Theory BVProgressThreaded

(*  Title:      JinjaThreads/BV/JVMDeadlocked.thy
    Author:     Andreas Lochbihler

section ‹Progress result for both of the multithreaded JVMs›

theory BVProgressThreaded

lemma (in JVM_heap_conf_base') mexec_eq_mexecd:
  " wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP; Φ  t: (xcp, h, frs)    mexec P t ((xcp, frs), h) = mexecd P t ((xcp, frs), h)"
apply(auto intro!: ext)
 apply(unfold exec_1_iff)
 apply(drule no_type_error)
 apply(rule exec_1_d_NormalI)
 apply(simp add: exec_d_def split: if_split_asm)
apply(erule jvmd_NormalE, auto)

(* conformance lifted to multithreaded case *)

context JVM_heap_conf_base begin

  correct_state_ts :: "tyP  ('addr,'thread_id,'addr jvm_thread_state) thread_info  'heap  bool"
  "correct_state_ts Φ  ts_ok (λt (xcp, frstls) h. Φ  t: (xcp, h, frstls) )"

lemma correct_state_ts_thread_conf:
  "correct_state_ts Φ (thr s) (shr s)  thread_conf P (thr s) (shr s)"
by(erule ts_ok_mono)(auto simp add: correct_state_def)

lemma invoke_new_thread:
  assumes "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and "P  C sees M:TsT=(mxs,mxl0,ins,xt) in C"
  and "ins ! pc = Invoke Type.start 0"
  and "P,T,mxs,size ins,xt  ins!pc,pc :: Φ C M"
  and "Φ  t: (None, h, (stk, loc, C, M, pc) # frs) "
  and "typeof_addr h (thread_id2addr a) = Class_type D"
  and "P  D * Thread"
  and "P  D sees run:[]Void=(mxs', mxl0', ins',xt') in D'"
  shows "Φ  a: (None, h, [([], Addr (thread_id2addr a) # replicate mxl0' undefined_value, D', run, 0)]) "
proof -
  from Φ  t: (None, h, (stk, loc, C, M, pc) # frs) 
  have "hconf h" and "preallocated h" by(simp_all add: correct_state_def)
  from P  D sees run:[]Void=(mxs', mxl0', ins',xt') in D'
  have "P  D' sees run:[]Void=(mxs', mxl0', ins',xt') in D'"
    by(rule sees_method_idemp)
  with ‹wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP
  have "wt_start P D' [] mxl0' (Φ D' run)" and "ins'  []"
    by(auto dest: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_start)
  then obtain LT' where LT': "Φ D' run ! 0 = Some ([], LT')"
    by (clarsimp simp add: wt_start_def defs1 sup_state_opt_any_Some)
  have "conf_f P h ([], LT') ins' ([], Addr (thread_id2addr a) # replicate mxl0' undefined_value, D', run, 0)"
  proof -
    let ?LT = "OK (Class D') # (replicate mxl0' Err)"
    have "P,h  replicate mxl0' undefined_value [:≤] replicate mxl0' Err" by simp
    also from P  D sees run:[]Void=(mxs', mxl0', ins',xt') in D'
    have "P  D * D'" by(rule sees_method_decl_above)
    with typeof_addr h (thread_id2addr a) = Class_type D
    have "P,h  Addr (thread_id2addr a) :≤ Class D'"
      by(simp add: conf_def)
    ultimately have "P,h  Addr (thread_id2addr a) # replicate mxl0' undefined_value [:≤] ?LT" by(simp)
    also from wt_start P D' [] mxl0' (Φ D' run) LT'
    have "P   [≤] LT'" by(simp add: wt_start_def)
    finally have "P,h  Addr (thread_id2addr a) # replicate mxl0' undefined_value [:≤] LT'" .
    with ins'  [] show ?thesis by(simp add: conf_f_def)
  moreover from typeof_addr h (thread_id2addr a) = Class_type D P  D * Thread
  have "P,h  a √t" by(rule tconfI)
  ultimately show ?thesis using P  D' sees run:[]Void=(mxs', mxl0', ins',xt') in D'
    by(fastforce simp add: correct_state_def)

lemma exec_new_threadE:
  assumes "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and "P,t  Normal σ -ta-jvmd→ Normal σ'"
  and "Φ  t: σ "
  and "tat  []"
  obtains h frs a stk loc C M pc Ts T mxs mxl0 ins xt M' n Ta ta' va  Us Us' U m' D'
  where "σ = (None, h, (stk, loc, C, M, pc) # frs)"
  and "(ta, σ')  exec P t (None, h, (stk, loc, C, M, pc) # frs)"
  and "P  C sees M: TsT = (mxs, mxl0, ins, xt) in C"
  and "stk ! n = Addr a"
  and "ins ! pc = Invoke M' n"
  and "n < length stk"
  and "typeof_addr h a = Ta"
  and "is_native P Ta M'"
  and "ta = extTA2JVM P ta'"
  and "σ' = extRet2JVM n m' stk loc C M pc frs va"
  and "(ta', va, m')  red_external_aggr P t a M' (rev (take n stk)) h"
  and "map typeof⇘h(rev (take n stk)) = map Some Us"
  and "P  class_type_of Ta sees M':Us'U = Native in D'"
  and "D'M'(Us') :: U"
  and "P  Us [≤] Us'"
proof -
  from P,t  Normal σ -ta-jvmd→ Normal σ' obtain h f Frs xcp
    where check: "check P σ"
    and exec: "(ta, σ')  exec P t σ"
    and [simp]: "σ = (xcp, h, f # Frs)"
    by(rule jvmd_NormalE)
  obtain stk loc C M pc where [simp]: "f = (stk, loc, C, M, pc)"
    by(cases f, blast)
  from tat  [] exec have [simp]: "xcp = None" by(cases xcp) auto
  from Φ  t: σ 
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 ins xt ST LT 
    where "hconf h" "preallocated h"
    and sees: "P  C sees M: TsT = (mxs, mxl0, ins, xt) in C"
    and "Φ C M ! pc = (ST, LT)"
    and "conf_f P h (ST, LT) ins (stk, loc, C, M, pc)"
    and "conf_fs P h Φ M (length Ts) T Frs"
    by(fastforce simp add: correct_state_def)
  from check Φ C M ! pc = (ST, LT) sees
  have checkins: "check_instr (ins ! pc) P h stk loc C M pc Frs"
    by(clarsimp simp add: check_def)
  from sees tat  [] exec obtain M' n where [simp]: "ins ! pc = Invoke M' n"
    by(cases "ins ! pc", auto split: if_split_asm simp add: split_beta ta_upd_simps)
  from ‹wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP obtain wfmd where wfp: "wf_prog wfmd P" by(auto dest: wt_jvm_progD)
  from checkins have "n < length stk" "is_Ref (stk ! n)" by auto
  moreover from exec sees tat  [] have "stk ! n  Null" by auto
  with is_Ref (stk ! n) obtain a where "stk ! n = Addr a"
    by(auto simp add: is_Ref_def elim: is_AddrE)
  moreover with checkins obtain Ta where Ta: "typeof_addr h a = Ta" by(fastforce)
  moreover with checkins exec sees n < length stk tat  [] stk ! n = Addr a
  obtain Us Us' U D' where "map typeof⇘h(rev (take n stk)) = map Some Us"
    and "P  class_type_of Ta sees M':Us'U = Native in D'" and "D'M'(Us') :: U"
    and "P  Us [≤] Us'"
    by(auto simp add: confs_conv_map min_def split_beta has_method_def external_WT'_iff split: if_split_asm)
  moreover with typeof_addr h a = Ta n < length stk exec sees stk ! n = Addr a
  obtain ta' va h' where "ta = extTA2JVM P ta'" "σ' = extRet2JVM n h' stk loc C M pc Frs va"
    "(ta', va, h')  red_external_aggr P t a M' (rev (take n stk)) h"
    by(fastforce simp add: min_def)
  ultimately show thesis using exec sees 
    by-(rule that, auto intro!: is_native.intros)


context JVM_conf_read begin

lemma correct_state_new_thread:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and red: "P,t  Normal σ -ta-jvmd→ Normal σ'"
  and cs: "Φ  t: σ "
  and nt: "NewThread t'' (xcp, frs) h''  set tat"
  shows "Φ  t'': (xcp, h'', frs) "
proof -
  from wf obtain wt where wfp: "wf_prog wt P" by(blast dest: wt_jvm_progD)
  from nt have "tat  []" by auto
  with wf red cs
  obtain h Frs a stk loc C M pc Ts T mxs mxl0 ins xt M' n Ta ta' va h' Us Us' U D'
    where [simp]: "σ = (None, h, (stk, loc, C, M, pc) # Frs)"
    and exec: "(ta, σ')  exec P t (None, h, (stk, loc, C, M, pc) # Frs)"
    and sees: "P  C sees M: TsT = (mxs, mxl0, ins, xt) in C"
    and [simp]: "stk ! n = Addr a"
    and [simp]: "ins ! pc = Invoke M' n"
    and n: "n < length stk"
    and Ta: "typeof_addr h a = Ta"
    and iec: "is_native P Ta M'"
    and ta: "ta = extTA2JVM P ta'"
    and σ': "σ' = extRet2JVM n h' stk loc C M pc Frs va"
    and rel: "(ta', va, h')  red_external_aggr P t a M' (rev (take n stk)) h"
    and Us: "map typeof⇘h(rev (take n stk)) = map Some Us"
    and wtext: "P  class_type_of Ta sees M':Us'U = Native in D'" "D'M'(Us') :: U"
    and sub: "P  Us [≤] Us'"
    by(rule exec_new_threadE)
  from cs have hconf: "hconf h" and preh: "preallocated h"
    and tconf: "P,h  t √t" by(auto simp add: correct_state_def)
  from Ta Us wtext sub have wtext': "P,h  aM'(rev (take n stk)) : U"
    by(auto intro!: external_WT'.intros)
  from rel have red: "P,t  aM'(rev (take n stk)), h -ta'→ext va, h'"
    by(unfold WT_red_external_list_conv[OF wfp wtext' tconf])
  from ta nt obtain D M'' a' where nt': "NewThread t'' (D, M'', a') h''  set ta't"
    "(xcp, frs) = extNTA2JVM P (D, M'', a')" by auto
  with red have [simp]: "h'' = h'" by-(rule red_ext_new_thread_heap)
  from red_external_new_thread_sub_thread[OF red nt'(1)]
  have h't'': "typeof_addr h' a' = Class_type D" "P  D * Thread" and [simp]: "M'' = run" by auto
  from red_external_new_thread_exists_thread_object[OF red nt'(1)] 
  have tconf': "P,h'  t'' √t" by(auto intro: tconfI)
  from sub_Thread_sees_run[OF wfp P  D * Thread] obtain mxs' mxl0' ins' xt' D'
    where seesrun: "P  D sees run: []Void = (mxs', mxl0', ins', xt') in D'" by auto
  with nt' ta nt have "xcp = None" "frs = [([],Addr a' # replicate mxl0' undefined_value,D',run,0)]"
    by(auto simp add: extNTA2JVM_def split_beta)
  have "Φ  t'': (None, h', [([], Addr a' # replicate mxl0' undefined_value, D', run, 0)]) "
  proof -
    from red wtext' hconf h have "hconf h'" 
      by(rule external_call_hconf)
    moreover from red have "h  h'" by(rule red_external_hext)
    with preh have "preallocated h'" by(rule preallocated_hext)
    moreover from seesrun
    have seesrun': "P  D' sees run: []Void = (mxs', mxl0', ins', xt') in D'"
      by(rule sees_method_idemp)
    moreover with ‹wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP
    obtain "wt_start P D' [] mxl0' (Φ D' run)" "ins'  []"
      by (auto dest: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_start)    
    then obtain LT' where "Φ D' run ! 0 = Some ([], LT')"
      by (clarsimp simp add: wt_start_def defs1 sup_state_opt_any_Some)
    have "conf_f P h' ([], LT') ins' ([], Addr a' # replicate mxl0' undefined_value, D', run, 0)"
    proof -
      let ?LT = "OK (Class D') # (replicate mxl0' Err)"
      from seesrun have "P  D * D'" by(rule sees_method_decl_above)
      hence "P,h'  Addr a' # replicate mxl0' undefined_value [:≤] ?LT"
        using h't'' by(simp add: conf_def)
      also from wt_start P D' [] mxl0' (Φ D' run) Φ D' run ! 0 = Some ([], LT')
      have "P  ?LT [≤] LT'" by(simp add: wt_start_def)
      finally have "P,h'  Addr a' # replicate mxl0' undefined_value [:≤] LT'" .
      with ins'  [] show ?thesis by(simp add: conf_f_def)
    ultimately show ?thesis using tconf' by(fastforce simp add: correct_state_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis by(clarsimp)

lemma correct_state_heap_change:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and red: "P,t  Normal (xcp, h, frs) -ta-jvmd→ Normal (xcp', h', frs')"
  and cs: "Φ  t: (xcp, h, frs) "
  and cs'': "Φ  t'': (xcp'', h, frs'') "
  shows "Φ  t'': (xcp'', h', frs'') "
proof(cases xcp)
  case None
  from cs have "P,h  t √t" by(simp add: correct_state_def)
  with red have "hext h h'" by (auto intro: exec_1_d_hext simp add: tconf_def)
  from ‹wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP cs red have "Φ  t: (xcp', h', frs') "
    by(auto elim!: jvmd_NormalE intro: BV_correct_1 simp add: exec_1_iff)
  from cs'' have "P,h  t'' √t" by(simp add: correct_state_def)
  with h  h' have tconf': "P,h'  t'' √t" by-(rule tconf_hext_mono)

  from Φ  t: (xcp', h', frs') 
  have hconf': "hconf h'" "preallocated h'" by(simp_all add: correct_state_def)

  show ?thesis
  proof(cases frs'')
    case Nil thus ?thesis using tconf' hconf' by(simp add: correct_state_def)
    case (Cons f'' Frs'')
    obtain stk'' loc'' C0'' M0'' pc''
      where "f'' = (stk'', loc'', C0'', M0'', pc'')"
      by(cases f'', blast)
    with frs'' = f'' # Frs'' cs''
    obtain Ts'' T'' mxs'' mxl0'' ins'' xt'' ST'' LT'' 
      where "hconf h"
      and sees'': "P  C0'' sees M0'': Ts''T'' = (mxs'', mxl0'', ins'', xt'') in C0''"
      and "Φ C0'' M0'' ! pc'' = (ST'', LT'')"
      and "conf_f P h (ST'', LT'') ins'' (stk'', loc'', C0'', M0'', pc'')"
      and "conf_fs P h Φ M0'' (length Ts'') T'' Frs''"
      by(fastforce simp add: correct_state_def)
    show ?thesis using Cons Φ  t'': (xcp'', h, frs'')  hext h h' hconf' tconf'
      apply(cases xcp'')
      apply(auto simp add: correct_state_def)
      apply(blast dest: hext_objD intro: conf_fs_hext conf_f_hext)+
  case (Some a)
  with P,t  Normal (xcp, h, frs) -ta-jvmd→ Normal (xcp', h', frs')
  have "h = h'" by(auto elim!: jvmd_NormalE)
  with Φ  t'': (xcp'', h, frs'')  show ?thesis by simp

lemma lifting_wf_correct_state_d:
  "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP  lifting_wf JVM_final (mexecd P) (λt (xcp, frs) h. Φ  t: (xcp, h, frs) )"
by(unfold_locales)(auto intro: BV_correct_d_1 correct_state_new_thread correct_state_heap_change)

lemma lifting_wf_correct_state:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  shows "lifting_wf JVM_final (mexec P) (λt (xcp, frs) h. Φ  t: (xcp, h, frs) )"
  fix t x m ta x' m'
  assume "mexec P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
    and "(λ(xcp, frs) h. Φ  t: (xcp, h, frs) ) x m"
  with wf show "(λ(xcp, frs) h. Φ  t: (xcp, h, frs) ) x' m'"
    by(cases x)(cases x', simp add: welltyped_commute[symmetric, OF ‹wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP], rule BV_correct_d_1)
  fix t x m ta x' m' t'' x''
  assume "mexec P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
    and "(λ(xcp, frs) h. Φ  t: (xcp, h, frs) ) x m"
    and "NewThread t'' x'' m'  set tat"
  with wf show "(λ(xcp, frs) h. Φ  t'': (xcp, h, frs) ) x'' m'"
    apply(cases x, cases x', cases x'', clarify, unfold welltyped_commute[symmetric, OF ‹wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP])
    by(rule correct_state_new_thread)
  fix t x m ta x' m' t'' x''
  assume "mexec P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
    and "(λ(xcp, frs) h. Φ  t: (xcp, h, frs) ) x m"
    and "(λ(xcp, frs) h. Φ  t'': (xcp, h, frs) ) x'' m"
  with wf show "(λ(xcp, frs) h. Φ  t'': (xcp, h, frs) ) x'' m'"
    by(cases x)(cases x', cases x'', clarify, unfold welltyped_commute[symmetric, OF ‹wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP], rule correct_state_heap_change)

lemmas preserves_correct_state = FWLiftingSem.lifting_wf.RedT_preserves[OF lifting_wf_correct_state]
lemmas preserves_correct_state_d = FWLiftingSem.lifting_wf.RedT_preserves[OF lifting_wf_correct_state_d]


context JVM_heap_conf_base begin

definition correct_jvm_state :: "tyP  ('addr,'thread_id,'addr jvm_thread_state,'heap,'addr) state set"
  "correct_jvm_state Φ
  = {s. correct_state_ts Φ (thr s) (shr s)  lock_thread_ok (locks s) (thr s)}"


context JVM_heap_conf begin

lemma correct_jvm_state_initial:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  shows "JVM_start_state P C M vs  correct_jvm_state Φ"
proof -
  from wf_start obtain Ts T m D 
    where "start_heap_ok" and "P  C sees M:TsT = m in D"
    and "P,start_heap  vs [:≤] Ts" by cases
  with wf BV_correct_initial[OF wf this] show ?thesis
    by(cases m)(auto simp add: correct_jvm_state_def start_state_def JVM_start_state'_def intro: lock_thread_okI ts_okI split: if_split_asm)


context JVM_conf_read begin

lemma invariant3p_correct_jvm_state_mexecdT:
  assumes wf:  "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  shows "invariant3p (mexecdT P) (correct_jvm_state Φ)"
unfolding correct_jvm_state_def
apply(rule invariant3pI)
apply safe
 apply(erule (1) lifting_wf.redT_preserves[OF lifting_wf_correct_state_d[OF wf]])
apply(erule (1) execd_mthr.redT_preserves_lock_thread_ok)

lemma invariant3p_correct_jvm_state_mexecT:
  assumes wf:  "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  shows "invariant3p (mexecT P) (correct_jvm_state Φ)"
unfolding correct_jvm_state_def
apply(rule invariant3pI)
apply safe
 apply(erule (1) lifting_wf.redT_preserves[OF lifting_wf_correct_state[OF wf]])
apply(erule (1) exec_mthr.redT_preserves_lock_thread_ok)

lemma correct_jvm_state_preserved:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and correct: "s  correct_jvm_state Φ"
  and red: "P  s -▹ttasjvm* s'"
  shows "s'  correct_jvm_state Φ"
using wf red correct unfolding exec_mthr.RedT_def
by(rule invariant3p_rtrancl3p[OF invariant3p_correct_jvm_state_mexecT])

theorem jvm_typesafe:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  and exec: "P  JVM_start_state P C M vs -▹ttasjvm* s'"
  shows "s'  correct_jvm_state Φ"
by(rule correct_jvm_state_preserved[OF wf _ exec])(rule correct_jvm_state_initial[OF wf start])


declare (in JVM_typesafe) split_paired_Ex [simp del]

context JVM_heap_conf_base' begin 

lemma execd_NewThread_Thread_Object:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and conf: "Φ  t': σ "
  and red: "P,t'  Normal σ -ta-jvmd→ Normal σ'"
  and nt: "NewThread t x m  set tat"
  shows "C. typeof_addr (fst (snd σ')) (thread_id2addr t) = Class_type C  P  Class C  Class Thread"
proof -
  from wf obtain wfmd where wfp: "wf_prog wfmd P" by(blast dest: wt_jvm_progD)
  from red obtain h f Frs xcp
    where check: "check P σ" 
    and exec: "(ta, σ')  exec P t' σ" 
    and [simp]: "σ = (xcp, h, f # Frs)"
    by(rule jvmd_NormalE)
  obtain xcp' h' frs' where [simp]: "σ' = (xcp', h', frs')" by(cases σ', auto)
  obtain stk loc C M pc where [simp]: "f = (stk, loc, C, M, pc)" by(cases f, blast)
  from exec nt have [simp]: "xcp = None" by(cases xcp, auto)
  from Φ  t': σ  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 ins xt ST LT 
    where "hconf h"
    and "P,h  t' √t"
    and sees: "P  C sees M: TsT = (mxs, mxl0, ins, xt) in C"
    and "Φ C M ! pc = (ST, LT)"
    and "conf_f P h (ST, LT) ins (stk, loc, C, M, pc)"
    and "conf_fs P h Φ M (length Ts) T Frs"
    by(fastforce simp add: correct_state_def)
  from wf red conf nt
  obtain h frs a stk loc C M pc M' n ta' va h'
    where ha: "typeof_addr h a  None" and ta: "ta = extTA2JVM P ta'"
    and σ': "σ' = extRet2JVM n h' stk loc C M pc frs va"
    and rel: "(ta', va, h')  red_external_aggr P t' a M' (rev (take n stk)) h"
    by -(erule (2) exec_new_threadE, fastforce+)
  from nt ta obtain x' where "NewThread t x' m  set ta't" by auto
  from red_external_aggr_new_thread_exists_thread_object[OF rel ha this] σ'
  show ?thesis by(cases va) auto

lemma mexecdT_NewThread_Thread_Object:
  " wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP; correct_state_ts Φ (thr s) (shr s); P  s -t'tajvmd s'; NewThread t x m  set tat 
   C. typeof_addr (shr s') (thread_id2addr t) = Class_type C  P  C * Thread"
apply(frule correct_state_ts_thread_conf)
apply(erule execd_mthr.redT.cases)
 apply(frule (2) execd_tconf.redT_updTs_preserves[where ln'="redT_updLns (locks s) t' no_wait_locks tal"])
  apply clarsimp
 apply(drule execd_NewThread_Thread_Object)
    apply(drule (1) ts_okD)


context JVM_heap begin

lemma exec_ta_satisfiable:
  assumes "P,t  s -ta-jvm→ s'"
  shows "s. exec_mthr.actions_ok s t ta"
proof -
  obtain xcp h frs where [simp]: "s = (xcp, h, frs)" by(cases s)
  from assms obtain stk loc C M pc frs' where [simp]: "frs = (stk, loc, C, M, pc) # frs'"
    by(cases frs)(auto simp add: exec_1_iff)
  show ?thesis
  proof(cases xcp)
    case Some with assms show ?thesis by(auto simp add: exec_1_iff lock_ok_las_def finfun_upd_apply split_paired_Ex)
    case None
    with assms show ?thesis
      apply(cases "instrs_of P C M ! pc")
      apply(auto simp add: exec_1_iff lock_ok_las_def finfun_upd_apply split_beta final_thread.actions_ok_iff split: if_split_asm dest: red_external_aggr_ta_satisfiable[where final=JVM_final])
      apply(fastforce simp add: final_thread.actions_ok_iff lock_ok_las_def dest: red_external_aggr_ta_satisfiable[where final=JVM_final])
      apply(fastforce simp add: finfun_upd_apply intro: exI[where x="K$ None"] exI[where x="K$ (t, 0)"] may_lock.intros)+


context JVM_typesafe begin

lemma execd_wf_progress:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  shows "progress JVM_final (mexecd P) (execd_mthr.wset_Suspend_ok P (correct_jvm_state Φ))"
  (is "progress _ _ ?wf_state")
    fix s t x ta x' m' w
    assume mexecd: "mexecd P t (x, shr s) ta (x', m')"
      and Suspend: "Suspend w  set taw"
    from mexecd_Suspend_Invoke[OF mexecd Suspend]
    show "¬ JVM_final x'" by auto
  note Suspend_final = this
    fix s
    assume s: "s  ?wf_state"
    hence "lock_thread_ok (locks s) (thr s)"
      by(auto dest: execd_mthr.wset_Suspend_okD1 simp add: correct_jvm_state_def)
    have "exec_mthr.wset_final_ok (wset s) (thr s)"
    proof(rule exec_mthr.wset_final_okI)
      fix t w
      assume "wset s t = w"
      from execd_mthr.wset_Suspend_okD2[OF s this]
      obtain x0 ta x m1 w' ln'' and s0 :: "('addr, 'thread_id, 'addr option × 'addr frame list, 'heap, 'addr) state"
        where mexecd: "mexecd P t (x0, shr s0) ta (x, m1)"
        and Suspend: "Suspend w'  set taw" 
        and tst: "thr s t = (x, ln'')" by blast
      from Suspend_final[OF mexecd Suspend] tst
      show " x ln. thr s t = (x, ln)  ¬ JVM_final x" by blast
    ultimately show "lock_thread_ok (locks s) (thr s)  exec_mthr.wset_final_ok (wset s) (thr s)" ..
  fix s t x ta x' m'
  assume wfs: "s  ?wf_state"
    and "thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)"
    and "mexecd P t (x, shr s) ta (x', m')"
    and wait: "¬ waiting (wset s t)"
  moreover obtain ls ts h ws "is" where s [simp]: "s = (ls, (ts, h), ws, is)" by(cases s) fastforce
  ultimately have "ts t = (x, no_wait_locks)" "mexecd P t (x, h) ta (x', m')" by auto
  from wfs have "correct_state_ts Φ ts h" by(auto dest: execd_mthr.wset_Suspend_okD1 simp add: correct_jvm_state_def)
  from wf obtain wfmd where wfp: "wf_prog wfmd P" by(auto dest: wt_jvm_progD)
  from ts t = (x, no_wait_locks) mexecd P t (x, h) ta (x', m')
  obtain xcp frs xcp' frs'
    where "P,t  Normal (xcp, h, frs) -ta-jvmd→ Normal (xcp', m', frs')"
    and [simp]: "x = (xcp, frs)" "x' = (xcp', frs')"
    by(cases x, auto)
  then obtain f Frs
    where check: "check P (xcp, h, f # Frs)"
    and [simp]: "frs = f # Frs"
    and exec: "(ta, xcp', m', frs')  exec P t (xcp, h, f # Frs)"
    by(auto elim: jvmd_NormalE)
  with ts t = (x, no_wait_locks) correct_state_ts Φ ts h
  have correct: "Φ  t: (xcp, h, f # Frs) " by(auto dest: ts_okD)
  obtain stk loc C M pc where f [simp]: "f = (stk, loc, C, M, pc)" by (cases f)
  from correct obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 ins xt ST LT
    where hconf: "hconf h"
    and tconf: "P, h  t √t"
    and sees: "P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, ins, xt) in C"
    and wt: "Φ C M ! pc = (ST, LT)"
    and conf_f: "conf_f P h (ST, LT) ins (stk, loc, C, M, pc)"
    and confs: "conf_fs P h Φ M (length Ts) T Frs"
    and confxcp: "conf_xcp P h xcp (ins ! pc)"
    and preh: "preallocated h"
    by(fastforce simp add: correct_state_def)
  have "ta' σ'. P,t  Normal (xcp, h, (stk, loc, C, M, pc) # Frs) -ta'-jvmd→ Normal σ' 
                 (final_thread.actions_ok JVM_final (ls, (ts, h), ws, is) t ta' 
                  final_thread.actions_ok' (ls, (ts, h), ws, is) t ta'  final_thread.actions_subset ta' ta)"
  proof(cases "final_thread.actions_ok' (ls, (ts, h), ws, is) t ta")
    case True
    have "final_thread.actions_subset ta ta" ..
    with True P,t  Normal (xcp, h, frs) -ta-jvmd→ Normal (xcp', m', frs')
    show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    note naok = this
    have ws: "wset s t = None  
              (n a T w. ins ! pc = Invoke wait n  stk ! n = Addr a  typeof_addr h a = T  is_native P T wait  wset s t = PostWS w  xcp = None)"
    proof(cases "wset s t")
      case None thus ?thesis ..
      case (Some w)
      from execd_mthr.wset_Suspend_okD2[OF wfs this] ts t = (x, no_wait_locks)
      obtain xcp0 frs0 h0 ta0 w' s1 tta1
        where red0: "mexecd P t ((xcp0, frs0), h0) ta0 ((xcp, frs), shr s1)"
        and Suspend: "Suspend w'  set ta0w"
        and s1: "P  s1 -▹tta1jvmd* s"
        by auto
      from mexecd_Suspend_Invoke[OF red0 Suspend] sees
      obtain n a T where [simp]: "ins ! pc = Invoke wait n" "xcp = None" "stk ! n = Addr a"
        and type: "typeof_addr h0 a = T"
        and iec: "is_native P T wait"
        by(auto simp add: is_native.simps) blast
      from red0 have "h0  shr s1" by(auto dest: exec_1_d_hext)
      also from s1 have "shr s1  shr s" by(rule Execd_hext)
      finally have "typeof_addr (shr s) a = T" using type
        by(rule typeof_addr_hext_mono)
      moreover from Some wait s obtain w' where "ws t = PostWS w'"
        by(auto simp add: not_waiting_iff)
      ultimately show ?thesis using iec s by auto

    from ws naok exec sees
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases "ins ! pc")
      case (Invoke M' n)
      from ws Invoke check exec sees naok obtain a Ts U Ta Us D D'
        where a: "stk ! n = Addr a"
        and n: "n < length stk"
        and Ta: "typeof_addr h a = Ta"
        and wtext: "P  class_type_of Ta sees M':UsU = Native in D'" "D'M'(Us)::U"
        and sub: "P  Ts [≤] Us"
        and Ts: "map typeof⇘h(rev (take n stk)) = map Some Ts"
        and [simp]: "xcp = None"
        apply(cases xcp)
        apply(simp add: is_Ref_def has_method_def external_WT'_iff check_def lock_ok_las'_def confs_conv_map split_beta split: if_split_asm option.splits)
        apply(auto simp add: lock_ok_las'_def)[2]
        apply(fastforce simp add: is_native.simps lock_ok_las'_def dest: sees_method_fun)+
      from exec Ta n a sees Invoke wtext obtain ta' va m''
        where exec': "(ta', va, m'')  red_external_aggr P t a M' (rev (take n stk)) h"
        and ta: "ta = extTA2JVM P ta'"
        and va: "(xcp', m', frs') = extRet2JVM n m'' stk loc C M pc Frs va"
      from va have [simp]: "m'' = m'" by(cases va) simp_all
      from Ta Ts wtext sub have wtext': "P,h  aM'(rev (take n stk)) : U"
        by(auto intro!: external_WT'.intros simp add: is_native.simps)
      with wfp exec' tconf have red: "P,t  aM'(rev (take n stk)), h -ta'→ext va, m'"
        by(simp add: WT_red_external_list_conv)
      from ws Invoke have "wset s t = None  M' = wait  (w. wset s t = PostWS w)" by auto
      with wfp red tconf hconf obtain ta'' va' h''
        where red': "P,t  aM'(rev (take n stk)),h -ta''→ext va',h''"
        and ok': "final_thread.actions_ok JVM_final s t ta''  final_thread.actions_ok' s t ta''  final_thread.actions_subset ta'' ta'"
        by(rule red_external_wf_red)
      from red' a n Ta Invoke sees wtext
      have "(extTA2JVM P ta'', extRet2JVM n h'' stk loc C M pc Frs va')  exec P t (xcp, h, f # Frs)" 
        by(auto intro: red_external_imp_red_external_aggr)
      with check have "P,t  Normal (xcp, h, (stk, loc, C, M, pc) # Frs) -extTA2JVM P ta''-jvmd→ Normal (extRet2JVM n h'' stk loc C M pc Frs va')"
        by -(rule exec_1_d.exec_1_d_NormalI, auto simp add: exec_d_def)
      moreover from ok' ta
      have "final_thread.actions_ok JVM_final (ls, (ts, h), ws, is) t (extTA2JVM P ta'') 
        final_thread.actions_ok' (ls, (ts, h), ws, is) t (extTA2JVM P ta'')  final_thread.actions_subset (extTA2JVM P ta'') ta"
        by(auto simp add: final_thread.actions_ok'_convert_extTA elim: final_thread.actions_subset.cases del: subsetI)
      ultimately show ?thesis by blast
      case MEnter
      with exec sees naok ws have False
        by(cases xcp)(auto split: if_split_asm simp add: lock_ok_las'_def finfun_upd_apply ta_upd_simps)
      thus ?thesis ..
      case MExit
      with exec sees False check ws obtain a where [simp]: "hd stk = Addr a" "xcp = None" "ws t = None"
        and ta: "ta = Unlocka, SyncUnlock a  ta = UnlockFaila"
        by(cases xcp)(fastforce split: if_split_asm simp add: lock_ok_las'_def finfun_upd_apply is_Ref_def check_def)+
      from ta show ?thesis
      proof(rule disjE)
        assume ta: "ta = Unlocka, SyncUnlock a"
        let ?ta' = "UnlockFaila"
        from ta exec sees MExit obtain σ'
          where "(?ta', σ')  exec P t (xcp, h, f # Frs)" by auto
        with check have "P,t  Normal (xcp, h, (stk, loc, C, M, pc) # Frs) -?ta'-jvmd→ Normal σ'"
          by -(rule exec_1_d.exec_1_d_NormalI, auto simp add: exec_d_def)
        moreover from False ta have "has_locks (ls $ a) t = 0"
          by(auto simp add: lock_ok_las'_def finfun_upd_apply ta_upd_simps)
        hence "final_thread.actions_ok' (ls, (ts, h), ws, is) t ?ta'"
          by(auto simp add: lock_ok_las'_def finfun_upd_apply ta_upd_simps)
        moreover from ta have "final_thread.actions_subset ?ta' ta"
          by(auto simp add: final_thread.actions_subset_iff collect_locks'_def finfun_upd_apply ta_upd_simps)
        ultimately show ?thesis by(fastforce simp add: ta_upd_simps)
        assume ta: "ta = UnlockFaila"
        let ?ta' = "Unlocka, SyncUnlock a"
        from ta exec sees MExit obtain σ'
          where "(?ta', σ')  exec P t (xcp, h, f # Frs)" by auto
        with check have "P,t  Normal (xcp, h, (stk, loc, C, M, pc) # Frs) -?ta'-jvmd→ Normal σ'"
          by -(rule exec_1_d.exec_1_d_NormalI, auto simp add: exec_d_def)
        moreover from False ta have "has_lock (ls $ a) t"
          by(auto simp add: lock_ok_las'_def finfun_upd_apply ta_upd_simps)
        hence "final_thread.actions_ok' (ls, (ts, h), ws, is) t ?ta'"
          by(auto simp add: lock_ok_las'_def finfun_upd_apply ta_upd_simps)
        moreover from ta have "final_thread.actions_subset ?ta' ta"
          by(auto simp add: final_thread.actions_subset_iff collect_locks'_def finfun_upd_apply ta_upd_simps)
        ultimately show ?thesis by(fastforce simp add: ta_upd_simps)
    qed(case_tac [!] xcp, auto simp add: split_beta lock_ok_las'_def split: if_split_asm)
  thus "ta' x' m'. mexecd P t (x, shr s) ta' (x', m')  
                   (final_thread.actions_ok JVM_final s t ta' 
                    final_thread.actions_ok' s t ta'  final_thread.actions_subset ta' ta)"
    by fastforce
  fix s t x
  assume wfs: "s  ?wf_state"
    and tst: "thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)"
    and "¬ JVM_final x"
  from wfs have correct: "correct_state_ts Φ (thr s) (shr s)"
    by(auto dest: execd_mthr.wset_Suspend_okD1 simp add: correct_jvm_state_def)
  obtain xcp frs where x: "x = (xcp, frs)" by (cases x, auto)
  with ¬ JVM_final x obtain f Frs where "frs = f # Frs"
    by(fastforce simp add: neq_Nil_conv)
  with tst correct x have "Φ  t: (xcp, shr s, f # Frs) " by(auto dest: ts_okD)
  with ‹wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP
  have "exec_d P t (xcp, shr s, f # Frs)  TypeError" by(auto dest: no_type_error)
  then obtain Σ where "exec_d P t (xcp, shr s, f # Frs) = Normal Σ" by(auto)
  hence "exec P t (xcp, shr s, f # Frs) = Σ"
    by(auto simp add: exec_d_def check_def split: if_split_asm)
  with progress[OF wf Φ  t: (xcp, shr s, f # Frs) ]
  obtain ta σ where "(ta, σ)  Σ" unfolding exec_1_iff by blast
  with x = (xcp, frs) frs = f # Frs Φ  t: (xcp, shr s, f # Frs) 
    ‹wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP exec_d P t (xcp, shr s, f # Frs) = Normal Σ
  show "ta x' m'. mexecd P t (x, shr s) ta (x', m')"
    by(cases ta, cases σ)(fastforce simp add: split_paired_Ex intro: exec_1_d_NormalI)
qed(fastforce dest: defensive_imp_aggressive_1 mexec_instr_Wakeup_no_Join exec_ta_satisfiable)+


context JVM_conf_read begin

lemma mexecT_eq_mexecdT:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and cs: "correct_state_ts Φ (thr s) (shr s)"
  shows "P  s -ttajvm s' = P  s -ttajvmd s'"
proof(rule iffI)
  assume "P  s -ttajvm s'"
  thus "P  s -ttajvmd s'"
  proof(cases rule: exec_mthr.redT_elims[consumes 1, case_names normal acquire])
    case (normal x x' m')
    obtain xcp frs where x [simp]: "x = (xcp, frs)" by(cases x, auto)
    from thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks) cs
    have "Φ  t: (xcp, shr s, frs) " by(auto dest: ts_okD)
    from mexec_eq_mexecd[OF wf Φ  t: (xcp, shr s, frs) ] mexec P t (x, shr s) ta (x', m')
    have *: "mexecd P t (x, shr s) ta (x', m')" by simp
    with lifting_wf.redT_updTs_preserves[OF lifting_wf_correct_state_d[OF wf] cs, OF this thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)] thread_oks (thr s) tat
    have "correct_state_ts Φ ((redT_updTs (thr s) tat)(t  (x', redT_updLns (locks s) t no_wait_locks tal))) m'" by simp
    with * show ?thesis using normal 
      by(cases s')(erule execd_mthr.redT_normal, auto)
    case acquire thus ?thesis
      apply(cases s', clarify)
      apply(rule execd_mthr.redT_acquire, assumption+)
  assume "P  s -ttajvmd s'"
  thus "P  s -ttajvm s'"
  proof(cases rule: execd_mthr.redT_elims[consumes 1, case_names normal acquire])
    case (normal x x' m')
    obtain xcp frs where x [simp]: "x = (xcp, frs)" by(cases x, auto)
    from thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks) cs
    have "Φ  t: (xcp, shr s, frs) " by(auto dest: ts_okD)
    from mexec_eq_mexecd[OF wf Φ  t: (xcp, shr s, frs) ] mexecd P t (x, shr s) ta (x', m')
    have "mexec P t (x, shr s) ta (x', m')" by simp
    moreover from lifting_wf.redT_updTs_preserves[OF lifting_wf_correct_state_d[OF wf] cs, OF mexecd P t (x, shr s) ta (x', m') thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)] thread_oks (thr s) tat
    have "correct_state_ts Φ ((redT_updTs (thr s) tat)(t  (x', redT_updLns (locks s) t no_wait_locks tal))) m'" by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis using normal
      by(cases s')(erule exec_mthr.redT_normal, auto)
    case acquire thus ?thesis
      apply(cases s', clarify)
      apply(rule exec_mthr.redT_acquire, assumption+)

lemma mExecT_eq_mExecdT:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and ct: "correct_state_ts Φ (thr s) (shr s)"
  shows "P  s -▹ttasjvm* s' = P  s -▹ttasjvmd* s'"
  assume Red: "P  s -▹ttasjvm* s'"
  thus "P  s -▹ttasjvmd* s'" using ct
  proof(induct rule: exec_mthr.RedT_induct[consumes 1, case_names refl step])
    case refl thus ?case by auto
    case (step s ttas s' t ta s'')
    hence "P  s -▹ttasjvmd* s'" by blast
    moreover from correct_state_ts Φ (thr s) (shr s) P  s -▹ttasjvm* s'
    have "correct_state_ts Φ (thr s') (shr s')"
      by(auto dest: preserves_correct_state[OF wf])
    with P  s' -ttajvm s'' have "P  s' -ttajvmd s''"
      by(unfold mexecT_eq_mexecdT[OF wf])
    ultimately show ?case
      by(blast intro: execd_mthr.RedTI rtrancl3p_step elim: execd_mthr.RedTE)
  assume Red: "P  s -▹ttasjvmd* s'"
  thus "P  s -▹ttasjvm* s'" using ct
  proof(induct rule: execd_mthr.RedT_induct[consumes 1, case_names refl step])
    case refl thus ?case by auto
    case (step s ttas s' t ta s'')
    hence "P  s -▹ttasjvm* s'" by blast
    moreover from correct_state_ts Φ (thr s) (shr s) P  s -▹ttasjvmd* s'
    have "correct_state_ts Φ (thr s') (shr s')"
      by(auto dest: preserves_correct_state_d[OF wf])
    with P  s' -ttajvmd s'' have "P  s' -ttajvm s''"
      by(unfold mexecT_eq_mexecdT[OF wf])
    ultimately show ?case
      by(blast intro: exec_mthr.RedTI rtrancl3p_step elim: exec_mthr.RedTE)

lemma mexecT_preserves_thread_conf: 
  " wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP; correct_state_ts Φ (thr s) (shr s);
    P  s -t'tajvm s'; thread_conf P (thr s) (shr s)  
   thread_conf P (thr s') (shr s')"
by(simp only: mexecT_eq_mexecdT)(rule execd_tconf.redT_preserves)

lemma mExecT_preserves_thread_conf: 
  " wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP; correct_state_ts Φ (thr s) (shr s);
    P  s -▹ttajvm* s'; thread_conf P (thr s) (shr s) 
   thread_conf P (thr s') (shr s')"
by(simp only: mExecT_eq_mExecdT)(rule execd_tconf.RedT_preserves)

lemma wset_Suspend_ok_mexecd_mexec:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  shows "exec_mthr.wset_Suspend_ok P (correct_jvm_state Φ) = execd_mthr.wset_Suspend_ok P (correct_jvm_state Φ)"
 apply(rule execd_mthr.wset_Suspend_okI)
  apply(erule exec_mthr.wset_Suspend_okD1)
 apply(drule (1) exec_mthr.wset_Suspend_okD2)
 apply(subst (asm) (2) split_paired_Ex)
 apply(elim bexE exE conjE)
 apply(subst (asm) mexec_eq_mexecd[OF wf])
  apply(simp add: correct_jvm_state_def)
  apply(blast dest: ts_okD)
 apply(subst (asm) mexecT_eq_mexecdT[OF wf])
  apply(simp add: correct_jvm_state_def)
 apply(subst (asm) mExecT_eq_mExecdT[OF wf])
  apply(simp add: correct_jvm_state_def)
 apply(rule bexI exI|erule conjI|assumption)+
apply(rule exec_mthr.wset_Suspend_okI)
 apply(erule execd_mthr.wset_Suspend_okD1)
apply(drule (1) execd_mthr.wset_Suspend_okD2)
apply(subst (asm) (2) split_paired_Ex)
apply(elim bexE exE conjE)
apply(subst (asm) mexec_eq_mexecd[OF wf, symmetric])
 apply(simp add: correct_jvm_state_def)
 apply(blast dest: ts_okD)
apply(subst (asm) mexecT_eq_mexecdT[OF wf, symmetric])
 apply(simp add: correct_jvm_state_def)
apply(subst (asm) mExecT_eq_mExecdT[OF wf, symmetric])
 apply(simp add: correct_jvm_state_def)
apply(rule bexI exI|erule conjI|assumption)+


context JVM_typesafe begin

lemma exec_wf_progress:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  shows "progress JVM_final (mexec P) (exec_mthr.wset_Suspend_ok P (correct_jvm_state Φ))"
  (is "progress _ _ ?wf_state")
proof -
  interpret progress: progress JVM_final "mexecd P" convert_RA ?wf_state
    using assms unfolding wset_Suspend_ok_mexecd_mexec[OF wf] by(rule execd_wf_progress)
  show ?thesis
    fix s
    assume "s  ?wf_state"
    thus "lock_thread_ok (locks s) (thr s)  exec_mthr.wset_final_ok (wset s) (thr s)"
      by(rule progress.wf_stateD)
    fix s t x ta x' m'
    assume wfs: "s  ?wf_state"
      and tst: "thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)"
      and exec: "mexec P t (x, shr s) ta (x', m')"
      and wait: "¬ waiting (wset s t)"
    from wfs tst have correct: "Φ  t: (fst x, shr s, snd x) "
      by(auto dest!: exec_mthr.wset_Suspend_okD1 ts_okD simp add: correct_jvm_state_def)
    with exec have "mexecd P t (x, shr s) ta (x', m')"
      by(cases x)(simp only: mexec_eq_mexecd[OF wf] fst_conv snd_conv)
    from progress.wf_red[OF wfs tst this wait] correct
    show "ta' x' m'. mexec P t (x, shr s) ta' (x', m')  
                      (final_thread.actions_ok JVM_final s t ta' 
                       final_thread.actions_ok' s t ta'  final_thread.actions_subset ta' ta)"
      by(cases x)(simp only: fst_conv snd_conv mexec_eq_mexecd[OF wf])
    fix s t x ta x' m' w
    assume wfs: "s  ?wf_state"
      and tst: "thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)" 
      and exec: "mexec P t (x, shr s) ta (x', m')"
      and wait: "¬ waiting (wset s t)"
      and Suspend: "Suspend w  set taw"
    from wfs tst have correct: "Φ  t: (fst x, shr s, snd x) "
      by(auto dest!: exec_mthr.wset_Suspend_okD1 ts_okD simp add: correct_jvm_state_def)
    with exec have "mexecd P t (x, shr s) ta (x', m')"
      by(cases x)(simp only: mexec_eq_mexecd[OF wf] fst_conv snd_conv)
    with wfs tst show "¬ JVM_final x'" using wait Suspend by(rule progress.red_wait_set_not_final)
    fix s t x
    assume wfs: "s  ?wf_state"
      and tst: "thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)"
      and "¬ JVM_final x"
    from progress.wf_progress[OF this]
    show "ta x' m'. mexec P t (x, shr s) ta (x', m')"
      by(auto dest: defensive_imp_aggressive_1 simp add: split_beta)
  qed(fastforce dest: mexec_instr_Wakeup_no_Join exec_ta_satisfiable)+

theorem mexecd_TypeSafety:
  fixes ln :: "'addr ⇒f nat"
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and s: "s  execd_mthr.wset_Suspend_ok P (correct_jvm_state Φ)"
  and Exec: "P  s -▹ttasjvmd* s'"
  and "¬ (t ta s''. P  s' -ttajvmd s'')"
  and ts't: "thr s' t = ((xcp, frs), ln)"
  shows "frs  []  ln  no_wait_locks  t  execd_mthr.deadlocked P s'"
  and "Φ  t: (xcp, shr s', frs) "
proof -
  interpret progress JVM_final "mexecd P" convert_RA "execd_mthr.wset_Suspend_ok P (correct_jvm_state Φ)"
    by(rule execd_wf_progress) fact+

  from Exec s have wfs': "s'  execd_mthr.wset_Suspend_ok P (correct_jvm_state Φ)"
    unfolding execd_mthr.RedT_def
    by(blast intro: invariant3p_rtrancl3p execd_mthr.invariant3p_wset_Suspend_ok invariant3p_correct_jvm_state_mexecdT[OF wf])

  with ts't show cst: "Φ  t: (xcp, shr s', frs) "
    by(auto dest: ts_okD execd_mthr.wset_Suspend_okD1 simp add: correct_jvm_state_def)
  assume nfin: "frs  []  ln  no_wait_locks"
  from nfin thr s' t = ((xcp, frs), ln) have "exec_mthr.not_final_thread s' t"
    by(auto simp: exec_mthr.not_final_thread_iff)
  from ¬ (t ta s''. P  s' -ttajvmd s'')
  show "t  execd_mthr.deadlocked P s'"
  proof(rule contrapos_np)
    assume "t  execd_mthr.deadlocked P s'"
    with exec_mthr.not_final_thread s' t have "¬ execd_mthr.deadlocked' P s'"
      by(auto simp add: execd_mthr.deadlocked'_def)
    hence "¬ execd_mthr.deadlock P s'" unfolding execd_mthr.deadlock_eq_deadlocked' .
    thus "t ta s''. P  s' -ttajvmd s''" by(rule redT_progress[OF wfs'])

theorem mexec_TypeSafety:
  fixes ln :: "'addr ⇒f nat"
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and s: "s  exec_mthr.wset_Suspend_ok P (correct_jvm_state Φ)"
  and Exec: "P  s -▹ttasjvm* s'"
  and "¬ (t ta s''. P  s' -ttajvm s'')"
  and ts't: "thr s' t = ((xcp, frs), ln)"
  shows "frs  []  ln  no_wait_locks  t  multithreaded_base.deadlocked JVM_final (mexec P) s'"
  and "Φ  t: (xcp, shr s', frs) "
proof -
  interpret progress JVM_final "mexec P" convert_RA "exec_mthr.wset_Suspend_ok P (correct_jvm_state Φ)"
    by(rule exec_wf_progress) fact+

  from Exec s have wfs': "s'  exec_mthr.wset_Suspend_ok P (correct_jvm_state Φ)"
    unfolding exec_mthr.RedT_def
    by(blast intro: invariant3p_rtrancl3p exec_mthr.invariant3p_wset_Suspend_ok invariant3p_correct_jvm_state_mexecT[OF wf])

  with ts't show cst: "Φ  t: (xcp, shr s', frs) "
    by(auto dest: ts_okD exec_mthr.wset_Suspend_okD1 simp add: correct_jvm_state_def)

  assume nfin: "frs  []  ln  no_wait_locks"
  from nfin thr s' t = ((xcp, frs), ln) have "exec_mthr.not_final_thread s' t"
    by(auto simp: exec_mthr.not_final_thread_iff)
  from ¬ (t ta s''. P  s' -ttajvm s'')
  show "t  exec_mthr.deadlocked P s'"
  proof(rule contrapos_np)
    assume "t  exec_mthr.deadlocked P s'"
    with exec_mthr.not_final_thread s' t have "¬ exec_mthr.deadlocked' P s'"
      by(auto simp add: exec_mthr.deadlocked'_def)
    hence "¬ exec_mthr.deadlock P s'" unfolding exec_mthr.deadlock_eq_deadlocked' .
    thus "t ta s''. P  s' -ttajvm s''" by(rule redT_progress[OF wfs'])

lemma start_mexec_mexecd_commute:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  shows "P  JVM_start_state P C M vs -▹ttasjvmd* s  P  JVM_start_state P C M vs -▹ttasjvm* s"
using correct_jvm_state_initial[OF assms]
by(clarsimp simp add: correct_jvm_state_def)(rule mExecT_eq_mExecdT[symmetric, OF wf])

theorem mRtrancl_eq_mRtrancld:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and ct: "correct_state_ts Φ (thr s) (shr s)"
  shows "exec_mthr.mthr.Rtrancl3p P s ttas  execd_mthr.mthr.Rtrancl3p P s ttas" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
  show ?lhs if ?rhs using that ct
  proof(coinduction arbitrary: s ttas)
    case Rtrancl3p
    interpret lifting_wf "JVM_final" "mexecd P" convert_RA "λt (xcp, frs) h. Φ  t: (xcp, h, frs) "
      using wf by(rule lifting_wf_correct_state_d)
    from Rtrancl3p(1) show ?case
    proof cases
      case stop: Rtrancl3p_stop
      then show ?thesis using mexecT_eq_mexecdT[OF wf Rtrancl3p(2)] by clarsimp
      case (Rtrancl3p_into_Rtrancl3p s' ttas' tta)
      then show ?thesis using mexecT_eq_mexecdT[OF wf Rtrancl3p(2)] Rtrancl3p(2)
        by(cases tta; cases s')(fastforce simp add: split_paired_Ex dest: redT_preserves)
  show ?rhs if ?lhs using that ct
  proof(coinduction arbitrary: s ttas)
    case Rtrancl3p
    interpret lifting_wf "JVM_final" "mexec P" convert_RA "λt (xcp, frs) h. Φ  t: (xcp, h, frs) "
      using wf by(rule lifting_wf_correct_state)
    from Rtrancl3p(1) show ?case
    proof cases
      case stop: Rtrancl3p_stop
      then show ?thesis using mexecT_eq_mexecdT[OF wf Rtrancl3p(2)] by clarsimp
      case (Rtrancl3p_into_Rtrancl3p s' ttas' tta)
      then show ?thesis using mexecT_eq_mexecdT[OF wf Rtrancl3p(2)] Rtrancl3p(2)
        by(cases tta; cases s')(fastforce simp add: split_paired_Ex dest: redT_preserves)

lemma start_mRtrancl_mRtrancld_commute:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  shows "exec_mthr.mthr.Rtrancl3p P (JVM_start_state P C M vs) ttas  execd_mthr.mthr.Rtrancl3p P (JVM_start_state P C M vs) ttas"
using correct_jvm_state_initial[OF assms] by(clarsimp simp add: correct_jvm_state_def mRtrancl_eq_mRtrancld[OF wf])

subsection ‹Determinism›

context JVM_heap_conf begin

lemma exec_instr_deterministic:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog wf_md P"
  and det: "deterministic_heap_ops"
  and exec1: "(ta', σ')  exec_instr i P t (shr s) stk loc C M pc frs"
  and exec2: "(ta'', σ'')  exec_instr i P t (shr s) stk loc C M pc frs"
  and check: "check_instr i P (shr s) stk loc C M pc frs"
  and aok1: "final_thread.actions_ok final s t ta'"
  and aok2: "final_thread.actions_ok final s t ta''"
  and tconf: "P,shr s  t √t"
  shows "ta' = ta''  σ' = σ''"
using exec1 exec2 aok1 aok2
proof(cases i)
  case (Invoke M' n)
  { fix T ta''' ta'''' va' va'' h' h''
    assume T: "typeof_addr (shr s) (the_Addr (stk ! n)) = T"
      and "method": "snd (snd (snd (method P (class_type_of T) M'))) = None" "P  class_type_of T has M'"
      and params: "P,shr s  rev (take n stk) [:≤] fst (snd (method P (class_type_of T) M'))"
      and red1: "(ta''', va', h')  red_external_aggr P t (the_Addr (stk ! n)) M' (rev (take n stk)) (shr s)"
      and red2: "(ta'''', va'', h'')  red_external_aggr P t (the_Addr (stk ! n)) M' (rev (take n stk)) (shr s)"
      and ta': "ta' = extTA2JVM P ta'''"
      and ta'': "ta'' = extTA2JVM P ta''''"
    from T "method" params obtain T' where "P,shr s  the_Addr (stk ! n)M'(rev (take n stk)) : T'"
      by(fastforce simp add: has_method_def confs_conv_map external_WT'_iff)
    hence "P,t  the_Addr (stk ! n)M'(rev (take n stk)), shr s -ta'''→ext va', h'"
      and "P,t  the_Addr (stk ! n)M'(rev (take n stk)), shr s -ta''''→ext va'', h''"
      using red1 red2 tconf
      by-(rule WT_red_external_aggr_imp_red_external[OF wf], assumption+)+
    moreover from aok1 aok2 ta' ta''
    have "final_thread.actions_ok final s t ta'''"
      and "final_thread.actions_ok final s t ta''''"
      by(auto simp add: final_thread.actions_ok_iff)
    ultimately have "ta''' = ta''''  va' = va''  h' = h''"
      by(rule red_external_deterministic[OF det]) }
  with assms Invoke show ?thesis
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_beta split: if_split_asm) blast
  case MExit
  { assume "final_thread.actions_ok final s t UnlockFailthe_Addr (hd stk)"
    and "final_thread.actions_ok final s t Unlockthe_Addr (hd stk), SyncUnlock (the_Addr (hd stk))"
    hence False 
      by(auto simp add: final_thread.actions_ok_iff lock_ok_las_def finfun_upd_apply elim!: allE[where x="the_Addr (hd stk)"]) }
  with assms MExit show ?thesis by(auto split: if_split_asm)
qed(auto simp add: split_beta split: if_split_asm dest: deterministic_heap_ops_readD[OF det] deterministic_heap_ops_writeD[OF det] deterministic_heap_ops_allocateD[OF det])

lemma exec_1_deterministic:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and det: "deterministic_heap_ops"
  and exec1: "P,t  (xcp, shr s, frs) -ta'-jvm→ σ'"
  and exec2: "P,t  (xcp, shr s, frs) -ta''-jvm→ σ''"
  and aok1: "final_thread.actions_ok final s t ta'"
  and aok2: "final_thread.actions_ok final s t ta''"
  and conf: "Φ  t:(xcp, shr s, frs) "
  shows "ta' = ta''  σ' = σ''"
proof -
  from wf obtain wf_md where wf': "wf_prog wf_md P" by(blast dest: wt_jvm_progD)
  from conf have tconf: "P,shr s  t √t" by(simp add: correct_state_def)
  from exec1 conf have "P,t  Normal (xcp, shr s, frs) -ta'-jvmd→ Normal σ'"
    by(simp add: welltyped_commute[OF wf])
  hence "check P (xcp, shr s, frs)" by(rule jvmd_NormalE)
  with exec1 exec2 aok1 aok2 tconf show ?thesis
    by(cases xcp)(case_tac [!] frs, auto elim!: exec_1.cases dest: exec_instr_deterministic[OF wf' det] simp add: check_def split_beta)


context JVM_conf_read begin

lemma invariant3p_correct_state_ts:
  assumes "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  shows "invariant3p (mexecT P) {s. correct_state_ts Φ (thr s) (shr s)}"
using assms by(rule lifting_wf.invariant3p_ts_ok[OF lifting_wf_correct_state])

lemma mexec_deterministic:
  assumes wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘ΦP"
  and det: "deterministic_heap_ops"
  shows "exec_mthr.deterministic P {s. correct_state_ts Φ (thr s) (shr s)}"
proof(rule exec_mthr.determisticI)
  fix s t x ta' x' m' ta'' x'' m''
  assume tst: "thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)"
    and red: "mexec P t (x, shr s) ta' (x', m')" "mexec P t (x, shr s) ta'' (x'', m'')"
    and aok: "exec_mthr.actions_ok s t ta'" "exec_mthr.actions_ok s t ta''"
    and correct [simplified]: "s  {s. correct_state_ts Φ (thr s) (shr s)}"
  moreover obtain xcp frs where [simp]: "x = (xcp, frs)" by(cases x)
  moreover obtain xcp' frs' where [simp]: "x' = (xcp', frs')" by(cases x')
  moreover obtain xcp'' frs'' where [simp]: "x'' = (xcp'', frs'')" by(cases x'')
  ultimately have exec1: "P,t  (xcp, shr s, frs) -ta'-jvm→ (xcp', m', frs')"
    and exec1: "P,t  (xcp, shr s, frs) -ta''-jvm→ (xcp'', m'', frs'')"
    by simp_all
  moreover note aok
  moreover from correct tst have "Φ  t:(xcp, shr s, frs)"
    by(auto dest: ts_okD)
  ultimately have "ta' = ta''  (xcp', m', frs') = (xcp'', m'', frs'')"
    by(rule exec_1_deterministic[OF wf det])
  thus "ta' = ta''  x' = x''  m' = m''" by simp
qed(rule invariant3p_correct_state_ts[OF wf])

