Theory Conservation

(*  Title:       An Efficient Generalization of Counting Sort for Large, possibly Infinite Key Ranges
    Author:      Pasquale Noce
                 Software Engineer at HID Global, Italy
                 pasquale dot noce dot lavoro at gmail dot com
                 pasquale dot noce at hidglobal dot com

section "Proof of objects' conservation"

theory Conservation

text ‹

In this section, it is formally proven that GCsort \emph{conserves objects}, viz. that the objects'
list returned by function @{const gcsort} contains as many occurrences of any given object as the
input objects' list.

Here below, steps 5, 6, and 7 of the proof method are accomplished. Particularly, @{text count_inv}
is the predicate that will be shown to be invariant over inductive set @{const gcsort_set}.


fun count_inv :: "('a  nat)  nat × nat list × 'a list  bool" where
"count_inv f (u, ns, xs) = (x. count (mset xs) x = f x)"

lemma gcsort_count_input:
 "count_inv (count (mset xs)) (0, [length xs], xs)"
by simp

lemma gcsort_count_intro:
 "count_inv f t  count (mset (gcsort_out t)) x = f x"
by (cases t, simp add: gcsort_out_def)

text ‹

The main task to be accomplished to prove that GCsort conserves objects is to prove that so does
function @{const fill} in case its input offsets' list is computed via the composition of functions
@{const offs} and @{const enum}, as happens within function @{const round}.

To achieve this result, a multi-step strategy will be adopted. The first step, addressed here below,
opens with the definition of predicate @{text offs_pred}, satisfied by an offsets' list $ns$ and an
objects' list $xs$ just in case each bucket delimited by $ns$ is sufficiently large to accommodate
the corresponding objects in $xs$. Then, lemma @{text offs_pred_cons} shows that this predicate, if
satisfied initially, keeps being true if each object in $xs$ is consumed as happens within function
@{const fill}, viz. increasing the corresponding offset in $ns$ by one.


definition offs_num :: "nat  'a list  ('a, 'b) index_sign 
  ('a  'b)  'b  'b  nat  nat" where
"offs_num n xs index key mi ma i 
  length [xxs. index key x n mi ma = i]"

abbreviation offs_set_next :: "nat list  'a list  ('a, 'b) index_sign 
  ('a  'b)  'b  'b  nat  nat set" where
"offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma i 
  {k. k < length ns  i < k  0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma k}"

abbreviation offs_set_prev :: "nat list  'a list  ('a, 'b) index_sign 
  ('a  'b)  'b  'b  nat  nat set" where
"offs_set_prev ns xs index key mi ma i 
  {k. i < length ns  k < i  0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma k}"

definition offs_next :: "nat list  nat  'a list  ('a, 'b) index_sign 
  ('a  'b)  'b  'b  nat  nat" where
"offs_next ns ub xs index key mi ma i 
  if offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma i = {}
  then ub else ns ! Min (offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma i)"

definition offs_none :: "nat list  nat  'a list  ('a, 'b) index_sign 
  ('a  'b)  'b  'b  nat  bool" where
"offs_none ns ub xs index key mi ma i 
  (j < length ns. 0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j 
    i  {ns ! j + offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j..<
      offs_next ns ub xs index key mi ma j}) 
  offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma 0 = 0 
    i < offs_next ns ub xs index key mi ma 0 
  0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma 0 
    i < ns ! 0"

definition offs_pred :: "nat list  nat  'a list  ('a, 'b) index_sign 
  ('a  'b)  'b  'b  bool" where
"offs_pred ns ub xs index key mi ma 
  i < length ns. offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i 
    offs_next ns ub xs index key mi ma i - ns ! i"

lemma offs_num_cons:
 "offs_num n (x # xs) index key mi ma i =
   (if index key x n mi ma = i then Suc else id) (offs_num n xs index key mi ma i)"
by (simp add: offs_num_def)

lemma offs_next_prev:
 "(0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i 
    offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma i  {} 
    Min (offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma i) = j) =
  (0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j 
    offs_set_prev ns xs index key mi ma j  {} 
    Max (offs_set_prev ns xs index key mi ma j) = i)"
  (is "?P = ?Q")
proof (rule iffI; elim conjE)
  let ?A = "offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma i"
  let ?B = "offs_set_prev ns xs index key mi ma j"
    A: "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i" and
    B: "?A  {}" and
    C: "Min ?A = j"
  have "Min ?A  ?A"
    using B by (intro Min_in) auto
  hence D: "j  ?A"
    using C by simp
  hence E: "i  ?B"
    using A by simp
  show ?Q
  proof (intro conjI)
    show "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j"
      using D by simp
    show "?B  {}"
      using E by blast
    { fix k
      assume F: "k < j" and "j < length ns"
      hence "k < length ns" by simp
      moreover assume "¬ k  i" and "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma k"
      ultimately have "k  ?A" by simp
      hence "Min ?A  k"
        by (intro Min_le) auto
      hence False
        using C and F by simp
    with E show "Max ?B = i"
      by (intro Max_eqI) auto
  let ?A = "offs_set_prev ns xs index key mi ma j"
  let ?B = "offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma i"
    A: "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j" and
    B: "?A  {}" and
    C: "Max ?A = i"
  have "Max ?A  ?A"
    using B by (rule_tac Max_in, simp)
  hence D: "i  ?A"
    using C by simp
  hence E: "j  ?B"
    using A by simp
  show ?P
  proof (intro conjI)
    show "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i"
      using D by simp
    show "?B  {}"
      using E by blast
    { fix k
      assume "j < length ns" "¬ j  k" "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma k"
      hence "k  ?A" by simp
      hence "k  Max ?A"
        by (intro Max_ge) auto
      moreover assume "i < k"
      ultimately have False
        using C by simp 
    with E show "Min ?B = j"
      by (intro Min_eqI) auto

lemma offs_next_cons_eq:
    A: "index key x (length ns) mi ma = i" and
    B: "i < length ns" and
    C: "0 < offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma j" and
    D: "offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i = {} 
        Max (offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i)  j" (is "?P  ?Q")
   "offs_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) ub xs index key mi ma j =
      offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma j" 
proof (cases "j < i")
  let ?A = "offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i"
  let ?B = "offs_set_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) xs index key mi ma j"
  let ?C = "offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma j"
  case True
  hence j: "j  ?A"
    using B and C by simp
  hence "j  Max ?A"
    by (intro Max_ge) auto
  moreover have ?Q
    using j D by blast
  ultimately have E: "j < Max ?A"
    by simp
  have F: "Max ?A  ?A"
    using j by (intro Max_in) auto
  have G: "Max ?A  ?B"
  proof (simp, intro conjI)
    show "Max ?A < length ns"
      using F by auto
    show "j < Max ?A"
      using E .
    have "0 < offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma (Max ?A)"
      using F by blast
    moreover have "Max ?A < i"
      using F by blast
    ultimately show "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma (Max ?A)"
      using A by (simp add: offs_num_cons)
  hence H: "offs_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) ub xs index key mi ma j =
    ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)] ! Min ?B"
    by (simp only: offs_next_def split: if_split, blast)
  have "Min ?B  Max ?A"
    using G by (intro Min_le) auto
  moreover have "Max ?A < i"
    using F by blast
  ultimately have I: "Min ?B < i" by simp
  hence J: "offs_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) ub xs index key mi ma j =
    ns ! Min ?B"
    using H by simp
  have "Min ?B  ?B"
    using G by (intro Min_in) auto
  hence K: "Min ?B  ?C"
    using A and I by (simp add: offs_num_cons)
  hence L: "Min ?C  Min ?B"
    by (intro Min_le, simp)
  have "Min ?C  ?C"
    using K by (intro Min_in) auto
  moreover have "Min ?C < i"
    using L and I by simp
  ultimately have "Min ?C  ?B"
    using A by (simp add: offs_num_cons)
  hence "Min ?B  Min ?C"
    using G by (intro Min_le) auto
  hence "Min ?B = Min ?C"
    using L by simp
  moreover have "offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma j = ns ! Min ?C"
    using K by (simp only: offs_next_def split: if_split, blast)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using J by simp
  let ?A = "offs_set_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) xs index key mi ma j"
  let ?B = "offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma j"
  case False
  hence "?A = ?B"
    using A by (rule_tac set_eqI, simp add: offs_num_cons)
  { assume "?B  {}"
    hence "Min ?B  ?B"
      by (intro Min_in) auto
    hence "i < Min ?B"
      using False by simp
    hence "ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)] ! Min ?B = ns ! Min ?B" by simp 
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (force simp: offs_next_def)

lemma offs_next_cons_neq:
    A: "index key x (length ns) mi ma = i" and
    B: "offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i  {}" and
    C: "Max (offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i) = j"
  shows "offs_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) ub xs index key mi ma j =
    (if 0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i
     then Suc (ns ! i)
     else offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma i)"
proof (simp, intro conjI strip)
  let ?A = "offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma j"
  assume "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i"
  with A have "offs_set_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) xs index key mi ma j = ?A"
    by (force simp: offs_num_cons split: if_split_asm)
  moreover have "0 < offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma i"
    using A by (simp add: offs_num_def)
  hence "0 < offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma j  ?A  {}  Min ?A = i"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) ext offs_next_prev B C)
  ultimately show "offs_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) ub xs index key mi ma j =
    Suc (ns ! i)"
    using B by (force simp: offs_next_def)
  let ?A = "offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i"
  assume "offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i = 0"
  {  fix k
    have "i < length ns"
      using B by blast
    moreover assume "i  k" "¬ i < k" "j < k"
    hence "k < i" by simp
    moreover assume "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma k"
    ultimately have "k  ?A"
      by (simp add: offs_num_cons)
    hence "k  Max ?A"
      by (intro Max_ge) auto
    with C j<k have False by simp
  { fix k assume "i < k" 
    have "Max ?A  ?A"
      using B by (rule_tac Max_in, simp_all)
    with i<k C have "j < k"
      using order.strict_trans by blast
  ultimately have "offs_set_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) xs index key mi ma j =
    offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i"
    by (auto simp: offs_num_cons A)
  { assume "offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i  {}"
    hence "Min (offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i)
       offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i"
      by (intro Min_in) auto
    hence "i  Min (offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i)" by simp
  ultimately show "offs_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) ub xs index key mi ma j =
    offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma i"
    using B  by (force simp: offs_next_def)

lemma offs_pred_ub_aux [rule_format]:
  assumes A: "offs_pred ns ub xs index key mi ma"
  shows "i < length ns; j < length ns; i  j; 
          0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j 
      ns ! j + offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j  ub"
proof (induction arbitrary: j rule: strict_inc_induct)
  case (base i)
  hence "offs_num (Suc i) xs index key mi ma i 
    offs_next ns ub xs index key mi ma i - ns ! i"
    using A by (simp add: offs_pred_def)
  moreover have "offs_next ns ub xs index key mi ma i = ub"
    using base by (simp add: offs_next_def)
  ultimately have "offs_num (Suc i) xs index key mi ma i  ub - ns ! i" by simp
  with base show ?case
    by (force simp: le_less_Suc_eq)
  case (step i)
  hence "offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j 
    offs_next ns ub xs index key mi ma j - ns ! j"
    using A by (simp add: offs_pred_def)
  moreover have "offs_next ns ub xs index key mi ma j  ub"
    proof (simp only: offs_next_def split: if_split, rule conjI, simp, rule impI)
    let ?A = "offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma j"
    assume "?A  {}"
    hence "Min ?A  ?A"
      by (intro Min_in) auto
    hence "ns ! Min ?A + offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma (Min ?A)  ub"
      using step by simp
    thus "ns ! Min ?A  ub" by simp
  ultimately have "offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j  ub - ns ! j"
    by simp
  with step.prems show ?case by linarith

lemma offs_pred_ub:
 "offs_pred ns ub xs index key mi ma; i < length ns;
   0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i 
     ns ! i + offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i  ub"
  by (simp add: nat_le_linear offs_pred_ub_aux)

lemma offs_pred_asc_aux [rule_format]:
  assumes A: "offs_pred ns ub xs index key mi ma"
  shows "i < length ns; k < length ns; i  j; j < k;
      0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j;
      0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma k 
      ns ! j + offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j  ns ! k"
proof (induction arbitrary: j rule: strict_inc_induct)
  case (base i)
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (step i)
  hence "j < length ns" by simp
  hence "offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j 
    offs_next ns ub xs index key mi ma j - ns ! j"
    using A by (simp add: offs_pred_def)
  have "offs_next ns ub xs index key mi ma j  ns ! k"
  proof (simp only: offs_next_def split: if_split, rule conjI, rule_tac [!] impI,
   rule ccontr, simp)
    assume "n > j. n < length ns 
      offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma n = 0"
    thus False
      using step.prems by presburger
    let ?A = "offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma j"
    have G: "k  ?A"
      by (simp add: step.prems(1,3,5))
    hence "Min ?A  k"
      by (intro Min_le) auto
    hence "Min ?A < k  Min ?A = k"
      by (simp add: le_less)
    moreover {
      assume "Min ?A < k"
      moreover have "Min ?A  ?A"
        using G by (intro Min_in) auto
      ultimately have "ns ! Min ?A < ns ! k"
        using step
        by (smt (verit) add_diff_cancel_left' add_leD1 diff_is_0_eq' less_eq_Suc_le
            mem_Collect_eq nat_less_le order_le_less_trans)
    moreover {
      assume "Min ?A = k"
      hence "ns ! Min ?A = ns ! k" by simp
    ultimately show "ns ! Min ?A  ns ! k"
      by (simp add: le_less, blast)
  ultimately show ?case
    using step.prems(4) by linarith

lemma offs_pred_asc:
 "offs_pred ns ub xs index key mi ma; i < j; j < length ns;
   0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i;
   0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j 
     ns ! i + offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i  ns ! j"
  by (metis gr_zeroI not_less_zero offs_pred_asc_aux zero_le)

lemma offs_pred_next:
    A: "offs_pred ns ub xs index key mi ma" and
    B: "i < length ns" and
    C: "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i"
  shows "ns ! i < offs_next ns ub xs index key mi ma i"
proof -
  have "ns ! i < ub"
    using A B C offs_pred_ub by fastforce
  { assume "offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma i  {}"
    hence "Min (offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma i)
     offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma i"
      by (intro Min_in) auto
    hence "ns ! i + offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i 
    ns ! Min (offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma i)"
      using C by (rule_tac offs_pred_asc [OF A], simp_all)
    hence "ns ! i < ns ! Min (offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma i)"
      using C by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: offs_next_def)

lemma offs_pred_next_cons_less:
    A: "offs_pred ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma" and
    B: "index key x (length ns) mi ma = i" and
    C: "offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i  {}" and
    D: "Max (offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i) = j"
  shows "offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma j <
    offs_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) ub xs index key mi ma j"
  (is "?M < ?N")
proof -
  have E: "0 < offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma i"
    using B by (simp add: offs_num_cons)
  hence "0 < offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma j 
    offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma j  {} 
    Min (offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma j) = i"
    using C and D by (subst offs_next_prev, simp)
  hence F: "?M = ns ! i"
    by (simp only: offs_next_def, simp)
  have "?N = (if 0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i
    then Suc (ns ! i)
    else offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma i)"
    using B and C and D by (rule offs_next_cons_neq)
  thus ?thesis
  proof (split if_split_asm)
    assume "?N = Suc (ns ! i)"
    thus ?thesis
      using F by simp
    assume "?N = offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma i"
    moreover have "ns ! i < offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma i"
      using C by (rule_tac offs_pred_next [OF A _ E], blast)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using F by simp

lemma offs_pred_next_cons:
    A: "offs_pred ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma" and
    B: "index key x (length ns) mi ma = i" and
    C: "i < length ns" and
    D: "0 < offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma j"
  shows "offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma j 
    offs_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) ub xs index key mi ma j"
  (is "?M  ?N")
proof -
  let ?o = "offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i"
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "?o  {}  Max ?o = j")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: A B less_or_eq_imp_le offs_pred_next_cons_less)
    case False
    hence "?N = ?M"
      by (rule_tac offs_next_cons_eq [OF B C D], blast)
    then show ?thesis
      by simp      

lemma offs_pred_cons:
    A: "offs_pred ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma" and
    B: "index key x (length ns) mi ma = i" and
    C: "i < length ns"
  shows "offs_pred (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) ub xs index key mi ma"
  using A unfolding offs_pred_def
proof clarsimp
  let ?ns' = "ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]"
  fix j
   "j < length ns. offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma j 
      offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma j - ns ! j" and
   "j < length ns"
  hence D: "offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma j 
    offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma j - ns ! j"
    by simp
  show "offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j 
    offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma j - ?ns' ! j"
  proof (cases "j = i")
    case True
    hence "offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i 
      offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma i - Suc (ns ! i)"
      using B and D by (simp add: offs_num_cons)
    moreover have "offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma i 
      offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma i"
      using B by (simp add: A C offs_num_cons offs_pred_next_cons)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using C True by fastforce
    case False
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j")
      case True
      have "offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j 
      offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma j - ns ! j"
        using j  i B D by (simp add: offs_num_cons)
      have "offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma j 
            offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma j"
        by (simp add: A B C True offs_num_cons offs_pred_next_cons)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using False by fastforce
    qed auto

text ‹

The next step consists of proving, as done in lemma @{text fill_count_item} in what follows, that if
certain conditions hold, particularly if offsets' list $ns$ and objects' list $xs$ satisfy predicate
@{const offs_pred}, then function @{const fill} conserves objects if called using $xs$ and $ns$ as
its input arguments.

This lemma is proven by induction on $xs$. Hence, lemma @{thm [source] offs_pred_cons}, proven in
the previous step, is used to remove the antecedent containing predicate @{const offs_pred} from the
induction hypothesis, which has the form of an implication.


lemma offs_next_zero:
    A: "i < length ns" and
    B: "offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i = 0" and
    C: "offs_set_prev ns xs index key mi ma i = {}"
  shows "offs_next ns ub xs index key mi ma 0 = offs_next ns ub xs index key mi ma i"
proof -
  have "offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma 0 = offs_set_next ns xs index key mi ma i"
    by (metis (lifting) A B C emptyE linorder_neqE_nat mem_Collect_eq
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding offs_next_def by presburger

lemma offs_next_zero_cons_eq:
    A: "index key x (length ns) mi ma = i" and
    B: "offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma 0 = 0" and
    C: "offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i  {}"
      (is "?A  _")
  shows "offs_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) ub xs index key mi ma 0 =
    offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma 0"
proof -
  have D: "Min ?A  ?A"
    using C by (intro Min_in) auto
  moreover have E: "0 < Min ?A"
  proof (cases "Min ?A = 0")
    case True
    hence "offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma (Min ?A) = 0"
      using B by simp
    moreover have "0 < offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma (Min ?A)"
      using D by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis by simp
  qed auto
  ultimately have *: "Min ?A  offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma 0"
    (is "_  ?B")
    by auto
  have "Min ?B = Min ?A"
  proof (subst Min_eq_iff)
    show "?B  {}"
      using * by auto
    show "finite ?B"
      by auto
  qed (use "*" D nle_le in fastforce)
  moreover have **: "Min ?A  offs_set_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) xs index key mi ma 0"
    (is "_  ?C")
    using D E by (force simp add: offs_num_cons A [symmetric])
  have §: "Min ?A  j" 
    if "j < length ns" "0 < j" "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j" 
    for j
  proof -
    have "i < length ns"
      using D by simp
    moreover have "Min ?A < i"
      using D by auto
    moreover have "0 < offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma j"
      using that by (simp add: offs_num_cons)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using nle_le by fastforce
  have "Min ?C = Min ?A"
  proof (subst Min_eq_iff)
    show "?C  {}"
      using ** by auto
    show  "finite ?C"
      by auto
  qed (use * ** § E in auto)
  moreover have "Min ?A < i"
    using D by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (force simp: offs_next_def)

lemma offs_next_zero_cons_neq:
    A: "index key x (length ns) mi ma = i" and
    B: "i < length ns" and
    C: "0 < i" and
    D: "offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i = {}"
  shows "offs_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) ub xs index key mi ma 0 =
    (if 0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i
     then Suc (ns ! i)
     else offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma i)"
proof (cases "offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i = 0")
  case True
  let ?ns' = "ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]"
  have "offs_set_prev ?ns' xs index key mi ma i = {}"
    using D by (simp add: offs_num_cons split: if_split_asm, blast)
  with True have "offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma 0 =
    offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma i"
    using B by (rule_tac offs_next_zero, simp_all)
  moreover have "offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma i =
    offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma i"
    using A B D by (simp add: offs_next_cons_eq offs_num_cons)
  ultimately show  ?thesis
    by (simp add: True)
  case False
  let ?ns' = "ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]"
  have "offs_set_next ?ns' xs index key mi ma 0 =
    offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma 0"
    using A False by (auto simp: offs_num_cons split: if_split_asm)
  moreover have i: "i  offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma 0"
    using A and B and C by (simp add: offs_num_cons)
  moreover have "Min (offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma 0) = i"
  proof -
    have "offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma 0  {}"
      using i by blast
    then show ?thesis
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) Collect_empty_eq D Min.coboundedI Min_in
          bounded_nat_set_is_finite i leI mem_Collect_eq nle_le)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using False by (force simp: offs_next_def)

lemma offs_pred_zero_cons_less:
    A: "offs_pred ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma" and
    B: "index key x (length ns) mi ma = i" and
    C: "i < length ns" and
    D: "0 < i" and
    E: "offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i = {}"
  shows "offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma 0 <
         offs_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) ub xs index key mi ma 0"
  (is "?M < ?N")
proof -
  have i: "i  offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma 0"
    using B and C and D by (simp add: offs_num_cons)
  moreover have "Min (offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma 0) = i"
  proof (intro Min_eqI)
    show "y. y  offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma 0  i  y"
      using C E by (fastforce simp: linorder_not_less)
  qed (use i in force)+
  ultimately have F: "?M = ns ! i"
    by (metis (lifting) ext emptyE offs_next_def)
  have "?N = (if 0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma i
              then Suc (ns ! i)
              else offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma i)"
    using B C D E by (rule offs_next_zero_cons_neq)
  thus ?thesis
  proof (split if_split_asm)
    assume "?N = Suc (ns ! i)"
    thus ?thesis
      using F by simp
    assume "?N = offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma i"
    moreover have "ns ! i < offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma i"
      using B by (rule_tac offs_pred_next [OF A C], simp add: offs_num_cons)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using F by simp

lemma offs_pred_zero_cons:
    A: "offs_pred ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma" and
    B: "index key x (length ns) mi ma = i" and
    C: "i < length ns" and
    D: "offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma 0 = 0"
  shows "offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma 0 
    offs_next (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) ub xs index key mi ma 0"
  (is "?M  ?N")
proof (cases "offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i = {}")
  case True
  have "0 < i"
    by (metis (full_types) B D gr0I offs_num_cons zero_less_Suc)
  hence "?M < ?N"
    using True and B by (rule_tac offs_pred_zero_cons_less [OF A _ C])
  thus ?thesis by simp
  case False
  thus ?thesis
    using offs_next_zero_cons_eq [OF B D] by simp

lemma replicate_count: "count (mset (replicate n x)) x = n"
  by simp

lemma fill_none:
  assumes A: "index_less index key"
  assumes *: "(x  set xs. key x  {})"
             "ns  []"
             "offs_pred ns ub xs index key mi ma"
             "offs_none ns ub xs index key mi ma i"  
  shows "fill xs ns index key ub mi ma ! i = None"
  using *
proof (induction xs arbitrary: ns)
  case Nil
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: offs_none_def offs_num_def offs_next_def)
  case (Cons x xs ns)
  define i' where "i'  index key x (length ns) mi ma"
  let ?ns' = "ns[i' := Suc (ns ! i')]"
  have E: "i' < length ns"
    using Cons A by (simp add: index_less_def i'_def)
  hence "offs_pred ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma"
    by (metis Cons.prems(3) i'_def offs_pred_cons)
  hence F: "offs_none ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma i 
      fill xs ?ns' index key ub mi ma ! i = None"
    using Cons by fastforce
  have "(fill xs ?ns' index key ub mi ma)[ns ! i' := Some x] ! i = None"
    using Cons.prems(4) unfolding offs_none_def
  proof (elim exE disjE conjE insertE)
    fix j :: nat
    assume j: "j < length ns"
      and 0: "0 < offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma j"
      and i: "i  {ns ! j + offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma j..<offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma j}"
    then have D: "i < offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma j"
      "ns ! j + offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma j  i"
      by auto
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "i'=j")
      case True
      with i
      have I: "Suc (ns ! j + offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j)  i"
        by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) atLeastLessThan_iff i'_def nat_arith.suc1
      have 1: "?ns' ! j + offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j  i"
        using True and j and I by simp
      have "0 < offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma j"
        using True by (simp add: i'_def offs_num_cons)
      hence "offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma j 
        offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma j"
        by (metis Cons.prems(3) True i'_def j offs_pred_next_cons)
      hence 2: "i < offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma j"
        using D by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j")
        case True
        with 1 2 
        have "fill xs ?ns' index key ub mi ma ! i = None"
          apply (intro F)
          using j  atLeastLessThan_iff length_list_update 
          by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) add_Suc_right offs_none_def)
        thus ?thesis
          using i'=j I by auto
        case FLS: False
        show ?thesis 
        proof (cases "offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma j = {}")
          case False
          let ?j' = "Max (offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma j)"
          have EE: "?j'  offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma j"
            using False by (intro Max_in, simp)
          hence L: "?j' < length ns  ?j' < j  0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma ?j'"
            using i'=j True by (clarsimp simp add: i'_def) (simp add: offs_num_cons)
          moreover have "ns ! ?j' + offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma ?j'  ns ! j"
            using Cons offs_pred_asc 0 EE by fastforce
          hence "?ns' ! ?j' + offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma ?j'  ns ! j"
            by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) True calculation i'_def id_apply nat_less_le
                nth_list_update_neq offs_num_cons)
          hence DD: "?ns' ! ?j' + offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma ?j'  i"
            using I by simp
          moreover have M: "offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j = 0"
            using FLS by blast
          have "offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma ?j' = offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma j"
            using False True M i'_def
              offs_next_cons_neq[of index key x ns mi ma i' xs
                "Max (offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma i')" ub]
            by auto
          hence "i < offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma ?j'"
            using D(1) by presburger
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using F I True DD by (force simp add: offs_none_def)
          case True
          have L: "offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j = 0"
            using FLS by simp
          have M: "offs_set_prev ?ns' xs index key mi ma j = {}"
            using True i'=j by (simp add: i'_def offs_num_cons)
          moreover have N: "offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma 0 = offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma j"
            using j L M  by (simp add: offs_next_zero)
          have "offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma j = offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma j"
            using i'=j j True by (simp add: "0" i'_def offs_next_cons_eq)
          hence "i < offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma 0"
            using N "2" by presburger
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using F i'=j offs_none_def "1" j by fastforce 
      case False
      show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j = 0")
        case True
        with i'  j show ?thesis
          by (metis (full_types) "0" bot_nat_0.not_eq_extremum i'_def id_apply
        case False
        then have K: "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j"
          by simp
        have I: "ns ! j + offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma j  i" 
          by (smt (verit, del_insts) D(2) add_Suc_right order.refl order.trans
              id_apply le_Suc_eq offs_num_cons)
        have False if "ns ! i' = i"
        proof (cases "i' < j")
          case True
          hence "i < ns ! j"
            using j K offs_pred_asc [OF Cons.prems(3)]
            by (smt (verit, best) "0" I add_leD1 i'_def le_add1 less_nat_zero_code
                nat_add_left_cancel_le nat_less_le not_add_less1 offs_num_cons that
          thus False
            using I by simp
          case False
          then have "j < i'"
            using I K linorder_less_linear that by fastforce
          hence L: "i'  offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma j" (is "_  ?A")
            using E by (simp add: i'_def offs_num_cons)
          hence "Min ?A < i'  Min ?A = i'"
            by (simp add: order_le_imp_less_or_eq)
          hence "ns ! Min ?A  ns ! i'"
            assume "Min ?A < i'"
            moreover have "Min ?A  ?A"
              using L by (intro Min_in) auto
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using Cons.prems E L offs_pred_asc by fastforce
          qed auto
          hence "offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma j  ns ! i'"
            using L by (simp only: offs_next_def split: if_split, blast)
          then show ?thesis
            using D(1) that by auto
        have "offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma j  offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma j"
          by (metis "0" Cons.prems(3) E i'_def offs_pred_next_cons)
        hence "i < offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma j"
          using D by linarith
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using F i'j j I False by (force simp add: offs_none_def)
    assume 0: "offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma 0 = 0"
      and I: "i < offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma 0"
    then have G: "0 < i'"
      by (simp add: i'_def offs_num_cons split: if_split_asm)
    have H: "offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma 0 = 0"
      by (metis (full_types, lifting) Zero_not_Suc 0 id_apply offs_num_cons) 
    have "ns ! i'  i"
      have §: "0 < offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma i'"
        by (simp add: i'_def offs_num_cons)
      hence L: "i'  offs_set_next ns (x # xs) index key mi ma 0" (is "_  ?A")
        using E G by simp
      hence "Min ?A < i'  Min ?A = i'"
        by (simp add: order_le_imp_less_or_eq)
      hence "ns ! Min ?A  ns ! i'"
        assume "Min ?A < i'"
        moreover have "Min ?A  ?A"
          using L by (intro Min_in) auto
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using  E § offs_pred_asc Cons.prems(3) by fastforce
      qed auto
      hence "offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma 0  ns ! i'"
        using L by (simp only: offs_next_def split: if_split, blast)
      moreover assume "ns ! i' = i"
      ultimately show False
        using I by simp
    moreover have "offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma 0 
        offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma 0"
      using Cons.prems(3) E i'_def offs_pred_next_cons offs_pred_zero_cons
      by (metis bot_nat_0.not_eq_extremum)
    ultimately show "(fill xs ?ns' index key ub mi ma) [ns ! i' := Some x] ! i = None"
      using F H I offs_none_def by fastforce
      H: "0 < offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma 0" and
      I: "i < ns ! 0"
    have "offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma i'
         offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma i' - ns ! i'"
      by (meson Cons.prems(3) E offs_pred_def)
    with E H I have **: "offs_none (ns[i' := Suc (ns ! i')]) ub xs index key mi ma i"
      using Cons.prems 
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) neq0_conv i'_def lessI nless_le
          nth_list_update_eq nth_list_update_neq offs_none_def offs_pred_next
          offs_pred_next_cons order_le_less_trans)
    have "ns ! i'  i"
      using Cons.prems E H I 
      apply (simp add: i'_def)
      by (smt (verit, best) add_leD1 neq0_conv leD nat_neq_iff
          offs_num_cons offs_pred_asc zero_less_Suc)
    then show "(fill xs ?ns' index key ub mi ma)[ns ! i' := Some x] ! i = None"
      using Cons.prems F[OF **] by force 
  then show ?case
    by (metis fill.simps(2) i'_def)

lemma fill_index_none [rule_format]:
    A: "index_less index key" and
    B: "key x  {}" and
    C: "ns  []" and
    D: "offs_pred ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma"
  shows "x  set xs. key x  {} 
    fill xs (ns[(index key x (length ns) mi ma) :=
      Suc (ns ! index key x (length ns) mi ma)]) index key ub mi ma !
        (ns ! index key x (length ns) mi ma) = None"
  (is "_  fill _ ?ns' _ _ _ _ _ ! (_ ! ?i) = _")
  using A and B and C and D
proof (intro fill_none, simp_all, intro offs_pred_cons,
 simp_all, simp add: index_less_def, cases "0 < ?i",
 cases "offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma ?i = {}",
 case_tac [3] "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma 0")
    E: "0 < ?i" and
    F: "offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma ?i = {}"
  have G: "?i < length ns"
    using A and B and C by (simp add: index_less_def)
  hence "offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma 0 = 0"
    using E F by simp
  hence "offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma 0 = 0"
    by (simp add: offs_num_cons split: if_split_asm)
  moreover have "offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma 0 =
   (if 0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma ?i
    then Suc (ns ! ?i)
    else offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma ?i)"
    using E and F and G by (intro offs_next_zero_cons_neq, simp_all)
  hence "ns ! ?i < offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma 0"
    by (simp split: if_split_asm, intro offs_pred_next [OF D G], simp add:
  ultimately show "offs_none ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma (ns ! ?i)"
    by (simp add: offs_none_def)
    E: "0 < ?i" and
    F: "offs_set_prev ns (x # xs) index key mi ma ?i  {}"
      (is "?A  _")
  have G: "?i < length ns"
    using A and B and C by (simp add: index_less_def)
  have H: "Max ?A  ?A"
    using F by (intro Max_in, simp)
  hence I: "Max ?A < ?i" by blast
  have "Max ?A < length ns"
    using H by auto
  moreover have "0 < offs_num (length ns) (x # xs) index key mi ma (Max ?A)"
    using H by auto
  hence "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma (Max ?A)"
    using I by (subst (asm) offs_num_cons, split if_split_asm, simp_all)
  moreover have "ns ! Max ?A + offs_num (length ns) (x # xs)
    index key mi ma (Max ?A)  ns ! ?i"
    using G and H by (intro offs_pred_asc [OF D], simp_all add: offs_num_cons)
  hence "?ns' ! Max ?A + offs_num (length ns) xs
    index key mi ma (Max ?A)  ns ! ?i"
    using I by (simp add: offs_num_cons)
  moreover have "offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma (Max ?A) =
   (if 0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma ?i
    then Suc (ns ! ?i)
    else offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma ?i)"
    using F and I by (intro offs_next_cons_neq, simp_all)
  hence "ns ! ?i < offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma (Max ?A)"
    by (simp split: if_split_asm, intro offs_pred_next [OF D G], simp add:
  ultimately show "offs_none ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma (ns ! ?i)"
    by (simp add: offs_none_def, blast)
  assume "0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma 0" and "¬ 0 < ?i"
  moreover have "?i < length ns"
    using A and B and C by (simp add: index_less_def)
  ultimately show "offs_none ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma (ns ! ?i)"
    by (simp add: offs_none_def)
    E: "¬ 0 < ?i" and
    F: "¬ 0 < offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma 0"
  have G: "?i < length ns"
    using A and B and C by (simp add: index_less_def)
  have "offs_num (length ns) xs index key mi ma 0 = 0"
    using F by simp
  moreover have "offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma ?i =
    offs_next ns ub (x # xs) index key mi ma ?i"
    using E and G by (intro offs_next_cons_eq, simp_all add: offs_num_cons)
  hence "ns ! ?i < offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma ?i"
    by (simp, intro offs_pred_next [OF D G], simp add: offs_num_cons)
  hence "ns ! ?i < offs_next ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma 0"
    using E by simp
  ultimately show "offs_none ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma (ns ! ?i)"
    by (simp add: offs_none_def)

lemma fill_count_item [rule_format]:
  assumes A: "index_less index key"
   "(x  set xs. key x  {}) 
    ns  [] 
    offs_pred ns ub xs index key mi ma 
    length xs  ub 
      count (mset (map the (fill xs ns index key ub mi ma))) x =
      count (mset xs) x + (if the None = x then ub - length xs else 0)"
proof (induction xs arbitrary: ns, simp add: replicate_count, (rule impI)+,
 simp add: Let_def map_update del: count_add_mset mset_map split del: if_split,
 (erule conjE)+, subst add_mset_add_single, simp only: count_single count_union)
  fix y xs and ns :: "nat list"
  let ?i = "index key y (length ns) mi ma"
  let ?ns' = "ns[?i := Suc (ns ! ?i)]"
    B: "x  set xs. mi  key x  key x  ma" and
    C: "mi  key y" and
    D: "key y  ma" and
    E: "ns  []" and
    F: "offs_pred ns ub (y # xs) index key mi ma" and
    G: "Suc (length xs)  ub"
  have H: "?i < length ns"
    using A and C and D and E by (simp add: index_less_def)
  assume "ns. ns  []  offs_pred ns ub xs index key mi ma 
    count (mset (map the (fill xs ns index key ub mi ma))) x =
    count (mset xs) x + (if the None = x then ub - length xs else 0)"
  moreover have "offs_pred ?ns' ub xs index key mi ma"
    using F and H by (intro offs_pred_cons, simp_all)
  ultimately have "count (mset (map the (fill xs ?ns' index key ub mi ma))) x =
    count (mset xs) x + (if the None = x then ub - length xs else 0)"
    using E by simp
  moreover have "ns ! ?i + offs_num (length ns) (y # xs)
    index key mi ma ?i  ub"
    using F and H by (rule offs_pred_ub, simp add: offs_num_cons)
  hence "ns ! ?i < ub"
    by (simp add: offs_num_cons)
  ultimately show "count (mset ((map the (fill xs ?ns' index key ub mi ma))
    [ns ! ?i := y])) x = count (mset xs) x + (if y = x then 1 else 0) +
    (if the None = x then ub - length (y # xs) else 0)"
  proof (subst mset_update, simp add: fill_length, subst add_mset_add_single, simp
   only: count_diff count_single count_union, subst nth_map, simp add: fill_length,
   subst add.assoc, subst (3) add.commute, subst add.assoc [symmetric],
   subst add_right_cancel)
    have "fill xs ?ns' index key ub mi ma ! (ns ! ?i) = None"
      using B and C and D and E by (intro fill_index_none [OF A _ _ F],
    thus "count (mset xs) x + (if the None = x then ub - length xs else 0) -
      (if the (fill xs ?ns' index key ub mi ma ! (ns ! ?i)) = x then 1 else 0) =
      count (mset xs) x + (if the None = x then ub - length (y # xs) else 0)"
      using G by simp

text ‹

Finally, lemma @{text offs_enum_pred} here below proves that, if $ns$ is the offsets' list obtained
by applying the composition of functions @{const offs} and @{const enum} to objects' list $xs$, then
predicate @{const offs_pred} is satisfied by $ns$ and $xs$.

This result is in turn used, together with lemma @{thm [source] fill_count_item}, to prove lemma
@{text fill_offs_enum_count_item}, which states that function @{const fill} conserves objects if its
input offsets' list is computed via the composition of functions @{const offs} and @{const enum}.


lemma enum_offs_num:
 "i < n  enum xs index key n mi ma ! i = offs_num n xs index key mi ma i"
by (induction xs, simp add: offs_num_def, simp add: Let_def offs_num_cons,
 subst nth_list_update_eq, simp_all add: enum_length)

lemma offs_length:
 "length (offs ns i) = length ns"
by (induction ns arbitrary: i, simp_all)

lemma offs_add [rule_format]:
 "i < length ns  offs ns k ! i = foldl (+) k (take i ns)"
by (induction ns arbitrary: i k, simp, simp add: nth_Cons split: nat.split)

lemma offs_mono_aux:
 "i  j  j < length ns  offs ns k ! i  offs ns k ! (i + (j - i))"
by (simp only: offs_add take_add, simp add: add_le)

lemma offs_mono:
 "i  j  j < length ns  offs ns k ! i  offs ns k ! j"
by (frule offs_mono_aux, simp_all)

lemma offs_update:
 "j < length ns 
    offs (ns[i := Suc (ns ! i)]) k ! j = (if j  i then id else Suc) (offs ns k ! j)"
by (simp add: offs_add not_le take_update_swap, rule impI, subst nth_take [symmetric],
 assumption, subst add_update, simp_all)

lemma offs_equal_suc:
    A: "Suc i < length ns" and
    B: "ns ! i = 0"
  shows "offs ns m ! i = offs ns m ! Suc i"
proof -
  have "offs ns m ! i = foldl (+) m (take i ns)"
    using A by (subst offs_add, simp_all)
  also have " = foldl (+) m (take i ns @ [ns ! i])"
    using B by simp
  also have " = foldl (+) m (take (Suc i) ns)"
    using A by (subst take_Suc_conv_app_nth, simp_all)
  also have " = offs ns m ! Suc i"
    using A by (subst offs_add, simp_all)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma offs_equal [rule_format]:
 "i < j  j < length ns 
    (k  {i..<j}. ns ! k = 0)  offs ns m ! i = offs ns m ! j"
proof (erule strict_inc_induct, rule_tac [!] impI, simp_all, erule offs_equal_suc, simp)
  fix i
  assume A: "i < j" and "j < length ns"
  hence "Suc i < length ns" by simp
  moreover assume "k  {i..<j}. ns ! k = 0"
  hence "ns ! i = 0"
    using A by simp
  ultimately have "offs ns m ! i = offs ns m ! Suc i"
    by (rule offs_equal_suc)
  also assume " = offs ns m ! j"
  finally show "offs ns m ! i = offs ns m ! j" .

lemma offs_enum_last [rule_format]:
    A: "index_less index key" and
    B: "0 < n" and
    C: "x  set xs. key x  {}"
  shows "offs (enum xs index key n mi ma) k ! (n - Suc 0) +
    offs_num n xs index key mi ma (n - Suc 0) = length xs + k"
proof -
  let ?ns = "enum xs index key n mi ma"
  from B have D: "last ?ns = offs_num n xs index key mi ma (n - Suc 0)"
    by (subst last_conv_nth, subst length_0_conv [symmetric], simp_all add:
     enum_length, subst enum_offs_num, simp_all)
  have "offs ?ns k ! (n - Suc 0) = foldl (+) k (take (n - Suc 0) ?ns)"
    using B by (intro offs_add, simp add: enum_length)
  also have " = foldl (+) k (butlast ?ns)"
    by (simp add: butlast_conv_take enum_length)
  finally have "offs ?ns k ! (n - Suc 0) + offs_num n xs index key mi ma
    (n - Suc 0) = foldl (+) k (butlast ?ns @ [last ?ns])"
    using D by simp
  also have " = foldl (+) k ?ns"
    using B by (subst append_butlast_last_id, subst length_0_conv [symmetric],
     simp_all add: enum_length)
  also have " = foldl (+) 0 ?ns + k"
    by (rule add_base_zero)
  also have " = length xs + k"
    using A and B and C by (subst enum_add, simp_all)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma offs_enum_ub [rule_format]:
    A: "index_less index key" and
    B: "i < n" and
    C: "x  set xs. key x  {}"
  shows "offs (enum xs index key n mi ma) k ! i  length xs + k"
proof -
  let ?ns = "enum xs index key n mi ma"
  have "offs ?ns k ! i  offs ?ns k ! (n - Suc 0)"
    using B by (intro offs_mono, simp_all add: enum_length)
  also have "  offs ?ns k ! (n - Suc 0) +
    offs_num n xs index key mi ma (n - Suc 0)"
    by simp
  also have " = length xs + k"
    using A and B and C by (intro offs_enum_last, simp_all)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma offs_enum_next_ge [rule_format]:
    A: "index_less index key" and
    B: "i < n"
  shows "x  set xs. key x  {} 
    offs (enum xs index key n mi ma) k ! i 
      offs_next (offs (enum xs index key n mi ma) k) (length xs + k)
        xs index key mi ma i"
  (is "_  offs ?ns _ ! _  _")
proof (simp only: offs_next_def split: if_split, rule conjI, rule_tac [!] impI,
 rule offs_enum_ub [OF A B], simp)
  assume "offs_set_next (offs ?ns k) xs index key mi ma i  {}"
    (is "?A  _")
  hence C: "Min ?A  ?A"
    by (intro Min_in, simp)
  hence "i  Min ?A" by simp
  moreover have "Min ?A < length ?ns"
    using C by (simp add: offs_length)
  ultimately show "offs ?ns k ! i  offs ?ns k ! Min ?A"
    by (rule offs_mono)

lemma offs_enum_zero_aux [rule_format]:
 "index_less index key; 0 < n; x  set xs. key x  {};
   offs_num n xs index key mi ma (n - Suc 0) = 0 
     offs (enum xs index key n mi ma) k ! (n - Suc 0) = length xs + k"
by (subst offs_enum_last [where key = key and mi = mi and ma = ma,
 symmetric], simp+)

lemma offs_enum_zero [rule_format]:
    A: "index_less index key" and
    B: "i < n" and
    C: "x  set xs. key x  {}" and
    D: "offs_num n xs index key mi ma i = 0"
  shows "offs (enum xs index key n mi ma) k ! i =
    offs_next (offs (enum xs index key n mi ma) k) (length xs + k)
      xs index key mi ma i"
proof (simp only: offs_next_def split: if_split, rule conjI, rule_tac [!] impI,
 cases "i = n - Suc 0", simp)
  assume "i = n - Suc 0"
  thus "offs (enum xs index key n mi ma) k ! (n - Suc 0) = length xs + k"
    using A and B and C and D by (intro offs_enum_zero_aux, simp_all)
  let ?ns = "enum xs index key n mi ma"
  assume E: "offs_set_next (offs ?ns k) xs index key mi ma i = {}"
    (is "?A = _")
  assume "i  n - Suc 0"
  hence F: "i < n - Suc 0"
    using B by simp
  hence "offs ?ns k ! i = offs ?ns k ! (n - Suc 0)"
  proof (rule offs_equal, simp_all add: enum_length le_less,
   erule_tac conjE, erule_tac disjE, rule_tac ccontr, drule_tac [2] sym, simp_all)
    fix j
    assume G: "j < n - Suc 0"
    hence "j < length (offs ?ns k)"
      by (simp add: offs_length enum_length)
    moreover assume "i < j"
    moreover assume "0 < ?ns ! j"
    hence "0 < offs_num (length (offs ?ns k)) xs index key mi ma j"
      using G by (subst (asm) enum_offs_num, simp_all add:
       offs_length enum_length)
    ultimately have "j  ?A" by simp
    thus False
      using E by simp
    show "?ns ! i = 0"
      using B and D by (subst enum_offs_num, simp_all)
  also from A and B and C have " = length xs + k"
  proof (rule_tac offs_enum_zero_aux, simp_all, rule_tac ccontr, simp)
    have "n - Suc 0 < length (offs ?ns k)"
      using B by (simp add: offs_length enum_length)
    moreover assume "0 < offs_num n xs index key mi ma (n - Suc 0)"
    hence "0 < offs_num (length (offs ?ns k)) xs index key mi ma (n - Suc 0)"
      by (simp add: offs_length enum_length)
    ultimately have "n - Suc 0  ?A"
      using F by simp
    thus False
      using E by simp
  finally show "offs (enum xs index key n mi ma) k ! i = length xs + k" .
  let ?ns = "enum xs index key n mi ma"
  assume "offs_set_next (offs ?ns k) xs index key mi ma i  {}"
    (is "?A  _")
  hence "Min ?A  ?A"
    by (intro Min_in, simp)
  thus "offs ?ns k ! i = offs ?ns k ! Min ?A"
  proof (rule_tac offs_equal, simp_all add: le_less, simp add: offs_length,
   (erule_tac conjE)+, erule_tac disjE, rule_tac ccontr, drule_tac [2] sym, simp_all)
    fix j
    assume E: "j < Min ?A" and "Min ?A < length (offs ?ns k)"
    hence F: "j < length (offs ?ns k)" by simp
    moreover assume "i < j"
    moreover assume "0 < ?ns ! j"
    hence "0 < offs_num (length (offs ?ns k)) xs index key mi ma j"
      using F by (subst (asm) enum_offs_num, simp_all add:
       offs_length enum_length)
    ultimately have "j  ?A" by simp
    hence "Min ?A  j"
      by (intro Min_le) auto
    thus False
      using E by simp
    show "?ns ! i = 0"
      using B and D by (subst enum_offs_num, simp_all)

lemma offs_enum_next_cons [rule_format]:
    A: "index_less index key" and
    B: "x  set xs. key x  {}"
  shows "(if i < index key x n mi ma then (≤) else (<))
    (offs_next (offs (enum xs index key n mi ma) k)
      (length xs + k) xs index key mi ma i)
    (offs_next (offs ((enum xs index key n mi ma) [index key x n mi ma :=
      Suc (enum xs index key n mi ma ! index key x n mi ma)]) k)
      (Suc (length xs + k)) (x # xs) index key mi ma i)"
  (is "(if i < ?i' then _ else _)
    (offs_next (offs ?ns _) _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
    (offs_next (offs ?ns' _) _ _ _ _ _ _ _)")
proof (simp_all only: offs_next_def not_less split: if_split, (rule conjI, rule impI)+,
 simp, simp, (rule_tac [!] impI, (rule_tac [!] conjI)?)+, rule_tac [2-3] FalseE,
 rule_tac [4] conjI, rule_tac [4-5] impI)
    C: "offs_set_next (offs ?ns k) xs index key mi ma i = {}"
      (is "?A = _") and
    D: "offs_set_next (offs ?ns' k) (x # xs) index key mi ma i  {}"
      (is "?A'  _") and
    E: "i < ?i'"
  from C have F: "j  ?i'. j  ?A'"
    by (simp add: enum_length offs_length offs_num_cons)
  from D have "Min ?A'  ?A'"
    by (intro Min_in, simp)
  hence G: "Min ?A' < n"
    by (simp add: offs_length enum_length)
  have H: "Min ?A' = ?i'"
  proof (rule Min_eqI, simp, rule eq_refl, erule contrapos_pp, insert F, simp)
    have "j. j  ?A'"
      using D by blast
    then obtain j where "j  ?A'" ..
    moreover from this have "j = ?i'"
      by (erule_tac contrapos_pp, insert F, simp)
    ultimately show "?i'  ?A'" by simp
  with G have "offs ?ns' k ! Min ?A' = offs ?ns k ! Min ?A'"
    by (subst offs_update, simp_all add: enum_length)
  also from A and B and G and H have
   " = offs_next (offs ?ns k) (length xs + k) xs index key mi ma (Min ?A')"
  proof (rule_tac offs_enum_zero, simp_all, rule_tac ccontr, simp)
    assume "?i' < n" and "0 < offs_num n xs index key mi ma ?i'"
    hence "?i'  ?A"
      using E by (simp add: offs_length enum_length)
    thus False
      using C by simp
  also have " = length xs + k"
  proof (simp only: offs_next_def split: if_split, rule conjI, simp, rule impI,
   rule FalseE, simp, erule exE, (erule conjE)+)
    fix j
    assume "j < length (offs ?ns k)"
    moreover assume "Min ?A' < j"
    hence "i < j"
      using E and H by simp
    moreover assume "0 < offs_num (length (offs ?ns k)) xs index key mi ma j"
    ultimately have "j  ?A" by simp
    thus False
      using C by simp
  finally show "length xs + k  offs ?ns' k ! Min ?A'" by simp
    C: "offs_set_next (offs ?ns k) xs index key mi ma i = {}"
      (is "?A = _") and
    D: "offs_set_next (offs ?ns' k) (x # xs) index key mi ma i  {}"
      (is "?A'  _") and
    E: "?i'  i"
  have "j. j  ?A'"
    using D by blast
  then obtain j where F: "j  ?A'" ..
  hence "j < length (offs ?ns k)"
    by (simp add: offs_length)
  moreover have "i < j"
    using F by simp
  moreover from this have
   "0 < offs_num (length (offs ?ns k)) xs index key mi ma j"
    using E and F by (simp add: offs_length enum_length offs_num_cons)
  ultimately have "j  ?A" by simp
  thus False
    using C by simp
    C: "offs_set_next (offs ?ns k) xs index key mi ma i  {}"
      (is "?A  _") and
    D: "offs_set_next (offs ?ns' k) (x # xs) index key mi ma i = {}"
      (is "?A' = _")
  have "j. j  ?A"
    using C by blast
  then obtain j where E: "j  ?A" ..
  hence "j < length (offs ?ns' k)"
    by (simp add: offs_length)
  moreover have "i < j"
    using E by simp
  moreover have "0 < offs_num (length (offs ?ns' k)) (x # xs) index key mi ma j"
    using E by (simp add: offs_length enum_length offs_num_cons)
  ultimately have "j  ?A'" by simp
  thus False
    using D by simp
  assume "offs_set_next (offs ?ns k) xs index key mi ma i  {}"
    (is "?A  _")
  hence "Min ?A  ?A"
    by (intro Min_in, simp)
  hence C: "Min ?A < n"
    by (simp add: offs_length enum_length)
  assume "offs_set_next (offs ?ns' k) (x # xs) index key mi ma i  {}"
    (is "?A'  _")
  hence D: "Min ?A'  ?A'"
    by (intro Min_in, simp)
  hence E: "Min ?A' < n"
    by (simp add: offs_length enum_length)
  have "offs ?ns k ! Min ?A  offs ?ns k ! Min ?A'"
  proof (cases "offs_num n xs index key mi ma (Min ?A') = 0")
    case True
    have "offs ?ns k ! Min ?A' =
      offs_next (offs ?ns k) (length xs + k) xs index key mi ma (Min ?A')"
      using A and B and E and True by (intro offs_enum_zero, simp_all)
    also from A and B and C have "  offs ?ns k ! Min ?A"
    proof (simp only: offs_next_def split: if_split, rule_tac conjI, rule_tac [!] impI,
     rule_tac offs_enum_ub, simp, simp, simp)
      assume "offs_set_next (offs ?ns k) xs index key mi ma (Min ?A')  {}"
        (is "?B  _")
      hence "Min ?B  ?B"
        by (intro Min_in, simp)
      hence "Min ?B  ?A"
        using D by simp
      moreover from this have "Min ?A  Min ?B"
        by (intro Min_le) auto
      ultimately show "offs ?ns k ! Min ?A  offs ?ns k ! Min ?B"
        by (intro offs_mono, simp_all add: offs_length)
    finally show ?thesis .
    case False
    hence "Min ?A'  ?A"
      using D by (simp add: offs_length enum_length)
    hence "Min ?A  Min ?A'"
      by (intro Min_le) auto
    thus ?thesis
      by (rule offs_mono, simp_all add: enum_length E)
  also have "  offs ?ns' k ! Min ?A'"
    using E by (subst offs_update, simp_all add: enum_length)
  finally show "offs ?ns k ! Min ?A  offs ?ns' k ! Min ?A'" .
  let ?A = "offs_set_next (offs ?ns k) xs index key mi ma i"
  assume "offs_set_next (offs ?ns' k) (x # xs) index key mi ma i  {}"
    (is "?A'  _")
  hence C: "Min ?A'  ?A'"
    by (intro Min_in, simp)
  hence D: "Min ?A' < n"
    by (simp add: offs_length enum_length)
  assume "?i'  i"
  hence E: "?i' < Min ?A'"
    using C by simp
  hence "0 < offs_num n xs index key mi ma (Min ?A')"
    using C by (simp add: offs_length enum_length offs_num_cons)
  hence "Min ?A'  ?A"
    using C by (simp add: offs_length enum_length)
  hence "Min ?A  Min ?A'"
    by (intro Min_le) auto
  hence "offs ?ns k ! Min ?A  offs ?ns k ! Min ?A'"
    by (rule offs_mono, simp_all add: enum_length D)
  also have " < offs ?ns' k ! Min ?A'"
    using E by (subst offs_update, simp_all add: enum_length D)
  finally show "offs ?ns k ! Min ?A < offs ?ns' k ! Min ?A'" .

lemma offs_enum_pred [rule_format]:
  assumes A: "index_less index key"
  shows "(x  set xs. key x  {}) 
    offs_pred (offs (enum xs index key n mi ma) k) (length xs + k)
      xs index key mi ma"
proof (induction xs, simp add: offs_pred_def offs_num_def,
 simp add: Let_def offs_pred_def offs_length enum_length, rule impI, (erule conjE)+,
 simp, rule allI, rule impI, erule allE, drule mp, assumption)
  fix x xs i
  let ?i' = "index key x n mi ma"
  let ?ns = "enum xs index key n mi ma"
  let ?ns' = "?ns[?i' := Suc (?ns ! ?i')]"
    B: "x  set xs. mi  key x  key x  ma" and
    C: "i < n" and
    D: "offs_num n xs index key mi ma i 
      offs_next (offs ?ns k) (length xs + k) xs index key mi ma i - offs ?ns k ! i"
  have E: "(if i < ?i' then (≤) else (<))
    (offs_next (offs ?ns k) (length xs + k) xs index key mi ma i)
    (offs_next (offs ?ns' k) (Suc (length xs + k)) (x # xs) index key mi ma i)"
    using A and B by (subst offs_enum_next_cons, simp_all)
  show "offs_num n (x # xs) index key mi ma i 
    offs_next (offs ?ns' k) (Suc (length xs + k)) (x # xs) index key mi ma i -
      offs ?ns' k ! i"
  proof (subst offs_update, simp add: enum_length C, rule linorder_cases [of i ?i'],
   simp_all add: offs_num_cons)
    assume "i < ?i'"
    hence "offs_next (offs ?ns k) (length xs + k) xs index key mi ma i 
      offs_next (offs ?ns' k) (Suc (length xs + k)) (x # xs) index key mi ma i"
      using E by simp
    thus "offs_num n xs index key mi ma i 
      offs_next (offs ?ns' k) (Suc (length xs + k)) (x # xs) index key mi ma i -
        offs ?ns k ! i"
      using D by arith
    assume F: "i = ?i'"
    hence "Suc (offs_num n xs index key mi ma ?i') 
      Suc (offs_next (offs ?ns k) (length xs + k) xs index key mi ma ?i' -
        offs ?ns k ! ?i')"
      using D by simp
    also from A and B and C and F have " =
      Suc (offs_next (offs ?ns k) (length xs + k) xs index key mi ma ?i') -
        offs ?ns k ! ?i'"
      by (simp add: Suc_diff_le offs_enum_next_ge)
    finally have "Suc (offs_num n xs index key mi ma ?i') 
      Suc (offs_next (offs ?ns k) (length xs + k) xs index key mi ma ?i') -
        offs ?ns k ! ?i'" .
    moreover have
     "Suc (offs_next (offs ?ns k) (length xs + k) xs index key mi ma ?i') 
      offs_next (offs ?ns' k) (Suc (length xs + k)) (x # xs) index key mi ma ?i'"
      using E and F by simp
    ultimately show "Suc (offs_num n xs index key mi ma ?i') 
      offs_next (offs ?ns' k) (Suc (length xs + k)) (x # xs) index key mi ma ?i' -
        offs ?ns k ! ?i'"
      by arith
    assume "?i' < i"
    hence "Suc (offs_next (offs ?ns k) (length xs + k) xs index key mi ma i) 
      offs_next (offs ?ns' k) (Suc (length xs + k)) (x # xs) index key mi ma i"
      using E by simp
    thus "offs_num n xs index key mi ma i 
      offs_next (offs ?ns' k) (Suc (length xs + k)) (x # xs) index key mi ma i -
        Suc (offs ?ns k ! i)"
      using D by arith

lemma fill_offs_enum_count_item:
 "index_less index key; x  set xs. key x  {}; 0 < n 
    count (mset (map the (fill xs (offs (enum xs index key n mi ma) 0)
      index key (length xs) mi ma))) x =
    count (mset xs) x"
  using offs_enum_pred [of index key xs mi ma n 0] offs_length
  by (smt (verit, best) add.right_neutral diff_is_0_eq dual_order.refl enum_length
      fill_count_item length_greater_0_conv)

text ‹

Using lemma @{thm [source] fill_offs_enum_count_item}, step 9 of the proof method can now be dealt
with. It is accomplished by proving lemma @{text gcsort_count_inv}, which states that the number of
the occurrences of whatever object in the objects' list is still the same after any recursive round.


lemma nths_count:
 "count (mset (nths xs A)) x =
    count (mset xs) x - card {i. i < length xs  i  A  xs ! i = x}"
proof (induction xs arbitrary: A)
  case Nil then show ?case  by auto
  case (Cons v xs A)
  let ?B = "{i. i < length xs  Suc i  A  xs ! i = x}"
  let ?C = "λv. {i. i < Suc (length xs)  i  A  (v # xs) ! i = x}"
  have A: "v. ?C v = ?C v  {0}  ?C v  {i. j. i = Suc j}"
    using less_Suc_eq_0_disj by force
  have "v. card (?C v) = card (?C v  {0}) + card (?C v  {i. j. i = Suc j})"
    by (subst A, rule card_Un_disjoint, auto)
  moreover have "v. card ?B = card (?C v  {i. j. i = Suc j})"
    by (rule bij_betw_same_card [of Suc], auto)
  moreover have "card ?B  count (mset xs) x"
    by (force simp add: count_mset length_filter_conv_card intro: card_mono)
  ultimately show ?case
    by (simp add: nths_Cons Cons)

lemma round_count_inv [rule_format]:
 "index_less index key  bn_inv p q t  add_inv n t  count_inv f t 
    count_inv f (round index key p q r t)"
proof (induction index key p q r t arbitrary: n f rule: round.induct,
 (rule_tac [!] impI)+, simp, simp, simp_all only: simp_thms)
  fix index p q r u ns xs n f and key :: "'a  'b"
  let ?t = "round index key p q r (u, ns, tl xs)"
   "n f. bn_inv p q (u, ns, tl xs)  add_inv n (u, ns, tl xs) 
      count_inv f (u, ns, tl xs)  count_inv f ?t" and
   "bn_inv p q (u, Suc 0 # ns, xs)" and
   "add_inv n (u, Suc 0 # ns, xs)" and
   "count_inv f (u, Suc 0 # ns, xs)"
  thus "count_inv f (round index key p q r (u, Suc 0 # ns, xs))"
  proof (cases ?t, simp add: add_suc, rule_tac allI, cases xs,
   simp_all add: disj_imp split: if_split_asm)
    fix y ys x and xs' :: "'a list"
    assume "n f. foldl (+) 0 ns = n  length ys = n 
      (x. count (mset ys) x = f x)  (x. count (mset xs') x = f x)"
    moreover assume "Suc (foldl (+) 0 ns) = n" and "Suc (length ys) = n"
    ultimately have "n f. (x. count (mset ys) x = f x) 
      (x. count (mset xs') x = f x)"
      by blast
    moreover assume A: "x. (y = x  Suc (count (mset ys) x) = f x) 
      (y  x  count (mset ys) x = f x)"
    have "x. count (mset ys) x = (f(y := f y - Suc 0)) x"
      (is "x. _ = ?f' x")
      by (metis A diff_Suc_1' fun_upd_other fun_upd_same)
    ultimately have "x. count (mset xs') x = ?f' x" ..
    thus "(y = x  Suc (count (mset xs') x) = f x) 
      (y  x  count (mset xs') x = f x)"
      using A by force
  fix index p q r u m ns n f and key :: "'a  'b" and xs :: "'a list"
  let ?ws = "take (Suc (Suc m)) xs"
  let ?ys = "drop (Suc (Suc m)) xs"
  let ?r = "λm'. round_suc_suc index key ?ws m m' u"
  let ?t = "λr' v. round index key p q r' (v, ns, ?ys)"
    note mset_replicate [simp del] 
  assume A: "index_less index key"
    "ws a b c d e g h i n f.
      ws = ?ws  a = bn_comp m p q r  (b, c) = bn_comp m p q r 
      d = ?r b  (e, g) = ?r b  (h, i) = g 
        bn_inv p q (e, ns, ?ys)  add_inv n (e, ns, ?ys) 
          count_inv f (e, ns, ?ys)  count_inv f (?t c e)" and
    "bn_inv p q (u, Suc (Suc m) # ns, xs)" and
    "add_inv n (u, Suc (Suc m) # ns, xs)" and
    "count_inv f (u, Suc (Suc m) # ns, xs)"
  thus "count_inv f (round index key p q r (u, Suc (Suc m) # ns, xs))"
    using [[simproc del: defined_all]] 
  proof (simp split: prod.split, ((rule_tac allI)+, ((rule_tac impI)+)?)+,
      (erule_tac conjE)+, subst (asm) (2) add_base_zero, simp)
    fix m' r' v ms' ws' xs' x
      B: "?r m' = (v, ms', ws')" and
      C: "bn_comp m p q r = (m', r')" and
      D: "bn_valid m p q" and
      E: "Suc (Suc (foldl (+) 0 ns + m)) = n" and
      F: "length xs = n"
    assume "ws a b c d e g h i n' f.
      ws = ?ws  a = (m', r')  b = m'  c = r' 
      d = (v, ms', ws')  e = v  g = (ms', ws')  h = ms'  i = ws' 
        foldl (+) 0 ns = n'  n - Suc (Suc m) = n' 
          (x. count (mset ?ys) x = f x)  (x. count (mset xs') x = f x)"
    hence "foldl (+) 0 ns = n - Suc (Suc m) 
      (x. count (mset xs') x = count (mset ?ys) x)"
      by simp
    hence "count (mset xs') x = count (mset ?ys) x"
      using E by simp
    moreover assume "x. count (mset xs) x = f x"
    ultimately have "f x = count (mset ?ws) x + count (mset xs') x"
      by (metis append_take_drop_id count_union mset_append)
    with B [symmetric] show "count (mset ws') x + count (mset xs') x = f x"
    proof (simp add: round_suc_suc_def Let_def del: count_add_mset mset_map
        split: if_split_asm, subst (1 2) add_mset_add_single, simp
        only: count_single count_union)
      let ?nmi = "mini ?ws key"
      let ?nma = "maxi ?ws key"
      let ?xmi = "?ws ! ?nmi"
      let ?xma = "?ws ! ?nma"
      let ?mi = "key ?xmi"
      let ?ma = "key ?xma"
      let ?k = "case m of 0  m | Suc 0  m | Suc (Suc i)  u + m'"
      let ?zs = "nths ?ws (- {?nmi, ?nma})"
      let ?ms = "enum ?zs index key ?k ?mi ?ma"
      let ?A = "{i. i < Suc (Suc m)  (i = ?nmi  i = ?nma)  ?ws ! i = x}"
      have G: "length ?ws = Suc (Suc m)"
        using E and F by simp
      hence H: "card ?A  count (mset ?ws) x"
        by (auto simp add: count_mset length_filter_conv_card intro: card_mono)
      show "count (mset (map the (fill ?zs (offs ?ms 0) index key m ?mi ?ma))) x
        + (if ?xma = x then 1 else 0) + (if ?xmi = x then 1 else 0) =
        count (mset ?ws) x"
      proof (cases "m = 0")
        case True
        hence I: "length ?zs = 0"
          using G by (simp add: mini_maxi_nths)
        have "count (mset ?zs) x = count (mset ?ws) x - card ?A"
          using G by (subst nths_count, simp)
        hence J: "count (mset ?ws) x = card ?A"
          using H and I by simp
        from I show ?thesis
        proof (simp, (rule_tac [!] conjI, rule_tac [!] impI)+,
            simp_all (no_asm_simp) add: True)
          assume "?xmi = x" and "?xma = x"
          with G have "?A = {?nmi, ?nma}"
            using mini_less [of ?ws key]maxi_less [of ?ws key] by auto
          with G have "card ?A = Suc (Suc 0)"
            by (simp add: mini_maxi_neq)
          thus "Suc (Suc 0) = count (mset (take (Suc (Suc 0)) xs)) x"
            using True and J by simp
          assume "?xmi  x" and "?xma = x"
          with G have "?A = {?nma}"
            by (smt (verit, best) Collect_cong Suc_lessD True lessI maxi_less
          thus "Suc 0 = count (mset (take (Suc (Suc 0)) xs)) x"
            using True and J by simp
          assume "?xmi = x" and "?xma  x"
          with G have "?A = {?nmi}"
            by (smt (verit, best) Collect_cong Suc_lessD True lessI mini_less
          thus "Suc 0 = count (mset (take (Suc (Suc 0)) xs)) x"
            using True and J by simp
          assume "?xmi  x" and "?xma  x"
          hence "?A = {}"
            by blast
          hence "count (mset ?ws) x = 0"
            using J by simp
          thus "x  set (take (Suc (Suc 0)) xs)"
            using True by simp
        case False
        hence "0 < ?k"
          by (simp, drule_tac bn_comp_fst_nonzero [OF D], subst (asm) C,
              simp split: nat.split)
        hence "count (mset (map the (fill ?zs (offs ?ms 0) index key
          (length ?zs) ?mi ?ma))) x = count (mset ?zs) x"
          using fill_offs_enum_count_item [OF A] mini_lb maxi_ub
          by (metis atLeastAtMost_iff in_set_nthsD)
        with G show ?thesis
        proof (simp, (rule_tac [!] conjI, rule_tac [!] impI)+,
            simp_all add: mini_maxi_nths nths_count)
          assume "?xmi = x" and "?xma = x"
          with G mini_less [of ?ws key] maxi_less [of ?ws key] 
          have "?A = {?nmi, ?nma}" by auto
          with G have "card ?A = Suc (Suc 0)"
            by (simp add: mini_maxi_neq)
          thus "Suc (Suc (count (mset ?ws) x - card ?A)) = count (mset ?ws) x"
            using H by simp
          assume "?xmi  x" and "?xma = x"
          with G maxi_less [of ?ws key] 
          have "?A = {?nma}" by auto
          thus "Suc (count (mset ?ws) x - card ?A) = count (mset ?ws) x"
            using H by simp
          assume "?xmi = x" and "?xma  x"
          with G mini_less [of ?ws key] 
          have "?A = {?nmi}" by auto
          thus "Suc (count (mset ?ws) x - card ?A) = count (mset ?ws) x"
            using H by simp
          assume "?xmi  x" and "?xma  x"
          hence "?A = {}" by auto
          thus "count (mset ?ws) x - card ?A = count (mset ?ws) x"
            by (metis card.empty diff_zero)

lemma gcsort_count_inv:
    "index_less index key" and
    "add_inv n t" and
    "n  p"
  shows "t'  gcsort_set index key p t; count_inv f t 
    count_inv f t'"
proof (induction rule: gcsort_set.induct)
  case R0
  then show ?case by simp
  case (R1 u ns xs)
  then show ?case
    by (metis assms add_inv.simps bn_inv_intro count_inv.simps gcsort_add_inv

text ‹

The only remaining task is to address step 10 of the proof method, which is done by proving theorem
@{text gcsort_count}. It holds under the conditions that the objects' number is not larger than the
counters' upper bound and function @{text index} satisfies predicate @{const index_less}, and states
that for any object, function @{const gcsort} leaves unchanged the number of its occurrences within
the input objects' list.


theorem gcsort_count:
    A: "index_less index key" and
    B: "length xs  p"
  shows "count (mset (gcsort index key p xs)) x = count (mset xs) x"
proof -
  let ?t = "(0, [length xs], xs)"
  have "count_inv (count (mset xs)) (gcsort_aux index key p ?t)"
    using A B gcsort_add_input gcsort_aux_set gcsort_count_input gcsort_count_inv
    by blast
  hence "count (mset (gcsort_out (gcsort_aux index key p ?t))) x = (count (mset xs)) x"
    by (rule gcsort_count_intro)
  moreover have "?t = gcsort_in xs"
    by (simp add: gcsort_in_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: gcsort_def)
