Theory AnalyticTestFunction
theory AnalyticTestFunction
imports HyperdualFunctionExtension "HOL-Decision_Procs.Approximation"
subsection‹Analytic Test Function›
We investigate the analytic test function used by Fike and Alonso in their
2011 paper~\<^cite>‹"fike_alonso-2011"› as a relatively non-trivial example.
The function is defined as: @{term "λx. exp x / (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))"}.
definition fa_test :: "real ⇒ real"
where "fa_test x = exp x / (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))"
We define the same composition of functions but using the relevant hyperdual versions.
Note that we implicitly use the facts that hyperdual extensions of plus, times and inverse are the
same operations on hyperduals.
definition hyp_fa_test :: "real hyperdual ⇒ real hyperdual"
where "hyp_fa_test x = ((*h* exp) x) / ((*h* sqrt) (((*h* sin) x) ^ 3 + ((*h* cos) x) ^ 3))"
text‹We prove lemmas useful to show when this function is well defined.›
lemma sin_cube_plus_cos_cube:
"sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3 = 1/2 * (sin x + cos x) * (2 - sin (2 * x))"
for x :: "'a::{real_normed_field,banach}"
proof -
have "sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3 = (sin x + cos x) * (cos x ^ 2 - cos x * sin x + sin x ^ 2)"
by (smt (z3) add.commute combine_common_factor diff_add_cancel distrib_left
mult.commute mult.left_commute power2_eq_square power3_eq_cube)
also have "… = (sin x + cos x) * (1 - cos x * sin x)"
by simp
finally show ?thesis
by (smt (z3) mult.commute mult.left_neutral mult_2 nonzero_mult_div_cancel_left
right_diff_distrib' sin_add times_divide_eq_left zero_neq_numeral)
lemma sin_cube_plus_cos_cube_gt_zero_iff:
"(sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3 > 0) = (sin x + cos x > 0)"
for x ::real
by (smt (verit, best) cos_zero power3_eq_cube power_zero_numeral sin_cube_plus_cos_cube
sin_le_one sin_zero zero_less_mult_iff)
lemma sin_plus_cos_eq_45:
"sin x + cos x = sqrt 2 * sin (x + pi/4)"
apply (simp add: sin_add sin_45 cos_45 )
by (simp add: field_simps)
lemma sin_cube_plus_cos_cube_gt_zero_iff':
"(sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3 > 0) = (sin (x + pi/4) > 0)"
by (smt (verit, best) mult_pos_pos real_sqrt_gt_0_iff
sin_cube_plus_cos_cube_gt_zero_iff sin_plus_cos_eq_45 zero_less_mult_pos)
lemma sin_less_zero_pi:
"⟦- pi < x; x < 0⟧ ⟹ sin x < 0"
by (metis add.inverse_inverse add.inverse_neutral neg_less_iff_less sin_gt_zero sin_minus)
lemma sin_45_positive_intervals:
"(sin (x + pi/4) > 0) = (x ∈ (⋃n::int. {-pi/4 + 2*pi*n <..< 3*pi/4 + 2*pi*n}))"
proof (standard ; (elim UnionE rangeE | -))
obtain y :: real and n :: int
where "x = y + 2*pi*n" and "- pi ≤ y" and "y ≤ pi"
using sincos_principal_value sin_cos_eq_iff less_eq_real_def by metis
note yn = this
assume "0 < sin (x + pi / 4)"
then have a: "0 < sin (y + pi / 4)"
using yn by (metis sin_add sin_cos_eq_iff)
then have "y ∈ {- pi / 4<..<3 * pi / 4}"
proof (unfold greaterThanLessThan_iff, safe)
show "- pi / 4 < y"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ - pi / 4 < y"
then have "y < - pi / 4 ∨ y = - pi / 4"
by (simp add: not_less le_less)
then show False
using a sin_less_zero_pi[where x = "y + pi/4"] yn sin_zero
by force
show "y < 3 * pi / 4"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ y < 3 * pi / 4"
then have "pi ≤ y + pi/4"
by (simp add: not_less)
then show False
using a sin_le_zero yn pi_ge_two by fastforce
then have "x ∈ {- pi / 4 + 2*pi*n<..<3 * pi / 4 + 2*pi*n}"
using yn greaterThanLessThan_iff by simp
then show "x ∈ (⋃n::int. {- pi / 4 + 2*pi*n<..<3 * pi / 4 + 2*pi*n})"
by blast
fix X and n :: int
assume "x ∈ X"
and "X = {- pi / 4 + 2*pi*n<..<3 * pi / 4 + 2*pi*n}"
then have "x ∈ {- pi / 4 + 2*pi*n<..<3 * pi / 4 + 2*pi*n}"
by simp
then obtain y :: real and n :: int
where "x = y + 2*pi*n" and "- pi / 4 < y" and "y < 3 * pi / 4"
by (smt (z3) greaterThanLessThan_iff)
note yn = this
have "0 < sin (y + pi / 4)"
using sin_gt_zero yn by force
then show "0 < sin (x + pi / 4)"
using yn sin_cos_eq_iff[of "x + pi / 4" "y + pi / 4"] by simp
text‹When the function is well defined our hyperdual definition is equal to the hyperdual extension.›
lemma hypext_fa_test:
assumes "Base x ∈ (⋃n::int. {-pi/4 + 2*pi*n <..< 3*pi/4 + 2*pi*n})"
shows "(*h* fa_test) x = hyp_fa_test x"
proof -
have inverse_sqrt_valid: "0 < sin (Base x) ^ 3 + cos (Base x) ^ 3"
using assms sin_45_positive_intervals sin_cube_plus_cos_cube_gt_zero_iff' by force
have "⋀f. (λx. (sin x) ^ 3) twice_field_differentiable_at Base x"
and "⋀f. (λx. (cos x) ^ 3) twice_field_differentiable_at Base x"
by (simp_all add: twice_field_differentiable_at_compose[OF _ twice_field_differentiable_at_power])
then have "(*h* (λx. sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) x = (*h* sin) x ^ 3 + (*h* cos) x ^ 3"
and d_sincos: "(λx. sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) twice_field_differentiable_at Base x"
using hypext_fun_add[of "λx. sin x ^ 3" x "λx. cos x ^ 3"]
by (simp_all add: hypext_fun_power twice_field_differentiable_at_add)
then have "(*h* (λx. sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))) x = (*h* sqrt) ((*h* sin) x ^ 3 + (*h* cos) x ^ 3)"
using inverse_sqrt_valid hypext_compose[of "λx. sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3" x] by simp
moreover have d_sqrt: "(λx. sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) twice_field_differentiable_at Base x"
using inverse_sqrt_valid d_sincos twice_field_differentiable_at_compose twice_field_differentiable_at_sqrt
by blast
ultimately have "(*h* (λx. inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)))) x = inverse ((*h* sqrt) ((*h* sin) x ^ 3 + (*h* cos) x ^ 3))"
using inverse_sqrt_valid hypext_fun_inverse[of "λx. sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)" x]
by simp
moreover have "(λx. inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))) twice_field_differentiable_at Base x"
using inverse_sqrt_valid d_sqrt real_sqrt_eq_zero_cancel_iff
twice_field_differentiable_at_compose twice_field_differentiable_at_inverse
by force
ultimately have
"(*h* (λx. exp x * inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)))) x =
(*h* exp) x * inverse ((*h* sqrt) ((*h* sin) x ^ 3 + (*h* cos) x ^ 3))"
by (simp add: hypext_fun_mult)
then have
"(*h* (λx. exp x / sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))) x =
(*h* exp) x / (*h* sqrt) ((*h* sin) x ^ 3 + (*h* cos) x ^ 3)"
by (simp add: inverse_eq_divide hyp_divide_inverse)
then show ?thesis
unfolding fa_test_def hyp_fa_test_def .
We can show that our hyperdual extension gives (approximately) the same values as those found by
Fike and Alonso when evaluated at @{term "1.5"}.
assumes "x = hyp_fa_test (β 1.5)"
shows "¦Base x - 4.4978¦ ≤ 0.00005"
and "¦Eps1 x - 4.0534¦ ≤ 0.00005"
and "¦Eps12 x - 9.4631¦ ≤ 0.00005"
proof -
show "¦Base x - 4.4978¦ ≤ 0.00005"
by (simp add: assms hyp_fa_test_def, approximation 20)
have d: "0 < sin (3/2 :: real) ^ 3 + cos (3/2 :: real) ^ 3"
using sin_cube_plus_cos_cube_gt_zero_iff' sin_gt_zero pos_add_strict pi_gt3 by force
show "¦Eps1 x - 4.0534¦ ≤ 0.00005"
by (simp add: assms hyp_fa_test_def d, approximation 22)
show "¦Eps12 x - 9.4631¦ ≤ 0.00005"
by (simp add: assms hyp_fa_test_def d, approximation 24)
text‹A number of additional lemmas that will be required to prove the derivatives:›
lemma hypext_sqrt_hyperdual_parts:
"a > 0 ⟹ (*h* sqrt) (a *⇩H ba + b *⇩H e1 + c *⇩H e2 + d *⇩H e12) =
sqrt a *⇩H ba + (b * inverse (sqrt a) / 2) *⇩H e1 + (c * inverse (sqrt a) / 2) *⇩H e2 +
(d * inverse (sqrt a) / 2 - b * c * inverse (sqrt a ^ 3) / 4) *⇩H e12"
by (metis Hyperdual_eq hypext_sqrt_Hyperdual)
lemma cos_multiple: "cos (n * x) = 2 * cos x * cos ((n - 1) * x) - cos ((n - 2) * x)"
for x :: "'a :: {banach,real_normed_field}"
proof -
have "cos ((n - 1) * x + x) + cos ((n - 1) * x - x) = 2 * cos ((n - 1) * x) * cos x"
by (simp add: cos_add cos_diff)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: left_diff_distrib' eq_diff_eq)
lemma sin_multiple: "sin (n * x) = 2 * cos x * sin ((n - 1) * x) - sin ((n - 2) * x)"
for x :: "'a :: {banach,real_normed_field}"
proof -
have "sin ((n - 1) * x + x) + sin ((n - 1) * x - x) = 2 * cos x * sin ((n - 1) * x)"
by (simp add: sin_add sin_diff)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: left_diff_distrib' eq_diff_eq)
lemma power5:
fixes z :: "'a :: monoid_mult"
shows "z ^ 5 = z * z * z * z * z"
by (simp add: mult.assoc power2_eq_square power_numeral_odd)
lemma power6:
fixes z :: "'a :: monoid_mult"
shows "z ^ 6 = z * z * z * z * z * z"
by (simp add: mult.assoc power3_eq_cube power_numeral_even)
We find the derivatives of @{const fa_test} by applying a Wengert list approach, as done by Fike
and Alonso, to make the same composition but in hyperduals.
We know that this is equal to the hyperdual extension which in turn gives us the derivatives.
lemma Wengert_autodiff_fa_test:
assumes "x ∈ (⋃n::int. {-pi/4 + 2*pi*n <..< 3*pi/4 + 2*pi*n})"
shows "First (autodiff fa_test x) =
(exp x * (3 * cos x + 5 * cos (3 * x) + 9 * sin x + sin (3 * x))) /
(8 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 3)"
and "Second (autodiff fa_test x) =
(exp x * (130 - 12 * cos (2 * x) +
30 * cos (4 * x) + 12 * cos (6 * x) -
111 * sin (2 * x) +
48 * sin (4 * x) + 5 * sin (6 * x))) /
(64 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 5)"
proof -
have s3_c3_gt_zero: "(sin x) ^ 3 + (cos x) ^ 3 > 0"
using assms sin_45_positive_intervals sin_cube_plus_cos_cube_gt_zero_iff' sin_gt_zero
by force
let ?w0 = "β x"
have w0: "?w0 = x *⇩H ba + 1 *⇩H e1 + 1 *⇩H e2 + 0 *⇩H e12"
by (simp add: Hyperdual_eq hyperdualx_def)
let ?w1 = "(*h* exp) ?w0"
have w1: "?w1 = exp x *⇩H ba + exp x *⇩H e1 + exp x *⇩H e2 + exp x *⇩H e12"
using hypext_exp_extract by blast
let ?w2 = "(*h* sin) ?w0"
have w2: "?w2 = sin x *⇩H ba + cos x *⇩H e1 + cos x *⇩H e2 + - sin x *⇩H e12"
by (simp add: hypext_sin_extract of_comp_minus scaleH_times)
let ?w3 = "(*h* (λx. x ^ 3)) ?w2"
have w3: "?w3 = (sin x) ^ 3 *⇩H ba + (3 * cos x * (sin x)⇧2) *⇩H e1 + (3 * cos x * (sin x)⇧2) *⇩H e2 + - (3/4 * (sin x - 3 * sin (3 * x))) *⇩H e12"
by (simp add: w2 hypext_power_Hyperdual_parts power2_eq_square cos_times_cos sin_times_sin
sin_times_cos distrib_left right_diff_distrib' divide_simps)
let ?w4 = "(*h* cos) ?w0"
have w4: "?w4 = cos x *⇩H ba + - sin x *⇩H e1 + - sin x *⇩H e2 + - cos x *⇩H e12"
by (simp add: hypext_cos_extract of_comp_minus scaleH_times)
let ?w5 = "(*h* (λx. x ^ 3)) ?w4"
have w5: "?w5 = (cos x) ^ 3 *⇩H ba + - (3 * sin x * (cos x)⇧2) *⇩H e1 + - (3 * sin x * (cos x)⇧2) *⇩H e2 + - (3/4 * (cos x + 3 * cos (3 * x))) *⇩H e12"
by (simp add: w4 hypext_power_Hyperdual_parts sin_times_sin right_diff_distrib' cos_times_cos
power2_eq_square distrib_left sin_times_cos divide_simps)
let ?w6 = "?w3 + ?w5"
have sqrt_pos: "Base ?w6 > 0"
using s3_c3_gt_zero by auto
have w6: "?w6 = (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) *⇩H ba +
(3 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x)) *⇩H e1 +
(3 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x)) *⇩H e2 +
- (3/4 * (sin x + cos x + 3 * cos (3 * x) - 3 * sin (3 * x))) *⇩H e12"
by (auto simp add: w3 w5 add_hyperdual_parts power2_eq_square right_diff_distrib' divide_simps)
let ?w7 = "inverse ((*h* sqrt) ?w6)"
have w7: "?w7 = inverse(sqrt(sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) *⇩H ba +
- ((3 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x))/(2 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 3)) *⇩H e1 +
- ((3 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x))/(2 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 3)) *⇩H e2 +
((3 * (30 + 2 * cos (4 * x) - 41 * sin (2 * x) + 3 * sin (6 * x)))/(64 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 5)) *⇩H e12"
proof -
let ?w7a = "(*h* sqrt) ?w6"
have w7a: "?w7a =
sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) *⇩H ba +
((3 * (cos x * (sin x * (sin x - cos x)))) * inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) / 2) *⇩H e1 +
((3 * (cos x * (sin x * (sin x - cos x)))) * inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) / 2) *⇩H e2 +
(- ((3 * sin x + 3 * cos x + 9 * cos (3 * x) - 9 * sin (3 * x)) * inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) / 8) +
- 9 * (cos x * (sin x * ((sin x - cos x) * (cos x * (sin x * (sin x - cos x)))))) * inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3) / 4) *⇩H e12"
unfolding w6
using sqrt_pos by (simp add: hypext_sqrt_hyperdual_parts mult.assoc)
let ?w7b = "inverse ?w7a"
have "?w7b =
(1 / sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) *⇩H ba +
- (3 * (cos x * (sin x * (sin x - cos x))) * inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) / (2 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))⇧2)) *⇩H e1 +
- (3 * (cos x * (sin x * (sin x - cos x))) * inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) / (2 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))⇧2)) *⇩H e2 +
(9 * (cos x * (cos x * (sin x * (sin x * ((sin x - cos x) * ((sin x - cos x) * (inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) * inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))))))))) / (2 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3) -
(- ((3 * sin x + 3 * cos x + 9 * cos (3 * x) - 9 * sin (3 * x)) * inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) / 8) -
9 * (cos x * (sin x * ((sin x - cos x) * (cos x * (sin x * (sin x - cos x)))))) * inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3) / 4) /
(sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))⇧2) *⇩H e12"
by (simp add: w7a inverse_hyperdual_parts)
then have w7b: "?w7b =
(inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))) *⇩H ba +
- (3 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) / (2 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 3)) *⇩H e1 +
- (3 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) / (2 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 3)) *⇩H e2 +
(9 * cos x * cos x * sin x * sin x * ((sin x - cos x) * (sin x - cos x) / ((sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 2)) / (2 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3) -
(- ((3 * sin x + 3 * cos x + 9 * cos (3 * x) - 9 * sin (3 * x)) / (8 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))) -
9 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) / (4 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3))
/ (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))⇧2) *⇩H e12"
by (simp add: power2_eq_square power3_eq_cube field_simps)
"9 * cos x * cos x * sin x * sin x * ((sin x - cos x) * (sin x - cos x)) / ((sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))⇧2 * (2 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3)) -
(- ((3 * sin x + 3 * cos x + 9 * cos (3 * x) - 9 * sin (3 * x)) / (8 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))) -
9 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) / (4 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3)) /
(sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))⇧2 =
(90 + 6 * cos (4 * x) - 123 * sin (2 * x) + 9 * sin (6 * x)) / (64 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 5)"
proof -
"9 * cos x * cos x * sin x * sin x * ((sin x - cos x) * (sin x - cos x)) / ((sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))⇧2 * (2 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3)) -
(- ((3 * sin x + 3 * cos x + 9 * cos (3 * x) - 9 * sin (3 * x)) / (8 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))) -
9 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) / (4 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3)) /
(sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))⇧2 =
9 * cos x * cos x * sin x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) * (sin x - cos x) / (2 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 5) +
( (3 * sin x + 3 * cos x + 9 * cos (3 * x) - 9 * sin (3 * x)) / (8 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) +
9 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) / (4 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3)) /
(sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 2"
by (simp add: divide_simps)
also have "... =
9 * cos x * cos x * sin x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) * (sin x - cos x) / (2 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 5) +
( (3 * sin x + 3 * cos x + 9 * cos (3 * x) - 9 * sin (3 * x)) / (8 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 3) +
9 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) / (4 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 2))"
by (simp add: add_divide_distrib power2_eq_square power3_eq_cube mult.commute mult.left_commute)
also have "... =
9 * cos x * cos x * sin x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) * (sin x - cos x) / (2 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 5) +
( (3 * sin x + 3 * cos x + 9 * cos (3 * x) - 9 * sin (3 * x)) / (8 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 3) +
9 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) / (4 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 5))"
by (simp add: mult.commute mult.left_commute)
also have "... =
9 * cos x * cos x * sin x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) * (sin x - cos x) / (2 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 5) +
( (3 * sin x + 3 * cos x + 9 * cos (3 * x) - 9 * sin (3 * x)) * (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) / (8 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 5) +
9 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) / (4 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 5))"
proof -
have "(sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) * inverse ((sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 2) = 1"
using s3_c3_gt_zero by auto
then have
"1 / (8 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 3) =
(sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) / ((sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 2) / (8 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 3)"
by (simp add: field_simps)
then have
"1 / (8 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 3) =
(sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) / (8 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 5)"
by auto
then show ?thesis
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) divide_real_def inverse_eq_divide times_divide_eq_right)
also have "... =
( 288 * cos x * cos x * sin x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) * (sin x - cos x) +
(3 * sin x + 3 * cos x + 9 * cos (3 * x) - 9 * sin (3 * x)) * (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) * 8 +
144 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x))
/ (64 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 5)"
by (simp add: divide_simps)
also have "... =
( 432 * cos x * cos x * sin x * sin x * (sin x - cos x) * (sin x - cos x) +
(24 * sin x + 24 * cos x + 72 * cos (3 * x) - 72 * sin (3 * x)) * (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))
/ (64 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 5)"
by (simp add: divide_simps)
finally show ?thesis
by (simp, force intro: disjI2 simp add: power2_eq_square power4_eq_xxxx power3_eq_cube cos_times_sin
sin_times_cos cos_times_cos sin_times_sin right_diff_distrib power6 power5
distrib_left distrib_right left_diff_distrib divide_simps)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: w7b)
let ?w8 = "?w1 * ?w7"
have w8: "?w8 =
((exp x)/(sqrt(sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3))) *⇩H ba +
((exp x * (3 * cos x + 5 * cos (3 * x) + 9 * sin x + sin (3 * x)))/(8 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 3)) *⇩H e1 +
((exp x * (3 * cos x + 5 * cos (3 * x) + 9 * sin x + sin (3 * x)))/(8 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 3)) *⇩H e2 +
((exp x * (130 - 12 * cos (2 * x) + 30 * cos (4 * x) + 12 * cos (6 * x) - 111 * sin (2 * x) + 48 * sin (4 * x) +
5 * sin (6 * x)))/(64 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 5)) *⇩H e12"
proof (auto simp add: w7 w1 times_hyperdual_parts)
show "exp x * inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) = exp x / sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)"
by (simp add: divide_inverse)
have sqrt_sc3: "sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3 = (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)"
using s3_c3_gt_zero
by (simp add: power3_eq_cube)
then have "inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) -
(3 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x)) / (2 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3) =
(3 * cos x + 5 * cos (3 * x) + 9 * sin x + sin (3 * x)) / (8 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3)"
using sqrt_pos
apply (simp add: right_diff_distrib' sin_times_sin cos_times_cos sin_times_cos cos_times_sin power3_eq_cube left_diff_distrib' divide_simps)
by (simp add: distrib_right cos_times_cos)
then show " exp x * inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) -
exp x * (3 * cos x * sin x * (sin x - cos x)) / (2 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3) =
exp x * (3 * cos x + 5 * cos (3 * x) + 9 * sin x + sin (3 * x)) / (8 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3)"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
have "sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 8 = (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 4"
using s3_c3_gt_zero
by (smt mult_2 numeral_Bit0 power2_eq_square power_even_eq real_sqrt_mult_self)
moreover have "sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 5 = (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 2 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)"
by (simp add: mult.assoc power2_eq_square power5)
have "(90 + 6 * cos (4 * x) - 123 * sin (2 * x) + 9 * sin (6 * x)) / (64 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 5) -
3 * (cos x * ((sin x * (sin x - cos x)))) / sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3 +
inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) =
(130 - 12 * cos (2 * x) + 30 * cos (4 * x) + 12 * cos (6 * x) - 111 * sin (2 * x) + 48 * sin (4 * x) + 5 * sin (6 * x)) /
(64 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 5)"
using sqrt_pos
apply (simp add: sqrt_sc3 power2_eq_square divide_simps)
by (simp add: distrib_right distrib_left power3_eq_cube sin_times_sin sin_times_cos
cos_times_cos cos_times_sin right_diff_distrib' left_diff_distrib' divide_simps)
moreover have "∀r a b c. (a::real) * b - c * (a * r) = a * (b - c * r)"
by (simp add: right_diff_distrib)
ultimately show "exp x * (90 + 6 * cos (4 * x) - 123 * sin (2 * x) + 9 * sin (6 * x)) / (64 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 5) -
3 * (cos x * (exp x * (sin x * (sin x - cos x)))) / sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 3 +
exp x * inverse (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) =
exp x *
(130 - 12 * cos (2 * x) + 30 * cos (4 * x) + 12 * cos (6 * x) - 111 * sin (2 * x) + 48 * sin (4 * x) + 5 * sin (6 * x)) /
(64 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 5)"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) distrib_left mult.left_commute times_divide_eq_right)
moreover have w8_eq_hyp_fa_test: "?w8 = (*h* fa_test) (β x)"
using assms
by (simp add: hyp_divide_inverse hyp_fa_test_def hypext_fa_test hypext_power)
show "First (autodiff fa_test x) =
(exp x * (3 * cos x + 5 * cos (3 * x) + 9 * sin x + sin (3 * x))) /
(8 * (sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3)) ^ 3)"
"Second (autodiff fa_test x) =
exp x * (130 - 12 * cos (2 * x) +
30 * cos (4 * x) + 12 * cos (6 * x) -
111 * sin (2 * x) + 48 * sin (4 * x) + 5 * sin (6 * x)) /
(64 * sqrt (sin x ^ 3 + cos x ^ 3) ^ 5)"
by (metis autodiff_sel hyperdual_comb_sel)+