Theory SPRViewNonDetIndInit
theory SPRViewNonDetIndInit
subsubsection‹Perfect Recall in Independently-Initialised Non-deterministic Broadcast Environments›
If the private and environment parts of the initial states are
independent we can simplify the construction of the previous section
and consider only sets of states rather than relations. This greatly
reduces the state space that the algorithm traverses.
We capture this independence by adding some assumptions to the @{term
"FiniteBroadcastEnvironment"} locale of
Figure~\ref{fig:kbps-theory-broadcast-envs}; the result is the @{term
"FiniteBroadcastEnvironmentIndependentInit"} locale shown in
Figure~\ref{fig:kbps-theory-broadcast-envs-ind-init}. We ask that the
initial states be the Cartesian product of possible private and
environment states; in other words there is nothing for the agents to
learn about correlations amongst the initial states. As there are
initially no public actions from the previous round, we use the @{term
"default"} class to indicate that there is a fixed but arbitrary
choice to be made here.
Again we introduce common and agent-specific abstraction functions:
locale FiniteBroadcastEnvironmentIndependentInit =
FiniteBroadcastEnvironment jkbp envInit envAction envTrans envVal envObs
envObsC envActionES envTransES
for jkbp :: "('a::finite, 'p, ('pPubAct::{default,finite} × 'ps::finite)) JKBP"
and envInit :: "('a, 'ePubAct :: {default, finite}, 'es :: finite,
'pPubAct, 'ps) BEState list"
and envAction :: "('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) BEState
⇒ ('ePubAct × 'ePrivAct) list"
and envTrans :: "('ePubAct × 'ePrivAct)
⇒ ('a ⇒ ('pPubAct × 'ps))
⇒ ('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) BEState
⇒ ('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) BEState"
and envVal :: "('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) BEState ⇒ 'p ⇒ bool"
and envObs :: "'a ⇒ ('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) BEState
⇒ ('cobs × 'ps × ('ePubAct × ('a ⇒ 'pPubAct)))"
and envObsC :: "'es ⇒ 'cobs"
and envActionES :: "'es ⇒ ('ePubAct × ('a ⇒ 'pPubAct))
⇒ ('ePubAct × 'ePrivAct) list"
and envTransES :: "('ePubAct × 'ePrivAct) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'pPubAct)
⇒ 'es ⇒ 'es"
+ fixes agents :: "'a list"
fixes envInitBits :: "'es list × ('a ⇒ 'ps list)"
defines envInit_def:
"envInit ≡ [ ⦇ es = esf, ps = psf, pubActs = (default, λ_. default) ⦈
. psf ← listToFuns (snd envInitBits) agents
, esf ← fst envInitBits ]"
assumes agents: "set agents = UNIV" "distinct agents"
\caption{Finite broadcast environments with non-deterministic
KBPs, where the initial private and environment states are
context FiniteBroadcastEnvironmentIndependentInit
tObsC_ii_abs :: "('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) BEState Trace
⇒ ('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) BEState set"
where "tObsC_ii_abs t ≡
{ tLast t' |t'. t' ∈ SPR.jkbpC ∧ tObsC t' = tObsC t }"
agent_ii_abs :: "'a ⇒ ('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) BEState Trace
⇒ ('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) BEState set"
where "agent_ii_abs a t ≡
{ tLast t' |t'. t' ∈ SPR.jkbpC ∧ spr_jview a t' = spr_jview a t }"
lemma tObsC_ii_abs_jview_eq[dest, intro]:
"spr_jview a t' = spr_jview a t
⟹ tObsC_ii_abs t = tObsC_ii_abs t'"
unfolding tObsC_ii_abs_def by (fastforce dest: spr_jview_tObsC)
lemma tObsC_ii_absI[intro]:
"⟦ t' ∈ SPR.jkbpC; tObsC t' = tObsC t; v = tLast t' ⟧
⟹ v ∈ tObsC_ii_abs t"
unfolding tObsC_ii_abs_def by blast
lemma tObsC_ii_abs_conv:
" v ∈ tObsC_ii_abs t
⟷ (∃t'. t' ∈ SPR.jkbpC ∧ tObsC t' = tObsC t ∧ v = tLast t')"
unfolding tObsC_ii_abs_def by blast
lemma agent_ii_absI[elim]:
"⟦ t' ∈ SPR.jkbpC; spr_jview a t' = spr_jview a t; v = tLast t' ⟧
⟹ v ∈ agent_ii_abs a t"
unfolding agent_ii_abs_def by blast
lemma agent_ii_abs_tLastD[simp]:
"v ∈ agent_ii_abs a t ⟹ envObs a v = envObs a (tLast t)"
unfolding agent_ii_abs_def by auto
lemma agent_ii_abs_inv[dest]:
"v ∈ agent_ii_abs a t
⟹ ∃t'. t' ∈ SPR.jkbpC ∧ spr_jview a t' = spr_jview a t
∧ v = tLast t'"
unfolding agent_ii_abs_def by blast
The simulation is similar to the single-agent case
(\S\ref{sec:kbps-spr-single-agent}); for a given canonical trace
@{term "t"} it pairs the set of worlds that any agent considers
possible with the final state of @{term "t"}:
type_synonym (in -) ('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) SPRstate =
"('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) BEState set
× ('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) BEState"
spr_ii_sim :: "('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) BEState Trace
⇒ ('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) SPRstate"
where "spr_ii_sim ≡ λt. (tObsC_ii_abs t, tLast t)"
lemma spr_ii_sim_tFirst_tLast:
"⟦ spr_ii_sim t = s; t ∈ SPR.jkbpC ⟧ ⟹ snd s ∈ fst s"
unfolding spr_ii_sim_def by auto
The Kripke structure over simulated traces is also quite similar:
spr_ii_simRels :: "'a ⇒ ('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) SPRstate Relation"
where "spr_ii_simRels ≡ λa.
{ (s, s') |s s'. envObs a (snd s) = envObs a (snd s') ∧ fst s = fst s' }"
spr_ii_simVal :: "('a, 'ePubAct, 'es, 'pPubAct, 'ps) SPRstate ⇒ 'p ⇒ bool"
where "spr_ii_simVal ≡ envVal ∘ snd"
"spr_ii_simMC ≡ mkKripke (spr_ii_sim ` SPR.jkbpC) spr_ii_simRels spr_ii_simVal"
lemma spr_ii_simVal_def2[iff]:
"spr_ii_simVal (spr_ii_sim t) = envVal (tLast t)"
unfolding spr_ii_sim_def spr_ii_simVal_def by simp
lemma tSplice_jkbpC:
assumes tt': "{t, t'} ⊆ SPR.jkbpC"
assumes tObsC: "tObsC t = tObsC t'"
shows "t ⇘⇙⨝⇘a⇙ t' ∈ SPR.jkbpC"
using tObsC_tLength[OF tObsC] tt' tObsC
proof(induct rule: trace_induct2)
case (tInit s s') thus ?case
apply clarsimp
unfolding envInit_def sSplice_def
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac x="x(a := xa a)" in bexI)
using listToFun_splice[OF agents]
apply auto
case (tStep s s' t t')
hence tt': "t ⇘⇙⨝⇘a⇙ t' ∈ SPR.jkbpC"
and tLen: "tLength t' = tLength t"
and tObsC: "tObsC (t ↝ s) = tObsC (t' ↝ s')"
by auto
hence tt'n: "t ⇘⇙⨝⇘a⇙ t' ∈ SPR.jkbpCn (tLength t)"
by auto
from tStep
have ts: "t ↝ s ∈ SPR.jkbpCn (Suc (tLength t))"
and t's': "t' ↝ s' ∈ SPR.jkbpCn (Suc (tLength t'))"
apply -
apply ((rule SPR.jkbpC_tLength_inv, simp_all)[1])+
from ts obtain eact aact
where eact: "eact ∈ set (envAction (tLast t))"
and aact: "∀a. aact a ∈ set (jAction (SPR.mkM (SPR.jkbpCn (tLength t))) t a)"
and trans: "envTrans eact aact (tLast t) = s"
apply (auto iff: Let_def)
from t's' obtain eact' aact'
where eact': "eact' ∈ set (envAction (tLast t'))"
and aact': "∀a. aact' a ∈ set (jAction (SPR.mkM (SPR.jkbpCn (tLength t'))) t' a)"
and trans': "envTrans eact' aact' (tLast t') = s'"
apply (auto iff: Let_def)
define aact'' where "aact'' = aact (a := aact' a)"
from tObsC trans trans'
have aact''_fst: "fst ∘ aact'' = fst ∘ aact"
unfolding envTrans_def aact''_def
apply -
apply (rule ext)
apply (auto iff: tObsC_tStep)
apply (erule o_eq_elim)
apply simp
from tObsC trans trans'
have aact''_snd: "snd ∘ aact'' = (snd ∘ aact)(a := ps s' a)"
unfolding envTrans_def aact''_def
apply -
apply (rule ext)
apply auto
have "envTrans eact aact'' (tLast (t ⇘⇙⨝⇘a⇙ t'))
= sSplice a (envTrans eact aact (tLast t)) s'"
apply (simp only: envTrans_def sSplice_def)
using tSplice_es[OF tLen[symmetric]] aact''_fst aact''_snd
apply clarsimp
{ fix a'
have "aact'' a' ∈ set (jAction (SPR.mkM (SPR.jkbpCn (tLength t))) (t ⇘⇙⨝⇘a⇙ t') a')"
proof(cases "a' = a")
case False
with tStep have "jAction (SPR.mkM (SPR.jkbpCn (tLength t))) (t ⇘⇙⨝⇘a⇙ t') a'
= jAction (SPR.mkM (SPR.jkbpCn (tLength t))) t a'"
apply -
apply (rule S5n_jAction_eq)
apply simp
unfolding SPR.mkM_def
using tSplice_spr_jview_not_a tt'
apply auto
with False aact show ?thesis
unfolding aact''_def by simp
case True
with tStep have "jAction (SPR.mkM (SPR.jkbpCn (tLength t))) (t ⇘⇙⨝⇘a⇙ t') a
= jAction (SPR.mkM (SPR.jkbpCn (tLength t))) t' a"
apply -
apply (rule S5n_jAction_eq)
apply simp
unfolding SPR.mkM_def
using tSplice_spr_jview_a tt'
apply auto
with True aact' tLen show ?thesis
unfolding aact''_def by simp
qed }
from tStep have "envAction (tLast (t ⇘⇙⨝⇘a⇙ t')) = envAction (tLast t)"
using tSplice_envAction by blast
moreover note eact trans tt'n
ultimately have "(t ⇘⇙⨝⇘a⇙ t') ↝ sSplice a s s' ∈ SPR.jkbpCn (Suc (tLength t))"
apply (simp add: Let_def del: split_paired_Ex)
apply (rule exI[where x="eact"])
apply (rule exI[where x="aact''"])
apply simp
thus ?case
apply (simp only: tZip.simps)
apply blast
lemma spr_ii_sim_r:
"sim_r SPR.MC spr_ii_simMC spr_ii_sim"
proof(rule sim_rI)
fix a p q'
assume pT: "p ∈ worlds SPR.MC"
and fpq': "(spr_ii_sim p, q') ∈ relations spr_ii_simMC a"
from fpq' obtain vq
where q': "q' = (tObsC_ii_abs p, vq)"
and vq: "envObs a (tLast p) = envObs a vq"
unfolding mkKripke_def spr_ii_sim_def spr_ii_simRels_def
by fastforce
from fpq' have "q' ∈ worlds spr_ii_simMC" by simp
with q' have "vq ∈ tObsC_ii_abs p"
using spr_ii_sim_tFirst_tLast[where s=q']
apply auto
then obtain t
where tT: "t ∈ SPR.jkbpC"
and tp: "tObsC t = tObsC p"
and tvq: "tLast t = vq"
by (auto iff: tObsC_ii_abs_conv)
define q where "q = t ⇘⇙⨝⇘a⇙ p"
from tp
have "spr_jview a p = spr_jview a q"
unfolding q_def by (simp add: tSplice_spr_jview_a)
with pT tT tp
have pt: "(p, q) ∈ relations SPR.MC a"
unfolding SPR.mkM_def q_def by (simp add: tSplice_jkbpC)
from q' vq tp tvq
have ftq': "spr_ii_sim q = q'"
unfolding spr_ii_sim_def q_def
using tSplice_tObsC[where a=a and t=t and t'=p]
apply clarsimp
apply (intro conjI)
apply (auto dest: tObsC_tLength)[2]
unfolding tObsC_ii_abs_def
apply auto
from pt ftq'
show "∃q. (p, q) ∈ relations SPR.MC a ∧ spr_ii_sim q = q'"
by blast
The proofs that this simulation is adequate are similar to those in
the previous section. We elide the details.
lemma spr_ii_sim: "sim SPR.MC spr_ii_simMC spr_ii_sim"
show "sim_range SPR.MC spr_ii_simMC spr_ii_sim"
by (rule sim_rangeI) (simp_all add: spr_ii_sim_def)
show "sim_val SPR.MC spr_ii_simMC spr_ii_sim"
by (rule sim_valI) simp
show "sim_f SPR.MC spr_ii_simMC spr_ii_sim"
unfolding spr_ii_simRels_def spr_ii_sim_def mkKripke_def SPR.mkM_def
by (rule sim_fI, auto simp del: split_paired_Ex)
show "sim_r SPR.MC spr_ii_simMC spr_ii_sim"
by (rule spr_ii_sim_r)
sublocale FiniteBroadcastEnvironmentIndependentInit
< SPRii: SimIncrEnvironment jkbp envInit envAction envTrans envVal
spr_jview envObs spr_jviewInit spr_jviewIncr
spr_ii_sim spr_ii_simRels spr_ii_simVal
by standard (simp add: spr_ii_sim)