Theory AteProof
theory AteProof
imports AteDefs "../Reduction"
context ate_parameters
subsection ‹Preliminary Lemmas›
text ‹
If a process newly decides value ‹v› at some round,
then it received more than ‹E - α› messages holding ‹v›
at this round.
lemma decide_sent_msgs_threshold:
assumes run: "SHORun Ate_M rho HOs SHOs"
and comm: "SHOcommPerRd Ate_M (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
and nvp: "decide (rho r p) ≠ Some v"
and vp: "decide (rho (Suc r) p) = Some v"
shows "card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq p (rho r qq) = v} > E - α"
proof -
from run obtain μp
where mu: "μp ∈ SHOmsgVectors Ate_M r p (rho r) (HOs r p) (SHOs r p)"
and nxt: "nextState Ate_M r p (rho r p) μp (rho (Suc r) p)"
by (auto simp: SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq)
from mu
have "{qq. μp qq = Some v} - (HOs r p - SHOs r p)
⊆ {qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq p (rho r qq) = v}"
(is "?vrcvdp - ?ahop ⊆ ?vsentp")
by (auto simp: SHOmsgVectors_def)
hence "card (?vrcvdp - ?ahop) ≤ card ?vsentp"
and "card (?vrcvdp - ?ahop) ≥ card ?vrcvdp - card ?ahop"
by (auto simp: card_mono diff_card_le_card_Diff)
hence "card ?vsentp ≥ card ?vrcvdp - card ?ahop" by auto
from nxt nvp vp have "card ?vrcvdp > E"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def nextState_def Ate_nextState_def)
from comm have "card (HOs r p - SHOs r p) ≤ α"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_commPerRd_def)
show ?thesis using Egta by auto
text ‹
If more than ‹E - α› processes send a value ‹v› to some
process ‹q› at some round, then ‹q› will receive at least
‹N + 2*α - E› messages holding ‹v› at this round.
lemma other_values_received:
assumes comm: "SHOcommPerRd Ate_M (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
and nxt: "nextState Ate_M r q (rho r q) μq ((rho (Suc r)) q)"
and muq: "μq ∈ SHOmsgVectors Ate_M r q (rho r) (HOs r q) (SHOs r q)"
and vsent: "card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq q (rho r qq) = v} > E - α"
(is "card ?vsent > _")
shows "card ({qq. μq qq ≠ Some v} ∩ HOs r q) ≤ N + 2*α - E"
proof -
from nxt muq
have "({qq. μq qq ≠ Some v} ∩ HOs r q) - (HOs r q - SHOs r q)
⊆ {qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq q (rho r qq) ≠ v}"
(is "?notvrcvd - ?aho ⊆ ?notvsent")
unfolding SHOmsgVectors_def by auto
hence "card ?notvsent ≥ card (?notvrcvd - ?aho)"
and "card (?notvrcvd - ?aho) ≥ card ?notvrcvd - card ?aho"
by (auto simp: card_mono diff_card_le_card_Diff)
from comm have "card ?aho ≤ α"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_commPerRd_def)
have 1: "card ?notvsent + card ?vsent = card (?notvsent ∪ ?vsent)"
by (subst card_Un_Int) auto
have "?notvsent ∪ ?vsent = (UNIV::Proc set)" by auto
hence "card (?notvsent ∪ ?vsent) = N" by simp
with 1 vsent have "card ?notvsent ≤ N - (E + 1 - α)" by auto
show ?thesis using EltN Egta by auto
text ‹
If more than ‹E - α› processes send a value ‹v› to some
process ‹q› at some round ‹r›, and if ‹q› receives more than
‹T› messages in ‹r›, then ‹v› is the most frequently
received value by ‹q› in ‹r›.
lemma mostOftenRcvd_v:
assumes comm: "SHOcommPerRd Ate_M (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
and nxt: "nextState Ate_M r q (rho r q) μq ((rho (Suc r)) q)"
and muq: "μq ∈ SHOmsgVectors Ate_M r q (rho r) (HOs r q) (SHOs r q)"
and threshold_T: "card {qq. μq qq ≠ None} > T"
and threshold_E: "card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq q (rho r qq) = v} > E - α"
shows "mostOftenRcvd μq = {v}"
proof -
from muq have hodef:"HOs r q = {qq. μq qq ≠ None}"
unfolding SHOmsgVectors_def by auto
from comm nxt muq threshold_E
have "card ({qq. μq qq ≠ Some v} ∩ HOs r q) ≤ N + 2*α - E"
(is "card ?heardnotv ≤ _")
by (rule other_values_received)
have "card ?heardnotv ≥ T + 1 - card {qq. μq qq = Some v}"
proof -
from muq
have "?heardnotv = (HOs r q) - {qq. μq qq = Some v}"
and "{qq. μq qq = Some v} ⊆ HOs r q"
unfolding SHOmsgVectors_def by auto
hence "card ?heardnotv = card (HOs r q) - card {qq. μq qq = Some v}"
by (auto simp: card_Diff_subset)
with hodef threshold_T show ?thesis by auto
have "card {qq. μq qq = Some v} > card ?heardnotv"
using TNaE by auto
fix w
assume w: "w ≠ v"
with hodef have "{qq. μq qq = Some w} ⊆ ?heardnotv" by auto
hence "card {qq. μq qq = Some w} ≤ card ?heardnotv" by (auto simp: card_mono)
have "{w. card {qq. μq qq = Some w} ≥ card {qq. μq qq = Some v}} = {v}"
by force
thus ?thesis unfolding mostOftenRcvd_def by auto
text ‹
If at some round more than ‹E - α› processes have their ‹x›
variable set to ‹v›, then this is also true at next round.
lemma common_x_induct:
assumes run: "SHORun Ate_M rho HOs SHOs"
and comm: "SHOcommPerRd Ate_M (HOs (r+k)) (SHOs (r+k))"
and ih: "card {qq. x (rho (r + k) qq) = v} > E - α"
shows "card {qq. x (rho (r + Suc k) qq) = v} > E - α"
proof -
from ih
have thrE:"∀pp. card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M (r + k) qq pp (rho (r + k) qq) = v}
> E - α"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_sendMsg_def)
fix qq
assume kv:"x (rho (r + k) qq) = v"
from run obtain μqq
where nxt: "nextState Ate_M (r + k) qq (rho (r + k) qq) μqq ((rho (Suc (r + k))) qq)"
and muq: "μqq ∈ SHOmsgVectors Ate_M (r + k) qq (rho (r + k))
(HOs (r + k) qq) (SHOs (r + k) qq)"
by (auto simp: SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq)
have "x (rho (r + Suc k) qq) = v"
proof (cases "card {pp. μqq pp ≠ None} > T")
case True
with comm nxt muq thrE have "mostOftenRcvd μqq = {v}"
by (auto dest: mostOftenRcvd_v)
with nxt True show "x (rho (r + Suc k) qq) = v"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def nextState_def Ate_nextState_def)
case False
with nxt have "x (rho (r + Suc k) qq) = x (rho (r + k) qq)"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def nextState_def Ate_nextState_def)
with kv show "x (rho (r + Suc k) qq) = v" by simp
hence "{qq. x (rho (r + k) qq) = v} ⊆ {qq. x (rho (r + Suc k) qq) = v}"
by auto
hence "card {qq. x (rho (r + k) qq) = v} ≤ card {qq. x (rho (r + Suc k) qq) = v}"
by (auto simp: card_mono)
with ih show ?thesis by auto
text ‹
Whenever some process newly decides value ‹v›, then any
process that updates its ‹x› variable will set it to ‹v›.
lemma common_x:
assumes run: "SHORun Ate_M rho HOs SHOs"
and comm: "∀r. SHOcommPerRd (Ate_M::(Proc, 'val::linorder pstate, 'val) SHOMachine)
(HOs r) (SHOs r)"
and d1: "decide (rho r p) ≠ Some v"
and d2: "decide (rho (Suc r) p) = Some v"
and qupdatex: "x (rho (r + Suc k) q) ≠ x (rho (r + k) q)"
shows "x (rho (r + Suc k) q) = v"
proof -
from comm
have "SHOcommPerRd (Ate_M::(Proc, 'val::linorder pstate, 'val) SHOMachine)
(HOs (r+k)) (SHOs (r+k))" ..
from run obtain μq
where nxt: "nextState Ate_M (r+k) q (rho (r+k) q) μq (rho (r + Suc k) q)"
and muq: "μq ∈ SHOmsgVectors Ate_M (r+k) q (rho (r+k))
(HOs (r+k) q) (SHOs (r+k) q)"
by (auto simp: SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq)
from nxt qupdatex
have threshold_T: "card {qq. μq qq ≠ None} > T"
and xsmall: "x (rho (r + Suc k) q) = Min (mostOftenRcvd μq)"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def nextState_def Ate_nextState_def)
have "E - α < card {qq. x (rho (r + k) qq) = v}"
proof (induct k)
from run comm d1 d2
have "E - α < card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq p (rho r qq) = v}"
by (auto dest: decide_sent_msgs_threshold)
thus "E - α < card {qq. x (rho (r + 0) qq) = v}"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_sendMsg_def)
fix k
assume "E - α < card {qq. x (rho (r + k) qq) = v}"
with run comm show "E - α < card {qq. x (rho (r + Suc k) qq) = v}"
by (auto dest: common_x_induct)
with run
have "E - α < card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M (r+k) qq q (rho (r+k) qq) = v}"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_sendMsg_def SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq)
have "mostOftenRcvd μq = {v}" by (auto dest:mostOftenRcvd_v)
with xsmall show ?thesis by auto
text ‹
A process that holds some decision ‹v› has decided ‹v›
sometime in the past.
lemma decisionNonNullThenDecided:
assumes run: "SHORun Ate_M rho HOs SHOs"
and dec: "decide (rho n p) = Some v"
obtains m where "m < n"
and "decide (rho m p) ≠ Some v"
and "decide (rho (Suc m) p) = Some v"
proof -
let "?dec k" = "decide (rho k p)"
have "(∀m<n. ?dec (Suc m) ≠ ?dec m ⟶ ?dec (Suc m) ≠ Some v) ⟶ ?dec n ≠ Some v"
(is "?P n" is "?A n ⟶ _")
proof (induct n)
from run show "?P 0"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def SHORun_eq HOinitConfig_eq
initState_def Ate_initState_def)
fix n
assume ih: "?P n" thus "?P (Suc n)" by force
with dec that show ?thesis by auto
subsection ‹Proof of Validity›
text ‹
Validity asserts that if all processes were initialized with the same value,
then no other value may ever be decided.
theorem ate_validity:
assumes run: "SHORun Ate_M rho HOs SHOs"
and comm: "∀r. SHOcommPerRd Ate_M (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
and initv: "∀q. x (rho 0 q) = v"
and dp: "decide (rho r p) = Some w"
shows "w = v"
proof -
fix r
have "∀qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq p (rho r qq) = v"
proof (induct r)
from run initv show "∀qq. sendMsg Ate_M 0 qq p (rho 0 qq) = v"
by (auto simp: SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_sendMsg_def)
fix r
assume ih:"∀qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq p (rho r qq) = v"
have "∀qq. x (rho (Suc r) qq) = v"
fix qq
from run obtain μqq
where nxt: "nextState Ate_M r qq (rho r qq) μqq (rho (Suc r) qq)"
and mu: "μqq ∈ SHOmsgVectors Ate_M r qq (rho r) (HOs r qq) (SHOs r qq)"
by (auto simp: SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq)
from nxt
have "(card {pp. μqq pp ≠ None} > T ∧ x (rho (Suc r) qq) = Min (mostOftenRcvd μqq))
∨ (card {pp. μqq pp ≠ None} ≤ T ∧ x (rho (Suc r) qq) = x (rho r qq))"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def nextState_def Ate_nextState_def)
thus "x (rho (Suc r) qq) = v"
proof safe
assume "x (rho (Suc r) qq) = x (rho r qq)"
with ih show "?thesis"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_sendMsg_def)
assume threshold_T:"T < card {pp. μqq pp ≠ None}"
and xsmall:"x (rho (Suc r) qq) = Min (mostOftenRcvd μqq)"
have "card {pp. ∃w. w ≠ v ∧ μqq pp = Some w} ≤ T div 2"
proof -
from comm have 1:"card (HOs r qq - SHOs r qq) ≤ α"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_commPerRd_def)
from mu ih
have "SHOs r qq ∩ HOs r qq ⊆ {pp. μqq pp = Some v}"
and "HOs r qq = {pp. μqq pp ≠ None}"
by (auto simp: SHOmsgVectors_def Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_sendMsg_def)
hence "{pp. μqq pp ≠ None} - {pp. μqq pp = Some v}
⊆ HOs r qq - SHOs r qq"
by auto
hence "card ({pp. μqq pp ≠ None} - {pp. μqq pp = Some v})
≤ card (HOs r qq - SHOs r qq)"
by (auto simp:card_mono)
have "card ({pp. μqq pp ≠ None} - {pp. μqq pp = Some v}) ≤ T div 2"
using Tge2a by auto
have "{pp. μqq pp ≠ None} - {pp. μqq pp = Some v}
= {pp. ∃w. w ≠ v ∧ μqq pp = Some w}" by auto
show ?thesis by simp
have "{pp. μqq pp ≠ None}
= {pp. μqq pp = Some v} ∪ {pp. ∃w. w ≠ v ∧ μqq pp = Some w}"
and "{pp. μqq pp = Some v} ∩ {pp. ∃w. w ≠ v ∧ μqq pp = Some w} = {}"
by auto
hence "card {pp. μqq pp ≠ None}
= card {pp. μqq pp = Some v} + card {pp. ∃w. w ≠ v ∧ μqq pp = Some w}"
by (auto simp: card_Un_Int)
note threshold_T
have "card {pp. μqq pp = Some v} > card {pp. ∃w. w ≠ v ∧ μqq pp = Some w}"
by auto
fix w
assume "w ≠ v"
hence "{pp. μqq pp = Some w} ⊆ {pp. ∃w. w ≠ v ∧ μqq pp = Some w}"
by auto
hence "card {pp. μqq pp = Some w} ≤ card {pp. ∃w. w ≠ v ∧ μqq pp = Some w}"
by (auto simp: card_mono)
have zz:"⋀w. w ≠ v ⟹
card {pp. μqq pp = Some w} < card {pp. μqq pp = Some v}"
by force
hence "⋀w. card {pp. μqq pp = Some v} ≤ card {pp. μqq pp = Some w}
⟹ w = v"
by force
with zz have "mostOftenRcvd μqq = {v}"
by (force simp: mostOftenRcvd_def)
with xsmall show "x (rho (Suc r) qq) = v" by auto
thus "∀qq. sendMsg Ate_M (Suc r) qq p (rho (Suc r) qq) = v"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_sendMsg_def)
note P = this
from run dp obtain rp
where rp: "rp < r" "decide (rho rp p) ≠ Some w"
"decide (rho (Suc rp) p) = Some w"
by (rule decisionNonNullThenDecided)
from run obtain μp
where nxt: "nextState Ate_M rp p (rho rp p) μp (rho (Suc rp) p)"
and mu: "μp ∈ SHOmsgVectors Ate_M rp p (rho rp) (HOs rp p) (SHOs rp p)"
by (auto simp: SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq)
fix w
assume w: "w ≠ v"
from comm have "card (HOs rp p - SHOs rp p) ≤ α"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_commPerRd_def)
from mu P
have "SHOs rp p ∩ HOs rp p ⊆ {pp. μp pp = Some v}"
and "HOs rp p = {pp. μp pp ≠ None}"
by (auto simp: SHOmsgVectors_def)
hence "{pp. μp pp ≠ None} - {pp. μp pp = Some v}
⊆ HOs rp p - SHOs rp p"
by auto
hence "card ({pp. μp pp ≠ None} - {pp. μp pp = Some v})
≤ card (HOs rp p - SHOs rp p)"
by (auto simp: card_mono)
have "card ({pp. μp pp ≠ None} - {pp. μp pp = Some v}) < E"
using Egta by auto
from w have "{pp. μp pp = Some w}
⊆ {pp. μp pp ≠ None} - {pp. μp pp = Some v}"
by auto
hence "card {pp. μp pp = Some w}
≤ card ({pp. μp pp ≠ None} - {pp. μp pp = Some v})"
by (auto simp: card_mono)
have "card {pp. μp pp = Some w} < E" by simp
hence PP: "⋀w. card {pp. μp pp = Some w} ≥ E ⟹ w = v" by force
from rp nxt mu have "card {q. μp q = Some w} > E"
by (auto simp: SHOmsgVectors_def Ate_SHOMachine_def
nextState_def Ate_nextState_def)
with PP show ?thesis by auto
subsection ‹Proof of Agreement›
text ‹
If two processes decide at the some round, they decide the same value.
lemma common_decision:
assumes run: "SHORun Ate_M rho HOs SHOs"
and comm: "SHOcommPerRd Ate_M (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
and nvp: "decide (rho r p) ≠ Some v"
and vp: "decide (rho (Suc r) p) = Some v"
and nwq: "decide (rho r q) ≠ Some w"
and wq: "decide (rho (Suc r) q) = Some w"
shows "w = v"
proof -
have gtn: "card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq p (rho r qq) = v}
+ card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq q (rho r qq) = w} > N"
proof -
from run comm nvp vp
have "card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq p (rho r qq) = v} > E - α"
by (rule decide_sent_msgs_threshold)
from run comm nwq wq
have "card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq q (rho r qq) = w} > E - α"
by (rule decide_sent_msgs_threshold)
show ?thesis using majE by auto
show ?thesis
proof (rule ccontr)
assume vw:"w ≠ v"
have "∀qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq p (rho r qq) = sendMsg Ate_M r qq q (rho r qq)"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_sendMsg_def)
with vw
have "{qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq p (rho r qq) = v}
∩ {qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq q (rho r qq) = w} = {}"
by auto
with gtn
have "card ({qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq p (rho r qq) = v}
∪ {qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq q (rho r qq) = w}) > N"
by (auto simp: card_Un_Int)
have "card ({qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq p (rho r qq) = v}
∪ {qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq q (rho r qq) = w}) ≤ N"
by (auto simp: card_mono)
show "False" by auto
text ‹
If process ‹p› decides at step ‹r› and process ‹q› decides
at some later step ‹r+k› then ‹p› and ‹q› decide the
same value.
lemma laterProcessDecidesSameValue :
assumes run: "SHORun Ate_M rho HOs SHOs"
and comm: "∀r. SHOcommPerRd Ate_M (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
and nd1: "decide (rho r p) ≠ Some v"
and d1: "decide (rho (Suc r) p) = Some v"
and nd2: "decide (rho (r+k) q) ≠ Some w"
and d2: "decide (rho (Suc (r+k)) q) = Some w"
shows "w = v"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume vdifw:"w ≠ v"
have kgt0: "k > 0"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ k > 0"
hence "k = 0" by auto
with run comm nd1 d1 nd2 d2 have "w = v"
by (auto dest: common_decision)
with vdifw show False ..
have 1: "{qq. sendMsg Ate_M r qq p (rho r qq) = v}
∩ {qq. sendMsg Ate_M (r+k) qq q (rho (r+k) qq) = w} = {}"
(is "?sentv ∩ ?sentw = {}")
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ ?thesis"
then obtain qq
where xrv: "x (rho r qq) = v" and rkw: "x (rho (r+k) qq) = w"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_sendMsg_def)
have "∃k' < k. x (rho (r + k') qq) ≠ w ∧ x (rho (r + Suc k') qq) = w"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume f: "¬ ?thesis"
fix k'
assume kk':"k' < k" hence "x (rho (r + k') qq) ≠ w"
proof (induct k')
from xrv vdifw
show "x (rho (r + 0) qq) ≠ w" by simp
fix k'
assume ih:"k' < k ⟹ x (rho (r + k') qq) ≠ w"
and ksk':"Suc k' < k"
from ksk' have "k' < k" by simp
with ih f show "x (rho (r + Suc k') qq) ≠ w" by auto
with f have "∀k' < k. x (rho (r + Suc k') qq) ≠ w" by auto
from kgt0 have "k - 1 < k" and kk:"Suc (k - 1) = k" by auto
have "x (rho (r + Suc (k - 1)) qq) ≠ w" by blast
with rkw kk show "False" by simp
then obtain k'
where "k' < k"
and w: "x (rho (r + Suc k') qq) = w"
and qqupdatex: "x (rho (r + Suc k') qq) ≠ x (rho (r + k') qq)"
by auto
from run comm nd1 d1 qqupdatex
have "x (rho (r + Suc k') qq) = v" by (rule common_x)
with w vdifw show False by simp
from run comm nd1 d1 have sentv: "card ?sentv > E - α"
by (auto dest: decide_sent_msgs_threshold)
from run comm nd2 d2 have "card ?sentw > E - α"
by (auto dest: decide_sent_msgs_threshold)
with sentv majE have "(card ?sentv) + (card ?sentw) > N"
by simp
with 1 vdifw have 2: "card (?sentv ∪ ?sentw) > N"
by (auto simp: card_Un_Int)
have "card (?sentv ∪ ?sentw) ≤ N"
by (auto simp: card_mono)
with 2 show "False" by simp
text ‹
The Agreement property is now an immediate consequence.
theorem ate_agreement:
assumes run: "SHORun Ate_M rho HOs SHOs"
and comm: "∀r. SHOcommPerRd Ate_M (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
and p: "decide (rho m p) = Some v"
and q: "decide (rho n q) = Some w"
shows "w = v"
proof -
from run p obtain k where
k: "k < m" "decide (rho k p) ≠ Some v" "decide (rho (Suc k) p) = Some v"
by (rule decisionNonNullThenDecided)
from run q obtain l where
l: "l < n" "decide (rho l q) ≠ Some w" "decide (rho (Suc l) q) = Some w"
by (rule decisionNonNullThenDecided)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "k ≤ l")
case True
then obtain i where "l = k+i" by (auto simp add: le_iff_add)
with run comm k l show ?thesis
by (auto dest: laterProcessDecidesSameValue)
case False
hence "l ≤ k" by simp
then obtain i where m: "k = l+i" by (auto simp add: le_iff_add)
with run comm k l show ?thesis
by (auto dest: laterProcessDecidesSameValue)
subsection ‹Proof of Termination›
text ‹
We now prove that every process must eventually decide, given the
global and round-by-round communication predicates.
theorem ate_termination:
assumes run: "SHORun Ate_M rho HOs SHOs"
and commR: "∀r. (SHOcommPerRd::((Proc, 'val::linorder pstate, 'val) SHOMachine)
⇒ (Proc HO) ⇒ (Proc HO) ⇒ bool)
Ate_M (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
and commG: "SHOcommGlobal Ate_M HOs SHOs"
shows "∃r v. decide (rho r p) = Some v"
proof -
from commG obtain r' π1 π2
where πea: "card π1 > E - α"
and πt: "card π2 > T"
and hosho: "∀p ∈ π1. (HOs r' p = π2 ∧ SHOs r' p ∩ HOs r' p = π2)"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_commGlobal_def)
obtain v where
P1: "∀pp. card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M (Suc r') qq pp (rho (Suc r') qq) = v} > E - α"
proof -
have "∀p ∈ π1. ∀q ∈ π1. x (rho (Suc r') p) = x (rho (Suc r') q)"
proof (clarify)
fix p q
assume p: "p ∈ π1" and q: "q ∈ π1"
from run obtain μp
where nxtp: "nextState Ate_M r' p (rho r' p) μp (rho (Suc r') p)"
and mup: "μp ∈ SHOmsgVectors Ate_M r' p (rho r') (HOs r' p) (SHOs r' p)"
by (auto simp: SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq)
from run obtain μq
where nxtq: "nextState Ate_M r' q (rho r' q) μq (rho (Suc r') q)"
and muq: "μq ∈ SHOmsgVectors Ate_M r' q (rho r') (HOs r' q) (SHOs r' q)"
by (auto simp: SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq)
from mup muq p q
have "{qq. μq qq ≠ None} = HOs r' q"
and 2:"{qq. μq qq = Some (sendMsg Ate_M r' qq q (rho r' qq))}
⊇ SHOs r' q ∩ HOs r' q"
and "{qq. μp qq ≠ None} = HOs r' p"
and 4:"{qq. μp qq = Some (sendMsg Ate_M r' qq p (rho r' qq))}
⊇ SHOs r' p ∩ HOs r' p"
by (auto simp: SHOmsgVectors_def)
with p q hosho
have aa:"π2 = {qq. μq qq ≠ None}"
and cc:"π2 = {qq. μp qq ≠ None}" by auto
from p q hosho 2
have bb:"{qq. μq qq = Some (sendMsg Ate_M r' qq q (rho r' qq))} ⊇ π2"
by auto
from p q hosho 4
have dd:"{qq. μp qq = Some (sendMsg Ate_M r' qq p (rho r' qq))} ⊇ π2"
by auto
have "Min (mostOftenRcvd μp) = Min (mostOftenRcvd μq)"
proof -
have "∀qq. sendMsg Ate_M r' qq p (rho r' qq)
= sendMsg Ate_M r' qq q (rho r' qq)"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_sendMsg_def)
with aa bb cc dd have "∀qq. μp qq ≠ None ⟶ μp qq = μq qq"
by force
from aa bb cc dd
have "{qq. μp qq ≠ None} = {qq. μq qq ≠ None}" by auto
hence "∀qq. μp qq = None ⟷ μq qq = None" by blast
hence "∀qq. μp qq = None ⟶ μp qq = μq qq" by auto
have "∀qq. μp qq = μq qq" by blast
thus ?thesis by (auto simp: mostOftenRcvd_def)
with πt aa nxtq πt cc nxtp
show "x (rho (Suc r') p) = x (rho (Suc r') q)"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def nextState_def Ate_nextState_def)
then obtain v where Pv:"∀p ∈ π1. x (rho (Suc r') p) = v" by blast
fix pp
from Pv have "∀p ∈ π1. sendMsg Ate_M (Suc r') p pp (rho (Suc r') p) = v"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_sendMsg_def)
hence "card π1 ≤ card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M (Suc r') qq pp (rho (Suc r') qq) = v}"
by (auto intro: card_mono)
with πea
have "E - α < card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M (Suc r') qq pp (rho (Suc r') qq) = v}"
by simp
with that show ?thesis by blast
fix k pp
have "E - α < card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M (Suc r' + k) qq pp (rho (Suc r' + k) qq) = v}"
(is "?P k")
proof (induct k)
from P1 show "?P 0" by simp
fix k
assume ih: "?P k"
from commR
have "(SHOcommPerRd::((Proc, 'val::linorder pstate, 'val) SHOMachine)
⇒ (Proc HO) ⇒ (Proc HO) ⇒ bool)
Ate_M (HOs (Suc r' + k)) (SHOs (Suc r' + k))" ..
from ih have "E - α < card {qq. x (rho (Suc r' + k) qq) = v}"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_sendMsg_def)
have "E - α < card {qq. x (rho (Suc r' + Suc k) qq) = v}"
by (rule common_x_induct[OF run])
thus "?P (Suc k)"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_sendMsg_def)
note P2 = this
fix k pp
assume ppupdatex: "x (rho (Suc r' + Suc k) pp) ≠ x (rho (Suc r' + k) pp)"
from commR
have "(SHOcommPerRd::((Proc, 'val::linorder pstate, 'val) SHOMachine)
⇒ (Proc HO) ⇒ (Proc HO) ⇒ bool)
Ate_M (HOs (Suc r' + k)) (SHOs (Suc r' + k))" ..
from run obtain μpp
where nxt:"nextState Ate_M (Suc r' + k) pp (rho (Suc r' + k) pp) μpp
(rho (Suc r' + Suc k) pp)"
and mu: "μpp ∈ SHOmsgVectors Ate_M (Suc r' + k) pp (rho (Suc r' + k))
(HOs (Suc r' + k) pp) (SHOs (Suc r' + k) pp)"
by (auto simp: SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq)
from nxt ppupdatex
have threshold_T: "card {qq. μpp qq ≠ None} > T"
and xsmall: "x (rho (Suc r' + Suc k) pp) = Min (mostOftenRcvd μpp)"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def nextState_def Ate_nextState_def)
from P2
have "E - α < card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M (Suc r' + k) qq pp (rho (Suc r' + k) qq) = v}" .
have "mostOftenRcvd μpp = {v}" by (auto dest!: mostOftenRcvd_v)
with xsmall
have "x (rho (Suc r' + Suc k) pp) = v" by simp
note P3 = this
have P4:"∀pp. ∃k. x (rho (Suc r' + Suc k) pp) = v"
fix pp
from commG have "∃r'' > r'. card (HOs r'' pp) > T"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_commGlobal_def)
then obtain k where "Suc r' + k > r'" and t:"card (HOs (Suc r' + k) pp) > T"
by (auto dest: less_imp_Suc_add)
from run obtain μpp
where nxt: "nextState Ate_M (Suc r' + k) pp (rho (Suc r' + k) pp) μpp
(rho (Suc r' + Suc k) pp)"
and mu: "μpp ∈ SHOmsgVectors Ate_M (Suc r' + k) pp (rho (Suc r' + k))
(HOs (Suc r' + k) pp) (SHOs (Suc r' + k) pp)"
by (auto simp: SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq)
have "x (rho (Suc r' + Suc k) pp) = v"
proof -
from commR
have "(SHOcommPerRd::((Proc, 'val::linorder pstate, 'val::linorder) SHOMachine)
⇒ (Proc HO) ⇒ (Proc HO) ⇒ bool)
Ate_M (HOs (Suc r' + k)) (SHOs (Suc r' + k))" ..
from mu have "HOs (Suc r' + k) pp = {q. μpp q ≠ None}"
by (auto simp: SHOmsgVectors_def)
with nxt t
have threshold_T: "card {q. μpp q ≠ None} > T"
and xsmall: "x (rho (Suc r' + Suc k) pp) = Min (mostOftenRcvd μpp)"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def nextState_def Ate_nextState_def)
from P2
have "E - α < card {qq. sendMsg Ate_M (Suc r' + k) qq pp (rho (Suc r' + k) qq) = v}" .
have "mostOftenRcvd μpp = {v}"
using nxt mu by (auto dest!: mostOftenRcvd_v)
with xsmall show ?thesis by auto
thus "∃k. x (rho (Suc r' + Suc k) pp) = v" ..
have P5a: "∀pp. ∃rr. ∀k. x (rho (rr + k) pp) = v"
fix pp
from P4 obtain rk where
xrrv: "x (rho (Suc r' + Suc rk) pp) = v" (is "x (rho ?rr pp) = v")
by blast
have "∀k. x (rho (?rr + k) pp) = v"
fix k
show "x (rho (?rr + k) pp) = v"
proof (induct k)
from xrrv show "x (rho (?rr + 0) pp) = v" by simp
fix k
assume ih: "x (rho (?rr + k) pp) = v"
obtain k' where rrk: "Suc r' + k' = ?rr + k" by auto
show "x (rho (?rr + Suc k) pp) = v"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume nv: "x (rho (?rr + Suc k) pp) ≠ v"
with rrk ih
have "x (rho (Suc r' + Suc k') pp) ≠ x (rho (Suc r' + k') pp)"
by (simp add: ac_simps)
hence "x (rho (Suc r' + Suc k') pp) = v" by (rule P3)
with rrk nv show False by (simp add: ac_simps)
thus "∃rr. ∀k. x (rho (rr + k) pp) = v" by blast
from P5a have "∃F. ∀pp k. x (rho (F pp + k) pp) = v" by (rule choice)
then obtain R::"(Proc ⇒ nat)"
where imgR: "R ` (UNIV::Proc set) ≠ {}"
and R: "∀pp k. x (rho (R pp + k) pp) = v"
by blast
define rr where "rr = Max (R ` UNIV)"
have P5: "∀r' > rr. ∀pp. x (rho r' pp) = v"
proof (clarify)
fix r' pp
assume r': "r' > rr"
hence "r' > R pp" by (auto simp: rr_def)
then obtain i where "r' = R pp + i"
by (auto dest: less_imp_Suc_add)
with R show "x (rho r' pp) = v" by auto
from commG have "∃r' > rr. card (SHOs r' p ∩ HOs r' p) > E"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_commGlobal_def)
with P5 obtain r'
where "r' > rr"
and "card (SHOs r' p ∩ HOs r' p) > E"
and "∀pp. sendMsg Ate_M r' pp p (rho r' pp) = v"
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def Ate_sendMsg_def)
from run obtain μp
where nxt: "nextState Ate_M r' p (rho r' p) μp (rho (Suc r') p)"
and mu: "μp ∈ SHOmsgVectors Ate_M r' p (rho r') (HOs r' p) (SHOs r' p)"
by (auto simp: SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq)
from mu
have "card (SHOs r' p ∩ HOs r' p)
≤ card {q. μp q = Some (sendMsg Ate_M r' q p (rho r' q))}"
by (auto simp: SHOmsgVectors_def intro: card_mono)
have threshold_E: "card {q. μp q = Some v} > E" by auto
with nxt show ?thesis
by (auto simp: Ate_SHOMachine_def nextState_def Ate_nextState_def)
subsection ‹\ate{} Solves Weak Consensus›
text ‹
Summing up, all (coarse-grained) runs of \ate{} for
HO and SHO collections that satisfy the communication predicate
satisfy the Weak Consensus property.
theorem ate_weak_consensus:
assumes run: "SHORun Ate_M rho HOs SHOs"
and commR: "∀r. SHOcommPerRd Ate_M (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
and commG: "SHOcommGlobal Ate_M HOs SHOs"
shows "weak_consensus (x ∘ (rho 0)) decide rho"
unfolding weak_consensus_def using assms
by (auto elim: ate_validity ate_agreement ate_termination)
text ‹
By the reduction theorem, the correctness of the algorithm carries over
to the fine-grained model of runs.
theorem ate_weak_consensus_fg:
assumes run: "fg_run Ate_M rho HOs SHOs (λr q. undefined)"
and commR: "∀r. SHOcommPerRd Ate_M (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
and commG: "SHOcommGlobal Ate_M HOs SHOs"
shows "weak_consensus (λp. x (state (rho 0) p)) decide (state ∘ rho)"
(is "weak_consensus ?inits _ _")
proof (rule local_property_reduction[OF run weak_consensus_is_local])
fix crun
assume crun: "CSHORun Ate_M crun HOs SHOs (λr q. undefined)"
and init: "crun 0 = state (rho 0)"
from crun have "SHORun Ate_M crun HOs SHOs" by (unfold SHORun_def)
from this commR commG
have "weak_consensus (x ∘ (crun 0)) decide crun"
by (rule ate_weak_consensus)
with init show "weak_consensus ?inits decide crun"
by (simp add: o_def)