Theory UvProof
theory UvProof
imports UvDefs "../Reduction"
subsection ‹Preliminary Lemmas›
text ‹
At any round, given two processes ‹p› and ‹q›, there is always
some process which is heard by both of them, and from which ‹p› and
‹q› have received the same message.
lemma some_common_msg:
assumes "HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)"
shows "∃pq. pq ∈ msgRcvd (HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r p (HOs r p) (rho r))
∧ pq ∈ msgRcvd (HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r q (HOs r q) (rho r))
∧ (HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r p (HOs r p) (rho r)) pq
= (HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r q (HOs r q) (rho r)) pq"
using assms
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def UV_commPerRd_def HOrcvdMsgs_def
UV_sendMsg_def send0_def send1_def msgRcvd_def)
text ‹
When executing step 0, the minimum received value is always well defined.
lemma minval_step0:
assumes com: "HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)" and s0: "step r = 0"
shows "smallestValRcvd (HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r q (HOs r q) (rho r))
∈ {v. ∃p. (HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r q (HOs r q) (rho r)) p = Some (Val v)}"
(is "smallestValRcvd ?msgs ∈ ?vals")
unfolding smallestValRcvd_def proof (rule Min_in)
have "?vals ⊆ getval ` ((the ∘ ?msgs) ` (HOs r q))"
by (auto simp: HOrcvdMsgs_def image_def)
thus "finite ?vals" by (auto simp: finite_subset)
from some_common_msg[of HOs, OF com]
obtain p where "p ∈ msgRcvd ?msgs" by blast
with s0 show "?vals ≠ {}"
by (auto simp: msgRcvd_def HOrcvdMsgs_def UV_HOMachine_def
UV_sendMsg_def send0_def)
text ‹
When executing step 1 and no vote has been received, the minimum among values received
in messages carrying no vote is well defined.
lemma minval_step1:
assumes com: "HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)" and s1: "step r ≠ 0"
and nov: "someVoteRcvd (HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r q (HOs r q) (rho r)) = {}"
shows "smallestValNoVoteRcvd (HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r q (HOs r q) (rho r))
∈ {v . ∃p. (HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r q (HOs r q) (rho r)) p
= Some (ValVote v None)}"
(is "smallestValNoVoteRcvd ?msgs ∈ ?vals")
unfolding smallestValNoVoteRcvd_def proof (rule Min_in)
have "?vals ⊆ getval ` ((the ∘ ?msgs) ` (HOs r q))"
by (auto simp: HOrcvdMsgs_def image_def)
thus "finite ?vals" by (auto simp: finite_subset)
from some_common_msg[of HOs, OF com]
obtain p where "p ∈ msgRcvd ?msgs" by blast
with s1 nov show "?vals ≠ {}"
by (auto simp: msgRcvd_def HOrcvdMsgs_def someVoteRcvd_def isValVote_def
UV_HOMachine_def UV_sendMsg_def send1_def)
text ‹
The ‹vote› field is reset every time a new phase begins.
lemma reset_vote:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs" and s0: "step r' = 0"
shows "vote (rho r' p) = None"
proof (cases r')
assume "r' = 0"
with run show ?thesis
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def HORun_eq HOinitConfig_eq
initState_def UV_initState_def)
fix r
assume sucr: "r' = Suc r"
from run
have nxt: "nextState UV_M r p (rho r p)
(HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r p (HOs r p) (rho r))
(rho (Suc r) p)"
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def HORun_eq HOnextConfig_eq nextState_def)
from s0 sucr have "step r = 1" by (auto simp: step_def mod_Suc)
with nxt sucr show ?thesis
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def nextState_def UV_nextState_def next1_def)
text ‹
Processes only vote for the value they hold in their ‹x› field.
lemma x_vote_eq:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and com: "∀r. HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)"
and vote: "vote (rho r p) = Some v"
shows "v = x (rho r p)"
proof (cases r)
case 0
with run vote show ?thesis
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def HORun_eq HOinitConfig_eq
initState_def UV_initState_def)
fix r'
assume r: "r = Suc r'"
let ?msgs = "HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r' p (HOs r' p) (rho r')"
from run have "nextState UV_M r' p (rho r' p) ?msgs (rho (Suc r') p)"
by (auto simp: HORun_eq HOnextConfig_eq nextState_def)
with vote r
have nxt0: "next0 r' p (rho r' p) ?msgs (rho r p)" and s0: "step r' = 0"
by (auto simp: nextState_def UV_HOMachine_def UV_nextState_def next1_def)
from run s0 have "vote (rho r' p) = None" by (rule reset_vote)
with vote nxt0
have idv: "∀q ∈ msgRcvd ?msgs. ?msgs q = Some (Val v)"
and x: "x (rho r p) = smallestValRcvd ?msgs"
by (auto simp: next0_def)
from com obtain q where "q ∈ msgRcvd ?msgs"
by (force dest: some_common_msg)
with idv have "{x . ∃qq. ?msgs qq = Some (Val x)} = {v}"
by (auto simp: msgRcvd_def)
hence "smallestValRcvd ?msgs = v"
by (auto simp: smallestValRcvd_def)
show ?thesis by simp
subsection ‹Proof of Irrevocability, Agreement and Integrity›
text ‹A decision can only be taken in the second round of a phase.›
lemma decide_step:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and decide: "decide (rho (Suc r) p) ≠ decide (rho r p)"
shows "step r = 1"
proof -
let ?msgs = "HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r p (HOs r p) (rho r)"
from run have "nextState UV_M r p (rho r p) ?msgs (rho (Suc r) p)"
by (auto simp: HORun_eq HOnextConfig_eq nextState_def)
with decide show ?thesis
by (auto simp: nextState_def UV_HOMachine_def UV_nextState_def
next0_def step_def)
text ‹No process ever decides ‹None›.›
lemma decide_nonnull:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and decide: "decide (rho (Suc r) p) ≠ decide (rho r p)"
shows "decide (rho (Suc r) p) ≠ None"
proof -
let ?msgs = "HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r p (HOs r p) (rho r)"
from assms have s1: "step r = 1" by (rule decide_step)
with run have "next1 r p (rho r p) ?msgs (rho (Suc r) p)"
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def HORun_eq HOnextConfig_eq
nextState_def UV_nextState_def)
with decide show ?thesis
by (auto simp: next1_def dec_update_def)
text ‹
If some process ‹p› votes for ‹v› at some round ‹r›, then any message
that ‹p› received in ‹r› was holding ‹v› as a value.
lemma msgs_unanimity:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and vote: "vote (rho (Suc r) p) = Some v"
and q: "q ∈ msgRcvd (HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r p (HOs r p) (rho r))"
(is "_ ∈ msgRcvd ?msgs")
shows "getval (the (?msgs q)) = v"
proof -
have s0: "step r = 0"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "step r ≠ 0"
hence "step (Suc r) = 0" by (simp add: step_def mod_Suc)
with run vote show False by (auto simp: reset_vote)
with run have novote: "vote (rho r p) = None" by (auto simp: reset_vote)
from run have "nextState UV_M r p (rho r p) ?msgs (rho (Suc r) p)"
by (auto simp: HORun_eq HOnextConfig_eq nextState_def)
with s0 have nxt: "next0 r p (rho r p) ?msgs (rho (Suc r) p)"
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def nextState_def UV_nextState_def)
with novote vote q show ?thesis by (auto simp: next0_def)
text ‹
Any two processes can only vote for the same value.
lemma vote_agreement:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and com: "∀r. HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)"
and p: "vote (rho r p) = Some v"
and q: "vote (rho r q) = Some w"
shows "v = w"
proof (cases r)
case 0
with run p show ?thesis
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def HORun_eq HOinitConfig_eq
initState_def UV_initState_def)
fix r'
assume r: "r = Suc r'"
let "?msgs p" = "HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r' p (HOs r' p) (rho r')"
from com obtain pq
where "?msgs p pq = ?msgs q pq"
and smp: "pq ∈ msgRcvd (?msgs p)" and smq: "pq ∈ msgRcvd (?msgs q)"
by (force dest: some_common_msg)
from run p smp r have "getval (the (?msgs p pq)) = v"
by (simp add: msgs_unanimity)
from run q smq r have "getval (the (?msgs q pq)) = w"
by (simp add: msgs_unanimity)
show ?thesis by simp
text ‹
If a process decides value ‹v› then all processes must have ‹v›
in their ‹x› fields.
lemma decide_equals_x:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and com: "∀r. HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)"
and decide: "decide (rho (Suc r) p) ≠ decide (rho r p)"
and decval: "decide (rho (Suc r) p) = Some v"
shows "x (rho (Suc r) q) = v"
proof -
let "?msgs p'" = "HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r p' (HOs r p') (rho r)"
from run decide have s1: "step r = 1" by (rule decide_step)
from run have "nextState UV_M r p (rho r p) (?msgs p) (rho (Suc r) p)"
by (auto simp: HORun_eq HOnextConfig_eq nextState_def)
with s1 have nxtp: "next1 r p (rho r p) (?msgs p) (rho (Suc r) p)"
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def nextState_def UV_nextState_def)
from run have "nextState UV_M r q (rho r q) (?msgs q) (rho (Suc r) q)"
by (auto simp: HORun_eq HOnextConfig_eq nextState_def)
with s1 have nxtq: "next1 r q (rho r q) (?msgs q) (rho (Suc r) q)"
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def nextState_def UV_nextState_def)
from com obtain pq where
pq: "pq ∈ msgRcvd (?msgs p)" "pq ∈ msgRcvd (?msgs q)"
"(?msgs p) pq = (?msgs q) pq"
by (force dest: some_common_msg)
with decide decval nxtp
have vote: "isValVote (the (?msgs p pq))"
"getvote (the (?msgs p pq)) = Some v"
by (auto simp: next1_def dec_update_def identicalVoteRcvd_def)
with nxtq pq obtain q' where
q': "q' ∈ someVoteRcvd (?msgs q)"
"x (rho (Suc r) q) = the (getvote (the (?msgs q q')))"
by (auto simp: next1_def x_update_def someVoteRcvd_def)
with s1 pq vote show ?thesis
by (auto simp: HOrcvdMsgs_def UV_HOMachine_def UV_sendMsg_def send1_def
someVoteRcvd_def msgRcvd_def vote_agreement[OF run com])
text ‹
If at some point all processes hold value ‹v› in their ‹x›
fields, then this will still be the case at the next step.
lemma same_x_stable:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and comm: "∀r. HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)"
and x: "∀p. x (rho r p) = v"
shows "x (rho (Suc r) q) = v"
proof -
let ?msgs = "HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r q (HOs r q) (rho r)"
from comm obtain p where p: "p ∈ msgRcvd ?msgs"
by (force dest: some_common_msg)
from run have "nextState UV_M r q (rho r q) ?msgs (rho (Suc r) q)"
by (auto simp: HORun_eq HOnextConfig_eq nextState_def)
hence "next0 r q (rho r q) ?msgs (rho (Suc r) q) ∧ step r = 0
∨ next1 r q (rho r q) ?msgs (rho (Suc r) q) ∧ step r ≠ 0"
(is "?nxt0 ∨ ?nxt1")
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def nextState_def UV_nextState_def)
thus ?thesis
assume nxt0: "?nxt0"
hence "x (rho (Suc r) q) = smallestValRcvd ?msgs"
by (auto simp: next0_def)
from nxt0 x have "∀p ∈ msgRcvd ?msgs. ?msgs p = Some (Val v)"
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def HOrcvdMsgs_def UV_sendMsg_def
msgRcvd_def send0_def)
from this p have "{x . ∃p. ?msgs p = Some (Val x)} = {v}"
by (auto simp: msgRcvd_def)
hence "smallestValRcvd ?msgs = v"
by (auto simp: smallestValRcvd_def)
show ?thesis by simp
assume nxt1: "?nxt1"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "someVoteRcvd ?msgs = {}")
case True
with nxt1 have "x (rho (Suc r) q) = smallestValNoVoteRcvd ?msgs"
by (auto simp: next1_def x_update_def)
from nxt1 x True
have "∀p ∈ msgRcvd ?msgs. ?msgs p = Some (ValVote v None)"
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def HOrcvdMsgs_def UV_sendMsg_def
msgRcvd_def send1_def someVoteRcvd_def isValVote_def)
from this p have "{x . ∃p. ?msgs p = Some (ValVote x None)} = {v}"
by (auto simp: msgRcvd_def)
hence "smallestValNoVoteRcvd ?msgs = v"
by (auto simp: smallestValNoVoteRcvd_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
case False
with nxt1 obtain p' v' where
p': "p' ∈ msgRcvd ?msgs" "isValVote (the (?msgs p'))"
"getvote (the (?msgs p')) = Some v'""x (rho (Suc r) q) = v'"
by (auto simp: someVoteRcvd_def next1_def x_update_def)
with nxt1 have "x (rho (Suc r) q) = x (rho r p')"
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def HOrcvdMsgs_def UV_sendMsg_def
msgRcvd_def send1_def isValVote_def
x_vote_eq[OF run comm])
with x show ?thesis by auto
text ‹
Combining the last two lemmas, it follows that as soon as some process
decides value ‹v›, all processes hold ‹v› in their ‹x› fields.
lemma safety_argument:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and com: "∀r. HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)"
and decide: "decide (rho (Suc r) p) ≠ decide (rho r p)"
and decval: "decide (rho (Suc r) p) = Some v"
shows "x (rho (Suc r+k) q) = v"
proof (induct k arbitrary: q)
fix q
from decide_equals_x[OF assms] show "x (rho (Suc r + 0) q) = v" by simp
fix k q
assume "⋀q. x (rho (Suc r+k) q) = v"
with run com show "x (rho (Suc r + Suc k) q) = v"
by (auto dest: same_x_stable)
text ‹
Any process that holds a non-null decision value has made a decision
sometime in the past.
lemma decided_then_past_decision:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and dec: "decide (rho n p) = Some v"
shows "∃m<n. decide (rho (Suc m) p) ≠ decide (rho m p)
∧ decide (rho (Suc m) p) = Some v"
proof -
let "?dec k" = "decide (rho k p)"
have "(∀m<n. ?dec (Suc m) ≠ ?dec m ⟶ ?dec (Suc m) ≠ Some v)
⟶ ?dec n ≠ Some v"
(is "?P n" is "?A n ⟶ _")
proof (induct n)
from run show "?P 0"
by (auto simp: HORun_eq UV_HOMachine_def HOinitConfig_eq
initState_def UV_initState_def)
fix n
assume ih: "?P n" thus "?P (Suc n)" by force
with dec show ?thesis by auto
text ‹
We can now prove the safety properties of the algorithm, and start with
proving Integrity.
lemma x_values_initial:
assumes run:"HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and com:"∀r. HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)"
shows "∃q. x (rho r p) = x (rho 0 q)"
proof (induct r arbitrary: p)
fix p
show "∃q. x (rho 0 p) = x (rho 0 q)" by auto
fix r p
assume ih: "⋀p'. ∃q. x (rho r p') = x (rho 0 q)"
let ?msgs = "HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r p (HOs r p) (rho r)"
from run have "nextState UV_M r p (rho r p) ?msgs (rho (Suc r) p)"
by (auto simp: HORun_eq HOnextConfig_eq nextState_def)
hence "next0 r p (rho r p) ?msgs (rho (Suc r) p) ∧ step r = 0
∨ next1 r p (rho r p) ?msgs (rho (Suc r) p) ∧ step r ≠ 0"
(is "?nxt0 ∨ ?nxt1")
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def nextState_def UV_nextState_def)
thus "∃q. x (rho (Suc r) p) = x (rho 0 q)"
assume nxt0: "?nxt0"
hence "x (rho (Suc r) p) = smallestValRcvd ?msgs"
by (auto simp: next0_def)
also with com nxt0 have "… ∈ {v . ∃q. ?msgs q = Some (Val v)}"
by (intro minval_step0) auto
also with nxt0 have "… = { x (rho r q) | q . q ∈ msgRcvd ?msgs }"
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def HOrcvdMsgs_def UV_sendMsg_def
msgRcvd_def send0_def)
finally obtain q where "x (rho (Suc r) p) = x (rho r q)" by auto
with ih show ?thesis by auto
assume nxt1: "?nxt1"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "someVoteRcvd ?msgs = {}")
case True
with nxt1 have "x (rho (Suc r) p) = smallestValNoVoteRcvd ?msgs"
by (auto simp: next1_def x_update_def)
also with com nxt1 True
have "… ∈ {v . ∃q. ?msgs q = Some (ValVote v None)}"
by (intro minval_step1) auto
also with nxt1 True
have "… = { x (rho r q) | q . q ∈ msgRcvd ?msgs }"
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def HOrcvdMsgs_def UV_sendMsg_def
someVoteRcvd_def isValVote_def msgRcvd_def send1_def)
finally obtain q where "x (rho (Suc r) p) = x (rho r q)" by auto
with ih show ?thesis by auto
case False
with nxt1 obtain q where
"q ∈ someVoteRcvd ?msgs"
"x (rho (Suc r) p) = the (getvote (the (?msgs q)))"
by (auto simp: next1_def x_update_def)
with nxt1 have "vote (rho r q) = Some (x (rho (Suc r) p))"
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def HOrcvdMsgs_def UV_sendMsg_def
someVoteRcvd_def isValVote_def msgRcvd_def send1_def)
with run com have "x (rho (Suc r) p) = x (rho r q)"
by (rule x_vote_eq)
with ih show ?thesis by auto
theorem uv_integrity:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and com: "∀r. HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)"
and dec: "decide (rho r p) = Some v"
shows "∃q. v = x (rho 0 q)"
proof -
from run dec obtain k where
"decide (rho (Suc k) p) ≠ decide (rho k p)"
"decide (rho (Suc k) p) = Some v"
by (auto dest: decided_then_past_decision)
with run com have "x (rho (Suc k) p) = v"
by (rule decide_equals_x)
with run com show ?thesis
by (auto dest: x_values_initial)
text ‹
We now turn to Agreement.
lemma two_decisions_agree:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and com: "∀r. HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)"
and decidep: "decide (rho (Suc r) p) ≠ decide (rho r p)"
and decvalp: "decide (rho (Suc r) p) = Some v"
and decideq: "decide (rho (Suc (r+k)) q) ≠ decide (rho (r+k) q)"
and decvalq: "decide (rho (Suc (r+k)) q) = Some w"
shows "v = w"
proof -
from run com decidep decvalp have "x (rho (Suc r+k) q) = v"
by (rule safety_argument)
from run com decideq decvalq have "x (rho (Suc (r+k)) q) = w"
by (rule decide_equals_x)
show ?thesis by simp
theorem uv_agreement:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and com: "∀r. HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)"
and p: "decide (rho m p) = Some v"
and q: "decide (rho n q) = Some w"
shows "v = w"
proof -
from run p obtain k where
k: "decide (rho (Suc k) p) ≠ decide (rho k p)"
"decide (rho (Suc k) p) = Some v"
by (auto dest: decided_then_past_decision)
from run q obtain l where
l: "decide (rho (Suc l) q) ≠ decide (rho l q)"
"decide (rho (Suc l) q) = Some w"
by (auto dest: decided_then_past_decision)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "k ≤ l")
case True
then obtain m where m: "l = k+m" by (auto simp: le_iff_add)
from run com k l m show ?thesis by (blast dest: two_decisions_agree)
case False
hence "l ≤ k" by simp
then obtain m where m: "k = l+m" by (auto simp: le_iff_add)
from run com k l m show ?thesis by (blast dest: two_decisions_agree)
text ‹
Irrevocability is a consequence of Agreement and the fact that no process
can decide ‹None›.
theorem uv_irrevocability:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and com: "∀r. HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)"
and p: "decide (rho m p) = Some v"
shows "decide (rho (m+n) p) = Some v"
proof (induct n)
from p show "decide (rho (m+0) p) = Some v" by simp
fix n
assume ih: "decide (rho (m+n) p) = Some v"
show "decide (rho (m + Suc n) p) = Some v"
proof (rule classical)
assume "¬ ?thesis"
with run ih obtain w where w: "decide (rho (m + Suc n) p) = Some w"
by (auto dest!: decide_nonnull)
with p have "w = v" by (auto simp: uv_agreement[OF run com])
with w show ?thesis by simp
subsection ‹Proof of Termination›
text ‹
Two processes having the same \emph{Heard-Of} set at some round will
hold the same value in their ‹x› variable at the next round.
lemma hoeq_xeq:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and com: "∀r. HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)"
and hoeq: "HOs r p = HOs r q"
shows "x (rho (Suc r) p) = x (rho (Suc r) q)"
proof -
let "?msgs p" = "HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r p (HOs r p) (rho r)"
from hoeq have msgeq: "?msgs p = ?msgs q"
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def HOrcvdMsgs_def UV_sendMsg_def
send0_def send1_def)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "step r = 0")
case True
with run
have "∀p. next0 r p (rho r p) (?msgs p) (rho (Suc r) p)" (is "∀p. ?nxt0 p")
by (force simp: UV_HOMachine_def HORun_eq HOnextConfig_eq
nextState_def UV_nextState_def)
hence "?nxt0 p" "?nxt0 q" by auto
with msgeq show ?thesis by (auto simp: next0_def)
assume stp: "step r ≠ 0"
with run
have "∀p. next1 r p (rho r p) (?msgs p) (rho (Suc r) p)" (is "∀p. ?nxt1 p")
by (force simp: UV_HOMachine_def HORun_eq HOnextConfig_eq
nextState_def UV_nextState_def)
hence "x_update (rho r p) (?msgs p) (rho (Suc r) p)"
"x_update (rho r q) (?msgs q) (rho (Suc r) q)"
by (auto simp: next1_def)
with msgeq have
x': "x_update (rho r p) (?msgs p) (rho (Suc r) p)"
"x_update (rho r q) (?msgs p) (rho (Suc r) q)"
by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases "someVoteRcvd (?msgs p) = {}")
case True
with x' show ?thesis
by (auto simp: x_update_def)
case False
with x' stp obtain qp qq where
"vote (rho r qp) = Some (x (rho (Suc r) p))" and
"vote (rho r qq) = Some (x (rho (Suc r) q))"
by (force simp: UV_HOMachine_def HOrcvdMsgs_def UV_sendMsg_def
x_update_def someVoteRcvd_def isValVote_def
msgRcvd_def send1_def)
with run com show ?thesis by (rule vote_agreement)
text ‹
We now prove that \emph{UniformVoting} terminates.
theorem uv_termination:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and commR: "∀r. HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)"
and commG: "HOcommGlobal UV_M HOs"
shows "∃r v. decide (rho r p) = Some v"
proof -
txt ‹First obtain a round where all ‹x› values agree.›
from commG obtain r0 where r0: "∀q. HOs r0 q = HOs r0 p"
by (force simp: UV_HOMachine_def UV_commGlobal_def)
let ?v = "x (rho (Suc r0) p)"
from run commR r0 have xs: "∀q. x (rho (Suc r0) q) = ?v"
by (auto dest: hoeq_xeq)
txt ‹Now obtain a round where all votes agree.›
define r' where "r' = (if step (Suc r0) = 0 then Suc r0 else Suc (Suc r0))"
have stp': "step r' = 0"
by (simp add: r'_def step_def mod_Suc)
have x': "∀q. x (rho r' q) = ?v"
proof (auto simp: r'_def)
fix q
from xs show "x (rho (Suc r0) q) = ?v" ..
fix q
from run commR xs show "x (rho (Suc (Suc r0)) q) = ?v"
by (rule same_x_stable)
have vote': "∀q. vote (rho (Suc r') q) = Some ?v"
fix q
let ?msgs = "HOrcvdMsgs UV_M r' q (HOs r' q) (rho r')"
from run stp' have "next0 r' q (rho r' q) ?msgs (rho (Suc r') q)"
by (force simp: UV_HOMachine_def HORun_eq HOnextConfig_eq
nextState_def UV_nextState_def)
from stp' x' have "∀q' ∈ msgRcvd ?msgs. ?msgs q' = Some (Val ?v)"
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def HOrcvdMsgs_def UV_sendMsg_def
send0_def msgRcvd_def)
from commR have "msgRcvd ?msgs ≠ {}"
by (force dest: some_common_msg)
show "vote (rho (Suc r') q) = Some ?v"
by (auto simp: next0_def)
txt ‹At the subsequent round, process ‹p› will decide.›
let ?r'' = "Suc r'"
let ?msgs' = "HOrcvdMsgs UV_M ?r'' p (HOs ?r'' p) (rho ?r'')"
from stp' have stp'': "step ?r'' = 1"
by (simp add: step_def mod_Suc)
with run have "next1 ?r'' p (rho ?r'' p) ?msgs' (rho (Suc ?r'') p)"
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def HORun_eq HOnextConfig_eq
nextState_def UV_nextState_def)
from stp'' vote' have "identicalVoteRcvd ?msgs' ?v"
by (auto simp: UV_HOMachine_def HOrcvdMsgs_def UV_sendMsg_def
send1_def identicalVoteRcvd_def isValVote_def msgRcvd_def)
from commR have "msgRcvd ?msgs' ≠ {}"
by (force dest: some_common_msg)
have "decide (rho (Suc ?r'') p) = Some ?v"
by (force simp: next1_def dec_update_def identicalVoteRcvd_def
msgRcvd_def isValVote_def)
thus ?thesis by blast
subsection ‹\emph{UniformVoting} Solves Consensus›
text ‹
Summing up, all (coarse-grained) runs of \emph{UniformVoting} for
HO collections that satisfy the communication predicate satisfy
the Consensus property.
theorem uv_consensus:
assumes run: "HORun UV_M rho HOs"
and commR: "∀r. HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)"
and commG: "HOcommGlobal UV_M HOs"
shows "consensus (x ∘ (rho 0)) decide rho"
using assms unfolding consensus_def image_def
by (auto elim: uv_integrity uv_agreement uv_termination)
text ‹
By the reduction theorem, the correctness of the algorithm carries over
to the fine-grained model of runs.
theorem uv_consensus_fg:
assumes run: "fg_run UV_M rho HOs HOs (λr q. undefined)"
and commR: "∀r. HOcommPerRd UV_M (HOs r)"
and commG: "HOcommGlobal UV_M HOs"
shows "consensus (λp. x (state (rho 0) p)) decide (state ∘ rho)"
(is "consensus ?inits _ _")
proof (rule local_property_reduction[OF run consensus_is_local])
fix crun
assume crun: "CSHORun UV_M crun HOs HOs (λr q. undefined)"
and init: "crun 0 = state (rho 0)"
from crun have "HORun UV_M crun HOs"
by (unfold HORun_def SHORun_def)
from this commR commG have "consensus (x ∘ (crun 0)) decide crun"
by (rule uv_consensus)
with init show "consensus ?inits decide crun"
by (simp add: o_def)