Theory Omega_Algebra_Models

(* Title:      Kleene Algebra
   Author:     Alasdair Armstrong, Georg Struth, Tjark Weber
   Maintainer: Georg Struth <g.struth at>
               Tjark Weber < at>

section ‹Models of Omega Algebras›

theory Omega_Algebra_Models
imports Omega_Algebra Kleene_Algebra_Models

text ‹The trace, path and language model are not really interesting
in this setting.›

subsection ‹Relation Omega Algebras›

text ‹In the relational model, the omega of a relation relates all
those elements in the domain of the relation, from which an infinite
chain starts, with all other elements; all other elements are not
related to anything~cite"hofnerstruth10nontermination". Thus, the
omega of a relation is most naturally defined coinductively.›

coinductive_set omega :: "('a × 'a) set  ('a × 'a) set" for R where
  " (x, y)  R; (y, z)  omega R   (x, z)  omega R"

(* FIXME: The equivalent, but perhaps more elegant point-free version
  "x ∈ R O omega R ⟹ x ∈ omega R"
fails due to missing monotonicity lemmas. *)

text ‹Isabelle automatically derives a case rule and a coinduction
theorem for @{const omega}. We prove slightly more elegant

lemma omega_cases: "(x, z)  omega R 
  (y. (x, y)  R  (y, z)  omega R  P)  P"
by (metis omega.cases)

lemma omega_coinduct: "X x z 
  (x z. X x z  y. (x, y)  R  (X y z  (y, z)  omega R)) 
  (x, z)  omega R"
by (metis (full_types) omega.coinduct)

lemma omega_weak_coinduct: "X x z 
  (x z. X x z  y. (x, y)  R  X y z) 
  (x, z)  omega R" 
by (metis omega.coinduct)

interpretation rel_omega_algebra: omega_algebra "(∪)" "(O)" Id "{}" "(⊆)" "(⊂)" rtrancl omega
  fix x :: "'a rel"
  show "omega x  x O omega x"
    by (auto elim: omega_cases)
  fix x y z :: "'a rel"
  assume *: "y  z  x O y"
    fix a b
    assume 1: "(a,b)  y" and 2: "(a,b)  x* O z"
    have "(a,b)  omega x"
    proof (rule omega_weak_coinduct[where X="λa b. (a,b)  x O y  (a,b)  x* O z"])
      show "(a,b)  x O y  (a,b)  x* O z"
        using "*" "1" "2" by auto
      fix a c
      assume 1: "(a,c)  x O y  (a,c)  x* O z"
      then obtain b where 2: "(a,b)  x" and "(b,c)  y"
        by auto
      then have "(b,c)  x O y"
        using "*" "1" by blast
      moreover have "(b,c)  x* O z"
        using "1" "2" by (meson relcomp.cases relcomp.intros converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
      ultimately show "b. (a,b)  x  (b,c)  x O y  (b,c)  x* O z"
        using "2" by blast
  then show "y  omega x  x* O z"
    by auto
