Theory Tangle_Algebra
section‹Tangle\_Algebra: Tensor product of tangles and its properties›
theory Tangle_Algebra
imports Tangles
section‹Definition of tensor product of walls›
text‹the following definition is used to construct a block of n vert strands›
primrec make_vert_block:: "nat ⇒ block"
"make_vert_block 0 = []"
|"make_vert_block (Suc n) = vert#(make_vert_block n)"
lemma domain_make_vert:"domain_block (make_vert_block n) = int n"
by (induction n) (auto)
lemma codomain_make_vert:"codomain_block (make_vert_block n) = int n"
by (induction n) (auto)
fun tensor::"wall => wall => wall" (infixr ‹⊗› 65)
1:"tensor (basic x) (basic y) = (basic (x ⊗ y))"
|2:"tensor (x*xs) (basic y) = (
if (codomain_block y = 0)
then (x ⊗ y)*xs
(x ⊗ y)
*(xs⊗(basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y))))))"
|3:"tensor (basic x) (y*ys) = (
if (codomain_block x = 0)
then (x ⊗ y)*ys
(x ⊗ y)
*((basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))))⊗ ys))"
|4:"tensor (x*xs) (y*ys) = (x ⊗ y)* (xs ⊗ ys)"
section‹Properties of tensor product of tangles›
lemma Nil_left_tensor:"xs ⊗ (basic ([])) = xs"
by (cases xs) (auto simp add:empty_concatenate)
lemma Nil_right_tensor:"(basic ([])) ⊗ xs = xs"
by (cases xs) (auto)
text‹The definition of tensors is extended to diagrams by using the
following function›
definition tensor_Tangle ::"Tangle_Diagram ⇒ Tangle_Diagram ⇒ Tangle_Diagram" (infixl ‹⊗› 65)
"tensor_Tangle x y = Abs_Tangle_Diagram ((Rep_Tangle_Diagram x) ⊗ (Rep_Tangle_Diagram y))"
lemma "tensor (basic [vert]) (basic ([vert])) = (basic (([vert]) ⊗ ([vert])))"
by simp
text‹domain\_wall of a tensor product of two walls is the sum of
the domain\_wall of each of the tensor
lemma tensor_domain_wall_additivity:
"domain_wall (xs ⊗ ys) = domain_wall xs + domain_wall ys"
proof(cases xs)
fix x
assume A:"xs = basic x"
then have "domain_wall (xs ⊗ ys) = domain_wall xs + domain_wall ys"
proof(cases ys)
fix y
assume B:"ys = basic y"
have "domain_block (x ⊗ y) = domain_block x + domain_block y"
using domain_additive by auto
then have "domain_wall (xs ⊗ ys) = domain_wall xs + domain_wall ys"
using tensor.simps(1) A B by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
fix z zs
assume C:"ys = (z*zs)"
have "domain_wall (xs ⊗ ys) = domain_wall xs + domain_wall ys"
proof(cases "(codomain_block x) = 0")
assume "codomain_block x = 0"
then have "(xs ⊗ ys) = (x ⊗ z)*zs"
using A C tensor.simps(4) by auto
then have "domain_wall (xs ⊗ ys) = domain_block (x ⊗ z)"
by auto
moreover have "domain_wall ys = domain_block z"
unfolding domain_wall_def C by auto
moreover have "domain_wall xs = domain_block x"
unfolding domain_wall_def A by auto
moreover have "domain_block (x ⊗ z) = domain_block x + domain_block z"
using domain_additive by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
assume "codomain_block x ≠ 0"
have "(xs ⊗ ys)
= (x ⊗ z)
*((basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))))⊗ zs)"
using tensor.simps(3) A C ‹codomain_block x ≠ 0› by auto
then have "domain_wall (xs ⊗ ys) = domain_block (x ⊗ z)"
by auto
moreover have "domain_wall ys = domain_block z"
unfolding domain_wall_def C by auto
moreover have "domain_wall xs = domain_block x"
unfolding domain_wall_def A by auto
moreover have "domain_block (x ⊗ z) = domain_block x + domain_block z"
using domain_additive by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
fix z zs
assume D:"xs = z * zs"
then have "domain_wall (xs ⊗ ys) = domain_wall xs + domain_wall ys"
proof(cases ys)
fix y
assume E:"ys = basic y"
then have "domain_wall (xs ⊗ ys) = domain_wall xs + domain_wall ys"
proof(cases "codomain_block y = 0")
assume "codomain_block y = 0"
have "(xs ⊗ ys) = (z ⊗ y)*zs"
using tensor.simps(2) D E ‹codomain_block y = 0› by auto
then have "domain_wall (xs ⊗ ys) = domain_block (z ⊗ y)"
by auto
moreover have "domain_wall xs = domain_block z"
unfolding domain_wall_def D by auto
moreover have "domain_wall ys = domain_block y"
unfolding domain_wall_def E by auto
moreover have "domain_block (z ⊗ y) = domain_block z + domain_block y"
using domain_additive by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
assume "codomain_block y ≠ 0"
have "(xs ⊗ ys)
(z ⊗ y)
*(zs⊗(basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y)))))"
using tensor.simps(3) D E ‹codomain_block y ≠ 0› by auto
then have "domain_wall (xs ⊗ ys) = domain_block (z ⊗ y)"
by auto
moreover have "domain_wall ys = domain_block y"
unfolding domain_wall_def E by auto
moreover have "domain_wall xs = domain_block z"
unfolding domain_wall_def D by auto
moreover have "domain_block (z ⊗ y) = domain_block z + domain_block y"
using domain_additive by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
fix w ws
assume F:"ys = w*ws"
have "(xs ⊗ ys) = (z ⊗ w) * (zs ⊗ ws)"
using D F by auto
then have "domain_wall (xs ⊗ ys) = domain_block (z ⊗ w)"
by auto
moreover have "domain_wall ys = domain_block w"
unfolding domain_wall_def F by auto
moreover have "domain_wall xs = domain_block z"
unfolding domain_wall_def D by auto
moreover have "domain_block (z ⊗ w) = domain_block z + domain_block w"
using domain_additive by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
text‹codomain of tensor of two walls is the sum of the respective
codomain's is shown by the following theorem›
lemma tensor_codomain_wall_additivity:
"codomain_wall (xs ⊗ ys) = codomain_wall xs + codomain_wall ys"
proof(induction xs ys rule:tensor.induct)
fix xs ys
let ?case = "(codomain_wall ((basic xs) ⊗ (basic ys))
= (codomain_wall (basic (xs)))
+ (codomain_wall (basic ys)))"
show ?case using codomain_wall.simps codomain_block.simps tensor.simps
by (metis codomain_additive)
fix x xs y
assume case_2:
"codomain_block y ≠ 0
⟹ codomain_wall
(xs ⊗ basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y))))
= codomain_wall xs
+ codomain_wall
(basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y))))"
let ?case = "codomain_wall ((x*xs)⊗ (basic y))
= (codomain_wall (x*xs)) + (codomain_wall (basic y))"
show ?case
proof(cases "(codomain_block y = 0)")
case True
have "((x*xs)⊗ (basic y)) = (x ⊗ y)*xs "
using "Tangle_Algebra.2" True by auto
then have "codomain_wall ((x*xs)⊗ (basic y))
= codomain_wall ((x ⊗ y)*xs)"
by auto
then have "... = codomain_wall xs"
using codomain_wall.simps by auto
then have "... = codomain_wall xs + codomain_wall (basic y)"
using True codomain_wall.simps(1) by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
case False
have "(x*xs) ⊗ (basic y)
= (x ⊗ y)
*(xs⊗(basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y)))))"
using False by (metis "Tangle_Algebra.2")
moreover then have "codomain_wall ((x*xs) ⊗ (basic y))
= codomain_wall(...)"
by auto
moreover have "...
= codomain_wall
(xs⊗(basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y)))))"
using domain_wall.simps by auto
moreover have "...
= codomain_wall xs
+ codomain_wall
(basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y))))"
using case_2 False by auto
moreover have "... = codomain_wall (x*xs)
+ codomain_block y"
using codomain_wall.simps
by (metis codomain_block_nonnegative codomain_make_vert int_nat_eq)
moreover have "... = codomain_wall (x*xs) + codomain_wall (basic y)"
using codomain_wall.simps(1) by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
fix x y ys
assume case_3:"(codomain_block x ≠ 0 ⟹
(basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))) ⊗ ys)
= codomain_wall
(basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))))
+ codomain_wall ys)"
let ?case = "codomain_wall ((basic x) ⊗ (y*ys))
= codomain_wall (basic x) + codomain_wall (y*ys)"
show ?case
proof(cases "codomain_block x = 0")
case True
have "(basic x)⊗(y*ys) = (x ⊗ y)*ys"
using True 3 by auto
then have "codomain_wall (...) = codomain_wall (...)"
by auto
then have "... = codomain_wall ys"
by auto
then have "... = codomain_wall ys + codomain_wall (basic x)"
using codomain_wall.simps(1) True by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
case False
have "(basic x) ⊗ (y*ys)
= (x ⊗ y)
*((basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))))⊗ ys)"
using False 3 by auto
then have "codomain_wall (...) = codomain_wall (...)"
by auto
then have "...
= codomain_wall
((basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))))⊗ ys)"
using codomain_wall.simps(2) by auto
then have "... = codomain_block x + codomain_wall ys"
using codomain_wall.simps case_3 False
codomain_block_nonnegative codomain_make_vert int_nat_eq
by auto
then have "... = codomain_wall (basic x) + codomain_wall (y*ys)"
using codomain_wall.simps by auto
then show ?thesis by (metis ‹basic x ⊗ y * ys = (x ⊗ y) * (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))) ⊗ ys)› ‹codomain_wall ((x ⊗ y) * (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))) ⊗ ys)) = codomain_wall (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))) ⊗ ys)› ‹codomain_wall (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))) ⊗ ys) = codomain_block x + codomain_wall ys›)
fix x xs y ys
assume case_4:"codomain_wall (xs ⊗ ys) = codomain_wall xs + codomain_wall ys "
let ?case = "codomain_wall ((x*xs) ⊗ (y*ys))
= codomain_wall (x*xs) + codomain_wall (y*ys)"
have " ((x*xs) ⊗ (y*ys)) = (x ⊗ y)*(xs ⊗ ys)"
using 4 by auto
then have "codomain_wall (...) = codomain_wall (...)"
by auto
then have "... = codomain_wall (xs ⊗ ys)"
using codomain_wall.simps(2) by auto
then have "... = codomain_wall xs + codomain_wall ys"
using case_4 by auto
then have "... = codomain_wall (x*xs) + (codomain_wall (y*ys))"
using codomain_wall.simps(2) by auto
then show ?case by (metis ‹codomain_wall ((x ⊗ y) * (xs ⊗ ys)) = codomain_wall (xs ⊗ ys)› ‹x * xs ⊗ y * ys = (x ⊗ y) * (xs ⊗ ys)› case_4)
theorem is_tangle_make_vert_right:
"(is_tangle_diagram xs)
⟹ is_tangle_diagram (xs ⊗ (basic (make_vert_block n)))"
proof(induct xs)
case (basic xs)
show ?case by auto
case (prod x xs)
have ?case
proof(cases n)
case 0
"codomain_block (x ⊗ (make_vert_block 0))
= (codomain_block x) + codomain_block(make_vert_block 0)"
using codomain_additive by auto
moreover have "codomain_block (make_vert_block 0) = 0"
by auto
ultimately have "codomain_block (x ⊗ (make_vert_block 0)) = codomain_block (x)"
by auto
moreover have "is_tangle_diagram xs"
using prod.prems by (metis is_tangle_diagram.simps(2))
then have "is_tangle_diagram ((x ⊗ (make_vert_block 0))*xs)"
using is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) by (metis calculation prod.prems)
then have "is_tangle_diagram ((x*xs) ⊗ (basic (make_vert_block 0)))"
by auto
then show ?thesis using "0" by (metis)
case (Suc k)
have "codomain_block (make_vert_block (k+1)) = int (k+1)"
using codomain_make_vert by auto
then have "(nat (codomain_block (make_vert_block (k+1)))) = k+1"
by auto
then have "make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block (make_vert_block (k+1))))
= make_vert_block (k+1)"
by auto
moreover have "codomain_wall (basic (make_vert_block (k+1)))>0"
using make_vert_block.simps codomain_wall.simps Suc_eq_plus1
codomain_make_vert of_nat_0_less_iff zero_less_Suc
by metis
ultimately have 1: "(x*xs) ⊗ (basic (make_vert_block (k+1)))
= (x⊗(make_vert_block (k+1)))*(xs⊗(basic (make_vert_block (k+1))))"
using tensor.simps(2) by simp
have "domain_wall (xs⊗(basic (make_vert_block (k+1))))
= domain_wall xs + domain_wall (basic (make_vert_block (k+1)))"
using tensor_domain_wall_additivity by auto
then have 2:
"domain_wall (xs⊗(basic (make_vert_block (k+1))))
= (domain_wall xs) + int (k+1)"
using domain_make_vert domain_wall.simps(1) by auto
moreover have 3: "codomain_block (x ⊗ (make_vert_block (k+1)))
= codomain_block x + int (k+1)"
using codomain_additive codomain_make_vert by (metis)
have "is_tangle_diagram (x*xs)"
using prod.prems by auto
then have 4:"codomain_block x = domain_wall xs"
using is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) by metis
from 2 3 4 have
"domain_wall (xs⊗(basic (make_vert_block (k+1))))
= codomain_block (x ⊗ (make_vert_block (k+1))) "
by auto
moreover have "is_tangle_diagram (xs⊗(basic (make_vert_block (k+1))))"
using prod.hyps prod.prems by (metis Suc Suc_eq_plus1 is_tangle_diagram.simps(2))
ultimately have "is_tangle_diagram ((x*xs) ⊗ (basic (make_vert_block (k+1))))"
using 1 by auto
then show ?thesis using Suc Suc_eq_plus1 by metis
then show ?case by auto
theorem is_tangle_make_vert_left:
"(is_tangle_diagram xs) ⟹ is_tangle_diagram ((basic (make_vert_block n)) ⊗ xs)"
proof(induct xs)
case (basic xs)
show ?case by auto
case (prod x xs)
have ?case
proof(cases n)
case 0
"codomain_block ( (make_vert_block 0) ⊗ x)
= (codomain_block x) + codomain_block(make_vert_block 0)"
using codomain_additive by auto
moreover have "codomain_block (make_vert_block 0) = 0"
by auto
ultimately have "codomain_block ( (make_vert_block 0) ⊗ x) = codomain_block (x)"
by auto
moreover have "is_tangle_diagram xs"
using prod.prems by (metis is_tangle_diagram.simps(2))
then have "is_tangle_diagram (( (make_vert_block 0) ⊗ x)*xs)"
using is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) by (metis calculation prod.prems)
then have "is_tangle_diagram ((basic (make_vert_block 0)) ⊗ (x*xs) )"
by auto
then show ?thesis using "0" by (metis)
case (Suc k)
have "codomain_block (make_vert_block (k+1)) = int (k+1)"
using codomain_make_vert by auto
then have "(nat (codomain_block (make_vert_block (k+1)))) = k+1"
by auto
then have "make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block (make_vert_block (k+1))))
= make_vert_block (k+1)"
by auto
moreover have "codomain_wall (basic (make_vert_block (k+1)))>0"
using make_vert_block.simps codomain_wall.simps Suc_eq_plus1
codomain_make_vert of_nat_0_less_iff zero_less_Suc
by metis
ultimately have 1: " (basic (make_vert_block (k+1))) ⊗ (x*xs)
= ((make_vert_block (k+1)) ⊗ x)*((basic (make_vert_block (k+1))) ⊗ xs)"
using tensor.simps(3) by simp
have "domain_wall ((basic (make_vert_block (k+1))) ⊗ xs)
= domain_wall xs + domain_wall (basic (make_vert_block (k+1)))"
using tensor_domain_wall_additivity by auto
then have 2:
"domain_wall ((basic (make_vert_block (k+1))) ⊗ xs)
= (domain_wall xs) + int (k+1)"
using domain_make_vert domain_wall.simps(1) by auto
moreover have 3: "codomain_block ( (make_vert_block (k+1)) ⊗ x)
= codomain_block x + int (k+1)"
using codomain_additive codomain_make_vert
by (simp add: codomain_additive)
have "is_tangle_diagram (x*xs)"
using prod.prems by auto
then have 4:"codomain_block x = domain_wall xs"
using is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) by metis
from 2 3 4 have
"domain_wall ((basic (make_vert_block (k+1))) ⊗ xs)
= codomain_block ((make_vert_block (k+1)) ⊗ x)"
by auto
moreover have "is_tangle_diagram ((basic (make_vert_block (k+1))) ⊗ xs)"
using prod.hyps prod.prems by (metis Suc Suc_eq_plus1 is_tangle_diagram.simps(2))
ultimately have "is_tangle_diagram ((basic (make_vert_block (k+1))) ⊗ (x*xs))"
using 1 by auto
then show ?thesis using Suc Suc_eq_plus1 by metis
then show ?case by auto
lemma simp1: "(codomain_block y) ≠ 0 ⟹
is_tangle_diagram (xs)
∧ is_tangle_diagram ((basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y))))) ⟶
is_tangle_diagram (xs ⊗ ((basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y)))))) ⟹
(is_tangle_diagram (x * xs) ∧ is_tangle_diagram (basic y) ⟶ is_tangle_diagram (x * xs ⊗ basic y))
assume A: "(codomain_block y) ≠ 0"
assume B:
" is_tangle_diagram (xs)
∧ is_tangle_diagram ((basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y)))))
is_tangle_diagram (xs ⊗ ((basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y))))))"
have " is_tangle_diagram (x * xs) ∧ is_tangle_diagram (basic y) ⟶ is_tangle_diagram xs"
by (metis is_tangle_diagram.simps(2))
moreover have "(is_tangle_diagram (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y))))) "
using is_tangle_diagram.simps(1) by auto
ultimately have
" ((is_tangle_diagram xs)
∧(is_tangle_diagram (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y)))))
⟶ is_tangle_diagram (xs ⊗ basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y)))))
is_tangle_diagram (x * xs) ∧ is_tangle_diagram (basic y) ⟶
is_tangle_diagram (xs ⊗ basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y))))"
by metis
moreover have 1:"codomain_block y = domain_wall (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y))))"
using codomain_block_nonnegative domain_make_vert domain_wall.simps(1) int_nat_eq by auto
moreover have 2:"is_tangle_diagram (x * xs) ∧ is_tangle_diagram (basic y) ⟶
codomain_block x = domain_wall xs"
using is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) by metis
moreover have "codomain_block (x ⊗ y) = codomain_block x +codomain_block y"
using codomain_additive by auto
moreover have "domain_wall (xs ⊗ (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y)))))
= domain_wall xs + domain_wall (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y))))"
using tensor_domain_wall_additivity by auto
moreover then have " is_tangle_diagram (x * xs) ∧ is_tangle_diagram (basic y) ⟶
domain_wall (xs ⊗ (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y)))))
= codomain_block (x ⊗ y)"
by (metis "1" "2" calculation(4))
ultimately have
"(is_tangle_diagram xs)
∧ (is_tangle_diagram (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y)))))
⟶ is_tangle_diagram (xs ⊗ basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y))))
is_tangle_diagram (x * xs) ∧ is_tangle_diagram (basic y) ⟶
is_tangle_diagram ((x ⊗ y)* (xs ⊗ (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block y))))))"
using is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) by auto
then have "
is_tangle_diagram (x * xs) ∧ is_tangle_diagram (basic y) ⟶
is_tangle_diagram ((x*xs) ⊗ (basic y))"
by (metis "Tangle_Algebra.2" ‹
codomain_block y ≠ 0› is_tangle_make_vert_right)
then show ?thesis by auto
lemma simp2:
"(codomain_block x) ≠ 0
is_tangle_diagram (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))))
∧ is_tangle_diagram (ys)
is_tangle_diagram ((basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x)))) ⊗ ys)
(is_tangle_diagram (basic x)
∧ is_tangle_diagram (y*ys)
⟶ is_tangle_diagram ((basic x) ⊗ (y*ys)))"
assume A: "(codomain_block x) ≠ 0"
assume B: "is_tangle_diagram (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))))
∧ is_tangle_diagram (ys) ⟶
((basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x)))) ⊗ ys)"
have " is_tangle_diagram (basic x) ∧ is_tangle_diagram (y*ys)
⟶ is_tangle_diagram ys"
by (metis is_tangle_diagram.simps(2))
moreover have "(is_tangle_diagram
(basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))))) "
using is_tangle_diagram.simps(1) by auto
ultimately have
" ((is_tangle_diagram ys)
∧(is_tangle_diagram (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x)))))
⟶ is_tangle_diagram ((basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x)))) ⊗ ys))
is_tangle_diagram (basic x) ∧ is_tangle_diagram (y*ys) ⟶
(( basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x)))) ⊗ ys)"
by metis
moreover have 1:"codomain_block x
= domain_wall (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))))"
using codomain_block_nonnegative domain_make_vert domain_wall.simps(1)
int_nat_eq by auto
moreover have 2:"is_tangle_diagram (basic x) ∧ is_tangle_diagram (y*ys) ⟶
codomain_block y = domain_wall ys"
using is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) by metis
moreover have "codomain_block (x ⊗ y) = codomain_block x +codomain_block y"
using codomain_additive by auto
moreover have "domain_wall ((basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x)))) ⊗ ys)
= domain_wall (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))))
+ domain_wall ys"
using tensor_domain_wall_additivity by auto
moreover then have " is_tangle_diagram (basic x) ∧ is_tangle_diagram (y*ys) ⟶
domain_wall ((basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x)))) ⊗ ys)
= codomain_block (x ⊗ y)"
by (metis "1" "2" calculation(4))
ultimately have
"(is_tangle_diagram ys)
∧ (is_tangle_diagram (basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x)))))
⟶ is_tangle_diagram ((basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x))))⊗ ys)
is_tangle_diagram (basic x) ∧ is_tangle_diagram (y*ys)
is_tangle_diagram ((x ⊗ y)*((basic (make_vert_block (nat (codomain_block x)))) ⊗ ys))"
using is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) by auto
then have "
is_tangle_diagram (basic x) ∧ is_tangle_diagram (y*ys) ⟶
is_tangle_diagram ((basic x) ⊗ (y*ys))"
by (metis "Tangle_Algebra.3" A B)
then show ?thesis by auto
lemma simp3:
"is_tangle_diagram xs ∧ is_tangle_diagram ys ⟶ is_tangle_diagram (xs ⊗ ys)
is_tangle_diagram (x * xs) ∧ is_tangle_diagram (y * ys)
⟶ is_tangle_diagram (x * xs ⊗ y * ys)"
assume A: "is_tangle_diagram xs ∧ is_tangle_diagram ys ⟶ is_tangle_diagram (xs ⊗ ys)"
have "is_tangle_diagram (x*xs) ⟶ (codomain_block x = domain_wall xs)"
using is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) by auto
moreover have "is_tangle_diagram (y*ys) ⟶ (codomain_block y = domain_wall ys)"
using is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) by auto
ultimately have "is_tangle_diagram (x*xs)∧ is_tangle_diagram (y*ys)
⟶ codomain_block (x ⊗ y) = domain_wall (xs ⊗ ys)"
using codomain_additive tensor_domain_wall_additivity by auto
moreover have "is_tangle_diagram (x*xs)∧ is_tangle_diagram (y*ys)
⟶ is_tangle_diagram (xs ⊗ ys)"
using A is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) by auto
moreover have "(x*xs) ⊗ (y*ys) = (x ⊗ y)*(xs ⊗ ys)"
using tensor.simps(4) by auto
ultimately have "is_tangle_diagram (x*xs)∧ is_tangle_diagram (y*ys)
⟶ is_tangle_diagram ((x*xs) ⊗ (y*ys))"
by auto
then show ?thesis by simp
theorem is_tangle_diagramness:
shows"(is_tangle_diagram x)∧(is_tangle_diagram y) ⟶is_tangle_diagram (tensor x y)"
proof(induction x y rule:tensor.induct)
fix z w
let ?case = "(is_tangle_diagram (basic z))∧(is_tangle_diagram (basic w))
⟶is_tangle_diagram ((basic z) ⊗ (basic w))"
show ?case by auto
fix x xs y
let ?case = "(is_tangle_diagram (x*xs))∧(is_tangle_diagram (basic y))
⟶is_tangle_diagram ((x*xs) ⊗ (basic y))"
from simp1 show ?case
by (metis "Tangle_Algebra.2" add.commute codomain_additive comm_monoid_add_class.add_0
is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) is_tangle_make_vert_right)
fix x y ys
let ?case = "(is_tangle_diagram (basic x))∧(is_tangle_diagram (y*ys))
⟶is_tangle_diagram ((basic x) ⊗ (y*ys))"
from simp2 show ?case
by (metis "Tangle_Algebra.3" codomain_additive comm_monoid_add_class.add_0
is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) is_tangle_make_vert_left)
fix x y xs ys
assume A:" is_tangle_diagram xs ∧ is_tangle_diagram ys ⟶ is_tangle_diagram (xs ⊗ ys)"
let ?case =
"is_tangle_diagram (x * xs) ∧ is_tangle_diagram (y * ys) ⟶ is_tangle_diagram (x * xs ⊗ y * ys)"
from simp3 show ?case using A by auto
theorem tensor_preserves_is_tangle:
assumes "is_tangle_diagram x"
and "is_tangle_diagram y"
shows "is_tangle_diagram (x ⊗ y)"
using assms is_tangle_diagramness by auto
definition Tensor_Tangle::"Tangle_Diagram ⇒ Tangle_Diagram ⇒ Tangle_Diagram"
(infixl ‹∘› 65)
"Tensor_Tangle x y =
Abs_Tangle_Diagram ((Rep_Tangle_Diagram x) ⊗ (Rep_Tangle_Diagram y))"
theorem well_defined_compose:
assumes "is_tangle_diagram x"
and "is_tangle_diagram y"
shows "(Abs_Tangle_Diagram x) ⊗ (Abs_Tangle_Diagram y) = (Abs_Tangle_Diagram (x ⊗ y))"
using Abs_Tangle_Diagram_inverse assms(1) assms(2)
mem_Collect_eq tensor_preserves_is_tangle
by auto