Theory Monomial_Module

section ‹Monomial Modules›

theory Monomial_Module
  imports Groebner_Bases.Reduced_GB

text ‹Properties of modules generated by sets of monomials, and (reduced) Gr\"obner bases thereof.›

subsection ‹Sets of Monomials›

definition is_monomial_set :: "('a 0 'b::zero) set  bool"
  where "is_monomial_set A  (pA. is_monomial p)"

lemma is_monomial_setI: "(p. p  A  is_monomial p)  is_monomial_set A"
  by (simp add: is_monomial_set_def)

lemma is_monomial_setD: "is_monomial_set A  p  A  is_monomial p"
  by (simp add: is_monomial_set_def)

lemma is_monomial_set_subset: "is_monomial_set B  A  B  is_monomial_set A"
  by (auto simp: is_monomial_set_def)

lemma is_monomial_set_Un: "is_monomial_set (A  B)  (is_monomial_set A  is_monomial_set B)"
  by (auto simp: is_monomial_set_def)

subsection ‹Modules›

context term_powerprod

lemma monomial_pmdl:
  assumes "is_monomial_set B" and "p  pmdl B"
  shows "monomial (lookup p v) v  pmdl B"
  using assms(2)
proof (induct p rule: pmdl_induct)
  case base: module_0
  show ?case by (simp add: pmdl.span_zero)
  case step: (module_plus p b c t)
  have eq: "monomial (lookup (p + monom_mult c t b) v) v =
            monomial (lookup p v) v + monomial (lookup (monom_mult c t b) v) v"
    by (simp only: single_add lookup_add)
  from assms(1) step.hyps(3) have "is_monomial b" by (rule is_monomial_setD)
  then obtain d u where b: "b = monomial d u" by (rule is_monomial_monomial)
  have "monomial (lookup (monom_mult c t b) v) v  pmdl B"
  proof (simp add: b monom_mult_monomial lookup_single when_def pmdl.span_zero, intro impI)
    assume "t  u = v"
    hence "monomial (c * d) v = monom_mult c t b" by (simp add: b monom_mult_monomial)
    also from step.hyps(3) have "  pmdl B" by (rule monom_mult_in_pmdl)
    finally show "monomial (c * d) v  pmdl B" .
  with step.hyps(2) show ?case unfolding eq by (rule pmdl.span_add)

lemma monomial_pmdl_field:
  assumes "is_monomial_set B" and "p  pmdl B" and "v  keys (p::_ 0 'b::field)"
  shows "monomial c v  pmdl B"
proof -
  from assms(1, 2) have "monomial (lookup p v) v  pmdl B" by (rule monomial_pmdl)
  hence "monom_mult (c / lookup p v) 0 (monomial (lookup p v) v)  pmdl B"
    by (rule pmdl_closed_monom_mult)
  with assms(3) show ?thesis by (simp add: monom_mult_monomial splus_zero in_keys_iff)

end (* term_powerprod *)

context ordered_term

lemma keys_monomial_pmdl:
  assumes "is_monomial_set F" and "p  pmdl F" and "t  keys p"
  obtains f where "f  F" and "f  0" and "lt f addst t"
  using assms(2) assms(3)
proof (induct arbitrary: thesis rule: pmdl_induct)
  case module_0
  from this(2) show ?case by simp
  case step: (module_plus p f0 c s)
  from assms(1) step(3) have "is_monomial f0" unfolding is_monomial_set_def ..
  hence "keys f0 = {lt f0}" and "f0  0" by (rule keys_monomial, rule monomial_not_0)
  from Poly_Mapping.keys_add step(6) have "t  keys p  keys (monom_mult c s f0)" ..
  thus ?case
    assume "t  keys p"
    from step(2)[OF _ this] obtain f where "f  F" and "f  0" and "lt f addst t" by blast
    thus ?thesis by (rule step(5))
    assume "t  keys (monom_mult c s f0)"
    with keys_monom_mult_subset have "t  (⊕) s ` keys f0" ..
    hence "t = s  lt f0" by (simp add: keys f0 = {lt f0})
    hence "lt f0 addst t" by (simp add: term_simps)
    with f0  F f0  0 show ?thesis by (rule step(5))

lemma image_lt_monomial_lt: "lt ` monomial (1::'b::zero_neq_one) ` lt ` F = lt ` F"
  by (auto simp: lt_monomial intro!: image_eqI)

subsection ‹Reduction›

lemma red_setE2:
  assumes "red B p q"
  obtains b where "b  B" and "b  0" and "red {b} p q"
proof -
  from assms obtain b t where "b  B" and "red_single p q b t" by (rule red_setE)
  from this(2) have "b  0" by (simp add: red_single_def)
  have "red {b} p q" by (rule red_setI, simp, fact)
  show ?thesis by (rule, fact+)

lemma red_monomial_keys:
  assumes "is_monomial r" and "red {r} p q"
  shows "card (keys p) = Suc (card (keys q))"
proof -
  from assms(2) obtain s where rs: "red_single p q r s" unfolding red_singleton ..
  hence cp0: "lookup p (s  lt r)  0" and q_def0: "q = p - monom_mult (lookup p (s  lt r) / lc r) s r"
    unfolding red_single_def by simp_all
  from assms(1) obtain c t where "c  0" and r_def: "r = monomial c t" by (rule is_monomial_monomial)
  have ltr: "lt r = t" unfolding r_def by (rule lt_monomial, fact)
  have lcr: "lc r = c" unfolding r_def by (rule lc_monomial)
  define u where "u = s  t"
  from q_def0 have "q = p - monom_mult (lookup p u / c) s r" unfolding u_def ltr lcr .
  also have "... = p - monomial ((lookup p u / c) * c) u" unfolding u_def r_def monom_mult_monomial ..
  finally have q_def: "q = p - monomial (lookup p u) u" using c  0 by simp
  from cp0 have "lookup p u  0" unfolding u_def ltr .
  hence "u  keys p" by (simp add: in_keys_iff)
  have "keys q = keys p - {u}" unfolding q_def
  proof (rule, rule)
    fix x
    assume "x  keys (p - monomial (lookup p u) u)"
    hence "lookup (p - monomial (lookup p u) u) x  0" by (simp add: in_keys_iff)
    hence a: "lookup p x - lookup (monomial (lookup p u) u) x  0" unfolding lookup_minus .
    hence "x  u" unfolding lookup_single by auto
    with a have "lookup p x  0" unfolding lookup_single by auto
    show "x  keys p - {u}"
      from lookup p x  0 show "x  keys p" by (simp add: in_keys_iff)
      from x  u show "x  {u}" by simp
    show "keys p - {u}  keys (p - monomial (lookup p u) u)"
      fix x
      assume "x  keys p - {u}"
      hence "x  keys p" and "x  u" by auto
      from x  keys p have "lookup p x  0" by (simp add: in_keys_iff)
      with x  u have "lookup (p - monomial (lookup p u) u) x  0" by (simp add: lookup_minus lookup_single)
      thus "x  keys (p - monomial (lookup p u) u)" by (simp add: in_keys_iff)
  have "Suc (card (keys q)) = card (keys p)" unfolding keys q = keys p - {u}
    by (rule card_Suc_Diff1, rule finite_keys, fact)
  thus ?thesis by simp

lemma red_monomial_monomial_setD:
  assumes "is_monomial p" and "is_monomial_set B" and "red B p q"
  shows "q = 0"
proof -
  from assms(3) obtain b where "b  B" and "b  0" and *: "red {b} p q" by (rule red_setE2)
  from assms(2) this(1) have "is_monomial b" by (rule is_monomial_setD)
  hence "card (keys p) = Suc (card (keys q))" using * by (rule red_monomial_keys)
  with assms(1) show ?thesis by (simp add: is_monomial_def)

corollary is_red_monomial_monomial_setD:
  assumes "is_monomial p" and "is_monomial_set B" and "is_red B p"
  shows "red B p 0"
proof -
  from assms(3) obtain q where "red B p q" by (rule is_redE)
  moreover from assms(1, 2) this have "q = 0" by (rule red_monomial_monomial_setD)
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

corollary is_red_monomial_monomial_set_in_pmdl:
  "is_monomial p  is_monomial_set B  is_red B p  p  pmdl B"
  by (intro red_rtranclp_0_in_pmdl r_into_rtranclp is_red_monomial_monomial_setD)

corollary red_rtrancl_monomial_monomial_set_cases:
  assumes "is_monomial p" and "is_monomial_set B" and "(red B)** p q"
  obtains "q = p" | "q = 0"
  using assms(3)
proof (induct q arbitrary: thesis rule: rtranclp_induct)
  case base
  from refl show ?case by (rule base)
  case (step y z)
  show ?case
  proof (rule step.hyps)
    assume "y = p"
    with step.hyps(2) have "red B p z" by simp
    with assms(1, 2) have "z = 0" by (rule red_monomial_monomial_setD)
    thus ?thesis by (rule step.prems)
    assume "y = 0"
    from step.hyps(2) have "is_red B 0" unfolding y = 0 by (rule is_redI)
    with irred_0 show ?thesis ..

lemma is_red_monomial_lt:
  assumes "0  B"
  shows "is_red (monomial (1::'b::field) ` lt ` B) = is_red B"
  fix p
  let ?B = "monomial (1::'b) ` lt ` B"
  show "is_red ?B p  is_red B p"
    assume "is_red ?B p"
    then obtain f v where "f  ?B" and "v  keys p" and adds: "lt f addst v" by (rule is_red_addsE)
    from this(1) have "lt f  lt ` ?B" by (rule imageI)
    also have " = lt ` B" by (fact image_lt_monomial_lt)
    finally obtain b where "b  B" and eq: "lt f = lt b" ..
    note this(1)
    moreover from this assms have "b  0" by blast
    moreover note v  keys p
    moreover from adds have "lt b addst v" by (simp only: eq)
    ultimately show "is_red B p" by (rule is_red_addsI)
    assume "is_red B p"
    then obtain b v where "b  B" and "v  keys p" and adds: "lt b addst v" by (rule is_red_addsE)
    from this(1) have "lt b  lt ` B" by (rule imageI)
    also from image_lt_monomial_lt have " = lt ` ?B" by (rule sym)
    finally obtain f where "f  ?B" and eq: "lt b = lt f" ..
    note this(1)
    moreover from this have "f  0" by (auto simp: monomial_0_iff)
    moreover note v  keys p
    moreover from adds have "lt f addst v" by (simp only: eq)
    ultimately show "is_red ?B p" by (rule is_red_addsI)

end (* ordered_term *)

subsection ‹Gr\"obner Bases›

context gd_term

lemma monomial_set_is_GB:
  assumes "is_monomial_set G"
  shows "is_Groebner_basis G"
  unfolding GB_alt_1
  fix f
  assume "f  pmdl G"
  thus "(red G)** f 0"
  proof (induct f rule: poly_mapping_plus_induct)
    case 1
    show ?case ..
    case (2 f c t)
    let ?f = "monomial c t + f"
    from 2(1) have "t  keys (monomial c t)" by simp
    from this 2(2) have "t  keys ?f" by (rule in_keys_plusI1)
    with assms ?f  pmdl G obtain g where "g  G" and "g  0" and "lt g addst t"
      by (rule keys_monomial_pmdl)
    from this(1) have "red G ?f f"
    proof (rule red_setI)
      from lt g addst t have "component_of_term (lt g) = component_of_term t" and "lp g adds pp_of_term t"
        by (simp_all add: adds_term_def)
      from this have eq: "(pp_of_term t - lp g)  lt g = t"
        by (simp add: adds_minus splus_def term_of_pair_pair)
      moreover from 2(2) have "lookup ?f t = c" by (simp add: lookup_add in_keys_iff)
      ultimately show "red_single (monomial c t + f) f g (pp_of_term t - lp g)"
      proof (simp add: red_single_def g  0 t  keys ?f 2(1))
        from g  0 have "lc g  0" by (rule lc_not_0)
        hence "monomial c t = monom_mult (c / lc g) (pp_of_term t - lp g) (monomial (lc g) (lt g))"
          by (simp add: monom_mult_monomial eq)
        moreover from assms g  G have "is_monomial g" unfolding is_monomial_set_def ..
        ultimately show "monomial c t = monom_mult (c / lc g) (pp_of_term t - lp g) g"
          by (simp only: monomial_eq_itself)
    have "f  pmdl G" by (rule pmdl_closed_red, fact subset_refl, fact+)
    hence "(red G)** f 0" by (rule 2(3))
    with red G ?f f show ?case by simp

  fixes d
  assumes dgrad: "dickson_grading (d::'a  nat)"

  fixes F m
  assumes fin_comps: "finite (component_of_term ` Keys F)"
    and F_sub: "F  dgrad_p_set d m"
    and F_monom: "is_monomial_set (F::(_ 0 'b::field) set)"

text ‹The proof of the following lemma could be simplified, analogous to homogeneous ideals.›

lemma reduced_GB_subset_monic_dgrad_p_set: "reduced_GB F  monic ` F"
proof -
  from subset_refl obtain F' where "F'  F - {0}" and "lt ` (F - {0}) = lt ` F'" and "inj_on lt F'"
    by (rule subset_imageE_inj)
  define G where "G = {f  F'. f'F'. lt f' addst lt f  f' = f}"
  have "G  F'" by (simp add: G_def)
  hence "G  F - {0}" using F'  F - {0} by (rule subset_trans)
  also have "  F" by blast
  finally have "G  F" .
  have 1: thesis if "f  F" and "f  0" and "g. g  G  lt g addst lt f  thesis" for thesis f
  proof -
    let ?K = "component_of_term ` Keys F"
    let ?A = "{t. pp_of_term t  dgrad_set d m  component_of_term t  ?K}"
    let ?Q = "{f'  F'. lt f' addst lt f}"
    from dgrad fin_comps have "almost_full_on (addst) ?A" by (rule Dickson_term)
    moreover have "transp_on ?A (addst)" by (auto intro: transp_onI dest: adds_term_trans)
    ultimately have "wfp_on (strict (addst)) ?A" by (rule af_trans_imp_wf)
    moreover have "lt f  lt ` ?Q"
    proof -
      from that(1, 2) have "f  F - {0}" by simp
      hence "lt f  lt ` (F - {0})" by (rule imageI)
      also have " = lt ` F'" by fact
      finally have "lt f  lt ` F'" .
      with adds_term_refl show ?thesis by fastforce
    moreover have "lt ` ?Q  ?A"
      fix s
      assume "s  lt ` ?Q"
      then obtain q where "q  ?Q" and s: "s = lt q" ..
      from this(1) have "q  F'" by simp
      hence "q  F - {0}" using F'  F - {0} ..
      hence "q  F" and "q  0" by simp_all
      from this(1) F_sub have "q  dgrad_p_set d m" ..
      from q  0 have "lt q  keys q" by (rule lt_in_keys)
      hence "pp_of_term (lt q)  pp_of_term ` keys q" by (rule imageI)
      also from q  dgrad_p_set d m have "  dgrad_set d m" by (simp add: dgrad_p_set_def)
      finally have 1: "pp_of_term s  dgrad_set d m" by (simp only: s)
      from lt q  keys q q  F have "lt q  Keys F" by (rule in_KeysI)
      hence "component_of_term s  ?K" unfolding s by (rule imageI)
      with 1 show "s  ?A" by simp
    ultimately obtain t where "t  lt ` ?Q" and t_min: "s. strict (addst) s t  s  lt ` ?Q"
      by (rule wfp_onE_min) blast
    from this(1) obtain g where "g  ?Q" and t: "t = lt g" ..
    from this(1) have "g  F'" and adds: "lt g addst lt f" by simp_all
    show ?thesis
    proof (rule that)
        fix f'
        assume "f'  F'"
        assume "lt f' addst lt g"
        hence "lt f' addst lt f" using adds by (rule adds_term_trans)
        with f'  F' have "f'  ?Q" by simp
        hence "lt f'  lt ` ?Q" by (rule imageI)
        with t_min have "¬ strict (addst) (lt f') (lt g)" unfolding t by blast
        with lt f' addst lt g have "lt g addst lt f'" by blast
        with lt f' addst lt g have "lt f' = lt g" by (rule adds_term_antisym)
        with inj_on lt F' have "f' = g" using f'  F' g  F' by (rule inj_onD)
      with g  F' show "g  G" by (simp add: G_def)
    qed fact
  have 2: "is_red G q" if "q  pmdl F" and "q  0" for q
  proof -
    from that(2) have "keys q  {}" by simp
    then obtain t where "t  keys q" by blast
    with F_monom that(1) obtain f where "f  F" and "f  0" and *: "lt f addst t"
      by (rule keys_monomial_pmdl)
    from this(1, 2) obtain g where "g  G" and "lt g addst lt f" by (rule 1)
    from this(2) have **: "lt g addst t" using * by (rule adds_term_trans)
    from g  G G  F - {0} have "g  F - {0}" ..
    hence "g  0" by simp
    with g  G show ?thesis using t  keys q ** by (rule is_red_addsI)
  from G  F - {0} have "G  F" by blast
  hence "pmdl G  pmdl F" by (rule pmdl.span_mono)
  note dgrad fin_comps F_sub
  moreover have "is_reduced_GB (monic ` G)" unfolding is_reduced_GB_def GB_image_monic
  proof (intro conjI image_monic_is_auto_reduced image_monic_is_monic_set)
    from dgrad show "is_Groebner_basis G"
    proof (rule isGB_I_is_red)
      from G  F F_sub show "G  dgrad_p_set d m" by (rule subset_trans)
      fix f
      assume "f  pmdl G"
      hence "f  pmdl F" using pmdl G  pmdl F ..
      moreover assume "f  0"
      ultimately show "is_red G f" by (rule 2)
    show "is_auto_reduced G" unfolding is_auto_reduced_def
    proof (intro ballI notI)
      fix g
      assume "g  G"
      hence "g  F" using G  F ..
      with F_monom have "is_monomial g" by (rule is_monomial_setD)
      hence keys_g: "keys g = {lt g}" by (rule keys_monomial)
      assume "is_red (G - {g}) g"
      then obtain g' t where "g'  G - {g}" and "t  keys g" and adds: "lt g' addst t" by (rule is_red_addsE)
      from this(1) have "g'  F'" and "g'  g" by (simp_all add: G_def)
      from t  keys g have "t = lt g" by (simp add: keys_g)
      with g  G g'  F' adds have "g' = g" by (simp add: G_def)
      with g'  g show False ..
    show "0  monic ` G"
      assume "0  monic ` G"
      then obtain g where "0 = monic g" and "g  G" ..
      moreover from this(2) G  F - {0} have "g  0" by blast
      ultimately show False by (simp add: monic_0_iff)
  moreover have "pmdl (monic ` G) = pmdl F" unfolding pmdl_image_monic
    show "pmdl F  pmdl G"
    proof (rule pmdl.span_subset_spanI, rule)
      fix f
      assume "f  F"
      hence "f  pmdl F" by (rule pmdl.span_base)
      note dgrad
      moreover from G  F F_sub have "G  dgrad_p_set d m" by (rule subset_trans)
      moreover note pmdl G  pmdl F 2 f  pmdl F
      moreover from f  F F_sub have "f  dgrad_p_set d m" ..
      ultimately have "(red G)** f 0" by (rule is_red_implies_0_red_dgrad_p_set)
      thus "f  pmdl G" by (rule red_rtranclp_0_in_pmdl)
  qed fact
  ultimately have "reduced_GB F = monic ` G" by (rule reduced_GB_unique_dgrad_p_set)
  also from G  F have "  monic ` F" by (rule image_mono)
  finally show ?thesis .

corollary reduced_GB_is_monomial_set_dgrad_p_set: "is_monomial_set (reduced_GB F)"
proof (rule is_monomial_setI)
  fix g
  assume "g  reduced_GB F"
  also have "  monic ` F" by (fact reduced_GB_subset_monic_dgrad_p_set)
  finally obtain f where "f  F" and g: "g = monic f" ..
  from F_monom this(1) have "is_monomial f" by (rule is_monomial_setD)
  hence "card (keys f) = 1" by (simp only: is_monomial_def)
  hence "f  0" by auto
  hence "lc f  0" by (rule lc_not_0)
  hence "1 / lc f  0" by simp
  hence "keys g = (⊕) 0 ` keys f" by (simp add: keys_monom_mult monic_def g)
  also from refl have " = (λx. x) ` keys f" by (rule image_cong) (simp only: splus_zero)
  finally show "is_monomial g" using card (keys f) = 1 by (simp only: is_monomial_def image_ident)


lemma is_red_reduced_GB_monomial_dgrad_set:
  assumes "finite (component_of_term ` S)" and "pp_of_term ` S  dgrad_set d m"
  shows "is_red (reduced_GB (monomial 1 ` S)) = is_red (monomial (1::'b::field) ` S)"
  fix p
  let ?F = "monomial (1::'b) ` S"
  from assms(1) have 1: "finite (component_of_term ` Keys ?F)" by (simp add: Keys_def)
  moreover from assms(2) have 2: "?F  dgrad_p_set d m" by (auto simp: dgrad_p_set_def)
  moreover have "is_monomial_set ?F" by (auto intro!: is_monomial_setI monomial_is_monomial)
  ultimately have "reduced_GB ?F  monic ` ?F" by (rule reduced_GB_subset_monic_dgrad_p_set)
  also have " = ?F" by (auto simp: monic_def intro!: image_eqI)
  finally have 3: "reduced_GB ?F  ?F" .
  show "is_red (reduced_GB ?F) p  is_red ?F p"
    assume "is_red (reduced_GB ?F) p"
    thus "is_red ?F p" using 3 by (rule is_red_subset)
    assume "is_red ?F p"
    then obtain f v where "f  ?F" and "v  keys p" and "f  0" and adds1: "lt f addst v"
      by (rule is_red_addsE)
    from this(1) have "f  pmdl ?F" by (rule pmdl.span_base)
    from dgrad 1 2 have "is_Groebner_basis (reduced_GB ?F)" by (rule reduced_GB_is_GB_dgrad_p_set)
    moreover from f  pmdl ?F dgrad 1 2 have "f  pmdl (reduced_GB ?F)"
      by (simp only: reduced_GB_pmdl_dgrad_p_set)
    ultimately obtain g where "g  reduced_GB ?F" and "g  0" and "lt g addst lt f"
      using f  0 by (rule GB_adds_lt)
    from this(3) adds1 have "lt g addst v" by (rule adds_term_trans)
    with g  reduced_GB ?F g  0 v  keys p show "is_red (reduced_GB ?F) p"
      by (rule is_red_addsI)

corollary is_red_reduced_GB_monomial_lt_GB_dgrad_p_set:
  assumes "finite (component_of_term ` Keys G)" and "G  dgrad_p_set d m" and "0  G"
  shows "is_red (reduced_GB (monomial (1::'b::field) ` lt ` G)) = is_red G"
proof -
  let ?S = "lt ` G"
  let ?G = "monomial (1::'b) ` ?S"
  from assms(3) have "?S  Keys G" by (auto intro: lt_in_keys in_KeysI)
  hence "component_of_term ` ?S  component_of_term ` Keys G"
    and *: "pp_of_term ` ?S  pp_of_term ` Keys G" by (rule image_mono)+
  from this(1) have "finite (component_of_term ` ?S)" using assms(1) by (rule finite_subset)
  moreover from * have "pp_of_term ` ?S  dgrad_set d m"
  proof (rule subset_trans)
    from assms(2) show "pp_of_term ` Keys G  dgrad_set d m" by (auto simp: dgrad_p_set_def Keys_def)
  ultimately have "is_red (reduced_GB ?G) = is_red ?G" by (rule is_red_reduced_GB_monomial_dgrad_set)
  also from assms(3) have " = is_red G" by (rule is_red_monomial_lt)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma reduced_GB_monomial_lt_reduced_GB_dgrad_p_set:
  assumes "finite (component_of_term ` Keys F)" and "F  dgrad_p_set d m"
  shows "reduced_GB (monomial 1 ` lt ` reduced_GB F) = monomial (1::'b::field) ` lt ` reduced_GB F"
proof (rule reduced_GB_unique)
  let ?G = "reduced_GB F"
  let ?F = "monomial (1::'b) ` lt ` ?G"

  from dgrad assms have "0  ?G" and ar: "is_auto_reduced ?G" and "finite ?G"
    by (rule reduced_GB_nonzero_dgrad_p_set, rule reduced_GB_is_auto_reduced_dgrad_p_set,
        rule finite_reduced_GB_dgrad_p_set)
  from this(3) show "finite ?F" by (intro finite_imageI)

  show "is_reduced_GB ?F" unfolding is_reduced_GB_def
  proof (intro conjI monomial_set_is_GB)
    show "is_monomial_set ?F" by (auto intro!: is_monomial_setI monomial_is_monomial)
    show "is_monic_set ?F" by (simp add: is_monic_set_def)
    show "0  ?F" by (auto simp: monomial_0_iff)
    show "is_auto_reduced ?F" unfolding is_auto_reduced_def
    proof (intro ballI notI)
      fix f
      assume "f  ?F"
      then obtain g where "g  ?G" and f: "f = monomial 1 (lt g)" by blast
      assume "is_red (?F - {f}) f"
      then obtain f' v where "f'  ?F - {f}" and "v  keys f" and "f'  0" and adds1: "lt f' addst v"
        by (rule is_red_addsE)
      from this(1) have "f'  ?F" and "f'  f" by simp_all
      from this(1) obtain g' where "g'  ?G" and f': "f' = monomial 1 (lt g')" by blast
      from v  keys f have v: "v = lt g" by (simp add: f)
      from ar g  ?G have "¬ is_red (?G - {g}) g" by (rule is_auto_reducedD)
      moreover have "is_red (?G - {g}) g"
      proof (rule is_red_addsI)
        from g'  ?G f'  f show "g'  ?G - {g}" by (auto simp: f f')
        from g'  ?G 0  ?G show "g'  0" by blast
        from g  ?G 0  ?G have "g  0" by blast
        thus "lt g  keys g" by (rule lt_in_keys)
        from adds1 show adds2: "lt g' addst lt g" by (simp add: v f' lt_monomial)
      ultimately show False ..
qed (fact refl)


end (* gd_term *)

end (* theory *)