Theory Complex_Roots_Of_Unity

  File:     Complex_Roots_Of_Unity.thy
  Authors:  Rodrigo Raya, EPFL; Manuel Eberl, TUM

  Complex roots of unity (exp(2iπ/n)) and sums over them.
theory Complex_Roots_Of_Unity

section ‹Complex roots of unity›

  "unity_root k n = cis (2 * pi * of_int n / of_nat k)"

  unity_root_k_0 [simp]: "unity_root k 0 = 1" and
  unity_root_0_n [simp]: "unity_root 0 n = 1"
  unfolding unity_root_def by simp+

lemma unity_root_conv_exp: 
  "unity_root k n = exp (of_real (2*pi*n/k) * 𝗂)"
  unfolding unity_root_def 
  by (subst cis_conv_exp,subst mult.commute,blast)

lemma unity_root_mod: 
  "unity_root k (n mod int k) = unity_root k n"
proof (cases "k = 0")
  case True then show ?thesis by simp
  case False
  obtain q :: int where q_def: "n = q*k + (n mod k)" 
    using div_mult_mod_eq[symmetric] by blast
  have "n / k = q + (n mod k) / k"
  proof (auto simp add: divide_simps False)
    have "real_of_int n = real_of_int (q*k + (n mod k))"
      using q_def by simp
    also have " = real_of_int q * real k + real_of_int (n mod k)"
      using of_int_add of_int_mult by simp
    finally show "real_of_int n = real_of_int q * real k + real_of_int (n mod k)" 
      by blast
  then have "(2*pi*n/k) = 2*pi*q + (2*pi*(n mod k)/k)"
    using False by (auto simp add: field_simps)
  then have "(2*pi*n/k)*𝗂 = 2*pi*q*𝗂 + (2*pi*(n mod k)/k)*𝗂" (is "?l = ?r1 + ?r2")
    by (auto simp add: algebra_simps)
  then have "exp ?l = exp ?r2"
    using exp_plus_2pin by (simp add: exp_add mult.commute)
  then show ?thesis 
    using unity_root_def unity_root_conv_exp by simp

lemma unity_root_cong:
  assumes "[m = n] (mod int k)"
  shows   "unity_root k m = unity_root k n"
proof -
  from assms have "m mod int k = n mod int k"
    by (auto simp: cong_def)
  hence "unity_root k (m mod int k) = unity_root k (n mod int k)"
    by simp
  thus ?thesis by (simp add: unity_root_mod)

lemma unity_root_mod_nat: 
  "unity_root k (nat (n mod int k)) = unity_root k n"
proof (cases k)
  case (Suc l)
  then have "n mod int k  0" by auto
  show ?thesis 
    unfolding int_nat_eq 
    by (simp add: n mod int k  0 unity_root_mod)
qed auto

lemma unity_root_eqD:
 assumes gr: "k > 0"
 assumes eq: "unity_root k i = unity_root k j"
 shows "i mod k = j mod k"
proof - 
  let ?arg1 = "(2*pi*i/k)* 𝗂"
  let ?arg2 = "(2*pi*j/k)* 𝗂"
  from eq unity_root_conv_exp have "exp ?arg1 = exp ?arg2" by simp
  from this exp_eq 
  obtain n :: int where "?arg1 = ?arg2 +(2*n*pi)*𝗂" by blast
  then have e1: "?arg1 - ?arg2 = 2*n*pi*𝗂" by simp
  have e2: "?arg1 - ?arg2 = 2*(i-j)*(1/k)*pi*𝗂"
    by (auto simp add: algebra_simps)
  from e1 e2 have "2*n*pi*𝗂 = 2*(i-j)*(1/k)*pi*𝗂" by simp
  then have "2*n*k*pi*𝗂 = 2*(i-j)*pi*𝗂"
    by (simp add: divide_simps k > 0)(simp add: field_simps)
  then have "2*n*k = 2*(i-j)"
    by (meson complex_i_not_zero mult_cancel_right of_int_eq_iff of_real_eq_iff pi_neq_zero)
  then have "n*k = i-j" by auto
  then show ?thesis by Groebner_Basis.algebra

lemma unity_root_eq_1_iff:
  fixes k n :: nat
  assumes "k > 0" 
  shows "unity_root k n = 1  k dvd n"
proof -
  have "unity_root k n = exp ((2*pi*n/k) * 𝗂)"
    by (simp add: unity_root_conv_exp)
  also have "exp ((2*pi*n/k)* 𝗂) = 1  k dvd n"
    using complex_root_unity_eq_1[of k n] assms
    by (auto simp add: algebra_simps)
  finally show ?thesis by simp

lemma unity_root_pow: "unity_root k n ^ m = unity_root k (n * m)"
  using unity_root_def
  by (simp add: Complex.DeMoivre mult.commute algebra_split_simps(6))

lemma unity_root_add: "unity_root k (m + n) = unity_root k m * unity_root k n"
  by (simp add: unity_root_conv_exp add_divide_distrib algebra_simps exp_add)

lemma unity_root_uminus: "unity_root k (-m) = cnj (unity_root k m)"
  unfolding unity_root_conv_exp exp_cnj by simp

lemma inverse_unity_root: "inverse (unity_root k m) = cnj (unity_root k m)" 
  unfolding unity_root_conv_exp exp_cnj by (simp add: field_simps exp_minus)

lemma unity_root_diff: "unity_root k (m - n) = unity_root k m * cnj (unity_root k n)"
  using unity_root_add[of k m "-n"] by (simp add: unity_root_uminus)

lemma unity_root_eq_1_iff_int:
  fixes k :: nat and n :: int
  assumes "k > 0" 
  shows "unity_root k n = 1  k dvd n"
proof (cases "n  0")
  case True
  obtain n' where "n = int n'" 
    using zero_le_imp_eq_int[OF True] by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    using unity_root_eq_1_iff[OF k > 0, of n'] of_nat_dvd_iff by blast
  case False
  then have "-n  0" by auto
  have "unity_root k n = inverse (unity_root k (-n))"
    unfolding inverse_unity_root by (simp add: unity_root_uminus)
  then have "(unity_root k n = 1) = (unity_root k (-n) = 1)" 
    by simp
  also have "(unity_root k (-n) = 1) = (k dvd (-n))"
    using unity_root_eq_1_iff[of k "nat (-n)",OF k > 0] False 
          int_dvd_int_iff[of k "nat (-n)"] nat_0_le[OF -n  0] by auto
  finally show ?thesis by simp

lemma unity_root_eq_1 [simp]: "int k dvd n  unity_root k n = 1"
  by (cases "k = 0") (auto simp: unity_root_eq_1_iff_int)

lemma unity_periodic_arithmetic:
  "periodic_arithmetic (unity_root k) k" 
  unfolding periodic_arithmetic_def 
  fix n
  have "unity_root k (n + k) = unity_root k ((n+k) mod k)"
    using unity_root_mod[of k] zmod_int by presburger
  also have "unity_root k ((n+k) mod k) = unity_root k n" 
    using unity_root_mod zmod_int by auto
  finally show "unity_root k (n + k) = unity_root k n" by simp

lemma unity_periodic_arithmetic_mult:
  "periodic_arithmetic (λn. unity_root k (m * int n)) k"
  unfolding periodic_arithmetic_def
  fix n
  have "unity_root k (m * int (n + k)) = 
        unity_root k (m*n + m*k)"
    by (simp add: algebra_simps)
  also have " = unity_root k (m*n)"
    using unity_root_mod[of k "m * int n"] unity_root_mod[of k "m * int n + m * int k"] 
          mod_mult_self3 by presburger
  finally show "unity_root k (m * int (n + k)) =
             unity_root k (m * int n)" by simp

lemma unity_root_periodic_arithmetic_mult_minus:
  shows "periodic_arithmetic (λi. unity_root k (-int i*int m)) k" 
  unfolding periodic_arithmetic_def
  fix n 
  have "unity_root k (-(n + k) * m) = cnj (unity_root k (n*m+k*m))" 
    by (simp add: ring_distribs unity_root_diff unity_root_add unity_root_uminus)
  also have " = cnj (unity_root k (n*m))"
    using mult_period[of "unity_root k" k m] unity_periodic_arithmetic[of k]
    unfolding periodic_arithmetic_def by presburger
  also have " = unity_root k (-n*m)"
    by (simp add: unity_root_uminus)
  finally show "unity_root k (-(n + k) * m) = unity_root k (-n*m)"
    by simp

lemma unity_div:
 fixes a :: int and d :: nat
 assumes "d dvd k"
 shows "unity_root k (a*d) = unity_root (k div d) a" 
proof -
  have 1: "(2*pi*(a*d)/k) = (2*pi*a)/(k div d)"
    using Suc_pred assms by (simp add: divide_simps, fastforce)   
  have "unity_root k (a*d) = exp ((2*pi*(a*d)/k)* 𝗂)"
    using unity_root_conv_exp by simp
  also have " = exp (((2*pi*a)/(k div d))* 𝗂)"
    using 1 by simp
  also have " = unity_root (k div d) a"
    using unity_root_conv_exp by simp
  finally show ?thesis by simp

lemma unity_div_num:
  assumes "k > 0" "d > 0" "d dvd k"
  shows "unity_root k (x * (k div d)) = unity_root d x"
  using assms dvd_div_mult_self unity_div by auto

section ‹Geometric sums of roots of unity›

  Apostol calls these `geometric sums', which is a bit too generic. We therefore decided
  to refer to them as `sums of roots of unity'.
definition "unity_root_sum k n = (m<k. unity_root k (n * of_nat m))"

lemma unity_root_sum_0_left [simp]: "unity_root_sum 0 n = 0" and
      unity_root_sum_0_right [simp]: "k > 0  unity_root_sum k 0 = k" 
  unfolding unity_root_sum_def by simp_all

text ‹Theorem 8.1›
theorem unity_root_sum:
  fixes k :: nat and n :: int
  assumes gr: "k  1"
  shows "k dvd n  unity_root_sum k n = k"
    and "¬k dvd n  unity_root_sum k n = 0"
proof -
  assume dvd: "k dvd n"
  let ?x = "unity_root k n"
  have unit: "?x = 1" using dvd gr unity_root_eq_1_iff_int by auto
  have exp: "?x^m = unity_root k (n*m)" for m using unity_root_pow by simp
  have "unity_root_sum k n = (m<k. unity_root k (n*m))" 
    using unity_root_sum_def by simp 
  also have " = (m<k. ?x^m)" using exp by auto
  also have " = (m<k. 1)" using unit by simp
  also have " = k" using gr by (induction k, auto)
  finally show "unity_root_sum k n = k" by simp
  assume dvd: "¬k dvd n"
  let ?x = "unity_root k n"
  have "?x  1" using dvd gr unity_root_eq_1_iff_int by auto
  have "(?x^k - 1)/(?x - 1) = (m<k. ?x^m)"
    using geometric_sum[of ?x k, OF ?x  1] by auto
  then have sum: "unity_root_sum k n = (?x^k - 1)/(?x - 1)"
    using unity_root_sum_def unity_root_pow by simp
  have "?x^k = 1" 
    using gr unity_root_eq_1_iff_int unity_root_pow by simp
  then show "unity_root_sum k n = 0" using sum by auto

corollary unity_root_sum_periodic_arithmetic: 
 "periodic_arithmetic (unity_root_sum k) k"
  unfolding periodic_arithmetic_def
  fix n 
  show "unity_root_sum k (n + k) = unity_root_sum k n"
    by (cases "k = 0"; cases "k dvd n") (auto simp add: unity_root_sum)

lemma unity_root_sum_nonzero_iff:
  fixes r :: int
  assumes "k  1" and "r  {-k<..<k}"
  shows "unity_root_sum k r  0  r = 0"
  assume "unity_root_sum k r  0"
  then have "k dvd r" using unity_root_sum assms by blast
  then show "r = 0" using assms(2) 
    using dvd_imp_le_int by force
  assume "r = 0"
  then have "k dvd r" by auto
  then have "unity_root_sum k r = k" 
    using assms(1) unity_root_sum by blast
  then show "unity_root_sum k r  0" using assms(1) by simp
