Theory Store
theory Store
imports Aexp Bexp
text ‹In this section, we introduce the type of stores, which we use to link program variables
with their symbolic counterpart during symbolic execution. We define the notion of consistency
of a pair of program and symbolic states w.r.t.\ a store. This notion will prove helpful when
defining various concepts and proving facts related to subsumption (see \verb?Conf.thy?). Finally, we
model substitutions that will be performed during symbolic execution (see \verb?SymExec.thy?) by two
operations: @{term adapt_aexp} and @{term adapt_bexp}.›
subsection ‹Basic definitions›
subsubsection ‹The @{term "store"} type-synonym›
text ‹Symbolic execution performs over configurations (see \verb?Conf.thy?), which are pairs made
\item a \emph{store} mapping program variables to symbolic variables,
\item a set of boolean expressions which records constraints over symbolic variables and whose
conjunction is the actual path predicate of the configuration.
We define stores as total functions from program variables to indexes.›
type_synonym 'a store = "'a ⇒ nat"
subsubsection ‹Symbolic variables of a store›
text ‹The symbolic variable associated to a program variable @{term "v"} by a store
@{term "s"} is the couple @{term "(v,s v)"}.›
definition symvar ::
"'a ⇒ 'a store ⇒ 'a symvar"
"symvar v s ≡ (v,s v)"
text ‹The function associating symbolic variables to program variables obtained from
@{term "s"} is injective.›
"inj (λ v. symvar v s)"
by (auto simp add : inj_on_def symvar_def)
text ‹The sets of symbolic variables of a store is the image set of the function @{term "symvar"}.›
definition symvars ::
"'a store ⇒ 'a symvar set"
"symvars s = (λ v. symvar v s) ` (UNIV::'a set)"
subsubsection ‹Fresh symbolic variables›
text ‹A symbolic variable is said to be fresh for a store if it is not a member of its set of
symbolic variables.›
definition fresh_symvar ::
"'v symvar ⇒ 'v store ⇒ bool"
"fresh_symvar sv s = (sv ∉ symvars s)"
subsection ‹Consistency›
text ‹We say that a program state @{term "σ"} and a symbolic state @{term "σ⇩s⇩y⇩m"} are
\emph{consistent} with respect to a store @{term "s"} if, for each variable @{term "v"}, the
value associated by @{term "σ"} to @{term "v"} is equal to the value associated by @{term "σ⇩s⇩y⇩m"}
to the symbolic variable associated to @{term "v"} by @{term "s"}.›
definition consistent ::
"('v,'d) state ⇒ ('v symvar, 'd) state ⇒ 'v store ⇒ bool"
"consistent σ σ⇩s⇩y⇩m s ≡ (∀ v. σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (symvar v s) = σ v)"
text ‹There always exists a couple of consistent states for a given store.›
"∃ σ σ⇩s⇩y⇩m. consistent σ σ⇩s⇩y⇩m s"
by (auto simp add : consistent_def)
text ‹Moreover, given a store and a program (resp. symbolic) state, one can always build a symbolic
(resp. program) state such that the two states are coherent wrt.\ the store. The four following
lemmas show how to build the second state given the first one.›
lemma consistent_eq1 :
"consistent σ σ⇩s⇩y⇩m s = (∀ sv ∈ symvars s. σ⇩s⇩y⇩m sv = σ (fst sv))"
by (auto simp add : consistent_def symvars_def symvar_def)
lemma consistent_eq2 :
"consistent σ σ⇩s⇩y⇩m store = (σ = (λ v. σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (symvar v store)))"
by (auto simp add : consistent_def)
lemma consistentI1 :
"consistent σ (λ sv. σ (fst sv)) store"
using consistent_eq1 by fast
lemma consistentI2 :
"consistent (λ v. σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (symvar v store)) σ⇩s⇩y⇩m store"
using consistent_eq2 by fast
subsection ‹Adaptation of an arithmetic expression to a store›
text ‹Suppose that @{term "e"} is a term representing an arithmetic expression over program
variables and let @{term "s"} be a store. We call \emph{adaptation of @{term "e"} to @{term "s"}}
the term obtained by substituting occurrences of program variables in @{term "e"} by their
symbolic counterpart given by @{term "s"}. Since we model arithmetic expressions by total
functions and not terms, we define the adaptation of such expressions as follows.›
definition adapt_aexp ::
"('v,'d) aexp ⇒ 'v store ⇒ ('v symvar,'d) aexp"
"adapt_aexp e s = (λ σ⇩s⇩y⇩m. e (λ v. σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (symvar v s)))"
text ‹Given an arithmetic expression @{term "e"}, a program state @{term "σ"} and a symbolic
state @{term "σ⇩s⇩y⇩m"} coherent with a store @{term "s"}, the value associated to @{term "σ⇩s⇩y⇩m"} by
the adaptation of @{term "e"} to @{term "s"} is the same than the value associated by @{term "e"} to
@{term "σ"}. This confirms the fact that @{term "adapt_aexp"} models the act of substituting
occurrences of program variables by their symbolic counterparts in a term over program variables.›
lemma adapt_aexp_is_subst :
assumes "consistent σ σ⇩s⇩y⇩m s"
shows "(adapt_aexp e s) σ⇩s⇩y⇩m = e σ"
using assms by (simp add : consistent_eq2 adapt_aexp_def)
text ‹As said earlier, we will later need to prove that symbolic execution preserves finiteness
of the set of symbolic variables in use, which requires that the adaptation of an arithmetic
expression to a store preserves finiteness of the set of variables of expressions. We proceed as
text ‹First, we show that if @{term "v"} is a variable of an expression @{term "e"},
then the symbolic variable associated to @{term "v"} by a store is a variable of the adaptation of
@{term "e"} to this store.›
lemma var_imp_symvar_var :
assumes "v ∈ Aexp.vars e"
shows "symvar v s ∈ Aexp.vars (adapt_aexp e s)" (is "?sv ∈ Aexp.vars ?e'")
proof -
obtain σ val where "e (σ (v := val)) ≠ e σ"
using assms unfolding Aexp.vars_def by blast
have "(λva. ((λsv. σ (fst sv))(?sv := val)) (symvar va s)) = (σ(v := val))"
by (auto simp add : symvar_def)
show ?thesis
unfolding Aexp.vars_def mem_Collect_eq
using consistentI1[of σ s]
consistentI2[of "(λsv. σ (fst sv))(?sv:= val)" s]
by (rule_tac ?x="λsv. σ (fst sv)" in exI, rule_tac ?x="val" in exI)
(simp add : adapt_aexp_is_subst)
text ‹On the other hand, if @{term "sv"} is a symbolic variable in the adaptation of an expression
to a store, then the program variable it represents is a variable of this expression. This requires
to prove that the set of variables of the adaptation of an expression to a store is a subset of the
symbolic variables of this store.›
lemma symvars_of_adapt_aexp :
"Aexp.vars (adapt_aexp e s) ⊆ symvars s" (is "Aexp.vars ?e' ⊆ symvars s")
unfolding subset_iff
proof (intro allI impI)
fix sv
assume "sv ∈ Aexp.vars ?e'"
then obtain σ⇩s⇩y⇩m val
where "?e' (σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (sv := val)) ≠ ?e' σ⇩s⇩y⇩m"
by (simp add : Aexp.vars_def, blast)
hence "(λ x. (σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (sv := val)) (symvar x s)) ≠ (λ x. σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (symvar x s))"
proof (intro notI)
assume "(λx. (σ⇩s⇩y⇩m(sv := val)) (symvar x s)) = (λx. σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (symvar x s))"
hence "?e' (σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (sv := val)) = ?e' σ⇩s⇩y⇩m"
by (simp add : adapt_aexp_def)
thus False
using ‹?e' (σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (sv := val)) ≠ ?e' σ⇩s⇩y⇩m›
by (elim notE)
then obtain v
where "(σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (sv := val)) (symvar v s) ≠ σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (symvar v s)"
by blast
hence "sv = symvar v s" by (case_tac "sv = symvar v s", simp_all)
thus "sv ∈ symvars s" by (simp add : symvars_def)
lemma symvar_var_imp_var :
assumes "sv ∈ Aexp.vars (adapt_aexp e s)" (is "sv ∈ Aexp.vars ?e'")
shows "fst sv ∈ Aexp.vars e"
proof -
obtain v where "sv = (v, s v)"
using assms(1) symvars_of_adapt_aexp
unfolding symvars_def symvar_def
by blast
obtain σ⇩s⇩y⇩m val where "?e' (σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (sv := val)) ≠ ?e' σ⇩s⇩y⇩m"
using assms unfolding Aexp.vars_def by blast
have "(λ v. (σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (sv := val)) (symvar v s)) = (λ v. σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (symvar v s)) (v := val)"
using ‹sv = (v, s v)› by (auto simp add : symvar_def)
show ?thesis
using ‹sv = (v, s v)›
consistentI2[of σ⇩s⇩y⇩m s]
consistentI2[of "σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (sv := val)" s]
unfolding Aexp.vars_def
by (simp add : adapt_aexp_is_subst) blast
text ‹Thus, we have that the set of variables of the adaptation of an expression to a store is
the set of symbolic variables associated by this store to the variables of this
lemma adapt_aexp_vars :
"Aexp.vars (adapt_aexp e s) = (λ v. symvar v s) ` Aexp.vars e"
unfolding set_eq_iff image_def mem_Collect_eq Bex_def
proof (intro allI iffI, goal_cases)
case (1 sv)
have "sv = symvar (fst sv) s"
using 1 symvars_of_adapt_aexp
by (force simp add: symvar_def symvars_def)
show ?case using symvar_var_imp_var by blast
case (2 sv) thus ?case using var_imp_symvar_var by fast
text ‹The fact that the adaptation of an arithmetic expression to a store preserves finiteness
of the set of variables trivially follows the previous lemma.›
lemma finite_vars_imp_finite_adapt_a :
assumes "finite (Aexp.vars e)"
shows "finite (Aexp.vars (adapt_aexp e s))"
unfolding adapt_aexp_vars using assms by auto
subsection ‹Adaptation of a boolean expression to a store›
text ‹We proceed analogously for the adaptation of boolean expressions to a store.›
definition adapt_bexp ::
"('v,'d) bexp ⇒ 'v store ⇒ ('v symvar,'d) bexp"
"adapt_bexp e s = (λ σ. e (λ x. σ (symvar x s)))"
lemma adapt_bexp_is_subst :
assumes "consistent σ σ⇩s⇩y⇩m s"
shows "(adapt_bexp e s) σ⇩s⇩y⇩m = e σ"
using assms by (simp add : consistent_eq2 adapt_bexp_def)
lemma var_imp_symvar_var2 :
assumes "v ∈ Bexp.vars e"
shows "symvar v s ∈ Bexp.vars (adapt_bexp e s)" (is "?sv ∈ Bexp.vars ?e'")
proof -
obtain σ val where A : "e (σ (v := val)) ≠ e σ"
using assms unfolding Bexp.vars_def by blast
have "(λva. ((λsv. σ (fst sv))(?sv := val)) (symvar va s)) = (σ(v := val))"
by (auto simp add : symvar_def)
show ?thesis
unfolding Bexp.vars_def mem_Collect_eq
using consistentI1[of σ s]
consistentI2[of "(λsv. σ (fst sv))(?sv:= val)" s]
by (rule_tac ?x="λsv. σ (fst sv)" in exI, rule_tac ?x="val" in exI)
(simp add : adapt_bexp_is_subst)
lemma symvars_of_adapt_bexp :
"Bexp.vars (adapt_bexp e s) ⊆ symvars s" (is "Bexp.vars ?e' ⊆ ?SV")
fix sv
assume "sv ∈ Bexp.vars ?e'"
then obtain σ⇩s⇩y⇩m val
where "?e' (σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (sv := val)) ≠ ?e' σ⇩s⇩y⇩m"
by (simp add : Bexp.vars_def, blast)
hence "(λ x. (σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (sv := val)) (symvar x s)) ≠ (λ x. σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (symvar x s))"
by (auto simp add : adapt_bexp_def)
hence "∃ v. (σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (sv := val)) (symvar v s) ≠ σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (symvar v s)" by force
then obtain v
where "(σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (sv := val)) (symvar v s) ≠ σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (symvar v s)"
by blast
hence "sv = symvar v s" by (case_tac "sv = symvar v s", simp_all)
thus "sv ∈ symvars s" by (simp add : symvars_def)
lemma symvar_var_imp_var2 :
assumes "sv ∈ Bexp.vars (adapt_bexp e s)" (is "sv ∈ Bexp.vars ?e'")
shows "fst sv ∈ Bexp.vars e"
proof -
obtain v where "sv = (v, s v)"
using assms symvars_of_adapt_bexp
unfolding symvars_def symvar_def
by blast
obtain σ⇩s⇩y⇩m val where "?e' (σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (sv := val)) ≠ ?e' σ⇩s⇩y⇩m"
using assms unfolding vars_def by blast
have "(λ v. (σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (sv := val)) (symvar v s)) = (λ v. σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (symvar v s)) (v := val)"
using ‹sv = (v, s v)› by (auto simp add : symvar_def)
show ?thesis
using ‹sv = (v, s v)›
consistentI2[of σ⇩s⇩y⇩m s]
consistentI2[of "σ⇩s⇩y⇩m (sv := val)" s]
unfolding vars_def by (simp add : adapt_bexp_is_subst) blast
lemma adapt_bexp_vars :
"Bexp.vars (adapt_bexp e s) = (λ v. symvar v s) ` Bexp.vars e"
(is "Bexp.vars ?e' = ?R")
unfolding set_eq_iff image_def mem_Collect_eq Bex_def
proof (intro allI iffI, goal_cases)
case (1 sv)
hence "fst sv ∈ vars e" by (rule symvar_var_imp_var2)
have "sv = symvar (fst sv) s"
using 1 symvars_of_adapt_bexp
by (force simp add: symvar_def symvars_def)
show ?case by blast
case (2 sv)
then obtain v where "v ∈ vars e" "sv = symvar v s" by blast
thus ?case using var_imp_symvar_var2 by simp
lemma finite_vars_imp_finite_adapt_b :
assumes "finite (Bexp.vars e)"
shows "finite (Bexp.vars (adapt_bexp e s))"
unfolding adapt_bexp_vars using assms by auto