Theory Observable

section ‹Observable Sets of Nodes›

theory Observable imports ReturnAndCallNodes begin

context CFG begin

subsection ‹Intraprocedural observable sets›

inductive_set obs_intra :: "'node  'node set  'node set" 
for n::"'node" and S::"'node set"
where obs_intra_elem:
  "n -asι* n'; nx  set(sourcenodes as). nx  S; n'  S  n'  obs_intra n S"

lemma obs_intraE:
  assumes "n'  obs_intra n S"
  obtains as where "n -asι* n'" and "nx  set(sourcenodes as). nx  S" and "n'  S"
  using n'  obs_intra n S
  by(fastforce elim:obs_intra.cases)

lemma n_in_obs_intra:
  assumes "valid_node n" and "n  S" shows "obs_intra n S = {n}"
proof -
  from valid_node n have "n -[]→* n" by(rule empty_path)
  hence "n -[]ι* n" by(simp add:intra_path_def)
  with n  S have "n  obs_intra n S" 
    by(fastforce elim:obs_intra_elem simp:sourcenodes_def)
  { fix n' assume "n'  obs_intra n S"
    have "n' = n"
    proof(rule ccontr)
      assume "n'  n"
      from n'  obs_intra n S obtain as where "n -asι* n'"
        and "nx  set(sourcenodes as). nx  S"
        and "n'  S" by(fastforce elim:obs_intra.cases)
      from n -asι* n' have "n -as→* n'" by(simp add:intra_path_def)
      from this nx  set(sourcenodes as). nx  S n'  n n  S
      show False
      proof(induct rule:path.induct)
        case (Cons_path n'' as n' a n)
        from nxset (sourcenodes (a#as)). nx  S sourcenode a = n
        have "n  S" by(simp add:sourcenodes_def)
        with n  S show False by simp
      qed simp
    qed }
  with n  obs_intra n S show ?thesis by fastforce

lemma in_obs_intra_valid:
  assumes "n'  obs_intra n S" shows "valid_node n" and "valid_node n'"
  using n'  obs_intra n S
  by(auto elim!:obs_intraE intro:path_valid_node simp:intra_path_def)

lemma edge_obs_intra_subset:
  assumes "valid_edge a" and "intra_kind (kind a)" and "sourcenode a  S"
  shows "obs_intra (targetnode a) S  obs_intra (sourcenode a) S"
  fix n assume "n  obs_intra (targetnode a) S"
  then obtain as where "targetnode a -asι* n" 
    and all:"nx  set(sourcenodes as). nx  S" and "n  S" by(erule obs_intraE)
  from valid_edge a intra_kind (kind a) targetnode a -asι* n
  have "sourcenode a -[a]@asι* n" by(fastforce intro:Cons_path simp:intra_path_def)
  from all sourcenode a  S have "nx  set(sourcenodes (a#as)). nx  S"
    by(simp add:sourcenodes_def)
  ultimately show "n  obs_intra (sourcenode a) S" using n  S
    by(fastforce intro:obs_intra_elem)

lemma path_obs_intra_subset:
  assumes "n -asι* n'" and "n'  set(sourcenodes as). n'  S"
  shows "obs_intra n' S  obs_intra n S"
proof -
  from n -asι* n' have "n -as→* n'" and "a  set as. intra_kind (kind a)"
    by(simp_all add:intra_path_def)
  from this n'  set(sourcenodes as). n'  S show ?thesis
  proof(induct rule:path.induct)
    case (Cons_path n'' as n' a n)
    note IH = aset as. intra_kind (kind a); n'set (sourcenodes as). n'  S
       obs_intra n' S  obs_intra n'' S
    from n'set (sourcenodes (a#as)). n'  S 
    have all:"n'set (sourcenodes as). n'  S" and "sourcenode a  S"
      by(simp_all add:sourcenodes_def)
    from a  set (a#as). intra_kind (kind a)
    have "intra_kind (kind a)" and "a  set as. intra_kind (kind a)"
      by(simp_all add:intra_path_def)
    from IH[OF a  set as. intra_kind (kind a) all]
    have "obs_intra n' S  obs_intra n'' S" .
    from valid_edge a intra_kind (kind a) targetnode a = n''
      sourcenode a = n sourcenode a  S
    have "obs_intra n'' S  obs_intra n S" by(fastforce dest:edge_obs_intra_subset)
    with obs_intra n' S  obs_intra n'' S show ?case by fastforce
  qed simp

lemma path_ex_obs_intra:
  assumes "n -asι* n'" and "n'  S"
  obtains m where "m  obs_intra n S"
  show "m. m  obs_intra n S"
  proof(cases "nx  set(sourcenodes as). nx  S")
    case True
    with n -asι* n' n'  S have "n'  obs_intra n S" by -(rule obs_intra_elem)
    thus ?thesis by fastforce
    case False
    hence "nx  set(sourcenodes as). nx  S" by fastforce
    then obtain nx ns ns' where "sourcenodes as = ns@nx#ns'"
      and "nx  S" and "n'  set ns. n'  S"
      by(fastforce elim!:split_list_first_propE)
    from sourcenodes as = ns@nx#ns' obtain as' a as'' 
      where "ns = sourcenodes as'"
      and "as = as'@a#as''" and "sourcenode a = nx"
      by(fastforce elim:map_append_append_maps simp:sourcenodes_def)
    with n -asι* n' have "n -as'ι* nx"
      by(fastforce dest:path_split simp:intra_path_def)
    with nx  S n'  set ns. n'  S ns = sourcenodes as' 
    have "nx  obs_intra n S" by(fastforce intro:obs_intra_elem)
    thus ?thesis by fastforce

subsection ‹Interprocedural observable sets restricted to the slice›

fun obs :: "'node list  'node set  'node list set" 
  where "obs [] S = {}"
  | "obs (n#ns) S = (let S' = obs_intra n S in 
  (if (S' = {}  (n'  set ns. nx. call_of_return_node n' nx  nx  S)) 
   then obs ns S else (λnx. nx#ns) ` S'))"

lemma obsI:
  assumes "n'  obs_intra n S"
  and "nx  set nsx'. nx'. call_of_return_node nx nx'  nx'  S"
  shows "ns = nsx@n#nsx'; xs x xs'. nsx = xs@x#xs'  obs_intra x S  {}
      (x''  set (xs'@[n]). nx. call_of_return_node x'' nx  nx  S)
   n'#nsx'  obs ns S"
proof(induct ns arbitrary:nsx)
case (Cons x xs)
  note IH = nsx. xs = nsx@n#nsx'; 
    xs x xs'. nsx = xs @ x # xs'  obs_intra x S  {} 
    (x''set (xs'@[n]). nx. call_of_return_node x'' nx  nx  S)
     n'#nsx'  obs xs S
  note nsx = xs x xs'. nsx = xs @ x # xs'  obs_intra x S  {} 
    (x''set (xs' @ [n]). nx. call_of_return_node x'' nx  nx  S)
  show ?case
  proof(cases nsx)
    case Nil
    with x#xs = nsx@n#nsx' have "n = x" and "xs = nsx'" by simp_all
    with n'  obs_intra n S
      nxset nsx'. nx'. call_of_return_node nx nx'  nx'  S
    show ?thesis by(fastforce simp:Let_def)
    case (Cons z zs)
    with x#xs = nsx@n#nsx' have [simp]:"x = z" "xs = zs@n#nsx'" by simp_all
    from nsx Cons
    have "xs x xs'. zs = xs @ x # xs'  obs_intra x S  {} 
      (x''set (xs' @ [n]). nx. call_of_return_node x'' nx  nx  S)"
      by clarsimp(erule_tac x="z#xs" in allE,auto)
    from IH[OF xs = zs@n#nsx' this] have "n'#nsx'  obs xs S" by simp
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases "obs_intra z S = {}")
      case True
      with Cons n'#nsx'  obs xs S show ?thesis by(simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      from nsx Cons
      have "obs_intra z S  {} 
        (x''set (zs @ [n]). nx. call_of_return_node x'' nx  nx  S)"
        by clarsimp
      with False have "x''set (zs @ [n]). nx. call_of_return_node x'' nx  nx  S"
        by simp
      with xs = zs@n#nsx' 
      have "n'  set xs. nx. call_of_return_node n' nx  nx  S" by fastforce
      with Cons n'#nsx'  obs xs S show ?thesis by(simp add:Let_def)
qed simp

lemma obsE [consumes 2]:
  assumes "ns'  obs ns S" and "n  set (tl ns). return_node n"
  obtains nsx n nsx' n' where "ns = nsx@n#nsx'" and "ns' = n'#nsx'" 
  and "n'  obs_intra n S" 
  and "nx  set nsx'. nx'. call_of_return_node nx nx'  nx'  S"
  and "xs x xs'. nsx = xs@x#xs'  obs_intra x S  {}
   (x''  set (xs'@[n]). nx. call_of_return_node x'' nx  nx  S)"
  from ns'  obs ns S n  set (tl ns). return_node n
  show "nsx n nsx' n'. ns = nsx @ n # nsx'  ns' = n' # nsx' 
    n'  obs_intra n S  (nxset nsx'. nx'. call_of_return_node nx nx'  nx'  S) 
    (xs x xs'. nsx = xs @ x # xs'  obs_intra x S  {} 
    (x''set (xs' @ [n]). nx. call_of_return_node x'' nx  nx  S))"
  proof(induct ns)
    case Nil thus ?case by simp
    case (Cons nx ns'')
    note IH = ns'  obs ns'' S; aset (tl ns''). return_node a
       nsx n nsx' n'. ns'' = nsx @ n # nsx'  ns' = n' # nsx' 
      n'  obs_intra n S  
      (nxset nsx'. nx'. call_of_return_node nx nx'  nx'  S) 
      (xs x xs'. nsx = xs @ x # xs'  obs_intra x S  {} 
         (x''set (xs' @ [n]). nx. call_of_return_node x'' nx  nx  S))
    from aset (tl (nx # ns'')). return_node a have "n  set ns''. return_node n"
      by simp
    show ?case
    proof(cases ns'')
      case Nil
      with ns'  obs (nx#ns'') S obtain x where "ns' = [x]" and "x  obs_intra nx S"
        by(auto simp:Let_def split:if_split_asm)
      with Nil show ?thesis by fastforce
      case Cons
      with n  set ns''. return_node n have "aset (tl ns''). return_node a"
        by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "n'  set ns''. nx'. call_of_return_node n' nx'  nx'  S")
        case True
        with ns'  obs (nx#ns'') S have "ns'  obs ns'' S" by simp
        from IH[OF this aset (tl ns''). return_node a]
        obtain nsx n nsx' n' where split:"ns'' = nsx @ n # nsx'"
          "ns' = n' # nsx'" "n'  obs_intra n S"
          "nxset nsx'. nx'. call_of_return_node nx nx'  nx'  S"
          and imp:"xs x xs'. nsx = xs @ x # xs'  obs_intra x S  {} 
          (x''set (xs' @ [n]). nx. call_of_return_node x'' nx  nx  S)"
          by blast
        from True ns'' = nsx @ n # nsx'
          nxset nsx'. nx'. call_of_return_node nx nx'  nx'  S
        have "(nx'. call_of_return_node n nx'  nx'  S) 
          (n'set nsx. nx'. call_of_return_node n' nx'  nx'  S)" by fastforce
        thus ?thesis
          assume "nx'. call_of_return_node n nx'  nx'  S"
          with split show ?thesis by clarsimp
          assume "n'set nsx. nx'. call_of_return_node n' nx'  nx'  S"
          with imp have "xs x xs'. nx#nsx = xs @ x # xs'  obs_intra x S  {} 
          (x''set (xs' @ [n]). nx. call_of_return_node x'' nx  nx  S)"
            apply clarsimp apply(case_tac xs) apply auto
            by(erule_tac x="list" in allE,auto)+
          with split Cons show ?thesis by auto
        case False
        hence "n'set ns''. nx'. call_of_return_node n' nx'  nx'  S" by simp
        show ?thesis
        proof(cases "obs_intra nx S = {}")
          case True
          with ns'  obs (nx#ns'') S have "ns'  obs ns'' S" by simp
          from IH[OF this aset (tl ns''). return_node a]
          obtain nsx n nsx' n' where split:"ns'' = nsx @ n # nsx'"
            "ns' = n' # nsx'" "n'  obs_intra n S"
            "nxset nsx'. nx'. call_of_return_node nx nx'  nx'  S"
            and imp:"xs x xs'. nsx = xs @ x # xs'  obs_intra x S  {} 
            (x''set (xs' @ [n]). nx. call_of_return_node x'' nx  nx  S)"
            by blast
          from True imp Cons 
          have "xs x xs'. nx#nsx = xs @ x # xs'  obs_intra x S  {} 
            (x''set (xs' @ [n]). nx. call_of_return_node x'' nx  nx  S)"
            by clarsimp (hypsubst_thin,case_tac xs,clarsimp+,erule_tac x="list" in allE,auto)
          with split Cons show ?thesis by auto
          case False
          with n'set ns''. nx'. call_of_return_node n' nx'  nx'  S
            ns'  obs (nx # ns'') S
          obtain nx'' where "ns' = nx''#ns''" and "nx''  obs_intra nx S"
          by(fastforce simp:Let_def split:if_split_asm)
          { fix n' assume "n'set ns''"
            with n  set ns''. return_node n have "return_node n'" by simp
            hence "∃!n''. call_of_return_node n' n''" 
              by(rule return_node_call_of_return_node)
            from n'set ns'' 
              n'set ns''. nx'. call_of_return_node n' nx'  nx'  S
            have "nx'. call_of_return_node n' nx'  nx'  S" by simp
            with ∃!n''. call_of_return_node n' n'' 
            have "n''. call_of_return_node n' n''  n''  S" by fastforce }
          with ns' = nx''#ns'' nx''  obs_intra nx S show ?thesis by fastforce

lemma obs_split_det:
  assumes "xs@x#xs' = ys@y#ys'" 
  and "obs_intra x S  {}" 
  and "x'  set xs'. x''. call_of_return_node x' x''  x''  S"
  and "zs z zs'. xs = zs@z#zs'  obs_intra z S  {}
   (z''  set (zs'@[x]). nx. call_of_return_node z'' nx  nx  S)"
  and "obs_intra y S  {}" 
  and "y'  set ys'. y''. call_of_return_node y' y''  y''  S"
  and "zs z zs'. ys = zs@z#zs'  obs_intra z S  {}
   (z''  set (zs'@[y]). ny. call_of_return_node z'' ny  ny  S)"
  shows "xs = ys  x = y  xs' = ys'"
using assms
proof(induct xs arbitrary:ys)
  case Nil
  note impy = zs z zs'. ys = zs@z#zs'  obs_intra z S  {}
     (z''  set (zs'@[y]). ny. call_of_return_node z'' ny  ny  S)
  show ?case
  proof(cases "ys = []")
    case True
    with Nil []@x#xs' = ys@y#ys' show ?thesis by simp
    case False
    with [] @ x # xs' = ys @ y # ys' 
    obtain zs where "x#zs = ys" and "xs' = zs@y#ys'" by(auto simp:Cons_eq_append_conv)
    from x#zs = ys obs_intra x S  {} impy 
    have "z''  set (zs@[y]). ny. call_of_return_node z'' ny  ny  S"
      by blast
    with xs' = zs@y#ys' x'  set xs'. x''. call_of_return_node x' x''  x''  S
    have False by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by simp
  case (Cons w ws)
  note IH = ys. ws @ x # xs' = ys @ y # ys'; obs_intra x S  {};
    x'set xs'. x''. call_of_return_node x' x''  x''  S;
    zs z zs'. ws = zs @ z # zs'  obs_intra z S  {} 
      (z''set (zs' @ [x]). nx. call_of_return_node z'' nx  nx  S);
    obs_intra y S  {}; y'set ys'. y''. call_of_return_node y' y''  y''  S;
    zs z zs'. ys = zs @ z # zs'  obs_intra z S  {} 
      (z''set (zs' @ [y]). ny. call_of_return_node z'' ny  ny  S)    
     ws = ys  x = y  xs' = ys'
  note impw = zs z zs'. w # ws = zs @ z # zs'  obs_intra z S  {} 
    (z''set (zs' @ [x]). nx. call_of_return_node z'' nx  nx  S)
  note impy = zs z zs'. ys = zs @ z # zs'  obs_intra z S  {} 
    (z''set (zs' @ [y]). ny. call_of_return_node z'' ny  ny  S)
  show ?case
  proof(cases ys)
    case Nil
    with (w#ws) @ x # xs' = ys @ y # ys' have "y = w" and "ys' = ws @ x # xs'"
      by simp_all
    from y = w obs_intra y S  {} impw
    have "z''set (ws @ [x]). nx. call_of_return_node z'' nx  nx  S" by blast
    with ys' = ws @ x # xs' 
      y'set ys'. y''. call_of_return_node y' y''  y''  S
    have False by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by simp
    case (Cons w' ws')
    with (w # ws) @ x # xs' = ys @ y # ys' have "w = w'"
      and "ws @ x # xs' = ws' @ y # ys'" by simp_all
    from impw have imp1:"zs z zs'. ws = zs @ z # zs'  obs_intra z S  {} 
      (z''set (zs' @ [x]). nx. call_of_return_node z'' nx  nx  S)"
      by clarsimp(erule_tac x="w#zs" in allE,clarsimp)
    from Cons impy have imp2:"zs z zs'. ws' = zs @ z # zs'  obs_intra z S  {} 
      (z''set (zs' @ [y]). ny. call_of_return_node z'' ny  ny  S)"
      by clarsimp(erule_tac x="w'#zs" in allE,clarsimp)
    from IH[OF ws @ x # xs' = ws' @ y # ys' obs_intra x S  {}
      x'set xs'. x''. call_of_return_node x' x''  x''  S imp1
      obs_intra y S  {} y'set ys'. y''. call_of_return_node y' y''  y''  S 
    have "ws = ws'  x = y  xs' = ys'" .
    with w = w' Cons show ?thesis by simp

lemma in_obs_valid:
  assumes "ns'  obs ns S" and "n  set ns. valid_node n"
  shows "n  set ns'. valid_node n"
  using ns'  obs ns S n  set ns. valid_node n
  by(induct ns)(auto intro:in_obs_intra_valid simp:Let_def split:if_split_asm)

