Theory Omega_Algebra

(* Title:      Omega Algebra
   Author:     Alasdair Armstrong, Georg Struth, Tjark Weber
   Maintainer: Georg Struth <g.struth at>
               Tjark Weber < at>

section ‹Omega Algebras›

theory Omega_Algebra
imports Kleene_Algebra

text ‹
\emph{Omega algebras}~cite"cohen00omega" extend Kleene algebras by an
$\omega$-operation that axiomatizes infinite iteration (just like the
Kleene star axiomatizes finite iteration).

subsection ‹Left Omega Algebras›

text ‹
In this section we consider \emph{left omega algebras}, i.e., omega
algebras based on left Kleene algebras. Surprisingly, we are still
looking for statements mentioning~$\omega$ that are true in omega
algebras, but do not already hold in left omega algebras.

class left_omega_algebra = left_kleene_algebra_zero + omega_op +
  assumes omega_unfold: "xω  x  xω"
  and omega_coinduct: "y  z + x  y  y  xω + x  z"

text ‹First we prove some variants of the coinduction axiom.›

lemma omega_coinduct_var1: "y  1 + x  y  y  xω + x"
  using local.omega_coinduct by fastforce

lemma  omega_coinduct_var2: "y  x  y  y  xω"
  by (metis add.commute add_zero_l annir omega_coinduct)

lemma omega_coinduct_eq: "y = z + x  y  y  xω + x  z"
  by (simp add: local.omega_coinduct)

lemma omega_coinduct_eq_var1: "y = 1 + x  y  y  xω + x"
  by (simp add: omega_coinduct_var1)

lemma  omega_coinduct_eq_var2: "y = x  y  y  xω"
  by (simp add: omega_coinduct_var2)

lemma "y = x  y + z  y = x  z + xω"
  (* nitpick [expect=genuine] -- "2-element counterexample" *)

lemma "y = 1 + x  y  y = xω + x"
  (* nitpick [expect=genuine] -- "3-element counterexample" *)

lemma "y = x  y  y = xω"
  (* nitpick [expect=genuine] -- "2-element counterexample" *)

text ‹Next we strengthen the unfold law to an equation.›

lemma omega_unfold_eq [simp]: "x  xω = xω"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  have "x  xω  x  x  xω"
    by (simp add: local.mult_isol local.omega_unfold mult_assoc)
  thus "x  xω  xω"
    by (simp add: mult_assoc omega_coinduct_var2)
  show  "xω  x  xω"
    by (fact omega_unfold)

lemma omega_unfold_var: "z + x  xω  xω + x  z"
  by (simp add: local.omega_coinduct)

lemma "z + x  xω = xω + x  z"
  (* nitpick [expect=genuine] -- "4-element counterexample" *)

text ‹We now prove subdistributivity and isotonicity of omega.›

lemma omega_subdist: "xω  (x + y)ω"
proof -
  have "xω  (x + y)  xω"
    by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by (rule omega_coinduct_var2)

lemma omega_iso: "x  y  xω  yω"
  by (metis less_eq_def omega_subdist)

lemma omega_subdist_var: "xω + yω  (x + y)ω"
  by (simp add: omega_iso)

lemma zero_omega [simp]: "0ω = 0"
  by (metis annil omega_unfold_eq)

text ‹The next lemma is another variant of omega unfold›

lemma star_omega_1 [simp]: "x  xω = xω"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  have "x  xω  xω"
    by simp
  thus "x  xω  xω"
    by simp
  show "xω  x  xω"
    using local.star_inductl_var_eq2 by auto

text ‹The next lemma says that~@{term "1ω"} is the maximal element
of omega algebra. We therefore baptise it~$\top$.›

lemma max_element: "x  1ω"
  by (simp add: omega_coinduct_eq_var2)

definition top ("")
  where " = 1ω"

lemma star_omega_3 [simp]: "(x)ω = "
proof -
  have "1  x"
    by (fact star_ref)
  hence "  (x)ω"
    by (simp add: omega_iso top_def)
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: local.order.antisym max_element top_def)

text ‹The following lemma is strange since it is counterintuitive
that one should be able to append something after an infinite

lemma omega_1: "xω  y  xω"
proof -
  have "xω  y  x  xω  y"
    by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis mult.assoc omega_coinduct_var2)

lemma "xω  y = xω"
  (*nitpick [expect=genuine] -- "2-element counterexample"*)

lemma omega_sup_id: "1  y  xω  y = xω"
  using order.eq_iff local.mult_isol omega_1 by fastforce

lemma omega_top [simp]: "xω   = xω"
  by (simp add: max_element omega_sup_id top_def)

lemma supid_omega: "1  x  xω = "
  by (simp add: local.order.antisym max_element omega_iso top_def)

lemma "xω =   1  x"
  (* nitpick [expect=genuine] -- "4-element counterexample" *)

text ‹Next we prove a simulation law for the omega operation›

lemma omega_simulation: "z  x  y  z  z  xω  yω"
proof -
  assume hyp: "z  x  y  z"
  have "z  xω = z  x  xω"
    by (simp add: mult_assoc)
  also have "...  y  z  xω"
    by (simp add: hyp local.mult_isor)
  finally show "z  xω  yω"
    by (simp add: mult_assoc omega_coinduct_var2)

lemma "z  x  y  z  z  xω  yω  z"
  (* nitpick [expect=genuine] -- "4-element counterexample" *)

lemma "y  z   z  x  yω  z  xω"
  (* nitpick [expect=genuine] -- "2-element counterexample" *)

lemma "y  z   z  x  yω  z  xω"
  (* nitpick [expect=genuine] -- "4-element counterexample" *)

text ‹Next we prove transitivity of omega elements.›

lemma omega_omega: "(xω)ω  xω"
  by (metis omega_1 omega_unfold_eq)

lemma "xω ⋅ xω = xω"
nitpick -- "no proof, no counterexample"

lemma "(xω)ω = xω"
nitpick -- "no proof, no counterexample"

text ‹The next lemmas are axioms of Wagner's complete axiomatisation
for omega-regular languages~cite"wagner77omega", but in a slightly
different setting.›

lemma wagner_1 [simp]: "(x  x)ω = xω"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  have "(x  x)ω = x  x  x  x  (x  x)ω"
    by (metis mult.assoc omega_unfold_eq)
  also have "... = x  x  x  x  (x  x)ω"
    by (simp add: local.star_slide_var mult_assoc)
  also have "... = x  x  x  (x  x)ω"
    by (simp add: mult_assoc)
  also have "... = x  (x  x)ω"
    by (simp add: mult_assoc)
  thus "(x  x)ω  xω"
    using calculation omega_coinduct_eq_var2 by auto
   show "xω  (x  x)ω"
    by (simp add: mult_assoc omega_coinduct_eq_var2)

lemma wagner_2_var: "x  (y  x)ω  (x  y)ω"
proof -
  have "x  y  x  x  y  x"
    by auto
  thus "x  (y  x)ω  (x  y)ω"
    by (simp add: mult_assoc omega_simulation)

lemma wagner_2 [simp]: "x  (y  x)ω = (x  y)ω"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  show "x  (y  x)ω  (x  y)ω"
    by (rule wagner_2_var)
  have "(x  y)ω = x  y  (x  y)ω"
    by simp
  thus "(x  y)ω  x  (y  x)ω"
    by (metis mult.assoc mult_isol wagner_2_var)

text ‹
This identity is called~(A8) in Wagner's paper.

lemma wagner_3:
assumes "x  (x + y)ω + z = (x + y)ω"
shows "(x + y)ω = xω + x  z"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  show  "(x + y)ω  xω + x  z"
    using assms local.join.sup_commute omega_coinduct_eq by auto
  have "x  z  (x + y)ω"
    using assms local.join.sup_commute local.star_inductl_eq by auto
  thus "xω + x  z  (x + y)ω"
    by (simp add: omega_subdist)

text ‹
This identity is called~(R4) in Wagner's paper.

lemma wagner_1_var [simp]: "(x  x)ω = xω"
  by (simp add: local.star_slide_var)

lemma star_omega_4 [simp]: "(xω) = 1 + xω"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  have "(xω) = 1 + xω  (xω)"
    by simp
  also have "...  1 + xω  "
    by (simp add: omega_sup_id)
  finally show "(xω)  1 + xω"
    by simp
  show "1 + xω  (xω)"
    by simp

lemma star_omega_5 [simp]: "xω  (xω) = xω"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  show "xω  (xω)  xω"
    by (rule omega_1)
  show "xω  xω  (xω)"
    by (simp add: omega_sup_id)

text ‹The next law shows how omegas below a sum can be unfolded.›

lemma omega_sum_unfold: "xω + x  y  (x + y)ω = (x + y)ω"
proof -
  have "(x + y)ω = x  (x + y)ω + y  (x+y)ω"
    by (metis distrib_right omega_unfold_eq)
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis mult.assoc wagner_3)

text ‹
The next two lemmas apply induction and coinduction to this law.

lemma omega_sum_unfold_coind: "(x + y)ω  (x  y)ω + (x  y)  xω"
  by (simp add: omega_coinduct_eq omega_sum_unfold)

lemma omega_sum_unfold_ind: "(x  y)  xω  (x + y)ω"
  by (simp add: local.star_inductl_eq omega_sum_unfold)

lemma wagner_1_gen: "(x  y)ω  (x + y)ω"
proof -
  have "(x  y)ω  ((x + y)  (x + y))ω"
    using local.join.le_sup_iff local.join.sup.cobounded1 local.mult_isol_var local.star_subdist_var omega_iso by presburger
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis wagner_1)

lemma wagner_1_var_gen: "(x  y)ω  (x + y)ω"
proof -
  have "(x  y)ω = x  (y  x)ω"
    by simp
  also have "...  x  (x + y)ω"
    by (metis add.commute mult_isol wagner_1_gen)
  also have "...  (x + y)  (x + y)ω"
    using local.mult_isor local.star_subdist by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis calculation order_trans star_omega_1)

text ‹The next lemma is a variant of the denest law for the star at
the level of omega.›

lemma omega_denest [simp]: "(x + y)ω = (x  y)ω + (x  y)  xω"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  show "(x + y)ω  (x  y)ω + (x  y)  xω"
    by (rule omega_sum_unfold_coind)
  have "(x  y)ω   (x + y)ω"
    by (rule wagner_1_var_gen)
  hence "(x  y)  xω  (x + y)ω"
    by (simp add: omega_sum_unfold_ind)
  thus "(x  y)ω + (x  y)  xω  (x + y)ω"
    by (simp add: wagner_1_var_gen)

text ‹The next lemma yields a separation theorem for infinite
iteration in the presence of a quasicommutation property. A
nondeterministic loop over~@{term x} and~@{term y} can be refined into
separate infinite loops over~@{term x} and~@{term y}.›

lemma omega_sum_refine:
  assumes "y  x  x  (x + y)"
  shows "(x + y)ω = xω + x  yω"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  have a: "y  x  x  (x + y)"
    using assms local.quasicomm_var by blast
  have "(x + y)ω = yω + y  x  (x + y)ω"
    by (metis add.commute omega_sum_unfold)
  also have "...  yω + x  (x + y)  (x + y)ω"
    using a local.join.sup_mono local.mult_isol_var by blast
  also have "...  x  (x + y)ω + yω"
    using local.eq_refl local.join.sup_commute mult_assoc star_omega_1 by presburger
  finally show "(x + y)ω  xω + x  yω"
    by (metis add_commute local.omega_coinduct)
  have "xω + x  yω  (x + y)ω + (x + y)  (x + y)ω"
    using local.join.sup.cobounded2 local.join.sup.mono local.mult_isol_var local.star_subdist omega_iso omega_subdist by presburger
  thus "xω + x  yω  (x + y)ω"
    by (metis local.join.sup_idem star_omega_1)

text ‹The following theorem by Bachmair and
Dershowitz~cite"bachmair86commutation" is a corollary.›

lemma bachmair_dershowitz:
  assumes "y  x  x  (x + y)"
  shows "(x + y)ω = 0  xω + yω = 0"
  by (metis add_commute assms local.annir local.join.le_bot local.no_trivial_inverse omega_subdist omega_sum_refine)

text ‹
The next lemmas consider an abstract variant of the empty word
property from language theory and match it with the absence of
infinite iteration~cite"struth12regeq".

definition (in dioid_one_zero) ewp
where "ewp x  ¬(y. y  x  y  y = 0)"

lemma ewp_super_id1: "0  1  1  x  ewp x"
  by (metis ewp_def mult_oner)

lemma "0  1  1  x  ewp x"
  (* nitpick [expect=genuine] -- "3-element counterexample" *)

text ‹The next facts relate the absence of the empty word property
with the absence of infinite iteration.›

lemma ewp_neg_and_omega: "¬ ewp x  xω = 0"
  assume "¬ ewp x"
  hence " y. y  x  y  y = 0"
    by (meson ewp_def)
  thus "xω = 0"
    by simp
  assume "xω = 0"
  hence " y. y  x  y  y = 0"
    using local.join.le_bot local.omega_coinduct_var2 by blast
  thus "¬ ewp x"
    by (meson ewp_def)

lemma ewp_alt1: "(z. xω  x  z)  (y z. y  x  y + z  y  x  z)"
  by (metis add_comm less_eq_def omega_coinduct omega_unfold_eq order_prop)

lemma ewp_alt: "xω = 0  (y z. y  x  y + z  y  x  z)"
  by (metis annir order.antisym ewp_alt1 join.bot_least)

text ‹So we have obtained a condition for Arden's lemma in omega

lemma omega_super_id1: "0  1  1  x  xω  0"
  using ewp_neg_and_omega ewp_super_id1 by blast

lemma omega_super_id2: "0  1  xω = 0  ¬(1  x)"
  using omega_super_id1 by blast

text ‹The next lemmas are abstract versions of Arden's lemma from
language theory.›

lemma ardens_lemma_var:
  assumes "xω = 0" 
  and "z + x  y = y"
  shows "x  z = y"
proof -
  have "y  xω + x  z"
    by (simp add: assms(2) local.omega_coinduct_eq)
  hence "y  x  z"
    by (simp add: assms(1))
  thus "x  z = y"
    by (simp add: assms(2) order.eq_iff local.star_inductl_eq)

lemma ardens_lemma: "¬ ewp x  z + x  y = y  x  z = y"
  by (simp add: ardens_lemma_var ewp_neg_and_omega)

lemma ardens_lemma_equiv:
  assumes "¬ ewp x"
  shows "z + x  y = y  x  z = y"
  by (metis ardens_lemma_var assms ewp_neg_and_omega local.conway.dagger_unfoldl_distr mult_assoc)

lemma ardens_lemma_var_equiv: "xω = 0  (z + x  y = y  x  z = y)"
  by (simp add: ardens_lemma_equiv ewp_neg_and_omega)

lemma arden_conv1: "(y z. z + x  y = y  x  z = y)  ¬ ewp x"
  by (metis add_zero_l annir ewp_neg_and_omega omega_unfold_eq)

lemma arden_conv2: "(y z. z + x  y = y  x  z = y)  xω = 0"
  using arden_conv1 ewp_neg_and_omega by blast

lemma arden_var3: "(y z. z + x  y = y  x  z = y)  xω = 0"
  using arden_conv2 ardens_lemma_var by blast


subsection ‹Omega Algebras›

class omega_algebra = kleene_algebra + left_omega_algebra
