Theory Conversion_IEEE_Float
theory Conversion_IEEE_Float
definition "of_finite (x::('e, 'f)float) =
(if is_normal x then (Float (normal_mantissa x) (normal_exponent x))
else if is_denormal x then (Float (denormal_mantissa x) (denormal_exponent TYPE(('e, 'f)float)))
else 0)"
lemma float_val_of_finite: "is_finite x ⟹ of_finite x = valof x"
by (induction x) (auto simp: normal_imp_not_denormal of_finite_def)
definition is_normal_Float::"('e, 'f)float itself ⇒ Float.float ⇒ bool" where
"is_normal_Float x f ⟷
mantissa f ≠ 0 ∧
bitlen ¦mantissa f¦ ≤ fracwidth x + 1 ∧
- int (bias x) - bitlen ¦mantissa f¦ + 1 < Float.exponent f ∧
Float.exponent f < 2^(LENGTH('e)) - bitlen ¦mantissa f¦ - bias x"
definition is_denormal_Float::"('e, 'f)float itself ⇒ Float.float ⇒ bool" where
"is_denormal_Float x f ⟷
mantissa f ≠ 0 ∧
bitlen ¦mantissa f¦ ≤ 1 - Float.exponent f - int (bias x) ∧
1 - 2^(LENGTH('e) - 1) - int LENGTH('f) < Float.exponent f"
lemmas is_denormal_FloatD =
is_denormal_Float_def[THEN iffD1, THEN conjunct1]
is_denormal_Float_def[THEN iffD1, THEN conjunct2]
definition is_finite_Float::"('e, 'f)float itself ⇒ Float.float ⇒ bool" where
"is_finite_Float x f ⟷ is_normal_Float x f ∨ is_denormal_Float x f ∨ f = 0"
lemma is_finite_Float_eq:
"is_finite_Float TYPE(('e, 'f)float) f ⟷
(let e = Float.exponent f; bm = bitlen (abs (mantissa f))
in bm ≤ Suc LENGTH('f) ∧
bm ≤ 2 ^ (LENGTH('e) - 1) - e ∧
1 - 2 ^ (LENGTH('e) - 1) - int LENGTH('f) < e)"
proof -
have *: "(2::int) ^ (LENGTH('e) - Suc 0) - 1 < 2 ^ LENGTH('e)"
by (metis Suc_1 diff_le_self lessI linorder_not_less one_less_numeral_iff
power_strict_increasing_iff zle_diff1_eq)
have **: "1 - 2 ^ (LENGTH('e) - Suc 0) < int LENGTH('f)"
by (smt len_gt_0 of_nat_0_less_iff zero_less_power)
have ***: "2 ^ (LENGTH('e) - 1) + 1 =
2 ^ LENGTH('e) - int (bias TYPE(('e, 'f) IEEE.float))"
by (simp add: bias_def power_Suc[symmetric] of_nat_diff mask_eq_exp_minus_1)
have rewr: "x ≤ 2 ^ n - e ⟷ x + e < 2 ^ n + 1" for x::int and n e
by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding *** rewr
using * **
unfolding is_finite_Float_def is_normal_Float_def is_denormal_Float_def
by (auto simp: Let_def bias_def mantissa_eq_zero_iff of_nat_diff mask_eq_exp_minus_1
intro: le_less_trans[OF add_right_mono])
lift_definition normal_of_Float :: "Float.float ⇒ ('e, 'f)float"
is "λx. let m = mantissa x; e = Float.exponent x in
(if m > 0 then 0 else 1,
word_of_int (e + int (bias TYPE(('e, 'f)float)) + bitlen ¦m¦ - 1),
word_of_int (¦m¦ * 2 ^ (Suc LENGTH('f) - nat (bitlen ¦m¦)) - 2 ^ (LENGTH('f))))"
lemma sign_normal_of_Float:"sign (normal_of_Float x) = (if x > 0 then 0 else 1)"
by transfer (auto simp: Let_def mantissa_pos_iff)
lemma uint_word_of_int_bitlen_eq:
"uint (word_of_int x::'a::len word) = x" if "bitlen x ≤ LENGTH('a)" "x ≥ 0"
using that by (simp add: bitlen_le_iff_power take_bit_int_eq_self unsigned_of_int)
lemma fraction_normal_of_Float:"fraction (normal_of_Float x::('e, 'f)float) =
(nat ¦mantissa x¦ * 2 ^ (Suc LENGTH('f) - nat (bitlen ¦mantissa x¦)) - 2 ^ LENGTH('f))"
if "is_normal_Float TYPE(('e, 'f)float) x"
proof -
from that have bmp: "bitlen ¦mantissa x¦ > 0"
by (metis abs_of_nonneg bitlen_bounds bitlen_def is_normal_Float_def nat_code(2) of_nat_0_le_iff
power.simps(1) zabs_less_one_iff zero_less_abs_iff)
have mless: "¦mantissa x¦ < 2 ^ nat (bitlen ¦mantissa x¦)"
using bitlen_bounds by force
have lem: "2 ^ nat (bitlen ¦mantissa x¦ - 1) ≤ ¦mantissa x¦"
using bitlen_bounds is_normal_Float_def that zero_less_abs_iff by blast
from that have nble: "nat (bitlen ¦mantissa x¦) ≤ Suc LENGTH('f)"
using bitlen_bounds by (auto simp: is_normal_Float_def)
have nn: "0 ≤ ¦mantissa x¦ * 2 ^ (Suc LENGTH('f) - nat (bitlen ¦mantissa x¦)) - 2 ^ LENGTH('f)"
apply (rule add_le_imp_le_diff)
apply (rule order_trans[rotated])
apply (rule mult_right_mono)
apply (rule lem, force)
unfolding power_add[symmetric]
using nble bmp
by (auto)
have "¦mantissa x¦ * 2 ^ (Suc LENGTH('f) - nat (bitlen ¦mantissa x¦)) < 2 * 2 ^ LENGTH('f)"
apply (rule less_le_trans)
apply (rule mult_strict_right_mono)
apply (rule mless)
apply force
unfolding power_add[symmetric] power_Suc[symmetric]
apply (rule power_increasing)
using nble
by auto
then have "bitlen (¦mantissa x¦ * 2 ^ (Suc LENGTH('f) - nat (bitlen ¦mantissa x¦)) - 2 ^ LENGTH('f))
≤ int LENGTH('f)"
unfolding bitlen_le_iff_power
by simp
then show ?thesis
apply (transfer fixing: x)
unfolding Let_def split_beta' fst_conv snd_conv uint_nat [symmetric] nat_uint_eq [symmetric]
using nn
apply (subst uint_word_of_int_bitlen_eq)
apply (auto simp: nat_mult_distrib nat_diff_distrib nat_power_eq)
lemma exponent_normal_of_Float:"exponent (normal_of_Float x::('e, 'f)float) =
nat (Float.exponent x + (bias TYPE(('e, 'f)float)) + bitlen ¦mantissa x¦ - 1)"
if "is_normal_Float TYPE(('e, 'f)float) x"
using that
apply (transfer fixing: x)
apply (simp flip: uint_nat nat_uint_eq add: Let_def)
apply (auto simp: is_normal_Float_def bitlen_le_iff_power uint_word_of_int_bitlen_eq Let_def)
apply transfer
apply (simp add: nat_take_bit_eq take_bit_int_eq_self)
lift_definition denormal_of_Float :: "Float.float ⇒ ('e, 'f)float"
is "λx. let m = mantissa x; e = Float.exponent x in
(if m ≥ 0 then 0 else 1, 0,
word_of_int (¦m¦ * 2 ^ nat (e + bias TYPE(('e, 'f)float) + fracwidth TYPE(('e, 'f)float) - 1)))"
lemma sign_denormal_of_Float:"sign (denormal_of_Float x) = (if x ≥ 0 then 0 else 1)"
by transfer (auto simp: Let_def mantissa_nonneg_iff)
lemma exponent_denormal_of_Float:"exponent (denormal_of_Float x::('e, 'f)float) = 0"
by (transfer fixing: x) (auto simp: Let_def)
lemma fraction_denormal_of_Float:"fraction (denormal_of_Float x::('e, 'f)float) =
(nat ¦mantissa x¦ * 2 ^ nat (Float.exponent x + bias TYPE(('e, 'f)float) + LENGTH('f) - 1))"
if "is_denormal_Float TYPE(('e, 'f)float) x"
proof -
have mless: "¦mantissa x¦ < 2 ^ nat (bitlen ¦mantissa x¦)"
using bitlen_bounds by force
have *: "nat (bitlen ¦mantissa x¦) +
nat (Float.exponent x + (2 ^ (LENGTH('e) - Suc 0) + int LENGTH('f)) - 2)
≤ LENGTH('f)"
using that
by (auto simp: is_denormal_Float_def nat_diff_distrib' le_diff_conv mask_eq_exp_minus_1
bitlen_nonneg nat_le_iff bias_def nat_add_distrib[symmetric] of_nat_diff)
have "¦mantissa x¦ * 2 ^ nat (Float.exponent x + int (bias TYPE(('e, 'f)float)) +
LENGTH('f) - 1) < 2 ^ LENGTH('f)"
apply (rule less_le_trans)
apply (rule mult_strict_right_mono)
apply (rule mless, force)
unfolding power_add[symmetric] power_Suc[symmetric]
apply (rule power_increasing)
apply (auto simp: bias_def)
using that *
by (auto simp: is_denormal_Float_def algebra_simps of_nat_diff mask_eq_exp_minus_1)
then show ?thesis
apply (transfer fixing: x)
apply transfer
apply (simp add: Let_def nat_eq_iff take_bit_eq_mod)
definition of_finite_Float :: "Float.float ⇒ ('e, 'f) float" where
"of_finite_Float x = (if is_normal_Float TYPE(('e, 'f)float) x then normal_of_Float x
else if is_denormal_Float TYPE(('e, 'f)float) x then denormal_of_Float x
else 0)"
lemma valof_normal_of_Float: "valof (normal_of_Float x::('e, 'f)float) = x"
if "is_normal_Float TYPE(('e, 'f)float) x"
proof -
have "valof (normal_of_Float x::('e, 'f)float) =
(- 1) ^ sign (normal_of_Float x::('e, 'f)float) *
((1 + real (nat ¦mantissa x¦ * 2 ^ (Suc LENGTH('f) - nat (bitlen ¦mantissa x¦)) - 2 ^ LENGTH('f)) / 2 ^ LENGTH('f)) *
2 powr (bitlen ¦mantissa x¦ - 1)) *
2 powr Float.exponent x"
(is "_ = ?s * ?m * ?e")
using that
by (auto simp: is_normal_Float_def valof_eq fraction_normal_of_Float
powr_realpow[symmetric] exponent_normal_of_Float powr_diff powr_add)
have "¦mantissa x¦ > 0"
using that
by (auto simp: is_normal_Float_def)
have bound: "2 ^ LENGTH('f) ≤ nat ¦mantissa x¦ * 2 ^ (Suc LENGTH('f) - nat (bitlen ¦mantissa x¦))"
proof -
have "(2::nat) ^ LENGTH('f) ≤ 2 ^ nat (bitlen ¦mantissa x¦ - 1) * 2 ^ (Suc LENGTH('f) - nat (bitlen ¦mantissa x¦))"
by (simp add: power_add[symmetric])
also have "… ≤ nat ¦mantissa x¦ * 2 ^ (Suc LENGTH('f) - nat (bitlen ¦mantissa x¦))"
using bitlen_bounds[of "¦mantissa x¦"] that
by (auto simp: is_normal_Float_def)
finally show ?thesis .
have "?m = abs (mantissa x)"
apply (subst of_nat_diff)
subgoal using bound by auto
using that
by (auto simp: powr_realpow[symmetric] powr_add[symmetric]
is_normal_Float_def bitlen_nonneg of_nat_diff divide_simps)
finally show ?thesis
by (auto simp: mantissa_exponent sign_normal_of_Float abs_real_def zero_less_mult_iff)
lemma valof_denormal_of_Float: "valof (denormal_of_Float x::('e, 'f)float) = x"
if "is_denormal_Float TYPE(('e, 'f)float) x"
proof -
have less: "0 < Float.exponent x + (int (bias TYPE(('e, 'f) IEEE.float)) + int LENGTH('f))"
using that
by (auto simp: is_denormal_Float_def bias_def of_nat_diff mask_eq_exp_minus_1)
have "valof (denormal_of_Float x::('e, 'f)float) =
((- 1) ^ sign (denormal_of_Float x::('e, 'f)float) * ¦real_of_int (mantissa x)¦) *
(2 powr real (nat (Float.exponent x + int (bias TYPE(('e, 'f) IEEE.float)) + int LENGTH('f) - 1)) /
(2 powr real (bias TYPE(('e, 'f) IEEE.float)) * 2 powr LENGTH('f)) * 2)"
(is "_ = ?m * ?e")
by (auto simp: valof_eq exponent_denormal_of_Float fraction_denormal_of_Float that
mantissa_exponent powr_realpow[symmetric])
also have "?m = mantissa x"
by (auto simp: sign_denormal_of_Float abs_real_def mantissa_neg_iff)
also have "?e = 2 powr Float.exponent x"
by (auto simp: powr_add[symmetric] divide_simps powr_mult_base less ac_simps)
finally show ?thesis by (simp add: mantissa_exponent)
lemma valof_of_finite_Float:
"is_finite_Float (TYPE(('e, 'f) IEEE.float)) x ⟹ valof (of_finite_Float x::('e, 'f)float) = x"
by (auto simp: of_finite_Float_def is_finite_Float_def valof_denormal_of_Float valof_normal_of_Float)
lemma is_normal_normal_of_Float:
"is_normal (normal_of_Float x::('e, 'f)float)" if "is_normal_Float TYPE(('e, 'f)float) x"
using that
by (auto simp: is_normal_def exponent_normal_of_Float that is_normal_Float_def
emax_eq nat_less_iff of_nat_diff)
lemma is_denormal_denormal_of_Float: "is_denormal (denormal_of_Float x::('e, 'f)float)"
if "is_denormal_Float TYPE(('e, 'f)float) x"
using that
by (auto simp: is_denormal_def exponent_denormal_of_Float that is_denormal_Float_def
emax_eq fraction_denormal_of_Float le_nat_iff bias_def)
lemma is_finite_of_finite_Float: "is_finite (of_finite_Float x)"
by (auto simp: is_finite_def of_finite_Float_def is_normal_normal_of_Float
lemma Float_eq_zero_iff: "Float m e = 0 ⟷ m = 0"
by (metis Float.compute_is_float_zero Float_0_eq_0)
lemma bitlen_mantissa_Float:
shows "bitlen ¦mantissa (Float m e)¦ = (if m = 0 then 0 else bitlen ¦m¦ + e) - Float.exponent (Float m e)"
using bitlen_Float[of m e] by auto
lemma exponent_Float:
shows "Float.exponent (Float m e) = (if m = 0 then 0 else bitlen ¦m¦ + e) - bitlen ¦mantissa (Float m e)¦ "
using bitlen_Float[of m e] by auto
lemma is_normal_Float_normal:
"is_normal_Float TYPE(('e, 'f)float) (Float (normal_mantissa x) (normal_exponent x))"
if "is_normal x" for x::"('e, 'f)float"
proof -
define f where "f = Float (normal_mantissa x) (normal_exponent x)"
from that have "f ≠ 0"
by (auto simp: f_def is_normal_def zero_float_def[symmetric]
Float_eq_zero_iff normal_mantissa_def add_nonneg_eq_0_iff)
from denormalize_shift[OF f_def this] obtain i where
i: "normal_mantissa x = mantissa f * 2 ^ i" "normal_exponent x = Float.exponent f - int i"
by auto
have "mantissa f ≠ 0"
by (auto simp: ‹f ≠ 0› i mantissa_eq_zero_iff Float_eq_zero_iff)
have "normal_exponent x ≤ Float.exponent f" unfolding i by simp
then have " bitlen ¦mantissa f¦ ≤ 1 + int LENGTH('f)"
unfolding bitlen_mantissa_Float bitlen_normal_mantissa f_def
by auto
have "- int (bias TYPE(('e, 'f)float)) - bitlen ¦mantissa f¦ + 1 < Float.exponent f"
unfolding bitlen_mantissa_Float bitlen_normal_mantissa f_def
using that
by (auto simp: mantissa_eq_zero_iff abs_mult bias_def normal_mantissa_def normal_exponent_def
is_normal_def emax_eq less_diff_conv add_nonneg_eq_0_iff)
have "2 ^ (LENGTH('e) - Suc 0) + - (1::int) * 2 ^ LENGTH('e) ≤ 0"
by simp
then have "(2::int) ^ (LENGTH('e) - Suc 0) < 1 + 2 ^ LENGTH('e)" by arith
then have "Float.exponent f <
2 ^ LENGTH('e) - bitlen ¦mantissa f¦ - int (bias TYPE(('e, 'f)float))"
using normal_exponent_bounds_int[OF that]
unfolding bitlen_mantissa_Float bitlen_normal_mantissa f_def
by (auto simp: bias_def algebra_simps power_Suc[symmetric] of_nat_diff mask_eq_exp_minus_1
intro: le_less_trans[OF add_right_mono] normal_exponent_bounds_int[OF that])
show ?thesis
by (auto simp: is_normal_Float_def f_def)
lemma is_denormal_Float_denormal:
"is_denormal_Float TYPE(('e, 'f)float)
(Float (denormal_mantissa x) (denormal_exponent TYPE(('e, 'f)float)))"
if "is_denormal x" for x::"('e, 'f)float"
proof -
define f where "f = Float (denormal_mantissa x) (denormal_exponent TYPE(('e, 'f)float))"
from that have "f ≠ 0"
by (auto simp: f_def is_denormal_def zero_float_def[symmetric]
Float_eq_zero_iff denormal_mantissa_def add_nonneg_eq_0_iff)
from denormalize_shift[OF f_def this] obtain i where
i: "denormal_mantissa x = mantissa f * 2 ^ i" "denormal_exponent TYPE(('e, 'f)float) = Float.exponent f - int i"
by auto
have "mantissa f ≠ 0"
by (auto simp: ‹f ≠ 0› i mantissa_eq_zero_iff Float_eq_zero_iff)
have "bitlen ¦mantissa f¦ ≤ 1 - Float.exponent f - int (bias TYPE(('e, 'f) IEEE.float))"
using ‹mantissa f ≠ 0›
unfolding f_def bitlen_mantissa_Float
using bitlen_denormal_mantissa[of x]
by (auto simp: denormal_exponent_def)
have "2 - 2 ^ (LENGTH('e) - Suc 0) - int LENGTH('f) ≤ Float.exponent f"
(is "?l ≤ _")
proof -
have "?l ≤ denormal_exponent TYPE(('e, 'f)float) + i"
using that
by (auto simp: is_denormal_def bias_def denormal_exponent_def of_nat_diff mask_eq_exp_minus_1)
also have "… = Float.exponent f" unfolding i by auto
finally show ?thesis .
show ?thesis
unfolding is_denormal_Float_def exponent_Float f_def[symmetric]
by auto
lemma is_finite_Float_of_finite: "is_finite_Float TYPE(('e, 'f)float) (of_finite x)" for x::"('e, 'f)float"
by (auto simp: is_finite_Float_def of_finite_def is_normal_Float_normal