
        using valid_unMultigraph_def by auto
      have even_n1:"even(degree n1 (del_unEdge n1 w v' G))"
        using valid_unMultigraph.del_UnEdge_even[OF valid_unMultigraph G (n1,w,v')edges G
          finite (edges G)] n1
        unfolding odd_nodes_set_def by auto
      moreover have odd_n2:"odd(degree n2 (del_unEdge n1 w v' G))"
        using n1  n2 v'  n2 n2 valid_unMultigraph.degree_frame[OF valid_unMultigraph G
          finite (edges G), of n2 n1 v' w]
        by auto
      moreover have "v'n1"
        using valid_unMultigraph.no_id[OF valid_unMultigraph G] (n1,w,v')edges G by auto
      hence odd_v':"odd(degree v' (del_unEdge n1 w v' G))"
        using  v'  n2   even_except_two[of v']
          valid_graph.E_validD(2)[OF valid_graph G (n1, w, v')  edges G]
          valid_unMultigraph.del_UnEdge_even'[OF  valid_unMultigraph G (n1, w, v')  edges G
          finite (edges G) ]
        unfolding odd_nodes_set_def by auto
      ultimately have even_except_two':"n. nnodes (del_unEdge n1 w v' G) nn2
           nv' even(degree n (del_unEdge n1 w v' G))"
        using del_UnEdge_node[of _ n1 w v' G] even_except_two valid_unMultigraph.degree_frame[OF
          valid_unMultigraph G finite (edges G), of _ n1 v' w]
        by force
      obtain G1 G2 where
          G1_nodes: "nodes G1={n. ps. valid_graph.is_path (del_unEdge n1 w v' G) n ps n1}"
          and G1_edges: "edges G1={(n,e,n'). (n,e,n')edges (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)  nnodes G1
             n'nodes G1}"
          and G2_nodes:"nodes G2={n. ps. valid_graph.is_path (del_unEdge n1 w v' G) n ps v'}"
          and G2_edges:"edges G2={(n,e,n'). (n,e,n')edges (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)  nnodes G2
             n'nodes G2}"
          and G1_G2_edges_union:"edges G1  edges G2 = edges (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)"
          and "edges G1  edges G2={}"
          and G1_G2_nodes_union:"nodes G1  nodes G2=nodes (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)"
          and "nodes G1  nodes G2={}"
          and "valid_unMultigraph G1"
          and "valid_unMultigraph G2"
          and "valid_unMultigraph.connected G1"
          and "valid_unMultigraph.connected G2"
        using valid_unMultigraph.connectivity_split[OF valid_unMultigraph G
          valid_unMultigraph.connected G not_conneted (n1,w,v')edges G]
      have "n2nodes G2" using extend_distinct_path
        proof -
          have "finite (edges (del_unEdge n1 w v' G))"
            unfolding del_unEdge_def using finite (edges G) by auto
          moreover have "num_of_odd_nodes (del_unEdge n1 w v' G) = 2"
            by (metis (n1, w, v')  edges G (v', w, n1)  edges G num_of_odd_nodes G = 2
              v'  n2 valid_graph G del_UnEdge_even_odd delete_edge_sym even_except_two
              finite (edges G) finite (nodes G) valid_unMultigraph G
              n1(2) valid_graph.E_validD(2) valid_unMultigraph.no_id)
          ultimately have "ps. valid_unMultigraph.is_trail (del_unEdge n1 w v' G) n2 ps v'"
            using valid_unMultigraph.path_between_odds[OF valid0,of n2 v',OF odd_n2 odd_v'] v'n2
            by auto
          hence "ps. valid_graph.is_path (del_unEdge n1 w v' G) n2 ps v'"
            by (metis valid0 valid_unMultigraph.is_trail_intro)
          thus ?thesis using G2_nodes by auto
      have "v'nodes G2"
        proof -
          have "valid_graph.is_path (del_unEdge n1 w v' G) v' [] v'"
            by (metis (full_types) (n1, w, v')  edges G valid_graph G del_UnEdge_node
                valid0' valid_graph.E_validD(2) valid_graph.is_path_simps(1))
          thus ?thesis by (metis (lifting) G2_nodes mem_Collect_eq)
      have edges_subset:"edges (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)  edges G"
        using (n1,w,v')edges G (v',w,n1)edges G
        unfolding del_unEdge_def by auto
      hence "card (edges G1) < card (edges G)"
        by (metis G1_G2_edges_union inf_sup_absorb finite (edges G)  less_infI2 psubset_card_mono)
      moreover have "finite (edges G1)"
        by (metis (full_types) G1_G2_edges_union edges_subset finite_Un finite_subset
          finite (edges G)  less_imp_le)
      moreover have "finite (nodes G1)"
        using G1_G2_nodes_union  finite (nodes G)
        unfolding del_unEdge_def
        by (metis (full_types) finite_Un select_convs(1))
      moreover have "n1nodes G1"
        proof -
          have "valid_graph.is_path (del_unEdge n1 w v' G) n1 [] n1"
            by (metis (full_types) del_UnEdge_node n1(1) valid0' valid_graph.is_path_simps(1))
          thus ?thesis by (metis (lifting) G1_nodes mem_Collect_eq)
      moreover hence "nodes G1  {}" by auto
      moreover have "num_of_odd_nodes G1 = 0"
        proof -
          have "nnodes G1. even(degree n (del_unEdge n1 w v' G))"
            using even_except_two' odd_v' odd_n2 n2nodes G2 nodes G1  nodes G2 = {}
              v'nodes G2
            by (metis (full_types) G1_G2_nodes_union Un_iff disjoint_iff_not_equal)
          moreover have "valid_graph G2"
            using valid_unMultigraph G2 valid_unMultigraph_def
            by auto
          ultimately have "nnodes G1. even(degree n G1)"
            using sub_graph_degree_frame[of G2 G1 "del_unEdge n1 w v' G"]
            by (metis G1_G2_edges_union nodes G1  nodes G2 = {})
          thus ?thesis unfolding num_of_odd_nodes_def odd_nodes_set_def
            by (metis (lifting) card_eq_0_iff empty_Collect_eq)
      ultimately obtain ps1 where ps1:"valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail G1 n1 ps1 n1"
        using valid_unMultigraph G1 valid_unMultigraph.connected G1 less.hyps[of G1]
        by (metis valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_circuit_def)
      have "card (edges G2) < card (edges G)"
        by (metis G1_G2_edges_union finite (edges G) edges_subset inf_sup_absorb less_infI2
          psubset_card_mono sup_commute)
      moreover have "finite (edges G2)"
        by (metis (full_types) G1_G2_edges_union edges_subset finite_Un finite (edges G) less_le
      moreover have "finite (nodes G2)"
        by (metis (mono_tags) G1_G2_nodes_union del_UnEdge_node le_sup_iff finite (nodes G)
          rev_finite_subset subsetI)
      moreover have "nodes G2  {}" using v'nodes G2 by auto
      moreover have "num_of_odd_nodes G2 = 2"
        proof -
          have "nnodes G2. n{n2,v'}even(degree n (del_unEdge n1 w v' G))"
            using even_except_two'
            by (metis (full_types) G1_G2_nodes_union Un_iff insert_iff)
          moreover have "valid_graph G1"
            using valid_unMultigraph G1 valid_unMultigraph_def by auto
          ultimately have "nnodes G2. n{n2,v'}even(degree n G2)"
            using sub_graph_degree_frame[of G1 G2 "del_unEdge n1 w v' G"]
            by (metis G1_G2_edges_union Int_commute Un_commute nodes G1  nodes G2 = {})
          hence "nnodes G2. n{n2,v'}n{v  nodes G2. odd (degree v G2)}"
            by (metis (lifting) mem_Collect_eq)
          moreover have "odd(degree n2 G2)"
            using sub_graph_degree_frame[of G1 G2 "del_unEdge n1 w v' G"]
            by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) G1_G2_edges_union nodes G1  nodes G2 = {}
              valid_graph G1 n2  nodes G2 inf_assoc inf_bot_right inf_sup_absorb
               odd_n2 sup_bot_right sup_commute)
          hence "n2{v  nodes G2. odd (degree v G2)}"
            by (metis (lifting) n2  nodes G2 mem_Collect_eq)
          moreover have "odd(degree v' G2)"
            using sub_graph_degree_frame[of G1 G2 "del_unEdge n1 w v' G"]
            by (metis G1_G2_edges_union Int_commute Un_commute nodes G1  nodes G2 = {}
              v'  nodes G2 valid_graph G1 odd_v')
          hence "v'{v  nodes G2. odd (degree v G2)}"
            by (metis (full_types) Collect_conj_eq Collect_mem_eq Int_Collect v'  nodes G2)
          ultimately have "{v  nodes G2. odd (degree v G2)}={n2,v'}"
            using finite (nodes G2) by (induct G2,auto)
          thus ?thesis using v'n2
            unfolding num_of_odd_nodes_def odd_nodes_set_def by auto
      ultimately obtain s t ps2 where
          s: "snodes G2" "odd (degree s G2)"
          and t:"tnodes G2" "odd (degree t G2)"
          and "s  t"
          and s_ps2_t: "valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail G2 s ps2 t"
        using valid_unMultigraph G2 valid_unMultigraph.connected G2 less.hyps[of G2]
        by auto
      moreover have "valid_graph G1"
        using valid_unMultigraph G1 valid_unMultigraph_def by auto
      ultimately have "(s=n2t=v')(s=v't=n2)"
        using odd_n2 odd_v' even_except_two'
          sub_graph_degree_frame[of G1 G2 "(del_unEdge n1 w v' G)"]
        by (metis G1_G2_edges_union G1_G2_nodes_union UnI1 nodes G1  nodes G2 = {} inf_commute
      moreover have merge_G1_G2:"nodes = nodes G1  nodes G2, edges = edges G1  edges G2 
          {(n1, w,v'),(v', w, n1)}=G"
        proof -
          have "edges (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)  {(n1, w, v'),(v', w, n1)} =edges G"
            using  (n1,w,v')edges G (v',w,n1)edges G
            unfolding del_unEdge_def by auto
          moreover have "nodes (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)=nodes G"
            unfolding del_unEdge_def by auto
          ultimately have "nodes = nodes (del_unEdge n1 w v' G), edges =
              edges (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)  {(n1, w, v'), (v', w, n1)}=G"
            by auto
          moreover have "nodes = nodes G1  nodes G2, edges = edges G1  edges G2 
              {(n1, w, v'),(v', w, n1)}=nodes = nodes (del_unEdge n1 w v' G),edges
              = edges (del_unEdge n1 w v' G)  {(n1, w, v'), (v', w, n1)}"
            by (metis G1_G2_edges_union G1_G2_nodes_union)
          ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      moreover have "s=n2t=v'?thesis"
        using eulerian_split[of G1 G2 n1 ps1 n1 v' "(rev_path ps2)" n2 w] merge_G1_G2
        by (metis edges G1  edges G2 = {} n1  n2 nodes G1  nodes G2 = {}
            valid_unMultigraph G1 valid_unMultigraph G2 n1(1) n1(2) n2(1) n2(2) ps1 s_ps2_t
      moreover have "s=v't=n2?thesis"
        using eulerian_split[of G1 G2 n1 ps1 n1 v' ps2 n2 w] merge_G1_G2
        by (metis edges G1  edges G2 = {} n1  n2 nodes G1  nodes G2 = {}
          valid_unMultigraph G1 valid_unMultigraph G2 n1(1) n1(2) n2(1) n2(2) ps1 s_ps2_t)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  ultimately show "vnodes G. v'nodes odd (degree v G)  odd (degree v' G)  v  v'
       valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail G v ps v'"
    by auto
  case less
  assume "finite (edges G)" and "finite (nodes G)" and "valid_unMultigraph G" and "nodes G{}"
      and "valid_unMultigraph.connected G" and "num_of_odd_nodes G = 0"
  show "vnodes G. ps. valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_circuit G v ps v"
    proof (rule,cases "card (nodes G)=1")
      fix v assume "vnodes G"
      assume " card (nodes G) = 1 "
      hence "nodes G={v}"
        using v  nodes G  card_Suc_eq[of "nodes G" 0] empty_iff insert_iff[of _ v]
        by auto
      have "edges G={}"
        proof (rule ccontr)
          assume "edges G  {}"
          then obtain e1 e2 e3 where e:"(e1,e2,e3)edges G" by (metis ex_in_conv prod_cases3)
          hence "e1=e3" using nodes G={v}
            by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) append_Nil2 valid_unMultigraph.is_trail_rev
                valid_unMultigraph.is_trail.simps(1) valid_unMultigraph G singletonE
                valid_unMultigraph.is_trail_split valid_unMultigraph.singleton_distinct_path)
          thus False by (metis e valid_unMultigraph G valid_unMultigraph.no_id)
      hence "valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_circuit G v [] v"
        by (metis nodes G = {v} insert_subset valid_unMultigraph G rem_unPath.simps(1)
            subsetI valid_unMultigraph.is_trail.simps(1)
      thus "ps. valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_circuit G v ps v" by auto
      fix v assume "vnodes G"
      assume "card (nodes G)  1"
      moreover have "card (nodes G)0" using nodes G{}
        by (metis card_eq_0_iff finite (nodes G))
      ultimately have "card (nodes G) 2" by auto
      then obtain n where "card (nodes G) = Suc (Suc n)"
        by (metis le_iff_add add_2_eq_Suc)
      hence "nnodes G. nv" by (auto dest!: card_eq_SucD)
      then obtain v' w where "(v,w,v')edges G"
        proof -
          assume pre:"w v'. (v, w, v')  edges G  thesis"
          assume "nnodes G. n  v"
          then obtain ps where  ps:"v'. valid_graph.is_path G v ps v'  psNil"
            using valid_unMultigraph_def
            by (metis (full_types) v  nodes G valid_unMultigraph G valid_graph.is_path.simps(1)
              valid_unMultigraph.connected G valid_unMultigraph.connected_def)
          then obtain v0 w v' where "ps'. ps=Cons (v0,w,v') ps'" by (metis neq_Nil_conv prod_cases3)
          hence "v0=v"
            using valid_unMultigraph_def
            by (metis valid_unMultigraph G ps valid_graph.is_path.simps(2))
          hence "(v,w,v')edges G"
            using valid_unMultigraph_def
            by (metis ps'. ps = (v0, w, v') # ps' valid_unMultigraph G ps
          thus ?thesis by (metis pre)
      have all_even:"xnodes G. even(degree x G)"
        using finite (nodes G) num_of_odd_nodes G = 0
        unfolding num_of_odd_nodes_def odd_nodes_set_def by auto
      have odd_v: "odd (degree v (del_unEdge v w v' G))"
        using  v  nodes G all_even valid_unMultigraph.del_UnEdge_even[OF valid_unMultigraph G
          (v, w, v')  edges G finite (edges G)]
        unfolding odd_nodes_set_def by auto
      have odd_v':  "odd (degree v' (del_unEdge v w v' G))"
        using valid_unMultigraph.del_UnEdge_even'[OF valid_unMultigraph G (v, w, v')  edges G
          finite (edges G)]
            all_even  valid_graph.E_validD(2)[OF _ (v, w, v')  edges G]
            valid_unMultigraph G
        unfolding valid_unMultigraph_def odd_nodes_set_def
        by auto
      have valid_unMulti:"valid_unMultigraph (del_unEdge v w v' G)"
        by (metis del_unEdge_valid valid_unMultigraph G)
      moreover have valid_graph: "valid_graph (del_unEdge v w v' G)"
        using valid_unMultigraph_def del_undirected
        by (metis valid_unMultigraph G delete_edge_valid)
      moreover have fin_E': "finite(edges (del_unEdge v w v' G))"
        using finite(edges G) unfolding del_unEdge_def by auto
      moreover have fin_V': "finite(nodes (del_unEdge v w v' G))"
        using finite(nodes G) unfolding del_unEdge_def by auto
      moreover have less_card:"card(edges (del_unEdge v w v' G))<card(edges G)"
        unfolding del_unEdge_def using (v,w,v')edges G
        by (metis Diff_insert2 card_Diff2_less finite (edges G) valid_unMultigraph G
          select_convs(2) valid_unMultigraph.corres)
      moreover have "num_of_odd_nodes (del_unEdge v w v' G) = 2"
        using valid_unMultigraph G num_of_odd_nodes G = 0 v  nodes G all_even
          del_UnEdge_even_even[OF valid_unMultigraph G  finite (edges G) finite (nodes G)
          (v, w, v')  edges G] valid_graph.E_validD(2)[OF _ (v, w, v')  edges G]
        unfolding  valid_unMultigraph_def
        by auto
      moreover have "valid_unMultigraph.connected (del_unEdge v w v' G)"
        using finite (edges G) finite (nodes G) valid_unMultigraph G
          valid_unMultigraph.connected G
        by (metis (v, w, v')  edges G all_even valid_unMultigraph.del_unEdge_even_connectivity)
      moreover have "nodes(del_unEdge v w v' G){}"
        by (metis v  nodes G del_UnEdge_node emptyE)
      ultimately obtain n1 n2 ps where
          "n1nodes (del_unEdge v w v' G)"
          "n2nodes (del_unEdge v w v' G)"
          "odd (degree n1 (del_unEdge v w v' G))"
          "odd (degree n2 (del_unEdge v w v' G))"
          "valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail (del_unEdge v w v' G) n1 ps n2"
        by (metis num_of_odd_nodes (del_unEdge v w v' G) = 2 less.hyps(1))
      have "n1=vn2=v'valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_circuit G v (ps@[(v',w,v)]) v"
        using ps_eulerian
        by (metis (v, w, v')  edges G delete_edge_sym valid_unMultigraph G
          valid_unMultigraph.corres valid_unMultigraph.eulerian_cons'
      moreover have "n1=v'n2=vps. valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_circuit G v ps v"
        by (metis (v, w, v')  edges G valid_unMultigraph G ps_eulerian
          valid_unMultigraph.eulerian_cons valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_circuit_def)
      moreover have "(n1=vn2=v')(n2=vn1=v')"
        by (metis (mono_tags) all_even del_UnEdge_node insert_iff finite (edges G)
          valid_unMultigraph G n1_n2(1) n1_n2(2) n1_n2(3) n1_n2(4) n1_n2(5) singletonE
      ultimately show "ps. valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_circuit G v ps v" by auto