Theory Hybrid_Logic

theory Hybrid_Logic imports "HOL-Library.Countable" begin

section ‹Syntax›

datatype ('a, 'b) fm
  = Pro 'a
  | Nom 'b
  | Neg ('a, 'b) fm (¬ _› [40] 40)
  | Dis ('a, 'b) fm ('a, 'b) fm (infixr  30)
  | Dia ('a, 'b) fm ( _› 10)
  | Sat 'b ('a, 'b) fm (@ _ _› 10)

text ‹We can give other connectives as abbreviations.›

abbreviation Top () where
    (undefined  ¬ undefined)

abbreviation Con (infixr  35) where
  p  q  ¬ (¬ p  ¬ q)

abbreviation Imp (infixr  25) where
  p  q  ¬ (p  ¬ q)

abbreviation Box ( _› 10) where
   p  ¬ ( ¬ p)

primrec nominals :: ('a, 'b) fm  'b set where
  nominals (Pro x) = {}
| nominals (Nom i) = {i}
| nominals (¬ p) = nominals p
| nominals (p  q) = nominals p  nominals q
| nominals ( p) = nominals p
| nominals (@ i p) = {i}  nominals p

primrec sub :: ('b  'c)  ('a, 'b) fm  ('a, 'c) fm where
  sub _ (Pro x) = Pro x
| sub f (Nom i) = Nom (f i)
| sub f (¬ p) = (¬ sub f p)
| sub f (p  q) = (sub f p  sub f q)
| sub f ( p) = ( sub f p)
| sub f (@ i p) = (@ (f i) (sub f p))

lemma sub_nominals: nominals (sub f p) = f ` nominals p
  by (induct p) auto

lemma sub_id: sub id p = p
  by (induct p) simp_all

lemma sub_upd_fresh: i  nominals p  sub (f(i := j)) p = sub f p
  by (induct p) auto

section ‹Semantics›

text ‹
  Type variable 'w› stands for the set of worlds and 'a› for the set of propositional symbols.
  The accessibility relation is given by R› and the valuation by V›.
  The mapping from nominals to worlds is an extra argument g› to the semantics.›

datatype ('w, 'a) model =
  Model (R: 'w  'w set) (V: 'w  'a  bool)

primrec semantics
  :: ('w, 'a) model  ('b  'w)  'w  ('a, 'b) fm  bool
  (‹_, _, _  _› [50, 50, 50] 50) where
  (M, _, w  Pro x) = V M w x
| (_, g, w  Nom i) = (w = g i)
| (M, g, w  ¬ p) = (¬ M, g, w  p)
| (M, g, w  (p  q)) = ((M, g, w  p)  (M, g, w  q))
| (M, g, w   p) = (v  R M w. M, g, v  p)
| (M, g, _  @ i p) = (M, g, g i  p)

lemma M, g, w  
  by simp

lemma semantics_fresh:
  i  nominals p  (M, g, w  p) = (M, g(i := v), w  p)
  by (induct p arbitrary: w) auto

subsection ‹Examples›

abbreviation is_named :: ('w, 'b) model  bool where
  is_named M  w. a. V M a = w

abbreviation reflexive :: ('w, 'b) model  bool where
  reflexive M  w. w  R M w

abbreviation irreflexive :: ('w, 'b) model  bool where
  irreflexive M  w. w  R M w

abbreviation symmetric :: ('w, 'b) model  bool where
  symmetric M  v w. w  R M v  v  R M w

abbreviation asymmetric :: ('w, 'b) model  bool where
  asymmetric M  v w. ¬ (w  R M v  v  R M w)

abbreviation transitive :: ('w, 'b) model  bool where
  transitive M  v w x. w  R M v  x  R M w  x  R M v

abbreviation universal :: ('w, 'b) model  bool where
  universal M  v w. v  R M w

lemma irreflexive M  M, g, w  @ i ¬ ( Nom i)
proof -
  assume irreflexive M
  then have g i  R M (g i)
    by simp
  then have ¬ M, g, g i   Nom i
    by simp
  then have M, g, g i  ¬ ( Nom i)
    by simp
  then show M, g, w  @ i ¬ ( Nom i)
    by simp

text ‹We can automatically show some characterizations of frames by pure axioms.›

lemma irreflexive M = (g w. M, g, w  @ i ¬ ( Nom i))
  by auto

lemma asymmetric M = (g w. M, g, w  @ i ( ¬ ( Nom i)))
  by auto

lemma universal M = (g w. M, g, w   Nom i)
  by auto

section ‹Tableau›

text ‹
  A block is defined as a list of formulas paired with an opening nominal.
  The opening nominal is not necessarily in the list.
  A branch is a list of blocks.

type_synonym ('a, 'b) block = ('a, 'b) fm list × 'b
type_synonym ('a, 'b) branch = ('a, 'b) block list

abbreviation member_list :: 'a  'a list  bool (‹_ ∈. _› [51, 51] 50) where
  x ∈. xs  x  set xs

text ‹The predicate on› presents the opening nominal as appearing on the block.›

primrec on :: ('a, 'b) fm  ('a, 'b) block  bool (‹_ on _› [51, 51] 50) where
  p on (ps, i) = (p ∈. ps  p = Nom i)

  "_Ballon" :: pttrn  'a set  bool  bool ((3(_/on_)./ _) [0, 0, 10] 10)
  "_Bexon" :: pttrn  'a set  bool  bool ((3(_/on_)./ _) [0, 0, 10] 10)

  "p on A. P"  "p. p on A  P"
  "p on A. P"  "p. p on A  P"

abbreviation list_nominals :: ('a, 'b) fm list  'b set where
  list_nominals ps  (p  set ps. nominals p)

primrec block_nominals :: ('a, 'b) block  'b set where
  block_nominals (ps, i) = {i}  list_nominals ps

definition branch_nominals :: ('a, 'b) branch  'b set where
  branch_nominals branch  (block  set branch. block_nominals block)

abbreviation at_in_branch :: ('a, 'b) fm  'b  ('a, 'b) branch  bool where
  at_in_branch p a branch  ps. (ps, a) ∈. branch  p on (ps, a)

notation at_in_branch (‹_ at _ in _› [51, 51, 51] 50)

definition new :: ('a, 'b) fm  'b  ('a, 'b) branch  bool where
  new p a branch  ¬ p at a in branch

definition witnessed :: ('a, 'b) fm  'b  ('a, 'b) branch  bool where
  witnessed p a branch  i. (@ i p) at a in branch  ( Nom i) at a in branch

text ‹
  A branch has a closing tableau iff it is contained in the following inductively defined set.
  In that case I call the branch closeable.
  The first argument on the left of the turnstile, A›, is a fixed set of nominals restricting Nom.
  This set rules out the copying of nominals and accessibility formulas introduced by DiaP.
  The second argument is "potential", used to restrict the GoTo rule.

inductive STA :: 'b set  nat  ('a, 'b) branch  bool (‹_, _  _› [50, 50, 50] 50)
  for A :: 'b set where
    p at i in branch  (¬ p) at i in branch 
     A, n  branch
  | Neg:
    (¬ ¬ p) at a in (ps, a) # branch 
     new p a ((ps, a) # branch) 
     A, Suc n  (p # ps, a) # branch 
     A, n  (ps, a) # branch
  | DisP:
    (p  q) at a in (ps, a) # branch 
     new p a ((ps, a) # branch)  new q a ((ps, a) # branch) 
     A, Suc n  (p # ps, a) # branch  A, Suc n  (q # ps, a) # branch 
     A, n  (ps, a) # branch
  | DisN:
    (¬ (p  q)) at a in (ps, a) # branch 
     new (¬ p) a ((ps, a) # branch)  new (¬ q) a ((ps, a) # branch) 
     A, Suc n  ((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, a) # branch 
     A, n  (ps, a) # branch
  | DiaP:
    ( p) at a in (ps, a) # branch 
     i  A  branch_nominals ((ps, a) # branch) 
     a. p = Nom a  ¬ witnessed p a ((ps, a) # branch) 
     A, Suc n  ((@ i p) # ( Nom i) # ps, a) # branch 
     A, n  (ps, a) # branch
  | DiaN:
    (¬ ( p)) at a in (ps, a) # branch 
     ( Nom i) at a in (ps, a) # branch 
     new (¬ (@ i p)) a ((ps, a) # branch) 
     A, Suc n  ((¬ (@ i p)) # ps, a) # branch 
     A, n  (ps, a) # branch
  | SatP:
    (@ a p) at b in (ps, a) # branch 
     new p a ((ps, a) # branch) 
     A, Suc n  (p # ps, a) # branch 
     A, n  (ps, a) # branch
  | SatN:
    (¬ (@ a p)) at b in (ps, a) # branch 
     new (¬ p) a ((ps, a) # branch) 
     A, Suc n  ((¬ p) # ps, a) # branch 
     A, n  (ps, a) # branch
  | GoTo:
    i  branch_nominals branch 
     A, n  ([], i) # branch 
     A, Suc n  branch
  | Nom:
    p at b in (ps, a) # branch  Nom a at b in (ps, a) # branch 
     i. p = Nom i  p = ( Nom i)  i  A 
     new p a ((ps, a) # branch) 
     A, Suc n  (p # ps, a) # branch 
     A, n  (ps, a) # branch

abbreviation STA_ex_potential :: 'b set  ('a, 'b) branch  bool (‹_  _› [50, 50] 50) where
  A  branch  n. A, n  branch

lemma STA_Suc: A, n  branch  A, Suc n  branch
  by (induct n branch rule: STA.induct) (simp_all add: STA.intros)

text ‹A verified derivation in the calculus.›

  fixes i
  defines p  ¬ (@ i (Nom i))
  shows A, Suc n  [([p], a)]
proof -
  have i  branch_nominals [([p], a)]
    unfolding p_def branch_nominals_def by simp
  then have ?thesis if A,  n  [([], i), ([p], a)]
    using that GoTo by fast
  moreover have new (¬ Nom i) i [([], i), ([p], a)]
    unfolding p_def new_def by auto
  moreover have (¬ (@ i (Nom i))) at a in [([], i), ([p], a)]
    unfolding p_def by fastforce
  ultimately have ?thesis if A, Suc n  [([¬ Nom i], i), ([p], a)]
    using that SatN by fast
  then show ?thesis
    by (meson Close list.set_intros(1) on.simps)

section ‹Soundness›

text ‹
  An i›-block is satisfied by a model M› and assignment g› if all formulas on the block
    are true under M› at the world g i›
  A branch is satisfied by a model and assignment if all blocks on it are.

primrec block_sat :: ('w, 'a) model  ('b  'w)  ('a, 'b) block  bool
  (‹_, _ B _› [50, 50] 50) where
  (M, g B (ps, i)) = (p on (ps, i). M, g, g i  p)

abbreviation branch_sat ::
  ('w, 'a) model  ('b  'w)  ('a, 'b) branch  bool
  (‹_, _ Θ _› [50, 50] 50) where
  M, g Θ branch  (ps, i)  set branch. M, g B (ps, i)

lemma block_nominals:
  p on block  i  nominals p  i  block_nominals block
  by (induct block) auto

lemma block_sat_fresh:
  assumes M, g B block i  block_nominals block
  shows M, g(i := v) B block
  using assms
proof (induct block)
  case (Pair ps a)
  then have p on (ps, a). i  nominals p
    using block_nominals by fast
  moreover have i  a
    using calculation by simp
  ultimately have p on (ps, a). M, g(i := v), (g(i := v)) a  p
    using Pair semantics_fresh by fastforce
  then show ?case
    by (meson block_sat.simps)

lemma branch_sat_fresh:
  assumes M, g Θ branch i  branch_nominals branch
  shows M, g(i := v) Θ branch
  using assms using block_sat_fresh unfolding branch_nominals_def by fast

text ‹If a branch has a derivation then it cannot be satisfied.›

lemma soundness': A, n  branch  M, g Θ branch  False
proof (induct n branch arbitrary: g rule: STA.induct)
  case (Close p i branch)
  then have M, g, g i  p M, g, g i  ¬ p
    by fastforce+
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (Neg p a ps branch)
  have M, g, g a  p
    using Neg(1, 5) by fastforce
  then have M, g Θ (p # ps, a) # branch
    using Neg(5) by simp
  then show ?case
    using Neg(4) by blast
  case (DisP p q a ps branch)
  consider M, g, g a  p | M, g, g a  q
    using DisP(1, 8) by fastforce
  then consider
    M, g Θ (p # ps, a) # branch |
    M, g Θ (q # ps, a) # branch
    using DisP(8) by auto
  then show ?case
    using DisP(5, 7) by metis
  case (DisN p q a ps branch)
  have M, g, g a  ¬ p M, g, g a  ¬ q
    using DisN(1, 5) by fastforce+
  then have M, g Θ ((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, a) # branch
    using DisN(5) by simp
  then show ?case
    using DisN(4) by blast
  case (DiaP p a ps branch i)
  then have *: M, g B (ps, a)
    by simp

  have i  nominals p
    using DiaP(1-2) unfolding branch_nominals_def by fastforce

  have M, g, g a   p
    using DiaP(1, 7) by fastforce
  then obtain v where v  R M (g a) M, g, v  p
    by auto
  then have M, g(i := v), v  p
    using i  nominals p semantics_fresh by metis
  then have M, g(i := v), g a  @ i p
    by simp
  moreover have M, g(i := v), g a   Nom i
    using v  R M (g a) by simp
  moreover have M, g(i := v) Θ (ps, a) # branch
    using DiaP(2, 7) branch_sat_fresh by fast
  moreover have i  block_nominals (ps, a)
    using DiaP(2) unfolding branch_nominals_def by simp
  then have p on (ps, a). M, g(i := v), g a  p
    using * semantics_fresh by fastforce
  ultimately have
    M, g(i := v) Θ ((@ i p) # ( Nom i) # ps, a) # branch
    by auto
  then show ?case
    using DiaP by blast
  case (DiaN p a ps branch i)
  have M, g, g a  ¬ ( p) M, g, g a   Nom i
    using DiaN(1-2, 6) by fastforce+
  then have M, g, g a  ¬ (@ i p)
    by simp
  then have M, g Θ ((¬ (@ i p)) # ps, a) # branch
    using DiaN(6) by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using DiaN(5) by blast
  case (SatP a p b ps branch)
  have M, g, g a  p
    using SatP(1, 5) by fastforce
  then have M, g Θ (p # ps, a) # branch
    using SatP(5) by simp
  then show ?case
    using SatP(4) by blast
  case (SatN a p b ps branch)
  have M, g, g a  ¬ p
    using SatN(1, 5) by fastforce
  then have M, g Θ ((¬ p) # ps, a) # branch
    using SatN(5) by simp
  then show ?case
    using SatN(4) by blast
  case (GoTo i branch)
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (Nom p b ps a branch)
  have M, g, g b  p M, g, g b  Nom a
    using Nom(1-2, 7) by fastforce+
  moreover have M, g B (ps, a)
    using Nom(7) by simp
  ultimately have M, g B (p # ps, a)
    by simp
  then have M, g Θ (p # ps, a) # branch
    using Nom(7) by simp
  then show ?case
    using Nom(6) by blast

lemma block_sat: p on block. M, g, w  p  M, g B block
  by (induct block) auto

lemma branch_sat:
  assumes (ps, i)  set branch. p on (ps, i). M, g, w  p
  shows M, g Θ branch
  using assms block_sat by fast

lemma soundness:
  assumes A, n  branch
  shows block  set branch. p on block. ¬ M, g, w  p
  using assms soundness' branch_sat by fast

corollary ¬ A, n  []
  using soundness by fastforce

theorem soundness_fresh:
  assumes A, n  [([¬ p], i)] i  nominals p
  shows M, g, w  p
proof -
  from assms(1) have M, g, g i  p for g
    using soundness by fastforce
  then have M, g(i := w), (g(i := w)) i  p
    by blast
  then have M, g(i := w), w  p
    by simp
  then have M, g(i := g i), w  p
    using assms(2) semantics_fresh by metis
  then show ?thesis
    by simp

section ‹No Detours›

text ‹
  We only need to spend initial potential when we apply GoTo twice in a row.
  Otherwise another rule will have been applied in-between that justifies the GoTo.
  Therefore, by filtering out detours we can close any closeable branch starting from
    a single unit of potential.

primrec nonempty :: ('a, 'b) block  bool where
  nonempty (ps, i) = (ps  [])

lemma nonempty_Suc:
    A, n  (ps, a) # filter nonempty left @ right
    q at a in (ps, a) # filter nonempty left @ right q  Nom a
  shows A, Suc n  filter nonempty ((ps, a) # left) @ right
proof (cases ps)
  case Nil
  then have a  branch_nominals (filter nonempty left @ right)
    unfolding branch_nominals_def using assms(2-3) by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(1) Nil GoTo by auto
  case Cons
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(1) STA_Suc by auto

lemma STA_nonempty:
  A, n  left @ right  A, Suc m  filter nonempty left @ right
proof (induct n left @ right arbitrary: left right rule: STA.induct)
  case (Close p i n)
  have (¬ p) at i in filter nonempty left @ right
    using Close(2) by fastforce
  moreover from this have p at i in filter nonempty left @ right
    using Close(1) by fastforce
  ultimately show ?case
    using STA.Close by fast
  case (Neg p a ps branch n)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases left)
    case Nil
    then have A, Suc m  (p # ps, a) # branch
      using Neg(4) by fastforce
    then have A, m  (ps, a) # branch
      using Neg(1-2) STA.Neg by fast
    then show ?thesis
      using Nil Neg(5) STA_Suc by auto
    case (Cons _ left')
    then have A, Suc m  (p # ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using Neg(4)[where left=_ # left'] Neg(5) by fastforce
    moreover have *: (¬ ¬ p) at a in (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using Cons Neg(1, 5) by fastforce
    moreover have new p a ((ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right)
      using Cons Neg(2, 5) unfolding new_def by auto
    ultimately have A, m  (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using STA.Neg by fast
    then have A, Suc m  filter nonempty ((ps, a) # left') @ right
      using * nonempty_Suc by fast
    then show ?thesis
      using Cons Neg(5) by auto
  case (DisP p q a ps branch n)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases left)
    case Nil
    then have A, Suc m  (p # ps, a) # branch A, Suc m  (q # ps, a) # branch
      using DisP(5, 7) by fastforce+
    then have A, m  (ps, a) # branch
      using DisP(1-3) STA.DisP by fast
    then show ?thesis
      using Nil DisP(8) STA_Suc by auto
    case (Cons _ left')
    then have
      A, Suc m  (p # ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      A, Suc m  (q # ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using DisP(5, 7)[where left=_ # left'] DisP(8) by fastforce+
    moreover have *: (p  q) at a in (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using Cons DisP(1, 8) by fastforce
    moreover have
      new p a ((ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right)
      new q a ((ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right)
      using Cons DisP(2-3, 8) unfolding new_def by auto
    ultimately have A, m  (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using STA.DisP by fast
    then have A, Suc m  filter nonempty ((ps, a) # left') @ right
      using * nonempty_Suc by fast
    then show ?thesis
      using Cons DisP(8) by auto
  case (DisN p q a ps branch n)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases left)
    case Nil
    then have A, Suc m  ((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, a) # branch
      using DisN(4) by fastforce
    then have A, m  (ps, a) # branch
      using DisN(1-2) STA.DisN by fast
    then show ?thesis
      using Nil DisN(5) STA_Suc by auto
    case (Cons _ left')
    then have A, Suc m  ((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using DisN(4)[where left=_ # left'] DisN(5) by fastforce
    moreover have *: (¬ (p  q)) at a in (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using Cons DisN(1, 5) by fastforce
    moreover consider
      new (¬ p) a ((ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right) |
      new (¬ q) a ((ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right)
      using Cons DisN(2, 5) unfolding new_def by auto
    ultimately have A, m  (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using STA.DisN by metis
    then have A, Suc m  filter nonempty ((ps, a) # left') @ right
      using * nonempty_Suc by fast
    then show ?thesis
      using Cons DisN(5) by auto
  case (DiaP p a ps branch i n)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases left)
    case Nil
    then have A, Suc m  ((@ i p) # ( Nom i) # ps, a) # branch
      using DiaP(6) by fastforce
    then have A, m  (ps, a) # branch
      using DiaP(1-4) STA.DiaP by fast
    then show ?thesis
      using Nil DiaP(7) STA_Suc by auto
    case (Cons _ left')
    then have A, Suc m  ((@ i p) # ( Nom i) # ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using DiaP(6)[where left=_ # left'] DiaP(7) by fastforce
    moreover have *: ( p) at a in (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using Cons DiaP(1, 7) by fastforce
    moreover have i  A  branch_nominals ((ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right)
      using Cons DiaP(2, 7) unfolding branch_nominals_def by auto
    moreover have ¬ witnessed p a ((ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right)
      using Cons DiaP(4, 7) unfolding witnessed_def by auto
    ultimately have A, m  (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using DiaP(3) STA.DiaP by fast
    then have A, Suc m  filter nonempty ((ps, a) # left') @ right
      using * nonempty_Suc by fast
    then show ?thesis
      using Cons DiaP(7) by auto
  case (DiaN p a ps branch i n)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases left)
    case Nil
    then have A, Suc m  ((¬ (@ i p)) # ps, a) # branch
      using DiaN(5) by fastforce
    then have A, m  (ps, a) # branch
      using DiaN(1-3) STA.DiaN by fast
    then show ?thesis
      using Nil DiaN(6) STA_Suc by auto
    case (Cons _ left')
    then have A, Suc m  ((¬ (@ i p)) # ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using DiaN(5)[where left=_ # left'] DiaN(6) by fastforce
    moreover have *: (¬ ( p)) at a in (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using Cons DiaN(1, 6) by fastforce
    moreover have *: ( Nom i) at a in (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using Cons DiaN(2, 6) by fastforce
    moreover have new (¬ (@ i p)) a ((ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right)
      using Cons DiaN(3, 6) unfolding new_def by auto
    ultimately have A, m  (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using STA.DiaN by fast
    then have A, Suc m  filter nonempty ((ps, a) # left') @ right
      using * nonempty_Suc by fast
    then show ?thesis
      using Cons DiaN(6) by auto
  case (SatP a p b ps branch n)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases left)
    case Nil
    then have A, Suc m  (p # ps, a) # branch
      using SatP(4) by fastforce
    then have A, m  (ps, a) # branch
      using SatP(1-2) STA.SatP by fast
    then show ?thesis
      using Nil SatP(5) STA_Suc by auto
    case (Cons _ left')
    then have A, Suc m  (p # ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using SatP(4)[where left=_ # left'] SatP(5) by fastforce
    moreover have (@ a p) at b in (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using Cons SatP(1, 5) by fastforce
    moreover have new p a ((ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right)
      using Cons SatP(2, 5) unfolding new_def by auto
    ultimately have *: A, m  (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using STA.SatP by fast
    then have A, Suc m  filter nonempty ((ps, a) # left') @ right
    proof (cases ps)
      case Nil
      then have a  branch_nominals (filter nonempty left' @ right)
        unfolding branch_nominals_def using SatP(1, 5) Cons by fastforce
      then show ?thesis
        using * Nil GoTo by fastforce
      case Cons
      then show ?thesis
        using * STA_Suc by auto
    then show ?thesis
      using Cons SatP(5) by auto
  case (SatN a p b ps branch n)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases left)
    case Nil
    then have A, Suc m  ((¬ p) # ps, a) # branch
      using SatN(4) by fastforce
    then have A, m  (ps, a) # branch
      using SatN(1-2) STA.SatN by fast
    then show ?thesis
      using Nil SatN(5) STA_Suc by auto
    case (Cons _ left')
    then have A, Suc m  ((¬ p) # ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using SatN(4)[where left=_ # left'] SatN(5) by fastforce
    moreover have (¬ (@ a p)) at b in (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using Cons SatN(1, 5) by fastforce
    moreover have new (¬ p) a ((ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right)
      using Cons SatN(2, 5) unfolding new_def by auto
    ultimately have *: A, m  (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using STA.SatN by fast
    then have A, Suc m  filter nonempty ((ps, a) # left') @ right
    proof (cases ps)
      case Nil
      then have a  branch_nominals (filter nonempty left' @ right)
        unfolding branch_nominals_def using SatN(1, 5) Cons by fastforce
      then show ?thesis
        using * Nil GoTo by fastforce
      case Cons
      then show ?thesis
        using * STA_Suc by auto
    then show ?thesis
      using Cons SatN(5) by auto
  case (GoTo i n)
  show ?case
    using GoTo(3)[where left=([], i) # left] by simp
  case (Nom p b ps a branch n)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases left)
    case Nil
    then have A, Suc m  (p # ps, a) # branch
      using Nom(6) by fastforce
    then have A, m  (ps, a) # branch
      using Nom(1-4) STA.Nom by metis
    then show ?thesis
      using Nil Nom(7) STA_Suc by auto
    case (Cons _ left')
    then have A, Suc m  (p # ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using Nom(6)[where left=_ # left'] Nom(7) by fastforce
    moreover have
      p at b in (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right and a:
      Nom a at b in (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using Cons Nom(1-2, 7) by simp_all (metis empty_iff empty_set)+
    moreover have new p a ((ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right)
      using Cons Nom(4, 7) unfolding new_def by auto
    ultimately have *: A, m  (ps, a) # filter nonempty left' @ right
      using Nom(3) STA.Nom by metis
    then have A, Suc m  filter nonempty ((ps, a) # left') @ right
    proof (cases ps)
      case Nil
      moreover have a  b
        using Nom(1, 4) unfolding new_def by blast
      ultimately have a  branch_nominals (filter nonempty left' @ right)
        using a unfolding branch_nominals_def by fastforce
      then show ?thesis
        using * Nil GoTo by auto
      case Cons
      then show ?thesis
        using * STA_Suc by auto
    then show ?thesis
      using Cons Nom(7) by auto

theorem STA_potential: A, n  branch  A, Suc m  branch
  using STA_nonempty[where left=[]] by auto

corollary STA_one: A, n  branch  A, 1  branch
  using STA_potential by auto

subsection ‹Free GoTo›

text ‹The above result allows us to prove a version of GoTo that works "for free."›

lemma GoTo':
  assumes A, Suc n  ([], i) # branch i  branch_nominals branch
  shows A, Suc n  branch
  using assms GoTo STA_potential by fast

section ‹Indexed Mapping›

text ‹This section contains some machinery for showing admissible rules.›

subsection ‹Indexing›

text ‹
  We use pairs of natural numbers to index into the branch.
  The first component specifies the block and the second specifies the formula on that block.
  We index from the back to ensure that indices are stable
    under the addition of new formulas and blocks.

primrec rev_nth :: 'a list  nat  'a option (infixl !. 100) where
  [] !. v = None
| (x # xs) !. v = (if length xs = v then Some x else xs !. v)

lemma rev_nth_last: xs !. 0 = Some x  last xs = x
  by (induct xs) auto

lemma rev_nth_zero: (xs @ [x]) !. 0 = Some x
  by (induct xs) auto

lemma rev_nth_snoc: (xs @ [x]) !. Suc v = Some y  xs !. v = Some y
  by (induct xs) auto

lemma rev_nth_Suc: (xs @ [x]) !. Suc v = xs !. v
  by (induct xs) auto

lemma rev_nth_bounded: v < length xs  x. xs !. v = Some x
  by (induct xs) simp_all

lemma rev_nth_Cons: xs !. v = Some y  (x # xs) !. v = Some y
proof (induct xs arbitrary: v rule: rev_induct)
  case (snoc a xs)
  then show ?case
  proof (induct v)
    case (Suc v)
    then have xs !. v = Some y
      using rev_nth_snoc by fast
    then have (x # xs) !. v = Some y
      using Suc(2) by blast
    then show ?case
      using Suc(3) by auto
  qed simp
qed simp

lemma rev_nth_append: xs !. v = Some y  (ys @ xs) !. v = Some y
  using rev_nth_Cons[where xs=_ @ xs] by (induct ys) simp_all

lemma rev_nth_mem: block ∈. branch  (v. branch !. v = Some block)
  assume block ∈. branch
  then show v. branch !. v = Some block
  proof (induct branch)
    case (Cons block' branch)
    then show ?case
    proof (cases block = block')
      case False
      then have v. branch !. v = Some block
        using Cons by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using rev_nth_Cons by fast
    qed auto
  qed simp
  assume v. branch !. v = Some block
  then show block ∈. branch
  proof (induct branch)
    case (Cons block' branch)
    then show ?case
      by simp (metis option.sel)
  qed simp

lemma rev_nth_on: p on (ps, i)  (v. ps !. v = Some p)  p = Nom i
  by (simp add: rev_nth_mem)

lemma rev_nth_Some: xs !. v = Some y  v < length xs
proof (induct xs arbitrary: v rule: rev_induct)
  case (snoc x xs)
  then show ?case
    by (induct v) (simp_all, metis rev_nth_snoc)
qed simp

lemma index_Cons:
  assumes ((ps, a) # branch) !. v = Some (qs, b) qs !. v' = Some q
  shows qs'. ((p # ps, a) # branch) !. v = Some (qs', b)  qs' !. v' = Some q
proof -
    ((p # ps, a) # branch) !. v = Some (qs, b) 
     ((p # ps, a) # branch) !. v = Some (p # qs, b)
    using assms(1) by auto
  moreover have qs !. v' = Some q (p # qs) !. v' = Some q
    using assms(2) rev_nth_Cons by fast+
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by fastforce

subsection ‹Mapping›

primrec mapi :: (nat  'a  'b)  'a list  'b list where
  mapi f [] = []
| mapi f (x # xs) = f (length xs) x # mapi f xs

primrec mapi_block ::
  (nat  ('a, 'b) fm  ('a, 'b) fm)  (('a, 'b) block  ('a, 'b) block) where
  mapi_block f (ps, i) = (mapi f ps, i)

definition mapi_branch ::
  (nat  nat  ('a, 'b) fm  ('a, 'b) fm)  (('a, 'b) branch  ('a, 'b) branch) where
  mapi_branch f branch  mapi (λv. mapi_block (f v)) branch

abbreviation mapper ::
  (('a, 'b) fm  ('a, 'b) fm) 
   (nat × nat) set  nat  nat  ('a, 'b) fm  ('a, 'b) fm where
  mapper f xs v v' p  (if (v, v')  xs then f p else p)

lemma mapi_block_add_oob:
  assumes length ps  v'
    mapi_block (mapper f ({(v, v')}  xs) v) (ps, i) =
     mapi_block (mapper f xs v) (ps, i)
  using assms by (induct ps) simp_all

lemma mapi_branch_add_oob:
  assumes length branch  v
    mapi_branch (mapper f ({(v, v')}  xs)) branch =
     mapi_branch (mapper f xs) branch
  unfolding mapi_branch_def using assms by (induct branch) simp_all

lemma mapi_branch_head_add_oob:
  mapi_branch (mapper f ({(length branch, length ps)}  xs)) ((ps, a) # branch) =
   mapi_branch (mapper f xs) ((ps, a) # branch)
  using mapi_branch_add_oob[where branch=branch] unfolding mapi_branch_def
  using mapi_block_add_oob[where ps=ps] by simp

lemma mapi_branch_mem:
  assumes (ps, i) ∈. branch
  shows v. (mapi (f v) ps, i) ∈. mapi_branch f branch
  unfolding mapi_branch_def using assms by (induct branch) auto

lemma rev_nth_mapi_branch:
  assumes branch !. v = Some (ps, a)
  shows (mapi (f v) ps, a) ∈. mapi_branch f branch
  unfolding mapi_branch_def using assms
  by (induct branch) (simp_all, metis mapi_block.simps option.inject)

lemma rev_nth_mapi_block:
  assumes ps !. v' = Some p
  shows f v' p on (mapi f ps, a)
  using assms by (induct ps) (simp_all, metis option.sel)

lemma mapi_append:
  mapi f (xs @ ys) = mapi (λv. f (v + length ys)) xs @ mapi f ys
  by (induct xs) simp_all

lemma mapi_block_id: mapi_block (mapper f {} v) (ps, i) = (ps, i)
  by (induct ps) auto

lemma mapi_branch_id: mapi_branch (mapper f {}) branch = branch
  unfolding mapi_branch_def using mapi_block_id by (induct branch) auto

lemma length_mapi: length (mapi f xs) = length xs
  by (induct xs) auto

lemma mapi_rev_nth:
  assumes xs !. v = Some x
  shows mapi f xs !. v = Some (f v x)
  using assms
proof (induct xs arbitrary: v)
  case (Cons y xs)
  have *: mapi f (y # xs) = f (length xs) y # mapi f xs
    by simp
  show ?case
  proof (cases v = length xs)
    case True
    then have mapi f (y # xs) !. v = Some (f (length xs) y)
      using length_mapi * by (metis rev_nth.simps(2))
    then show ?thesis
      using Cons.prems True by auto
    case False
    then show ?thesis
      using * Cons length_mapi by (metis rev_nth.simps(2))
qed simp

section ‹Duplicate Formulas›

subsection ‹Removable indices›

abbreviation proj  Equiv_Relations.proj

definition all_is :: ('a, 'b) fm  ('a, 'b) fm list  nat set  bool where
  all_is p ps xs  v  xs. ps !. v = Some p

definition is_at :: ('a, 'b) fm  'b  ('a, 'b) branch  nat  nat  bool where
  is_at p i branch v v'  ps. branch !. v = Some (ps, i)  ps !. v' = Some p

text ‹This definition is slightly complicated by the inability to index the opening nominal.›

definition is_elsewhere :: ('a, 'b) fm  'b  ('a, 'b) branch  (nat × nat) set  bool where
  is_elsewhere p i branch xs  w w' ps. (w, w')  xs 
    branch !. w = Some (ps, i)  (p = Nom i  ps !. w' = Some p)

definition Dup :: ('a, 'b) fm  'b  ('a, 'b) branch  (nat × nat) set  bool where
  Dup p i branch xs  (v, v')  xs.
    is_at p i branch v v'  is_elsewhere p i branch xs

lemma Dup_all_is:
  assumes Dup p i branch xs branch !. v = Some (ps, a)
  shows all_is p ps (proj xs v)
  using assms unfolding Dup_def is_at_def all_is_def proj_def by auto

lemma Dup_branch:
  Dup p i branch xs  Dup p i (extra @ branch) xs
  unfolding Dup_def is_at_def is_elsewhere_def using rev_nth_append by fast

lemma Dup_block:
  assumes Dup p i ((ps, a) # branch) xs
  shows Dup p i ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) xs
  unfolding Dup_def
proof safe
  fix v v'
  assume (v, v')  xs
  then show is_at p i ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) v v'
    using assms rev_nth_append unfolding Dup_def is_at_def by fastforce
  fix v v'
  assume (v, v')  xs
  then obtain w w' qs where
    (w, w')  xs ((ps, a) # branch) !. w = Some (qs, i)
    p = Nom i  qs !. w' = Some p
    using assms unfolding Dup_def is_elsewhere_def by blast
  then have
    qs. ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) !. w = Some (qs, i) 
     (p = Nom i  qs !. w' = Some p)
    using rev_nth_append by fastforce
  then show is_elsewhere p i ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) xs
    unfolding is_elsewhere_def using (w, w')  xs by blast

definition only_touches :: 'b  ('a, 'b) branch  (nat × nat) set  bool where
  only_touches i branch xs  (v, v')  xs. ps a. branch !. v = Some (ps, a)  i = a

lemma Dup_touches: Dup p i branch xs  only_touches i branch xs
  unfolding Dup_def is_at_def only_touches_def by auto

lemma only_touches_opening:
  assumes only_touches i branch xs (v, v')  xs branch !. v = Some (ps, a)
  shows i = a
  using assms unfolding only_touches_def is_at_def by auto

lemma Dup_head:
  Dup p i ((ps, a) # branch) xs  Dup p i ((q # ps, a) # branch) xs
  using Dup_block[where ps'=[_]] by simp

lemma Dup_head_oob':
  assumes Dup p i ((ps, a) # branch) xs
  shows (length branch, k + length ps)  xs
  using assms rev_nth_Some unfolding Dup_def is_at_def by fastforce

lemma Dup_head_oob:
  assumes Dup p i ((ps, a) # branch) xs
  shows (length branch, length ps)  xs
  using assms Dup_head_oob'[where k=0] by fastforce

subsection ‹Omitting formulas›

primrec omit :: nat set  ('a, 'b) fm list  ('a, 'b) fm list where
  omit xs [] = []
| omit xs (p # ps) = (if length ps  xs then omit xs ps else p # omit xs ps)

primrec omit_block :: nat set  ('a, 'b) block  ('a, 'b) block where
  omit_block xs (ps, a) = (omit xs ps, a)

definition omit_branch :: (nat × nat) set  ('a, 'b) branch  ('a, 'b) branch where
  omit_branch xs branch  mapi (λv. omit_block (proj xs v)) branch

lemma omit_mem: ps !. v = Some p  v  xs  p ∈. omit xs ps
proof (induct ps)
  case (Cons q ps)
  then show ?case
    by (cases v = length ps) simp_all
qed simp

lemma omit_id: omit {} ps = ps
  by (induct ps) auto

lemma omit_block_id: omit_block {} block = block
  using omit_id by (cases block) simp

lemma omit_branch_id: omit_branch {} branch = branch
  unfolding omit_branch_def proj_def using omit_block_id
  by (induct branch) fastforce+

lemma omit_branch_mem_diff_opening:
  assumes only_touches i branch xs (ps, a) ∈. branch i  a
  shows (ps, a) ∈. omit_branch xs branch
proof -
  obtain v where v: branch !. v = Some (ps, a)
    using assms(2) rev_nth_mem by fast
  then have omit_branch xs branch !. v = Some (omit (proj xs v) ps, a)
    unfolding omit_branch_def by (simp add: mapi_rev_nth)
  then have *: (omit (proj xs v) ps, a) ∈. omit_branch xs branch
    using rev_nth_mem by fast
  moreover have proj xs v = {}
    unfolding proj_def using assms(1, 3) v only_touches_opening by fast
  then have omit (proj xs v) ps = ps
    using omit_id by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by simp

lemma Dup_omit_branch_mem_same_opening:
  assumes Dup p i branch xs p at i in branch
  shows p at i in omit_branch xs branch
proof -
  obtain ps where ps: (ps, i) ∈. branch p on (ps, i)
    using assms(2) by blast
  then obtain v where v: branch !. v = Some (ps, i)
    using rev_nth_mem by fast
  then have omit_branch xs branch !. v = Some (omit (proj xs v) ps, i)
    unfolding omit_branch_def by (simp add: mapi_rev_nth)
  then have *: (omit (proj xs v) ps, i) ∈. omit_branch xs branch
    using rev_nth_mem by fast

    v' where ps !. v' = Some p (v, v')  xs |
    v' where ps !. v' = Some p (v, v')  xs |
    p = Nom i
    using ps v rev_nth_mem by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
  proof cases
    case (1 v')
    then obtain qs w w' where qs:
      (w, w')  xs branch !. w = Some (qs, i) p = Nom i  qs !. w' = Some p
      using assms(1) unfolding Dup_def is_elsewhere_def by blast
    then have omit_branch xs branch !. w = Some (omit (proj xs w) qs, i)
      unfolding omit_branch_def by (simp add: mapi_rev_nth)
    then have (omit (proj xs w) qs, i) ∈. omit_branch xs branch
      using rev_nth_mem by fast
    moreover have p on (omit (proj xs w) qs, i)
      unfolding proj_def using qs(1, 3) omit_mem by fastforce
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by blast
    case (2 v')
    then show ?thesis
      using * omit_mem unfolding proj_def
      by (metis Image_singleton_iff on.simps)
    case 3
    then show ?thesis
      using * by auto

lemma omit_del:
  assumes p ∈. ps p  set (omit xs ps)
  shows v. ps !. v = Some p  v  xs
  using assms omit_mem rev_nth_mem by metis

lemma omit_all_is:
  assumes all_is p ps xs q ∈. ps q  set (omit xs ps)
  shows q = p
  using assms omit_del unfolding all_is_def by fastforce

definition all_is_branch :: ('a, 'b) fm  'b  ('a, 'b) branch  (nat × nat) set  bool where
  all_is_branch p i branch xs  (v, v')  xs. v < length branch  is_at p i branch v v'

lemma all_is_branch:
  all_is_branch p i branch xs  branch !. v = Some (ps, a)  all_is p ps (proj xs v)
  unfolding all_is_branch_def is_at_def all_is_def proj_def using rev_nth_Some by fastforce

lemma Dup_all_is_branch: Dup p i branch xs  all_is_branch p i branch xs
  unfolding all_is_branch_def Dup_def by fast

lemma omit_branch_mem_diff_formula:
  assumes all_is_branch p i branch xs q at i in branch p  q
  shows q at i in omit_branch xs branch
proof -
  obtain ps where ps: (ps, i) ∈. branch q on (ps, i)
    using assms(2) by blast
  then obtain v where v: branch !. v = Some (ps, i)
    using rev_nth_mem by fast
  then have omit_branch xs branch !. v = Some (omit (proj xs v) ps, i)
    unfolding omit_branch_def by (simp add: mapi_rev_nth)
  then have *: (omit (proj xs v) ps, i) ∈. omit_branch xs branch
    using rev_nth_mem by fast
  moreover have all_is p ps (proj xs v)
    using assms(1) v all_is_branch by fast
  then have q on (omit (proj xs v) ps, i)
    using ps assms(3) omit_all_is by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma Dup_omit_branch_mem:
  assumes Dup p i branch xs q at a in branch
  shows q at a in omit_branch xs branch
  using assms omit_branch_mem_diff_opening Dup_touches Dup_omit_branch_mem_same_opening
    omit_branch_mem_diff_formula Dup_all_is_branch by fast

lemma omit_set: set (omit xs ps)  set ps
  by (induct ps) auto

lemma on_omit: p on (omit xs ps, i)  p on (ps, i)
  using omit_set by auto

lemma all_is_set:
  assumes all_is p ps xs
  shows {p}  set (omit xs ps) = {p}  set ps
  using assms omit_all_is omit_set unfolding all_is_def by fast

lemma all_is_list_nominals:
  assumes all_is p ps xs
  shows nominals p  list_nominals (omit xs ps) = nominals p  list_nominals ps
  using assms all_is_set by fastforce

lemma all_is_block_nominals:
  assumes all_is p ps xs
  shows nominals p  block_nominals (omit xs ps, i) = nominals p  block_nominals (ps, i)
  using assms by (simp add: all_is_list_nominals)

lemma all_is_branch_nominals':
  assumes all_is_branch p i branch xs
    nominals p  branch_nominals (omit_branch xs branch) =
     nominals p  branch_nominals branch
proof -
  have (v, v')  xs. v < length branch  is_at p i branch v v'
    using assms unfolding all_is_branch_def is_at_def by auto
  then show ?thesis
  proof (induct branch)
    case Nil
    then show ?case
      unfolding omit_branch_def by simp
    case (Cons block branch)
    then show ?case
    proof (cases block)
      case (Pair ps a)
      have (v, v')  xs. v < length branch  is_at p i branch v v'
        using Cons(2) rev_nth_Cons unfolding is_at_def by auto
      then have
        nominals p  branch_nominals (omit_branch xs branch) =
         nominals p  branch_nominals branch
        using Cons(1) by blast
      then have
        nominals p  branch_nominals (omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch)) =
         nominals p  block_nominals (omit (proj xs (length branch)) ps, a) 
          branch_nominals branch
        unfolding branch_nominals_def omit_branch_def by auto
      moreover have all_is p ps (proj xs (length branch))
        using Cons(2) Pair unfolding proj_def all_is_def is_at_def by auto
      then have
        nominals p  block_nominals (omit (proj xs (length branch)) ps, a) =
         nominals p  block_nominals (ps, a)
        using all_is_block_nominals by fast
      then have
        nominals p  block_nominals (omit_block (proj xs (length branch)) (ps, a)) =
         nominals p  block_nominals (ps, a)
        by simp
      ultimately have
        nominals p  branch_nominals (omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch)) =
          nominals p  block_nominals (ps, a)  branch_nominals branch
        by auto
      then show ?thesis
        unfolding branch_nominals_def using Pair by auto

lemma Dup_branch_nominals:
  assumes Dup p i branch xs
  shows branch_nominals (omit_branch xs branch) = branch_nominals branch
proof (cases xs = {})
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    using omit_branch_id by metis
  case False
  with assms obtain ps w w' where
    (w, w')  xs branch !. w = Some (ps, i) p = Nom i  ps !. w' = Some p
    unfolding Dup_def is_elsewhere_def by fast
  then have *: (ps, i) ∈. branch p on (ps, i)
    using rev_nth_mem rev_nth_on by fast+
  then have nominals p  branch_nominals branch
    unfolding branch_nominals_def using block_nominals by fast
  moreover obtain ps' where
    (ps', i) ∈. omit_branch xs branch p on (ps', i)
    using assms * Dup_omit_branch_mem by fast
  then have nominals p  branch_nominals (omit_branch xs branch)
    unfolding branch_nominals_def using block_nominals by fast
  moreover have
    nominals p  branch_nominals (omit_branch xs branch) =
     nominals p  branch_nominals branch
    using assms all_is_branch_nominals' Dup_all_is_branch by fast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma omit_branch_mem_dual:
  assumes p at i in omit_branch xs branch
  shows p at i in branch
proof -
  obtain ps where ps: (ps, i) ∈. omit_branch xs branch p on (ps, i)
    using assms(1) by blast
  then obtain v where v: omit_branch xs branch !. v = Some (ps, i)
    using rev_nth_mem unfolding omit_branch_def by fast
  then have v < length (omit_branch xs branch)
    using rev_nth_Some by fast
  then have v < length branch
    unfolding omit_branch_def using length_mapi by metis
  then obtain ps' i' where ps': branch !. v = Some (ps', i')
    using rev_nth_bounded by (metis surj_pair)
  then have omit_branch xs branch !. v = Some (omit (proj xs v) ps', i')
    unfolding omit_branch_def by (simp add: mapi_rev_nth)
  then have ps = omit (proj xs v) ps' i = i'
    using v by simp_all
  then have p on (ps', i)
    using ps omit_set by auto
  moreover have (ps', i) ∈. branch
    using ps' i = i' rev_nth_mem by fast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using ps = omit (proj xs v) ps' by blast

lemma witnessed_omit_branch:
  assumes witnessed p a (omit_branch xs branch)
  shows witnessed p a branch
proof -
  obtain ps qs i where
    ps: (ps, a) ∈. omit_branch xs branch (@ i p) on (ps, a) and
    qs: (qs, a) ∈. omit_branch xs branch ( Nom i) on (qs, a)
    using assms unfolding witnessed_def by blast
  from ps obtain ps' where
    (ps', a) ∈. branch (@ i p) on (ps', a)
    using omit_branch_mem_dual by fast
  moreover from qs obtain qs' where
    (qs', a) ∈. branch ( Nom i) on (qs', a)
    using omit_branch_mem_dual by fast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding witnessed_def by blast

lemma new_omit_branch:
  assumes new p a branch
  shows new p a (omit_branch xs branch)
  using assms omit_branch_mem_dual unfolding new_def by fast

lemma omit_oob:
  assumes length ps  v
  shows omit ({v}  xs) ps = omit xs ps
  using assms by (induct ps) simp_all

lemma omit_branch_oob:
  assumes length branch  v
  shows omit_branch ({(v, v')}  xs) branch = omit_branch xs branch
  using assms
proof (induct branch)
  case Nil
  then show ?case
    unfolding omit_branch_def by simp
  case (Cons block branch)
  let ?xs = ({(v, v')}  xs)
  show ?case
  proof (cases block)
    case (Pair ps a)
    then have
      omit_branch ?xs ((ps, a) # branch) =
        (omit (proj ?xs (length branch)) ps, a) # omit_branch xs branch
      using Cons unfolding omit_branch_def by simp
    moreover have proj ?xs (length branch) = proj xs (length branch)
      using Cons(2) unfolding proj_def by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      unfolding omit_branch_def by simp

subsection ‹Induction›

lemma STA_Dup:
  assumes A, n  branch Dup q i branch xs
  shows A, n  omit_branch xs branch
  using assms
proof (induct n branch)
  case (Close p i' branch n)
  have p at i' in omit_branch xs branch
    using Close(1, 3) Dup_omit_branch_mem by fast
  moreover have (¬ p) at i' in omit_branch xs branch
    using Close(2, 3) Dup_omit_branch_mem by fast
  ultimately show ?case
    using STA.Close by fast
  case (Neg p a ps branch n)
  have A, Suc n  omit_branch xs ((p # ps, a) # branch)
    using Neg(4-) Dup_head by fast
  moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
    using Neg(5) Dup_head_oob by fast
  ultimately have
    A, Suc n  (p # omit (proj xs (length branch)) ps, a) # omit_branch xs branch
    unfolding omit_branch_def proj_def by simp
  moreover have (¬ ¬ p) at a in omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch)
    using Neg(1, 5) Dup_omit_branch_mem by fast
  moreover have new p a (omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch))
    using Neg(2) new_omit_branch by fast
  ultimately show ?case
    by (simp add: omit_branch_def STA.Neg)
  case (DisP p q a ps branch n)
    A, Suc n  omit_branch xs ((p # ps, a) # branch)
    A, Suc n  omit_branch xs ((q # ps, a) # branch)
    using DisP(4-) Dup_head by fast+
  moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
    using DisP(8) Dup_head_oob by fast
  ultimately have
    A, Suc n  (p # omit (proj xs (length branch)) ps, a) # omit_branch xs branch
    A, Suc n  (q # omit (proj xs (length branch)) ps, a) # omit_branch xs branch
    unfolding omit_branch_def proj_def by simp_all
  moreover have (p  q) at a in omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch)
    using DisP(1, 8) Dup_omit_branch_mem by fast
  moreover have new p a (omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch))
    using DisP(2) new_omit_branch by fast
  moreover have new q a (omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch))
    using DisP(3) new_omit_branch by fast
  ultimately show ?case
    by (simp add: omit_branch_def STA.DisP)
  case (DisN p q a ps branch n)
  have A, Suc n  omit_branch xs (((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, a) # branch)
    using DisN(4-) Dup_block[where ps'=[_, _]] by fastforce
  moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
    using DisN(5) Dup_head_oob by fast
  moreover have (length branch, 1 + length ps)  xs
    using DisN(5) Dup_head_oob' by fast
  ultimately have
    A, Suc n  ((¬ q) # (¬ p) # omit (proj xs (length branch)) ps, a) #
      omit_branch xs branch
    unfolding omit_branch_def proj_def by simp
  moreover have (¬ (p  q)) at a in omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch)
    using DisN(1, 5) Dup_omit_branch_mem by fast
  moreover have
    new (¬ p) a (omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch)) 
     new (¬ q) a (omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch))
    using DisN(2) new_omit_branch by fast
  ultimately show ?case
    by (simp add: omit_branch_def STA.DisN)
  case (DiaP p a ps branch i n)
  have A, Suc n  omit_branch xs (((@ i p) # ( Nom i) # ps, a) # branch)
    using DiaP(4-) Dup_block[where ps'=[_, _]] by fastforce
  moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
    using DiaP(7) Dup_head_oob by fast
  moreover have (length branch, 1+ length ps)  xs
    using DiaP(7) Dup_head_oob' by fast
  ultimately have
    A, Suc n  ((@ i p) # ( Nom i) # omit (proj xs (length branch)) ps, a) #
      omit_branch xs branch
    unfolding omit_branch_def proj_def by simp
  moreover have ( p) at a in omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch)
    using DiaP(1, 7) Dup_omit_branch_mem by fast
  moreover have i  A  branch_nominals (omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch))
    using DiaP(2, 7) Dup_branch_nominals by fast
  moreover have ¬ witnessed p a (omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch))
    using DiaP(4) witnessed_omit_branch by fast
  ultimately show ?case
    using DiaP(3) by (simp add: omit_branch_def STA.DiaP)
  case (DiaN p a ps branch i n)
  have A, Suc n  omit_branch xs (((¬ (@ i p)) # ps, a) # branch)
    using DiaN(4-) Dup_head by fast
  moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
    using DiaN(6) Dup_head_oob by fast
  ultimately have
    A, Suc n  ((¬ (@ i p)) # omit (proj xs (length branch)) ps, a) #
      omit_branch xs branch
    unfolding omit_branch_def proj_def by simp
  moreover have (¬ ( p)) at a in omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch)
    using DiaN(1, 6) Dup_omit_branch_mem by fast
  moreover have ( Nom i) at a in omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch)
    using DiaN(2, 6) Dup_omit_branch_mem by fast
  moreover have new (¬ (@ i p)) a (omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch))
    using DiaN(3) new_omit_branch by fast
  ultimately show ?case
    by (simp add: omit_branch_def STA.DiaN)
  case (SatP a p b ps branch n)
  have A, Suc n  omit_branch xs ((p # ps, a) # branch)
    using SatP(4-) Dup_head by fast
  moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
    using SatP(5) Dup_head_oob by fast
  ultimately have
    A, Suc n  (p # omit (proj xs (length branch)) ps, a) # omit_branch xs branch
    unfolding omit_branch_def proj_def by simp
  moreover have (@ a p) at b in omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch)
    using SatP(1, 5) Dup_omit_branch_mem by fast
  moreover have new p a (omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch))
    using SatP(2) new_omit_branch by fast
  ultimately show ?case
    by (simp add: omit_branch_def STA.SatP)
  case (SatN a p b ps branch n)
  have A, Suc n  omit_branch xs (((¬ p) # ps, a) # branch)
    using SatN(4-) Dup_head by fast
  moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
    using SatN(5) Dup_head_oob by fast
  ultimately have
    A, Suc n  ((¬ p) # omit (proj xs (length branch)) ps, a) # omit_branch xs branch
    unfolding omit_branch_def proj_def by simp
  moreover have (¬ (@ a p)) at b in omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch)
    using SatN(1, 5) Dup_omit_branch_mem by fast
  moreover have new (¬ p) a (omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch))
    using SatN(2) new_omit_branch by fast
  ultimately show ?case
    by (simp add: omit_branch_def STA.SatN)
  case (GoTo i branch n)
  then have A, n  omit_branch xs (([], i) # branch)
    using Dup_branch[where extra=[([], i)]] by fastforce
  then have A, n  ([], i) # omit_branch xs branch
    unfolding omit_branch_def by simp
  moreover have i  branch_nominals (omit_branch xs branch)
    using GoTo(1, 4) Dup_branch_nominals by fast
  ultimately show ?case
    unfolding omit_branch_def by (simp add: STA.GoTo)
  case (Nom p b ps a branch n)
  have A, Suc n  omit_branch xs ((p # ps, a) # branch)
    using Nom(4-) Dup_head by fast
  moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
    using Nom(7) Dup_head_oob by fast
  ultimately have
    A, Suc n  (p # omit (proj xs (length branch)) ps, a) # omit_branch xs branch
    unfolding omit_branch_def proj_def by simp
  moreover have p at b in omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch)
    using Nom(1, 7) Dup_omit_branch_mem by fast
  moreover have Nom a at b in omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch)
    using Nom(2, 7) Dup_omit_branch_mem by fast
  moreover have new p a (omit_branch xs ((ps, a) # branch))
    using Nom(4) new_omit_branch by fast
  ultimately show ?case
    using Nom(3) by (simp add: omit_branch_def STA.Nom)

theorem Dup:
  assumes A, n  (p # ps, a) # branch ¬ new p a ((ps, a) # branch)
  shows A, n  (ps, a) # branch
proof -
  obtain qs where qs:
    (qs, a) ∈. (ps, a) # branch p on (qs, a)
    using assms(2) unfolding new_def by blast

  let ?xs = {(length branch, length ps)}

  have *: is_at p a ((p # ps, a) # branch) (length branch) (length ps)
    unfolding is_at_def by simp

  have Dup p a ((p # ps, a) # branch) ?xs
  proof (cases p = Nom a)
    case True
    moreover have ((p # ps, a) # branch) !. length branch = Some (p # ps, a)
      by simp
    moreover have p on (p # ps, a)
      by simp
    ultimately have is_elsewhere p a ((p # ps, a) # branch) ?xs
      unfolding is_elsewhere_def using assms(2) rev_nth_Some
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Pair_inject less_le singletonD)
    then show ?thesis
      unfolding Dup_def using * by blast
    case false: False
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases ps = qs)
      case True
      then obtain w' where w': qs !. w' = Some p
        using qs(2) false rev_nth_mem by fastforce
      then have (p # ps) !. w' = Some p
        using True rev_nth_Cons by fast
      moreover have ((p # ps, a) # branch) !. length branch = Some (p # ps, a)
        by simp
      moreover have (length branch, w')  ?xs
        using True w' rev_nth_Some by fast
      ultimately have is_elsewhere p a ((p # ps, a) # branch) ?xs
        unfolding is_elsewhere_def by fast
      then show ?thesis
        unfolding Dup_def using * by fast
      case False
      then obtain w where w: branch !. w = Some (qs, a)
        using qs(1) rev_nth_mem by fastforce
      moreover obtain w' where w': qs !. w' = Some p
        using qs(2) false rev_nth_mem by fastforce
      moreover have (w, w')  ?xs
        using rev_nth_Some w by fast
      ultimately have is_elsewhere p a ((p # ps, a) # branch) ?xs
        unfolding is_elsewhere_def using rev_nth_Cons by fast
      then show ?thesis
        unfolding Dup_def using * by fast

  then have A, n  omit_branch ?xs ((p # ps, a) # branch)
    using assms(1) STA_Dup by fast
  then have A, n  (omit (proj ?xs (length branch)) ps, a) # omit_branch ?xs branch
    unfolding omit_branch_def proj_def by simp
  moreover have omit_branch ?xs branch = omit_branch {} branch
    using omit_branch_oob by auto
  then have omit_branch ?xs branch = branch
    using omit_branch_id by simp
  moreover have proj ?xs (length branch) = {length ps}
    unfolding proj_def by blast
  then have omit (proj ?xs (length branch)) ps = omit {} ps
    using omit_oob by auto
  then have omit (proj ?xs (length branch)) ps = ps
    using omit_id by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by simp

subsection ‹Unrestricted rules›

lemma STA_add: A, n  branch  A, m + n  branch
  using STA_Suc by (induct m) auto

lemma STA_le: A, n  branch  n  m  A, m  branch
  using STA_add by (metis le_add_diff_inverse2)

lemma Neg':
    (¬ ¬ p) at a in (ps, a) # branch
    A, n  (p # ps, a) # branch
  shows A, n  (ps, a) # branch
  using assms Neg Dup STA_Suc by metis

lemma DisP':
    (p  q) at a in (ps, a) # branch
    A, n  (p # ps, a) # branch A, n  (q # ps, a) # branch
  shows A, n  (ps, a) # branch
proof (cases new p a ((ps, a) # branch)  new q a ((ps, a) # branch))
  case True
  moreover have A, Suc n  (p # ps, a) # branch A,  Suc n  (q # ps, a) # branch
    using assms(2-3) STA_Suc by fast+
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using assms(1) DisP by fast
  case False
  then show ?thesis
    using assms Dup by fast

lemma DisP'':
    (p  q) at a in (ps, a) # branch
    A, n  (p # ps, a) # branch A, m  (q # ps, a) # branch
  shows A, max n m  (ps, a) # branch
proof (cases n  m)
  case True
  then have A, m  (p # ps, a) # branch
    using assms(2) STA_le by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using assms True by (simp add: DisP' max.absorb2)
  case False
  then have A, n  (q # ps, a) # branch
    using assms(3) STA_le by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
    using assms False by (simp add: DisP' max.absorb1)

lemma DisN':
    (¬ (p  q)) at a in (ps, a) # branch
    A, n  ((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, a) # branch
  shows A, n  (ps, a) # branch
proof (cases new (¬ q) a ((ps, a) # branch)  new (¬ p) a ((ps, a) # branch))
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    using assms DisN STA_Suc by fast
  case False
  then show ?thesis
    using assms Dup
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) list.set_intros(1-2) new_def on.simps set_ConsD)

lemma DiaP':
    ( p) at a in (ps, a) # branch
    i  A  branch_nominals ((ps, a) # branch)
    a. p = Nom a
    ¬ witnessed p a ((ps, a) # branch)
    A, n  ((@ i p) # ( Nom i) # ps, a) # branch
  shows A, n  (ps, a) # branch
  using assms DiaP STA_Suc by fast

lemma DiaN':
    (¬ ( p)) at a in (ps, a) # branch
    ( Nom i) at a in (ps, a) # branch
    A, n  ((¬ (@ i p)) # ps, a) # branch
  shows A, n  (ps, a) # branch
  using assms DiaN Dup STA_Suc by fast

lemma SatP':
    (@ a p) at b in (ps, a) # branch
    A, n  (p # ps, a) # branch
  shows A, n  (ps, a) # branch
  using assms SatP Dup STA_Suc by fast

lemma SatN':
    (¬ (@ a p)) at b in (ps, a) # branch
    A, n  ((¬ p) # ps, a) # branch
  shows A, n  (ps, a) # branch
  using assms SatN Dup STA_Suc by fast

lemma Nom':
    p at b in (ps, a) # branch
    Nom a at b in (ps, a) # branch
    i. p = Nom i  p = ( Nom i)  i  A
    A, n  (p # ps, a) # branch
  shows A, n  (ps, a) # branch
proof (cases new p a ((ps, a) # branch))
  case True
  moreover have A, Suc n  (p # ps, a) # branch
    using assms(4) STA_Suc by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using assms(1-3) Nom by metis
  case False
  then show ?thesis
    using assms Dup by fast

section ‹Substitution›

lemma finite_nominals: finite (nominals p)
  by (induct p) simp_all

lemma finite_block_nominals: finite (block_nominals block)
  using finite_nominals by (induct block) auto

lemma finite_branch_nominals: finite (branch_nominals branch)
  unfolding branch_nominals_def by (induct branch) (auto simp: finite_block_nominals)

abbreviation sub_list :: ('b  'c)  ('a, 'b) fm list  ('a, 'c) fm list where
  sub_list f ps  map (sub f) ps

primrec sub_block :: ('b  'c)  ('a, 'b) block  ('a, 'c) block where
  sub_block f (ps, i) = (sub_list f ps, f i)

definition sub_branch :: ('b  'c)  ('a, 'b) branch  ('a, 'c) branch where
  sub_branch f blocks  map (sub_block f) blocks

lemma sub_block_mem: p on block  sub f p on sub_block f block
  by (induct block) auto

lemma sub_branch_mem:
  assumes (ps, i) ∈. branch
  shows (sub_list f ps, f i) ∈. sub_branch f branch
  unfolding sub_branch_def using assms image_iff by fastforce

lemma sub_block_nominals: block_nominals (sub_block f block) = f ` block_nominals block
  by (induct block) (auto simp: sub_nominals)

lemma sub_branch_nominals:
  branch_nominals (sub_branch f branch) = f ` branch_nominals branch
  unfolding branch_nominals_def sub_branch_def
  by (induct branch) (auto simp: sub_block_nominals)

lemma sub_list_id: sub_list id ps = ps
  using sub_id by (induct ps) auto

lemma sub_block_id: sub_block id block = block
  using sub_list_id by (induct block) auto

lemma sub_branch_id: sub_branch id branch = branch
  unfolding sub_branch_def using sub_block_id by (induct branch) auto

lemma sub_block_upd_fresh:
  assumes i  block_nominals block
  shows sub_block (f(i := j)) block = sub_block f block
  using assms by (induct block) (auto simp add: sub_upd_fresh)

lemma sub_branch_upd_fresh:
  assumes i  branch_nominals branch
  shows sub_branch (f(i := j)) branch = sub_branch f branch
  using assms unfolding branch_nominals_def sub_branch_def
  by (induct branch) (auto simp: sub_block_upd_fresh)

lemma sub_comp: sub f (sub g p) = sub (f o g) p
  by (induct p) simp_all

lemma sub_list_comp: sub_list f (sub_list g ps) = sub_list (f o g) ps
  using sub_comp by (induct ps) auto

lemma sub_block_comp: sub_block f (sub_block g block) = sub_block (f o g) block
  using sub_list_comp by (induct block) simp_all

lemma sub_branch_comp:
  sub_branch f (sub_branch g branch) = sub_branch (f o g) branch
  unfolding sub_branch_def using sub_block_comp by (induct branch) fastforce+

lemma swap_id: (id(i := j, j := i)) o (id(i := j, j := i)) = id
  by auto

lemma at_in_sub_branch:
  assumes p at i in (ps, a) # branch
  shows sub f p at f i in (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
  using assms sub_branch_mem by fastforce

lemma sub_still_allowed:
  assumes i. p = Nom i  p = ( Nom i)  i  A
  shows sub f p = Nom i  sub f p = ( Nom i)  i  f ` A
proof safe
  assume sub f p = Nom i
  then obtain i' where i': p = Nom i' f i' = i
    by (cases p) simp_all
  then have i'  A
    using assms by fast
  then show i  f ` A
    using i' by fast
  assume sub f p = ( Nom i)
  then obtain i' where i': p = ( Nom i') f i' = i
  proof (induct p)
    case (Dia q)
    then show ?case
      by (cases q) simp_all
  qed simp_all
  then have i'  A
    using assms by fast
  then show i  f ` A
    using i' by fast

text ‹
  If a branch has a closing tableau then so does any branch obtained by renaming nominals
    as long as the substitution leaves some nominals free.
  This is always the case for substitutions that do not change the type of nominals.
  Since some formulas on the renamed branch may no longer be new, they do not contribute any
    potential and so we existentially quantify over the potential needed to close the new branch.
  We assume that the set of allowed nominals A› is finite such that we can obtain a free nominal.

lemma STA_sub':
  fixes f :: 'b  'c
  assumes (f :: 'b  'c) i A. finite A  i  A  j. j  f ` A
    finite A A, n  branch
  shows f ` A  sub_branch f branch
  using assms(3-)
proof (induct n branch arbitrary: f rule: STA.induct)
  case (Close p i branch n)
  have sub f p at f i in sub_branch f branch
    using Close(1) sub_branch_mem by fastforce
  moreover have (¬ sub f p) at f i in sub_branch f branch
    using Close(2) sub_branch_mem by force
  ultimately show ?case
    using STA.Close by fast
  case (Neg p a ps branch n f)
  then have f ` A  (sub f p # sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  moreover have (¬ ¬ sub f p) at f a in (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using Neg(1) at_in_sub_branch by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) sub.simps(3))
  ultimately have f ` A  (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using Neg' by fast
  then show ?case
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  case (DisP p q a ps branch n)
  then have
    f ` A  (sub f p # sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    f ` A  (sub f q # sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp_all
  moreover have (sub f p  sub f q) at f a in (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using DisP(1) at_in_sub_branch by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) sub.simps(4))
  ultimately have f ` A  (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using DisP'' by fast
  then show ?case
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  case (DisN p q a ps branch n)
  then have f ` A  ((¬ sub f q) # (¬ sub f p) # sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  moreover have (¬ (sub f p  sub f q)) at f a in (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using DisN(1) at_in_sub_branch by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) sub.simps(3-4))
  ultimately have f ` A  (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using DisN' by fast
  then show ?case
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  case (DiaP p a ps branch i n)
  have i  A
    using DiaP(2) by simp

  show ?case
  proof (cases witnessed (sub f p) (f a) (sub_branch f ((ps, a) # branch)))
    case True
    then obtain i' where
      rs: (@ i' (sub f p)) at f a in (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch and
      ts: ( Nom i') at f a in (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
      unfolding sub_branch_def witnessed_def by auto
    from rs have rs':
      (@ i' (sub f p)) at f a in (( Nom i') # sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
      by fastforce

    let ?f = f(i := i')
    let ?branch = sub_branch ?f branch
    have sub_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch) = sub_branch f ((ps, a) # branch)
      using DiaP(2) sub_branch_upd_fresh by fast
    then have **: sub_list ?f ps = sub_list f ps ?f a = f a ?branch = sub_branch f branch
      unfolding sub_branch_def by simp_all

    have p: sub ?f p = sub f p
      using DiaP(1-2) sub_upd_fresh unfolding branch_nominals_def by fastforce

    have ?f ` A  sub_branch ?f (((@ i p) # ( Nom i) # ps, a) # branch)
      using DiaP(6) by blast
    then have
      ?f ` A  ((@ (?f i) (sub ?f p)) # ( Nom (?f i)) # sub_list ?f ps, ?f a) # ?branch
      unfolding sub_branch_def by fastforce
    then have
      ?f ` A  ((@ i' (sub f p)) # ( Nom i') # sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
      using p ** by simp
    then have ?f ` A  (( Nom i') # sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
      using rs' by (meson Dup new_def)
    then have ?f ` A  (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
      using ts by (meson Dup new_def)
    moreover have ?f ` A = f ` A
      using i  A by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      unfolding sub_branch_def by auto
    case False
    have finite (branch_nominals ((ps, a) # branch))
      by (simp add: finite_branch_nominals)
    then have finite (A  branch_nominals ((ps, a) # branch))
      using finite A by simp
    then obtain j where *: j  f ` (A  branch_nominals ((ps, a) # branch))
      using DiaP(2) assms by metis
    then have j  f ` A
      by blast

    let ?f = f(i := j)
    let ?branch = sub_branch ?f branch
    have **: sub_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch) = sub_branch f ((ps, a) # branch)
      using DiaP(2) sub_branch_upd_fresh by fast
    then have ***: sub_list ?f ps = sub_list f ps ?f a = f a ?branch = sub_branch f branch
      unfolding sub_branch_def by simp_all
    moreover have p: sub ?f p = sub f p
      using DiaP(1-2) sub_upd_fresh unfolding branch_nominals_def by fastforce
    ultimately have ¬ witnessed (sub ?f p) (?f a) (sub_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch))
      using False ** by simp
    then have w: ¬ witnessed (sub ?f p) (?f a) ((sub_list ?f ps, ?f a) # ?branch)
      unfolding sub_branch_def by simp

    have f: ?f ` A = f ` A
      using i  A by auto

    have ?f ` A  sub_branch ?f (((@ i p) # ( Nom i) # ps, a) # branch)
      using DiaP(6) by blast
    then have f ` A  ((@ (?f i) (sub ?f p)) # ( Nom (?f i)) # sub_list ?f ps, ?f a) # ?branch
      unfolding sub_branch_def using f by simp
    moreover have sub ?f ( p) at ?f a in (sub_list ?f ps, ?f a) # sub_branch ?f branch
      using DiaP(1) at_in_sub_branch by fast
    then have ( sub ?f p) at ?f a in (sub_list ?f ps, ?f a) # sub_branch ?f branch
      by simp
    moreover have a. sub ?f p = Nom a
      using DiaP(3) by (cases p) simp_all
    moreover have j  f ` (branch_nominals ((ps, a) # branch))
      using * by blast
    then have ?f i  branch_nominals ((sub_list ?f ps, ?f a) # ?branch)
      using ** sub_branch_nominals unfolding sub_branch_def
      by (metis fun_upd_same list.simps(9) sub_block.simps)
    ultimately have f ` A  (sub_list ?f ps, ?f a) # ?branch
      using w DiaP' j  f ` A by (metis Un_iff fun_upd_same)
    then show ?thesis
      using *** unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  case (DiaN p a ps branch i n)
  then have f ` A  ((¬ (@ (f i) (sub f p))) # sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  moreover have (¬ ( sub f p)) at f a in (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using DiaN(1) at_in_sub_branch by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) sub.simps(3, 5))
  moreover have ( Nom (f i)) at f a in (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using DiaN(2) at_in_sub_branch by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) sub.simps(2, 5))
  ultimately have f ` A  (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using DiaN' by fast
  then show ?case
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  case (SatP a p b ps branch n)
  then have f ` A  (sub f p # sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  moreover have (@ (f a) (sub f p)) at f b in (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using SatP(1) at_in_sub_branch by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) sub.simps(6))
  ultimately have f ` A  (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using SatP' by fast
  then show ?case
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  case (SatN a p b ps branch n)
  then have f ` A  ((¬ sub f p) # sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  moreover have (¬ (@ (f a) (sub f p))) at f b in (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using SatN(1) at_in_sub_branch by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) sub.simps(3, 6))
  ultimately have f ` A  (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using SatN' by fast
  then show ?case
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  case (GoTo i branch n)
  then have f ` A  ([], f i) # sub_branch f branch
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  moreover have f i  branch_nominals (sub_branch f branch)
    using GoTo(1) sub_branch_nominals by fast
  ultimately show ?case
    using STA.GoTo by fast
  case (Nom p b ps a branch n)
  then have f ` A  sub_branch f ((p # ps, a) # branch)
    by blast
  then have f ` A  (sub f p # sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  moreover have sub f p at f b in (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using Nom(1) at_in_sub_branch by fast
  moreover have Nom (f a) at f b in (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using Nom(2) at_in_sub_branch by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) sub.simps(2))
  moreover have i. sub f p = Nom i  sub f p = ( Nom i)  i  f ` A
    using Nom(3) sub_still_allowed by metis
  ultimately have f ` A  (sub_list f ps, f a) # sub_branch f branch
    using Nom' by metis
  then show ?case
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp

lemma ex_fresh_gt:
  fixes f :: 'b  'c
  assumes g :: 'c  'b. surj g finite A i  A
  shows j. j  f ` A
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume j. j  f ` A
  moreover obtain g :: 'c  'b where surj g
    using assms(1) by blast
  ultimately show False
    using assms(2-3)
    by (metis UNIV_I UNIV_eq_I card_image_le card_seteq finite_imageI image_comp subsetI)

corollary STA_sub_gt:
  fixes f :: 'b  'c
  assumes g :: 'c  'b. surj g A  branch
    finite A i  branch_nominals branch. f i  f ` A  i  A
  shows f ` A  sub_branch f branch
  using assms ex_fresh_gt STA_sub' by metis

corollary STA_sub_inf:
  fixes f :: 'b  'c
  assumes infinite (UNIV :: 'c set) A  branch
    finite A i  branch_nominals branch. f i  f ` A  i  A
  shows f ` A  sub_branch f branch
proof -
  have finite A  j. j  f ` A for A and f :: 'b  'c
    using assms(1) ex_new_if_finite by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(2-) STA_sub' by metis

corollary STA_sub:
  fixes f :: 'b  'b
  assumes A  branch finite A
  shows f ` A  sub_branch f branch
proof -
  have finite A  i  A  j. j  f ` A for i A and f :: 'b  'b
    by (metis card_image_le card_seteq finite_imageI subsetI)
  then show ?thesis
    using assms STA_sub' by metis

subsection ‹Unrestricted ()› rule›

lemma DiaP'':
    ( p) at a in (ps, a) # branch
    i  A  branch_nominals ((ps, a) # branch) a. p = Nom a
    finite A
    A  ((@ i p) # ( Nom i) # ps, a) # branch
  shows A  (ps, a) # branch
proof (cases witnessed p a ((ps, a) # branch))
  case True
  then obtain i' where
    rs: (@ i' p) at a in (ps, a) # branch and
    ts: ( Nom i') at a in (ps, a) # branch
    unfolding witnessed_def by blast
  then have rs':
    (@ i' p) at a in (( Nom i') # ps, a) # branch
    by fastforce

  let ?f = id(i := i')

  have ?f ` A  sub_branch ?f (((@ i p) # ( Nom i) # ps, a) # branch)
    using assms(4-5) STA_sub by blast
  then have ?f ` A  ((@ i' (sub ?f p)) # ( Nom i') # sub_list ?f ps, ?f a) #
      sub_branch ?f branch
    unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  moreover have i  nominals p i  list_nominals ps i  a i  branch_nominals branch
    using assms(1-3) unfolding branch_nominals_def by fastforce+
  then have sub ?f p = p
    by (simp add: sub_id sub_upd_fresh)
  moreover have sub_list ?f ps = ps
    using i  list_nominals ps by (simp add: map_idI sub_id sub_upd_fresh)
  moreover have ?f a = a
    using i  a by simp
  moreover have sub_branch ?f branch = branch
    using i  branch_nominals branch by (simp add: sub_branch_id sub_branch_upd_fresh)
  ultimately have ?f ` A  ((@ i' p) # ( Nom i') # ps, a) # branch
    by simp
  then have ?f ` A  (( Nom i') # ps, a) # branch
    using rs' by (meson Dup new_def)
  then have ?f ` A  (ps, a) # branch
    using ts by (meson Dup new_def)
  moreover have ?f ` A = A
    using assms(2) by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by simp
  case False
  then show ?thesis
    using assms DiaP' STA_Suc by fast

section ‹Structural Properties›

lemma block_nominals_branch:
  assumes block ∈. branch
  shows block_nominals block  branch_nominals branch
  unfolding branch_nominals_def using assms by blast

lemma sub_block_fresh:
  assumes i  branch_nominals branch block ∈. branch
  shows sub_block (f(i := j)) block = sub_block f block
  using assms block_nominals_branch sub_block_upd_fresh by fast

lemma list_down_induct [consumes 1, case_names Start Cons]:
  assumes y  set ys. Q y P (ys @ xs)
    y xs. Q y  P (y # xs)  P xs
  shows P xs
  using assms by (induct ys) auto

text ‹
  If the last block on a branch has opening nominal a› and the last formulas on that block
   occur on another block alongside nominal a›, then we can drop those formulas.

lemma STA_drop_prefix:
  assumes set ps  set qs (qs, a) ∈. branch A, n  (ps @ ps', a) # branch
  shows A, n  (ps', a) # branch
proof -
  have p  set ps. p on (qs, a)
    using assms(1) by auto
  then show ?thesis
  proof (induct ps' rule: list_down_induct)
    case Start
    then show ?case
      using assms(3) .
    case (Cons p ps)
    then show ?case
      using assms(2) by (meson Dup new_def list.set_intros(2))

text ‹We can drop a block if it is subsumed by another block.›

lemma STA_drop_block:
    set ps  set ps' (ps', a) ∈. branch
    A, n  (ps, a) # branch
  shows A, Suc n  branch
  using assms
proof (induct branch)
  case Nil
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons block branch)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases block)
    case (Pair qs b)
    then have A, n  ([], a) # (qs, b) # branch
      using Cons(2-4) STA_drop_prefix[where branch=(qs, b) # branch] by simp
    moreover have a  branch_nominals ((qs, b) # branch)
      unfolding branch_nominals_def using Cons(3) Pair by fastforce
    ultimately have A, Suc n  (qs, b) # branch
      by (simp add: GoTo)
    then show ?thesis
      using Pair Dup by fast

lemma STA_drop_block':
  assumes A, n  (ps, a) # branch (ps, a) ∈. branch
  shows A, Suc n  branch
  using assms STA_drop_block by fastforce

lemma sub_branch_image: set (sub_branch f branch) = sub_block f ` set branch
  unfolding sub_branch_def by simp

lemma sub_block_repl:
  assumes j  block_nominals block
  shows i  block_nominals (sub_block (id(i := j, j := i)) block)
  using assms by (simp add: image_iff sub_block_nominals)

lemma sub_branch_repl:
  assumes j  branch_nominals branch
  shows i  branch_nominals (sub_branch (id(i := j, j := i)) branch)
  using assms by (simp add: image_iff sub_branch_nominals)

text ‹If a finite set of blocks has a closing tableau then so does any finite superset.›

lemma STA_struct:
  fixes branch :: ('a, 'b) branch
    inf: infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) and fin: finite A and
    A, n  branch set branch  set branch'
  shows A  branch'
  using assms(3-)
proof (induct n branch arbitrary: branch' rule: STA.induct)
  case (Close p i branch n)
  then show ?case
    using STA.Close by fast
  case (Neg p a ps branch n)
  have A  (p # ps, a) # branch'
    using Neg(4-) by (simp add: subset_code(1))
  moreover have (¬ ¬ p) at a in (ps, a) # branch'
    using Neg(1, 5) by auto
  ultimately have A  (ps, a) # branch'
    using Neg' by fast
  moreover have (ps, a) ∈. branch'
    using Neg(5) by simp
  ultimately show ?case
    using STA_drop_block' by fast
  case (DisP p q a ps branch n)
  have A  (p # ps, a) # branch' A  (q # ps, a) # branch'
    using DisP(5, 7-) by (simp_all add: subset_code(1))
  moreover have (p  q) at a in (ps, a) # branch'
    using DisP(1, 8) by auto
  ultimately have A  (ps, a) # branch'
    using DisP'' by fast
  moreover have (ps, a) ∈. branch'
    using DisP(8) by simp
  ultimately show ?case
    using STA_drop_block' by fast
  case (DisN p q a ps branch n)
  have A  ((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, a)# branch'
    using DisN(4-) by (simp add: subset_code(1))
  moreover have (¬ (p  q)) at a in (ps, a) # branch'
    using DisN(1, 5) by auto
  ultimately have A  (ps, a) # branch'
    using DisN' by fast
  moreover have (ps, a) ∈. branch'
    using DisN(5) by simp
  ultimately show ?case
    using STA_drop_block' by fast
  case (DiaP p a ps branch i n)
  have finite (A  branch_nominals branch')
    using fin by (simp add: finite_branch_nominals)
  then obtain j where j: j  A  branch_nominals branch'
    using assms ex_new_if_finite by blast
  then have j': j  branch_nominals ((ps, a) # branch)
    using DiaP(7) unfolding branch_nominals_def by blast

  let ?f = id(i := j, j := i)
  let ?branch' = sub_branch ?f branch'
  have branch': sub_branch ?f ?branch' = branch'
    using sub_branch_comp sub_branch_id swap_id by metis

  have i  branch_nominals ((ps, a) # branch)
    using DiaP(2) by blast
  then have branch: sub_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch) = (ps, a) # branch
    using DiaP(2) j' sub_branch_id sub_branch_upd_fresh by metis
  moreover have
    set (sub_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch))  set ?branch'
    using DiaP(7) sub_branch_image by blast
  ultimately have *: set ((ps, a) # branch)  set ?branch'
    unfolding sub_branch_def by auto

  have i  block_nominals (ps, a)
    using DiaP unfolding branch_nominals_def by simp
  moreover have i  branch_nominals ?branch'
    using j sub_branch_repl by fast
  ultimately have i: i  branch_nominals ((ps, a) # ?branch')
    unfolding branch_nominals_def by simp

  have ?f ` A = A
    using DiaP(2) j by auto

  have A  ((@ i p) # ( Nom i) # ps, a) # ?branch'
    using DiaP(6) *
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) subset_code(1) insert_mono list.set(2) set_subset_Cons)
  moreover have ( p) at a in (ps, a) # ?branch'
    using DiaP(1, 7) * by (meson set_subset_Cons subset_code(1))
  ultimately have A  (ps, a) # ?branch'
    using inf DiaP(2-3) fin i DiaP'' by (metis Un_iff)
  then have ?f ` A  sub_branch ?f ((ps, a) # ?branch')
    using STA_sub fin by blast
  then have A  (ps, a) # branch'
    using ?f ` A = A branch' branch unfolding sub_branch_def by simp
  moreover have (ps, a) ∈. branch'
    using set ((ps, a) # branch)  set branch' by simp
  ultimately show ?case
    using STA_drop_block' by fast
  case (DiaN p a ps branch i n)
  have A  ((¬ (@ i p)) # ps, a) # branch'
    using DiaN(5-) by (simp add: subset_code(1))
  moreover have
    (¬ ( p)) at a in (ps, a) # branch'
    ( Nom i) at a in (ps, a) # branch'
    using DiaN(1-2, 6) by auto
  ultimately have A  (ps, a) # branch'
    using DiaN' by fast
  moreover have (ps, a) ∈. branch'
    using DiaN(6) by simp
  ultimately show ?case
    using STA_drop_block' by fast
  case (SatP a p b ps branch n)
  have A  (p # ps, a) # branch'
    using SatP(4-) by (simp add: subset_code(1))
  moreover have (@ a p) at b in (ps, a) # branch'
    using SatP(1, 5) by auto
  ultimately have A  (ps, a) # branch'
    using SatP' by fast
  moreover have (ps, a) ∈. branch'
    using SatP(5) by simp
  ultimately show ?case
    using STA_drop_block' by fast
  case (SatN a p b ps branch n)
  have A  ((¬ p) # ps, a) # branch'
    using SatN(4-) by (simp add: subset_code(1))
  moreover have (¬ (@ a p)) at b in (ps, a) # branch'
    using SatN(1, 5) by auto
  ultimately have A  (ps, a) # branch'
    using SatN' by fast
  moreover have (ps, a) ∈. branch'
    using SatN(5) by simp
  ultimately show ?case
    using STA_drop_block' by fast
  case (GoTo i branch n)
  then have A  ([], i) # branch'
    by (simp add: subset_code(1))
  moreover have i  branch_nominals branch'
    using GoTo(1, 4) unfolding branch_nominals_def by auto
  ultimately show ?case
    using GoTo(2) STA.GoTo by fast
  case (Nom p b ps a branch n)
  have A  (p # ps, a) # branch'
    using Nom(6-) by (simp add: subset_code(1))
  moreover have p at b in (ps, a) # branch'
    using Nom(1, 7) by auto
  moreover have Nom a at b in (ps, a) # branch'
    using Nom(2, 7) by auto
  ultimately have A  (ps, a) # branch'
    using Nom(3) Nom' by metis
  moreover have (ps, a) ∈. branch'
    using Nom(7) by simp
  ultimately show ?case
    using STA_drop_block' by fast

text ‹
  If a branch has a closing tableau then we can replace the formulas of the last block
  on that branch with any finite superset and still obtain a closing tableau.

lemma STA_struct_block:
  fixes branch :: ('a, 'b) branch
    inf: infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) and fin: finite A and
    A, n  (ps, a) # branch set ps  set ps'
  shows A  (ps', a) # branch
  using assms(3-)
proof (induct n (ps, a) # branch arbitrary: ps ps' rule: STA.induct)
  case (Close p i n ts ts')
  then have p at i in (ts', a) # branch (¬ p) at i in (ts', a) # branch
    by auto
  then show ?case
    using STA.Close by fast
  case (Neg p ps n)
  then have (¬ ¬ p) at a in (ps', a) # branch
    by auto
  moreover have A  (p # ps', a) # branch
    using Neg(4-) by (simp add: subset_code(1))
  ultimately show ?case
    using Neg' by fast
  case (DisP p q ps n)
  then have (p  q) at a in (ps', a) # branch
    by auto
  moreover have A  (p # ps', a) # branch A  (q # ps', a) # branch
    using DisP(5, 7-) by (simp_all add: subset_code(1))
  ultimately show ?case
    using DisP'' by fast
  case (DisN p q ps n)
  then have (¬ (p  q)) at a in (ps', a) # branch
    by auto
  moreover have A  ((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps', a) # branch
    using DisN(4-) by (simp add: subset_code(1))
  ultimately show ?case
    using DisN' by fast
  case (DiaP p ps i n)
  have finite (A  branch_nominals ((ps', a) # branch))
    using fin finite_branch_nominals by blast
  then obtain j where j: j  A  branch_nominals ((ps', a) # branch)
    using assms ex_new_if_finite by blast
  then have j': j  block_nominals (ps, a)
    using DiaP.prems unfolding branch_nominals_def by auto

  let ?f = id(i := j, j := i)
  let ?ps' = sub_list ?f ps'
  have ps': sub_list ?f ?ps' = ps'
    using sub_list_comp sub_list_id swap_id by metis

  have i  block_nominals (ps, a)
    using DiaP(1-2) unfolding branch_nominals_def by simp
  then have ps: sub_block ?f (ps, a) = (ps, a)
    using j' sub_block_id sub_block_upd_fresh by metis
  moreover have set (sub_list ?f ps)  set (sub_list ?f ps')
    using set ps  set ps' by auto
  ultimately have *: set ps  set ?ps'
    by simp

  have i  branch_nominals branch
    using DiaP unfolding branch_nominals_def by simp
  moreover have j  branch_nominals branch
    using j unfolding branch_nominals_def by simp
  ultimately have branch: sub_branch ?f branch = branch
    using sub_branch_id sub_branch_upd_fresh by metis

  have i  a j  a
    using DiaP j unfolding branch_nominals_def by simp_all
  then have ?f a = a
    by simp
  moreover have j  block_nominals (ps', a)
    using j unfolding branch_nominals_def by simp
  ultimately have i  block_nominals (?ps', a)
    using sub_block_repl[where block=(ps', a) and i=i and j=j] by simp

  have ?f ` A = A
    using DiaP(2) j by auto

  have ( p) at a in (?ps', a) # branch
    using DiaP(1) * by fastforce
  moreover have A  ((@ i p) # ( Nom i) # ?ps', a) # branch
    using * DiaP(6) fin by (simp add: subset_code(1))
  moreover have i  A  branch_nominals ((?ps', a) # branch)
    using DiaP(2) i  block_nominals (?ps', a) unfolding branch_nominals_def by simp
  ultimately have A  (?ps', a) # branch
    using DiaP(3) fin DiaP'' by metis
  then have ?f ` A  sub_branch ?f ((?ps', a) # branch)
    using STA_sub fin by blast
  then have A  (sub_list ?f ?ps', ?f a) # sub_branch ?f branch
    unfolding sub_branch_def using ?f ` A = A by simp
  then show ?case
    using ?f a = a ps' branch by simp
  case (DiaN p ps i n)
  then have
    (¬ ( p)) at a in (ps', a) # branch
    ( Nom i) at a in (ps', a) # branch
    by auto
  moreover have A  ((¬ (@ i p)) # ps', a) # branch
    using DiaN(5-) by (simp add: subset_code(1))
  ultimately show ?case
    using DiaN' by fast
  case (SatP p b ps n)
  then have (@ a p) at b in (ps', a) # branch
    by auto
  moreover have A  (p # ps', a) # branch
    using SatP(4-) by (simp add: subset_code(1))
  ultimately show ?case
    using SatP' by fast
  case (SatN p b ps n)
  then have (¬ (@ a p)) at b in (ps', a) # branch
    by auto
  moreover have A  ((¬ p) # ps', a) # branch
    using SatN(4-) by (simp add: subset_code(1))
  ultimately show ?case
    using SatN' by fast
  case (GoTo i n ps)
  then have A, Suc n  (ps, a) # branch
    using STA.GoTo by fast
  then obtain m where A, m  (ps, a) # (ps', a) # branch
    using inf fin STA_struct[where branch'=(ps, a) # _ # _] by fastforce
  then have A, Suc m  (ps', a) # branch
    using GoTo(4) by (simp add: STA_drop_block[where a=a])
  then show ?case
    by blast
  case (Nom p b ps n)
  have p at b in (ps', a) # branch
    using Nom(1, 7) by auto
  moreover have Nom a at b in (ps', a) # branch
    using Nom(2, 7) by auto
  moreover have A  (p # ps', a) # branch
    using Nom(6-) by (simp add: subset_code(1))
  ultimately show ?case
    using Nom(3) Nom' by metis

section ‹Bridge›

text ‹
  We define a descendants k i branch› relation on sets of indices.
  The sets are built on the index of a  Nom k› on an i›-block in branch› and can be extended
    by indices of formula occurrences that can be thought of as descending from
    that  Nom k› by application of either the (¬ )› or Nom› rule.

  We show that if we have nominals j› and k› on the same block in a closeable branch,
  then the branch obtained by the following transformation is also closeable:
  For every index v›, if the formula at v› is  Nom k›, replace it by  Nom j› and
    if it is ¬ (@ k p)› replace it by ¬ (@ j p)›.
  There are no other cases.

  From this transformation we can show admissibility of the Bridge rule under the assumption
    that j› is an allowed nominal.

subsection ‹Replacing›

abbreviation bridge' :: 'b  'b  ('a, 'b) fm  ('a, 'b) fm where
  bridge' k j p  case p of
    ( Nom k')  (if k = k' then ( Nom j) else ( Nom k'))
  | (¬ (@ k' q))  (if k = k' then (¬ (@ j q)) else (¬ (@ k' q)))
  | p  p

abbreviation bridge ::
  'b  'b  (nat × nat) set  nat  nat  ('a, 'b) fm  ('a, 'b) fm where
  bridge k j  mapper (bridge' k j)

lemma bridge_on_Nom:
  Nom i on (ps, a)  Nom i on (mapi (bridge k j xs v) ps, a)
  by (induct ps) auto

lemma bridge'_nominals:
  nominals (bridge' k j p)  {k, j} = nominals p  {k, j}
proof (induct p)
  case (Neg p)
  then show ?case by (cases p) auto
  case (Dia p)
  then show ?case by (cases p) auto
qed auto

lemma bridge_nominals:
  nominals (bridge k j xs v v' p)  {k, j} = nominals p  {k, j}
proof (cases (v, v')  xs)
  case True
  then have nominals (bridge k j xs v v' p) = nominals (bridge' k j p)
    by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using bridge'_nominals by metis
qed simp

lemma bridge_block_nominals:
  block_nominals (mapi_block (bridge k j xs v) (ps, a))  {k, j} =
   block_nominals (ps, a)  {k, j}
proof (induct ps)
  case Nil
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons p ps)
  have ?case 
    (nominals (bridge k j xs v (length ps) p)) 
    (block_nominals (mapi_block (bridge k j xs v) (ps, a))  {k, j}) =
    (nominals p)  (block_nominals (ps, a)  {k, j})
    by simp
  also have  
    (nominals (bridge k j xs v (length ps) p)  {k, j}) 
    (block_nominals (mapi_block (bridge k j xs v) (ps, a))  {k, j}) =
    (nominals p  {k, j})  (block_nominals (ps, a)  {k, j})
    by blast
  moreover have
    nominals (bridge k j xs v (length ps) p)  {k, j} = nominals p  {k, j}
    using bridge_nominals by metis
  moreover note Cons
  ultimately show ?case
    by argo

lemma bridge_branch_nominals:
  branch_nominals (mapi_branch (bridge k j xs) branch)  {k, j} =
   branch_nominals branch  {k, j}
proof (induct branch)
  case Nil
  then show ?case
    unfolding branch_nominals_def mapi_branch_def
    by simp
  case (Cons block branch)
  have ?case 
    (block_nominals (mapi_block (bridge k j xs (length branch)) block)) 
    (branch_nominals (mapi_branch (bridge k j xs) branch)  {k, j}) =
    (block_nominals block)  (branch_nominals branch  {k, j})
    unfolding branch_nominals_def mapi_branch_def by simp
  also have  
    (block_nominals (mapi_block (bridge k j xs (length branch)) block)  {k, j}) 
    (branch_nominals (mapi_branch (bridge k j xs) branch)  {k, j}) =
    (block_nominals block  {k, j})  (branch_nominals branch  {k, j})
    by blast
  moreover have
    block_nominals (mapi_block (bridge k j xs (length branch)) block)  {k, j} =
     block_nominals block  {k, j}
    using bridge_block_nominals[where ps=fst block and a=snd block] by simp
  ultimately show ?case
    using Cons by argo

lemma at_in_mapi_branch:
  assumes p at a in branch p  Nom a
  shows v v'. f v v' p at a in mapi_branch f branch
  using assms by (meson mapi_branch_mem rev_nth_mapi_block rev_nth_on)

lemma nom_at_in_bridge:
  fixes k j xs
  defines f  bridge k j xs
  assumes Nom i at a in branch
  shows Nom i at a in mapi_branch f branch
proof -
  obtain qs where qs: (qs, a) ∈. branch Nom i on (qs, a)
    using assms(2) by blast
  then obtain l where (mapi (f l) qs, a) ∈. mapi_branch f branch
    using mapi_branch_mem by fast
  moreover have Nom i on (mapi (f l) qs, a)
    unfolding f_def using qs(2) by (induct qs) auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma nominals_mapi_branch_bridge:
  assumes Nom k at j in branch
  shows branch_nominals (mapi_branch (bridge k j xs) branch) = branch_nominals branch
proof -
  let ?f = bridge k j xs
  have Nom k at j in mapi_branch ?f branch
    using assms nom_at_in_bridge by fast
  then have
    j  branch_nominals (mapi_branch ?f branch)
    k  branch_nominals (mapi_branch ?f branch)
    unfolding branch_nominals_def by fastforce+
  moreover have j  branch_nominals branch k  branch_nominals branch
    using assms unfolding branch_nominals_def by fastforce+
  moreover have
    branch_nominals (mapi_branch ?f branch)  {k, j} = branch_nominals branch  {k, j}
    using bridge_branch_nominals by metis
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma bridge_proper_dia:
  assumes a. p = Nom a
  shows bridge k j xs v v' ( p) = ( p)
  using assms by (induct p) simp_all

lemma bridge_compl_cases:
  fixes k j xs v v' w w' p
  defines q  bridge k j xs v v' p and q'  bridge k j xs w w' (¬ p)
    (q = ( Nom j)  q' = (¬ ( Nom k))) 
 (r. q = (¬ (@ j r))  q' = (¬ ¬ (@ k r))) 
 (r. q = (@ k r)  q' = (¬ (@ j r))) 
     (q = p  q' = (¬ p))
proof (cases p)
  case (Neg p)
  then show ?thesis
    by (cases p) (simp_all add: q_def q'_def)
  case (Dia p)
  then show ?thesis
    by (cases p) (simp_all add: q_def q'_def)
qed (simp_all add: q_def q'_def)

subsection ‹Descendants›

inductive descendants :: 'b  'b  ('a, 'b) branch  (nat × nat) set  bool where
  branch !. v = Some (qs, i)  qs !. v' = Some ( Nom k) 
    descendants k i branch {(v, v')}
| Derived:
  branch !. v = Some (qs, a)  qs !. v' = Some (¬ (@ k p)) 
    descendants k i branch xs  (w, w')  xs 
    branch !. w = Some (rs, a)  rs !. w' = Some ( Nom k) 
    descendants k i branch ({(v, v')}  xs)
| Copied:
  branch !. v = Some (qs, a)  qs !. v' = Some p 
    descendants k i branch xs  (w, w')  xs 
    branch !. w = Some (rs, b)  rs !. w' = Some p 
    Nom a at b in branch 
    descendants k i branch ({(v, v')}  xs)

lemma descendants_initial:
  assumes descendants k i branch xs
  shows (v, v')  xs. ps.
    branch !. v = Some (ps, i)  ps !. v' = Some ( Nom k)
  using assms by (induct k i branch xs rule: descendants.induct) simp_all

lemma descendants_bounds_fst:
  assumes descendants k i branch xs (v, v')  xs
  shows v < length branch
  using assms rev_nth_Some
  by (induct k i branch xs rule: descendants.induct) fast+

lemma descendants_bounds_snd:
  assumes descendants k i branch xs (v, v')  xs branch !. v = Some (ps, a)
  shows v' < length ps
  using assms
  by (induct k i branch xs rule: descendants.induct) (auto simp: rev_nth_Some)

lemma descendants_branch:
  descendants k i branch xs  descendants k i (extra @ branch) xs
proof (induct k i branch xs rule: descendants.induct)
  case (Initial branch v qs i v' k)
  then show ?case
    using rev_nth_append descendants.Initial by fast
  case (Derived branch v qs a v' k p i xs w w' rs)
  then have
    (extra @ branch) !. v = Some (qs, a)
    (extra @ branch) !. w = Some (rs, a)
    using rev_nth_append by fast+
  then show ?case
    using Derived(2, 4-5, 7) descendants.Derived by fast
  case (Copied branch v qs a v' p k i xs w w' rs b)
  then have
    (extra @ branch) !. v = Some (qs, a)
    (extra @ branch) !. w = Some (rs, b)
    using rev_nth_append by fast+
  moreover have Nom a at b in (extra @ branch)
    using Copied(8) by auto
  ultimately show ?case
    using Copied(2-4, 5-7) descendants.Copied by fast

lemma descendants_block:
  assumes descendants k i ((ps, a) # branch) xs
  shows descendants k i ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) xs
  using assms
proof (induct k i (ps, a) # branch xs arbitrary: ps a branch rule: descendants.induct)
  case (Initial v qs i v' k)
    ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) !. v = Some (qs, i) 
     ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) !. v = Some (ps' @ qs, i)
    using Initial(1) by auto
  moreover have
    qs !. v' = Some ( Nom k) (ps' @ qs) !. v' = Some ( Nom k)
    using Initial(2) rev_nth_append by simp_all
  ultimately show ?case
    using descendants.Initial by fast
  case (Derived v qs a' v' k p i xs w w' rs)
    ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) !. v = Some (qs, a') 
     ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) !. v = Some (ps' @ qs, a')
    using Derived(1) by auto
  moreover have
    qs !. v' = Some (¬ (@ k p)) (ps' @ qs) !. v' = Some (¬ (@ k p))
    using Derived(2) rev_nth_append by simp_all
  moreover have
    ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) !. w = Some (rs, a') 
     ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) !. w = Some (ps' @ rs, a')
    using ((ps, a) # branch) !. w = Some (rs, a') by auto
  moreover have
    rs !. w' = Some ( Nom k) (ps' @ rs) !. w' = Some ( Nom k)
    using Derived(7) rev_nth_append by simp_all
  ultimately show ?case
    using Derived(4-5) descendants.Derived by fast
  case (Copied v qs a' v' p k i xs w w' rs b)
    ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) !. v = Some (qs, a') 
     ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) !. v = Some (ps' @ qs, a')
    using Copied(1) by auto
  moreover have qs !. v' = Some p (ps' @ qs) !. v' = Some p
    using Copied(2) rev_nth_append by simp_all
  moreover have
    ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) !. w = Some (rs, b) 
     ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) !. w = Some (ps' @ rs, b)
    using Copied(6) by auto
  moreover have rs !. w' = Some p (ps' @ rs) !. w' = Some p
    using Copied(7) rev_nth_append by simp_all
  moreover have
    ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) !. w = Some (rs, b) 
     ((ps' @ ps, a) # branch) !. w = Some (ps' @ rs, b)
    using Copied(6) by auto
  moreover have rs !. w' = Some p (ps' @ rs) !. w' = Some p
    using Copied(7) rev_nth_append by simp_all
  moreover have Nom a' at b in (ps' @ ps, a) # branch
    using Copied(8) by fastforce
  ultimately show ?case
    using Copied(4-5) descendants.Copied[where branch=(ps' @ ps, a) # branch] by blast

lemma descendants_no_head:
  assumes descendants k i ((ps, a) # branch) xs
  shows descendants k i ((p # ps, a) # branch) xs
  using assms descendants_block[where ps'=[_]] by simp

lemma descendants_types:
    descendants k i branch xs (v, v')  xs
    branch !. v = Some (ps, a) ps !. v' = Some p
  shows p = ( Nom k)  (q. p = (¬ (@ k q)))
  using assms by (induct k i branch xs arbitrary: v v' ps a) fastforce+

lemma descendants_oob_head':
  assumes descendants k i ((ps, a) # branch) xs
  shows (length branch, m + length ps)  xs
  using assms descendants_bounds_snd by fastforce

lemma descendants_oob_head:
  assumes descendants k i ((ps, a) # branch) xs
  shows (length branch, length ps)  xs
  using assms descendants_oob_head'[where m=0] by fastforce

subsection ‹Induction›

text ‹
  We induct over an arbitrary set of indices.
  That way, we can determine in each case whether the extension gets replaced or not
    by manipulating the set before applying the induction hypothesis.

lemma STA_bridge':
  fixes a :: 'b
    inf: infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) and fin: finite A and j  A
    A, n  (ps, a) # branch
    descendants k i ((ps, a) # branch) xs
    Nom k at j in branch
  shows A  mapi_branch (bridge k j xs) ((ps, a) # branch)
  using assms(4-)
proof (induct n (ps, a) # branch arbitrary: ps a branch xs rule: STA.induct)
  case (Close p i' n)
  let ?f = bridge k j xs
  let ?branch = mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)

  obtain qs where qs: (qs, i') ∈. (ps, a) # branch p on (qs, i')
    using Close(1) by blast
  obtain rs where rs: (rs, i') ∈. (ps, a) # branch (¬ p) on (rs, i')
    using Close(2) by blast

  obtain v where v: (mapi (?f v) qs, i') ∈. ?branch
    using qs mapi_branch_mem by fast
  obtain w where w: (mapi (?f w) rs, i') ∈. ?branch
    using rs mapi_branch_mem by fast

  have k: Nom k at j in ?branch
    using Close(4) nom_at_in_bridge unfolding mapi_branch_def by fastforce

  show ?case
  proof (cases a. p = Nom a)
    case True
    then have p on (mapi (?f v) qs, i')
      using qs bridge_on_Nom by fast
    moreover have (¬ p) on (mapi (?f w) rs, i')
      using rs(2) True by (induct rs) auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using v w STA.Close by fast
    case False
    then obtain v' where qs !. v' = Some p
      using qs rev_nth_on by fast
    then have qs': (?f v v' p) on (mapi (?f v) qs, i')
      using rev_nth_mapi_block by fast

    then obtain w' where rs !. w' = Some (¬ p)
      using rs rev_nth_on by fast
    then have rs': (?f w w' (¬ p)) on (mapi (?f w) rs, i')
      using rev_nth_mapi_block by fast

    obtain q q' where q: ?f v v' p = q and q': ?f w w' (¬ p) = q'
      by simp_all
    then consider
      (dia) q = ( Nom j) q' = (¬ ( Nom k)) |
      (satn)r. q = (¬ (@ j r))  q' = (¬ ¬ (@ k r)) |
      (sat) r. q = (@ k r)  q' = (¬ (@ j r)) |
      (old) q = p q' = (¬ p)
      using bridge_compl_cases by fast
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case dia
      then have *:
        ( Nom j) on (mapi (?f v) qs, i')
        (¬ ( Nom k)) on (mapi (?f w) rs, i')
        using q qs' q' rs' by simp_all

      have i'  branch_nominals ?branch
        unfolding branch_nominals_def using v by fastforce
      then have ?thesis if A  ([], i') # ?branch
        using that GoTo by fast
      moreover have (mapi (?f v) qs, i') ∈. ([], i') # ?branch
        using v by simp
      moreover have (mapi (?f w) rs, i') ∈. ([], i') # ?branch
        using w by simp
      ultimately have ?thesis if A  ([¬ (@ j (Nom k))], i') # ?branch
        using that * by (meson DiaN')
      moreover have j  branch_nominals (([¬ (@ j (Nom k))], i') # ?branch)
        unfolding branch_nominals_def by simp
      ultimately have ?thesis if A  ([], j) # ([¬ (@ j (Nom k))], i') # ?branch
        using that GoTo by fast
      moreover have (¬ (@ j (Nom k))) at i' in ([], j) # ([¬ (@ j (Nom k))], i') # ?branch
        by fastforce
      ultimately have ?thesis if A  ([¬ Nom k], j) # ([¬ (@ j (Nom k))], i') # ?branch
        using that SatN' by fast
      moreover have Nom k at j in ([¬ Nom k], j) # ([¬ (@ j (Nom k))], i') # ?branch
        using k by fastforce
      moreover have (¬ Nom k) at j in ([¬ Nom k], j) # ([¬ (@ j (Nom k))], i') # ?branch
        by fastforce
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using STA.Close by fast
      case satn
      then obtain r where *:
        (¬ (@ j r)) on (mapi (?f v) qs, i')
        (¬ ¬ (@ k r)) on (mapi (?f w) rs, i')
        using q qs' q' rs' by auto

      have i'  branch_nominals ?branch
        unfolding branch_nominals_def using v by fastforce
      then have ?thesis if A  ([], i') # ?branch
        using that GoTo by fast
      moreover have (mapi (?f w) rs, i') ∈. ([], i') # ?branch
        using w by simp
      ultimately have ?thesis if A  ([@ k r], i') # ?branch
        using that *(2) by (meson Neg')
      moreover have j  branch_nominals (([@ k r], i') # ?branch)
        unfolding branch_nominals_def using k by fastforce
      ultimately have ?thesis if A  ([], j) # ([@ k r], i') # ?branch
        using that GoTo by fast
      moreover have (¬ (@ j r)) at i' in ([], j) # ([@ k r], i') # ?branch
        using *(1) v by auto
      ultimately have ?thesis if A  ([¬ r], j) # ([@ k r], i') # ?branch
        using that SatN' by fast
      moreover have k  branch_nominals (([¬ r], j) # ([@ k r], i') # ?branch)
        unfolding branch_nominals_def using k by fastforce
      ultimately have ?thesis if A  ([], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ([@ k r], i') # ?branch
        using that GoTo by fast
      moreover have (@ k r) at i' in ([], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ([@ k r], i') # ?branch
        by fastforce
      ultimately have ?thesis if A  ([r], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ([@ k r], i') # ?branch
        using that SatP' by fast
      moreover have
        Nom k at j in ([r], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ([@ k r], i') # ?branch
        (¬ r) at j in ([r], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ([@ k r], i') # ?branch
        using k by fastforce+
      ultimately have ?thesis if A  ([¬ r, r], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ([@ k r], i') # ?branch
        using that by (meson Nom' fm.distinct(21) fm.simps(18))
      moreover have
        r at k in ([¬ r, r], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ([@ k r], i') # ?branch
        (¬ r) at k in ([¬ r, r], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ([@ k r], i') # ?branch
        by fastforce+
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using STA.Close by fast
      case sat
      then obtain r where *:
        (@ k r) on (mapi (?f v) qs, i')
        (¬ (@ j r)) on (mapi (?f w) rs, i')
        using q qs' q' rs' by auto

      have j  branch_nominals ?branch
        unfolding branch_nominals_def using k by fastforce
      then have ?thesis if A  ([], j) # ?branch
        using that GoTo by fast
      moreover have (¬ (@ j r)) at i' in ([], j) # ?branch
        using *(2) w by auto
      ultimately have ?thesis if A  ([¬ r], j) # ?branch
        using that by (meson SatN')
      moreover have k  branch_nominals (([¬ r], j) # ?branch)
        unfolding branch_nominals_def using k by fastforce
      ultimately have ?thesis if A  ([], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ?branch
        using that GoTo by fast
      moreover have (@ k r) at i' in ([], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ?branch
        using *(1) v by auto
      ultimately have ?thesis if A  ([r], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ?branch
        using that SatP' by fast
      moreover have
        Nom k at j in ([r], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ?branch
        (¬ r) at j in ([r], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ?branch
        using k by fastforce+
      ultimately have ?thesis if A  ([¬ r, r], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ?branch
        using that by (meson Nom' fm.distinct(21) fm.simps(18))
      moreover have
        r at k in ([¬ r, r], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ?branch
        (¬ r) at k in ([¬ r, r], k) # ([¬ r], j) # ?branch
        by fastforce+
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using STA.Close by fast
      case old
      then have p on (mapi (?f v) qs, i') (¬ p) on (mapi (?f w) rs, i')
        using q qs' q' rs' by simp_all
      then show ?thesis
        using v w STA.Close[where p=p and i=i'] by fast
  case (Neg p a ps branch n)
  let ?f = bridge k j xs
  have p: ?f l l' (¬ ¬ p) = (¬ ¬ p) for l l'
    by simp

  have descendants k i ((p # ps, a) # branch) xs
    using Neg(5) descendants_no_head by fast
  then have A  mapi_branch ?f ((p # ps, a) # branch)
    using Neg(4-) by blast
  moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
    using Neg(5) descendants_oob_head by fast
  ultimately have A  (p # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
    unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
  moreover have l l'. ?f l l' (¬ ¬ p) at a in mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
    using Neg(1) at_in_mapi_branch by fast
  then have (¬ ¬ p) at a in (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
    unfolding mapi_branch_def using p by simp
  ultimately have A  (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
    using Neg' by fast
  then show ?case
    unfolding mapi_branch_def by auto
  case (DisP p q a ps branch n)
  let ?f = bridge k j xs
  have p: ?f l l' (p  q) = (p  q) for l l'
    by simp

    descendants k i ((p # ps, a) # branch) xs
    descendants k i ((q # ps, a) # branch) xs
    using DisP(8) descendants_no_head by fast+
  then have
    A  mapi_branch ?f ((p # ps, a) # branch)
    A  mapi_branch ?f ((q # ps, a) # branch)
    using DisP(5-) by blast+
  moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
    using DisP(8) descendants_oob_head by fast
  ultimately have
    A  (p # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
    A  (q # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
    unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp_all
  moreover have l l'. ?f l l' (p  q) at a in mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
    using DisP(1) at_in_mapi_branch by fast
  then have (p  q) at a in (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
    unfolding mapi_branch_def using p by simp
  ultimately have A  (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
    using DisP'' by fast
  then show ?case
    unfolding mapi_branch_def by auto
  case (DisN p q a ps branch n)
  let ?f = bridge k j xs
  have p: ?f l l' (¬ (p  q)) = (¬ (p  q)) for l l'
    by simp

  have descendants k i (((¬ p) # ps, a) # branch) xs
    using DisN(5) descendants_no_head by fast
  then have descendants k i (((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, a) # branch) xs
    using descendants_no_head by fast
  then have A  mapi_branch ?f (((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, a) # branch)
    using DisN(4-) by blast
  moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
    using DisN(5) descendants_oob_head by fast
  moreover have (length branch, 1 + length ps)  xs
    using DisN(5) descendants_oob_head' by fast
  ultimately have A  ((¬ q) # (¬ p) # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
    unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
  moreover have l l'. ?f l l' (¬ (p  q)) at a in mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
    using DisN(1) at_in_mapi_branch by fast
  then have (¬ (p  q)) at a in (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
    unfolding mapi_branch_def using p by simp
  ultimately have A  (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
    using DisN' by fast
  then show ?case
    unfolding mapi_branch_def by auto
  case (DiaP p a ps branch i' n)
  let ?f = bridge k j xs
  have p: ?f l l' ( p) = ( p) for l l'
    using DiaP(3) bridge_proper_dia by fast

  have branch_nominals (mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)) = branch_nominals ((ps, a) # branch)
    using DiaP(8-) nominals_mapi_branch_bridge[where j=j and k=k and branch=(ps, a) # branch]
    by auto
  then have i':
    i'  A  branch_nominals ((mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch)
    unfolding mapi_branch_def using DiaP(2) by simp

  have 1: ?f (length branch) (1 + length ps) (@ i' p) = (@ i' p)
    by simp
  have i'  k
    using DiaP(2, 8) unfolding branch_nominals_def by fastforce
  then have 2: ?f (length branch) (length ps) ( Nom i') = ( Nom i')
    by simp

  have i'  j
    using DiaP(2, 8) unfolding branch_nominals_def by fastforce
  moreover have descendants k i (((@ i' p) # ( Nom i') # ps, a) # branch) xs
    using DiaP(7) descendants_block[where ps'=[_, _]] by fastforce
  ultimately have A  mapi_branch ?f (((@ i' p) # ( Nom i') # ps, a) # branch)
    using DiaP(4-) by blast
  then have A  ((@ i' p) # ( Nom i') # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) #
      mapi_branch ?f branch
    unfolding mapi_branch_def using 1 by (simp add: 2)
  moreover have l l'. ?f l l' ( p) at a in mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
    using DiaP(1) at_in_mapi_branch by fast
  then have ( p) at a in (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
    unfolding mapi_branch_def using p by simp
  ultimately have A  (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
    using i' DiaP(3) fin DiaP'' by fast
  then show ?case
    unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
  case (DiaN p a ps branch i' n)
  have p: bridge k j xs l l' (¬ ( p)) = (¬ ( p)) for xs l l'
    by simp

  obtain rs where rs: (rs, a) ∈. (ps, a) # branch ( Nom i') on (rs, a)
    using DiaN(2) by fast
  obtain v where v: ((ps, a) # branch) !. v = Some (rs, a)
    using rs(1) rev_nth_mem by fast
  obtain v' where v': rs !. v' = Some ( Nom i')
    using rs(2) rev_nth_on by fast

  show ?case
  proof (cases (v, v')  xs)
    case True
    then have i' = k
      using DiaN(6) v v' descendants_types by fast

    let ?xs = {(length branch, length ps)}  xs
    let ?f = bridge k j ?xs
    let ?branch = ((¬ (@ i' p)) # ps, a) # branch

    obtain rs' where
      (((¬ (@ k p)) # ps, a) # branch) !. v = Some (rs', a)
      rs' !. v' = Some ( Nom i')
      using v v' index_Cons by fast
    moreover have descendants k i (((¬ (@ k p)) # ps, a) # branch) xs
      using DiaN(6) descendants_block[where ps'=[_]] by fastforce
    moreover have ?branch !. length branch = Some ((¬ (@ k p)) # ps, a)
      using i' = k by simp
    moreover have ((¬ (@ k p)) # ps) !. length ps = Some (¬ (@ k p))
      by simp
    ultimately have descendants k i (((¬ (@ k p)) # ps, a) # branch) ?xs
      using True i' = k Derived[where branch=_ # branch] by simp

    then have A  mapi_branch ?f (((¬ (@ k p)) # ps, a) # branch)
      using i' = k DiaN(5-) by blast
    then have A  ((¬ (@ j p)) # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) #
        mapi_branch (bridge k j ?xs) branch
      unfolding mapi_branch_def using i' = k by simp
    moreover have l l'. ?f l l' (¬ ( p)) at a in mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
      using DiaN(1) at_in_mapi_branch by fast
    then have (¬ ( p)) at a in (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      unfolding mapi_branch_def using p[where xs=?xs] by simp
    moreover have (mapi (?f v) rs, a) ∈. mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
      using v rev_nth_mapi_branch by fast
    then have (mapi (?f v) rs, a) 
        set ((mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch)
      unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
    moreover have ?f v v' ( Nom i') on (mapi (?f v) rs, a)
      using v' rev_nth_mapi_block by fast
    then have ( Nom j) on (mapi (?f v) rs, a)
      using True i' = k by simp
    ultimately have A  (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      by (meson DiaN')
    then have A  (mapi (bridge k j xs (length branch)) ps, a) #
        mapi_branch (bridge k j xs) branch
      using mapi_branch_head_add_oob[where branch=branch and ps=ps] unfolding mapi_branch_def
      by simp
    then show ?thesis
      unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
    case False
    let ?f = bridge k j xs

    have descendants k i (((¬ (@ i' p)) # ps, a) # branch) xs
      using DiaN(6) descendants_no_head by fast
    then have A  mapi_branch ?f (((¬ (@ i' p)) # ps, a) # branch)
      using DiaN(5-) by blast
    moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
      using DiaN(6) descendants_oob_head by fast
    ultimately have A  ((¬ (@ i' p)) # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) #
        mapi_branch ?f branch
      unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
    moreover have l l'. ?f l l' (¬ ( p)) at a in mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
      using DiaN(1) at_in_mapi_branch by fast
    then have (¬ ( p)) at a in (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      unfolding mapi_branch_def using p[where xs=xs] by simp
    moreover have (mapi (?f v) rs, a) ∈. mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
      using v rev_nth_mapi_branch by fast
    then have (mapi (?f v) rs, a) 
        set ((mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch)
      unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
    moreover have ?f v v' ( Nom i') on (mapi (?f v) rs, a)
      using v' rev_nth_mapi_block by fast
    then have ( Nom i') on (mapi (?f v) rs, a)
      using False by simp
    ultimately have A  (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      by (meson DiaN')
    then show ?thesis
      unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
  case (SatP a p b ps branch n)
  let ?f = bridge k j xs
  have p: ?f l l' (@ a p) = (@ a p) for l l'
    by simp

  have descendants k i ((p # ps, a) # branch) xs
    using SatP(5) descendants_no_head by fast
  then have A  mapi_branch ?f ((p # ps, a) # branch)
    using SatP(4-) by blast
  moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
    using SatP(5) descendants_oob_head by fast
  ultimately have A  (p # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
    unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
  moreover have l l'. ?f l l' (@ a p) at b in mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
    using SatP(1) at_in_mapi_branch by fast
  then have (@ a p) at b in (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
    unfolding mapi_branch_def using p by simp
  ultimately have A  (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
    using SatP' by fast
  then show ?case
    unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
  case (SatN a p b ps branch n)
  obtain qs where qs: (qs, b) ∈. (ps, a) # branch (¬ (@ a p)) on (qs, b)
    using SatN(1) by fast
  obtain v where v: ((ps, a) # branch) !. v = Some (qs, b)
    using qs(1) rev_nth_mem by fast
  obtain v' where v': qs !. v' = Some (¬ (@ a p))
    using qs(2) rev_nth_on by fast

  show ?case
  proof (cases (v, v')  xs)
    case True
    then have a = k
      using SatN(5) v v' descendants_types by fast

    let ?f = bridge k j xs
    let ?branch = ((¬ p) # ps, a) # branch
    have p: ?f v v' (¬ (@ k p)) = (¬ (@ j p))
      using True by simp

    obtain rs' where
      ?branch !. v = Some (rs', b)
      rs' !. v' = Some (¬ (@ k p))
      using v v' a = k index_Cons by fast
    have descendants k i ?branch xs
      using SatN(5) descendants_no_head by fast
    then have A  mapi_branch ?f ?branch
      using a = k SatN(4-) by blast
    moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
      using SatN(5) descendants_oob_head by fast
    ultimately have A  ((¬ p) # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      unfolding mapi_branch_def using a = k by simp
    moreover have set (((¬ p) # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch) 
        set (((¬ p) # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # ([¬ p], j) # mapi_branch ?f branch)
      by auto
    ultimately have *:
      A  ((¬ p) # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # ([¬ p], j) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      using inf fin STA_struct by fastforce

    have k: Nom k at j in mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
      using SatN(6) nom_at_in_bridge unfolding mapi_branch_def by fastforce

    have (mapi (?f v) qs, b) ∈. mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
      using v rev_nth_mapi_branch by fast
    moreover have ?f v v' (¬ (@ k p)) on (mapi (?f v) qs, b)
      using v' a = k rev_nth_mapi_block by fast
    then have (¬ (@ j p)) on (mapi (?f v) qs, b)
      using p by simp
    ultimately have satn: (¬ (@ j p)) at b in mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
      by blast

    have j  branch_nominals (mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch))
      unfolding branch_nominals_def using k by fastforce
    then have ?thesis if A  ([], j) # mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
      using that GoTo by fast
    moreover have (¬ (@ j p)) at b in ([], j) # mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
      using satn by auto
    ultimately have ?thesis if A  ([¬ p], j) # mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
      using that SatN' by fast
    then have ?thesis if A  ([¬ p], j) # mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
      using that SatN' by fast
    then have ?thesis if
      A  ([¬ p], j) # (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      using that unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
    moreover have set ((mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # ([¬ p], j) # mapi_branch ?f branch) 
        set (([¬ p], j) # (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch)
      by auto
    ultimately have ?thesis if
      A  (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # ([¬ p], j) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      using that inf fin STA_struct by blast
    moreover have
      Nom k at j in (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # ([¬ p], j) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      using k unfolding mapi_branch_def by auto
    moreover have
      (¬ p) at j in (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # ([¬ p], j) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      by fastforce
    ultimately have ?thesis if
      A  ((¬ p) # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # ([¬ p], j) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      using that a = k by (meson Nom' fm.distinct(21) fm.simps(18))
    then show ?thesis
      using * by blast
    case False
    let ?f = bridge k j xs

    have descendants k i (((¬ p) # ps, a) # branch) xs
      using SatN(5) descendants_no_head by fast
    then have A  mapi_branch (bridge k j xs) (((¬ p) # ps, a) # branch)
      using SatN(4-) by blast
    moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
      using SatN(5) descendants_oob_head by fast
    ultimately have A  ((¬ p) # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
    moreover have (mapi (?f v) qs, b) ∈. mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
      using v rev_nth_mapi_branch by fast
    then have (mapi (?f v) qs, b) 
        set ((mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch)
      unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
    moreover have ?f v v' (¬ (@ a p)) on (mapi (?f v) qs, b)
      using v' rev_nth_mapi_block by fast
    then have (¬ (@ a p)) on (mapi (?f v) qs, b)
      using False by simp
    ultimately have A  (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      by (meson SatN')
    then show ?thesis
      unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
  case (GoTo i' n ps a branch)
  let ?f = bridge k j xs

  have descendants k i (([], i') # (ps, a) # branch) xs
    using GoTo(4) descendants_branch[where extra=[_]] by simp
  then have A  mapi_branch ?f (([], i') # (ps, a) # branch)
    using GoTo(3, 5-) by auto
  then have A  ([], i') # mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
    unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
  moreover have
    branch_nominals (mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)) = branch_nominals ((ps, a) # branch)
    using GoTo(5-) nominals_mapi_branch_bridge[where j=j and k=k and branch=(ps, a) # branch]
    by auto
  then have i'  branch_nominals (mapi_branch (bridge k j xs) ((ps, a) # branch))
    using GoTo(1) by blast
  ultimately show ?case
    using STA.GoTo by fast
  case (Nom p b ps a branch n)
  show ?case
  proof (cases j. p = Nom j)
    case True
    let ?f = bridge k j xs

    have descendants k i ((p # ps, a) # branch) xs
      using Nom(7) descendants_block[where ps'=[p]] by simp
    then have A  mapi_branch ?f ((p # ps, a) # branch)
      using Nom(6-) by blast
    moreover have ?f (length branch) (length ps) p = p
      using True by auto
    ultimately have A  (p # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
    moreover have p at b in mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
      using Nom(1) True nom_at_in_bridge by fast
    then have p at b in (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
    moreover have Nom a at b in mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
      using Nom(2) True nom_at_in_bridge by fast
    then have Nom a at b in (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
    ultimately have A  (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
      by (meson Nom' Nom.hyps(3))
    then show ?thesis
      unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
    case False
    obtain qs where qs: (qs, b) ∈. (ps, a) # branch p on (qs, b)
      using Nom(1) by blast
    obtain v where v: ((ps, a) # branch) !. v = Some (qs, b)
      using qs(1) rev_nth_mem by fast
    obtain v' where v': qs !. v' = Some p
      using qs(2) False rev_nth_on by fast

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases (v, v')  xs)
      case True
      let ?xs = {(length branch, length ps)}  xs
      let ?f = bridge k j ?xs

      let ?p = bridge' k j p
      have p: ?f v v' p = ?p
        using True by simp

      consider (dia) p = ( Nom k) | (satn) q where p = (¬ (@ k q)) | (old) ?p = p
        by (meson Nom.prems(1) True descendants_types v v')
      then have A: i. ?p = Nom i  ?p = ( Nom i)  i  A
        using Nom(3) j  A by cases simp_all

      obtain qs' where
        ((p # ps, a) # branch) !. v = Some (qs', b)
        qs' !. v' = Some p
        using v v' index_Cons by fast
      moreover have Nom a at b in (p # ps, a) # branch
        using Nom(2) by fastforce
      moreover have descendants k i ((p # ps, a) # branch) xs
        using Nom(7) descendants_block[where ps'=[p]] by simp
      moreover have
        ((p # ps, a) # branch) !. length branch = Some (p # ps, a)
        (p # ps) !. length ps = Some p
        by simp_all
      ultimately have descendants k i ((p # ps, a) # branch) ?xs
        using True Copied by fast
      then have A  mapi_branch ?f ((p # ps, a) # branch)
        using Nom(6-) by blast
      then have A  (?p # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
        unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp

      moreover have (mapi (?f v) qs, b) ∈. mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
        using v rev_nth_mapi_branch by fast
      then have (mapi (?f v) qs, b) ∈. (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) #
          mapi_branch ?f branch
        unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
      moreover have ?f v v' p on (mapi (?f v) qs, b)
        using v v' rev_nth_mapi_block by fast
      then have ?p on (mapi (?f v) qs, b)
        using p by simp

      moreover have Nom a at b in mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
        using Nom(2) nom_at_in_bridge by fast
      then have Nom a at b in (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
        unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
      ultimately have A  (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
        using A by (meson Nom' Nom(3))
      then have A  (mapi (bridge k j xs (length branch)) ps, a) #
          mapi_branch (bridge k j xs) branch
        using mapi_branch_head_add_oob[where branch=branch and ps=ps]
        unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
      then show ?thesis
        unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
      case False
      let ?f = bridge k j xs

      have descendants k i ((p # ps, a) # branch) xs
        using Nom(7) descendants_no_head by fast
      then have A  mapi_branch ?f ((p # ps, a) # branch)
        using Nom(6-) by blast
      moreover have (length branch, length ps)  xs
        using Nom(7) descendants_oob_head by fast
      ultimately have A  (p # mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
        unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp

      moreover have (mapi (?f v) qs, b) ∈. mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
        using v rev_nth_mapi_branch by fast
      then have (mapi (?f v) qs, b) ∈. (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) #
          mapi_branch ?f branch
        unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
      moreover have ?f v v' p on (mapi (?f v) qs, b)
        using v v' rev_nth_mapi_block by fast
      then have p on (mapi (?f v) qs, b)
        using False by simp
      moreover have Nom a at b in mapi_branch ?f ((ps, a) # branch)
        using Nom(2) nom_at_in_bridge by fast
      then have Nom a at b in (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
        unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
      ultimately have A  (mapi (?f (length branch)) ps, a) # mapi_branch ?f branch
        by (meson Nom' Nom(3))
      then show ?thesis
        unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp

lemma STA_bridge:
  fixes i :: 'b
    inf: infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) and
    A  branch descendants k i branch xs
    Nom k at j in branch
    finite A j  A
  shows A  mapi_branch (bridge k j xs) branch
proof -
  have A  ([], j) # branch
    using assms(2, 5-6) inf STA_struct[where branch'=([], j) # branch] by auto
  moreover have descendants k i (([], j) # branch) xs
    using assms(3) descendants_branch[where extra=[_]] by fastforce
  ultimately have A  mapi_branch (bridge k j xs) (([], j) # branch)
    using STA_bridge' inf assms(3-) by fast
  then have *: A  ([], j) # mapi_branch (bridge k j xs) branch
    unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
  have branch_nominals (mapi_branch (bridge k j xs) branch) = branch_nominals branch
    using nominals_mapi_branch_bridge assms(4-) by fast
  moreover have j  branch_nominals branch
    using assms(4) unfolding branch_nominals_def by fastforce
  ultimately have j  branch_nominals (mapi_branch (bridge k j xs) branch)
    by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using * GoTo by fast

subsection ‹Derivation›

theorem Bridge:
  fixes i :: 'b
  assumes inf: infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) and fin: finite A and j  A
    Nom k at j in (ps, i) # branch ( Nom j) at i in (ps, i) # branch
    A  (( Nom k) # ps, i) # branch
  shows A  (ps, i) # branch
proof -
  let ?xs = {(length branch, length ps)}

  have descendants k i ((( Nom k) # ps, i) # branch) ?xs
    using Initial by force
  moreover have Nom k at j in (( Nom k) # ps, i) # branch
    using assms(4) by fastforce
  ultimately have A  mapi_branch (bridge k j ?xs) ((( Nom k) # ps, i) # branch)
    using STA_bridge inf fin assms(3, 6) by fast
  then have A  (( Nom j) # mapi (bridge k j ?xs (length branch)) ps, i) #
      mapi_branch (bridge k j ?xs) branch
    unfolding mapi_branch_def by simp
  moreover have mapi_branch (bridge k j {(length branch, length ps)}) branch =
      mapi_branch (bridge k j {}) branch
    using mapi_branch_add_oob[where xs={}] by fastforce
  moreover have mapi (bridge k j ?xs (length branch)) ps =
    mapi (bridge k j {} (length branch)) ps
    using mapi_block_add_oob[where xs={} and ps=ps] by simp
  ultimately have A  (( Nom j) # ps, i) # branch
    using mapi_block_id[where ps=ps] mapi_branch_id[where branch=branch] by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using Dup assms(5) by (metis new_def)

section ‹Completeness›

subsection ‹Hintikka›

abbreviation at_in_set :: ('a, 'b) fm  'b  ('a, 'b) block set  bool where
  at_in_set p a S  ps. (ps, a)  S  p on (ps, a)

notation at_in_set (‹_ at _ in'' _› [51, 51, 51] 50)

text ‹
  A set of blocks is Hintikka if it satisfies the following requirements.
  Intuitively, if it corresponds to an exhausted open branch
    with respect to the fixed set of allowed nominals A›.
  For example, we only require symmetry, "if j› occurs at i› then i› occurs at j›" if i ∈ A›.

locale Hintikka =
  fixes A :: 'b set and H :: ('a, 'b) block set assumes
    ProP: Nom j at i in' H  Pro x at j in' H  ¬ (¬ Pro x) at i in' H and
    NomP: Nom a at i in' H  ¬ (¬ Nom a) at i in' H and
    NegN: (¬ ¬ p) at i in' H  p at i in' H and
    DisP: (p  q) at i in' H  p at i in' H  q at i in' H and
    DisN: (¬ (p  q)) at i in' H  (¬ p) at i in' H  (¬ q) at i in' H and
    DiaP: a. p = Nom a  ( p) at i in' H 
      j. ( Nom j) at i in' H  (@ j p) at i in' H and
    DiaN: (¬ ( p)) at i in' H  ( Nom j) at i in' H  (¬ (@ j p)) at i in' H and
    SatP: (@ i p) at a in' H  p at i in' H and
    SatN: (¬ (@ i p)) at a in' H  (¬ p) at i in' H and
    GoTo: i  nominals p  a. p at a in' H  ps. (ps, i)  H and
    Nom: a. p = Nom a  p = ( Nom a)  a  A 
      p at i in' H  Nom j at i in' H  p at j in' H

text ‹
  Two nominals i› and j› are equivalent in respect to a Hintikka set H› if
    H› contains an i›-block with j› on it.
  This is an equivalence relation on the names in H› intersected with the allowed nominals A›.

definition hequiv :: ('a, 'b) block set  'b  'b  bool where
  hequiv H i j  Nom j at i in' H

abbreviation hequiv_rel :: 'b set  ('a, 'b) block set  ('b × 'b) set where
  hequiv_rel A H  {(i, j) |i j. hequiv H i j  i  A  j  A}

definition names :: ('a, 'b) block set  'b set where
  names H  {i |ps i. (ps, i)  H}

lemma hequiv_refl: i  names H  hequiv H i i
  unfolding hequiv_def names_def by simp

lemma hequiv_refl': (ps, i)  H  hequiv H i i
  using hequiv_refl unfolding names_def by fastforce

lemma hequiv_sym':
  assumes Hintikka A H i  A hequiv H i j
  shows hequiv H j i
proof -
  have i  A  Nom i at i in' H  Nom j at i in' H  Nom i at j in' H for i j
    using assms(1) Hintikka.Nom by fast
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(2-) unfolding hequiv_def by auto

lemma hequiv_sym: Hintikka A H  i  A  j  A  hequiv H i j  hequiv H j i
  by (meson hequiv_sym')

lemma hequiv_trans:
  assumes Hintikka A H i  A k  A hequiv H i j hequiv H j k
  shows hequiv H i k
proof -
  have hequiv H j i
    by (meson assms(1-2, 4) hequiv_sym')
  moreover have k  A  Nom k at j in' H  Nom i at j in' H  Nom k at i in' H for i k j
    using assms(1) Hintikka.Nom by fast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using assms(3-) unfolding hequiv_def by blast

lemma hequiv_names: hequiv H i j  i  names H
  unfolding hequiv_def names_def by blast

lemma hequiv_names_rel:
  assumes Hintikka A H
  shows hequiv_rel A H  names H × names H
  using assms hequiv_names hequiv_sym by fast

lemma hequiv_refl_rel:
  assumes Hintikka A H
  shows refl_on (names H  A) (hequiv_rel A H)
  unfolding refl_on_def using assms hequiv_refl hequiv_names_rel by fast

lemma hequiv_sym_rel: Hintikka A H  sym (hequiv_rel A H)
  unfolding sym_def using hequiv_sym by fast

lemma hequiv_trans_rel: Hintikka B A  trans (hequiv_rel B A)
  unfolding trans_def using hequiv_trans by fast

lemma hequiv_rel: Hintikka A H  equiv (names H  A) (hequiv_rel A H)
  using hequiv_refl_rel hequiv_sym_rel hequiv_trans_rel by (rule equivI)

lemma nominal_in_names:
  assumes Hintikka A H block  H. i  block_nominals block
  shows i  names H
  using assms Hintikka.GoTo unfolding names_def by fastforce

subsubsection ‹Named model›

text ‹
  Given a Hintikka set H›, a formula p› on a block in H› and a set of allowed nominals A›
    which contains all "root-like" nominals in p› we construct a model that satisfies p›.

  The worlds of our model are sets of equivalent nominals and
    nominals are assigned to the equivalence class of an equivalent allowed nominal.
  This definition resembles the "ur-father" notion.

  From a world is›, we can reach a world js› iff there is an i ∈ is› and a j ∈ js› s.t.
    there is an i›-block in H› with  Nom j› on it.

  A propositional symbol p› is true in a world is› if there exists an i ∈ is› s.t.
    p› occurs on an i›-block in H›.

definition assign :: 'b set  ('a, 'b) block set  'b  'b set where
  assign A H i  if a. a  A  Nom a at i in' H
    then proj (hequiv_rel A H) (SOME a. a  A  Nom a at i in' H)
    else {i}

definition reach :: 'b set  ('a, 'b) block set  'b set  'b set set where
  reach A H is  {assign A H j |i j. i  is  ( Nom j) at i in' H}

definition val :: ('a, 'b) block set  'b set  'a  bool where
  val H is x  i  is. Pro x at i in' H

lemma ex_assignment:
  assumes Hintikka A H
  shows assign A H i  {}
proof (cases b. b  A  Nom b at i in' H)
  case True
  let ?b = SOME b. b  A  Nom b at i in' H
  have *: ?b  A  Nom ?b at i in' H
    using someI_ex True .
  moreover from this have hequiv H ?b ?b
    using assms block_nominals nominal_in_names hequiv_refl
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) nominals.simps(2) singletonI)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding assign_def proj_def by auto
  case False
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding assign_def by auto

lemma ur_closure:
  assumes Hintikka A H p at i in' H a. p = Nom a  p = ( Nom a)  a  A
  shows a  assign A H i. p at a in' H
proof (cases b. b  A  Nom b at i in' H)
  case True
  let ?b = SOME b. b  A  Nom b at i in' H
  have *: ?b  A  Nom ?b at i in' H
    using someI_ex True .
  then have p at ?b in' H
    using assms by (meson Hintikka.Nom)
  then have p at a in' H if hequiv H ?b a for a
    using that assms(1, 3) unfolding hequiv_def by (meson Hintikka.Nom)
  moreover have assign A H i = proj (hequiv_rel A H) ?b
    unfolding assign_def using True by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding proj_def by blast
  case False
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding assign_def using assms by auto

lemma ur_closure':
  assumes Hintikka A H p at i in' H a. p = Nom a  p = ( Nom a)  a  A
  shows a  assign A H i. p at a in' H
proof -
  obtain a where a  assign A H i
    using assms(1) ex_assignment by fast
  then show ?thesis
    using assms ur_closure[where i=i] by blast

lemma mem_hequiv_rel: a  proj (hequiv_rel A H) b  a  A
  unfolding proj_def by blast

lemma hequiv_proj:
  assumes Hintikka A H
    Nom a at i in' H a  A Nom b at i in' H b  A
  shows proj (hequiv_rel A H) a = proj (hequiv_rel A H) b
proof -
  have equiv (names H  A) (hequiv_rel A H)
    using assms(1) hequiv_rel by fast
  moreover have {a, b}  names H  A
    using assms(1-5) nominal_in_names by fastforce
  moreover have Nom b at a in' H
    using assms(1-2, 4-5) Hintikka.Nom by fast
  then have hequiv H a b
    unfolding hequiv_def by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: proj_iff)

lemma hequiv_proj_opening:
  assumes Hintikka A H Nom a at i in' H a  A i  A
  shows proj (hequiv_rel A H) a = proj (hequiv_rel A H) i
  using hequiv_proj assms by fastforce

lemma assign_proj_refl:
  assumes Hintikka A H Nom i at i in' H i  A
  shows assign A H i = proj (hequiv_rel A H) i
proof -
  let ?a = SOME a. a  A  Nom a at i in' H
  have a. a  A  Nom a at i in' H
    using assms(2-3) by fast
  with someI_ex have *: ?a  A  Nom ?a at i in' H .
  then have assign A H i = proj (hequiv_rel A H) ?a
    unfolding assign_def by auto
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding assign_def
    using hequiv_proj * assms by fast

lemma assign_named:
  assumes Hintikka A H i  proj (hequiv_rel A H) a
  shows i  names H
  using assms unfolding proj_def by simp (meson hequiv_names hequiv_sym')

lemma assign_unique:
  assumes Hintikka A H a  assign A H i
  shows assign A H a = assign A H i
proof (cases b. b  A  Nom b at i in' H)
  case True
  let ?b = SOME b. b  A  Nom b at i in' H
  have *: ?b  A  Nom ?b at i in' H
    using someI_ex True .

  have **: assign A H i = proj (hequiv_rel A H) ?b
    unfolding assign_def using True by simp
  moreover from this have Nom a at a in' H
    using assms assign_named unfolding names_def by fastforce
  ultimately have assign A H a = proj (hequiv_rel A H) a
    using assms assign_proj_refl mem_hequiv_rel by fast
  with ** show ?thesis
    unfolding proj_def using assms
    by simp (meson hequiv_sym' hequiv_trans)
  case False
  then have assign A H i = {i}
    unfolding assign_def by auto
  then have a = i
    using assms(2) by simp
  then show ?thesis
    by simp

lemma assign_val:
    Hintikka A H Pro x at a in' H (¬ Pro x) at i in' H
    a  assign A H i i  names H
  shows False
  using assms Hintikka.ProP ur_closure by fastforce

lemma Hintikka_model:
  assumes Hintikka A H
    p at i in' H  nominals p  A 
        Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H i  p
    (¬ p) at i in' H  nominals p  A 
      ¬ Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H i  p
proof (induct p arbitrary: i)
  fix i
  case (Pro x)
  assume Pro x at i in' H
  then show Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H i  Pro x
    using assms(1) ur_closure' unfolding val_def by fastforce
  fix i
  case (Pro x)
  assume (¬ Pro x) at i in' H
  then have a. a  assign A H i  Pro x at a in' H
    using assms(1) assign_val unfolding names_def by fast
  then have ¬ val H (assign A H i) x
    unfolding proj_def val_def hequiv_def by simp
  then show ¬ Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H i  Pro x
    by simp
  fix i
  case (Nom a)
  assume *: Nom a at i in' H nominals (Nom a)  A

  let ?b = SOME b. b  A  Nom b at i in' H
  let ?c = SOME b. b  A  Nom b at a in' H

  have a  A
    using *(2) by simp
  then have b. b  A  Nom b at i in' H
    using * by fast
  with someI_ex have b: ?b  A  Nom ?b at i in' H .
  then have assign A H i = proj (hequiv_rel A H) ?b
    unfolding assign_def by auto
  also have proj (hequiv_rel A H) ?b = proj (hequiv_rel A H) a
    using hequiv_proj assms(1) b * a  A by fast

  also have Nom a at a in' H
    using * a  A assms(1) Hintikka.Nom by fast
  then have c. c  A  Nom c at a in' H
    using a  A by blast
  with someI_ex have c: ?c  A  Nom ?c at a in' H .
  then have assign A H a = proj (hequiv_rel A H) ?c
    unfolding assign_def by auto
  then have proj (hequiv_rel A H) a = assign A H a
    using hequiv_proj_opening assms(1) a  A c by fast

  finally have assign A H i = assign A H a .
  then show Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H i  Nom a
    by simp
  fix i
  case (Nom a)
  assume *: (¬ Nom a) at i in' H nominals (Nom a)  A
  then have a  A
    by simp

  have hequiv H a a
    using hequiv_refl * nominal_in_names assms(1) by fastforce
  obtain j where j: j  assign A H i (¬ Nom a) at j in' H
    using ur_closure' assms(1) * by fastforce
  then have ¬ Nom a at j in' H
    using assms(1) Hintikka.NomP by fast

  moreover have b  assign A H a. Nom a at b in' H
    using assms a  A hequiv H a a ur_closure unfolding hequiv_def by fast
  ultimately have assign A H a  assign A H i
    using j by blast
  then show ¬ Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H i  Nom a
    by simp
  fix i
  case (Neg p)
  moreover assume (¬ p) at i in' H nominals (¬ p)  A
  ultimately show Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H i  ¬ p
    by simp
  fix i
  case (Neg p)
  moreover assume *: (¬ ¬ p) at i in' H
  then have p at i in' H
    using assms(1) Hintikka.NegN by fast
  moreover assume nominals (¬ p)  A
  moreover from this * have a. p = ( Nom a)  a  A
    by auto
  ultimately show ¬ Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H i  ¬ p
    using assms(1) by auto
  fix i
  case (Dis p q)
  moreover assume *: (p  q) at i in' H
  then have p at i in' H  q at i in' H
    using assms(1) Hintikka.DisP by fast
  moreover assume nominals (p  q)  A
  moreover from this * have a. p = ( Nom a)  a  A a. q = ( Nom a)  a  A
    by auto
  ultimately show Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H i  (p  q)
    by simp metis
  fix i
  case (Dis p q)
  moreover assume *: (¬ (p  q)) at i in' H
  then have (¬ p) at i in' H (¬ q) at i in' H
    using assms(1) Hintikka.DisN by fast+
  moreover assume nominals (p  q)  A
  moreover from this * have a. p = ( Nom a)  a  A a. q = ( Nom a)  a  A
    by auto
  ultimately show ¬ Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H i  (p  q)
    by auto
  fix i
  case (Dia p)
  assume *: ( p) at i in' H nominals ( p)  A
  with * have p: a. p = ( Nom a)  a  A
    by auto

  show Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H i   p
  proof (cases j. p = Nom j)
    case True
    then obtain j where j: p = Nom j j  A
      using *(2) by auto
    then obtain a where a: a  assign A H i ( Nom j) at a in' H
      using ur_closure' assms(1) ( p) at i in' H by fast

    from j have ( Nom j) at i in' H
      using *(1) by simp
    then have ( Nom j) at a in' H
      using ur_closure assms(1) a(2) by fast
    then have assign A H j  reach A H (assign A H i)
      unfolding reach_def using a(1) by fast
    then show ?thesis
      using j(1) by simp
    case False
    then obtain a where a: a  assign A H i ( p) at a in' H
      using ur_closure' assms(1) ( p) at i in' H by fast
    then have j. ( Nom j) at a in' H  (@ j p) at a in' H
      using False assms ( p) at i in' H by (meson Hintikka.DiaP)
    then obtain j where j: ( Nom j) at a in' H (@ j p) at a in' H
      by blast

    from j(2) have p at j in' H
      using assms(1) Hintikka.SatP by fast
    then have Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H j  p
      using Dia p *(2) by simp
    moreover have assign A H j  reach A H (assign A H i)
      unfolding reach_def using a(1) j(1) by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by auto
  fix i
  case (Dia p)
  assume *: (¬ ( p)) at i in' H nominals ( p)  A
  then obtain a where a: a  assign A H i (¬ ( p)) at a in' H
    using ur_closure' assms(1) by fast
    fix j b
    assume ( Nom j) at b in' H b  assign A H a
    moreover have (¬ ( p)) at b in' H
      using a(2) assms(1) calculation(2) ur_closure by fast
    ultimately have (¬ (@ j p)) at b in' H
      using assms(1) Hintikka.DiaN by fast
    then have (¬ p) at j in' H
      using assms(1) Hintikka.SatN by fast
    then have ¬ Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H j  p
      using Dia *(2) by simp
  then have ¬ Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H a   p
    unfolding reach_def by auto
  moreover have assign A H a = assign A H i
    using assms(1) a assign_unique by fast
  ultimately show ¬ Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H i   p
    by simp
  fix i
  case (Sat j p)
  assume (@ j p) at i in' H nominals (@ j p)  A
  moreover from this have a. p = ( Nom a)  a  A
    by auto
  moreover have p at j in' H if a. (@ j p) at a in' H
    using that assms(1) Hintikka.SatP by fast
  ultimately show Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H i  @ j p
    using Sat by auto
  fix i
  case (Sat j p)
  assume (¬ (@ j p)) at i in' H nominals (@ j p)  A
  moreover from this have a. p = ( Nom a)  a  A
    by auto
  moreover have (¬ p) at j in' H if a. (¬ (@ j p)) at a in' H
    using that assms(1) Hintikka.SatN by fast
  ultimately show ¬ Model (reach A H) (val H), assign A H, assign A H i  @ j p
    using Sat by fastforce

subsection ‹Lindenbaum-Henkin›

text ‹
  A set of blocks is consistent if no finite subset can be derived.
  Given a consistent set of blocks we are going to extend it to be
    saturated and maximally consistent and show that is then Hintikka.
  All definitions are with respect to the set of allowed nominals.

definition consistent :: 'b set  ('a, 'b) block set  bool where
  consistent A S  S'. set S'  S  A  S'

instance fm :: (countable, countable) countable
  by countable_datatype

definition proper_dia :: ('a, 'b) fm  ('a, 'b) fm option where
  proper_dia p  case p of ( p)  (if a. p = Nom a then Some p else None) | _  None

lemma proper_dia: proper_dia p = Some q  p = ( q)  (a. q = Nom a)
  unfolding proper_dia_def by (cases p) (simp_all, metis option.discI option.inject)

text ‹The following function witnesses each  p› in a fresh world.›

primrec witness_list :: ('a, 'b) fm list  'b set  ('a, 'b) fm list where
  witness_list [] _ = []
| witness_list (p # ps) used =
    (case proper_dia p of
      None  witness_list ps used
    | Some q 
        let i = SOME i. i  used
        in (@ i q) # ( Nom i) # witness_list ps ({i}  used))

primrec witness :: ('a, 'b) block  'b set  ('a, 'b) block where
  witness (ps, a) used = (witness_list ps used, a)

lemma witness_list:
  proper_dia p = Some q  witness_list (p # ps) used =
    (let i = SOME i. i  used
     in (@ i q) # ( Nom i) # witness_list ps ({i}  used))
  by simp

primrec extend ::
  'b set  ('a, 'b) block set  (nat  ('a, 'b) block)  nat  ('a, 'b) block set where
  extend A S f 0 = S
| extend A S f (Suc n) =
    (if ¬ consistent A ({f n}  extend A S f n)
     then extend A S f n
      let used = A  (block  {f n}  extend A S f n. block_nominals block)
      in {f n, witness (f n) used}  extend A S f n)

definition Extend ::
  'b set  ('a, 'b) block set  (nat  ('a, 'b) block)  ('a, 'b) block set where
  Extend A S f  (n. extend A S f n)

lemma extend_chain: extend A S f n  extend A S f (Suc n)
  by auto

lemma extend_mem: S  extend A S f n
  by (induct n) auto

lemma Extend_mem: S  Extend A S f
  unfolding Extend_def using extend_mem by fast

subsubsection ‹Consistency›

lemma split_list:
  set A  {x}  X  x ∈. A  B. set (x # B) = set A  x  set B
  by simp (metis Diff_insert_absorb mk_disjoint_insert set_removeAll)

lemma consistent_drop_single:
  fixes a :: 'b
    inf: infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) and
    fin: finite A and
    cons: consistent A ({(p # ps, a)}  S)
  shows consistent A ({(ps, a)}  S)
  unfolding consistent_def
  assume S'. set S'  {(ps, a)}  S  A  S'
  then obtain S' n where set S'  {(ps, a)}  S (ps, a) ∈. S' A, n  S'
    using assms unfolding consistent_def by blast
  then obtain S'' where set ((ps, a) # S'') = set S' (ps, a)  set S''
    using split_list by metis
  then have A  (ps, a) # S''
    using inf fin STA_struct A, n  S' by blast
  then have A  (p # ps, a) # S''
    using inf fin STA_struct_block[where ps'=p # ps] by fastforce
  moreover have set ((p # ps, a) # S'')  {(p # ps, a)}  S
    using (ps, a)  set S'' set ((ps, a) # S'') = set S' set S'  {(ps, a)}  S by auto
  ultimately show False
    using cons unfolding consistent_def by blast

lemma consistent_drop_block: consistent A ({block}  S)  consistent A S
  unfolding consistent_def by blast

lemma inconsistent_weaken: ¬ consistent A S  S  S'  ¬ consistent A S'
  unfolding consistent_def by blast

lemma finite_nominals_set: finite S  finite (block  S. block_nominals block)
  by (induct S rule: finite_induct) (simp_all add: finite_block_nominals)

lemma witness_list_used:
  fixes i :: 'b
  assumes inf: infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) and finite used i  list_nominals ps
  shows i  list_nominals (witness_list ps ({i}  used))
  using assms(2-)
proof (induct ps arbitrary: used)
  case (Cons p ps)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases proper_dia p)
    case (Some q)
    let ?j = SOME j. j  {i}  used
    have finite ({i}  used)
      using finite used by simp
    then have j. j  {i}  used
      using inf ex_new_if_finite by metis
    then have j: ?j  {i}  used
      using someI_ex by metis

    have witness_list (p # ps) ({i}  used) =
        (@ ?j q) # ( Nom ?j) # witness_list ps ({?j}  ({i}  used))
      using Some witness_list by metis
    then have *: list_nominals (witness_list (p # ps) ({i}  used)) =
        {?j}  nominals q  list_nominals (witness_list ps ({?j}  ({i}  used)))
      by simp

    have finite ({?j}  used)
      using finite used by simp
    moreover have i  list_nominals ps
      using i  list_nominals (p # ps) by simp
    ultimately have i  list_nominals (witness_list ps ({i}  ({?j}  used)))
      using Cons by metis
    moreover have {i}  ({?j}  used) = {?j}  ({i}  used)
      by blast
    moreover have i  ?j
      using j by auto
    ultimately have i  list_nominals (witness_list (p # ps) ({i}  used))  i  nominals q
      using * by simp
    moreover have i  nominals q
      using Cons(3) Some proper_dia by fastforce
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by blast
  qed simp
qed simp

lemma witness_used:
  fixes i :: 'b
  assumes inf: infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) and
    finite used i  block_nominals block
  shows i  block_nominals (witness block ({i}  used))
  using assms witness_list_used by (induct block) fastforce

lemma consistent_witness_list:
  fixes a :: 'b
  assumes inf: infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) and consistent A S
    (ps, a)  S finite used A   (block_nominals ` S)  used
  shows consistent A ({(witness_list ps used, a)}  S)
  using assms(2-)
proof (induct ps arbitrary: used S)
  case Nil
  then have {(witness_list [] used, a)}  S = S
    by auto
  moreover have finite {} {}  used = {}
    by simp_all
  ultimately show ?case
    using consistent A S by simp
  case (Cons p ps)
  have fin: finite A
    using assms(4-5) finite_subset by fast
  have {(p # ps, a)}  S = S
    using (p # ps, a)  S by blast
  then have consistent A ({(p # ps, a)}  S)
    using consistent A S by simp
  then have consistent A ({(ps, a)}  S)
    using inf fin consistent_drop_single by fast
  moreover have (ps, a)  {(ps, a)}  S
    by simp
  moreover have A   (block_nominals ` ({(ps, a)}  S))  extra  used for extra
    using (p # ps, a)  S A   (block_nominals ` S)  used by fastforce
  moreover have finite (extra  used) if finite extra for extra
    using that finite used by blast
  ultimately have cons:
    consistent A ({(witness_list ps (extra  used), a)}  ({(ps, a)}  S))
    if finite extra for extra
    using that Cons by metis

  show ?case
  proof (cases proper_dia p)
    case None
    then have witness_list (p # ps) used = witness_list ps used
      by auto
    moreover have consistent A ({(witness_list ps used, a)}  ({(ps, a)}  S))
      using cons[where extra={}] by simp
    then have consistent A ({(witness_list ps used, a)}  S)
      using consistent_drop_block[where block=(ps, a)] by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by simp
    case (Some q)
    let ?i = SOME i. i  used
    have i. i  used
      using ex_new_if_finite inf finite used .
    with someI_ex have ?i  used .
    then have i: ?i   (block_nominals ` S)
      using Cons by auto
    then have ?i  block_nominals (p # ps, a)
      using Cons by blast

    let ?tail = witness_list ps ({?i}  used)

    have consistent A ({(?tail, a)}  ({(ps, a)}  S))
      using cons[where extra={?i}] by blast
    then have *: consistent A ({(?tail, a)}  S)
      using consistent_drop_block[where block=(ps, a)] by simp

    have witness_list (p # ps) used = (@ ?i q) # ( Nom ?i) # ?tail
      using Some witness_list by metis
    moreover have consistent A ({((@ ?i q) # ( Nom ?i) # ?tail, a)}  S)
      unfolding consistent_def
      assume S'. set S'  {((@ ?i q) # ( Nom ?i) # ?tail, a)}  S  A  S'
      then obtain S' n where
        A, n  S' and S':
        set S'  {((@ ?i q) # ( Nom ?i) # ?tail, a)}  S
        ((@ ?i q) # ( Nom ?i) # ?tail, a) ∈. S'
        using * unfolding consistent_def by blast
      then obtain S'' where S'':
        set (((@ ?i q) # ( Nom ?i) # ?tail, a) # S'') = set S'
        ((@ ?i q) # ( Nom ?i) # ?tail, a)  set S''
        using split_list[where x=((@ ?i q) # ( Nom ?i) # ?tail, a)] by blast
      then have A  ((@ ?i q) # ( Nom ?i) # ?tail, a) # S''
        using inf finite A STA_struct A, n  S' by blast
      moreover have set (((@ ?i q) # ( Nom ?i) # ?tail, a) # S'') 
        set (((@ ?i q) # ( Nom ?i) # ?tail, a) # (p # ps, a) # S'')
        by auto
      ultimately have **: A  ((@ ?i q) # ( Nom ?i) # ?tail, a) # (p # ps, a) # S''
        using inf finite A STA_struct by blast

      have ?i  block_nominals (?tail, a)
        using inf finite used ?i  block_nominals (p # ps, a) witness_used by fastforce
      moreover have ?i  branch_nominals S''
        unfolding branch_nominals_def using i S' S'' by auto
      ultimately have ?i  branch_nominals ((?tail, a) # (p # ps, a) # S'')
        using ?i  block_nominals (p # ps, a) unfolding branch_nominals_def
        by simp
      then have ?i  A  branch_nominals ((?tail, a) # (p # ps, a) # S'')
        using ?i  used Cons.prems(4) by blast

      moreover have a. q = Nom a
        using Some proper_dia by blast
      moreover have (p # ps, a) ∈. (?tail, a) # (p # ps, a) # S''
        by simp
      moreover have p = ( q)
        using Some proper_dia by blast
      then have ( q) on (p # ps, a)
        by simp
      ultimately have A  (?tail, a) # (p # ps, a) # S''
        using ** finite A DiaP'' by fast
      moreover have set ((p # ps, a) # S'')  S
        using Cons(3) S' S'' by auto
      ultimately show False
        using * unfolding consistent_def by (simp add: subset_Un_eq)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by simp

lemma consistent_witness:
  fixes block :: ('a, 'b) block
  assumes infinite (UNIV :: 'b set)
    consistent A S finite ( (block_nominals ` S)) block  S finite A
  shows consistent A ({witness block (A   (block_nominals ` S))}  S)
  using assms consistent_witness_list by (cases block) fastforce

lemma consistent_extend:
  fixes S :: ('a, 'b) block set
  assumes inf: infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) and fin: finite A and
    consistent A (extend A S f n) finite ( (block_nominals ` extend A S f n))
  shows consistent A (extend A S f (Suc n))
proof (cases consistent A ({f n}  extend A S f n))
  case True
  let ?used = A  (block  {f n}  extend A S f n. block_nominals block)
  have *: extend A S f (n + 1) = {f n, witness (f n) ?used}  extend A S f n
    using True by simp

  have consistent A ({f n}  extend A S f n)
    using True by simp
  moreover have finite (( (block_nominals ` ({f n}  extend A S f n))))
    using finite ( (block_nominals ` extend A S f n)) finite_nominals_set by force
  moreover have f n  {f n}  extend A S f n
    by simp
  ultimately have consistent A ({witness (f n) ?used}  ({f n}  extend A S f n))
    using inf fin consistent_witness by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using * by simp
  case False
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(3) by simp

lemma finite_nominals_extend:
  assumes finite ( (block_nominals ` S))
  shows finite ( (block_nominals ` extend A S f n))
  using assms by (induct n) (auto simp add: finite_block_nominals)

lemma consistent_extend':
  fixes S :: ('a, 'b) block set
  assumes infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) finite A consistent A S finite ( (block_nominals ` S))
  shows consistent A (extend A S f n)
  using assms
proof (induct n)
  case (Suc n)
  then show ?case
    by (metis consistent_extend finite_nominals_extend)
qed simp

lemma UN_finite_bound:
  assumes finite A A  (n. f n)
  shows m :: nat. A  (n  m. f n)
  using assms
proof (induct A rule: finite_induct)
  case (insert x A)
  then obtain m where A  (n  m. f n)
    by fast
  then have A  (n  (m + k). f n) for k
    by fastforce
  moreover obtain m' where x  f m'
    using insert(4) by blast
  ultimately have {x}  A  (n  m + m'. f n)
    by auto
  then show ?case
    by blast
qed simp

lemma extend_bound: (n  m. extend A S f n) = extend A S f m
proof (induct m)
  case (Suc m)
  have  (extend A S f ` {..Suc m}) =  (extend A S f ` {..m})  extend A S f (Suc m)
    using atMost_Suc by auto
  also have  = extend A S f m  extend A S f (Suc m)
    using Suc by blast
  also have  = extend A S f (Suc m)
    using extend_chain by blast
  finally show ?case
    by simp
qed simp

lemma consistent_Extend:
  fixes S :: ('a, 'b) block set
  assumes inf: infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) and finite A
    consistent A S finite ( (block_nominals ` S))
  shows consistent A (Extend A S f)
  unfolding Extend_def
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume ¬ consistent A ( (range (extend A S f)))
  then obtain S' n where *:
    A, n  S'
    set S'  (n. extend A S f n)
    unfolding consistent_def by blast
  moreover have finite (set S')
    by simp
  ultimately obtain m where set S'  (n  m. extend A S f n)
    using UN_finite_bound by metis
  then have set S'  extend A S f m
    using extend_bound by blast
  moreover have consistent A (extend A S f m)
    using assms consistent_extend' by blast
  ultimately show False
    unfolding consistent_def using * by blast

subsubsection ‹Maximality›

text ‹A set of blocks is maximally consistent if any proper extension makes it inconsistent.›

definition maximal :: 'b set  ('a, 'b) block set  bool where
  maximal A S  consistent A S  (block. block  S  ¬ consistent A ({block}  S))

lemma extend_not_mem:
  f n  extend A S f (Suc n)  ¬ consistent A ({f n}  extend A S f n)
  by (metis Un_insert_left extend.simps(2) insertI1)

lemma maximal_Extend:
  fixes S :: ('a, 'b) block set
  assumes inf: infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) and finite A
    consistent A S finite ( (block_nominals ` S)) surj f
  shows maximal A (Extend A S f)
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume ¬ maximal A (Extend A S f)
  then obtain block where
    block  Extend A S f consistent A ({block}  Extend A S f)
    unfolding maximal_def using assms consistent_Extend by metis
  obtain n where n: f n = block
    using surj f unfolding surj_def by metis
  then have block  extend A S f (Suc n)
    using block  Extend A S f extend_chain unfolding Extend_def by blast
  then have ¬ consistent A ({block}  extend A S f n)
    using n extend_not_mem by blast
  moreover have block  extend A S f n
    using block  extend A S f (Suc n) extend_chain by blast
  then have {block}  extend A S f n  {block}  Extend A S f
    unfolding Extend_def by blast
  ultimately have ¬ consistent A ({block}  Extend A S f)
    using inconsistent_weaken by blast
  then show False
    using consistent A ({block}  Extend A S f) by simp

subsubsection ‹Saturation›

text ‹A set of blocks is saturated if every  p› is witnessed.›

definition saturated :: ('a, 'b) block set  bool where
  saturated S  p i. ( p) at i in' S  (a. p = Nom a) 
    (j. (@ j p) at i in' S  ( Nom j) at i in' S)

lemma witness_list_append:
  extra. witness_list (ps @ qs) used = witness_list ps used @ witness_list qs (extra  used)
proof (induct ps arbitrary: used)
  case Nil
  then show ?case
    by (metis Un_absorb append_self_conv2 witness_list.simps(1))
  case (Cons p ps)
  show ?case
  proof (cases q. proper_dia p = Some q)
    case True
    let ?i = SOME i. i  used
    from True obtain q where q: proper_dia p = Some q
      by blast
    moreover have (p # ps) @ qs = p # (ps @ qs)
      by simp
    ultimately have
      witness_list ((p # ps) @ qs) used = (@ ?i q) # ( Nom ?i) #
       witness_list (ps @ qs) ({?i}  used)
      using witness_list by metis
    then have
      extra. witness_list ((p # ps) @ qs) used = (@ ?i q) # ( Nom ?i) #
        witness_list ps ({?i}  used) @ witness_list qs (extra  ({?i}  used))
      using Cons by metis
    moreover have (@ ?i q) # ( Nom ?i) # witness_list ps ({?i}  used) =
        witness_list (p # ps) used
      using q witness_list by metis
    ultimately have extra. witness_list ((p # ps) @ qs) used =
        witness_list (p # ps) used @ witness_list qs (extra  ({?i}  used))
      by (metis append_Cons)
    then have extra. witness_list ((p # ps) @ qs) used =
        witness_list (p # ps) used @ witness_list qs (({?i}  extra)  used)
      by simp
    then show ?thesis
      by blast
  qed (simp add: Cons)

lemma ex_witness_list:
  assumes p ∈. ps proper_dia p = Some q
  shows i. {@ i q,  Nom i}  set (witness_list ps used)
  using p ∈. ps
proof (induct ps arbitrary: used)
  case (Cons a ps)
  then show ?case
  proof (induct a = p)
    case True
    then have
      i. witness_list (a # ps) used = (@ i q) # ( Nom i) #
        witness_list ps ({i}  used)
      using proper_dia p = Some q witness_list by metis
    then show ?case
      by auto
    case False
    then have i. {@ i q,  Nom i}  set (witness_list ps (extra  used)) for extra
      by simp
    moreover have extra. witness_list (a # ps) used =
        witness_list [a] used @ witness_list ps (extra  used)
      using witness_list_append[where ps=[_]] by simp
    ultimately show ?case
      by fastforce
qed simp

lemma saturated_Extend:
  fixes S :: ('a, 'b) block set
  assumes inf: infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) and fin: finite A and
    consistent A S finite ( (block_nominals ` S)) surj f
  shows saturated (Extend A S f)
  unfolding saturated_def
proof safe
  fix ps i p
  assume (ps, i)  Extend A S f ( p) on (ps, i) a. p = Nom a
  obtain n where n: f n = (ps, i)
    using surj f unfolding surj_def by metis

  let ?used = A  (block  {f n}  extend A S f n. block_nominals block)

  have extend A S f n  Extend A S f
    unfolding Extend_def by auto
  moreover have consistent A (Extend A S f)
    using assms consistent_Extend by blast
  ultimately have consistent A ({(ps, i)}  extend A S f n)
    using (ps, i)  Extend A S f inconsistent_weaken by blast
  then have extend A S f (Suc n) = {f n, witness (f n) ?used}  extend A S f n
    using n ( p) on (ps, i) by auto
  then have witness (f n) ?used  Extend A S f
    unfolding Extend_def by blast
  then have *: (witness_list ps ?used, i)  Extend A S f
    using n by simp

  have ( p) ∈. ps
    using ( p) on (ps, i) by simp
  moreover have proper_dia ( p) = Some p
    unfolding proper_dia_def using a. p = Nom a by simp
  ultimately have j.
      (@ j p) on (witness_list ps ?used, i) 
      ( Nom j) on (witness_list ps ?used, i)
    using ex_witness_list by fastforce
  then show j.
      (qs. (qs, i)  Extend A S f  (@ j p) on (qs, i)) 
      (rs. (rs, i)  Extend A S f  ( Nom j) on (rs, i))
    using * by blast

subsection ‹Smullyan-Fitting›

lemma Hintikka_Extend:
  fixes S :: ('a, 'b) block set
  assumes inf: infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) and fin: finite A and
    maximal A S consistent A S saturated S
  shows Hintikka A S
  unfolding Hintikka_def
proof safe
  fix x i j ps qs rs
    ps: (ps, i)  S Nom j on (ps, i) and
    qs: (qs, j)  S Pro x on (qs, j) and
    rs: (rs, i)  S (¬ Pro x) on (rs, i)
  then have ¬ A, n  [(qs, j), (ps, i), (rs, i)] for n
    using consistent A S unfolding consistent_def by simp
  moreover have A, n  [((¬ Pro x) # qs, j), (ps, i), (rs, i)] for n
    using qs(2) Close
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) list.set_intros(1) on.simps set_subset_Cons subsetD)
  then have A, n  [(qs, j), (ps, i), (rs, i)] for n
    using ps(2) rs(2)
    by (meson Nom' fm.distinct(21) fm.simps(18) list.set_intros(1) set_subset_Cons subsetD)
  ultimately show False
    by blast
  fix a i ps qs
    ps: (ps, i)  S Nom a on (ps, i) and
    qs: (qs, i)  S (¬ Nom a) on (qs, i)
  then have ¬ A , n  [(ps, i), (qs, i)] for n
    using consistent A S unfolding consistent_def by simp
  moreover have A, n  [(ps, i), (qs, i)] for n
    using ps(2) qs(2) by (meson Close list.set_intros(1) set_subset_Cons subset_code(1))
  ultimately show False
    by blast
  fix p i ps
  assume ps: (ps, i)  S (¬ ¬ p) on (ps, i)
  show p at i in' S
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume ¬ p at i in' S
    then obtain S' n where
      A, n  S' and S': set S'  {(p # ps, i)}  S and (p # ps, i) ∈. S'
      using maximal A S unfolding maximal_def consistent_def
      by (metis insert_is_Un list.set_intros(1) on.simps subset_insert)
    then obtain S'' where S'':
      set ((p # ps, i) # S'') = set S' (p # ps, i)  set S''
      using split_list[where x=(p # ps, i)] by blast
    then have A  (p # ps, i) # S''
      using inf fin STA_struct A, n  S' by blast
    then have A  (ps, i) # S''
      using ps by (meson Neg' list.set_intros(1))
    moreover have set ((ps, i) # S'')  S
      using S' S'' ps by auto
    ultimately show False
      using consistent A S unfolding consistent_def by blast
  fix p q i ps
  assume ps: (ps, i)  S (p  q) on (ps, i) and *: ¬ q at i in' S
  show p at i in' S
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume ¬ p at i in' S
    then obtain Sp' np where
      A, np  Sp' and Sp': set Sp'  {(p # ps, i)}  S and (p # ps, i) ∈. Sp'
      using maximal A S unfolding maximal_def consistent_def
      by (metis insert_is_Un list.set_intros(1) on.simps subset_insert)
    then obtain Sp'' where Sp'':
      set ((p # ps, i) # Sp'') = set Sp' (p # ps, i)  set Sp''
      using split_list[where x=(p # ps, i)] by blast
    then have A  (p # ps, i) # Sp''
      using A, np  Sp' inf fin STA_struct by blast

    obtain Sq' nq where
      A, nq  Sq' and Sq': set Sq'  {(q # ps, i)}  S and (q # ps, i) ∈. Sq'
      using * maximal A S unfolding maximal_def consistent_def
      by (metis insert_is_Un list.set_intros(1) on.simps subset_insert)
    then obtain Sq'' where Sq'':
      set ((q # ps, i) # Sq'') = set Sq' (q # ps, i)  set Sq''
      using split_list[where x=(q # ps, i)] by blast
    then have A  (q # ps, i) # Sq''
      using A, nq  Sq' inf fin STA_struct by blast

    obtain S'' where S'': set S'' = set Sp''  set Sq''
      by (meson set_union)
    then have
      set ((p # ps, i) # Sp'')  set ((p # ps, i) # S'')
      set ((q # ps, i) # Sq'')  set ((q # ps, i) # S'')
      by auto
    then have A  (p # ps, i) # S'' A  (q # ps, i) # S''
      using A  (p # ps, i) # Sp'' A  (q # ps, i) # Sq'' inf fin STA_struct by blast+
    then have A  (ps, i) # S''
      using ps by (meson DisP'' list.set_intros(1))
    moreover have set ((ps, i) # S'')  S
      using ps Sp' Sp'' Sq' Sq'' S'' by auto
    ultimately show False
      using consistent A S unfolding consistent_def by blast
  fix p q i ps
  assume ps: (ps, i)  S (¬ (p  q)) on (ps, i)
  show (¬ p) at i in' S
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume ¬ (¬ p) at i in' S
    then obtain S' where
      A  S' and
      S': set S'  {((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, i)}  S and
      ((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, i) ∈. S'
      using maximal A S unfolding maximal_def consistent_def
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) insert_is_Un insert_subset list.simps(15) on.simps
          set_subset_Cons subset_insert)
    then obtain S'' where S'':
      set (((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, i) # S'') = set S'
      ((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, i)  set S''
      using split_list[where x=((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, i)] by blast
    then have A  ((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, i) # S''
      using inf fin STA_struct A  S' by blast
    then have A  (ps, i) # S''
      using ps by (meson DisN' list.set_intros(1))
    moreover have set ((ps, i) # S'')  S
      using S' S'' ps by auto
    ultimately show False
      using consistent A S unfolding consistent_def by blast
  fix p q i ps
  assume ps: (ps, i)  S (¬ (p  q)) on (ps, i)
  show (¬ q) at i in' S
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume ¬ (¬ q) at i in' S
    then obtain S' where
      A  S' and
      S': set S'  {((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, i)}  S and
      ((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, i) ∈. S'
      using maximal A S unfolding maximal_def consistent_def
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) insert_is_Un insert_subset list.simps(15) on.simps
          set_subset_Cons subset_insert)
    then obtain S'' where S'':
      set (((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, i) # S'') = set S'
      ((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, i)  set S''
      using split_list[where x=((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, i)] by blast
    then have A  ((¬ q) # (¬ p) # ps, i) # S''
      using inf fin STA_struct A  S' by blast
    then have A  (ps, i) # S''
      using ps by (meson DisN' list.set_intros(1))
    moreover have set ((ps, i) # S'')  S
      using S' S'' ps by auto
    ultimately show False
      using consistent A S unfolding consistent_def by blast
  fix p i ps
  assume a. p = Nom a (ps, i)  S ( p) on (ps, i)
  then show j. ( Nom j) at i in' S  (@ j p) at i in' S
    using saturated S unfolding saturated_def by blast
  fix p i j ps qs
    ps: (ps, i)  S (¬ ( p)) on (ps, i) and
    qs: (qs, i)  S ( Nom j) on (qs, i)
  show (¬ (@ j p)) at i in' S
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume ¬ (¬ (@ j p)) at i in' S
    then obtain S' n where
      A, n  S' and S': set S'  {([¬ (@ j p)], i)}  S and ([¬ (@ j p)], i) ∈. S'
      using maximal A S unfolding maximal_def consistent_def
      by (metis insert_is_Un list.set_intros(1) on.simps subset_insert)
    then obtain S'' where S'':
      set (([¬ (@ j p)], i) # S'') = set S' ([¬ (@ j p)], i)  set S''
      using split_list[where x=([¬ (@ j p)], i)] by blast
    then have A  ([¬ (@ j p)], i) # S''
      using inf fin STA_struct A, n  S' by blast
    then have A  ([¬ (@ j p)], i) # (ps, i) # (qs, i) # S''
      using inf fin STA_struct[where branch'=([_], _) # (ps, i) # (qs, i) # S''] A, n  S'
      by fastforce
    then have A  ([], i) # (ps, i) # (qs, i) # S''
      using ps(2) qs(2) by (meson DiaN' list.set_intros(1) set_subset_Cons subset_iff)
    moreover have i  branch_nominals ((ps, i) # (qs, i) # S'')
      unfolding branch_nominals_def by simp
    ultimately have A  (ps, i) # (qs, i) # S''
      using GoTo by fast
    moreover have set ((ps, i) # (qs, i) # S'')  S
      using S' S'' ps qs by auto
    ultimately show False
      using consistent A S unfolding consistent_def by blast
  fix p i ps a
  assume ps: (ps, a)  S (@ i p) on (ps, a)
  show p at i in' S
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume ¬ p at i in' S
    then obtain S' n where
      A, n  S' and S': set S'  {([p], i)}  S and ([p], i) ∈. S'
      using maximal A S unfolding maximal_def consistent_def
      by (metis insert_is_Un list.set_intros(1) on.simps subset_insert)
    then obtain S'' where S'':
      set (([p], i) # S'') = set S' ([p], i)  set S''
      using split_list[where x=([p], i)] by blast
    then have A  ([p], i) # S''
      using inf fin STA_struct A, n  S' by blast
    moreover have set (([p], i) # S'')  set (([p], i) # (ps, a) # S'')
      by auto
    ultimately have A  ([p], i) # (ps, a) # S''
      using inf fin STA_struct A, n  S' by blast
    then have A  ([], i) # (ps, a) # S''
      using ps by (metis SatP' insert_iff list.simps(15))
    moreover have i  branch_nominals ((ps, a) # S'')
      using ps unfolding branch_nominals_def by fastforce
    ultimately have A  (ps, a) # S''
      using GoTo by fast
    moreover have set ((ps, a) # S'')  S
      using S' S'' ps by auto
    ultimately show False
      using consistent A S unfolding consistent_def by blast
  fix p i ps a
  assume ps: (ps, a)  S (¬ (@ i p)) on (ps, a)
  show (¬ p) at i in' S
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume ¬ (¬ p) at i in' S
    then obtain S' n where
      A, n  S' and S': set S'  {([¬ p], i)}  S and ([¬ p], i) ∈. S'
      using maximal A S unfolding maximal_def consistent_def
      by (metis insert_is_Un list.set_intros(1) on.simps subset_insert)
    then obtain S'' where S'':
      set (([¬ p], i) # S'') = set S' ([¬ p], i)  set S''
      using split_list[where x=([¬ p], i)] by blast
    then have A  ([¬ p], i) # S''
      using inf fin STA_struct A, n  S' by blast
    then have A  ([¬ p], i) # (ps, a) # S''
      using inf fin STA_struct[where branch'=([¬ p], i) # _ # S''] A, n  S'
      by fastforce
    then have A  ([], i) # (ps, a) # S''
      using ps by (metis SatN' insert_iff list.simps(15))
    moreover have i  branch_nominals ((ps, a) # S'')
      using ps unfolding branch_nominals_def by fastforce
    ultimately have A  (ps, a) # S''
      using GoTo by fast
    moreover have set ((ps, a) # S'')  S
      using S' S'' ps by auto
    ultimately show False
      using consistent A S unfolding consistent_def by blast
  fix p i ps a
  assume i: i  nominals p and ps: (ps, a)  S p on (ps, a)
  show qs. (qs, i)  S
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume qs. (qs, i)  S
    then obtain S' n where
      A, n  S' and S': set S'  {([], i)}  S and ([], i) ∈. S'
      using maximal A S unfolding maximal_def consistent_def
      by (metis insert_is_Un subset_insert)
    then obtain S'' where S'':
      set (([], i) # S'') = set S' ([], i)  set S''
      using split_list[where x=([], i)] by blast
    then have A  ([], i) # (ps, a) # S''
      using inf fin STA_struct[where branch'=([], i) # (ps, a) # S''] A, n  S' by fastforce
    moreover have i  branch_nominals ((ps, a) # S'')
      using i ps unfolding branch_nominals_def by auto
    ultimately have A  (ps, a) # S''
      using GoTo by fast
    moreover have set ((ps, a) # S'')  S
      using S' S'' ps by auto
    ultimately show False
      using consistent A S unfolding consistent_def by blast
  fix p i j ps qs
    p: a. p = Nom a  p = ( Nom a)  a  A and
    ps: (ps, i)  S p on (ps, i) and
    qs: (qs, i)  S Nom j on (qs, i)

  show p at j in' S
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume rs. (rs, j)  S  p on (rs, j)
    then obtain S' n where
      A, n  S' and S': set S'  {([p], j)}  S and ([p], j) ∈. S'
      using maximal A S unfolding maximal_def consistent_def
      by (metis insert_is_Un list.set_intros(1) on.simps subset_insert)
    then obtain S'' where S'':
      set (([p], j) # S'') = set S' ([p], j)  set S''
      using split_list[where x=([p], j)] by blast
    then have A  ([p], j) # S''
      using inf fin STA_struct A, n  S' by blast
    then have A  ([p], j) # (ps, i) # (qs, i) # S''
      using inf fin STA_struct[where branch'=([_], _) # (ps, i) # (qs, i) # S''] A, n  S'
      by fastforce
    then have A  ([], j) # (ps, i) # (qs, i) # S''
      using ps(2) qs(2) p by (meson Nom' in_mono list.set_intros(1) set_subset_Cons)
    moreover have j  branch_nominals ((ps, i) # (qs, i) # S'')
      using qs(2) unfolding branch_nominals_def by fastforce
    ultimately have A  (ps, i) # (qs, i) # S''
      using GoTo by fast
    moreover have set ((ps, i) # (qs, i) # S'')  S
      using S' S'' ps qs by auto
    ultimately show False
      using consistent A S unfolding consistent_def by blast

subsection ‹Result›

theorem completeness:
  fixes p :: ('a :: countable, 'b :: countable) fm
    inf: infinite (UNIV :: 'b set) and
    valid: (M :: ('b set, 'a) model) g w. M, g, w  p
  shows nominals p, 1  [([¬ p], i)]
proof -
  let ?A = nominals p

  have ?A  [([¬ p], i)]
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume ¬ ?A  [([¬ p], i)]
    moreover have finite ?A
      using finite_nominals by blast
    ultimately have *: consistent ?A {([¬ p], i)}
      unfolding consistent_def using STA_struct inf
      by (metis empty_set list.simps(15))

    let ?S = Extend ?A {([¬ p], i)} from_nat
    have finite {([¬ p], i)}
      by simp
    then have fin: finite ( (block_nominals ` {([¬ p], i)}))
      using finite_nominals_set by blast

    have consistent ?A ?S
      using consistent_Extend inf * fin finite ?A by blast
    moreover have maximal ?A ?S
      using maximal_Extend inf * fin by fastforce
    moreover have saturated ?S
      using saturated_Extend inf * fin by fastforce
    ultimately have Hintikka ?A ?S
      using Hintikka_Extend inf finite ?A by blast
    moreover have ([¬ p], i)  ?S
      using Extend_mem by blast
    moreover have (¬ p) on ([¬ p], i)
      by simp
    ultimately have ¬ Model (reach ?A ?S) (val ?S), assign ?A ?S, assign ?A ?S i  p
      using Hintikka_model(2) by fast
    then show False
      using valid by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using STA_one by fast

text ‹
  We arbitrarily fix nominal and propositional symbols to be natural numbers
  (any countably infinite type suffices) and
  define validity as truth in all models with sets of natural numbers as worlds.
  We show below that this implies validity for any type of worlds.

  valid p  (M :: (nat set, nat) model) (g :: nat  _) w. M, g, w  p

text ‹
  A formula is valid iff its negation has a closing tableau from a fresh world.
  We can assume a single unit of potential and take the allowed nominals to be the root nominals.

theorem main:
  assumes i  nominals p
  shows valid p  nominals p, 1  [([¬ p], i)]
  assume valid p
  then show nominals p, 1  [([¬ p], i)]
    using completeness by blast
  assume nominals p, 1  [([¬ p], i)]
  then show valid p
    using assms soundness_fresh by fast

text ‹The restricted validity implies validity in general.›

theorem valid_semantics:
  valid p  M, g, w  p
  assume valid p
  then have i  nominals p  nominals p  [([¬ p], i)] for i
    using main by blast
  moreover have i. i  nominals p
    by (simp add: finite_nominals ex_new_if_finite)
  ultimately show M, g, w  p
    using soundness_fresh by fast
