Theory Tangles
section‹Tangles: Definition as a type and basic functions on tangles›
theory Tangles
imports Preliminaries
text‹well-defined wall as a type called diagram. The morphisms Abs\_diagram maps a well defined wall to
its diagram type and Rep\_diagram maps the diagram back to the wall›
typedef Tangle_Diagram = "{(x::wall). is_tangle_diagram x}"
by (rule_tac x = "prod (cup#[]) (basic (cap#[]))" in exI) (auto)
typedef Link_Diagram = "{(x::wall). is_link_diagram x}"
by (rule_tac x = "prod (cup#[]) (basic (cap#[]))" in exI) (auto simp
add:is_link_diagram_def abs_def)
text‹The next few lemmas list the properties of well defined diagrams›
text‹For a well defined diagram, the morphism Rep\_diagram acts as an inverse of Abs\_diagram
the morphism which maps a well defined wall to its representative in the type diagram›
lemma Abs_Rep_well_defined:
assumes " is_tangle_diagram x"
shows "Rep_Tangle_Diagram (Abs_Tangle_Diagram x) = x"
using Rep_Tangle_Diagram Abs_Tangle_Diagram_inverse assms mem_Collect_eq by auto
text‹The map Abs\_diagram is injective›
lemma Rep_Abs_well_defined:
assumes "is_tangle_diagram x"
and "is_tangle_diagram y"
and "(Abs_Tangle_Diagram x) = (Abs_Tangle_Diagram y)"
shows "x = y"
using Rep_Tangle_Diagram Abs_Tangle_Diagram_inverse assms mem_Collect_eq
by metis
text‹restating the property of well-defined wall in terms of diagram›
text‹In order to locally defined moves, it helps to prove that if composition of two wall is a
well defined wall then the number of outgoing strands of the wall below are equal to the number of
incoming strands of the wall above. The following lemmas prove that for a well defined wall, t
he number of incoming and outgoing strands are zero›
lemma is_tangle_left_compose:
"is_tangle_diagram (x ∘ y) ⟹ is_tangle_diagram x"
proof (induct x)
case (basic z)
have "is_tangle_diagram (basic z)" using is_tangle_diagram.simps(1) by auto
then show ?case using basic by auto
case (prod z zs)
have "(z*zs)∘y = (z*(zs ∘ y))" by auto
then have " is_tangle_diagram (z*(zs∘y))" using prod by auto
moreover then have 1: "is_tangle_diagram zs"
using is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) prod.hyps prod.prems by metis
ultimately have "domain_wall (zs ∘ y) = codomain_block z"
by (metis is_tangle_diagram.simps(2))
moreover have "domain_wall (zs ∘ y) = domain_wall zs"
using domain_wall_def domain_wall_compose by auto
ultimately have "domain_wall zs = codomain_block z" by auto
then have "is_tangle_diagram (z*zs)"
by (metis "1" is_tangle_diagram.simps(2))
then show ?case by auto
lemma is_tangle_right_compose:
"is_tangle_diagram (x ∘ y) ⟹ is_tangle_diagram y"
proof (induct x)
case (basic z)
have "(basic z) ∘ y = (z*y) " using basic by auto
then have "is_tangle_diagram y"
unfolding is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) using basic.prems by (metis is_tangle_diagram.simps(2))
then show ?case using basic.prems by auto
case (prod z zs)
have "((z*zs) ∘ y) = (z *(zs ∘ y))" by auto
then have "is_tangle_diagram (z*(zs ∘ y))" using prod by auto
then have "is_tangle_diagram (zs ∘ y)" using is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) by metis
then have "is_tangle_diagram y" using prod.hyps by auto
then show ?case by auto
lemma comp_of_tangle_dgms:
assumes"is_tangle_diagram y"
shows "((is_tangle_diagram x)
∧(codomain_wall x = domain_wall y))
⟹ is_tangle_diagram (x ∘ y)"
proof(induct x)
case (basic z)
have "codomain_block z = codomain_wall (basic z)"
using domain_wall_def by auto
moreover have "(basic z)∘y= z*y"
using compose_def by auto
ultimately have "codomain_block z = domain_wall y"
using basic.prems by auto
moreover have "is_tangle_diagram y"
using assms by auto
ultimately have "is_tangle_diagram (z*y)"
unfolding is_tangle_diagram_def by auto
then show ?case by auto
case (prod z zs)
have "is_tangle_diagram (z*zs)"
using prod.prems by metis
then have "codomain_block z = domain_wall zs"
using is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) prod.prems by metis
then have "codomain_block z = domain_wall (zs ∘ y)"
using domain_wall.simps domain_wall_compose by auto
moreover have "is_tangle_diagram (zs ∘ y)"
using prod.hyps by (metis codomain_wall.simps(2) is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) prod.prems)
ultimately have "is_tangle_diagram (z*(zs ∘ y))"
unfolding is_tangle_diagram_def by auto
then show ?case by auto
lemma composition_of_tangle_diagrams:
assumes "is_tangle_diagram x"
and "is_tangle_diagram y"
and "(domain_wall y = codomain_wall x)"
shows "is_tangle_diagram (x ∘ y)"
using comp_of_tangle_dgms using assms by auto
lemma converse_composition_of_tangle_diagrams:
"is_tangle_diagram (x ∘ y) ⟹ (domain_wall y) = (codomain_wall x)"
proof(induct x)
case (basic z)
have "(basic z) ∘ y = z * y"
using compose_def basic by auto
then have
"is_tangle_diagram ((basic z) ∘ y) ⟹
(is_tangle_diagram y)∧ (codomain_block z = domain_wall y)"
using is_tangle_diagram.simps(2) by (metis)
then have "(codomain_block z) = (domain_wall y)"
using basic.prems by auto
moreover have "codomain_wall (basic z) = codomain_block z"
using domain_wall_compose by auto
ultimately have "(codomain_wall (basic z)) = (domain_wall y)"
by auto
then show ?case by simp
case (prod z zs)
have "codomain_wall zs = domain_wall y"
using prod.hyps prod.prems
by (metis compose_Nil compose_leftassociativity is_tangle_right_compose)
moreover have "codomain_wall zs = codomain_wall (z*zs)"
using domain_wall_compose by auto
ultimately show ?case by metis
definition compose_Tangle::"Tangle_Diagram ⇒ Tangle_Diagram ⇒ Tangle_Diagram"
(infixl ‹∘› 65)
"compose_Tangle x y = Abs_Tangle_Diagram
((Rep_Tangle_Diagram x) ∘ (Rep_Tangle_Diagram y))"
theorem well_defined_compose:
assumes "is_tangle_diagram x"
and "is_tangle_diagram y"
and "domain_wall x = codomain_wall y"
shows "(Abs_Tangle_Diagram x) ∘ (Abs_Tangle_Diagram y)
= (Abs_Tangle_Diagram (x ∘ y))"
using Abs_Tangle_Diagram_inverse assms(1) assms(2) compose_Tangle_def
by auto
definition domain_Tangle::"Tangle_Diagram ⇒ int"
"domain_Tangle x = domain_wall(Rep_Tangle_Diagram x)"
definition codomain_Tangle::"Tangle_Diagram ⇒ int"
"codomain_Tangle x = codomain_wall(Rep_Tangle_Diagram x)"