Theory Matrix_Comparison

    Author:      René Thiemann 
                 Akihisa Yamada
    License:     BSD
section ‹Comparison of Matrices›

text ‹We use matrices over ordered semirings to again define ordered semirings.
  There are two instances, one for ordinary semirings (where addition is monotone w.r.t. the
  strict ordering in a single argument); 
  and one for semirings like the arctic one, where addition is interpreted
  as maximum, and therefore monotonicity of the strict ordering in a single argument is no
  longer provided. 

  Both ordered semirings are used for checking termination proofs, where at the moment only
  the ordinary semirings is supported for checking complexity proofs.›

theory Matrix_Comparison

context ord
definition mat_ge :: "'a mat  'a mat  bool" (infix m 50) where
  "A m B = ( i < dim_row A.  j < dim_col A. A $$ (i,j)  B $$ (i,j))"

lemma mat_geI[intro]: assumes "A  carrier_mat nr nc" 
  " i j. i < nr  j < nc  A $$ (i,j)  B $$ (i,j)"
  shows "A m B"
  using assms unfolding mat_ge_def by auto

lemma mat_geD[dest]: assumes "A m B" and "i < dim_row A" "j < dim_col A"
  shows "A $$ (i,j)  B $$ (i,j)" 
  using assms unfolding mat_ge_def by auto

definition mat_gt :: "('a  'a  bool)  nat  'a mat  'a mat  bool" where
  "mat_gt gt sd A B = (A m B  ( i < sd.  j < sd. gt (A $$ (i,j)) (B $$ (i,j))))"

lemma mat_gtI[intro]: assumes "A m B"
  and "i < sd" "j < sd" "gt (A $$ (i,j)) (B $$ (i,j))"
  shows "mat_gt gt sd A B"
  using assms unfolding mat_gt_def by auto

lemma mat_gtD[dest]: assumes "mat_gt gt sd A B"
  shows "A m B" " i < sd.  j < sd. gt (A $$ (i,j)) (B $$ (i,j))"
  using assms unfolding mat_gt_def by auto

definition mat_max :: "'a mat  'a mat  'a mat" (maxm) where
  "maxm A B = mat (dim_row A) (dim_col A) (λ ij. max (A $$ ij) (B $$ ij))"

lemma mat_max_carrier[simp]:
  "maxm A B  carrier_mat (dim_row A) (dim_col A)"
  unfolding mat_max_def by auto

lemma mat_max_closed[intro]:
  "A  carrier_mat nr nc  B  carrier_mat nr nc  maxm A B  carrier_mat nr nc"
  unfolding mat_max_def by auto

lemma mat_max_index:
  assumes "i < dim_row A" "j < dim_col A"
  shows "(mat_max A B) $$ (i,j) = max (A $$ (i,j)) (B $$ (i,j))"
  unfolding mat_max_def using index_mat assms by auto

definition (in zero) mat_default :: "'a  nat  'a mat" (defaultm) where
  "defaultm d n = mat n n (λ (i,j). if i = j then d else 0)"

lemma mat_default_carrier[simp]: "defaultm d n  carrier_mat n n"
  unfolding mat_default_def by auto

definition mat_mono :: "('a  bool)  nat  'a mat  bool"
where "mat_mono P sd A = ( j < sd.  i < sd. P (A $$ (i,j)))"

context non_strict_order
lemma mat_ge_trans: assumes "A m B" "B m C"
  and "A  carrier_mat nr nc" "B  carrier_mat nr nc"
shows "A m C"
  using assms ge_trans[of "B $$ (i,j)" "A $$ (i,j)" for i j] 
  unfolding mat_ge_def carrier_mat_def by auto

lemma mat_ge_refl: "A m A"
  unfolding mat_ge_def by (auto simp: ge_refl)

lemma mat_max_comm: "A  carrier_mat nr nc  B  carrier_mat nr nc  maxm A B = maxm B A"
  unfolding mat_max_def by (intro eq_matI, auto simp: max_comm)

lemma mat_max_ge: "maxm A B m A"
  unfolding mat_max_def by (intro mat_geI[of _ "dim_row A" "dim_col A"], auto)

lemma mat_max_ge_0: "A  carrier_mat nr nc  B  carrier_mat nr nc  A m B  maxm A B = A"
  unfolding mat_max_def by (intro eq_matI, auto simp: max_id)

lemma mat_max_mono: "A m B 
   A  carrier_mat nr nc  B  carrier_mat nr nc  C  carrier_mat nr nc  
   maxm C A m maxm C B"
  by (intro mat_geI[of _ nr nc], auto simp: max_mono mat_max_def)

lemma mat_plus_left_mono: "A m (B :: 'a :: ordered_ab_semigroup mat) 
   A  carrier_mat nr nc  B  carrier_mat nr nc  C  carrier_mat nr nc 
   A + C m B + C"
  by (intro mat_geI[of _ nr nc], auto simp: plus_left_mono)

lemma mat_plus_right_mono: "B m (C :: 'a :: ordered_ab_semigroup mat) 
   A  carrier_mat nr nc  B  carrier_mat nr nc  C  carrier_mat nr nc 
   A + B m A + C"
  by (intro mat_geI[of _ nr nc], auto simp: plus_right_mono)

lemma plus_mono: "x1  (x2 :: 'a :: ordered_ab_semigroup)  
  y1  y2  x1 + y1  x2 + y2"
  using ge_trans[OF plus_left_mono[of x2 x1] plus_right_mono[of y2 y1]] .

text ‹Since one cannot use @{thm sum_mono} (it requires other 
  class constraints like @{class order}), we make our own copy of this

lemma sum_mono_ge:
  assumes ge: "i. iK  f (i::'a)  ((g i)::('b::ordered_semiring_0))"
  shows "(iK. f i)  (iK. g i)"
proof (cases "finite K")
  case True
  thus ?thesis using ge
  proof induct
    case empty
    show ?case by (simp add: ge_refl)
    case insert
    thus ?case using plus_mono by fastforce
  case False then show ?thesis by (simp add: ge_refl)

lemma (in one_mono_ordered_semiring_1) sum_mono_gt:
  assumes le: "i. iK  f (i::'b)  ((g i)::'a)"
  and i: "i  K"
  and gt: "f i  g i"
  and K: "finite K"
  shows "(iK. f i)  (iK. g i)"
proof -
  have id: " f. (iK. f i) = f i + (i K - {i}. f i)"
    by (rule sum.remove[OF K i])
  have ge: "(i K - {i}. f i)  (i K - {i}. g i)"
    by (rule sum_mono_ge[OF le], auto)
  show ?thesis unfolding id using compat[OF plus_right_mono[OF ge] plus_gt_left_mono[OF gt]] .

lemma scalar_left_mono: assumes 
  "u  carrier_vec n" "v  carrier_vec n" "w  carrier_vec n" 
  and " i. i < n  u $ i  v $ i"
  and " i. i < n  w $ i  (0 :: 'a :: ordered_semiring_0)"
  shows "u  w  v  w" unfolding scalar_prod_def
  by (intro sum_mono_ge times_left_mono, insert assms, auto)

lemma scalar_right_mono: assumes 
  "u  carrier_vec n" "v  carrier_vec n" "w  carrier_vec n" 
  and " i. i < n  v $ i  w $ i"
  and " i. i < n  u $ i  (0 :: 'a :: ordered_semiring_0)"
  shows "u  v  u  w" 
proof -
  have dim: "dim_vec v = dim_vec w" using assms by auto
  show ?thesis unfolding scalar_prod_def dim
    by (intro sum_mono_ge times_right_mono, insert assms, auto)

lemma mat_mult_left_mono: assumes C0: "C m 0m n n"
  and AB: "A m (B :: 'a :: ordered_semiring_0 mat)"
  and carr: "A  carrier_mat n n" "B  carrier_mat n n" "C  carrier_mat n n"
  shows "A * C m B * C"
proof -
    fix i j
    assume i: "i < n" "j < n"
    have "row A i  col C j  row B i  col C j"
      by (rule scalar_left_mono[of _ n], insert C0 AB carr i, auto)
  thus ?thesis 
    by (intro mat_geI[of _ n n], insert carr, auto)

lemma mat_mult_right_mono: assumes A0: "A m 0m n n" 
  and BC: "B m (C :: 'a :: ordered_semiring_0 mat)"
  and carr: "A  carrier_mat n n" "B  carrier_mat n n" "C  carrier_mat n n"
  shows "A * B m A * C"
proof -
    fix i j
    assume i: "i < n" "j < n"
    have "row A i  col B j  row A i  col C j"
      by (rule scalar_right_mono[of _ n], insert A0 BC carr i, auto)
  thus ?thesis 
    by (intro mat_geI[of _ n n], insert carr, auto)

lemma one_mat_ge_zero: "(1m n :: 'a :: ordered_semiring_1 mat) m 0m n n"
  by (intro mat_geI[of _ n n], auto simp: one_ge_zero ge_refl)

context order_pair
lemma mat_ge_gt_trans: assumes sd: "sd  n" and AB: "A m B" and BC: "mat_gt gt sd B C"
  and A: "A  carrier_mat n n" and B: "B  carrier_mat n n"
shows "mat_gt gt sd A C"
proof -  
  from mat_gtD[OF BC] obtain i j where ij: "i < sd" "j < sd" and gt: "B $$ (i, j)  C $$ (i, j)" 
    and BC: "B m C" by auto
  from mat_ge_trans[OF AB BC A B] have AC: "A m C" .
  from mat_geD[OF AB, of i j] A sd ij have ge: "A $$ (i,j)  B $$ (i,j)" by auto  
  from compat[OF ge gt] have gt: "A $$ (i, j)  C $$ (i, j)" .
  with ij AC show ?thesis by auto

lemma mat_gt_ge_trans: assumes sd: "sd  n" and AB: "mat_gt gt sd A B" and BC: "B m C"
  and A: "A  carrier_mat n n" and B: "B  carrier_mat n n"
shows "mat_gt gt sd A C"
proof -  
  from mat_gtD[OF AB] obtain i j where ij: "i < sd" "j < sd" and gt: "A $$ (i, j)  B $$ (i, j)" 
    and AB: "A m B" by auto
  from mat_ge_trans[OF AB BC A B] have AC: "A m C" .
  from mat_geD[OF BC, of i j] B sd ij have ge: "B $$ (i,j)  C $$ (i,j)" by auto  
  from compat2[OF gt ge] have gt: "A $$ (i, j)  C $$ (i, j)" .
  with ij AC show ?thesis by auto

lemma mat_gt_imp_mat_ge: "mat_gt gt sd A B  A m B"
  by (rule mat_gtD)

lemma mat_gt_trans: assumes sd: "sd  n" and AB: "mat_gt gt sd A B" and BC: "mat_gt gt sd B C"
  and A: "A  carrier_mat n n" and B: "B  carrier_mat n n"
shows "mat_gt gt sd A C"
  using mat_ge_gt_trans[OF sd mat_gt_imp_mat_ge[OF AB] BC A B] .

lemma mat_default_ge_0: "defaultm default n m 0m n n"
  by (intro mat_geI[of _ n n], auto simp: mat_default_def default_ge_zero ge_refl)

definition mat_ordered_semiring :: "nat  nat  ('a :: ordered_semiring_1  'a  bool)  'b  ('a mat,'b) ordered_semiring_scheme" where
  "mat_ordered_semiring n sd gt b  ring_mat TYPE('a) n 
    ordered_semiring.geq = (≥m),
    gt = mat_gt gt sd,
    max = maxm,
     = b"

lemma (in one_mono_ordered_semiring_1) mat_ordered_semiring: assumes sd_n: "sd  n" 
  shows "ordered_semiring 
    (mat_ordered_semiring n sd (≻) b :: ('a mat,'b) ordered_semiring_scheme)" 
  (is "ordered_semiring ?R")
proof -
  interpret semiring ?R unfolding mat_ordered_semiring_def by (rule semiring_mat)
  show ?thesis 
    by (unfold_locales, unfold ring_mat_def mat_ordered_semiring_def ordered_semiring_record_simps,
    auto intro: mat_ge_trans mat_ge_refl mat_ge_gt_trans[OF sd_n] mat_gt_ge_trans[OF sd_n] mat_max_comm
    mat_max_ge mat_max_ge_0 mat_max_mono one_mat_ge_zero mat_gt_trans[OF sd_n] mat_gt_imp_mat_ge
    mat_plus_left_mono mat_mult_left_mono mat_mult_right_mono)

context weak_SN_strict_mono_ordered_semiring_1

lemma weak_mat_gt_mono: assumes sd_n: "sd  n" and
    orient: " A B. A  carrier_mat n n  B  carrier_mat n n  (A,B)  set ABs  mat_gt weak_gt sd A B"
   shows " gt. SN_strict_mono_ordered_semiring_1 default gt mono  
     ( A B. A  carrier_mat n n  B  carrier_mat n n  (A, B)  set ABs  mat_gt gt sd A B)"
proof -
  let ?n = "[0 ..< n]"
  let ?m1x = "[ A $$ (i,j) . A <- map fst ABs, i <- ?n, j <- ?n]"
  let ?m2y = "[ B $$ (i,j) . B <- map snd ABs, i <- ?n, j <- ?n]"
  let ?pairs = "concat (map (λ x. map (λ y. (x,y)) ?m2y) ?m1x)"
  let ?strict = "filter (λ (x,y). weak_gt x y) ?pairs"
  have " x y. (x,y)  set ?strict  weak_gt x y" by auto
  from weak_gt_mono[OF this] obtain gt where order: "SN_strict_mono_ordered_semiring_1 default gt mono" 
    and orient2: " x y. (x, y)  set ?strict  gt x y" by auto
  show ?thesis
  proof (intro exI allI conjI impI, rule order)
    fix A B
    assume A: "A  carrier_mat n n" and B: "B  carrier_mat n n"
      and AB: "(A, B)  set ABs"          
    from orient[OF this] have "mat_gt weak_gt sd A B" by auto
    from mat_gtD[OF this] obtain i j where
      ge: "A m B" and ij: "i < sd" "j < sd" and wgt: "weak_gt (A $$ (i,j)) (B $$ (i,j))"
      by auto
    from ij sd  n have ij': "i < n" "j < n" by auto
    have gt: "gt (A $$ (i,j)) (B $$ (i,j))"
      by (rule orient2, insert ij' AB wgt, force)
    show "mat_gt gt sd A B" using ij gt ge by auto

lemma sum_mat_mono: 
  assumes A: "A  carrier_mat nr nc" and B: "B  carrier_mat nr nc" 
  and AB: "A m (B :: 'a :: ordered_semiring_0 mat)"
  shows "sum_mat A  sum_mat B"
proof -
  from A B have id: "dim_row B = dim_row A" "dim_col B = dim_col A" by auto
  show ?thesis unfolding sum_mat_def id
    by (rule sum_mono_ge, insert mat_geD[OF AB] id, auto)

context one_mono_ordered_semiring_1
lemma sum_mat_mono_gt: 
  assumes "sd  n"
  and A: "A  carrier_mat n n" and B: "B  carrier_mat n n"
  and AB: "mat_gt (≻) sd A (B :: 'a mat)"
  shows "sum_mat A  sum_mat B"
proof -
  from A B have id: "dim_row B = dim_row A" "dim_col B = dim_col A" by auto
  from mat_gtD[OF AB] obtain i j where AB: "A m B" and 
    ij: "i < sd" "j < sd" and gt: "A $$ (i,j)  B $$ (i,j)" by auto
  show ?thesis unfolding sum_mat_def id
    by (rule sum_mono_gt[of _ _ _ "(i,j)"], insert ij gt mat_geD[OF AB] A B sd  n, auto)

lemma mat_plus_gt_left_mono: assumes sd_n: "sd  n" and gt: "mat_gt (≻) sd A B"  
  and A: "A  carrier_mat n n" and B: "B  carrier_mat n n" and C: "C  carrier_mat n n"
  shows "mat_gt (≻) sd (A + C) (B + C)"
proof -
  note wf = A B C
  from mat_gtD[OF gt] obtain i j 
    where AB: "A m B" and ij: "i < sd" "j < sd" and gt: "A $$ (i,j)  B $$ (i,j)" by auto
  from plus_gt_left_mono[OF gt, of "C $$ (i,j)"]
  show ?thesis
    by (intro mat_gtI[OF mat_geI[of _ n n] ij], insert mat_geD[OF AB] wf ij sd_n, auto intro: plus_left_mono)

lemma mat_gt_ge_mono: "sd  n  mat_gt gt sd A B 
   mat_gt gt sd C D 
   A  carrier_mat n n 
   B  carrier_mat n n 
   C  carrier_mat n n 
   D  carrier_mat n n 
   mat_gt gt sd (A + C) (B + D)"
  by (rule mat_gt_ge_trans[OF _ mat_plus_gt_left_mono mat_plus_right_mono[OF mat_gt_imp_mat_ge]],

lemma mat_default_gt_mat0: assumes sd_pos: "sd > 0" and sd_n: "sd  n"
  shows "mat_gt (≻) sd (defaultm default n) (0m n n)"
proof -
  from assms have n: "n > 0" by auto
  show ?thesis
    by (intro mat_gtI[OF mat_default_ge_0 sd_pos sd_pos], insert sd_pos sd_n, auto simp: mat_default_def default_gt_zero)

context SN_one_mono_ordered_semiring_1

abbreviation mat_s :: "'a mat  nat  nat  'a mat  bool" ((_ m _ _ _) [51,51,51,51] 50)
 where "A m n sd B  (A  carrier_mat n n  B  carrier_mat n n  B m 0m n n  mat_gt (≻) sd A B)"

lemma mat_gt_SN: assumes sd_n: "sd  n" shows "SN {(m1,m2) . m1 m n sd m2}"
  fix A
  assume " i. (A i, A (Suc i))  {(m1,m2). m1 m n sd m2}"
  hence " i. (A i, A (Suc i))  {(m1,m2). m1 m n sd m2}" by blast
  hence A: " i. A i  carrier_mat n n" 
    and ge: " i. A (Suc i) m 0m n n" 
    and gt: " i. mat_gt (≻) sd (A i) (A (Suc i))" by auto  
  define s where "s = (λ i. sum_mat (A i))"
    fix i
    from sum_mat_mono_gt[OF sd_n A A gt[of i]]
    have gt: "s i  s (Suc i)" unfolding s_def .
    from sum_mat_mono[OF A _ ge[of i]]
    have ge: "s (Suc i)  0" unfolding s_def by auto
    note ge gt 
  with SN show False by auto

context SN_strict_mono_ordered_semiring_1

lemma mat_mono: assumes sd_n: "sd  n" and A: "A  carrier_mat n n" and B: "B  carrier_mat n n" and C: "C  carrier_mat n n" 
  and gt: "mat_gt (≻) sd B C" and gez: "A m 0m n n" and mmono: "mat_mono mono sd A"
  shows "mat_gt (≻) sd (A * B) (A * C)" (is "mat_gt _ _ ?AB ?AC")
proof -
  from mat_gtD[OF gt] obtain i j where 
    i: "i < sd" and j: "j < sd" and gt: "B $$ (i,j)  C $$ (i,j)" and BC: "B m C" by auto
  from mat_mult_right_mono[OF gez BC A B C] have ge: "?AB m ?AC" .
  from mmono[unfolded mat_mono_def] i obtain k where k: "k < sd" and mon: "mono (A $$ (k,i))" by auto
  from mat_geD[OF gez] k i sd_n A have "A $$ (k, i)  0" by auto
  note mono = mono[OF mon gt this]
  have id: "dim_vec (col B j) = n" "dim_vec (col C j) = n" using j sd_n B C by auto
    fix i
    assume "i < n"
    hence "row A k $ i * col B j $ i  row A k $ i * col C j $ i"
      by (intro times_right_mono, insert j k sd_n A B C mat_geD[OF gez] mat_geD[OF BC], auto)
  } note sge = this
  have gt: "row A k  col B j  row A k  col C j" unfolding scalar_prod_def id
    by (rule sum_mono_gt[of _ _ _ i, OF sge], insert mono k i j A B C sd_n, auto)
  show ?thesis
    by (rule mat_gtI[OF ge k j], insert k j sd_n A B C gt, auto)

definition mat_comp_all :: "('a  'a  bool)  'a mat  'a mat  bool"
where "mat_comp_all r A B =
   ( i < dim_row A.  j < dim_col A. r (A $$ (i,j)) (B $$ (i,j)))"

lemma mat_comp_allI:
  assumes "A  carrier_mat nr nc" "B  carrier_mat nr nc"
  and " i j. i < nr  j < nc  r (A $$(i,j)) (B $$ (i,j))"
  shows "mat_comp_all r A B"
  unfolding mat_comp_all_def using assms by simp

lemma mat_comp_allE:
  assumes "mat_comp_all r A B"
  and "A  carrier_mat nr nc" "B  carrier_mat nr nc"
  shows " i j. i < nr  j < nc  r (A $$ (i,j)) (B $$(i,j))"
  using assms unfolding mat_comp_all_def by auto

context weak_SN_both_mono_ordered_semiring_1

abbreviation weak_mat_gt_arc :: "'a mat  'a mat  bool"
where "weak_mat_gt_arc  mat_comp_all weak_gt"

lemma weak_mat_gt_both_mono:
   assumes ABs: "set ABs  carrier_mat n n × carrier_mat n n"
   and orient: "(A,B)  set ABs. weak_mat_gt_arc A B"
   shows " gt. SN_both_mono_ordered_semiring_1 default gt arc_pos 
   ((A,B)  set ABs. mat_comp_all gt A B)"
proof -
  let ?pairs = "[ (fst AB $$ (i,j), snd AB $$ (i,j)) . AB <- ABs, i <- [0 ..< n], j <- [0 ..< n]]"
  let ?strict = "filter (λ (x,y). weak_gt x y) ?pairs"
  have " x y. (x,y)  set ?strict  weak_gt x y" by auto
  from weak_gt_both_mono[OF this]
  obtain gt
    where order: "SN_both_mono_ordered_semiring_1 default gt arc_pos"
    and orient2: " x y. (x, y)  set ?strict  gt x y"
    by auto
    fix A B assume AB: "(A,B)  set ABs"
    hence A: "A  carrier_mat n n" and B: "B  carrier_mat n n"
      using AB ABs by auto
    have "mat_comp_all gt A B"
    proof (rule mat_comp_allI[OF A B])
      fix i j
      assume i: "i < n" and j: "j < n"
      from mat_comp_allE[OF _ A B this] orient AB
      have weak_gt: "weak_gt (A $$(i,j)) (B $$ (i,j))" (is "weak_gt ?x ?y") by auto
      have "(?x,?y)  set ?pairs" using A AB i j by force
      with weak_gt
      have gt: "(?x,?y)  set ?strict" by simp
      show "gt ?x ?y" by (rule orient2[OF gt])
  hence "(A, B)set ABs. mat_comp_all gt A B" by auto
  thus ?thesis using order by auto

definition mat_both_ordered_semiring :: "nat  ('a :: ordered_semiring_1  'a  bool)  'b  ('a mat,'b) ordered_semiring_scheme" where
  "mat_both_ordered_semiring n gt b  ring_mat TYPE('a) n 
    ordered_semiring.geq = mat_ge,
    gt = mat_comp_all gt,
    max = mat_max,
     = b"

(* checking whether a matrix is arctic positive (first entry is arctic positive) *)
definition mat_arc_posI :: "('a  bool)  'a mat  bool"
where "mat_arc_posI ap A  ap (A $$ (0,0))"

context both_mono_ordered_semiring_1

abbreviation mat_gt_arc :: "'a mat  'a mat  bool"
where "mat_gt_arc  mat_comp_all gt"

abbreviation mat_arc_pos :: "'a mat  bool"
where "mat_arc_pos  mat_arc_posI arc_pos"

lemma mat_max_id: fixes A :: "'a mat"
  assumes ge: "mat_ge A B"
  and A: "A  carrier_mat nr nc"
  and B: "B  carrier_mat nr nc"
  shows "mat_max A B = A"
  using mat_max_ge_0[OF A B ge] .

lemma mat_gt_arc_trans:
  assumes A_B: "mat_gt_arc A B"
  and B_C: "mat_gt_arc B C"
  and A: "A  carrier_mat nr nc"
  and B: "B  carrier_mat nr nc"
  and C: "C  carrier_mat nr nc"
  shows "mat_gt_arc A C"
proof (rule mat_comp_allI[OF A C])
  fix i j
  assume i: "i < nr" and j: "j < nc"
  from mat_comp_allE[OF A_B A B i j] mat_comp_allE[OF B_C B C i j]
  show "A $$ (i,j)  C $$ (i,j)" by (rule gt_trans)

lemma mat_gt_arc_compat:
  assumes ge: "mat_ge A B"
  and gt: "mat_gt_arc B C"
  and A: "A  carrier_mat nr nc"
  and B: "B  carrier_mat nr nc"
  and C: "C  carrier_mat nr nc"
  shows "mat_gt_arc A C"
proof (rule mat_comp_allI[OF A C])
  fix i j assume i: "i < nr" and j: "j < nc"
  have "A $$ (i,j)  B $$ (i,j)" using ge A i j by auto
  also have "B $$ (i,j)  C $$ (i,j)"
    using mat_comp_allE[OF gt B C i j] by auto
  finally show "A $$ (i,j)  C $$ (i,j)" by auto

lemma mat_gt_arc_compat2:
  assumes gt: "mat_gt_arc A B"
  and ge: "mat_ge B C"
  and A: "A  carrier_mat nr nc"
  and B: "B  carrier_mat nr nc"
  and C: "C  carrier_mat nr nc"
  shows "mat_gt_arc A C"
proof (rule mat_comp_allI[OF A C])
  fix i j assume i: "i < nr" and j: "j < nc"
  have "A $$ (i,j)  B $$ (i,j)"
    using mat_comp_allE[OF gt] A B i j by auto
  also have "B $$ (i,j)  C $$ (i,j)"
    using ge B i j by auto
  finally show "A $$ (i,j)  C $$ (i,j)" by auto

lemma mat_gt_arc_imp_mat_ge:
  assumes gt: "mat_gt_arc A B"
  and A: "A  carrier_mat nr nc"
  and B: "B  carrier_mat nr nc"
  shows "mat_ge A B"
  using subst mat_geI[OF A]
  using mat_comp_allE[OF gt A B] gt_imp_ge by auto

lemma (in both_mono_ordered_semiring_1) mat_both_ordered_semiring: assumes n: "n > 0" 
  shows "ordered_semiring 
    (mat_both_ordered_semiring n (≻) b :: ('a mat,'b) ordered_semiring_scheme)" 
  (is "ordered_semiring ?R")
proof -
  interpret semiring ?R unfolding mat_both_ordered_semiring_def by (rule semiring_mat)
  show ?thesis 
    apply (unfold_locales)
    unfolding ring_mat_def mat_both_ordered_semiring_def ordered_semiring_record_simps
      auto intro: mat_max_comm mat_ge_trans
      mat_plus_left_mono mat_mult_left_mono mat_mult_right_mono mat_ge_refl
      one_mat_ge_zero mat_max_mono mat_max_ge mat_max_id
      mat_gt_arc_trans mat_gt_arc_imp_mat_ge
      mat_gt_arc_compat mat_gt_arc_compat2)

lemma mat0_leastI:
  assumes A: "A  carrier_mat nr nc"
  shows "mat_gt_arc A (0m nr nc)"
proof (rule mat_comp_allI[OF A])
  fix i j
  assume i: "i < nr" and j: "j < nc"
  thus "A $$ (i,j)  0m nr nc $$ (i,j)" by (auto simp: zero_leastI)
qed auto

lemma mat0_leastII: 
  assumes gt: "mat_gt_arc (0m nr nc) A"
  and A: "A  carrier_mat nr nc"
  shows "A = 0m nr nc"
  apply (rule eq_matI)
  unfolding index_zero_mat
  using A
proof -
  fix i j
  assume i: "i < nr" and j: "j < nc"
  show "A $$ (i,j) = 0"
    using zero_leastII mat_comp_allE[OF gt _ A] i j by auto
qed auto

lemma mat0_leastIII:
  assumes A: "A  carrier_mat nr nc"
  shows "mat_ge A ((0m nr nc) :: 'a mat)"
proof (rule mat_geI[OF A]; unfold index_zero_mat)
  fix i j
  assume i: "i < nr" and j: "j < nc"
  show "A $$ (i,j)  0" using zero_leastIII by simp

lemma mat_max_0_id: fixes A :: "'a mat"
  assumes A: "A  carrier_mat nr nc"
  shows "mat_max (0m nr nc) A = A"
  unfolding mat_max_comm[OF zero_carrier_mat A]
  by (rule mat_max_id[OF mat0_leastIII[OF A] A], simp)

lemma mat_arc_pos_one:
  assumes n0: "n > 0"
  shows "mat_arc_posI arc_pos (1m n)"
  unfolding mat_arc_posI_def
  unfolding arc_pos_one index_one_mat(1)[OF n0 n0]
  using arc_pos_one by simp

lemma mat_arc_pos_zero:
  assumes n0: "n > 0"
  shows "¬ mat_arc_posI arc_pos (0m n n)"
  unfolding mat_arc_posI_def
  unfolding index_zero_mat(1)[OF n0 n0] using arc_pos_zero by simp

lemma mat_gt_arc_plus_mono:
  assumes gt1: "mat_gt_arc A B"
  and gt2: "mat_gt_arc C D"
  and A: "(A::'a mat)  carrier_mat nr nc"
  and B: "(B::'a mat)  carrier_mat nr nc"
  and C: "(C::'a mat)  carrier_mat nr nc"
  and D: "(D::'a mat)  carrier_mat nr nc"
  shows "mat_gt_arc (A + C) (B + D)" (is "mat_gt_arc ?AC ?BD")
proof -
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule mat_comp_allI)
    fix i j
    assume i: "i < nr" and j: "j < nc"
    hence ijC: "i < dim_row C" "j < dim_col C"
      and ijD: "i < dim_row D" "j < dim_col D"
      using C D by auto
    show "?AC $$ (i,j)  ?BD $$ (i,j)"
      unfolding index_add_mat(1)[OF ijC]
      unfolding index_add_mat(1)[OF ijD]
      using plus_gt_both_mono
      using mat_comp_allE[OF gt1 A B] mat_comp_allE[OF gt2 C D] i j by auto
  qed (insert A B C D, auto)

definition vec_comp_all :: "('a  'a  bool)  'a vec  'a vec  bool"
  where "vec_comp_all r v w  i < dim_vec v. r (v $ i) (w $ i)"

lemma vec_comp_allI:
  assumes "i. i < dim_vec v  r (v $ i) (w $ i)"
  shows "vec_comp_all r v w"
  unfolding vec_comp_all_def using assms by auto

lemma vec_comp_allE:
  "vec_comp_all r v w  i < dim_vec v  r (v $ i) (w $ i)"
  unfolding vec_comp_all_def by auto

lemma scalar_prod_left_mono:
  assumes u: "u  carrier_vec n"
  and v: "v  carrier_vec n"
  and w: "w  carrier_vec n"
  and uv: "vec_comp_all gt u v"
  shows "scalar_prod u w  scalar_prod v w"
proof -
  { fix m assume "m  n"
    hence "(i<m. (u $ i) * (w $ i))  (i<m. (v $ i) * (w $ i))"
    proof (induct m)
      case 0 show ?case using zero_leastI by simp next
      case (Suc m)
        hence uv: "u $ m  v $ m"
          using vec_comp_allE[OF uv] u by auto
        show ?case
          unfolding sum.lessThan_Suc
          apply (subst plus_gt_both_mono) 
          using times_gt_left_mono Suc times_gt_left_mono[OF uv] by auto
  from this[OF order.refl]
  show ?thesis
    unfolding scalar_prod_def atLeast0LessThan
    using w by auto

lemma scalar_prod_right_mono:
  assumes u: "u  carrier_vec n"
  and v: "v  carrier_vec n"
  and w: "w  carrier_vec n"
  and vw: "vec_comp_all gt v w"
  shows "scalar_prod u v  scalar_prod u w"
proof -
  { fix m assume "m  n"
    hence "(i<m. (u $ i) * (v $ i))  (i<m. (u $ i) * (w $ i))"
    proof (induct m)
      case 0 show ?case using zero_leastI by simp next
      case (Suc m)
        hence vw: "v $ m  w $ m"
          using vec_comp_allE[OF vw] v by auto
        show ?case
          unfolding sum.lessThan_Suc
          apply (subst plus_gt_both_mono) 
          using times_gt_left_mono Suc times_gt_right_mono[OF vw] by auto
  from this[OF order.refl]
  show ?thesis
    unfolding scalar_prod_def atLeast0LessThan
    using v w by auto

lemma mat_gt_arc_mult_left_mono:
  assumes gt1: "mat_gt_arc A B"
  and A: "(A::'a mat)  carrier_mat nr n"
  and B: "(B::'a mat)  carrier_mat nr n"
  and C: "(C::'a mat)  carrier_mat n nc"
  shows "mat_gt_arc (A * C) (B * C)" (is "mat_gt_arc ?AC ?BC")
proof (rule mat_comp_allI)
  fix i j assume i: "i < nr" and j: "j < nc"
  hence iA: "i < dim_row A"
    and iB: "i < dim_row B"
    and jC: "j < dim_col C"
    using A B C by auto
  show "?AC $$ (i,j)  ?BC $$ (i,j)"
    unfolding index_mult_mat(1)[OF iA jC]
    unfolding index_mult_mat(1)[OF iB jC]
  proof(rule scalar_prod_left_mono)
    show "row A i  carrier_vec n" using A by auto
    show "row B i  carrier_vec n" using B by auto
    show "col C j  carrier_vec n" using C by auto
    show rowAB: "vec_comp_all (≻) (row A i) (row B i)"
    proof (intro vec_comp_allI)
      fix j assume j: "j < dim_vec (row A i)"
      have "A $$ (i,j)  B $$ (i,j)"
        using mat_comp_allE[OF gt1 A B i] j A by simp
      thus "row A i $ j  row B i $ j"
        using A B C i j by simp
qed (insert A B C, auto)

lemma mat_gt_arc_mult_right_mono:
  assumes gt1: "mat_gt_arc B C"
  and A: "(A::'a mat)  carrier_mat nr n"
  and B: "(B::'a mat)  carrier_mat n nc"
  and C: "(C::'a mat)  carrier_mat n nc"
  shows "mat_gt_arc (A * B) (A * C)" (is "mat_gt_arc ?AB ?AC")
proof (rule mat_comp_allI)
  fix i j assume i: "i < nr" and j: "j < nc"
  hence iA: "i < dim_row A"
    and jB: "j < dim_col B"
    and jC: "j < dim_col C"
    using A B C by auto
  show "?AB $$ (i,j)  ?AC $$ (i,j)"
    unfolding index_mult_mat(1)[OF iA jB]
    unfolding index_mult_mat(1)[OF iA jC]
  proof(rule scalar_prod_right_mono)
    show "row A i  carrier_vec n" using A by auto
    show "col B j  carrier_vec n" using B by auto
    show "col C j  carrier_vec n" using C by auto
    show rowAB: "vec_comp_all (≻) (col B j) (col C j)"
    proof (intro vec_comp_allI)
      fix i assume i: "i < dim_vec (col B j)"
      have "B $$ (i,j)  C $$ (i,j)"
        using mat_comp_allE[OF gt1 B C] i j B by simp
      thus "col B j $ i  col C j $ i"
        using A B C i j by simp
qed (insert A B C, auto)

lemma mat_arc_pos_plus:
  assumes n0: "n > 0" 
  and A: "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and B: "B  carrier_mat n n"
  and arc_pos: "mat_arc_pos A"
  shows "mat_arc_pos (A + B)"
  unfolding mat_arc_posI_def
  apply (subst index_add_mat(1))
  using arc_pos_plus[OF arc_pos[unfolded mat_arc_posI_def]]
  assms by auto

lemma scalar_prod_split_head: assumes 
  "A  carrier_mat n n" "B  carrier_mat n n" "n > 0" 
  shows "row A 0  col B 0 = A $$ (0,0) * B $$ (0,0) + (i = 1..<n. A $$ (0, i) * B $$ (i, 0))"
  unfolding scalar_prod_def
  using assms sum.atLeast_Suc_lessThan by auto

lemma mat_arc_pos_mult:
  assumes n0: "n > 0" 
  and A: "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and B: "B  carrier_mat n n"
  and apA: "mat_arc_pos A"
  and apB: "mat_arc_pos B"
  shows "mat_arc_pos (A * B)"
  unfolding mat_arc_posI_def
  apply(subst index_mult_mat(1))
proof -
  let ?prod = "row A 0  col B 0"
  let ?head = "A $$ (0,0) * B $$ (0,0)"
  let ?rest = "i = 1..<n. A $$ (0, i) * B $$ (i, 0)"
  have ap: "arc_pos ?head"
    using apA apB
    unfolding mat_arc_posI_def
    using arc_pos_mult by auto
  have split: "?prod = ?head + ?rest"
    by (rule scalar_prod_split_head[OF A B n0])
  show "arc_pos (row A 0  col B 0)"
    unfolding split
    using ap arc_pos_plus by auto
qed (insert A B n0, auto)

lemma mat_arc_pos_mat_default:
  assumes n0: "n > 0" shows "mat_arc_pos (mat_default default n)"
  unfolding mat_arc_posI_def
  unfolding mat_default_def
  unfolding index_mat(1)[OF n0 n0]
  using arc_pos_default by simp

lemma mat_not_all_ge:
  assumes n_pos: "n > 0"
  and A: "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and B: "B  carrier_mat n n"
  and apB: "mat_arc_pos B"
  shows "C. C  carrier_mat n n  mat_ge C (0m n n)  mat_arc_pos C  ¬ mat_ge A (B * C)"
proof -
  define c where "c = A $$ (0,0)"
  from apB have "arc_pos (B $$ (0,0))" unfolding mat_arc_posI_def .
  from not_all_ge[OF this, of c] obtain e where e0: "e  0" and ae: "arc_pos e"
    and nc: "¬ c  B $$ (0,0) * e" by auto
  let ?f = "λ i j. if i = 0  j = 0 then e else 0"
  let ?C = "mat n n (λ (i,j). ?f i j)"
  have C: "?C  carrier_mat n n" by auto
  have C00: "?C $$ (0,0) = e" using n_pos by auto
  show ?thesis
  proof(intro exI conjI)
    show "?C m 0m n n" 
      by (rule mat_geI[of _ n n], auto simp: ge_refl e0)
    show "mat_arc_pos ?C" 
      unfolding mat_arc_posI_def 
      unfolding C00 by (rule ae)
    let ?mult = "B * ?C"
    from n_pos obtain nn where n: "n = Suc nn" by (cases n, auto)
    have col: "col ?C 0 = vec n (?f 0)" using n_pos by auto
    let ?prod = "row B 0  col ?C 0"
    let ?head = "B $$ (0,0) * ?C $$ (0,0)"
    let ?rest = "i = 1..<n. B $$ (0, i) * ?C $$ (i, 0)"

    from n_pos B have "?mult $$ (0,0) = ?prod" by auto
    also have " = ?head + ?rest"
      by (rule scalar_prod_split_head[OF B C n_pos])
    also have "?rest = 0"
      by (rule sum.neutral, auto)
    finally have "?mult $$ (0,0) = B $$ (0,0) * e" using n_pos by simp
    with nc c_def have not_ge: "¬ A $$ (0,0)  ?mult $$ (0,0)" by simp
    show "¬ A m ?mult" 
      assume "A m ?mult"
      from mat_geD[OF this, of 0 0] A B not_ge n_pos show False by auto
  qed auto


context SN_both_mono_ordered_semiring_1

lemma mat_gt_arc_SN:
  assumes n_pos: "n > 0"
  shows "SN {(A,B)  carrier_mat n n × carrier_mat n n. mat_arc_pos B  mat_gt_arc A B}"
  (is "SN ?rel")
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ SN ?rel"
  then obtain f A where "f (0 :: nat) = A" and steps: " i. (f i, f (Suc i))  ?rel" unfolding SN_defs by blast
  hence pos: " i. arc_pos (f (Suc i) $$ (0,0))" unfolding mat_arc_posI_def by blast
  have gt: " i. f i $$ (0,0)  f (Suc i) $$ (0,0)"
    fix i
    from steps 
    have wf1: "f i  carrier_mat n n"
      and wf2: "f (Suc i)  carrier_mat n n"
      and gt: "mat_gt_arc (f i) (f (Suc i))" by auto
    show "f i $$ (0,0)   f (Suc i) $$ (0,0)"
      using mat_comp_allE[OF gt wf1 wf2]
      using index_zero_mat n_pos by force
  from pos gt SN show False unfolding SN_defs by force

