Theory Gauss_Jordan_Elimination
section ‹Gauss-Jordan Algorithm›
text ‹We define the elementary row operations and use them to implement the
Gauss-Jordan algorithm to transform matrices into row-echelon-form.
This algorithm is used to implement the inverse of a matrix and to derive
certain results on determinants, as well as determine a basis of the kernel
of a matrix.›
theory Gauss_Jordan_Elimination
imports Matrix
subsection ‹Row Operations›
definition mat_multrow_gen :: "('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a) ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a mat ⇒ 'a mat" where
"mat_multrow_gen mul k a A = mat (dim_row A) (dim_col A)
(λ (i,j). if k = i then mul a (A $$ (i,j)) else A $$ (i,j))"
abbreviation mat_multrow :: "nat ⇒ 'a :: semiring_1 ⇒ 'a mat ⇒ 'a mat" (‹multrow›) where
"multrow ≡ mat_multrow_gen ((*))"
lemmas mat_multrow_def = mat_multrow_gen_def
definition multrow_mat :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a :: semiring_1 ⇒ 'a mat" where
"multrow_mat n k a = mat n n
(λ (i,j). if k = i ∧ k = j then a else if i = j then 1 else 0)"
definition mat_swaprows :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a mat ⇒ 'a mat" (‹swaprows›)where
"swaprows k l A = mat (dim_row A) (dim_col A)
(λ (i,j). if k = i then A $$ (l,j) else if l = i then A $$ (k,j) else A $$ (i,j))"
definition swaprows_mat :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a :: semiring_1 mat" where
"swaprows_mat n k l = mat n n
(λ (i,j). if k = i ∧ l = j ∨ k = j ∧ l = i ∨ i = j ∧ i ≠ k ∧ i ≠ l then 1 else 0)"
definition mat_addrow_gen :: "('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a) ⇒ 'a ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a mat ⇒ 'a mat" where
"mat_addrow_gen ad mul a k l A = mat (dim_row A) (dim_col A)
(λ (i,j). if k = i then ad (mul a (A $$ (l,j))) (A $$ (i,j)) else A $$ (i,j))"
abbreviation mat_addrow :: "'a :: semiring_1 ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a mat ⇒ 'a mat" (‹addrow›) where
"addrow ≡ mat_addrow_gen (+) ((*))"
lemmas mat_addrow_def = mat_addrow_gen_def
definition addrow_mat :: "nat ⇒ 'a :: semiring_1 ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a mat" where
"addrow_mat n a k l = mat n n (λ (i,j).
(if k = i ∧ l = j then (+) a else id) (if i = j then 1 else 0))"
lemma index_mat_multrow[simp]:
"i < dim_row A ⟹ j < dim_col A ⟹ mat_multrow_gen mul k a A $$ (i,j) = (if k = i then mul a (A $$ (i,j)) else A $$ (i,j))"
"i < dim_row A ⟹ j < dim_col A ⟹ mat_multrow_gen mul i a A $$ (i,j) = mul a (A $$ (i,j))"
"i < dim_row A ⟹ j < dim_col A ⟹ k ≠ i ⟹ mat_multrow_gen mul k a A $$ (i,j) = A $$ (i,j)"
"dim_row (mat_multrow_gen mul k a A) = dim_row A" "dim_col (mat_multrow_gen mul k a A) = dim_col A"
unfolding mat_multrow_def by auto
lemma index_mat_multrow_mat[simp]:
"i < n ⟹ j < n ⟹ multrow_mat n k a $$ (i,j) = (if k = i ∧ k = j then a else if i = j
then 1 else 0)"
"dim_row (multrow_mat n k a) = n" "dim_col (multrow_mat n k a) = n"
unfolding multrow_mat_def by auto
lemma index_mat_swaprows[simp]:
"i < dim_row A ⟹ j < dim_col A ⟹ swaprows k l A $$ (i,j) = (if k = i then A $$ (l,j) else
if l = i then A $$ (k,j) else A $$ (i,j))"
"dim_row (swaprows k l A) = dim_row A" "dim_col (swaprows k l A) = dim_col A"
unfolding mat_swaprows_def by auto
lemma index_mat_swaprows_mat[simp]:
"i < n ⟹ j < n ⟹ swaprows_mat n k l $$ (i,j) =
(if k = i ∧ l = j ∨ k = j ∧ l = i ∨ i = j ∧ i ≠ k ∧ i ≠ l then 1 else 0)"
"dim_row (swaprows_mat n k l) = n" "dim_col (swaprows_mat n k l) = n"
unfolding swaprows_mat_def by auto
lemma index_mat_addrow[simp]:
"i < dim_row A ⟹ j < dim_col A ⟹ mat_addrow_gen ad mul a k l A $$ (i,j) = (if k = i then
ad (mul a (A $$ (l,j))) (A $$ (i,j)) else A $$ (i,j))"
"i < dim_row A ⟹ j < dim_col A ⟹ mat_addrow_gen ad mul a i l A $$ (i,j) = ad (mul a (A $$ (l,j))) (A $$ (i,j))"
"i < dim_row A ⟹ j < dim_col A ⟹ k ≠ i ⟹ mat_addrow_gen ad mul a k l A $$ (i,j) = A $$(i,j)"
"dim_row (mat_addrow_gen ad mul a k l A) = dim_row A" "dim_col (mat_addrow_gen ad mul a k l A) = dim_col A"
unfolding mat_addrow_def by auto
lemma index_mat_addrow_mat[simp]:
"i < n ⟹ j < n ⟹ addrow_mat n a k l $$ (i,j) =
(if k = i ∧ l = j then (+) a else id) (if i = j then 1 else 0)"
"dim_row (addrow_mat n a k l) = n" "dim_col (addrow_mat n a k l) = n"
unfolding addrow_mat_def by auto
lemma multrow_carrier[simp]: "(mat_multrow_gen mul k a A ∈ carrier_mat n nc) = (A ∈ carrier_mat n nc)"
unfolding carrier_mat_def by fastforce
lemma multrow_mat_carrier[simp]: "multrow_mat n k a ∈ carrier_mat n n"
unfolding carrier_mat_def by auto
lemma addrow_mat_carrier[simp]: "addrow_mat n a k l ∈ carrier_mat n n"
unfolding carrier_mat_def by auto
lemma swaprows_mat_carrier[simp]: "swaprows_mat n k l ∈ carrier_mat n n"
unfolding carrier_mat_def by auto
lemma swaprows_carrier[simp]: "(swaprows k l A ∈ carrier_mat n nc) = (A ∈ carrier_mat n nc)"
unfolding carrier_mat_def by fastforce
lemma addrow_carrier[simp]: "(mat_addrow_gen ad mul a k l A ∈ carrier_mat n nc) = (A ∈ carrier_mat n nc)"
unfolding carrier_mat_def by fastforce
lemma row_multrow: "k ≠ i ⟹ i < n ⟹ row (multrow_mat n k a) i = unit_vec n i"
"k < n ⟹ row (multrow_mat n k a) k = a ⋅⇩v unit_vec n k"
by (rule eq_vecI, auto)
lemma multrow_mat: assumes A: "A ∈ carrier_mat n nc"
shows "multrow k a A = multrow_mat n k a * A"
by (rule eq_matI, insert A, auto simp: row_multrow smult_scalar_prod_distrib[of _ n])
lemma row_addrow:
"k ≠ i ⟹ i < n ⟹ row (addrow_mat n a k l) i = unit_vec n i"
"k < n ⟹ l < n ⟹ row (addrow_mat n a k l) k = a ⋅⇩v unit_vec n l + unit_vec n k"
by (rule eq_vecI, auto)
lemma addrow_mat: assumes A: "A ∈ carrier_mat n nc"
and l: "l < n"
shows "addrow a k l A = addrow_mat n a k l * A"
by (rule eq_matI, insert l A, auto simp: row_addrow
add_scalar_prod_distrib[of _ n] smult_scalar_prod_distrib[of _ n])
lemma row_swaprows:
"l < n ⟹ row (swaprows_mat n l l) l = unit_vec n l"
"i ≠ k ⟹ i ≠ l ⟹ i < n ⟹ row (swaprows_mat n k l) i = unit_vec n i"
"k < n ⟹ l < n ⟹ row (swaprows_mat n k l) l = unit_vec n k"
"k < n ⟹ l < n ⟹ row (swaprows_mat n k l) k = unit_vec n l"
by (rule eq_vecI, auto)
lemma swaprows_mat: assumes A: "A ∈ carrier_mat n nc" and k: "k < n" "l < n"
shows "swaprows k l A = swaprows_mat n k l * A"
by (rule eq_matI, insert A k, auto simp: row_swaprows)
lemma swaprows_mat_inv: assumes k: "k < n" and l: "l < n"
shows "swaprows_mat n k l * swaprows_mat n k l = 1⇩m n"
proof -
have "swaprows_mat n k l * swaprows_mat n k l =
swaprows_mat n k l * (swaprows_mat n k l * 1⇩m n)"
by (simp add: right_mult_one_mat[of _ n])
also have "swaprows_mat n k l * 1⇩m n = swaprows k l (1⇩m n)"
by (rule swaprows_mat[symmetric, OF _ k l, of _ n], simp)
also have "swaprows_mat n k l * … = swaprows k l …"
by (rule swaprows_mat[symmetric, of _ _ n], insert k l, auto)
also have "… = 1⇩m n"
by (rule eq_matI, insert k l, auto)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma swaprows_mat_Unit: assumes k: "k < n" and l: "l < n"
shows "swaprows_mat n k l ∈ Units (ring_mat TYPE('a :: semiring_1) n b)"
proof -
interpret m: semiring "ring_mat TYPE('a) n b" by (rule semiring_mat)
show ?thesis unfolding Units_def
by (rule, rule conjI[OF _ bexI[of _ "swaprows_mat n k l"]],
auto simp: ring_mat_def swaprows_mat_inv[OF k l] swaprows_mat_inv[OF l k])
lemma addrow_mat_inv: assumes k: "k < n" and l: "l < n" and neq: "k ≠ l"
shows "addrow_mat n a k l * addrow_mat n (- (a :: 'a :: comm_ring_1)) k l = 1⇩m n"
proof -
have "addrow_mat n a k l * addrow_mat n (- a) k l =
addrow_mat n a k l * (addrow_mat n (- a) k l * 1⇩m n)"
by (simp add: right_mult_one_mat[of _ n])
also have "addrow_mat n (- a) k l * 1⇩m n = addrow (- a) k l (1⇩m n)"
by (rule addrow_mat[symmetric, of _ _ n], insert k l, auto)
also have "addrow_mat n a k l * … = addrow a k l …"
by (rule addrow_mat[symmetric, of _ _ n], insert k l, auto)
also have "… = 1⇩m n"
by (rule eq_matI, insert k l neq, auto, algebra)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma addrow_mat_Unit: assumes k: "k < n" and l: "l < n" and neq: "k ≠ l"
shows "addrow_mat n a k l ∈ Units (ring_mat TYPE('a :: comm_ring_1) n b)"
proof -
interpret m: semiring "ring_mat TYPE('a) n b" by (rule semiring_mat)
show ?thesis unfolding Units_def
by (rule, rule conjI[OF _ bexI[of _ "addrow_mat n (- a) k l"]], insert neq,
auto simp: ring_mat_def addrow_mat_inv[OF k l neq],
rule trans[OF _ addrow_mat_inv[OF k l neq, of "- a"]], auto)
lemma multrow_mat_inv: assumes k: "k < n" and a: "(a :: 'a :: division_ring) ≠ 0"
shows "multrow_mat n k a * multrow_mat n k (inverse a) = 1⇩m n"
proof -
have "multrow_mat n k a * multrow_mat n k (inverse a) =
multrow_mat n k a * (multrow_mat n k (inverse a) * 1⇩m n)"
using k by (simp add: right_mult_one_mat[of _ n])
also have "multrow_mat n k (inverse a) * 1⇩m n = multrow k (inverse a) (1⇩m n)"
by (rule multrow_mat[symmetric, of _ _ n], insert k, auto)
also have "multrow_mat n k a * … = multrow k a …"
by (rule multrow_mat[symmetric, of _ _ n], insert k, auto)
also have "… = 1⇩m n"
by (rule eq_matI, insert a k a, auto)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma multrow_mat_Unit: assumes k: "k < n" and a: "(a :: 'a :: division_ring) ≠ 0"
shows "multrow_mat n k a ∈ Units (ring_mat TYPE('a) n b)"
proof -
from a have ia: "inverse a ≠ 0" by auto
interpret m: semiring "ring_mat TYPE('a) n b" by (rule semiring_mat)
show ?thesis unfolding Units_def
by (rule, rule conjI[OF _ bexI[of _ "multrow_mat n k (inverse a)"]], insert a,
auto simp: ring_mat_def multrow_mat_inv[OF k],
rule trans[OF _ multrow_mat_inv[OF k ia]], insert a, auto)
subsection ‹Gauss-Jordan Elimination›
fun eliminate_entries_rec where
"eliminate_entries_rec B i [] = B"
| "eliminate_entries_rec B i ((ai'j,i') # is) = (
eliminate_entries_rec (mat_addrow_gen ((+) :: 'b :: ring_1 ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b) (*) ai'j i' i B) i is)"
fixes minus :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a"
and times :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a"
definition eliminate_entries_gen :: "(nat ⇒ 'a) ⇒ 'a mat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a mat" where
"eliminate_entries_gen v A I J = mat (dim_row A) (dim_col A) (λ (i, j).
if i ≠ I then minus (A $$ (i,j)) (times (v i) (A $$ (I,j))) else A $$ (i,j))"
lemma dim_eliminate_entries_gen[simp]: "dim_row (eliminate_entries_gen v B i as) = dim_row B"
"dim_col (eliminate_entries_gen v B i as) = dim_col B"
unfolding eliminate_entries_gen_def by auto
lemma dimc_eliminate_entries_rec[simp]: "dim_col (eliminate_entries_rec B i as) = dim_col B"
by (induct as arbitrary: B, auto simp: Let_def)
lemma dimr_eliminate_entries_rec[simp]: "dim_row (eliminate_entries_rec B i as) = dim_row B"
by (induct as arbitrary: B, auto simp: Let_def)
lemma carrier_eliminate_entries: "A ∈ carrier_mat nr nc ⟹ eliminate_entries_gen v A i bs ∈ carrier_mat nr nc"
"B ∈ carrier_mat nr nc ⟹ eliminate_entries_rec B i as ∈ carrier_mat nr nc"
unfolding carrier_mat_def by auto
abbreviation "eliminate_entries ≡ eliminate_entries_gen (-) ((*) :: 'a :: ring_1 ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a)"
lemma eliminate_entries_convert:
assumes jA: "J < dim_col A" and *: "I < dim_row A" "dim_row B = dim_row A"
shows "eliminate_entries (λ i. A $$ (i,J)) B I J =
eliminate_entries_rec B I (map (λ i. (- A $$ (i, J), i)) (filter (λ i. i ≠ I) [0 ..< dim_row A]))"
proof -
let ?ais = "λ is. map (λ i. (- A $$ (i, J), i)) (filter (λ i. i ≠ I) is)"
define one_go where "one_go = (λ B is. mat (dim_row B) (dim_col B) (λ (i, j).
if i ≠ I ∧ i ∈ set is then B $$ (i,j) - (A $$ (i,J)) * B $$ (I,j) else B $$ (i,j)))"
fix "is" :: "nat list"
assume "distinct is"
from * this have "eliminate_entries_rec B I (?ais is) = one_go B is"
proof (induct "is" arbitrary: B)
case Nil
show ?case unfolding one_go_def
by (rule eq_matI, auto)
case (Cons i "is")
note I = Cons(2) note dim = Cons(3)
note II = Cons(2)[folded dim]
let ?B = "addrow (- A $$ (i, J)) i I B"
from Cons(4) I dim have "I < dim_row A" "dim_row ?B = dim_row A" and dist: "distinct is" by auto
note IH = Cons(1)[OF this]
from Cons(4) have i: "i ∉ set is" by auto
show ?case
proof (cases "i = I")
case False
hence id: "?ais (i # is) = (- A $$ (i, J), i) # ?ais is" by simp
show ?thesis unfolding id eliminate_entries_rec.simps IH
unfolding one_go_def index_mat_addrow
proof (rule eq_matI, goal_cases)
case (1 ii jj)
hence ii: "ii < dim_row B" and jj: "jj < dim_col B" and iiA: "ii < dim_row A" using dim by auto
show ?case unfolding index_mat[OF ii jj] split
index_mat_addrow(1)[OF ii jj] index_mat_addrow(1)[OF II jj]
using i False by auto
qed auto
case True
hence id: "?ais (i # is) = ?ais is" by simp
show ?thesis unfolding id Cons(1)[OF I dim dist]
unfolding one_go_def True by auto
} note main = this
show ?thesis
by (subst main, force, unfold one_go_def eliminate_entries_gen_def, rule eq_matI,
insert *, auto)
lemma Unit_prod_eliminate_entries: "i < nr ⟹ (⋀ a i'. (a, i') ∈ set is ⟹ i' < nr ∧ i' ≠ i)
⟹ ∃ P ∈ Units (ring_mat TYPE('a :: comm_ring_1) nr b) . ∀ B nc. B ∈ carrier_mat nr nc ⟶ eliminate_entries_rec B i is = P * B"
proof (induct "is")
case Nil
thus ?case by (intro bexI[of _ "1⇩m nr"], auto simp: Units_def ring_mat_def)
case (Cons ai' "is")
obtain a i' where ai': "ai' = (a,i')" by force
let ?U = "Units (ring_mat TYPE('a) nr b)"
interpret m: ring "ring_mat TYPE('a) nr b" by (rule ring_mat)
from Cons(1)[OF Cons(2-3)]
obtain P where P: "P ∈ ?U" and id: "⋀ B nc . B ∈ carrier_mat nr nc ⟹
eliminate_entries_rec B i is = P * B" by force
let ?Add = "addrow_mat nr a i' i"
have Add: "?Add ∈ ?U"
by (rule addrow_mat_Unit, insert Cons ai', auto)
from m.Units_m_closed[OF P Add] have PI: "P * ?Add ∈ ?U" unfolding ring_mat_def by simp
from m.Units_closed[OF P] have P: "P ∈ carrier_mat nr nr" unfolding ring_mat_def by simp
show ?case
proof (rule bexI[OF _ PI], intro allI impI)
fix B :: "'a mat" and nc
assume BB: "B ∈ carrier_mat nr nc"
let ?B = "addrow a i' i B"
from BB have B: "?B ∈ carrier_mat nr nc" by simp
from id[OF B] have id: "eliminate_entries_rec ?B i is = P * ?B" .
have id2: "eliminate_entries_rec B i (ai' # is) = eliminate_entries_rec ?B i is" unfolding ai' by simp
show "eliminate_entries_rec B i (ai' # is) = P * ?Add * B"
unfolding id2 id unfolding addrow_mat[OF BB Cons(2)]
by (rule assoc_mult_mat[symmetric, OF P _ BB], auto)
function gauss_jordan_main :: "'a :: field mat ⇒ 'a mat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a mat × 'a mat" where
"gauss_jordan_main A B i j = (let nr = dim_row A; nc = dim_col A in
if i < nr ∧ j < nc then let aij = A $$ (i,j) in if aij = 0 then
(case [ i' . i' <- [Suc i ..< nr], A $$ (i',j) ≠ 0]
of [] ⇒ gauss_jordan_main A B i (Suc j)
| (i' # _) ⇒ gauss_jordan_main (swaprows i i' A) (swaprows i i' B) i j)
else if aij = 1 then let
v = (λ i. A $$ (i,j)) in
(eliminate_entries v A i j) (eliminate_entries v B i j) (Suc i) (Suc j)
else let iaij = inverse aij in gauss_jordan_main (multrow i iaij A) (multrow i iaij B) i j
else (A,B))"
by pat_completeness auto
proof -
let ?R = "measures [λ (A :: 'a :: field mat,B,i,j). dim_col A - j,
λ (A,B,i,j). if A $$ (i,j) = 0 then 2 else if A $$ (i,j) = 1 then 0 else 1]"
show ?thesis
show "wf ?R" by auto
fix A B :: "'a mat" and i j nr nc a i' "is"
assume *: "nr = dim_row A" "nc = dim_col A" "i < nr ∧ j < nc" "a = A $$ (i, j)" "a = 0"
and ne: "[ i' . i' <- [Suc i ..< nr], A $$ (i',j) ≠ 0] = i' # is"
from ne have "i' ∈ set ([ i' . i' <- [Suc i ..< nr], A $$ (i',j) ≠ 0])" by auto
with *
show "((swaprows i i' A, swaprows i i' B, i, j), A, B, i, j) ∈ ?R" by auto
qed auto
declare gauss_jordan_main.simps[simp del]
definition "gauss_jordan A B ≡ gauss_jordan_main A B 0 0"
lemma gauss_jordan_transform: assumes A: "A ∈ carrier_mat nr nc" and B: "B ∈ carrier_mat nr nc'"
and res: "gauss_jordan (A :: 'a :: field mat) B = (A',B')"
shows "∃ P ∈ Units (ring_mat TYPE('a) nr b). A' = P * A ∧ B' = P * B"
proof -
let ?U = "Units (ring_mat TYPE('a) nr b)"
interpret m: ring "ring_mat TYPE('a) nr b" by (rule ring_mat)
fix i j :: nat
assume "gauss_jordan_main A B i j = (A',B')"
with A B
have "∃ P ∈ ?U. A' = P * A ∧ B' = P * B"
proof (induction A B i j rule: gauss_jordan_main.induct)
case (1 A B i j)
note A = 1(5)
hence dim: "dim_row A = nr" "dim_col A = nc" by auto
note B = 1(6)
hence dimB: "dim_row B = nr" "dim_col B = nc'" by auto
note IH = 1(1-4)[OF dim[symmetric]]
note res = 1(7)
note simp = gauss_jordan_main.simps[of A B i j] Let_def
let ?g = "gauss_jordan_main A B i j"
show ?case
proof (cases "i < nr ∧ j < nc")
case False
with res have res: "A' = A" "B' = B" unfolding simp dim by auto
show ?thesis unfolding res
by (rule bexI[of _ "1⇩m nr"], insert A B, auto simp: Units_def ring_mat_def)
case True note valid = this
note IH = IH[OF valid refl]
show ?thesis
proof (cases "A $$ (i,j) = 0")
case False note nZ = this
note IH = IH(3-4)[OF nZ]
show ?thesis
proof (cases "A $$ (i,j) = 1")
case False note nO = this
let ?inv = "inverse (A $$ (i,j))"
from nO nZ valid res
have "gauss_jordan_main (multrow i ?inv A) (multrow i ?inv B) i j = (A',B')"
unfolding simp dim by simp
note IH = IH(2)[OF nO refl, unfolded multrow_carrier, OF A B this]
from IH obtain P where P: "P ∈ ?U" and
id: "A' = P * multrow i ?inv A" "B' = P * multrow i ?inv B" by blast
let ?Inv = "multrow_mat nr i ?inv"
from nZ valid have "i < nr" "?inv ≠ 0" by auto
from multrow_mat_Unit[OF this]
have Inv: "?Inv ∈ ?U" .
from m.Units_m_closed[OF P Inv] have PI: "P * ?Inv ∈ ?U" unfolding ring_mat_def by simp
from m.Units_closed[OF P] have P: "P ∈ carrier_mat nr nr" unfolding ring_mat_def by simp
show ?thesis unfolding id unfolding multrow_mat[OF A] multrow_mat[OF B]
by (rule bexI[OF _ PI], intro conjI,
rule assoc_mult_mat[symmetric, OF P _ A], simp,
rule assoc_mult_mat[symmetric, OF P _ B], simp)
case True note O = this
let ?is = "filter (λ i'. i' ≠ i) [0 ..< nr]"
let ?ais = "map (λ i'. (-A $$ (i',j), i')) ?is"
let ?E = "λ B. eliminate_entries (λ i. A $$ (i,j)) B i j"
let ?EE = "λ B. eliminate_entries_rec B i ?ais"
let ?A = "?E A"
let ?B = "?E B"
let ?AA = "?EE A"
let ?BB = "?EE B"
from O nZ valid res have "gauss_jordan_main ?A ?B (Suc i) (Suc j) = (A',B')"
unfolding simp dim by simp
note IH = IH(1)[OF O refl carrier_eliminate_entries(1)[OF A] carrier_eliminate_entries(1)[OF B] this]
from IH obtain P where P: "P ∈ ?U" and id: "A' = P * ?A" "B' = P * ?B" by blast
have *: "j < dim_col A" "i < dim_row A" by (auto simp add: dim valid)
have "∃P∈?U. ∀ B nc. B ∈ carrier_mat nr nc ⟶ ?EE B = P * B"
by (rule Unit_prod_eliminate_entries, insert valid, auto)
then obtain Q where Q: "Q ∈ ?U" and QQ: "⋀ B nc. B ∈ carrier_mat nr nc ⟹ ?EE B = Q * B" by auto
fix B :: "'a mat" and nc
assume B: "B ∈ carrier_mat nr nc"
with dim have "dim_row B = dim_row A" by auto
from eliminate_entries_convert[OF * this]
have "?E B = ?EE B" using dim by simp
also have "… = Q * B" using QQ[OF B] by simp
finally have "?E B = Q * B" .
} note QQ = this
have id3: "?A = Q * A" by (rule QQ[OF A])
have id4: "?B = Q * B" by (rule QQ[OF B])
from m.Units_closed[OF P] have Pc: "P ∈ carrier_mat nr nr" unfolding ring_mat_def by simp
from m.Units_closed[OF Q] have Qc: "Q ∈ carrier_mat nr nr" unfolding ring_mat_def by simp
from m.Units_m_closed[OF P Q] have PQ: "P * Q ∈ ?U" unfolding ring_mat_def by simp
show ?thesis unfolding id unfolding id3 id4
by (rule bexI[OF _ PQ], rule conjI,
rule assoc_mult_mat[symmetric, OF Pc Qc A],
rule assoc_mult_mat[symmetric, OF Pc Qc B])
case True note Z = this
note IH = IH(1-2)[OF Z]
let ?is = "[ i' . i' <- [Suc i ..< nr], A $$ (i',j) ≠ 0]"
show ?thesis
proof (cases ?is)
case Nil
from Z valid res have id: "gauss_jordan_main A B i (Suc j) = (A',B')" unfolding simp dim Nil by simp
from IH(1)[OF Nil A B this] show ?thesis unfolding id .
case (Cons i' iis)
from Z valid res have "gauss_jordan_main (swaprows i i' A) (swaprows i i' B) i j = (A',B')"
unfolding simp dim Cons by simp
from IH(2)[OF Cons, unfolded swaprows_carrier, OF A B this]
obtain P where P: "P ∈ ?U" and
id: "A' = P * swaprows i i' A" "B' = P * swaprows i i' B" by blast
let ?Swap = "swaprows_mat nr i i'"
from Cons have "i' ∈ set ?is" by auto
with valid have i': "i < nr" "i' < nr" by auto
from swaprows_mat_Unit[OF this] have Swap: "?Swap ∈ ?U" .
from m.Units_m_closed[OF P Swap] have PI: "P * ?Swap ∈ ?U" unfolding ring_mat_def by simp
from m.Units_closed[OF P] have P: "P ∈ carrier_mat nr nr" unfolding ring_mat_def by simp
show ?thesis unfolding id swaprows_mat[OF A i'] swaprows_mat[OF B i']
by (rule bexI[OF _ PI], rule conjI,
rule assoc_mult_mat[symmetric, OF P _ A], simp,
rule assoc_mult_mat[symmetric, OF P _ B], simp)
from this[of 0 0, folded gauss_jordan_def, OF res] show ?thesis .
lemma gauss_jordan_carrier: assumes A: "(A :: 'a :: field mat) ∈ carrier_mat nr nc"
and B: "B ∈ carrier_mat nr nc'"
and res: "gauss_jordan A B = (A',B')"
shows "A' ∈ carrier_mat nr nc" "B' ∈ carrier_mat nr nc'"
proof -
from gauss_jordan_transform[OF A B res, of undefined]
obtain P where P: "P ∈ Units (ring_mat TYPE('a) nr undefined)"
and id: "A' = P * A" "B' = P * B" by auto
from P have P: "P ∈ carrier_mat nr nr" unfolding Units_def ring_mat_def by auto
show "A' ∈ carrier_mat nr nc" "B' ∈ carrier_mat nr nc'" unfolding id
using P A B by auto
definition pivot_fun :: "'a :: {zero,one} mat ⇒ (nat ⇒ nat) ⇒ nat ⇒ bool" where
"pivot_fun A f nc ≡ let nr = dim_row A in
(∀ i < nr. f i ≤ nc ∧
(f i < nc ⟶ A $$ (i, f i) = 1 ∧ (∀ i' < nr. i' ≠ i ⟶ A $$ (i',f i) = 0)) ∧
(∀ j < f i. A $$ (i, j) = 0) ∧
(Suc i < nr ⟶ f (Suc i) > f i ∨ f (Suc i) = nc))"
lemma pivot_funI: assumes d: "dim_row A = nr"
and *: "⋀ i. i < nr ⟹ f i ≤ nc"
"⋀ i j. i < nr ⟹ j < f i ⟹ A $$ (i,j) = 0"
"⋀ i. i < nr ⟹ Suc i < nr ⟹ f (Suc i) > f i ∨ f (Suc i) = nc"
"⋀ i. i < nr ⟹ f i < nc ⟹ A $$ (i, f i) = 1"
"⋀ i i'. i < nr ⟹ f i < nc ⟹ i' < nr ⟹ i' ≠ i ⟹ A $$ (i',f i) = 0"
shows "pivot_fun A f nc"
unfolding pivot_fun_def Let_def d using * by blast
lemma pivot_funD: assumes d: "dim_row A = nr"
and p: "pivot_fun A f nc"
shows "⋀ i. i < nr ⟹ f i ≤ nc"
"⋀ i j. i < nr ⟹ j < f i ⟹ A $$ (i,j) = 0"
"⋀ i. i < nr ⟹ Suc i < nr ⟹ f (Suc i) > f i ∨ f (Suc i) = nc"
"⋀ i. i < nr ⟹ f i < nc ⟹ A $$ (i, f i) = 1"
"⋀ i i'. i < nr ⟹ f i < nc ⟹ i' < nr ⟹ i' ≠ i ⟹ A $$ (i',f i) = 0"
using p unfolding pivot_fun_def Let_def d by blast+
lemma pivot_fun_multrow: assumes p: "pivot_fun A f jj"
and d: "dim_row A = nr" "dim_col A = nc"
and fi: "f i0 = jj"
and jj: "jj ≤ nc"
shows "pivot_fun (multrow i0 a A) f jj"
proof -
note p = pivot_funD[OF d(1) p]
let ?A = "multrow i0 a A"
have "dim_row ?A = nr" using d by simp
thus ?thesis
proof (rule pivot_funI)
fix i
assume i: "i < nr"
note p = p[OF i]
show "f i ≤ jj" by fact
show "Suc i < nr ⟹ f i < f (Suc i) ∨ f (Suc i) = jj" by fact
fix i'
assume *: "f i < jj" "i' < nr" "i' ≠ i"
from p(5)[OF this]
show "?A $$ (i', f i) = 0"
by (subst index_mat_multrow(1), insert * d jj, auto)
assume *: "f i < jj"
from p(4)[OF this] have A: "A $$ (i, f i) = 1" by auto
show "?A $$ (i, f i) = 1"
by (subst index_mat_multrow(1), insert * d i A jj fi, auto)
fix j
assume j: "j < f i"
from p(2)[OF j]
show "?A $$ (i, j) = 0"
by (subst index_mat_multrow(1), insert j d i p jj fi, auto)
lemma pivot_fun_swaprows: assumes p: "pivot_fun A f jj"
and d: "dim_row A = nr" "dim_col A = nc"
and flk: "f l = jj" "f k = jj"
and nr: "l < nr" "k < nr"
and jj: "jj ≤ nc"
shows "pivot_fun (swaprows l k A) f jj"
proof -
note pivot = pivot_funD[OF d(1) p]
let ?A = "swaprows l k A"
have "dim_row ?A = nr" using d by simp
thus ?thesis
proof (rule pivot_funI)
fix i
assume i: "i < nr"
note p = pivot[OF i]
show "f i ≤ jj" by fact
show "Suc i < nr ⟹ f i < f (Suc i) ∨ f (Suc i) = jj" by fact
fix i'
assume *: "f i < jj" "i' < nr" "i' ≠ i"
from *(1) flk have diff: "l ≠ i" "k ≠ i" by auto
from p(5)[OF *] p(5)[OF *(1) nr(1) diff(1)] p(5)[OF *(1) nr(2) diff(2)]
show "?A $$ (i', f i) = 0"
by (subst index_mat_swaprows(1), insert * d jj, auto)
assume *: "f i < jj"
from p(4)[OF this] have A: "A $$ (i, f i) = 1" by auto
show "?A $$ (i, f i) = 1"
by (subst index_mat_swaprows(1), insert * d i A jj flk, auto)
fix j
assume j: "j < f i"
with p(1) flk have le: "j < f l" "j < f k" by auto
from p(2)[OF j] pivot(2)[OF nr(1) le(1)] pivot(2)[OF nr(2) le(2)]
show "?A $$ (i, j) = 0"
by (subst index_mat_swaprows(1), insert j d i p jj, auto)
lemma pivot_fun_eliminate_entries: assumes p: "pivot_fun A f jj"
and d: "dim_row A = nr" "dim_col A = nc"
and fl: "f l = jj"
and nr: "l < nr"
and jj: "jj ≤ nc"
shows "pivot_fun (eliminate_entries vs A l j) f jj"
proof -
note pD = pivot_funD[OF d(1) p]
fix i j
assume *: "i < nr" "j < f i"
from pD(1)[OF this(1)] this(2) jj have j: "j < nc" by auto
from pD nr fl * j have "A $$ (l, j) = 0" by (meson less_le_trans)
note j this
} note hint = this
show ?thesis by (rule pivot_funI, insert fl nr jj pD, auto simp: eliminate_entries_gen_def d hint)
definition row_echelon_form :: "'a :: {zero,one} mat ⇒ bool" where
"row_echelon_form A ≡ ∃ f. pivot_fun A f (dim_col A)"
lemma pivot_fun_init: "pivot_fun A (λ _. 0) 0"
by (rule pivot_funI, auto)
lemma gauss_jordan_main_row_echelon:
"A ∈ carrier_mat nr nc"
"gauss_jordan_main A B i j = (A',B')"
"pivot_fun A f j"
"⋀ i'. i' < i ⟹ f i' < j" "⋀ i'. i' ≥ i ⟹ f i' = j"
"i ≤ nr" "j ≤ nc"
shows "row_echelon_form A'"
proof -
fix b
interpret m: ring "ring_mat TYPE('a) nr b" by (rule ring_mat)
show ?thesis
using assms
proof (induct A B i j arbitrary: f rule: gauss_jordan_main.induct)
case (1 A B i j f)
note A = 1(5)
hence dim: "dim_row A = nr" "dim_col A = nc" by auto
note res = 1(6)
note pivot = 1(7)
note f = 1(8-9)
note ij = 1(10-11)
note IH = 1(1-4)[OF dim[symmetric]]
note simp = gauss_jordan_main.simps[of A B i j] Let_def
let ?g = "gauss_jordan_main A B i j"
show ?case
proof (cases "i < nr ∧ j < nc")
case False note nij = this
with res have id: "A' = A" unfolding simp dim by auto
have "pivot_fun A f nc"
proof (cases "j ≥ nc")
case True
with ij have j: "j = nc" by auto
with pivot show "pivot_fun A f nc" by simp
case False
hence j: "j < nc" by simp
from False nij ij have i: "i = nr" by auto
note f = f[unfolded i]
note p = pivot_funD[OF dim(1) pivot]
show ?thesis
proof (rule pivot_funI[OF dim(1)])
fix i
assume i: "i < nr"
note p = p[OF i]
from p(1) j show "f i ≤ nc" by simp
from f(1)[OF i] have fij: "f i < j" .
from p(4)[OF fij] show "A $$ (i, f i) = 1" .
from p(5)[OF fij] show "⋀ i'. i' < nr ⟹ i' ≠ i ⟹ A $$ (i', f i) = 0" .
show "⋀ j. j < f i ⟹ A $$ (i, j) = 0" by (rule p(2))
assume "Suc i < nr"
with p(3)[OF this] f
show "f i < f (Suc i) ∨ f (Suc i) = nc" by auto
thus ?thesis using pivot unfolding id row_echelon_form_def dim by blast
case True note valid = this
hence sij: "Suc i ≤ nr" "Suc j ≤ nc" by auto
note IH = IH[OF valid refl]
show ?thesis
proof (cases "A $$ (i,j) = 0")
case False note nZ = this
note IH = IH(3-4)[OF nZ]
show ?thesis
proof (cases "A $$ (i,j) = 1")
case False note nO = this
let ?inv = "inverse (A $$ (i,j))"
let ?A = "multrow i ?inv A"
from nO nZ valid res have id: "gauss_jordan_main (multrow i ?inv A) (multrow i ?inv B) i j = (A', B')"
unfolding simp dim by simp
have "pivot_fun ?A f j"
by (rule pivot_fun_multrow[OF pivot dim f(2) ij(2)], auto)
note IH = IH(2)[OF nO refl, unfolded multrow_carrier, OF A id this f ij]
show ?thesis unfolding id using IH .
case True note O = this
let ?E = "λ B. eliminate_entries (λ i. A $$ (i,j)) B i j"
let ?A = "?E A"
let ?B = "?E B"
define E where "E = ?A"
let ?f = "λ i'. if i' = i then j else if i' > i then Suc j else f i'"
have pivot: "pivot_fun E f j" unfolding E_def
by (rule pivot_fun_eliminate_entries[OF pivot dim f(2)], insert valid, auto)
fix i'
assume i': "i' < nr"
have "E $$ (i', j) = (if i' = i then 1 else 0)"
unfolding E_def eliminate_entries_gen_def using dim O i' valid by auto
} note Ej = this
have E: "E ∈ carrier_mat nr nc" unfolding E_def by (rule carrier_eliminate_entries[OF A])
hence dimE: "dim_row E = nr" "dim_col E = nc" by auto
note pivot = pivot_funD[OF dimE(1) pivot]
have "pivot_fun E ?f (Suc j)"
proof (rule pivot_funI[OF dimE(1)])
fix ii
assume ii: "ii < nr"
note p = pivot[OF ii]
show "?f ii ≤ Suc j" using p(1) by simp
fix jj
assume jj: "jj < ?f ii"
show "E $$ (ii,jj) = 0"
proof (cases "ii < i")
case True
with jj have "jj < f ii" by auto
from p(2)[OF this] show ?thesis .
case False note ge = this
with f have fiij: "f ii = j" by simp
show ?thesis
proof (cases "i < ii")
case True
with jj have jj: "jj ≤ j" by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases "jj < j")
case True
with p(2)[of jj] fiij show ?thesis by auto
case False
with jj have jj: "jj = j" by auto
with Ej[OF ii] True show ?thesis by auto
case False
with ge have ii: "ii = i" by simp
with jj have jj: "jj < j" by simp
from p(2)[of jj] ii jj fiij show ?thesis by auto
assume "Suc ii < nr"
from p(3)[OF this] f
show "?f (Suc ii) > ?f ii ∨ ?f (Suc ii) = Suc j" by auto
assume fii: "?f ii < Suc j"
show "E $$ (ii, ?f ii) = 1"
proof (cases "ii = i")
case True
with Ej[of i] valid show ?thesis by auto
case False
with fii have ii: "ii < i" by (auto split: if_splits)
from f(1)[OF this] have "f ii < j" by auto
from p(4)[OF this] ii show ?thesis by simp
fix i'
assume *: "?f ii < Suc j" "i' < nr" "i' ≠ ii"
show "E $$ (i', ?f ii) = 0"
proof (cases "ii = i")
case False
with *(1) have iii: "ii < i" by (auto split: if_splits)
from f(1)[OF this] have "f ii < j" by auto
from p(5)[OF this *(2-3)] show ?thesis using iii by simp
case True
with *(2-3) Ej[of i'] show ?thesis by auto
note IH = IH(1)[OF O refl, folded E_def, OF E _ this _ _ sij]
from O nZ valid res have "gauss_jordan_main E ?B (Suc i) (Suc j) = (A', B')"
unfolding E_def simp dim by simp
note IH = IH[OF this]
show ?thesis
proof (rule IH)
fix i'
assume "i' < Suc i"
thus "?f i' < Suc j" using f[of i'] by (cases "i' < i", auto)
qed auto
case True note Z = this
note IH = IH(1-2)[OF Z]
let ?is = "[ i' . i' <- [Suc i ..< nr], A $$ (i',j) ≠ 0]"
show ?thesis
proof (cases ?is)
case Nil
fix i'
assume "i ≤ i'" and "i' < nr"
hence "i' = i ∨ i' ∈ {Suc i ..< nr}" by auto
from this arg_cong[OF Nil, of set] Z have "A $$ (i',j) = 0" by auto
} note zero = this
let ?f = "λ i'. if i' < i then f i' else Suc j"
note p = pivot_funD[OF dim(1) pivot]
have "pivot_fun A ?f (Suc j)"
proof (rule pivot_funI[OF dim(1)])
fix ii
assume ii: "ii < nr"
note p = p[OF this]
show "?f ii ≤ Suc j" using p(1) by simp
fix jj
assume jj: "jj < ?f ii"
show "A $$ (ii,jj) = 0"
proof (cases "ii < i")
case True
with jj have "jj < f ii" by auto
from p(2)[OF this] show ?thesis .
case False
with jj have ii': "ii ≥ i" and jjj: "jj ≤ j" by auto
from zero[OF ii' ii] have Az: "A $$ (ii,j) = 0" .
show ?thesis
proof (cases "jj < j")
case False
with jjj have "jj = j" by auto
with Az show ?thesis by simp
case True
show ?thesis
by (rule p(2), insert True False f, auto)
assume sii: "Suc ii < nr"
show "?f ii < ?f (Suc ii) ∨ ?f (Suc ii) = Suc j"
using p(3)[OF sii] f by auto
assume fii: "?f ii < Suc j"
thus "A $$ (ii, ?f ii) = 1"
using p(4) f by (cases "ii < i", auto)
fix i'
assume "i' < nr" "i' ≠ ii"
from p(5)[OF _ this] f fii
show "A $$ (i', ?f ii) = 0"
by (cases "ii < i", auto)
note IH = IH(1)[OF Nil A _ this _ _ ij(1) sij(2)]
from Z valid res have "gauss_jordan_main A B i (Suc j) = (A',B')" unfolding simp dim Nil by simp
note IH = IH[OF this]
show ?thesis
by (rule IH, insert f, force+)
case (Cons i' iis)
from arg_cong[OF this, of set] have i': "i' ≥ Suc i" "i' < nr" by auto
from f[of i] f[of "i'"] i' have fij: "f i = j" "f i' = j" by auto
let ?A = "swaprows i i' A"
let ?B = "swaprows i i' B"
have "pivot_fun ?A f j"
by (rule pivot_fun_swaprows[OF pivot dim fij], insert i' ij, auto)
note IH = IH(2)[OF Cons, unfolded swaprows_carrier, OF A _ this f ij]
from Z valid res have id: "gauss_jordan_main ?A ?B i j = (A', B')" unfolding simp dim Cons by simp
note IH = IH[OF this]
show ?thesis using IH .
lemma gauss_jordan_row_echelon:
assumes A: "A ∈ carrier_mat nr nc"
and res: "gauss_jordan A B = (A', B')"
shows "row_echelon_form A'"
by (rule gauss_jordan_main_row_echelon[OF A res[unfolded gauss_jordan_def] pivot_fun_init], auto)
lemma pivot_bound: assumes dim: "dim_row A = nr"
and pivot: "pivot_fun A f n"
shows "i + j < nr ⟹ f (i + j) = n ∨ f (i + j) ≥ j + f i"
proof (induct j)
case (Suc j)
hence IH: "f (i + j) = n ∨ j + f i ≤ f (i + j)"
and lt: "i + j < nr" "Suc (i + j) < nr" by auto
note p = pivot_funD[OF dim pivot]
from p(3)[OF lt] IH p(1)[OF lt(2)] show ?case by auto
qed simp
fixes zero :: 'a
and A :: "'a mat"
and nr nc :: nat
function pivot_positions_main_gen :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ (nat × nat) list" where
"pivot_positions_main_gen i j = (
if i < nr then
if j < nc then
if A $$ (i,j) = zero then
pivot_positions_main_gen i (Suc j)
else (i,j) # pivot_positions_main_gen (Suc i) (Suc j)
else []
else [])" by pat_completeness auto
termination by (relation "measures [(λ (i,j). Suc nr - i), (λ (i,j). Suc nc - j)]", auto)
declare pivot_positions_main_gen.simps[simp del]
fixes A :: "'a :: semiring_1 mat"
and nr nc :: nat
abbreviation "pivot_positions_main ≡ pivot_positions_main_gen (0 :: 'a) A nr nc"
lemma pivot_positions_main: assumes A: "A ∈ carrier_mat nr nc"
and pivot: "pivot_fun A f nc"
shows "j ≤ f i ∨ i ≥ nr ⟹
set (pivot_positions_main i j) = {(i', f i') | i'. i ≤ i' ∧ i' < nr} - UNIV × {nc}
∧ distinct (map snd (pivot_positions_main i j))
∧ distinct (map fst (pivot_positions_main i j))"
proof (induct i j rule: pivot_positions_main_gen.induct[of nr nc A 0])
case (1 i j)
let ?a = "A $$ (i,j)"
let ?pivot = "λ i j. pivot_positions_main i j"
let ?set = "λ i. {(i',f i') | i'. i ≤ i' ∧ i' < nr}"
let ?s = "?set i"
let ?set = "λ i. {(i',f i') | i'. i ≤ i' ∧ i' < nr}"
let ?s = "?set i"
let ?p = "?pivot i j"
from A have dA: "dim_row A = nr" by simp
note [simp] = pivot_positions_main_gen.simps[of 0 A nr nc i j]
show ?case
proof (cases "i < nr")
case True note i = this
note IH = 1(1-2)[OF True]
have jfi: "j ≤ f i" using 1(3) i by auto
note pivotB = pivot_bound[OF dA pivot]
note pivot' = pivot_funD[OF dA pivot]
note pivot = pivot'[OF True]
have id1: "[i ..< nr] = i # [Suc i ..< nr]" using i by (rule upt_conv_Cons)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "j < nc")
case True note j = this
note IH = IH(1-2)[OF True]
show ?thesis
proof (cases "?a = 0")
case True note a = this
from i j a have p: "?p = ?pivot i (Suc j)" by simp
assume "f i = j"
with pivot(4) j have "?a = 1" by simp
with a have False by simp
with jfi have "Suc j ≤ f i ∨ i ≥ nr" by fastforce
note IH = IH(1)[OF True this]
thus ?thesis unfolding p .
case False note a = this
from i j a have p: "?p = (i,j) # ?pivot (Suc i) (Suc j)" by simp
from pivot(2)[of j] jfi a have jfi: "j = f i" by force
from pivotB[of i "Suc 0"] jfi have "Suc j ≤ f (Suc i) ∨ nr ≤ Suc i"
using Suc_le_eq j leI by auto
note IH = IH(2)[OF False this]
fix i'
assume *: "f i = f i'" "Suc i ≤ i'" "i' < nr"
hence "i + (i' - i) = i'" by auto
from pivotB[of i "i' - i", unfolded this] * jfi j have False by auto
} note distinct = this
have id2: "?s = insert (i,j) (?set (Suc i))" using i jfi not_less_eq_eq
by fastforce
show ?thesis using IH j jfi i unfolding p id1 id2 by (auto intro: distinct)
case False note j = this
from pivot(1) j jfi have *: "f i = nc" "nc = j" by auto
from i j have p: "?p = []" by simp
from pivotB[of i "Suc 0"] * have "j ≤ f (Suc i) ∨ nr ≤ Suc i" by auto
fix i'
assume **: "i ≤ i'" "i' < nr"
hence "i + (i' - i) = i'" by auto
from pivotB[of i "i' - i", unfolded this] ** * have "nc ≤ f i'" by auto
with pivot'(1)[OF ‹i' < nr›] have "f i' = nc" by auto
thus ?thesis using IH unfolding p id1 by auto
qed auto
lemma pivot_fun_zero_row_iff: assumes pivot: "pivot_fun (A :: 'a :: semiring_1 mat) f nc"
and A: "A ∈ carrier_mat nr nc"
and i: "i < nr"
shows "f i = nc ⟷ row A i = 0⇩v nc"
proof -
from A have dim: "dim_row A = nr" by auto
note pivot = pivot_funD[OF dim pivot i]
assume "f i = nc"
from pivot(2)[unfolded this]
have "row A i = 0⇩v nc"
by (intro eq_vecI, insert A, auto simp: row_def)
assume row: "row A i = 0⇩v nc"
assume "f i ≠ nc"
with pivot(1) have "f i < nc" by auto
with pivot(4)[OF this] i A arg_cong[OF row, of "λ v. v $ f i"] have False by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
definition pivot_positions_gen :: "'a ⇒ 'a mat ⇒ (nat × nat) list" where
"pivot_positions_gen zer A ≡ pivot_positions_main_gen zer A (dim_row A) (dim_col A) 0 0"
abbreviation pivot_positions :: "'a :: semiring_1 mat ⇒ (nat × nat) list" where
"pivot_positions ≡ pivot_positions_gen 0"
lemmas pivot_positions_def = pivot_positions_gen_def
lemma pivot_positions: assumes A: "A ∈ carrier_mat nr nc"
and pivot: "pivot_fun A f nc"
"set (pivot_positions A) = {(i, f i) | i. i < nr ∧ f i ≠ nc}"
"distinct (map fst (pivot_positions A))"
"distinct (map snd (pivot_positions A))"
"length (pivot_positions A) = card { i. i < nr ∧ row A i ≠ 0⇩v nc}"
proof -
from A have dim: "dim_row A = nr" by auto
let ?pp = "pivot_positions A"
show id: "set ?pp = {(i, f i) | i. i < nr ∧ f i ≠ nc}"
and dist: "distinct (map fst ?pp)"
and "distinct (map snd ?pp)"
using pivot_positions_main[OF A pivot, of 0 0] A
unfolding pivot_positions_def by auto
have "length ?pp = length (map fst ?pp)" by simp
also have "… = card (fst ` set ?pp)" using distinct_card[OF dist] by simp
also have "fst ` set ?pp = { i. i < nr ∧ f i ≠ nc}" unfolding id by force
also have "… = { i. i < nr ∧ row A i ≠ 0⇩v nc}"
using pivot_fun_zero_row_iff[OF pivot A] by auto
finally show "length ?pp = card {i. i < nr ∧ row A i ≠ 0⇩v nc}" .
fixes uminus :: "'a ⇒ 'a"
and zero :: 'a
and one :: 'a
definition non_pivot_base_gen :: "'a mat ⇒ (nat × nat)list ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a vec" where
"non_pivot_base_gen A pivots ≡ let nr = dim_row A; nc = dim_col A;
invers = map_of (map prod.swap pivots)
in (λ qj. vec nc (λ i.
if i = qj then one else (case invers i of Some j => uminus (A $$ (j,qj)) | None ⇒ zero)))"
definition find_base_vectors_gen :: "'a mat ⇒ 'a vec list" where
"find_base_vectors_gen A ≡
pp = pivot_positions_gen zero A;
cands = filter (λ j. j ∉ set (map snd pp)) [0 ..< dim_col A]
in map (non_pivot_base_gen A pp) cands"
abbreviation "non_pivot_base ≡ non_pivot_base_gen uminus 0 (1 :: 'a :: comm_ring_1)"
abbreviation "find_base_vectors ≡ find_base_vectors_gen uminus 0 (1 :: 'a :: comm_ring_1)"
lemmas non_pivot_base_def = non_pivot_base_gen_def
lemmas find_base_vectors_def = find_base_vectors_gen_def
text ‹The soundness of @{const find_base_vectors} is proven in theory Matrix-Kern,
where it is shown that @{const find_base_vectors} is a basis of the kern of $A$.›
definition find_base_vector :: "'a :: comm_ring_1 mat ⇒ 'a vec" where
"find_base_vector A ≡
pp = pivot_positions A;
cands = filter (λ j. j ∉ set (map snd pp)) [0 ..< dim_col A]
in non_pivot_base A pp (hd cands)"
fixes A :: "'a :: field mat" and nr nc :: nat and p :: "nat ⇒ nat"
assumes ref: "row_echelon_form A"
and A: "A ∈ carrier_mat nr nc"
lemma non_pivot_base:
defines pp: "pp ≡ pivot_positions A"
assumes qj: "qj < nc" "qj ∉ snd ` set pp"
shows "non_pivot_base A pp qj ∈ carrier_vec nc"
"non_pivot_base A pp qj $ qj = 1"
"A *⇩v non_pivot_base A pp qj = 0⇩v nr"
"⋀ qj'. qj' < nc ⟹ qj' ∉ snd ` set pp ⟹ qj ≠ qj' ⟹ non_pivot_base A pp qj $ qj' = 0"
proof -
from A have dim: "dim_row A = nr" "dim_col A = nc" by auto
from ref[unfolded row_echelon_form_def] obtain p
where pivot: "pivot_fun A p nc" using dim by auto
note pivot' = pivot_funD[OF dim(1) pivot]
note pp = pivot_positions[OF A pivot, folded pp]
let ?p = "λ i. i < nr ∧ p i = nc ∨ i = nr"
let ?spp = "map prod.swap pp"
let ?map = "map_of ?spp"
define I where "I = (λ i. case map_of (map prod.swap pp) i of Some j ⇒ - A $$ (j,qj) | None ⇒ 0)"
have d: "non_pivot_base A pp qj = vec nc (λ i. if i = qj then 1 else I i)"
unfolding non_pivot_base_def Let_def dim I_def ..
from pp have dist: "distinct (map fst ?spp)"
unfolding map_map o_def prod.swap_def by auto
let ?r = "set (map snd pp)"
have r: "?r = p ` {0 ..< nr} - {nc}" unfolding set_map pp by force
let ?l = "set (map fst pp)"
from qj have qj': "qj ∉ p ` {0 ..< nr}" using r by auto
let ?v = "non_pivot_base A pp qj"
let ?P = "p ` {0 ..< nr}"
have dimv: "dim_vec ?v = nc" unfolding d by simp
thus "?v ∈ carrier_vec nc" unfolding carrier_vec_def by auto
show vqj: "?v $ qj = 1" unfolding d using qj by auto
fix qj'
assume *: "qj' < nc" "qj ≠ qj'" "qj' ∉ snd ` set pp"
hence "?map qj' = None" unfolding map_of_eq_None_iff by force
hence "I qj' = 0" unfolding I_def by simp
with * show "non_pivot_base A pp qj $ qj' = 0"
unfolding d by simp
fix i
assume i: "i < nr"
let ?I = "{j. ?map j = Some i}"
have "row A i ∙ ?v = 0"
proof -
have id: "({0..<nc} ∩ ?P) ∪ ({0..<nc} - ?P) = {0..<nc}" by auto
let ?e = "λ j. row A i $ j * ?v $ j"
let ?e' = "λ j. (if ?map j = Some i then - A $$ (i, qj) else 0)"
fix j
assume j: "j < nc" "j ∈ ?P"
then obtain ii where ii: "ii < nr" and jpi: "j = p ii" and pii: "p ii < nc" by auto
hence mem: "(ii,j) ∈ set pp" and "(j,ii) ∈ set ?spp" by (auto simp: pp)
from map_of_is_SomeI[OF dist this(2)]
have map: "?map j = Some ii" by auto
from mem j qj have jqj: "j ≠ qj" by force
note p = pivot'(4-5)[OF ii pii]
define start where "start = ?e j"
have "start = A $$ (i,j) * ?v $ j" using j i A by (auto simp: start_def)
also have "A $$ (i,j) = A $$ (i, p ii)" unfolding jpi ..
also have "… = (if i = ii then 1 else 0)" using p(1) p(2)[OF i] by auto
also have "… * ?v $ j = (if i = ii then ?v $ j else 0)" by simp
also have "?v $ j = I j" unfolding d
using j jqj A by auto
also have "I j = - A $$